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Shocking no one in particular, you are Nicole Smith, a woman with anomalous abilities (with deer antlers and other bizarre mutations as a quirk of said abilities)

You're a Cleaner, a deniable asset used by massive mega-corporations called the Alphabet Companies and anyone else willing to pay you. Most of your jobs are from your Handler a member of a powerful family who asks you to check up on things or 'clean' up messes for him.

All of this is because in the City, the massive megacomplex spanning across hundreds of thousands of square miles, that's the only job you're able to hold down. Or maybe you're just lying to yourself. Maybe the constant chaos and excitement of exploring the City's many districts is the only thing keeping you from necking yourself.

You previously investigated a series of mysterious tunnels over at J-Corp and figured out that it was actually an old P-Corp facility trying to unseal itself after decades underground. You crawled your way through it, slaughtering mysterious Silver Agents who have been hunting you down and Anomalies alike.

You partially resealed it to stop the excess energy produced there from obliterating the section of J-Corp's district. The excess energy that still leaked out has likely altered a lot of people but perhaps that's a good thing. Perhaps some people need a change in their mindset.

After that, you joined your Handler on a mission to hunt down a briefcase filled with very valuable corporate secrets about U-Corp's technology. You have just found out that an old lover of his, Katherine Beatrix, is the one in possession of it. With her insane connections with U-Corp and its employees, you imagine she'll try to launder the corporate documents before running like a bat out of hell for her own selfish gain.

You're now outside of a high class steak house that you know she'll be arriving at soon. You're ready to show the Handler what a big shot you are. All you have to do is to get this briefcase back and return it to its rightful owner.

Your allies are ready to help you every step of the way. Even if one is a chef who's trying to resist the urge to transform into a robotic anomaly while another is a hot blooded 18 year old kid with way too many guns to his name.

You're not shocked, though. Anyone who sticks with you has to be some kind of madman.

ARCHIVE: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Cleaner
MAIN CHARACTER SHEET (Your stats/abilities/perks are written here): https://pastebin.com/3y638TfK
ALLIES (contains their stats, abilities, recruitment costs, and RAPPORT): https://pastebin.com/8gdVZBPe
MECHANICS (contains the explanation of stats, how stat checks work, and some other minor rules): https://pastebin.com/A9nLYWP6
INVENTORY (contains your items, consumables, weapons, etc.): https://pastebin.com/n0MH6M17
CITY INFO (General information about the Alphabet Companies and other notable entities): https://pastebin.com/ZP2JN7mT
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You have to get into this restaurant no matter what but who's to say you can't indulge in a bit of small talk on your way in?

You dig into your pockets and lo and behold, you find what you're looking for. A XISXIS pill and a GALAXYSTONE CHUNK. This is really the best you can do since you doubt the S-Corp guys spread their story THAT fast yet and well. You hired these two for a reason.

[PERSON OF INTEREST] It would also be REALLY shady if all seven of you suddenly swarmed around someone's table.
[PERSON OF INTEREST] That would draw too much attention and would VERY likely cause a scene.

You toss the items over before nodding along to Maruyama's plan. "Go ahead. We'll wait by the back entrance. Alexis, help him out, you can probably smooth over any issues he has. I know how fucked up rich people can be."

"nicole i literally helped you deal with a bunch of them two days ago." Alexis can't even attempt to hide her amusement at your comment. "Just go ahead. We'll meet up later." Yeah, fair. You'd probably look shady watching them chatter with the others. Best to keep a low profile.

Maruyama squints at the rock you gave him but he assumes there must be SOME use for it so with a shrug, he and Alexis split away from the party to deal with the rich folks. The two immediately draw the attention of several of the augmented diners-

[CORPORATE INSIDER] But all it takes is Alexis flashing the dozen corporate icons pinned to her chest to immediately smooth over any issues.

"Ooo, a B-Corp badge?" A man with a frog's head jabbers on.
"No, no, look at that I-Corp badge. I think that's more interesting, dear." A woman with an eye growing out of her forehead jabs a finger at Alexis' chest.

Seems like they'll have an easy time getting the info they want.

Good. You'll leave them to it. The rest of you go ahead with the agreed upon plan of sneaking in through the back entrance. Or as well as you CAN sneak given how the whole building seems to be all glass. As your group breaks away to head around to the back of the building, you note how the glass becomes more and more opaque. Seems like they DO keep some privacy for the kitchen section at least.

Soon you find yourself at the back entrance of the steakhouse. Aside from some rusty, about ready to fall apart dumpsters littering around outside and the back entrance itself, there's not a lot to really say about where you're at.

Frank steps up to the door and violently knocks on it while, for whatever reason, Benedict is fiddling around with one of the rusted dumpsters. The door opens immediately as if someone was waiting for you to arrive.

Two girls immediately poke their heads around the doorways. To be quite frank, they look like shit. The one on the left has sunken in eyes and splotchy greyish skin that might've once been tanned if not for her body obviously failing. The other girl's pale face is caked in scratches and bruises. They're in high class, but clearly not well taken care of, waitress outfits.
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It's clear what they want. You're not going to hold out on them. The Handler digs into your pockets to obtain the painkillers in question. The two waitresses snatch the bottles like they were bottles of ambrosia.

They disappear into the busy kitchen without saying a single word to you. Any hint of their footsteps is washed away by the constant movement and chatter of the kitchen. You would ask why they didn't give you uniforms or anything but...probably wouldn't make a difference.

