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You are Kuroda Haruka and King Lot of Lothian, Orkney and Camelot.

The day is not quite over yet. You long to hide in your room and try to decompress but keeping a hold on your vassals requires a King to attend to their duties diligently.

Today in the darkest hours before dawn you were forced to fight off a Wyvern who decided to dine on two of your vassals. You went to their rescue with a cohort of Baphomets and dived straight into a terrible situation. Three deadly enemies trapped in an abandoned manor.

The Wyvern who ate your two vassals. The fear illusion plant who trapped you. A Knight of the Round Table who Dueled you.

The night left a mark on you. For you were killed in a Duel by GARETH, KITCHEN KNIGHT. If it wasn't for the Blessings of Avalon, you would have stayed dead. By the skin of your teeth, you survived and rescued the Baphomets still alive.

And now, a Feast!

Past threads: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=villainess
Character sheet (temporary) https://pastebin.com/zp3atUUC
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The cries of 'Long Live the King' echo into silence as you step through the doors into the Great Hall. The Seneschal whispers in your ear to impart as much information on the ranks and importance of the diners joining tonight.

You have met only a small number of Baphomets since your arrival in Camelot. The Bard introduced you to the various factions rivening the city and a few notables from them, but this feast will show the pecking order. Only the most important and highest-ranking Baphomets are invited to join you in the Great Hall. The rest of the Baphomets will have their share of Mana in lesser halls or after their superiors have eaten. None shall go without; even the Anarcho-Syndicalists will get a share from the Almoner as charity.

Your place is at the head table on a raised floor, a wooden high back throne placed where all can see you. The exposure is uncomfortable; modern dining is a private affair, and there is nothing modern about this feast. There are simple tapestries adorning the cold stone walls, each emblazoned with your coat of arms, and a smoky fireplace shedding firelight. Servants stand ready with platters of food, jugs of drink, or long knives to carve up various dishes. Long trestle tables and benches have been placed on the lower level, where some thirty Baphomets make their obeisance as you walk to your place. More guests could be hosted in the space if needed.

You are unfamiliar with western-style feudal celebrations, but the basic rules and intent are the same with feudal Japanese feasts. A chance to display the authority and power of the sovereign, to recognize vassals and reward them.

You take your seat and immediately realize Kizaemon the cat is missing. The feline had been cordially invited to attend. Perhaps her intention is to arrive fashionably late for the feast.

"Bless be this food and drink that the Gods and the Lady..." a priestly looking Baphomet begins intoning a prayer. A respectful silence comes between all as prayers are said. You take a look at the guests and note that the numbers are balanced and equal between factions. 10 each from the Society, the Longship Meeps and your Castle dwellers occupy three long tables. One table for each faction, and they're visually distinct.

The table hosting the Society are unusual as they have strange brocade scarfs wrapped around their neck. This article of clothing is unique, no other Baphomet actually bothers with wearing clothing. These goatmen look unusually austere and thin compared to their fellows. You eye the Priest sitting at the head of the table and see that he leads not only the prayer but possess the most magnificent scarf of all amongst the guests at his faction table.
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You turn your eyes towards the Longship Meeps table next. One thing that grabs your attention is that one of the 'guests' there is the skull of a Baphomet. It is 'seated' amongst the warriors who accompanied you on your hunt of the Wyvern. There is even a plate and mug set before the skull as though it was a living guest capable of joining in the revels and eating. At the head of the table is the legless Evolved Baphomet looking incredibly uncomfortable at his prominent position.

Finally, the third table contains members of your Castle Dwellers, and you can't help but wonder how the seating was decided. Though Yatagarasu is at the head of the table, Hanbei has placed all five of his clerks as guests. The other three you don't recognize at all. Is Hanbei playing favorites?

You survey them all, and when the last words of the prayer are done, it is your turn to speak.

"My guests, know that though this is my Great Hall and this food is from my lands, the Mana we shall partake in is from Yatagarasu. It is because of you that I Quested in the World and returned safely back to Camelot with my vassals. Stand, Guide, let your comrades all see you, and render thanks."

The Guide beams and rises from his seat to accept the recognition. You aren't done yet! As the servants offer platters of food, you continue.

"There is yet another we must render thanks to. To my patroness, Beira! The meat and drink from my table I serve thee from my hand."

With a knife, you cut choice meat and pile it high onto a wooden plate. The seat to your right is open, so you place the food there. Next, a servant offers a jug; you can smell something sweet from it. You pour out golden foamy liquid into your Tea Bowl before placing it to the seat on your right hand side. A plate of food and a cup of drink, all worthy of a King.

