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Previous Thread
Recap: You are on a train, leading to the king's castle, and hopefully, to the conclusion of your quest. You also found out that Snikt is going to turn into a full-on dragon after all, though she killed her "inner dragon". Your decision in regards to this information is to let her... with precautions.
There is a pause...
And then she quietly says:
"D-dragon. I wanna be big."

Well... you suppose that makes sense. What kobold wouldn't want to become what is essentially a god to them? But, you're not about to let this go on without some precautions. You love Snikt, you trust her. The absolute last thing that you ever want to experience is seeing her turn into something that you can't love or trust any more. But, you have a solution to that very problem.
"So... Snikt. I'm going to help you every step of the way. As long as I am able, you'll become that which you want to be but... what do want to be?"
"I... I-"

You're losing her already, you specify:
"Let me... be more specific. What kind of dragon would you want to be? Would you take revenge on those that were cruel to you before?"
Snikt doesn't hesitate.
"No. I'd... i'd kill them if they hurt me, but not because of something in the past. It's useless. It's... It's dangerous."
That's a great sign to start with.
"Why is it dangerous?"
"It's effort. It... starts a fight. And the only benefit is making yourself feel better. Just for a little while."
She sniffs.
"I... Did a revenge. Once. Those people that betrayed me. Former Dragon helped me, but... I pointed him to a village. He killed them all. I found their crispy corpses."

She sighs.
"My back still hurt. I still just wish they hadn't hurt me in the first place. It didn't help anything."
Sins of the past. You won't hold it against her.
"It's not a fun way to learn that lesson... but it's good to have learned it. Will you be... friendly? Will you try to help humanity?"
"Yes. And kobolds. A-and dragonborn. Lots of people. And you. Because you'll always be my Dragon. Forever and ever."
Smiling, you wrap your arms around her, hugging her tight.
"...Thank you." You whisper, and then you stand up.

"...I should investigate the others, if you don't mind. We might not have much time to talk when we arrive, for a while."
"I'll come with you!" Snikt says, smiling, and you can't say no to THAT face.

Where to next?
>Chad and William, your squires. They're both doing well. You wonder if there are plans for their future.

>Pink... Perhaps it's time to talk about her hatred of humanity.

>Paracelsus might want another talk

>...On second thought, you think you'll wait to arrive, together with Snikt.

I'm gonna try really, really hard to keep a sensible update schedule this time.
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>Chad and William, your squires. They're both doing well. You wonder if there are plans for their future.
>Pink... Perhaps it's time to talk about her hatred of humanity.
Both, but if I must choose, the second one. It's important, is she's going to be Snikt's guide someday.

It happens. Don't beat yourself up about it.
>Pink... Perhaps it's time to talk about her hatred of humanity.
>>Pink... Perhaps it's time to talk about her hatred of humanity.

Its festered long enough and out of all of us I think she will be the one around after us so she will have the chance to whisper her hate into snikts ear after we are gone.
>Chad and William, your squires. They're both doing well. You wonder if there are plans for their future

Ayyyy we're back
Pink. You need to talk to Pink.

"We're going to talk to Pink." Considering how long dragons live, and how long the transformation is *supposed* to take... she might be the only friend that stays with her forever. Few creatures can resist the ever-ticking clock, after all. "I need to figure out why she hates humanity, and how I can... I need her to understand."
Snikt doesn't look so sure.
"I... She has seen a lot of humans, Dragon. She never liked them, up until you. I'm not sure if you could convince her."
You stop for a moment. The train is making a bend, and it's throwing you to the side, ever-so slightly. It comes at a good time.
"I don't need to convince her to love humans. Lord knows, that's too much to ask. But I need her to tolerate humanity. To find some kind of common ground. Something... Anything, really."

You reach Pink's compartment. She's not alone, as Petrus and Dismas are here. Seems that she was keeping them both company, and teaching them letters, even! All kobolts look up at you, smiling wide at your approach.
"How may I serve?" Pink asks, hopping off the seat to do a quick curtsy. Seems she learned something from the staff at Paracelsus' family.
"I just wanted to talk... Privately, if it's possible."
"Of course. Petrus, Dismas? Go to the compartment opposite here. Take this book and try to read the first few pages. I'll ask you what happened, after. Don't worry if you get it wrong! Trying is far more important."

