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>You are an Inspecter looking to find out the truth on the matter of Son Gohan being severely injured. His sister, Son Peppa, has not been injured, but may have some clue as to why her brother was injured. You will have to find out what she knows.

>WARNING: This is an unofficial, unacknowledged, downright despised spinoff of Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest. By all means, familiarity with Tuffle Quest recommended but not required, however this spinoff will also feature topics such as bullying, abuse, self-harm, drug use, grief, suicidal ideation, grooming, violence, and rape.


Relaying the events of the past month to us in the format of Film Reeled Flashbacks, Peppa recounts some incidents, first one where she kept getting hit in the head with balls. First volleyballs, then a medicine ball! And Erasa laughed at her! Rude!

There was also evidence of a break-in to Peppa's locker in the girls locker-room, but the evidence left behind on the uniform strongly indicated that a boy was the culprit in the worst of ways. Peppa had to remove herself from the locker room immediately, and the feel of it reminded her of her past experience with the bodysnatcher Baby and his grey goo, which haunts her still.

Peppa then went to the Infirmary, and caught up on things with her cousin, the Ox Princess Izumi Mahogany, Izzy for short! From their talk, Peppa learned that Izzy's parents got her permission to skip PE so she could study, and that part of her new tutor's study method involved a special vitamin candy. A big part of why this candy is special is that on top of giving you laser focus, if the name "Izumi" is said in full it also has the effect of overflowing you with anxiety and chills until an injury is inflicted upon your body.

During all of this, the Inspecter is trying to pin down a means and motive for the culprit of Gohan's brutalizing, but has no leads so far. As for who was behind the theft of Peppa's chocolate, there is speculation that it could be a jealous crush behind it, but there's also too much supernatural bobbityboo involved in the theft for it to be that simple. As to who is responsible for Izumi's situation... honestly, Izzy and her family? But yeah that tutor of hers could do with some looking into.

Anyways when we last left off, Peppa was walking home from school and ran into a killer cyborg boy who is on a revenge quest! And as for his target...
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It’s Basilea.

>Common Knowledge! BASILEA
>Peppa's rival, a demon princess who time traveled from the future to beat up Peppa when she was much younger. Kinda lame! But she stuck around, and over the years, she has grown taller and stronger... and still managed to lose every fight she's been in! Had some moderate success in the Tag Tourney from Fu carrying her. Went to jail for trying to blow up all dragon balls, and once freed she mostly goes on random adventures due to having a lack of direction and goals, and does not have much of a home in the future to return back to. The Future Version of Peppa killed her dog or something, it was left vague but Basilea still wears an animal skin she's fond of.

Peppa asks the cyborg boy, “And why are you looking for the monster?”

“That monster killed my family.”

Peppa stubs her toe on a root, and pauses her gait. “She did?”

“Yes. A real dick about it too."

"..." She turns to the boy, her eyes shadowed by her bangs, “I’m sorry.”

The boy shakes his head. “Don’t be, the only one who has to be sorry is the monster.”

“Well, I wish you luck with finding her.” With that, Peppa turns away once more.

She hears that the boy has stopped following after her. Good. She had really wanted some alone time this evening, hence the walk.

But to her confusion, she hears a metallic clack, then the sound of a woosh. A metal hand comes down and grips her shoulder in a vice.

“Oh, you’ll wish me more than luck finding her.”


Peppa inspects the robot hand connected by a cable, going to the boy’s mega buster arm. She clicks her tongue. “Rude.”

The boy wags a finger at her. “Now, when This Great Mercenary was describing the monster, not once did he describe a woman. No one would think This Great Mercenary was describing a woman, but you did.”

Peppa’s face twists. “...you’re a what-now?”

The boy grins. “If This Great Mercenary told you, he’d have to kill you!” He braces himself, and his chains start pulling.

Peppa plants the power pole in the ground, and stands tall. “You just did!”

The boy tugs with his arm. “Huh, I did?”

Peppa tugs back. “Yes!”

“Guess that means you’re dead,” the boy reasons out... then grins. He shrugs, the chain going slack. “But This Granter of Mercy will spare you in exchange for you telling me where I can find the monster.”

Peppa tugs at the metal hand, but it only tightens its grip in response. She tries to fry it with ki, makes it uncomfortably warm. Telekinesis doesn't work, the electromagnetism can subvert it. The claw's going nowhere for now, and she's still iffy on teleporting.

