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File: CIV game.png (666 B, 197x197)
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A simple CIV clone with concurrent chess like combat and procedurally generated map. No dicerolling besides the map generation which doesn't involve the players.
A turn is done once all players have finished their actions or if the turn has been on for two days. The pace can be discussed further.

Pick a color and a corner. For now only 4 players as this is experimental and the map is quite small.


>Gather resources from your tiles each turn
>Gold is stored
>Food is not stored
>Settlements consume food and units consume gold
>Remaining resources can be spent on buildings or other actions
>Food deficit caps the production of gold from settlements by the available food production
>Gold deficit disables all actions that require gold
>You can expand to any adjacent tile at the cost appropriate to the terrain as long as there is either a settlement or fort within 3 tiles
>Expanding or moving units reveals adjacent tiles which are then rolled for next turn
>Diagonal tiles are not adjacent

More rules in the subsequent posts
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>Buildings cannot be constructed adjacent to hostile units

>Produces 1 food each turn.
>Can be built on controlled plains tile.
>Costs 1 gold.

Fishing Boat:
>Produces 1 food each turn.
>Can be built in a sea tile next to a controlled coastal tile.
>Costs 1 gold.

>Produces 1 gold per level each turn.
>Consumes 1 food per level each turn.
>Can be built on any controlled tile or any uncontrolled tile with a unit.
>Costs 1 gold and 3 food.
>Cost includes tile annexation costs if uncontrolled.
>Each additional level costs 2 gold but costs no food and can be upgraded up to level 9.
>Can be demoted at the cost of 1 gold per level.

>Produces 2 gold.
>Can be built in any controlled mountain tile.
>Costs 1 gold.

>Can be used to build units on it's tile.
>Enemy attacks lower level.
>Can be built on any controlled tile or any uncontrolled tile with a unit.
>Costs 2 gold.
>Cost includes tile annexation costs if uncontrolled.
>Each additional level costs 1 gold more and can be upgraded up to level 9.
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>Uncontrolled tile costs 1 gold.

>Uncontrolled tile costs 3 gold.
>Buildings cost extra 2 gold to construct.

>Uncontrolled tile costs 2 gold.
>Settlements consume 1 additional food each turn.

>Uncontrolled tile costs 2 gold.
>Forts cost 1 gold less to build and upgrade.
>Can be turned into a plains which gives 1 gold if controlled.

>Cannot be annexed.
>Units cost 1 additional gold each turn while at sea.
>Units can move an additional 3 tiles while at sea.
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>Can either move or attack each turn but not both
>Units move adjacently
>Two units cannot be moved to the same tile by the same player

>Can attack any adjacent or diagonal tile.
>Cannot attack other units while on a sea tile.
>Can move 1 tile
>Destroys any unit that moves onto the same tile.

>Can attack any diagonal tile within 2 tiles.
>Cannot attack other units while on a sea tile.
>Can move 1 tile
>Destroys any unit that moves onto the same tile.

>Can attack any tile 2 tiles away.
>Can attack other units while on a sea tile.
>Can move 2 tiles
>Is destroyed if moved onto a tile with another unit.

>QM rolls a d5 and a d20 for each revealed tile
First die:
>1: copy tile to the right
>2: copy tile on the bottom
>3: copy tile to the left
>4: copy tile on the top
>5: use a unique terrain

If first die was 5 or the rolled tile was also empty, roll for terrain
>Second die:
>1-5: plains
>6-8: mountains
>9-10: desert
>11: forest
>12-20: sea
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Here's the map
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Looking at it right now it may be a bit too big actually.
top left
A few other things

>An enemy unit automatically captures territory owned by another state
>Forts must be destroyed in order to be taken down
>Tiles or groups of tiles completely encircled by enemy units is annexed as long as there are no hostile forts or units and not unconquered settlements
>This also applies to tiles or groups of tiles separated by more than two sea tiles from controlled territory if they're somehow connected to enemy controlled territory
>Islands separated by more than two sea tiles are hence immune from auto-annexation unless an enemy force lands there

>Nothing official, but players can negotiate supply of food in a given turn in exchange of gold
>Other things can be promised and negotiated but isn't guaranteed
>Alliances and non-aggression pacts are also unofficial but can be applied by the players themselves

Game Over state
>Once a player no longer has any settlements, forts or units on the map, they automatically lose
>The game is played as long as it goes or if there is only one player left
I recommend getting a trip code as well.
Also a color would be nice. You can even name your state or settlements if you feel like it for ease of use.
>Ioannus Regnum
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Current map

All players will start out with their corner and a balance of 10 gold.

Once the game starts I will roll your surrounding tiles.
I hope the others don't take too long to join.
>Looking at it right now it may be a bit too big actually
Kek. It will take several threads to finish. It's not too late to make it smaller. (Lurker here.)
why not join us ?
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Fine. How about a 16x16 map instead?
Since we're doing last minute balance changes anyways, I'll add a couple clauses here.

>Regular attacks are prioritized over movement
>Units can attack tiles where there are enemy units in the current turn
>The sea tile movement bonus applies within the sea tiles, so if a unit embarks it gets the bonus but if it disembarks without having used all the moves they cannot move.
>In short movement checks if the unit has any moves left that is allowed by it's type and the terrain it is currently on
>Going "through" another unit's tile is allowed for simplicity's sake and will not result in either unit being destroyed
>Forts absorb the damage instead of the unit within it, if there is one
>Enemy forts cannot be moved onto
>If a player has no units left on the board, and either doesn't have a settlement or their territory produces no food, they will get 1 gold per turn to avoid soft-locking
>A negative gold balance is not stored, a deficit is only stored for the turn in question
>Units can be disbanded at any time and give 1 gold if disbanded within own territory
>Settlement demotion doesn't extend into destroying a settlement
>Hostile units in addition of preventing building in adjacent tiles also prevents upgrades, demotions and building of units
>If a player has no units left on the board, and either doesn't have a settlement or their territory produces no food, they will get a minimum of 1 gold per turn to avoid soft-locking
I cry when people talk to me. You talked to me so it made me cry. I can't handle interactions. I took a shot to post my advise because this is going to be the best quest ever.
>Buildings can be upgraded by multiple levels for the equivalent cost
>Units created this turn cannot be moved or used to attack
No one else, really ?
It's a tranny spammer quest and will be abandoned
That's bold of you to assume
join anon, pls
Well for what it's worth the pace can be adjusted depending on how frequently people are able to do their turns.
Top right. Interresting concept.
Yeah we'll see how it goes.
Pick a color as well so I can put your state on the map

Now I've been thinking about it a bit and I think that the pikemen could be allowed to move diagonally as well to make the game a bit less tedious and make the bowman a little less powerful. Still can move only 1 tile in total at base.
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Wait I'm retarded; my name should be SeptentriEast
nice, just 2 more anons now.
QM, I'd advise to advertise in the /qtg/ thread. It's a great player catcher.
this, advertise your quest man

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