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What kind of life did you live so far? Uneventful. Boring. Ordinary. To push yourself for a dedication, occupation or hobby you don't really know how its like. You just are.

All that doesn't matter in the forever it took for now to pass. Like deer in headlights, your life passed by as you're caught out on the street towards collision.

SMACK. You splay out on the hood of the car. You look up at the windshield. There was no driver. As if on realization, the car screeches to a stop, sending you off further onto the street.

You take a deep breath. Nothing seems to be wrong. A few more to be sure. You're... Uninjured? Arising, you note that the car's front seemed to have shown more damage than you are. Getting close to the driver's side, you see no sign that anyone was ever there. No brick on the pedals or even a key in the ignition. Almost overlooking an obvious requirement, the car doesn't even have license plates.

There is a note on the driver's seat. The window was rolled down, making access easy.

>"Sorry, it's not your fault. There's a girl, monochromatic, save for her piercing amber eyes. If you see her, turn around and run."

That was all there was to read. All this to tell you that. Further investigation of the car yielded nothing. Trunk is empty, and no way to entertain the idea of taking this for yourself without any way to start it.

Uneasiness creeps in, no thanks to the contents of the note. What's easier to take in? That fact that you might now be a victim of the supernatural, or that you're currently walking off a car accident? The way back home was peaceful, and you soon find yourself back in the safety of home. Sleeping in, you wake up late in the afternoon, as if recent events was just a distant dream. The note crumpled up around your desk is proof otherwise, having took it with you.

>Maybe I should go and get checked out. Walk in the hospital for a check up.
>Go outside and bum about like I always do. Something nice might finally happen.
>Stay home and indulge in the pleasures of NEETdom. There's a load of nothing to be done.
>Maybe I should go and get checked out. Walk in the hospital for a check up.
You got hit by a car, the natural thing to do is go to the hospital
>Maybe I should go and get checked out. Walk in the hospital for a check up.
Writing. And then I'll go to bed. Sorry. Couldn't go to sleep as easily as I wanted to.

A quick search on your phone gave you the location of the nearest hospital. You didn't really need to go to one for any reason, as far as recent memory goes, so you don't really commit to mind where one is. A testament to good health, probably.

Now you get to go outside for something other than groceries and amusements. It shouldn't be too hard to get a walk in checkup. Making sure you have everything you might need, you set off, outside.

The contents of the note stuck in your mind, and along with making sure you don't get into anymore accidents walking about, occupied your attention during the trip.
"Sorry, it's not your fault." Yeah. That's how accidents work. How about not sending cars out on roads unoccupied next time?
"There's a girl, monochromatic, save for her piercing amber eyes." That second part there really should make it obvious when she appears, if she does at all. Hard to blend in, you think.
"If you see her, turn around and run." So, is she gonna find you, or is it something to look out for? Hopefully, the latter. Taking this warning to heart, there's probably no reasoning with her.

And yourself. Still going on fine, but you still commit to a check-up. Better to be safer than sorry. Thinking of an excuse of why you put off a medical visit till the next day fails to come to mind, so you might as well be frank.

Arrival. That wasn't too long of a walk. Going up to the reception desk, you ask if you can have a check-up done by today.
>"That's easy to set up, name?"
"Isaac Carnot."
>"Reason for your check-up is...?"
"I got runover by a self driving car."

The receptionist looks at you funny, as expected. Deciding it best not to press the matter, he tells you to take a seat at the waiting area, as someone will be available shortly.

Is it a slow day today? Not a lot of people around... Oh well, that just means nobody will mind if you take an extra seat to kick back your legs on. It's your turn soon enough, and nothing was found wrong with you during the check-up. A bill of good health.

Nothing of note was found of you, and yet you were run over. Normal people don't just walk those off. It did happen, that much you are sure of, and yet you don't know why you were able to just walk it off.