"Let's go before the bitch spots us out here. Keep the door propped open so the other two can sneak in." Frank nods his head towards your group.
Benedict slowly turns his head away from the dumpster. His armblade is pressed up against it, emitting a faint white light. As he pulls it away, you note something odd. All of the rust around the area he was pressing his armblade against is gone now. Intriguing.

[ANOMALOUS ABILITIES] You can thank me for that. Gave him one little push, just like Maruyama.

>Benedict passively 'perfects' any item or object he comes into contact with, increasing the stat bonus provided/damage dealt/protection offered/etc of said item
>This includes equipment he uses. Benedict can also spend 1 RESTRAINT to immediately REFINE an object on short notice.

No point dwelling on it too long though. You have somewhere to be. The five of you enter the kitchen.

https://youtu.be/z5QtLyL5NI8 - SUNSET KITCHEN

It's a complete clusterfuck back here. It's oddly familiar despite it being weeks since you last did something like this. People in bright white chef uniforms and toques are rushing past rocket hot stoves, boiling pots of rich-smelling stew, and cluttered tables. It's clear that this place, while 'high end', has a case of too many cooks in the kitchen.

You can hardly even hear yourself think over the constant chattering of the chefs. Too many voices and too many minds makes getting any information, MIND READ or normal eavesdropping, impossible.

"Weird. Isn't there supposed to be a head chef- HEY!" The Handler tries to point something out but a pair of young female chefs rushes past him and your group. There has to be at least ten or twelve more chefs in here than there should be. Counting you, there has to be at least 70 people here.

[ADVANCED INTUTION] Ah. This must be because of Katherine. They are panicked because she is arriving soon. She must've ordered something extravagant.

Adam and Benedict immediately pick up on this too by seeing how hectic and messy it is too. So they do what they know best.

CLAP! That simple, single clap Adam performed immediately catches the attention of all of the other chefs. Dozens of beady, stressed eyes are staring at your group now. Or more specifically, him. Even Benedict is looking at him like a well trained puppy waiting for a treat.

"This is a fucking mess." Adam can't help but to laugh at what he's seeing.
"Where's your chef de cuisine? Actually, no, ignore that." Adam snaps his attention to one of the boiling pots of stew. He grabs a nearby ladle and without waiting for it to cool down, he takes a sip of it.

Before immediately spitting out. Not because it's too hot but out of sheer disgust at it. "Way too much onion and garlic. Fond was clearly burnt as well, that got infused in the sauce. Tastes like a smoker's ash tray. Get rid of this, get a new one."

Three of the chefs move in to replace the pot with a new one. The kitchen immediately begins to pick back up as Adam almost falls into an almost instinctual position for him.

Benedict leaps in to replace the inedible stew by helping the other chefs. Turns out there's a benefit for having a massive armblade, you get to chop through meat and vegetables REAL fucking quick.

[HARD WORKER] "The hell are you trying to cook here? It looks like an aborted elephant fetus!" "Are you TRYING to poison your clientele? That's dangerously raw!" "This tomato sauce tastes like JAM! JAM!!!" Adam is rushing around the kitchen, too offended at the idea of letting this operation fail to remember the fact he's supposed to be on a mission.
[YESTERDAY'S PROMISE] There's complete serenity in Benedict's expression as he prepares another pot of stew with his assistants. He's in his happy place now. You almost don't want to break him out of it later but you know you'll have to.

The other chefs seem not only to accept the presence of the two new chefs but the previously hectic kitchen is oddly...organized now? It doesn't take much to figure out whoever runs this place must've been running on fumes if two randos are operating it this well.

"Mmh. Think we could try winning over the main chef?" The Handler glances over at you expectantly. The gaze he's giving you can only be described as that of a man who has his full trust in you. "Not hard to piece together who probably caused this. Not the first time she'd do a last minute reservation."

"We're already interfering enough as is." Frank dismisses the idea. "We can let the chefs play pretend in some fancy place they'll never actually work at after tonight but we're here to ambush a target. I say we just poison her meal and get on with it."

Before you have time to comment on that, your earpiece crackles to life. Alexis' voice immediately catches your attention over it.

"So, here's what we got from our side. We have confirmation that Katherine is coming over soon and, in fact, most of the people here found out she was coming here one way or another. We're not the only ones expecting her arrival."
"Worse," Maruyama's voice crackles over the line. "A lot of them flatout told us they expected a bloodbath here. They even paid extra to arrive here. This is a GAME to them."

"Shit. Any useful intel about Katherine?"

"Mmh. Apparently she's bringing two heavily armed Combat Android models. Something about 'them being in vogue' now." Shit.
"We also managed to piece together that, somehow, she has anomalous abilities as well. Most of the others seem to believe them to be just that: rumors but here's what they said. She has the ability to alter her human physiology. She can shift her vital organs, flesh, and bones around to make injuring her in any meaningful way nearly impossible."

"Shit, we gotta go. We have to talk to a I-Corp and Z-Corp rep. We'll tell them about you." The line goes dead afterwards. You feel a shift in the corporate world happening from beyond the veil.
>+1 I-CORP and Z-CORP FAVOR due to Maruyama + Alexis's meddling!

You turn to quickly tell the Handler and Frank about Katherine's supposed power. (Adam + Benedict are too busy helping the chefs). The Handler seems outright confused at the new info while Frank simply nods. Frank begins to pace back and forth as if trying to devise how best to counter it.

Weird. So the power must be a new thing.

The last thing you have to work with is your FORGOTTEN SIGNAL crackling to life.
That's all you're getting.

You now have some cover with your group being inside the restaurant now and you know she'll be here any moment. The formerly hectic chefs seem too grateful about your help to rat you out.