>Quick Recap: The last couple of times Peppa tried to use Instant Transmission, it didn't go well. Without the right headspace for it, she almost phased out of existence the first go around, and the second time she collided heads with her girlfriend and made her late for school, all that was missing in that was a slice of toast in their mouths.
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The option that was picked last vote:
>Point him in Basilea's direction, it's the consequences of her own actions after all.

Peppa considers her self-sworn rival, Basilea. How she's known her over the years. All the murder attempts that Peppa bonked her for. The progress Peppa has made in getting the both of them past smack-talk and I'll-get-you-next-times. All those rants where she called Peppa a carpet-muncher.

...Basilea does love wearing that animal hide, perhaps she was worried Peppa would want a nibble?

And now this boy is out to get revenge on the demon princess, who forcibly made Peppa’s acquaintance by traveling through time to bully her when she was younger.

Now, Peppa isn't the kind to stand by and let the cycle of revenge continue without stepping in, so she says,

"She lives in the dungeons of Castle Kress, which is by Fiend Village.”

“Cool!” the boy gratefully cheers… then tilts his head. He gets out a world map, and he pores over it. He looks back up at Peppa. “Where is that?”

Peppa offers, “I can lead you there if you want!"

...she isn't the kind to stand by and let it spin its wheels in the mud, apparently.

"This Great Mercenary thanks you kindly!" He bows his head, and doesn't release his grip, but it loosens. "Thank you, Master Monkey!"

Peppa rolls her eyes, but she continues, rubbing her thumb and fingers together, "And in exchange for Master Monkey's services, The Great Mercenary will provide coin for a meal on along the way."

"Coin?" The boy looks back at her, bemused. He tilts his head. “I don’t have any coins on me?”

Peppa frowns, then smiles politely. "You get paid for mercenary work, no?"

“Ah, you want me to pay for something!” he says in realization, before jostling her chain with a teasing smirk. “Really now, why not say it simple? This Youngster sees no need to speak in such antiquated talk.”

That’s funny, Peppa sees less need to be around This Youngster the more he talks.

He presents a credit card, and thumbs his nose with the good hand. “The Old Man provides my pay. The only thing I need to do is make a killing!”

Peppa squints at the boy, weighing him. “And how old are- no. How many have you killed?”

The boy considers her question. Then, his megabuster whirs its machinery. With a bell-like chime, his current construct poofs away into smoke. From the megabuster, an instrument with many pointed teeth pops out of it with a -snikt-, and he brings it up. He uses it to comb his hair, and while looking up and away from her, he says, “Oh, about two dozen.”

Disbelief paints Peppa’s features. “Is that a fact?”

He finishes combing his hair down into a respectable bowl cut, then musses it back to spiky again. “Yep!”

Suppressing the urge to roll her eyes, “And were they bad people?”

The boy’s comb turns back into a hand and he holds up a finger, declaring, “As the Old Man would say, ‘People want them dead, don’t worry about it.’”
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He gives a thumbs-up, and waves it in an arc, pointing at himself. “This Killing Machine is on the side of justice!”

Oh jeez, Peppa laments. This was totally a kid, a kid with cybernetic enhancements, but still a kid. Granted, she also did a lot of stuff as a kid, but she also had adult supervision every time. The least she can do is keep an eye on this to make sure it doesn’t escalate further, or de-escalate as suddenly as Basilea’s current mood deems fit.

“Then Master Monkey will make sure This Youngster stays on the straight and narrow path, directly to the monster!”

The boy joins his metal fist and organic palm together, and bows his head. “Appreciable, Master Monkey!”

Aw, he’s trying out the biggerer words! Peppa curtsies with a hand at her tail, “Indeed, Master Monkey’s services come at a very appreciable price!”

“Price? Oh, yeah...” The boy regards her, then laughs. “HA HA HA, and why should I pay? Master Monkey forgets, she is at the mercy of this Merciless, uh, Machine!” He swings his fist as a reminder.

Peppa smiles back at him. She sweeps a hand along the fabric on her shoulder, smoothing out the ruffles.

He looks from her to his mechanical hand, newly sprouted from his megabuster at the wrist.


