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It’s the 765th year of the Empress’ Calendar. And in a small, remote village in the Threshold, the most honorable guardians of the Realm and the fist of the Empress, the Black Helms, are dispensing justice for the most foul crime of loitering. This disruption of the peace was brough about when an ordinary street performance turned into a majestic display of dance that could put the most famous artisan troupes of the Blessed Isle to shame. Those who bore witness to this glorious show of skill fell under its thrall and a dance fever broke out in the crowd like a plague. Anyone who looked at it for too long was susceptible to joining the crowd of dancers himself. When one of the Black Helms themselves fell under the spells effect the rest of the guards were left with no choice but to intervene and put a stop to the festivities by force.

But Mnemon Jet knew little of that. All he knew is that he made a wonderful performance that brought a little joy into the lives of the people in the city and now they are tarnishing his work. Not only that they wer behaving in a manner more fit for barbarians, not those representing the Empress' Justice. He felt rage swelling within him, and the desire to make these ingrates repent.
"By the dragons, what am I thinking?"

"Those people were singing your glory and danced in your name. Their adoration was yours, and they took it. It's only natural to want to punish them."
The demon, Markolab, spoke in his mind, egging him on to act.

"No. This is insane. Clearly my mind is being affected. I can't afford to bring attention to my presence any more than I already have. I need to regroup with Kaya and Ena."

"Who says it's "you" who is to bring attention to himself?"

Jet paused in his stride. Then he took a sharp turn and headed into an alleyway that the crowd already ran out of. Finding a secluded spot he concentrated on the image of a person who does not exist. A man slightly taller, more muscular and more rough looking than him, with a prominent scar over his eye. As soon as the image was clear his shadow bubbled like it was about to boil over, then it sprung on him like a living thing and wrapped him in a tender penumbra of inky blackness. A few moments later his shadow became quiescent once more and his shape was changed to that of the man he imagined.
"How do I look?"
Even his voice was much deeper than before.

"Decidedly not like Mnemon Jet."

With his new disguise Jet went out to confront the guards. He gently tapped one of them on the shoulder and politely asked him for his attention but the city guard equipped with his club, black helmet and buff-jacket turned around with a swing of his weapon, which Jet managed to easily side-step. This did not please the soldier.
"Stop resisting!"

"Sir, I'm just-"

The man took one more swing, then another, and another. None hit their mark. To the eyes of the Infernal this mortal's movements were quite sluggish and clumsy. A gentle smack at his wrists, or simply ducking was enough to redirect or evade his blows. Seeing this others joined in to help their comrade. Their contribution did not help. Jets eyes darted from one, to another and his ears picked up their hurried steps on the pavement. He managed to evade all of them at the same time and he triumphed over his foes without harming any of them, as the Black Helms eventually ended up beating each other up due to their poor coordination. Once all of them either lied on the ground, battered and bruised, or leant on their own knees in exhaustion Jet looked at them.

>He swiftly left the area before reinforcements would arrive
>He grabbed one of them and started questioning him why they were wailing on the civilians
>He swiftly ended each
Welcome to Exalted. A high-fantasy land of eastern and western mythology combined into a bizarre amalgam.
You play as one of the Infernal Exalted, the Champions of Hell given immense power by the Yozi, the Demon Princes of Malfeas to do with them as you will.
dice are 1d20 against a DC based on circumstances and the chosen option. Bonuses are given to particularly creative or cool solutions to problems ranging from a +1 to a +3 on your final roll
multiple votes are allowed, if they are not mutually exclusive. Subject to QM approval depending on the situation
custom votes are allowed and welcome

And here's a character sheet. It's a work in progress but hopefully I'll iron out the kinks sooner or later.

And here's the archive link for last thread:

>He grabbed one of them and started questioning him why they were wailing on the civilians
thanks for returning OP
>He grabbed one of them and started questioning him why they were wailing on the civilians
>He grabbed one of them and started questioning him why they were wailing on the civilians
>He grabbed one of them and started questioning him why they were wailing on the civilians

Nice, we're back on.

