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Your name is Marron and you're getting married soon. Due to circumstances outside of your control, you kept delaying proposing to Chouxcreme and your courtship lasted a bit longer than socially acceptable. Thankfully, it didn't take you too long to get used to living in Tarrasque and you managed to propose to your lady.

The wedding is scheduled to happen in the Azure season, when weddings are considered to be more auspicious. However, it is currently the Amber season, smack dab in the middle of the year so you have plenty of time to prepare for marriage.

Your stats are currently

Courage: 0
Love: 0
Reliability: 2

[[Al-Kimia Story has 4 different “Personality” stats.
Courage allows you to keep a cool head in stressful situations. Someone with low Courage would be cowardly, while someone with high Courage can keep their cool even when fighting a much stronger foe. People with high courage can also be reckless, ignoring fear even when it serves a purpose.
Love is the stat of passion. Someone with low Love can come across as cold and unfeeling while someone with high love can be bolstered by the feelings they have for others. People with high love can be flighty, pursuing one passion to the next and never settling down. Knowledge increases your affinity for acquiring knowledge. Someone with low knowledge can be stupid and forgetful, while someone with high knowledge can recall information quickly and dedicate themselves to study. People with high knowledge can be paralyzed by indecision from all the knowledge they hold.
Reliability is your affinity for learning about the mundane. Someone with low Reliability can have their head in the clouds while someone with high reliability can be counted on to stay steadfast in the worst of times. People with high Reliability can be bad at dreaming of a brighter future, preferring instead the certainty of the present.

When you make decisions against Marron's wants in-the-moment, you acquire stress. Accumulate enough stress and you will accrue penalties to your roll depending on your stress level.

While playing, you can also obtain ‘Affinity’ for the people you meet. Essentially, this is your level of closeness with that person or group]]

What do you do to prepare for your wedding?

> Spend time getting to know Chouxcreme better (Chouxcreme affinity +2)
> Take on more regular jobs in order to give Choux the best wedding you can afford (Reliability+1, Chouxcreme affinity+1)
> Take on more dangerous jobs in order to afford a more expensive wedding (Courage +2)
> Take on more lessons in the guild so you can take on more well paying jobs reliably. (Knowledge +1, Reliability+1)
>Take on more dangerous jobs in order to afford a more expensive wedding (Courage +2)
No love option yet? Also how do these stats affect things? Will there be rolls?
>Take on more lessons in the guild so you can take on more well paying jobs reliably. (Knowledge +1, Reliability+1)
Spending money on a wedding is hoe shit.
Getting knowledge to get better jobes in the future to provide a good life is what's more important.
> Spend time getting to know Chouxcreme better (Chouxcreme affinity +2)
We're back!
>We're back!
I'm out of the loop, what is this?

sorry forgot to link to the archive
Ah neat, see I tried looking your tag up in the archive but I didn't see anything pop up!
I'll read over this before voting for anything else, but I still stand by the shit I said about building a proper future!
>Take on more lessons in the guild so you can take on more well paying jobs reliably. (Knowledge +1, Reliability+1)
Get the foundation good, then take on the tough quests!

Welcome back OP! You're back just as you said you would be. Remember how I suggested Magical Vacation and Magical Starsign as games with food-named characters in them? Well I found this other one recently
Never played it yet, don't know if I will. Maybe you might be interested for the food gimmick alone?
love the comfy feel of that game. I don't usually play games past the ps2 era of video games.
You should pirate more games you want to play, provided your computer can run them
>> Take on more regular jobs in order to give Choux the best wedding you can afford (Reliability+1, Chouxcreme affinity+1)
>Take on more lessons in the guild so you can take on more well paying jobs reliably. (Knowledge +1, Reliability+1)
Glad to have ya back.
> Spend time getting to know Chouxcreme better (Chouxcreme affinity +2)
If our main character is going to get married, he needs to take steps to know his future wife

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