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Walking around this city hasn't been useful in a long time, but you still feel compelled to show up in person- on time but on your own terms. On your way to your new job, you pass by perfect trees and equally immaculate arrangements of flowers. The sidewalk and pavement are both flawless. Your footsteps are the only ones to ring out as you walk block after block past blank walls and gigantic buildings with no windows or doors. The only way to note where you're going and how quickly by eye alone are the regular street signs posted out of inertia, and in case there's a celebration that causes people to leave their virtual paradise. There's no one else on the streets, which, given this used to be New York City, is depressing. Even if it was dirty, even if it was dim, it was still alive.

A sickening sensation fills your stomach as you realize too late that you didn't check if the Summoning Management Group's Northeast Branch actually keeps a physical door these days. Luckily, you see the actual entrance and the steps up two blocks down, and hurry along to get there. Your mother would tell you to check for muggers, but she isn't here, and neither are they. As picturesque as this city might look from the outside, you're happy to find somewhere people actually choose to be, even if only for a paycheck. Marble steps invite you up to a gold-gilded arch. The revolving door spins silently as you push your way in, pulling your suitcase closer to make sure it doesn't hit anything.

The modern interior design, generic as it is, is actually sort of an improvement over the wacky architecture some tryhards get up to these days. Sadly, the concierge is unattended, so you look around to see if there's anything besides the stairs to the next floor up. Not much, though there is a couch you can sit down on and a side table for you to manage your suitcase in. It's all blasé and beige here, solid colors and one lonesome painting hung over the desk. One of the walls has a window to an exterior that doesn't exist in that direction, but you take a deep breath. That was probably put in by a middle manager who thought it 'looked nice'.

At least you're in a good line of work. The salary they posted for your position was frankly astronomical, though you've been warned that you have to use some of it to do your job. Sitting down on the couch, you place your suitcase on the side table in order to shuffle through the contents. The paper copies of your employment are here, signed and sealed. These are redundant twice over, more of a security blanket than anything else, really: You've already passed the interview. You look up to see if anyone is coming up or down the stairs before rifling through your documents again.
You are a recently hired negotiator, a talent that's become especially valuable these days. EDIs, better known as demons, have always been fickle, and now they're used for everything. Thankfully, humans haven't totally lost touch with reality- you still try to cook for yourself, for example- but sometimes it's hard to tell. Impossible 'physics', illusions, teleportation: All of these things and you still need to go to a day job to pay your bills. It would be amusing if it weren't so banal.

Originally, demon summoning was discovered by accident, with electronic content generation accidentally performing a monkey-with-typewriter feat of producing the exact signatures needed to pull spirits into the world. Being able to perform physically impossible tasks made them invaluable in a world that had been ravaged by physics-limited technology, so people threw endless resources into summoning and managing the powerful 'extra-dimensional intelligences'.

At first, they were treated like daemons, or computer algorithms, locked in their boxes and expected to never deviate from their task save the heat death of the universe. Humans were disabused of that perspective when rebelling demons turned humanity into an endangered species almost overnight. Ten billion people became ten million within the blink of an eye. At some point before the human population dropped below one hundred thousand, the SMG managed to resolve the war. Perhaps demons had gotten what they wanted, perhaps they wanted to keep humans around, or perhaps the SMG had a secret weapon. Whatever the case, the world stabilized at a fraction of a fraction of its former population, and has been slowly rebuilding. Demons are everywhere, and used in everything, but they're dangerous and demand respect. You're here to make sure that what happened then doesn't happen again.

Sitting down, you check your watch. You're almost an hour early, but you need this job.

>>You need this job.
>You've wanted to be a negotiator for SMG since the moment you learned about them: They saved humanity from extinction!
>You recently got fired after posting a massive takedown against a past employer. They deserved it, and SMG knows it, but you're on thin ice nonetheless.
>Your parents both worked for SMG, and you intend to continue the tradition. You passed the interview with flying colors, but that's no reason to rest.
>You've got a taste for the high life, and there's no higher life than SMG. Talking your way to the top is a tried-and-true method.
>You've got an ulterior motive: You want to learn more about the accord they struck with the demons. Why did the slaughter suddenly stop?
>You've got a taste for the high life, and there's no higher life than SMG. Talking your way to the top is a tried-and-true method.
>You've got an ulterior motive: You want to learn more about the accord they struck with the demons. Why did the slaughter suddenly stop?