Hot damn we've even got stats now. When Jet uses his firewand gun, does it rely more on martial arts or "archery"? Also Jet has 4 appearance, hes actually a bishonen.
>Put on the act of some retired general and slam their moral
>"How is it possible that not only the Black Helms are turned into uncoordinated, undisciplined and disgusting barbarians not more worth than the mud mixed with horse shit you find in the stables after turbulent rain?! Years of seeing blood being spilled on the battlefields and on the streets, almost losing an eye while clad in armor and doing what I was trained for, and this is what the new generations were turned into?!"
>"I'm disgusted beyond belief, that an old sack of bones with a back that hurts each passing day, could evade ALL of you without not much effort!! What is it? You enjoyed a little too much of beating poor civilians and bums that you all got sluggish? Oh by the Dragons... I swear that if you don't explain right about now why you would decide to split the heads of simple people dancing on the street, I'll drag your asses to the most bastardly cold and disgusting guard post to the North, and train you all by myself on the open until all the fingers in your hand turn charcoal black and are so twisted it would be better to cut them off and give you hooks for hands."
>"You! Fucking explain now before I get you all tied and dragged across the streets to your superiors and left like another bum on the streets, infected by fleas and any other goddamn mix of diseases!"

I don't know if you would like to already make a random persona of a retired soldier/Seargent, but given our looks I could only think of that. Or maybe we're just some random nomad bum who appears from time to time and just fucks around, I feel that could work more our ways, and also this long ass write-in would really help to give us some good-demon points
Firearms of all kind rely on Archery.
It's just an umbrella term for ranged combat of all kinds other than throwing shit.
>He grabbed one of them and started questioning him why they were wailing on the civilians
Thats pretty funny. Though if I was deciding on an alter ego to do stuff that Jet doesn't want to tarnish his goody goody public image with I think I'd go for more of an Underworld gangster persona. Though maybe it can fit together, the retired or fallen soldier officer who fell into a bad crowd.
I'll support. But like other guy says, gangster would work.
I just came with the retired soldier, but we can work this Persona into just a gangster that's highly competent on things and sometimes steals and others just fucks around lying and stuff (Like how he could be lying into being a Officer or something)
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He walked up to one of the guards, grabbed him by the collar, took a deep breath - which was just an excuse for him to collect his thoughts - and began shaking him.
"How is it possible that the Black Helms turned into undisciplined, uncoordinated barbarians worth less than mud mixed with horse shit after turbulent rain? After years of seeing blood spilled on the battlefield and almost losing an eye this is still the saddest excuse for an armed force I've ever seen! I'm disgusted beyond belief that an old sack of bones like me, with a back that won't stop aching, can still dance around you like a fly around a pile of dung! Thank the Dragons I quit the service so you useless morons don't tarnish my name with this pathetic display!"

"W-What the fuck do you want?!"

Tossing the man, Jet made the guard sit down in front of him to drive home just how much he's being looked down on.
"What I want to know is why you decided to crack open the skulls of a few plebeians just because of a little dancing. Or better yet, how you dare to do it when it's clear you're not "guards" of the realm but rather petty criminals, as you couldn't defeat a stiff breeze, much less repel any sort of hostile force. And you better answer me quick, before I drag you out of the city myself and beat some sense into you, or the soul out of your chest!"

"The satrap will have your head for this!"
The guard cursed as he struggled with the dust his landing whipped up.

"The satrap?"
Jet spoke out loud. But deep inside he realized this was not just some overzealous peacekeepers abusing the citizenry. This little pissant wouldn't just casually threaten someone with the local governor, unless he was directly involved already. Otherwise he'd have to be notified and heads would roll for troubling him with such a minor incident.
"Who's the satrap here?"
Deep down he begged it to be anyone but a member of House Mnemon.

"Cathak Jirobo, you ingrate!"

Jet sighed with relief. It's only a Cathak. He can deal with those. But this bodes ill. House Cathak having a deep rooted warrior culture and being one of the most militant houses usually reserves "esteemed" positions like that of Satrap for those they deem "failures", i.e. anyone not a soldier. If his suspicions are right, the governor could prove to be quite a nuisance. But he had to be sure. So he drew his firewand and pointed it at the Black Helm.
"And why did the satrap order the violent suppression of the crowd?"

The guard's attitude changed swiftly as he started fearing for his life.
"I-I don't know! I swear! He just doesn't like it when people start gathering!"
The pieces started falling into place. Food shortage in a farming settlement, rampant poverty, the satrap fearing congregations. House Cathak was never concerned with things that don't involve fighting. They are draining this satrapy, and likely many others, dry in preparation for the coming succession war. And the satrap is fearing rebellion from the discontent citizens.
"I see. Thank you."
He holstered his firearm and turned his back to the guard as he left.
"This disguise is pretty good."
He thought to himself.

