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The last of the Emperor’s children has died. He has no heir, an aging wife, and failing health. From his bed, which he finds harder and harder to leave each day, he orders the main family of every royal house to send forth a Champion to court to decide the future of the Empire.

You are the champion for [Pick 1], in your early childhood you warded with [Pick 1]:
>Nethos, Clan Gerrard: Located in the Northwest in a mountainous region, the Nethons enjoy immense mineral wealth. Nethos is also unique because it is not organized as a kingdom, but instead as a sort of confederacy of mountain clans, where a new presiding family is chosen by sending champions to compete in a contest of the three sacred Nethon arts: Blacksmithing, Brewing, and Brawling. [Aspect: Competitor]

>Pan, House Goinsy: A modest kingdom east of Nethos and North of the capital. Lacking any real geographic or resource advantage, Pan has maintained its relevance through a focus on military discipline and strategy. Panese knights are considered the best in the Empire, with the exception of the Imperial knights (although many Imperial Knights are Panese in origin). Pan has a strict, militaristic culture. Many royal families ward their children in Pan to learn skill at arms. [Aspect: Chivalrous]

>Winterlands, House Reid: The Northernmost Kingdom, located in the cold tundras at the Northeastern end of the continent. Inhabitants of the winterlands are stereotyped to be gruff, independent, and self-reliant. The Winterlands cares little for diplomacy or currying favor at Court. They frequently find themselves in border disputes with their neighbors. Due to the lack of farmland in the Northern part of their territory, they cling tightly to the southern sections, and will fight fiercely to maintain their territorial integrity. [Aspect: Tough-as-Nails]

>Free Chalmuth, House Kabot: The youngest of all the kingdoms, located at an island west of the continent proper. Formerly a part of Ellia’s territory, but when the Fellants refused the island's call for troops to deal with rampant piracy, an uprising took place and the Chalmuthians refused to pay any taxes to either Ellia or the Emperor. The Emperor sided with the Chalmuthians, helped broker a peace with Captain Kabot, which involved installing the Pirate Captain as the new king of the island. [Aspect: Swashbuckler]

>Kingdom of Ellia, House Fellant: The largest and most prosperous of the houses outside of the Imperial family itself. Ellia has vast, lush farmland, sea access, and ample mineral wealth. Its capital is located directly west of the Imperial capital. Including maritime borders, it borders seven other kingdoms. Many have speculated that the Fellants aspire to secede from the Empire, or usurp it. Ellians despise Varyne and Chalmuth, feeling that their territory was wrongfully taken from them. [Aspect: Prestigious]


>Duluth, House Horford: Perhaps the most average of all of the kingdoms. Despite its large size, Duluth is considered neither weak nor strong. Viewed as a threat by no one and likewise threatened by no one. Duluth does its duty to the Empire, keeps an average army, and has largely friendly relations with its neighbors.[Aspect: Flexible]

>The Varyne Peninsula, House Meier: Among the lowliest of the kingdoms. As the name suggests, it is located on a peninsula at the western end of the Empire. Created only to resolve a feud between The Fellants and Meiers when the Empire was formed. Varyne is considered a laughing stock among the kingdoms, with little to be proud of. The exception being that their vineyards are known for producing the finest wines, so winemaking is their biggest source of income. [Aspect: Underdog].

>Borealis, House Watford : A landlocked kingdom located south of the Imperial Capital. Borealis’ central location and lush farmland make it an economic powerhouse second only to Ellia. Borealan merchants are renowned for their speed and shrewdness. [Aspect: Business Judgment].

>Issi, House Pereline: A tropical kingdom rich due to its exotic goods and easy access to foreign markets. Issi is home to many foreigners, making it a cultural melting pot of sorts. Due to the year-round warm weather, Issi is culturally very easy going and stereotyped as a place of romance and adventure. [Aspect: Hot Blooded]

>Crain, House Toussle: The most obscure of the kingdoms, largely located within a thick swampland that most find extremely inhospitable due to the dangerous wildlife, humid weather, and lack of farmland. Crain engages in some trade with Issi, foreign merchants, and Borealis, but maintains a fairly unimpressive economy and military. Like Errat, much of Crain’s resilience is due to the fact that no one has ever wanted to invade it. Crain is known as a land of witchcraft and dark arts, known for housing cults and sorcerous hermits capable of inflicting deadly curses, diving the future, and healing mortal wounds. [Aspect: Left Hand Path]

