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Welcome back.

Rules are simple: Votes are tallied every hour, with whatever course of action being the most popular being the course of action taken. Write ins are encouraged and non-mutually exclusive votes will be combined if possible.

When a roll is called for, roll however many D100 are specified. 5- is a 'crit fail' and generally means something bad is about to happen. 95+ is a 'crit success' and generally means something good just happened. a 'crit success' trumps a crit fail. User input on both will be taken into consideration.

Inventory, pokemon stats and other links: https://docs.google.com/document/d/15i2N08IpWqitoTJujsUMishe4PLbao1lqT-bCAmvPcE/edit

Discord: https://discord.gg/PErMtupK

For a short summary for the new and to recap:

You are Alex. A newly minted trainer and camping enthusiast just starting out on your journey at the age of seventeen after your father lost his job in order to help pay the bills. On the road, you met Fie, the Fire Gym Leader, Gareth a novice Aura Guardian on pilgrimage and Holly, a runaway heiress using a pseudonym. You've also made enemies of Team Green a group of violent, radical activists looking to abolish pokemon training.

Recently, Fie returned to her gym for the time being.

Last thread, you saved an adult toy store from being robbed by Team Green, left Saltcoast City for Redmont Town, caught a Mudkip and made camp for the night.
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"Okay, no need to get so worked up." You say as you pack her tent back up. "Your arm doing alright? You didn't hurt it bodying that twink, did you?" You ask as you start on your tent instead.

"No, I only used my good arm for that." She says. "Which, it's kind of sad I could take on a grown-ass man with just one arm and win." She adds, as though realising exactly what she just achieved.

"And you didn't strain yourself?" You prod, just to make sure.

"No... Which- which is kind of sad, because..." She gestures broadly. "I mean, men are just physically stronger than women. No use arguing basic biology. We're not pokemon. I mean, they weren't the most inspiring specimens of masculinity to begin with, sure, but I've got a broken arm and I'm a seventeen year old girl. That's just embarrassing."

>Well I mean you eat properly and you put at least as much effort into your fitness as I do.
>We did catch them off guard.
>You've studied martial arts, so it's not completely out of left field.
>Well I mean you eat properly and you put at least as much effort into your fitness as I do.
>You've studied martial arts, so it's not completely out of left field.
I don't remember if we can vote for two things, but I'd like to combine saying these either way.
>We did catch them off guard.
Something about a cornered animal fighting back harder.
>You've studied martial arts, so it's not completely out of left field.


"Well I mean you eat properly and you put at least as much effort into your fitness as I do." You observe as you work.

"Yeah, but still..." Martha says.

"You've also studied martial arts, so it's not completely out of left field." You add. "Why's this bothering you, anyway?"

You have an inkling, but you want to see if she'll say it.

She waves vaguely.

"Just a close call a few years ago. I'm lucky that didn't get too out of hand, but I had to fight like hell." She says. "Just..."

She stops and looks back towards the beach.

"You're not sure if that fight went so well because you've actually gotten stronger or because that guy had all the strength of a wet noodle?" You suggest as you finish up the frame and retrieve the rain cover.

She nods.

>Want to spar when your arm's better?
>Well, if you're training hard, you'll have gotten results, even if that was kind of a gimme.
>All you can do sometimes is live and learn.
>>Want to spar when your arm's better?
>>Want to spar when your arm's better?
>Want to spar when your arm's better?
Also here's a tip. Keep a ghost type or any pokemon that knows shadowsneak you can handle in your shadow.
That's what my mom started doing after a few close calls.
Might do the same actually so I don't get caught off guard again.

"Want to spar when your arm gets better?" You ask.

"Yeah, I think that might be a good idea." Martha admits.

"Incidentally, if you have a Ghost pokemon that knows Shadow Sneak-"

"I don't like Ghosts." Martha replies. "It seems like every last one of them is a pervert." She adds before you can ask why.

"...Huh." You say intelligently.

This is the first you're hearing of this, but if Martha's not keen on the idea, then there's no sense in pushing it.

"So, what now?" She asks instead, clapping her hands as you finish laying out the tent carpet.

Gareth's tending the fire and Holly's set up the camp shower, so you're pretty set there. And it's still holding fine for the time being.

>Let's train.
>Let's fish.
>I'm going to meditate.
>I'm going for a walk.
>I'm going for a swim.
>>Let's train.
>>Let's train.
Leg exercises and lateral ladder training for Alex and Aplicable mons.
Focus on Fluffy with Endurance/Hp training until he is tired and then have him practice Cosmic power.
You could also adopt a Hondour puppy girl.
They can use Shadowsneak just as well.
Anyone trying anything will be too scared.
Might have to remind Fie in case she didn't try it.
>>I'm going to meditate.
>Let's fish.

Who, in what?

Rascal (Braviary)
Fluffy (Eevee) (Everstone)
Rusty (Aron)
Nika (Riolu)
Piker (Feebas)
Volta (Luxray)
>Rusty (Aron)
Aron, in evolution
Piker, in grooming (for evolution)
Fluffy, Nika, Volta for lateral ladder exercises.
Make sure to praise them regularly.
Then pet the others while Fluffy practices Cosmic Power after they get tuckered out.
Fluffy gets an Accupressure massage as a reward.

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