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Cursed from birth with silver hair, the sign of evil influence, you play as Argia Candente, a Knight-in-training determined to help your family, show your valour… and make your first friends.

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Welcome to the second thread of the thrilling adventures of our beloved silver-haired doofus, Argia Candente! Last thread has seen your retarded QM finally learning how to roll dice, and has left us facing the confrontation with the cult of the Seven Sisters…

>Archive: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2024/6012263

>Voting Link: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Silver%20Knight%20Quest

(for those not familiar with suptg— thanks to everyone for voting!)

Update schedule: usually one update per day. May be multiple posts, depending on narrative pace and player interaction. I will do my best to reply to questions and suggestions though.

As for what happened last time on Silver Knight Quest…

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You are Argia Candente, an aspirant Knight of Ansàrra, And everyone considers you cursed because of your silver hair.

When your family lost everything, years ago, you were pushed to try and find a new life in the Holy Land of Madua, but you were not granted access. Not unless you complete your tuition and pass the Trial of Fire as its coronation. After three years being the disciple of renown Master Ibardo Delebasse, you were then forced to start a year of training in the outback of Madua, together with three other trainees who you tried to bond with… and failed.

But bad as all that could be, things are even worse now: your current mission was supposed to be investigating a sacrificial cult, and you already had to leave two members of your quartet behind.

You also fought against a malignant tree that folded space and sucked blood out of living creatures, but you got a neat sword out of it. You also saved your first tentative friend from burning herself up into holy frenzy.

At least, it seems that your fellow apprentices are seeing past your cursed hair right now. Now that you and your companion Salicera (who keeps saying the weirdest things about talking mirrors and is mysteriously skilled for someone her age), have entered the nethermost hall and stepped into the cultists’ sanctum, it’s time to let your blades sing…

… but you don’t really mind it. You have always been better with swords than with words.


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Rules Recap:

We vote on majority to decide actions. In rare cases, if a tie happens I may incorporate both options if narratively possible or interesting. This does not happen for combat rolls

We use 1d100 roll against a DC, plus bonuses.
>natural 1 is a critical failure, natural 100 is a complete success.

Roll vs DC for most checks

Combat roll is instead Bo3, counting successes against my rolls (usually you need to beat only 1 or two of my rolls)

If you or I get dubs, trips or more on the rolling post we add the following values/effects to what was just rolled and only that:
>dubs: +6
>trips: +18
>quads: automatic critical success + kiss on the cheek
>quints: permanent bonus + double kiss on the cheek


there will be the occasional prompt for these. Interesting ideas or suggestions may be incorporated in the update even if they don’t reach a majority. Discussions and questions are highly encouraged as they may give you numerical bonuses or allow you to skip dangerous situations (it happened a couple times in the previous thread)!

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>Lore and Important Characters: https://pastebin.com/By6W3xxD

>MC and stats (updated!) https://pastebin.com/CuxGS43X

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And now, the news…
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The nethermost hall, the one you reached passing through the reflection, is something that ought to be impossible. Not just because of the figures turning towards you, what used to be their heads reduced to wavering white flames burning on their stumps of a neck like abandoned candle-lights, sizzling with the heat of their own blood used as fuel… or because of the two hulking figures looming over you and Salicera, their bodies a parody of the human form, with their skin pulled by porcelain trinkets and metal hooks, revealing teeth and sinews. Their bulging muscles remind you of a dead war horse’s, stringy and blue, pulled tight by rigor mortis and hooked strings.

But that is still something you could deal with. The reek of dead skin makes you want to reek, but you can still stomach it.

The floating head is another matter. The young woman looking at you with a sombre expression slowly turns in the air, her hair floating around her like a monstrous jellyfish. It might as well be the missing head from the statue in the previous room, and the clammy, pale skin that still can be seen really makes you feel like it may be. If it’s so, it’s a bit too… organic to be an actual statue and you are reminded of the rituals and rapturous temptations of the Seven Sisters — unfortunate souls offering their bodies up to help one of them incarnate into this world.

As the head turns you notice once more then new skin overtaking the old, growing like mould on a wall: but it’s not pale, it’s a sable tone, and the eyes in the other half of the head are a deep shining blue, and the hair are turning smooth as silk and black as blindness. After what happened in the previous room, you can now know what ‘black as blindness’ means.

Kiengiri features. You are seeing the girl’s head being overtaken, incarnated, by someone who belongs to a race the world hasn’t witnessed in almost twenty centuries…

There is something in that single blue eye scrutinising you two, peering at you, through you from the depth of untold time that makes you feel like a butterfly, a steel and silver butterfly pinned by a claw. You can feel your skin growing goosebumps beneath your clothes.

But no. You can’t give up now. Or even listen to fear. There is too much at stake: Rubida in the other room, keeping the light on so that you two can hopefully come back. Soralisa, bandaged and unconscious, waiting for you three to come back.

Master, who expects you to pass through this year and make some friends.

And your family back in the Landing Strip, without a home, without a way to sustain themselves, their hopes hanging on your shoulders like heavy pauldrons.

There is too much at stake.

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You tighten your grip on your longsword, slowly raising it to be level with your eyes — a challenge — just as Salicera takes a more aggressive stance with her own longsword. Your companion and fellow trainee does not even wear an armour, covered as she in her simple clothes, but she looks just as confident as usual, almost eager for the battle ahead.

You envy her.