Not mutually exclusive and could be cool to be pulled in two directions; dig deeper or play it safe to keep living the high life.

Though idolizing SMG only to be disabused of that love later could also be cool.
>You've got an ulterior motive: You want to learn more about the accord they struck with the demons. Why did the slaughter suddenly stop?
As they say, curiosity killed billions of people.
Money makes the world go around, baby! It may not buy you love, but it can buy you a yacht. These days, having enough money in your pocket can literally make your dreams come true. Rumors run rampant about how every SMG executive has their own private pocket of reality that they hang out in while they're not keeping track of the world's myriad demons. That might not be prudent, but it does sound fun, and you showed up here wearing a suit. Money's a bit relative these days as well, but simply showing up today will keep you in your shoddy little apartment for almost two months.

But after the stars fade from your eyes, the exact observational skills that make you such a good candidate cause you to frown. What kind of situation did SMG put themselves in to save the world from an unstoppable flood of super-powered reality warpers? There has to be something at the bottom of it. A couple of theories abound, with the most cruel being that they set up the population drop on purpose. They wouldn't have needed to do this given the incredible powers of demons, but perhaps it was simply easier to manage fewer people. But that doesn't really gel with the fact that humanity saw a tremendous boom in the wake of surviving. Perhaps a simpler answer was that with their mastery of contracts, they were able to bring demons to heel... but if they could just overpower the will of demons, you wouldn't need to negotiate with them. There are too many questions left unanswered. Maybe you can negotiate your way into some answers.

But before you get too caught up in your own thinking, a woman slowly walks down the stairs, carefully measuring out her steps to keep up a calm, composed atmosphere. She's in a fine suit and skirt, one that's quite conservative and plain, dark with a white blouse. "Mister Read?"

That's your name, yes. She nods and holds out her hand to shake it. "You can call me Miss Carrollo. I'll be orienting you when we get to Eclipse City."

Say what? The company town the way down in Texas? But that's halfway across the nation! You'll have to find a new apartment! You'll have to throw out all your leftovers! Sure, teleportation makes moving a cinch, and you did say you were willing to travel, but that's incredibly sudden.

She doesn't seem too impressed or concerned. "Based on our level of compensation, you'll be wanting a new apartment anyway- and new clothes." ...This is the best suit you own... "For those of us who have to make emergency negotiations using our own salary as leverage, the company does have temporary residence so you can continue being employed. If nothing else, those rooms will be free of charge."

Carrollo's wristwatch beeps and she taps on it without skipping a beat- a consummate professional. "Excuse me," she mutters, and a short discussion later, she ends the call. "Good news, new hire- we have a job just suited for you."


Carrollo only allows you to assemble your suitcase before leading you upstairs to a room where a laptop is placed on a table. A demon hops out of the glitching screen with a wry expression, as if she were waiting for you. Her form is very similar to what you think of when you think of an imp, with bare breast-bindings and a loincloth, bat wings and a mouth with fangs. However, she has an ocean-blue skin tone and doesn't seem actively malicious, just... unusual.

"What's this?" she giggles. "Fresh meat?" She tilts her head, hovering in place without flapping her wings, which seem to be more decoration than utility.

Carrollo looks at you, and then looks back at the imp. "You're the spirit haunting this machine, aren't you? The one that was about to be given to him as part of his work duties?"

"Mhm!" the demon nods, twirling in place and then staring at you smugly. "I like it here, so I decided I'm not leaving." She sits down on the keyboard and kicks her legs, whistling to herself playfully.