How to proceed from here?
>[FRANK ALLY] If nothing else, it can't hurt to try. Ask the chefs which meal she's likely to eat and spike it with your CYANIDE pills. Can't shift poison away, right...? (-ALL CYANIDE PILLS. Gives you some excellent insight on her abilities and, if you're lucky, should make getting the briefcase easier.)
>Perhaps you can negotiate your way out of this. Wait for her to arrive, prime all of the information you have about her, and use every bit of leverage you have to get an audience with her. Perhaps no one needs to die.
>[OTTO ALLY] Go along with Otto's suggestion of finding the Head Chef. The more people, the better, and you feel like he deserves to know what'll happen to his restaurant. You still have some time until she arrives.
>[UNSTABLE] Cause a 'distraction' with some of your equipment when she arrives. Let's have some fun. (-2 A-ENERGY SIPHONS and 1 EMP GRENADE, leaving you with neither. At worst, Katherine and her goons are weakened. Best case, the restaurant will be thrown int chaos and it'll be a prime 'distraction' to draw U-Corp's attention or to steal her briefcase.)
>[ADAM + BENEDICT ALLY] While your chef allies help, use the other chefs as an early warning system. Have them watch Katherine on your behalf. (Should buy you some more time to see if there's anything else about Katherine you should know about, like if she's meeting someone.)
>Write in.

Apologies for delaying the update 3 days longer than it should've been. New computer, redownloading stuff, massive pain. We should be back to normal now.
>[OTTO ALLY] Go along with Otto's suggestion of finding the Head Chef. The more people, the better, and you feel like he deserves to know what'll happen to his restaurant. You still have some time until she arrives.

"Mmh mmh mmh!" Red Suit B taps his feet to some bizarre, off key tune. "She's spite incarnate. I heard soo many fuckin' horror stories about the million hostile takeovers and employees she fired. She's probably doin' this just for her own benefit...somehow."
"Not like we're much better! Ha! We were just gonna sell it to D-Corp!" Red Suit A kicks his feet with an ear to ear smile.
"Oh yeah! She has, uh." Red Suit C snaps his fingers a few times. "Some weird new implants on the market. VIE and 闪电战. One makes her regenerate a lot, one makes her stupid fast. Don't fight her if you have to. We ain't going anywhere near here and we got our own implants too!"
Oh shit we're back boys

>REALLY shady
Dividing the group just works well for pacing and progression. Both are important for the quest's integrity and QM/player sanity
>squints at the rock
I like how even with the City filled with so much insane shit, there's enough normalcy that a magic rock can still cause a reaction like this. Or maybe it's just Maruyama being himself
I had this question last time but I didn't post it, thanks for answering it

>snatch the bottles
Weren't using those anyway, not many FLESH checks lately
I love how this can synergize with Adam's LICENSED MECHANIC. The idea he could have chosen that power himself not only for his perfection autism but to help his bro out is a powerful gesture. Imagine him refining the CHAINSAW or FEDKILLER or anything else. It needs setup and 1 RESTRAINT, but this can be huge during the base assault
>at least 70
Are there that many incoming orders to merit this much manpower? I figure the joint has a steady and controlled flow of diners with the line outside
Nice immediate answer. I don't think Katherine is even planning to eat all this, that bitch

This is a nice segment. I think both of them needed this. The pair getting literally lost in the sauce here can help us win the Head Chef over
>running on fumes
The Head Chef must have the worst of it because he knows if he fucks up then he'll be all chef but no head
>Not the first time
The bitch does not deserve the Handler
>poison her
What if she orders a lackey to taste-test first, or has anti-poison augments to her digestive system? It might not be enough
We stopped one at the strip club, now this? Who'll even be the ones dying here, the chefs or the rich themselves?
>paid extra
I wonder if there's any rich bastard here who is the complete opposite, and is here because he doesn't want his favorite joint to be destroyed?
>'them being in vogue'
Smells like the X/E/Q-Corp cooperation bearing fruit. Still worth it but this sucks

>shift her vital organs, flesh, and bones around
An interesting way to fatally counter that could be to bait her into shifting vital structures to her arms or legs, and then dismembering her
We're finally getting I-CORP FAVOR after so much work with Alexis. That Z-Corp rep might hear about Benjamin too...
I wonder what happened in the weeks since her breakup to get her that specific sort of power?
Some of these rich assholes might also fall under U-Corp's hateful gaze for enabling this, but I doubt U-Corp will find out or care as much as they will about Katherine here
Implying there will be a mess to clean up if we play our cards right

Congrats on the new computer. How's it handling? Specs?
What's your logic there? How will getting the Head Chef's help save the people here? Why do we need to even do this? Back in the nightclub we did it because that club owner would have tried it again if we left him alone, and we primarily wanted to save the corpos and gangsters because they had leads on the case. Here it's mostly the rich disgusting cretins eager for violence but they'll be the ones most likely to die, won't they? Or are the innocent chefs the sacrifice? Rescuing the chefs is nice for Adam and Benedict and any few rich people that care about this place, but so what? All we need is that case. I'm more inclined to the FRANK ALLY option as things stand. Everything about Katherine that we've been told puts me off from wanting to negotiate with her. We do have a lot of hard evidence, but she can simply order us to be killed or worse and then seizes the evidence from us, can't she? It feels like we're in a precarious position here
You think head chef is going to be completely useless or something? I mean, he is the owner of the restaurant, there must be something he knows or a plan he has that can help us. And I want connection favor with the head chef.
Ok lets roll with that then, see how it goes

Backing >>6071068
>[ADAM + BENEDICT ALLY] While your chef allies help, use the other chefs as an early warning system. Have them watch Katherine on your behalf. (Should buy you some more time to see if there's anything else about Katherine you should know about, like if she's meeting someone.)
If things get messy, remember that we have Beyond Love and Hate for Restraint damage and the Fedkiller for both Flesh and Restraint
>[ADAM + BENEDICT ALLY] While your chef allies help, use the other chefs as an early warning system. Have them watch Katherine on your behalf. (Should buy you some more time to see if there's anything else about Katherine you should know about, like if she's meeting someone.)
>[ADAM + BENEDICT ALLY] While your chef allies help, use the other chefs as an early warning system. Have them watch Katherine on your behalf. (Should buy you some more time to see if there's anything else about Katherine you should know about, like if she's meeting someone.)

