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You are a goblin. A foul-smelling and cruel little creature of little acclaim that exists to be bullied and pushed out by stronger and longer-lived races.

Recently your clan was pushed out of the small cave that housed it by an armored adventurer in full iron armor and a red plume on his grated helm that was hired by the village nearby. You had kidnapped some travelers to use as breeding stock and meat and turns out one of them was the village chief's daughter. While regular villagers and the occasional crop theft weren't enough to be ignored, hurting the chief's daughter was enough to pool the little money the village had to send a formal quest to the adventurers guild.

Now your entire clan is dead- killed by that strange Goblin Slayer. And you're stuck fending for yourself in the forest you had run off into away from the Goblin Slayer. Luckily you found an abandoned cabin that was only in a mild state of disrepair or you would've succumbed to the elements. Your days consist of stealthy berry gathering to hide both from the predators in the forest and in case the Goblin Slayer is still looking for you.

One day during your berry gathering after finding a root of plants that seemed healthy, in a flash of light a heavily-wounded human with long black hair and an impossibly gorgeous face appeared before you.


As the strange person derangedly monologues the earth starts rising around them and you can feel the air crackle with raw power. As you start to back away in fear the strange person suddenly coughs blood and tumbles over.


As they start writhing in agony you get a closer look at them.

Who are they?
>Yang Wuhan; The Heavenly Demon.
A man with a bloody reputation and even bloodier past. He gained power through a forbidden blood art where he soaked for 20 days and 20 nights in the blood and tears of a 1,000 virgins. After eliminating too many sects and stealing too many jade beauties he was put down a by a coalition of both the righteous and unorthodox sects working together.

>Cai Jianhong; The Heavenly Assassin.
A creature that was raised for pure bloodshed. Born to do the dirty work that the righteous sects frowned upon. Infected with a Qi poisoning worm that could be activated by his masters, he had no choice but to day after day kill all who the righteous sects deemed evil and demonic until he was called the Heavenly Assassin. One day he found a manual that led to a breakthrough in his cultivation that killed the Qi poisoning worm and was attacked by the a group of the righteous sect elders in fear of retribution.

>Fu Xuefueng. The Heavenly Ice Witch.
A woman born with the Yin Ice Vein Constitution. She was doomed to die an early and painful death, but she was a peerless genius and her constitution made her uniquely suited to the Yin arts. In an attempt to cure herself she threatened to destroy the earthly world if the heavens didn't cure her, and when the heavens laughed at her she showed her power. After the destruction of countless sects and mortal lives the heavens sent down a champion who had previously ascended to put her down with the support of the righteous sects.
>Cai Jianhong; The Heavenly Assassin
Tranny spammer quest
Higher effort than most. I'll trust a goblin.
Silly guy. Goblins are only male. That's why they're so aggressive with women of other species. They can't even comprehend the concept of changing genders with their small brains.
>Fu Xuefueng. The Heavenly Ice Witch.
Make them a woman. Perhaps we can trade sex for what she wants from us.
Maybe thats a dumb thought, but you can just vote for the others so
>Fu Xuefueng. The Heavenly Ice Witch.
A woman born with the Yin Ice Vein Constitution. She was doomed to die an early and painful death, but she was a peerless genius and her constitution made her uniquely suited to the Yin arts. In an attempt to cure herself she threatened to destroy the earthly world if the heavens didn't cure her, and when the heavens laughed at her she showed her power. After the destruction of countless sects and mortal lives the heavens sent down a champion who had previously ascended to put her down with the support of the righteous sects.
>Yang Wuhan; The Heavenly Demon.
Korean heavenly demon goblin cult quest a go go.
>Fu Xuefueng. The Heavenly Ice Witch.
female spotted
>Yang Wuhan; The Heavenly Demon.