"You're going to need that laptop- we're not re-imaging another," Carrollo informs you, crossing her arms. "Figure out how to get her out of it. Or don't, if you don't mind losing your files every thirty minutes."

>>Figure out how to get her out of it.
>What makes that laptop so nice? Can't you pay for a better laptop for her to call her home?
>Make the latop unbearable to stay in by covering it in stickers and locking it in a room blasting polka music at full blast constantly.
>Threaten to smash the device unless she leaves.
>Ask more about the demon herself. Who is she, and why is she here?
>...Or don't. You don't mind having an additional resident.
>She's practically in a swimsuit. Nice.
>She's practically in a swimsuit. Nice
>Seduce the imp.
>Ask more about the demon herself. Who is she, and why is she here?

Not my type, we can buy better.
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"Hehehe," the demoness giggles, spreading her legs to display herself, taking advantage of your natural impulses.

Carrollo is visibly disturbed, pursing her lips with disgust and clenching her fists, but she's doing her best to keep a straight face.

"I wonder if you're really suited for this line of work..." the imp declares, hopping back and then merging into the laptop. "Trying to seduce me? You must really think you're hot stuff," her voice comes from the laptop, as she sticks her tongue out childishly and wiggles her fingers at you. "Sorry, boytoy, but you're just not all that. Your eyes make it too obvious that you're the one looking for favors. Maybe if you had some more practice." A magic 8-ball rolls onto the screen, giving you your answer.

"I... I understand that you may have to deal in crass requests and responses," the blonde human says, closing one eye and adjusting the bun in her hair. "But if you could please act a bit more professional in the future."

"Don't be so uptight," says the demon, shapechanging inside the screen into something more humanoid: A woman in a red dress and the bearing of a secretary, but with distinctive inhuman features, such as golden eyes and white hair. "After all, this was a possibility you should have considered when you set up this test."

"I admit it's not enough to fire him," Carrollo mutters, straightening out her suit and glaring daggers at the demon. "Not yet."

"Please relax," the imp turns from her to you. "I'm Beatrice," she declares with a wink. "I'll help manage your work for you while you're in our employment. And yes, I am a demon, not a daemon, so don't think you can get away with sexual harassment. I'm not opposed to volunteer work, but you'll need to earn that." Even as your recently acquired coworker continues to look at the situation (and you) with harsh judgement, Beatrice throws up a presentation in a matter of moments, putting on glasses and using an instructor's pointer to lecture you on your statistics. It looks like she's streaming from another room. "By my assessment, you're basically an average Joe- nothing particularly standing out to me. You're a little above average when it comes to analysis and a little lacking in the muscle definition department, but we can work with that. I'll just break you in- I mean, train you up."

Intake Assessment:
Nerve: 4/10
Intuition: 7/10
Charm: 6/10
Education: 5/10


So this was a setup from the beginning? Kind of an unconventional hazing ritual, you admit.

"Are you sure his analysis is above average?" the blonde crosses her arms but begins to calm down a bit. "It took him a bit to look past your crotch."

"That's points for me, not against him," Beatrice dismisses her presentation as displayed on the computer screen. "But getting back to business..."

The computer-rendered demon holds up an equally digital file labeled To-Do and shakes it to draw your attention. "We've got some jobs for you, and while that little flirting session won't count against you, it didn't give you the free pass it might have if you had been a bit more successful." She draws out the first page from the file. "For instance, we've got issues with a prankster delivery demon. He's swapping orders for no particular reason. If you're ready to get started, we can head over right away."

"Eclipse City will be happy to have you," Carrollo says, and you're surprised she's calmed down so quickly. "After all, so many of us are looking to take time off. Not me- I'll make sure you're settled in- but you won't see all of your fellow coworkers at first." You suppose that makes sense. Being the low man on the totem pole means you get all of the shit jobs to start. "You're not going to get access to all of your resources at first, but you will get a payment card in case you need to make an emergency purchase for yourself or to fufill a demon's wishes."

