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Space. The Final Frontier, or so some sailors call it. Beyond the outermost lip of the Earth, there is a black emptiness. The Prime Material Plane is, they say, suspended in an endless void. To those with the eyes to see it, through, and the means to survive it, there is so much more. In the skies above, there are Holy Lun and Holy Sol: the spheroid satellite-worlds of the Eladrin, or High Elves, and their divine creators. Beyond even these is the firmament—a great sphere, speckled with rotating stars. Beyond the firmament, above and below it, are the Divine Realms—the Heavens above and the Hellish Realms below.

And to some, a select few, even THAT frontier is not final.

Your name is Ezreal Mious Van Houtzmann, half-human child of the Sylvan Elves of Dappulyet, Apprentice to the Archmage of Hawksong, and self-proclaimed Seeker of the Esoteric… And you are currently a little out of your depth.

You are presently suspended in just such a ‘place beyond’: in the aether-flooded ‘space-between-spaces’ which exists just outside of the firmament, yet not amongst the hosts of Heaven or of Hell. Rather, you float amongst the Elemental planes: realms of purest Fire, Air, Water, and Earth, which touch upon each-other across dimensions beyond the three which define your usual perceptual reality. An earlier brush with these same planes (and no small amount of study and practice, it must be said) ahs gifted you the ability to survive here…

>0/5 MP

…But not to navigate this strange space freely, nor to escape it now that you are here, and drained of all magic. The young woman floating before you in this strange space brought you here, clad in black, has the means to take you both back from whence you came. Her name is Izirina Henzler (though she was born with another), and she is both your master’s adoptive daughter and the woman you love. Or, well, one of two.

…Or should you now say ‘three’?
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In Izirina’s alms, she holds a smouldering flame, the centremost ember of which bears vaguely and unsettling anthropomorphic form: a tiny, burning woman, dimensions subtly wrong and twisted—a demon. This spent and helpless creature is ALSO Izirina Henzler… In a way. It is the leftovers of a demonic taint which you long ago helped Izirina purge herself of, and which took on life and consciousness all its own in the intervening years. It—she—took up study with a servant of the abhorrent and abyssal Gods of Darkness, and sought to reclaim with violence the life and love which the ‘real’ Iziirna had taken from her. Through love, understanding, and diplomacy, you seemed to broker a peace between them…

Only for the shriveled husk of a fairy which YOU hold in YOUR palms to ruin everything.

Queen Banelight of the Unseelie Fey came with you here in search of power. You’d planned to betray her and execute her for her crimes against the people of Earth, and to prevent her perpetrating more, before for that shadow-of-Izirina to appear and provide unexpected complications. The resultant conflict is what left both these strange beings at your mercy, the human Izirina Henzler’s font of power severed, and your own reserves of arcane energy utterly expended.

“What do we do?” Izirina asks.

It’s a good question. Your allies, the lycanthropic elf Oncyth and the minotaur Baajaban, both await your return in the Unseelie Relam If you return now, though, neither of you are in any state to take on a small army of furious fairies, when they realize what has become of their queen. You could flee to your base of operations at Old Mapel Hill, back on Earth… But then those two will be helpless captives.

“It’s a good question,” you admit with a sigh. “I’m not really sure… But I think we might be holding the answer.”

You both look down at the beings in your hands—fairy and demon, both unseemly creatures in their own way, and unpredictable, both at Death’s own door.

What will you do?
>Use Banelight’s energies—and those of the Elemental Planes—to reinvigorate Izirina’s demonic shadow
[This will leave Izirina without energy as well, and thus both of you will be at her shadow’s mercy, while the shadow will be more powerful than ever]
>Absorb Banelight into yourself, while Izirina does likewise with her shadow-self
[This will permanently affect both of you, making you more powerful but less human (or elfin), and restoring your MP]
>Return to the Unseelie Realm, and try to trade Banelight for safe passage
[Risky, but less so for Oncyth and Baajaban than...]
>Return to Old Maple Hill, to recover and regroup
[Safest for you and Izzy]

[For anyone just joining us, or who needs a refresher on past events, see https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=reptoidqm]
>Absorb Banelight into yourself, while Izirina does likewise with her shadow-self

>Absorb Banelight, then use power/MP gained to heal Shadow Izirina with Cure Wounds or some other spell.

Can we do this?

