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You are the demon lord, a powerful succubus who has conquered and now reigns supreme over the world of Silth. Humans, elves, and dwarves alike bow to your will, subdued by your mighty demon armies. But victory has grown tiresome. Your palace, though grand, feels like a gilded cage. Even the once-fearsome Hero languishes in your dungeons, his spirit broken.

A new quest forms in your mind: seducing and subjugating the Hero to your will. The Hero, a fair-haired, baby-faced champion, renowned for his prowess in swordsmanship and magic, once stood against you. Now, he's a prisoner in your palace.

>Flirt with him, perhaps even blowing a teasing kiss.
>Initiate a formal trial against him in the Demon Court.
>Subject him to incredibly harsh interrogation techniques.
>Write In
>get your affairs in order with your generals and the parliament, telling them you'll go on vacation and they should not let the reign fall into chaos. setup a good plan for them to follow

>pretend to be a lower level demon
>break the hero out of prison and go adventuring with him
we need to reignite his spirit first

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You gather the Parliament, and they all kneel before you, trembling as you speak. You appoint Ghort, your brutal second-in-command, as regent of your government. He's a massive, ruthless orc who terrifies and brutalizes his armies, and loves violence and bloodshed.

Meanwhile, you find a cute bunny outfit, complete with matching bunny ears and a red necktie, and enter the hero’s cell. "Greetings, Yuusha-sama. As a low-ranking demon, I seek an alliance with you to escape this place."

You find him severely dehydrated, his lips parched, and his voice a mere whisper. You bring a waterskin to his lips, gently helping him drink. Human biology is foreign to you, but you know humans need water regularly to survive. After resting, he manages to say, "H-help me... To take the Demon Lord down."

>Argue with him that the Demon Lord is actually a good person.
>Accept his offer and help him take Ghort down.
>Tell him you first need to conquer a few dungeons to gather resources.
>Write In
>Tell him that neither of us has the ability to take down the Demon Lord right now
>Tell him you first need to conquer a few dungeons to gather resources.
>Tell him that neither of us has the ability to take down the Demon Lord right now
>Tell him you first need to conquer a few dungeons to gather resources.
>>Tell him that neither of us has the ability to take down the Demon Lord right now
>>Tell him you first need to conquer a few dungeons to gather resources.

Get him recovered, build his weapons, and get on the grind as his faithful supporter.
>Tell him that neither of us has the ability to take down the Demon Lord right now
>Tell him you first need to conquer a few dungeons to gather resources.
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"First, we need to get you recovered and build your weapons. I will do my best to help you as your faithful supporter."

"You’re right. I’ve endured so much torture here, I've lost my sense of reality."

"I’m glad you agree. I will return shortly." You leave and instruct the palace cook to prepare a cocktail with ingredients suitable for humans, and the tailor to craft a leather jacket perfectly sized for him.

The next day, you return to the cell to find the hero parched again. He tries on the jacket and sips the cocktail slowly. As he regains his strength, you notice he looks increasingly handsome.

>Take a short vacation at the beach.
>Take a stroll in the Dark Spider Forest, from which none of your soldiers have ever returned alive.
>Explore the ruins of Kathenos, the former capital of a human kingdom to the north.
>Write In [don't make up a location, use very generic terms]
>>Explore the ruins of Kathenos, the former capital of a human kingdom to the north.
there may be an underground resistance movement there
If there's a resistance movement, would you wipe them out or join them?
join, for now.
It's no fun squashing bugs
>Explore the ruins of Kathenos, the former capital of a human kingdom to the north.

Feed bad intelligence, watch them flounder.
Rolled 26 (1d100)

Roll: search for the resistance movement
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The earth is scorched, devoid of any plant life. You packed provisions for the Hero, knowing humans need plant-based food to survive. He struggles to keep up with your pace, but you don't mind; a slower walk feels more romantic.
You arrive at the ruins of Kathenos. Most of the city is burned down, with demonic zombies wandering aimlessly. You raised them to destroy the humans and never bothered to clean up.

"The demons have ruined everything."

"Is it really that bad?" you ask.

"Yes, it is," the Hero answers, clenching his fist. "This was once a splendid city, full of life, where art and magic thrived. I will never forgive the Demon Lord."

You search for hints of survivors but find nothing. Plants, animals, anything alive have long been devoured by the zombies. [i]Maybe I went overboard[/i], you think.

>Hunt zombies together as a romantic activity.
>Ask him about the past to understand his mindset better.
>Search for the king’s treasure room, which might hold powerful weapons the Hero can use. >[Write In]
>Ask him about the past to understand his mindset better.
>Hunt zombies together as a romantic activity.
>Ask him about the past to understand his mindset better.
>>Ask him about the past to understand his mindset better.
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You sit on the ruins of a destroyed wall, sharing a picnic. The Hero looks almost vulnerable while he eats, his cuteness amplified by his delicate mannerisms.

"Yuusha-sama, if the war had ended with your victory, what would you have done afterward? Would you have married?"

His expression grows serious. "I think I would have become a blacksmith, like my father. That was my intended path before the Goddess chose me as her hero. As for marriage, yes, I’ve always been shy with women, but I dreamed of having a wife."

Your heart races, sensing the Hero's sensitivity to romantic ideals.