"Want me to commit it to memory? You know, for future reference."
Markolab replied.

"Actually, that's a good idea. Please do."

"Done. So, what now?"

"Nothing. I've no desire to pursue hostilities with the satrap or House Cathak. And thanks to my disguise they won't know that it was me who humiliated their men. So unless they do something to me personally I can just lay low. But we'll leave first thing in the morning. Don't want to sit on this powder keg longer than I need to."

"Uh-huh. Makes sense. But by "doing something to you", do you mean "arresting your sister"? Because that's what they are doing over there."
Jet jerked his head to the side where Markolab was guiding him and true enough, he saw his sister and wife being escorted away in what appear to be bathrobes, by a large squad of Black Helms. And Jet felt his blood starting to boil.
"Careful. There's about twenty men. You're good but not that good. And by that I don't mean you couldn't beat them to a bloody pulp and swoop the women off their feet. But they'd definitely notice something off about you. Like your anima burning brighter than a bonfire. And I don't need to remind you that when that happens your disguise will also melt away."

Jet glared with murderous intent at the people dragging his sister and wife away.

>"The Satrap will pay for this!"
>He'll wait for the night and break them out of confinement
>NOBODY gets away with laying a hand on his family!
Well shit... I don't know what to do, do we go Karen mode now?
This depends, Entirely, on if these fuckers act inappropriately.

>Shadow them until they reach confinement. Keep note on the manner in which they are treated.

>If merely imprisoned, go to the Satrap and demand they are freed or we'll butcher him or they are bringing down the wrath of mnemon by imprisoning one of their scions.
>If mistreated, abused or otherwise acting inappropriately, we're going to blow off some torment by turning the garrison into a saw trap/charnel pit. THEN the Satrap.
Hell, if we want to conceal our issue even better, we can sabotage several posts and gates, rally a bunch of the people in the town to a riot and then have them storm the manor/prison.

Let the peasantry die, our hands are obscured and it is all believably "Jet using his social skills to cause chaos again"
Take on the appearance of a senior black helmet and tell them to drop everything because some one-eyed lunatic beat up the guards who went to suppress the dance gathering and theres injured.
I like this, but I feel that in this small city all the Black Helmets should know their officials, and we don't know the appearance of some of them to fool the guards. There's already some crazy guy with a scar doing dumb shit and pointing with a firestick to the guards, it would be weird there being two now
Hmmm cover his face in wounds or blood or something? Muffle it through a 'broken' nose and hope that's enough.
He steeled himself to keep his impulsive thoughts in check. Acting hastily could prove to be disastrous in this situation. Rather he decided to trail the guards to see where exactly they are taking the girls, or rather what they do once there. But that was easier said than done. He had two disguises he could take. Neither of which were ideal in this situation. He'd need to make yet another one, which would push him even closer to the brink where his essence would start radiating outward.

"Here's a thought. You already have a third form to take. And it wouldn't even cost you any essence to maintain..."

His true form. The thought of using it did not cross Jet's mind. In the years since he became a Green Sun Prince he stayed disguised pretty much all the time. He liked it that way, it helped him ignore his true nature. But it was also a dangerous move. If people realized what he was it could be disastrous. Markolab however was adamant that unless they thoroughly examined him most people would simply write him off as a little weird at a distance, or slightly mutated at worst. There was also one factor which complicated things. In his thug disguise he made himself some ragged clothes to better sell the image. But the dynastic clothings were real. He'd need to get changed, lest someone identified him based on his outfit.

He looked to the side and saw some vagrants who were not bothered enough by the Black Helms to scurry. One of them was wearing a yellow, long sleeved cloak with a shroud. It was an attire commonly worn by travelers, as it was thought to bring good luck on long journeys. Jet approached him quickly and knelt down beside him whilst waving around a paper note.
"Hey. You. I'll give you one koku for your cloak!"

The man briefly stared at the brute towering over him. At first he thought this was a joke, but once he realized the sincerity of the offer he accepted it without hesitation. One Koku is approximately the monthly income of an average peasant in the Realm. Jet would've offered less but he did not have the time to haggle with the vagrant. Once the exchange was done he put on his newly acquired article of clothing and its previous owner ran as fast as his legs could carry him. Someone must've noticed the homeless man running however, as a guard approached Jet shortly afterwards and grabbed him by the shoulder.
"Hey! Hold it!"
The man turned him around but apologized as soon as he saw Jet's face.
"Ah. Sorry sir. We're searching for two fugitives. One with red hair, and another with a scar on his face. Have you seen either of them?"
With his green eyes the infernal answered.
"No ser. But I'll make sure to notify the guards if I see someone like that."