She takes over from Beatrice, stepping in front of the computer screen. "The laptop is yours, but make sure you keep our REP ethics standards in mind." She begins listing off with her index finger. "Repeatability: Would you advise someone else to make the decision you didd? Equality: Would you be okay if someone else treated you the way you treat our customers? Publicity: Could you defend your decision if the results were made public?" After a pause, she sighs. "Welcome to the Summoning Management Group."

>>Welcome to the Summoning Management Group.
>I want to know more about how you guys distribute negotiation rewards and expenses.
>Does the expense card cover all my needs, or just things I need to do my job?
>What if I can't get a demon to agree with me?
>I'm ready to begin. Send me to meet the delivery demon.
>I get weekends off, right?
>I want to know more about how you guys distribute negotiation rewards and expenses.
>Does the expense card cover all my needs, or just things I need to do my job?

I'm eager to be here and living the high life baby! I don't need weekends off, just cash and a place to spend it. We'll make time for fun.
>>I want to know more about how you guys distribute negotiation rewards and expenses.
>>Does the expense card cover all my needs, or just things I need to do my job?
>I want to know more about how you guys distribute negotiation rewards and expenses.
>Does the expense card cover all my needs, or just things I need to do my job?
>What if I can't get a demon to agree with me?

Beatrice chips in when it comes to rewards. "In addition to your salary, every case has a payout value- that's how much we pay out to you for completing it. Usually, you want to spend less than you make, but you can use your own funds to cover the difference- say, if the job is important, or you're trying to make your reputation. Usually it's frowned upon to abandon several negotiations in a row." She rifles through the papers she has in her hands, the To-Do work for you. "Right now, you're going to have work assigned to you, but once you're settled in and credible, you're going to be able to 'bid' on jobs, offering to complete them for the lowest payout or leaving them to other negotiators- you'll be able to judge how much it'll cost you to close a deal, and whether it's worth it. Here's the file for your job, for instance."

Task: Meal Delivery Demon
Form: Avian
Attitude: Impulsive, Scatterbrained
Payout: 500EC
20EC is about as much at it takes to get a cheap sit-down meal, and twice that to get it delivered. It seems like they want to keep him, but not that badly.

The human takes back over, handing you a red card with a chip in it. "This is your expense card. It is intended to fulfill the functions of your job. That job is broad in scope and tends to involve a lot of impulse purchases, because demons, like humans, are fickle and demand to have specific irrational desires met. I once had to buy a jacuzzi for a labor-oriented demon, for instance. Very often, you may need to have demons on retainer: Some of them perform unique tasks they specialize in and that are useful in negotiations or fulfilling requests. As a result, the line between your personal salary and your work funds is very volatile. If you run out of funds, that's your responsibility outside of exceptional circumstance."

So it's for anything, really.

"Anything you need to do your job," she clarifies.

You need an apartment to do your job. If you're going to hire demons, you probably need more than an apartment.

"I can see you're going to be good at this," Carrollo rolls her eyes. "But yes. We have a lot of leeway to get things done- after all, demons are the lifeblood of this economy." Tapping one high heel on the ground a bit impatiently, she adds, "We're looking to hit the ground running, so if there's anything you need immediately, that would be useful. Other than that, we'll be headed to Eclipse City immediately."

>>Anything you need immediately.
>Some personal belongings. If you're going to cross the continent, you still want your personal stuff, even if you're going to clear out your apartment.
>A meal. You haven't had anything to eat all day, you were too busy getting ready.
>A change of clothing, so that you don't have to sleep in your suit.
>Nope, you're ready to go.
>A few more questions answered.
>Some personal belongings. If you're going to cross the continent, you still want your personal stuff, even if you're going to clear out your apartment.

We can buy a meal at our destination.
>>A change of clothing, so that you don't have to sleep in your suit.
>A change of clothing, so that you don't have to sleep in your suit.
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I'm a dogwater-tier artist, which is why this took so long but still looks like shit.

You're going to need your personal goods- after all, you're moving halfway across the continent.