Banelight is a downright evil chaotic creature, but there may be some hope for Shadow Izirina and we did just say we love her so... Sacrifice a bit of our humanity to heal her I'd say. Izirina and Co can hopefully help keep us grounded even with Banelight's corrupting influence.
long time no see, wuxian
It'd be interesting if we could, since both Izzys should decide about this together, ideally
>Can we do this?
[Yes, indeed you can! It would eve given you enough energy to <Clone> her a body, if that's still your primary plan.]
Ok then

>Absorb Banelight, then use power/MP gained to heal Shadow Izirina with Cure Wounds.
>>Clone her a body and regroup at Maple Hill.
>>Absorb Banelight into yourself, while Izirina does likewise with her shadow-self
Full morally grey road here we go.
We can say without lying that "something went wrong, now we're Banzreal and you king suckers.

>Use Banelight’s energies—and those of the Elemental Planes—to reinvigorate Izirina’s demonic shadow
I feel legitimately bad about the Jade Aura thing- I hope we can still make them sisters, despite our failings.
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[I may have time for another update today, but with this being so close, I think I'll leave it up for a while longer. Worst case, I'll update after work tomorrow.]
No chance we’re leaving baajaban or oncyth behind.

Using Banelight’s energy to resurrect shadow izzy could work. She did seem friendly enough.
>Absorb Banelight into yourself, while Izirina does likewise with her shadow-self
We never were going to see Iternalgreyn again anyways. A goodberry isn’t enough.

Alright stick with the clone plan after we absorb Banelight
You look down at what’s left of the alternate Izirina—the one you abandoned, failed, and hurt. None of that was your intention, but it’s the reality… And a goodberry won’t provide enough energy to fix what’s gone wrong with your plan. To fully restore an utterly-depleted demon (a fragment of a demon, if you understand correctly) will take so much more than that. It will take all the magic at your disposal, fully rested and restored, and then some.

But you have a means to achieve that.

“Izzy,” you say, “I’m going to… Try something. Something unorthodox.”

Izirina looks up sharply, saying nothing.

“I’m going to use the <Riet of Attunement> to absorb Banelight’s energies,” you explain. “To make them… A part of me.”

Izirina says nothing, though you see her eyes widen and nostrils flare ever so slightly in obvious surprise and alarm.

“I need to set this right,” you explain. “But… But you should have a berry, too. We’ll need our energy.”

You reach for one, still on your person. Your robes have attuned to you, and many of your belongings—being purely material—are largely inaccessible in this form. Not the goodberries, though—or ‘moonberries’, as many at Old Maple Hill have taken to calling then. Their origin renders them effectively enchanted, and attuned, so you can grasp them, even as your hand passes through your newly-purchased sidesword.

(Good thing you didn’t try to use THAT…)

You hand the berry to Izirina, who accepts it silent, chewing and swallowing it.

>2/4 Goodberries remain on your person

Only when she’s done does she finally respond, saying:

“Are you sure, Tips?”

“I am.”

“But what if she… What it changes you?”

“It will,” you admit, looking down with distaste at the tiny, greyish thing in your hands—faintly humanoid, yet curled up and encysted. “But she wont’ turn me ‘evil’ or ‘dark’. That’s not… She didn’t become this way because of some underlying nature. It was her choices that twisted her like this. I have to believe I’ll still be ME, when it’s one. Just… Different. And this way, at least I can make this right.”
Izirina looks down at her own cradled not-quite-corpse, held in her own cupped hands. Her brown furrows, and you can practically read her thoughts: could she do the same, reintegrating this cast-off and demonically-corrupted section of herself, perhaps even sparing you the transformation in her stead.

“We shouldn’t decide that for her,” you say gently. “She should… BOTH of you should make that decision together, if you ever do.”

“I don’t think I could, anyway,” Izirina admits, voice heavy with guilt and apology. “I’m sorry, it’s just… SHE’S just… She’s everything I’ve been trying to change, toe scape. Even letting her keep on… CONTINUING as she is…”

“I understand,” you say, truthfully, for you know how hard she's been trying to change herself for your sake... And her own well-being. “It’s okay.”

Izirina looks to you with love and gratitude in her eyes, mixed with worry.

“You know that whatever happens to you, I’ll always be there, right?” she says, almost comically serious. “I’ll never, ever let you go. Not… Not if you don’t want me to.”

You smile at her, knowing that this strange, eerily-literal and painfully-serious woman completely means it… And you’re grateful, too.

“I’ll see you on the other side,” you joke.

Izirina nods, wordless, and you begin.

