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*11:58... 11:59... 12:00.*

You may not know it, but your world has just changed forever.

No longer is Earth inhabited solely by Man and Beast. Gone are the days of the Mundane and the Magical existing only within the human mind.

As of today, a third pillar of life has forced its way onto your lonely planet.

*Welcome to a new world. A world... of Pokémon.*


Something startles you. You shoot straight up, eyes not yet used to the light now invading their lids, and rub your sockets in a vain attempt to surmount your groggy awakening. A vague thought floats to mind...

>...it's so hot. Too hot. That's what I get for sleepin' outdoors in the middle of July. I should get up before i'm accosted by some wannabe sheriff or mean cowboy.

>...another dream about printing papers in the city. Even the eclipse couldn't knock that dream out of me. I've got to get out of here before the Great War ends or I'll never make it big.

>...my alarm clock just went off. I've got to be up and downstairs by now. The customers are waiting for me, I can't waste any more time dreaming of that exploding spaceship. Where's my Walkman?
>...my alarm clock just went off. I've got to be up and downstairs by now. The customers are waiting for me, I can't waste any more time dreaming of that exploding spaceship. Where's my Walkman?
The world ending would be preferable than waging
Salutations, /qst/, and welcome to the Poké-pocalypse! The world won't exactly be ending, per-se, not as far as I'm aware... but it'll most certainly be changed forever, probably for the worse. Whatever will happen in this new reality, you'll play a big part in shaping the outcome.

Updates will be as frequent as I can make them, but I've got a busy irl schedule so expect maybe 1-2 posts a day as standard. At worst, 2 per week.

Pokémon presentation will go off of anime logic and I'll keep things somewhat light in terms of mechanics. There aren't going to be any levels or stats, more emphasis on figuring things out in the moment and writing.

All that said: have fun! I'll be around for a few hours today and write significantly more after this first choice.
>...it's so hot. Too hot. That's what I get for sleepin' outdoors in the middle of July. I should get up before i'm accosted by some wannabe sheriff or mean cowboy.

does he have a death wish
Interesting concept, QM. I'm looking forward to this quest. Before I vote, could I ask where in the world we are?
The United States. Which specific state varies based on the answers. The first is as far west as possible, the last is as far east as possible, and they're all southern.
>Southern California
>Dallas or Austin
How grim. That being said, California gives the most opportunities to bug out if SHTF and FEMA goes ballistic, so
>...it's so hot. Too hot. That's what I get for sleepin' outdoors in the middle of July. I should get up before i'm accosted by some wannabe sheriff or mean cowboy.
>...it's so hot. Too hot. That's what I get for sleepin' outdoors in the middle of July. I should get up before i'm accosted by some wannabe sheriff or mean cowboy.
Location aside, I would never choose to be a dirty urb*nite
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You readjust yourself. You're missing something. A hat, maybe? You're... not sure...

"Sir? Have you got any business to attend to here?"

You tilt your head up, towards the voice, briefly wincing as the sun is eclipsed by the large brim of a man's hat.

"I'm just makin' sure. We don't want no loiterers 'round these parts. I'm not sure how you cityfolk did it back in New York-" -your brow furrowed at the rude implication- "-but we don't take kindly to strangers lingering 'round bars."

"I don't want trouble, sir." You got to your feet and brushed sand off your legs. It took some mighty willpower to fight off the headache that followed. Good thing you already had plenty to spare. "I just... didn't have anyplace else to sleep last night."

The sheriff raised a brow. "I thought you said you had a room booked down at Bessie's place. Somethin' about having a reservation, I remember?" The stocky man's eyes narrowed as he went on. You distracted yourself with how much shorter he seemed now that you were both standing across from each other.
"We've got enough cheats in this town as-is, boy, so you best not be tryin' to bolster their numb'rs."

"I can assure you that I'll be doing no such thing, sheriff. In fact," you made an exaggerated stride towards his left, only to be caught and brought to your interrogator's eye level.

"You ain't goin' nowhere 'til you promise to do no harm."

It was hard to suppress the snigger that prospect prompted. The sheriff growled and continued. "No matter how funny you might find that, boy, I think it's actually quite the light sentence given the circumstances. Now, say it."

You put some distance between the two of you and cleared your throat. Your expression soured as you began to speak. "I, Walter Buchanan, stranger to Shenanigan's Gulch, promise to do no harm to..."

The remainder of the sentence was drowned out by a massive BOOM.

A man went flying out of the window to your left. Another object followed on the right-- was that a table?-- and the entire bar was soon alight.

"What in tarnation- ?!"

The sheriff said something else, but you couldn't hear it. He was too busy running to the fire department and you were too busy getting the hell away from the flaming wooden column you'd once called a place to sleep.

A teenage boy burst through the door with a little girl holding onto his back. Meeting his eyes struck you with a panic you'd not yet been consumed by. "There- it- I-"

By the time you'd gotten far-enough away from the building not to feel its heat, it was too late to do anything else. The sheriff had returned, and his first order of business was to cuff you from behind. His voice cut through your fear with a tone so sharp that the thought of it made you bleed. "You've got a lot of explainin' t' do, boy."

>Resist arrest. (Roll a d100. DC 70, best of 3.)
>Go along with the sheriff without any complaints.
>Other (Write-in).
>Go along with the sheriff without any complaints.

I don't trust the dice.
>Resist arrest. (Roll a d100. DC 70, best of 3.)

I don't trust the law
>Go along with the sheriff without any complaints.
>>Resist arrest. (Roll a d100. DC 70, best of 3.)

Kek. Protag-kun is truly torn...
He is deeply conflicted about society and shit
>Go along with the sheriff without any complaints.
>Resist arrest. (Roll a d100. DC 70, best of 3.)
>>Resist arrest. (Roll a d100. DC 70, best of 3.)
>Resist arrest. (Roll a d100. DC 70, best of 3.)
Fuck it we ball

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