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File: 891642819.png (4.09 MB, 1383x2875)
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Select race and location

> Slime girls
> Post Apocalyptic Ruins
File: slimegirlandrezza.png (913 KB, 1000x1000)
913 KB
913 KB PNG

The Slime Girls of Krunkorak live happily frolicking amidst the ruins of the ancient Ork city of Tuhnkamort.

They eat Fresh Leaves with Butter, and raise Cows and Apple Trees.

You are the leader of the Slime Girls, a powerful magical slime called Andrezza.

Your people tell you they see Elves coming from the south with fire in their eyes. The humans from the East also have bad relations with you but for different reasons.

To the west, there is the Vast Ocean, where the Merfolk Queen rules with an iron fist.

To the north there is the Kekaddian Portal, a gateway between worlds, guarded by the Dragon of Eternity. However, the old dragon is very sleepy, so your sneaky slimy scouts can sometimes get through.

What do you want to do?
> Gather Resources
> Exploration
> Construction
> Research Magic
> Diplomacy
> War
> Write in
You took the bait.
I think tranny spammer baited the QM.
damn, one of the first times where the voter was the one who flaked instead of the OP, damn sad to see.

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