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On a faraway world, humanity is thriving. Across the surface of this planet, thousands of tribes have been born and strive to become something greater – a true civilisation. They struggle with one another for this privilege, for the opportunity to leave their mark on the world for evermore.

We are following one of these tribes, who call themselves the Protavic – the beast-bringers, in their own tongue.

They belong to the Scavic, a race of people with soft faces, fair hair and blue-grey skin. Like the rest of their kind, they inhabit the Grascan, a vast oceanic forest filled with dangerous beasts and towering trees.
The Protavic people have settled by the Croglatol, a great freshwater lake. The forest thins out along its shore, which allows the native tribes to prosper without fear of predation.

Traditional beast-bringers are now in the minority. They are sedentary pastoralists, who rear swine and tend to hives of honey bees along the shore of the Croglatol. They worship An, the Allmother and the source of the divine energy that flows through all living things, Drocrom. They prize intelligence and cunning above all else and though they view their tribe as supreme, they prefer to subjugate other tribes through commerce rather than violence.

The Anamilivic, also known as the children, make up the majority of the tribe. They are the distant descendants of the Vuvovic who were integrated into the Protavic tribe. Though they enjoy an identical lifestyle to traditional beast-bringers, they also practice ritual scarification and the ceremonial drinking of blood. In addition to the Allmother, they worship Il, the Great Father, the son and lover of An. He is the strength to her wisdom.

There are also those Vuvovic who were allowed to serve the Protavic tribe as a warrior caste. These blood-drinkers lead lives free from labour but serve as the tribe's soldiers. They serve as the vanguard during times of war and during times of peace, they catch slaves, guard caravans and protect the tribe's borders. Though most of them are Anamilivic, a small group of blood-drinkers are still diehard Vuvovic traditionalists.

Some of the tribe's eccentricities deserve to be mentioned.
Though the majority of the Protavic's sustenance comes from the pigs that they have domesticated, bees and their honey have far more cultural significance. Butol is a sacred form of mead drunk during ceremonies and festivals, while beeswax is used to produce all sorts of artefacts of cultural and religious importance.
The beast-bringers' fixation with intelligence has led them to develop many methods of testing their wits, to ensure that only the wisest are allowed to lead their tribe. These include an abstract board game called Blocrum and a complicated written language known as Protadrol, which the Protavic's elite are expected to excel at.
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First Thread: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2023/5691682/
Second Thread: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2023/5735953/

However, there are a few vassal tribes who are subservient to the Protavic, who have been allowed to retain their culture, as long as they live apart from the beast-bringers.
The Toprocravic, or the sealskins, are a tribe that relies heavily on its boats for plying the great lake for sustenance and commerce. They are a clever and independent people with a culture of scrimshaw, seal-clubbing and water worship.
The Procruvic, or the smoke people, are a minor clan that our tribe liberated from the yoke of the sealskins. Given territory in the forest away from the shoreline, they have grown hardy and retain their old tradition of inhaling the smoke of burning flowers.
The Scagravic, or the tree-dwellers, are a primitive society who live in the towering blackwood trees of the Grascan. Most of the tribe is hostile to the Protavic people, but several colonies north of the Croglatol have agreed to serve the beast-bringers.

Finally, there is one other tribe that exists along the shore of the Croglatol and does not serve the Protavic. They are the Rodac, the stone men. To begin with, they came from the rocky slopes of the Sharoc, a mountain range that stands tall south-east of the great lake. There, they discovered the secrets of smelting copper, which they have since shared with our tribe. The stone men have used their mastery of metal to conquer the neighbouring Drocravic and Bodravic clans, whose people are now enslaved.

The Protavic have cooperated with the Rodac for many generations now and consider them their greatest trading partners. Enterprising beast-bringers often row around the Croglatol with plenty of honey, dried pork and cultural curios, only to return from the land of the stone men with boats full of copper ore and topran, a viscous black substance that repels water. However, some of the more conservative Protavic are worried by the recent conquests of the Rodac and see the stone men as a rival in their bid for regional supremacy.

Of course, there is more to the Grascan than this great lake. There is the Choslitol, the long and winding river that leads from the Croglatol to the distant ocean, with many tribes who live along its length. There are also three other rivers of significant size that are home to other tribes, though it takes weeks of travelling through the tangled and dangerous forest for Protavic caravans to reach them, if they do not lose their way in the undergrowth. The depths of the Grascan are a dangerous place, where humanity does not thrive.
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In recent developments, a messenger from the Drocravic tribe came to the leaders of the Protavic people, in the hopes of acquiring copper armaments with which they could fight back against Rodac aggression. In return, the Protavic gave the light-bringers an ultimatum – if they did not swear to serve the beast-bringers, then our tribe would assist the stone men with their subjugation of the Drocravic. The light-bringers refused to kneel, and so their land now belongs to the Rodac and their people have been made slaves of the stone men.

The Rodac are grateful for our tribe's assistance and the bond between the two clans is stronger than ever. The beast-bringers rule over the north and the west of the Croglatol, while the stone men dominate the east and the south. There is a swath of land to the east of the lake that still belongs to the hostile Scagravic, but the tree-dwellers do not disturb our people as long as there are blood-drinkers to guard the borders.

A generation passes.

Protadrol is not the only written language that the Protavic people use. Several generations ago, our tribe began to use Toproslan, a far cruder script devised by the sealskins. Protadrol was invented shortly after this language was adopted, as an elaborate and elegant alternative that was intended to replace the primitive scribblings of the Toprocravic.

Unfortunately, this did not occur. These days, only one out of every ten beast-bringers knows how to read and write in Protadrol, while almost a third of the tribe has an understanding of Toproslan. Even the Rodac use the sealskin script. Protavic supremacists are upset by this development and seek to eliminate the usage of Toproslan, while the less discerning members of the tribe want to abandon Protadrol, which is seen as unnecessary and complicated.

Our tribe could discourage the sealskin script. Toproslan is a barbaric language and those who use it should be shunned for adopting the ways of a lesser tribe.

Our tribe could abandon the Protavic script. Protadrol was an experiment that failed. The beast-bringers should stick with the simplest and most widespread language.

Our tribe could create an updated version of Protadrol. The finest minds of the tribe should try to create a third script, that is superior to both of these languages.

Our tribe could continue to juggle both languages. Protadrol shall remain our tribe's ceremonial script, while Toproslan shall be used for practical purposes.

>Discourage the sealskin script.
>Abandon the Protavic script.
>Create an updated version of Protadrol.
>Continue to juggle both languages.
>Create an updated version of Protadrol.

Damn our stats are kind of shit right now. Only security is at an ok spot.
>Create an updated version of Protadrol.
I'd be fine with juggling both, but why settle for that ?
>Create an updated version of Protadrol.
Efficiency is everything when it comes to establishing a lingua franca. Welcome back Numpty, I hope your life lets you continue the Civ. It was always a favourite of mine.
>Create an updated version of Protadrol.
>Create an updated version of Protadrol.
Focus should be on ease of use. And also:
>Abandon the old Protavic script
We do not want to proliferate scripts here.

Welcome back qm!
Welcome back QM. I missed this.
>Our tribe could continue to juggle both languages. Protadrol shall remain our tribe's ceremonial script, while Toproslan shall be used for practical purposes.

A new one would be progress, but too soon
>Create an updated version of Protadrol.
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>The civilisation gets +0.1 Culture.
>The civilisation gets +5 Education and Security.
>The civilisation gets -5 Cohesion and Productivity.

Every month, the leaders of the tribe convene to discuss the nature of Protadrol and what it would take to improve the script. There are disagreements but after a few years of conferring with each other, the wisest minds of the Protavic people unleash a third language, intended to combine the logograms of Protadrol and the phoneticism of Toproslan. This new language is met with confusion by the majority of the tribe and has a very low adoption rate. Traditionalists cling to Protadrol, while pragmatists stick with Toproslan.

In the years that follow, some of the tribe's leaders react to the failure of the new language by creating a fourth script, while others create a fifth. Within decades, every family seems to have its own secret language, all of which are considered forms of Protadrol. Mastery of language becomes a part of the Protavic battle of wits – worthy leaders must be able to devise inscrutable scripts, but they must also be capable of deciphering the texts of their opponents, no matter how illegible they were designed to be. This becomes an early form of cryptography.

The masses continue to use Toproslan while the cryptic art of Protadrol is seen as somewhat pretentious, a game played by indolent fools who waste their time flaunting their intellects.

A generation passes.

It is common for enterprising beast-bringers to try their hand at trading. They load the products of the Protavic people into boats and row down the Choslitol, to trade with foreign tribes along the river's length and even as far as the distant sea, which they claim is even more vast than the Croglatol.

However, as of late, these traders have returned with more than just exotic goods. They have brought wheezing coughs, runny noses and loose bowels with them. Those who venture too far down the Choslitol seem to return with sickness, which ends up spreading to the people around them.

Our tribe could discourage long distance trading. The beast-bringers should not venture so far from their homeland. The Croglatol provides all that the tribe needs.

Our tribe could ostracise the merchants. Those who potentially harbour sickness must remain apart from the rest of the tribe, for the good of the people.

Our tribe could condemn exotic goods. Peculiar shells and bizarre foodstuffs must be the source of the sickness. They must not be brought to the great lake.

Our tribe could accept the consequences. Foreign curios are a source of wealth and joy for the Protavic people. They can handle a little sickness.

>Discourage long distance trading.
>Ostracise the merchants.
>Condemn exotic goods.
>Accept the consequences.
>Condemn exotic goods.
>>Accept the consequences.
the strong will hopefully survive
>Condemn exotic goods.
>Accept the consequences.
Trade is important to us. We should seek out ways to cure these illnesses, should they become severe
>Condemn exotic goods.

Guys our health is 30. We cannot survive a plague or any sickness running rampant.
>Accept the consequences.

Better that we drip-feed minor infections so we can develop some immunities now, rather then remain isolated enough that the next contact we have will set a plague of everything at once right through us.
>Accept the consequences
This degree of disease isn't an existential threat. Better we get our antibodies built up than submit to fear of what's possible.
Locking the vote there.
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>The civilisation gets +5 Prosperity and +5 Happiness.
>The civilisation gets -5 Health.

The strength of the Protavic people lies in commerce. The tribe cannot afford to let common illness hinder its effort to expand its influence. As a result of this decision, trade flourishes with these distant clans and bonds are forged between them and the beast-bringers. Colourful seashells and shiny pearls become a more common sight and are used to craft beautiful trinkets that brighten the lives of those who wear them.

Unfortunately, sickness also becomes more common. Those who return to the tribe after long expeditions sometimes return with diarrhoea, nausea and fevers that proceed to spread to those who are close to them. Those who are particularly young, old or vulnerable often succumb to these foreign diseases. Such is the sad reality of life in such a primitive society.

However, it is an acceptable cost for stronger ties to the river tribes and the faraway coastal clans. By now, the beast-bringers know of several tribes that live along the length of the Choslitol – the painted men of the Goriwik, the thin folk of the Slawik and the river bugs of the Tibuk are the nearest three.

A generation passes.

The Choslitol isn't the only river connected to the Croglatol. Several lesser rivers flow into the lake from the east, formed by glacial melt that trickles down from the Sharoc. The Protavic people have been expanding along the length of one such river and have reached the foothills of this mountain range. There, the forest thins and copper ore is far more plentiful, yet there is something about the mountains that renders the people who live near them weak and sickly.

The Rodac get around this by having their slaves gather ore from the foothills, under the watchful eyes of overseers. Perhaps the beast-bringers should adopt such a system for their own slaves, in order to make the tribe less dependent on the stone men for the acquisition of copper.

Our tribe could send slaves to gather ore from the foothills. Overseen by blood-drinking warriors, Grovic thralls will gather all of copper that the tribe needs.

Our tribe could incentivise and reward the mining of copper. Great wealth shall be given to those who put their health at risk in the name of supplying the tribe with metal.

Our tribe could allow those who are willing to gather ore. There will be no slave-driving, or special treatment for those who are willing to labour in the eastern foothills.

Our tribe could encourage further trading with the stone men. Even more traders shall be sent to the Rodac to acquire ever greater quantities of copper.

>Send slaves to gather ore from the foothills.
>Incentivise and reward the mining of copper.
>Allow those who are willing to gather ore.
>Encourage further trading with the stone men.
>Encourage further trading with the stone men.
While the Rodac might grow stronger, they are still our friends and allies. We are good at trading, and as such we are likely to get good deals
>Incentivise and reward the mining of copper.
our health is on a shitty position.
>Encourage further trading with the stone men.
This is a non-issue, as we can trade with the Rodac until they run low on copper, then we can mine our own. It's a win-win, and we don't have enough Gr*v*c subhumans or societal healthcare to do it reliably.

>our health is on a shitty position.

>yet there is something about the mountains that renders the people who live near them weak and sickly.

if you are afraid of our health, we should find another way

+1 anon here
>Encourage further trading with the stone men.

>River bugs
Nonhumans, or just bugs(derogatory)?
>Encourage further trading with the stone men.
My headcanon is for whatever reason our tribe haven't been yet able to master copper gathering and smelting. Because of that we remain dependent on copper imports.
>>Incentivise and reward the mining of copper.
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>The civilisation gets +10 Productivity.
>The civilisation gets -5 Prosperity.

Some of the tribe are concerned about the prospect of becoming increasingly reliant on their greatest rival for supremacy over the great lake. Yet there are far more who believe that the bond between the stone men and the beast-bringers for many generations to come, and that this relationship should be exploited for ever greater quantities of copper.

Many of the luxuries that the Protavic people acquire from far-off lands are given to the Rodac, as well as a great deal of honey, beeswax and cultural artefacts produced by the beast-bringers. In return, they receive an abundance of copper ore from stone men. Though more and more of the tribe are dedicating their lives to mercantile pursuits, labourers and craftsmen and even swineherds find that their work is made easier by plentiful copper tools.

As for the foreboding slopes of the Sharoc, the foothills are left along for the time being. It is rare for a beast-bringer to venture towards the mountains. In fact, it becomes common for elders to tell children stories about ghosts who dwell there, who steal the breath from fools who wander too far from home.

A generation passes.

Some enterprising traders find that when they return home, their families have left them with very little. All that they own is taken and shared among their relatives when they leave on the next expedition, and they return to find nothing. For this reason, one clever merchant has tablets wrought from copper, on which his belongings are inscribed. It is a practice that spreads quickly to other traders, a method of recording wealth that becomes a very early sort of currency.

The system has its flaws. Such tablets are heavy and difficult to transport, and families often accuse these merchants of fraudulence, of laying claim to far greater wealth than they deserve or ever owned.

Our tribe could make a simpler and more portable currency. Something smaller, lighter and much easier to make is necessary, if these merchants are to carry around proof of the wealth that they own.

Our tribe could create storehouses for holding these tablets. All evidence of wealth must be housed in secure structures where it cannot be stolen or tampered with, that will be guarded by blood-drinkers.

Our tribe could devise a method of equally distributing wealth. Recording individual wealth is not necessary, but a system will be put in place to ensure that every man is given what he needs to survive.

>Make a simpler and more portable currency.
>Create storehouses for holding these tablets.
>Devise a method of equally distributing wealth.
One of the many facts that I didn't mention in the summary at the start of the thread is that our tribe is currently in the Chalcolithic Period. They are capable of smelting copper ore, it is simply far more abundant on the rocky slopes of the Sharoc mountains, which the Rodac have had access to for far longer.

Have a rough map of the larger region beyond the Croglatol.
>Make a simpler and more portable currency.
>Make a simpler and more portable currency
But not from copper, because source of it is close and our nascent economy would be easily imbalanced by supply shocks. Instead use the shells which traders bring from their faraway journeys.
>>Devise a method of equally distributing wealth.
>create storehouses for holding these tablets
Coins are inevitable, but this could lead to sophisticated record-keeping.
>>Make a simpler and more portable currency.
>Create storehouses for holding these tablets.
I feel like storehouses could boost Security, which we don't need right now. Equality I assume would +Equality +Cohesion, -Productivity (or something along those lines), which would be fine, but the whole thing could be tough to maintain long-term. So:

>Make a simpler and more portable currency.
Locking the vote there.
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>The civilisation gets +0.05 Technology and Culture.
>The civilisation gets +15 Prosperity.
>The civilisation gets -5 Equality and -5 Security.

It is decided that these copper tablets are far too inconvenient. Instead, the wealth of a man should be measured by simpler means – something that he can carry on his person and that can carried in significant quantities. After some discussion, the leaders of the tribe settle on cowrie shells, which the Protavic people call toroc, or water stones. They are scarce and almost impossible to replicate, which makes them an ideal foundation for a currency.

To begin with, many beast-bringers are uncertain about this new innovation. Though they admit that these seashells are beautiful, they fail to see what use they have beyond jewellery. Yet as more of the tribe adopts this system, others are pressured to follow in their footsteps and within a matter of years, everyone is exchanging toroc for goods and services as a matter of convenience. Bartering falls by the wayside and is replaced by a far more innovative economic system.

This new currency means that the acquisition of cowrie shells becomes massively important. Many tribesmen devote their lives to rowing down the Croglatol to the faraway coast, either to swindle the local tribes for their seashells or to dive beneath the waves to collect them personally. This has led to the tribe becoming familiar with the two clans who live closest to the river's mouth – the wing-stitchers of the Bladrek and the rock-eaters of the Roguwek. As with the river tribes, so far Protavic traders have managed to maintain a cordial relationship with them.

However, this new currency comes with its costs. Those who are slow to adapt find themselves left behind, unable to barter with their tribesmen who refuse to exchange their goods for anything but toroc. Additionally, the portable nature of this shell money makes it easier to steal, leading to a significant rise in thefts and robberies. Absconding with a pouch full of cowrie shells is a much simpler task than snatching a neighbour's prize boar.

A generation passes.

The shores of the Croglatol have changed a great deal. Not so long ago, the muddy banks of the great lake were devoid of civilisation. Now a man can't even travel for a mile without walking through a village of wattle of daub houses, surrounded by pig pens and apiaries, with sturdy canoes bobbing up and down in the nearby water. In these settlements, traders hawk exotic wares to eager customers, artisans beat red hot copper into shape, the intelligentsia play board games before enraptured audiences and elders lecture children about the sacred cycle of consumption.

Over many centuries, the Protavic people has grown far more than a primitive tribe, but not all change is slow. Sometimes, it is explosive.
Entering a Special Situation: Great People of the Chalcolithic.

Once every era, the stars align and legends are born. Incredible people rise to prominence and change the world forever with their actions. Sometimes their cooperation brings about a golden age and sometimes their disputes bathe the land in blood. Sometimes, they even fade into obscurity and it is the common man who is responsible for great change, rather than fabled heroes.

From the list below, please pick one paragon, one oddity and one adversary.
These three characters shall define the next century, while the others shall play minor roles at best.
Additionally, these titles are deceptive – an adversary may change our civilisation for the better, while a paragon may lead it down the road to damnation.

The paragon could be Shabal Tul, a true Vuvovic blood-drinker who is said to be undefeated in single combat, who yearns for the opportunity to prove his strength against the mightiest foes.

The paragon could be Daruval of the Topac, the wise leader of one of the few true Protavic families that remain. His intellect is only matched by his disdain for the lesser peoples that serve the tribe.

The paragon could be Glotradan of the Shopac, a drobrac, a priestess of Anamilivic descent devoted to the worship of An. She longs to spread the truth of the Allmother to all who will heed it.

The oddity could be Dotral of the Chupac, a young blood-drinking warrior of the Anamilivic, who is said to have taught all manner of beasts to fight alongside him out in the wild Grascan.

The oddity could be Capugril of the Shopac, an Anamilivic trader who is rarely seen in Protavic territory. His days are spent far away from the Croglatol, visiting strange lands and learning of their people.

The oddity could be Sitrun of the Bupac, a strange young woman of true Protavic stock. A quiet and curious girl who spends her days among the bees that her family keeps. Somehow, she has never been stung.

The adversary could be Ratopal of the Budarac, the bitter patriarch of a Toprocravic family. Despite the autonomy that is afforded to his people, he isn't fond of living under the yoke of the Protavic tribe.

The adversary could be Bloshacan of Drogram, a savage woman who leads a Scagravic colony. Those who follow her spurn civilisation in favour of becoming one with nature, by dwelling in the blackwoods.

The adversary could be Chabal, born to a pair of Grovic slaves and raised as one. His strength and compassion have earned the respect of many other thralls, and even some free folk.

>Shabal Tul.
>Daruval of the Topac.
>Glotradan of the Shopac.

>Dotral of the Chupac.
>Capugril of the Shopac.
>Sitrun of the Bupac.

