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Adventure Time,
C’mon grab your friends
We’re going to very
Distant lands. with
*** the ***,
And *** the ***
The fun will never end,
It’s adventure time!
>[input adventurer identity]
A ghost
Oh wait uhh Michael the Ghost
John the Man
> [Johnny Cowboy]
One of the last known humans to wander the world, nobody knows where he came from but his supernatural aim and quickest draw speaks for itself. Works part-time as a bounty hunter, likes lasso and good drink, hopes to eat some exquisite cheese one day.
+1 for being a spook
-and Morris the Jannie.
Based thread spammer filling up the catalog and making the board appear more active to outsiders
tranny spammer is our lord and savior
Michael the Ghost
Dave the GIANT!
Tranny spammer is the protagonist of /qst/ and rest of us are NPCs
That explains a lot.
Michael The Ghost and Johnny Cowboy.
Yeah and now Michael and Johnny, those boys live in a shack next to a creek. That's where Johnny tends his one toy cow and where Michael died. One day the boys got a box on their doorstep.
>What's in the box?
Tranny spam quest. Would anybody be interested in me remaking it, but for real this time?
I’d play it if it was well done.
Adventure time is too old for zoomer QMs and players to remember
I remember but I'm already doing a hefty quest myself right now.
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Fuck you niggers, the adventures never end it's Adventure Time!
>Michael the Ghost and Johnny the CowMan live in a rundown pre-war apartment near the Ice Kingdom. Michael's been haunting the place ever since the mushroom war, and Johnny crashed here after ending up on the run from the Pup Kingdom following the heist of a priceless Candy era relic.

What type of ghost is Michael?
>Nightosphere Demon: Access to blood and black magic, at the cost of being weak to blessed weapons and the possibility of banishment.
>Possessed Object: Conveniently interact with the mortal plane, at the price of being clumsy outside of your body
>Regular ghost: No bonuses or drawbacks, fly through walls, spook folks, and slam the occasional cabinet.

What did Johnny steal?
>Lich's Fingernail: it whispers of power- and grants it! Grants the wielder access to necromancy, and the lich's signature fire blast. It does not stop rambling and threatens to railroad future adventures towards advancing the death of all things.
>Pink Egg: A large, pink egg that smells like bubblegum, it shakes occasionally and faint squealing can be heard from within. Presumably left behind by Neddy, and frozen ever since. Can be hatched, or eaten to make the consumer the current candy elemental.
>Perfected Ballblamburgler: A weapon left behind by Princess Bubblegum and sealed away in a vault for it's effectiveness and fear of replication, it uses the power of science to harness subatomic protons to transfer enormous amounts of kinetic force on whatever is inserted in the chamber. Translated from nerdspeak; it's a gun- with infinite ammo, simply insert whatever you'd like in the chamber and fire.
Vote for both, first to three wins.
Hinted it in the post but whatever Johnny stole is going to set the tone of the adventure.
>Regular ghost: No bonuses or drawbacks, fly through walls, spook folks, and slam the occasional cabinet.
>Perfected Ballblamburgler: A weapon left behind by Princess Bubblegum and sealed away in a vault for it's effectiveness and fear of replication, it uses the power of science to harness subatomic protons to transfer enormous amounts of kinetic force on whatever is inserted in the chamber. Translated from nerdspeak; it's a gun- with infinite ammo, simply insert whatever you'd like in the chamber and fire
A wallhax spotter and a gunner that can convert nearly anything into ordinance.
Quite the formidable pairing.
This could be fun if you don’t flake.
>Possessed Object: Conveniently interact with the mortal plane, at the price of being clumsy outside of your body
>Perfected Ballblamburgler: A weapon left behind by Princess Bubblegum and sealed away in a vault for it's effectiveness and fear of replication, it uses the power of science to harness subatomic protons to transfer enormous amounts of kinetic force on whatever is inserted in the chamber. Translated from nerdspeak; it's a gun- with infinite ammo, simply insert whatever you'd like in the chamber and fire.
>Regular ghost: No bonuses or drawbacks, fly through walls, spook folks, and slam the occasional cabinet.
>Perfected Ballblamburgler: A weapon left behind by Princess Bubblegum and sealed away in a vault for it's effectiveness and fear of replication, it uses the power of science to harness subatomic protons to transfer enormous amounts of kinetic force on whatever is inserted in the chamber. Translated from nerdspeak; it's a gun- with infinite ammo, simply insert whatever you'd like in the chamber and fire.
Johnny doesn't need all that fancy magic stuff, he's got that dead eye going for him when he starts shooting, plus his best friend Michael!

>Regular ghost: No bonuses or drawbacks, fly through walls, spook folks, and slam the occasional cabinet.

>Perfected Ballblamburgler: A weapon left behind by Princess Bubblegum and sealed away in a vault for it's effectiveness and fear of replication, it uses the power of science to harness subatomic protons to transfer enormous amounts of kinetic force on whatever is inserted in the chamber. Translated from nerdspeak; it's a gun- with infinite ammo, simply insert whatever you'd like in the chamber and fire.
Guns are cool

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