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Your name is Johan. You are a taxi driver. At least that's what you tell yourself.
Memory isn't your strong suit.

Needless to say life has been strange recently, always taking the bend in the road towards that ever so elusive ending.

Feelings and thoughts both mix as a strange cacophony within the mind. Always going faster and faster with each moment.

Wearily, and almost lacking emotion, you go back to bed for a fitful rest after the events of the last two days.

>Dream (Johan will not recall this dream, but it will likely both help and hinder him subconsciously in the future).
>Do not (Johan will be well rested but won't feel as much in touch with certain attributes, for better or worse).
Welcome back to One Life. A quest that was intended to be a one-shot, it's getting a second thread that will likely be shorter than the last.
Updates are once a day unless I'm too busy or tired.

Last Thread: http://thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2024/6013758/
>Dream (Johan will not recall this dream, but it will likely both help and hinder him subconsciously in the future)

This seems interesting.
>Dream (Johan will not recall this dream, but it will likely both help and hinder him subconsciously in the future).
>Dream (Johan will not recall this dream, but it will likely both help and hinder him subconsciously in the future).

Rolled 88 (1d100)

You close your eyes and let a dream spurn itself.

The feeling of falling down gently takes you. Different colors coalesce into each other, all vying for influence.
With a sudden thought, you start to rise through the confusion. Faster and faster, you ascend once again. Familiarity greets you as like an old friend, guiding you into an upward feeling.

And in this great symphony of light, you can hear...
An alarm waking you up. You've almost forgotten that you set it up. What time was it, again?

>It was time to go to sleep again. You're taking a day to rest.
>The Witching Hour. It seemed like a good idea at the time (Warning, taking this option will make Johan very tired for the rest of the day if he remain up, due to previously waking up at this time before).
>Eight-thirty in the morning, just in time for your usual routine.
Don't worry about the roll there, it's not really important. If there was a crit or a crit fail I would've just shown some flashbacks to certain parts of the last thread.
>The Witching Hour. It seemed like a good idea at the time (Warning, taking this option will make Johan very tired for the rest of the day if he remain up, due to previously waking up at this time before).
>Eight-thirty in the morning, just in time for your usual routine.
>The Witching Hour

Eight-Thirty A.M

Will give it until later tonight before I start writing, any anons feel free to vote until then.
>Eight-Thirty A.M
Forgot to greentext this, and 4chan isn't allowing me to delete the post and redo it.
Sorry anons, due to something urgent popping up I haven't been able to update tonight. I'll try to do so tomorrow.
Rolled 1 (1d2)

>1 The Witching Hour - Take Two
>2 Keep It Consistent

Writing. Might take a bit.
Another Witching Hour.

You rub your eyes, and with a groan you turn off the alarm clock. Despite really feeling the exhaustion now, you still power through it. You stand up, and turn on the lights, eyes blinking and straining to adjust from the change in brightness.

The hotel is quiet, you can hear the singing of the crickets and it surprises you how they're still alive despite the cold weather. Looking around the room shows nothing particularly concerning, even going as far as to check under your bed and behind the furniture. You decide to open the curtains and look outside again, and are greeted once again by nothing except the lights from the outside. It's both too bright inside and too dark outside to see anything of interest.

Sighing and turning the lights back off, you wait for your eyes to adjust again to get a clearer picture of the outside. As you do so you can't help but feel like you're going to fall back asleep at any minute now. You try to keep yourself awake by humming a familiar tune that you can't put a name on but it ends up almost backfiring and making you more tired. And like before, you can hardly make out anything outside due to the darkness enshrouding much of everything. There are a few lights here and there, and a sidewalk can barely be seen if you look from a certain angle, but otherwise there isn't much that can be helpful.

You're awake now, and it's still dark out.

>Go outside again, like you did last time. Surely something different will happen this time around? Maybe you could check your taxi again?
>Take a drive outside. You may be tired, but it could be interesting.
>Return to bed. You shouldn't even be up right not. (Do you want to get up at the usual time, or at some other hour?)
And happy 4th of July to all the Yankees!
>Go outside again, like you did last time. Surely something different will happen this time around? Maybe you could check your taxi again?
>Go outside again, like you did last time. Surely something different will happen this time around? Maybe you could check your taxi again?

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