You share a look with Salicera’a brown-grey eyes as you try to project your thoughts into her. It’s impossible of course, but you try to make it clear you’d rather face first…

>The multitude of wick-like figures around you. They look like they could be the least dangerous, but there’s a lot of them, and they could easily overwhelm you.

>The two hulking beasts surrounding the head. You have an uneasy gut feeling those are the real nut to crack.

>The incarnating head. If that’s truly one of the Seven Sisters slowly resurrecting herself once again, you must stop it! This is after all what you came here for.
>The two hulking beasts surrounding the head. You have an uneasy gut feeling those are the real nut to crack.
>The multitude of wick-like figures around you. They look like they could be the least dangerous, but there’s a lot of them, and they could easily overwhelm you.
They're performing the ritual, right? Maybe we can slow it down or stop it by killing them. If not, I still suspect beelining for the head will get us surrounded and wrecked.

Welcome back, QM!
Also glad to see you back, OP. >>6049648 this time you didn't mess up the links, kek ;p
>>The multitude of wick-like figures around you. They look like they could be the least dangerous, but there’s a lot of them, and they could easily overwhelm you.
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>>The incarnating head. If that’s truly one of the Seven Sisters slowly resurrecting herself once again, you must stop it! This is after all what you came here for.

Cut off the head and the body will die. Going for mooks with tire us, going for the big dudes will up the risk of being injured before we can complete our mission. Even if we die, we need to stop the ritual. An incarnated one of the Seven would be catastrophic.

Yay, you have returned op! Excited. Have a silver haired thot for your trouble.
holy neotony and she also looks like she took some ribs outta her. mind giving the sauce ?
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>first comment

holy kekeroni, anon

thanks anon, here's to a long and fun thread!

I learn something new every day. My goal for the year is switching velcro shoes for laces

>getting one of the Seven incarnated is bad bad mojo

someone is paying attention to the lore. Good! Also, thanks for the cute pic, but in the future let's try to keep the lust-inducing 3DPD images to a minimum. I enjoyed it but it tends to derail discussion like >>6050090 shows

(lewdpastas still encouraged tho)

FOUR more hours for voting, then it's update time. Get those votes going, anon
>someone is paying attention to the lore. Good!
i mean, we all know letting one of them reincarnate is le bad, the question is if we should kill the big mooks first to ease things out or go straight to the head

>Also, thanks for the cute pic, but in the future let's try to keep the lust-inducing 3DPD images to a minimum. I enjoyed it but it tends to derail discussion like >>6050090 (You) shows
oy vey
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>but in the future let's try to keep the lust-inducing 3DPD images to a minimum

I try to, but my inner coomer wins out at times. Picrel

No clue, something I found on twitter and was in my unsorted images. I dislike e-girls in many regards yet am weak to their wiles. Can probably reverse image search it. idk.
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Here she is, my OCD won out over not spoon-feeding.


She apparently also has an insta with the same name.

Yeah, I have a thing for petite girls, why do you ask?

Yeah I love silver haired girls, why. Nothing to be embarrassed about.

>majority votes for snuffing the lights out on the wicker men. Writing!
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Rolled 5, 63, 20 + 7 = 95 (3d100 + 7)


You give Salicera a quick, sharp look. The wicker men that surround you seem like they could be the key to this… or at least that’s what you think. There’s far too many of them, and they could easily overwhelm you two if they decided to attack. The best course of action seems to be to just… cull their numbers.

“I don’t think we need any sort of welcome,” you reply to the floating head. “Nor any kind of greeting. We know enough about what this means.”

Salicera quirks her eyebrow at that, but then she seem to go with the flow and follow you.

The head remains silent for now, looking at you two with guarded curiosity. It’s far too at ease and relaxed for your liking. As if anything you can do… it amounts to nothing.

You grit your teeth and swing your sword at the closest figure, its head completely consumed by the white flame, the stump of his neck sizzling and crackling with the reek of blood fuelling the flame.

Your tetraceramide-edged sword cleaves through the chest with ease, it almost feel like swinging through water. The cleaved figure falls on its knees, spraying blood everywhere, its flame flickering.

You have to remind yourself that these… things, these puppets are not human, You sharpened your sword on monsters, on creatures of the dark, under the guide of Master. It’s time to put these skills to the real test. This is after all your challenge. Yours and Salicera’s.

“I suppose that’s the end of negotiations,” Salicera chuckles, aiming her own sword at the three closest figures. She turns on herself, slashes and they fall, one piece at a time, cut through by her unrelenting blade.

One by one, the other wicker-like men turn towards you and slumber towards you two, trying to swarm you with their numbers…

>Combat Roll: Bo3, Beat at least 1 of my rolls: roll 1d100+25

[spoilers]nice and easy start hm?[/spoiler]

If we get at least 3 rolls within 5 hours I may be able to write next reply sooner. time to swing them swords anon.
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Rolled 32 + 25 (1d100 + 25)

Rolled 6 + 25 (1d100 + 25)

ezpz, although a shame that the goon vote won.
>I dislike e-girls in many regards yet am weak to their wiles.
I get you
>Yeah, I have a thing for petite girls, why do you ask?
I didn't, but thanks
>Yeah I love silver haired girls, why. Nothing to be embarrassed about.
Rolled 91 + 25 (1d100 + 25)

Our savior!
nice, we beat all 3
you beat the allegations, anon! (though you did not beat the second roll)


cute. she looks like your typical mercenary from the Treviri Throne.

nice, also dubs (what's with all the 6 dubs and trips? must be Ansàrra)

and now results:

12, 70, 27
57, 31, 114+6 (dubs)

two out of three and ending on an especially nice last roll!

