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It is an age beyond history. Men have regressed to struggle once more against Nature, red in tooth and claw.

You find yourself in the wilderness, naked except for the bit of pelt covering your loins, and the stone knife in your hand. It is midsummer. The weather is fine, not a cloud in sight, and the morning air is invigorating. You were separated from your people during an attack by the hideous scalemen. Most were slaughtered, the survivors taken captive to a far away place. You managed to escape in one piece, losing your pursuers in depths of a dense forest.

The scalemen have been the enemy of your kind as long as you can remember. They came riding on their blind, serpentine beasts, ambushing you when your people had set down for the night. Those they didn't kill, they bound with strong ropes to the backs of their mounts and carried them away to their lair. The scalemen don't feast on the flesh of your kind, preferring the likes of the insects and fish, but they will sell your people as slaves to the other clans, where they must toil until their deaths.

One day, you will avenge yourself on these scalemen.

In the meantime, you must survive.

Before all this you were a:
>Hunter (skilled* in Athletics, Marksmanship, knowledgeable** in Trapping)
>Craftsman (skilled in Crafting; knowledgeable in Building and Tailoring)
>Healer (skilled in Survival and Insight, knowledgeable in Herbalism)
>Trader (skilled in Scouting, Communication, and Crafting)
>Herder (skilled in Animals and Survival, knowledgeable in Tanning)

*Attempting something in which you have no relevant skill has a low likelihood of success
**Certain actions/crafts are impossible without the relevant knowledge

Those of you who participated in the previous incarnation of this quest: I'm very sorry for flaking like a faggot. It was my first attempt and the quest got more traction than I expected. I wasn't sufficiently prepared to run it and kind of panicked. This time around, I've developed the mechanics a lot more and have a lot more stuff prepared.
>Herder (skilled in Animals and Survival, knowledgeable in Tanning)

I just want to herd my hecking goats.
>Herder (skilled in Animals and Survival, knowledgeable in Tanning)
>Trader (skilled in Scouting, Communication, and Crafting)
>Craftsman (skilled in Crafting; knowledgeable in Building and Tailoring)
>Craftsman (skilled in Crafting; knowledgeable in Building and Tailoring)
>Hunter (skilled* in Athletics, Marksmanship, knowledgeable** in Trapping)
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Day 1 - Midsummer, Morning [n], Clear, Forest

You recall your grazing herd, the few sheep you used to tend, with great fondness. You had abandoned them, as others of your clan had abandoned other things, to migrate into a new land. The only thing which remains with you now is your herding dog, Dozer, who licks your fingers as you ponder what to do next.

From your present vantage it is difficult to make out where you are. It would help to get to some high ground. Although you're not hungry or thirsty right now, you will be soon. On the bright side, if the weather remains as it is, you should be able to camp out in the elements without suffering any ill effects.

Action for this Quarter*:
>Forage for food and a source of water [Survival]
>Hike to some high ground for a better vantage point
>Explore your immediate surroundings

*Time in this quest moves in Quarters (morning, day, evening, night)
For those who picked other choices: don't worry, they only affect your starting skills. You can improve and acquire skills/knowledge through the course of the quest.
>Hike to some high ground for a better vantage point
>Hike to some high ground for a better vantage point
We can spot the scalebastards and maybe spot some food
>Forage for food and a source of water [Survival]
>Hike to some high ground for a better vantage point
>>Bond with Dozer
Awwwwww yeeeeeaaaaahhhh
>Hike to some high ground for a better vantage point
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Day 1 - Midsummer, Day [o], Clear, Forest

Following the lay of the land, you try and move towards higher ground. Eventually you find a steep hill which is bare of trees at the peak. It should give you a decent overview of your surroundings.
The climb takes hours, mostly because you must stop frequently to catch your breath. Dozer sits sedately at the base of the hill, awaiting your return. Without the cover of the trees, the sun falls harshly on your bare back but you are able to see a great distance away. First, to the north, the forest recedes into a clear grassland. You can see some large animals grazing there, bison, or possibly aurochs. The forest sprawls out in every other direction and it is difficult to see beyond their thickets.

