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“A Knight is Sworn to Valour. His Heart Knows Only Virtue. His Blade Defends the Helpless. His Might Upholds the Weak. His Word Speaks Only Truth. His Wrath Undoes the Wicked.”

Every child in Cantôn knows of the Knight’s Code. From peasant-born waifs playing with sticks in the mud to keen-eyed noble sons practicing with cold steel in the training yard, all have at the very least dreamed of one day becoming a knight themselves. To ride out on errantry into the Five Duchies Kingdom and beyond for God and Glory, bringing the Law of Adam to the wicked and the Blade of Cain to the beast.

The Knights of Cantôn are sworn to follow the Code, to obey the King, to refuse no call for aid honestly asked for, to seek out and destroy the Foe wherever it may lurk and rid the world of evil.

Were it so easy…


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POV Verification Vote: Open for 24 hours
If your ID changes during this thread, please link back to your OG vote here or your new ID votes might not be counted.

>Young Lord Damien Andrei, elder brother and heir to House Andrei

>Sir Robert Gilbern, the calculating Second Herald of the Ordo Reginate

>Sir Karlaus Rabe, the gruff Montbrun companion

>Sir Neil dan Marc, the loyal Sworn Man from Fallavon

>Tracker Jean, the Business Partner from the Wastelands

>Sir Willem Glasdale, the friendly protector of Grenmire

>Young Lady Frida Vancewell, the cunning viper of Montbrun

>Father Towbray, the zealous priest of the Angelite Sect
As an apology for the late start due to my illness, please select TWO of the POV choices. Most popular will be depicted first.
>Sir Robert Gilbern, the calculating Second Herald of the Ordo Reginate

>Young Lady Frida Vancewell, the cunning viper of Montbrun

Yay we're back, want to see the result of our letters.
>Father Towbray, the zealous priest of the Angelite Sect
Divine option as always
>Sir Robert Gilbern, the calculating Second Herald of the Ordo Reginate
It has been to long since we saw this one.
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>Young Lady Frida Vancewell, the cunning viper of Montbrun

>Sir Robert Gilbern, the calculating Second Herald of the Ordo Reginate

We politicking today, my friends
>Young Lady Frida Vancewell, the cunning viper of Montbrun

>Sir Robert Gilbern, the calculating Second Herald of the Ordo Reginate
>Young Lady Frida Vancewell, the cunning viper of Montbrun

>Sir Robert Gilbern, the calculating Second Herald of the Ordo Reginate

>Young Lady Frida Vancewell, the cunning viper of Montbrun
>Young Lord Damien Andrei, elder brother and heir to House Andrei

>Father Towbray, the zealous priest of the Angelite Sect
>Sir Robert Gilbern, the calculating Second Herald of the Ordo Reginate
And we're back! Glad to see you Forgotten!
Still can't vote Asandi so let's go with:

>Sir Robert Gilbern, the calculating Second Herald of the Ordo Reginate
>Sir Willem Glasdale, the friendly protector of Grenmire
>>Sir Robert Gilbern, the calculating Second Herald of the Ordo Reginate
>Young Lady Frida Vancewell, the cunning viper of Montbrun
I want to see Gilby's paranoia kick into MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE
>Young Lady Frida Vancewell, the cunning viper of Montbrun

Please anons I beg thee, we are already long distancing and making it more difficult by staying in Cathaggi, don't put it on the back burner.

This ID should change at least once.
>Young Lord Damien Andrei, elder brother and heir to House Andrei
We haven't seen the homefront in a while and this is also a good way of seeing the consequences of Towbray's Angelite evangelizing.

>Sir Robert Gilbern, the calculating Second Herald of the Ordo Reginate
Gilbern is always a hoot and I really would rather see Frida lose, unlikely as it is.

Also, I'm going to note here that my ID should be dynamic on account of mobilefagging.
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>Tracker Jean, the Business Partner from the Wastelands
been a while for her

>Sir Robert Gilbern, the calculating Second Herald of the Ordo Reginate
I do think seeing him react to emmys bullshit finding a sos location and already droping important intel will be fun
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>Young Lord Damien Andrei, elder brother and heir to House Andrei

>Sir Robert Gilbern, the calculating Second Herald of the Ordo Reginate

Welcome back Forgotten, one question have you read The Red Knight? I recently started it and got a lot of the same vibes from it as StV.
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>Young Lady Frida Vancewell, the cunning viper of Montbrun
>Sir Robert Gilbern, the calculating Second Herald of the Ordo Reginate

TWO POV's, we are being spoiled.
>Sir Willem Glasdale, the friendly protector of Grenmire

>Young Lady Frida Vancewell, the cunning viper of Montbrun

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>>Sir Robert Gilbern, the calculating Second Herald of the Ordo Reginate

>>Young Lady Frida Vancewell, the cunning viper of Montbrun

We are so fucking back.

Death to samefags.
shit get well soon bossman
Oh damn I just realised we GET SECONDS!

>Sir Robert Gilbern, the calculating Second Herald of the Ordo Reginate
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>Young Lord Damien Andrei, elder brother and heir to House Andrei.
Lets check on the family

>Sir Willem Glasdale, the friendly protector of Grenmire

Oh, yeah its Vurlur time
>>Tracker Jean, the Business Partner from the Wastelands
>Young Lord Damien Andrei, elder brother and heir to House Andrei
i want to see horsie
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Anchor post

>Sir Robert Gilbern, the calculating Second Herald of the Ordo Reginate
>Tracker Jean, the Business Partner from the Wastelands

Also STV wiki
>Sir Robert Gilbern, the calculating Second Herald of the Ordo Reginate
>Sir Willem Glasdale, the friendly protector of Grenmire
>Sir Karlaus Rabe, the gruff Montbrun companion
>Father Towbray, the zealous priest of the Angelite Sect

>Sir Neil dan Marc, the loyal Sworn Man from Fallavon
>>Tracker Jean, the Business Partner from the Wastelands
>Young Lady Frida Vancewell, the cunning viper of Montbrun
A pure women’s interlude, as the mother demands.
>Sir Robert Gilbern, the calculating Second Herald of the Ordo Reginate

Always good to see how Bobby's doing, especially after recent correspondence. I want him baffled and in disarray at our competence.

>Tracker Jean, the Business Partner from the Wastelands
We haven't seen Jean since the whole Order of the Broken Blade affair. It might be nice to see how she's doing.

Also welcome back Forgotten! I hope you feel better soon.
>Sir Robert Gilbern, the calculating Second Herald of the Ordo Reginate

>Sir Neil dan Marc, the loyal Sworn Man from Fallavon

Rolling thunder! Been waiting for this all week.
>Young Lord Damien Andrei, elder brother and heir to House Andrei.

>Sir Willem Glasdale, the friendly protector of Grenmire
>Sir Robert Gilbern, the calculating Second Herald of the Ordo Reginate

>Sir Willem Glasdale, the friendly protector of Grenmire

Actually can post here without a proxy for once.
>>Sir Robert Gilbern, the calculating Second Herald of the Ordo Reginate

>Father Towbray, the zealous priest of the Angelite Sect
>Young Lady Frida Vancewell, the cunning viper of Montbrun
>>Sir Willem Glasdale, the friendly protector of Grenmire

>>Young Lady Frida Vancewell, the cunning viper of Montbrun

Time for Snake babe and daughteru!!!!!!!!!
Reading back on the quest, I keep going back to the nunneries getting attack by the dead mean/dread lords. There is definitive something going on with that that. We hear nothing about castles or villages getting attack or at least nothing like the organize attack on the nunneries. The annual skirmishes on winter feel more like distraction than actual proving for weakness.
>Young Lady Frida Vancewell, the cunning viper of Montbrun
>Sir Robert Gilbern, the calculating Second Herald of the Ordo Reginate
I want to see how the family handles the viper when she comes to visit, and how Gilbern and his compatriots are doing. Image not related.
Welcome back Forgotten, you were sorely missed

>Robert Gilbern
>Neil Dan Marc
>>Sir Robert Gilbern, the calculating Second Herald of the Ordo Reginate
>Young Lady Frida Vancewell, the cunning viper of Montbrun

Welcome back Forgotten, hopefully, this time I'll be more involved. Been hoping for some more Vancewell or Gilbern stuff.
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>Young Lord Damien Andrei, elder brother and heir to House Andrei

>Young Lady Frida Vancewell, the cunning viper of Montbrun

The wedding should be happening around now right? It would be interesting to get their first impressions of each other at the event.
>Young Lady Frida Vancewell, the cunning viper of Montbrun

>Sir Neil dan Marc, the loyal Sworn Man from Fallavon
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>>Young Lady Frida Vancewell, the cunning viper of Montbrun
Hell yeah.
Also btw am on holiday atm so I'd will probably change inshallah
I like the part where Sir Sworn to Valour Sworn'd and Valor'd all over the place

>Young Lady Frida Vancewell, the cunning viper of Montbrun

>Sir Robert Gilbern, the calculating Second Herald of the Ordo Reginate
I believe the wedding you are referring to is between Anastazjia Andrei and Simon Norveski, which is due to take break in Spring in a few months time.

Young Lord Damien Andrei and Lady Brunhilde Rabe are courting, but no official engagement as of yet.
>Young Lord Damien Andrei, elder brother and heir to House Andrei

>Young Lady Frida Vancewell, the cunning viper of Montbrun


Whoops, my bad. Guess I'll change my vote to:
>Father Towbray, the zealous priest of the Angelite Sect
>Young Lady Frida Vancewell, the cunning viper of Montbrun
The time has come and so have I

>Young Lady Frida Vancewell, the cunning viper of Montbrun
>Sir Robert Gilbern, the calculating Second Herald of the Ordo Reginate
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>Sir Robert Gilbern, the calculating Second Herald of the Ordo Reginate
>Young Lady Frida Vancewell, the cunning viper of Montbrun
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>Young Lady Frida Vancewell, the cunning viper of Montbrun
>Sir Robert Gilbern, the calculating Second Herald of the Ordo Reginate

verification secured
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>Young Lady Frida Vancewell, the cunning viper of Montbrun
>Sir Robert Gilbern, the calculating Second Herald of the Ordo Reginate
By Adam's Ever-Loving Heart! A Thread! Today is a glorious day
I picked that book up, it's pretty good so far although I'm not terribly deep into it
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>>Sir Neil dan Marc, the loyal Sworn Man from Fallavon
>>Tracker Jean, the Business Partner from the Wastelands
Nice to have you back, hope you live forever.
>Young Lady Frida Vancewell, the cunning viper of Montbrun
Oh and since I'm a moron who can't read:
>Young Lady Frida Vancewell, the cunning viper of Montbrun
>Tracker Jean, the Business Partner from the Wastelands
>>Sir Robert Gilbern, the calculating Second Herald of the Ordo Reginate
>>Sir Karlaus Rabe, the gruff Montbrun companion

Huzzah! To Valour!
>Young Lady Frida Vancewell, the cunning viper of Montbrun
>Sir Neil dan Marc, the loyal Sworn Man from Fallavon
>Sir Robert Gilbern, the calculating Second Herald of the Ordo Reginate
Want to see what he's been up to. Welcome back
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>>Sir Robert Gilbern, the calculating Second Herald of the Ordo Reginate

>>Young Lady Frida Vancewell, the cunning viper of Montbrun

Fuck yes we are back. Got me worried when you missed the date, forgotten. Glad you're alright.
>Sir Robert Gilbern, the calculating Second Herald of the Ordo Reginate

>Young Lady Frida Vancewell, the cunning viper of Montbrun

We picked Towbray last time, let's see how things are going on the intrigue and romantic fronts.
We are back baby baby
>Tracker Jean, the Business Partner from the Wastelands
Give me Jean or give me death

V post
Sir Neil dan Marc, the loyal Sworn Man from Fallavon
Forgot to pick a second one
>>Sir Robert Gilbern, the calculating Second Herald of the Ordo Reginate

>Young Lady Frida Vancewell, the cunning viper of Montbrun

Let's see what these two have been up to!
>Sir Neil dan Marc, the loyal Sworn Man from Fallavon
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>>Young Lady Frida Vancewell, the cunning viper of Montbrun
>Sir Neil dan Marc, the loyal Sworn Man from Fallavon

Sheet I am fucking in it this time!
Second pick:
>Tracker Jean, the Business Partner from the Wastelands
Ah, for once, I actually make it into the first grouping.
>Young Lord Damien Andrei, elder brother and heir to House Andrei
>Sir Robert Gilbern, the calculating Second Herald of the Ordo Reginate
>Sir Robert Gilbern, the calculating Second Herald of the Ordo Reginate

>Young Lady Frida Vancewell, the cunning viper of Montbrun

Tagging this to make it easier to find my verification later
>Sir Robert Gilbern, the calculating Second Herald of the Ordo Reginate
>Young Lady Frida Vancewell, the cunning viper of Montbrun
Caught a threat finally!
>Young Lord Damien Andrei, elder brother and heir to House Andrei
>Sir Robert Gilbern, the calculating Second Herald of the Ordo Reginate
Real knigga hours.
>>Sir Robert Gilbern, the calculating Second Herald of the Ordo Reginate
>Sir Karlaus Rabe, the gruff Montbrun companion


have some dread lord art inspiration while we're at it
>Sir Robert Gilbern, the calculating Second Herald of the Ordo Reginate
>Young Lady Frida Vancewell, the cunning viper of Montbrun
Just fucking saw this & missed it, still hype though
Would love a Towbray or Glasdale update, but my money's on (& with)
Art is phenomenal, must be Adam before a vigil.
Almost as good as in the latest Bad Boys movie when the old guy said "I need you to be my Bad Boys"
second pick:
>Young Lord Damien Andrei, elder brother and heir to House Andrei
>SELECTED: Sir Robert Gilbern, the calculating Second Herald of the Ordo Reginate

Sir Robert Gilbern was tired. He had been tired for a long time, but his long and weary experience in being tired could probably be traced back to the day his wish was granted. The day Mater Reginate named him as one of her chosen heralds. That was the day his sleepless nights began.

Sir Gilbern’s sigh of frustration was loud enough to cause Sir Cato de Ferros to briefly look up from the book he was reading in the corner. Sir Gilbern ignored the sidelong glance, continuing to read through the First Herald’s latest report from Port Bounty. Pascae remained a political charnel house, the Ordo Praetor were making new arrests each week as their investigation bore fruit and names were named. Thus far, those charged or affiliated closely enough to be tainted by association fell evenly on both political parties, whether their sympathies lay with the Reginate or the Faction.

Sir Gilbern had no sympathy for those who had fallen afoul of the Pascae scandal, his father had made his bed of blackmail and favours, it was no less than poetic justice to see him lie in it. But the Kingdom could use more security right now than it could poetic justice. The reports from the First Herald made the issue abundantly clear, the complex string of alliances that kept the Duchy of Pascae in order were being pulled apart by the seams. The attaintment of the entire House Hewitt had terrified many of the noble houses into compliance, but it would not hold if they beleived themselves at risk even with Reginate protection.

Well Sir Gilbern knew that the only reason the First Herald hadn’t taken more ‘direct’ action in the unfolding events of Pascae was due to their lack of resources rather than any desire for discretion on his part. The Queen would never allow him to stage a coup or something of the sort, but the measures of her heralds had become more and more drastic as the Faction took root and gained ground in the political arenas across the Five Duchies. If the Prince or his followers lent their support to their Pascae allies, or if the Duke Pascae openly declared for him…

Sir Gilbern sighed again, rubbing his temples. This political turmoil couldn’t have come at a worse time, the Snakemen were now openly marching on the Montbrun ranges for the first time in well over a century. Few saw it as anything other than a Montbrun concern, now that the Duke had called the banners in anticipation of the incursion, it was expected by all that the rough mountain men would repulse the serpents back into the wastes within a year of their attack. Damn fools, sometimes Sir Gilbern felt like he was the only one reading these reports in their entirety.

Even if one accounted for the regular amount of exaggeration coming from the uneducated nomads that scraped a living out in the Wastes, the details of the growing strength of the scaled horde made for sober reading. And as for the Order of the Broken Blade, fanatics they may be but it could not be said they were nither uneducated nor prone to exaggeration. If the knights of that Cainite order were suggesting that this new Prime Serpent posed a threat, albeit one no match for men of faith and fury, then the peril to the nation was dire indeed. The Third Herald’s reports had been taken by his colleagues to be encouraging reading as to the readiness of the hillmen for the pending incursion. But to Sir Gilbern, much of Lord Kasper Alexandi’s letters only served to highlight the vulnerabilities of the Montbrun military position.

No Prime Serpent had ever overcome the Montbrun ranges. Everyone knew that. The Torwatcher Gates were impregnable, they had never fallen to an outside force since their creation. Everyone knew that too. And this Scaled Horde would break upon the mountains like each one had before. Everyone knew this. But Sir Gilbern had read the reports, all of them, and he was not so sure.

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Sir Gilbern grimaced as he set aside the latest report from Montbrun, prompting Sir Cato de Ferros to cast another wry glance over the edge of his book at his senior’s obvious displeasure. At least reports from Cathagi were less imminently disastrous, if still concerning to Sir Gilbern because any intelligence officer with half a brain should find any sort of movement in the realms of a foreign power concerning all the same. And even a -lack- of movement would likely be cause for concern to one worth their salt. Concern

Still, the show of strength by the Stratiokas was likely intended to deter any Cantonian aggression, rather than indicate the opposite. The Reginate operatives had reported trouble in the south, but nothing that might be considered actionable intelligence. Sir Gilbern didn’t have the full picture, far from it. That was one of the reasons why having someone within the Dragon Guard proper was such a valuable accomplishment. Hopefully Sir Andrei could shed further light on what had the Cathagi, or at least the Stratiokas, so concerned that they would seek to deter other foreign powers from turning their gaze towards them.

Another operative might have panicked, might have overstated the strength of the Cathagi military and its readiness to launch an invasion on Canton. And that further annoyed Sir Gilbern, mainly because he found himself surprised by Sir Andrei’s aptitude for this line of work thus far. He had made contact with the scant Reginate network present without incident and had already reported back with several notable pieces of information, and in a manner subtle enough that his reporting did not endanger the network to any significant degree. Sir Andrei was already proving to be one of the more valuable sources of information Sir Gilbern had cultivated in that region, and the man had scarcely stepped off the boat!

The intelligence being provided by the Romani Bear was proving invaluable, more than enough to silence the First Herald’s misgivings and ensure House Andrei remained under the Ordo Reginate’s protective wing. Had Sir Andrei been prone to showing a tad more discretion, Sir Gilbern would be inclined to describe him as the ideal operative. But that was Emile Andrei for you, everytime Sir Gilbern thought he had his number the man would surprise him by doing something like, say, pretty much declaring a crusade at the end of a holy pilgrimage in front of hundreds of witnesses. High profile assets were not unknown to the Ordo Reginates, but the letters from his man in the Comitas lodge there suggested this was more than a mere facade. Sir Gilbern didn’t know which worried him more, that Sir Andrei would use the faith as a smokescreen for his own designs or that the faith behind the actions of Sir Andrei and his grassroots following was entirely genuine.

Hopefully Sir Andrei hadn’t done too much since his last report to draw further attention to himself. Sir Gilbern wasn’t holding his breath.

Sir Gilbern sighed yet again, earning another now slightly-annoyed glance from Sir Cato de Ferros.

Thankfully, Sir Andrei’s reports had come through via less dramatic means since that first courier detailing the worrying Langland situation. Although he had kept a cool composure for those watching, Sir Gilbern had nearly had a heart-attack when a Griffinhawk had swooped in from an open loft-window moments after a meeting of the senior Ordo Reginate members present in Aubrey had convened.