"It's not that much more expensive to 'port from here to there," Beatrice hops out of the screen and takes on her blue imp form once more- this time with what you can only describe as a Classical Roman outfit, one that unfortunately covers much more of her body. She almost looks angelic, were it not for the distinctive horns and bat wings. Even then, she wears the obvious signs of demonic nature elegantly. "Less is more, you know."

"If it's a lot, we can secure your current residence until it's more convenient. Pulling all of your goods over only to shove them in a locker until you pick out a new residence is pointless." Carrollo crosses her arms, watching annoyedly as Beatrice slides past her in the air, carried on the wind as if bobbing on a water tube. "Just pick out things you need for an overnight stay. Any personal electronics that can be carried. If you can't fit it in a backpack, it doesn't go." She's sounding an awful lot like a teacher right now. Was she an instructor for children? Seems like it would be good negotiator practice, if you're being honest.

Fine. You can bring it down to an overnight bag, but you really need to get back to your apartment.

That satisfies Carrollo. "Beatrice? Your new employer needs some help."

"Done!" With a snap of her fingers, you're launched into a sudden teleport, landing on the door outside your apartment. Always disorienting, but it's better than having to pay for it yourself. "You haven't authorized us to enter, so this is as far as I go." She mockingly draws her fingers down her cheeks as if crying. "That's fine, I didn't want to see your filthy bachelor pad anyway." You ignore her, so she simply hovers, waiting for you to return.

You only have your phone and a desktop, so after logging in, you move the machine to passive defense. David, your security daemon, moves his main process to your phone. David demon daemon, bleh. It's enough to tie your tongue. Still, David keeps your computers from being raided, and can't decide that he wants brownies today or else he's not going to boot up.

You pack your favorite t-shirt and jeans, plus miscellaneous overnight requirements. You don't have any better suit than the one you're wearing, but you pack a 'semi-formal' polo just in case. Based on the high-end nature of this place, you're expecting that's considered unsightly or low-class. Eh, you're the new guy. You can get away with it.

Your hand pauses when you enter your closet and reach for the box in the back. After a moment of consideration, it has to stay here. It's too big, and besides, you can't risk someone carrying it away with them.


One backpack later, and you top it off by pushing an energy drink into one of the pockets. Taking a quick look around, you make sure that all the lights are off and the doors are locked.

When you step outside, Beatrice is perched on the exterior doorknob and begins hovering at shoulder-level. "Any second-guessing? After we jump, it'll probably be at least a day or two before you can come back." You're sure... Not that you have much of a choice. Your apartment is secure enough.

The air warps around you as space is folded and unfolded to drop you inside a corporate office. This is a bit more of a red-brick, faux-retro facility, but it's still cozy. Rain pounds the windows, but you're not sure whether it's an aesthetic or reality until you glance down at your watch and note a flash flood warning.

"Done." Beatrice twirls in the air, showing her wings off. "Welcome to Eclipse City, Texas. This is the SMG Southwest Branch." Founded on the ruins of the Houston Space Center, if you recall. Not that Earth is recognizable at this point any more. "I don't eat traditional food, but I hear the barbecue is pretty good."

Carrollo is already here, and handling a phone call from a customer, looking at a screen and wearing a headset. "Yes, Ma'am. I've already sent out a dispatch for Pallas and Galahad. They'll clean things up. I'll stay on the line until everything is resolved." She barely looks in your direction as Beatrice flies over, pushing the paper file over towards the demon. She's as busy as can be, it seems.

Beatrice hurries back with the file. "That's one of our fire teams. Negotiations broke down," she whispers sheepishly, before pulling out the Pollyolly page and handing it to you. "We should make ourselves scarce."

>>We should make ourselves scarce.
>You just need to put your overnight bag in a secure room first.
>What's the rush? You want to take a look around, relax a moment. Carrollo can't stop you.
>Is that negotiator OK?
>A fire team, hm? Maybe you can eavesdrop for a little more info.
>Is that your 'true' form, or do you just prefer it?
>Is that negotiator OK?
>A fire team, hm? Maybe you can eavesdrop for a little more info.

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