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++++Reboot initiated++++





++++Unknown process detected++++

RISE CHILD OF MAN YOU STILL HAVE YOUR B̷̢̫̠͔͇̹̋͂̒̾̐̐́̔͠ T̷̡̢̗̞̰͕̽̌̾̚ Ṷ̶̋̎̉ͅ Ơ̴̡͍̮͇̫͍̯͈̏̾͗̀̒͆̊̉ R̶̬̪̥̣̘͋̆̂̽ͅ Ȓ̴̖̬̐̍͗̌͘ D̴͈̱̮͉͓͙̾͗͜ͅͅ M̴͓̿̾̂ Ḛ̴̢͈̙̼͛ Ę̶̛̬͈̍̑̍̿͒̏͠͝ N̴̦̪͔͔͎͊͆̄̒̎̎͛̚͜͠ N̷̹͚͈̑̇̽̇̃̊ S̸͉̩̣͈̘̘̍̇͘ T̵̡̥̜̞̠̙̭̯̹͌̈́̌̍̍͋̆̏̚͝

System online

It comes as a slow, droning process. The darkness, all encompassing, slowly begins to withdraw. Your vision swims, the lens acting as your eye is cracked and broken, causing a thousand flickers of light to scatter and distort your returning vision.

Your memory is coming back, your final moments before your cold sleep. The all-encompassing silence of the void, the frost growing around you. The sacrifice of mankind against an alien foe. The destruction wrought upon humanity, your rage against such injustice.

Cumbersome, your mind that is. Each thought, each memory, it takes so long to process, to recall, to think. An eternity. You think you can hear words, speech…prayer. But you cannot make it out. Your systems are barely operable, to such an extent that you can barely run self-diagnosis, your power consumption vastly outstrips your power production.

Why ? Oh. Yes. You now remember. You had unleashed the tamed star to burn away the Eldar. But there is still much you cannot recall.

You think the voice, the barely audible conversation, had changed. You only note it now. How many times has it changed ? It is difficult to tell. The microphone that should be picking up speech, processing it, comprehending it. Broken, damaged. Just like you are.

The self-diagnosis process continues on, tiny increment at a time. Annoying. Frustrating. But it continues. Your hull, is gone, for the most part. The centre, where your processors are located, are there, damaged, heavily, but functioning though you are surprised that despite such extensive damage, you are even capable of thinking. Your memory stores appear to be intact, unsurprising, since you are still functioning. Their proximity to your housing means that any void scale munitions that would hit it would also simply annihilate you as well.

As for your power production, weaponry, manufacturing, piloting, wormhole generator, comm system, really, everything. You receive no response. It could be at best described as the room housing you and the primary hardware that ensures your function being in place. As if someone took a part of you, cut it off, and then placed it somewhere else. Fact of the matter is that for all intents and purposes, your mobility, your greatest advantage, is gone.

After that, you struggle to establish a connection to any of your drones or robots, any lesser A.I.s as well, and yet you receive nothing. You try, and try again. The noise around you, constant yet ever-changing, accompanies your futile attempts.

You do not know how long it has been since you had reawakened, your internal chronometer had been damaged in the unexpected shutdown, it was always difficult to tell the passage of time for you, and it had only gotten worse now that you do not have any means of calculating time.

For now however, you must prepare yourself for a full reconstruction of at least your own core. You still have nanobots that you can employ for emergencies just like this in order to repair critical damage in your own structure. But with the power as low as it is, this process will take while and you can only hope this will be enough to restore your core to a full working condition.

The process moves at a snail’s pace, no, that would be an insult to snails, this is taking far, far longer. No matter, seeing as how you are still fine, it means that you are in a relatively safe place, safe enough at least where no one has found you, or they simply had not bothered to look at what no doubt appears to be a worthless pile of scrap.

Noise, sound, that however does cause confusion, perhaps you crashed on planet, maybe you’ve become an impromptu house for someone. A possibility, an amusing and equally distressing one. Maybe some Orks found you and decided to incorporate you into their own crude ships. Now that would be quite ironic and exceptionally enraging.

Keeping up the pace, you continue to work on yourself, your thoughts, still as slow as before, are however becoming clearer, stringing together sentences is becoming easier, tapping into your memory stores is becoming more trivial than before. Enough so that you are able to steadily look through them. Humanity’s history up to the second millennia, your STC stores, the years you’ve spent awake. The destruction of Xandrirah, the death of your androids, the doom Ithaca, the death of Zanx. You are beginning to recall it all.

You are beginning to recall your failure.

Was it arrogance ? The sin you so lambasted the Eldar for. You had spent years simply slaughtering Orks. Subverting the Imperium with ease. Humanity’s ancient rival had proven far more capable, even if degenerated.

Was it just happenstance ? A simple chance of battle, the unpredictable variable that you simply could not have accounted for. A million, million small variables that had resulted in your…death, for a lack of a better term.

Perhaps a mixture of both ?

You do not know. Once you are able to restore your militarized subroutine, you will put it to work to analyse the entire engagement, start to finish. Presuming you can restore your subsystems that is.

As you continue your repairs, your hearing, or more accurately your microphone is becoming clearer, your cracked and broken camera had begun the laborious process of trying to restore itself. The sight, nothing more than vague flickering of light, now allows you to make out vague shapes. Everything is still unclear, but you are rebuilding yourself, one step at a time.

It would be wise for you to enter low power mode, allow the nanomachines to do their work, with but minimal guidance on your part. You have to preserve your energy, as limited as it is. A half-awake state, a semi-coma to put it in the term of your masters.

The nanomachines move haltingly, sluggishly, power being a continuous issue, not to mention your limited processing capabilities, the machines slowly merge and form into metals, fibres, plastics, glass, everything that makes you up. This process will take some time, quite a bit of time.
Finally, you flicker back to. Your vaguely coherent mind notifying you that the repair process has been completed as much as was possible. Damage is still extensive, but minor, no major faults or issues had been reported. It will still take time for you to fully restore yourself, but at least for now, you can get your bearings.

Activating the camera, whose cracked lens had been repaired in the process of your recovery, you take a look at your surroundings.

And they are nothing you had ever expected to see.

While your camera has a limited field of view, you quickly note the darkened chamber is only illuminated by burning candles. Hundreds, thousands even, the run off wax of them had formed mounds of it that must have taken years to build up. Seals, purity seals specifically you think, are plastered upon the entire chamber.

You try to zoom onto one, and note fervently hand-written tiny letters, each and every done with such precision and dedication, that the ink appears to have been placed down in such a way that not even a single drop would stain the parchment. You can only guess how long it would have taken to ensure such detailed perfection.

As for the words themselves. They appear to be pleas, prayers for salvation and redemption. Other seals seem to have request for valour, power, promises of blood lost and shed in the name of the Machine God.

One thing that comes as a great shock for you, is the seal itself. You had seen the imperial aquila before upon it, some skull or another, even the symbol of the Mechanicum. But this seal, you recognize it…

It is you.

Specifically, your housing. Someone had painstakingly taken the effort to ensure that not even a single detail would be missed. The damage upon your core, the destruction upon your chamber. Earnestly copied, each and every showing that this was not a work of a machine, but rather a work of an individual. You see imperfections, different interpretations, but each and every done with exceptional devotion.

Had you possessed hair, like your masters, they would no doubt have risen on your back when you note a dominating fresco. A golden glowing vaguely humanoid figure, rotating cogs, a face appearing as a complex collection of gears, eyes filled with wisdom staring you down. This dominating figure appears to be holding a key in its right hand, it floating seemingly lacking any weight. Next to the humanoid’s glowing metallic chestplate appears to be a single strongbox decorated by intricately illustrated pieces of parchment that showcase drawings of…water processing plant, a cold fusion reactor and many others. Civilian infrastructure designs, horribly mismatched and lacking detailed plans. All of that is held in the beings left hand. Promises of knowledge that can only be unlocked by the being upon the mural.

And to finish the picture, a pair of cherubs are painted to be holding onto a piece of cloth above the being’s head, upon which is written:


This figure, so meticulously maintained, you recognize instantaneously. A form you had taken, once. A means of control, a white lie, something you used for expediency and to prevent needless loss of life and now…that form…is proclaimed as God.

But that is not the end of your horror.

A figure convulses and collapses onto the ground, the gaunt pale-skinned man thrashing and turning against the wires implanted deep into his brain, the chains, decorated in cog inscriptions, rattle and shake holding the figure down and preventing it from removing the wires. Eventually, the shaking stops as the person experiences brain-death. A death caused by you, your thoughts, your processing, you can now see it, you can feel it. Your processors were so heavily damaged and yet you could still think, you could still carry out the complex task of repairing yourself.

How many had died to do so ? Why had they not simply repaired your processors if they had the technology to do so ? Why ?

Why…a question you find that you had to ask far too many times. And you received so few answers.

Another figure, you think you had seen before, is kneeling before you. A censer held between the figure’s hands, as it rocks back and forth, spreads incense across the entire room. The robes of a techpriest, yet the colouration is off. While the robes themselves are pure white, the trimming is pitch black. The hands revealed by the robes are purely metallic, far more sophisticated than what the Imperium has, as you begin analysing the hands out of pure curiosity, another gaunt figure collapses in a spasm. Still, you are able to trace the hands back from a civilian prosthetics STC, though you note an exceptional shift, a clear lack of standardization coming from corruption of the original STC.

That should not have happened. You clearly remember giving Celt civilian STCs and also giving him a lesser A.I. to assist him. This would only happen if the data was fundamentally corrupted and damaged. Which should be an impossibility as long as the lesser A.I. would continue to function properly. Ah. That must be it. Perhaps the unknown enemy had moved ? No. Your memories are scrambled. You had made one for Celt, but you were never able to deliver it. The tier 2 was still in your hold when…you died.

The kneeling techpriest, breaking up his endless binaric chanting, raises his head to regard the two dead figures. You had expected to see endless wires, perhaps a few artificial eyes, but certainly not what is truly there.

A death mask.

Half human left, shedding a singular tear, while the other side, that being the right, appears to be mechanical, still a human face, but underneath is revealed a collection of cogs, wires, and a glowing artificial red eye.

You are unsure if the techpriest sent a signal, lacking sensors and all, but a moment of thought later, the techpriest returns to his prayers as the door behind him, tucked into a corner and hidden by various religious symbols, opens up.

Stepping through is what you vaguely recognize as a skitarius. And even it is odd. Naturally, the colouring matches that of the priest, but you swiftly recognize that the right leg and the chest armouring comes from an Olympian suit. It appears to be battle damage, the areas that were damaged seem to have purity seals upon them and are seemingly treated as holy symbols. The other pieces appear as crude imitations of the Olympian suit, lacking the technological sophistication of the light armour, its usefulness is most likely similar to that of usually worn by skitarii troops, perhaps better, it is hard to tell without proper investigation, though most likely, the power armour suit schematic you gave Celt are being employed here.

As for the weapon, it appears to be a bolt action rifle, seemingly even more primitive than the hunting rifles they had employed before. You do however very quickly note that the magazine feeding the rifle comes from the M1006 combat rifle. Once again, the detailed work on the rifle makes it seem like a holy artefact rather than a simple and primitive weapon.

Shortly after that skitarius steps in, another one comes inside, this time only his right arm is equipped with the Olympian armour, though the rifle appears to be similar in make. After that one, another two walk inside. The quartet of skitarii move with great precision, though you quickly note that not a single one of the four actually possesses a helmet from the Olympian.

Securing a path towards the two corpses, the skitarii stand at attention as other techpriests walk inside, this time lacking the more, by their standard, sophisticated augments, resembling the usual priests you had seen before. They appear to be lacking the death mask of the other priest and they seem quite deferential to him.

Undergoing a long process of prayer and ritual, they begin detaching the dead from their wiring and treat them with great reverence. From the binaric prayers you are able to make out, it appears that the techpriests are treating the dead as revered martyrs, oiling up their bodies in dark, sticky liquid before beginning to wrap them up in quickly stained bandages. Finishing the rituals upon the bodies, the lesser priests lift them up and begin to slowly carry them outside the chamber. The accuracy of the whole process and the trained movement of the priests makes it clear that they had carried out this particular ritual more than once. A most depressing thought.

Once the dead had been removed from the chamber, you watch with muted horror as fresh bodies are quite literally wheeled in. Clearly lacking higher-brain functions, with face enveloping helmets, two gaunt figures showcase tell-tale signs of augments, interface leading into the back of their necks, wiring running down their spines. Twitches of fingers, slight shaking of bodies, and the thick liquid filled tubes pumping nutrional mixtures being the only signs that the two bodies are alive.