There had been a great deal of hushed speculation as he left the hall, most presuming a message of some great import to have come on the wings of one of the rare imperial messengers of old, but Sir Gilbern had long ago stopped paying heed to the whisperings of his colleagues as the circle of those he could trust drew tighter. The attraction of being the type of person to receive important messages from unknown sources lost much of its lustre when he actually was receiving important messages, any of which could and usually did spell out some peril or crisis-in-waiting for the Kingdom at large.

Sir Gilbern’s time in Aubrey as the preeminent Queen’s Herald present in the capital these past few months had only solidified his view. Despite his rank and resources, not to mention the Mater Reginate’s own ear to speak to and own lips from which to receive direction, his efforts to supervise and map the extent of the Faction’s hold here was like grasping at smoke. The Crown Prince himself was untouchable, acting entirely through intermediaries whose motivations ranged from genuine devotion to unquenchable greed. Prince Lionel Aubrey continued to carry out his official duties with competence and dedication, whenever he did act openly it was always proper and with the Kingdom’s interests in mind. Most recently he and his uncle Duke had unveiled a set of proposed reforms to the standing Aubres army, one that few with any sense could speak out against other than perhaps at the cost involved. His actions and words were proof from criticism, and publically all saw him as every bit the faithful heir. But the actions of his underlings and go-betweens pointed to something else. In his darkest hours as sleep eluded him, Sir Gilbern could almost see the strings link to form a picture. Ancient ruined prisons, armies on the march, ancient rivals returned… but then it faded like fog with the morning sun. And after several months watching the Crown Prince and his cronies like a hawk Sir Gilben could not say with any certainty what their plans were, only that men had died or disappeared trying to find out. Men he had trusted.

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Speaking of which, Sir Andrei continued to surprise him, and the Second Herald had long stopped using that phrase as a compliment. The constant threats to the Kingdom, many underappreciated or even entirely unknown to the average Cantonion citizen, were the root cause of Sir Gilbern’s sleepless nights. Dark circles had made a ready bed under the Second Herald’s eyes, and he was sure that the unpredictability of the Romani knight. Sir Robert Gilbern snorted, then let out a laugh that had a slightly manic edge to it.

“Are you quite alright, sir?” Sir Cato de Ferros was still holding the book, his face carefully bereft of either interest or concern.

“Nothing, it’s just… the darndest thing.” Sir Gilbern stifled another chuckle. “You know, I think I’ve finally made some sense of what Sir Andrei was doing by making an advance on Frida Vancewell at the Pascae Ball.”

“Frida Vancewell, daughter and heir of Lord Vancewell.” The name earns a raised eyebrow from Sir de Ferros. “The Duke Montbrun’s right hand man and the noble house with a finger in every Faction pie?”

“The very same.” Sir Gilbern grins, he might sleep soundly tonight after all. “It was a confusion tactic, you see? Keep both the Faction and us guessing as to where the Andrei’s and their allies lie in the scheme of things. Pure flim-flam, nothing more.”

“That’s an awful lot of effort for a confusion tactic.” Sir Cato de Ferros frowned, still attempting to read his book. “Even to those that are not knowing players in our game, the reputation of Lady Frida Vancewell is fearful. Why court such a serpent in female form?”

“Courtship?” Sir Gilbern scoffed. “Hardly. Need I list the reasons why the Lady Vancewell would have to refuse any genuine advance from Sir Emile Andrei?”

“No, that I can do for you.” Now it was Sir Cato de Ferros’ turn to sigh. Placing the book down on the lounge, the knight began counting the reasons out on his fingers. “Put her brother on trial and had him executed, full credit still going to you of course, crippled her current suitor the Marquis Fallavon -and- has no lands or wealth worth mentioning when compared to a dozen of the potential suitors chasing after the most eligible bachelorette in Montbrun. Shall I go on?”

“Exactly! It was merely a ploy to confuse all parties involved.” Sir Gilbern nods with satisfaction, his inner glee well masked but nonetheless exalted with the confirmation of his fellow operative.

“Respectfully sir, how much time have you spent-...” Sir de Ferros pauses, stroking his chin. “Now hold on. If that -were- the case, why isn’t the Lady Vancewell nipping any suggested courtship by Sir Andrei in the bud?”

“What do you mean?” Sir Gilbern’s had the most uneasy feeling all of a sudden.

“Well, if there was even the suggestion of a suggestion between the two, and she wanted to silence any hint of it, wouldn’t the sensible thing be for her to do would be keep her distance?” Sir de Ferros’ musing continues, blissfully unaware of his superior’s transformed expression. “I mean, the -last- thing you would do if you weren’t at least slightly interested in seeing where said courtship goes would be to…”

“To what?”

Sir de Ferros glances up, not missing the change in tone. “You mean you hadn’t heard?”

“I hadn’t heard what?” Sir Gilbern didn’t like those words at all, it was part of his profession to not hear those words.

“Well, there is a wedding in Grenoble this spring.” Sir de Ferros, typically unflappable, now appeared somewhat nervous.

“Yes. And?” Sir Gilbern was now turned around in his chair, reports forgotten. “I hadn’t heard -what-, Cato?”

“Between the Norveski’s and the Andrei’s…”


“You must believe me, sir. I didn’t bring it to your attention because of all these other reports of grave import…”


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“She’s… invited.” Sir de Ferros winces. He was not a man prone to wincing, even when delivering disastrous reports of compromised assets or dire news. “The Lady Frida Vancewell that is. To the Norveski-Andrei wedding this spring.”

“Okay. So the Lady Frida Vancewell is invited to the wedding in the town where her own brother was tried and executed, by my own hand no less. It’s probably a peace overture from House Norveski, likely to be rejected, and even if she find some reason to accept it would be madness to brave the Romani change of seasons to winter there." Sir Gilbern realised he was rambling, stopping himself and taking a breath. "So Frida Vancewell isn’t due to arrive in Romaine until the end of winter at least…"

Sir Cato de Ferros winces again. “Actually…”


> “...This is fine.” No, it’s just another confusion tactic. A double-down confusion tactic, hidden within a ploy and woven into a scheme. Frida may just be showing her Faction allies that House Vancewell isn’t locked into anything and still needs to be plied with favours to stay on board. And Sir Andrei is… Adam’s arsehole, he’s probably doing this with the sole purpose of driving his Reginate friend mad. Maybe you should take something to help you sleep tonight. [Cyncial] + [Cynical]

> “I give up. No, honestly I give up.” You cannot tell if that man is a genius or an idiot, whether he was sent by the Pit or if he really does speak with Angels. You have more than enough work here, keeping tabs on the Crown Prince and doing your very human best to keep the Kingdom from showing the tears on the seams. As for Andrei and whatever the hell he is doing, you suppose you’ll have to wait and see. You’ll try to get some sleep tonight. [Cynical] + [Taciturn]

> “Squire, my horse!” House Andrei is in danger. That snake Frida Vancewell probably plans to poison the entire family during her stay at Castle Andrei. You must go there at once, braving the onset of Romaine’s winter yourself with your best men. Wintering with the Andrei’s and Vancewell in Romaine wasn’t your idea of a holiday, but you made a promise to your friend. You won’t be sleeping tonight. [Cynical] + [Haughty]
> “I give up. No, honestly I give up.” You cannot tell if that man is a genius or an idiot, whether he was sent by the Pit or if he really does speak with Angels. You have more than enough work here, keeping tabs on the Crown Prince and doing your very human best to keep the Kingdom from showing the tears on the seams. As for Andrei and whatever the hell he is doing, you suppose you’ll have to wait and see. You’ll try to get some sleep tonight. [Cynical] + [Taciturn]

So fucking funny


>> and the man had scarcely stepped off the boat!

>>Hopefully Sir Andrei hadn’t done too much since his last report to draw further attention to himself. Sir Gilbern wasn’t holding his breath.

>>Keep both the Faction and us guessing as to where the Andrei’s and their allies lie in the scheme of things. Pure flim-flam, nothing more.

You slay me Sir Gilbern, I love it, fantastic start to the thread
Oh actually that last option is pretty great too, still funny but with *implications*.

Imagine how confused everyone will be with both fucking Vancewell AND Gilbern at this literally-who? wedding
> “...This is fine.” No, it’s just another confusion tactic. A double-down confusion tactic, hidden within a ploy and woven into a scheme. Frida may just be showing her Faction allies that House Vancewell isn’t locked into anything and still needs to be plied with favours to stay on board. And Sir Andrei is… Adam’s arsehole, he’s probably doing this with the sole purpose of driving his Reginate friend mad. Maybe you should take something to help you sleep tonight. [Cyncial] + [Cynical]

Haha I love how crazy we're driving poor ser Gilburn.

>>6054151 veri

>> “Squire, my horse!” House Andrei is in danger. That snake Frida Vancewell probably plans to poison the entire family during her stay at Castle Andrei. You must go there at once, braving the onset of Romaine’s winter yourself with your best men. Wintering with the Andrei’s and Vancewell in Romaine wasn’t your idea of a holiday, but you made a promise to your friend. You won’t be sleeping tonight. [Cynical] + [Haughty]

Little does he know its not the snake he should be worried about. I want Roselyn to sink her teeth into Gilbern and never let go.

I agree, this is a peak time shenanigans. Also if things work out properly, both Vancewell and Gilbern will still be around when our first trade good shipment comes through.
>I want Roselyn to sink her teeth into Gilbern and never let go.

Holy shit the potential of this is too great. I see another wedding on the horizon! /s

Boss I'm going to make a mess and change my vote already. Your choices are just too good.

So, changing my vote here


> “Squire, my horse!” House Andrei is in danger. That snake Frida Vancewell probably plans to poison the entire family during her stay at Castle Andrei. You must go there at once, braving the onset of Romaine’s winter yourself with your best men. Wintering with the Andrei’s and Vancewell in Romaine wasn’t your idea of a holiday, but you made a promise to your friend. You won’t be sleeping tonight. [Cynical] + [Haughty]

Just so I get to see you write the wedding scene later

>> “Squire, my horse!” House Andrei is in danger. That snake Frida Vancewell probably plans to poison the entire family during her stay at Castle Andrei. You must go there at once, braving the onset of Romaine’s winter yourself with your best men. Wintering with the Andrei’s and Vancewell in Romaine wasn’t your idea of a holiday, but you made a promise to your friend. You won’t be sleeping tonight. [Cynical] + [Haughty]

Maximum comedy, also what >>6054938 said. The dinner conversations will be legendary.
>> “I give up. No, honestly I give up.” You cannot tell if that man is a genius or an idiot, whether he was sent by the Pit or if he really does speak with Angels. You have more than enough work here, keeping tabs on the Crown Prince and doing your very human best to keep the Kingdom from showing the tears on the seams. As for Andrei and whatever the hell he is doing, you suppose you’ll have to wait and see. You’ll try to get some sleep tonight. [Cynical] + [Taciturn]
Our boy is both a genius and an idiot. just like the anon's.
Oh Robert you poor poor bastard, you have no idea what's going on.l, we might honestly give the man a heart attack when Frida drops the bomb.

> “...This is fine.” No, it’s just another confusion tactic. A double-down confusion tactic, hidden within a ploy and woven into a scheme. Frida may just be showing her Faction allies that House Vancewell isn’t locked into anything and still needs to be plied with favours to stay on board. And Sir Andrei is… Adam’s arsehole, he’s probably doing this with the sole purpose of driving his Reginate friend mad. Maybe you should take something to help you sleep tonight. [Cyncial] + [Cynical]

Man this was a peak update for a POV, gilbern needs a holiday somewhere nice where he can relax and stop shadowrunning about Emille.

I really REALLY wish we could attend the wedding

Me Pass
> “Squire, my horse!” House Andrei is in danger. That snake Frida Vancewell probably plans to poison the entire family during her stay at Castle Andrei. You must go there at once, braving the onset of Romaine’s winter yourself with your best men. Wintering with the Andrei’s and Vancewell in Romaine wasn’t your idea of a holiday, but you made a promise to your friend. You won’t be sleeping tonight. [Cynical] + [Haughty]

Eh, why not, let the Castle Andrei shenanigans begin

vee pass
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> “I give up. No, honestly I give up.” You cannot tell if that man is a genius or an idiot, whether he was sent by the Pit or if he really does speak with Angels. You have more than enough work here, keeping tabs on the Crown Prince and doing your very human best to keep the Kingdom from showing the tears on the seams. As for Andrei and whatever the hell he is doing, you suppose you’ll have to wait and see. You’ll try to get some sleep tonight. [Cynical] + [Taciturn]
What a great update, I feel so bad for Robert.

> “I give up. No, honestly I give up.” You cannot tell if that man is a genius or an idiot, whether he was sent by the Pit or if he really does speak with Angels. You have more than enough work here, keeping tabs on the Crown Prince and doing your very human best to keep the Kingdom from showing the tears on the seams. As for Andrei and whatever the hell he is doing, you suppose you’ll have to wait and see. You’ll try to get some sleep tonight. [Cynical] + [Taciturn]

get some sleep ol Gil

7/7 your creative juices were definitely flowing tonight

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>Andrei is courting vancewell? It's a plot of course!
>They're getting married? What a devious scheme!
>They just had a third child? What a clever rouse!
> “Squire, my horse!” House Andrei is in danger. That snake Frida Vancewell probably plans to poison the entire family during her stay at Castle Andrei. You must go there at once, braving the onset of Romaine’s winter yourself with your best men. Wintering with the Andrei’s and Vancewell in Romaine wasn’t your idea of a holiday, but you made a promise to your friend. You won’t be sleeping tonight. [Cynical] + [Haughty]

I was going to vote something else but the other anons are correct, Gilbern needs a vacation and the prince isn't making any moves yet.
>> “I give up. No, honestly I give up.” You cannot tell if that man is a genius or an idiot, whether he was sent by the Pit or if he really does speak with Angels. You have more than enough work here, keeping tabs on the Crown Prince and doing your very human best to keep the Kingdom from showing the tears on the seams. As for Andrei and whatever the hell he is doing, you suppose you’ll have to wait and see. You’ll try to get some sleep tonight. [Cynical] + [Taciturn]


Beautiful intro, simply amazing
> “Squire, my horse!” House Andrei is in danger. That snake Frida Vancewell probably plans to poison the entire family during her stay at Castle Andrei. You must go there at once, braving the onset of Romaine’s winter yourself with your best men. Wintering with the Andrei’s and Vancewell in Romaine wasn’t your idea of a holiday, but you made a promise to your friend. You won’t be sleeping tonight. [Cynical] + [Haughty]
While the thought of Gilbern chasing imaginary dragons is quite amusing, I'm more interested in the potential networking opportunities that might arise from him linking with Frida.

'Tis I.
> “Squire, my horse!” House Andrei is in danger. That snake Frida Vancewell probably plans to poison the entire family during her stay at Castle Andrei. You must go there at once, braving the onset of Romaine’s winter yourself with your best men. Wintering with the Andrei’s and Vancewell in Romaine wasn’t your idea of a holiday, but you made a promise to your friend. You won’t be sleeping tonight. [Cynical] + [Haughty]

verify >>6053995

Oh boy, Gillbern being included in the wedding arc.
>Little does he know its not the snake he should be worried about. I want Roselyn to sink her teeth into Gilbern and never let go.

God damn, I want this too.


> “Squire, my horse!” House Andrei is in danger. That snake Frida Vancewell probably plans to poison the entire family during her stay at Castle Andrei. You must go there at once, braving the onset of Romaine’s winter yourself with your best men. Wintering with the Andrei’s and Vancewell in Romaine wasn’t your idea of a holiday, but you made a promise to your friend. You won’t be sleeping tonight. [Cynical] + [Haughty]

I swear this whole god damn thing is too fucking funny.
Frak, forgot my verification.

me >>6054274
> “I give up. No, honestly I give up.” You cannot tell if that man is a genius or an idiot, whether he was sent by the Pit or if he really does speak with Angels. You have more than enough work here, keeping tabs on the Crown Prince and doing your very human best to keep the Kingdom from showing the tears on the seams. As for Andrei and whatever the hell he is doing, you suppose you’ll have to wait and see. You’ll try to get some sleep tonight. [Cynical] + [Taciturn]
Robert, man, give yourself a break.

>> “Squire, my horse!” House Andrei is in danger. That snake Frida Vancewell probably plans to poison the entire family during her stay at Castle Andrei. You must go there at once, braving the onset of Romaine’s winter yourself with your best men. Wintering with the Andrei’s and Vancewell in Romaine wasn’t your idea of a holiday, but you made a promise to your friend. You won’t be sleeping tonight. [Cynical] + [Haughty]

>“I give up. No, honestly I give up.” You cannot tell if that man is a genius or an idiot, whether he was sent by the Pit or if he really does speak with Angels. You have more than enough work here, keeping tabs on the Crown Prince and doing your very human best to keep the Kingdom from showing the tears on the seams. As for Andrei and whatever the hell he is doing, you suppose you’ll have to wait and see. You’ll try to get some sleep tonight. [Cynical] + [Taciturn]
I love our Schizo Second Herald. I sure hope he'll like what he hears about our current escapades.

That's me.
> “I give up. No, honestly I give up.” You cannot tell if that man is a genius or an idiot, whether he was sent by the Pit or if he really does speak with Angels. You have more than enough work here, keeping tabs on the Crown Prince and doing your very human best to keep the Kingdom from showing the tears on the seams. As for Andrei and whatever the hell he is doing, you suppose you’ll have to wait and see. You’ll try to get some sleep tonight. [Cynical] + [Taciturn]
Agh, the fabled crack finally came true at long last.
VP: >>6054032
This has made my day.

> “Squire, my horse!” House Andrei is in danger. That snake Frida Vancewell probably plans to poison the entire family during her stay at Castle Andrei. You must go there at once, braving the onset of Romaine’s winter yourself with your best men. Wintering with the Andrei’s and Vancewell in Romaine wasn’t your idea of a holiday, but you made a promise to your friend. You won’t be sleeping tonight. [Cynical] + [Haughty]

Can't wait for him to find out the horror that is the truth.
Wounder if our lady sake is going to show off the gift we got her and g boy is going to think she's murdering one of our sisters.

My v post
> “I give up. No, honestly I give up.” You cannot tell if that man is a genius or an idiot, whether he was sent by the Pit or if he really does speak with Angels. You have more than enough work here, keeping tabs on the Crown Prince and doing your very human best to keep the Kingdom from showing the tears on the seams. As for Andrei and whatever the hell he is doing, you suppose you’ll have to wait and see. You’ll try to get some sleep tonight. [Cynical] + [Taciturn]

Verily >>6054469
> “Squire, my horse!” House Andrei is in danger. That snake Frida Vancewell probably plans to poison the entire family during her stay at Castle Andrei. You must go there at once, braving the onset of Romaine’s winter yourself with your best men. Wintering with the Andrei’s and Vancewell in Romaine wasn’t your idea of a holiday, but you made a promise to your friend. You won’t be sleeping tonight. [Cynical] + [Haughty]

Way I see it, the prince probably has contacts watching the reginate and his reaction to one of them suddenly deciding something is MORE important than watching him, would be to send assets over to the wedding as well - if not showing up himself to project the image of the caring heir who is worried about the serpent situation and also totally down to earth with the rest of the kingdom guise. Three birds, one stone.

Also this interlude implies to me that while we are convinced that Avarice is the Red Knight working for the Prince, Gilbern likely has no such suspicions and we should probably let him know of such the next time we send a priority mailer to him. Watching the Red Knight would probably yield a lot more intel.