He springs it at Peppa again only for her to bring her Power Pole down on it with a -CLANG-, grounding it. The boy tugs it back, but can’t budge it out of her pin.

The Great Mercenary objects in yokel twang, “That’s no fair, you can’t do that! Redo!”

Wanting to reply in a tongue that will cater to her foe’s sensibilities, Peppa blows a raspberry at him.

Offended, the boy growls, his skin welling up pink.

Peppa does a double take. No really, it’s literally welling up pink!

When the pigment change reaches the top of his head, a keening whistle sounds as steam shoots from his bionic ear. Whatever the nature of his breathing mechanism, the cyborg stops it, and the whistle cuts off. His body audibly thrums though he stands there perfectly still.

Peppa’s instincts say his current state is one big opening for her to abuse, but if he’s taut like a bowstring, he’s ready to go off at any time. That reasoning is a big part of why the Kamehameha gets used still, though telegraphed as much as an attack can be it’s still adaptable enough to be used as a response to any move the foe makes for however long the user can keep it powered.

Now, should she take him down with a ki blast? But then she wouldn’t have both hands on the Power Pole. Though, that’s probably a moot point since he can free himself easily by changing gears with his megabuster. That’s a nifty trick, like turning a laser sword off and on again. In that case she can dodge whatever it is he wants to hit her with in the time it takes the megabuster’s loadout to adjust. Then again, he is standing there, menacingly, but he’s still a stationary target whose focus is locked directly on her. Perhaps with some telekinesis, she can rock him like a-
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“HRRRAAAGGGHHH!!!!!” The Boy tugs, and his hand, each finger firmly grasped into the ground, lifts and breaks the ground from beneath Peppa’s feet.

“Whoa!” Having lost her balance for just a moment, Peppa adjusts and flips back in the air a few times. She lands, and curses. She thought about it too hard and got the rug pulled out from under her with simple brute strength. “Hoo… okay, guess I should take off the kid gloves?”

The kid holds some remainder of stone in his hand, and with a flex it’s pebbles and dust no longer occupying the space his fist inhabits. He walks toward Peppa, silent but thrumming.

Peppa nods to herself as the kid draws near. Still, can’t rightly bring herself to any lethal options, her opponent being a kid, so she brings up the Power Pole. “Power Pole Extend!”

She swings it down, but is surprised again when he drops low, her extending staff whiffing down to the ground uninterrupted, and then extending back to poke the tree behind her, pinning her in place for a precious instant. “Ah phooey.”

Anticipating the punishment coming her way, Peppa’s body reflexively forces itself to relax, muscles going loose, but still able to adapt with fluid motions in response to the oncoming assault. But despite all her martial arts knowhow, her head still squeezes her eyes shut and grits her teeth.


…she pries an eye open to peer down at her foe, prostrated on the ground in front of her.

The cyborg can’t do anything but pant for air as superheated exhaust vents out of his machinery… and from the seams where it is joined to his flesh.

“Ohmygoodness,” Peppa hisses, kneeling down by him. She’s no healer like Izzy or her mom, but she can at least spare him some energy to give his body a fighting chance before it tires out.


Frantic, Peppa mutters, “C’mon, you can’t die yet, This Mercenary is still a Youngster, there’s still a ways to go to be a Great one, huh? Don’t even know your name!”

After a minute of helping him out, his breathing slows. Peppa feels a slight pulse, and breathes out a sigh of relief.

A human hand grips her wrist.

She smacks the boy’s hand off on reflex and gets in a defensive stance, but again the boy grabs her, and gets ahold of her boot.

Peppa grouses, “Kid, c’mon! Don’t you know when to quit-”

He hits his head to the ground, and politely asks,


Peppa lifts the boy up by his jacket, “'Please please please' What?!”
“Please lead me to her,” the boy says, his pupils pinpricks, both the robotic and the organic. “I’ll pay you. I need to find her, then I will crush her. This Great Mercenary gives his word, and his coin.” He holds the card up.

Peppa takes the card.

The boy smiles.

Peppa smiles back. “Nah, she’d win.”

The smile on his face twitches, then he snarls. “Nuh uh!”

Peppa’s retort is to drop him, and he drops.
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The boy eventually gets back to his feet with only one arm, but his other is still overheated and deadweight. “No for real, I can-”

Peppa gives him a shove, sending the boy off balance really easily. “Your arm’s off.”