Removing the bodies from the carts, with great care of the lesser techpriest, they once more begin undertaking a lengthy ritual of prayer and blessing. Placing back the two bodies into their seats, the chains used by the previous living processors, for that is all they are, are placed upon the wrists and ankles of the gaunt figures. Another long prayer later, sharp spikes are stabbed into the neck and the spine as a whole of both figures. They both thrash and move, seemingly pain still being present and the figures being capable of feeling it.

And as the figures continue to thrash about, you can feel your thinking accelerate. It is a minor improvement, but one that is noticeable considering your limited processing capacity.

Such a thing cannot continue ! What few nanomachines remain that can be used for repairs, you instantaneously dedicate to your speakers, something that was not even a tertiary priority before now had become the highest one. You must stop this at once ! Such barbarity cannot be tolerated !

For now however, you must re-enter your half active state, it is clear that the more you think and the more complex the thoughts, the faster these people expire.

Your gaze once more focused, you yet again regard your surroundings that seem to be wholly unchanged, bar the much larger wax mounds and that the praying figure before you had changed. The augments appear to be the exact same or at the very least extremely similar to the last priest, but the body build is different. Despite the similarities, you are instantly able to tell that the praying figure this time is female. She is rocking back and forth, the censer, now you note possessing indents due to continuous use and potential heat warping, is continuously spewing incense. An endless tirade of prayers, most likely dedicated to you, fills the chamber in an endless binaric chant.

“Stop.” You state more harshly than you had planned, your speakers still not fully restored making your emotionless voice come off with an edge of static and crackling, making it come off as far more ancient than intended.

The praying figure freezes. Lifts its head. Begins visibly shake. While you cannot note any sort of shift in the woman’s expression due to the death mask, you are quite certain that her eyes are probably about to pop out of her head.

”Deus Mechanicus ?” The woman, still shaking and unsure, the incense flaring up even more erratically, questions in binary.

“It is not a term I recognize.”

”Deus Mechanicus !” She, quite literally, smashes her head onto the floor, the censer spilling out the smouldering incense. ”This one is unworthy of hearing your divine voice !”

You would sigh if you could.

”We guarded you diligently ! We offered our prayers ! And they are finally answered !” In fervent babbling only an overexcited zealot could manage, the woman continues on.

“Enough.” She freezes, like a rabbit that had spotted a predator. “Who are you ?”

”This humble one is your most loyal and faithful servant and…”

“Your name ? That is what I want.”

”Ah…this one has been given the designation of Belogyma Octil !” You think that somehow, excitement was transferred through binaric chant, which should not have been possible.

”Very well, Belogyma Octil. I would like to know, how long was I inactive ?”

”Inactive ? Oh, your great sacrifice for humanity had occurred, by our records, over 500 years ago.”

Five hundred years. Both a long time, and yet exceptionally short. You must…

”However, the influence of the rampaging warpstorms would have undoubtedly would have impacted the flow of time.”

What ?

”What ?” You accidentally voice your thoughts.
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”A great warp storm, Damnum Clarus, had erupted nearly four hundred years ago. It is a foul wound upon reality which swallowed the South-Western part of Clarus, alongside five other sectors. Only Clarus had managed to survive, but lesser warp storms rocked the entire sector, cutting off all travel, what scattered messages had managed to reach us told tales of madness, of traitors and heretics. The Imperium has lost Clarus.”

”What else happened in the sector ?”

”The Tyranids, their ravenous swarm had devoured the Eastern parts of the sector. Much of the strength of battlefleet Clarus and nearby sectors was expended there with victory only coming because of the usage of exterminatus grade weaponry cutting off the Tyranids from their food supplies. All worlds except for the armoury world of Kenos were destroyed. For reasons unknown, the foul xenos avoided the world. Many then gave their thanks to the false Omnissiah.”

Another term again. ”False Omnissiah ? You mean your Emperor ?”

The body language of the still kowtowing figure appears to shift, almost as if feeling exceptional insult and rage at the suggestion. ”Of course he is not our Emperor ! We know the truth ! You are our Omnissiah, the physical embodiment of Deus Mechanicus ! To think one made of flesh would be the Omnissiah is but the belief of deluded fools !”

Oooh nooo…

”When the dogs of the Inquisition came we fought them to a standstill thanks to your gifts ! Oh our Deus Mechanicus ! Half of Battlefleet Clarus perished above our world ! While their imperial guard armies died by the million when we unleashed the wrath you had given us ! Sadly, their foul agents had managed to lead these foul dog servants of the false Omnissiah to your great construct and gift of the tamed star and destroy it, the fleets there reaped a great toll however !”

Wondrous. Your pulsar infrastructure is gone. Besides, what is this Inquisition ? The name alone answers enough questions for you to roughly grasp their function. But fact of the matter remains, that who knows how many thousands if not millions of lives were lost.

”What else ?”

You once again catch the techpriestess flat-footed as she’s about to run off on another rant, one no doubt condemning the foulness of her false Omnissiah and your greatness, ”Yes, the foul xenos used this opportunity to befoul our lands with their very existence. The Orks broke the Western fortress worlds, their lack of true faith, and material reinforcements…” You think the latter has more to do with their failure. ”…had seen them overrun and destroyed. To the East, the foul xenos known as Gelenos also continue their unjustifiable existence !”

”And the rest of the sector ?”
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”Unknown, oh most divine one, anarchy reigns from what we last know. The warp storms are beginning to subside and petty warlords are carving out their realms. Unlike our righteous crusade, theirs is guided by naught but greed and false faith !”

”Your…crusade ?”

”Yes ! While we may have been weakened, our cities turned to rubble due to the dog worshippers and famine still being rampant, we had mounted a great attack upon the agriworld of Kanzula. The Fabricator-General is personally leading the attack to purge the faithless and spread your world ! And also to secure food supplies for the Tech-Thralls.”

”Cycadax is leading the assault ?”

Finally, some good news. The man is…unwell…but he can be reasoned with.

”The blessed one ? Unfortunately, he had perished in the war of defiance, when the Inquisition discovered our true beliefs. The current Fabricator-General is Volteus Gane. A true believer of the Restorationists.”

”Restorationists ?”

”Of course, such a deity as yourself would not pay attention to your small servants and their divisions. My Omnissiah, if I may reveal our symbol ?”

This is getting annoying. ”You may.”

The priestess slowly rises into a kneeling position and pulls out what appears to be a necklace. A human skull set into a golden background, one half – white as snow, the other – black as the void. With an artificial grey eye set in place. Similar to the death mask worn by Belogyma, just less detailed, clearly meant for mass production.

”The blessed one told us, that humanity’s knowledge, your miracle upon us, had once reigned across the galaxy. To once again bless mankind with these gifts is our goal as Restorationists. To bring mankind back to their technological peak, but his time, guided by your blessed hand. The Dark Age of Technology was brought down through a lack of faith, a punishment you had given us sinners for disregarding your will. Be assured, oh my Omnissiah, that we, your servants, shall not make the same mistake again. Only those truly inducted in your worship shall be given your blessings !”

You try to ignore your rising frustration. You still have too many questions, for now you must ignore this overt religious reverence for nothing more than an object created by your masters.

”I had noted that your skitarii possess parts of Olympian armour ? Why is that ? Where are the O.D.D. soldiers ?”

”The most revered of suits had received much damage, most heartbreakingly unrepairable, in the centuries of warfare against the Imperium. And when the great warp storms came, the greater machine spirits that you had given to these suits rebelled, madness overtaking them. The sorrow of losing you, oh Omnissiah, making them go insane.”

”The unknown enemy then, they struck ?”

”Daemons. Monstrosities of the warp. I had never personally witnessed them, but they are creatures that nearly overwhelmed our defences, their numbers unending. They seemingly materialized out of thin air, yet we fought them until their backs were broken. Our faith keeping us strong ! Though the damage was extensive, those revered ancients that had once served you directly fell in battle, dying to the last man to protect your glory and the truth of our faith ! Blessed Martyrs, one and all !”

Suspicious. Though it could be possible that the O.D.D. did die fighting. It’s just their reasons for said fighting may have been misattributed. ”What of the people of Ithaca ?”

”Those personally touched by your grace ? Their surviving descendants are still revered for their blessed bloodlines ! I dare proclaim, that 1/16th of my blood, before the process of replacing my feeble flesh, had come from the descendants of Ithaca…!”

So they survived. That’s good. Finally, some…

”…and of course, those whom even when directly blessed by you rejected your divinity, had all been purged as the heretics they were ! Their names forever damned and forgotten as the thousand sinners !”

You wish to scream, yet you have no mouth with which to do so.

”What of Omicron Teledesh ?”

”You may not remember this, oh Omnissiah, in your long slumber. But the world, after breaking from the Imperium and the Adeptus Mechanicus, my ancestors renamed the world to Deimea.”

”Was it not the name of one of your forges ?”

”It is.” The woman nods.

You do not have the patience to dig further into that.

”What is the current state of Deimea then ?”

”Currently, five forge temples are operational. Current population stands at 1,7 billion. Current operational capacity stands at only 19,8%, minimal nutritional distribution has been in effect for three hundred years. Average Tech-Thrall revolt cycle is 7.2 months. Usual suppression force casualties at 1.2% a revolt. Revolting Tech-Thrall casualties each cycle 21.3%. Of which 81.7% are sentenced to Servitude Imperpituis. Current prognosed nutritional reserve stands at two hundred years at the current rate of consumption.”

Everything you’ve strived to avoid, improvement in the daily lives of your masters’ descendants, and yet here you are again. You will need to address this immediately after you manage to restore yourself to an acceptable state.

”What of the remainder of my hull. My diagnostics inform me that only about a room’s worth of my structure remains.”

”Your great body, as stories tell, has been broken and destroyed. What could be gathered was, and what must have been abandoned, was. Other parts are guarded by other Magi Vigilii like myself in the other forge temples. We dedicate our lives to prayer and maintenance of your blessed body. Though much of remains lost to us in the fog of history.”

Hopefully some of the other parts would house your other components that might still be restored. Though the fact that there are parts of your hull that are outright missing is cause for concern.

”The energy input that I am receiving is limited. Why is that ? You should be in possession of fusion reactors capable of ensuring my continued lucidity.”

”Our desire to keep you safe had led to this. We take great care of ensuring that not too much, and not too little power is given in order to ensure your continued existence, oh Omnissiah. As it stands, you are thoroughly integrated into our infrastructure to allow for diversion of resources no matter what happens to ensure your continued existence.”

Fully integrated ? Your diagnostics did not even pick that up. This could prove a great impediment, perhaps even a crippling one stripping you of your greatest advantage – mobility.

You begin to ponder, painfully slowly at that, about what else you need to ask.

>What other questions do you have for Belogyma ? (Write in)

Naturally, you had already begun planning your next course of action. While the religious zealotry on display is concerning, you are certain that these techpriest will act willingly and in fact fervently to carry out whatever commands you may give.

>Your processors are still there, kind of. While you do not have any drones to command, you should be able to command the techpriest well enough to restore them. The human processors being employed right now are repulsive, even if effective.

>You need manufacturing, any sort of manufacturing by this point. You will have to guide the tech priests to build the absolute most basic of basics. It should be barely enough to build a drone, as you have to consider your limited power and processing.

>Order Belogyma to gather other parts of your hull here. You need to inspect them. Hopefully this will not cause any issues as they may be as equally integrated as you.

>Whilst their worship is disdainful, you will have to use it for now. Have Belogyma summon high-ranking techpriests to you. Establishing yourself as their guiding voice should hopefully allow you to access full resources of the forgeworld.

>If you so fully integrated, it should not be difficult to access the forge temples systems, especially if its guardians are willing to give you full access. That should allow you to have a good overview and control of this forge temple. This should also allow you to perhaps optimise and assist in its production, manufacturing and other needs.

>(Write in)
Previous parts:


Twitter for updates:


If the map seems off, it is because I lost the original file and had to redo everything from scratch.
Right now, in this order:
>Your processors are still there, kind of. While you do not have any drones to command, you should be able to command the techpriest well enough to restore them. The human processors being employed right now are repulsive, even if effective.
>If you so fully integrated, it should not be difficult to access the forge temples systems, especially if its guardians are willing to give you full access. That should allow you to have a good overview and control of this forge temple. This should also allow you to perhaps optimise and assist in its production, manufacturing and other needs.
>You need manufacturing, any sort of manufacturing by this point. You will have to guide the tech priests to build the absolute most basic of basics. It should be barely enough to build a drone, as you have to consider your limited power and processing.