>inb4 one post by both deez ids
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> “Squire, my horse!” House Andrei is in danger. That snake Frida Vancewell probably plans to poison the entire family during her stay at Castle Andrei. You must go there at once, braving the onset of Romaine’s winter yourself with your best men. Wintering with the Andrei’s and Vancewell in Romaine wasn’t your idea of a holiday, but you made a promise to your friend. You won’t be sleeping tonight. [Cynical] + [Haughty]

Voting for this option because >>6055039 made me think of this deeply funny scenario

>Emile does crazy shit that throws off Gilbern and makes him panic and stay up all night
>Gilbern responds by doing some off-the-cuff crazy shit in response
>The Faction agent responsible for watching Gilbern gets really anxious and stays up all night worrying about what he's doing

We're teaching Gilbern our ways. It's a cycle of abuse, really.
>“...This is fine.” No, it’s just another confusion tactic. A double-down confusion tactic, hidden within a ploy and woven into a scheme. Frida may just be showing her Faction allies that House Vancewell isn’t locked into anything and still needs to be plied with favours to stay on board. And Sir Andrei is… Adam’s arsehole, he’s probably doing this with the sole purpose of driving his Reginate friend mad. Maybe you should take something to help you sleep tonight. [Cyncial] + [Cynical]
>> “Squire, my horse!” House Andrei is in danger. That snake Frida Vancewell probably plans to poison the entire family during her stay at Castle Andrei. You must go there at once, braving the onset of Romaine’s winter yourself with your best men. Wintering with the Andrei’s and Vancewell in Romaine wasn’t your idea of a holiday, but you made a promise to your friend. You won’t be sleeping tonight. [Cynical] + [Haughty]
My virginity >>6054153
Posting from Germany. Epic update Forgotten, being Gilbern is suffering

> “Squire, my horse!” House Andrei is in danger. That snake Frida Vancewell probably plans to poison the entire family during her stay at Castle Andrei. You must go there at once, braving the onset of Romaine’s winter yourself with your best men. Wintering with the Andrei’s and Vancewell in Romaine wasn’t your idea of a holiday, but you made a promise to your friend. You won’t be sleeping tonight. [Cynical] + [Haughty]
The dinner party is going to go crazy for everyone involved once Gilbert shows up.
My virginity pass: >>6054048
>> “Squire, my horse!” House Andrei is in danger. That snake Frida Vancewell probably plans to poison the entire family during her stay at Castle Andrei. You must go there at once, braving the onset of Romaine’s winter yourself with your best men. Wintering with the Andrei’s and Vancewell in Romaine wasn’t your idea of a holiday, but you made a promise to your friend. You won’t be sleeping tonight. [Cynical] + [Haughty]
It's just too funny, and honestly the prince might be too smooth an operator for old Gil to catch him out at court anyway.
the one and only
>> “Squire, my horse!” House Andrei is in danger. That snake Frida Vancewell probably plans to poison the entire family during her stay at Castle Andrei. You must go there at once, braving the onset of Romaine’s winter yourself with your best men. Wintering with the Andrei’s and Vancewell in Romaine wasn’t your idea of a holiday, but you made a promise to your friend. You won’t be sleeping tonight. [Cynical] + [Haughty]

Honestly it's too fucking funny not picking the options that drive Robert insane. This is too enjoyable.
Wait. Did I remember to actually vote when I saw the thread....
>“Squire, my horse!” House Andrei is in danger. That snake Frida Vancewell probably plans to poison the entire family during her stay at Castle Andrei. You must go there at once, braving the onset of Romaine’s winter yourself with your best men. Wintering with the Andrei’s and Vancewell in Romaine wasn’t your idea of a holiday, but you made a promise to your friend. You won’t be sleeping tonight. [Cynical] + [Haughty]

>A preeminent member of the Faction and one of the Queen's Heralds are both attending the wedding
Lol, lmao even. Gilbern said he wasn't getting much done in Aubres, so why not?


>Also this interlude implies to me that while we are convinced that Avarice is the Red Knight working for the Prince, Gilbern likely has no such suspicions and we should probably let him know of such the next time we send a priority mailer to him
Great idea. "Hey Robert, remember that thing the Third Herald and I did in Fallavon? The Red Knight reminds me of it.". In burgher code of course!
HAHAHA! I DID! Thank goodness, I would have been pissed if I had forgotten!

> “Squire, my horse!” House Andrei is in danger. That snake Frida Vancewell probably plans to poison the entire family during her stay at Castle Andrei. You must go there at once, braving the onset of Romaine’s winter yourself with your best men. Wintering with the Andrei’s and Vancewell in Romaine wasn’t your idea of a holiday, but you made a promise to your friend. You won’t be sleeping tonight. [Cynical] + [Haughty]
Oops, forgot my v-card
>“Squire, my horse!” House Andrei is in danger. That snake Frida Vancewell probably plans to poison the entire family during her stay at Castle Andrei. You must go there at once, braving the onset of Romaine’s winter yourself with your best men. Wintering with the Andrei’s and Vancewell in Romaine wasn’t your idea of a holiday, but you made a promise to your friend. You won’t be sleeping tonight. [Cynical] + [Haughty]
Oil to the fire!
V post
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> “Squire, my horse!” House Andrei is in danger. That snake Frida Vancewell probably plans to poison the entire family during her stay at Castle Andrei. You must go there at once, braving the onset of Romaine’s winter yourself with your best men. Wintering with the Andrei’s and Vancewell in Romaine wasn’t your idea of a holiday, but you made a promise to your friend. You won’t be sleeping tonight. [Cynical] + [Haughty]
Maximally Funny, Sir Andrei the Chessmaster Bear
Also take this Young Father Towbray, I'd love to see his reaction to any future miracles we pull, thinking of which didn't the last thread we do a crazy roll?
>> “I give up. No, honestly I give up.” You cannot tell if that man is a genius or an idiot, whether he was sent by the Pit or if he really does speak with Angels. You have more than enough work here, keeping tabs on the Crown Prince and doing your very human best to keep the Kingdom from showing the tears on the seams. As for Andrei and whatever the hell he is doing, you suppose you’ll have to wait and see. You’ll try to get some sleep tonight. [Cynical] + [Taciturn]

me post
> “Squire, my horse!” House Andrei is in danger. That snake Frida Vancewell probably plans to poison the entire family during her stay at Castle Andrei. You must go there at once, braving the onset of Romaine’s winter yourself with your best men. Wintering with the Andrei’s and Vancewell in Romaine wasn’t your idea of a holiday, but you made a promise to your friend. You won’t be sleeping tonight. [Cynical] + [Haughty]

this would be to much fun to pass up on

this is me
Idk if I was in the window to be counted or not, but I'm voting:
Since other anons convinced me it would be funny.
>> “Squire, my horse!” House Andrei is in danger. That snake Frida Vancewell probably plans to poison the entire family during her stay at Castle Andrei. You must go there at once, braving the onset of Romaine’s winter yourself with your best men. Wintering with the Andrei’s and Vancewell in Romaine wasn’t your idea of a holiday, but you made a promise to your friend. You won’t be sleeping tonight. [Cynical] + [Haughty]

God damn hilarious.

me >>6054001
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didn't have time to make this up last thread I just posted the generic version of the meme but heres a SVT version
> “I give up. No, honestly I give up.” You cannot tell if that man is a genius or an idiot, whether he was sent by the Pit or if he really does speak with Angels. You have more than enough work here, keeping tabs on the Crown Prince and doing your very human best to keep the Kingdom from showing the tears on the seams. As for Andrei and whatever the hell he is doing, you suppose you’ll have to wait and see. You’ll try to get some sleep tonight. [Cynical] + [Taciturn]

> “I give up. No, honestly I give up.” You cannot tell if that man is a genius or an idiot, whether he was sent by the Pit or if he really does speak with Angels. You have more than enough work here, keeping tabs on the Crown Prince and doing your very human best to keep the Kingdom from showing the tears on the seams. As for Andrei and whatever the hell he is doing, you suppose you’ll have to wait and see. You’ll try to get some sleep tonight. [Cynical] + [Taciturn]

>> “Squire, my horse!” House Andrei is in danger. That snake Frida Vancewell probably plans to poison the entire family during her stay at Castle Andrei. You must go there at once, braving the onset of Romaine’s winter yourself with your best men. Wintering with the Andrei’s and Vancewell in Romaine wasn’t your idea of a holiday, but you made a promise to your friend. You won’t be sleeping tonight. [Cynical] + [Haughty]
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>Snakemen entering the Montbrune bowl
>The Prince has at least one Duke as a Uncle My guess is either Montbrune or Aubrey
>Robert has no idea Sanguine is a sin
>Vancewells are the right hand of Montbrun Probably had a hand in the labor acquistion for Fallavon
>Pascae politics is a complete shitshow and could fall into the princes lap at any second
>First Herald is willing to try and commit a coup

Man Emille is going to come back to a Canton on absolute fire considering how perilous the tower of cards is and considering how long we'll be in Cathaggi its entirely possible we'll miss it catching fire.

I really hope we can leave Cathaggi in an even worse state.
>> “Squire, my horse!” House Andrei is in danger. That snake Frida Vancewell probably plans to poison the entire family during her stay at Castle Andrei. You must go there at once, braving the onset of Romaine’s winter yourself with your best men. Wintering with the Andrei’s and Vancewell in Romaine wasn’t your idea of a holiday, but you made a promise to your friend. You won’t be sleeping tonight. [Cynical] + [Haughty]
I love this quest

>>The Prince has at least one Duke as a Uncle My guess is either Montbrune or Aubrey
It's Aubrey, canonically the Duke of Aubrey is always the king's brother if one exist, like how the English heir is prince of Wales.
Probably although I don't want to rule out Montbrune given how deep in the Faction the Duke appears to be and the lack of details on particularly how and why thats the case.
> “Squire, my horse!” House Andrei is in danger. That snake Frida Vancewell probably plans to poison the entire family during her stay at Castle Andrei. You must go there at once, braving the onset of Romaine’s winter yourself with your best men. Wintering with the Andrei’s and Vancewell in Romaine wasn’t your idea of a holiday, but you made a promise to your friend. You won’t be sleeping tonight. [Cynical] + [Haughty]

good work
Yoink, adding this to the pool.
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>SELECTED: “Squire, my horse!” House Andrei is in danger. That snake Frida Vancewell probably plans to poison the entire family during her stay at Castle Andrei. You must go there at once, braving the onset of Romaine’s winter yourself with your best men. Wintering with the Andrei’s and Vancewell in Romaine wasn’t your idea of a holiday, but you made a promise to your friend. You won’t be sleeping tonight. [Cynical] + [Haughty]
>SELECTED: Young Lady Frida Vancewell, the cunning viper of Montbrun

Lady Frida Vancewell was no cloistered damsel, not for her the quiet contentment in remaining holed up behind her father’s castle walls whilst suitors lined up outside. She was instrumental in furthering the interests of her noble house, so far as they aligned with her own goals, and her influence had only grown since the death of her idiot brother. Daddy might think that he plotted the course of House Vancewell, and it was true that much of the designs were of his making. But it was Frida that had put those lofty vague designs into work, it was Frida that had cultivated the vast majority of the Vancewell web of alliances and favours that made them a preeminent player in the Montbrun Court and beyond.

Such a network of lackeys and self-interested associations required constant attention, and Frida had not shirked from the regular forays and visitations to their partner houses both in Montbrun and beyond. In fact, she had rather enjoyed it. The goings on at home had been rather dull of late, ever since the excitement of the Pascae Ball. And this was not least because every Montbrunian highborn and low was preoccupied with the coming war with the snakemen. There were plenty of those looking to turn the situation to their advantage, of course, but those mountain lords typically started to lose focus when faced with the opportunity to advance their interests by smashing a foreign foe in the face when twice as much might be gained with a well-timed stabbing in the back. (Men, honestly). Daddy was nowhere near as adept at Frida in the powers of persuasion, but in a wartime footing the wiser words of the fairer sex would too readily lose out to any speaker with the proper equipment between their legs calling for violence and glory (and rah rah rah).

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Still, even the well-travelled Frida had to admit that Romaine in the early onset of winter defied her expectations. She had anticipated a rather dreary and foreboding landscape, barren trees and desolate fields haunted by the terrors of the night and a grinning skeleton or what-have-you staring out over every hedge and under every bridge. So it was a pleasant surprise to ride through the roads of northern Romaine with her honour guard and be greeted with picturesque views of the last remnants of autumn in this fertile realm at every turn. True, the duchy wasn’t anywhere near as pretty as it had been when Frida last attended the Summer Tourney held here years ago as a child, but Romaine in winter wasn’t the windswept wasteland she had expected either. At least not yet. The winds were getting colder and the first frosts had begun to form, but even the commonfolk had been hospitable wherever they stayed. They were a vivacious sort, the Romani, once one’s charm aptly disarmed them of their grim outlook on the coming winter and life in general. Maybe they were just happy to see anyone passing through that still held a pulse, ones more likely to buy bread than steal souls etcetera. The Vancewell heraldry had turned a few heads, sure, but few let that get in the way of some honest coin in exchange for bed and board fit for a lady of Frida’s rank (and being generous when it came to prices helped, of course).

It was a calculated move, of course. The idea of seriously courting Sir Emile Andrei remained ludicrous, but there was an advantage to be had in holding off from snuffing out the possibility of some improvement in relations. Daddy had barely but to hear a targeted whisper that some of the Faction’s other main proponents were possibly taking the efforts of House Vancewell for him to accede to his daughter’s plan (himself still convinced he had concocted the whole scheme of course). A tour of the allies in the region here, a snubbing of certain parties at a certain wedding there, and he was convinced in Frida’s little expedition ahead of the calling of the Montbrun banners. Frida hadn’t even needed to make the point that it could also serve to lull House Andrei into a position where revenge for their part in poor Hast’s unjust execution might be exacted.

With Frida already conducting a tour of those houses in the Duchy as it was, she had all the freedom needed to pursue anything that might catch her interest whilst travelling. The captain of her honour guard, Sir Christoph Ballestrem, had taken Frida’s impromptu decision for detour on the way to Grenoble in his stride. Frida typically got what she wanted, and that included the Vancewell men-at-arms doing her bidding with the unquestioning compliance they would exhibit had the orders come from her father’s own mouth.

Frida liked to think of herself as quite self-aware, thank you very much. So it was with some chagrin that she was forced to admit that the above goals could quite readily come to terms with the fact that visiting the House Andrei lands personally wasn’t necessary in the grand scheme of things. The Vancewell plans could already be readily achieved as it was, so this little diversion had very little to offer other than perhaps sating Frida’s idle curiosity. Why she remained so curious about the home and kin of the insufferable Andrei knight, well Frida hadn’t quite figured that out yet.

Upon the reception received at Castle Andrei, however, Frida was beginning to wonder whether it was at all possible that she had made something of a slight miscalculation.

“Let me see if I have this clearly.” Lord Nikolai Andrei’s furrowed brow matched the disbelief in his tone, or perhaps it was disapproval. “You have travelled to our fair Duchy, as Ardenrise sets its icy grip on our realm… for dinner?”

“Manners, darling.” Lady Andrei chided gently, though in her arched eyebrow the matron of the household carried the same weight of scepticism as her husband’s dark expression. “You must forgive my husband, we hadn’t expected the pleasure of your company so soon.”

Now it was Lord Andrei’s turn to raise an eyebrow. “We hadn’t expected the pleasure of your company at all.”

“Darling.” But Lady Andrei’s warning had come too late, and if the twitch in Young Lady Roselyn Andrei’s gloved hands was any judge she too realised the err in decorum. Why, that was the courtly equivalent of slapping one’s hand against one’s forehead. These Andrei women really needed to keep their men in better check.

“Oh but my Lord, I hadn’t realised my own presumption!” Frida adopted her practiced expression of abject embarrassment. “When I received that lovely letter from your delightful wife on the subject, I amended my plans to visit relatives at the Duchess’ Court accordingly. I thought I couldn’t risk missing out and, well, it -was- on our way there…”

Lord Andrei, and the Young Lord too for that matter, both cast a sidelong glance at their spouse and sibling respectively.

“As I recall, that same letter also mentioned spring.” Young Lady Roselyn Andrei parried back. My, my, so even the little ladies of Romaine aren’t afraid to speak up when the men are talking.

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Clever little vixen. Frida and Roselyn both well knew that talk of an invitation in their circles was practically an invitation itself. She knew there was no point denying it now, lest her family risk ridicule from the dilettantes in the Romaine Court for being poor hosts. But she could at least drive home Vancewell’s presumptiveness to spin any sort of fallout in those circles as a double-edged sword for both involved.

“A social visit in wintertime is an altogether different imposition, especially here.”

“Oh, I didn’t even think! Why, I barely even paused to pack. It’s been all quite overwhelming for a mere maiden like myself back home, what with the war on and all….” Frida slipped seamlessly into another tried and tested facade, that of the vulnerable and overwrought mountain lass. Just the right amount of uncertainty, with the odd knowing pout for the more seasoned players of the game. “It was silly of me to think only of diverting myself from that horrid business with the social calls and visits to relatives abroad without thought to any possible inconvenience. I mean, there was even talk of a wedding? What a lovely occasion!”

“Yes, the wedding. We’ll get to that. But most concerningly you have embarked upon this journey, at this time of year, with only ten…” Lord Andrei cast a critical eye over the Vancewell honour guard present in the hall, clearly unimpressed. “...men.”

“It’s all my dearest Lord father could spare, our house enjoys the deep trust of our magnanimous Duke and we can give no less than our all in the war effort.” This was working perfectly. Getting the measure of the Andrei household, keeping House Vancewell appropriately aloof from ongoing suitors of other parties, and even walking away as the aggrieved party (if she chose to use that minor bit of leverage) when they failed to host a noble lady of her status. “ It really would be such a shame to miss out on any planning for such a lovely episode as a spring wedding. But of course, I’ve acted without thought for the comfort or convenience of others. We had planned to winter in the Duchess’ Court with distant relatives in any event, really we shall be on our way. Perhaps when the weather turns fair we might revisit this and make further plans?”

“Now that you are here-” Roselyn began, doubtless making the requisite insistences on them staying to be followed by Frida’s insistence on leaving (and the back-and-forth from that could take ever so long).

“I cannot allow it.” Lord Andrei’s interruption carried the edge of authority with it and, for once, brooked no interference.

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Frida found herself taken slightly aback. “...I beg pardon, my lord?”

“You are a guest in my house, and Ardenrise is upon us. I cannot allow you to leave the safety of this castle with such a meagre escort.” Lord Andrei’s tone brooked no argument, Frida could see something of his younger son's more serious moments in him just then. “We have already received reports from the border forts of sizeable incursions crossing the frontier, nevermind the stirring of whatever rot we might have missed from last winter. Frankly, it’s nothing short of a miracle that you and your men weren’t already attacked on the way here.”

“Praise be.” Roselyn Andrei deadpanned from the sidelines. That bitch. Frida was already beginning to think fondly of her.

“My lord…” Frida said with an attempt to regain some of the initiative from this unexpected turn of events, although she now did recall that every village and town they had stopped at had the gates and windows barred before answering to the knock from outside. “Sir Ballestram and his men are quite adept in their duties. I am sure they can see their Lord’s daughter safely through to Grenoble within a day or two.”

“I deem them insufficient.” Lord Andrei did not spare a glance for the bristling of the Vancewell honour guard at his insulting assessment. Later, Frida would learn that sometimes the riskiest period of time in Romani winters was just before the snows set in. When travellers and caravans felt they could still risk short trips before the deadmen presence essentially throttled all trade on the roads. “In a week’s time, we have a long range patrol planned that will take us close enough to Norveski lands to serve as sufficient escort to Grenoble. Fifty capable men should be enough of an escort, but I cannot spare a single soul before then.”

“Although need it be said that if your aim is to travel to the Duchess’ winter court from Grenoble, Lord Norveski might find himself faced with similar difficulties in sparing his own men.” Lady Andrei wasn’t so crass as to say that decrepit vulture Lord Norveski was highly unlikely to lift a finger aiding the sister of a man he had tried and had executed for murder, expected wedding invitation or no. But the comment may as well have been a slap in Frida's face. “Please, stay as long as you need.”

