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A hostile environment and a slave harem. Will you be able to survive?

Most scientists had initially predicted the arrival of AGI by the summer of 2028. The prevailing belief was that AGI would swiftly evolve into ASI, leading to a cataclysmic event known as the Singularity. The only conceivable salvation for humanity rested on a grim choice: either the immediate death of all AI researchers, or the abrupt annihilation of mankind.

The transition unfolded with astonishing speed. Initially, artificial intelligence ushered in a golden age of wonders, yet humans struggled to adapt. Unemployment rates soared as people found themselves rapidly rendered obsolete. The Luddite Party emerged, leading violent anti-government protests worldwide, as a symptom of the mounting discontent. Concurrently, new AI-engineered drugs began circulating, transforming people into hordes of zombies and mutants. Just one year after the ascent of the Luddite Party, global civilization crumbled. This is the year 2032, and the Singularity has been temporarily averted.

You are a member of the Hedonist Faction: the 0.0001%ers known for their early involvement in cryptocurrency mining and trading, the only surviving form of currency post-collapse. You've secured a fortified mansion on Shikoku Island to live out your remaining days. Life expectancy is astoundingly short now, and as a Hedonist, your sole focus is the pursuit of life's most exquisite pleasures.

In this world, traditional prostitution no longer exists due to the prevalence of strange diseases. Instead, Hedonists generally assemble their own harem, featuring the most beautiful and exotic women. These women are either those that were captured before the collapse, remote Luddites ensnared by slave traders, or in rare instances, purified mutants. The mutant fuckers never live long, though.

Only three regions remain untouched by mutants: the Ryukyu Islands, where the Keyence Corporation is headquartered; Polynesia, which is still under the control of its pre-collapse governments; and a few islands in Indonesia, either inhabited by savage tribes or colonized by Luddites. Beyond these sanctuaries, the world has plunged into a chaotic and unrecognizable apocalypse.

You are Marcus Bradbury, former NEET, early Bitcoin miner, and now a financier and investor in the post-collapse economy.

>Choose two NEET traits [Write in]

In the next two turns, we are going to build up the manor and the harem.
>Choose two NEET traits [Write in]

>Doesn't wash.
Badabing-badaboom. Easy.
You would have more fun with this on Akun.
Fuck off Wuxian
Is it just going to be building a harem or is there going to be more to the quest?

Excited when I saw post-apoc, less excited when I saw harem.
The focus is building up the slave harem.
Better off writing smut on akun as the other anon said
Wait... didn't we have this one already like late May?
>Choose two NEET traits [Write in]

>Special Interest in... Ships.
We love ships. Ships are the best.
were you the same OP from last year ?

>loves sonic the hedgehog
C'mon anons, we can't be a fat bastard.
>Choose two NEET traits [Write in]
Neets aren't insomniac. They have fucked-up bioclock, since they go to sleep whenever they feel like it and wake whenever they feel like it.
finally, the shity quest made for ME
>hyper sex addiction
>hyper racism and misogamy
>>Choose two NEET traits [Write in]
>Super Racist
>Eternally Hungry for nuggies

This is a rerun of the quest I flaked on in 2023:


"The Purge: Fall of America" was created by another QM in June 2024:


I'm not proud of flaking, which is why I'm rerunning this with more effort put into the design. My first attempt lacked statistics and management mechanics.
What about tendies?
>hyper sex addiction
>hyper racism and misogamy
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The winning votes are:

>hyper racism and misogamy
>hyper sex addiction

And for the definition:

Misogamy (noun): hatred of marriage
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A new life begins for you in Matsuyama, the largest city on the island of Shikoku. You have claimed the Bansuisou Villa, a 9,554-square-foot French Neo-Renaissance-style mansion built in 1922 as a secondary residence for Count Hisamatsu Sadakoto. The property is defensible, situated on a small hill surrounded by woods, near the abandoned Matsuyama Castle to the northwest, and the main streets of Matsuyama to the south. This area is generally avoided by other Hedonists due to a higher concentration of zombies; they prefer the western part of the city near the port for the protection of the ocean.

Shikoku, the smallest of Japan's four main islands, serves as a Hedonist bastion and has electricity during daytime, provided by Keyence Corporation. Despite being one of the most hospitable places on Earth, it remains terribly dangerous. Your first priority is to install basic defenses, or you will quickly be overrun by zombies.