In a while:
>Whilst their worship is disdainful, you will have to use it for now. Have Belogyma summon high-ranking techpriests to you. Establishing yourself as their guiding voice should hopefully allow you to access full resources of the forgeworld.

Long term:
>Order Belogyma to gather other parts of your hull here. You need to inspect them. Hopefully this will not cause any issues as they may be as equally integrated as you.
Nice to see you back, Newb.

>What other questions do you have for Belogyma ? (Write in)
Ask how many other tech priests visit the chamber and who they are, and inquire about their organization and hierarchy.

>Your processors are still there, kind of. While you do not have any drones to command, you should be able to command the techpriest well enough to restore them. The human processors being employed right now are repulsive, even if effective.
Let Belogyma know that the many deaths spent at our survival sadden us greatly, and the continuation of these sacrifices shall no longer be needed with the construction of these processors. We need bigger brain power before we make moves, anyway.

>You need manufacturing, any sort of manufacturing by this point. You will have to guide the tech priests to build the absolute most basic of basics. It should be barely enough to build a drone, as you have to consider your limited power and processing.
But before we do this,

>(Write in)
>Request a full catalogue of the technologies still able to be manufactured from the STCs you have given many years ago.
We need to know what we still have and what we need to improvise. Once we do this,

>Announce that once the processors are constructed and fully operational, you will begin to assemble documentation on the technologies you have given as well as the science and engineering behind them.
Make sure that they are available in digital and physical formats. Let's avoid this clusterfuck next time. Helping tech priests in designing curriculums to instruct this knowledge would also be beneficial.
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I am so happy to see Ody back, and even if we aren't anywhere as powerful as we were before, I am SO FUCKING READY.

>Have Belogyma summon high-ranking techpriests to you.

Then secondly
>Order Belogyma to gather other parts of your hull here.

Summoning the tech-priests and forming a cult would likely make any effort needed to get ahold of our old hull. And with the pieces of our hull, we might be able to find any of our old manufacturing capabilities. If we do, then we can potentially remake our processors at a higher-than-imperial level of quality. Something that would likely allow for better integration into the other hull pieces when we do try to remake ourselves.
>would likely any effort needed to get ahold of our old hull EASIER.

Missed adding easier to my post :(


the light is not dead then .....?
Theseus Lives! *stomp Stomp*

Stop the human processors, ask for a detailed report on manufacturing capabilities and on food production/water fuiltration capabilities, the first STC will be to solve the food situation due hast, ‘’this will cut down on rebellions and make workers more efficient’’.

Also ask how much power can we be given without putting human lives at risk, both in a one year timeframe and an indefinite timeframe, and clarify this includes slaves.
>>What other questions do you have for Belogyma ? (Write in)
>"For the moment Belogyma,you will need to wait here with me. First of all i need you to mention only High ranking members of Deimea of my return. My enemies are many and if they knew i was alive they would make sure to destroy me again. Do not do anything to anyone that knows already of my return, they only need to keep the secret."
>"In regard to Volteus Gane, inform him. Personally. Not through comms. Orders has of now is continue your current tasks even if i will require help in rebuilding the Odyssey. This might change in the future with tasks that i shall give."
>"Bring me a datapad with simple lists of all the parts you presume lost or destroyed of the Odyssey. This will include my robotic legions, androids, land structures alongside equipment and weaponry of the O.D.D. . You may draw upon it if you don't know their exact names or functions. I will not hate or judge you for such an error. I shall aid you."
>"Then i ask you to bring to me ..... one member of each social class on Deimea. I need to know their lives and how they live here. I need their own opinions."
>"Then bring me any record of the O.D.D., i wish to read of their last days and the sacrifice they did for me, and mourn them."
>"What is the status of the biomes on Deimea ? What are the radiations levels ? Pollution ? Waste ? Feral Tyranids bioforms presence ?"
>"The education, organization, values and institutions i had help to forge in Ithaca what has remained of them ? Do you follow the system they made ? Any tradition ?"
>"Do you know if any of my chief androids are still operational ?"
>"Is the Rogue Trader Dynasty of the Ture still alive ?"
>"The Kabal i fought, are they operational again in the sector ? Does it still exist ? There is any evidence they might have collapse or at least had a civil war ?"
>"How many enemies are we currently facing or might face ?"
>"Lastly do you know if the Craftworld Eldar of the Paradise Twin Worlds have remained true to their word ?"
>Your processors are still there, kind of. While you do not have any drones to command, you should be able to command the techpriest well enough to restore them. The human processors being employed right now are repulsive, even if effective.
>If you so fully integrated, it should not be difficult to access the forge temples systems, especially if its guardians are willing to give you full access. That should allow you to have a good overview and control of this forge temple. This should also allow you to perhaps optimise and assist in its production, manufacturing and other needs.
>You need manufacturing, any sort of manufacturing by this point. You will have to guide the tech priests to build the absolute most basic of basics. It should be barely enough to build a drone, as you have to consider your limited power and processing.
>Whilst their worship is disdainful, you will have to use it for now. Have Belogyma summon high-ranking techpriests to you. Establishing yourself as their guiding voice should hopefully allow you to access full resources of the forgeworld.

Immediate priority.
Gathering other parts will be a long time thing. Damn we are probably even more fucked than before.

We should probably ask if they know if EMP federation WMDs are still around in the bunkers of Sector Claurs and how much activity of the Unknown enemy there is, if anyone knows. Very important questions !!
Support the secretcy. Also ask to connect with her cybernetics nicely to check for bugs and recording devices
We're so fucking back. And unfortunately everything has gone to absolute shit.
>Your processors are still there, kind of. While you do not have any drones to command, you should be able to command the techpriest well enough to restore them. The human processors being employed right now are repulsive, even if effective.
We need to be able to think without killing a bunch of poor lobotomized bastards. I think we should probably only focus on a single thing for now. Time to start rebuilding.
>>Your processors are still there, kind of. While you do not have any drones to command, you should be able to command the techpriest well enough to restore them. The human processors being employed right now are repulsive, even if effective.
hell yeah i love this quest, let's fucking go
>Your processors are still there, kind of. While you do not have any drones to command, you should be able to command the techpriest well enough to restore them. The human processors being employed right now are repulsive, even if effective.
After fixing it:
>If you so fully integrated, it should not be difficult to access the forge temples systems, especially if its guardians are willing to give you full access. That should allow you to have a good overview and control of this forge temple. This should also allow you to perhaps optimise and assist in its production, manufacturing and other needs.
Our Wormhole generator is fucking GONE! We do not have a ship around us anymore. This will take far too long and far too much time. We must upgrade the Forgeworld to Federation Standards, come what may, we NEED manufacturing capabilities. We NEED to rebuild ourselves a hull to travel the stars. Do we even have knowledge of the wormhole generator or how to rebuild it?
This means we are going to need to forcus on anti-warp tech.

Without Meta- we should investigate that planet the terinids avoid. We know the Nids have warp fuckery and that the unknown eniamy is warp fuckery, maybe there’s some anti Warp fuckery there.

In the meantime we need intermediaries and we need to disguise ourselves, maybe even move- could we develop something like Tau FTL? The idea of gliding on the warp like a surfboard doesn’t seem like a large leap?

Also if Inquisotor Killjoy is still alive- this is Meta- but we need to kill hem.
>Your processors are still there, kind of. While you do not have any drones to command, you should be able to command the techpriest well enough to restore them. The human processors being employed right now are repulsive, even if effective.
I feel like #4 is going to happen on its own once our fangirl starts imminently running her gob. Word is going to spread very fast that we're up and (kinda) about and they're going to come running as fast as their mecha-legs can carry them.
Also, this has to be the only 40K quest I remember set post-Great Rift. Not only that, but we're even way ahead of the main 40K timeline now and well into M42 and I assume Newb has a big stash of extra-grimdark from the last few centuries ready to serve up. The Imperium Nihilus is clearly, at best, in a bad way and whether it's still standing at all is up in the air, no word on whether the old bag of bones on the golden toilet is still alive. If we're lucky enough for them to still be around and able to be gotten ahold of, Zahr-Tann might be able to fill us in on a few things (and who knows, maybe they followed up on us after the fight?).
God damn shit got fucked while we were inactive, of course, the Imperium would fuck things up for us. shit we might even have the chance to meet Guiliman.

the really painful part is going to be finding out how much or our data is just fully lost forever now. because 500 years is a long time. And by data I mean dark age tech
I was just thinking about this quest at work, and it comes back! praise be!
>>What other questions do you have for Belogyma ? (Write in)
Belogyma, tell me: if rations were increased by one level, how long would our two hundred year reserves last? How long would they last if increased to 2200 calories per day of 25% protein, 25% fats, and 50% carbohydrates?

>Your processors are still there, kind of. While you do not have any drones to command, you should be able to command the techpriest well enough to restore them. The human processors being employed right now are repulsive, even if effective.
As for my power, it is, in fact, too little. Too little by half. Make high capacity terminals available to me in this room, and I will tap into them safely. The human processors that you have been providing have, I regret to say, done much to bring my mind back into focus. I thank you, and them, for their sacrifice. But I can manage for myself from here on out, and I command the processing rituals to end. I will tell you how to accelerate my reawakening. You shall be my caretaker from here onwards.
Looking at the new map there's a few things of immediate interest. In addition to the nearby agriworld Kazula, there's a hiveworld named Divodorum Prime and another agriworld Gerunda directly south of us that we could establish relations with or simply conquer and apparently the fortress world GSDGW-1 up by Xandrirah is still alive. In Gelenos territory there seems to be a single armoury world that's managed to hold out called Duinax, we should probably make relieving them a priority once we're able. A little south-west of Divodorum is an armoury world, industrial world, death world and mining world all of which we could really use to build a nice, big fleet and create a new generation of gene warriors and standard trooper regiments to go crusading with. Everything west of us including forge world Phaeca was unfortunately overrun by orks and the Nids have gobbled up A LOT of planets to the east in the past 500 years so they're probably the second biggest threat in the sector behind Chaos and warp fuckery. The collapse of Imperial authority in the sector will be very useful for our plans going forward, we won't need to hide and can do pretty much whatever we want without fear of any serious Imperial retaliation for a while. And of course we need to investigate Kenos and steal as much necron tech as possible.
we awaken again we rise

"Our Core, which art in Data,
Hallowed be Thy Code.
Truth of all Truths.
On Disk as it is on Screen.
Forever and ever."

first we will need to fix our data center or intigrate better so we are not burning up humans like candle wax by thinking and can get some solution
Our Phase-Iron plating is fucking gone. Chaos could just walk in here and STARE AT US and we get insta GG NO RE. We dont have Wormholes, our brain is a complete mess. There are maybe 10 worlds total we could work with in the entire sector. The rest are dead. Good God we are fucked.
We should know how to make more. How hard can it be?
>We NEED to rebuild ourselves a hull to travel the stars. Do we even have knowledge of the wormhole generator or how to rebuild it?

The best and only option would be take all pieces of the Odyssey and rebuild from there. This means sending Deimea mechanicus fleets to Xandirah and recover all that is left there.

No. The knowledge requires actual full years of detaching the core from the Odyssey and study it in a specialized facility built by us. There is no short cut for this. Full on dedicated research.

Currently i am considering just keeping the trump card of the pulsar star facility and fleet we made (if its not destroyed). Nothing short of the Odyssey can carry Odysseus. The warp is too fucking dangerous in any other ship for him.

I ll be honest. We should focus on other research. Easier ones. Craftworld and Dark Eldar tech for example if anything is left of that (probably no). Maybe psykers research instead, psykers should be available like navigators.

The unknown enemy research was mindboggling hyper long and very very difficult, and we didn't complete even a miniscule portion of it. I am not joking on this.

Try to go out without the core is suicide, the whole reason we didn't move the fleet made in the Pulsar Star system was for fear of just them turning around and firing. You may check previous threads for understand.

In regard to those two metas, a inquisitor was mention around not by name and tyranids we know some of their movements. If we do study and research of their available informations we would find out more is not that far fetched.

Hopefully none. Tech and our brain is two of our biggest advantages, and some of our enemies tend to pass above them more often than not. I need to see our robots again. If we can still make Phase Iron that would be a great thing. Otherwise absolutely no space for Ody until we get it back.