Normally, the <Rite of Attunement> leave you drained—as with any powerful magical ritual. A you perform it this time, though, with what remains of the Unseelie Queen Banelight clutched close to your chest, you do not feel depleted, but invigorated. Your already-aethereal form seems to grow lighter and lighter as you dance, more sprightly and limber. Moving through this magic-rich realm becomes second nature, and as energy enervated your appendages and your aura swells, you dance faster, and faster. The sacred song of your people rises in volume, in octave, until you are crying it with joy, and glee. And when it’s finally done…

>6/6 MP

…You feel better than you ever have. More powerful, more energetic, more… Complete. You laugh, a swell of relief washing over you and sweeping away the stress, guilt, and uncertainty. You feel… You feel FREE, well and TRULY free!

“Ezreal,” Izzy gasps, as you finally stop your song and dance, breathing hard. “You… You’re…”

You hold up your now-emptys hands to stop her, shaking your head. You’ll find out what the transformation means for you soon enough, you’re sure. For now, you need to grapple with the suddenly influx of aeons of experience and understanding pouring into your comparatively young, infinite, and mortal braincase. There’s only so much you can take in at once—only so much you can parse. You allow much of what Banelight was-is?—to simply flow through you, dissipating into Death’s Domain or wherever else might take her.

Two spells, though, stick with you:

>Demiplane: Allows you to control and shape a small extradimensional space, according to your energy levels and capacity; it can be expanded over time, through concerted ritual effort, and made more and more elaborate as time passes
>Energy Drain: You can siphon away the magical energies of a target to fuel your own reserves of MP and HP, weakening a foe and strengthening yourself
>True Illusion: You can disguise yourself against all but the truest sight, hiding your true form behind any number of alternate appearances, from Man or Elf to beast or bird, though this does not convey their inherent abilities
>Geas: You can form a nigh-unbreakable pact with a target, through mutual agreement, such that they cannot break without risking severe damage to their body and soul (though that goes both ways)
>Dancing Lights: Your Faerie Fire spell now can form multiple semi-autonomous lights, akin to summoned elementals of your own fairy energy; these can serve as sources of illumination, as distraction, or as messengers, as they can even carry your voice and travel between planes
>Miasma: You can create and control a foul, fell wind which can buoy and lift you, granting flight, or blow about enemies; affected foes are weakened, increasing the DC of their rolls and decreasing the difficulty of rolls against them
>Command: A targeted creature can be made to obey against their will, though they remain entirely aware and cognizant during the process; this can be imbued into an object, as well, to make the effect more-or-less permanent
>SPECIAL—True Fey: Not a special, but a state of being: you can now switch between physical and aethereal forms at will, without spending MP, and completely cease aging; you also gain immunity to biological reagents and diseases, as you are no longer truly biologcial

Only two, please
I would like to add that Izzy’s currently most vile act - that of forcing a pregnancy onto herself and Ezreal as to maintain her grip on the relationship - happened when Izzy did not have the demonic taint on her.
>Demiplane: Allows you to control and shape a small extradimensional space, according to your energy levels and capacity; it can be expanded over time, through concerted ritual effort, and made more and more elaborate as time passes

I think the goal quest has been leaning this way for a while now. Izzy has been talking about her dreams of a demi plane for years.

And more practically once we take back the star we'll need somewhere to put without it being stolen.

>Energy Drain: You can siphon away the magical energies of a target to fuel your own reserves of MP and HP, weakening a foe and strengthening yourself

We need a direct combat spell, right now all our attack spells come from our staff. And we are going to have to fight the unseelie fey soon.
I think her most vile act was potentially getting costela, tips and herself killed by banishing them to the plans during our first rite of attunement.

Baby trapping ezreal and using costella to do it, isn't as bad as playing Russian roulette with our lives.
>Demiplane: Allows you to control and shape a small extradimensional space, according to your energy levels and capacity; it can be expanded over time, through concerted ritual effort, and made more and more elaborate as time passes
>Miasma: You can create and control a foul, fell wind which can buoy and lift you, granting flight, or blow about enemies; affected foes are weakened, increasing the DC of their rolls and decreasing the difficulty of rolls against them
neat, ezreal has finally become a "true" elf
the pregnancy thing was worse, because of the rapey vibes during that last part to silence cossy and have us impregnate her. while the plane hijack was pretty dangerous, she knew we could use it and as such held we 3 at "gun point". pretty bad but it doesn't match the 1st one.
[Sorry, perhaps I should clarify since formatting possibly made it unclear: Though it's not a spell per se, you musts till select "true Fey" as one of your options to attain that status.]
I vaguely recall her not knowing all the particulars of that? While in this one she know completely.
really now, well changing my vote to:
>Demiplane: Allows you to control and shape a small extradimensional space, according to your energy levels and capacity; it can be expanded over time, through concerted ritual effort, and made more and more elaborate as time passes
>SPECIAL—True Fey: Not a special, but a state of being: you can now switch between physical and aethereal forms at will, without spending MP, and completely cease aging; you also gain immunity to biological reagents and diseases, as you are no longer truly biologcial
>Energy Drain: You can siphon away the magical energies of a target to fuel your own reserves of MP and HP, weakening a foe and strengthening yourself
Lack of MP always was our greatest weakness.