Having now oriented yourself somewhat, you begin the descent back to Dozer. In the summertime, the light lasts long into the evening, so you may continue hiking for a while yet. You could continue further through the forest, seeking out another high point in another place to acquire more information about the area. Alternatively, you could just head north, out of the forest and into the plain. Foraging is more likely to be successful in the forest, however, with its abundance of foilage.

Action for this Quarter:
>Forage for food and a source of water [Survival]
>Hike to some new high ground in the forest
>Hike north into the plains
>Hike to some new high ground in the forest
>Forage for food and a source of water [Survival]
Dang. No sign of our herd. Luckily: so sign of scalies, either. Better get refreshments...
>Forage for food and a source of water [Survival]
Then, maybe plan an assault on a plains beast to get hide for bags and such? Organs for a waterskin, maybe?
>Forage for food and a source of water [Survival]
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Day 1 - Midsummer, Evening [-], Clear, Forest

You decide look for some food while there's still light. You unfortunately did not spot any rivers while you were up on the hill so you search for any pools or ponds or even a small stream to drink from. As you search, you collect various berries that you find growing on the bushes, as well as mushrooms flourishing on the base and trunks of trees. As it is midsummer, many of the berries are not yet ripe and have a very tart flavor. The mushrooms, however, are delectable. You'd prefer to eat them cooked or boiled in some water with other vegetables, which would have lasted you much longer, but for now you eat them raw as you find them, passing a few to Dozer to munch on as you go. You feel quite sated for now, but have eaten whatever you found.

Eventually you do find a small, murky pond. There are no fish in the pond, but you encounter a watersnake with black and orange scales, which nearly bites you as you reach down to drink. As such snakes are usually poisonous, the encounter leaves you a little rattled. The snake slips back into the water before you can do anything and you decide to give the pond a wide berth, if only for Dozer's sake.

Stress*: [o----]
Action for this Quarter:
>Continue foraging for food and water [Survival]
>Hike to some new high ground in the forest
>Explore the forest for a cave to spend the night

*Stress is reduced by resting, eating a cooked meal, drinking, and other activities. You can take on stress for bonuses to actions, but stress automatically increases on failed rolls/partial successses. Going over stress limit causes a (mental/physical) breakdown with permanent effects.
>Explore the forest for a cave to spend the night

Nothing bad ever happens in caves in lowish fantasy settings
>There are no fish in the pond, but you encounter a watersnake with black and orange scales, which nearly bites you as you reach down to drink. As such snakes are usually poisonous, the encounter leaves you a little rattled.
>Explore the forest for a cave to spend the night
Venom - n. - a poisonous substance secreted by animals
>Trap a watersnake for its meat, and adorn our loincloth or fashion clothing with its aposematic colors for a safety bonus from predators [Animals]
Protecting the herd from snakes was one of our most dangerous and despised chores, if we can kill a snake now, it could give us a boost to our mood.
If we can't kill little snakes, how will we avenge ourselves against the big, humanoid ones?

It's worth a try.
>Explore the forest for a cave to spend the night

I like the idea. However, in order to do this you will need to make a snare, which requires a Quarter's time and half a unit of Cloth or Leather to prepare. I'll let you use reeds and/or tree bark as a substitute. You can get anywhere from 0-6 units of this (you just need 1 unit for this purpose) by foraging for a Quarter.

If you want to proceed with this, then I'll assume you'll spend this Quarter gathering the necessary materials, then another Quarter preparing the trap. Having gone to all that trouble, you won't need to roll for capturing the snake. You skills with Animals is by itself sufficient for this task.

Alternatively, you can try to dispense with trapping and fight the snake directly with your knife. Your skill with animals will only carry you so far in that case (counts as half the current skill level for this action) and there's a chance you might be bitten and envenomed (both of which will increase your base stress until they are relieved).

>Forage for materials for the snare
>Fight the snake directly with your knife
>Abandon this idea and do something (see >>6066137)
>Forage for materials for the snare
>Forage for materials for the snare
>Forage for materials for the snare
>Forage for materials for the snare
Day 1 - Midsummer, Night [)], Clear, Forest

Reminded again of the scalemen's ambush by the sight of the snake, you decide to satisfy yourself with a distant kind of revenge. You'll trap, kill, and skin the snake, and then you'll make a belt out of its hide. You'll wear it not only as a reminder of the scalemen's treachery, but as a warning to any other creatures that might think to attack you.

