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As the chosen hero, your mission has always been clear: defeat the demon king and bring peace to the world!

However, your life took an unexpected turn when the demon king's top general, whom you've decided to name Scarlett, shockingly proposed marriage to you!

>>We shall hold our date on neutral grounds: the ancient elven forests!
You prepare yourself for the date, the cursed sword in hand. It's a blend of nervousness and excitement as you head to the designated meeting spot. For your date, you've chosen neutral grounds: the ancient elven forests.

As you approach, you see Scarlett standing there, her wings folded elegantly behind her, eyes gleaming with anticipation.

"Yuusha," she greets you with a slight bow, "I see you came prepared."

"I did," you reply, holding out the sword. "I thought you might appreciate this. It's an ancient demonic sword with an engraving of red roses."

Scarlett's eyes widen slightly as she takes the sword from you. "This... this is perfect," she murmurs, running her fingers over the engraved roses. "It matches my armor and... and it possesses a power curse! Thank you, Yuusha."

You nod, feeling a bit of relief. "So, about this dance you challenged me to..."

"Yes!" Scarlett exclaims, her excitement obvious. "A dance is like a duel, but with more grace and slightly less bloodshed. Shall we begin?"
Scarlett starts with the dreaded Cossack Dance, an ancient human war dance she has been practicing for a week. Surely this display will intimidate the hero!

>You ask, genuinely puzzled, "Um, what exactly are you doing?"
>You laugh and decide to join her, attempting the Cossack Dance yourself.
>You surprise her with your secret move: the forbidden technique of breakdancing!
>Gently taking her hand, you guide her into a more romantic dance, focusing on connection rather than intimidation.
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>>You laugh and decide to join her, attempting the Cossack Dance yourself.

So cute!

But then move on to
>Gently taking her hand, you guide her into a more romantic dance, focusing on connection rather than intimidation.
Absolutely perfect

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