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A Warder is a highly skilled warrior bonded to an Aes Sedai, a member of the female organization of magic users known as the White Tower. The bond between an Aes Sedai and her Warder grants several benefits to both parties.
Warders are trained extensively in combat and survival skills, often being selected from the best fighters in the land. They are fiercely loyal and dedicated to protecting their Aes Sedai at all costs.
>Follow the story of a Warder from Andor.
>Follow the story of a Warder from Cairhien.
>Follow the story of a Warder from Malkier.
>Follow the story of a Warder from Shienar.
>Follow the story of a Warder from the Atha'an Miere.
>Write in
>>Follow the story of a Warder from Shienar.
>Follow the story of a Warder from Shienar.
I had to wiki.

Merchants plying trade routes. Catholic schoolgirl psychology.

Resource rich, but mediocre people. aka Saudis.

Warriors living close to the spawning grounds of Always Evil species. aka Cadians. aka Poles.

Inhabitants of a blasted wilderness. aka Catachans. aka Appalachians.

>Atha'an Miere
Gypsy pirates or pirate gypsies. aka Sea Huns.
I pick
A paranoid who is suspicious of the land itself is the ideal bodyguard.
>>Follow the story of a Warder from Malkier.
Malkier is just Lan, and I want an original character
I see I see.

changed vote to

Landlocked, no racial skills, and manletry. We get higher starting cash and start on Hard mode.
>Follow the story of a Warder from Malkier.
I pick at random because the setting is not explained
>>Follow the story of a Warder from Shienar.
Since OP is obviously dead, should I take over?
No, it's illegal and you'll get banned

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