>SPECIAL—True Fey: Not a special, but a state of being: you can now switch between physical and aethereal forms at will, without spending MP, and completely cease aging; you also gain immunity to biological reagents and diseases, as you are no longer truly biologcial

Aethereal form is really good. Saved us far too many times than we could count.

am >>6050477
[ Also, if anyone so desires, Watcher from the Core is running an informal site survey: http://poal.me/e5o7c4 ]
>Energy Drain: You can siphon away the magical energies of a target to fuel your own reserves of MP and HP, weakening a foe and strengthening yourself
Finally, we won't be out of fights after 1 or 2 spells

>SPECIAL—True Fey: Not a special, but a state of being: you can now switch between physical and aethereal forms at will, without spending MP, and completely cease aging; you also gain immunity to biological reagents and diseases, as you are no longer truly biologcial
>Demiplane: Allows you to control and shape a small extradimensional space, according to your energy levels and capacity; it can be expanded over time, through concerted ritual effort, and made more and more elaborate as time passes

>Energy Drain: You can siphon away the magical energies of a target to fuel your own reserves of MP and HP, weakening a foe and strengthening yourself
>>Geas: You can form a nigh-unbreakable pact with a target, through mutual agreement, such that they cannot break without risking severe damage to their body and soul (though that goes both ways)
This might be good at controlling demons without affecting their personalities
>SPECIAL—True Fey: Not a special, but a state of being: you can now switch between physical and aethereal forms at will, without spending MP, and completely cease aging; you also gain immunity to biological reagents and diseases, as you are no longer truly biologcial
What does no longer being biological mean? Would banishment spells or magic items that seal away spirits work on us? Would we take extra damage from cold iron?
[It's a reasonable assumption, yes. Tips would become, for all intents and purposes, a True Fey, with all their strengths and weaknesses.]
>Demiplane: Allows you to control and shape a small extradimensional space, according to your energy levels and capacity; it can be expanded over time, through concerted ritual effort, and made more and more elaborate as time passes
>Energy Drain: You can siphon away the magical energies of a target to fuel your own reserves of MP and HP, weakening a foe and strengthening yourself

Im not keen on becoming a fey spirit in place of a powerful spell. For one thing fey can't have children normally so we might become infertile if we become one. And spirit's can be summoned if their true name is known (that's why "banelight" went by a title since that was definitely was not her birth name.)

And fey and spirit's in general have specific racial weaknesses like that chest we gave the archmage. That can be exploited (The rod could paralyze us or the neme. But the chest can seal sprits away for eternity.)
Considering that breeding won’t be that much of a problem to us due to our knowledge, only the other cons would be a real problem.
If we are taking magic into consideration what's even the benefit? The spells don't come with any risks or drawbacks
[There are upsides, downsides, and other tidbits I can't share without spoilers and swaying the voter one way or the other, so I'll just do a quick refresh on what Tips knows of the True Fey.]

[True Fey can't be hurt or killed with mundane weapons, are resistant to radiant damage, are immune to poisons, toxins, and diseases, cannot be easily perceived by even mortal mages unless they know Feycraft or a specialized, rare spell like Theral's See Invisibility (a direct divine boon from the Nothic's master) or have a powerful relic like the Glasses of True Seeing from Reptilian Infiltrator (which was a High Magic artefact); in addition, they don't need to eat or sleep, and never grow old or die of old age.]

[Tips can get some of the combat benefits of this already, but none of the lifelong (or life-extending benefits), and sixths would allow him to also enter and exit his True Fey-esque state (Improved Aethereal Form) at will, with no cost. The bigger factor is that it is a shortcut to nigh-immortality without the drawbacks that, for instance, the Archmage has seemingly experienced in trying to achieve even a near-elven lifespan.]
> For one thing fey can't have children normally so we might become infertile if we become one.
That’s one way of avoiding that prophecy, I guess. And also to shut up Nenaias.