You have fulfilled your Vow, Beira is pleased! Your ice ability grows stronger and with better control.

Now to serve yourself! What is this weird golden liquid? It smells so sweet. You pour it into a plain clay goblet as the servants go around pouring drinks for the guest. Whatever is being served to your vassals is quite different from what is served to you at the high table.

"I declare that the feast begin!" With that, you raise your goblet and take a drink.
It's horrible! Whatever it is, it's alcoholic! Ugh!

The guests down their frothy mugs like nothing, and a cheer erupts as the first flush of Mana warms their insides.

>The Priests are performing divinations by cutting open a wheel of cheese at their table? WHAT!?...
>Something is brewing at the Longship Meep table, the 'Captain' and newly Evolved Baphomet are arguing....
>The Bard is telling a story about the decadent court of Emperor Lucius Hiberius...
>There's a commotion outside the doors of the Great Hall, and a goat walks in...
>You learn that your drink is called mead, maybe you'll get used to the horrible taste if you drink more of it...
>A Castle Dweller kneels before your table, it's the Mason...
>Something is brewing at the Longship Meep table, the 'Captain' and newly Evolved Baphomet are arguing....
Maybe we can talk with the skull, thanks to our...quirk?
>You learn that your drink is called mead, maybe you'll get used to the horrible taste if you drink more of it...
compared to beer, mead aint so bad
>>The Priests are performing divinations by cutting open a wheel of cheese at their table? WHAT!?...
>There's a commotion outside the doors of the Great Hall, and a goat walks in...
What is this?
>>The Bard is telling a story about the decadent court of Emperor Lucius Hiberius...
Checking in but we are all over the place....
>You learn that your drink is called mead, maybe you'll get used to the horrible taste if you drink more of it...
>>The Priests are performing divinations by cutting open a wheel of cheese at their table? WHAT!?...
I'm so damn hungry, what I wouldn't do for some freshly baked bread and a cheese wheel
Changing my vote from >>6066338 to backing >>6066327 for the skull talk
oh, we have cheese, booze or pirates contending now. No other votes? I'll wait for another hour.
>You learn that your drink is called mead, maybe you'll get used to the horrible taste if you drink more of it...
RIGHT! Seems drinking is the order of the day!
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"What did I just drink?"

It is a challenge not to sound disgusted.

"Meep, the honey-wave and the cure of speech. Mead, Your Majesty. Drink deep and well; we have enough to make your horn a waterfall!"

A crowd of servants with various jugs close in to your table. There is pure honey-fermented mead, a damson plum-added mead, a mead mixed with tart apple cider, mead mixed with a variety of berries plucked on the island of Logres, and mead mixed with exotic sweet grapes from across the cruel sea! There is mead and mead and mead!

In desperation, you asked to try a bit of what the Baphomet guests were drinking. You discover that what they're drinking is worse than mead.

It's ale! Horrible, strong ale! It takes a great deal of willpower not to shudder with disgust and swallow the drink from your horn goblet. You decline a second helping offered by an overly solicitous servant.

In addition to the press of drink servers, there are the trays of food. Numberless varieties of food are coming to your table for sampling as suits your whimsy.

Freshly baked hot brown bread with a pat of butter melting to create yellow rivulets, they dribble down the crusty sides. Piles of oatcakes sweetened with honey and sweet red berries. Cheeses of all shapes, hues, and smells that roil your stomach rather than delight. Salads with mysterious greens, flowers, slivers of walnuts, and pieces of fresh oranges. Cabbage stuffed with acorns and carrots with a nutmeg sauce. Stewed pears in piquant sauces, cold green soups sharp with raw garlic, small silvery fish roasted over charcoal, roast beans mashed with turnips and parsnips, messes of stewed root vegetables in a variety of sauces and gravies, ground rabbit meat and chicken liver pates, meatballs in spiced wine sauce, and so much more.

You catch on quickly that you are not to load your plate with food but rather take extremely small portions of each dish before sending it out to the guests to eat. Otherwise, you would explode from food! This is all just the first course too. Hanbei mentioned that feasts can last for hours. You try not to show the servants that you are in the throes of culture shock at the excess of it all. The meals you had before this day were all quite simple, and the meat was limited to fish. This is the first time you've seen meat flesh served. There's no beef, but there's all sorts of bird flesh, pork, chicken, mutton, and other mysterious meats from animals that only reside in Avalon.

There is no way this can be all eaten just by the guests, and you see a steady stream of servants exiting with trays of uneaten food.
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"Hanbei, where does the food go once it's outside the Great Hall?" You take a sip of mead and wince at the taste of it. The Senechal stands just beside your seat and is not partaking in the meal at all.