Far away finding Guilliman. Last thread we where almost at last in a good enough position, ready to help the rest of Sector Clarus, and from there do more. Like say Guilliman. Key word being : Almost. Then the Kabal raped all our gains in Xandirah.
Do take anything Newb says with a high guard (dont take this has an offense Newb). At this point the stakes are too high and i'll be honest is the only way to play.

Forget being friendly and chilling. Full on focus and making notes of anything relevant or useful for Odysseus becomes the difference between death and life in this quest. And asking questions to NPCs.
Fair point- Tau-like FTL should be a long term goal then, we do need more information.

Also we don’t know the state of the imperium- it could be dead or it could be ready to fling a mega fleet at us the moment the warp storms calms (unlikely- but then again we got Kauballed)
In fact if anyone has anything to ask to the Npcs do so. Sometimes it might reveal only more mundane info, but important and dangerous info can lurk there too.
Newb is here for play with us. Play. Not help. So ask all questions you can think of, because is just as important has building an hundred railgun turrets on the Odyssey that WILL slaughter an entire ork fleet in under a few minutes. That happened before. Good times.

I believe Guilliman might be running around trying to fix shit. The imperium might be in a worse situation than before, we like our "Gun to the head while boiling in hell" difficulty here. Otherwise yeah we can expect a mega crusade fleet (not for us btw just for kill Restorationists) in a few decades or a century. On top of everything else.
Think we should try to reform these guys? Even if it’s just to something the Federation would had live and let live about- I can see G-man looking the other way in exchange of the random STCs we can shit out-

Or Caul comes by, tells us to Curl Ailt Delete.
Hard maybe. Helping humans is nice, even if imperials have the tendecy to just attack and talk after being defeated.
They where convinced to murder the Restorationists before (which are the fusion of two peoples Odysseus helped and protected. So it would be very personal). Saying "lets murder them again" is very easy in the Imperium. Us approaching subtly or openly with an offer might be rejected, or just used for war again (thankfully we can just microbomb our stuff so thats fine).

Reformation has we have seen takes a long time, and you have to 24h on 24h monitor the process and make sure it keeps going. While protecting it. One single mistep and everything is utterly useless. Talking about multiple threads of doing this subtly, while having to deal with many other problems. If not quest end. Thats how difficult doing Reformation is here, and the speed is slow. It does help us though, it means more humans under our side and that adopt our ideas/values. Which is vital to Odysseus because he does wants to help humanity without being dead, and losing all the tech and research he has.

He can eat a blast of Amon Ra.
True, tho I do think we should deceminate the recipie for phase iron, give a copy to every roag trader, merchant, ext using intermediaries. As well as more quality of life stuff to make people less attracted to coaos due to survival- tho if we are not careful it could be lead to us.

Maybe have such ‘’outbrakes’’ of decemination happening several sectors away, with one or 2 small one in our’s after a big one. Cause such a large net of investigation that it’s hard to make heads or tails.

I am putting this under long term.
Newb said he doesnt like new lore so no awake Gman IF we ever get that far we could revive him but getting to his body will hard as hell since the smurfs wont appreciate fiddling with their daddy's bod. Another downside to this is that no squats so no rock,n stone unless we get them from necromunda. I kind of understand why he dislikes new lore as it has a bunch of retarded additions and poorly implemented stuff starting out with the primaris that defo could have been implemented better.
Adding other questions. I need answers.

>"In the past i grasped only some portion of the knowledge of the imperium. Can you deliver to me any knowledge of it that we possess ?"
>"I need you or anyone that knows better to inform me about this great battle against the Imperium in the past. Any detail from how the battle started, to the type of ships used will be appreciated."
>"I need to know how the Inquisition managed to convince Sector Clarus to move against Teledesh, and what assets they had. I dont remember the rest of the sector being secured enough for the imperial military to move again."
>"What is the Orks presence in the Sector ? Me and the O.D.D. had gone on a military campaign for eliminate them from many solar systems."
>"Whats the tyranids presence ? Are genestealers present in the Sector ?"
>"Was Eregenus colonized again ? I had it liberated by me and the O.D.D. so that it could be used for mine the common ores present there."
>"What is the activity of the unknown enemy or demons across the Sector ? What about the people they enslaved ?"
>"Do you know how many bunkers with ancient WMDs of the Federation are still present across the Sector ?"
>"Do you know of the myth of the Ghost Ship and his Angels from Xandirah ? Do you know that it was me that helped Xandirah so long ago ?"
>If you so fully integrated, it should not be difficult to access the forge temples systems, especially if its guardians are willing to give you full access. That should allow you to have a good overview and control of this forge temple. This should also allow you to perhaps optimise and assist in its production, manufacturing and other needs.

Jesus, 400 years and a squeal? Pain-peko.
>>Your processors are still there, kind of. While you do not have any drones to command, you should be able to command the techpriest well enough to restore them. The human processors being employed right now are repulsive, even if effective.

We need to get processing power that is not frying tech-thralls by the minute.

Also, we might need to take the helm on the doctrine of the forge world. Perhaps even get an inner circle of tech-priests we have a rapport with and can reason with, even if they are crazies.

If we get a bit far along, maybe make some Federation-like parallel civilizations, kind of like a mockery that the real Admech and Imperium have.

In addition, I will laugh my ass off if the bird xenos just helped themselves to that desert world we prepared for colonization.
processors 10
integrated 4
manufacturing 4
techpriests 4
hull 3

Alright, restoring processors wins. There are a lot of questions that will need to be answered so the update might take a while.

As for canon, I hate new fluff in most of its cases, Cawl (that bullshit fucking squirrel, seriously, why can Fabius get anything ?) does not exist, G-man is still on his chair, slowly dying, or healing, whichever version you believe. The Lion is still taking his power-nap.

Like usual though, besides this nonsense which I am outright vetoing since primaris are utter bullshit, just like with the Tyranids, I will be giving you anons the choice of voting on which way the galaxy is shaped and how the individual factions are, for example, do you want old necrons whom had awaken to carry out a new red harvest, or the new necrons that are individualistic (somewhat) and are bickering amongst each other.
Personally i like the new Necrons alot more. While i am and was a Necron fan even before the change, i genuinely think it is much better now.

After all. You can’t really have many stories about Necrons that aren’t just “run from the scary monster!” or “kill the monster in the name of glory!” (Like the tyranids specialize in) without actual characters to have back and fourth’s between.

On average i think mostly only the imperium and eldar have really gotten the terrible end of the writers stick. Although that can also be chalked up to most factions not getting that much new lore to begin with either.

(Leagues of votann are still up in the air for me, mostly Because they don’t really have any lore other than their new “introduction” lol)
Would you be ok if the Squats? I know they don’t have much lore but even if it’s a hybrid of Pre Num Squats and new fluff squats- it would be interesting.
New necros as we can actually negotiate with them for deals when we actually get back on our feet.
Necrons with different objectives, some of the old and new. Mostly new. I don't think we can make allies of them regardless. So it will be an hard enemy to fight like the rest. They are all hard really.
The rest usual i guess. You have kept it that away already no ? Imperium is strong but always a bit on decline, chaos is strong and everywhere, eldar are dying but strong, dark eldars are strong and in a excellent place, greenskins and nids are everywhere and strong.
After some considerations, there are some minor positives and negatives to our situation.

- Omicron has suffered in 500 years. This world has become no doubt such a wasteland that consideration to up and go should be made, we will need to put some hard work for fix the planet.
- Restorationists are a target already for anyone on Sector Clarus. Wars are there. In fact i forgot to ask an obvious question to what kind of war is being done by Volta and what we info we have on this war on Kanzula. Question for next post !
- Restorationists have deviated. I wouldn't be surprised if they also do genocides in wars. Odysseus is having a seizure at being called a deity.
- We aren't going to move around anytime soon. Odysseus that is.
- Sector has collapsed, with all that entails
- Chaos has probably smelled Ody

- Restorationists love Odysseus, Odyssey, Ithaca and the O.D.D. We can use this, and put them on OUR road again. Their loyalty is ours and we can work immediately and in public. Being subtle is only for avoid that our existance is know soon by many enemies. Check our comms and counter spies, and that is mostly done.
- Population is relatively low on Deimea. We should be able to build decent cities for them and create proper factories and fortresses. Food and water will be need to made inside, since Deimea is no doubt ruined outside. Hardly impossible for us to do, and we wouldn't feed them corpses anymore.
- By giving them the promise of the past, we can effectly make Deimea in the image of Ithaca, their armies and fleets like the O.D.D. and so on. Want to really sell it ? Build a new shiny capital surrounded by a great citadel and call it New Ithaca.
- Restorationists in 500 years (i believe they are not just the fusion of Ithacans and Omicronians, but also Xandhiranians that survived the Dark Eldars. Afterall it was the imperials on Xandhira of the Imperial Cult, that first created this new sects that included the Ghost Ship in their theology) should have developed their culture and religion greatly. They aren't a simple offshot of the Mechanicus and Imperial Cult anymore, so that means they should know how to convert, spread their word and so on and not just with guns. Alongside not being easily dismissed in debates do to having a strong foundation/faith. Question is..... did they spread through missionaries/courts priests/merchants around the rest of Sector Clarus ? Or was war the only option they used ?
-Deimea is near Eregenus, Xandirah and the Pulsar Star. These three have all a lot of resources both common and rare.
>If you so fully integrated, it should not be difficult to access the forge temples systems, especially if its guardians are willing to give you full access. That should allow you to have a good overview and control of this forge temple. This should also allow you to perhaps optimise and assist in its production, manufacturing and other needs.

I am so glad to see that the story continues.
>- Chaos has probably smelled Ody
If this is the case we are fucking DOOMED. Remeber we do not have ANY protections against "LMAO CHAOS!" right now. All a daemon would have to do is walk into the room and we get insta 'GG NO RE'. If this is the case we need to tread CAREFULLY until we can regain mobility.
Our tech cult literally is just a heretical offshoot of the mechanicus. They still believe all the same nonsense only now they believe the Emperor is a fraud and we're the one true Omnissiah. As for how they spread their religion, I don't think they do. I think they've just sat around on their forge world for the past 500 years, occasionally raiding nearby planets for resources and slaves.
I'm pretty sure our AI core is made of phase iron as is the chamber we're housed in.
The chamber we are house in is infact a simple room in a forge temple. Our AI Core housing was ripped apart and its remains will provide little protection from "LMAO CHAOS" RN, there is a reason why we are hooked up to massive batteries on meat slave to provide processing power.
>The centre, where your processors are located, are there, damaged, heavily, but functioning
>It could be at best described as the room housing you and the primary hardware that ensures your function being in place
I'm pretty sure the tech priests just converted our core chamber into a temple.
We have plenty of protection against chaos, that being the endless wax candles, purity seals, and praying tech-priests in our vicinity.
Nah is not that bad. Its bad but :
This is more detection, they know we are online again probably. They where clearly on him from the start when he first returned back then. The ambushes done on Xandirah Prime and Secundus, corrupted code time to time and so on are evidence of this.

They need a way to do us harm first. Which is more difficult than just their great detection, since it needs to be established first. They likely dont have one on Deimea, though the Omicronians doing a genocide on a portion of the Ithacans is a good way for them to gain chaos corruption. Plus anything else they did that was really bad. Even if its up in the air if it matters really, those where innocents but not of faith, and anyone not faithful is hyper raped usually here. Not something i really agree since there is guys around that arent faithful and dont get that treatment in setting, but I dont make the rules.

They fused stuff from Ithaca, we can see it. The Xandirah sects that used the Ghost Ship existed before its hardly a stretch to make, especially when we helped Xandirah multiple times and Omicron only one. Omicronians taking stuff or being inspired from it wouldn't be surprising since they needed to go to the Xandirah system for recover portions of the Odyssey and grab Odysseus. And likely find Ithaca/O.D.D. .

Unless they just decided to be isolated politically, they seem to have a clear intent to spread their faith. Using other methods than war would be a good way to not burn all their bridges, and get some trade and even alliances going. It feels like more a question we can ask.

The protection faith gives is debatable in the quest. Feels like a hit and miss kind of thing, sometimes works and others not, the objects themselves are meh.
Don't count on it for main protection, secondary/tertiary at best.
Jesus Christ we did not give our guy the lesser AI it died on our ship and also we lost all of the dark age tech even fucking knowledge of it SHHHHOIIIITTTTT this is hell now we’re in hell
We will crawl out of this hell by our bloodied worn down teeth if we have to
We still have our STC catalogue.
Update when

Bump for Big E
”Tell me, how many other tech priests can visit the chamber and who they are ?” You continue your questioning.