The boy grits his teeth, and the servos in his arm whir futilely. He raises a finger, “Just needs some cooling off, one moment please!”

He then runs over to the stream, and hops in. After a few seconds, he hops out of the water, does some flips, and lands, a perfect repeat performance! He puffs air and water out of his nose, and triumphantly says, “See? Good as new-”

He looks around the clearing, and sees no one. “Hey! Where’d you go!?”

Birds fly off at the shout, making the tree branches above jostle the teeniest bit.

Water splooshes down on him from above.


Sputtering, he looks up, and sees Peppa reclining on a tree branch above, grooming her tail.

“So slow~!” she taunts. She waves the card, “You want me to pick you up something, you know, since you can’t keep up?”

He shoots his hand up to grab her, only for her to flip off the branch his robotic hand grips and crushes. She then lands her feet on the arm’s cable and starts sliding down it. His first thought is to retract his arm, but that would just bring her closer faster! So instead he waves his arm around to shake her off.

The unsteady ground going round and round sends Peppa spiraling! …with her descent down the rail uninterrupted. Whooping and laughing, she’d have to say that all in all, it’s better than any of the rides at Dreamland.

With that not working either, he settles on a third thing (which really should be his go to): he disperses his arm and aims his megabuster at Peppa.

But way too late! Peppa kicks his megabuster away, and brings her hands up to her face.

It is a gesture the boy recognizes, having seen The Old Man do it once (and then nothing for a whole day!) so he squeezes his eyes shut. He then notes, with alarms blaring throughout his head, that his robot eye cannot close. He can only bring his hand up to shield his vision, the rest of his body one big opening. Now she'll say something like "Solar Flare!" or "Taiyouken!" or-

“Nghuuuuuuu! Rerorerorerorerorero~!”

...lowering his guard, he takes in the sight of a cross-eyed Peppa sticking her tongue out and waving her fingers at him.

“Why you, you!” he raises his megabuster, and sprouts a fist, which he shakes at her. “Why ya tryin' so hard to make a fool of me!?”

Peppa scratches her cheek, and looks away. “Not that hard."

He grabs at the card in her other hand, but she reflexively backhands his fingers. He winces, blowing on his fingers, then hisses out, “Thief!”

“The assassin is calling me a thief,” Peppa notes dryly. She shakes her head, then responds, “Don’t worry, I’ll give this back after we get some grub.”
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“Then that means you’ll-” the boy hopefully cheers as he goes to grab her again, but meets only air where he saw her just a moment ago. Then, the collar of his jacket is pulled up, and his body follows.

“One thing at a time,” Peppa chastises the dangling cyborg. “Come along nicely now, don’t wanna drop you!”

He fusses a bit, but is cut off by a swerve in Peppa’s airpath that just barely pulls him out of the way of a branch, the kind that would give him reason to double up on the robot eyes.

She leans down and tells him, “But that could change, you know?”

The boy gulps, and nods.


The Inspecter whistles at the scene. “You toyed with a kid to show off how outclassed he was in every way.” She crosses her arms, then tilts her head. “The rude but kind approach, huh?”

Peppa shrugs. “Better to made a fool for a day than dying a fool the next.”

The Inspecter brings up their own mechanical hand and uses it to ruffle Peppa’s hair. “Nice, super quotable!”

Peppa smacks their hand away. “Hands to yourself, I’m over it!”

“Ah, my bad! Eheh…” The Inspecter, who is secretly three of Peppa’s Mom in a trenchcoat, considers what they’ve just seen in that little flashback, displayed up on a silver screen in Peppa’s lounge, the “Ruban Rouge.”

The Inquiring Aspect of Maple Son-Mahogany takes the helm of the totem, and asks, “So that encounter you had with the cyborg boy on the way home from school,” she begins, thinking on how to continue… then just goes ahead and says it, “Does it have anything to do with… Anything?”

Peppa regards her, then smiles and nods. “Good question!”

The Scolding Aspect pipes up from the Inspecter’s torso, “Don’t waste our time, young lady! Show us stuff that will explain how Gohan got maimed!”

Peppa narrows her eyes. “One, I don’t know how it happened. And again, so much stuff has happened the past month and I don’t know how it all fits together or what I overlooked and who knows, maybe he’s the key to all of this!” She gestures to the screen, which features a slow-motion replay of that sweet flip from the river.