>Ratopal of the Budarac.
>Bloshacan of Dogram.
Ooh, interesting.
>Glotradan of the Shopac.
>Sitrun of the Bupac.
>Daruval of the Topac.

>Sitrun of the Bupac.

>Glotradan of the Shopac
>Sitrun of the Bupac
>Bloshacan of Dogram

The priest, the beekeeper and the savage. Sounds like a fun combo
>Daruval of the Topac.
>Sitrun of the Bupac.
>Bloshacan of Dogram.
>Glotradan of the Shopac.

>Dotral of the Chupac.

>Daruval of the Topac
>Sitrun of the Bupac

I initially wanted to go with Shabal Tul so we can start duking it out against Rodac but then I looked at our stats. I don't think we are able to project power outward in our current state so I'm gonna go for civil war.

In any case I'm interested the most in Capugril or Sitrun and hoping for some kind of mysticism.
>Glotradan of the Shopac
>Dotral of the Chupac
>Glotradan of the Shopac.
>Dotral of the Chupac.
>Ratopal of the Budarac.
>Glotradan of the Shopac.
>Sitrun of the Bupac.

Overjoyed to see the civ thread is back, I love the writing and worldbuilding by the QM.
Locking the vote there.
While you're here, OP, you should switch to a secure tripcode. We've had issues on the board in the past with QMs being impersonated. All you need to do is write your trip with two hashtags ## instead of one #, and it'll protect against your trip being cracked.
In the coming years, the Protavic people shall be defined by the actions of three people.

Glotradan of the Shopac is the first among them. She is a drobran and the mother of five children, blessed with a fecund figure and deep cerulean skin with mesmerising whorls carved into it, as well as ashen hair that has been twisted into elaborate braids. As a priestess of the Allmother, she puts the sacred cycle of consumption before all other things. Her passion for her faith has earned her the favour of the drobrac of other families, as well as many of the common people.

Sitrun of the Bupac is second among them. A young woman who has only recently achieved adulthood, she is a slender creature with skin and eyes that share their colour with the overcast sky, and a long and wild mane that is as yellow as the sun. She shuns contact with the rest of her people to spend her days among beehives, and it said that she sustains herself solely with honey that she gathers with her bare hands. Even her close family do not know what to think of her.

Chabal is the last among them. Despite being raised as a slave, this young man towers over most of the tribe, with burnished mauve skin that carries many scars from when he has been beaten and shaggy, dirty brown hair. His prodigious strength allows him to do work that would normally take five Grovic to complete and his charisma has earned him the favour of his people, as well as the masters that he has served. Many free folk respect this brawny thrall.

It begins with an assembly of the drobrac, called by the esteemed Glotradan. Many families send their priestesses to listen to the wisdom of the woman and when they return, they bring her teachings with them.

Glotradan harbours the belief that the cycle of consumption is at risk of being forgotten by the Protavic tribe. Beast-bringers are so busy rushing about, seeking to earn as many toroc as they can, that they pay little attention to the importance of Drocrom and the value of accumulating the sacred energy of the land within themselves.
The priestesses who listened to her words urge the heads of their families to show more respect to the Allmother, to indulge in the vital energies that flow from her womb. Her divinity should be celebrated with feasts that are both regular and magnificent, no matter how costly they might be.

Our tribe could spurn the wisdom of Glotradan. Feasts should be minor, ceremonial affairs to celebrate births and mourn deaths. There is no need to waste the tribe's wealth on needless indulgence.

Our tribe could host annual banquets to appease the drobrac. A harvest festival that involves the consumption of everything that may not last the winter. That should be enough to keep the priestesses happy.

Our tribe could feast with the passing of every season. A great banquet for spring, summer, autumn and winter, honouring the cycle of consumption by honouring the cycle of seasons. May the spirit of the tribe grow strong.

Our tribe could allow the vassal tribes to partake in seasonal feasts. The lesser clans have lived apart from the beast-bringers for too long. They should be invited to these feasts, to revel in the wealth of the tribe that they serve.

Our tribe could invite every tribe to indulge in magnificent festivals. No expense should be spared. The stone men, the river tribes, the coastal clans – everyone should be invited to attend our great and glorious banquets.

>Spurn the wisdom of Glotradan.
>Host annual banquets to appease the drobrac.
>Feast with the passing of every season.
>Allow the vassal tribes to partake in seasonal feasts.
>Invite every tribe to indulge in magnificent festivals.
We are doing good on Prosperity atm and can take a hit (thanks portable currency). I think feasting is likely to raise Happiness and Cohesion, and probably Equality for option 4, all of which would be beneficial. Spurning is not a good idea.

I'll go with the middle ground here:
>Feast with the passing of every season.

I almost want to invite everybody, but I worry more aggressive tribes will take it as a sign of weakness or complacency. Is there any way we can stick to only inviting current allies?
Write-ins are allowed, as long as they're reasonable.
"Glotradan is right in saying our customs are at risk of being forgotten. However feasts will only make our people more gluttonous. There has to be better way of reconnecting with Allmother."
>Allow the vassal tribes to partake in seasonal feasts.
I was considering inviting every other tribe, but then what benefit would vassal tribes have over allied tribes. This way it shows that they're privileged for serving us, it might also boost our cohesion aswell.

I liked the idea of involving allied tribes aswell though. Maybe we can find a middle ground by inviting friendly/neighbouring tribes every so often?
>For every end of the year feast, consult Priestess Goltradan if the Cycle Of Consumption has been honoured enough for the other tribes to be permitted to join us in celebration.
It might help with spreading our beliefs passively to the other tribes aswell.
>>Feast with the passing of every season.
>>For every end of the year feast, consult Priestess Goltradan if the Cycle Of Consumption has been honoured enough for the other tribes to be permitted to join us in celebration.
Literally exactly what I was thinking. Have one feast where we invite all the homies, keep the rest just for ourselves. +1
>Invite every tribe to indulge in magnificent festivals.

We have a long history of feasts. Let's do the second grand feast.
>Feast with the passing of every season.
Locking the vote there.
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>The civilisation gets +0.05 Culture.
>The civilisation gets +10 Happiness.
>The civilisation gets +5 Health, Equality and Cohesion.
>The civilisation gets -10 Prosperity.

It is said that long ago, in the distant past, the bond between the beast-bringers and the stone men was forged during a repast of epic proportions. Though the Protavic people have a history of feasting, they rarely organise such grand events. Yet if it would please the Allmother and her priestesses, the leaders of the tribe agree to host a feast with the passing of every season – and during the harvest feast, if the drobrac have judged it to be a good year, the vassal clans and our tribe's closest allies shall be invited to attend.

This declaration impacts the wealth of the Protavic people, as they find themselves with little choice but to stockpile for these festivals in order to avoid being shamed by the priestesses. However, when these feasts finally come around, they bring the tribe great joy. They are times of great togetherness, during which even the lowliest beast-bringer is able to eat like the wealthiest trader. The harvest feast is especially important in this regard, as it allows every member of the tribe to go into winter with a full belly, to better resist the chill.

Glotradan and her sisterhood are particularly pleased with this, and use these feasts as opportunities to celebrate the sacred cycle and promote greater religiosity, thereby gaining greater importance in the eyes of the tribe.

After a few of these great banquets, a father tells the rest of his village about the amazing feats that his daughter is capable of. He claims that his sweet Sitrun can reach into a hive full of bees and pluck out its queen, without harming her and angering her brood. Sceptical tribesmen come to see this for themselves and though she is confused by the audience that she has gathered, the young woman proves time and again that she is able to handle bees without being harmed.

Word of this strange girl eventually reaches the leaders of the tribe, as her family seeks to use her gift to earn the favour of the rest of the Protavic people.

Our tribe could dismiss the strange waif. Her 'gift' has little practical use. Who cares if bees refuse to harm her?

Our tribe could ask her to teach others. There must be some sort of trick to it. Have Sitrun share it with other apiarists.

Our tribe could make her the head of her family. If her village thinks so highly of her, then they should let her lead them.

Our tribe could celebrate her unique gift. Parade this girl through our tribe's territory as a living embodiment of the Allmother's grace.

Our tribe could make a priestess out of her. The drobrac may object to one so young joining their ranks, but she is clearly favoured by An.

>Dismiss the strange waif.
>Ask her to teach others.
>Make her the head of her family.
>Celebrate her unique gift.
>Make a priestess out of her.
>Celebrate her unique gift.
The ways of An are beautiful.
>>Celebrate her unique gift.
>Our tribe could ask her to teach others. There must be some sort of trick to it. Have Sitrun share it with other apiarists.
>Ask her to teach others.
>Raise her as a priestess.
She is indeed too young to join the ranks traditionally, so we could ask the Drobrac to specifically nurture and educate her till she is of appropiate age to officially join them. She is clearly gifted and it was no coincidence that during a feast in honour of An we found out, but The Allmother can't always make it this obvious.
>Make the Drobrac search for gifted individuals and raise them into priesthood.
Perhaps we can instruct the sisterhood to actively search for others like Sitrun who have been favoured by Ann, and nurture and educate them aswell until they're ready to join the elder ranks. (I'm imagining it being similar to the padawan system).
>Groom her into the Priesthood while celebrating her gift
>Celebrate her unique gift.
>Ask her to teach others

Locking the vote there.
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>The civilisation gets +0.05 Culture.
>The civilisation gets +5 Happiness and Cohesion.

It is decided that the abilities of Sitrun should be celebrated. She is to be paraded across the territory of the Protavic people as an example of the Allmother's blessing and she is to attend every feast, in which she shall honoured as the tribe's most favoured daughter. It is the priestesses who shall house her and care for her, and teach her their ways, to become a priestess when she has grown older, accumulated wisdom and mothered children.

The truth is that Sitrun is a very strange girl. She rarely eats anything other than honey, she struggles to raise her voice above a whisper and when she does speak, she usually just mumbles parables about bees and hives. This doesn't matter to the beast-bringers though, who gasp in astonishment whenever she demonstrates her gift. The sight of this young woman covering herself in bees which refuse to harm her makes one thing clear in their minds – the Allmother has truly blessed their tribe.

Yet while the priestesses use this girl to further their agenda and march her around the Croglatol, another matter is brought before the leaders of the tribe.

The head of a village comes to the gathering with a slave by his side, something that is unspoken of. A great big brute of a Grovic, with rippling muscles and a multitude of scars. He urges all of the other tribal leaders to heed the words of his servant, before he allows the man to speak.

His name is Chabal. He explains the hardship that the Grovic have to go through under the yoke of the Protavic people, the backbreaking labour and the poor living conditions. They are often treated worse than swine, as though they are less than people, even though they speak and feel and think just like any beast-bringer. The slave asks for the leaders of his tribe to treat his people with more respect, to not work them so hard and to provide them with the food and shelter that all men deserve.

Our tribe could grant the wishes of this slave. His words have touched the hearts of many leaders. Slaves should be treated with greater respect.

Our tribe could liberate Chabal from servitude. He speaks with clarity and wisdom. Even if others deserve to be slaves, he does not. He should be a free man.

Our tribe could refuse the slave's demands. Many of the Grovic deserve this fate, as they were thieves and scoundrels before they were pressed into servitude.

Our tribe could work the Grovic harder than ever. This is their punishment for allowing one of their kind to talk back to their betters. They are property, not people.

Our tribe could sentence this slave to death. A clever and charismatic slave is a threat. He should be slain, before he turns even more people to his cause.

>Grant the wishes of this slave.
>Liberate Chabal from servitude.
>Refuse the slave's demands.
>Work the Grovic harder than ever.
>Sentence this slave to death.
>Grant the wishes of this slave.

Honestly the grovic are only 3% of the population. There are less than 200 of them. What benefit do we really get from their servitude? At this point they’re just being punished for the crimes of their ancestors that we’ve probably forgotten by now.
>the grovic are only 3% of the population. There are less than 200 of them
This is a problem which needs to be solved. We need more.

Anyways, I assume there aren't many savages coming from forest anymore? How do we replenish our slaves? Are tree dwellers attacking us? How's our archery? I remember we got it started at some point, are we good at it now?

If there aren't that many savages, I support >>6058887. Complete phase-out even, but gradual. Old slaves stay as they are, but their children are free men, and outright enslavement is no longer permitted.
To provide more information: Thieves, rapists and other criminals on the outskirts of Protavic society are labelled Grovic and enslaved if they are caught. The slave population is divided between these captured criminals and people born into slavery. These two sources, balanced by the relatively high mortality rate, keep the population balanced at 3%.
Slaves are still useful to the Protavic people as a caste that does the dirtiest and most unpleasant jobs, as well as the heaviest and most physically demanding jobs. Plus, violence can be used to encourage them to work harder than any free man. They might be 3% of the tribe's population, but their contribution to the economy is probably double, maybe triple that.
The hostile Scagravic to the east of the Croglatol occasionally battle with the blood-drinkers stationed along the river that serves as the border between their land and beast-bringer territory. These conflicts are small and inconsequential enough that I don't factor them into updates. As for archery, bows are a common civilian weapon, carried by most tribesmen who live close to the forest or frequently have to travel. The blood-drinkers have some archers as well but they mostly rely on copper spears and knives, as well as the wolfhounds that they train for tracking and war. Wolves are as important to the blood-drinkers as honey bees are to the beast-bringers.
In general, the Protavic tribe has a lot going on, to the point where there's lots of features that I won't be able to revisit. So if you have any questions about something that I haven't recently covered, go ahead and ask.
Chabal raises some valid points, especially since a village head so close to his situation deemed him worthy to speak, we should really consider his proposal.
But, as detailed by above, this relatively small workforce provides very efficient labour. It's also our traditional way to punish criminals and other scum. So letting go of this will have serious consequences.
I see potential in this solution, where we allow the children of slaves to be free. And as a compromise for 'outright' enslavement, we could keep it as a punishment for crimes but allow the criminal to go free after enough contribution (instead of after a set amount of time, this way the criminal can't just wait it out, and has to efficiently work if he wants his freedom back).

But I feel there is one problem though: What do we do with freeborn kids and former slaves, are they shunned by our people, can they fit in after release? Should we ask the Drobrac to rehabilitate them, ask our warrior caste to take them in and make warriors out of them, accept and designate them as a new segregated minority in our tribe?

I feel hesitant to support Chabal's wishes untill we're confident we can deal with the consequences. Could we maybe:
>Explain the socio-political factors to Chabal and the village head, ask how they envision the situation after granting his rightful wish.

Theoretically speaking, if the slaves were to rebel, taking Chabal's muscles as an indication of the average slave strength. Could we afford to take our warriors away from their other duties to crush them, let alone would we even have enough warriors seeing as our warrior caste is similar in size to the chattel slaves?
>Our tribe could sentence this slave to death. A clever and charismatic slave is a threat. He should be slain, before he turns even more people to his cause.

we dont want no roman slave rebellion
Chabal is exceptionally brawny, even for a slave. As for the blood-drinkers, they are split between accompanying trading expeditions down the Choslitol, guarding the Scagravic border and hunting down Grovic to make slaves out of them.
Due to all of their responsibilities, mobilising the blood-drinkers would have consequences, as would mobilising the reserves. But it's ultimately less than two hundred slaves versus over two hundred soldiers and over two thousand reservists. A slave revolt would almost inevitably be crushed. That's so obvious that I don't think that it is a spoiler. The danger lies in the number of free folk willing to take their side.
hmm, with that info I'm in favor of liberating them if they were born into it. criminals doing heavy labor are one thing, but crimes of the father isn't acceptable. also slavery harms the chances of non slave owners doing social mobility in the long run and stagnates the economy so I don't wanna become dependent on that.
that sounds like a good compromise
That makes it less of a threat, seeing as we outnumber them 10 to 1 basically. I feel them rebelling seems inevitable though, so if we're gonna lose productivity I rather we do that by freeing them (gradually).
Finalising my vote to:
>Liberate children from servitude and prevent them being born into it.
>Reform the slavery to make it less harsh and allow the slaves to have a contribution target instead of lifelong punishment.
Maybe if we make the slavery less harsh the mortality rate is less severe aswell?
>Liberate Chabal from servitude.
Set an example to the other slaves that if they satisfy us enough, they can earn back their freedom.
>>Sentence this slave to death.
we should sterilize them too.
Locking the vote there.
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>Our civilisation gets -1% Grovic (Penal Slaves).
>Our civilisation gets +1% Grovic (Undecided).
>Our civilisation gets -0.05 Militarism.
>Our civilisation gets +10 Equality.
>Our civilisation gets -5 Prosperity.
>Our civilisation gets -10 Productivity.

A complex series of reforms is decided upon. Those who have been born into slavery and those who will be born from the coupling of slaves should not suffer for the crimes of their parents. Any child slaves who are currently alive shall be liberated and any children born of slaves in the future shall be born free. In addition, slaves shall be given the better living conditions that Chabal is asking for. Better shelter, better food, more rest and less abuse. They shall be treated like people, rather than beasts.

Those who own slaves have to spend many more toroc caring for them. Not only that, but the sudden liberation of a significant chunk of the slave population, combined with the inability to work slaves to the brink of exhaustion or even death under this new system, mean that the thralls of the Protavic people are much less productive than they once were. This is met with mixed reactions by the public – those who are compassionate and heard the pleas of Chabal are proud of these reforms, but there are a significant number of misers and traditionalists who view the leaders of the tribe as soft and weak for their ruling.

An immediate consequence of this decision is that there are a significant number of children, of all ages, who are now free but with their fate undecided. Who will care for these unforunate souls, born of the union of a Grovic mother and father?

Glotradan and her sisterhood believe that the daughters should be raised by them, while the sons should be given to the blood-drinkers. The girls will be taught to mother many children and potentially become drobrac if they prove wise enough, while the boys will be trained to serve the tribe as soldiers.

Though she is little more than a figurehead with no authority, some of blessed Sitrun's most devoted followers hear her mumble about how among bees, there is but one family – the hive. They believe that she wants all children, not just these Grovic offspring, to be raised by the vibruc, the elderly teachers of the tribe, instead of their parents.

As for Chabal, his adherents are spreading his belief that it would be cruel to separate children from their parents. At the very least, they should have their mothers. Grovic women who mother children during their time as slaves should be allowed to lead lives from gruelling labour, so that they can raise their offspring.
Only one thing is certain, a decision must be reached. There are dozens of children who have known nothing but slavery for all of their lives, who are now free and must be cared for by someone.

Our tribe could have the sisterhood and soldiers raise them. The beast-bringers should heed the wisdom of Glotradan. The girls shall be raised to be fine mothers and the sons shall be raised to be great warriors.

Our tribe could create a schooling system ran by the vibruc. All children should be separated from their parents and given to the tribe's elders to be raised, to break down divisions between families. Have faith in the word of Sitrun.

Our tribe could give Grovic mothers special privileges. Thanks to the compassion of Chabal, these women will be cared for and allowed to focus on rearing their children without having to worry about any sort of penal labour.

Our tribe could make owners adopt the offspring of their slaves. Anyone who owns a slave who produces a child should rear that child. The wealthy families that own many slaves should care for these liberated children.

>Have the sisterhood and soldiers raise them.
>Create a schooling system ran by the vibruc.
>Give Grovic mothers special privileges.
>Make owners adopt the offspring of their slaves.

>Have the sisterhood and soldiers raise them.
>Create a schooling system ran by the vibruc.

Hell yeah. A schooling system this early would be amazing.
>Have the sisterhood and soldiers raise them.
>Have the sisterhood and soldiers raise them.
>Create a schooling system ran by the vibruc.
You're going to SCHOOL
>>Have the sisterhood and soldiers raise them.
Locking the vote there.
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>The civilisation gets +1% Anamilivic (Dominant Majority).
>The civilisation gets -1% Grovic (Undecided).
>The civilisation gets +0.2% Rate of Growth.
>The civilisation gets +0.02 Militarism.

Once more, the leaders of the tribe favour Glotradan. By this point, many of them have become accustomed to following her wisdom and defer to her whenever she expresses an opinion. They will likely be outraged if the beast-bringers ever defy her will in the future.

As she wishes, these emancipated children shall be split between the soldiery and sisterhood based on their gender. While the boys shall be raised to serve the tribe as blood-drinking warriors, the girls shall be groomed to become priestesses, once they have accumulated enough wisdom and experience and mothered enough children – procreation shall be their primary purpose until they become drobrac.

This treatment shall be extended to orphans, urchins and any other child that does not have a place in Protavic society. They shall be adopted by these institutions and taught to serve the tribe, instead of being abandoned and forgotten by their people.

However, when the tribe next gathers for one of its seasonal feasts, it is revealed that Glotradan and her priestesses had a particular fate in store for their new disciples.