>"What type of wife would you have wanted? Do you think it could have been someone like me?" >"Maybe it’s still possible to achieve that dream after we vanquish the Demon Lord. There are no survivors here, but there might be other humans elsewhere."
>"It’s foolish to think about romance. I’ve always believed that relationships between men and women are purely about sex."
>[Write In]
>"Maybe it’s still possible to achieve that dream, even in a world like this. It isn't like tge Demon Lord outlawed marriage or smithing."
>"I never had dreams of romance. I'm in part succubus. Not many people know this, but sex is a vital part in the act of creating life. We can harness that potential energy that otherwise would pull a soul into this world."
>"I was hoping that- As I help you regain your strength-"
>Trail of and don't talk about it anymore.
afterwards change topic to >>6055884
>"Maybe it’s still possible to achieve that dream after we vanquish the Demon Lord. There are no survivors here, but there might be other humans elsewhere."
Qm is running this quest both here and akun at the same time?
Looks like, though over there they're going straight for the smut option. Would be disappointed if he abandons the one here for that one. With the demon general quest dead, this is basically my only hope left for a demon/hero romance quest.
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"Maybe it’s still possible to achieve that dream, even in a world like this."

“I don’t know... The demons burned and killed everything. As we walked, I didn’t see a single living animal or bird. But perhaps, far away from here, there could be other humans.” His tone carries a hint of hope, though you know well you've done everything to eradicate humans from the planet. The chances of any survivors are slim. They had waged war against you unjustly, driven by fear of your evil nature and blood consumption. In response, you retaliated harshly, as you do with any enemy.

"Then I suppose when you find them and marry a human girl, we can part ways," you reply, a sudden sadness creeping into your heart.

>"Please, at least tell me, do you think I look good in this bunny outfit?"
>"Do you think the human survivors would accept a demon living among them?"
>"Have you ever considered marrying someone of a different race, maybe?"
>[Write In]
>"Have you ever considered marrying someone of a different race, maybe?"
I'm only running here.
>"Have you ever considered marrying someone of a different race, maybe?"

What about The Porphecy Names Me?
Glad to here. Guess someone copied the quest as a joke.
I thought it was a direct offshoot of the other one?
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He's posted a good picture of the Hero on Akun, so I'm reposting it here. This would be the Hero before he lost the war.
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"Have you ever considered marrying someone of a different race, maybe?"

"No, never. I always pictured myself with a blonde-haired human. Or maybe an elf. Certainly not a beastfolk."

"Why not a beastfolk?" you ask.

"Because they are slaves," he answers with contempt. "They handle all the menial tasks, like cleaning streets and sewers. The ratfolk, in particular, are nasty, foul-smelling, and disease-ridden. I want someone who is my equal in virtue at the very least."

From his description, you feel a kinship with the beastfolk, because demons, like them, have been unjustly reviled by humans.

>"t’s not fair to judge others for being slaves when you’ve spent the last year in a prison cell."
>"What if there was a ratfolk girl who was pretty and took good care of her appearance and health?"
>(Bold) "And what about demons? Do you think you could marry one who’s of equal status to you?"
>[Write In]
>"What if there was a ratfolk girl who was pretty and took good care of her appearance and health?"
>call him out on his bullshit
>"I expected the hero to be more virtuous than harbouring radial prejudice!"
>Leave the picnic, showing obvious signs of being insulted
>"I rather not hear what you would have to say about demons."
>"t’s not fair to judge others for being slaves when you’ve spent the last year in a prison cell."
This works too
Ease him into it.
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"What if there was a ratgirl who was pretty and took good care of her appearance and health?"

The Hero looks pensive. "Certainly, this is a thought I had never entertained. Even if a ratgirl was as you described, there would still be a cognitive gap between us."

He finishes his food, gazing at the sunset. "But to answer your question: if a ratgirl was pretty, healthy, and intelligent, yes, I would consider her for marriage."

Your heart races. Despite his prejudices, the Hero is open-minded enough to consider marrying another race, perhaps even a demon like yourself. As it gets late, you prepare to spend your first night together.

>"I have only brought one tent. Will it be okay for us to share?"
>"I have brought two tents. You can have the bigger one since you’re handsome and sweet."
>"The bigger tent is mine, since I’m an elite, and you’re still technically a prisoner."
>[Write in]
Do this.

>It’s not fair to judge others for being slaves when you’ve spent the last year in a prison cell."
>"The bigger tent is mine, since I’m an elite, and you’re still technically a prisoner."
>"If you think that's unfair, maybe you should reconsider your own prejudices."
>"I have brought two tents. You can have the bigger one since you’re handsome and sweet."

Please don't, that's unnecessarily combative. I think we can do a better job of removing his prejudices with a soft touch.
>"I have only brought one tent. Will it be okay for us to share?"
Rolled 3 (1d3)

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"I have only brought one tent. Will it be okay for us to share?"

"I suppose so", the Hero answer. "It’s better than sleeping outside and getting bitten by a demonic mosquito."

The tent has barely enough room for both of you to lie side by side. You quickly drift off to sleep, wrapped in a sense of comfort.

In the morning, you awaken to find the Hero's arm draped over you, his head resting on your shoulder. You lie still, careful not to disturb him. This moment fills you with a warm sense of tenderness; despite being a 10,000-year-old succubus, you have never experienced intimacy. All the male demons were defeated by you, so none was worthy of you. But this human, strongest among his kind, seems different, perhaps even your equal.

After a while, he stirs from a nightmare, jerking awake. "Sorry, I was having a dream about the castle’s dungeon, being tortured and trying to escape through the corridors."

>"Yuusha-sama, as a hero, you should not be such a coward. A little torture is nothing to fuss over."
>"Did you find it comfortable sleeping on my shoulder? It felt warm for me."
>"You should learn to enjoy torture, Yuusha-sama. It’s a standard part of foreplay."
>[Write in]
>>"Did you find it comfortable sleeping on my shoulder? It felt warm for me."
>"Did you find it comfortable sleeping on my shoulder? It felt warm for me."
>"Did you find it comfortable sleeping on my shoulder? It felt warm for me."

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