Probably smart to make sure she doesn't have a trick or two up her sleeves, given we just found out she has powers too and they are annoying AF. So right now we know she has a couple of likely high end implants and can alter her body and likely that of people she touches. Might even be able to do it remotely.
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While meeting the Head Chef would be neat, if he isn't too busy to even watch the kitchen in case five random chucklefucks burst in, you doubt he'll be much use right now. Though you can probably get the other chefs to bend to your will. Turns out, offering overworked service workers that does wonder for earning connections.

You grab the shoulder of one of the many chefs rushing past you. Or well, you thought it was a chef, but it was that scarred waitress from earlier. She's carrying a tray filled to the brim with disgustingly decadent slices of cake and freshly baked cookies.

"S-sorry. I-I have to get this, to uh, a special guest soon. She'll be here any moment and I-" She's crunching on something as she talks to you. Poor girl, probably the painkillers you gave her.

You pat her on the shoulder in an attempt to comfort her. "Look. I know you're being overworked here. Last minute reservation and all of that. Me and my broth-" You shake yourself out of that NEW YOU induced false memory. "I know what it's like."

"If you do a small favor for me, I'll make sure to deal with your special guest."

This immediately catches her attention. Her eyes widen and she's about ready to cry at the mere idea of getting ANY break from this.

"Deliver that, then get the other chefs and waitresses to tell us when your special guest arrives and what exactly she's doing. Tell us EVERYTHING you see her do out there. Okay?"

She's nodding her head with such ferocity, you swear she was a bobblehead. She quickly relays this message towards the other chefs (and by proxy Benedict and Adam) before exiting the kitchen. The two chefs under your payrolls proceed to take a break from the whole 'reorganizing the hectic kitchen' to reconvene.

Seems like the kitchen is operational enough now for them to do so. Time to get to brass tacks. You give them a quick rundown of what you heard from your various sources mere moments ago.

"She's a corporate administrator. She has implants and an anomalous ability, why the hell does she need two armed goons?" Adam can immediately smell something fishy off about what you told him. "Does she expect some sort of confrontation against someone on her level?"

"If anything, she probably expects her former fuckboy to be hunting her down." Frank jabs his elbow into the Handler's side. The bronze haired man narrows his eyes at the ETF Agent but he holds his tongue for now.

"Maybe, considering a certain person's reputation ballooning REAL quick." He side-eyes you as if he's trying to be coy about what he said. Despite the fact you're the only one he could be talking about.

"ALL OF THIS FOOD. IT IS MEANT TO FEED AT LEAST 5 PEOPLE WHO HAVE NOT EATEN IN DAYS. EvEN assuming anomalously induced metabolism, she has to be meeting three other people." Mrh. More names, more faces, it seems like everyone wants in on this.

"Anything you could gleam about them from the last minute order?"

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"Yeah. And I know he didn't introduce it himself. Not the...first time he's tried that." Adam sheepishly adds on. "Harvesters, then, are likely targets. F-Corpers. Not really sure why they would care about U-Corp stuff."

The Handler knits his eyebrows as he tries to piece together what's going on. "Wouldn't be shocked if she was trying to kill two birds with one stone. A massive last minute reservation that drew the attention of a bunch of rich people? She's trying to do a purge of anyone who could stop her."

Before you have time to add in your own speculation, the two waitresses from earlier rush to your group of five and grab you by the shoulders. They promptly begin to drag you out of the kitchen and into the actual main part of the building. Hm. You don't resist, knowing that they're trying to show you something.

A few other chefs follow after your group while your allies begin to help and talk to the other chefs.

The actual dining interior of the restaurant is what you expected from a high class steakhouse. A massive, expansive rectangular space filled with dozens of tables and booths completely surrounds you. In any direction you look, all you can see is booths and tables. The only thing separating one part of the dining area from another is who's sitting where.

An apron is hastily thrown over your already existing outfit. It looks very clumsy and baggy on you but it helps you blend in with the other chefs at least. You wonder where they're dragging you at but your question is answered before you can even ask it.

You're promptly shoved behind a nearby empty booth. Seems like the chefs and waitresses are trying to hide you from the person in question. Good, good, time to see what's going on here.

https://youtu.be/pGKNsCgdqbw - KATHERINE FEAST

In this section of the building, there's a table that stretches down the length of at least eight of the restaurant's booths. Piles on piles of meats, stews, cakes, cookies, and other decadent fillings are scattered throughout the table haphazardly with no real consideration of their placement.

Two bulky, rectangular androids with army green chassis stand by a woman casually eating a freshly baked piece of cake. Across the table from here are four (two men and two women) Harvesters. You can tell by their razor sharp teeth and, for one of the men, the fact he has black blood.

How do you know this?

Well, his head has been caved in and his limp lifeless body is laying on the table. The other three Harvesters are trying their best not to piss themselves from the fact one of their comrades is fucking dead.

