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Past Thread: >>6016690
Archive: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Missval
General Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/5hFQZtc3
Character Sheet (As of the end of Thread #2): https://pastebin.com/fSCfX2eH

Your name is Shelly Suzume. You were a Huntress that graduated from Haven Academy a few years back. A recent discovery has left quite an ugly taste in your mouth as of lately. To put it bluntly, you’re suffering from something. Most likely neurological. You’re unsure if it’s a disease, if its permanent, if it can better, etc.

What you’re sure of is that, whatever happened to you is related to a weird technology that was used by some bandits near the city of Kuchinashi, south of the main city where Haven Academy resides.

And to make matters worse? You’re officially dead. At least in all databases surrounding the continent. You’d love to say that you’re still alive in flesh and blood, but with your current condition, well… you have plenty of second thoughts.

Random attacks of rage, violent surges, maybe quite the perturbing look here and there. On a bad day you’re almost sure that you give the vibes of a psychopath (Even when you think you’re acting properly).

And as of now? The only lead you have dwells within this slum of a city, where everyone wants to have something the other one has. Crime is rampant, drugs are everywhere, scams are far more plentiful than food, other hunters are suspiciously gone, and the only thing keeping together are crime families. (You work for one, somewhat, maybe. Its not like you had much of a choice.)

You’d love to dwell more on it. Maybe talk to someone. Heal your head, make people know that you’re still alive, and kicking, and ready to make things right, but you must be smart. Astute. You just can’t stand your ground and declare war on every bad influence around you. Even when you think you can do it. Even when that would make things better. Even when you think you should.

Wait, was it that weird influence again? Shit.
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Nevertheless, the knocking on the door continued again. Three times, as always. A rough male voice could be heard at the other side. Rufus, the man that currently has a speck of a lead for more answers, is currently standing up from his depressing room and walking to open the door. Sulking.

He’s not really that bad of a man, you think. This pains him, its obvious by the way he walks in a half-assed manner, looking at the ground, waiting to be stopped.

And indeed, stopped he was. By your arm. Even as he towered over you by at least one and a half heads, he was still a civilian (Most likely), and far away from his prime days.

Honest people should not feel this way.

You grabbed the handle of the door, sliding it to the side with such force that it almost slammed. On the other side was a group of seven… bandits? Thugs? Mafiosos? Yeah, lets go with a mafia. They all had well made clothes, suits, shirts, and they weren’t exactly dirty. Not your ordinary lowlifes.

The man in front of you recoiled in surprise, almost stumbling back yet still on his feet. He looked at you with a quickly changing expression. Surprise, rage, they were all there. You even felt a tiny bit of amusement due to this. Were you smirking? Hard to tell.

“W-who the hell are you? Where’s Rufus?” the man said, moving closer to you furiously. He had the same tuxedo as the others, a black short hat, beard and orange sunglasses. Any more clenching from his teeth and they would break, you’re sure of that.

“He’s currently not available. Now its my turn to ask something. Why the hell were you all following us?” You answered back with the same anger on your tone of voice. You weren’t sure, but people that usually tailed you almost never had good intentions.

“And why the hell do you care, kid?! You’re absolutely in no position to ask anything OR make demands. Now piss off somewhere else before we…” he continued. You quickly interrupted him, matching his violent tone of voice with yours, feeling the handle of your two swords near your hip.

“Before you what?! Go on, tell me! Push me, I dare you!” you leaned forward, almost as the same time as them. A few clocks of guns could be heard from the people at the back of this. The man in front of you, instead of backing down, decide to move closer to you, inches away from your forehead.

A soft and warm feeling could be felt on top of your left shoulder. It was Rufus. His sulking expression didn’t change at all. “Don’t worry, kid. I’ll take it from here. There’s no need for more violence. No more, please.”

“Rufus, you’re alive! Thank goodness. Now care to tell this bratty child to play with some dolls or something? You and me have business to discuss. The serious and unpleasant kind.” The man in front of you said with clear vile on his tone of voice, spitting to the side. If looks could kill…

>Let the man and Rufus discuss whatever they have to discuss, but stay close. His protection was important. And you could use your enhanced hearing if anything suspicious was cooking.
>Insist on being present on the conversation. You would not let this man intimidate the kind soul that was inside. You feared for his safety, after all.
>As much as you hated being against the wishes of the big man, it would be better to just send the thugs away. Maybe if they knew how dangerous you could be they would live both of you alone.
>Other (Write-in)
>Insist on being present on the conversation. You would not let this man intimidate the kind soul that was inside. You feared for his safety, after all.
>Let the man and Rufus discuss whatever they have to discuss, but stay close. His protection was important. And you could use your enhanced hearing if anything suspicious was cooking.
>Let the man and Rufus discuss whatever they have to discuss, but stay close. His protection was important. And you could use your enhanced hearing if anything suspicious was cooking.

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