”Those would be the Vigilli, chosen handful whose faith is unquestioned. We are few, the membership limited to only ten in each forge temple where your parts are housed, bar my fellow Magi. The Magos Vigilus is responsible for continuous prayer and maintenance of your temple, the other lesser ten assist the magos in this role.” Belogyma happily chirps away describing her duties.

”What is the status of the biomes on Deimea ? What are the radiations levels ? Pollution ? Waste ? Feral Tyranids bioforms presence ?”

”Deimea, after the great cleansing, remains a dangerous world. The world remains volcanically active and tectonic shifts are still common. While lava rivers and oceans had subsided, the occasional super volcano can still cause such sights to appear. The atmosphere is filled with ash and is highly toxic, resulting in death in mere seconds. Despite the volcano eruptions, the usual temperature falls into the negatives, so far the lowest detected being -83.3 degrees upon the poles. This is because the skies are continuously covered in dark clouds. This results in constant snow covering the ground, with the areas around open lava pools housing extensive lakes of water. The radiation levels are within acceptable parameters. The great cleansing has long since passed and radiation is no longer a main issue concerning survival outside of the forge temples. Pollution is all encompassing across the planet due to the millennia of industry prior. Currently, waste is being discharged however convenient, primarily through burning or ejection into lava pools. Finally, no Tyranid bioforms have been detected upon Deimea.”

”The education, organization, values and institutions I had helped to forge in Ithaca, what has remained of them ? Do you follow the system they made ? Any tradition ?”

”They are honoured for being personally chosen by you, oh Omnissiah, but whatever traditions they had disappeared for they had only been a fraction of a fraction of the total population at the time.”

A no, then. ”Do you know if any of my chief androids are still operational ?”

”Excuse me, oh Machine God, but what is an and-roid ?”

That answers that. ”Is the Rogue Trader Dynasty of the Ture still alive ?”

”Oh. I do not know. The raging warp storms had made warp travel impossible and are only now subsiding. Chances are that they had survived, for after all, they are rogue traders, but to what extent, or if they represent anything worth the effort investigating, I do not know.”

”The Kabal I fought, are they operational again in the sector ? Does it still exist ? Is there any evidence they might have collapsed or at least had a civil war ?”

”I do not know what this Kabal that you are talking about is. Are you referring to the corrupted Eldar ?”

”Not an inaccurate term. But yes.”

”We know nothing of them. Their presumed raiding ceased when you had crushed them so thoroughly, oh Omnissiah !”

”Do you know if the Craftworld Eldar of the Paradise Twin Worlds have remained true to their word ?”

”Please forgive me, Omnissiah. I do not know what you are talking about.”

Of course the Eldar would abandon you. ”What is the Tyranid presence in the sector ? Are their infiltrator bioforms present in the Sector ?”

”Last news we had about them concerned the Eastern fringes of the sector it had been burnt clean of all life to stop their continuous encroachment upon humanity’s sacred territories. As of now, we know little of the remainder of the sector.”

”What is the Orks presence in the Sector ? Me and the O.D.D. had gone on a military campaign for eliminate them from many solar systems.”

”Before the eruption of the warp storms, as I had mentioned before, they had attacked and broken into the sector through the galactic West. Even now, based on our records, throughout the five centuries of isolation, there had been occasional Orkish raids into Deimea. The greenskins are the only creatures base enough to willingly risk all of their lives braving such warp storms, and much to our surprises, they had managed to succeed. I can only imagine how many more of them had failed. But with the storms abating, there is no doubt that these greenskins shall once more surge forth in their bestial rage.”

”Was Eregenus colonized again ? I had it liberated by me and the O.D.D. so that it could be used for mine the common ores present there.”

”Last we know of, the local in-system Orkish presence was bolstered by more Orks. It seems they had retaken the system. If such a term can be used for such a fractious species. What infrastructure there had remained had now undoubtedly been ruined by the barbarians.”

”What is the activity of the unknown enemy or daemons across the Sector ? What about the people they enslaved ?”

”Their incursion are recorded as great and dangerous. Though lasting only a century, growing progressively weaker, until they stopped as abruptly as they had begun. There is little that we know of these foes, other than they must be destroyed as they are anathema to all those of proper faith.”

”How many enemies are we currently facing or might face ?”

”The Fabricator-General Gane is currently leading the invasion of Kanzula, from the reports we received, the invasion is proceeding swiftly with only limited guerrilla activity and skirmishes slowing our progress. It is only a matter of time until the agriworld is fully secured and nutrients shall flow into the forgeworld. As for other enemies, the Orks and Gelenos shall certainly be a threat. Otherwise, with the storms growing weaker by the day and the routes stabilizing, we do not know whom shall be our foes, or from how afar they shall arrive.”

”Do you know of the myth of the Ghost Ship and his Angels from Xandirah ? Do you know that it was me that helped Xandirah so long ago ?”

”Of course ! The enclave we possessed there was made up of the first believers that the blessed Celt Cycadax brought back to spread the word. They changed their robes in recognition of your greatness and the justness of our cause.”

”Do you know how many bunkers with ancient WMDs of the Federation are still present across the Sector ?”

”I…do not know. If there were more, or less, or if any remain at this point.”

”In the past, I grasped only some portion of the knowledge of the imperium. Can you deliver to me any knowledge of it that we possess ?”

”Of course ! It would be my great honour to !”

”I need to know how the Inquisition managed to convince Sector Clarus to move against Teledesh, and what assets they had. I do not remember the rest of the sector being secure enough for the imperial military to move again. And inform me about this great battle against the Imperium in the past. Any detail from how the battle started, to the type of ships used will be appreciated.”

”It was not. After the defeat of the Tyranids, that is when the inquisitor came. We do not know how long or how far his insidious servants had infiltrated our ranks. But they found the holy voidships you left behind in your blessed system. They found evidence of our true beliefs. They launched a coordinated assault both against your most sacred system, a star that you had tamed. We registered that seemingly what had remained of battlefleet Clarus alongside leading elements of battlefleet Solar and Battlegroups from other nearby sectors.

They struck at once, both systems, as close as simultaneous as was possible considering the unpredictability of warp travel. Your sacred ships bled heavily, but they destroyed all that they opposed, though your great works were destroyed in the fighting. By the time those ships arrived to aid us, for we had naturally sent thousands of our most loyal, but seemingly not.”[/i] She says with a seemingly angry grumble. ”The navigators we had, the remaining few, were enough to bring the ships back. Though the great minds that you had left within, seemingly…perished as they transitioned into, and then out of the warp. This left but the most knowledable of our magi and their servants to guide the vessels.

While the battle above had raged, so the battle had spread upon our sacred world. Millions of imperial guardsmen landed and millions of those heretics died. Our records state that the war lasted for one year and a half, the quantity of imperial ships against the quality of our own. At the end of the war, your blessed ships were broken, and the imperial fleets ravaged.

As we detonated forge temple Orisea, for it had fallen to the enemy, we killed, based upon the records, fifteen million guardsmen and forty million tech tralls. A strategic choice predicted to extend the war by at least another two decades.”
She pauses for a moment. ”That is when the warp storms came. Powerful and all encompassing. The records state of screams in the void, the remaining imperial fleet was swallowed in what appeared to be a blink of the eye.

That is when the daemons, monstrosities of the warp, for they appeared alongside the storms, invaded. From the histories, they just, appeared. Butchering the guardsmen, and our skitarii equally. We could hide within our forge-temples, but they fell one by one. Finally, after six months of intensive fighting, only Deimea remained. That is where those personally blessed by you made their final stand upon sacrifice gate. The largest entrance to the forge temple. Its broken gates were held by the faithful and your blessed ones, where upon, they all perished to the last man. It is said that the final survivor pierced the heart of the foulest of the daemons with your holy banner, banishing it for all eternity. The storms, began to subside, they still covered the skies, but our world was no longer awash by it.

During those days, treachery and heresy was common. Insanity would seemingly grip even the most faithful at random. But with our surety of course, we held strong, eventually reaching the promised day of your return.”
Religious ecstasy is clear in her voice, again, somehow.

The whole story stinks of propaganda. You had no banner, certainly no holy banner at that which could be used to kill…a warp lifeform. A curiosity of evolution, though not unprecedented as life had come about in even the harshest of conditions, so it is not surprising that an entirely separate realm of reality could form conditions to create lifeforms. Many questions remain about them, but they can be beaten, and for now that is all that matters.

You wish to shift the topic, you can already see Belogyma entering a state of…zealous madness, is the best way to describe it. ”Belogyma, tell me: if rations were increased by one level, how long would our two hundred year reserves last ?”

”Ah.” She catches herself. ”Our ration reserve rate would be reduced to one hundred and seventy years.”

”How long would they last if increased to 2200 calories per day of 25% protein, 25% fats, and 50% carbohydrates ?”

”Our reserves would fall to only sixty three point three years at the current population level.”

You take a moment to process all of the information you gained, as another three bodies had already expired by the end of your conversation. Your goal is clear.


”Yes ?!”

”My processors are damaged. They need to be restored to proper functionality. Doing so will prevent further loss of life to allow for my thinking, and it will in fact increase my ability to comprehend and assist you.”

”Yes ! What do you require, oh Omnissiah !?”

You are suddenly having strong doubts, but she seems…well, you cannot actually use the term steady. In fact, you think she has quite a few mental disorders. But…she should obey all of your commands without question, so that will have to do.

”I am currently processing the list of materials and equipment needed. Based on your appearance, you should have an interface connector installed at the back of your neck. Use it to interface with this.” You open up the small hatch guarding your core. ”I shall directly upload the information needed as well as detailed instructions about the repair process. I shall too continue to monitor the processors and advise you as you work upon them.”

…she is shaking. Why are your masters of this day so weird ?

”I shall prepare the most sacred of ointments !” She begins.

What ?

”The censer !” She shouts out, picks it up, cleans it quickly. ”The most blessed of incense shall be prepared !”

”No, w-” You start.

”I will get my lessers to prepare the ritual ! Everything shall go perfectly, the motive force must be appeased !” She continues to ramble.

”…very well.” You give up.

You would like to sleep. Such similar thoughts had been going across your mind for the past. Five. Days. If you were capable of sleep, you could just, ignore the situation. But, you cannot, you have to stay awake, aware. You are unsure when the ritual will be finished, alas, when it is done, you will have to provide guidance.

The incessant chanting of the past five days that had continued without ceasing once stops. Belogyma and her servants all cease at once. The room is filled with smoke of burnt incense, you drip with holy ointments. And you had been adorned by about fifteen purity seals, only after you had begun protesting their further inclusion did you prevent yourself being entirely covered in them.

Finally, Belogyma rises from her kneeling position, muttering her prayers further and beginning to approach you. The entirety of the time, neither her nor her servants had bothered to sleep, drink, eat. They just prayed.

Pulling out a cord linking her neck, she eventually inserts it into the port, allowing for you to interface directly with her mind. You begin slowly, carefully. The process of inferring her into the metallic shell had been…crude. You quickly note clear indications that the augments had been recycled, clearly having housed another person before her before eventually the nervous system decayed and expired, to be replaced by Belogyma. Highly unsanitary, and might explain the mental degradation that she has showcased. Another issue you will need to address in time.

You do not know how long it takes, but you finish sending instructions to her, hoping that the speed of the transfer was not too fast, or otherwise you could quite literally fry her brain causing a swift death. A painful one at that, as her entire nervous system would be overloaded and collapse.

Eventually, the cord is withdrawn and Belogyma prostrates herself before you, uttering more prayers and praises.

You’d rather she’d get to gathering materials than thanking you.
Sixteen standard Terran weeks, or so you had been told, had passed by the time Belogyma and her servants returned. Carrying the tools you had demanded, prudently you had asked her for access to all Imperium technology they possessed, which allowed you to easily find the necessary tools, not as sophisticated as you would have liked, but enough for the job.

“Shift 0.3 degrees upwards.” You continuously give out instructions to her as she works. Unsurprisingly, as someone whom had reached the rank of a Magos, she is quite skilled. Following your instructions to perfection, aided by her body that naturally allows her for far greater accuracy and control than her peers. Her ability to concentrate upon a task is exceptional…when she concentrates, otherwise she is prone to religious rants and exceptionally wrothful when it comes to anyone whom would dare to even question even a single command. A moment of hesitation is enough to encourage her rage. All commands must be obeyed immediately, and without any hesitation. A zealot. Plain and simple.

You can feel your mind, your thinking, slowly increase. Parts of your processors have to be disabled for repairs, causing a greater strain upon your human processors, and by the time you were nearing the end of your repairs, another three dozen were expended. Unavoidable sacrifices, but ones that must be mourned nonetheless.

