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You are William, a student, discount mage, mole/resistance fighter, and not a cripple anymore. Finally moving to fulfill a promise of wiping out a small gang for a way too perceptive cook for future benefits. Getting ready for a fight against normal mooks that should be a quick clean up.
Heat builds up inside Willaim’s suit as the sun cooks him alive after spending a few minutes watching the area as he holds his arms to avoid the temptation to cast gust cantrips for a light breeze. Instead, bearing with the heat on top a nearby building’s rooftop to have a bird's eye view to focus his attention into scanning the shoddy buildings. Spotting a drainage ditch filled with trash and rotting meat curving under a fence near a few containers as the patrols lazily moved around the area while keeping some distance from the ditch. Holes in their perimeter fade into view as all are leaning against any shade they can get a hold of to avoid being cooked under the noon heat. With half being on their phone or placing themselves at an angle to watch out for their boss as they slack off giving not much attention to the city around them.

Locking down on the entry point William nods at the party as he leads the way flipping over the edge of the roof and taking the fire escape down with flakes of iron rust being pushed off his clothing by his casted spell. Running along the streets as the party waits for a patrol to pass by before running and sliding into the ditch getting knee deep in water and filth as the stench of filth and rotting meat hits them. Seeing Betty grit her teeth as Virgil dry heaves a bit before holding his breath as William’s eyes water a bit as he blinks away the disgust before pointing forward. Pushing a wet log away, trash, and other disgusting things as they wait a few moments to hear another patrol walk around the perimeter again before their voices fade away again.

Cresting the small hill as the dirty water just falls off their clothes as gray magic whips the liquids off their clothing leaving no stains or smells behind as everyone looks like they just came from the cleaners. With Betty being the most surprised as she points a finger to William before pointing to her clothes as she makes a sparkling motion with her hands. Only for William to shake his head at not using any magic since they got here. Quickly remembering the shade spots William leads the team toward the sun baked containers as he sweats under his clothing as everyone’s footsteps don’t make a sound as the ground hardens or softens to avoid leaving any traces of being disturbed. Hopping from container to container as the party listens for movement around them taking routes near phone users or patrols taking a quick nap from night watches as they pierce deeper into the HQ. Running toward the main door of the building as Virgil grabs both of his party member’s shoulders and shakes his head as he points toward the side.

Part 1
Following Virgil to the side of the building as he guides the party toward a side door entrance as he motions them to keep an eye out as he prepares to crush the door knob. Flexing his hands a bit to get the blood pumping as he reaches out a hand first to check if it's unlocked as he hears a click as the door is pushed open to the bafflement of the party. With a shrug he slowly enters the building hearing a quiet creak making him wince at the loud noise only for Betty to press her hands against the hinges. Watching with curiosity as tendrils of gray magic leak into the hinges themselves and lubricating the mechanism turning a loud creak into a silent swing to let the party slip in.

Shuffling in quickly as the closes back up before flipping the lock on to slow down anyone trying to escape the building. Seeing cabinets, broken furniture, and old crates strewn about with cables taped to the floor as it powers the lights in the building. Slinking from wall to wall as sounds can be heard around a living area as Betty pulls out a fire extinguisher looking bomb and points to both William and Virgil to go up. Before pointing at her bomb and downward while crossing her arms in an X shape to deter them from moving back here. Nodding at her plan William lets Betty find a janitor’s closet as she starts setting up as Virgil and William begins slowly exploring the upper floors. Passing several doors as light snoring can be heard inside as both people use the outer hallways to avoid detection as they quickly circle the edges before pushing in. Spotting a hallway that looks cleaner and brightly lit with more care given to its presentation.

Sliding to the side of the wall as yelling can be heard on the opposite side by a single person complaining about the lack of communication from a patrol team and whether they ran off with his money. William gives Virgil a side glance and points his thumb to the door asking if it might be his guy. Shrugging his shoulders Virgil gives a half nod before pointing at William’s phone letting Betty know he might have found the target. Getting a reply back that her bombs are ready and that she will take care of the first wave underneath them. Adjusting their stances William texts Betty to wait one minute or when she hears screams above her as William knocks on the door. A few curses and shouts echo from the room as a quiet set of footsteps come toward the door as the knob turns open before Virgil slams the door open knocking down some mook as he jumps on him letting a few stomps slam onto the floor.

Part 2
William focuses on his real target, seeing a tattooed up boss without a shred of armor or weapons on his body, just random bits of dollars stacked on one corner. Disgust courses through William seeing such weakness displayed for a supposed dangerous enemy as terror fills his victim’s eyes as it tries to step back. Only to be denied as William rushes forward deciding to save his energy as he brings up his memory of shoulder tacking Rose to keep her pinned as he applies that logic now. Pushing forward with each step as he jumps over the desks and bowls over the boss and slamming his victim’s head into the floor. Adjusting his stance, William rains down one, two punches before the boss’s face collapses inward as his fist sinks into wet flesh and broken bone as two puffs and hisses followed by screams echo below the floor. Taking a glance, William sees Virgil finished caving in his victim as both begin making their way back down stairs to back up Betty quickly. Only for three gangsters to be outside the hallway half asleep as they exit one of the side rooms. Immediately spotting them exiting their leader’s room and appearing monotone in their eyes as William holds the spell in place for Betty’s cover. Raising his hands over as seven more gangsters come tumbling out of the room ready for a fight as Virgil checks behind for any flanking attacks before raising his fists as well.

>Battlefield conditions
Betty keeping the first floor occupied and screaming.
Ten mook gangsters are in front of Virgil and William in a hallway.
William armor energy 12/20

>Gangster mooks 1 and 2
HP ??/??
Mods ??/??
Equipment: ??
Special rule 1

-Have Virgil rush to help Betty while you deal with ten mooks alone. (Roll 4d100+40 first two fighting and second dice dodging vs ??, ??)
-Take Virgil and retreat to a doorway and hold down a chokepoint to funnel the enemy.(Roll 1d100+40)
- Have you and Virgil rush separate mooks before they swarm both of you. (Roll 2d100+40)
- No safe offensive spell found.
-write in

ze archives
-Have Virgil rush to help Betty while you deal with ten mooks alone. (Roll 4d100+40 first two fighting and second dice dodging vs ??, ??)
I'll wait another day for other anon in case he didn't see the posts.

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