Fucking trips...

30 88 45


57 31 122

He got trips. They count for his rolls too, I believe. So a +18 to each of his rolls. So we get 1 win. Dang. Not great as it could have been.
Or not. I could have sworn QM got the dub, trip, quad, ect bonus too.
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Finally it’s time to let swords speak — and you do not disappoint. A few further slashes eagerly eat through the candle-men, cleaving their chests and extinguishing their flame. They all fall to their knees, unmoving and useless. One by one, they fall like wheat before the sickle, their dancing flames dying like moths.

Next to you, Salicera really swings into motion — if you are a dancing with your new fancy blade, she’s jumping ahead, slashing and cleaving, the satisfied grin never leaving her beautiful face as her arms swing her sword. You remember nicking its edge when she challenged you to a spar before entering the tower and you were worried that the tetraceramide of your new sword may have damaged Salicera’s weapon.

But even if it may have, it certainly has not damaged her. She jumps ahead and back like a vestale ballerina from the Crimson Days celebrations, turning on herself, carrying her blade with her in a whirl of metal and silent death.

And as you slash through another one of the things’ chest, you feel like you are also doing quite alright for a Knight in training. Even alone, and a thousand miles away from Master… you are carrying his torch.

Speaking of torches, with each of the figures you slay the lights in the room slowly fade. The two hulking brutes siding the head huff and sigh, leaning back and forth like horses held back by tight reins. The head keeps turning.

Seems like nothing is changing. You push away another of the slumbering candle-men and slice him off from side to side, your new sword cutting through cloth and clammy skin and flesh just as easily as through butter. You turn to regard Salicera, who kicks away the remnants of another body and she gives you a confident grin.

“That’s it?”

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Maybe it can be, says the voice of the woman. Just like before, you hear a grovelling echo of something beneath the voice, the echo of a forgotten, raspy language that nevertheless does not seem to need words to convey meaning, making thoughts bloom directly inside your head. Ansàrra may help you. What is done is done. I tried to warn Taygete this would be risky, even with the Tree of Rotten Ways. But perhaps a failure can be turned into a lesson? The head muses and you can see the ghost of a smile tugging at her lips, on the newly-grown half of her skin. Her hair pulse as if a wave went through them and the two hulking figures finally stir, on heavy feet, looming over you and Salicera.

“Jinxed it,” you hear her click her tongue.

Time for some very fast thinking.

>Salicera is not called a genius for nothing. She can probably deal with them both while you go for the head. It has worked before!

>Your new fancy sword was forged in the Holy Land exactly for this kind of situations. You fear the porcelain-like plaques and the clammy skin of the two brutes will be more resistant than simple flesh. You need to take them while Salicera goes to kill the head.

>You two need to deal with this together. So far the head has displayed no amazing power. Perhaps you two really can leave it for later as you take care of the main threat. You have worked well as a team so far.

It's nice to see Salicera getting a bit too confident innit?
>>Your new fancy sword was forged in the Holy Land exactly for this kind of situations. You fear the porcelain-like plaques and the clammy skin of the two brutes will be more resistant than simple flesh. You need to take them while Salicera goes to kill the head.

I do not like the fucking ascending numbers in the images. It is intentional and is a count till something happens. Wonder what happened when it gets to unlucky number 7.

>the numbers approaching 7

I was going to say something about it but now I am keeping my mouth closed
>>Your new fancy sword was forged in the Holy Land exactly for this kind of situations. You fear the porcelain-like plaques and the clammy skin of the two brutes will be more resistant than simple flesh. You need to take them while Salicera goes to kill the head.
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>I was going to say something about it but now I am keeping my mouth closed


Also, fellas, if Sally goes for the head, I wonder if lending her our sword would be a decent idea? Hope it is super effective vs magic heads and just stall with the big guys till she can come bail us out or hope destroying it kills them too?
>you beat the allegations, anon! (though you did not beat the second roll)
right, I forgot you order rolls as they come
>You two need to deal with this together. So far the head has displayed no amazing power. Perhaps you two really can leave it for later as you take care of the main threat. You have worked well as a team so far.
you know anon, I was gonna ask OP in the last vote if he kept using the book numbers because he lost access to his silver-haired stash, but seeing his answer >>6050361 you were on point, zam.
salicera can deal with the head just fine with her own blade
>>Your new fancy sword was forged in the Holy Land exactly for this kind of situations. You fear the porcelain-like plaques and the clammy skin of the two brutes will be more resistant than simple flesh. You need to take them while Salicera goes to kill the head.
>she looks like your typical mercenary from the Treviri Throne.
Mercenary? So she does... Wetwork? ba dm tsss

>Your new fancy sword was forged in the Holy Land exactly for this kind of situations. You fear the porcelain-like plaques and the clammy skin of the two brutes will be more resistant than simple flesh. You need to take them while Salicera goes to kill the head.
The strongest avenger must go for the head, like the good lord Thor Odinson said.
wut ?
It's a euphemism for murder-for-hire, but also sounds like a sex thing.



4 vs 1 so far. I see a trend but I am curious to see if there may be a change down the line. I’d say a few more hours for voting then tallying up and your doom will be decided.

Doom is just another term for fate or destiny... maybe.

So guys, I suppose we should think about this for a second. We know Sally has a much better fighting bonus than Argia. Our girl however has a better sword.