As the beast-bringers prepare themselves for a night of revelry, the revered drobran brings seven young women who were once Grovic before the leaders of the tribe. According to Glotradan, they are old enough to breed and carry children, if only just. She calls them pamibracfamily women. Once a girl in the care of the sisterhood comes of age, she is given the duty of entertaining the tribe's men during these great feasts, as a part of the celebration. Between these festivals, the drobrac shall also reward those willing to donate their wealth to the sisterhood with a pamibran's affections. This practice shall ensure that these young women mother a great deal of children and honour An with their bodies. Through such devotion, they may earn the right to become priestesses.

In simpler terms, what Glotradan is proposing is a form of sacred prostitution.

Most of the drobrac are in favour of her suggestion, as are the priestess's numerous sycophants.

Sitrun – who has been saved from this fate solely because she is favoured by An – is confused by this development. She does not understand why the pamibran offer their bodies to the men of the tribe, but the drobrac don't. In her words, what use are these queens if they refuse to mate with the drones of their colony? Why should they limit themselves to a single partner, while these family women must entertain all and sundry? In her eyes, the priestesses should participate in this ritualistic sex work as well.

The drobrac laugh off her suggestion as misguided, and try to portray Sitrun as too innocent and simple to understand what she is proposing.
While Chabal is not present, those who respect the slave are appalled by Glotradan's suggestion. In their eyes, it is wrong to free these girls from slavery just for them to be passed around the men of the tribe like cheap meat. The cult of the Allmother has gone a step too far and cannot be allowed to ruin the lives of these young women. They should be raised in a decent and respectful manner, to serve the tribe good mothers and perhaps even priestesses if they are wise enough – not sacred prostitutes.

Our tribe should make good use of these family women. The practice of sacred prostitution shall be adopted by the Protavic people and pamibrac shall become an important feature of every feast.

Our tribe should have drobrac perform the same role. Sitrun is right. These priestesses who claim to speak for An should share their bodies with the entire tribe, instead of forcing that solely on these young women.

Our tribe should refuse to adopt this sick tradition. If this is allowed, these young women will have been turned from one sort of slave into another. This cannot be allowed to happen, the Protavic people are better than this.

Our tribe should make sacred orgies a part of festivals. There's no need for a special caste of whores when instead, during these great feasts, every man should be able to sleep with every woman. Let debauchery reign during these holy nights.

>Make good use of these family women.
>Have drobrac perform the same role.
>Refuse to adopt this sick tradition.
>Make sacred orgies a part of festivals.
>Refuse to adopt this sick tradition.

Refusing to adopt this less because of any moral concerns, but more out of fear of Glotradan's rising influence. If we keep agreeing with her we might not be able to have the ability disagree at a certain point
>>Have drobrac perform the same role.
>Refuse to adopt this sick tradition.
this won't end well and we need to curb the priestess influence a little anyway, so a win-win for me
>Refuse to adopt this sick tradition.
Goltradan has gone too far. Our ways are that of two lovers who get blessed by a priestess, who when they birth a child the child is baptised by its parents blood. In true Anamilivic fashion.

A Pamibrac can not lay with multiple men in good consciousness if she follows the teachings of An and Il, and the Drobran should know this as devote disciples.

The only compromise I can imagine is that a Pamibrac becomes and stays lovers with a single tribesman. Following the same path of any two lovers from that point onward.
>>Refuse to adopt this sick tradition.
>Refuse to adopt this sick tradition.
We don't want Chabal and the Blood-Drinkers getting discontent.
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>The civilisation gets -5 Cohesion and Happiness.

This was not what Glotradan promised. She said that the girls in their care would be raised to become good mothers and eventually priestesses, not that they would serve the men of the tribe as holy whores. After receiving enough pushback, the drobran eventually relents and abandons this plan, though she and those who follow her are not happy with it.

The tension caused by this disagreement casts a shadow over the feast and when the beast-bringers return to their villages after the great festival, some of Glotradan's sycophants spread word of how she was scorned and shown disrespect by those who lead the tribe. Though the village heads might be the cleverest men and women of the tribe, it is the drobrac who speak for the Allmother and the Great Father – it is not their place to spurn the wisdom of the sisterhood, or so it is argued.

A few more seasons pass by without any incident, until the leaders of the tribe receive a messenger from the Toprocravic. The sealskins, under the leadership of Ratopal of the Budapac, have entered an accord with the Procruvic. The smoke people have been convinced to abandon their ancient grudge from when they were conquered long ago, and have joined the Toprocravic to earn greater autonomy.

As it stands, the vassal tribes cannot prevent beast-bringers from travel through their land, and must freely offer the hospitality to any Protavic who seek it. Not only that but in order to prevent them from growing too strong, they are not allowed to trade outside of the tribe. This is the law that Ratopal and his followers wish to change – if the lesser tribes become strong and wealthy, so shall the beast-bringers.

The reformers who favour Chabal believe that the tribe should honour this request. As for the sisterhood and the followers of Sitrun, both groups believe that the lesser tribes should be taught to serve An and Il. While Glotradan wishes to send many priestesses, Sitrun mumbles something about how a colony can only have one queen. Her interpreters believe that she wishes to visit the vassal tribes without the interference of the sisterhood.

Our tribe could honour the wishes of the lesser tribes They shall be allowed to expand and trade as freely as they wish.

Our tribe could send the sisterhood to educate them. Many priestesses shall go to teach them the way of An.

Our tribe could allow Sitrun to go to the lesser tribes. Accompanied by her devoted followers, Sitrun shall share her gift with them.

Our tribe could stick with the status quo. These vassal tribes cannot be allowed to become strong and unruly.

Our tribe could punish the lesser tribes with violence. A little bloodshed will put them back in their place.

>Honour the wishes of the lesser tribes.
>Send the sisterhood to educate them.
>Allow Sitrun to go to the lesser tribes.
>Stick with the status quo.
>Punish the lesser tribes with violence.
>Send the sisterhood to educate them.
seems like there's a little divide between them and the priestess, let's use it and boost our influence there as well.
Our tribe could allow Sitrun to go to the lesser tribes. Accompanied by her devoted followers, Sitrun shall share her gift with them.

Glotradan will be too busy fucking with the beekeepers if we give Sitrun a little more power.

Glotradan has way more power than Sitrun right now. If we want a divide we need to give Sitrun more legitimacy by sending her over.
>Allow Sitrun to go to the lesser tribes.
>Allow Sitrun to go to the lesser tribes.
We need to keep Glotradan from getting too ambitious. This is >>6059909, by the way.
>Allow Sitrun to go to the lesser tribes.
I wanted beemaxxing but bee autism cult also works.
Locking the vote there.
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>The civilisation gets -5 Cohesion and Happiness.

It is decided. The blessed Sitrun shall go to the lesser tribes, accompanied by a retinue of her most fanatical followers, and demonstrate her gift to them. Once they have witnessed the power of the Allmother, they shall surely abandon their foolish ways and accept that the worship of An is the only sane path forward.

The messenger is told to return to his people with a request – the sealskins shall arrange a great gathering of their people, preferably in the form of a feast, so that they might witness the miracle of An for themselves and realise that the beast-bringing tribe is favoured by the divine.

Once more, Glotradan and those who follow her will are frustrated by the decision that has been made. The high priestess believes that sending Sitrun so deep into the territory of those who do not believe will result in her life being endangered – and she might have been right.

After a couple of weeks, Sitrun crosses the Choslitol with dozens of devotees as her heralds and her guardians. She ventures into the territory of the Toprocravic tribe, where she is met by a great congregation of sealskins. Though many of them are sceptical, the message that was sent to them piqued their interest. What could possibly be so holy about this strange young woman?

Sitrun answers that question by ridding herself of her garments and taking a hive of honey bees out of a clay jar. She breaks the honeycomb apart and allows the hundreds of insects inside to pour over her body, along with the honey contained within. Yet even if as she is swarmed by a legion of buzzing bees, she makes no sound. She is not stung nor does she flinch, even as the sealskins cringe away from the cloud of insects that surrounds her. Truly, she is favoured by the Allmother.

The Toprocravic people are torn in half by this revelation. Half of them are astonished by this display of Sitrun's gift and fall to their knees in reverence of this blessed creature. Yet the other half are appalled by the sight – they do not see Sitrun as a holy woman, but as something bizarre and inhuman, to be shunned and shamed.

The exchange between her new adherents and her detractors grows heated, but when one of her critics takes it upon himself to throw a stone that narrowly misses the head of Sitrun, all hell breaks lose. The fanatics who followed the holy woman into the land of the Toprocravic draw their knives and rush to her defence, as do the many sealskins who have fallen under her spell. What follows is a night of violence and hysteria, as the Toprocravic people tear themselves apart.

>Give me three rolls of dice+1d100. I'll accept the best of three.
>You will need to beat a target number of 55. The more you beat it by, the greater your victory. The more you lose by, the greater your loss.
Rolled 77 (1d100)

Toprocracucks see some bee-girl pussy and start freaking out.
Rolled 36 (1d100)

Yay, guaranteed win, but let's see if we beat it...
Rolled 23 (1d100)

Good to see she won over such so many Toprocravic, this strengthens her position to rival Glotrada.
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>Sitrun's supporters win against Sitrun's detractors by a difference of 22 – they achieve a Standard Victory.

>The civilisation gets -0.1 Culture.
>The civilisation gets -459 Population.
>The civilisation gets a major demographic shift.
>The civilisation gets +10 Cohesion and Productivity.
>The civilisation gets -5 Security and Happiness.

When the sun rises, it illuminates the carnage caused by a night of hysteria. Over eighty men and women lie dead, slain by their own kinsmen in a fit of madness. In the end, it is Sitrun's supporters who were victorious, due to a combination of numerical superiority and religious mania. Almost a hundred and fifty of the holy woman's detractors have been captured, while over three hundred have fled. Some have retreated into the forest to live like Grovic, while many more have fled in canoes down the Choslitol, to seek refuge in the river or coastal tribes.

Over six hundred sealskins and smoke people remain, who either supported Sitrun during the chaos or belong to the families that did so. The young woman mumbles that just as a colony has one queen, a queen must have one colony. According to her interpreters, what she means to say is that these lesser tribes must abandon their way of life and join the fold. The time for disparity is over, the tribe must be one people and one people alone.

And so they swear to abandon their old ways, to worship the Allmother and live according to the traditions of the beast-bringers. Interestingly, though Sitrun's fanatics speak a great deal of An, they never mention Il once, nor do they encourage the consumption of blood or ritual scarification. As a result of this, these converts are much closer to being true Protavic than Anamilivic. The cult of Sitrun has little interest in the Great Father, it seems.

As for those who were wounded or captured and refuse to renounce their old traditions, they are taken as thralls. Over the course of a single night, the tribe's slave population more than doubles as the unrepentant sealskins and smoke people are forced to labour for the free folk. The converts who were once their friends and family have little sympathy for them – their previous loyalties have been overwritten and replaced with fanatical devotion to Sitrun and the Allmother. All that is left of Toprocravic and Pracruvic culture is the script of Toproslan, which remains the dominant written language of the region.

Unfortunately, the tribe struggles to handle the sudden influx of slaves and has some difficulty keeping them under control. Not only that, but the reformers and the sisterhood both disapprove of what has occurred. Those who listen to the slave Chabal are horrified by how these people were forced to choose between assimilation and servitude, while the adherents of Glotradan believe that this violence could have been avoided and that the priestesses could have converted the entire population eventually, without any need for conflict.
Despite all of this protest, Sitrun has gained significant support. In a single night, she managed to achieve something that would have taken the entire sisterhood years, if not decades. Support for Glotradan and her drobrac has diminished.

The next year is a rather uneventful one. There are some teething issues as the converted sealskins and smoke people struggle to integrate into the tribe, but nothing serious. However, there is one invention in particular which is gaining significant popularity – the wheel. These solid wooden disks are used to create machines to hasten the shaping of clay into pottery, and to craft carts to make the transportation of goods across land a much simpler process.

The reformers are the earliest adopters and strongest proponents of this technology, particularly because of how it could be used to ease the burden of slaves. They believe that providing the tribe's thralls with carts and other useful tools should be prioritised, and that it would be wrong for such things to be sold for fistfuls of toroc while slaves break their backs trying to carry great weights.

Meanwhile, Glotradan's sisterhood and the cult of Sitrun both seem to agree that this technology should be shunned, though Sitrun herself has nothing to say about the matter. Physical toil creates physical strength, which strengthens the Drocrom that one's body harbours. By easing one's burdens with carts and other conveniences, one's body does not grow strong and the Drocrom contained within it becomes stagnant. In order to keep one's vital energies active and abundant, hardship is required.

Our tribe could ensure that slaves have the best tools available. Protavic craftsman should be compelled to provide thralls with carts and other vital equipment, in order to make them more productive and ease their suffering.

Our tribe could allow people to use this technology as they see fit. If they wish to give carts to their slaves, so be it. If they wish to sell them for a profit, why not? The leaders of the tribe should not interfere.

Our tribe could forbid the use of the wheel. The adherents of An are correct. The Protavic people would only be weakening themselves by learning to rely on technology. The sacred energy that flows in their bodies would become feeble.

>Ensure that slaves have best tools available.
>Allow people to use this technology as they see fit.
>Forbid the use of the wheel.
>Ensure that slaves have best tools available.

By their logic Slaves should have the most Drocom out of anybody in our society. I dont see any of them calling the slaves holy. We have to adopt this technology anyways our prosperity and productivity is pitifully low for a tribe that’s trying to win a cultural/economic victory over the Rodacs.
>>Ensure that slaves have best tools available.
Maybe the sisterhood should also start performing slave labour if they want to accumulate Drocom.
>Ensure that slaves have best tools available.
Productivity is the most important stat, after Prosperity and Security, in that order.
>Ensure that slaves have best tools available.
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>The civilisation gets +0.1 Technology.
>The civilisation gets +10 Productivity.
>The civilisation gets +5 Health and Prosperity.
>The civilisation gets -5 Happiness.

Those who serve the tribe as slaves must be provided with adequate equipment. Should a thrall require a cart or new tools, he must be given them without any need for payment. This shall allow the Grovic to work at their very best at all times.

Of course, those who listen to Glotradan's drobrac and the cult of Sitrun are upset by the adoption of the wheel, but the reformers are growing in popularity. At this point, the balance of power in the tribe is split almost evenly between these three groups.

The most important thing is that the adoption of the wheel revolutionises the transportation of goods. Clay jars and pots are much faster to manufacture with the use of a pottery wheel and carts are able to transport far more goods over a much greater distances at higher speeds, even though the damp shoreline of the Croglatol isn't the best environment for wheeled vehicles. The efficiency of the tribe's craftsmen and porters dramatically rises and as a result, many of the Protavic people find themselves with more wares to sell and more toroc in their pouches. Finally, the use of carts to move heavy objects decreases the amount of physical stress that tribesmen endure throughout their lives, allowing them to work several more years before their bodies begin to fail them.

The wheel isn't the only piece of new technology that the Protavic people are being introduced to.

One day, those who live along the bank of the Choslitol are greeted by a strange sight. The largest boat they have ever seen, big enough to hold a dozen people, drifts up the river towards the lake. It is not driven by oars alone, for it also has a great wing that sticks out of the middle of it and catches the wind.

Traders have spoken of such winged boats before, witnessed during their trips to the coast. They are made and used by the Bladrek, but no one has ever convinced the wing-stitchers to part with one of their precious vessels before now. When the crew of this boat disembark, their leader introduces himself as Capugril of the Shopac, an Anamilivic trader who went missing years ago. According to him, he was able to earn the respect and the trust of the Bladrek, who allowed him to trade all of his wealth for this great boat.

He has spent the last few years travelling up and down the coast of the Grascan, mapping it and meeting all sorts of strange tribes. Capugril even claims the forest does not go on forever.

In the south, the Grascan grows thinner until the point where the rolling hills are covered with long grass and inhabited by giant boars that have horns rather than tusks. Capugril says that he visited during the winter, yet it was still as warm as the height of summer at the Croglatol. It is the closest thing to paradise that he has ever seen.
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In the north-east, the opposite is true. The land there is as rocky and hard as the foothills of the Sharoc, and the air is bitterly cold. Only the hardiest shrubs and the occasional pine tree manage to survive in that harsh and inhospitable region. Capugril almost lost his life on multiple occasions, thanks to the seemingly endless storm that ravages the northern coast of the Grascan.

A minor feast is held in honour of the merchant's return, yet even as the tribe revels, its leaders debate over what should be done with this new knowledge.

The sisterhood wish to fund another expedition, to have him travel even further and return with wondrous wares from foreign lands and distant tribes. Who knows what precious resources he might find in these far-off places? If seashells taken from the coast were able to transform the Protavic economy, who knows what else lies out there and how useful it might be to the beast-bringers? Besides, the story of Capugril brings joy to the people – they would like to see him succeed again, and send him off a great festival to honour his mission.

The reformers are more interested in the technology that he has returned with. Just as the cart has transformed the transportation of goods over land, these winged boats could redefine how the tribe traverses the Croglatol and the Choslitol. Capugril must sacrifice his dreams of exploration and exploit his bond with the wing-stitching tribe to learn their secrets. If the Bladrek want wealth in exchange, the Protavic people will provide it. The tribe needs to learn how to replicate these winged boats.

Finally, there is Sitrun. The Allmother's favourite daughter mutters something about how a drone cannot survive apart from its colony. According to her interpreters, this means that Capugril should not leave the Croglatol again. Not only that, but the Protavic should limit how much it trades with the river and coastal clans. The tribe needs farmers, labourers and craftsmen far more than it needs merchants and exotic baubles.

The tribe could send the explorer to venture south. This paradise that Capugril speaks of holds the most promise. He should discover what sort of people live in such an abundant land.

The tribe could instruct Capugril to explore the north. If a lesson can be learned from the Grascan, it is that hostile places can harbour hidden wealth. Who knows what might hide in that cold wasteland?

The tribe could focus on replicating this winged boat. Capugril must abandon his dream in favour of learning how the wing-stitchers make these strange boats. That takes priority over all else.

The tribe could shun that which lies beyond the Croglatol. The Protavic people must turn inward and focus on hard, honest work rather than devote themselves to selfish mercantilism.

>Send the explorer to venture south.
>Instruct Capugril to explore the north.
>Focus on replicating this winged boat.
>Shun that which lies beyond the Croglatol.
>Send the explorer to venture south.
We need to get our Happiness up, and we'll figure out the sail sooner or later. Best not to tank our morale and risk a diplomatic incident.
>send the explorer to venture south.
take a priestess with a colony of bees on the boat, so we can see what honey from other realms taste like.
the boat with its sail looks like a giant bee after all

also, did our pop not increase at all the last turn?
>Send the explorer to venture south.
Hopefully we don't encounter a Barbarian Trireme
We are still in the Great People of the Chalcolithic Special Situation, which represents a short space of time during which a lot of change occurs. We are close to the halfway mark, at which point a generation will pass and population, technology and culture will increase as per usual. But unless I say "a generation passes," not enough time has passed for the population to increase.
>Focus on replicating this winged boat.

What is preventing us from simultaneously sending a smaller expedition by oar boat or foot to the south?
The tribe's primitive canoes are designed for travelling across calm lakes and rivers and in a pinch, very shallow coastal water. They're not suitable for long distance seafaring.
As for travelling by foot, the Grascan is a very hostile environment that is infested with bears, wolves, cougars and other dangerous predators. It would need to be a significant expedition, likely supported by a lot of blood-drinkers, in order for the explorers to have a good chance of coming back alive.
But if this is an option that people want to vote for, I will allow it.
I don't think we want to or can afford such investment in either of these expeditions (in non winged boat form). But in the future we should definitely look into using the art of the smoke people to create permanent paths (burning vegetation), so we can even more easily use our newest technology the wheel.
>send the explorer to venture south.
>Send the explorer to venture south.
>Send the explorer to venture south.
we can learn it later
>Send the explorer to venture south
The hive has much to gain by sending its bees to far-away places with foreign flowers, bringing sweet honey back to the hive.
>Send the explorer to venture south.
>Send the explorer to venture south.

The Drone never survives, for the Drone's whole purpose is to mate the Queen. It is the Worker who leaves to roam far, then to return to the hive with sweetness and news of new locations to fly to.
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>The civilisation gets +5 Happiness.

It is decided that Capugril should venture further south, to learn more of the grassy hills and the great beasts that inhabit them. It is his duty to return with samples of any precious resource that he happens to find in that region and to learn of the people who inhabit that land, if there are any.

