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Everything feels off today. That's the feeling my waking mind reacts to as I exit dreamland. I can see the sun shinning immediately into my barely open eyes. As always it goes fuck this and commands my hands to reach out and pull over the blanket that had somehow slipped under my head. Only for it to grab nothing but my t-shirt.

Awareness starts to hit me. My back imediately starts groaning that the bed is far less comfortable for some reason. I feel around and no, I don't even have a mattress anymore.
More willing than ever before I sit up from whatever the hell I'm on. "What the..fuck!" Somehow I find myself not in my room or anything that resembles my home. The place was to put it politely some sort of cramped medieval apartment. That's the best I can describe the place, lacking in doors or appliances. I can barely spy what looks to be a sink deeper inside.
Where the hell was I? Certainly not home, or somehow transported into Skyrim or something. The place didn't look like some peasant hut that's for sure. It was alien but familiar enough to not be from another planet. My mind jumps to immediately rushing out of here or searching around my new prison...agh, but that light!
Wait, light. The outside. I don't need to go out anywhere first! I turn around and shove myself over to the window side, l pull myself up to look out as the hot sun hits my face.
Only to see not a prison yard or a zoo. But an entire village of strange houses. That partly answers that.
What even is this?
Welcome to Touhou:Perfect Salt Viewing. This is a quest where your goal is to torment my SI as he makes his way through Gensokyo.
I guess that's a premise. But where's the voting options?
Oh, you don't control his actions.
Calm down! Instead of selecting what he does, you dictate what other characters do.
...how so?
I'm glad you asked! It's a simple system really. You post an action you want done, then roll some dice to see what happens.
So I just need to post whatever girl I want and roll to see it's success?
It's not that simple. Let me break it down. You roll 2 dices in the thread. a d20 and a d100
d20 selects which character is chosen to try and do that action. d100 is how well she succeeds in that.
So I can say get Clownpiece to burn the American Flag and Heil the Moon?
If you get a high enough roll. Though out of character actions will have higher dcs.
I get that but what happens when two anons get the same character?
The one with the higher d100 wins and gets their action through.
Alright, where can we get started?
Right now! Though do note I'm putting a softcap of about 10 rolls.

So, get to posting!
Rolled 3 (1d20)

I know absolutely nothing about Touhou
You do not require that knowledge per say. Only an action, and to roll a d20 and d100.
Rolled 46 (1d100)

>Cirno starts the incident at the Scarlet devil mansion exterior
Rolled 8 (1d20)

Im illiterate
>Action start the incident
Rolled 10 (1d20)

>character declares that all femoid rabbits owe the SI sex and will do everything in her power to help him conquer the moon
total moon death
Rolled 51 (1d100)

Rolled 6 (1d20)

>Some girl wants to borrow a fishing rod and enlists the SI to help her get one. Nothing abnormal here, no sir!
Rolled 82 (1d100)

>I can see the sun shinning immediately into my barely open eyes. As always it goes fuck this and commands my hands to reach out and pull over the blanket that had somehow slipped under my head
Have you considered light proof curtains? I have mine nailed to the walls around the windows in my room so as to always give myself the illusion that its dark, or storming. Its very nice, i also have different lights of different frequencies, like daylight white, red and infrared, green even, so i can simulate whatever benefits of sunlight that i want when i want, without having to deal with the negatives
>What even is this?
>Welcome to Touhou:Perfect Salt Viewing. This is a quest where your goal is to torment my SI as he makes his way through Gensokyo
Oh. Sorry, this is my first time on this board

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