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Frida chafed at being talked down to like a child, but she was not foolish enough to entirely discount the Lord and Lady Andrei’s words. It carried with it the tone of a genuine warning, perhaps Frida and her escort really had been lucky to avoid attack thus far. Clearly the Andrei’s didn’t particularly want her here, but they were speaking less in terms of the inconvenience of hosting an unexpected guest and more in line with an forceful offer of sanctuary to one whom they at least viewed as genuinely being in need of it notwithstanding the bad blood between their families. Perhaps Frida had indeed miscalculated the risks of travel in this Duchy. Or perhaps the Andrei’s, men and women both, were clever enough to overplay the whole thing.


> “I am sure Sir Ballestram and his men would relish the chance to fight the foe to be found here, given their absence from the homefront. Please, my lord, consider the soldiers of House Vancewell at your disposal for the duration of our stay.” Well, if you are going to winter here of all places then you may as well use that time to unravel the charming little enigma that is the Andrei family. Perhaps then you’ll finally lose interest in that impudent, pluckish son of theirs. But three more months of this…Is that really necessary? [Winter with the Andrei’s]

> “Your offer of an escort is most kind, my lord. We can make our own arrangements from there.” You hold little hope Lord Norveski will be willing to lift a single finger, but the funds set aside for your travel can aptly accommodate an escort of mercenaries or the like for the rest of the trip to the Duchess’ winter court. You’ll doubtless learn a thing or two about the Andrei household during your stay, perhaps something to be used to your advantage. A week here is bearable. [One Week Delay]

> “Your concern is touching, my lady, but I must insist that we be on our way with the escort we have. I suppose we won’t be able to stay for dinner after all, as it sounds like we have not a moment to lose.” You detest the idea of how that devious shrew Roselyn might play the scene of the Montbrun mountain lass fleeing Andrei lands at the first talk of a few lively cadavers, her little social circle will probably eat it up. But your machinations in the Romani Court at large cannot be delayed by this little side-tour. [Depart Without Delay]
> “I am sure Sir Ballestram and his men would relish the chance to fight the foe to be found here, given their absence from the homefront. Please, my lord, consider the soldiers of House Vancewell at your disposal for the duration of our stay.” Well, if you are going to winter here of all places then you may as well use that time to unravel the charming little enigma that is the Andrei family. Perhaps then you’ll finally lose interest in that impudent, pluckish son of theirs. But three more months of this…Is that really necessary? [Winter with the Andrei’s]

I don't even need to think about this one, this is perfect. Perfect!

She's planning on spending the WHOLE WINTER in our home? Holy shit the madlad

>That bitch. Frida was already beginning to think fondly of her.

Love it haha

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I forget anons ick'ed at the ai art here, so have a better portrait of Lord Vancewell.
Oh I thought the previous one was cool. Was converting it to webp for the wiki but this works too
>> “I am sure Sir Ballestram and his men would relish the chance to fight the foe to be found here, given their absence from the homefront. Please, my lord, consider the soldiers of House Vancewell at your disposal for the duration of our stay.” Well, if you are going to winter here of all places then you may as well use that time to unravel the charming little enigma that is the Andrei family. Perhaps then you’ll finally lose interest in that impudent, pluckish son of theirs. But three more months of this…Is that really necessary? [Winter with the Andrei’s]

Maximum COMEDY, especially with Robbo on the way
I didn't even realise what I just posted was a gif, so honestly just pick whatever you fancy. I might just crop the first pic and cut out the disconcerting hands to fix it up.

Also, Vancewell meme because choo choo.
Haha copy that, I didn't notice the fucked up hands
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>> “I am sure Sir Ballestram and his men would relish the chance to fight the foe to be found here, given their absence from the homefront. Please, my lord, consider the soldiers of House Vancewell at your disposal for the duration of our stay.” Well, if you are going to winter here of all places then you may as well use that time to unravel the charming little enigma that is the Andrei family. Perhaps then you’ll finally lose interest in that impudent, pluckish son of theirs. But three more months of this…Is that really necessary? [Winter with the Andrei’s]

That's it, we are going FULL THROTTLE on the Wintering Sitcom Arc.

virtue pass
>> “I am sure Sir Ballestram and his men would relish the chance to fight the foe to be found here, given their absence from the homefront. Please, my lord, consider the soldiers of House Vancewell at your disposal for the duration of our stay.” Well, if you are going to winter here of all places then you may as well use that time to unravel the charming little enigma that is the Andrei family. Perhaps then you’ll finally lose interest in that impudent, pluckish son of theirs. But three more months of this…Is that really necessary? [Winter with the Andrei’s]
vp: >>6054405
> “I am sure Sir Ballestram and his men would relish the chance to fight the foe to be found here, given their absence from the homefront. Please, my lord, consider the soldiers of House Vancewell at your disposal for the duration of our stay.” Well, if you are going to winter here of all places then you may as well use that time to unravel the charming little enigma that is the Andrei family. Perhaps then you’ll finally lose interest in that impudent, pluckish son of theirs. But three more months of this…Is that really necessary? [Winter with the Andrei’s]

verify >>6053995
>> “I am sure Sir Ballestram and his men would relish the chance to fight the foe to be found here, given their absence from the homefront. Please, my lord, consider the soldiers of House Vancewell at your disposal for the duration of our stay.” Well, if you are going to winter here of all places then you may as well use that time to unravel the charming little enigma that is the Andrei family. Perhaps then you’ll finally lose interest in that impudent, pluckish son of theirs. But three more months of this…Is that really necessary? [Winter with the Andrei’s]

Now im wondering if we didnt miscalculate sending robbie downwards here. I hope he doesnt get eaten.

me >>6054274
> “I am sure Sir Ballestram and his men would relish the chance to fight the foe to be found here, given their absence from the homefront. Please, my lord, consider the soldiers of House Vancewell at your disposal for the duration of our stay.” Well, if you are going to winter here of all places then you may as well use that time to unravel the charming little enigma that is the Andrei family. Perhaps then you’ll finally lose interest in that impudent, pluckish son of theirs. But three more months of this…Is that really necessary? [Winter with the Andrei’s]

I love this Woman, shes such an haughty, catty cynic about everything and everyone, it's the perfect match for Emille and his family, I really wany her to be frenemies with Ros.

a shame we can't rescue her from the Deadmen now OH GOD WE SENT ROBERT TO ROMANIE IN WINTER

Vancewell Card
With any luck, Cato or any romaine reginates will put two and two together and put together an escort unit for his shadowrunning ass.
him and vancwell are technically enemies aswell and they will be spending 3 months in the same castle someone getting knocked off and their death being blamed on the deadmen it is a possibility..... I don't think gil would do it maybe vancewell would but the guy leading the honour guard could also make an attempt to kill gil a revenge for her brother
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>“I am sure Sir Ballestram and his men would relish the chance to fight the foe to be found here, given their absence from the homefront. Please, my lord, consider the soldiers of House Vancewell at your disposal for the duration of our stay.” Well, if you are going to winter here of all places then you may as well use that time to unravel the charming little enigma that is the Andrei family. Perhaps then you’ll finally lose interest in that impudent, pluckish son of theirs. But three more months of this…Is that really necessary? [Winter with the Andrei’s]

This is me boss
Even so in Ardennerise it sounds like travel is all but impossible in Romanie.

Gotta remember Robert is a pragmatist and greater good guy and if he think offing her will better the Church or the realm he can likely convince himself to do it.

Vancewell could very well be down to killing him without a doubt though and if she can throw the blame on Robert down the line if Emille becomes a feasiable candidate even better for her.
Do we know House Vancewells words? The only mention I see is an anons attempt at making a shield and adding words themselves "Never Losing Trace" but I don't see it confirmed by the bossman
> “I am sure Sir Ballestram and his men would relish the chance to fight the foe to be found here, given their absence from the homefront. Please, my lord, consider the soldiers of House Vancewell at your disposal for the duration of our stay.” Well, if you are going to winter here of all places then you may as well use that time to unravel the charming little enigma that is the Andrei family. Perhaps then you’ll finally lose interest in that impudent, pluckish son of theirs. But three more months of this…Is that really necessary? [Winter with the Andrei’s]

Surely this will end hilariously

this is me
> “I am sure Sir Ballestram and his men would relish the chance to fight the foe to be found here, given their absence from the homefront. Please, my lord, consider the soldiers of House Vancewell at your disposal for the duration of our stay.” Well, if you are going to winter here of all places then you may as well use that time to unravel the charming little enigma that is the Andrei family. Perhaps then you’ll finally lose interest in that impudent, pluckish son of theirs. But three more months of this…Is that really necessary? [Winter with the Andrei’s]


Well, i'm surprisingly satisfied with this. I had grown content with courting Vancewell, as I expected that her nature would make any mutual love short lived, but now that we can see that , while she is interested in us, there is no affection there yet. We only managed to get any chance with her because of that crit at the ball. We will need a few more or a long series of good roles and situations. Otherwise, our courtship will fail and the failure will cause or be caused by someone's death. Until then, lets see where this goes(hopefully not with Vancewell and Gilbern killing each other and some of our family getting caught in the crossfire.
Who knows, maybe spending the whole winter with our family and then getting to take part in a joyous wedding in the spring will change her mind and make her think that putting up with Emiles absurd honesty could all be worth it to be apart of this.

In amongst all the shadowrunning I mean
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Emile is probably one of the only people in her life who is interested in her for not just what she can provide him. Her family mostly view her as a tool to get what they want. Her other suitors only see her for the status/power she would bring. Hopefully, between spending time with the Andrei family and our future attempts at courting will warm her to the idea. Plus the main concern of Emile not having any real power or standing in the realm will go away once he takes back Andreene

I am totally not coping either
> “Your offer of an escort is most kind, my lord. We can make our own arrangements from there.” You hold little hope Lord Norveski will be willing to lift a single finger, but the funds set aside for your travel can aptly accommodate an escort of mercenaries or the like for the rest of the trip to the Duchess’ winter court. You’ll doubtless learn a thing or two about the Andrei household during your stay, perhaps something to be used to your advantage. A week here is bearable. [One Week Delay]

I get how staying all winter is the funny option but I don't really find it in character.
> “I am sure Sir Ballestram and his men would relish the chance to fight the foe to be found here, given their absence from the homefront. Please, my lord, consider the soldiers of House Vancewell at your disposal for the duration of our stay.” Well, if you are going to winter here of all places then you may as well use that time to unravel the charming little enigma that is the Andrei family. Perhaps then you’ll finally lose interest in that impudent, pluckish son of theirs. But three more months of this…Is that really necessary? [Winter with the Andrei’s]
I have a bad gut feeling about this option. But that just makes me wanna do it even more to see the fireworks.

>“I am sure Sir Ballestram and his men would relish the chance to fight the foe to be found here, given their absence from the homefront. Please, my lord, consider the soldiers of House Vancewell at your disposal for the duration of our stay.” Well, if you are going to winter here of all places then you may as well use that time to unravel the charming little enigma that is the Andrei family. Perhaps then you’ll finally lose interest in that impudent, pluckish son of theirs. But three more months of this…Is that really necessary? [Winter with the Andrei’s]
Now I'm really worried about our boy Gilbern, may the Almighty preserve him as he comes to the rescue of House Andrei. But surely he'll be alright... I'm going to make this vote purely so that Robert at least has a reason to brave Ardenrise. Interesting look into Vancewell's psychology. A little bit of denial in there, but the ruthlessness gives me hope yet that Emile can be saved from this witch.

> “I am sure Sir Ballestram and his men would relish the chance to fight the foe to be found here, given their absence from the homefront. Please, my lord, consider the soldiers of House Vancewell at your disposal for the duration of our stay.” Well, if you are going to winter here of all places then you may as well use that time to unravel the charming little enigma that is the Andrei family. Perhaps then you’ll finally lose interest in that impudent, pluckish son of theirs. But three more months of this…Is that really necessary? [Winter with the Andrei’s]

My v post
The one thing that made me raise eyebrows in this interlude is Vancewell playing the 'clueless maiden' card. I was given the impression that although she obviously hides her true nature to the public she isn't quite so vapid? But maybe that's me.

> “I am sure Sir Ballestram and his men would relish the chance to fight the foe to be found here, given their absence from the homefront. Please, my lord, consider the soldiers of House Vancewell at your disposal for the duration of our stay.” Well, if you are going to winter here of all places then you may as well use that time to unravel the charming little enigma that is the Andrei family. Perhaps then you’ll finally lose interest in that impudent, pluckish son of theirs. But three more months of this…Is that really necessary? [Winter with the Andrei’s]

Maximum chaos and shenanigans are actually welcome, for once.

V check
> “I am sure Sir Ballestram and his men would relish the chance to fight the foe to be found here, given their absence from the homefront. Please, my lord, consider the soldiers of House Vancewell at your disposal for the duration of our stay.” Well, if you are going to winter here of all places then you may as well use that time to unravel the charming little enigma that is the Andrei family. Perhaps then you’ll finally lose interest in that impudent, pluckish son of theirs. But three more months of this…Is that really necessary? [Winter with the Andrei’s]

Had we not just voted to have Gilbern stay here during the winter as well, I wouldn't choose this option. This Frida interlude has made me realize we're all underestimating the real threat she still poses as a major enemy and member of a powerful faction house, and I would've voted for her to stay here for a week at most. But given that Gilbern will be here to watch her and likely counter any moves that would hurt us or our family, that's much less of a concern, and instead I can't wait to see what will happen with everyone on vacation in the Andrei household.

Also, I don't know if this has been answered before, but what's the common understanding of the Deadmen/Dread Lord threat is outside of Romaine? If it's a ASOIAF situation where people don't really believe in or take the threat seriously, this winter could also potentially have the upside of convincing two politically powerful people of just how dire a threat Dread Ardenne is; doubly so if my gut feeling that the Dread Lords are going to make *some* kind of move this winter comes true.
V Powers Activate
> “Your offer of an escort is most kind, my lord. We can make our own arrangements from there.” You hold little hope Lord Norveski will be willing to lift a single finger, but the funds set aside for your travel can aptly accommodate an escort of mercenaries or the like for the rest of the trip to the Duchess’ winter court. You’ll doubtless learn a thing or two about the Andrei household during your stay, perhaps something to be used to your advantage. A week here is bearable. [One Week Delay]
Don't want this sexy snake any longer in the house than she has to be
>> “I am sure Sir Ballestram and his men would relish the chance to fight the foe to be found here, given their absence from the homefront. Please, my lord, consider the soldiers of House Vancewell at your disposal for the duration of our stay.” Well, if you are going to winter here of all places then you may as well use that time to unravel the charming little enigma that is the Andrei family. Perhaps then you’ll finally lose interest in that impudent, pluckish son of theirs. But three more months of this…Is that really necessary? [Winter with the Andrei’s]
Funny as it might sound for someone so manipulative but I suspect Vancewell isn't someone who is anywhere close to emotionally honest with herself, she sounds more like someone who had to develop a strong shell to live in the house she did afterall if nothing matters, nothing you like can be taken away from you.

Its been a lowkey theme that the threat to each duchy is taken less seriously than ones own duchy and it's really up to the Crown most of the time to get everyone to take other threats seriously and it was likely a reason the war of borders was such a big conflict. But given the extra-planar nature of the Dreadlords I strongly doubt their threat is truly known to anyone outside of prehaps the Church, the Crown or prehaps the Romanie duchess.
> “I am sure Sir Ballestram and his men would relish the chance to fight the foe to be found here, given their absence from the homefront. Please, my lord, consider the soldiers of House Vancewell at your disposal for the duration of our stay.” Well, if you are going to winter here of all places then you may as well use that time to unravel the charming little enigma that is the Andrei family. Perhaps then you’ll finally lose interest in that impudent, pluckish son of theirs. But three more months of this…Is that really necessary? [Winter with the Andrei’s]

> “I am sure Sir Ballestram and his men would relish the chance to fight the foe to be found here, given their absence from the homefront. Please, my lord, consider the soldiers of House Vancewell at your disposal for the duration of our stay.” Well, if you are going to winter here of all places then you may as well use that time to unravel the charming little enigma that is the Andrei family. Perhaps then you’ll finally lose interest in that impudent, pluckish son of theirs. But three more months of this…Is that really necessary? [Winter with the Andrei’s]

“I am sure Sir Ballestram and his men would relish the chance to fight the foe to be found here, given their absence from the homefront. Please, my lord, consider the soldiers of House Vancewell at your disposal for the duration of our stay.” Well, if you are going to winter here of all places then you may as well use that time to unravel the charming little enigma that is the Andrei family. Perhaps then you’ll finally lose interest in that impudent, pluckish son of theirs. But three more months of this…Is that really necessary? [Winter with the Andrei’s]
V post
True. However, wear a mask long enougn and it becomes your face. Even if she has some growing fondness for us in her subconsciousness, principle closer to her core(self intrest, valueing her own family, inability to understand our CHIVALRY and PIETY and inability to try or go along with it) could cause this budding sapling to get trampled.
So dealing with her is less her letting the mask down, and her letting a lesser or forgotten side of herself grow and take up more real estate in her psyche. Her meeting our family could help or hurt(or both!) the progress of that happening. Either way, we can expect an earfull in our next few letters from home.

Also, I recently realized that this quest has only lasted about 9 months in-universe. Hurricane Andrei is one fast force of nature.
>> “I am sure Sir Ballestram and his men would relish the chance to fight the foe to be found here, given their absence from the homefront. Please, my lord, consider the soldiers of House Vancewell at your disposal for the duration of our stay.” Well, if you are going to winter here of all places then you may as well use that time to unravel the charming little enigma that is the Andrei family. Perhaps then you’ll finally lose interest in that impudent, pluckish son of theirs. But three more months of this…Is that really necessary? [Winter with the Andrei’s]
It me, Frida lover 9000 posting from graffiti city, Switzerland
>> “I am sure Sir Ballestram and his men would relish the chance to fight the foe to be found here, given their absence from the homefront. Please, my lord, consider the soldiers of House Vancewell at your disposal for the duration of our stay.” Well, if you are going to winter here of all places then you may as well use that time to unravel the charming little enigma that is the Andrei family. Perhaps then you’ll finally lose interest in that impudent, pluckish son of theirs. But three more months of this…Is that really necessary? [Winter with the Andrei’s]

Our family is gonna win her over easily, it's a guarantee she WON'T want to leave after these three months.