Thinking about it, our maybe future waifu might be a better choice to deal with a pair of things that can fight back. Argia might be better to send against the main target, who is a floating head with no way to fight back aside from magic. Additionally, the statue we saw before seems to be the base of the head, possibly. So statues are hard, might have some resistance to normal weapons no matter how well they are used; part of why we are kind of supporting Argia tying up the guard thing is due to them seeming resistant to normal attacks, the head may be resistant as well. As such, I am changing:



>Salicera is not called a genius for nothing. She can probably deal with them both while you go for the head. It has worked before!



One of the Pleiades. The 7 nymphs of Greek myth, for whom the constellation is named after; the constellation referred to as "the Seven Sisters". Also called Subaru, in Japan.

Just a note.
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Rolled 17, 38, 13 + 49 = 117 (3d100 + 49)


he finally understands SNK is just a covert AD for the Japanese automotive industry

also, interesting thinking anon. I am glad to see players reflect upon their actions. wonder if that's the right course of action, but there's still a few more hours for further voting


Fun fact, there was an anime, Wish Upon the Pleiades, which was funded by the car company Subaru. While it does have a story, it is basically a 12 episode ad for the company.
Meant to write SKQ for Silver Knight Quest but my brain went into auto mode

>cartoon ad for the company

MLP moment, hm?
>>Your new fancy sword was forged in the Holy Land exactly for this kind of situations. You fear the porcelain-like plaques and the clammy skin of the two brutes will be more resistant than simple flesh. You need to take them while Salicera goes to kill the head.
Why the rolling ?
I see where you’re going for. As the sole anon who voted to tag team the giants to clean the way, I vibe with you that the head won’t be a challenge for now so we can clean the way to deal with it together. Even with the book thing OP has going for the doot.
>Taygete. One of the Pleiades. The 7 nymphs of Greek myth, for whom the constellation is named after; the constellation referred to as "the Seven Sisters". Also called Subaru, in Japan.
Just a note.
Didn’t know that, thanks.
I wouldn't worry about it anon heh.

Probably the giant dudes. Sally's bonus was higher when we sparred, as I recall.

>leave Salicera with the two brutes and you go for the head (changed to the one below)


>work as a team


>Salicera goes for the head and you fight the other two

Cleaving time! Writing!
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Astoria reaches for the fragile arms of the poor, confused girl. She’s sweaty, muttering words she cannot certainly comprehend.

“Here, here,” she sighs as she gently turns her away and towards the inside of the carriage. “You need rest, lady-in-wait. You cannot—”

“No!” Soralisa’s feverish brown eyes turn into pinpricks as she struggles to get away from her grip. It’s a bit of a novel sensation for Astoria, who has not received similar resistance since—

Well, since the last time she truly butted heads with that upstart of an angel.

“They need me! Don’t you understand? I have to go! I have to help them, they are lost… I have seen them, She has shown me, the Sun-Birther—”

Astoria raises her two fingers and taps on Soralisa’s head.

The girl’s panicked eyes roll in her head and she falls in her arms, slumbering softly.

“Preposterous. That Ansàrra would reveal such a thing to a broken little thing such as you. Did they not teach you the value of deference, child? Felice!” She shouts at the chaplain who is quickly besides her, taking the girl out of her arms. “Put her on the bed and make sure she stays asleep. She has need for recovery and I do not want to see those gauzes wasted.”

“At once,” he sighs, entering the carriage and putting Soralisa on the same bed, washing her still-sweaty face. Behind her eyelids she is still struggling, for some reason.

He tells himself it must be nothing.

Outside, Astoria walks back and forth, trying to put a lid on the fury. How dare she talk back to a Blessed Blind? The girl may have an inkling of ability with Sanctions, but that surely did not allow her to act like a petulant child.
And what was even more important, more pressing — Astoria would see that her own intuition about Salicera Fors was correct.

And like a pebble growing into a rushing landslide, she would be the one to wave the thread of fate this time.

# # # # # #

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Your eyes run down the length of your sword and that’s when the plan forms in your head. It’s a panicked, half-boiled kind of a plan, but you are going with your gut. It has served you well so far. May Ansàrra be watching over you.
“Go for the head!” You shout at Salicera, who turns at you and cocks her head.
“Are you sure?”
“No! Of course I am not, but I am going with my gut’s feeling. Remember?” You wave your sword as you start to feel the vibrations from the steps of the two colossi closing on you. They readily swing their arms back, getting ready to pummel you into the ground.
Salicera’s eyes reach that inch-thickness of tetracerarmide that ate through her steel like butter, glistening cold and white.
She grins.
“Slice them up, Candente!” Salicera laughs, jumping high in the air, skidding on the floor and then dashing for the head, which lazily floats, turns to regard her.
How boorish.
Just as the closest hulk steps ahead, crashing towards you with the strength of a bull and you get ready to attack its closest point as you would have to jump back, escaping its swing, you share one last look with Salicera as she grins, raises her longsword and hits the head straight in the—

Air shrieks like a broken mirror.

Salicera’s face is still frozen in that confident grin of hers as her shape shatters in a spiderweb of cracks and then explodes in a burst of glass-like shatters that fly off in every direction, showering ruining clinking tinkling skittering on the stone floor as your heart seizes your throat.

The head folds on itself and disappears.

Then the brute finally lunges for you, its arm and its hooked talons growing large enough to obscure the light and it’s suddenly too late for anything else.

>Combat Roll: Bo3, 1d100+25, beat at least two of my rolls from post >>6050822.