However, before he sets off again, he is given ample opportunity to rest and recover from his great journey, to eat and drink his fill. When the time comes for him to depart, he is sent off with a magnificent feast, during which the priestesses sing his praises and anoint him with blood and honey, so that he might carry the blessings of An and Il with him wherever he might venture. The next day, the people of the tribe whoop and cheer as they watch the winged boat leave the Croglatol and begin its journey down the Choslitol, towards the distant sea.

It will be several years before the tribe will see him again – if he will return at all. What's important is that hope now fills the hearts of the people.

Several months pass. It is during one of the seasonal feasts held by the sisterhood that a particular matter is brought to the table. Glotradan claims that the tribe's method of determining who leads each family is inappropriate. The tests of intellect that they subject each other to, devising and deciphering Protadrol codes, playing games of Blocrum, challenging each other's wits with riddles and rebuses, they have become byzantine, self-indulgent and do little to prove that they are capable of leadership.

Glotradan and her priestesses want to incorporate a religious aspect. The drobrac should assess the Drocrom of the aspirants to determine whether they are healthy, strong and blessed enough to lead.

The reformers are more interested in replacing the system with one that allows every man and woman who belongs to a family to choose who among them gets to lead.

Sitrun mumbles that the hive shall adapt when it must, and not before then. Her cult interpret this as a desire to keep the contests of leadership as they are, focused on proving one's cunning.

The tribe could allow priestesses to assess candidates. This would make the drobrac the kingmakers of the tribe, but might encourage physical self-improvement.

The tribe could let the people choose who leads them. Even slaves would be allowed to choose which aspirant should lead the tribe, under this system.

The tribe could retain the current system of selection. Nothing will change, but stability is not necessarily a bad thing. Change brings uncertainty with it.

The tribe could adopt the martial contests of the Vuvovic. Those who lead the tribe should be its greatest warriors, able to hold their own against any blood-drinker.

>Allow priestesses to assess candidates.
>Let the people choose who leads them.
>Retain the current system of selection.
>Adopt the martial contests of the Vuvovic.
>Retain the current system of selection.

Nah, I like our system.
>Retain the current system of selection.
>>Let the people choose who leads them.
>Retain the current system of selection.
>Retain the current system of selection.
>Retain the current system of selection.
We need to keep the bigbrains in charge.
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>The civilisation gets +5 Happiness.

Despite the best efforts of Glotradan's followers and Chabal's reformists, it is decided that the tribe should retain its current system. The leader of each village shall be determined by contests that pit aspirants against each other in battles of wits. These competitions might seem convoluted and absurd in the eyes of the less astute, but they ensure the only the wisest and most cunning people get to lead the great families of our tribe.

Many of the current leaders breathe a sigh of relief, safe in the knowledge that their authority is secure. It was through these tests of intellect that they seized leadership in the first place, so they are glad to hear that the tradition shall continue, even those who pay lip service to Glotradan or Chabal.

By the next feast, it is clear that the high priestess has grown tired of having her authority challenged by Sitrun. She announces that a part of a priestess's training involves motherhood and that a woman cannot become a true drobran if she has never raised a single child. Therefore, in her eyes, it is time for the favourite daughter of An to take a man as her lover and give him many sons and daughters. These maternal responsibilities will hinder Sitrun's ability to attend these gatherings of the tribe's leaders and limit her influence, while her partner shall gain significant political power.

Glotradan suggests three potential candidates, all of whom harbour excellent reserves of vital energy. Any one of them would be the perfect partner for Sitrun, the Il to her An. However, the reformists step in by suggesting that she should take Chabal as her lover. His strength and vitality is evident to all who lay eyes on him, as is his wisdom to all who hear him speak. Of course, he would need to be granted freedom in order for such a union to occur and such a coupling might result in the cultists and reformers uniting under one banner.

As for Sitrun herself, she mutters that a virgin queen only leaves the hive to mate with drones when it must take the place of the prior queen. Her interpreters latch onto this and make it clear that the young woman has no desire to take a lover just yet. She will choose her own partner when the time is right and not a second sooner.

Sitrun should lay with Shabal Tul. A mighty Vuvovic warrior who has never been bested in single combat.

Sitrun should lay with Daruval of the Topac. The head of a Protavic great family, cunning and ambitious.

Sitrun should lay with Dotral of the Chupac. A young Anamilivic soldier and the master of many beasts.

Sitrun should lay with Chabal. A wise slave with a powerful body, who is respected by many of the tribe.

Sitrun should lay with no one. She shall choose a lover for herself when the time is right and not before then.

>Shabal Tul.
>Daruval of the Topac.
>Dotral of the Chupac.
>No one.
>Sitrun should lay with Chabal. A wise slave with a powerful body, who is respected by many of the tribe.
New blood
New Era
>Daruval of the Topac.
she had a one up on the priestess, time to equilibrate things again
>No one.
When the favourite son of Il reveals himself, Sitrun will know and take him as her partner.
>No one.
I'm this anon.

>No one
It's clear Sitrun is blessed. Who is Glotradan to gainstay her?
>No one.. Yet.
Perhaps once Capugril returns from his 'flight', he will be a suitable mate for Sitrun. The other candidates have time to impress and convince her of their own merits.
It is strange Glotradan is so insistent on hastening her own replacement; for a Hive will usually have but a single mated Queen...
>>No one.
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>The civilisation gets -10 Cohesion.
>The civilisation gets a major demographic shift.

It is agreed that if Sitrun wishes to remain a virgin, she should be allowed to do so. She shall not be forced to lay with any man at all, no matter what the sisterhood has to say on the matter.

Glotradan was ready for this. In retaliation, she states that Sitrun is refusing to follow the path of a woman who dedicates her life to the way of An – for this reason, the young woman shall never become a drobran. Her training has come to an end. To make matters worse, she declares that Sitrun is not blessed by An at all. Her gift is nothing more than a confounding mystery, rather than a sign that the girl is favoured by the divine.

It is a risky move, especially as the cult of Sitrun has been garnering more and more support in recent months. Even a few of her own priestesses defect, as they refuse to renounce the divinity of An's favourite daughter. This decision has led to the tribe splitting into two opposed religious sects – those who follow Glotradan and those who follow Sitrun. Many of the Anamilivic refuse to participate in this squabble but those who do follow the high priestess, while almost the entirety of the Protavic population revere Sitrun as their 'virgin queen.'

When the next feast comes about, tensions are high and there are even a few fights between cultists and adherents who have had too much sacred mead to drink. However, that is not what the village heads would like to discuss.

Instead, the reformists bring a suggestion to the table. They believe that those who own slaves should have the responsibility of educating – or in some cases, re-educating – the slaves that they own about our tribe's way of life. Once a thrall has successfully been rehabilitated and served for long enough to atone for their crimes, they should be accepted by the tribe as free folk.

Glotradan sees the value in educating slaves, but she believes that this should be done to destroy their prior beliefs and convince them to accept their places as the tribe's thralls. Meanwhile, Sitrun murmurs something about how a worker must not stray from its purpose. Her cultists interpret this as a desire to reverse previous reforms.

Our tribe could introduce a system of rehabilitation. Once they have learned how to live as free folk, slaves should be released.

Our tribe could teach slaves to accept their fate. Thralls should know their place and serve their masters dutifully.

Our tribe could compel thralls to work harder. A slave's work should only end once his back has broken.

Our tribe could keep the current system in place. There is no need for education systems, or to reverse prior rulings.

>Introduce a system of rehabilitation.
>Teach slaves to accept their fate.
>Compel thralls to work harder.
>Keep the current system in place.
Ignore the 'major demographic shift.' That's an error on my part.
>Introduce a system of rehabilitation.
We have enough Productivity to tank a hit, and this has better long-term gains. It also takes the focus off the religious feud for now.
>Introduce a system of rehabilitation.
>>Compel thralls to work harder.
>>Compel thralls to work harder.
There has been too much DEI for a generation now, change has to take longer
>Introduce a system of rehabilitation.
>Introduce a system of rehabilitation.
free citizens are better long term than slaves, and slaver economy also stagnates societies in the long run so let's do this
>Introduce a system of rehabilitation
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>The civilisation gets +0.05 Culture.
>The civilisation gets +5 Education and Equality.
>The civilisation gets -5 Productivity and Security.

Against the advice of the cult and the sisterhood, slaves shall be re-educated and given the chance to serve the tribe as free folk. With every cycle of the moon, slave shall be given a few days during which they are allowed to rest. During this period, they must listen to the wisdom of the vibruc – elders of the tribe who bear the responsibility of preserving tradition and teaching children what it means to serve the tribe. Now, these old thinkers must teach the clan's thralls as well.

After a few seasons pass, the first rehabilitated slaves are released as free folk, to join the rest of the tribe as free folk. They are accepted by the family that once owned them and they are given the opportunity to start a new life, as one of them. Though many freed thralls embrace this opportunity, others are not so appreciative of the second chance that they have been given. Any remorse that they exhibit was an act, as these scoundrels embrace the Grovic lifestyle at the first opportunity and flee into the wilderness, to steal and rape once more.

Yet with the passage of time, it would seem that the tribe has earned the favour of An, for it has been an unusually good year. There has been enough rain, warmth and sunshine to allow the land around the Croglatol to truly flourish. The swine are plentiful, the air is full of the buzzing of bees and flowers carpet the earth. Glotradan declares that it has been such a good year that during the harvest feast, our tribe shall invite the leaders of its closest allies – namely, the stone men.

This is a good opportunity to explore Rodac society in greater detail.

Due to their greater access to copper, the stone men have enjoyed great progress when it comes to the development of new technology. They have superior metallurgy and as a result, the tools that they produce are better than anything that our tribe creates. They have developed systems of shaft mining and quarrying in order to gain access to evermore copper, and they live in mudbrick houses rather than the wattle and daub huts of the Protavic people.

As a great deal of their land is not suitable for growing trees and most of their wood is used as fuel for their forges, they do not have anywhere near as many boats as our tribe possesses. However, those that they do have last for a long time, thanks to the protective properties of topran, a viscous black liquid that seeps from the earth in their southernmost territory. This substance naturally repels water and though it is very difficult to set aflame, it is almost impossible to douse once it has begun to burn.
While the stone men lack dedicated warriors, they are quite a martial tribe. Most of their men carry long knives and even wear caps wrought from copper, as a symbol of status and as a way of protecting their heads. Ritual combat is their preferred method of conflict resolution and every Rodac village has a great pit that is used as an arena for these duels. Additionally, the stone men enjoy sending slaves down into these pits armed with cudgels as a form of entertainment and punishment, to force their thralls to fight for their amusement.

Indeed, their slave population is much larger than our tribe's and in comparison, their slaves are treated with little kindness. The men are worked to death in mines and quarries while the woman are used for gentler labour and to produce more thralls to serve the Rodac. The stone men are ultimately a brutish people, with little in the way of culture beyond their might-makes-right approach to most issues. Though leadership is hereditary in their tribe, it is ultimately the strongest man in the strongest family who gets to rule.

This lack of sophistication, combined with our tribe's actions over the centuries and the absence of border tensions until recently, have led to the stone men being enthralled by Protavic culture. The taste of pork and honey is a delight to the tongue compared to coarse bread and goat milk, and the curios that are brought to their shore from across the lake are seen majestic. Many of the Rodac who live along the shore have learned Toproslan to better trade with the beast-bringers and some of them have even begun to adopt the use of toroc and accept cowrie shells as currency. There are some conservative elements among the stone men who frown upon such close relations with the Protavic people, but they are the minority.

It is Tradul Igladac who currently leads the stone men, a cerulean-skinned man with wild coppery hair and a matching beard, as well as a physique that rivals the brawny body of Chabal. He recently succeeded his father and like his old man, he is in favour of preserving the friendship that exists between his tribe and ours. For this reason, when he is invited to the harvest feast, he comes across the Croglatol with a hundred of the Rodac's finest to participate in the festivities.

It is during this festival that Tradul, with a belly full of blood curd and sacred mead, sees Sitrun for the first time.

The favourite daughter of An demonstrates her gift, as she does during every feast. She bares her body before an audience of hundreds, anoints her flesh with honey and basks in a cloud of bees, who swarm all over her skin without stinging her once. The leader of the stone men is utterly enraptured by her performance and when it comes to an end, he strides forward and declares his intention to take Sitrun as his lover.
Glotradan and her priestesses are overjoyed with this prospect. They are all too happy to give away Sitrun to another tribe and make her someone else's problem. With the holy woman gone, her cult's influence will be destroyed and there will be one less faction to contest the authority of the sisterhood.

The reformists wish to deny Tradul. They were opposed to the stone men being invited to this feast in the first place, as they think very little of the Rodac and the cruelty with which they treat their slaves. They are in favour of breaking the bond between the beast-bringers and stone men and breaking Tradul's heart by refusing him would be a step in the right direction.

As for Sitrun... For the first time in her life, the young woman becomes lucid and speaks clearly, for all to hear. For once, no interpretation is needed.

The favourite daughter of An will agree to lay with Tradul and his partner, as long as the Protavic tribe declares her its sole leader. The heads of every village must agree to serve her and elevate her above all other authorities. Sitrun will then ask Tradul to allow his tribe to unite with hers, for the stone men and the beast-bringers to become one people, for (almost) all of the Croglatol to unite under one banner. Together, they shall reign over the great lake, as will their children, and the children who come after them.

The sisterhood and the reformists are equally astonished and appalled by the suggestion. To them, the thought of granting Sitrun such power is unthinkable, as is the chaos that might come from such a sudden union. Cultures are guaranteed to clash and internal strife is inevitable. Yet the ambitious plan of Sitrun has swayed a few of the tribe's leaders. After all, how long might it take before the Protavic people get another opportunity to peacefully unite the peoples of the Croglatol?

Our tribe could give Sitrun to Tradul with no strings attached. Her influence over our tribe will evaporate and the bond between the stone men and the beast-bringers will likely grow stronger than ever before.

Our tribe could refuse to give Sitrun to Tradul at any cost. The lovestruck leader of the Rodac will be outraged and the relationship between the two tribes will suffer greatly. However, our tribe will retain Sitrun.

Our tribe could grant Sitrun the authority that she desires. As the sole ruler of our tribe, she will seek to unite the Protavic and Rodac peoples by coupling with Tradul. Who knows what chaos might come of this?

>Give Sitrun to Tradul with no strings attached.
>Refuse to give Sitrun to Tradul at any cost.
>Grant Sitrun the authority that she desires.
>>Grant Sitrun the authority that she desires.
>Grant Sitrun the authority that she desires.
the Machiavelli in me wanna go for the 2nd, but the jester wanna go with the 3rd one
>Grant Sitrun the authority that she desires.
Autistic Goddess-Queen
>Agree, on the condition that we may keep a council beneath the Sitrun and Tradul
Our elder council is wise, they still have much to provide for the entire populace. While Sitrun and Tradul could make a good Queen and King, they must not trample the people.
While I would prefer a council heavily skewed toward the Protavic, the Rodac must also be included here, as they too are made subjects of this unity.
>Grant Sitrun the authority that she desires.
POWER! POWER! I'm >>6061504, again.
>Grant Sitrun the authority that she desires.

Also happy this quest is back !
I believe many stats will tank if we convert to monarchy, just like that. People will die.
While the Rodac have chosen Tradul as their ruler (meaning they are more likely to accept this marriage), we never chose Sitrun as ours. Our council rules the protavic, and transferring power like this is certain to make many people upset.
By retaining some council power we can soften the transition, dampening the consequences.
makes sense, let's try having a council as well
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>The civilisation gets a major demographic shift.
>The civilisation gets +5887 Population.
>The civilisation gets -0.5% Rate of Growth.
>The civilisation gets +0.2 Technology.
>The civilisation gets +0.05 Culture.
>The civilisation gets +0.1 Militarism.
>The civilisation gets +10 Productivity and Security.
>The civilisation gets -5 Health and Education.
>The civilisation gets -10 Equality and Happiness.
>The civilisations -20 Cohesion.

It is beyond belief. Just like that, the leaders of the Protavic tribe give away their authority and declare that they serve Sitrun, she who reigns above all others. Glotradan is left speechless and though the reformists are furious, they are greatly outnumbered. They have no choice but to acquiesce.

Sitrun holds up her end of the bargain. She allows herself to be brought before Tradul and given to him, according to her terms. Her wisdom guides the Protavic people – she will only join him if his tribe joins with ours to create a single great people, which they shall lead together. Lovestruck and drunk as he is, Tradul agrees. The two greatest tribes of the region shall become one and take on a new name. They shall become the Croglatovic – the people of the great lake.

The hundreds of revellers partaking in the feast cheer and redouble their efforts to celebrate with this wonderful revelation. However, once the festival is over and the influence of sacred mead has worn off, many are astonished by the decision – Anamilivic, Protavic and Rodac alike. This is the most impactful decision that has been made in the history of the Croglatol, so impactful that time shall be recorded according to the number of harvest feasts that have passed since this fateful day. This is the beginning of Crototim – the age of the lake.

Those with reformist sympathies among the Anamilivic or conservative tendencies among the Rodac react poorly to this development. On both sides, there is a lot of concern that the tribe on the other side of the lake will have undue influence on theirs. One of the greatest issues is how the two different peoples treat their slaves – the penal system of the beast-bringers is seen as soft and inefficient by the stone men, while the chattel system of the Rodac is seen as monstrous and cruel by the Anamilivic.

The goat-herding stone men who live in the foothills suffer from weakness due to the thin air and irritable bowels due to goat milk, lowering the average health of the tribe. Similarly, the rate of literacy among the Rodac is far below that of the Anamilivic and Protavic. However, the martial and utilitarian way of life practised by the stone men makes them far more productive and vigilant than the beast-bringers.

In the end, despite the unification of the tribes as supposedly one people, they still remain diverse and loyal to themselves rather than this new Croglatovic nation.
There is also the matter of Tradul and Sitrun, who now rule over (almost) all of the tribes of the Croglatol together. Their word is law – though the village leaders still handle the day-to-day affairs, they can impose any change that they want upon the Croglatovic and strike down any decision made by the great families if they disagree with them. That is the primary disadvantage of this agreement.

Slowly but surely, the years creep past, full of teething issues. For the common man, little has changed but for the leaders of the Croglatovic, it is a tense and difficult time, full of arguing over minutia whenever they gather for great feasts. Before anyone knows it, ten years have gone by and a generation has passed since the emergence of these great people.

Glotradan has become an old crone but she still remains active and still guides the drobrac as their high priestess. Though Chabal remains a slave, the family that he serves effectively allows him to live like a free man and pays great attention to his wisdom – their village head is little more than his mouthpiece. As for Sitrun herself, though she has become into a true woman and carried three children since that fateful feast, she does not look as though she has aged a day.

During a festival, the leaders of the Croglatovic gather to discuss the latest issues and the greatest among them is the Sitrunic. Many of the Protavic, the lakeside Rodac and even some of the Anamilivic have adopted a new way of life that blends the cunning of the beast-bringers, the strength of the Rodac, and absolute devotion to Sitrun.

The sisterhood, reformists and Rodac conservatives all want to put a stop to this development, while the cult of Sitrun wishes for more people to adopt the Sitrunic way. It is the path to unity, or say they claim. As for Tradul and his divine lover, they are too busy hosting the feast to influence this particular decision.

Our civilisation could rehabilitate the Sitrunic. They have gone too far. They must abandon their beliefs and be reincorporated into their original tribes.

Our civilisation could shun the zealots. The Sitrunic sect must be kept apart from the rest of the tribe so that they cannot convert anyone else.

Our civilisation could segregate the tribes. The tribes cannot be allowed to influence each other. They must retain their identities, at all costs.

Our civilisation could refuse to interfere. Those who wish to adopt the Sitrunic way of life should be allowed to do so. Why stop them?

Our civilisation could enforce Sitrunic beliefs.. The people of the Croglatol must unite, even if they unite under the banner of Sitrun's cult.

>Rehabilitate the Sitrunic.
>Shun the zealots.
>Segregate the tribes.
>Refuse to interfere.
>Enforce Sitrunic beliefs.
>Enforce Sitrunic beliefs.
We need Cohesion and have enough Happiness to sacrifice for it.
In addition, over the past decade, a few other events have occurred, thanks to the prior actions of the Protavic tribe.

A significant portion of Grovic boys have been raised to serve as proud blood-drinking soldiers, greatly increasing the size of the Croglatovic standing military.

Similarly, a large number of slaves and thralls have been successfully rehabilitated and accepted by the Croglatovic people – at least, by the Anamilivic. The Rodac still believe that once a slave, always a slave.