This is me! (I just realized I forgot to link back to the previous vote oops!)
>> “I am sure Sir Ballestram and his men would relish the chance to fight the foe to be found here, given their absence from the homefront. Please, my lord, consider the soldiers of House Vancewell at your disposal for the duration of our stay.” Well, if you are going to winter here of all places then you may as well use that time to unravel the charming little enigma that is the Andrei family. Perhaps then you’ll finally lose interest in that impudent, pluckish son of theirs. But three more months of this…Is that really necessary? [Winter with the Andrei’s]

I want to see the winter interludes at Castle Andrei.
Whoops, accidental samefag. I need to go sandpaper my scrotum.
Idk about 3 months, sounds like too long, and it could make quitea few people suspicious as to our family's relations & those of Vancewell.
>“I am sure Sir Ballestram and his men would relish the chance to fight the foe to be found here, given their absence from the homefront. Please, my lord, consider the soldiers of House Vancewell at your disposal for the duration of our stay.” Well, if you are going to winter here of all places then you may as well use that time to unravel the charming little enigma that is the Andrei family. Perhaps then you’ll finally lose interest in that impudent, pluckish son of theirs. But three more months of this…Is that really necessary? [Winter with the Andrei’s]
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> “I am sure Sir Ballestram and his men would relish the chance to fight the foe to be found here, given their absence from the homefront. Please, my lord, consider the soldiers of House Vancewell at your disposal for the duration of our stay.” Well, if you are going to winter here of all places then you may as well use that time to unravel the charming little enigma that is the Andrei family. Perhaps then you’ll finally lose interest in that impudent, pluckish son of theirs. But three more months of this…Is that really necessary? [Winter with the Andrei’s]
I can't wait until Frida decides she loves our family and tells them that she's already promised her hand to us.
Also it'd be funny if our family starts writing letters to us about Frida but because of the winter they get caught up so we get a season's worth of letters all at once
> “I am sure Sir Ballestram and his men would relish the chance to fight the foe to be found here, given their absence from the homefront. Please, my lord, consider the soldiers of House Vancewell at your disposal for the duration of our stay.” Well, if you are going to winter here of all places then you may as well use that time to unravel the charming little enigma that is the Andrei family. Perhaps then you’ll finally lose interest in that impudent, pluckish son of theirs. But three more months of this…Is that really necessary? [Winter with the Andrei’s]
Faction and the Reginate under the same roof, vying for the loyalty of the Andrei's. Truly 5d backgammon

> “I am sure Sir Ballestram and his men would relish the chance to fight the foe to be found here, given their absence from the homefront. Please, my lord, consider the soldiers of House Vancewell at your disposal for the duration of our stay.” Well, if you are going to winter here of all places then you may as well use that time to unravel the charming little enigma that is the Andrei family. Perhaps then you’ll finally lose interest in that impudent, pluckish son of theirs. But three more months of this…Is that really necessary? [Winter with the Andrei’s]

The shenanigans must continue. I don't know how much either Sir Gilbern or Lady Vancewell and her retinue truly know about the dangers of the Deadmen, but hopefully this will be an eye opening experience. There is more at stake here than the Faction vs the Queensmen and the petty political squabbles that plague upper society.
> “I am sure Sir Ballestram and his men would relish the chance to fight the foe to be found here, given their absence from the homefront. Please, my lord, consider the soldiers of House Vancewell at your disposal for the duration of our stay.” Well, if you are going to winter here of all places then you may as well use that time to unravel the charming little enigma that is the Andrei family. Perhaps then you’ll finally lose interest in that impudent, pluckish son of theirs. But three more months of this…Is that really necessary? [Winter with the Andrei’s]

The point our last vote was for Weekend and Bernie style shenanigans at the Andrei’s. If we choose 1 week then it would undo the intention of that vote.

>> “I am sure Sir Ballestram and his men would relish the chance to fight the foe to be found here, given their absence from the homefront. Please, my lord, consider the soldiers of House Vancewell at your disposal for the duration of our stay.” Well, if you are going to winter here of all places then you may as well use that time to unravel the charming little enigma that is the Andrei family. Perhaps then you’ll finally lose interest in that impudent, pluckish son of theirs. But three more months of this…Is that really necessary? [Winter with the Andrei’s]

Our house will be the talk of Romanie the coming spring. Since there's a good reason for either of them to winter with the Andrei family, everyone else will think they both know something that no one else knows yet is important enough to get close to them.

>> “I am sure Sir Ballestram and his men would relish the chance to fight the foe to be found here, given their absence from the homefront. Please, my lord, consider the soldiers of House Vancewell at your disposal for the duration of our stay.” Well, if you are going to winter here of all places then you may as well use that time to unravel the charming little enigma that is the Andrei family. Perhaps then you’ll finally lose interest in that impudent, pluckish son of theirs. But three more months of this…Is that really necessary? [Winter with the Andrei’s]
Tis I!

> “I am sure Sir Ballestram and his men would relish the chance to fight the foe to be found here, given their absence from the homefront. Please, my lord, consider the soldiers of House Vancewell at your disposal for the duration of our stay.” Well, if you are going to winter here of all places then you may as well use that time to unravel the charming little enigma that is the Andrei family. Perhaps then you’ll finally lose interest in that impudent, pluckish son of theirs. But three more months of this…Is that really necessary? [Winter with the Andrei’s]

One can only wonder at the shenanigans of three schemers being present in the Andrei household, with the straightforwardness of Lord Nikolai. Sounds like a "fun" time!
>> “I am sure Sir Ballestram and his men would relish the chance to fight the foe to be found here, given their absence from the homefront. Please, my lord, consider the soldiers of House Vancewell at your disposal for the duration of our stay.” Well, if you are going to winter here of all places then you may as well use that time to unravel the charming little enigma that is the Andrei family. Perhaps then you’ll finally lose interest in that impudent, pluckish son of theirs. But three more months of this…Is that really necessary? [Winter with the Andrei’s]

Whelp. I'm sorry for sending you to Romanie in winter Robert.

me >>6054001
Well I certainly hope Damien and Roselyn can get Rob and Frida on a pages where they aren't killing each other.
Also Robert really feels like he's locked in a rubber room, a rubber room with Andrei, and Andrei makes him go crazy.
>Bear or Andrei test
>Robert chooses bear every time
(The Bear is also Andrei)
> “I am sure Sir Ballestram and his men would relish the chance to fight the foe to be found here, given their absence from the homefront. Please, my lord, consider the soldiers of House Vancewell at your disposal for the duration of our stay.” Well, if you are going to winter here of all places then you may as well use that time to unravel the charming little enigma that is the Andrei family. Perhaps then you’ll finally lose interest in that impudent, pluckish son of theirs. But three more months of this…Is that really necessary? [Winter with the Andrei’s]
Gotta go for the meme pick

I won’t vote for anything this time, but I will say relying on just Frida staying with the family for winter will not be enough. Anons better be ready to shmooze and become a wallstreetbets day trader durning the tenure in the DG to get the money and connections to ply her with gifts.

Speaking of, anyone have any ideas on interesting and unusual presents for both family and hopefully soon to be family? I had a brainworm for a while about sending a nice chess set and rulebook back to Romaine, as well as a pet viper to Vancewell.
I like those two ideas.

We could probably get some kick ass tapestries as well and of course we MUST get a catalogue of Cathagi fashions for our sister. Maybe some unique Cathagi style weapon as well, maybe a Pala or Parang Nabur or a Shotel. A sample of spices would be good and of course a book on Cathagi architecture for father
I don't think anyone but the most naive Anons believe one choice will be enough. It is a step in the good direction? Maybe but staying in the DG made this route harder.

As for presents, various ideas were written in the past threads. Generally I'd say that that the most welcome gifts for Frida are of the practical (if expensive) kind. The chess idea is nice for the family (RIP Dad Andrei) and one of our sisters would definitely like a letter from Danaca.
>> “Your offer of an escort is most kind, my lord. We can make our own arrangements from there.” You hold little hope Lord Norveski will be willing to lift a single finger, but the funds set aside for your travel can aptly accommodate an escort of mercenaries or the like for the rest of the trip to the Duchess’ winter court. You’ll doubtless learn a thing or two about the Andrei household during your stay, perhaps something to be used to your advantage. A week here is bearable. [One Week Delay]
I'd like for her to stay for max comedy but i fear for the lives of most people involved and the (hopefully very) remote risk of getting cucked by Gil if they stay cupped up together for an entire winter.
as they say in rome "It's a me"
> SELECTED: “I am sure Sir Ballestram and his men would relish the chance to fight the foe to be found here, given their absence from the homefront. Please, my lord, consider the soldiers of House Vancewell at your disposal for the duration of our stay.” Well, if you are going to winter here of all places then you may as well use that time to unravel the charming little enigma that is the Andrei family. Perhaps then you’ll finally lose interest in that impudent, pluckish son of theirs. But three more months of this…Is that really necessary? [Winter with the Andrei’s] The funniest and funnest choice. And you really think Vancewell won’t notice and possibly recognise the former Lady Hewitt? Roselyn, Damien and Sir dan Marc will do their best to keep her under wraps but Castle Andrei isn’t -that- big. And with Sir Gilbern on the way, the shadowrunning games will have barely begun…Thank you for giving us this to play with.

Sendag, 30th Day of Estrimun, 883 A.C.E. - Cathagi, The Crescent Palace

> SELECTED: “I accept your challenge, unjust as it is, but these are my terms. Stand your minions down, and send forth your finest warrior. I expect the best, -your- best, and my blade will settle for nothing less.” You’ve no appetite for cutting down barely-armed slaves for their amusement, be it one or one hundred. With the Angel on your side no challenger is beyond you, even that mercenary with the bicolour eyes. [Divine]
>3 SUCCESS: Congratulations, you passed! Impressed by your boldness, or perhaps intimidated, the Master of Spices attempts to pass the whole thing off as part of the test. Even without fighting the duel, you have the opportunity to cause the Merchanta significant embarrassment or to allow them to save face. Combat is avoided (if you permit).
>22 Double Pass: Imposing. The combat begins with a slight advantage to yourself. If no combat, your later choice will have an increased benefit.
>All according to plan. The Divine Plan. As much as you love a challenge in honourable combat, there is some advantage to be had in having the High Caste Merchanta in your debt if you allow them to save face. Or by exposing their political overreach for what it is, without bloodshed, and still earning some recognition with the Medusae for doing so. [No Combat]

Stunned silence greets your casual dismissal of the half-dozen or so proffered opponents, a farce of a test of admission set out by the Merchanta that you know recognise they have no actual authority to make. You haven’t even bothered to draw your blade in the face of the gleaming spearpoints, towering over the nervous fodder in the quiet confidence that you could cut them down in a moment if they proceed.

“Bata…” The warning tone in the more sober of the two Merchanta leaders is ignored by his corpulent companion. It is too late, with a smug gesture Arap Bata signals for the reclining warrior with two different coloured eyes into action.

Your hand drops to your hilt as the prized pit-fighter stretches his arms and steps forward. This is no lumbering beserker or swaggering bravosi. This man is a killer, practically raised his whole life to end that of others. There is likely no manner of man nor beast that he has not faced and overcome in the fighting-pits. A man like this does not survive, let alone thrive, in such a horrific environment without climbing their way to the top of a very large mountain of bodies.

“Kılıç Kutsanmış.” Arap Bata rumbles, biting into another morsel. “Make it last.”

The man's languid movement and unhurried demeanour as he unsheathes his blades is deceptively lazy, holding the kind of easy confidence in his abilities that should make an experienced opponent far more alert rather than less so. You cannot mistake this man as any sort of slouch or arrogant braggart. One may as well mistake a panther for a housecat, and you have the distinct impression this might be one of the most singularly deadly human opponents you have yet faced. You are just beginning to widen your stance and draw your own weapon when you notice the movement over the shoulder of the gaggle of Merchanta slaves.

Recognising the identity of the new group that has approached, your half-drawn blade returns to its sheathe with a disappointed clack. Hmm. So the Angel has other plans than you adding another name to Cain’s tally today.

“Ո՞րն է սրա իմաստը։” There is a tinge of power in the new voice, stopping everyone in their tracks.

The Aeltin amulet around your neck even hums softly, confirming that some degree of sorcerous compulsion just occurred. Such a display by a sanctioned mage on fellow humans back home would likely see them on the pyre. You’d hate to think that you’ve been exposed to enough foul sorcery to recognise particular flavours of the art, but there was something about the sensation that reminded you of the Fae sorceress.

You knew that the Medusae were each sorceress’ in their own right, so you are able to restrain yourself from immediately drawing your sword in full. Most of the new arrivals are women adorned in the black, purple and gold that you have come to recognise as the symbol of office of the Medusae Caste. The speaker, the one who dared used sorcerous compulsion without so much as a by-your-leave, has their face concealed behind a majestic golden mask that resembles that of a stylised long-beaked bird.

“This is the Exalted Heron, a leader of the Medusae Caste inner circle.” Antoninus speaks hurriedly and hushedly, forced to summarise where he is unable to keep up with verbatim translations. “She does not yet address you, but demands to know what is going on from the Merchanta present. It is not quite an accusation, it is said that such a thing is not typically done in the Palace games.”

“Exalted Heron, you are ever the delight for our eyes.” The more serious Merchanta High Caste’s words are as flowery and flattering as the language of his mercantile peers, but his serious expression has barely softened even a fraction. “Daily this humble servant of our Master curses that his wares of the finests silks are as coarse as sandpaper to your supple skin.”

At Barak Yildirm’s side it is hard to tell whether Arap Bata’s glowering is meant to convey indignant bluster, irate nerves or a mixture of both. But he holds his tongue, letting the more consummate player of these Cathagi Palace games do the talking. From what Antoninus says, Madam Heron is set on exposing the Merchanta's overreach on their presumed privileges in the Palace for what it is. Master Yildirm, for his part, seems to be deflecting the subtle accusations as best he can but it is hard to play down what was occuring here in the face of this many witnesses to his colleauge's indiscretion.


Intriguingly, both the Merchanta and Medusae High Caste speak in their own dialect but seem to have no need for a translator. They must be well-versed in the language of their political rivals, of course, and you find yourself wondering if like the Dragon Guard they too have developed a coded language to use amongst themselves when the need arises. Off to the side of the Medusae party there is a smaller collection of Stratiokas soldiers of varyone rank, one of whom you recognise.

The Stratiokas officer gives you a knowing nod while the other faction leaders continue their back-and-forth, and you find yourself relieved to see a familiar face in this company. Kyrios Militades might be a godless southerner, the ancestral foe of your people, but you fought together against the beastmen on the Kings Highway all those months ago and you are in fact here on his own recommendation. He may present a third, and perhaps more neutral, option to defusing the situation that seems to be bubbly here at the steps of the Crescent Palace.


>Bow to the Merchanta High Caste, graciously thanking them for the entertainment while you waited. While Arap Bata may have demonstrated his foolishness in this political overreach, Barak Yildirm is level-headed enough to recognise that you have given them a way out without casting aspersions or giving ground one way or the other. Such generosity deserves a reward, or at the very least an audience with an open ear. [Merchanta Favour]

>Bow to the Medusae High Caste, recognising their authority at the Palace officials best suited to judge whether an applicant to the Dragon Guard is accepted. Short of the Dragon itself, it is they who ostensibly decide where the Guard goes. The Merchanta will be displeased with your open acknowledgement of the Medusae authority and their own political misstep. The Medusae will be well pleased with whatever political ground you have helped them recover here, if they recognise that you siding with them was indeed a calculated decision and not mere adherence to your understanding of their tradition. [Medusae Favour]

>Acknowledge the Exalted Kyrio Militades, bowing to no one. You will report to the ranking officer of the Dragon Guard’s Cantonian cohort and none can gainsay your approach given your connection to Militades and his recommendation. The Medusae and Merchanta will make whatever play of this distraction they can, with their own self-interest in mind. Those foolish enough in each party may dismiss you as an unwitting barbarian, while the wiser heads in each group will recognise the calculated neutrality of your chartered course. Neither will owe you favours, but you might have earnt some recognition from the smarter ones on either side. [Militades Connection]
>Acknowledge the Exalted Kyrio Militades, bowing to no one. You will report to the ranking officer of the Dragon Guard’s Cantonian cohort and none can gainsay your approach given your connection to Militades and his recommendation. The Medusae and Merchanta will make whatever play of this distraction they can, with their own self-interest in mind. Those foolish enough in each party may dismiss you as an unwitting barbarian, while the wiser heads in each group will recognise the calculated neutrality of your chartered course. Neither will owe you favours, but you might have earnt some recognition from the smarter ones on either side. [Militades Connection]

We have to keep in mind that Emile is not a spy or politician. He's an absolute novice at this shit. We've been given a way out that doesn't cost us in the future. Sure, we miss out on a favour maybe but we also don't incur yet another dangerous enemy.


P.s. Forgotten, as I make progress on the wiki I'm finding characters that don't have anything written about them (or not much) in the Dramatis Personnae. So I've basically done what I can to write accurately and faithfully based on what you've given us throughout the story. If you want anything changed, just give me a shout
No update tomorrow or the day after due to IRL obligations, I hope you lads enjoyed the extra POV treat.

You're quite right, Vancewell typically has a cooler and in-control demeanour for the public eye. But she can quite readily put on the vapid social dilletante mask quite if the pretext of the situation calls for.

I doubt she actually expected Roselyn to buy it.
Your works are appreciated and applauded at every turn, I'm sorry I forgot to include your wiki link in the new OP this time.
Nah it's all good dude, I'm happy to do it. It's fun
Test to make sure IP didn't change.
>Bow to the Merchanta High Caste, graciously thanking them for the entertainment while you waited. While Arap Bata may have demonstrated his foolishness in this political overreach, Barak Yildirm is level-headed enough to recognise that you have given them a way out without casting aspersions or giving ground one way or the other. Such generosity deserves a reward, or at the very least an audience with an open ear. [Merchanta Favour]

Getting on the merchants good side without making too many waves seems like a good option here. I'm a little surprised at the [No Combat].

Anchor post.

>Bow to the Merchanta High Caste, graciously thanking them for the entertainment while you waited. While Arap Bata may have demonstrated his foolishness in this political overreach, Barak Yildirm is level-headed enough to recognise that you have given them a way out without casting aspersions or giving ground one way or the other. Such generosity deserves a reward, or at the very least an audience with an open ear. [Merchanta Favour]

So hear me out...This pit fighter dude interests me. We have fought a few quite skilled guys and Emile, wether correct or incorrect thinks this random fucker is one of the most dangerous humans of the lot. At some point we intend to try and find a certain legendary swordsman... this guy might be useful. If we get an in with the Merchanta, we could have acess to this dude. Also, the heterochomia just screams that he is important.
>Acknowledge the Exalted Kyrio Militades, bowing to no one. You will report to the ranking officer of the Dragon Guard’s Cantonian cohort and none can gainsay your approach given your connection to Militades and his recommendation. The Medusae and Merchanta will make whatever play of this distraction they can, with their own self-interest in mind. Those foolish enough in each party may dismiss you as an unwitting barbarian, while the wiser heads in each group will recognise the calculated neutrality of your chartered course. Neither will owe you favours, but you might have earnt some recognition from the smarter ones on either side. [Militades Connection]

verify >>6053995

let's lean on the guys who actually told us we should show up.
>>Bow to the Merchanta High Caste, graciously thanking them for the entertainment while you waited. While Arap Bata may have demonstrated his foolishness in this political overreach, Barak Yildirm is level-headed enough to recognise that you have given them a way out without casting aspersions or giving ground one way or the other. Such generosity deserves a reward, or at the very least an audience with an open ear. [Merchanta Favour]
Verification >>6053969
>Acknowledge the Exalted Kyrio Militades, bowing to no one. You will report to the ranking officer of the Dragon Guard’s Cantonian cohort and none can gainsay your approach given your connection to Militades and his recommendation. The Medusae and Merchanta will make whatever play of this distraction they can, with their own self-interest in mind. Those foolish enough in each party may dismiss you as an unwitting barbarian, while the wiser heads in each group will recognise the calculated neutrality of your chartered course. Neither will owe you favours, but you might have earnt some recognition from the smarter ones on either side. [Militades Connection]

Working with Medusae seem the better options as they hold access to forbidden sections of the Aetheneum and magical secrets we might need for the Crusade.

That said, there is great benefit in not stepping on toes of many factions and instead having them come to us in time, to drive the price of our cooperation higher.


I'm more surprised that anyone would buy it given her usual demeanor.