A chef of a way higher status than the others is standing by the woman as well. While the other chefs and waitresses are wearing all white, his apron is a matte black with gold stitching across it. His toque also has three small silver stars stitched onto it. His face is drenched in nervous sweat, obviously expecting to be met with the same fate as the Harvester.
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"Mmh. Mr. Morelli, your meal is adequate. Too adequate, it tastes like someone not of your staff made this."

Katherine herself is, to your shock, very...bland looking? A lot less out there than the other corpos you've seen. If you didn't know she was a Corporate Administrator you'd never guess she was one. Aside from her yolk yellow chic cocktail dress and heels, there's nothing that really screams 'high class' to her.

Her long yolk yellow hair and bright purple eyes are a bit more disconcerting but that's about it. Her face looks average, her body type looks average, there's nothing else identifying about her beyond that. It's as if you took a picture of 500 women and ran them through an AI algorithm.

"W-whatever could you mean?" The Head Chef's nervous sweating is only getting worse upon hearing that.

"I have a very refined palette, Mr. Morelli. This tastes...fresh. Not cooked with fear or the will to survive, no. Obsession of the craft. An obsession..." She leans back in her chair to stare the Head Chef right in the eye. "That I know you do not have. That I did not come here to taste. It is good that I did smell any, say, cyanide though. Else I would've sliced your head clean off."

Good thing you didn't go with Frank's plan then.

"I-I, well, y-you have been keeping me out here f-for a while and-"

"Shh. Lest you anger them, Mr. Morelli." She points to her two android bodyguards. Neither of them are moving but you know the moment she orders it, they could crush his skull like a god damn grape. "Leave. So you may...dispose of any intruders in your kitchen. I'll check in fifteen minutes and I know you will not stop me when I check myself."

Mr. Morelli is fucking GONE by the moment she finishes speaking.

Katherine leans forward to stare down at the three dead-quiet Harvesters. "Now. I demand your own briefcases. I wish to see them for myself before the rabble decide to do their little game of cat and mouse to hunt me down. Not like they'll succeed." You notice one odd thing about her arms.

Massive scars runs down the length of it, from her shoulder to her wrist. Yet you can't quite tell what could've possibly made it aside from it being something being pulled out from the inside.

You decide it's probably best to leave the chefs and waitresses to relay any information they can from here on out. Luckily, you're sneaky AND fast enough to get back to the kitchen without anyone noticing and before Morelli can return.

Entering back in the kitchen with the rest of your allies, you quickly tell them what you found before asking them for their own thoughts or what they heard.

ADAM: "She was the one distracting the Head Chef. If I didn't know any better, she wanted someone to sneak in and to try to make an attack on her. This is a game to her."
BENEDICT: "Much like an anomaly, she seems empowered by the emotions of others. Fear is the mind killer around her. Fear, hunger, and suffering can not be shown."
WAITRESS #1: "She killed the Harvester about two minutes before we dragged you there. Only thing I caught is that he 'spoiled the fun' by 'not being entertaining enough'. If you're going to talk to her, I dunno, make it flashy? Don't bore her."
WAITRESS #2: "She keeps chewing on these weird white pills. I think they're calcium pills or something by what the bottle said. Could've sworn I heard her say something about 'needing to produce bones for later'."
THE HANDLER: "Generic? That's not how I remember her looking like. If she can fully reconstruct her appearance, who's to say she couldn't try disguising as someone else? She could sneak away if we don't capture her on the first try."
FRANK: "The hell? You can't 'smell' cyanide, especially when dissolved into a stew. Add in that comment she said about intruders and I bet she has someone working for her inside of the kitchen. She already knows we are here."

With all of that information gathered and the fact Katherine is approaching, you know the time to act is drawing closer and closer. You gotta make a move NOW.

What do?
>[FRANK ALLY] No further room for discussion. Grab Maruyama and Alexis, bumrush the HELL out of this woman. (You'll get the first strike before she can even attempt anything. Might be the best option given what you know about her.)
>[OTTO ALLY] "I'm sick of her games. We're talking to her right now and we're not stooping to her fucking level." It's time to enter a negotiation. (Due to previous actions during the mission, you have some special dialogue choices unlocked if you go down this path
>[UNSTABLE] Let's 'entertain' her, then. Grab the SUITCASE BOMB, activate it, throw it at the direction of her table. FUCK IT! (-SUITCASE BOMB. Will almost certainly draw outside attention and will immediately send the place into chaos. If she survives, you'll likely earn something pretty valuable from gaining her respect.)
>[ADAM ALLY] Well, if she's already coming to check, you might as well get the other chefs to get the hell out of dodge. Spend your limited time convincing the Head Chef and others to LEAVE. (CHARM AUTOPASS, due to Benedict assisting the chefs. Will save dozens of innocent lives but you won't have time to do anything else before Katherine decides to 'talk' to you.)
>[PERSON OF INTEREST] Why bother dignifying her with an introduction? Have your allies and chef friends work as a distraction while they're showing off briefcases and steal them telekinetically. Make a fucking break for it after. (You WILL be chased down if you do this but if you manage to outpace her, you'll get the briefcases from her and the harvesters without any direct confrontation from her or the steakhouse customers)
>[BENEDICT ALLY] Time to test his new ability. Hand him something to REFINE (FREE ACTION, -1 BENEDICT RESTRAINT. Select a category of item (WEAPON/DRUG/ARMOR/MISC) from your inventory for him to REFINE. You may also write in a specific item if you have one in mind.)
>Write in.
>Let Benedict refine the bomb, then use it.
Can't dodge full body barotrauma.
>Be ready to either finish her off, steal the briefcase telekinetically, or both.
>While Beneditc is working, use telepathy to find the rat in the kitchen and prevent them from alerting Katherine
>[ADAM ALLY] Well, if she's already coming to check, you might as well get the other chefs to get the hell out of dodge. Spend your limited time convincing the Head Chef and others to LEAVE. (CHARM AUTOPASS, due to Benedict assisting the chefs. Will save dozens of innocent lives but you won't have time to do anything else before Katherine decides to 'talk' to you.)
>[BENEDICT ALLY] Time to test his new ability. Hand him something to REFINE (FREE ACTION, -1 BENEDICT RESTRAINT. Select a category of item (WEAPON/DRUG/ARMOR/MISC) from your inventory for him to REFINE. You may also write in a specific item if you have one in mind.)
>use telepathy to find the rat in the kitchen and prevent them from alerting Katherine
I feel no qualms about cheating our way to suitcase bomb to nuke her in the face. We lose it for the glowie base assault, but this singular bitch is such a threat on purpose right now
Sure. Fuck it. Lets do recall she has super speed, of course.

