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In the grim darkness of…wait second, something’s wrong here.


This is a dark age, a bloody age, an age of daemons and of sorcery. It is an age of battle and death, end of the world's ending. Amidst all of the fire, flame and fury it is a time, too, of mighty heroes, of bold deeds and great courage.

But, this day, of all days, you are not a great hero, or the embodiment of death itself, you are A RAT !

Who said-spoke that !?

Not just any rat, but the GREATEST OF ALL RATS !

Greatest ? Yes-yes !

You are the all-mighty and powerful HORNED RAT !

Of course I am, voice-thing !

But oh, great and mighty, and ferocious, and glorious, and wondrous, and most ravenous, and most foul-smelling of all rats !...Aren’t you a bit lazy ?

What-what !? I will kill-slaughter you voice-thing !

I dare not question your judgement, oh most diseased, fur dirtied, and pox riddled being. But…you know…the others…well…the four especially…

How dare-dare they ! Foolish-stupid weak-feeble things ! I plan-scheme and prepare for the Great Ascendancy ! Victory-win shall be mine !

Of course it will, oh horny one !

I feel-think that you insult me, voice-thing ! I shall unmake-kill you !

However, the most illustrious of all. Don’t you think that your children are a bit, misguided ? They keep making mistakes, making you a laughing stock during the various gatherings !

Gatherings ?

Oh yes, the four, and others, beyond your notice, I assure you. They gather, but they exclude you, because they think your servants are just not doing anything except kill each other. How does this empower you, if man-things, lizard-things, elf-things and all the others barely think of you at all ? Even the dwarf-things do not view you as seriously as they do the orc-things ! How, oh continuously discharging your bodily fluids Horned Rat, can this stand !? You should, nay, you must show all things-things that it is YOU, who must be feared the most !

Yes-yes ! They will fear !

Yes now you must deees- erm…oh overly ambitious one…whom does deserve your wrath the most ? Cause attacking is good and all, but knowing the general direction of the enemy could prove useful.

>The man-thing Empire !

>The man-horse-thing Bretonnia !

>The feeble man-things of Tilea and Estalia !

>The cold man-things of Kislev !

>The mad man-things of Norsca !

>The mixture of man-things of the Border Princes !

>The elf-things of Ulthuan !

>The elf-things of Naggaroth !

>The orc-things of the Badlands !

>The dwarf-things in their holds !

>(Write in)
>The elf-things of Ulthuan !
Would anyone even notice if we destroyed Tilea and Estalia? Nobody cares about those losers.
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The elf-things of Ulthuan !

Oh, most brilliant ! The knife ears have had it good long enough !

Yes-yes, they shall fear !

Now that you had chosen such a wondrous target, oh most strategically intelligent one, you must decide what foul fate shall befall these overly arrogant ones !

They shall be destroyed-crushed !

Most eloquent ! But…erm, exactly how ?

What-what ?

No matter how much I agree with you, the most greatest, wondrous, petulant deity, I feel like I must inform you that going after Ulthuan will be a wee bit difficult:

Out-speak it !

Well, there are magical wards guarding the entire isle, making anyone who desires to get to Ulthuan utterly lost upon the waves, so sending your children over the sea will be a bit difficult, not to mention the trauma they shall experience being so close to water for so long. I may even shed a tear for their suffering !

Good-good, fear they shall, conquer-beat the elf-things they shall !

If you are so certain, oh most diseased and decaying, and incompetent, and plagued, and terrifying one ! But if you would allow it, there are other options.

What-what was one of those ?

What was, your most interesting of deities ?

AARRghh. Go.

Oh, yes. That would be tunnelling, your horned majesty, but even that is difficult, there appears to be strong magics in place that prevent tunnelling, but of course, if you throw your children at it, there is no doubt that they shall of course succeed ! They are the most glorious race to have ever existed after all, given purpose by you.

Yes-yes, they shall succeed-win ! Great tunnels will collapse-fall their cities, elf-things shall die, warpstone shall be everywhere-everywhere !