The two kobolts quickly leave, evidently feeling as though there is something serious about to happen. Not entirely inaccurate, as you sit down opposite Pink, who is just smiling at your mere presence. And, that of Snikt.
"Pink... I wanted to talk to you again. About your... distaste for humanity."
Her smile fades.
"Okay, dragon... But, you realize the best reason for it is sitting next to you, yes?" Pink says, nodding to Snikt. Snikt, however, puts the wind out of her sails:
"But I don't hate humans... Not really. I hated the men that hurt me, but not... everyone. You hate everybody, though, because they lie. Right?"
Pink closes her eyes.
"Yes. That's a part of it. They hurt us. They hurt anybody smaller than them. They respect force, but they say they're better than us. They call dragons unnatural, but their own use of guns, of swords, that is perfectly fine."
She snorts.
"I've said it all before, Dragon... I don't know what else I can tell you. I've seen humanity. I don't like what I saw. You're different."

Well... You suppose you need an argument of sorts.

> I'm not asking you forgive them, or to love them. I'm asking you to *tolerate* them. That's all.
Snikt will need guidance... if one of her guides tells her to hate humanity, it's not a good idea.

> So humanity deserves to suffer because they're *arrogant and hypocritical* to you? Is that it?
Seems a bit ironic, considering who kobolts prefer to serve

> Another argument.
>You wish to know how to serve me? Well, this is tye task I require: have patience with them. Teach humanity to be better, if you can. At the very elast, make sure that the humans like me, and Sarah, are treated fairly and kindly. I won't be here forever, since I don't plan to complete my transfornation. I need you to guide Snikt here, when I'm gone. I know you're a good person, and that you care for me... So please, try to do what I would do, as best you can, when dealing with my kind.
Bringing up our mortality and tasking her with such an important and prestigious task from her 'dragon' should help, I hope.
>> The Reynolds eyes softened as he gazed at Pink, his voice a mixture of tiredness and and understanding. "Pink, I'm not asking you to forgive humanity, or to love them. I'm simply asking you to tolerate them." He sighed, running a paw over his face "Like it or not, humanity endures. I've seen enough of this world's layered history to know that much. You'll likely be with Snikt long after I'm gone, and I can only trust you to be there for her, to counsel her, to help her make her own choices. But if your heart remains poisoned by this hatred, how long before you guide her on a collision course with humanity? A path that would end with countless deaths—before yours and Snikt's—because, as I've said, humanity endures." Reynold pauses here, his gaze drifting to the middle distance as if gathering his thoughts. When he speaks again, his voice is tight with emotion. "That isn't the fate I want for my daughter, Pink." he curls his tail protectively around Snikt. "Nor for you."
>Leaning closer, he continued, "With your immortality and Snikt's longevity, you'll witness ages of humanity come and go. And rather than make them worse or sitting by and watch isolated and alone, what if, instead of watching things deteriorate, you helped them to be better? Not just for humans, but for every thinking creature in this ruined world. Help humanity at large become the kind of human you see in me."
>The Reynold's eyes lock with Pink's, conveying the weight of his words. "It won't be easy. It would be the work of several lifetimes. But if our time together has meant as much to you as I think it has, then consider this the request of a friend who knows he won't be here to see it through." His voice softens. "Of all the people I've known, there's no one else I can trust to guide Snikt as she comes into her own. But you have to let go of the hate, Pink. Nothing good ever comes from holding onto it. Nothing."

I figured this would be a good time to bring out the heavy guns and it's high time we call snikt our daughter since we have all but adopted her under the law. Further if pink let go of the hate she 100% could help improve this dying world, as well as being there for snikt who could also help fix this fucked up catastrophe of a planet, but again only if she lets go of the hate, because if she doesn't both will 100% end up dead after killing who knows how many.
You look at Pink, and she stares right back. She knows what's coming, and you suspect that she's steeling herself for whatever argument might follow, so...
It's time for the most extreme option you have available.
"Pink... Snikt is turning into a dragon. You know this?"
She stares... and nods.
"Not surprised. But... you know that I won't be, correct? I've decided I don't want to be a dragon. I'm going to be... human."
Pink sniffs.
"But not like the rest of the humans, still."
"Well... That's what I'm going to ask of you, Pink. It's a hell of a thing to ask, but I think we know eachother well enough. You like me, yes?"
"Like nobody else!"
"We haven't known eachother for that long, but-
"I'd die for you."