The Doting Aspect of Maple leap-frogs from the bottom to the top of their totem, an act which is not noticed by Peppa due to the trenchcoat and their hat and a hefty amount of suspended disbelief. Now forming the head of the Inspecter, she twirls her fake moustache and nods assuringly. “That makes sense, so sorry for lashing out! I’ll be sure to keep an eye out. Won’t I?”

Her torso and legs sway in deference.

Peppa also nods gratefully, in large part to having seen much stranger things recently.

The Inquiring Aspect asks from the shirt, “So what else happened with the cyborg boy? Did he go fight Basilea?”

“...” A knowing smirk gets on Peppa’s face. “You’ll see.” She presses a play button on a remote, which anachronistically enables the movie projector to start up again.


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>Well, we got some air behind us
>And we got some more to clear
>But we can’t right now ‘cause my gut is screamin’
>“Hey, get some grub in here!”

[Peppa flies through the evening skies, her passenger in tow. The cyborg boy grouses and a speech bubble featuring Basilea’s face pops up. Peppa retorts with another speech bubble that overlaps his, with a Red X on Basilea’s mug and then, next to it, a skull with the boy’s hairdo and robotic eye. But the speech bubble rumbles, and Peppa holds a hand to her stomach with a blush and much chagrin.]
>Seein’ no WcDonalds nor diners
>Just a lot of barren land
>For a hungee girl lugging a digital dummy
>Danglin’ from a robot hand
[Peppa surveys the horizon, and can’t see any nearby settlements but ghost towns. The boy activates his megabuster to do something, and dissipates his hand. He then drops through the skies until Peppa catches him. Now holding onto her with his human arm, the boy’s megabuster projects a holographic display of the globe, with the data: “EARTH - 70% WASTELAND, NEAREST REST STOP 500 KLICKS THATAWAY.” Both of them do a :I face.]
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>I'm makin' my way,
>I'm makin' my way!
>Climbing every frap-py mountain
>All to find one single damn cafe!
[The two of them get blasted by a blizzard, and the two of them look in the direction it came from to see a cursed mountaintop, more a glacier than anything. The words “IF SHE BREATHES,” echo in their minds, and both frown. Peppa charges a Kamehameha one-handedly, and the boy charges a Super Dodonpa. “SHE A TH-” A flash, and the mountaintop is nowhere to be seen, but there is a nice and fluffy snowcloud where it was. The two continue on their way, though unbeknownst to them: from the rubble below, a slope pops up, indicating that Mt. Glass Ceiling will return.]
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>I'm makin' my way,
>I'm makin' my way!
>And I'd rather be speedin’'
>But I need him breathin’ so he can cover the pay
[Peppa flies at supersonic for a bit, but her passenger looks much worse for wear, what with his skin flapping and organic eye rolled up into his head. Peppa slows her pace, and thinks. A thought bubble appears to show a Yardrat teleporting, but then there’s another visual of Peppa and the boy cracking to pieces comes up and phasing out of existence respectively. She shakes her head, and descends to fly alongside a pair of birds. Their birdsong wakes the boy up, who then frantically whips his head around in shock and clings to Peppa once he sees the ground below.]
>I'm makin' my way,
>I'm makin' my way~

[Peppa snickers at his panicky reaction, and the boy pouts… but then he too joins in, and the two share a laugh. Peppa catches her breath, then catches wind of an aroma. Even the cyborg can smell something. Drool seeps from their mouths. They sniff around the air, and manage to hone in on the wavy line that all aromas have and this particular one possesses. They zoom along the trail, but then!]
glad to see you back after months, OP
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A voice rings out across the wilderness: “HEEEAAALP!”

Glad to be back, anon! And hey now, only a month and a half, y'know! So relaxing- er, uh, I mean, I'm now back and ready to do stuff, look forward to it!

So, many posts and paragraphs and a musical number later, I feel it must be stated plainly that this quest will not have much in the way of rolls to determine the outcome of an action scene (so far as the current flashback arc goes at any rate, but that miiight change if there's a cool reason), and the minor interactions in dialogue or what a character decides to have for lunch will be up to the QM's discretion. The Players do get to decide on the broad strokes, like which course the PC took in the flashback, and can have them ask questions.