"Thank you. Have a blessed day!"

Jet cursed under his breath that the man was wasting his time and ran where he last saw Kaya and Ena before they left his field of vision. Luckily his sister had been pretty obviously resisting arrest so they are actually moving rather slowly with her. Still, they have spears pointed at her so she's forced to obey their commands. He wondered why they wouldn't just break out but he guessed that the girls did not wish to make a scene and instead chose to comply with the authorities. Well, it was probably Ena who decided that and Kaya is simply following suit.

He kept tailing them until the girls were taken into the constabulary, which was just an open field with several iron cages. But the place was not unsecure by any means. Several archers watched the surrounding area from wooden towers. Guards patrolled the block with spears, swords and other implements of war. There were even some guard dogs if the barkings were any indication. Worse yet, a man showed up clad from head to toe in heavy, red jade artifact mail and a direlance on his back. Quite an impressive arsenal, especially in such a backwater city.

The man handed over two bundles tied up tightly with twine.
"Your clothes."

"About fucking time!"
Kaya shouted at the man.
"Who in the Empress’ twat do you think you are?! You dare intrude on two dynasts during their visit to the bath house and drag them across the street?! Heads will roll for this! No, scratch that! Your balls will roll for this! And pray the great houses don't hear of this, lest we squish your entire bloodline like a pimple on our asscheek!"

"You've been detained as per the Satraps instructions. We received reports of a red haired man inciting violence on the streets of the city, one whose description eerily matches yours-"

Ena muttered.

"You will tell us exactly who you are and what your purpose is. Should your answer be satisfactory you will be immediately released and issued a formal apology by the satrap. The sooner you cooperate the sooner we can end this. Who are you and why are you here?"

"We are scions of House Mnemon and House Ledaal! And we don't owe you shit, least of all an explanation! We're Princes of the Earth and do as we fucking please! Now be a good little tool, open this cage and start licking my boots before I decide to stop playing nice and break down these bars!"

"Go ahead. We're already sitting on a major political incident as two members of a great house strode in unannounced and started disrupting the peace in Cathak territory. If word of this gets out it's you who will be punished. And if you start acting violently you'll receive more than just a slap on the wrist. Now tell me. What is your purpose and who are your accomplices? Who's the dancing man and the thug?"

"What thug?"
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The man shook his head.
"Perhaps a night in the cell will have you come to your senses. Tomorrow you will give us your names and why the great houses sent you. Or else..."

The man left them and as Jet continued to follow him he could hear Kaya voicing her irritation to Ena.
“There. Can I stop playing nice now and finally get out of here?”

“No! Do you WANT to start a political incident?”


“Urgh. How are you two related?!”

Jet wanted nothing less than to break them out. But doing so without alerting anyone or alerting the girls to his true nature would be borderline impossible while they are under constant surveillance. So he focused on their captors and what he could do about them. The dragon-blooded headed to a rather tall pagoda at the center of the city, which must serve as its administrative center. Given traditional Realm architecture, the satrap would be located at the top level and that’s most likely where the man was headed.

He turned his attention to the soldiers patrolling the streets and their schedules. He waited until an opportunity presented itself when the guards had their backs turned and no commoners were looking in his direction. Then he touched the smooth wall of the building. Filaments of quicksilver sprouted from his palm, like tiny roots. Similar to lichen they gain purchase on the tiniest of crevices in the wall and allow Jet to scale it with minimal effort. Even when he reached the underside of one of the roofs he was able to walk upside down and over its edge. But he had to climb fast, lest someone spotted the strange man in yellow robes making his way up the Satraps office.

Finally he reached the top and hid under one of the windows where he could hear the conversation going on between the men he was trailing and the one who he presumed to be the governor.
“Have they said anything?”

“Not yet. They are understandably furious. Are you sure this is wise? They are dynasts after all.”

“Do not question me, Gourd! The peasantry is just about ready for a revolt, then three or four outsiders from the Blessed Isle show up and start causing a ruckus? They are spies our enemies sent I tell you! Here to disturb our satrapies to take a stab at House Cathak! Get everything you can out of them!”