>Kingdom of Errat, House Zane: Located in the midst of the Errat Desert, the Zanes are among the most culturally distinct houses. Having little need for defense, as no one wants to invade the desert, and no fertile land, the serfs extract the vast mineral resources from the desert caves and trade them for food which is paid as tax to the royal family, who pass the time studying arts on the humanities. Royal children from all across the empire are sent to ward in Errat due to the quality of its scholars. [Aspect: Superior Education]
>Free Chalmuth, House Kabot: The youngest of all the kingdoms, located at an island west of the continent proper. Formerly a part of Ellia’s territory, but when the Fellants refused the island's call for troops to deal with rampant piracy, an uprising took place and the Chalmuthians refused to pay any taxes to either Ellia or the Emperor. The Emperor sided with the Chalmuthians, helped broker a peace with Captain Kabot, which involved installing the Pirate Captain as the new king of the island. [Aspect: Swashbuckler]

>Crain, House Toussle: The most obscure of the kingdoms, largely located within a thick swampland that most find extremely inhospitable due to the dangerous wildlife, humid weather, and lack of farmland. Crain engages in some trade with Issi, foreign merchants, and Borealis, but maintains a fairly unimpressive economy and military. Like Errat, much of Crain’s resilience is due to the fact that no one has ever wanted to invade it. Crain is known as a land of witchcraft and dark arts, known for housing cults and sorcerous hermits capable of inflicting deadly curses, diving the future, and healing mortal wounds. [Aspect: Left Hand Path]

Pirate sorcerer sounds fun.
>Californicus Pereline
>Champion of Issi, warded at House Zane

Quick to laugh, and even quicker to share a joke, Californicus' sense of humor and good nature is known throughout the land. With somewhat clandestine support from the foreign lands, he emerges as the champion for Issi.
Gonna leave this up for a bit since I need to go somewhere. Will be back in 4-5 hours.

We Euron now

Argh, +1
Pirate Sorcerer it is. Back home and writing. A little more character creation but we'll get going soon.
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You are Marshall Kabot. One of Captain Edward Kabot's many bastard sons. From an early age you took to the life at sea, as comfortable on a wooden deck as on land, if not more so. In your formative years, you were sent to Crain to live alongside the main branch of House Toussle, an effort by Kabot to forge an alliance with the queer, reclusive nation. At first, he dank, humid swamps made you feel almost claustrophobic compared to the open sea, but in time you grew accustomed to the strange place, learning how to spot an alligator hidden beneath the murky waters and which plants would cause an itch, so that you could run and play with the other children. You were also exposed to the frightening rituals performed in Crain. Much of it was charlatanism, you are sure, but you saw some things you still feel you cannot explain. In your final years there, you spent your free time taking a canoe through the muddy bog and finding the decrepit hags who boiled noxious brews in their cauldrons, and would threaten you with ghastly curses unless you appeased them with gifts and compliments. In your visits, you gained some superficial understanding the swamp people's dark magics: basic charms and curses used to enhance one's luck, or sabotage another's. When you returned to Chalmuth, your experience abroad made your old life seem somehow easier. Your father began keeping you in his company when he met with his officers and advisors, and in time gave you your own boat, so long as you promised to honor his oath to the Emperor not to disrupt the Empire's merchants. The promise was quickly broken, you and your friends would sail away for days at a time, terrorizing and raiding Varyne and Issi's merchant ships. You were never caught, yet you always felt that your father secretly knew. Now you're 16 years of age, tall and dark and always wearing a cocky smile won through the countless challenges you have overcome with ease.

At the Emperor's invitation, there was no question as to who Captain Kabot would choose as his champion. Within a week, you left for Issi, not wanting to pass through Ellia, and began the long trek over land to the capital. You had never spent so long away from the sea. The feeling of trudging so long upon the solid earth made you feel as though a part of you was missing. When you finally arrived, however, the sight of the Capital city reinvigorated you. Compared to the dingy wooden huts, piers, and house boats that make up Chalmuth, the Imperial Capital may as well have been built by another species. Tall marble towers came into view first, then sturdy stone temples that seem to be built into the earth's very foundation, and then at last the hive of merchants, soldiers, and politicians who swarm endlessly through the city's clean streets.
Your father did not want you to take the journey alone, so he instructed you to bring someone along with you:
>Uncle Byron. One of your father's guards. A gruff, blunt man with no regard for manners or etiquette, but one of the most skilled men with a sword you've ever seen.
>Jackson. Your first mate, a loyal friend who at times annoys you to no end. While you are bold and care-free, he is always careful and cautious, planning ahead and considering dangers. While he's often too careful, you can't deny that he's saved your tail once or twice.
>Dr. Olaf. A medicine man, native to the Imperial City. Knowledgeable in medicine, familiar with court politics, and educated in general. He has served as your father's advisor for many years.
>(Feel free to write in if you have any cool ideas).

When facing a challenge, you've always relied mostly on your...
>Prowess in battle
>Dr. Olaf. A medicine man, native to the Imperial City. Knowledgeable in medicine, familiar with court politics, and educated in general. He has served as your father's advisor for many years.


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