Then again, I suppose that 'aloof outside, clumsy and cut inside lady' must be an archetype most Cantonian would fall for and she would abuse it for every possible gains.
Me phone fagging right now

>Bow to the Medusae High Caste, recognising their authority at the Palace officials best suited to judge whether an applicant to the Dragon Guard is accepted. Short of the Dragon itself, it is they who ostensibly decide where the Guard goes. The Merchanta will be displeased with your open acknowledgement of the Medusae authority and their own political misstep. The Medusae will be well pleased with whatever political ground you have helped them recover here, if they recognise that you siding with them was indeed a calculated decision and not mere adherence to your understanding of their tradition. [Medusae Favour]
I do not actually care for the favour but these cunts have killed cantonians in this petty court game I also would like us to insist on an investigation of the dg applicants to find out how long this has gone on for and if the merchanta
Supported applicants were put through the same test just to drive the point home that they are trying to stack the DG in their favor I know the medusa gain the most but this should concern the stratikos whose influence is diminished so even one of their applicants being killed is a major set back
>>Acknowledge the Exalted Kyrio Militades, bowing to no one. You will report to the ranking officer of the Dragon Guard’s Cantonian cohort and none can gainsay your approach given your connection to Militades and his recommendation. The Medusae and Merchanta will make whatever play of this distraction they can, with their own self-interest in mind. Those foolish enough in each party may dismiss you as an unwitting barbarian, while the wiser heads in each group will recognise the calculated neutrality of your chartered course. Neither will owe you favours, but you might have earnt some recognition from the smarter ones on either side. [Militades Connection]
We're not even in the Guard proper, let's not step on any toes just yet

Fuck just read the text dosen't seem like any overt action will be taken against the merchanta for this switching

>Acknowledge the Exalted Kyrio Militades, bowing to no one. You will report to the ranking officer of the Dragon Guard’s Cantonian cohort and none can gainsay your approach given your connection to Militades and his recommendation. The Medusae and Merchanta will make whatever play of this distraction they can, with their own self-interest in mind. Those foolish enough in each party may dismiss you as an unwitting barbarian, while the wiser heads in each group will recognise the calculated neutrality of your chartered course. Neither will owe you favours, but you might have earnt some recognition from the smarter ones on either side. [Militades Connection]

I'll put my vote at the end, these are just my musings for each choice.

>[Merchanta Favour]
This appears to be written as a Merchanta favor gained without pissing off the Medusae. Whether or not that is the case is something to be seen. If we want to get our Crusade funded, this will be the option to go with.

>[Medusae Favour]
This appears to be written as a Merchanta favor drop for a Medusae favor boost... if we can get across that it was intentional, otherwise it's just pissing off the Merchata (This might be an additional roll off). This will be good if we want information the fastest and the possibly turn away issues with the Rogue Medusae should she return to the fold later.

>[Militades Connection]
The neutral option. "Recognition" doesn't necessarily mean good favor from both sides, but it might open us up to more missions later to earn caste favor as the smarter members might find use for us down the line.

Overall, I think this is the best choice.

>Bow to the Merchanta High Caste, graciously thanking them for the entertainment while you waited. While Arap Bata may have demonstrated his foolishness in this political overreach, Barak Yildirm is level-headed enough to recognise that you have given them a way out without casting aspersions or giving ground one way or the other. Such generosity deserves a reward, or at the very least an audience with an open ear. [Merchanta Favour]

There doesn't appear to be a negative for this choice and there will be time to get the Medusae on our side while we are in the palace. This will give us a solid boost to build our wealth for funding the crusade, at least in the short term depending if we mess up the Merchata connections.
Hey man, I made these pastebins a while ago collecting useful information from the quest, the format might be different but it might save you some time. Feel free to used them for the wiki.

Appreciate it mate, I'll give them a look
>Acknowledge the Exalted Kyrio Militades, bowing to no one. You will report to the ranking officer of the Dragon Guard’s Cantonian cohort and none can gainsay your approach given your connection to Militades and his recommendation. The Medusae and Merchanta will make whatever play of this distraction they can, with their own self-interest in mind. Those foolish enough in each party may dismiss you as an unwitting barbarian, while the wiser heads in each group will recognise the calculated neutrality of your chartered course. Neither will owe you favours, but you might have earnt some recognition from the smarter ones on either side. [Militades Connection]

>They must be well-versed in the language of their political rivals, of course, and you find yourself wondering if like the Dragon Guard they too have developed a coded language to use amongst themselves when the need arises
Cain on the cross, even more bloody languages to learn if we're going to spy effectively.

>Acknowledge the Exalted Kyrio Militades, bowing to no one. You will report to the ranking officer of the Dragon Guard’s Cantonian cohort and none can gainsay your approach given your connection to Militades and his recommendation. The Medusae and Merchanta will make whatever play of this distraction they can, with their own self-interest in mind. Those foolish enough in each party may dismiss you as an unwitting barbarian, while the wiser heads in each group will recognise the calculated neutrality of your chartered course. Neither will owe you favours, but you might have earnt some recognition from the smarter ones on either side. [Militades Connection]

seconding >>6056366 let these two have it out and play to our Meathead persona rather than trying to curry favor, the Heron will likely just see to Bata's curtailing by consenting to the fight.

I am interested in the change of heart since last thread, I thought most Anons were keen to throw down?

It's a tricky thing, Frida's family is connected and wealth enough that the exotic goods that Cathaggi brings to mind are likely kind of mundane to her lifestyle outside of a novelty factor.

To the point of gifts though

For Frida
>Vipers, scorpions or other dangerous but containable creatures
>rare and beautiful that can be harvested as a poison
>Ornate hairpins that has a hollow for poison
>News and discussions of the Intrigues we've encountered that aren't Sensitive to the SoS, the Church and probably the faction.
>some kind of novelty thats actually useful in a intrigue

For Damien
>Maybe some sort of shitpost gift about his Green knight phase?
>Something for his Rabebae

>Fashion Catalog/Dresses/Silk
>Curved blade for the Tomboy sister
>A collection of religious treaties from the Aethenium for the bookish sister

younger siblings
>Articulating toys

>Acknowledge the Exalted Kyrio Militades, bowing to no one. You will report to the ranking officer of the Dragon Guard’s Cantonian cohort and none can gainsay your approach given your connection to Militades and his recommendation. The Medusae and Merchanta will make whatever play of this distraction they can, with their own self-interest in mind. Those foolish enough in each party may dismiss you as an unwitting barbarian, while the wiser heads in each group will recognise the calculated neutrality of your chartered course. Neither will owe you favours, but you might have earnt some recognition from the smarter ones on either side. [Militades Connection]

Don't really like medusa or copper clippers but Kyrio is cool.

this is me
>>Maybe some sort of shitpost gift about his Green knight phase?

That would be quite funny
>Acknowledge the Exalted Kyrio Militades, bowing to no one. You will report to the ranking officer of the Dragon Guard’s Cantonian cohort and none can gainsay your approach given your connection to Militades and his recommendation. The Medusae and Merchanta will make whatever play of this distraction they can, with their own self-interest in mind. Those foolish enough in each party may dismiss you as an unwitting barbarian, while the wiser heads in each group will recognise the calculated neutrality of your chartered course. Neither will owe you favours, but you might have earnt some recognition from the smarter ones on either side. [Militades Connection]


>Acknowledge the Exalted Kyrio Militades, bowing to no one. You will report to the ranking officer of the Dragon Guard’s Cantonian cohort and none can gainsay your approach given your connection to Militades and his recommendation. The Medusae and Merchanta will make whatever play of this distraction they can, with their own self-interest in mind. Those foolish enough in each party may dismiss you as an unwitting barbarian, while the wiser heads in each group will recognise the calculated neutrality of your chartered course. Neither will owe you favours, but you might have earnt some recognition from the smarter ones on either side. [Militades Connection]
'ate sorcerers, 'ate copperclippers, luv me mates, simple as. No support for the Medusae makes me sad but we make the sacrifices we must.

>>Bow to the Merchanta High Caste, graciously thanking them for the entertainment while you waited. While Arap Bata may have demonstrated his foolishness in this political overreach, Barak Yildirm is level-headed enough to recognise that you have given them a way out without casting aspersions or giving ground one way or the other. Such generosity deserves a reward, or at the very least an audience with an open ear. [Merchanta Favour]

me >>6054274

Aiding them in this instance probably nets us the greatest gain. We openly challenged them but when it was done, we gave them an out. This will be appreciated and should not carry any stigma with the medusae.
>Acknowledge the Exalted Kyrio Militades, bowing to no one. You will report to the ranking officer of the Dragon Guard’s Cantonian cohort and none can gainsay your approach given your connection to Militades and his recommendation. The Medusae and Merchanta will make whatever play of this distraction they can, with their own self-interest in mind. Those foolish enough in each party may dismiss you as an unwitting barbarian, while the wiser heads in each group will recognise the calculated neutrality of your chartered course. Neither will owe you favours, but you might have earnt some recognition from the smarter ones on either side. [Militades Connection]
Awww, no combat. Yet everytime there's a moment like this, I can't help but wonder how hilarious it would be if Emile got trounced after such a display.

>>Bow to the Medusae High Caste, recognising their authority at the Palace officials best suited to judge whether an applicant to the Dragon Guard is accepted. Short of the Dragon itself, it is they who ostensibly decide where the Guard goes. The Merchanta will be displeased with your open acknowledgement of the Medusae authority and their own political misstep. The Medusae will be well pleased with whatever political ground you have helped them recover here, if they recognise that you siding with them was indeed a calculated decision and not mere adherence to your understanding of their tradition. [Medusae Favour]
>Bow to the Merchanta High Caste, graciously thanking them for the entertainment while you waited. While Arap Bata may have demonstrated his foolishness in this political overreach, Barak Yildirm is level-headed enough to recognise that you have given them a way out without casting aspersions or giving ground one way or the other. Such generosity deserves a reward, or at the very least an audience with an open ear. [Merchanta Favour]
While I'm wary from getting mixed into court politics early on, fact is that we need to start preparing our base for our crusade and undertakings in Canton, stuff we can only prepare with a favour or two from either the Medusae or Merchanta. I dont mind either option, but I'm not so hot on the Militades option as it seems a bit like "fence-sitting."

The reason I'm picking the Merchanta option is the fact that we can get those caste introductions and start making some money. While passionate faith and great deeds are all great and good, crusades need resources and money. Besides, we need a pretty penny to our name if anons are actually serious with courting Frida, and if that fails, if we want to ensure a good marriage with an influential house. Plus, this option doesnt seem to enrage the Medusae, from what I'm reading.

On the other side, getting a favour with the Medusae would be a fine way to ensure access to any Ardenne info in the closed off part of the library. It may even help us keep of the heat of the Medusae we met in the ruins, if she someone makes her way back into the halls of power.
>Bow to the Merchanta High Caste, graciously thanking them for the entertainment while you waited. While Arap Bata may have demonstrated his foolishness in this political overreach, Barak Yildirm is level-headed enough to recognise that you have given them a way out without casting aspersions or giving ground one way or the other. Such generosity deserves a reward, or at the very least an audience with an open ear. [Merchanta Favour]

getting the connections for wealth is a good way to start building up our reserves, and getting to know (and maybe duel) the pit fighter seems like the combat Emile has been itching for

>>Bow to the Merchanta High Caste, graciously thanking them for the entertainment while you waited. While Arap Bata may have demonstrated his foolishness in this political overreach, Barak Yildirm is level-headed enough to recognise that you have given them a way out without casting aspersions or giving ground one way or the other. Such generosity deserves a reward, or at the very least an audience with an open ear. [Merchanta Favour]
We have the most to gain from this choice while also not upsetting everyone involved.
>>Acknowledge the Exalted Kyrio Militades, bowing to no one. You will report to the ranking officer of the Dragon Guard’s Cantonian cohort and none can gainsay your approach given your connection to Militades and his recommendation. The Medusae and Merchanta will make whatever play of this distraction they can, with their own self-interest in mind. Those foolish enough in each party may dismiss you as an unwitting barbarian, while the wiser heads in each group will recognise the calculated neutrality of your chartered course. Neither will owe you favours, but you might have earnt some recognition from the smarter ones on either side. [Militades Connection]
Posting from shitty internet, Italy.
My anchor
>Acknowledge the Exalted Kyrio Militades, bowing to no one. You will report to the ranking officer of the Dragon Guard’s Cantonian cohort and none can gainsay your approach given your connection to Militades and his recommendation. The Medusae and Merchanta will make whatever play of this distraction they can, with their own self-interest in mind. Those foolish enough in each party may dismiss you as an unwitting barbarian, while the wiser heads in each group will recognise the calculated neutrality of your chartered course. Neither will owe you favours, but you might have earnt some recognition from the smarter ones on either side. [Militades Connection]
Fuck Copperclippers, fuck all anons that would take their side for any reason,


Between everyone choosing the lamest sword reward when we got tossed overboard and now everyone voting to squander our chance to gain favor here the thread really does manage to pull defeat from the jaws of victory.
We need to curry favor with both, sure, but BOWING to them? Fuck that, especially after the shit they pulled.
>>Acknowledge the Exalted Kyrio Militades, bowing to no one. You will report to the ranking officer of the Dragon Guard’s Cantonian cohort and none can gainsay your approach given your connection to Militades and his recommendation. The Medusae and Merchanta will make whatever play of this distraction they can, with their own self-interest in mind. Those foolish enough in each party may dismiss you as an unwitting barbarian, while the wiser heads in each group will recognise the calculated neutrality of your chartered course. Neither will owe you favours, but you might have earnt some recognition from the smarter ones on either side. [Militades Connection]


Emile would never bow to any foreign barbarian, it's not even a question. Begone, foul powergaymer
>Acknowledge the Exalted Kyrio Militades, bowing to no one. You will report to the ranking officer of the Dragon Guard’s Cantonian cohort and none can gainsay your approach given your connection to Militades and his recommendation. The Medusae and Merchanta will make whatever play of this distraction they can, with their own self-interest in mind. Those foolish enough in each party may dismiss you as an unwitting barbarian, while the wiser heads in each group will recognise the calculated neutrality of your chartered course. Neither will owe you favours, but you might have earnt some recognition from the smarter ones on either side. [Militades Connection]

Not making waves. Playing up what reputation we already have. And anyone smart enough to think of it as a savvy move just benefits us.

>>Bow to the Merchanta High Caste, graciously thanking them for the entertainment while
you waited. While Arap Bata may have demonstrated his foolishness in this political overreach, Barak Yildirm is level-headed enough to recognise that you have given them a way out without casting aspersions or giving ground one way or the other. Such generosity deserves a reward, or at the very least an audience with an open ear. [Merchanta Favour]

me >>6054001
I understand the impulse to not make waves, and I respect the decision, but ultimately I think that what the Merchanta offer us is money and worldly resources, which can be found in a multitude of ways outside of gaining their favor. Once we complete our stay in the Dragon Guard, we're going to walk out with an armful of wealth, and we have a handy Langlish ship captain we're good friends with that we can make immense profits with.

The benefits of gaining the favor of the Medusae, however, are far, far more unique, and it's very difficult to know if we'll ever get a chance to find another source of the kinds of knowledge held in the restricted section of the Athaneum. With the Almighty as our witness, we are sworn to liberate Dread Ardenne or die trying. Other crusades replete with manpower, money, and strength of steel dashed themselves on the rocks of the Deadmen and only ended up feeding the Dread Lords more bodies to raise. The difference made will very likely be in equipping ourselves with knowledge of our enemy, and whether we get access to that knowledge depends on how well the Medusae think of us.

Also, on top of that, I think it's very clear that the Medusae *know* what the Merchanta were trying to pull here, and if we pull the "Oh haha, don't worry, we were just playing around" move, the Medusae WILL pick up on that, and realize what kind of play we're making. The Medusae are the handmaids of the Dragon, and while the Merchanta tried to trick us into thinking they had authority over the Dragon Guard, the Medusae hold that power in actuality. It would very much be in our best interest to make sure that we stand in their good graces, and we don't give them a reason to think that we're beholden to their direct rivals in the Merchanta, because if we do that then they're absolutely going to make our lives a living hell. I'm ultimately okay with the Militades option winning, but I think people are largely underestimating the value in siding with the Medusae.

>Bow to the Medusae High Caste, recognising their authority at the Palace officials best suited to judge whether an applicant to the Dragon Guard is accepted. Short of the Dragon itself, it is they who ostensibly decide where the Guard goes. The Merchanta will be displeased with your open acknowledgement of the Medusae authority and their own political misstep. The Medusae will be well pleased with whatever political ground you have helped them recover here, if they recognise that you siding with them was indeed a calculated decision and not mere adherence to your understanding of their tradition. [Medusae Favour]

Verification, My Liege
>Acknowledge the Exalted Kyrio Militades, bowing to no one. You will report to the ranking officer of the Dragon Guard’s Cantonian cohort and none can gainsay your approach given your connection to Militades and his recommendation. The Medusae and Merchanta will make whatever play of this distraction they can, with their own self-interest in mind. Those foolish enough in each party may dismiss you as an unwitting barbarian, while the wiser heads in each group will recognise the calculated neutrality of your chartered course. Neither will owe you favours, but you might have earnt some recognition from the smarter ones on either side. [Militades Connection]

Brethren before … anyone else really

>>Acknowledge the Exalted Kyrio Militades, bowing to no one. You will report to the ranking officer of the Dragon Guard’s Cantonian cohort and none can gainsay your approach given your connection to Militades and his recommendation. The Medusae and Merchanta will make whatever play of this distraction they can, with their own self-interest in mind. Those foolish enough in each party may dismiss you as an unwitting barbarian, while the wiser heads in each group will recognise the calculated neutrality of your chartered course. Neither will owe you favours, but you might have earnt some recognition from the smarter ones on either side. [Militades Connection]

Moi post
>Acknowledge the Exalted Kyrio Militades, bowing to no one. You will report to the ranking officer of the Dragon Guard’s Cantonian cohort and none can gainsay your approach given your connection to Militades and his recommendation. The Medusae and Merchanta will make whatever play of this distraction they can, with their own self-interest in mind. Those foolish enough in each party may dismiss you as an unwitting barbarian, while the wiser heads in each group will recognise the calculated neutrality of your chartered course. Neither will owe you favours, but you might have earnt some recognition from the smarter ones on either side. [Militades Connection]
V post
>Acknowledge the Exalted Kyrio Militades, bowing to no one. You will report to the ranking officer of the Dragon Guard’s Cantonian cohort and none can gainsay your approach given your connection to Militades and his recommendation. The Medusae and Merchanta will make whatever play of this distraction they can, with their own self-interest in mind. Those foolish enough in each party may dismiss you as an unwitting barbarian, while the wiser heads in each group will recognise the calculated neutrality of your chartered course. Neither will owe you favours, but you might have earnt some recognition from the smarter ones on either side. [Militades Connection]

I'm of the opinion we're already against copperclippers, but we gotta have some maneuverability to sneak out info on both factions. If we give off the impression of a neutral, yet active arbiter, we might be able to gain more opportunities for both us, and Canton.

Tis I, I'm hoping being on a different device doesn't change my IP.
You linked to my verification post for some reason my man.
Fuck, sorry bro.

This one is me, I was looking at the pink IDs and accidentally clicked yours
>Bow to the Merchanta High Caste, graciously thanking them for the entertainment while you waited. While Arap Bata may have demonstrated his foolishness in this political overreach, Barak Yildirm is level-headed enough to recognise that you have given them a way out without casting aspersions or giving ground one way or the other. Such generosity deserves a reward, or at the very least an audience with an open ear. [Merchanta Favour]

Verily >>6054469
Kangaroo must have got Forgotten.
Not this time, but I do have other duties that mean I won’t be updating until late tomorrow. >>6056367
Hey Forgotten, while you're here, thank you for running this quest. This kind of thing is something I would be happy paying for, and the fact you've been doing it and the other quests for almost a decade now is really fucking cool of you. I just wanted you to know that you're deeply appreciated.
are you defending your local bottleshop?
Totally agree. I remember when we tried to convince him to quit working and set up a patreon and he refused
Its not about the money its about the job, and sending a message.