>And spirit's can be summoned if their true name is known (that's why "banelight" went by a title since that was definitely was not her birth name.)
That - is - a problem. Especially if we do decide to marry Costella and our full title and name gets revealed to all that are present.

Does “Tips” count as a true name?

> That can be exploited (The rod could paralyze us or the neme. But the chest can seal sprits away for eternity.)
The rod already paralyzed us. If we get hit again we’re fucked either way.
>>Demiplane: Allows you to control and shape a small extradimensional space, according to your energy levels and capacity; it can be expanded over time, through concerted ritual effort, and made more and more elaborate as time passes
>>Energy Drain: You can siphon away the magical energies of a target to fuel your own reserves of MP and HP, weakening a foe and strengthening yourself

True Fey is an highway to trouble.
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[Locked and writing!]
As a flood of sensory memories and vague recollections swirl about your overtaxed mind, you reach out grasp that which calls out to you. Knowing that there is combat to come, you seize first and foremost upon that technique by which even a weakened Banelight nearly destroyed an elementally-empowered Shadow-Izirina: <Energy Drain>. Long has the limitation of finite aura held back your ability in battle. NOW, you can both weaken your foes AND energize your staff-stored <Lightning Bolt> and <Magic Missile>. The unseelie won’t know what hit them!

But as for that which remains… Well, that gives you pause. You know instinctively somehow that if you were to take on the full breadth of Banelight’s metaphysical spectrum, and to integrate it into your being as you once had the aethereal ‘emptiness’ between the Planes, you could truly ascend beyond base biology and become as she was: a True Fey. To do so would, in some ways, be a culmination of all that you have chased: an escape from disease, from aging, from starvation and want. You would be purified, beyond even the reach of the God of Death, provided you were careful to avoid mystical adversaries who could eliminate you as you had Banelight herself!

…But what, then of your humanity? And what of the humans—and other mortals, for that matter—whom you love? If you become a True Fey, a member of the Bonum Chaoticum, what would be your reward?

To outlive Izirina, and Costella, not by decades or centuries, by millennia? To outlive your children? Your grandchildren? To lose yourself, as Banelight and the Unseelie Court have done? And what of the practical concerns—the vulnerabilities which come with such status, to cold iron, to anti-magic weaponry, and to the magic of ‘True Names’? What even IS your TRUE name, now?

With great reluctance, you feel the potential of ascendance flow into you… And pass through, en route to whatever fate awaits the fairy from whom you might have taken this treasure. Instead, you seize upon that which Izirina Henzler has long sought, and which might ebenfit you more immediately--a prize no less grand, in many ways, and a legacy which might yet outlast you all, and benefit the many rather than you alone:


You open your eyes at last, having cleared your mind of the overabundance of information, with wheat sorted finally from chaff. Even so, you feel full to bursting. It isn’t uncomfortable, but rather like you have expanded in some dimension you cannot quite conceptualize, but can nevertheless feel. Your senses are sharper, you mid faster, your body more fluid.

“…What?” you ask, when you finally notice Izzy staring.

“Look at your hands,” she says simply.
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You feel a pang of dread, but oblige, looking down at your digits… And find them pale. The work at old Maple Hill, and you stint in the Goblin Wastes beforehand, had left you rather tan for a gentleman of Sylvan and Northman heritage, if not exactly a rival to the Neme or Drow. Now, though, you are pale—moon-pale, so white as to rival the Lunar Eladrin with whom you had stayed. You think you feel yourself go paler still, as a chill crawls up your spine.

“What else?” you ask Izzy.

“Your eyes,” she supplies, understanding you. “The sclera is black. The, um… Your eyes are purple, too.”


“Violet, I think,” she clarifies. “And… Glowing.”


“Do you feel alright?” Izirina asks.

“You mean, do I feel like cackling wickedly about my imminent world domination? Threatening to turn people into slaves or appetizers?”

Izirina frowns, and admonishes you: “Take this seriously.”

“I am,” you sigh. “And I do. Feel ‘alright’, that is. I… I feel the same.”

But you’re not, of course. Something has changed, but not with your morality, or your mindset. There is a continuity there. Whatever you have become, you are still YOU… Still Ezreal Mious Van Hotuzmann, still Tips.

Immediately, yous et about retrieving your staff, the <Archmage’s Gift> to you, before it drifts too far away and is lost evermore. With it, you quickly cast <Stabilize> upon the shivering shard of Izirina’s Shadow, bringing the both of you a great relief.

“We should make her a body,” you note, looking down upon her unconscious, ephemeral form.

“We should deal with the Unseelie Fey first,” Izirina says.