To do this, first, you need to gather some materials to make a snare. This is easy as there are many suitable reeds and cattails growing near the pond that you can use. You keep Dozer away, just in case you encounter the snake again, and by the time night falls you've manage to gathered much more material (+4 units of Reeds) than you actually need. Perhaps you can use the excess for other things.

Having hiked about all day, you are feeling a bit tired. You could just keep going into the night, working on the snare a safe distance away from the pond. But the moon is obscured by clouds, and you can't see very well. You don't have any skill in making such crafts either, and trying to do so in the dark or by the light of a small fire, could prove quite difficult. Maybe you're better off turning in till tomorrow?

Stress: [o----]
Action for this Quarter:
>Rest for the night
>Work on the snare
>Search for a cave
>Search for a cave
>Rest for the night
>Work on the snare
>Rest for the night
Day 2 - Midsummer [n], Clear, Forest

You decide to turn in for the night, finding a comfortable spot beneath the shade of a tree on which to rest. Dozer curls up with you and you drift off, the sounds of the forest and gentle movement of Dozer's stomach, lulling you into a peaceful slumber. As it is summer, the effects of exposure are limited. Not much more than a few buzzing insects that flee from the smoke of your fire.

You wake up to the sound of birds chirping and the sun shining through the leaves above. The forest is alive with activity, and you feel refreshed from your rest. Dozer is already up, sniffing around the area, his tail wagging in excitement. In the brief space of time before you are fully awake, but not quite asleep, you are able to forget the loss of everything you ever held dear. Your family, your herd, and your home. Then the memory of the attack comes crashing back, renewing your resolve.

You stretch your limbs and take a deep breath, feeling the cool morning air fill your lungs. You'll need to forage for food again today, if you don't want to pass the night hungry. You could also just focus on what you started yesterday with the snare. Once the snake is skinned, you can then cook the meat over a fire and eat it. If you ration conservatively, you should be able to make it last a few days. Alternatively, you could just explore a bit while the sun is still low and it is cool.

Stress: [-----]
Action for this Quarter:
>Work on the snare
>Forage for food [Survival]
>Hike to a new location
>Work on the snare
>>Work on the snare
>work on the snare
Snare, need meat
Day 2 - Midsummer [)], Clear, Forest

You set down the reads you collected yesterday and work on fashioning the snare. It turns out to be a much more difficult task than you anticipated, on account of your lack of skill in the craft. You end up spending both morning and afternoon in hopeless frustration, as well as your entire stock of reeds, just to make a single snare. Once it's set however, it's trivial to lure the snake into it. First, you clear out a path, blocking out any alternate routes the snake might take with stones and brambles. Then you begin disturbing the pond by hitting it with a broad branch filled with leaves. The snake shoots out and you're able to easily chase it into the trap.

The noose slips around its body and tightens, and though the snake thrashes and hisses, it's unable to escape. You take a moment to admire your handiwork, before jamming your knife into the snake's head, killing it instantly. Skinning it proves to be no more difficult than shearing or skinning one of your sheep. Using the wound you've already made, you extend it downward, a shallow cut that's just enough to separate the skin from the flesh. You then poke your fingers through the cut and carefully peel the skin back, like you would open a pod of peas. Where the skin resists separation, you use the knife to cut away the connective tissue.

Once you've gotten it off, you clean the meat liberally with water from the pond, and then cut it into strips. From the head, you extract the brain and mash into a paste for use in tanning. The entrails you discard. You then begin stoking the fire you made last night to cook the remaining pieces. Once again, your lack of skill results in burning or otherwise spoiling some of the meat. Still, there's enough left over that you're able to eat your fill and wrap some in leaves for later. Your food problems appear to be solved for the moment.

As for the skin, you clean it as best you can, and then stretch it out on a tree branch to dry. You'll need to tan it before it can be used for anything, but it's too dark to do that now. You'll have to wait until tomorrow. With the snake gone, you can safely use the pond for a reliable source of water.