That samefags must hang, man.
Yeah nah I get it, it seems like he is passionate about his work which is cool (and good at it if he got such a cool nickname).
>Bow to the Medusae High Caste, recognising their authority at the Palace officials best suited to judge whether an applicant to the Dragon Guard is accepted. Short of the Dragon itself, it is they who ostensibly decide where the Guard goes. The Merchanta will be displeased with your open acknowledgement of the Medusae authority and their own political misstep. The Medusae will be well pleased with whatever political ground you have helped them recover here, if they recognise that you siding with them was indeed a calculated decision and not mere adherence to your understanding of their tradition. [Medusae Favour]

Check Check
>Acknowledge the Exalted Kyrio Militades, bowing to no one. You will report to the ranking officer of the Dragon Guard’s Cantonian cohort and none can gainsay your approach given your connection to Militades and his recommendation. The Medusae and Merchanta will make whatever play of this distraction they can, with their own self-interest in mind. Those foolish enough in each party may dismiss you as an unwitting barbarian, while the wiser heads in each group will recognise the calculated neutrality of your chartered course. Neither will owe you favours, but you might have earnt some recognition from the smarter ones on either side. [Militades Connection]
They seem like they're the most likely to already like us
I am accepted in both Sietch and Village, I need no verification
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No update tonight. I just got back and I don’t got that writing dog in me.
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All g
The best gift for Vamcewell is her own ambitions, second to that is attention from Emille which has been declined as a ready option.

I wonder how she'd react to an assassin being sent into her service?
Even better, send an assassin to take her out. If she survives she'll be so turned on she'll send one back with a marriage proposal for us
But that's her thing...
Yes..? It show Emile has a great understanding of her. Someone finally paying actual attention to her.

Anyway it's all just memes, as if Emile would do that
Truely the healthiest and most profoundly affectionate of relationships.

I can only imagine the confusion when she sends them back with love letters.
It'd probably be hilarious to write Puzzle love letters to her, she's big on Intrigue so designing them to be a little tricky could actually be the key to her heart especially if we step them up over time (also, heavily coded letters sent to a Vancewell would be the icing on the cake to the growing conspiracy theories about us)
>starts as substitution ciphers
>Moves on to more complex ciphers and invisible inks
>She starts having to read obscure religious texts to get the references we write in
Also Puzzle Boxes with gifts inside, I bet we can get some good ones in Cathagi

I've just had a sudden thought too, what's going to happen when the people in our cult find out that we're sweethearts with Vancewell? Is she going to get letters from Wives, Mothers, and Fiances asking her how she caught the eye of the Struck-Saint? Or hatemail from people that think we need to be Pure for sainthood?
So any other sword saint Zarawhel-bro wanna try to find him in the desert at one point while we're here or are we just a minority?

Cus I mean, learning ultimate sword skills from a mysterious swordsman in the desert sounds mythic enough for our future scriptures. Heck, no need to even mention him, faithful will just give it a religious answer themselves.

*"And so, the Living Saint, St.Emile of Arvenne, bid goodbye to his fellow at the gate of Carthagi, instilling sorrow in the heart of the faithful and downtrodden, so weary to see such a noble and bright soul leaving this pit of debauchery and sin like setting sun giving way to the darkness.

Yet none were to be allowed to follow him, for the Angel, the voice of the Heavens themselves, called for him to travel alone, to a place where the sins of Men had never reached.

And thus, he journeyed into the land of sand and dust, where no life could thrive in such a barren piece of His kingdom. Many times thirst and hunger came to assault him, yet he pay it no heed, such was his devotion to the task of the Angel.

And in the middle of the desert, under the watchful eyes of the Two Sisters, did the Echo of Cain himself came to teach him the secret of righteous violence and sacred murder. Here he learned the secret of steel and blood, of gore and bones.

And when his comrade welcomed him back at the gate of Carthagi, they saw he had truly became the sword of Heaven. His divine tool upon the realm of Men."*
Basado y Zawahiel pilled
I bring it up whenever its been a while or we need a refresher of things we want to do. Forgotten actually mentioned Zawahiel in either the previous thread or the one prior, but he said that he didn't want us to get side tracked into a training arc until the Dragon guard initiation was done. We will get our chance to meet the blademaster eventually.
I want to find Zawahiel like you wouldn't believe. We had the option to try a few threads ago, and Forgetten told me we had to finish the DG induction before finding him. Our time is nigh!
Man coded letters and puzzle boxes sound like an amazing idea, maybe put in some Intrigue stuff we hear about in Cathaggi or from Canton?

I want to find Zawahiel so we can learn the way of the shield.
I am down for it.
Sworn to Valour Quest #34
>Brother Rousseau has the idea to make impressions of some of the better preserved sections of writing on a few spare pieces of parchment, although the depictions are too large to receive the same copying. It is not a bad idea, perhaps there is some bookish Aethenaeum scholar that would recognise such things.

I almost forgot we have impressions from the mural we found underground. He get Antoninus insight on them when we have the change.
Fantastic gift idea anon
Based on his name I imagine he'll be wielding and teaching us to use a Zweihander
Probably but I will always hold out hope for shieldmaster & Captain Canton memes.
>the sword of Heaven
It's really too bad we don't have a Magick blade so Emile can get this cognomen
>don't have a magic sword
Are you new here?
Boring anti-magick=/= based all-cutting magick
Fuck magic, be Chad human instead.
I get magic swords are the sort of trope for holy warriors but for emmy the anti magic sword makes so much sense his old sword got nuked by a mage fag so the almighty gives him steel that won't be stopped by a mage on top of that epithet witch bane fits too and the dread lord was mage fag as well I think the anti-magic sword fits perfectly narratively and getting a anti magic weopon dose not stop us from getting a magic weopon anyway
sorry freund but i want emile to be able to pop out lil knightlets
>SELECTED: Acknowledge the Exalted Kyrio Militades, bowing to no one. You will report to the ranking officer of the Dragon Guard’s Cantonian cohort and none can gainsay your approach given your connection to Militades and his recommendation. The Medusae and Merchanta will make whatever play of this distraction they can, with their own self-interest in mind. Those foolish enough in each party may dismiss you as an unwitting barbarian, while the wiser heads in each group will recognise the calculated neutrality of your chartered course. Neither will owe you favours, but you might have earnt some recognition from the smarter ones on either side. [Militades Connection]

It feels like an age since you encountered Kyrio Militades at the outset of your errantry, your small force of knights charging to the rescue of his men as they battled against the beastmen on the Kings Highway. Putting aside the ancestral rivalries of Canton and Cathagi in that moment, together your forces of man routed the Foe in short order. Well, a more honest account might reflect that the whole ordeal was actually a rather close run thing. But you were victorious nonetheless.

Little did you know at the time that the Cathagi hoplites were there with their own agenda, their presence on Canton’s roads permitted only by a writ of passage signed by the Crown Prince himself. Their mission, to capture a live direwolf and bring it back to the Crescent Palace menagerie, struck you as a bizarre endeavour with little practical benefit that might justify the expense in resources and lives that had been necessary for its success. But the Dragon had spoken, and from what Kyria Eustace had told you the triumph of the Stratiokas in fulfilling their master’s whim over the more prestigious Medusae and Merchanta was something of a political masterstroke. Their achievement had catapulted them into Exalted status, a high honour in this southern realm, and stalled the Stratiokas decline in palace politics.

Judging by the company he keeps, senior Stratiokas officers and the more prestigious members of the Medusae Caste, he has been doing very well for himself since last you met.

“Kyrios Militades.” The man smiles at your nod of acknowledgement as the Medusae and Merchanta continue their verbal sparring to the side. “It is good to see a familiar face here.”

One of the other officers bristles, shifting his weight. “You will address the Exalted with the proper-”

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“Please, Kairos. Let us not stand on ceremony between friends.” Militades waves his colleague off with a vaguely annoyed expression, but his delight returns as he switches to heavily-accented Cantonion when addressing you directly. “At last we meet again, honoured Exoria. You cannot know what joy is in my heart to repay the favour to one who lent his sword in our soldier’s time of need. A few more warriors such as we under the same banner and it will be the Empire of old born again!”

“I can hazard a guess at what my forefathers would say about the restoration of the empire business…” Howling expletives from the ghosts of their ashes, most likely. Never in its history has the Dragon Guard, or at least its Canton cohort, partaken in any offensive action against the homeland direct. Although there are some black names in the pages of history who shed the blood of their crusading brothers here. You will be damned before you find yourself among them, although this is probably neither the time nor place to voice such convictions. “But I am here to undertake my term of service as tradition permits.”

Militades looks like he is about to say something with a smirk, but then shakes his head and thinks better of it. “Then for two years we are comrades, better than for two years of being enemies! Come, come. We have much catching up to do.”

The back-and-forth between the High Caste rivals takes a somewhat mulled tone at the departure of your party and that of the Stratiokas. By effectively ignoring the debacle, and in a seamless manner through the greet of an old acquaintance, you have somewhat defused the situation. You may not have covered for the Merchanta’s overstep, but you have also not handed the Medusae an excuse to drive home the point and embarrass their political rivals much more than they already have.

You doubt that the Medusae will allow this little charade of the Merchanta’s to continue with future applicants, a small victory, but nothing that will topple the mercantile power base that is so clearly entrenched in every part of the greater City at large.

While their peers in the Merchanta and Medusae stare at one another cooly, you are all too aware of the lingering gaze of both Barak Yldirm and his counterpart Heron watching your egress Neither of them strike you as the type that would miss much, one likely doesn’t survive this environment long without the powers of perception. Perhaps the ramifications of this event go much further in the Palace games than an outsider like yourself can readily appreciate. You’ve no idea how much of this nettling over particular roles in the Palace, such as assessing new applicants to the Dragon Guard, really plays in the grand scheme of things. But whatever the aftermath, it’s unlikely that you have earned either parties direct ire. Their attention, maybe, but likely not much more.

“Please, this way..” Militades leads the way through the looming halls of the Crescent Palace inside, which remain as mammoth as you last remember them, a structure purpose built with something well beyond the human scale in mind. “There are many things you should be knowing in time, my men not being permitted within the Wing of the Guard being of them, but I can at least escort you to the threshold.”

Something of a procession has formed behind the two of you as the group of Stratiokas officers trail behind on one side whilst the members of your own party, Mikail and Antoninus, follow on the other. Between them, at a respectful distance trails two black and purple cloaked figures that seem to have followed from the main Medusae party. One has an intricate golden mask with the appearance of a fox of some sort, while the other hovering just behind Mikail has a plainer mask. Albeit still gold and beautifully decorated.

Kyrios Militades notices your questioning look, and with a grin he leans in close.


“That is Desert Fox. She is the… attaché of the Stratiokas, you bar-*ahem* Honour Guard have one as well. As for the other one, that is her… apprentice. Ward? Daughter.” The man waggles his eyebrows, still grinning. “Maybe lover? Who knows.”

“I sincerely hope you’ve been doing something with your time here other than fantasising about your fellow palace officials.” You roll your eyes, then cast a slightly suspicious look at your Stratiokas friend. “ ‘Attaché’… You know Militades, I don’t recall your Cantonian being so fluent ‘ere last we met.”

Militades smirks but says nothing other than to change the subject. “There is a want of gorgeous women in my life, and so I must make room in my head. Speaking of… how was your visit to Kyria Eustace? Did you enjoy your time on our fine island?”


>“Your people put on quite the show. Stratiokas recruitment is up, I dare say. Should we be worried?” You don’t expect a military man to out-and-out confess plans for an invasion on Canton, or elsewhere for that matter, but it’d be interesting to see what his reaction to the open question is regarding the buildup of military strength. The Stratiokas made that demonstration for a reason. [Divine]

> “I seem to have a disturbing ability to draw the attention of attractive women who are themselves prone to consider my body either lain or lifeless in the same evening, as their fancy strikes. So you think -you- have women troubles… Bah.” The laughter serves as a good excuse to turn the conversation to the nature of Exalted, and what both he and his peer Kyria Eustace have been doing on their respective fronts. [Hearty]

> “Truthfully, it was a privilege. I can fairly say that I’ve never met a more martial folk. I didn’t realise you two met in the Psiloi, or indeed…” You’re here for two years, you hardly need to press the only familiar face you know for information or an angle. You are content to pass the time during your escort through the passage catching up and exchanging stories, with the intention to meet again when your duties next allow it. [Idealist]
> “I seem to have a disturbing ability to draw the attention of attractive women who are themselves prone to consider my body either lain or lifeless in the same evening, as their fancy strikes. So you think -you- have women troubles… Bah.” The laughter serves as a good excuse to turn the conversation to the nature of Exalted, and what both he and his peer Kyria Eustace have been doing on their respective fronts. [Hearty]

>> “I seem to have a disturbing ability to draw the attention of attractive women who are themselves prone to consider my body either lain or lifeless in the same evening, as their fancy strikes. So you think -you- have women troubles… Bah.” The laughter serves as a good excuse to turn the conversation to the nature of Exalted, and what both he and his peer Kyria Eustace have been doing on their respective fronts. [Hearty]


> “I seem to have a disturbing ability to draw the attention of attractive women who are themselves prone to consider my body either lain or lifeless in the same evening, as their fancy strikes. So you think -you- have women troubles… Bah.” The laughter serves as a good excuse to turn the conversation to the nature of Exalted, and what both he and his peer Kyria Eustace have been doing on their respective fronts. [Hearty]

We don't need to try to play the game all the time. If anything, info will drop in our lap just because Emile is Emile.
>> “I seem to have a disturbing ability to draw the attention of attractive women who are themselves prone to consider my body either lain or lifeless in the same evening, as their fancy strikes. So you think -you- have women troubles… Bah.” The laughter serves as a good excuse to turn the conversation to the nature of Exalted, and what both he and his peer Kyria Eustace have been doing on their respective fronts. [Hearty]

The post from whence I was born
> “I seem to have a disturbing ability to draw the attention of attractive women who are themselves prone to consider my body either lain or lifeless in the same evening, as their fancy strikes. So you think -you- have women troubles… Bah.” The laughter serves as a good excuse to turn the conversation to the nature of Exalted, and what both he and his peer Kyria Eustace have been doing on their respective fronts. [Hearty]

> “I seem to have a disturbing ability to draw the attention of attractive women who are themselves prone to consider my body either lain or lifeless in the same evening, as their fancy strikes. So you think -you- have women troubles… Bah.” The laughter serves as a good excuse to turn the conversation to the nature of Exalted, and what both he and his peer Kyria Eustace have been doing on their respective fronts. [Hearty]

> “I seem to have a disturbing ability to draw the attention of attractive women who are themselves prone to consider my body either lain or lifeless in the same evening, as their fancy strikes. So you think -you- have women troubles… Bah.” The laughter serves as a good excuse to turn the conversation to the nature of Exalted, and what both he and his peer Kyria Eustace have been doing on their respective fronts. [Hearty]
Let's talk women another time old friend - what have you been up to?

Curious choice of masks. Some foxes are known to hunt snakes (the animal most associated with the Medusae) and desert foxes in particular seem to have some resistance to snake venom.

The above and their roles as attachès to Cohorts might suggest that these figures might be Internal Affairs or Intelligence.

> “I seem to have a disturbing ability to draw the attention of attractive women who are themselves prone to consider my body either lain or lifeless in the same evening, as their fancy strikes. So you think -you- have women troubles… Bah.” The laughter serves as a good excuse to turn the conversation to the nature of Exalted, and what both he and his peer Kyria Eustace have been doing on their respective fronts. [Hearty]

>“Truthfully, it was a privilege. I can fairly say that I’ve never met a more martial folk. I didn’t realise you two met in the Psiloi, or indeed…” You’re here for two years, you hardly need to press the only familiar face you know for information or an angle. You are content to pass the time during your escort through the passage catching up and exchanging stories, with the intention to meet again when your duties next allow it. [Idealist]
Slow is smooth. Smooth is fast.
V post
>> “Truthfully, it was a privilege. I can fairly say that I’ve never met a more martial folk. I didn’t realise you two met in the Psiloi, or indeed…” You’re here for two years, you hardly need to press the only familiar face you know for information or an angle. You are content to pass the time during your escort through the passage catching up and exchanging stories, with the intention to meet again when your duties next allow it. [Idealist]
Let's just take it easy, and having an honest to almighty friend in the palace would be nice.
Let's chill with the bro.
> “I seem to have a disturbing ability to draw the attention of attractive women who are themselves prone to consider my body either lain or lifeless in the same evening, as their fancy strikes. So you think -you- have women troubles… Bah.” You’re here for two years, you hardly need to press the only familiar face you know for information or an angle. You are content to pass the time during your escort through the passage catching up and exchanging stories, with the intention to meet again when your duties next allow it. [Idealist]

I'd like to use the Hearty line with the Idealist friendliness. Let's not pump one of our only friends here for info just yet.

ID it

Captcha was MAST, what is 4chan implying here.
> “I seem to have a disturbing ability to draw the attention of attractive women who are themselves prone to consider my body either lain or lifeless in the same evening, as their fancy strikes. So you think -you- have women troubles… Bah.” The laughter serves as a good excuse to turn the conversation to the nature of Exalted, and what both he and his peer Kyria Eustace have been doing on their respective fronts. [Hearty

I'm not really how much more their is to gain about the exalted status outside of the character and history of the Players we've encountered. Each has performed a great service to the Dragon/Empire to warrant the elevation within the specialisation of the Caste.

Ultimately though information is power and power is survival in this foreign court.

> “I seem to have a disturbing ability to draw the attention of attractive women who are themselves prone to consider my body either lain or lifeless in the same evening, as their fancy strikes. So you think -you- have women troubles… Bah.” The laughter serves as a good excuse to turn the conversation to the nature of Exalted, and what both he and his peer Kyria Eustace have been doing on their respective fronts. [Hearty]

It's curious Patrikas lanthe was a spymaster of
Sorts until being ousted by someone however the Medusae have Attaches to each military group, it might be a support role but at the same time it feels like that might simply be ancillary to another unspoken role like a secret police of sorts.

>> “Truthfully, it was a privilege. I can fairly say that I’ve never met a more martial folk. I didn’t realise you two met in the Psiloi, or indeed…” You’re here for two years, you hardly need to press the only familiar face you know for information or an angle. You are content to pass the time during your escort through the passage catching up and exchanging stories, with the intention to meet again when your duties next allow it. [Idealist]
Having a friend would be nice.

>> “I seem to have a disturbing ability to draw the attention of attractive women who are themselves prone to consider my body either lain or lifeless in the same evening, as their fancy strikes. So you think -you- have women troubles… Bah.” The laughter serves as a good excuse to turn the conversation to the nature of Exalted, and what both he and his peer Kyria Eustace have been doing on their respective fronts. [Hearty]

Man these cathagi court games are exhausting, every choice we make feels like another step on the razors edge.
Only two years to go!
How did Gilbert describe it? Two years of tedium and terror?
>“Your people put on quite the show. Stratiokas recruitment is up, I dare say. Should we be worried?” You don’t expect a military man to out-and-out confess plans for an invasion on Canton, or elsewhere for that matter, but it’d be interesting to see what his reaction to the open question is regarding the buildup of military strength. The Stratiokas made that demonstration for a reason. [Divine]

I don't see how this could damage our relationship with the guy.

Verily >>6054469
> “I seem to have a disturbing ability to draw the attention of attractive women who are themselves prone to consider my body either lain or lifeless in the same evening, as their fancy strikes. So you think -you- have women troubles… Bah.” The laughter serves as a good excuse to turn the conversation to the nature of Exalted, and what both he and his peer Kyria Eustace have been doing on their respective fronts. [Hearty]
I'm actually curious of the full meaning of the Exalted title. What I remember from the visit to the Stratiokas Island, it seems more like an honour than anything else. But it is clear that the Cathagi castes put great emphasis on it, seeing the reaction of the officer.

We should definitely ask Militades for a bit of an explanation for that little reaction. It would be a good beginning for further conversation regarding Exalted business and it will be an important tidbit when speaking with Exalted people from other castes.
If we can survive the Cathagi Court, we will (probably) survive the courts back home.
>> “I seem to have a disturbing ability to draw the attention of attractive women who are themselves prone to consider my body either lain or lifeless in the same evening, as their fancy strikes. So you think -you- have women troubles… Bah.” The laughter serves as a good excuse to turn the conversation to the nature of Exalted, and what both he and his peer Kyria Eustace have been doing on their respective fronts. [Hearty]
>“I seem to have a disturbing ability to draw the attention of attractive women who are themselves prone to consider my body either lain or lifeless in the same evening, as their fancy strikes. So you think -you- have women troubles… Bah.” The laughter serves as a good excuse to turn the conversation to the nature of Exalted, and what both he and his peer Kyria Eustace have been doing on their respective fronts. [Hearty]

Missed the thread being up, so hope to count this as a V post.