>Fear is the mind killer around her. Fear, hunger, and suffering can not be shown.

Can we get a quick snack in, hand out some drugs? Might help somewhat since she is anomalous. And if worse comes to worst we do have out time stop button to give us options as well as Maruyama's time sword, possibly. Killing her would probably give us major rep in good and bad ways, but I suppose we can see what happens. Might want to pop one of the kanji blood things we got to pump our stats, hand out some glownigger last resort teeth drugs to the gang too, just in case.
>et's 'entertain' her, then. Grab the SUITCASE BOMB, activate it, throw it at the direction of her table. FUCK IT! (-SUITCASE BOMB. Will almost certainly draw outside attention and will immediately send the place into chaos. If she survives, you'll likely earn something pretty valuable from gaining her respect.)
Supporting this and>>6071923
>WHITE POWDER x4 (Boost VIOLENCE and TALENT by 2 for a short duration and heals 1 RESTRAINT, deals 1 FLESH damage on use.)
>Z-CORP AMPULE x2 (A metal syringe filled with a dull grey liquid. Heals 2 FLESH and RESTRAINT, no questions asked.)

>Give Benedict two WHITE POWDER and one Z-CORP AMPULE.
That's too much spent needlessly. REFINE costs 1 RESTRAINT and his stats are ok right now
I want to give him WHITE POWDER and Z-CORP AMPULE for a potential fight with Katherine.
We can always have them back from him, you're right. Good idea because Benedict is our heaviest hitter alongside Handler and Nicole and arguably Frank
So she's anomalous and high-senses enough to tell Benedict's obsession from his cooking alone. And can detect cyanide? So I'm glad I changed my mind to not do that option.
>sliced your head clean off
Head Chef but without the head
>something being pulled out from the inside
Bones removed?
>Fear, hunger, and suffering can not be shown
Her pressure on the entire cooking staff was deliberate based on her line about tasting the fear and survival instinct

>'spoiled the fun' by 'not being entertaining enough'
I hope she counts being blown up by a bomb to be entertaining
>'needing to produce bones for later'.
So I was right about the deboning too. Is she shifting vitals to her arms while armoring her body from the inside?
>capture her on the first try.
Or we kill her right here
>someone working for her inside of the kitchen
Is it one of the painkiller girls?
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First things first, you toss over a Z-Corp Ampule and some White Powder to Benedict. No to refine but simply in case this turns into a real nasty fight. He takes them without any real question since, well, he's still cognizant enough to realize he'll probably need them.

Worst case scenario, he'll just give them back to you.

As for your actual plan? You do really want to throw the suitcase bomb at her since you imagine that even with her powers? If she survived, it'd probably take ages for her to fully recover. But the issue is not being blown up in the process since, well, you don't want the chefs working here caught in the cross fire. Or your allies, even.

Rich people? Who cares, if they're not augmented enough to survive a bomb fuck 'em. But if you plan on getting the chefs out, you probably couldn't use the bomb safely without disabling Katherine and getting everyone out.

Hm. You slide over the SUITCASE BOMB over to Benedict. "REFINE this." He doesn't question you, simply deciding to press his armblade against the SUITCASE. A bright white light slowly surrounds the briefcase before, as if it simply popped into existence, a brand new suitcase is there in its place.

The formerly bland, non-descript briefcase is now a bright velvet red. The cheap faux-leather it was once made out of is now the real article now; There's no artificial uniformity to it. Real, honest to god leather.
>SUITCASE BOMB PLUS obtained! (An incredibly dangerous explosive. Deals 20 FLESH damage to everything inside of a large sized room and inflicts 3 CRIPPLING INJURIES to anything that survives. Even anomalies would be worried about being hit by this.)

While most of the chefs are confused as to why you have a random briefcase sitting around, you do notice one of them is oddly stressed out. The young woman in question is in a bright white uniform that's a size or two too big for her and unlike most of the other chefs, it is spotless.

<"Okay, okay, that can't be a normal suitcase. Probably something meant for Katherine. I need to tell her NOT to come over here.">

Your eyes narrow. Son of a bitch.

Adam immediately picks up on what the issue is. He snaps his fingers towards the fake Chef. "Sam, was it? Come over here. I need to tell you something."

Too afraid to break the illusion now, the young woman approaches Adam despite the fact you KNOW she's not a real chef. Seems like Adam has gotten some sort of authority over everyone in here; Probably just because of how-

[STEADY HANDS + PRACTICING SURGEON] In Adam's hand now is his Chef's Knife. In one clean cut, he sliced cleanly through the fatty flesh of the fake Chef's neck. Blood is gushing down the woman's neck, staining her once white uniform a bright crimson red. He must've sliced right through an artery.