Nice opening, very funny. Lets take a real fucking sword demon as our master

>>6051768 is me, and I'll switch to
>Yang Wuhan; The Heavenly Demon.
to avoid the ice waifu
>Yang Wuhan; The Heavenly Demon.
The heavenly demon is an easy choice.
>Yang Wuhan Wins

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You get a closer look at him and while you don't really differentiate much between human faces since (they all look the same to your goblin eyes), even you can tell that he looks like one mean and arrogant bastard.

And he proves you right by viciously insulting you for not immediately helping him and instead taking five seconds to look at him. Stating that you're merely a "summer ant" with "false dao" and that you're "courting death" by not giving him the small rooted plant in your hands. These nonsensical and confusing insults continue on for another few seconds before you start to see the anger in the human turn into genuine fear.

Clutching his chest forcefully he takes a wobbly step onto his feet and looks down at you with hesitance.

"Creature. I am Yang Wuhan; The Dragon-Slayer, The Sword Specter, The Absolute One, The One Who Baptized The World In Blood, The Embodiment Of Fury, and The Heavenly Demon. I have never bowed and never asked for anything- only took and demanded. I even spit at the very heavens when they extended their hands to me. So when I say these words… Know the gravity of them.

"Will you give me the ginseng? I will give you power like this realm has never seen. I swear it. No harm will come to you from me."

You don't why this human is being so dramatic over a plant. You don't see how this root thing you were going to snack on is going to help his seizures or mental illness, but you guess you could give it to him.

The question is how are you going to give it to him.

>Bow as gracefully as you can and present to him with care. (Forms Master/Student Relationship)

>Scratch your green asshole a little before handing it to the fucker. (Forms Begrudging Benefactor Relationship)

>Chew it up in your mouth and feed it to him like a stinky green mother bird. (He Really Fucking Hates You But He Swore An Oath Relationship)

(This is mostly cosmetic to how you guys interact with each-other by default in the future).
>Bow as gracefully as you can and present to him with care. (Forms Master/Student Relationship)

He's been nice to us, a green stain of shit, we should return the kindness, especially since he hasn't started beating us with jumper cables yet
>Bow as gracefully as you can and present to him with care. (Forms Master/Student Relationship)
Let's prove the world wrong and show everyone that goblins can be good too.
>>Bow as gracefully as you can and present to him with care. (Forms Master/Student Relationship)

I'd also take
>Chew it up in your mouth and feed it to him like a stinky green mother bird. (He Really Fucking Hates You But He Swore An Oath Relationship)
but ONLY if we think we're genuinely being helpful when we act like this, because that's just how Goblin Culture (tm) is.
Goblins don't really understand the concept of using flasks for potions and the like or how to uncork a flask to access a potion, so the typical way they heal each other in combat situations it to chew a herb with healing properties and spit it onto the open wound.

So, yes, he would misguidedly think it's helpful. And, yes, I did just add this bit of lore to the world on the spot just now.
However, Mr Yang didn't ask to eat it, just to be given it. For all we know he wants to sodomize himself with it, in which case, the chewing wouldn't be helpful
A compromise; we chew it up and then give it to him to apply as he pleases. We don't know where to put it to treat seizures!
We can only hope it isn't rectally applied
Sadly Mr Yang can't sodomize himself with the 5,000 Year Old Ginseng because this a blue board. He'll have to stick with mouth to mouth resuscitation or having being given to him with care (and possibly asshole dust) so he can chew it up himself.

Also to be fair it is a food of some kind, so I think a dim little goblin wouldn't think it so farfetched that he would probably eat it to heal himself.
>Bow, but not with much grace
We can be courteous, but we dont know his power. He could just be a weirdo who wants our snack
don't be so sure. Have you heard of what the french do with baguettes? if you do not, goggle Soupeur
>Bow as gracefully as you can and present to him with care. (Forms Master/Student Relationship)
>Scratch your green asshole a little before handing it to the fucker. (Forms Begrudging Benefactor Relationship)
>Bow as gracefully as you can and present to him with care. (Forms Master/Student Relationship)
Damn, I like the art, cool color pallet and composition, have you ever made a quest before or is this the first one?
>Chew it up in your mouth and feed it to him like a stinky green mother bird. (He Really Fucking Hates You But He Swore An Oath Relationship)

The quest title is already preset comedy. I say gun it. Full sneed ahead.
>Bow as gracefully as you can and present to him with care. (Forms Master/Student Relationship)
>Chew it up in your mouth and feed it to him like a stinky green mother bird. (He Really Fucking Hates You But He Swore An Oath Relationship)

Why so serious!? MC is a goblin! Act like one!