It no doubt shall, but, if I may, just one final, teensy, weensy, idea. The elf-things do have one town opened, one place where, certain, no doubt courageous, brave, and in no means beaten and stuffed into boxes, your children could spread great diseases from !

Disease ? Yes-yes, I am God-God of disease, I shall spread it !

Oh, most wondrous. Unfortunately, I must inform that your children are currently fighting a small civil war, nothing to concern yourself about, oh most entropy spreading by your smell one, but it does hinder your resources. How shall you strike against these foolish elf-things ?

>My children shall dig-dig great tunnels !

>A great fleet-fleet shall be built-built !

>A great disease shall be made-made and unleashed !

>(Write in)
>A great fleet-fleet shall be built-built !
>>A great disease shall be made-made and unleashed !
>>A great disease shall be made-made and unleashed !

Ave Pestilens!
>>A great disease shall be made-made and unleashed !
A great disease shall be made-made and unleashed !

A most wondrous decision, oh great smelly one ! Now, let your children know of your will ! I am sure they shall carryout your plans without fault ! For they truly fear you !

Yes-yes ! Heed my call my grey-seers !

And so, you see as the Horned Rat begins to manifest his powers, the realm of ruin itself shakes as its master manifests its power. Not hesitating, you follow this flow of empyrean energies and regard as the mortal realm is directly affected by the intervention of a God.

Your gaze shifts as grey-furred rat collapses onto the floor, foaming at the mouth as his God relays his commands. Other, gathered teeming masses, of brown or black furred rats watch with keen interest the convulsing figure, you see their predatory smiles as they wait for just the correct moment to no doubt steal everything upon the grey-furred rat’s person. The large raised platform made out of crudely cobbled together wood, where the grey-furred rat stood is also filled to the brim with captives, slaves to be sacrificed in the horned rat’s name.

Having recovered from the shock, the grey-furred rat hops to its feet, sniffs, takes a look at what you assume to be his black-furred bodyguards, Stormvermin, you believe they are called.

“Listen ! Great Horned Rat spoke-talked to me ! Great Horned Rat proclaims-commands, that elf-things must suffer-suffer ! Great Horned Rat commands-wills to unleash great plague-plague, make elf-things die !” Roaring a top of his lungs, in a rather squeaky way, the grey seer spreads the word.

“The Great Horned Rat commands-commands !” Other skaven begin roaring.

“For this.” The grey seer continues. “Many-many warptokens need to be given to me-me ! Do so now-now, or die-die ! So The Great Horned Rat proclaims !” Pushing his luck, the seer now proclaims.

What-what ? That pathetic-wretched traitorous rat ! You hear the Horned Rats voice and empyreal shape floating above the seer, unseen by any eyes but your own, his words unheard also by anyone but you.

“Liar-liar !” The first piece of excrement, freshly deposited it seems, flies towards the grey seer and hits him in the face.

“Who dares-dares !” The seer, wiping away the excrement raises his hands, and seemingly at random unleashes a green bolt of lightning, disintegrating the group of skaven that were unfortunate enough to be hit.

In response, with a loud NYEEEH, a skaven welp is send flying from the crowd, used as living ammunition as it smacks right into the grey seer and almost instinctively begins to bite into him.

“AAAAA ! Get off-off !” The seer screams and begins to beat the welp with his staff.
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Excited by the conflict, the crowd rushes ahead, or well, the back of the crowd is pushing the front of it forwards to the guarding stormvermin, no matter how much the front tries to struggle and run away, there is simply not enough space and soon enough, the two lines, one a lot less willing than the other, clash.

Meanwhile, the grey seer continues to beat the now on the ground welp to death, as the slaves he had prepared to sacrifice see their opportunity and try to make a run for it, but a few braver, or foolish ones, take the opportunity to start hitting the seer as well. Using their chains, they continuously whip him as the seer continues to whine and shout, unleashing bolts of magic that disintegrate the nearest slaves, attacking skaven, and on occasion even his own guards.

