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File: 800px-Wu_Xing.png (237 KB, 800x800)
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The Wuxing magic system, originating from Chinese philosophy, includes the elements Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water.

Characteristics: Growth, flexibility, vitality.
Nature Manipulation: Control over plants, causing rapid growth or withering.
Healing: Using the life force of plants to heal wounds.
Enhancement: Boosting physical abilities by drawing on the vitality of nature.

Characteristics: Transformation, passion, destruction.
Pyrokinesis: Creating and controlling fire.
Heat Manipulation: Raising or lowering temperatures.
Light Manipulation: Creating or manipulating light and shadows.

Characteristics: Stability, strength, nourishment.
Geokinesis: Manipulating earth and stone.
Strength Enhancement: Drawing power from the earth to increase physical strength.
Barrier Creation: Creating walls or barriers from soil and rock.

Characteristics: Structure, resilience, clarity.
Metal Manipulation: Controlling and reshaping metals.
Weapon Creation: Forming weapons and armor from metal.
Sound Manipulation: Using the resonance of metal to create sonic attacks or defenses.

Characteristics: Fluidity, adaptability, purification.
Hydrokinesis: Controlling water in all its forms (liquid, ice, vapor).
Healing: Using the purifying properties of water to heal and cleanse.
Shape-Shifting: Adapting the body to become more fluid or taking on water-like properties.

Generating Cycle (Shēng)
Wood generates Fire: Wood fuels fire.
Fire generates Earth: Ashes from fire enrich the earth.
Earth generates Metal: Metals are extracted from the earth.
Metal generates Water: Metal can condense water from air.
Water generates Wood: Water nourishes plants.

Controlling Cycle (Kè)
Wood controls Earth: Roots of plants stabilize and break down soil.
Fire controls Metal: Fire can melt metal.
Earth controls Water: Earth can absorb and contain water.
Metal controls Wood: Metal tools can cut wood.
Water controls Fire: Water extinguishes fire.

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It would be reallly really cool if we could be a sound user and abuse the sound manipulation of metal.

physical enhancement is objectively the best ability, and healing is a nice bonus on top of that
I'm sure that if we combine them somehow, we could pull the equivalent of going super saiyan

power-boosting ourselves beyond our limits, and simultaneously healing the damage we inflict on ourselves
No chance of it being picked, of course. Also, this is similar to the idea I touched in qtg. Hopefully this one lasts.
More objectively the best
> tiefagged for 5 days
lol rip quest

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