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The woman takes in a sharp breath as she stares at the murky looking hemisphere protruding out of the ground like a malignant tumor. “Yeah, that’s going to cause trouble. Queen’s tits...this is a mess.”

“That bad?” The young man with her asked.

She answers by applying a none too gentle smack to the back of his head.

“Ow! Alright, it’s bad. It’s just mud town though, technically we could just set the charges...”

She shakes her head. “Could destabilize the entire mountain. Besides, it’s a bad time anyway.” She spits on the dirt floor, then sighs and pulls out a handkerchief and wipes up the little damp spot. “You know the situation.” She waves her hand in the air, wincing. “The queen doesn’t want disruption. We’ll just cover it up and hope it isn’t too aggressive. Deal with it later.”

“Isn’t that...”

“Yeah. Yeah it is. Not our call. Come on rook, we’ll come back later.”

They leave. You remain, a murky gray pimple in a dimly lit room, surrounded by dirt. The room grows dark, then light again. The cloudy gray tumor that is you flickers with a dim light. You can do something. Just once. What can you do?

> Capture. Reach out and take something into yourself.
There is not much here. Dirt. You could take it though.
> Create. Use things you've taken to Create.
You don't seem to have anything to Create with.
> Contemplate. Wait. Think.
Perhaps it's better to not be hasty.
>Contemplate. Wait. Think.
We think we don't have anything, but maybe we do? Time to achieve enlightenment
You decide, and it is done. You realize that you are not one for indecision or pondering. The first thought in your mind simply happens. Perhaps you will eventually be capable of doing more at once? Your existence seems bereft of guidance or instruction. But today you choose to think and ponder and wait. Perhaps this is a path to power, to consider the energies of the universe, to circulate them within you, absorbing ambient power to one day challenge the heav-

Wait, no, that's preposterous. You already contain great power. The woman spoke of your death bringing down mountains. If this is what your death brings, then you must contain greater power already. What you need is Control.

Control Increased to 2

Before you can ponder further there is a distant angry noise, then something goes splat. Bits of the thing that go splat land in the dimly lit room of dirt. Eggshells, rotting bread, a dirty piece of cloth. Trash?

> Capture. Reach out and take something into yourself. What?
Eggshells, moldy bread, rags. Humble building blocks to be sure. And dirt of course. Always dirt.
> Create. Use things you've taken to Create.
Can one create something from nothing?
> Contemplate. Wait. Think.
Even inaction has its uses. Probably.
>Capture. Reach out and take something into yourself. What?
Eggshells and moldy bread: symbol of birth, symbol of sustenance, and extant life. We shall create a homunculus (or something)

You reach out, and a hundred black threads form and crawl along the floor. You will Capture this rotting bread and these broken egg shells. Life comes from eggs. It is sustained by bread. It returns to rot. These are simple things, but you can use them. The items are covered in your threads, then vanish. Your power is gone, for the moment. The world goes dark, then comes back again.

A thump. A gasp. A whimper. Something drags itself into your little room. Someone. Pain, exhaustion, fear, all things you can feel from him. He is filthy with sweat and dirt caked into simple clothes.

Voices echo into your little room, angry and out of breath. “Where the fuck did he go?”

“Down this thing?”

“Dumbass, look in it. Do you see him?”

“Uhh, no? Maybe there's a little cave or something?”

There is a long silence. “A little cave? You fucking idiot. Come on, you check that alley and I'll circle around the other way.”

Footsteps fade. The man in your little room leans against the walls of your dimly lit little room of dirt.

> Capture. Reach out and take something into yourself.
The rag is gone. Where did it go? All that remains is dirt and this man, who feels... large. Far larger than you can take.
> Create. Use things you've taken to Create.
A bit of egg and a bit of bread.
> Contemplate. Wait. Think.
Perhaps it would be better to simply examine the situation. Not everything needs a reaction.
>Contemplate. Wait. Think.
I'd like to observe the man for a moment before creating. Perhaps we'll gain some insights about life
You watch and ponder the man. Ragged clothes, and ragged hair and ragged breaths. Slowly his fear subsides and he stands, face twisting in pain. He looks around and you look at him. He stares at the grey hemisphere that is you, and cautiously approaches, reaching out with a finger before thinking better of it. He limps around you, eyes darting every which way.