>Despite the odds, the grey seer emerges victorious !

>The crowd, put into a frenzy, overwhelms the stormvermin and devours the seer !

>Somehow, against all possible odds, the slaves manage to break free and achieve victory !

>The intensity of the unleashed magic seems to have weakened the already poor pillars supporting the ceiling. Rocks fall, everyone dies.

>The Horned Rat intervenes, condemning everyone to fates worse than death.

>(Write in)
I also strongly encourage you anons to put down ideas that you have for funny scenes, scenarios or other shenanigans, and I will do my best to integrate them into the quest and future updates.
>>The Horned Rat intervenes, condemning everyone to fates worse than death.
>The Horned Rat intervenes, condemning everyone to fates worse than death.
Daddy is displeased.
>The great rat interfes.

How does the saying-idom go-go? Guns are for foot-shoot?
>>The Horned Rat intervenes, condemning everyone to fates worse than death.
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You useless-worthless worms ! How dare-dare you to disobey my-my command !

With great rage, the empyreal form of the Horned Rat lashes out and for just a moment, a God descends upon reality as the world itself shakes.

You shall spread-spread disease upon the elf-things ! Fail and die-die ! Suffer !

The booming voice of the Horned Rat echoes out across the tunnels, to be heard far and wide by the skaven across this filthy, teeming city of theirs. And shortly thereafter, green warpfire engulfs the platform and its surroundings. Howling screams of pain, agony and torment ripple across reality as everyone caught in the fire is condemned to a painful and truly horrid death.

Those Skaven, lucky enough to be out of the circle of fire, all run as fast as their legs can carry them, scurrying like their lives depend upon it (because they do) in an attempt to spread their God’s command far and wide.

With great and endless curiosity, you follow these runners as they return to the safety (a strong word) of their clans.

The passage of time moves swiftly thereafter, for beings like you decades can pass in a blink of an eye, so a mere week is nothing compared to such. The messengers continue to run to other under-cities, but those of this place had already gathered with great gusto, all fearing that the endless roaring green fire and the unending screams would spread to engulf them.

“The Great Horned Rat give-give us authority. We speak-talk in Great Horned Rat’s name !” Another great seer that only had to avoid fifteen assassination attempts in order to get to the meeting proclaims, having burst into the room and not caring in the slightest what was being discussed before.

“You burn-burn !” A Clanlord bares his fangs. “You fail-fail, Great Horned Rat does not give-give you command ! You are not even sick-sick !”

Warp powers crackle around the grey seer, but the Clanlord, towering over the grey seer and clad in thick heavy armour, appears undeterred.

All the while, you quickly catch from the corner of your eyes, what appears to be a brown-furred skaven that had coated itself in coal dust, up in the rafters, busily raising what appears to be a large round object that is carefully being hit at a metal outcropping, causing a few sparks to jump out. All the while muttering to himself and cursing a bit louder than he really should.

The other gathered Clanlords are all also slowly raising their weapons, you see as one in particular appears to be busy sneaking out, rather unsubtly giggling to itself as he is moving towards what appears to be a janitorial closet. Thanks to your omniscience, you are able to easily see what appears to be a hidden warpfire thrower, a leaky warpfire thrower.

Suddenly, one of the Clanlords slips, slamming into the ground with a pained whimper and all at once:

“DIE-DIE !” The grey seer unleashes warp lightning.

“RAAAAAAAA” The Clanlord shouts raising his shields fully intending to crush the grey seer.

“NYEH !” The rat up in the rafters, with what is…you think a battle cry, triumphantly throws the black ball, the short wick jutting out from the metal object now alight.

“AHAHAHA !” Cackling maniacally, the other Clanlord pulls out the warp fire thrower and aims it at his compatriots.

Much to your surprise, one of the gathered Clanlords takes to the skies, as he runs to jump out of the crudely done window, seemingly carrying a white bundle of cloth in his hands.

>The grey seer defeats his opponents !

>The large Clanlord brains the grey seer and his future competition !

>The rat assassin’s bomb goes off as planned !

