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"I will avenge you, Father. I will save you, Mother. I will kill you, Raikage."

Fifteen years had passed since that fateful night when Kumogakure's forces had descended upon Konohagakure like a storm of steel and fire. Naruto's memories of the attack were hazy, fragmented images of burning buildings, the screams of the dying, and the silhouette of the Raikage towering over his fallen father, the Fourth Hokage, Minato Namikaze. He could still see the flash of the Raikage's lightning as it struck his father down, and the look of cold triumph in his eyes as he dragged Kushina Uzumaki away, leaving a trail of blood in their wake.

Naruto had been spirited away in the chaos, hidden by loyal shinobi who had sacrificed their lives to ensure his escape. He had grown up in the shadows, training in secret, honing his skills, and nurturing his hatred. Now, at eighteen, he was ready to fulfill his destiny.

> [Choose Action]
> [Try to remember what have I learned in an attempt to fulfil my vengeance.]
> [Seek advice from our trusted allies and mentors, arm ourselves with what we need and prepare to gather information on Kumogakure]
Quick question: is Naruto still the 9 tails jinchuriki in this timeline or was it Kushina?

Also, my boy Minato would have absolutely annihilated the raikage in an invasion normally, so something seems off. Maybe assistance from Obito or the remnants of Black Zetsu?

(This quest is probably just gonna flank like most of the other new ones but the premise is interesting so I hope you keep running it)
>is Naruto still the 9 tails jinchuriki
I sure hope so, having a chance of playing a morally gray Naruto that isn't above nuking entire settlements sounds fun as fuck.
I'd bet that he had outside help, or maybe the events that we're currently aware of are not as clear as they seem.
>[Take stock of existing resources at my disposal and the number of loyalists aligned with me.]
In that case, it could be more beneficial to lean into the "Gather Intel, subvert the enemy" method of operation than just "Point Blank Annihilation" method.

Gain leverage, spread disinformation, subvert informants within Kumo and turn everything inward to watch the village tear itself apart.
First, let's find out what our actual training and capabilities are, or we're going to bite off more than we can chew when trying to practice regular shinobi business.
Remember that canonically, Naruto could be infamously retarded.
Good point, there.
If he's still the Jinchuuriki we at least know he has his ridiculous reserves of chakra, which tends to save his ass more often than not.
That does make the "Wrecking ball" approach viable regardless of other assets.
> [Try to remember what have I learned in an attempt to fulfil my vengeance.]

Naruto knelt before the small shrine he had built in honor of his father. The flickering candles cast long shadows on the walls of the hidden chamber. He closed his eyes, letting the memories of his training and the lessons he had learned flow through his mind.

He had been only three years old when his father was murdered and his mother taken by the Raikage. The greatest shinobi of the Leaf had perished that night fighting the invaders from Kumogakure. The Third Hokage, the Uchiha clan, Ino-Shika-Cho—they had all fallen. But Root had survived, lurking in the shadows.

Danzo Shimura had taken Naruto under his wing, training him, teaching him about vengeance. The lessons had been harsh, the training brutal, but it had forged Naruto into a weapon. He was not the only one to survive that fateful night. Itachi Uchiha, the last of his clan, whose father and younger brother were killed in the attack, had also become an avenger. Together, they had trained in Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, and Taijutsu—anything and everything to kill the Kumo ninjas and achieve their vengeance.

> [Seek advice from our trusted allies and mentors, arm ourselves with what we need and prepare to gather information on Kumogakure]

Naruto rose from his seat and sought the counsel of his trusted allies and mentors. Danzo Shimura, the shadowy figure who had shaped him into a weapon, and Kakashi Hatake, another scarred survivor of the Konoha massacre, stood by his side. "Kumogakure has become the most militarily powerful ninja village in the world," Danzo said, his voice a gravelly whisper. "Their greatest weapon is the Eight-Tails Jinchuriki, the brother of the Raikage."

Kakashi nodded, his single visible eye filled with a mixture of sorrow and determination. "You have to be careful, Naruto. They are strong, but strength alone is not everything. Remember you training."

>[Take stock of existing resources at my disposal and the number of loyalists aligned with me.]

Naruto took stock of the resources at his disposal. The Nine-Tails, Kurama, resided within him, a potent weapon and a reminder of his lineage. It had once been inside his mother, Kushina Uzumaki. Perhaps that was why the Raikage had sought to claim her, or maybe it had been mere lust. It mattered little. Naruto would kill him regardless.

The ghosts of Konoha, those who had survived the massacre, were few compared to the vast numbers of Kumo ninjas. But Naruto knew there were other villages threatened by Kumo's growing power. It might be possible to forge alliances with them, to unite against a common enemy.

"I will avenge you, Father. I will save you, Mother. I will kill you, Raikage."

Naruto repeated the words that had kept him alive for the last fifteen years, that had kept him going despite the harshness of Danzo's training. He would have his revenge, no matter how many he had to kill.