To be clear I didn't make the art. After "Chinese Goblin" didn't return good results I looked "Meditating Goblin" on images and found this. And this is my first real quest, I made like two shitpost ones before that I quickly dropped.

>Master/Student Relationship Wins!
Wow you anons are no fun.

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You're at first tempted to feed the paradoxically named "Heavenly Demon" the ginseng the traditional goblin way, but somehow the way he's talking to you here is appealing to you on a deeper level. You've always been beaten down or cursed by the greater races. Relegated to the role of pest and occasional nuisance. You clawed back at them the best you could. Kidnapping, theft, assault, just about every violent crime in the book and more. To prove you're not lesser.

But it didn't matter. Your clan was never considered a great threat or even really a threat at all. Your clan was wiped out for a pittance of gold offered at a dingy adventurers guild by a singular low-level human. This human may be insane, but at least he's talking to you like you're a sentient being, and even more importantly he's offering you something greater. Power and respect that you and your race have never seen before.

As gracefully as your gangly goblin body can muster. You bow your head and with outstretched arms present the ginseng to him. He wordlessly takes it and with a big gulp swallows it whole.

"This should stop the poisonous Qi for now," he states.

"And..." he gulps, "Thank you."

"Creature, take me to your home. I need to circulate my Qi in a safe place to stave off the Turbid Qi infesting my body. FUCKING RIGHTEOUS SECT PRICKS, I'LL RIP THEIR HEADS OFF AND TAKE THEIR JADE BEAUTIES PAWN OFF AS GIFTS TO MY SERVANTS. YOU HAVE COURTED DEAAAAAAAAATH."

After the random outburst you lead Yang Wuhan back to the (un)inhabited cabin where you've been staying, which he looks at with an appraising eye.

"This will not do. The Feng-Shui of this place is all out of order. There is not enough Fire element and too much Wood, and even more importantly no BLOOD. This is my first lesson to you- cultivating in unsuitable places for the Blood Maiden Heaven Star Technique will lead to Qi Deviation. For our needs we need a suitable amount of blood soaked into the walls and floors of this place, the terrible element balance can be ignored for now."

"Go fetch some blood, Creature. Preferably the blood of pure virgin maidens. If that's too far outside your abilities, however, any blood will do for now."

He hands you a bag and a jeweled.

"This is the Heavenly Evil Storing Pouch. It can hold any amount of treasures inside it. Store the blood inside here. The dagger is the Demonically Heavenly Stabbing Dagger. It's a peerless treasure."

You don't really understand the point of preferring virgins outside of some weird fetish. Your clan just appreciated having any kind of breeding stock at all. The women your clan captured if they were virgins, certainly weren't for long.

Leaving to attend to your task you suddenly hear a loud booming voice scream


Uh oh, look like he found the shit drawer. That's not definitely not Feng-Shui appropriate. Better take a long time gathering blood until he cools down.

How are you going to gather the blood?

>Go try to kidnap a maiden from the village in the middle of the night

>Hunt an animal to drain

>Go back to your goblin clan's old cave. There's definitely enough blood there, and hopefully the Goblin Slayer's gone.
>Go try to kidnap a maiden from the village in the middle of the night
Jesus that formatting is ugly. Oh well.
>Go try to kidnap a maiden from the village in the middle of the night
>Go back to your goblin clan's old cave. There's definitely enough blood there, and hopefully the Goblin Slayer's gone.

>Go try to kidnap a maiden from the village in the middle of the night

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