>The maniac Clanlord sets everyone on fire !

>The cowardly Clanlord’s plan succeeds ! Whatever it might be.

>(Write in)
>The grey seer defeats his opponents !
Are the Great Horned Rat and Hashut both aspects of Skavor?
>GHR is said to have 13 secret names/aspects
>Hashut seems to be a twisted Dorf God, valuing industry just as the others do
>Skavor was a Dorf God said to have turned traitor and in some cases rumored to have become a rat-like abomination himself
>The Shaper was the progenitor of the Skaven, the one who toiled on the Great Black Bell (Dio ref?) that caused the summoning or transformation of the Skaven
>To interact with the city that became Skavenblight, the Shaper would have had to assume a Human or Dorf form, since those two races inhabited the city
>Kweethul Gristlegut is a Skaven God/Daemon Prince said to have rebelled against the GHR, but in other cases rumored to be an aspect
Thus I propose that The Shaper, Hashut, The Great Horned Rat, & Kweethul Gristlegut are all Aspects of Skavor, which means all are secret names of the Great Horned Rat as well. We can add in Disney Mouse as an Aspect of Greed & Degeneracy KEK

Does anyone have any notions to the contrary or additional lore tidbits in support? I would love to see Minor Chaos Gods/Godlings used in this Qst b t w
>The maniac Clanlord sets everyone on fire !
I love skaven and their retarded ways.
>The grey seer defeats his opponents !
Sorry, I am tired today, update will come tomorrow morning.


I do not know, anon. For this quest I am treating the Horned Rat as a wholly separate entity. Chances are, you will not encounter other deities. As the one shot will go on until the whole spread disease bit is done. Maybe more if there's further interest.
The cumbersome Clanlord had truly underestimated the power of magic fuelled by warpstone. With his heavy armour, the ratman must have felt invincible, oh how foolish that is, muscle-headed even. Before he is capable of using the shield in his hand to break the skull of the grey seer, the grey furred ratman blasts him away with a bolt of green energy, in but a blink of an eye, the armour rusts and falls apart with the large Clanlord screeching in pain and horror as he rapidly expires.

All the sudden, the bomb that was thrown down from the rafters explodes in a shower of shrapnel, a particularly large chunk of it flying straight to the maniac Clanlord impacting the connecting tubing and causing fuel to spill everywhere, with the trigger already pulled, the spraying substance is rapidly ignited causing screams of pain to fill the chamber alongside the disgusting stench of burning skaven.

The sheer amount of spillage results in the rafters, and the would be assassin, to be set alight as well, with a collection of expletives the ratman falls down just in time to protect the grey seer, whom had used the now dead Clanlord’s shield to protect himself from the shrapnel and the now roasting corpse further shields the grey seer against another explosion as the warpfire thrower violently erupts.

In the meantime, the cowardly Clanlord throws his full body weight through the window, screaming in pain as sharp shards of glass cut his face, but with determination that only the desire to survive can cause, he throws out the bundle of cloth, that appears to be made up of stitched together pieces that catch the wind and rip apart resulting in a:



And so, the clever rat, had become a flat rat.

All the while, the grey seer is currently busy panicking and running away from the rapidly smoking up room. It appears that the compact style of just throwing structures together had resulted in the flames spreading rapidly and thick black smoke filling up the under-city.

“They are dead-dead, they opposed the Great Horned Rats will !” The grey seer begins proclaiming for the few gathered bodyguards just outside the building. “I lead-lead now ! Great disease must be made-made !”

While the city is burning, and no doubt civil war had begun to break across the entirety of it in order to fill the power vacuum, the grey seer, fearing a fate worse than death. And clearly blessed by the Horned Rat for having survived the Clanlord meeting has rallied the populace, somewhat, in between them killing each other. Now the grey seer must think of what sort of disease he must create. Even as word spreads to other under-cities and the seer’s rivals, especially Clan Pestilence to begin to work on a disease of their own.

>A magical disease, created by the grey seers to spread disease and destruction.