As for Capugril of the Shopac... He never returned from his voyage. Perhaps he died during his journey down the coast, or perhaps something in the southern lands slew him and his companions, some sort of dire beast or hostile tribe. There's even a chance that he found a paradise so wondrous that he lost any desire to return. Maybe he was lying from the very start. His fate is impossible to know, but his disappearance has killed any desire to seek out these rolling hills in the distant south.

The significant drop in the rate of growth is due to how infertile much of the Rodac lands are. A fraction of their territory, seized from the Drocravic over a century ago, is suitable for the growing of crops, but it isn't enough to allow the stone men to reproduce at the same rate as the beast-bringers. While the Anamilivic and Protavic are able to feed plenty of children with an abundance of food, many Rodac have no choice but to subsist on goat, with little surplus to feed any children they might have.
is this continuing the doot or it's stuff you forgot to post ?
It's extra information not in the original post due to the lack of space.
>Enforce Sitrunic beliefs.
I would have refused to interfere, but our cohesion is down in the dumps. We need to up this stat.
>>Enforce Sitrunic beliefs.
>Refuse to interfere.
not gonna interfere for the cohesion, but not gonna outright support since our hapiness isn't great either.
interesting to see that we'd outgrow the stone guys in the long run.
>Enforce Sitrunic beliefs.
Seems gud, also RIP ship man :(
>Rehabilitate the Sitrunic.
Ship man 'could' return, maybe. We dont know what happened to him. Yes, I am coping
>>Refuse to interfere.
RIP to the council. Would've +1ed that suggestion but was at work.
>Enforce Sitrunic beliefs.

In for a penny in for a pound, the time of the Prophet Queen and her consort is upon us
>>Enforce Sitrunic beliefs.
Fanatical cultists led by possibly immortal alien, in a society of slaves and blood drinkers. What could go wrong?
>Enforce Sitrunic beliefs

By the way I think at this point our lake is overfished and possibly also polluted. Also unless we have access to paved roads or canals or anything which would make transportation of bulk wood, coal and ore feasible, and considering we developed shaft mining, it is certain at this point our mines are not running even close to full output, and already majority of labor to the south of lake is engaged in hauling, not in mining. In fact I would say it is becoming economically unfeasible to mine anymore. Maybe a good crisis scenario?
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>The civilisation gets a major demographic shift.
>The civilisation gets -0.05 Culture.
>The civilisation gets +10 Cohesion.
>The civilisation gets -5 Productivity and Security.
>The civilisation gets -10 Equality and Happiness.

The tribal leaders who raised this issue and are troubled by this development are appalled by the decision that is made. Many of the village heads, even those who have not converted to the Sitrunic way, believe that conversion is necessary in order to unify the peoples of the lake. All of the Croglatovic must follow a single way of life, if they are to prosper. Once the feast comes to an end, it is recommended to Sitrun and Tradul that the tribes should be compelled to adopt the Sitrunic way of life. They agree with this decision and lend it their support.

Henceforth, only elders who have embraced the Sitrunic way are allowed to teach children and only Sitrunic drobran are allowed to lead ceremonies. The old ways must be abandoned – the way of Sitrun is the only path forward. Many of the more traditional Anamilivic and Rodac are outraged by this decision and shun the Sitrunic cult, by refusing to work with them and in some cases assaulting them.

Yet this is not enough to dissuade over a thousand people from adopting the Sitrunic way of life over the course of the next year – the Protavic are especially susceptible to the cult's influence. By the time that the next harvest feast comes around, there is no true beast-bringers left. The vast majority of Protavic traditions are still practised by the Anamilivic and Sitrunic, yet those groups observe many customs that the beast-bringers would have once sneered at as 'lesser.'

The atmosphere at the next harvest festival is tense, as many of the Anamilivic and Rodac leaders chafe at the thought of having to mingle and work with the growing Sitrunic bloc. Nevertheless, they have business to discuss. Tensions between the reformists and the conservative Rodac have reached a breaking point and every feast seems to be marked by scuffles between the two factions. The disagreement is over the treatment of slaves; the reformists are offended by the cruelty of the stone men and the Rodac diehards are disgusted by the softness of the Anamilivic. As for the Sitrunic, they tend towards the Rodac style of slavery, without the tradition of pit-fighting.

Our civilisation could enforce Anamilivic reforms. Slavery should be nothing more than a temporary form of punishment.

Our civilisation could impose the Rodac method. Slaves are meat, lesser people who live to serve and entertain their betters.

Our civilisation could adopt the Sitrunic way. Slaves are tools, to be used responsibly until they eventually break.

Our civilisation could let each group keep its traditions. There is no need to force any tribe to abandon its customs.

>Enforce Anamilivic reforms.
>Impose the Rodac method.
>Adopt the Sitrunic way.
>Let each group keep its traditions.
>Enforce Anamilivic reforms
>Our civilisation could adopt the Sitrunic way. Slaves are tools, to be used responsibly until they eventually break.
>Enforce Anamilivic reforms.

Happiness is at 20 and in the red. We can’t afford a dip in it at all right now. Even if it’s a hit in productivity we need to make the slave caste happier now to get out of the red and avoid a rebellion.
>Enforce Anamilivic reforms
But we should keep pit-fighting. It is entertainment, while also assuring we have fighters.
>Offer ex-slaves to fight in the pits full time, doubling as warriors when needed.
Our warrior caste can train them, and hopefully give some Vuvovic influence
>Enforce Anamilivic reforms.
This is a good idea.

>Enforce Anamilivic reforms but keep voluntary pitfighting
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>The civilisation gets a minor demographic shift.
>The civilisation gets +0.05 Culture.
>The civilisation gets +0.03 Militarism.
>The civilisation gets +10 Equality.
>The civilisation gets +5 Cohesion and Happiness.
>The civilisation gets -5 Security.
>The civilisation gets -10 Productivity.

It is decided that while the Anamilivic reforms should be adopted by every Croglatovic tribe, the fighting pits should remain open. Free folk should be able to fight in these pits, not just a method of resolving disputes but as a form of entertainment and friendly competition, much like the contests of intellect that the Anamilivic and Sitrunic practise. In fact, these makeshift arenas shall become home to those games as well and shall serve as the hub of every village, where everything of import happens.

Sitrun and Tradul approve this decision. Despite the protests of the conservative faction, the stone men adopt the penal system and are compelled to treat their slaves with greater respect and to give them the chance to atone for their crimes and serve the chiefdom as free folk. However, after all of the cruelty that they have been treated with throughout their lives, many of the Rodac thralls resent their master. Some of those who are freed after their re-education use their newfound freedom to enact revenge. Fortunately, the vast majority are grateful for the social mobility that they have been given and contribute to society.

Ultimately, this new tradition of pit-fighting serves as an excellent source of amusement for the tribe, a distraction from the tension that comes with the new order. Children and adults alike cheer on their favourites and even place bets on who they believe will win, in an early form of gambling. Unfortunately, when the next feast comes about, Sitrun instates a new law that destroys a great deal of good will that might have been earned with this development.

With each year, every last Croglatovic man and woman must give a tenth of their toroc to the Igladac family. The responsibility of collecting this shell money is given to the blood-drinking warrior caste and it is a duty that distracts them from other tasks such as catching criminals, guarding traders and watching the Scagravic border.

As expected, all but the most devoted Sitrunic are displeased with decision. Everyone is a little worse off and everyone is a little less loyal to the Croglatovic project, except for the ruling family. With this tax, their village becomes the wealthiest in the region. It remains to be seen what they shall spend this wealth on.

>The civilisation gets -5 Equality, Cohesion, Prosperity and Security.

Three more seasons pass and the next harvest festival comes around and with it, a new issue – the Scagravic. In particular, those who claim to be loyal to the Croglatovic are the problem.
One of the Scagravic colonies who pay lip service to the chiefdom is led by a charismatic woman known as Blos hacan of Drogram. She has been preaching to those among the Anamilivic who have lost faith in the wisdom of Glotradan and refuse to convert to the Sitrunic way of life. This wild woman has convinced hundreds of them to abandon their way of life, that the Croglatovic walk the path to ruin and that the land shall punish them for their hubris. She insists that the only way to survive is to live among the trees, as the Scagravic do.

Many of the Anamilivic have listened to Bloshacan's words and left their families behind, to seek out great blackwood trees and live high above the forest floor like noble savages, beyond the reach of predators or civilisation. In their eyes, it is a better life than what the Croglatovic have to offer them.

The village heads discuss what demands they should make of the Scagravic colonies...

Our civilisation could allow Bloshacan to do as she wishes. If the people want to become tree-dwelling savages, why stop them?

Our civilisation could demand an end to the conversion. Those who have been converted may remain with the Scagravic, but no more can join them.

Our civilisation could re-educate those who were turned. The Anamilivic who lost their way shall be taught the way of Sitrun.

Our civilisation could convert them all to the Sitrunic way. Every last tree-dweller shall learn to serve An's favourite daughter.

Our civilisation could make slaves out of all of them. For their crimes, the Scagravic must surrender their freedom and serve the Croglatovic as thralls.

>Allow Bloshacan to do as she wishes.
>Demand an end to the conversion.
>Re-educate those who were turned.
>Convert them all to the Sitrunic way.
>Make slaves out of all of them.

And if they refuse to heed the demands of the Croglatovic, then the people of the lake shall have to take action...

Our civilisation could threaten to cast them out of the Croglatovic. They shall be denied the fruits of civilisation for evermore if they do not cooperate.

Our civilisation could threaten to forcefully enslave them all. If they refuse to obey the Croglatovic, then they shall be forced into servitude.

Our civilisation could threaten to drive them away from our borders. They will chased out of their trees and away from the Croglatol if they refuse our demands.

Our civilisation could threaten to burn down their trees with topran. If they remain defiant, then they shall be burned alive in their blackwood homes.

>Threaten to cast them out of the Croglatovic.
>Threaten to forcefully enslave them all.
>Threaten to drive them away from our borders.
>Threaten to burn down their trees with topran.

Please choose one option from each of the two groups.
>Allow Bloshacan to do as she wishes.
It's worth sacrificing population for hapliness and cohesion.
>Threaten to cast them out of the Croglatovic.
They can build their own savage tribe if they want to. Our descendants will crush them. The best thing for our tribe is to release all of the building pressure.
>Convert them all to the Sitrunic way.
>Threaten to burn down their trees with topran.
>Allow Bloshacan to do as she wishes.

Fuck it. Why not? If they want to live in trees they can live in trees. I really don't want to deal with any fall out from fight them when we're in such a precarious state. Just pay your fucking taxes and we're good.

>Our civilisation could threaten to drive them away from our borders. They will chased out of their trees and away from the Croglatol if they refuse our demands.

Also QM isn't our happiness at 25 and not 20 now?
Sorry, in the post I typed "The civilisation gets -5 Equality, Cohesion, Prosperity and Security." when I meant "The civilisation gets -5 Equality, Cohesion, Prosperity and Happiness." I messed around the values a bit and forget to update things.

The image is correct, the post isn't - Happiness is currently at 20. Sitrun's taxes undid the progress made by the fighting pits.
>Allow Bloshacan to do as she wishes.
All the best wishes to them. The lake is already starting to get crowded, they might as well go make the forest more habitable.
Hopefully we can continue to trade with them
>Demand an end to the conversion.

>Threaten to drive them away from our borders.
alright then
>Make slaves out of all of them.
>Threaten to burn down their trees with topran.
>>Make slaves out of all of them.
>Threaten to burn down their trees with topran.
>>Make slaves out of all of them.
>Threaten to burn down their trees with topran.

A good war will improve everyone's mood
>Allow Bloshacan to do as she wishes.
>Threaten to drive them away from our borders.
We don't need more slaves, we need tech breakthroughs and to unify our people against external threat.
>Demand an end to the conversion.

>Threaten to drive them away from our borders.
changing my vote>>6062724
to :>Make slaves out of all of them.
>Allow Bloshacan to do as she wishes.
>Threaten to drive them away from our borders.
Locking the vote there.
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>The civilisation gets a major demographic shift.
>The civilisation gets -1108 Population.
>The civilisation gets +0.1% Rate of Growth.
>The civilisation gets -0.05 Culture.
>The civilisation gets -0.02 Militarism.
>The civilisation gets +5 Health, Education, Cohesion and Prosperity.
>The civilisation gets -5 Security.

The leaders of the chiefdom are divided between the subjugation of these thankless tree-dwellers and allowing this tribe to leave the Croglatovic with the Anamilivic who chose to abandon their roots. In the end, it is the second choice which wins out over the first. Though Tradul is furious with this decision, Sitrun soothes him and stops him from striking it down. She says that a worker that cannot work is of no use to its colony. And so, the tree-dwellers are allowed to do as they will.

Hundreds of Anamilivic tribesmen displeased with Sitrun's reign are seduced by the promises of Bloshacan. Even thirty or forty of the blood-drinkers are swayed by her words. Leaving civilisation behind, they take to the trees and sever all ties with the Croglatovic. They no longer feel any loyalty towards the chiefdom. Once the exodus is complete, over a thousand men, women and children have fled into the Grascan to live as Scagravic, alongside those that already dwelled in the trees. Entire villages lie empty and abandoned.

While there is some displeasure towards this decision among the Anamilivic who have lost their friends and family to the forest, it is balanced by the fact that many malcontents have now left the Croglatovic behind and no longer spread their misery to others. Those who remain have at least a little faith in the chiefdom. Besides, there are many who thought that the Scagravic contributed nothing in the first place, and there might be some truth in this. They did little aside from live in their trees like savage animals, living in hollows in the blackwoods and using only the most primitive tools to survive.

The average life span of the chiefdom rises a little, as there are no longer any fools falling from the great trees that they live in and breaking their necks. At the very least, those idiots are no longer part of the Croglatovic. Similarly, those who were swayed by the promises of Bloshacan were the less civilised and educated members of the Anamilivic – those who are left behind are the wiser of their tribe. Finally, there is the fact that they left behind the trappings of civilisation, which they had to disavow. Their shell money, their tools, all of their belongings are for the taking, to be distributed among those who remained loyal.

Unfortunately, other than the sudden exodus of eleven hundred tribesmen, there is one problem that has arisen because of this. Like the Scagravic to the east, these tree-dwellers have no qualms about causing trouble for the Croglatovic if it benefits them, from chasing off Anamilivic who come too close to their blackwoods to stealing the pigs of swineherds.
Another year passes and the Sitrunic continue to spread the word. As more slaves are rehabilitated and accepted into the chiefdom as free folk, they devote themselves to the way of Sitrun, as do many Rodac and Anamilivic who have been swayed by her cult. By this point, the Sitrunic are the most numerous tribe among the Croglatovic and for the most part, they are all very loyal to the chiefdom and pleased with how Sitrun has led it – Tradul is considered little more than her consort, a queen's drone, but this is not said out loud.

>The civilisation gets +5 Cohesion and Happiness.

As the next harvest feast comes around, the Scagravic remain a hot topic – but it is not the tree-dwellers to the north that interest the leaders of the tribes. No, it is the Scagravic directly to the east of the great lake who are the issue this time. They have been hostile towards the Rodac since time immemorial and they were hostile towards the Protavic people ever since they accepted the northern tree-dwellers as vassals of their tribe – for what good that was worth.

Every couple of months, there is a minor border skirmish. A couple of dozen tree-dwellers cross the rivers on primitive rafts to steal swine or women, only to be beaten back by the blood-drinkers who stand guard. Once or twice a year, they even manage to elude the warriors and bring their ill-gotten gains back to their colonies. It is suspected that several thousand Scagravic must live in that patch of thick woodland, trapped between the foothills of the Sharoc and the Croglatol.

Not only would their trouble-making come to an end if they were dealt with somehow, but the Croglatovic would truly control the entirety of the Croglatol. They would also be free to row past the eastern shore of the great lake without having to worry about tree-dweller arrows raining down on them, which would make the transportation of goods a lot easily.

Our civilisation could leave the eastern tree-dwellers alone. They are little more than a nuisance in the grand scheme of things, there's no need to waste any energy on them.

Our civilisation could offer gifts in exchange for peace. The Anamilivic and Sitrunic still practise the old tradition of beast-bringing, which may mollify the tree-dwellers.

Our civilisation could drive the Scagravic out of the woods. They should be forced to relocate – it doesn't matter where, just away from the banks of the Croglatol.

Our civilisation could take as many slaves as possible. Several thousand tree-dwellers means several thousand potential thralls. This free labour should be put to good use.

Our civilisation could burn down their colonies with topran. Once the black stuff starts to burn, it never stops. Wipe them all out and clear this woodland away.

>Leave the eastern tree-dwellers alone.
>Offer gifts in exchange for peace.
>Drive the Scagravic out of the woods.
>Take as many slaves as possible.
>Burn down their colonies with topran.
>Drive the Scagravic out of the woods.

The Croglatol is ours.
>Take as many slaves as possible.
>>Take as many slaves as possible.
>Burn down their colonies with topran
While the deathtoll would be high, they are all basicly enemies of our people. The bleedinghearts of our populace is likely to understand, since our reasoning is good.
>Leave the eastern tree-dwellers alone
This is the best. They don't have neither military, technology, economy, nor culture to threaten us - they are savages, a dead end. We can use them to keep our warriors sharp, and our population distracted from internal struggles.

We can expand northwards as is needed and just kill and drive away any Scagravic which causes trouble. Settlement to their eastern core lands will be prohibited for now.
You know what, I agree
Changing my vote to
>Leave the eastern tree-dwellers alone.
>Take as many slaves as possible.

I am sick of this pansy shit, murder these fuckers
>Leave the eastern tree-dwellers alone.
Switching to

>Leave the eastern tree-dwellers alone.

Because I’m a pansy cuck beta male that likes watching my Sitrunc wife get fucked by virile Scagavic and then I thank them for the privilege of letting me raise their children.
Locking the vote there.
>>Burn down their colonies with topran.
seems like I was late, oh well
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>The civilisation gets -0.03 Militarism.

Once again, the leaders of the Croglatovic are divided between leaving the Scagravic in peace and subjugating them. Once again, it is the pacifists who win the argument. The status quo is maintained. Though the Rodac diehards and the more bloodthirsty Sitrunic are displeased by this decision, the Anamilivic and the softer followers of Sitrun are relieved – they see no reason for conflict, as the Scagravic are barely a threat at all. A hundred and fifty blood-drinkers patrol the rivers to the north and south of their territory are more than enough to keep them at bay.

Another year passes and as autumn approaches, the drobrac declare it to be a good year. There shall be enough surplus for the Croglatovic to invite representatives from all of the river and coastal tribes. Sure enough, leaders from each of those clans arrive at the harvest feast to enjoy the hospitality of the great lake. Painted men, wing-stitchers, thin folk, rock-eaters and river bugs – who are seemingly normal people – they all show up to pay their respects to Sitrun, the lady of the lake.

It is at this great feast that the favourite daughter of An declares that a colony and its queen must have a hive. Tradul serves as her interpreter – it is not enough for a hundred Croglatovic villages to surround the great lake, there must be a single seat of power where all of these feasts can be held and where the family of Igladac shall rule from.

Of course, the responsibility of overseeing the construction of this seat of power falls to the various tribal leaders who serve the Igladac dynasty. Labourers and craftsmen who work on this project shall be paid with the shell money that the ruling family has accrued with their recent tax, but it is difficult to determine the right spot for this new hub.

Our civilisation could choose the populous northern bank. The most populated area with the largest villages. Using one of them as the foundation will give construction efforts a headstart.

Our civilisation could choose the fertile southern shore. Crops grow especially well here. The abundance of food here will ensure that the people of this great village shall never starve.

Our civilisation could choose the prosperous Choslitol. A spot near where the Croglatol flows into this river would be an ideal location for a trading hub and serve as the heart of Croglatovic commerce.

Our civilisation could choose the rugged southeastern foothills. Though the air here is thin, this land is very defensible and a source of good stone, which might be a good building material.

Our civilisation could choose an artificial island. Sitrun and Tradul shall be honoured with a project of titanic proportions that shall likely take decades, if not centuries before it sees completion.

>The populous northern brank.
>The fertile southern shore.
>The prosperous Choslitol.
>The rugged southeastern foothills.
>An artificial island.
>An artificial island.
>The prosperous Choslitol.
This will make diplomacy and expansion easier in the future.
>The prosperous Choslitol.

I hate you all, I want an actual war again. We used to drink the blood of our foes and now we just let them sit around.
>The prosperous Choslitol.
This seems the most future-oriented, and generally most central placement we could do. Aside from an island, of course
>The prosperous Choslitol.
a shame that the pacifists went with leaving them alone instead of gifts to try swaying them
>The prosperous Choslitol.