On your way out, a patient stops you. Whatever is wrong with him, you don't know, but he seems fine just from a glance. Not that you want to ask what's his problem.
>"Hey, how busy are they back there? I swear they keep putting me off I've been here for what feels like hours."
"It's uh, lax judging from what I saw. You might wanna check in with the desk and see if they really forgotten you."
Come to think of it, you were sure that guy wasn't even here when you are. Maybe you haven't been paying that much attention, but then you realize the place is seeing just a bit more activity.
>"Well, I might just do that. Don't let me keep you around. Thanks, though."

You depart soon after. Nowhere else in mind, you decide to go home. Before you go up, you checked your mailbox in the lobby. Nothing but junk. Calling down the elevator, its arrival as timely as ever, and yet a sense of unease washes over your gut.
As the elevator doors start to close, someone else walks in the building. A black uniform, lined with white accents. Long hair that matches, and bangs unkept that get in the way of the pale face. A piercing amber eye pokes though as she stands there, processing...? The doors close fully, and the lift starts its ascent to your floor.

Shit. The mind is brainstorming ideas of what to do when these doors open again. Were you followed? Or does she already know where you live? Away is where you want to be right now, you just need to think of how you'll get there.

>Make for the stairs and hope she didn't choose to use those. There's only one set in the building.
>Elevator up, elevator down. Who'd expect it?
>Try for the fire escape. It shouldn't be locked, but there's the bottleneck that is the alley it lands at before freedom.
>Go home, and batten down the hatches.
>Try for the fire escape. It shouldn't be locked, but there's the bottleneck that is the alley it lands at before freedom.
We just have to get out of the alley and then it will be hard to be followed
>Try for the fire escape. It shouldn't be locked, but there's the bottleneck that is the alley it lands at before freedom.
Home. Writing.
The elevator arrives, and the doors part. You make it over to where the fire escape is and push on the crash bar. It doesn't give way, not quite yet. Why would it even be locked?? There's a hazard and you need to escape from it. Committed to this idea, you heave onwards, the door finally opening to the stairway down.

The way out the alleyway looks clear from up here, and feet descending down the stairs swiftly, you weren't going to let that change for the worst. Discomfort swirls around in your gut, as you see the building slowly become devoid of color. It encroaches even here, and before you could do much about it, it passes over you, yourself unaffected.

Just before you slide down the ladder to solid ground, you peer upwards. The desaturation seems to have stopped at your floor during your descent, and now it continues upwards. To where else? You don't know, and don't really want to find out.

Nothing fortunately impeded your exit from the alley, and departing from the apartment building, you start to feel fine again. Where were you going? Anywhere else, but nothing specific in mind. Not that you really know where to go. An idea to ask any bystanders they see this as well came up, one you can't execute due to apparent desertion of the people. Only the building suffers from this symptom, with no sign of it leading to or away from it.

You walk until its certain you can't see your apartments anymore. Taking a seat on the bus stop bench, you ponder on what to do next. Normality seems to have returned with the people, but you're still without anyway of getting answers. What are you gonna do to get any? Why are you being haunted like this? Who sends a car to runover someone as a warning? Did they even know you could just walk off something like that?

You think back on how life was before. Except, you can't, really. What did you even do before now? Sleep, eat and wander. It's hardly fit to be called living. What's there to even see around here? A few years of that and you'd think there's nothing new to witness, and yet the finer details of just how this city is laid out elude your grasp. There was a memory of good times before. But it's all just a blur, leaving you alone as you are now.

Something is definitely wrong, whatever it is you can do about it, it's not going to be done waiting around.

>I graduated, did I? Maybe I should check up at my school.
>There was a mall I visited plenty of times. I wonder why I stopped going. Should still be open.
>I have a phone, and plenty of contacts to go through. Contact each and everyone of them, just to see if things are alright.
>I have a phone, and plenty of contacts to go through. Contact each and everyone of them, just to see if things are alright.

>"The number you have dialed cannot be reached."
>"We're sorry, this number has been unassigned."
>"You have dialed a number that cannot be reached, please check, and try again."
Going down your contact list has yielded nothing but automated error messages. Checking your call history has yielded nothing but the attempted calls you made just now. If this phone was ever used for anything other than filling out your pockets, there isn't any record of it.