Peppa zooms toward that cry of distress, and the boy’s robotic eye flares up with a red sheen. Coincidentally enough, their warpath lines up perfectly with the source of the aroma!

They spot a woman fleeing for her life from some wolves, while carrying a bag of herbs and spices. And to even Peppa’s eyes, that woman, wearing a chef hat, is starting to resemble a drumstick!

>A. Peppa and the Cyborg Boy fight off every predator in the surrounding area!
>B. Peppa sics the Cyborg Boy on the wolves while she makes sure the lady is okay.
C. Just let the lady in a chef hat with a bag of ingredients run off while you're hungry, lol, with wolves chasing her even, lmao
>C. Write-in
>D. Update Notes (write-in)
>A. Peppa and the Cyborg Boy fight off every predator in the surrounding area!
glad to see you back, OP
>B. Peppa sics the Cyborg Boy on the wolves while she makes sure the lady is okay.
>C. "Feed me."
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“AAAH!” the lady cries, yet still lugging the delicious smelling bag with her.

Peppa thinks to herself, “Jeez lady, just leave it behind!” but then her stomach growls at her, and goes, "Yeah yeah. Egads, Whatsa Meesa Sayin?"

She touches down on the Earth gently, and the cyborg boy lands with a THUD that shakes the ground. The pursuing beasts take note of this, and slow their pace as they circle these intruders.

Peppa takes in a good whiff of the aroma, and smirks. “Can’t say I blame y’all too much. But, lady’s got to make a living!” She spins the Power Pole above her head while breathing deep, then finally thrusts the Pole forward with a “HA!” A small tornado forms, then grows bigger and bigger. It engulfs half the predators, and swoops them up into the air. The whirlwind flies through the forest, and stops at a nearby lake. The cyclone dissipates, with its passengers hurled into the water.

Peppa stands triumphant. “Ha, a huff and a puff is all it took to blow them away. Sucks to suck!”

The cyborg boy points out, “Uh, not all of them. I’d say you only got half?” The rest of the wolves growl at him, looking for an opening.

Peppa tilts her head. “Yeah? That’s your half.”

“My half!?” he exclaims, waving with his human arm while keeping his megabuster primed to fire. Then, he musters up some bravado, thumbing his nose. “I mean, This Great Mercenary can kill a wolf with a turn of the hand, but this many is a little-”

“This many is a little, kid,” Peppa cuts him off, tone hard. “Beating up a pack of wolves is a feat jobber side characters are easily capable of. If this is too much, you can forget about Basilea.”

“...” the boy glares at her, then at the wolves. He hisses, then his machinery hisses as he launches himself forward.

Peppa turns away from the scuffle, ignoring the growls, snaps, clangs, whirs, and pewpewpews. She walks up to the lady, who is still clutching the bag to herself and darting her eyes around warily.

“You’re safe now,” Peppa tells her.

The lady regards Peppa, then the fracas. “But he's still fighting them off?”

“Oh, he’ll be fine,” Peppa says. Not from confidence in his abilities or apathy at his plight; with her ability to sense ki she has awareness of the fight’s flow even though her back is turned. Oh, one of those wolves just got grabbed and whipped around to hit the others, neat!

“Alright then? Ahaha…” the lady takes her chef hat off, and lets her auburn hair breathe. She also sets down the sack, taking care not to set it down on the side with a torn hole in it.

“Ah, let me get that for you.” Peppa points, and sutures the tear with the Clothes Beam. There, that should prevent any more predators catching wind of it.

The lady looks at her bag, and then at Peppa. Quicker than even Peppa can react, she sweeps Peppa off the ground!

“THANKYOU THANKYOU THANKYOU THANKYOU THANKYOU!” the lady expresses as she nuzzles into Peppa.
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Much like a cat, Peppa pries the lady’s face away from her with an unbarred hand, and chokes out, “Don’t-mention-it!”

“Oh! Now where are my manners?” The lady sets her down and puts her hat back on. “I have to scrounge up a reward for you!”

Peppa goes to shake her head, but there's too much drool in her mouth.

That aroma returns as the lady searches in the bag, and Peppa swallows her foolish words back down. The cook lady also pops a capsule and out poofs a food cart.

While in the midst of getting her cutlery and stove ready, the lady asks, “Have you eaten?”

Peppa swallows, and says as controlled as she can, "No?"