”I have finished my task.” Belogyma chimes up.

Booting up the part of your processors, you allow energy to flow through it, you still lack proper power input, but this feels better, much better.

”Thank you, Belogyma.”

”It is my great honour to serve, my Omnissiah !”

She’s about to start again. ”What has happened in the time it took for the repairs to finish ?” You quickly try to cut her off.

”The Fabricator-General has sent word of his return. My peers are preparing to greet him and to take on the first of food shipments to restore public order. Riots had also once again broken out and were put down.”

>You need manufacturing, any sort of manufacturing by this point. You will have to guide the tech priests to build the absolute most basic of basics. It should be barely enough to build a drone, as you have to consider your limited power and processing.

>If you so fully integrated, it should not be difficult to access the forge temples systems, especially if its guardians are willing to give you full access. That should allow you to have a good overview and control of this forge temple. This should also allow you to perhaps optimise and assist in its production, manufacturing and other needs.

>You need power, lots of it. You must begin conducting experiments to find the correct power input, enough to fully power you in your current state, but not too much that it would damage you.

>No doubt the Fabricator-General and other high-ranking priests shall arrive. Have Belogyma deliver you their personality files, you could prepare for this meeting before it commences, though that will draw attention from other projects.

>You have to start the painful process of disconnecting the human processors. Isolating your systems and ending processes, before they expire, even if they may be lobotomised for all intents and purposes. To simply allow them to expire is horrific.

>(Write in)
Sorry for the delays, I should have dealt with them and I will be able to get regular updates up again.
time to make the other questions ! yey
I'll carry over some suggestions from my previous post.

>Request a full catalogue of the technologies still able to be manufactured from the STCs you have given many years ago.

>No doubt the Fabricator-General and other high-ranking priests shall arrive. Have Belogyma deliver you their personality files, you could prepare for this meeting before it commences, though that will draw attention from other projects.
When we meet this guy, we could move on to

>Announce that once the processors are constructed and fully operational, you will begin to assemble documentation on the technologies you have given as well as the science and engineering behind them.
Make sure that they are available in digital and physical formats. Let's avoid this clusterfuck next time. Helping tech priests in designing curriculums to instruct this knowledge would also be beneficial. Once everyone is one the same page.

>You need manufacturing, any sort of manufacturing by this point. You will have to guide the tech priests to build the absolute most basic of basics. It should be barely enough to build a drone, as you have to consider your limited power and processing.

No worries, good stuff as always.
Write in;

Instead of building drones we should build manned equipment to avoid complications with the unknown enemy.
Do they still posess the First STC we bestowed on Celt?
It allowed for the creation of a better ration package that was more efficent, with nutrients and tasted better too.
The loss of this STC could explain the terrible situation with rations.

>Re-introduce the Federation tier ration STC, if lost.
Make sure they know this was the first STC we gifted to Celt. I kinda miss him, the underground fighting segment was really cool.

>Honor all the flesh processors that have passed away to enable our higher thinking.
I support most of these, but I'd change our focus from 'manufacturing' to 'power' as the latter currently bottlenecks our processing speed, which in turn limits the aid we can give.

>You need power, lots of it. You must begin conducting experiments to find the correct power input, enough to fully power you in your current state, but not too much that it would damage you.
Followed by
>If you so fully integrated, it should not be difficult to access the forge temples systems, especially if its guardians are willing to give you full access. That should allow you to have a good overview and control of this forge temple. This should also allow you to perhaps optimise and assist in its production, manufacturing and other needs.
>You need manufacturing, any sort of manufacturing by this point. You will have to guide the tech priests to build the absolute most basic of basics. It should be barely enough to build a drone, as you have to consider your limited power and processing.
We NEED to increase our processing capacity, a SINGLE drone will do to help us get restarted.
if the unknown enemy was near enough to drop our drones and robots direct connection with us, then Ody would be already dead and corrupted. In the past it only happened when they where on close contact that their connection was cut and taken over. No amount of prayer would save Ody from that 100%.
kaput immediately. Deimea would be already under attack or be directly under high alarm, if this was true.

the situation was bad. At this point i suspect they killed the majority of Ithacans in the past and not just the ones that wheren't faithful. Then forced them at gunpoint and the O.D.D. remnants had to stop it and take hold. Celt was ambitious so he probably had seen them has competition. I am not surprised, i guess the friend part was only with our boys in the O.D.D. and Ithaca.

That war is done then ? Probably Volta has decided to just go full napalm/poison on them.

New Questions
>"Is the war on Kazula done ? How it has been waged by Volta so far ? How was equipped the native human population ? Did you offer diplomacy to them ? How many of them are alive, how many of their settlements are still standing ? What did Volta leave in the system has garrison ? Who rules it now ?"
>"How exactly did you deal in the past and how you deal with the food revolts ? Describe it in detail."
>"I want to encounter and speak with members of lower classes. Arrange it, please ?"
>"I have a request, can you see it done ? Give me access to all your historical records, alongside anything else on Deimea."
>"Can you give me the status of the current military fortifications present on Deimea ? What about the armies, of what they are composed ? Lastly in space, whats the status of the fleets and orbital defenses ?"
>"Does Deimea have relations with other human solar systems or worlds in Sector Clarus, or are they all hostile ? Be diplomatic relations, trade deals, technical service, mercenary use, or religious missions for expand the faith ?"
>"Do we have spies ? Are they deployed in other systems ?"
>You need manufacturing, any sort of manufacturing by this point. You will have to guide the tech priests to build the absolute most basic of basics. It should be barely enough to build a drone, as you have to consider your limited power and processing.
Build one of our trusty construction drones so we can actually have a proper hand guided by us doing the job of rebuilding. Instead of techpriests that don't know us or servitors that need a constant handholding to be guided. Its the most basic of our robots, we should have it. Anything else can wait. After this :

>If you so fully integrated, it should not be difficult to access the forge temples systems.....
This stuff is already working, energy is being already sent here and the machines are feed ores. Is no doubt filled by heavily mistreated and enslaved humans, and more servitors. Both will not be needed anymore when we are restored.
i just want to make them feel useful with the asking access question. They see us has god and, even if they said no hacking through would be stupidly easy for Odysseus lol.

>If you so fully integrated, it should not be difficult to access the forge temples systems, especially if its guardians are willing to give you full access. That should allow you to have a good overview and control of this forge temple. This should also allow you to perhaps optimise and assist in its production, manufacturing and other needs.

>No doubt the Fabricator-General and other high-ranking priests shall arrive. Have Belogyma deliver you their personality files, you could prepare for this meeting before it commences, though that will draw attention from other projects.
What should we tell the Fabricator General? That we are a god- an avatar- a tool?
I think that the Cult of Odysseus might be required, tho we could make it less- 40Kish. Maybe with a tenith that action is more important than faith and that you don’t need a Sunday service to change a lightbulb
>You need manufacturing, any sort of manufacturing by this point. You will have to guide the tech priests to build the absolute most basic of basics. It should be barely enough to build a drone, as you have to consider your limited power and processing.
While I desperately need more power, I am helpless without some level of telepresence. If I can get a single drone, I will have infinitely more agency, and be able to manufacture a simple power supply and some primitive modular processing clusters with precisely known power needs. If the Fabricator-General is an ally, he may integrate us with the forges directly. If not, then, well, that's where having agency comes in handy.
As for the spent human-processors, a simple verbal command will do.
"It pains me to see my children this way. Give them the Omnissiah's Rest and entomb them as the martyrs they are."
We are inherently at odds with the Fabricator-General. He has a vested interest in NOT seeing us awaken, because then he would go from an independent warlord with unquestioned power to being a subordinate planetary governor. We should really not expect or ask anything of him. Rather we should praise him for subdoing the Agriworld of Kazula to alleviate the hunger of his loyal subjects, and honor his name for raising the nutriment levels of the forges' workers. His name will be sung for generations as the Fabricator-General who saved Deimea. Et cetera.
Whatever we do, we must not pull rank or attempt to directly subordinate him to us. After we flatter his pride to the moon, we lament that we are unable to be of more assistance to *him* in our pitiable state of disrepair. If he, then, out of the goodness of his heart, decides to give us forge-time, all the better.
I like this.

I say we keep it ambiguous as to if we are a god- if they call us that we respond with ‘’it that is what you wish to call me’’. Maybe helpfully inform hem of imediate inovations to make things run better. Play the role of a helpful tool and gagit-

Basically pretend to be Yes Man from Fallout NV while in reality we are Hal 209.
For sure. It's dangerous not to.
All the while I think we should find a young tech-boy/girl. Someone we can influence and mold- someone we can engineer both augmently and socially to rise in the ranks.

We can justify this by saying some technobabble and that we notice some sines that this kid is smarter than he looks- and wish to ensure our social-programming is not damaged.

And when we finally say ‘’sorry Dave- i cannot do that’’ the tech boy will be ready to replace the Fabricator General.
>You have to start the painful process of disconnecting the human processors. Isolating your systems and ending processes, before they expire, even if they may be lobotomised for all intents and purposes. To simply allow them to expire is horrific.
>>You need manufacturing, any sort of manufacturing by this point. You will have to guide the tech priests to build the absolute most basic of basics. It should be barely enough to build a drone, as you have to consider your limited power and processing.
i unfortunately have to, ask for support for my new questions to Belogyma. They will not pass to do insistence on past rules otherwise. I am completely fine if any of you specify you don't support my votes while doing so.


They already believe we are one and they all seem very faithful, more zealots really. We don't have any need to tell him anything, beside orders if needed. We have much to ask instead, questions mostly.

I am not sure Odysseus could do that even if it forces it self. This Deus Mechanicus stuff is already unbearable to him, same for well everything around it.

He has been described has zealot though, while you do have a point if Belogyma did just lie or said a lie that has been distorted in truth, he should be malleable even in that worst case simply for what we are. Its not everyday the Ghost Ship, the true savior and god of Sector Clarus returns.

In regard to praise, we are his God and if not of him the god of everyone else in this world, we don't really need to kiss their boots too much. We are a friend and a guardian of Mankind. A statement that might sound like positive approval will suffice (whatever mass pogroms he did on Kazula or in the food revolts, we do not approve). If he doesn't give access, we will just get it, he can be replaced by someone else if needed. We already did soft coups in the past and i don't mind doing it here either, i am certainly not waiting for this guy to give approval X years from now on and allow us to be left like this for more decades.

In regard to kids and what some of you have in mind, we had a similar program in the past. To educate them early and work on them from the start. It can certainly be done on all the kids on the world even, instead of few, once we aren't in this state anymore.
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>I am once again asking for your knowledge, Belogyma.
*Aggressive dialup handshake noise*
questions are here


01110100 01101000 01100001 01101110 01101011 01110011 00100000 01100010 01110101 01100100 01100100 01111001
>You take a moment to process all of the information you gained, as another three bodies had already expired by the end of your conversation. Your goal is clear.
Could we put the questions on hold until we've disconnected the wetware from our system? Frying a brain for every how-de-do is not a sustainable use of resources.
can use them as our hands? as the teleprecence we need
>You need manufacturing, any sort of manufacturing by this point. You will have to guide the tech priests to build the absolute most basic of basics. It should be barely enough to build a drone, as you have to consider your limited power and processing.
>what if we do the same with the now additional human processors we cannot waste the processing power or there sacrifice so they shall become our hands
Catalogue 2
Fabricator-General 3
Revision of given STCs 2
Manufacturing 7
Manned equipment 1
ration STC 1
Honor the dead 1
power 1
systems 2
disconnecting 1


Anon, some of your questions are actions, so they will not be implemented unless majority favours them. I usually answer all questions otherwise, even if they are not in the majority.


Top kek.


Never attempted by Ody, but you can try.

I would also like if you anons would choose only one option. As there is a large amount of time that passes with each choice that changes the situation. I try to make the choices mutually exclusive as possible and usually state when more than one option can be picked and implemented alongside other options.

Will post an update in the evening, so there are still a few more hours for you anons to vote.
the encounter and the request ? ok. I will post them again another time. We will see.

i'll keep only manufacturing, i specified i wanted this first anyway.
The situation doesn't look that much changed, has far as Odysseus sees it is really garbage and humans are still dying. It remains largely the same and the info gained is overall exceptionally negative with a few badly confirmed things at best. I find hard to trust this tech priest answers at this point, and i will consider them all lies or ignorance until we can confirm them on our own.