> [Choose Action]
I've been wanting to write a dark Naruto quest for quite some time. After watching The Northman, I found the inspiration I needed to finally start.
> [Seek audience with the Nine-Tails through meditation, reason with him to lend me his power and bring bloodshed to Kumogakure. ]

Regardless of how we're gonna go around this, having this much power on our side won't hurt. With our mighty chakra reserves, surely nothing will be impossible.
And Itachi's with us? If anything, that's a massive boon. He alone can help us accomplish the kind of falseflag attack that would destroy Kumo's influence.
[Confer with Danzo and other remaining Konoha Ninja who were enmeshed in the Intelligence and Espionage aspects of the village to determine the current state of Kumo (especially Raikage's health and vices).
If possible subvert a Kumogakure citizen who can pass additional Intel to us (Someone "Beneath Notice" preferably. Garbage collectors, couriers, people who aren't given a second thought, but have a reason to be anywhere and everywhere)
And determine Kumo's current major rivals, both in terms of other Ninja villages and possible Rogue Ninja organizations.]
Not only a "Dark Naruto" quest, but with the people who were in charge of his upbringing, every reason to be a "Smart Naruto" quest as well. Paired up with his natural power, and a very, very specific goal for him...

Well, this is gonna be fun.
We absolutely need Kurama's help here- besides, if the akatsuki's involved, it's in his best interest too
We might want to contact Kimigakure and Sunagakure, if they still exist. Either they will be collaborators with the lightning or outright rivals with them, but either way I doubt they are satisfied with life under Kumogakure hegemony.
> [Seek audience with the Nine-Tails through meditation, reason with him to lend me his power and bring bloodshed to Kumogakure. ]

Naruto sat cross-legged in the dimly lit chamber, the air thick with the scent of burning incense. The shrine before him flickered with the light of a dozen candles, their flames dancing in the stillness. He closed his eyes and steadied his breathing, focusing his mind inward. He sought an audience with the Nine-Tails, Kurama, the immense chakra beast sealed within him.

In the depths of his consciousness, Naruto found himself standing before the massive, ominous cage that held Kurama. The beast's fiery red eyes glowed with a mixture of curiosity and contempt as it regarded the young shinobi.

"What do you want, Naruto?" Kurama's voice rumbled, a deep growl that echoed through the void.

"I need your power, Kurama," Naruto said, his voice cold and steady despite the enormity of the being before him. "I seek to bring bloodshed to Kumogakure, to avenge my father, and to save my mother."

Kurama's eyes narrowed. "Why should I help you? Your hatred feeds me, but it does not bind me to your cause."

Naruto took a deep breath. "Because our fates are intertwined. The Raikage's death will not only bring me peace but will also allow you to taste the blood of our enemies. Together, we can wreak havoc on Kumogakure and make them pay for what they did."

The Nine-Tails considered this, its eyes flickering with bloodlust. "Very well, Naruto. I will lend you my power. But remember, this is a pact sealed in blood and vengeance. Do not falter."

With the Nine-Tails' agreement, Naruto felt a surge of power coursing through him, a dark, potent energy that made his skin tingle and his senses sharpen.

>[Confer with Danzo and other remaining Konoha Ninja who were enmeshed in the Intelligence and Espionage aspects of the village to determine the current state of Kumo (especially Raikage's health and vices).]

Naruto then conferred with Danzo and the remaining Konoha ninjas enmeshed in the intelligence and espionage aspects of the village. Itachi Uchiha, Kakashi Hatake, and Mitarashi Anko gathered in a hidden chamber, the flickering candlelight casting eerie shadows on their faces.

"We need to know the current state of Kumogakure," Naruto said, his voice a low whisper. "Especially the Raikage's health and any vices we can exploit."

Danzo nodded, his steely gaze fixed on Naruto. "My sources indicate that despite his age, the Raikage is still as healthy and powerful as ever. As for vices, he maintains a harem of much younger women, an arrogant display of his lust and power."

It needed not to be said that Naruto's mother, Kushina Uzumaki, was one of the women kept in Raikage's harem. Naruto silently repeated the vow that had driven him for the past fifteen years, a mantra of vengeance and resolve. I will avenge you, Father. I will save you, Mother. I will kill you, Raikage.
Understanding Naruto's inner turmoil, Kakashi changed the subject, "Kumo ninjas have been attacking Kirigakure, stretching their forces thin. This could be an opportunity for us to strike when they least expect it."

Itachi spoke up. "We need to gather more intelligence and find allies who share our hatred for Kumogakure. Kirigakure might be a potential ally, given their current conflict with Kumo."

Anko, her eyes cold with determination and hatred, said, "We should also identify key targets within Kumo, besides the Raikage. Disrupting their leadership and infrastructure will weaken their defenses. Gain leverage, spread disinformation, subvert informants within Kumo, and turn everything inward to watch the village tear itself apart."

Naruto nodded, absorbing the information.

With the Nine-Tails' power at his command and the support of the remaining shinobi of the Leaf, Naruto knew the time for retribution was drawing near. The storm of vengeance he had longed for would soon be unleashed upon Kumogakure.

> [Choose Action]
>Setup fake jobs and ambush and take out kumo squads. Kumogakure losing income, a possible squad leader that may have more info and reducing future shinobi is good.

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