Phoning in a nearby restaurant just to be sure you can make calls, an employee picked up. Making up some excuse of wanting to know the menu, you finished the quick conversation by claiming you'll be there to place an order in person, something you obviously won't do. A complete lack of service can be ruled out at least but everything so far has you wondering just if life as you know it is a complete fabrication.

At last, a number that doesn't immediately throw up an error. Listed under the name Siesta, you hope they'll pick up. Sure enough, somebody does before it could go to voicemail.

>"H-hello? Who is this?"
A female voice comes through the line. From the sounds of things, you must've woken them up.
"It's Issac. Is this Siesta?"
>"Issac? No... Who is this really?"
"Issac Carnot. Do I have Siesta on the line or not?"
>"...Yeah. It's me. Listen, you kinda caught me at a bad time, but whaddya need?"

Quickly contemplating if you should tell the truth or not, you decided not to be upfront about everything yet.
"Nothing really. Just wanted to catch up with people."
>"A social call then...? How about I just drop by your place later?"
"I'm not home right now, sorry... There's some light renovations being done anyways, so it wouldn't be pleasant."
>"Really? What they're doing over there?"
"Oh, uh, I wanted one of those sliding glass doors on my bathtub instead of a curtain. Might as well be outside instead of listening to the work being done."
>"Mmm-hmm. Well, you know the park we all used to hang out around after school? We can go there instead."
"Alright, see you there then."


You had no idea where this park was. Hardly even remember anything from your school days, but at least the name was still in your head. Looking up the school on your phone, you found it and hoped the park you picked from the ones around it was the right one to be at.

Heading over, you wonder who you are. No photos saved, or a message history. It's as if you didn't need to exist until recently. Coming out here to meet somebody you don't really know seems super suspicious, but there isn't anything else you could be doing right now.

You take another seat, and wait. Who were you looking for? All you had was a name and voice, so the only thing to do is hope to be recognized. Passing the time on your phone, you were about to text Siesta, but somebody else caught your attention first.

A skinny sort of man, eyes looking like they're fed up and not really doing a good job of hiding the fact they're looking. For what? You? They take out their phone. Your own starts ringing, and his head swings your way. It's an unknown number, but he seems to have expected this to happen. Declining the call, the same number rings again. It was his number.
>"Tch. You're not Issac. Who are you?"
"Well, you already know who I'll say I am, so who are you?"
>"Nah, I'm the one asking questions here. You first."
He reaches into his inner pocket and brandishes a toy gun. It has to be a toy. A bright color scheme and an orange barrel, one you're looking down right now. Yet, with the confidence of how he's holding you up and the unwavering deadpan expression, he's taking this seriously. There isn't any dart down that barrel, you're sure of that.

>He's bullshitting me. I could take him in a fight if it's really a toy.
>Insist you're Issac and comply. Don't need to find out today.
>Admit you haven't any solid idea of who you are. It's the truth after all.
this quest has no idea what it’s trying to be but I do know it’s garbage
>Insist you're Issac and comply. Don't need to find out today.

Hands raised up to the sides of your head, you mean to show no harm. Real or not, aggravating him wouldn't lead to any more answers.
"Seriously. I'm Issac. Issac Carnot."
>"You're not. But fine, 'Issac.' Where'd you get all the stuff?"
"Had it the entire time. Are you gonna stop pointing that at me or what?"
His expression narrows, trying to find anything suspicious or a reason to fire. Unable to find one, he lowers the gun slightly.

>"208th street, Lacey Avenue. What's it to you?"
You recognize the address as where your apartment is. Seeing as he already knows, you confirm it to him.
"Apartment complex. I live there."
>"Issac lives there, but I guess I'll just have to accept that too, huh."
>"Sigh. This is gonna get nowhere, isn't it."
He puts it away. Not even an apology for all that, but you'll take not being held up anymore. The same bored expression shows how little he seemed to care of it.

>"Calud's my name. Don't wear it out."
"Cool. I'm guessing Siesta sent you instead of going herself."
>"Yep. Too far off for her to make it. I was already around the area anyways."
"So you're not around from here either?"
He doesn't confirm it. Seems as if you need to know each other more before spilling.