>(results: 72 [+6 for dubs to the first roll], 87, 62 [I have decided that adding the dubs/trips bonus to more than one of my rolls wouldn't be balanced, so to further clarify: it applies to the first roll only])

>Remember you have a nat 91 banked roll which you can use, and that your sword considers 97-100 as a critical success.
Rolled 61 + 25 (1d100 + 25)

alright, let's do it. considering that both were teleported away, I think now that the going with salicera was a good idea, even if I still prefer mine to go tag team instead.
great roll anon
thanks and considering how 2 of yours were high-ish, it's needed
Rolled 4 + 25 (1d100 + 25)

let's hope the 3rd anon beats his
Rolled 7 + 25 (1d100 + 25)

No such luck... Seems Salicera's loss has us shook.
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Rolled 92, 94, 86 + 21 = 293 (3d100 + 21)


86, 29, 32
72, 87, 62

you beat only one. and now it's time for a beating.


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You raise your weapon and slide to the right just as the hulk’s arm whooshes right besides you — you feel the air against your face as you strike. The tetracerarmide edge does it job and slices through the thick skin and reinforced porcelain, cleaving and cracking and snapping the metal hooks. You feel the hit against your wrists but it’s less than you expected, far less than you’d be used to with a metal weapon.

A bloom of hope bursts in your chest as you see the sword bite through the flesh and cleave a gash as deep as your arm — the brute grunts and hisses, three fingers of his hand laying useless on the floor. No blood. Just… flesh held together.

His right hand hangs useless from his wrist, the stump of his bone white and useless.

The he turns and slaps you with his other hand.

Your reflexes are quick enough to raise your sword and barely block it, but the hit makes you wheeze. No problem. You can just step back and strike ag-

Something else comes.

He kicks you. You feel like an invisible hand is pulling you up in the air, making you turn, stumble, you grasp for purchase and find it on the floor as you roll, skid on the stone floor… and mercifully stop.

Everything hurts.

You should remember to breathe. Please breathe.


“Aaanfh!” You gulp in air even as your ribs feel like they have been cracked and rebuilt inside out. You spit out a wad of blood and press your hand against your chest. It hurts. Your rib might be cracked.

Just what you needed, right when Salicera—

“Annfh. Annhhf.”

No. You cannot think about Salicera’s fate right now. There is no time.
You need to stand and slice it. Slice that bastard.
You grip your hands around—

— air.

Your sword lies embedded in the floor about ten paces away, amidst the figures with their heads reduced to a flaming wick. And the two hulks, one of them cradling his sliced hand, are quickly moving to get you.

>Cracked rib: -6 to all checks

>One of the two hulks has its wrist sliced off: you will need just one success to beat his combat rolls from now on.

>Stand up and get the sword before the hulk you sliced takes another swing at you: Bo3, 1d100+2 (+8 from Cameo, -6 from cracked rib), DC 56
Rolled 80 + 2 (1d100 + 2)

I do hope it's Salicera's rolls
Rolled 21 (1d100)

Shit, grab grab grab
Zam, if only we got this before. Also would be the first time da Sally makes proper use of her expy status without the bonus.
good roll anon

who said those were Salicera's rolls?
>who said those were Salicera's rolls?
key word "would"
Rolled 90 + 2 (1d100 + 2)

Yikes, those QM rolls...
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>makes proper use of her expy status

Who is she an expy of?

>Yikes, those QM rolls...
Yep. Ouch. Picrel.
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nice rolls anon, well done


You stand up, even with each breath a hot knife against your ribs, you manage to stumble through pain and shock to walk towards your sword. You have to reach it. It's your only hope. It's Rubida's only hope. Wonder what may happen to her if you two do not come back.

If Salicera does not come back.

The heavy footfalls of the two hulks reaching for you make your spine tremble. The sword is closer. Closer. The wicker-like figures reach out for you, clammy fingers trying to stop you, but you swing your arms, flailing wildly and sending them down to the floor with the strength of desperation.
"Get off! Get off me!" You croak with your broken voice.

Thu-thump. Thump. Thump.

You are not sure if it's your heart or the sound of the creature's footfalls--


Your hand grips the sword's handle, picking it up. And when you turn to face the hulking monster, it's already swinging its intact arm at you, its body caught in the rictus of pain and anger.

You tense yourself to meet his blows, and you have barely the time to raise a prayer to Ansàrra as you get ready. May she guide your hand.

>Combat roll, Bo3, 1d100+19, beat at least 1 of my rolls from >>6051102. good luck, anon.

captcha: GRHHAA
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Rolled 77 + 19 (1d100 + 19)

Fuck em up Argia!
Rolled 53 + 19 (1d100 + 19)

Considering your bonus, we basically need at least a 97 since that’s our crit range. Shit.
So close, anon
We could use up the banked up roll now. It would beat the 86 roll.
Do we add our current bonus to it? DH, which the dice in this are loosely based on, has your banked roll just be what it is, no adding current bonuses to it.
Sure. If the 3rd anon fails we can use it. Otherwise if we can’t replace a roll with it, we’ll use it now.
Also for QM, if you aren't already using it, I would highly recommend downloading tampermonkey and getting scripts for 4chanX and 4chanCapchSolver. Makes the experience her much better, I think.

Just a thought I had.

You can decide now if you want to replace it (before the third roll). The roll is a 'natural 91', hence it would see your +19 bonus applied. It would be enough to (barely) beat my last roll.

Or you can hope for a 97 of course, and enjoy your functional arms while you still have them.