She's down on the ground before anyone realized what he did. "A rotten ingredient spoils the batch."

This, rightfully so, sends the whole fucking kitchen into chaos.
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Most of the chefs are backing away from your group, afraid that they'll be purged next.

[OVERCORRECTION] Adam quickly realizes that, yeah, maybe he shouldn't have killed someone without any justification.


This is enough to stop them from running and to prevent them from screaming. For now, at least. The Head Chef finally steps into the kitchen and upon seeing the dead body, he's about ready to panic right as Adam clears his throat.

"U-uh, yeah. Our boss knows when certain people are...not trustworthy." Adam is still processing the fact he robotically sliced through someone's neck. "Look, Katherine is going to be here any second and she'll probably kill anyone who's still here. Let alone the rich patrons who will raid this kitchen soon enough."

"Yeah. You need to get out of here. Now." Frank jabs his thumb towards the back entrance. "That suitcase we have? It's a bomb. A bomb meant to kill her. Do you WANT to be here when a bomb goes off?"

"Look, I'll pay for all of the damages out of pocket for whatever happens. I'll even refer some of you to U-Corp for helping us out." The Handler pulls out his wallet and, after flipping through it, he tosses a dozen random credit cards on the floor.

"You guys can keep these. Go. Each of them has a five hundred buck limit on them. Go spend it."

The promise of free money, keeping their lives, AND not losing their jobs after this is too much for them to ignore. The chefs quickly scramble to grab a card before they pile out of the back entrance in droves. Your group stands by, keeping an eye on the entrance to the kitchen for whenever Katherine shows off.

The Head Chef glances back at your group. This man looks about ready to pass out the moment he leaves this place. With that, the kitchen is soon emptied out of everyone besides the five of you and the corpse of the Rat.

Well, make that seven. Maruyama and Alexis pile back into the kitchen through the back entrance as well. Probably because they saw the massive walkout.

Your group gives them a quick summary on what's going on but right as you're finishing doing so, you hear Frank yelling out something. You can't quite make it out. All of the noises he's making are incoherent angry squawks-

Something whizzes right past your head. Your eyes are barely able to process that it's something long, white, and rock hard. A bone.

You weren't target it was after. Right behind you is the Handler. He tries to swerve away from it but he's only fast enough to make sure it would hit his shoulder, not his neck.
If not for Benedict.

With a blitz of speed you did not expect from the robotic chef, he throws himself in front of the Handler. The bone tears right into the metallic half of his chest and damn near pierces right through it. The sound of twisting and tearing metal echoes throughout the empty kitchen.
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>-3 (reduced from 4) BENEDICT FLESH! 6/10 FLESH LEFT!

Benedict slams his ARMBLADE onto the bone stuck in his chest, shattering a good chunk of it into tiny fragments. After leaning forward to let the now loosened bone fall right out of the hole in his chest, he slams the Z-CORP AMPULE into his arm. The hole in his chest begins to patch itself back up.


You turn your attention to your attacker.

Katherine is standing at the entrance with her two robotic bodyguards. Her left arm limply dangles by her side; A massive hole that's already patching itself back up is torn across the length of her forearm. In about twenty seconds, her arm is already patched back up. Another ten seconds from there, her arm regains structure presumably from her bone regrowing.

In her hand is the Briefcase.

"Shame. I didn't quite expect one of my kind- Hm, no, I smell more. I didn't expect THREE SHIFTers to be working with that BASTARD." She points towards the Handler with a contempt filled sneer plastered on her face.

"I didn't expect you to need two robot dicks to be satisfied but we learn something new every fuckin day, don't we, Kate?" The Handler sneers right back at his former lover. "I know you want to bone me still but this is a bit much though, eh?" <"She feeds off fear, huh? Well, can't be scared if the others are embarrassed beyond belief.">

The second hand embarrassment your group is experiencing is overshadowing any sort of negative emotions they could be feeling. Well, Frank is trying his best not to bust a gut, but everyone else just feels pity and embarrassment. Especially Maruyama.

"Did I really get dragged into a glorified lover's spat." There's no energy left in his voice. It's like he has to tell his paralyzed daughter she'll never be able to dance again.
"Tell me about it." Alexis is on the verge of turning around and leaving this place.

Katherine takes a moment to process what the Handler said. "Oh, no, you're not fucking doing this." She seems to have picked up on his plan. "You know what- Gamma. Zeta. Let's take out the trash, shall we?"

The two combat androids promptly step in front of Katherine. In each of their hands is something that's making your mouth water as much as it scares the shit out of you: Shotguns. Fresh, juicy shotgun ammo.

Your allies quickly begin to arm themselves too. Maruyama and the chefs draws their respective blades, while your other three allies draw their respective guns. You outnumber them 7:3 but...hm. You quickly check your opponent's stats with MINDREAD.

FLESH: 15/15
PASSIVE: Takes 2 less FLESH damage from most sources.

FLESH: 30/30
Benedict heals 1 more from all healing items, QM
KATHERINE PASSIVES: Regenerates 5 FLESH and 2 RESTRAINT per turn. Can reroll all TALENT dice once per turn. Twice per combat, she may gain +1 to all stats.

No way you're fighting them fairly. You need to kill them before combat can even become a thing. You toss FRANK, ADAM, ALEXIS and MARUYAMA some SILVER AGENT TEETH just in case.