“She could help us,” you consider.

“Or complicate things,” Izirina counters.

“Izzy… Not to be, ah, indelicate, but it’s not as if you haven’t been ‘compciated’ at times, even without her influence.”

Izzy stiffens at this accusation, but she is too intelligent (and too aware of her failings, by now) to deny it.

“Just imagine what the embodiment of all those… Errors of judgement, and impulses… What SHE must be like?”

You frown, and she seems to pick up on your emotions, quickly amending:

“I-I’m not saying we abandon her, obviously. Just… Maybe we should be careful about the SORT of body we construct for her.”

“The soul affects the body, and the body affects the soul,” you recall, reflecting on what you have learned across these years of study and experimentation.

“Exactly,” Izzy agrees.
You HAD been considering some Chimericism, if only to differentiate the ‘Izirina Sisters’ in some way. Ingredients are limited at present, though—there’s really only Izirina Henzler to work with.. And yourself. You could keep the Alter-Izzy safe until finding suitable ‘ingredients’ to craft her a body… But that would mean that you, the regular Izzy (still weakened and depleted), and your allies Oncyth and Baajaban would be facing the few-dozen Unseelie who remain alone.

(But then again.. You DO have total control of their power source, and the demiplane they dwell in, and a new combat spell to try out…)

What will you do?
>Create a body for Izirina’s Shadow which is a double of Izzy’s own
>Combine yours and Izzy’s essence into a chimeric ‘offspring’, and embed the demon-essence within
>Keep the demon dormant for now, and go to face the Unseelie as you are now
>Combine yours and Izzy’s essence into a chimeric ‘offspring’, and embed the demon-essence within
make one of her canines slightly bigger, just for the charm point and make her eyes like ours, but green iris instead of purple.
>Keep the demon dormant for now, and go to face the Unseelie as you are now
We need all the MP we could get. We’ll get her a body after the area is secure.

Our change does complicate things a little, but no matter. Our original plan can still go-ahead.

Lie to the unseelie that Banelight is still in the elemental planes gathering energy. For our efforts in helping her she made us become more elf.

Tell them we’d rather teleport everyone all at once to meet with Banelight rather than individually since it is dangerous (we’re not lying about that part)

Form a circle like before when we did the rite.

Greater Disjunction everyone and then have our allies wipe them out.

>Create a double of Izzy’s own body
>Create a double of Izzy’s own body

Carrzzi was a good fighter, demon izzy should have at least some spellcasting and combat ability. We should bring her along.
>>Keep the demon dormant for now, and go to face the Unseelie as you are now
>Keep the demon dormant for now, and go to face the Unseelie as you are now
>Create a body for Izirina’s Shadow which is a double of Izzy’s own
With Energy Drain we could drain some from this plane for fuel, right?
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[Close one, but I'm going to go ahead and lock and write!]
Rolled 20, 2, 15, 4, 7, 6, 10 = 64 (7d20)

Izzy’s right about the dangers involved in this devilish duplicate, of course. Just thinking back to Carazzi’s assault upon you when you retrieved her from your master, The Archmage, is enough to make your skin crawl… Yet, in thinking back to Carazzi, are you not ALSO reminded of how decisive and deadly her unholy arts could be, when properly channeled and directed?

“I think we’re safer with her by our side than not.”

Izirina’s posture and expression inform you she feels decidedly differently, but she doesn’t object aloud. Instead, accepting your decision, the goal-oriented mage becomes to make a plan to minimize risk, and maximize utility.

“Wel if you think it’s best, we could probably use Chimericism to make her a vessel like your own,” she notes, looking you up and down with renewed appreciation, likely with her mage’s sight. “The flow of divine ‘aura’ through your own natural pathways is remarkable… And maybe the ‘fairy’ aspect will offset the, you know… Demonic proclivities of, uh…”


Izzy looks at you with renewed confusion.

“It didn’t save Banelight’s soul, did it?” you point out. “Or any of the other Unseelie that we’re going back to… To HANDLE. And giving her so much power, without proper planning, before we fully understand her…”

“You’re right,” iziirna readily agrees, in light of your framing. “Good thinking, Tips.”

You have a secondary motivation which you dare no speak aloud: that of your relationship to this alternate Izzy. It’s not that you necessarily WANT to pursue anything romantic with this succubus-spawned offshoot of the woman you love. Being nearly crushed in the elemental coils of a serpentine Izirina wasn’t exactly a great ‘first date’. But, well… The idea of embodying something with Izirina’s memories of making love in a form which could be rightly categorized as your ‘offspring’ is viscerally off-putting in a way you can’t quite place, even if the particualrs are rather different from biological reproduction or conventional ‘child-rearing’.