I ought to, it's just that I mostly post at different times and from many different devices. I'll try to use it at least when I post from home, thanks
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>enjoy your functional arms while you still have them

Yeah... lets use that banked roll, guys.

>I'll try to use it at least when I post from home, thanks

You are welcome. I fucking hate the capcha since I post a decent amount, so the second one is a game changer. Also shows you how worthless capcha is to prevent bots and spamming.
right, so you're not kidding when you said we could die in this quest. using the banked roll then, we already got fucked in this fight and if it comes to it we'll probably need to help Salicera as well and we need to be functional for that.
nice pic, where is it from, anon ?
Yea, lets use that banked roll
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Call of the Night if I recall. Manga/ anime about vampire GFs. Pretty decent.

If you aren't aware of it, yandex has a reverse image search which works pretty well. Not that I mind, but just because some people are stingy with the sauce.

okay, three votes so far for using the banked roll. I will leave 180 more minutes if someone wants to add votes then update (also, it's not like I'm currently at work or anything).

>YWN have a vampire gf who sucks your blood and calls you prey
oh, I've seen some clips of it. megane crazy smoker save me.
how's fromsoft anti-noble knight ?
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>YWN have a vampire gf who sucks your blood and calls you prey

I know. Been into some vampire media lately. It is showing up in the fic I am working on with the girl kind of wanting to taste a bit of MCs blood/thinking it is hot because she is 15 and going through her teen vampire romance phase after being introduced to those kinds of books. Ansarra help me.

Save us all.
anon is horny and probably likes femdom as well.
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Don't mind it at all unless it gets really fucked up. Right now, I am more into more of a gentle dom kind of thing, especially if the girl likes to be on the receiving end as much as the giving end. Switch pride worldwide.

But I will refrain from shitting up the thread more with this stuff. For at least a day or two.

Also, happy 4th of July, you faggots.
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>You use your 91.
>This allows you to win this encounter.
>You lose your banked roll.

# # # # # #

The blows are coming.
You cannot withstand them, not in the conditions your body is, with each breath grating against your ribs like a heated knife. You need to let your training take over, and pray — pray — that Ansàrra may carry your swings. The weight of the cameo against your chest is your guiding light.

The first hit comes from straight above as the hulk dashes forward, trying to push you against the wall, impale you on the hooks dangling from its knuckles.
You skim to the right at the last moment, the metal grazing against your brigandine, ripping through the clothed surface but skimming against the plaques beneath, which easily deal with the blow.

If you are surviving this, you are going to save up for a whole armour set made of tetrarmide.


The hulking figure groans as the swing made it lose its momentum and it skids on the floor — it would be the perfect time to plunge your sword right into his chest, but that’s when he pushes himself up on his trunk-like legs and turning on himself he swings at you with his good arm again.

“Tchh!” You hiss as your stomach clenches, the next hit also striking you in the chest - you feel the pressure reverberating through your ribs and you gasp as pain bursts again, white-hot, clouding your sight—

And the best reaches again, quicker — he wants to end you, and you won’t ever see the Sun again, you won’t ever—


Gritting your teeth, something leads you, pushes you through the breathless pain and makes you turn your body just right, swinging your arm so that it lets you dash beneath the monster’s swinging blow, which misses your head by just a couple inches — and amidst the reek of clammy flesh and rust and the cool glint of porcelain you push your sword through the opening you saw, right beneath the armpit, it’s—

“Hnnghfh!” The brute makes a growl, or perhaps it’s a grunt, you wouldn’t know.

All that you knew was feeling like you pushed your sword deep into soft cured leather. It reminds you of when you used to push down the wort with your feet and it would try to suck you right to the bottom of the barrel.

It’s a strange thought — you haven’t felt anything like that since when you were thirteen, since— the happy times. That final summer.

Perhaps it’s that what is giving you the strength for this.

Rolled 53, 71, 64 + 56 = 244 (3d100 + 56)


# # # # # #

The girl lays on the bed. Her slight chest rises and falls, dragged on by the gentle ties of sleep.

Bit by bit, the soft tide of her breaths hitches, rises, her eyes flutter.

For a moment, just a moment, she opens them — oaken eyes looking at her surroundings. Where is she? No, this is not what where she is supposed to be. Something else is happening. They… they need her.
“You ought to rest now, lady-in-wait,” comes a gruffy old man’s voice. The chaplain.

She would comply. Trying to do anything but what she’s been told to would only push her into deeper trouble. And that is sound advice.

Rather. It would be at any other time.

“-in wait,” she mutters, gritting her teeth. Where are her arms? She can’t feel her arms. She can still feel their warmth. Licking, wavering — like flames. “-can’t wait,” Soralisa da Zaribari whispers.

“Do not make me call the Blessed Blind,” the chaplain warns her, but she has ears only for another kind of voice. Soralisa shuts her eyes, and she tries to plunge deep into herself, to fold herself into that inner world where she can meet Her again where she needs to have her voice heard by the Sun-Birther, she needs to… please, please, pleasepleasplease “…lease”.

The air changes. No more smell of old wood. No more laying on the tilted surface of the carriage.

Soralisa blinks.

She is standing in a field of soft white sand- It seeps through the bones of the ages, structures hanging over her like lost ribcages of the monsters that lie beneath the waves. She looks up at the black towers piercing the sky, their stone as black and as slick as ink.

This is not her inner world, this is—

Your words echo far, child.

Soralisa turns, and blindness swallows her up.