He checks his phone again. Not like you were having that great a conversation.
>"Shit. She's here?"
"Who?" Somehow, you had an idea of just what it was. You glance over the same place he was. Sure enough, it was the direction of the Lacey Avenue.
Her again. She stands out quite a bit from the park greenery, of which it's still remaining green. Makes it easier to notice her own desaturation.
You'd turn about and run, but Calud was looking for her. You had to see just what he was gonna do.

No hesitation, no remorse. He took out his toy gun again, still primed and fired. Grass and leaves flew back violently as a gust of wind spiraled towards her. Head reeling back, you get to see just what was hiding under all those bangs. Malice, with eyes locked onto you. Calud is just a distraction, one she won't let bother her.

>Well, she's still gonna be coming for me. I should just go. Like now.
>He came here to look for her, so surely he'd be confident in whatever he has planned to do. Stick around, and hope it works.
>Well, she's still gonna be coming for me. I should just go. Like now.
Don’t matter if he deals with her or not. We should still get out.
Backing this. Also what is this quest?
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I’ll be writing this. However, it was a busy day for me today, and tomorrow it’ll be busier. I might fall asleep before I finish writing it, sorry if it happens. I’m trying to return myself to normal hours as well so I can write this at reasonable times for me.

Somebody, Somewhere is a reiteration on a couple of quests I liked. Those notable inspirations are “I Am Reborn in a Harem RomCom, but I'm Only A Mob Character?!” and the short lived “Born Irrelevant.” I also like Tokusatsu, mostly the setting aspect where it takes place in a contemporary urban city, which is something I want to be better at leveraging. I’m trying for more action oriented approach, though I feel like I should start speeding things along to something I’m more comfortable writing.
Might as well establish this now just in case I need to use it.
Internet might get cut off, IP change, or if I get a chance to finish the update on my lunch break if I don't do it before my carpool arrives.

Bang, bang, bang. Several shots in succession, before he had to work the priming handle. Each shot she danced around, the size diminishing with rapid fire.
>”Cmon! Say something so I can hate you for it!”
He scowls in irritation, glancing at both of you. With you about to leave and your stalker mostly ignoring him, it’s hard to know who’s it directed at.

In any case, he isn’t stopping you from leaving. Brandishing another identical weapon, Calud leapt upwards, before recoiling towards her with one blast. The other unfired pistol was ready to pop off point blank.

Wap-bang! A clean hit. Calud rolled past her in his landing strategy, while she was left reeling, almost twirling about before facing him. Last you saw before you fully left the scene was her coming upon his way, their immediate surroundings starting to desaturate. If looks could kill, the side eye she just gave you would’ve done it. This was only a distraction, one you fully took advantage of.

Seeing as she knew the direction you left in, you switched it up after getting a little bit away from the park. The way you went was definitely not backwards, and somehow, you ended up where your apartment used to be before. It’s not destroyed, it's just gone, the space where it used to be is undeveloped.

You turn about, making sure everything else is the same. A car speeds by, recognized also as the one that ran you over. Still disoriented, you have no idea where it’s headed, but it's likely nowhere you want to be.

A license plate was mounted upon it this time, but it got too far away before you could take a clear photo or read it out. Without any regard for speed limits or traffic, you wouldn’t be able to catch up on foot.

Deciding to call Siesta, she doesn’t pick up this time, instead defaulting to voice mail. Leaving a message about meeting Calud before having to run-off because of… Something. Yeah. More like a force of nature than a person.

Noticing something on the barren plot of land that used to be home, you check it out. It’s the same note from last night. How’d it remain? Good question, one you have no idea who to ask it to. Doesn’t stop you from pocketing it anyways.

Your phone rings. Siesta. Before your finger accepts it out of reflex, an unknown number is also trying to call. It’s Calud. Never did get to add it to your contacts yet. Shouldn’t these guys be speaking to each other before you…? Who to answer?

