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File: math-iq-test.jpg (49 KB, 750x562)
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In this quest, you have to solve increasingly difficult math problems.

>Answer to the first problem:

>Framing story
>A. You're kidnapped by a serial killer like saw who's forcing you to do this
>B. You're in a fantasy dungeon with puzzles in each level leading to treasures
>C. You're kidnapped by aliens who's testing your intelligence to see if humans should be spared
>D. ?
>B. You're in a fantasy dungeon with puzzles in each level leading to treasures
Very interesting quest concept. Should inform us of intended IQ for audience. Someone too low won't understand, someone too high will be bored.

Support for dungeon.
How does 2+5 = 12 and 3+6 = 21 I feel like theres something missing
Sounds right.
I think the rule for this sequence is X + Y = X * (Y + 1)
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There is a dungeon in the fallen kingdom, a remnant of the ancient Mathemagicians. These arcane scholars believed that reality itself is built on numbers, that everything can be reduced to zeros and ones. With their mastery of numbers, they manipulated reality and performed feats that can only be described as magic. Now, they are gone, leaving behind this dungeon where treasures lie hidden behind increasingly difficult math problems and puzzles.

You know that the deeper you go, the harder the problems become, and the greater the treasures you find. Rumor has it that at the bottom level of the dungeon lies the source of the Mathemagicians' great power. No one has ever ventured that deep, but you vow to be the first.

You step into the dungeon, and the first math problem awaits you, inscribed on the stone wall. It seems simple enough:

1 + 4 = 5
2 + 5 = 12
3 + 6 = 21
8 + 11 = ?

You ponder the pattern, and quickly discern the rule: each equation adds the product of the numbers to the first number. Thus, 8 + 11 = 8 + (8*11) = 8 + 88 = 96. You confidently write down the answer: 96.

The stone door before you grinds open, revealing a small chamber. Inside, you find a single copper coin, your first reward. You pocket the coin, feeling a sense of accomplishment and anticipation.

You move to the next door, ready for whatever mathematical challenge awaits you next.

>Answer to the second problem:

>A. You seek power
>B. You seek wealth
>C. You seek knowledge
>D. ?
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Too tough, I brute forced it.

>Answer to the second problem:

>A. You seek power
>C. You seek knowledge
Found the answer

From a,b,c you get 4
From a2,b2,c2 you get 10, from which we use the previous 4 like this: 4 + 4 + 2 = 10
From a3,b3,c3 you get 22, from which we use the previous 10 like this: 10 + 10 + 2 = 22
From a4,b4,c4 you get ?, from which we can deduce using the previous 22 like this: 22 + 22 + 2 = 46
The formula is: (Previous result + Previous result) + 2

>C. You seek knowledge
no, its not that simple of a formula. the mathemagicians tricked us into believing theres a simple pattern with the first puzzle. but second puzzle is hardcore. it posted the values for a, b, c so you can double check.
I generated random values for a and b with the computer until the values solved the equations. with values between -3 and 3. ths is brute force, how monkeys do math, but valid.
>A. You seek power

Well, that was tough
this answer is fair after the logic that was accepted for the first question
I did it old style and still made an mistake when calculating, your variant is a genious one!
But why do you multiply by 6 and do minus 3?
Not that dude but the random function just spits out a random number between 0 and 1, so multiplying it by 6 gives a random number between 0 and 6, then -3 makes it between -3 and +3
QM got us to do his homework, disguised as a quest, and then flaked.

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