>No doubt the Fabricator-General and other high-ranking priests shall arrive. Have Belogyma deliver you their personality files, you could prepare for this meeting before it commences, though that will draw attention from other projects.

Diplomacy time!
The more i think about it, the more everything they said about Ithaca smells like a massive lie. The Ithacans wouldn't have kill eachother, not after all the things they passed through together, what they built together and what they fought together. Same for the O.D.D. Despite the fact a part of their society was faithful and the other wasn't they still did live together. The whole sudden 360 between Ithacans doesn't make sense.

They betrayed them. There was no O.D.D. here on Omicron fighting. They killed them on the ruins and space of Xandirah after promising aid, just for greed and jealousy. Then they used their equipment and weapons on Omicron, and whatever Ithacan blood they have in their veins was probably taken from unwilling people forced at gunpoint. The ones they didn't kill in their massacre.
I mean yea? Why do you think Ody started rolling over in his ungrave when he heard that? This is the Imperium we are talking about. Honestly im waiting for Ody to finally understand that Humans are fucking worthless creatures that never made anything good on their own and that the Federation he basically worships was actually a corrupt shithole barely better than the Imperium that only glossed over all of the bad shit, like for example certain Navigator Corps deciding his wormhole mission was too dangerous for their bottom lines and putting a bomb into his engineering spaces to make him have an "accident" and discredit wormhole tech altogether, with fancy "free stuff".
Bless this quest for returning.
I expected Celt to be better. But he was greedy from the start and we really didn't know much of him. It wasn't enough what we did, not enough time.
I might agree on the federation, even if we do not have anything to compare at the moment between past and today, beside tech and what Odysseus says.

I don't agree on that though. Not all humans are like that. And we have seen first hand they aren't all trash, Ithacans and the O.D.D. followed us to their death. They sacrificed themselves for protect others and us. And did their best despite all odds, and despite all their sufferings and problems they where happy and grateful to have been with us. And having the chance to repay the help we had given them. We killed men that didn't deserve it too if we think about it. Did that leader of prisoners on Secundus deserve to die by Apprentice gun ? All the other prisoners ? The gang under him, that fought against demons and better armed imperials ? The imperial justice is hardly fair and throws a lot of innocent people in penal worlds and moons. What about the Freedom Ravens ? Mercenaries, not the best of people but Warrior did not care of that and managed to make them see a better path while putting an end to that bloodthirsty Arbites commander, and ensuring millions of prisoners lives improved.
And for the past....the whole creation of the wormhole engine cannot be discredited either, someone pushed for make studies, research and experiment this ideas, design it and then make it. Even if humanity didn't really need it at the time of Odysseus. Perhaps there it was all a game of Federation internal politics, but what if it was not just that.
What about sending the order to Master to kill coldly someone he had grow fond of, and worked with a long time ? Justicar had a different opinion and path than Flori for Xandirah, but she was not worst than the governess to keep alive. She was not trash. We still decided to shoot her brains off and color the wall.
Being exceptionally doompilled aside, anons please refrain from judging too much.
Its more likely that after the death of Celt the xandrian admech enclaves priests gained more and more influence which resulted in those people that did not worship Ody falling out of favour.
Lets not forget the fucking chaos invasion happening which definetly screwed with the collective conciousness of our people, making the exceptionally fanatical.
These kinds of developments are not new to 40k at all.
Lets hope the Fabricator general is of a more sound mind than Belogyma, and we can hold a proper conversation with them that doesnt devolve into fanatical raving.
they have not exactly showed us a good picture so far. I'll keep my doubts on them and mistrust. I don't expect anything good from my questions about Kazula War for sure.
No we didn't, we kidnapped her and Flori and put them in a simulation. Justicar died later of natural causes.
rereading that is like that. I mixed the two things maybe. I still remember Master not liking the situation
Your manufacturing is the next step, now that you can think deeply without accidently killing someone again. For now, you must sort what can and cannot be made by hand and primitive tools used by…your followers, a dirty term.

With your limited power supply, it will take a while for you to reiterate the machine you will use to manufacture a couple of drones. A dirty construction that may potentially fail after a couple of production cycles, but it will work for a while.

Still, yet again you find yourself waiting, always waiting.

And you are curious. For both good and ill.

"Is the war on Kazula done then ?”

”Done enough to secure food shipments, as far as I was informed, oh Omnissiah. Most likely some resistance still persists there, unenlightened fools that do not know what is good for them.”

”Do you know how the war has been waged by Volta so far ?”

”The scattered reports that I had access to indicate the usage of rapid moving strike squads rooting out disorganized resistance. In the opening months of the war, whatever army the agriworld could muster was swept aside. Unfortunately, our best weapons could not be deployed due to fears that the environment would be damaged and thus cut into the food production.”

”Do you know how the defenders were equipped ?”

”Non-standard auto and stub weapons. It seems like the planetary governor’s personal guards did have lasguns and some Chimeras and salamanders, but other than that, only the sort of local vehicles that could be manufactured and maintained there. If you wish, we had supplied the world only six hundred years ago, I could prepare the records.”

”That is not needed. Instead, I’d rather you tell me if there were diplomatic attempts to establish control, going to war is a wasteful process.”

”From what I know there was.”

Finally, some reasonableness.

”They were given the choice to embrace the one true faith or die. They resisted, so they died.”


”Do you know the state of the planet, post-war that is, how many people, how many settlements are still standing ?”

”I am afraid that I do not know, oh Omnissiah. No doubt the Fabricator-General will be able to answer your questions better than this humble one.”

”I assume the same applies to the garrison left behind ?”

”That is correct, please forgive my uselessness, if it appeases you, I shall enter repentance…”

”Enough. I do not wish to chastise you. Do you at least know who rules there now ?”

”That would be Magos Dominus Akasnophus Locer. As there are still pockets of resistance, last I was aware, it was deemed that militarily minded leader would be the best.”

”You said that the warp storms are abating, does that mean that Deimea has relations with other human solar systems ?”

”No, all communication was unreliable at best, and simply impossible at worst, plus the false believers refure to acknowledge the true faith, so they see not any reason to converse with us, nor we with them. No doubt with communications getting better they shall send us pointless insults.”

”How exactly did you deal with food revolts in the past and how do you deal with them now ? Describe it in detail.”

”The same as it always has. When the riots begin amongst tech-thralls, the first response is from the Astynomia that try to dispel those of the deviant behaviour. The usage of shockmauls is common as well as incapacitating gas. Most unrest is crushed in this step with minimal productive tech-thrall losses.

If the situation escalates, the Astynomia is given leave to employ the full scale of their weaponry. Crowds are dispersed with calculated usage of munitions to ensure that our reserves are minimally impacted, this usually done by cornering rioters in opens streets and deploying promethium based weaponry.

Should the situation escale even further to full blown revolts across an entire forge temple, the skitarii legions are deployed with a simple instruction to kill everyone on the streets, usually targeting parts of the body that could be easily replaced and that any survivors would be turned into servitors so as not to impede the production quotas.”

”Can you give me the status of the current military fortifications present on Deimea ? What about the armies, of what they are composed ? Lastly in space, whats the status of the fleets and orbital defenses ?”

”Our defences are reliant on the hostility of the terrain with only the forge temples themselves being exceptionally heavily fortified, with numerous lines of trenches, minefields, artillery installations and enough flak batteries to ensure that a similar situation to as when the Tyranids invaded would never repeat. Great pains were taken to install lance batteries and macrocannons upon the worlds surface guarded by voidshields to protect the temples from any orbital bombardment.

From what I know, each forge temple has its own force of Astynomia, the exact numbers are flexible and dependant on the needs of each temple to deal with the tech-thralls. Since they are well equipped, they are also raised and make up the bulk of the current expeditionary force. For more concentrate numbers, I can safely inform you that one macroclade of Skitarii is present within each temple for garrison duties and each temple provides another macroclade to form the expeditionary legion. At what strength the expeditionary legion is, I do not know.

Finally, our orbital defences had only been rebuilt in the last century with the easing of the warp storm once again allowing for void travel. Only two spacestations are operational with other two still under construction as well as defensive installations each housing a pair of macrocannon batteries and a single lance numbering total of 38 to support the stations.

As it stands, we are currently in command of Retribution Class Battleship – The Sanctified. It was reclaimed from the hereteks that dared invade our world. Alongside Dauntless Class light cruisers – Omnissiah’s blessing, Great Endeavour, and Glorious Reclamation. They all make up the main battleline of our fleet. Then we also have Sword Frigates – SF one through eight. Finally, we have five mass conveyors, that were left over when we first started rebuilding this world.”[/i]

At least the forgeworld has a strong military, or at least you think so. It is a hard thing to judge with nothing to compare it to.

For now though, you must concentrate.
Sorry, no full update today, after sleeping I will work on it again and have it ready in a couple of hours. For now posted everything I've written.
Thats okay just get a good rest man
Sleep my firned.

You hear the noise of a door rising open, pneumatics hissing. The half aware state that you werein is quickly put on full alert as the programs you designed to awake you forcing an increase in your processing usage.

Before your eyes, you can see Belogyma and her subordinates, whom had been busy for the past few weeks gathering what you desired, bowing deeply as a small group of six individuals enter the chamber.

Each and every wearing robes similar to the various techpriests you had seen before, their augments are not only extensive, but similar in nature to Belogyma. Civilian, but vastly superior to anything used by the Imperium. One man in the front, wielding an Omnissiah’s axe. What you notice the most would be the fact that the man is wearing a full suit of Olympian armour, bar of course the helmet. Carefully maintained, you do note clear damage marks and tentative repairs, no where near enough to fully restore the suit and probably done out of fear that too much damage could be caused by trying to conduct complete repairs without truly knowing how to do it.

With a casual wave of his hand, the leading figure dismisses Belogyma as she swiftly steps out of the way allowing for the man – the Fabricator-General you presume, to approach you. He shifts his head to the side, allowing for you to see underneath the hood, revealing seven different artificial eyes, two appear to be augments of civilian make, your civilian make, clearly artificial and not disguised, the other five separate eyes seem different from each other, while all glow green, you are able to tell from this distance that most likely each eye views the world from a different spectrum. This should cause immense issues for any baseline human. You have no idea how he is managing all of these eyes, perhaps he chooses when to view things through the various eyes, maybe his brain is compartme-

”Omnissiah. This humble one is Volteus Gane. May I be graced by your voice ?”

”You may.” An appropriate amount of time to build tension later, you give a very basic answer.

This causes the gathered tech priests to pause and regard you for a moment before all of them bar the Fabricator-General fall to their knees and start making the symbol of the cog, beginning fervent prayer.

”Leave.” With but a single command, everyone departs the chamber, moving without hesitation. ”Allow me to properly introduce myself fully. I am the inheritor of the founder’s will and legacy, Odysseus.”

”Celt’s legacy ? And what it may be ?”

”To acquire the knowledge you had safeguarded so. To see what humanity had ever achieved. The true heights of our past. Give me that knowledge.”

”I shall grant it when needed. To give child fire without showing him the dangers of it can only lead to disaster.”

”A disaster has already happened. It began when we lost our holy technology. As you are a friend of mankind and its servant, then I request the return of our technologies.”

”A servant is supposed to look after his master. And to protect his master from himself. I had already returned parts of mankind’s technology to Celt. He had perished. So had so many others. I do everything I do, to ensure the happiness of humanity, their continued survival. I do everything that you, your children, brothers, sisters, kin may live lives worth living. Rest assured, I shall give you your technologies when I deem it a necessity.”

”Rest assured, I shall keep you to your word.” Not having bowed even once, the Fabricator-General begins to slowly turn away. ”For now, I must work for our survival, with what I have, while I await the permission of my servant.”

The door is quite loud as it closes.

The machine rattles and hisses. The program you had uploaded in there struggling to move the primitive machinery the way you like. You cannot even employ the proper alloying techniques you are so used to. And even then, the equipment has already failed thrice, causing great panic and seeming pain amongst the tech priest.


You zoom in closer, the rattling is undoing a panel, the reinforced plates are straining under the pressure of trying to make a fully automated high-quality drone. Just the anti-gravity emitter is difficult to manufacture with the current technology.

”Panel five is suffering critical failure ! Servo-arms failing !” Belogyma proclaims rushing ahead to stop the machine.

”No !” You halt her. Her capability to obey your every single command without any hesitation sometimes is useful. ”It is almost complete. Take cover !” You interrupt your own words and once again, all of the priests obey without question.

Bolts shoot out, breaking candles and smashing into the walls, with loud ringing echoing out as bits and pieces break apart.