# # # # # #

A last memory of the sun.

“Rraah!” You shout as you pull the sword back, cleaving through the hulking beast’s whole side. The white edge bit through half of the monster’s torso and it pierced its skull. Its cut tongue falls like a wet patch on the floor as it also crouches on both knees, like in prayer, and it ruins next to you, as strange tar-like blood starts to spread about.

The other one snarls and hisses, rearing its back as it rakes its talons against its own body, coating them with the same black substance. Then it takes them out, the hooks now slick with the tarry substance, and it approaches you calmly, ready to strike.

Your heart beats almost fast enough to make you forget about your pain. Your sword seems to howl with the need to cleave through that cursed flesh.

It's now or never.

>Combat Roll: Bo3, 1d100+19, beat at least one of my rolls at the top of this post.
Rolled 76 + 19 (1d100 + 19)

Rolled 28 + 19 (1d100 + 19)

Rolled 86 + 19 (1d100 + 19)

I don't like this, specially with the giant using his blood like some sort of poison.
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fuck yeah



109,127,120 (my rolls)

shame for the dubs, anon. writing in a few minutes.
We were literally saved by the lucky crit
what crit? You rolled a dub, but that gave you a +6. Your crit range is 97-100 and your highest roll was 86. or is there something I miss?
Wait, the crit only works for the rolls before the bonuses ?
the crit range 97-100 works for your natural rolls, of course. So a roll of, say, 90+25 (your usual bonuses) wouldn't trigger it. A roll of say, 97+19 (your current situation) would. The sword just expands the natural critical range of your rolls from nat 100 to 97, other than giving you the ability to cut through most material. Your old axe would have never been able to cleave through the monsters' hands like that.

hope this clarifies things.
alright then, I misunderstood it

Oh fuck this hulk.

No clue how well Salicera is doing right now, but I really wish we had chosen to have her deal with the hulks. If we don't die this round and get another big injury and Hulk 2 keeps its bonus, there is like no chance of us winning a third round. Also wish we had gone with trying for a sanction before going down here. Oh well. RIP Argia, thou shall at least die without me ever having written lewds about you, get to rest without your memory being defiled.
both of them going for a tag team before the head was an option. and tbf, people chose salicera to deal with the head because it was a time bomb and she could deal with it quickly, there's no way to know the head could teleport them. also we could've gone for the giants first before losing time with the small fries.
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You could almost make it.

The first swing, especially promising. You put everything into it, past the pain, past the small black bursts going off at the edges of your vision. You strike at the thing, a blow aimed at his leg. You would skid to the left and let it crash against the wall, you would—

You would have to be just a little bit quicker.

“Ahhh!” You scream as your strike misses his limb, barely. The next blow it’s his, of course. He raises his other leg and hits you straight in the sternum. You collapse like a castle of cards, crumpled in two, barely holding onto your sword. No. You won’t let it go this time.

Then the third. You can hit it in the foot. You can…

“Nhha—” you gasp as the talons instead swipe from your right. Holding up your sword at the last moment you avoid them slicing your head off. Instead, one of the black-coated hooks hits your armour, and it presses against the thin space between your plaques.

And it pierces your skin.

“—hnf,” you can only wheeze and tremble, biting your lips and struggling to keep it away as the heat and pain spreads through your body.

Then you fall to you knees, again.

But this time there is a new sensation spreading straight against your chest, right where the creature is pulling out his talon, a thin line of blood and ichor connecting your flesh to the hook.

It’s already inside you.

The world swims, and you lose your grip and you slip and lie against the floor, your eyes rattling inside your skull, panting like a captured fish.

You have to stand up. You have to fight.

But your body does not move. Whatever it was in those claws it’s pinning you down like a moth skewered by a steel nail.

No. No.

It wasn’t supposed to end like this. There was so much more you could do. For Master.
For your family.

And for your new friends. Ah, Starless Night, you had even started to make some. Rubida opened up to you, Salicera as well.
And you saved Soralisa. Blinking on the floor you almost can see her eyes, her face looking back at you.

You blink.

No, wait. Isn’t that…

Soralisa’s face right before you, looking at you with worry and fret in her large brown eyes. She raises her hands to reach out for yours.


“A-Argia? Can you see me?”

How can—

You reach out to her, your fingers brushing against each other, but it feels like passing through dense warm mist. You blink again—

You are not in the nethermost hall anymore. You are standing atop a cresting wave in the middle of a crystalline sea, bathed in the light of the sun. The cresting wave moves so slowly it’s like watching it in a dream, it has barely started breaking foam. Soralisa stands next to you, squinting her eyes.
“Argia! Are you there?”

You look down. Your chest is still bearing the wound, still spewing black ichor mixed to your own blood, and it still hurts, but here in this place — did you and Soralisa meet in some conjunction inside your inner worlds? Did this happen because you were about to (and your throat tightens) fade?

“I—” you croak. “I am here. I think. Where is—” No, there are better questions. “How are you?” In this place, Soralisa’s arms are as black as coal, but they look human, not their crystallised form that she sported after the botched Sanction.

“—ah! I can hear you. Faintly. It’s hard to see you amidst the trees. I am so elated.”

Trees? She must be in a version of her own.

“Are your arms alright?”

“Never mind that!” Soralisa retorts quickly. “The trees are already starting to cover you, I will be losing you shortly.”

You notice how the slow-moving tide as in fact started to crest. Your feet rest on the ripples of foam as they start to fold inward, like a hand curling its fingers as it counts down.

