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Currently. You are and always will be. The light of my life. The escape begins. Ur objective is to escape.
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As the night glows. For unsuspecting reasons. The day was ending and the night was about to begin. You the Humblest of Humble partaking in an event of execersize. Were making ur way through the park. Clustered by trees and happened upon a distance too far to return to ur car without alerting ur dear friend. The Follower in the night.
You have a headstart and were slow. *winky face*.
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From now until the end of time. The hands shall shake when the noose is tighter than it was the day of the suns conception.
>I take my Cariprazine pills to stop this schizophrenic nightmare.
Low level niggers die for real cya
>The nightmare is finished. I am finally back to the real world.

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