"Meep, to the lesser halls where Baphomets unworthy of your sight is located. Do not be afraid to only take a single bite and then dismiss a tray; there's four more courses to come."

FOUR MORE!? This is unlike anything you've experienced in your life; you're used to the restrained Japanese feast consisting of small meals with exquisite presentation and ingredients that are in season. Ah, that explains why Hanbei isn't participating in the feast but is always standing by your side. It'd be embarrassing for a King to break etiquette or mess up socially at a feast.

"Have a horn of mead, Hanbei." You gesture for a servant to pour out a serving to your thoughtful Seneschal.

"Meep, my most deepest thanks!"

A servant comes with a tray of pies and tarts. You select one to be cut open. It is a pie that reveals the delights within when your knife breaks the buttery golden crust; first a cloud of steam twirls in the air with the aromas of smoke and spices, and then the secret inward treasures of chicken meat, sliced ham, hardboiled eggs, and truffles in a mess of piping hot white gravy. This might be your favorite dish.

Whole ducks with stewed plums unbraced right in front of you by servants wielding sharp knives, the edge kept honed by constantly scraping the blade against a long piece of metal kept by their sides. Rabbits stuffed with breadcrumbs, dried currants, pepper, and cloves are unlaced before you. Slippery bone marrow poured over toasted bread. Pheasants are allayed, herons dismembered, and so much more. Amusingly, there are even dishes meant for display only and not eating.

The air and earth are well represented, but the sea is not lacking in presence amongst the festivities. Smoked herring and pickled mackeral stored in pots are carried from table to table on serving trays by runners who, upon request, spear the fish on long wooden skewers and place it on individual plates. Then there's sole fish swimming in rich, creamy sauce with slivers of fennel and fritters of haddock seasoned with salt and a dash of sour cherry juice. Roast pike, garnished with parsley and nuts. Sweet shrimp cooked in cheese. Salmon is called 'Wisdom' for some odd reason by the Baphomets and served with rich sauce.

It is at this fish-filled moment in the feast that your cat decides to make her appearance in the Great Hall. She regally pads up to the high table and takes her place at her seat of honor.

"Ah, the best part of the meal. I salute my own astuteness and cunning in delaying my arrival," the cat boasts in her odd TV samurai-inflected accent. Without hesitation, she begins bossing servants to cut the best parts of the fish for her meal.

It is not all just eating and drinking, of course. At various times during the feast, vassals come up to your table all the time and give thanks. Sometimes you are distracted by performances of jugglers, singing, dancing, and some sort of pantomime play. At one point, birds are released in the Great Hall to fly about before exiting!

All throughout, you are drinking mead. At one point, you dared to suggest water, but the scandalized looks on the servants convinced you to stick with the alcoholic drink of Kings. It still doesn't taste great but at least you don't feel like throwing up from the taste of it any more.

You are completely drunk! Don't worry, the guests are drunk too.

You giggle with delight as your head swims....

>Start kissing your cat, Kizaemon, and meow at her...
>A fight breaks out between the Priests and Castle Dwellers...
>Go down from the high table and challenge one of the Baphomets to a wrestling match...
>Wander over to one of the factions and talk to them...
>The Longship Meep factions start tossing food at everyone...
>A servant Baphomet begs a favor from you, you accept without thinking....
>Proclaim grandiose plans for Camelot, including building a harem of handsome men...
>Write in
>Proclaim grandiose plans for Camelot, including building a harem of handsome men...
>Proclaim grandiose plans for Camelot, including building a harem of handsome men...
>Start kissing your cat, Kizaemon, and meow at her...
>>Start kissing your cat, Kizaemon, and meow at her...
>Start kissing your cat, Kizaemon, and meow at her...
>Proclaim grandiose plans for Camelot, including building a harem of handsome men...
For Haruka to ever reach any potential of a villainous harem fantasy, she needs 1 guy first. Where is that first boy located? She might end up deciding against it at that point, for all we know? I'm not a haremfag myself
>Proclaim grandiose plans for Camelot, including building a harem of handsome men...
>second spoiler
>To haruka's surpruse/horror she actually made her declaration a vow
She can accumulate guys to make a harem, then immediately disband it once the vow is cleared. The harem can simply be in name only to make the vow go away. She can pay guys a couple thousand yen to sign a document making them harem members, then burn all the documents to free them once they're no longer needed
>Start kissing your cat, Kizaemon, and meow at her...
>Proclaim grandiose plans for Camelot, including building a harem of handsome men...
Otome game fantasies

Silly cat lover antics.

Being drunk is fun!
No post tonight, have to go to bed early.

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