(Your dynamic with Carazzi is troubling enough for one lifetime, thanks.)
It takes some practice, but between your affinity for Elementalism and your new <Energy Drain> spell, you are able to siphon the extraplanar energies of the adjoining planes into yourself. Here, where the boundaries are thinnest, it is easy—almost TOO easy, threatening to overwhelm you even as you attempt to serve as simply a ‘prism’ for the power, to be rapidly redirected into the ‘resurrection’ of the nearly-destroyed demon. You pour the excess energy into <clone>, placing a hand upon Izirina and drawing out from her the fundamental biological material of her being. It is only your second-ever attempt at cloning a human or demihuman—if goblinoids even count—let alone placing a demon in a vessel less naturally magic-resistant than the tissues of one such as Zith-Zi.

You look down at the emptied-eyed visage of Izirina’s soulless replica, without the inner electricity of Elemental Attunement, nor even Izzy’s innate intensity. Her beige-skinned body, naked as if newborn yet fully formed and adult, floats aimlessly. She—it—blinks automatically, and breathes, but though its heart beats, it is without true awareness, purpose, or curiosity: this Izirina, unlike the Shadow, shows now interest in the radiance or roaring winds of the Planes of Fire and Air, nor for you, or even her origin-point.

“It’s… A little eerie,” you admit. “Izzy, are you—"


You watch as Izrina orbit around her soulless simulacrum, reaching out to spread her eyelids, to poke and prod and grope, to move limbs and check teeth and tongue. The double recoils slightly, but without much werewithal; quickly, it submits to examination.

(Well, you guess you don’t need to be worried about Izzy being weirded out… Yet.)

You take in your hands the still-static form of the recharged Shadow. Though it pulses with power, it has not yet awakened—the shock and trauma of your injurious attempt to save the Other Izirina from Banelight’s predations ahs not wholly worn off, perhaps. The guilt for your foolishness is no small part of your motivation to make right what you have done wrong… Even at great risk.

“Here goes nothing,” you say.

You have no gods to pray to—none who you believe would wish to have any part of this, anyway—as you direct the demon-seed into the vessel you have created.

Nothing happens for a moment, and then…


The body twitches and spasms, hands grasping gormlessly, eyes rolling, and teeth chattering. The original Izirina quickly backs off, readying to cast a spell of protection; you signal her to stop, for you know her stored energies are still just barely enough to get the two of you—the THREE of you—back to the Unseelie Realm. Together you watch with bated breath as the even breathing turns into a deep, hungry gasp for air that isn’t there—for life that has just begun. A heart that merely beat now thunders, pumping blood that floods with hormones of fear and exhilaration. Eyes open to reveal slit pupils and a wave of golden-green scales ripples across the duplicate’s body: once, twice, rising and fading away into the skin.

“What’s happening?” Izirina—the first, true (?) Iziirna asks, disgust and fear returning. “We… We used my biological material. I don’t have the chimeric plague anymore. She shouldn’t—”

“The soul affects the body,” you remind her. “We severed her from you while curing you and Costella of that. The anxiety around the ‘dragon pox’ that was infected the two of you… It’s a part of her.”

Izirina says nothing, but is obviously uncomfortable. You reach out, and take her hand; she clasps it tight, and together you watch the process complete.

This Izirina’s nails are claws for a time, as Carazzi’s are. Her tognue lashes out as she screams, and bifurcates at the tip, snake-like. Her hair becomes as writhing serpents, grotesque; she sprouts a tail, only to shed it. She claws and scratches at her body, ripping away layers of scaly skin which float about her like a gory, grotesque halo, body her flesh mends and reshapes until finally… FINALLY…

There is only Izirina Henzler—a second Izirina Henzler, so identical in face and feature that even YOU can only tell them apart by use of your Tower-trained supernatural senses.

“I’m… I’m alive?” she asks, patting at her naked body, and looking down ina we at her hands. “I’m… Human?”
“Outwardly,” Izirina mutters, squeezing your hand tighter.

“I’m sorry,” you blurt out, as you finally allow the guilt to find its release in sheer relief. “The <Jade Aura>, I didn’t know… I didn’t think it would affect the subject it was cast upon that—"

Before you can finish, the other Izirina hurls herself upon you, slamming into you with force and wrapping her arms around you. Her nakedness presses against you, but you are too startled, too happy, to be aroused. Belatedly, you realize some of the happiness must be hers—the Shadow’s—in a much more benign form of the psychic pressure which Carazzi can exert.