>I called Siesta just now, guess they just got open enough to return it.
>Never did truly finish speaking with Calud. Hopefully, she’s done with her.
>It’d be rude to ignore either, which would be a reason enough to do it, apparently.
>Never did truly finish speaking with Calud. Hopefully, she’s done with her.

You picked up. Silence was on the line, Siesta is still trying to contact you, but that isn’t breaking the call. Calud isn’t responding, but suddenly, you’re not so sure it’s him.

>”Issac, Issac, Issac~”
A quiet whisper wears out your name in song, and then laughter, gradually ramping up to roaring and maniacal. You don’t want to interrupt, or rather can’t. Voice catching in your throat, you manage to power through. It’s her. Had to be.
“Who are you?”
The laughter stops abruptly. Silence. You make out footsteps, and stop idling about on the phone. Make yourself harder to find, hopefully.
>”Just like everyone else. Guess.”
No idea where to start, and you’re not going to entertain this kind of game.
“What do you want with me?”
>”I have an answer, you’re not getting it, Issac. Figure it out, or not. I’ll catch you all the same, Issac.”
This is proving to be a waste of time. One more question before you hang up on her.

“Calud, what did you do to him?”
>”Was that his name? I’ll try not to forget since you decided to grace me with it. He’s gone.”
>”Are you listening? I said gone, not dead. Dropped this running away. As for what I did to him… No. I’ll keep it a surprise. But if you find him, consider it a preview, Issac.”

“What have I ever done to you? What happened to my place?”
You caught yourself saying that, but couldn’t stop it in time. Berating yourself for giving that away, you pick up the pace.
>”So that’s where you were. What happened? I did. A house of cards, blown away. Best I can say is that it’s elsewhere, but nobody would miss it but you, Isaac.”
She sure does love saying that name. Everytime she repeats herself, a twinge of sarcasm grows with each delivery.

“So everyone else living in there, all of them dead just to get to me?”
Finding this idea humorous, she chuckles.
>”There wasn’t anyone else to kill, as crudely as you implied. First, they’d have to be alive. I spent just a little bit of time making sure there was no way to run, and you got up and walked away. Rude.”
Like you’d tell her it was by the fire escape, though you couldn’t bring up a witty retort in response. How could she have missed it?

>”Oh and what you did? Nothing! But what did Issac do…? Hm? You don’t know? Shame.”
>”The charge is almost done on this. Let this be a lesson to your friend to top off on the next phone he gets. I’ll be seeing you~”
She hung up. Eyes darting around, you’re still alone for now. The safety of a crowd and pedestrians passing by gives you anonymity through numbers alone.


Your own phone is starting to get low as well, so for now you refrain from digging though more contacts. But now what? Nothing makes a lick of sense, loads of questions and no answers. A nameless stalker wanting to do god knows what to you, home outright gone, and you’re not even sure anymore if you are who you think you are. Piled up frustrations led you to just stomp the pavement, and your foot goes through.

What used to be solid ground gives way and crumbles to nothing. Crouching down to get a better look, there really is a lack of anything at all. A dry, pale void, and the people around you acknowledge there's a hole here, but hardly seem to react to what’s in it.
“How can you guys just walk around this like it’s anything normal?”
No response. Taking a bit of rock, you drop it down. Nothing happens to it except gravity, it falls until it’s out of eyesight. The hole patches itself up, concrete regrowing just like that.

Wasting enough time lingering here, you continue off. Your foot doesn’t hurt at all from doing this. You want to affirm who you are, and hope that powers beyond you are just mucking everything about. Seems as good a plan as any right now.

>I’m freed up. Siesta seems to know more, so it’s time to try calling back, again.
>Vaguely recalling graduation, I should go to school and look at the academic records.
>Act up. Things clearly aren’t normal, so see just what the limits of everything are.
>Vaguely recalling graduation, I should go to school and look at the academic records.
Due to a lack of foresight by me just winging it, it has become impossible for me to use the concept as I wanted to. This thread is effectively abandoned but I do want to restart it when I actually work things out.

Maybe by then I'll save up enough to quit my job while looking for another. RIP.

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