>A normal disease, created by the teeming masses of the skaven.

>The grey seer contracts clan Moulder to put their skill at mutation to make a perfect disease

>(Write in)
>A magical disease, created by the grey seers to spread disease and destruction.
>>A magical disease, created by the grey seers to spread disease and destruction.
>Clan Moulder
>Borne from the rotting flesh of a Norscan Nurglite Berserker
Real quest or tranny spam?
You're becoming as annoying as the actual spammer. Read the qst, it's not that hard to determine.
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Yes-yes, my children, work-work your magics through my blessings. Make-make disease to bring down and kill-kill elf-things !

The Horned Rat happily rubs its paws at the scene before him.

Despite the occasional explosion off in the distance, a sign of the on-going civil war, great effort had been undertaken. The grey seer had rallied another twelve of his ilk to conduct the ritual. Numerous warptokens had been “appropriated” from the dead Clanlords for this most fetid of tasks.

Large bubbling cauldrons glow green as the grey seers continuously inscribe the Horned Rat’s symbols as other mystical incantations onto the cauldrons. Stirring the pot, the grey seers continuously channel their magics into it all the while, other ratmen are rushing around, going up and down the shoddy platforms leading to the top of the cauldrons and the various side buildings.

Throwing in various magic components: a witch’s hand, a vial of troll blood (yes, including the glass), a rather hefty lump of warpstone, an entire skaven…hmmm ? Oh, he slipped in. The grey seer in charge of the cauldron just shrugs his shoulders after a moment of thought and continues stirring.

Coughing heavily, the lead grey seer overlooks the surroundings, his eyes burning from the still all-encompassing smoke and the raging fires somewhere far off.

“What is taking so long-long ?” The leading grey seer asks clambering to the top of one of the cauldrons.

Another grey seer grunts in annoyance. “No test elf-cattle.”

The first grey seer, seemingly struck by the issue before it begins to ponder. “Test-test on slaves.” He finally reaches the perfect solution of just ignoring the issue.

Suddenly, the grey seer’s hair rises as a creaking noise echoes out in the courtyards.

You watch as one of the skaven, a simple clanrat seemingly, with a hammer and a chisel is busy hammering in symbols stops.

His ears stand straight up. “Nyeh ?” Cracks begin to spread across the cauldron, growing ever wider and longer, originating from one of the symbols the clanrat had carved. “AAAA !” Screaming a top of his lungs, the clanrat begins to run for its life as the cauldron breaks and collapses, unleashing litres upon litres of the green liquid.

With curses, the grey seer in charge of the cauldron sees his platform collapse, and as his last spiteful action, before he falls into the cauldron and sufferers a horrific death, the grey seer unleashes powerful magics that let out a cloud of pestilent disease that seems to slow everyone around, catching the ratmen at the edge of the cauldron that might have been able to escape.

And all those caught by the liquid are scalded and the sheer corrosiveness of the poison sees them melt alive.

“Less-less acid, more-more troll’s blood.” The leading grey seer says to his peer before clambering down from the cauldron, uncaring to what is happening behind him.

To know the strength of the disease however, it must be tested, more thoroughly than a couple of slaves forced to drink the poisoned chalice.

As the grey seer listens to the pained screams, he ponders over the solution to large-scale testing:

>Slaves ! Slaves solve everything, what a wondrous institution it is ! Keep throwing them at the plague until you get the results that you need.

>There’s a civil war in the city. Test the disease and bring back order, what an intelligent idea !

>True test subjects are needed ! Kidnap Elf-things ! You had never seen elf-things, how hard can it be to find some ?

>The nearby under-cities are full of skaven, which means they are full of your rivals ! What better place to test the illness ?

>(Write in)
>>True test subjects are needed ! Kidnap Elf-things ! You had never seen elf-things, how hard can it be to find some ?
>True test subjects are needed ! Kidnap Elf-things ! You had never seen elf-things, how hard can it be to find some ?
>BEARD-THINGS! Clear their holds with new miasma-toxins!

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