The man hesitated however.
“I know it’s not my place to say, but if the situation is already so stressed wouldn’t it be about time to ease up on the taxes? The people are just hungry. If we didn’t demand so much from them I’m sure-”
“Easy for you to talk. You’re not the one whose neck House Cathak is breathing down upon! You’re a warrior Gourd, they like you. Despite the fact that you’re a threshold bumpkin that was just adopted into the family. Meanwhile I was laden with this task because I had the misfortune of not exalting. And now it’s MY head that they’ll have if I don’t produce the results they expect! So please cousin, stick to what you’re good at, killing things. And I’ll try to herd cats a bit longer. Make the girls talk. Have them reveal their accomplice. If not, kill them.”

“K-Kill? You can’t be serious! That would-”

“Not do anything. They have no official papers. We’ve received no word of their passing. They are not on official business. Meaning nobody will notice if they disappear. Do not let your softness dictate your actions, Gourd. They are here to destroy us. Remember that.”

“As you wish, cousin. But I’ll keep praying they speak.”

“You do that. I’ll give a call to our informants to see if they can’t track down our missing dancer.”

Jet felt his heart sink. Creation really has gone mad in the absence of the Empress. Everyone is ready to jump at each other’s throats like rabid, starving dogs at the slightest provocation. And Markolab is delighted by this.
“Well they do seem a bit on edge, don’t they?”

“How do I get out of this?”

“You’re asking me? You got the body, buddy. Either get going and hope you can run for the hills fast enough with the girls or get ready for one hell of a tough sell as you try to explain to this nutcase that you’re not a spy sent here to undermine a literal nobody. Or…”


“Or quit sitting on your own arms and show these maggots what happens when they cross a real Prince of the Earth!”

>”I suppose there’s no reasoning with these people.” (Fight)
>”Get Kaya and Ena, get to the cart, make a run for it. How hard could it be?” (Flee)
>”No. I refuse to make an even bigger mess. We can resolve this like civilized people.” (Talk)
>”Get Kaya and Ena, get to the cart, make a run for it. How hard could it be?” (Flee)
Choices choices.

We can probably get away, if they send a serious pursuit it would have to include actual exalted with goons. Hostile entity down the line unless it collapses anyways. If it endures then we leave knowing its troubles to mess with it later. House Cathak gets a report of the gang being out here and a political incident from dynasts sneaking in, causing a scene, and then busting out. Reporting it is a good excuse for him to get some breathing room, or maybe it makes him look incompetent and he keeps it to himself?

Jet is great at talking-no-jutsu so he could probably swing these two? But revealing himself they will see the man with red hair who started the dancing. The instant hostility making it rather difficult to get a word in. They also see some dude who just climbed up or snuck through the entire tower like an assassin and call in more guards who strain the situation and Jet's essence usage even further as he has to influence even more people who are even more hostile. Win and they could probably leave, or spend a little while here and fix the problems with big brain bureaucracy Jet finding a solution to make a potential friend/ally if we want. But if it fails we can commence fighting but then they absolutely have to die or else his identity is blown.

Fighting would be pretty fun. It'll be against an exalted warrior with equipment, and whatever guards they can get up here. Kill these two and this Cathak satrap city probably falls apart into chaos. Theres some opportunity there.

Fun other option but Jet has no stealth and at the limit for taking forms, would be to sneak in and maybe use his blood to poison some of the governor's wine with his mercury blood? Could be pretty hard to actually kill someone without it being apparent the wine is tainted. Plus the exalted warrior would live and probably report it and cause an incident. Fun to think of though.
>Custom: Slink into the office and reveal ourselves with a laugh. "On that score you are wrong, lay a hand upon either of then and it will be the last insignificant action you ever take.

Satrap! Satrap! I was just on my way here to ask you to release my charges. They are travelling with their unexalted familial relation, much like you but not stuck in a backwater, and I decided I liked the music on the street. I am aware you do not fully comprehend your significance, or lack thereof, so I will merely make things startlingly clear. Unless you wish to deal with 2 suddenly uncooperative dragonblooded and a 2nd circle demon, as well as my summoner if they are harmed, you will make a wise decision and drop the matter without mentioning me then we shall depart.
Or you can tell your cousin to try and harm me, in which you will die swiftly and violently, probably followed by himself. I caused chaos with a dance, Imagine what I can do to two of you with violence."

Threaten em and then give them an out.

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