Stress: [o----]
Inventory: +Food (diminished)*
Action for this Quarter:
>Explore the area around the pond
>Turn in for the night
>Gather some materials for a basic lean-to [Survival]

*Consumables range from three qualities: plentiful, diminished, and meager. When you consume a resource, there's an increasing chance it proceeds to the next quality, until it is completely depleted.
>Gather some materials for a basic lean-to [Survival]
>Turn in for the night
Let us rest for tonight, but tomorrow we should find a proper to rest. A cave or something, we cant be in the open too much.
rest now
avenge tribe later
snakeskins days are numbers
let it be known
We will reap our bloody vengeance and skin their hides.
>Gather some materials for a basic lean-to [Survival]
>Turn in for the night
It is too dark to build a shelter. It will have to wait until tomorrow. I will go to bed with Dozer and my thoughts of revenge to keep me warm.
>Gather some materials for a basic lean-to [Survival]
You decide to turn in at the same spot as the night before. Morning comes without any disturbances, and you feel well-rested.

It is a new day. The sky is overcast with heavy clouds, and the air is laden with moisture. If it rains, it will ruin the snakeskin you've left to dry, not to mention leave you exposed to the cold. It might be a good idea to seek out some shelter, either by building one (though you've little skill in the art and no knowledge of how to make the huts in which you used to live) or by seeking out a cave. Caves would be more common in mountainous areas, but you might be able to find one in this forest.

Constructing a simple lean-to is going to require some materials. You'll need some branches to serve as the frame, and some leaves or grass to serve as the roof (3 Wood). You'll also need some cordage to tie it all together--cloth or leather would be ideal, but reeds should work just as well, so long as you use more of it (8 Reeds). You should be able to cut the branches with your knife, though, ideally, you'd use an ax to do this kind of work. Making one from raw materials (1 Stone, 1 Wood), could take up to a whole day however.

Day 3 - Midsummer [n], Cloudy, Forest
Stress: [-----]
Action for this Quarter:
>Explore the area for a cave
>Gather materials for a lean-to [Survival]
>Start working on an ax
>Gather materials for a lean-to [Survival]
Explore the area for a cave. While I would like to build a shelter, I don't know how. I should seek the strength and certainty of stone and practice my survival skills when less is at stake. As a shepherd, exploring is more my speed than gathering and crafting anyway.
>Explore the area for a cave
>Write In
Work on the snare
>Explore the area for a cave
>Gather materials for a lean-to [Survival]
>it's cave time
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You decide to take some preemptive action and seek out a cave to shelter in. After several hours of searching you find what appears to be a small cave in the side of a mossy cliff. It is about a tree's height up from the base and requires you to climb up the side in order to reach it. Although you're able to go up without much difficulty, and verify that the space is empty and suitable, upon coming down you place your foot at a bad angle and manage to twist it. It doesn't seem broken, luckily, but it hurts to walk. Having to climb up and down like this is also inconvenient. Ideally, you could fashion a rope or even a rope ladder (x4 Cloth or x12 Reeds), which would not only mark the spot but also make it easy to climb in and out.

As it is you can't even bring Dozer up there, so you'll have to leave him down below. You could also just keep looking for another place, although hiking right now does not seem like a particularly pleasant activity. It might also be worth getting onto some high ground again, to see if you can't find a more mountainous area, where the caves are likely to be numerous. You might even find signs of other people.

Day 3 - Midsummer [o], Cloudy, Forest
Stress: [W----]
Status: Wounded
Action for this Quarter:
>Continue exploring the area for a cave
>Hike to high ground
>Start gathering materials for a rope
>Start gathering materials for a rope
>Start making an ax
With an ax I will be able to make a ladder sturdy enough to carry Dozer up at night, and I'm going to need one eventually anyway for firewood and daily material needs.
It seems I will be laid up for a couple of days anyway while my ankle heals, so now is the perfect time to spend crafting an inevitable need.
>Start gathering materials for a rope
is mental health an issue in this game? like if we get really upset then is there a risk that we hang ourselves with our rope or throw ourselves off a cliff?

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