“Right!” the lady says as she starts dicing some greens and oiling the pan. “You vegetarian? Any food restrictions?”

“I’m half-saiyan, and I still can’t beat my dad’s all-you-can-eat record.”

The lady gasps, dropping the diced herbs into the pan. “You’re a sayin’ you’re a Saiyan?”

“...yeah, that's right." Peppa admits with a sigh. There goes her meal ticket, no way it was valid when she’s fixing to hear the same song she’s been hearing at other diners-

“Well well well, seems I’ll have to pull out all the stops!”

Eh. Eh? Peppa blinks, then looks up at the lady.

The lady- no. The Cook cracks her knuckles, and stretches her arms. Then, she pulls out a pair of stools from the cart, and tosses them before Peppa. “Please sit, I’ll have your orders out in a jiffy.”

Well now, this is a welcome turn! Peppa nods gratefully, and takes her seat with gusto!

An aura swells about the Cook and her kitchen! Then a manic grin manifests on her face. “Ahaha!”

Within minutes, a meal is prepared for Peppa. Five bowls of rice as big as her, with sauteed vegetables, strips of grilled meat, and sauce with that aromatic spice mixed into it that sent the whole wilderness in a tizzy.

Peppa claps her hands together, and nods her head to the Cook. “Thanks for the food!”

The Cook says with a smile, “Happy to serve!” Then, she glances at Peppa’s food. “Oh, sorry, I thought I filled that bowl-”

She looks up and witnesses Peppa upending the second bowl into her mouth, the food getting sucked in as if her mouth is an open airlock.

The Cook gapes at this, then grins once more. “Ahaha, a worthy opponent! Don’t worry, seconds are on the way~!”

The cyborg boy walks up and climbs the stool, having managed to chase off the wolves without overexerting his machinery, showing that is a halfway capable fighter. He then orders chicken tendi- tenders with orange soda and some ice cream! But when he gets his helping, he scoffs at the sight of veggies on his plate. “This Great Mercenary eats only what he’s ordered!”

Peppa whaps him with her tail, and in between bowls, she orders, “Eat your veggies.”

The boy does as he’s told, and then admits that they’re fine. He doesn’t complain when given a second helping.

Once Peppa has gotten to the point where she’s chewing her food, the Cook makes an observation. “Sorry to butt in, but do you have allergies after all?”

While flipping the stir-fry with her other hand, the Cook comments, “You’re crying.”


Peppa blinks, her vision now blurry. She wipes at her face, and admits, “No! No, I’m fine. It’s just, this reminds me of my mom’s cooking.”

Her face falling in sympathy, the Cook nods. “...I see. And when was the last time your mom made you something?”

“A long time,” Peppa says mournfully. “Near two weeks ago.”

Even the cyborg boy gawks at this, having lost his own family, and he awkwardly pats Peppa on the back.

“Oof, I’m sorry for your loss,” the Cook remarks, having an easier time eyeing the meat than how to tiptoe through this. “What was the cause?”

“I burnt down our kitchen."

https://youtu.be/-Rmyq0ET2Mg Her company is taken aback, to say the least!

"Though, maybe burnt doesn't cover the full scope of it? It was an ugly sight." Peppa continues, mournfully, “And she’s still working on renovating it, and even though she made me some packed lunches the capsules they’re in have gone missing from my bag.”

“Huh? Oh! Uh, I see?” The relieved Cook puts together another bowl, which Peppa accepts. “Well, if you want I can give you some lessons on how to cook some time. Won’t be free though, I’ll need some help getting ingredients!”

“Heh, equivalent exchange,” Peppa remarks.

The Cook quirks her brow, then nods. “Yup, definitely Maple’s kid.”

Peppa sputters. “You know my mom?” she asks, then considers. Her mom was World Champ a few times, kicked Demon King Piccolo in the face on live TV, and had the most panned blockbuster of all time made in her honor. “Er, sorry, I guess everyone knows my mom?”

The Cook nods, “Maple Son-Mahogany, my teacher and disciple in one.”

“Okay, not many know her like that!” Peppa sets her bowl down. “I’m Son Peppa, Maple’s daughter. May I know who you are?”

The Cook holds her hat to her chest, and curtseys her apron. “Cookie, pleased to meet you!”

“Cookie?” the boy repeats, then leans back, thinking about something or other.