"Well... You've lived a long life already, Pink. Very long. I think it'll keep being a very long life, but if I go back to being human... Even in the best of circumstances-"
Pink, to your surprise, hisses. She clenches her little claws together, and bares her teeth at you.
"SSSSshut up! Then DON'T!" She mutters something in a language you don't understand, and it's one you haven't heard her speak before. "You tell me about why you need to be human! NOW, you tell me I need to, w-what, keep in mind I might outlive you!? That's just... IT'S WRONG, dragon!"
She slams her little fist against the seating.
Snikt is leaning back, clearly uncomfortable at this outburst of Pink.
You just take in the tirade, and then speak, when there's a pause.

"Despite the fact I could die of old age... I still want to be human. That's a part of it. What I want to ask of you, Pink... Snikt is going to be a dragon. She's going to live a very long time, and I want you to look after her when I lose the ability to do so."
Pink glares at you, and you continue:
"Humanity is a stubborn beast, Pink. You know it. I know it. They've survived the end of the world, from the looks of things. Again and again, they came back, fought harder. And if I leave you as you are with Snikt... Give it a few decades, and who's to say your hatred for humanity wouldn't poison her, as well?"
The wording there makes Pink's mouth drop.
"I... y-you... You're..."
She can't make sense of it. A rare thing for her, you suspect.
"So, I'm asking... I'm pleading. Please, Pink. I don't want humanity to go against her. I don't want them to come after her. I don't want YOU to come after THEM. If our time together means as much to you as I think it does... I think you understand."
You stand up, looming over her, as she looks around, as if for an escape. Then, you kneel down, on her eye level.
"Pink, I'm asking this because you're the only person I trust to guide Snikt. The transformation will take a long time. Very long, if I can help it. Because I don't plan on her getting hurt again... So, Pink."

She returns your gaze.
"Will you give Humanity another shot? Can you show patience to them? And, perhaps, one day, dragons and humans could live together, instead of apart. You've got a very unique opportunity, Pink. You hate humanity as it is... but perhaps, you could help guide it to something better. You and Snikt together... I think it'd make for a hell of a team."

Pink looks away.
"But I don't... I don't WANT to do it. I want... I want to stay with you! Why can't you just become a dragon!? Are you afraid of Onyx!? Then... t-then kill him! We are headed to a king. A dragon among humans, yes!? Many people, many weapons. Use them!"
She suddenly puts her arms around you.
"...Don't want to lose you. Don't want to lose anybody. Don't want to see you grow old. Just... W-why not become a dragon!? I don't... It's not even because humans are awful I don't understand! Do you want to leave us behind!? You could be immortal! P-perhaps, learn magic to appear human when it matters! Why don't YOU guide humanity!? You understand it! I'm just... I'm just a kobolt."

You think you overwhelmed her. Too much, too fast. Poor girl.

>Calm her down. Bring things back down to earth.
Yes, you can die of old age, but it's going to take a while!

>Sigh. And tell her that it's an order from her Dragon.
Pulling rank is not something you like to do, but...

>Something else.
>Both options, as necessary
I don't see why we can't do both. Calm her down, ask again, and pull rank if she refuses. As for why we don't want to transform...
>Ask Pink of SHE wants to become a dragon, or why she wants to remain 'justa kobolt'
If she can't put words to it, she knows how we feel. We can rationalize it one way or the other and I'm still okay with going dragon eventually but we like being human. We like who we are, inside and out. It took a while, but we don't want to lose that, or the ability to interact normally with our own kind.
>>Calm her down. Bring things back down to earth.
No long posts with good words tonight guys, I am cooked after hitting my PB on squats for 350 lb

if need be we should give her some time to think it over rather than make it an order, we still have time anyway, so no need to rush this and force it on her. I worry that if we do it could lead her to resent us for forcing the task on her. No, it's better to let her have some space to think it over after we calm her down. I also have no good words to explain why we need to remain human other than our humanity is as central to us as her need to serve her dragon, we could no more turn our back on it than she could forsake her dragon.
I don't think someone who clearly venerates the kobolt/dragon relationship as Pink does would resent an order.
If we can do a bit of both, sure, but can we actually take that approach?
>>6065035 is me, and I fabour a stern approach if we have to choose.

We've tried being soft about this, and takking her into it. This is an old conversation at this point. At a certain stage, we have to put our foot down as a dragon.

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