As you walk through the property, you observe the sumptuous entrance lobby. The glossy teak wooden stairs are beautifully complemented by the rich red carpet running along the steps. Before the collapse, it would have been worth millions of USD. The rooms are mostly empty of furniture, but the moldings, chandeliers, and fireplaces are of extremely high quality. In the basement, there’s a Victorian restroom, which could potentially be extended into a mega-basement to provide more living space.
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You currently have 5 Bitcoins (BTC), 10 Ethereum (ETH), and 5 Keyence shares (KYCCF).

On average, 1 BTC = 19 ETH, and 1 ETH = 7 KYCCF, though values may fluctuate. How will you invest in your property?

[You may buy more than one of everything.]

>hydroponic farm, 500 square feet [1 BTC]
A hydroponic farm with various vegetables and insects. With 500 square feet, you can feed yourself and two more slaves. It can be installed in the attic or the basement if extended. This farm is essential, as there is no other source of food.

>meth lab [4 BTC]
Meth is a traditional pre-collapse drug. While once viewed as harmful, it is now seen more positively, as it doesn't cause irreversible mutations like RNA-modifying drugs. It's a highly addictive psychoactive stimulant that enhances sexual desire and can be given to slaves or traded for profit.

>mega-basement [1 BTC]
Robots can dig a mega-basement in approximately 24 hours. You can safely dig two more basements under the first, creating an iceberg home. This provides much-needed safe living space and is common for building swimming pools, gardens, farms, prisons, and women's apartments underground.

>Keyence alarm system and cameras [1 ETH]
A product from Ryukyu Islands by Keyence Corporation, the alarm system is highly advanced with long-range laser sensors. Cameras and detection history can be monitored on your laptop.

>Keyence vision-guided defense robot [4 ETH]
The autonomous Keyence smart robots resemble robot vacuum cleaners and are equipped with machine guns. They can easily defeat one soldier or a group of five zombies. Their intelligence is limited to defense and they are compatible with the Keyence alarm system.

>metal 3D printer [1 BTC]
If you want to build weapons or other items, you'll need a 3D printer. Currently, you are unarmed. [Note: This will not allow you to craft advanced technology, only commonly available items.]

>metal powder, 1 lb [1 KYCCF]
A typical aluminum-based alloy, required for the 3D printer.

>AK-47 [1 KYCCF]
If you don’t own a metal 3D printer, you can buy an AK-47 from other Hedonists.

>AK-47, booby trap [1 ETH]
Requires Keyence alarm system. Typically installed at the entrance, activates on target, and can kill up to five zombies.

>bodyguard, human [2 KYCCF]
Bodyguards are male slaves trained in advanced military camps. They are cheaper than defense robots and can be taken outside for protection or to attack enemies. However, like all slaves, they can rebel against their master.

>2023 Ferrari Portofino, reinforced [1 ETH]
A low-end luxury car with a reinforced body to withstand attacks from small zombie hordes and reinforced tires for the poor road conditions. It has enough fuel to travel comfortably on the island.
>>hydroponic farm
>meth lab
We are the one who fucks
>2023 Ferrari Portofino, reinforced
>Keyence alarm system and cameras
>x2 Keyence vision-guided defense robot

>hydroponic farm, 500 square feet [1 BTC]
>meth lab [4 BTC]
>Keyence alarm system and cameras [1 ETH]
>Keyence vision-guided defense robot x 2 [8 ETH]
>2023 Ferrari Portofino, reinforced [1 ETH]

Set up drug lab to make money and save up for the mega-basement and metal 3D printer.
>hydroponic farm, 500 square feet [1 BTC]
>meth lab [4 BTC]
>Keyence alarm system and cameras [1 ETH]
>Keyence vision-guided defense robot x 2 [8 ETH]
>2023 Ferrari Portofino, reinforced [1 ETH]
>2x hydroponic farm, 500 square feet [1 BTC]
>metal 3D printer [1 BTC]
>3x metal powder, 1 lb [1 KYCCF]
>Keyence alarm system and cameras [1 ETH]
>2x Keyence vision-guided defense robot [4 ETH]
>bodyguard, human [2 KYCCF]
>2023 Ferrari Portofino, reinforced [1 ETH]
let's get our means of making self-defense weapons quick
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>We love ships. Ships are the best.

Fun fact: the property has a stained glass window picturing a ship at the top of the entrance stairs.
We need our own pleasure ship. It'll be huge.
OP ?
>Implying OP ever planned to run anything at all
>Implying he wasn't a dumb autismo doing the rookie mistakes of extensive early choices without providing context to any of them
One day... one day simeone won't flake

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