“I—” you open your mouth to say, but what should you say? That you are sorry you failed? To send someone better next time? To send a final goodbye to your family through Master? “Please tell Mast—”

“She has told me to give you this,” Soralisa frets through the fuzzy link connecting you two, holding out her other hand. Something burns in it. It’s a large flower, red and gold, glowing with a gentle fire, each of its waving petals a live flame. “The Sun-Birther heard my plight. I am sorry for not being there! I wanted to help more… I have tried to…”

You try to reach out and pull Soralisa into a hug, but once again it’s like trying to grasp at fog. The edges of her shape are starting to disappear as well just as the cresting wave tilts forwards.

“Take it!” Soralisa pushes the flower into your hand and you can feel its — weight. It’s like a warm breeze playing with your fingers. You have heard about this flower before. Bragialacra. The burning bloom. Ansàrra’s gift to the fallen, a remembrance inspired by Saint Bragia’s own demise.

Are you one of the fallen already?

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But no, the gentle flame of the flower burns with a heat that inflames your heart, runs through your veins and pushes against the invading chill from the wound. No. No, this was nit meant as a mournful gift, at least not yet.

“She has told me to give it to you. It’s the best I can do… Argia… are you still there? I can’t see you anymore.”

The wave touches the skin of the sea and it explodes into a rising crown of foam. You slowly start to fall into the water.

“Yes! Thank you! I will see you again!” And then, in a rush of bravado, of hope, of faith: “Day will come again!”

“Argia!” Soralisa calls one last time, the foam washes over you, turning everything white and then—

You are laying on the floor once again. The pain and chill is back — each breath feeling talons raking against your ribcage. The acrid and metallic taste of blood in your mouth.

You look at your right hand. It’s holding your weapon and atop it, the burning bloom sears its kind, light into the room, pushing away the white flickering glow of the candle-lit men like the spring flood cleans the rot from the riverbank.

Its warmth fills you. The hulk covers its face, the rictus of his grin turning uncertain. Wonder if he has ever seen the light of the sun? But now a tiny bead of that light has come right here, into the depths of the Seven Sisters’ domain, and it is affirming its right to be there. To help you, one last time.

You are not alone.

With one final effort, you raise on your feet and push yourself in one final charge, pushing your sword towards the dazzled monster, aiming for his chest just like he did with you, the blooming flower at the tip of your sword, turning the white edge into a searing blade of red and gold.

You push against the Night, one last time.

>Bo3, roll 3d100+19+66 (the bonus provided from Ansàrra and delivered by Soralisa, total 1d100+85). DC 120

Don't tell me you forgot about your first friend, anon.
Rolled 60 + 19 (1d100 + 19)

Ansàrra give us strength!

Make that 145. I guess You can't string multiple +X modifiers on 4chan.
>call out for Ansàrra
>gets a 60


also yeah, it's fine it's a 145 total. Now let's see if you get a crit somewhere anon...

... but looks like helping out Soralisa last thread did help you back.
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Rolled 72 + 85 (1d100 + 85)

Guide my rolls Ansarra.

>Magic Sun-Mommy blessed flower

>Causes increasing incurable blindness

>Blessed blind are a thing

>Surely no relation between them.

And yeah, Soralisa is a best. I now have visions of her making out with her old best friend Argia while Rubi is between the formers legs eating her out. Just a friendship gay orgy, of course. Sally can sit and watch in the cuckess chair.
Rolled 28 + 85 (1d100 + 85)

soralisa, thank you sister.
60 is relate to the goddess ?
>Surely no relation between them.
I see why you'd theorise that, but considering that Astoria's eye were described like they were mangled I think it wasn't caused by the flower and more like they were sacrificed in a way. btw that spoiler ruined the wholesome moment, anon. get bonked.
who's that hurt and crazy-looking girl ?
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Soralisa a cute! She really grew on me.

>cuckess chair
the chair is not yet canon, anon, you are not supposed to mention it!

Also yea, thank you Ansàrra very cool, do you think She remembered to pack up some anti-eldritch-venom in that flower? Hmmm... She may have forgotten, hm? Silly Sun-Birther!
>Soralisa a cute! She really grew on me.
on all of us. btw if we didn't help her (or failed to) would she have died or just would be in a worse situation than now ?

>Also yea, thank you Ansàrra very cool, do you think She remembered to pack up some anti-eldritch-venom in that flower? Hmmm... She may have forgotten, hm? Silly Sun-Birther!
shit, so we're not fully cleansed yet.

wait a minute do you really wrote a character that's a willing cuck ?
>60 related

6 is the symbolic number of Ansàrra, and generally things appearing in a pattern of 6. Just like 7 is symbolic to the Seven Sisters and 8 to the Stilladìa. There's a bit more info in the linked lorepasta at the start of the thread if you want.

also, we got our final roll, so I can start working on the update shortly.
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>that cropping

That is a lewd pic right.

Also, the chair, kek. If you do ever make that a thing, I will probably wake my neighbor up with my witch cackle. I mean, like 2 of the 4 characters are going on to be prostitutes for a year, so I would believe there is a sacred cuck chair.

The only 8 Stilly needs to worry about is my straight eight and where it is going. Well, 7.75, but who is counting.

Tsubasa Kazanari from the anime Symphogear. That pic is from season 1. It is fucking amazing if sometimes kitsch-y and I highly suggest you watch it. Also, it is where picrel is from and she is GOAT'd. Picrel also has a loli form if you like those better.

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