Peppa smiles at her host. “Sure thing! Though, could’ve been in better circumstances. Good thing the wolves didn’t get to you.”

Cookie sighs. “Oh, that’s just my luck. Always did seem to attract predators…”

Peppa points out, “Well, you seem like you could have taken them?"

Cookie crosses her arms. “Oh?”

Peppa crosses her own. “From what I can tell, you’re plenty strong. Strong enough to take care of yourself out here at the very least."

“Say what?” the boy asks, a bit jealous of his accomplishment being diminished. “She doesn’t look that strong, and she was running away from those wolves earlier!”

Peppa helpfully points out, “Running away from a pack of wolves, while carrying a heavy sack with her." Less helpfully was all the poking him in the head while explaining.

"Quit it!" He waves Peppa off, squints at Cookie with his human eye. "That's stupid. Who would stick their neck out for something like that?"

"Anyone with sense!"

Cookie nods enthusiastically.
pausing to sleep, continuing tomorrow
what ? couldn't she just drop it and fight them, then ?
“But that don't make a lick of- cough," the boy cuts himself off to clear his throat, and continues in a more robotic, “That makes no sense. If she was able to fight them off, then she would have. But instead she had to rely on the help of This Here Violent Savior! ...and Master Monkey!"

“Yeah, that sure was a fright!” Cookie admits, wringing her chef hat. “Nothing worse than losing out on a day’s work of gathering ingredients, ahaha... Thanks for rushing in when you did!” She bows in gratitude.

“You’re welcome!" Peppa chirps before going back to eating.

"...you're welcome?" The confused boy can't compute, so he whispers to Peppa, "I don't get it?"

Still eating, Peppa responds telepathically, "She would have lost her stuff in the fighting. Just look at that mess you made back there." Behind her, she can sense a bunch of felled trees, the smoking remnants of bushes, and some sizable divets in the earth where life is absent.

"Whoa!" the boy gasps, pointing a metal finger in shock. "A ventriloquist!"

"Heh!" Peppa snorts. "Then that makes you the dummy!"


Picking up a remaining bowl, Peppa asks, “So how did you meet my mom?”

Cookie smiles as she polishes a dish, recalling, “Well, that's a good story-"

https://youtu.be/4wS3du72Ti0 The dishes on the cart clatter.

Peppa sniffs at the air. The scent of her meal is still there, so maybe a predator was drawn to it, but there's also a stench. A stench she hasn't smelt since...

Cookie spots something, and gulps. "For another time, ahaha!" She sets to packing up her stuff at a rapid pace.

Peppa doesn't sense any living thing nearby. A shame that there could be plenty of exceptions.

The boy tugs at Peppa's tail, thankfully with his human hand. "Uh, Master Monkey?"

"Ow! Mind my tail, you!" She tenderly pries his hand off, then turns to see the new arrival.
File: deviljho by gegegekman.jpg (628 KB, 1517x855)
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A dinosaur looms over the cart. It sniffs at the air, then snorts, shooting out gouts of evil mist.



Peppa turns back to her remaining food bowl, and sets her chopsticks down. With a sigh, she excuses herself from her seat, and stands tall in the face of this predator.

https://youtu.be/g3rIFjCVawc The dinosaur's roar is near deafening, and with it spews out more of that mist!

Only for the wave to be deflected with the spin of her power pole.

Peppa and the Devil Tyranno regard each other for an instant, looking for an opening.

>A. Peppa's feeling the pain of losing her meal, and it's brought a thought on. "Hey kid, wanna see something cool?" Turn into a Super Saiyan, handle it yourself.
>B. "Hey kid, here's another notch for your belt. Don't worry, I'll stick by you this time. Should be easy, my mom defeated one of these when she was 8." No train, no gain!
>C. Write-in
Borrowing this: https://pastebin.com/CthBLkBC Son Peppa's movelist.
>D. Show me your moves! (write-in a technique you want to use)
>E. Update notes (note something)
>B. "Hey kid, here's another notch for your belt. Don't worry, I'll stick by you this time. Should be easy, my mom defeated one of these when she was 8." No train, no gain!
missed this yesterday, zam
Thanks for voting, big zam! Not to worry, it matched my pace! oof, I should probably pick up the pace then! Updating asap.

So with akun, that's 4 votes for B. Writing!

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