“Piss.” He finally says unhappily, and hobbles as far as he can from you, pressing himself against the wall, beating his head against the dirt in a slow steady rhythm. “Piss. Piss. Piss.”

He seems unhappy.

Control Increased to 3

> Capture. Reach out and take something into yourself. What?
Dirt dirt dirt dirt. So much dirt.
> Create. Use things you've taken to Create.
Moldy bread and eggshells. Curious ingredients.
> Contemplate. Wait. Think.
What will the man do next you wonder?
> Create. Use things you've taken to Create.
Let's give the gentleman a show
>Create. Use things you've taken to Create.
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648 KB JPG

You exert your Control on the things you've taken and weave them together. It is surprisingly difficult to weave eggshell and rotten bread together, you suspect your Creation is quite shoddy craftsmanship. Perhaps each additional component makes for a more difficult creation? Nonetheless a loom of shadows twists and ties together things that should not and creates.

It is a sad little thing, your Rotting Bread Soldier. Scarce a foot tall and with armor of brittle shells and a peculiar mushroom sprouting from its head. It has barely existed before it turns toward the man and with a muffled snarl (oh dear, you forgot his mouth) it lunges toward him. The resulting tussle is sadly not an epic for the ages. The Bread Soldier sprouts stubby little eggshell claws and lacerates the man's leg quite badly though, before the man quite brutally stomps your soldier to pieces, leaving a sad pile of bread and eggshells.

Your vision dims and fades, and returns again. The man is gone, the sad heap is gone. But you can sense the things within you, a bit of eggshell, more bread than before, the blue and red mushroom. You have made something from nothing. Fascinating. It appears that things that come from you will return to you.

Control Increased to 4

> Capture. Reach out and take something into yourself. What?
It occurs that by taking dirt you might make a tunnel going somewhere.
> Create. Use things you've taken to Create.
A mushroom, more moldy bread, and a bit of egg. More than you had before.
> Command. Give orders. Impose your will.
Wasn't... something here?
> Contemplate. Wait. Think.
You do not seem very beloved.
>Capture. Reach out and take dirt into yourself

Lets make that tunnel
>Capture. Reach out and take dirt into yourself

Let’s make some clay men.

A thousand black threads reach out from you, scraping and taking the dirt that forms your little home. When it is done you have a tunnel, a tiny thing a man might crawl through if he must. At the end of the tunnel you discover a wall of packed stone. What is behind it you wonder?

> Capture. Reach out and take something into yourself. What?
Stones. Stones seem promising. But what lay beyond the stones? And what could you find in other directions in the dirt?
> Create. Use things you've taken to Create.
A mushroom, more moldy bread, and a bit of egg. And now dirt. A sizable heap of dirt in fact.
> Command. Give orders. Impose your will.
You have forgotten something...
> Contemplate. Wait. Think.
You do not seem very beloved.
> Command. Give orders. Impose your will.
The hurt punk WILL obey.

You exert your will and issue a Command! Oh, wait, what command were you going to issue? Who were you going to issue it to? The man is gone, your little bread knight broken and reabsorbed.

You... perhaps have not thought this through. Perhaps you can Command the man even though he is neither formed of your power nor even present? You reach out, you strain, tenuous fibers of darkness form, reaching out far beyond your vision and view. They flicker and sputter before your Control is finally spent and they vanish. Did they do something? You have no way to tell.

Control Increased to 5

Darkness, light. You awake and ponder your next move.

> Capture. Reach out and take something into yourself. What?
Stones. Stones seem promising. But what lay beyond the stones? And what could you find in other directions in the dirt?
> Create. Use things you've taken to Create.
A mushroom, more moldy bread, and a bit of egg. And now dirt. A sizable heap of dirt in fact.
> Command. Give orders. Impose your will. On who? To what end?
Something to order around might be required.
> Contemplate. Wait. Think.
You do not seem very beloved.
>Contemplate. Wait. Think.
>> Contemplate. Wait. Think.

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