>a shame that the pacifists went with leaving them alone instead of gifts to try swaying them
I would've, but leaving them alone already had the majority, and we're doing ok but not great on prosperity.
>The prosperous Choslitol.

The waters enter the Croglatol from many sources; but they leave as a single mighty flow.
This point is more symbolic of the unity of our merged peoples.
>The prosperous Choslitol
>The prosperous Choslitol.
>The rugged southeastern foothills.
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>The civilisation gets +0.05 Culture.
>The civilisation gets +5 Prosperity.

It is decided. The Igladac family shall relocate to a village on the western bank of the Croglatol, just north of where the Choslitol begins. The ground there is high enough that it rarely floods and the family there shall surrender their homes to house the chief and his close relatives. More homes shall be built to house the displaced villagers and the workers drawn to the site and with time, this village shall transform into something new. It shall be called Ancron, a hive worthy of a queen such as Sitrun.

Even in its first year, this settlement draws great attention from river merchants from the Croglatovic and from foreign tribes. They are eager to peddle their wares to the rulers of the chiefdom as well as the workers drawn by the promise of payment, and the site has made it particularly easy for these traders to arrive in their droves.

And though it is not unexpected, even more of the Rodac and Anamilivic tribes have converted to the way of Sitrun. Almost half of the population now devote themselves to the favourite daughter of the Allmother.

>The civilisation gets +5 Cohesion and Happiness.

Unfortunately, an issue arises at the next autumnal feast.

For quite some time, the Rodac have relied on slave labour to extract copper ore from the foothills of the Sharoc and transport it to their lakeside territories, to be refined and made into tools. This process has been hindered by the Anamilivic reforms, which have already caused the slave population to drop by a third of its previous number. The fact that the tribesmen on the northern side of the lake refuse to mine whatsoever and rely on the southerners to supply their copper makes matter worse. Simply put, the chiefdom is no longer producing enough of this metal to meet its needs. It barely was in the first place, but now the situation is getting worse.

Our civilisation could scale back the usage of copper. There is no need to use this precious metal for everything. Why shouldn't they revert to using stone tools, like their ancestors did?

Our civilisation could encourage the free folk to mine. Anyone who is willing to go to the foothills to extract ore shall be paid handsomely for their willingness to risk their bodies.

Our civilisation could allow the price of copper to rise. This is just the way of the market. People will have to learn to pay more for their tools, and take better care of them in the future.

Our civilisation could reverse the slave reforms. The Rodac diehards insist that the coddling and liberation of slaves is responsible for this mess, and yearn for the return of the bad old days.

>Scale back the usage of copper.
>Encourage the free folk to mine.
>Allow the price of copper to rise.
>Reverse the slave reforms.
>Allow the price of copper to rise.

Tis the market, people will adapt
>Encourage the free folk to mine.
let proper workers gather it and keep our supplies in check while at it.
our happiness and equality are already low, anon
Fuck. We are at the only place where mountains are nearby navigable river >>6060793. Mining and export of metals is our niche. I think we have to revert to slaves - use the Scagravic as source. I really want to not having to rely on slaves but I think it is inevitable. We will also have to switch currency from shells into metals as we expand towards shore to maintain economic supremacy of our core lands.

Is there any way to exploit our mines without using slaves?
I will quickly clarify the scale of the region. The entirety of the Grascan is massive - roughly as large as Western Europe, several hundred miles in width and length.
At its widest point, the Croglatol spans more than a hundred miles - it truly is a great lake. As for the Choslitol, it is easily three or four hundred miles long and at its narrowest point, where it emerges from the Croglatol, it is around a fifth of a mile in width. It is a very significant river, as are all of the rivers visible in >>6060793.
The four eastern tributaries as seen in >>6056636 are still dozens of meters in width at their widest, where they flow into the Croglatol. They are all navigable by Croglatovic canoes, though this ceases to be the case as one approaches the foothills and elevation becomes an issue.
All of this is to say that there are likely dozens, if not hundreds of possibly navigable rivers in the Grascan which are just too small to be depicted on a map on the scale of >>6060793, some of which flow from the Sharoc just like Croglatol's tributaries.
But you are right in saying that the Croglatovic people are in the ideal position to exploit the bounty of the Sharoc, better than any other group in the Grascan.
Fuck it.
>Introduce draconic tax on exports of all ore and metals
This will instantly alleviate mining demand and over time will make metals relatively affordable. It also gives us tech advantage over most if not all tribes downstream. I know this may tank our prosperity but otherwise we would have this vicious cycle where efficiency of mines decreases so there's constant need to bring in more and more slaves - just kicking the can down the road until we cannot anymore. As other anon said, slavery stagnates societies.
>>Encourage the free folk to mine.
>Scale back the usage of copper.
Encouraging the free folk to mine will probably adversely affect health and prosperity, and improve productivity and maybe equality. I could see combining such a reform with >>6063827's draconic tax.

>Encourage the free folk to mine.
>Introduce draconic tax on exports of all ore and metals

Otherwise I'm fine with letting the price of copper rise, we have a little bit of prosperity to spare. At least our people won't be choking on rock dust.
>>Encourage the free folk to mine.
>Allow the price of copper to rise.
If possible, I would like to combine export tax with
>Allow the price of copper to rise
We don't have strategic need for copper. Encouraging free folk to mine undermines free economy and gives unneeded power to nascent palace elites. Better to not stifle invisible hand of market if it can be helped.
>Allow the price of copper to rise.
>Encourage the free folk to mine.

Hopefully the rising prices will make the job of a copper mining more appealing to free folk.
>Encourage the free folk to mine.
>Allow the price of copper to rise.
Locking the vote there, though it will be a few hours until I will be able to put out an update.
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In the meantime, have a version of the >>6063787 spreadsheet with the correct Civilisation Demographics. I forgot to copy and paste over that information on that update.
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>The civilisation gets +5 Equality.
>The civilisation gets -5 Health, Education and Prosperity.

After the feast, knowledge of this growing shortage is spread throughout the Croglatol. Copper shall become more scarce and more valuable – those who are willing to mine it shall be able to earn a great deal of shell money. The allure of wealth encourages some of the Croglatovic to overcome superstition and venture into the foothills, to work alongside the slaves in the acquisition of valuable ore. Some are even to serve as haulers and spend their days hauling carts full of copper-rich stone back to the banks of the great lake, in exchange for a few toroc.

While the value of copper does rise and many tribesmen find themselves worse off, the impact isn't as dramatic as it could have been. As for the Croglatovic who took up this backbreaking work, they find themselves enfeebled by the thin air of the foothills and far more likely to suffer from injury in this line of work. Not only that, but all of the time that they toiling in this desolate region prevents them from honing their intellects – they simply lack the energy for it. Whenever they aren't working, they're resting.

As for the good news, the supply of copper remains stable and though tools are more costly, the productivity of the chiefdom is not impaired. Not only that but the Anamilivic reformists are rather pleased with this development, even the more conservative stone men are upset by it. Heavy physical labour is no longer the sole purview of slaves.

A couple of seasons pass before terrible news spreads around the great lake. Tradul Igladac is dead.

Not so long ago, the chieftain of the Croglatovic people fought in the fighting pit of Ancron in an attempt to bring joy to the audience. Though he bested his opponent, a wound in his shoulder that he received during the bout soon began to stink and ooze a foul fluid. After a month, he was feverish, delirious and wracked with endless nausea. Before the second month had passed, he succumbed to his wound and left Sitrun without her lover and their two children without their father.

The feast that marks the end of summer is tense, with the stone men remaining apart from the rest of the chiefdom's leaders, murmuring among themselves. By now, the vast majority of the more open-minded Rodac have converted to the way of Sitrun. Most of those who still call themselves stone men are stuck in their ways.

So when the autumnal feast comes around, perhaps it isn't surprising that the heads of the remaining Rodac families present Sitrun with a demand – she must stand down and declare her son the new chieftain of the Croglatovic. The stone men follow the strongest man of their strongest family, and she is neither male nor Rodac. They will heed the will of Tradul's spawn, but they have no interest in serving a feeble-minded waif who speaks in riddles.
Sitrun and Tradul once had three children, but their youngest died a few years ago due to sickness, in the midst of winter. The two remaining offspring are Adradan, their eight-year-old daughter and Gapil, their fifteen-year-old son, on the cusp of manhood in the Croglatovic. The truth is that neither of them are exceptional. Though the stone men wish for Gapil to become the chieftain of the great lake, he isn't particularly strong or wise or charismatic. He's just a boy, who is confused by his mother and was spoiled with the finest copper armaments by his father.

When Sitrun hears these demands, she initially doesn't respond. It takes a good few minutes of furious arguing between the leaders of the Sitrunic and the Rodac before she mumbles her response. Workers, drones, even the queen, they must all serve the hive. They do not get to choose their roles. Once it is thrust upon them, each bee must perform their duty or they will die.

… What in the Allmother's name is that supposed to mean?

Our civilisation could install Gapil as the chieftain. This will transfer executive power from Sitrun to her mostly ordinary son. This should please the stone men and limit Sitrun's influence.

Our civilisation could allow Gapil to lead alongside Sitrun. Together, mother and son shall rule the chiefdom. Hopefully this will appease the Rodac, but there's no telling if it will be enough.

Our civilisation could isolate the stone men. They shall be separated from the rest of the chiefdom and allowed to rule themselves in their own way, as a mostly autonomous vassal.

Our civilisation could grant the Rodac independence. The stone men shall be able to do what they want, apart from the Croglatovic. They will be their own tribe, free to do as they wish.

Our civilisation should tell the stone men to deal with it. Sitrun and Sitrun alone shall rule over the Croglatol. They need to learn to accept her authority and obey her will.

Our civilisation should demand the conversion of the Rodac. All of the stone men must convert to the way of Sitrun immediately. Those who refuse shall suffer for their disobedience.

Our civilisation could enslave all of the stone men. It's time to turn the tables. These slave-drivers shall learn what it's like to toil for the Croglatovic people as its thralls.

>Install Gapil as the chieftain.
>Allow Gapil to lead alongside Sitrun.
>Isolate the stone men.
>Grant the Rodac independence.
>Tell the stone men to deal with it.
>Demand the conversion of the Rodac.
>Enslave all of the stone men.
>Tell the stone men to deal with it.
>Demand the conversion of the Rodac.

Do our best to convert the ones we can. For the most stubborn holdouts:

>Isolate the stone men.

They can take the son and have him as their sole ruler, see how it works out, lol.
>Install Gapil as the chieftain.
>>Install Gapil as the chieftain.
>Install Gapil as the chieftain.
You guys all want to put complete control of our giant civilization in the hands of a unexceptional 15 year old boy?
Especially when the conversion of people to Sitrunism is the only thing keeping our Happiness *barely* afloat? Really? You want to piss off over half our civilization in order to coronate a teenage layabout? Not even share power? Shift everything entirely over to him? Why?
>Isolate the stone men.
Curbing Sitrun's influence is my goal. I know a majority of our civ will get pissed off, but it's a risk I'm willing to take.
>Allow Gapil to lead alongside Sitrun.
Hopefully the mother's guidance will allow the son's 'reign' to be steered in a productive direction.
>Allow Gapil to lead alongside Sitrun.
Once the boy has proven his strength, he may rule by himself. Until then, Sitrun will guide the tribe as she always has.
I'm not the world's biggest Sitrun fan either, but the time to curb her influence was like 5 updates ago. At this point it makes way more sense to play the hand we're dealt and wait for her to die or get couped, rather than tank our stats when we can't afford it.

If my plan doesn't get enough backing, I will throw provisional support behind

>Allow Gapil to lead alongside Sitrun.
>Allow Gapil to lead alongside Sitrun.

This is a Sitrunic empire fundamentally, demographically, religiously, politically. Sitrun was very much the winner of the special situation, this is the hand we've been dealt, no point in radically shifting such that the majority of our population is pissed off. She's the idol for the masses and decision maker behind the figurehead that was Tradul. Our civilization was just beginning to stabilize in terms of cohesiveness too, the status quo was working.

Telling the Rodac to fall in line feels to me like the hard choice that may be better in the long term even if it leads to conflict in the short term. A ordinary teenage boy leading isn't better overall for our civilization, and a split leadership may lead to conflict as two peoples back their respective horses. Hopefully his mother can rein him in or put him on a path of excellence eventually. This compromise will have to do.
>Allow Gapil to lead alongside Sitrun.
Sitrun does not age, at least not as fast as regular people. Why would we want to curb her influence at this point?

>Tell the stone men to deal with it
If they protest violently, kill them.
>>Allow Gapil to lead alongside Sitrun.
Locking the vote there.
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>The civilisation gets -0.02 Militarism.
>The civilisation gets -5 Cohesion and Happiness.

A compromise is suggested, in an effort to maintain the status quo and avoid any unnecessary conflict. The son should be allowed to lead alongside the mother – he should take the place of his father and together, Sitrun and Gapil should rule over the Croglatol.

Begrudgingly, the stone men accept this decision and Sitrun's silence is taken as endorsement. The truth is that she has far less influence over her son that she did over Tradul. To her lover, she was everything, the divine made flesh. He would do anything for her. To her son, she is little more than the womb that he came from, a strange woman with such an odd mind that she was unable to raise him and had her handmaidens perform that duty instead. For that reason, Gapil has more in common with the Rodac than the cult of Sitrun, and he is susceptible to the influence of the tribe that his father led.

It is the Sitrunic who are displeased with this decision. The favourite daughter of An is the queen of their colony and it is she and she alone who should rule over them, in their eyes. However, the fact that Sitrun still rules over the Croglatol in such capacity is enough to keep them from being outraged. Not only that, but they are still free to spread their word to all who will listen. Thanks to their newfound influence, the stone men have become more resistant to indoctrination, but the Sitrunic still grow more numerous with every passing season. By the time the next autumnal feast comes around, they make up more than half of the chiefdom.

>The civilisation gets +5 Cohesion and Happiness.

Throughout the last year, Glotradan has been hard at work. Ever since the Sitrunic were elevated above the other tribes of the Croglatol, the influence of the high priestess has been almost non-existent. But with the instalment of Gapil as the new chieftain to rule alongside Sitrun, the crone has been given an opening – her one and only chance to try and protect her people from the waif before she succumbs to her old age and passes away.

She's too frail to be there for the great harvest feast, but she has sent someone else on her behalf, someone who she has swayed to her cause – Shabal Tul. The grizzled old Vuvovic warrior, seen by most as the leader of the blood-drinking soldiery in all but name, comes to the festival with an accusation. He declares that Sitrun is trying to purge the Croglatovic of the worship of Il and that she will never be satisfied until every last man, woman and child in the Grascan worships An and An alone.

There is some truth in this claim. The Sitrunic way is a fusion of old Protavic cunning and mercantilism, and Rodac strength and diligence, coupled with absolute devotion to the Allmother and her blessed daughter. They do not practise any of the old Vuvovic customs that the Anamilivic inherited – no scarification, no blood rituals and no worship of the Great Father.
If the Sitrunic continue to spread their faith like a disease throughout the Croglatovic population, then eventually the Anamilivic way of life will be scoured from the chiefdom and with it, the blood-drinkers, for they devote themselves to Il exclusively. Shabal Tul will not stand for this.

He demands an end to this favouritism that the Sitrunic are shown, to the indoctrination of the other tribes. The warrior seeks an assurance that the prophetess does not seek to destroy his way of life. He doesn't get it. Instead, Sitrun's murmured response is that there is no such thing as a king – there are only queens.

Tensions rise. The hand of Shabal Tul moves towards the handle of his long knife as he prepares to draw it, to fight for his faith. The Anamilivic in attendance move to support him, while the more numerous Sitrunic prepare for defend the subject of their devotion with their lives. As for the stone men, the Rodac – and Gapil – seem content to stay out this affair. This squabble doesn't involve their tribe.

The leaders of the Croglatovic will need to advise Sitrun very carefully, if they wish to end this stand-off without bloodshed.

Our civilisation could bring an end to Sitrunic favouritism. The cult will no longer be allowed to push its face onto others and the Anamilivic sisterhood will be allowed to preach once more.

Our civilisation could incorporate worship of Il into the Sitrunic way. The cultists must incorporate blood-drinking and worship the Great Father into their faith.

Our civilisation could isolate the Anamilivic population. The worshippers of Il will be segregated from their rest of the Croglatovic and serve the chiefdom as a vassal tribe.

Our civilisation could promise to preserve the blood-drinker caste. This warrior sect shall be granted special privileges and their traditions shall be preserved, at all costs.

Our civilisation could refuse Shabal Tul's demand. The will of An must be done. All will follow the way of Sitrun eventually, no matter how much this blood-drinker objects.

Our civilisation could punish the Anamilivic for their defiance. Those who refuse to serve Sitrun of their own volition will either serve her as unwilling thralls or die.

>Bring an end to Sitrunic favouritism.
>Incorporate worship of Il into the Sitrunic way.
>Isolate the Anamilivic population.
>Promise to preserve the blood-drinker caste.
>Refuse Shabal Tul's demands.
>Punish the Anamilivic for their defiance.
>>Promise to preserve the blood-drinker caste.
>Marry Shabal Tul and Sitrun

A symbolic union of Il and the Allmother once again. The favored son and the favored daughter.
>Promise to preserve the blood-drinker caste.
with this, it'll be limited to only them. their habits will disappear among the general population, blood drinking and scarification, and only remain among the ones who are worth it.
>Bring an end to Sitrunic favouritism.
Restoring worship of An and Il would be ideal, do the stone men also have an entity we can incooperate into our beliefs?
>Refuse Shabal Tul's demands
I would like to support this instead.
With the ultimatum that if Sitrun refuses, she is no longer worthy to be An's favourite, and thus the sisterhood regains its authority.
(previous vote)

to back

we will have our holy whore after all
>Incorporate worship of Il into the Sitrunic way.
>Promise to preserve the blood-drinker caste.

I love my blood boys
>Promise to preserve the blood-drinker caste.
>Promise to preserve the blood-drinker caste.
Sitrun is our queen, but the Anamilivic-Vuvovic way of life is a key niche in our society. The warrior ways must not be lost.

>Promise to preserve the blood-drinker caste.

I would support a strategic marriage, but I don't want leadership inheritance problems stemming from the split bloodline, and between two different peoples too.
I mean I assume Sitrun is too old by now to have kids, and officially the inheritance was already passed down to Gapil. It could only be an issue if Gapil died before procreating.

I'm partially doing the write-in because the idea of Sitrun getting married whenever there's an issue is funny to me.
Locking the vote there.
>do the stone men also have an entity we can incorporate into our beliefs?
In comparison to the Protavic, the Anamilivic and Sitrunic tribes, the Rodac were and are a boorish people with very little culture. Their formation in the foothills of the Sharoc taught them that might makes right and that mantra has defined their way of life, from their penchant for slavery to using pit-fighting for combat resolution. If the Protavic tribe didn't have the benefit of distance (they basically started on opposite sides of the Croglatol), didn't encourage a peaceful partnership at every opportunity and didn't have a comparatively sophisticated culture that fascinates the stone men, then they would have probably been targetted for conquest.

All of this is to say that Rodac religion is extremely simple and that the stone men have never give it much thought. They believe that they came from the earth, that they emerged from the bowels of the Sharoc and that when they die, their bodies must be returned to the lands. It's that simple. The Sitrunic have been taking advantage of their simplistic beliefs by drawing a connection between the Allmother and the land - after all, An is the word that they use not only for their goddess but the world itself. The cult of Sitrun teaches the stone men that they have had the same faith all along and use this as a vector for conversion and indoctrination, though the rise of Gapil has diminished Sitrun's influence and stymied their efforts somewhat.
>Promise to preserve the blood-drinker caste
>Promote worship if Il alongside as well as Sitrunic faith
Makes me wonder if other tribes have similar simplistic beliefs we can easily convert into ours. Also good to know we got so lucky with the stone men lol.
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>The civilisation gets +0.05 Culture.
>The civilisation gets +0.03 Militarism.
>The civilisation gets +5 Cohesion.
>The civilisation gets -5 Prosperity and Happiness.
>The civilisation gets -10 Equality.

On the behalf of Sitrun, some of the Croglatovic leaders intervene and try to defuse the situation. They swear that the blood-drinkers shall never be dismantled and that they shall be free to worship the Great Father and practise blood rites for as long as they want. Shabal Tul finds this hard to believe – if the Anamilivic cease to be, there will be no one for the blood-drinkers to mate with and raise their sons to worship Il. There will be no new warriors and once the extant generations have died, the warrior caste will cease to be.