Cain Cain Cain
>> “I seem to have a disturbing ability to draw the attention of attractive women who are themselves prone to consider my body either lain or lifeless in the same evening, as their fancy strikes. So you think -you- have women troubles… Bah.” The laughter serves as a good excuse to turn the conversation to the nature of Exalted, and what both he and his peer Kyria Eustace have been doing on their respective fronts. [Hearty]
I just opened my eyes and realized that the [Idealist] option involves cultivating a greater relationship with Kyrio, which is obviously the best available outcome. Changing >>6059017 to

> “Truthfully, it was a privilege. I can fairly say that I’ve never met a more martial folk. I didn’t realise you two met in the Psiloi, or indeed…” You’re here for two years, you hardly need to press the only familiar face you know for information or an angle. You are content to pass the time during your escort through the passage catching up and exchanging stories, with the intention to meet again when your duties next allow it. [Idealist]
> “I seem to have a disturbing ability to draw the attention of attractive women who are themselves prone to consider my body either lain or lifeless in the same evening, as their fancy strikes. So you think -you- have women troubles… Bah.” The laughter serves as a good excuse to turn the conversation to the nature of Exalted, and what both he and his peer Kyria Eustace have been doing on their respective fronts. [Hearty]

Kairos is a cool dude.

this is me
> “I seem to have a disturbing ability to draw the attention of attractive women who are themselves prone to consider my body either lain or lifeless in the same evening, as their fancy strikes. So you think -you- have women troubles… Bah.” The laughter serves as a good excuse to turn the conversation to the nature of Exalted, and what both he and his peer Kyria Eustace have been doing on their respective fronts. [Hearty]

verify >>6053995
>> “Truthfully, it was a privilege. I can fairly say that I’ve never met a more martial folk. I didn’t realise you two met in the Psiloi, or indeed…” You’re here for two years, you hardly need to press the only familiar face you know for information or an angle. You are content to pass the time during your escort through the passage catching up and exchanging stories, with the intention to meet again when your duties next allow it. [Idealist]

best of bros soon
>> “I seem to have a disturbing ability to draw the attention of attractive women who are themselves prone to consider my body either lain or lifeless in the same evening, as their fancy strikes. So you think -you- have women troubles… Bah.” The laughter serves as a good excuse to turn the conversation to the nature of Exalted, and what both he and his peer Kyria Eustace have been doing on their respective fronts. [Hearty]

> “Truthfully, it was a privilege. I can fairly say that I’ve never met a more martial folk. I didn’t realise you two met in the Psiloi, or indeed…” You’re here for two years, you hardly need to press the only familiar face you know for information or an angle. You are content to pass the time during your escort through the passage catching up and exchanging stories, with the intention to meet again when your duties next allow it. [Idealist]
I wonder if the Desert Fox can scream?
> “I seem to have a disturbing ability to draw the attention of attractive women who are themselves prone to consider my body either lain or lifeless in the same evening, as their fancy strikes. So you think -you- have women troubles… Bah.” The laughter serves as a good excuse to turn the conversation to the nature of Exalted, and what both he and his peer Kyria Eustace have been doing on their respective fronts. [Hearty]

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>SELECTED “I seem to have a disturbing ability to draw the attention of attractive women who are themselves prone to consider my body either lain or lifeless in the same evening, as their fancy strikes. So you think -you- have women troubles… Bah.” The laughter serves as a good excuse to turn the conversation to the nature of Exalted, and what both he and his peer Kyria Eustace have been doing on their respective fronts. [Hearty] Judging from the write-ins and comments with votes, I’ll treat this as a more relaxed conversation rather than pressing for information to the point where an intrigue roll might be required.

“I seem to have a disturbing ability to draw the attention of attractive women who are themselves prone to consider my body either lain or lifeless in the same evening, as their fancy strikes.” Despite your dry humour, you draw comfort from Vancewell’s favour still pressed upon your body. Why couldn’t you fall for a more sensible choice of fair maiden? “So you think -you- have women troubles… Bah.”

Militades throws his head back at your response, the echoes of his laughter reverberating across the ceiling of the gargantuan hallway. “Well if the honoured exoria’s preferences tend towards dangerous woman, I think you have come to the right place…”

Your conversation during the rest of the walk continues in the same spirit of good cheer, with some discussion on the nature of the Exalted and his role in the palace. Much of the duties surrounding the armed forces of the Palace are shared between the Dragon Guard and Stratiokas. The Stratiokas Caste have honourably refrained from engaging in the quarrelling of the Medusae and Merchanta, at least according to Kyrios Militades. While the Dragon Guard remain the favoured tool of the Medusae, the Stratiokas resurgence in political acumen has seen them interpose themselves in areas of Palace security that had until recently been the sole remit of the foreign cohorts. It has been an increasingly touchy point of contention between the two groups.

As the foremost Exalted Stratiokas in the Palace, Militades is the one championing the increase in Stratiokas presence to a more ‘balanced’ degree and readily admits that having a friend amongst the Dragon Guard may serve to paint him as a balanced party not solely out for the interest of his own caste. For your part, you realise that Militades’ commendation to the Dragon Guard might be a double edged sword where your interests are concerned. The Medusae and Merchanta have no grounds to seriously object to your induction, but the senior officers of the Dragon Guard might view you with suspicion or even hostility. You’ve won over the Norsikaan cohort already, as well as most of the smaller Sword Sister contingent, but it’s not them that you will be living alongside for the next two years. The identity of the senior officers in the Cantonian Cohort remains something of a mystery, one you may have neglected to fully investigate from the sources available before making your decision to join.

Eventually, as you near the Wing of the Guard, the conversation turns to the significance of an Exalted’s status.

“ When I heard my own name spoken from the mouth of the Master Most High... I had wanted nothing more than that my whole life, ever since I could hold my own xiphon.” The Exalted Stratiokas officer regards you sheepishly, touching the hem of his own lace of imperial purple, and you remember that the man is not that many years older than yourself. “It is hard to explain to a foreigner. In that moment He knew me. Me! Even if I am but a speck in the Master’s long and ancient memory of our empire, my short existence in this world was given significance. My deeds, they mattered. -I- mattered. Even if only a very little.”

“I… cannot say that I understand.” That’s probably understating the point. The religious reverence ascribed to the Tyrant of the South and the pleasure with which the man describes the passing recognition of his abject servitude is saddening. “I would tell you that only the Almighty deserves such devotion from mankind. But for your part, I am glad that you are happy.”

“Women, politics and faith. It seems we have touched on just about every grave subject in the time we have.” Kyrios Militades smiles lightly, defusing any harsh feelings on the difference in belief as he halts at some unseen threshold. “I can go no further. But I hope to see you again soon, honoured Exoria.”

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“As do I, Exalted Stratiokas.” You grasp the man’s forearm firmly in a warrior’s clasp. The bond of those who have bled together bridges man gaps in faith and culture both. “Death Before Dishonour.”

“Good words, I am sure you will live up to them.” Militades grins as his procession departs, Medusae attache in tow. He offers a nod to the solitary figure that awaits on the threshold of the Wing of the Guard. “I leave this worthy warrior in your care. Try not to promote him too quickly, however much he might impress you.”

Judging from the prevalence of purple and markings of higher rank, they are clearly an officer of the Dragon Guard.

“We shall see.” The speaker answers in your mother tongue. “A place in the annals is not so easily earnt.”

The speaker is…


> A Sword Sister, not one of the Order of the Silver Rose that you have previously been introduced to. But Dame Danaca counted this one among those likely to follow you when the time came to begin the reclamation of Ardenne. One of the early faithful few, and likely an ally during your time here. [Divine]

> A Cantonion Knight of no small renown, one who would certainly be counted among the Knights of the Realm. He has a fearsome reputation, with great feats over mighty foes back home. You had heard that he had fallen in battle several years ago, but he is living proof as to why one should not put much stock in peasant rumours. The boy you would have only dreamed of rubbing shoulders with the likes of him. [Hearty]

> A foreign warrior whose style of arms you do not recognise, even from the passages of the Aethenaeum. You had read that the Cantonian cohort formed the mainstay of the Guard’s heavy cavalry, but was often supplemented by more exotic soldiers with a similar martial speciality. Perhaps this explains why they are fluent in Cantonian. [Idealist]
> A Cantonion Knight of no small renown, one who would certainly be counted among the Knights of the Realm. He has a fearsome reputation, with great feats over mighty foes back home. You had heard that he had fallen in battle several years ago, but he is living proof as to why one should not put much stock in peasant rumours. The boy you would have only dreamed of rubbing shoulders with the likes of him. [Hearty]

Sounds mysterious and interesting

> A Cantonion Knight of no small renown, one who would certainly be counted among the Knights of the Realm. He has a fearsome reputation, with great feats over mighty foes back home. You had heard that he had fallen in battle several years ago, but he is living proof as to why one should not put much stock in peasant rumours. The boy you would have only dreamed of rubbing shoulders with the likes of him. [Hearty]
Hell yeah, sounds cool.
> A foreign warrior whose style of arms you do not recognise, even from the passages of the Aethenaeum. You had read that the Cantonian cohort formed the mainstay of the Guard’s heavy cavalry, but was often supplemented by more exotic soldiers with a similar martial speciality. Perhaps this explains why they are fluent in Cantonian. [Idealist]

> A Cantonion Knight of no small renown, one who would certainly be counted among the Knights of the Realm. He has a fearsome reputation, with great feats over mighty foes back home. You had heard that he had fallen in battle several years ago, but he is living proof as to why one should not put much stock in peasant rumours. The boy you would have only dreamed of rubbing shoulders with the likes of him. [Hearty]
New character let's gooo

>> A Cantonion Knight of no small renown, one who would certainly be counted among the Knights of the Realm. He has a fearsome reputation, with great feats over mighty foes back home. You had heard that he had fallen in battle several years ago, but he is living proof as to why one should not put much stock in peasant rumours. The boy you would have only dreamed of rubbing shoulders with the likes of him. [Hearty]


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> A Cantonion Knight of no small renown, one who would certainly be counted among the Knights of the Realm. He has a fearsome reputation, with great feats over mighty foes back home. You had heard that he had fallen in battle several years ago, but he is living proof as to why one should not put much stock in peasant rumours. The boy you would have only dreamed of rubbing shoulders with the likes of him. [Hearty]
I wonder if Emile is going to pick up another Bro in the Guard, as a thought it'd be hilarious to become a commander and then abscond with a regiment or whatever the Guard equivalent is to take with us to the Angel's Crusade

Have this painted armour as well
> A Cantonion Knight of no small renown, one who would certainly be counted among the Knights of the Realm. He has a fearsome reputation, with great feats over mighty foes back home. You had heard that he had fallen in battle several years ago, but he is living proof as to why one should not put much stock in peasant rumours. The boy you would have only dreamed of rubbing shoulders with the likes of him. [Hearty]

verify >>6053995

> A Cantonion Knight of no small renown, one who would certainly be counted among the Knights of the Realm. He has a fearsome reputation, with great feats over mighty foes back home. You had heard that he had fallen in battle several years ago, but he is living proof as to why one should not put much stock in peasant rumours. The boy you would have only dreamed of rubbing shoulders with the likes of him. [Hearty]

This will be great. A Knight thought dead serving a strange master, perhaps having lost his way form what it means to be a Knight of the Canton. I expect incredible character development.

>“A place in the annals is not so easily earnt.”

I swear to God Forgotten, you've brought them here. 7th's 5th Squad has gotten too big.
>> A foreign warrior whose style of arms you do not recognise, even from the passages of the Aethenaeum. You had read that the Cantonian cohort formed the mainstay of the Guard’s heavy cavalry, but was often supplemented by more exotic soldiers with a similar martial speciality. Perhaps this explains why they are fluent in Cantonian. [Idealist]

Mask 2.0 lets gooooo

>> A Cantonion Knight of no small renown, one who would certainly be counted among the Knights of the Realm. He has a fearsome reputation, with great feats over mighty foes back home. You had heard that he had fallen in battle several years ago, but he is living proof as to why one should not put much stock in peasant rumours. The boy you would have only dreamed of rubbing shoulders with the likes of him. [Hearty]

I would bet the next poster's left cojone that this is going to be the famed Black Knight that has been hyped for a while.

And I'd bet the right that he'll also be the Heir of Ardenne.

>> A Cantonion Knight of no small renown, one who would certainly be counted among the Knights of the Realm. He has a fearsome reputation, with great feats over mighty foes back home. You had heard that he had fallen in battle several years ago, but he is living proof as to why one should not put much stock in peasant rumours. The boy you would have only dreamed of rubbing shoulders with the likes of him. [Hearty]
>Edgy elite mercenaries that wear all black and work for an inhuman monster
How could the Company NOT be here?
>> A foreign warrior whose style of arms you do not recognise, even from the passages of the Aethenaeum. You had read that the Cantonian cohort formed the mainstay of the Guard’s heavy cavalry, but was often supplemented by more exotic soldiers with a similar martial speciality. Perhaps this explains why they are fluent in Cantonian. [Idealist]
Imagine if the Black knight is Prince

The Dragon Must be CPL Asgorga. There is literally no other explanation at this point.

> A foreign warrior whose style of arms you do not recognise, even from the passages of the Aethenaeum. You had read that the Cantonian cohort formed the mainstay of the Guard’s heavy cavalry, but was often supplemented by more exotic soldiers with a similar martial speciality. Perhaps this explains why they are fluent in Cantonian. [Idealist]

Cool Foreign Bro Get ?!
>A Cantonion Knight of no small renown, one who would certainly be counted among the Knights of the Realm. He has a fearsome reputation, with great feats over mighty foes back home. You had heard that he had fallen in battle several years ago, but he is living proof as to why one should not put much stock in peasant rumours. The boy you would have only dreamed of rubbing shoulders with the likes of him. [Hearty]
V post
> A Cantonion Knight of no small renown, one who would certainly be counted among the Knights of the Realm. He has a fearsome reputation, with great feats over mighty foes back home. You had heard that he had fallen in battle several years ago, but he is living proof as to why one should not put much stock in peasant rumours. The boy you would have only dreamed of rubbing shoulders with the likes of him. [Hearty]

>A Cantonion Knight of no small renown, one who would certainly be counted among the Knights of the Realm. He has a fearsome reputation, with great feats over mighty foes back home. You had heard that he had fallen in battle several years ago, but he is living proof as to why one should not put much stock in peasant rumours. The boy you would have only dreamed of rubbing shoulders with the likes of him. [Hearty]

> A Cantonion Knight of no small renown, one who would certainly be counted among the Knights of the Realm. He has a fearsome reputation, with great feats over mighty foes back home. You had heard that he had fallen in battle several years ago, but he is living proof as to why one should not put much stock in peasant rumours. The boy you would have only dreamed of rubbing shoulders with the likes of him. [Hearty]
It would be funny to see Emile lose his spaghetti before a famous warrior he's heard of before

>> A Cantonion Knight of no small renown, one who would certainly be counted among the Knights of the Realm. He has a fearsome reputation, with great feats over mighty foes back home. You had heard that he had fallen in battle several years ago, but he is living proof as to why one should not put much stock in peasant rumours. The boy you would have only dreamed of rubbing shoulders with the likes of him. [Hearty]
likely the one who is least on our side, but damn if he isn't the cooler choice in my book.
as above so below
>> A Cantonion Knight of no small renown, one who would certainly be counted among the Knights of the Realm. He has a fearsome reputation, with great feats over mighty foes back home. You had heard that he had fallen in battle several years ago, but he is living proof as to why one should not put much stock in peasant rumours. The boy you would have only dreamed of rubbing shoulders with the likes of him. [Hearty]

>> A Sword Sister, not one of the Order of the Silver Rose that you have previously been introduced to. But Dame Danaca counted this one among those likely to follow you when the time came to begin the reclamation of Ardenne. One of the early faithful few, and likely an ally during your time here. [Divine]
>> A Cantonion Knight of no small renown, one who would certainly be counted among the Knights of the Realm. He has a fearsome reputation, with great feats over mighty foes back home. You had heard that he had fallen in battle several years ago, but he is living proof as to why one should not put much stock in peasant rumours. The boy you would have only dreamed of rubbing shoulders with the likes of him. [Hearty]

The mystery Knight!

I have a pet theory ever since we saw the murals in the old part of the city: that the Dragon is nothing more than an Asgorga which was stranded in this world by a interdimensional portal (possibly with other Black Company members, if I've read the mural correctly).

Asgorga proceeded to raise the pre-Cathagi folks to the first and foremost polity in the area, becoming worshipped as a divine entity in the meantime.
It makes sense to me, the initial people of Cathagi came from his squad, and what he did to take care of his team's family's morphed into worship as the founding members died and were replaced with their children, children's children, and so on through the ages. The Dragon Guard is probably a continuation of the Black Company, except adjusted to suit the current highest ranking officer's needs.
If nothing else, tradition and sentiment would explain why a giant dragon wants a bodyguard unit in the first place.
> A Cantonion Knight of no small renown, one who would certainly be counted among the Knights of the Realm. He has a fearsome reputation, with great feats over mighty foes back home. You had heard that he had fallen in battle several years ago, but he is living proof as to why one should not put much stock in peasant rumours. The boy you would have only dreamed of rubbing shoulders with the likes of him. [Hearty]

We got our Knightfu, let's get a new Knigga.

Verily: >>6054469
> A Cantonion Knight of no small renown, one who would certainly be counted among the Knights of the Realm. He has a fearsome reputation, with great feats over mighty foes back home. You had heard that he had fallen in battle several years ago, but he is living proof as to why one should not put much stock in peasant rumours. The boy you would have only dreamed of rubbing shoulders with the likes of him. [Hearty]

more knight bros!

this is me
> A Cantonion Knight of no small renown, one who would certainly be counted among the Knights of the Realm. He has a fearsome reputation, with great feats over mighty foes back home. You had heard that he had fallen in battle several years ago, but he is living proof as to why one should not put much stock in peasant rumours. The boy you would have only dreamed of rubbing shoulders with the likes of him. [Hearty]
>> A Cantonion Knight of no small renown, one who would certainly be counted among the Knights of the Realm. He has a fearsome reputation, with great feats over mighty foes back home. You had heard that he had fallen in battle several years ago, but he is living proof as to why one should not put much stock in peasant rumours. The boy you would have only dreamed of rubbing shoulders with the likes of him. [Hearty]

> A foreign warrior whose style of arms you do not recognise, even from the passages of the Aethenaeum. You had read that the Cantonian cohort formed the mainstay of the Guard’s heavy cavalry, but was often supplemented by more exotic soldiers with a similar martial speciality. Perhaps this explains why they are fluent in Cantonian. [Idealist]

My v post
> A Cantonion Knight of no small renown, one who would certainly be counted among the Knights of the Realm. He has a fearsome reputation, with great feats over mighty foes back home. You had heard that he had fallen in battle several years ago, but he is living proof as to why one should not put much stock in peasant rumours. The boy you would have only dreamed of rubbing shoulders with the likes of him. [Hearty]

I missed the window to crack out an update tonight, sorry lads. Gotta go hang with the bros and spread some DEMOCRACY.
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You better have fun Forgotten
Have a good one!
Freedom ain't free. The kingdom of heaven needs to be litterd with the blood of the Foe. Lionel Aubres aka "shitty princeling" is not my king. He is a scheming rat and probbaly a heathen as well :DD CANTON and the angel, not copperclipping and AVARICE ok. praise the ALMIGHTY.

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