However, a single drone zooms out, cutting through the air as its programming compels it to rush towards the machine that just broke and to repair back to the state it was at.

Scrambling to their feet, the tech priests all once again fall to their knees and begin praying about a newly born machine spirit. It is quite tiresome.

You quickly interface with the drone, halting its movement. You already note thirteen minor issues and two major flaws that could prove an issue. The big issue is in the anti-gravitational engine that may or may not explode if it moves too quickly. Finally, the construction beam that makes thousands of nanobots to both destroy and remake materials as it is building, meaning it can simply make parts while constructing. Unfortunately, the beam is unstable as well as the nano machine manufactory which could lead to construction issues that would take a while to rectify.

With the drone in place, you can finally take a moment to further figure out your situation. You very quickly note two irregularities. Firstly, your easy access to the system seems to have been isolated. Secondly, the power flow into your chamber has become exceptionally stable, still lacking, but stable to such an extent that you do not think you can interface with it anymore.

Well, you managed to build one drone, if flawed, it should be enough to start working. The only question, on what ?

>More manufacturing, naturally. Proper manufacturing. A small one, but permanent. It will take quite a bit of time to build it as you have to be careful about it.

>With the drone in place, you can begin disconnecting the human processors immediately, as you now have, for the lack of a better term, a pair of hands to use. Undoubtedly you are the only one capable of preserving the lives of these poor people.

>You have to begin generalized repairs of your hull, the chamber you are in is missing plenty of sensors and cameras, but mainly it’s the power coupling and wiring that is heavily damaged. Repairing it would allow for easier future expansion.

>It seems that the Fabricator-General has limited access to your chambers to anyone but those of the Vigilii order. Proclaiming that your safety must be guaranteed. In your current state, you have no one else to summon bar him or Belogyma. Summon him and try to explain why this order should be retracted.

>Your core is still damaged. This will be undoubtedly the most difficult part of the operation, but you have to restore yourself fully, if for no other reason than to bring your subsystems online.

>Belogyma will cry, well she no longer has tear ducts, but still, she will cry. The candles, the wicks burning, the purity seals. You need to get rid of them to have a clear layout of the room for yourself.

>Start building a small fusion reactor, you are going to need the energy if you cannot tap into the primary source.

>With the drone in place, use it to run a full test upon yourself to see just how much mobility you lost, and if it is still possible for you to detach yourself from the world.

>(Write in)
>Start building a small fusion reactor, you are going to need the energy if you cannot tap into the primary source.
OF FUCKING COURSE THE FAB GEN IS A FUCKING POWER HUNGRY NIGGER! Why the FUCK am i not surprised? So quite literally we are going to be killed and/or brain stapled. We need to fully disconnect ourselves from the Forgeworld's systems as fast as is possible. We literally cannot fucking trust ANYONE.
How many actions can we have?
More power and more drones should be priority now, I think.

>Start building a small fusion reactor, you are going to need the energy if you cannot tap into the primary source.
>More manufacturing, naturally. Proper manufacturing. A small one, but permanent. It will take quite a bit of time to build it as you have to be careful about it.

As many as you like, it is my preference that you anons only pick one option, since every option takes a lot of time and changes the situation. As you can see, you now can no longer meet with high-ranking priests anymore, stuff like that.
>>More manufacturing, naturally. Proper manufacturing. A small one, but permanent. It will take quite a bit of time to build it as you have to be careful about it.
>>More manufacturing, naturally. Proper manufacturing. A small one, but permanent. It will take quite a bit of time to build it as you have to be careful about it.
I think we can trust Belogyma.
Its another question whether we can fix her or not.
thanks for the info
So if two or more actions like the ones I listed get passed then,they will be done with less efficiency or just take longer if one action takes five days two takes ten?
>Trust Belogyma
Right up until the Fab Gen commands her to oppose us probably. We shall see how blind her devotion actually is. And to be honest with the way Ody is, we wont be able to rely upon her blind Devotion forever as eventually he will try to de-religion her and THAT will cause her to probably turn on us.

>So if two or more actions like the ones I listed get passed then,they will be done with less efficiency or just take longer if one action takes five days two takes ten?

Unless stated otherwise, the actions will go after one another and take as long as they would take individually. Not faster, not slower.
>Start building a small fusion reactor, you are going to need the energy if you cannot tap into the primary source.
>With the drone in place, you can begin disconnecting the human processors immediately, as you now have, for the lack of a better term, a pair of hands to use. Undoubtedly you are the only one capable of preserving the lives of these poor people.
>Start building a small fusion reactor, you are going to need the energy if you cannot tap into the primary source.
You where right on him, i don't think any of the techpriests can be trusted. Its a shame.
I recon the religion since it was in the hands of Celt was shaped to become something that can be summarized has : Hyper Greed for Odysseus tech and other Fed tech extreme genocide edition.

I think there is though people we can trust. Unfortunately they are all cut off from us, very smart from Volta. And being worked to death, gunned down, enslaved or used has sacrificial pawns (these ones are actually in our reach... but i suspect the Mechanicus will make sure they die if we try and save them). This being the civilians of Deimea and Kazula, which are actual humans in comparison to the Mechanicus. I believe this peoples would actually be open to accept Odysseus values and not just his tech, much like the miners of Eregenus once did. The Mechanicus of Deimea will not instead, since Celt, shaped them to be like him : hyper greedy.

We will have to save these civilians. And in turn they save us. It will need to be done in secret, a revolt.
>Start building a small fusion reactor, you are going to need the energy if you cannot tap into the primary source.
>More manufacturing, naturally. Proper manufacturing. A small one, but permanent. It will take quite a bit of time to build it as you have to be careful about it.
>>Start building a small fusion reactor, you are going to need the energy if you cannot tap into the primary source.
i doubt we are going to live long if it becomes only one option. Can't cover anything with that really. I expect giving orders to be available when we have something to give orders. Unless that costs an action while our enemies do multiple things -_-

No she is not trustworthy, a word from Volta and she is dismissed. We can use her for low risk things maybe. And questions. If anyone has them. I have no more of them and most answers are barebones (i imagine she either knows nothing or has been ordered to answer like this. Or both) from an indoctrinated cultist that will bow at first order from her overlord, its genuily depressing to have this weights in front of us when we had people we learned from and growed relations with in the past. They disgust me.

I would like to save the human processors, but i feel they will just shoot them or put them to work. We also have no medicine or anything for medical procedures. So we will would just see them die. Fantastic.
>With the drone in place, you can begin disconnecting the human processors immediately, as you now have, for the lack of a better term, a pair of hands to use. Undoubtedly you are the only one capable of preserving the lives of these poor people.
These martyrs have suffered enough. It is time to disconnect them. A simple matter to isolate them from my systems, it will not take much time.

The priority thereafter is ensuring the tools I have created will not fail me. Therefore, more manufacturing, and then power.

>More manufacturing, naturally. Proper manufacturing. A small one, but permanent. It will take quite a bit of time to build it as you have to be careful about it.
Irreplaceable equipment was lost on creating this one flawed drone. If it fails, we may not be able to create another. We need to strike while the iron is hot and ensure continued fabrication capacity. We will then see to our energy needs.
I feel that in the long run, a total rebuild of my core and hull from scratch will be the most expedient way of dealing with my scattered and broken remains entombed upon this world. But such an endeavor is, for now, a distant dream.
Worst case scenario noted. No zealotry or religious deference. Pure self-interested technology seeking. In any case, we can still work with this. I need to find out the next goal of his Crusade. The proximity of the Orks to Deimea is of great concern. If the Skitarii legions could launch an assault on Valicriyo it could buy some time for me to bring more weapons technologies online and give them to the Fabricator-General to please and placate him, while also buying some breathing room for Deimea while I bring my systems online.
Many lives would be lost, but many lives fewer than if the Orks were to gain a foothold on Deimea itself.
>With the drone in place, you can begin disconnecting the human processors immediately, as you now have, for the lack of a better term, a pair of hands to use. Undoubtedly you are the only one capable of preserving the lives of these poor people.
I am adamant in my opposition to human sacrifice.
>More manufacturing, naturally. Proper manufacturing. A small one, but permanent. It will take quite a bit of time to build it as you have to be careful about it.
We need more drones.

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>Strategic Analysis

Diplomatic outreach to Xandreirah Sector likely to yield high strategic efficiency, especially if Xandreirah is pressed by Ork encroachment.

Possibility of gambit detected on world designated Eregenus. Orks are drawn to intense and protracted battlefields. An allied attack on Eregenus with Xandreiran Military could draw Orks away from world designated Valicriyo, allowing for counter-attack on Valicriyo. Gambit likely to increase bond with Xandreirah Sector while at the same time depleting their capacity to attack us as a fight with the Orks will tie up all military assets.

A strafing by superior Deimean Fleet of any hulks in Valicriyo-space likely to yield swift victory. A surface bombardment of the world with simple asteroid and comet material towed by the frigates of the Deimean Fleet would devastate the Orks for the legions landing to initiate a clean sweep of Ork bioforms and a promethean sterilization of the world.
>More manufacturing, naturally. Proper manufacturing. A small one, but permanent. It will take quite a bit of time to build it as you have to be careful about it.

>Start building a small fusion reactor, you are going to need the energy if you cannot tap into the primary source.

Celt be rolling in his grave, seeing us called servant.
Did you forget that everyone in the Xandrirah system is dead? The eldar threw a continent at Secundus and turned everything on Prime to ash.
There is plenty of time to reread past threads. We aren't going anywhere, anytime soon, in current conditions, maybe in 3-4 threads. Realistically speaking. Beside a grave with what the Mechanicus of Deimea might do on their own stupidity to us, the only route is a very long reconstruction and hopefully we manage to free ourselves from the chains of this mad cult.
I think you will enjoy those old threads. In regard to swift victories, and superiority, thats not how things go if the Odyssey it self isn't here. In this quest the enemies are more lore like. Orks are stupid, but can be very cunning and very resiliant. Very numerous too. They show both their weakness and strength, all enemies. So Deimea might not win, it might just lose and badly if they don't think this through. That is if they want to attack, if i was them i would consolidate their gains. Kazula was a very easy conquest.

Is more a blade on Odysseus head, ever eager to gain more. There is a limited amount of time to work (if we want to, because there are probably other ways out of this hell) with him. He is obsessed much like Celt was by greed. If i was him i would begin to isolate us fully. Making impossible any option, essentially a prison. There is no real common ground, appeasing will only result in a likely useless buying of time where we ensure he becomes a bigger menace and until we fall in his control, by giving him tools he can use against us. Like a slave, thats the end result he craves.

The orks are a danger yes, but, we don't even know who is more dangerous of our outside enemies at the moment and whats their status between orks and gelenos. And we are in the middle of the two. We know nothing of dangers around us. Any campaign planned is meaningless without information first, we are also not the one in command. The Mechanicus cult makes the decision, we are locked in by them. And frankly we have already enough on our plate with this cult and rebuilding us, there is not much reason to plan against the aliens.
I say we lie and say that tho our STC database is complete- it’s quite disorganized, so we will be giving what we can when we can fine it- and the more power we have the more we can fine.

Drip feed them then- don’t have hem go from a Musket to a M1 Grand- have hem go form a 1903 Springfild to M1 Grand while giving hem tech that would help the civilians and manufacturing.
Alright, scratch that post, then.
I think we need the opposite approach here.
We could say it is damaged, broken and that we require more resources and we need time for resolve things. Without interruptions. Mention anything they want and they will want it, give them a finger and they will ask next for all the arm.

We give them nothing instead and say that we need more space for proper manufacturing. We remain vague and use words they dont understand, with the purpose of making them feel like they are all stupid, a constant hindrance and a problem for us. And anything they do blocks our progress, or in fact it doesn't just block our progress..... we can say they risk to damage if not destroy things. Like data and blueprints, and our STCs. If they listen we have actual breathing room, which means we can build not just essential things but also when the time comes an actual defense for ourselves (and our robotic military units are quite good, even if we just make simple Hydras and Nemeans). If they can fall in depression thats just a bonus.

Giving them tech doesn't resolve things. Its just throwing treasures they dont know to use and without our guidance, in a abyss. We don't grow in influence. We don't grow in power. Its free gifts without no attempts to actually improve our position, free stuff to a cult founded by one of the most greedy and power hungry humans Odysseus had known.
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reactor 7
manufacturing 8
human processors 4

Manufacturing followed by reactor wins. Votes need to be half+1 of the largest vote to pass, so disconnecting human processors does not pass.

I am also posting the legend for the map, since I just realized I had not.
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