In addition to allowing children born of slaves to join the warrior caste, it is suggested that the blood-drinkers should have the privilege of adoption – they may lay claim to any boy who shows promise and re-educate him according to their ways. The family of any child who is conscripted in this fashion has no right to refuse the blood-drinkers – in fact, his parents should be proud that they raised such a fine young man. Shabal Tul remains unconvinced and claims that the strongest boys would be the sons of the blood-drinkers themselves. Are they really expected to take the Sitrunic as lovers, when they refuse to follow the ways of the Great Father?

Another privilege is granted, to appease the great warrior. Blood-drinkers will be free to lay with any woman who has not been claimed a man and grant them the honour of bearing his children. If the child born of this union is a son, the warrior caste will be free to claim the boy and raise him to serve the chiefdom as a blood-drinking soldier. This seems to sway the commander. After a few moments of consideration, Shabal Tul just has one last demand – more toroc. His soldiers deserve more shell money for their services, he claims.

After the heads of the great families promise to give the blood-drinkers the payment that they deserve, they turn to Sitrun. The prophetess remains silent and stone-faced. She is likely displeased by all of the concessions that were made, but not to the point where she is willing to strike down this decision – and so the deal is struck. The blood-drinkers, who shall call themselves the Vuvovic once more, shall continue to serve the Croglatovic, no matter what fate befalls the Anamilivic tribe. Glotradan's last gambit has failed.

Once spring arrives, word begins to spread that the high priestess succumbed to old age in the midst of winter. The greatest of the drobrac has died and with her, so has the will of the Anamilivic people, rendering them more vulnerable to conversion.
>Forgot to add that the civilisation also gets +0.1% Rate of Growth.

Using the techniques of the stone men, primitive mineshafts have been dug into the foothills north and east of the Croglatol. Inside one of these twisting tunnels, a seam of some bizarre mineral has been discovered. A piece of this crystal looks like hundreds of overlapping hexagonal blades of various sizes and though it carries the green tinge of oxidised copper in some places, in others it shines like the surface of the great lake beneath a full moon. After several crude attempts at refining the metal found within this strange stone, the finest metallurgists of the Croglatovic manage to produce a lump of silver – undeniably impure, but still silver.

At the next autumnal feast, this beautiful new metal becomes the subject of much debate among the leaders of the chiefdom. It is softer than copper so it isn't practical to use for toolmaking, but its beauty makes it ideal for all sorts of other purposes. However, the bickering village heads struggle to settle on a single use for silver – for as long as this seam remains its sole source, it shall remain quite scarce.

Our civilisation could create religious idols. Statuettes of An, Sitrun and maybe even Il shall be wrought from this metal and used as a part of religious ceremonies.

Our civilisation could augment our currency. What if a single token made of silver could be used in the place of a larger number of shells? What a curious thought.

Our civilisation could forge beautiful jewellery. The leaders of the tribe shall wear strings of beautiful, shining beads all over their bodies to celebrate their status.

Our civilisation could sell it to distant tribes. The river and coastal clans shall provide all sorts of wares in exchange for this precious metal. Better to sell it than keep it.

Our civilisation could let the people decide. Let the miners sell this silver to whoever they want, and let the artisans who buy it make whatever they wish out of this metal.

>Create religious idols.
>Augment our currency.
>Forge beautiful jewellery.
>Sell it to distant tribes.
>Let the people decide.

>Forge beautiful jewellery.

Well let's try to get our happiness up
>Create religious idols.
>Create weaponry with silver decorations, for only the very best soldiers
Any warrior should strive to earn the right to aquire a silver weapon, and should always make himself worthy to keep it.
Not sure how I feel about creating a group of privileged Not!Janissaries, but it isn't out of control yet.

>Create religious idols.


Anyways, since this is rare for now, better to immortalize the image of our first queen and our gods. Create unity, put it to a common purpose. Making jewellery seems to imply creating more inequality, creating further markers of a distinct status above others that we don't need right now.

Silver is an ideal currency, but so little of it there will be a money/bullion shortage. Even using it in place of a large number of shells isn't super ideal just yet, I mean we already have gold.

Letting the people decide also seems harmless. They mined/bought it after all. May help with our low happiness and equality.
>Let the people decide.
>Let the people decide.
It would be wasted on any one single use.

As someone who studied mineralogy, figuring out what it was irresistable - I'm almost certain it's polybasite. Honestly I'd have preferred we found argentiferous galena as our source of silver instead since we'd have more use for lead right now with some silver on the side. Though the real S-tier mineral to find would be cassiterite.....
>Let the people decide
We need more happiness and prosperity.
>Augment our currency.
>Let the people decide.

Switching my vote from >>6065149

You're writing every uplift author's wet dream right now.

Maybe we'll get lucky exploring. Some of the rivers may have shifted overtime, or there may be intermittent streams we can prospect.
>Augment our currency
This will be very useful as we expand towards coast where shells are more plentiful.
Good work.
>I mean we already have gold.
Gold is exceptionally rare and acquisition of it is a matter of luck. Very infrequently, the stone men happen across nuggets of the precious metal amidst the muck of the two southeastern tributaries that flow into the Croglatol. If they are fortunate, then they might accumulate a few ounces of gold over the course of an entire generation, which is typically made into jewellery and subsequently lost due to misplacement, theft or the owner being buried with it.

Certainly, the golden beads that were given by the Rodac to the Protavic as a symbol of their friendship, all of those centuries ago, have been lost with time. That great feast and the giving of that gift is still spoken of in stories, but the actual jewellery is nowhere to be found.

>Let the people decide.
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>The civilisation gets +5 Equality, Prosperity and Happiness.

It is decided that the common people should have free rein over how this silver is used. The miners are free to sell it to whoever they wish and those who purchase it can do whatever they want with it. It ends up being used to make glittering beads for jewellery, a symbol of status for the wealthiest of the Croglatovic. It's also bought by traders and then sold off to the river and sea tribes, in exchange for all sorts of wondrous luxuries and curios. One artisan even produces a shining figurine that depicts Sitrun, to be used as the centrepiece of ceremonies hosted at Ancron whenever the prophetess is absent.

The beautiful new metal is a source of great joy and new wealth for the people of the Croglatol, though it is far from abundant. In fact, its scarcity only seems to enhance the happiness that it brings. However, there are some people who serve the chiefdom who are not given access to such luxuries.

The well-being of Croglatovic slaves is once again the focus of the next great feast. Though the vast majority of Anamilivic have converted to the way of Sitrun, many of them remain reformists and still care for the health and happiness of the chiefdom's thralls. They still heed the wisdom of Chabal, who has finally accepted rehabilitation and acknowledged that he can do more for the enslaved as a free man than he could as one of them. Though he is not in an official position of authority, many of the village leaders vouch for him and encourage Chabal to speak for them.

The free man argues that many slaves only embraced the Grovic lifestyle because they lacked the opportunities to thrive by any other means. Before they turned to a life of crime, most of these thieves and scoundrels struggled to subsist on the outskirts of society and were lucky if they owned a single torol. If they are given the training and the resources that they need in order to thrive, then the chance of these Grovic relapsing into criminal behaviour once they have been rehabilitated is next to nothing, or so Chabal argues.

For this reason, he wants to bring about an end to the gruelling unskilled labour that most slaves are forced to perform, either as miners or haulers. The only people who should engage in such backbreaking work are the free man who do it by choice. Instead, Croglatovic thralls should be indentured to artisans and given the opportunity to learn their trade from them. Once these slaves have earned their freedom, then they should be given enough shell money to support themselves for a good few months, in order to keep them from falling back into the vicious cycle of crime while they acquire the means to support themselves.
This suggestion is met with a great deal of scepticism, even from other reformists. The more conservative stone men openly mock Chabal's plan and following their example, Gapil Igladac outright laughs at the free man. However, perhaps there is some inspiration to be gained from this train of thought.

Our civilisation could refuse to enact any changes. Slaves are already being coddled as it is. There's no need to provide them with any additional support.

Our civilisation could subsidise artisanal apprentices. In order to encourage the adoption of valuable skills, shell money shall be granted to the students of tradesmen.

Our civilisation could encourage the giving of charity. The drobrac shall preach the importance of offering succour to those who are needier than oneself.

Our civilisation could replace hard labour with indenturing. Slaves shall be barred from hauling and mining. Instead, they shall serve as indentured apprentices.

Our civilisation could support rehabilitated slaves. Once a thrall has been given freedom, their master must grant them enough shell money to look after themselves.

Our civilisation could enact all of Chabal's suggestions. Thralldom should be less about punishment and more about replacing destitution with opportunity.

>Refuse to enact any changes.
>Subsidise artisinal apprentices.
>Encourage the giving of charity.
>Replace hard labour with indenturing.
>Support rehabilitated slaves.
>Enact all of Chabal's suggestions.
>Subsidise artisinal apprentices.

>Encourage the giving of charity.

Yeah there's no way we can make the slaves not do backbreaking labor. That's kind of the entire point behind them and their benefit.
I'll agree with this. Chabal is right but he's about 15k years of ahead of time.
>Refuse to enact any changes.
>Subsidise artisinal apprentices.
>Support rehabilitated slaves.

I'm all for and support rehabilitation after the punishment period is concluded. But they gotta do the time first.
>Subsidise artisinal apprentices.
>Encourage the giving of charity.
>Support rehabilitated slaves.

I'm fine with the subsidies and the encouragement of charity, that Igladac money ought to be put to good use rather than merely enriching our glorious despots.

I'm absolutely against replacing punishing labour for murderers, rapists, and the worst of thiefs (in a promodern society where theft is hard to detect and has great consequences for the average person). They are getting what they deserve.

I actually do think rehabilitation is fine, good even, just not for the worst of society. If you are wealthy enough to own a slave, you're wealthy enough to support them for a few months of freedom. A little wealth redistribution is would go a long way to helping security and equality.
A reminder that the Igladac family raised a 10% direct wealth tax on literally everyone here >>6062719

Putting that money to good use would probably help Sitrun's legitimacy and regain the good will lost when the tax was issued, plus make our society more productive. Likewise, charitable giving will help bring our society together and help with inequality.

The rehabilitated slaves thing is separate from replacing hard labour with indenture. Remember, our society already frees some slaves, gives them better condition than before, and educates them. This is all from just this thread. I think it is worth considering, to make sure a worthwhile member society can get on their feet without entering a life of crime.
Locking the vote there.
It was mentioned in >>6063544 that the funds gathered by that tax are being used to pay for the construction of a larger settlement - now known as Ancron - that will serve as the heart of the chiefdom.
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>The civilisation gets +0.05 Culture.
>The civilisation gets -0.02 Militarism.
>The civilisation gets +10 Equality.
>The civilisation gets +5 Education, Cohesion, Productivity and Security.
>The civilisation gets -5 Prosperity.

Gapil and the stone men are pleased to hear that the tribal leaders have little interest in honouring Chabal's request. They are less amused when those same leaders settle on a strategy of prevention rather than reintegration. Shell money shall be given to those who are willing to learn from artisans, in order to pay for shelter, sustenance and the tutelage that they shall receive. In addition to this, it is argued that the sisterhood should preach the importance of charity – after all, if the chiefdom is a hive, then it is only right for its workers and drones to support one another, so that they might better serve their queen as a whole.

While Sitrun seems very pleased by the second suggestion, the Rodac traditionalists are perturbed by the first, especially when they learn that this system of educating the downtrodden would be funded by a new tax. Though their grumbling isn't enough to push Gapil to reject the notion, they leave the feast displeased by this decision.

Though it is feared that this sentiment would be shared by the rest of the chiefdom, the drobrac do their part and teach the importance of giving to those who are less fortunate and have greater needs than oneself. This leads to the Sitrunic and Anamilivic tribes accepting the tax as a necessary evil, something that must be done in order to support the destitute and bring them up to the same level as the rest of the Croglatovic. This new doctrine has inspired worshippers of the Allmother to be more compassionate and less aggressive.

Sure enough, when word gets out, young men and women are drawn towards Ancron and other more developed villages. They leave behind their families who lead lives of subsistence at the edge of civilisation, so that they might learn how to smelt copper or make pottery or some other useful skill. This demonstration of social mobility causes a marked increase in the artisan population, which leads to greater demand for raw materials – which become more expensive and makes the prospect of labouring to acquire them more appealing to the less skilled Croglatovic, who can still serve as labourers.

Though Chabal didn't get precisely what he wanted, the reformists are rather pleased with this outcome. As a whole, the burgeoning Sitrunic population seems to approve of this development. With each passing year, more Anamilivic abandon the worship of Il in favour of becoming a part of Sitrun's great hive. The swelling of their numbers does little to diminish the fervour of the cult, who remain as eager to serve their prophetess as ever before.

>The civilisation gets +5 Cohesion and Happiness.
The Sitrunic population isn't the only thing that is growing. More and more people flock to Ancron as time passes, causing business in that village – now more of a town – to boom. Several hundred people now inhabit this settlement and nary a day goes past without the arrival of a trader, who has brought exotic wares from distant lands. In fact, foreigners are not an uncommon sight here. Painted men from the Goriwik come to sell their scarlet dyes and every now and then, one of the Bladrek's winged ships can be seen sailing up the Choslitol towards the small town.

>The civilisation gets +5 Cohesion and Prosperity.

When the leaders of the Croglatovic gather from the next autumnal feast, those who dwell on the southern bank of the great lake bring interesting findings. Rather than herd swine or goats, they tend to grow crops on their land – a standing shrub with white and black flowers that produces long, leathery pods full of seeds and a leafy vine with muddy pink flowers, shrivelled black seed pods and a hearty, nutty tuber.

They insist that the tribesmen who subsist on these crops are able to live off of far less land than the swineherds and goatherds whose diets feature a large amount of meat. These southerners believe that the rest of the chiefdom is too fixated on its pastoral roots, no matter whether those roots were Protavic or Rodac. All of the land that they use for rearing livestock could be used for growing these wondrous plants instead and feed so many more people.

The other village heads aren't so convinced. While they are familiar with these crops and already incorporate them into the diet to some degree, they aren't nearly as abundant as they are on the southern shore. There's also the fact that meat is delicious, especially compared to these legumes and roots. Not only that, but the easy-going lifestyle of sedentary pastoralism is what allows so many tribesmen to spend their days testing their wits and honing their minds. Genuine farming is far more physically demanding and an utterly different way of life.

Our civilisation could dismiss this silly suggestion. To think that these fools have the gall to argue against the herding of beasts even as they are stuff their faces with pork at a great feast.

Our civilisation could reassign slaves to the southern farms. It's still hard labour. Some thralls will be moved from the mines to the fields, to provide the chiefdom with food rather than copper.

Our civilisation could encourage the growing of crops. Where the land is suitable, tribesmen should be convinced to abandon their pastoral way of life and grow these plants instead.

Our civilisation could phase out the consumption of meat. If a life of grazing off of these roots and legumes is truly more efficient, then that is how the Croglatovic should live.

>Dismiss this silly suggestion.
>Reassign slaves to the southern farms.
>Encourage the growing of crops.
>Phase out the consumption of meat.
Oh, sick, stats are looking good.

>Reassign slaves to the southern farms.
>Encourage the growing of crops.
>Reassign slaves to the southern farms
Copper Mining (and other mining) has becoming a skilled and worthy profession commanding of respect. The slaves shall instead toil in the fields of the south to grow more crops for our people to eat alongside their meat.
>Encourage the growing of crops.
>Reassign slaves to the southern farms
This is the easiest solution. We should try to maintain a diverse diet for maximum nutritional health.
Sweet peas or vetch maybe? Don't know about the shrub. idk, I'm not a farmer or gardener.

>Encourage the growing of crops.

I think it's either this or dismissal. Agriculture is great and all, but maybe it can wait. Why do the crops not grow here, different soil conditions maybe? If/when we conquer our neighbours with suitable land and knowledge, then perhaps the switch can come into fuller swing. It doesn't feel right for the Sitrunic people to become farmers, given that they are a weird cultural hybrid between the traditionally pastoral Protavic people and the new reforms. Sitrun advocated for a return to older practices at nearly every turn during the event, iirc. As long as pastureland doesn't get replaced by farmland, I think it'll be fine.
>Encourage small-time farming
If everyone has a small garden providing for themselves, then there should still be time to test ones wit and tend to the animals
But really, what we SHOULD focus more on is honey and bees. Honey glazed meat is delicious, we cant give this up no matter what.
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>>Dismiss this silly suggestion.

Do not turn us into agri-cucks, I swear to Il we have given up much of our chadness to get a unified government but this is too far! I can't wait for the Blooddrinkers to coup the civ.
>>Encourage the growing of crops.
Really people should just grow these on their land regardless. You don't have to switch entirely to farming, but even a swineherd would benefit from a small vegetable patch. No reason it can't bolster our diets without replacing anything.
OP, are there any draft animals around?
>>Encourage the growing of crops.
diversifying is great, we need both meat and plants
>Encourage the growing of crops.
>Reassign slaves to the southern farms.
>>Reassign slaves to the southern farms.
Locking the vote there.
The most common domesticated animals around the Croglatol are pigs by the forest's edge and goats by the foothills, both of which are used for their meat, though the latter also provide milk. Hives of honey bees are also a common sight and have immense culture importance, while the Vuvovic have trained wolfhounds to assist them with hunting, tracking and guarding. Families that are affiliated with the blood-drinkers or were once affiliated with them before their conversion tend to own a few of these dogs, given as gifts in exchange for their sons. Some ducks have also been domesticated and provide the chiefdom with eggs, feathers and meat but the keeping of ducks is not a common thing.

Wild animals which are a common sight include deer, which are still occasionally hunted for meat and for sport. There are plenty of feathered creatures that inhabit the Grascan, including fowl, raptors and all manner of small birds. There's also plenty of diversity among the rodents and the mustelids that hunt them, though they are also preyed upon by wildcats. Larger and more dangerous beasts include wild boars, cougars, wolves and bears, all of which are responsible for the loss of human life every year due to their territorial and/or predatory nature.

All of this is to say that there is no animal which has been considered for use as a draft animal at this point. The thought hasn't even entered the minds of the Croglatovic and it is up to you to decide if there are even any viable candidates that could be used as beasts of burden.
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>The civilisation gets +0.2% Rate of Growth.
>The civilisation gets +5 Health and Productivity.
>The civilisation gets -5 Education and Happiness.

Very well. A few of these agriculturalists from the southern bank will be paid to share their expertise with the rest of the Croglatovic and help them identify areas where these plants are likely to flourish. Before now, the majority of the chiefdom supplemented their diet of meat with fruit and roots that they gathered while they tended to their herds. After this development, there shall be an abundance of beans and tubers that shall feed the tribe and ensure that there is more than enough sustenance for everyone.

Unfortunately, this plan meets some resistance. In many locations, swineherds aren't happy with the thought of having their way of life upended just so that these shrubs may be grown on the land where they once reared their pigs. Not only that but the labour required to sow these crops, tend to them and harvest them is exhausting and leaves farmers with little time to partake in the traditional games of the Protravic people, now passed down to the rest of the Croglatovic. Reading and writing is not necessary for farming and so these labourers end up a great deal less educated than their pastoralist counterparts.

Nevertheless, as the chiefdom diversifies, it is rewarded with plenty. Even the bees grow more numerous as they flock to the black and white flowers – the sisterhood declare this to be a sign that An truly favours this particular crop and that the Allmother must be pleased by their widespread adoption of it.

When the next harvest feast comes around however, it is revealed that Gapil has harboured some envy for the blood-drinking soldiery for quite some time now. He demands that the stone men must be given a warrior caste of their own and that they must be furnished with the finest armaments that the chiefdom can provide. A copper head for every arrow, coats made of copper scales sewn together, copper knives as long as a man's arm – the very best.

The Vuvovic in attendance, especially Shabal Tul, make their displeasure known and claim that they are more than able to protect the Croglatol on their own. Yet the will of the chieftain cannot be denied – can it?

Our civilisation could support a hundred Rodac warriors. Hopefully this will be enough to satisfy the vanity of Gapil.

Our civilisation could give Gapil two hundred soldiers. Enough to allow the Rodac to hold their own against most threats.

Our civilisation could raise a force that rivals the Vuvovic. Let Shabal Tul know that the tribe no longer relies on him for protection.

Our civilisation could refuse the chieftain's demands. This is ridiculous. There is no way that the chiefdom could support so many soldiers.

>Support a hundred Rodac warriors.
>Give Gapil two hundred soldiers.
>Raise a force that rivals the Vuvovic.
>Refuse the chieftain's demands.
>Refuse the chieftain's demands.

