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File: Turn13.png (284 KB, 1360x853)
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A galaxy full of life, technological and even magical wonders spins on. Empires have risen, war has been waged, vast dark powers have risen up and been struck down. The galaxy seems to be settling down, heading toward a status quo, and yet there is a little time left for the nations of the void to change their fate.


We're currently full on players! Sorry to anyone who would like to join!


Turn 14 Begins

>Free Building Action: Ellinikon Carbon-Capture Biofuels.
Though the terraforming of Ellinikon has taken the world into a habitable condition, the atmosphere is still heavily carbonised to an extent that presents problems for the nascent Wolarian communities. Fortunately, the planet is now home to the greatest University in the League outside of Aetha itself; and under their instructions land on the planet is set aside to grow carbon-intense crops from which Biofuels can be easily synthesised; to both reduce the atmospheric choke and provide liquid thruster-fuels for our fleets and transports.

>Action 1: Enhanced Void Protections - Fleet Complexity 2
Wolarian research into slipstream protections have shown us ways through which the beings of slipspace might be deterred and Starship hulls might be protected from their entry as well as better constructed to minimise presence within this adjacent dimension. But since this process is going to necessitate a redesign of propulsion systems for any future vessels commissioned along with substantial adjustments to the hulls, the scientists of the league first work to devise ways through which more components might be.

>Action 2: Expand to (16,7)
We press onward, to see what wonders the Galaxy might still hold for us to find.

>'New Worlds Festival' Funding
With the treasury fairly healthy, permission is given and funds are readily and generously allocated in a one-off sum to allow us to enjoy this one-celebration of our expansiveness.

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