“Thank you,” she whispers, clinging to you. “Thank you, Tips. I love you so much… I’ve missed you so, SO much!”

“I… Uh…”
You freeze up, seeing Izirina—the fully-human Izirina—watching the two of you with turmoil writ plainly across her face. There’s a sense of betrayal there, and confusion, and fear. For all intents and purposes, though… This seems an out-and-out success.


What do you?
>Take some time to brief and debrief—this Shadow-Izzy, and to determine what spells she knows and how combat-capable she is
>Take the original Izirina aside, to discuss what this… NEW Izzy means for your relationship, and offer her emotional assurances
>You can delay no longer without risking the lives f your friends and allies, back amongst the Unseelie Fey—you must return to their relam right now

Will you give a name to the Shadow-Izzy?
>No, no time right now
>Yes… Perhaps Shadow will suffice?
>Yes… Maybe Rebecca, for Izirina’s birth-name?
>Yes… But you’re thinking [Write-in]

What is your plan for your return?
>Attempt to trick the Unseelie into grouping together for a mass disjunction and execution
>Depower the Unseelie Star, starving they and the demiplane of energies, and force their submission
>Elementally attune your allies, then detonate the Star, effectively cleansing the demiplane of life
>Plans have changed… Appoint yourself Unseelie King, by right of conquest
>Take some time to brief and debrief—this Shadow-Izzy, and to determine what spells she knows and how combat-capable she is

>Yes… But you’re thinking Ayla
since it means moonlight and Izzy is kinda our soon with her elemental energy

>Depower the Unseelie Star, starving they and the demiplane of energies, and force their submission
I still wanna go with an option that isn't outright killing them
>You can delay no longer without risking the lives f your friends and allies, back amongst the Unseelie Fey—you must return to their relam right now

I don't think there would be a time-sensitive option if there isn't some time-sensitive shit going on. Let's go immediately and save our pals.

>No, no time right now

>Depower the Unseelie Star, starving they and the demiplane of energies, and force their submission
>“The soul affects the body,” you remind her. “We severed her from you while curing you and Costella of that. The anxiety around the ‘dragon pox’ that was infected the two of you… It’s a part of her.”
so she can’t breed. That’s good to know.

I think she should choose her own name.

>Take some time to brief and debrief—this Shadow-Izzy, and to determine what spells she knows and how combat-capable she is
We can talk about relationships all we want after we clear out the star. We just need to know what is relevant right now.
>Attempt to trick the Unseelie into grouping together for a mass disjunction and execution
The star’s too useful to get rid of. And we don’t have banelight as a power source anymore. And become unseelie king of… what, 36 people?
I want the unseelie gone too but having to depower the star is going to make it really annoying to get it started up again. The original recipe mentions siphoning energy from the elemental planes and going there again is pretty dangerous.
you have a point. can we depower their realm without deactivating the star ? if not, perhaps becoming a king isn't that far off, kek.
>can we depower their realm without deactivating the star ?
[You can try, but the DC is much higher.]
>King of 48 people
We kicked started the star with some a banelights blood and a daylight ritual upcasted with all our mana.

The liquid fuel component is easy, blood from magical creatures or our moon berry's suffice.

Kick starting it can be done with any powerful heavenly or elemental source.

Honestly its the star's material itself which is the hardest to replicate. We needed holy earth gem stones and sand from the neme and we needed to take pieces from the high magic chests spell matrix. As long as the star itself isn't cracked or broken it'll will probably be fine.
follow up question can we siphon off the demiplane into the star and collapse the rest of the unseelie inside?
[Like... Collapse the demiplane into a singular point within the roughly 3-foot-tall, diamond-shaped glass prism-jar that is the Unseelie Star? Uh, it's creative, so I'd allow it... With a crit. Anything short of that would lead to some form of failure, possibly quite dramatic and catastrophic.]
I knew this was a life-complicating mistake.

>>Take the original Izirina aside, to discuss what this… NEW Izzy means for your relationship, and offer her emotional assurances

>Yes… But you’re thinking Ayla

>Attempt to trick the Unseelie into grouping together for a mass disjunction and execution
>You can delay no longer
>Mass disjunction and execution
>Take some time to brief and debrief—this Shadow-Izzy, and to determine what spells she knows and how combat-capable she is

>Yes… Maybe Rebecca, for Izirina’s birth-name?

>Depower the Unseelie Star, starving they and the demiplane of energies, and force their submission

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