>Each Rodac who wants to be a soldier, must defeat a Vuvovic warrior in the arena. The ones who manage this will be outfitted as they deserve
The wolfhounds used by the blood drinkers, did they develop a dog breed which drinks human blood aswell?
Vampire dogs are likely not a thing, but the blood-drinkers probably have a ritual that involves an owner anointing a dog with their blood in an attempt to spiritually bond with the animal.
>Support a hundred Rodac warriors.

They can serve a different role than the Vuvovic. They can be the chief's bodyguards that shadow him at all times (and stay out of the Vuvovic's way) instead of the civilizations warrior caste.
>refuse the chieftain's demands
>raise additional one hundred Vuvovic warriors
>Support a hundred Rodac warriors.
Sounds interesting. Is there a possibility of these dogs becoming attuned to their owner's blood, and e.g. being able to smell it out better from other smells and from a further distance with high precision? Could be a valueable dog breed down the line for loyality to and guarding of its owner.
>Support a hundred Rodac GUARDS.

Where the Vovovic protect our civilisation, these hundred men shall alone guard Sitrun, her son, and the people of Ancron.
Have the Vuvovic select one hundred and fifty Rodac men to enter their ranks. Don't make a second military caste, but expand the current one to include the Rodac.
>Support a hundred Rodac GUARDS.
Locking the vote there.
It's possible further down the line.
>The civilisation gets +0.05 Culture.
>The civilisation gets +0.02 Militarism.
>The civilisation gets +5 Security.
>The civilisation gets -5 Prosperity.
>The civilisation gets -10 Productivity.

To appease the chieftain, the tribal leaders of the Croglatovic agree that Gapil should have a retinue of a hundred men to serve him and guard him, as well-trained and well-armed as the Vuvovic, if not more so. That's another hundred men who will not be contributing any goods or services to the chiefdom and who live only for martial pursuits – in this case, they live only to protect the chieftain. Producing the arms and armour that Gapil has requested will not be a cheap or simple matter, but it is what he has requested.

This new order of warriors shall be known as the Sharovic – the mountain men, as impervious and immovable as the Sharoc that they are named after. It will take a great deal of time, toroc and effort in order to produce all of the armaments that Gapil has asked for but once they are properly equipped, any of the Sharovic should be able to hold their own against the mightiest Vuvovil.

Gapil is satisfied by this decision, though he would have liked his honour guard to be more numerous. In the end, he got what wanted and he is appeased, as are the stone men who puppeteer him masterfully. The Sitrunic are happy as well, for their numbers swell even further. Only the most stubborn Anamilivic elders have refused to embrace the way of Sitrun and given time, even they shall turn.

>The civilisation gets +5 Cohesion and Happiness.

For over two decades, Sitrun hardly seemed to age a day. Her hair remained lustrous and golden, her skin stayed supple and grey and her figure was slender as it was the day that her father first brought her before the leaders of the Protavic tribe.

In a matter of weeks, time seems to have caught up with Sitrun.

Her skin has become loose and leathery, her hair has become wispy and white and as for her body, it has become even thinner. Skeletal is the best way of describing her current condition. It doesn't help that Sitrun has lost what little lucidity that she once had and spends most of her days mumbling to herself about bees, babbling nonsense that even her most devoted followers struggle to interpret. Her health is rapidly declining, so much so that she's not able to attend the next autumnal feast.
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It is the first festival that she has ever missed since the unification of the Croglatol and her absence is making an impact. The mood is dour and solemn and much of the conversation revolves around concerns and fears for Sitrun's well-being, and what the future might hold. Something needs to be done to lift the spirits of the people.

Our civilisation could propose a year without taxation. For the next year, blood-drinkers will not be sent to acquire shell money from anyone. It will be a time of great wealth for the Croglatovic, free from monetary concerns.

Our civilisation could announce a grand tournament. All of the Vuvovic and Sharovic shall be invited to Ancron, where they shall brawl with one another to prove their strength and bring joy to the chiefdom.

Our civilisation could grant greater autonomy to villages. Tribal leaders will be free to decide how they run their villages. They will be free to make their own decisions and go against previous rulings, if that is their wish.

Our civilisation could allow sacred prostitution. It is time to enact the plan that Glotradan concocted so many years ago. Young women who hope to become drobrac must first serve as pamibrac – 'family women.'

Our civilisation could make no effort to alleviate sorrow. Sitrun is not dead yet. There's no need to destabilise the chiefdom in a desperate attempt to appease the masses. Keep calm, carry on and all shall be well.

>Propose a year without taxation.
>Announce a grand tournament.
>Grant greater autonomy to villages.
>Allow sacred prostitution.
>Make no effort to alleviate sorrow.
>Announce a grand tournament
This will be an excellent means of blowing off steam for the Blood-Drinkers.
>Propose a year without taxation.
>Announce a grand tournament.

How about Adradan, how has she developed? Is she in anyway fit for rule? Our Allmother beliefs, and her being the daughter of An's favourite, should make her a popular contender for rulership no?
>Announce a grand tournament.
>How about Adradan, how has she developed?
Adradan Igladac is now sixteen years old. Like her older brother, she is nowhere near as exceptional as her parents, though she has a better opinion of her mother than Gapil does. For this reason, she has been taken in by the Sitrunic sisterhood who seek to make a drobran out of her. As motherhood is an important part of becoming a priestess, she has already found a lover - an ambitious and influential Sitrunic merchant - and is carrying their first child in her womb at this very moment. It is safe that say that she is as deserving of leadership as her older brother.
>Announce a grand tournament.
>Propose a year without taxation.
>Announce a grand tournament.
>Announce a grand tournament.
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>The civilisation gets +0.05 Culture.
>The civilisation gets +0.02 Militarism.
>The civilisation gets -21 Population and Standing Military.
>The civilisation gets -188 Standing Military temporarily.
>The civilisation gets +5 Cohesion and Happiness.
>The civilisation gets -5 Productivity.
>The civilisation gets -10 Security.

A grand tournament is declared, one that shall be held in the fighting pits of Ancron and that shall last from winter's end to summer's end. Every last blood-drinker and mountain man will be given the opportunity to prove their worth by brawling each other before a great audience. When the announcement is made at the great feast, spirits are certainly lifted and the declaration is greeted with cheers and excitement.

Certainly, when spring comes around, warriors flock to Ancron to prove themselves. Hundreds of fighting men batter each other for over a thousand ecstatic onlookers. The absence of so many soldiers in the source of some trouble – Grovic and Scagravic alike are able to get away with their crimes unmolested and traders are left vulnerable to theft. The fact that so many common folk are busy watching this bloodsport rather than doing their duties doesn't help either – the price of food rises dramatically and plenty of work that should be done is left forgotten and incomplete.

By the time summer is over, the throngs of eager spectators return to their homes across the great lake, satisfied by the carnage. The soldiery are pleased with the violence that they wrought on each other as well, though many of them have been grievously wounded. Seven dead mountain men and fourteen dead Vuvovic, as well as over fifty Sharovic and over a hundred and thirty blood-drinkers who will need some time to recover from their injuries.

During this period, an important change occurs. Caught up in the excitement, the last of the Anamilivic finally embrace the Sitrunic way. Among the common folk, worship of the Great Father and the customs of scarification and blood-drinking have died out. The only tradition of this lost tribe that is still practised by the Croglatovic is the consumption of provul – blood curd, a cooked and solidified mixture of pig's blood and groundnut flour that is usually eaten with honey and berries.

>The civilisation gets -0.05 Culture.

Unfortunately, not long after the end of summer, it happens.

Sitrun succumbs to her frailty and passes away, at the age of forty-three.

She is buried in a field just outside of Ancron, so that the flowers may take her vital energy and pass it on to the bees, who shall then give it back to the Croglatovic in the form of honey. Her essence shall pass back to her people and they shall grow stronger for it. Yet those who carried her to her resting place claim strange things – that she scarcely weighed more than a feather, that her skin felt like dead leaves, that her body was curiously hard, as though it was filled with rocks.
More importantly, the Sitrunic are devastated. Over two thirds of the population are left distraught and hopeless by the passing of their prophetess, the woman who they had devoted their lives to. It is a vast cult, now leaderless and aimless. Sitrun is gone and in their eyes, there is no one worthy of taking her place.

>The civilisation gets -20 Cohesion and Happiness.

Gapil is more optimistic about the future. When the great feast at the end of autumn comes around, he takes it as the opportunity to try and cement himself as the sole leader of the Croglatovic, promising a return to the conquering ways of the stone men of old.

Yet he finds himself challenged by Shabul Tul, who declares that the young chieftain lacks the strength, wisdom or experience to lead the tribe. He announces his intention to usurp Gapil and serve as chieftain in his place. Like Sitrun's son, he promises an age of blood and violence that will spread far beyond the Croglatol and perhaps even reach beyond the limits of the Grascan.

Of course, Gapil isn't willing to back down without a fight. Across the great lake, he has almost seven hundred stone men willing to fight for him and over fifty of his dedicated guards, the Sharovic. Meanwhile, Shabul Tul is the most revered of the blood-drinkers and there are three hundred of them who are able-bodied and ready to die for him after the tournament. Though his soldiers are outnumbered two to one, they stand a good chance of winning, thanks to their training, experience and equipment.

It is the many leaders of the Sitrunic who have the power to prevent this bloodshed from occurring. Together, they can muster over four thousand fighting men and women – more than enough to crush either faction. Here and now, they can decide the future of this chiefdom.

Our civilisation could back the reign of Gapil. He is the rightful heir of Tradul and Sitrun, according to the ways of the Rodac. To keep their loyalty, he must rule alone.

Our civilisation could support Shabal Tul's usurpation. It is time for the blood-drinkers to lead the Croglatovic towards an age of blood and glory, no matter the cost.

Our civilisation could wait and see who will win this squabble. Gapil and Shabal Tul will be given the chance to duke it out and the Sitrunic shall prove comes out on top.

Our civilisation could install Adradan in her mother's place. A woman must always reign alongside a man, just as An laid with Il to produce the Scavic people. Son and daughter will rule together.

Our civilisation could demand a return to confederacy. The Sitrunic refuse to allow anyone other than Sitrun to rule them. There will be no more chieftains – a council of leaders shall rule once more.

>Back the reign of Gapil.
>Support Shabal Tul's usurpation.
>Wait and see who will win this squabble.
>Install Adradan in her mother's place.
>Demand a return to confederacy.
Unless there is almost unanimous agreement on which direction the civilisation should go in, I'll wait for eighteen hours before I make the next post so as many people as possible can get their vote in. This is might be the most important decision of this Special Situation, which is almost over.
>Support Shabal Tul's usurpation.

Return to the old ways!
>>Demand a return to confederacy.
while we wait for Sitrun to return
>Install Adradan in her mother's place.
Dualistic monarchy is weird and could be cool. I don't think we should let our fighting men massacre each other in a civil war.
On one hand, Gapil is rightful heir and is needed to keep the Rodac on side. On the other hand, we only really allowed the despotism as a means to unite the lake peoples under Sitrun. The Igladac family is practically irrelevant, hardly agents of their own when it came to the formation of our tribe. Hereditary chieftainship was never really formally established as a long term institution, and Shabal Tul and the Vuvovic is both the stronger man in all likelihood, and closer to the Sitrunic people in a historical sense, respectively. Though Shabal Tul doesn't have the claim of legitimacy from descent from Sitrun. Plus, we probably don't want him trying to assimilate the population after having just spent so much time converting people and creating a sense of unity.

A time of low happiness after a big cohesion hit isn't the time to be going on a big conquest either. We have internal issues to work out.

>Install Adradan in her mother's place.

Yeah, I dunno about this one. I'm sure the warmongers will want one of our fighty bois to lead, and there are good reasons for that, but I don't see it. We need a representative for the Sitrunic people and An in power. The Rodac agreed to the dual monarchy setup, they can't refuse now that the shoes on the other foot. So for me that means installing Adradan or returning to a confederacy to 'await Sitrun's return' like the anon above says.
>Install Adradan in her mother's place.
Fully agreed that now is a bad time for conquest. We own the entire lake now-- who are we even going to fight? The guys down the river?

A return to confederacy is probably a good idea in the long-term, but this is a decent stopgap to stem the turmoil.
BTW, OP, are Culture and Technology ever used to calculate or determine anything beyond Technology factoring into warfare? Do things trigger as we cross certain thresholds? Also, getting a stat down to 20 puts us in the red: would getting a up to 80 put us in the "green"? Would we get anything special if a stat hit 80 or 100?
Shabal's rebellion might end up being a problem. Even if we resolve the Rodac-Sitrunic tensions by satisfying both parties, Shabal still led the Vuvovic against the chieftain. I suspect Gapil will demand a purge, and frankly he'll have every right to. Though, I'm not sure it matters, now that we have a new warrior caste. The only issue with the new warrior caste is that they have different, less useful duties. Guarding the chief instead of exploring or guarding the border. We'll probably want an all-female Sitrunic guard unit for Adradan and her descendants to balance out the power differential too.

We started with 80 equality and cohesion at the very start of the first thread. As far as I can remember, it didn't do anything special.
>Demand a return to confederacy.
>Demand a return to confederacy.
>are Culture and Technology ever used to calculate or determine anything beyond Technology factoring into warfare?
Yes. Every other civilisation has its own Culture and Technology values. Having higher Technology and especially Culture typically leads to a better first impression, with a significant lead being a cause for emigration or even a desire to merge with our civilisation, provided that they are on good terms. If Technology is significant higher than Culture or vice versa, this tends to encourage me to write events that boost the lesser value, as technological advancements can fuel sociological changes and cultural sophistication can inspire scientific innovation.
>Do things trigger as we cross certain thresholds?
The Neolithic era ended and the Chalcolithic era began when the value of Technology exceeded 2. Whenever a value passes an integer, the civilisation transitions to a new age and I'm encouraged to write events based on advancements and developments and issues associated with that era. Though if certain scores are consistently high or low, I might be tempted to introduce advancements much earlier or later than usual (like writing, currency and a calendar due to consistently high Education and taxation due to consistently high Security).
>Also, getting a stat down to 20 puts us in the red: would getting a up to 80 put us in the "green"? Would we get anything special if a stat hit 80 or 100?
Yes, it would. There's no immediate advantage or disadvantage from hitting these thresholds, but they encourage me to write events related to that score if you're consistently in the red or the green. It's also a reminder that you have a surplus of a certain score.
Is this based on an existing ruleset? I'm really intrigued in the template you use for the civ and worldbuilding, and was wondering what you based it of, if anything.
>Install Adradan in her mother's place.
>Install Adradan in her mother's place.
I came up with it on my own, though I'm inspired to different degrees by Civilisation, NationStates, Humankind, Democracy and historical Paradox titles. There's a lot of messy behind-the-scenes maths, especially when it comes to combat, so I'm still refining it and working out the kinks to try and find a balance between 'realism,' some semblance of challenge and a simple, easy-to-understand system for you guys.

I'll give it three more hours before I lock the vote in order to prepare the next post.
>>Install Adradan in her mother's place.

Punish Shabul Tul for his insubordination.
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>The civilisation gets +0.1 Culture.
>The civilisation gets -0.03 Militarism.
>The civilisation gets +5 Cohesion and Happiness.

The leaders of the Sitrunic cult cite precedent, in order to prevent a bloodbath from occurring. Previously when Tradul died, he was succeeded by his son, who was granted the privilege of ruling alongside his mother. Now that Sitrun has passed away, clearly young Adradan should take her place. Henceforth, the Croglatovic people should be ruled by a man and a woman who both bear the blood of the prophetess and her beloved chieftain – unity can only be maintained by carrying on the legacy of the lovers who unified the tribes in the first place.

Initially, there is some grumbling from the Rodac but they are soon reminded that this very system is what allowed Gapil to gain such authority anyway. As for Shabal Tul, he soon backs down once he realises that the Sitrunic support a government that does not involve him being in charge. This is a compromise that somehow manages to defuse the situation, that doesn't necessarily satisfy everyone but certainly gives them reason to back down.

A bewildered Adradan is brought before the crowd, so that she might be declared a favoured daughter of the Allmother, a living saint of sorts, just like Sitrun. And once more, Gapil is recognised and acknowledged by all as the chieftain of the Croglatovic people – even the Vuvovic submit to his will. This rushed, impromptu ceremony is enough to defuse the tension and allow the feast to continue without further incident.

Yet in the following months, there are teething problems. While Gapil is eager for the approval of the more conservative stone men, Adradan is little more than a puppet controlled by the Sitrunic sisterhood. These factions tend to butt heads on many issues. For example, when the chieftain calls for the head of Shabal Tul for threatening to depose him, it is Adradan who overrules him. When the young saint calls for more of the Rodac to embrace the way of Sitrun, it is her brother who rejects her will.
Tradul fervently did whatever he thought would please Sitrun, while Sitrun never objected to any of Gapil's fanciful demands. There was little discord between prior co-rulers. However, the two siblings struggle to reach any sort of agreement at all. A system will need to be developed that will allow the chieftain and the saint to govern the Croglatovic people harmoniously, even when they are at odds with each other.

Our civilisation could decide that all decision-making requires the approval of both rulers. At least, they shall require that neither ruler voices their disapproval. This is the current system and it works – it ensures that the saint and the chieftain keep each other in check.

Our civilisation could decide that each ruler shall have absolute authority over different fields. For example, the chieftain should have the final word when it comes to warfare and industry, while the saint should be in charge of matters of faith and diplomacy.

Our civilisation could decide that tribal leaders should mediate between the two rulers. Whenever there is a disagreement, it is always the lesser leaders of the Croglatovic people should get the final say – but whenever the saint and chieftain concur, we have no choice but to obey.

Our civilisation could decide that the authority of the Croglatol's ruling class should be quantified. Power shall be boiled down into votes which can be counted. Of course, the votes of the saint and the chieftain shall be assigned far more weight than those of a common village head.

>All decision-making requires the approval of both rulers.
>Each ruler shall have absolute authority over different fields.
>Tribal leaders should mediate between the two rulers.
>The authority of the ruling class should be quantified.
>The authority of the ruling class should be quantified.

I'd say the warrior castes should get a little bump in the weight of their votes too. By design they're smaller in population, but they serve an important role who's weight is greater than the votes they would get otherwise.
We got the optimal choice. Zased.

>Tribal leaders should mediate between the two rulers.

Very cool, thank you. I really love the system and I think it's been working great so far.
>Tribal leaders should mediate between the two rulers.
>The authority of the ruling class should be quantified.

The only option I'm really against is each ruler having absolute authority over different fields. Diplomacy and warfare go hand in hand, the left hand needs to know what the right is doing to have a harmonious decision making process. Faith and the norms of society are intertwined with every aspect of life too, so we can't have divergences be too large. Not to mention that as far as I recall women still play a role in the military and all forms of labour, there isn't a strict gender hierarchy except with the priesthood and the Vuvovic.

The problem with voting is obviously our demographics, but that can be solved by weighting the votes in a certain way or other organizational shenanigans.

Deadlocks are a problem with our current system, but that may not be the case for every generation, and emergencies have a way of solving deadlocks. The tribal leaders solving disputes seems like a natural extension of our current system, depending on one's reading it was what was already occurring, with advisors interpreting and informing Sitrun, or solving the crisis of Sitrun's death just now.
I'm not a fan of democracy right now. the elder council seems best.
>Tribal leaders should mediate between the two rulers

Most of recent choices voted in (the last one included) are utter shit ngl.
We gained desperately needed Happiness (and Cohesion) and only lost a little bit of Militarism, which we don't need unless we're in combat. We appeased both sides and avoided a massive civil war or worse. I think you have shit taste desu.
This was the only option which avoided violence and loss of life. However, it can be argued that other routes would have been worth the death toll or that this route preserves a status quo that should have been upended. In the end though, the decision has been made and the path has been decided, for better or worse.
>>Tribal leaders should mediate between the two rulers.
This would never be a problem in first place if anons haven't voted for Sitrun's child to become her co-ruler.

We manage to keep the very first beast-bringer culture at the heel for the entire time, we are shown Sitrun has massively boosted conversion rates, and yet anons are voting for our in-factions to be balanced. There was never any good reason to keep the stone men or vuvovic hybrids as distinct in-groups. Before, we assimilated everyone who perished and it worked just fine. Why change now?
>Tribal leaders should mediate between the two rulers.
I see this as the natural evolution of our system, both rulers have a vote, while our council gets one aswell. Where two votes are needed to reach an agreement, our council is basically the third ruler who is able to resolve a tie or deadlock the system.

I do see these two ruler positions resembling the favourite's of An and Il (since who else would be worthy of laying with An's favourite according to old Anamilivic beliefs), but do the Sitrunic people see it like that?

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