How do you want to turn the tables?
>[WATERLOGGED POCKETWATCH] Throw an EMP grenade to weaken her robots and her implants before stopping time. With Maruyama's help, use what limited time you have to rip through Katherine and her guards. (-EMP GRENADE. MEDIUM VIOLENCE DC: 28, rolling 8d6+1d3 with Maruyama's help. Succeed and the damage the two of you do will be enough to cripple your enemies before time restarts or they can reboot their electronics. You can clean up what's left from there.)
>Load your FEDKILLER, take some drugs, Time to kill her with style. (-1 속도 vial, -POLISHED VOIDSTONE, -1 charge on normal implants, -PROTOTYPE ANTI-ABNO SHOTGUN SLUGS. HARD TALENT DC: 64, rolling 14d6+2d8. Succeed and you'll be able to blitz over and land a devasting sneak attack on Katherine. The sheer raw damage should be enough to kill her outright. The COOLNESS of it will boost your max RESTRAINT and CHARM by 1 permanently.)
>[UNSTABLE] You're FUCKING RUNNING. Prime every explosive you have, throw them at Katherine. AND RUN! (-SUITCASE BOMB PLUS, -2 DYNAMITE BUNDLES, -1 FRAG GRENADE. The building will be reduced to rubble and this will draw an insane amount of attention but these three will be deader than dead. No way they're surviving this.)
>[BENEDICT + ADAM ALLY] "There's a gas stove nearby." "Buy us some time, we got a plan." Buy the two chefs as much time as you can. (-1 FLESH to everyone but Adam and Benedict, a random ally will get a CRIPPLING INJURY. The gas explosion will be enough to collapse the kitchen, trapping the three. You should be able to find the briefcase easily afterwards.)
>[FRANK ALLY] "Wait, the floor they're standing on. It's hollow. I'll blow it up, you grab the briefcase with your telekinesis, WE RUN." Follow with his plan. (-FRANK'S EXPLOSIVE SHOTGUN ROUNDS. You'll be able to get the Briefcase without much struggle or attention drawn to your group but you imagine this won't be the last time you see Katherine.)
>[ALEXIS ALLY] Alexis has her special corporate radio in her hand, ready to turn it on. "Let me talk to a friend real quick. He'll be REAL interested if he heard about what his underling was doing." Let Alexis do her magic. (MEDIUM CONNECTIONS DC: 33, rolling Alexis' 10d6 only. Succeed and the threat of bringing in someone far higher than her will make Katherine cave. You'll be able to negotiate from there.)
>[OTTO ALLY] "I almost feel bad for you, Katherine." Let him talk to her. (???. You're not sure what'll happen but at minimum, you'll permanently unlock the Handler as an ally.)
>Write in.

Sorry for delay.
Good catch. FLESH is 9/10, RESTRAINT is full for Benedict.
So many cool options, I... I...
There's no way I can't take this one.
>[OTTO ALLY] "I almost feel bad for you, Katherine." Let him talk to her. (???. You're not sure what'll happen but at minimum, you'll permanently unlock the Handler as an ally.)
We set up the godly suitcase bomb and did all this shit... but ultimately this is between him and her. If they hadn't fucked things up, she wouldn't have stolen the briefcase to fuck him over.
>[WATERLOGGED POCKETWATCH + UNSTABLE] Stop time, swipe the briefcase (cut off her hand if necessary), then enact the EXPLODE EVERYTHING plan
>>[OTTO ALLY] "I almost feel bad for you, Katherine." Let him talk to her. (???. You're not sure what'll happen but at minimum, you'll permanently unlock the Handler as an ally.)
>>[OTTO ALLY] "I almost feel bad for you, Katherine." Let him talk to her. (???. You're not sure what'll happen but at minimum, you'll permanently unlock the Handler as an ally.)

>Prepare for either combat or GTFO if negotiations fail

Otto has great stats and is rich and well-connected. The stat boost option and the auto wins are tempting, but we have been working to boost his respect, so might as well go whole hog. This might be a trap option with good bait, but I suppose we will see. If a better plan pops up I will go with that.
>[OTTO ALLY] "I almost feel bad for you, Katherine." Let him talk to her. (???. You're not sure what'll happen but at minimum, you'll permanently unlock the Handler as an ally.)
>[OTTO ALLY] "I almost feel bad for you, Katherine." Let him talk to her. (???. You're not sure what'll happen but at minimum, you'll permanently unlock the Handler as an ally.)
>[OTTO ALLY] "I almost feel bad for you, Katherine." Let him talk to her. (???. You're not sure what'll happen but at minimum, you'll permanently unlock the Handler as an ally.)

Use the distraction to start setting up our explosives. Tell Frank to load his explosive shells and prepare to fire.

Don’t do anything until Otto is done talking.
The air is thick with tension. One wrong move and you'd imagine the only one who'll be alive is Katherine. You can almost smell the violence in the air. Or maybe that's the A-Energy of four SHIFTers...

Well, no, your A-Energy detector is barely making any noise. You imagine only Benedict is making any notable energy due to his condition.

That's besides the point, though. You need a backup plan for the very, VERY uncertain path you plan on picking. You have to wait until she's distracted (her two robots barely seem sentient so you don't have to worry about them) with the conversation to plan some explosives.

Just in case.

"I'm not being paid enough for this. You handle it, Otto." You don't like using his name on the job but this situation warrants you, you think. "Th-"

Two near-ear shattering gunshots ring out through the air. Your automatically throw up your arms in a faint attempt to protect yourself...but only a few stray buckshot rounds graze past your cheek and neck. It hurts like a bitch and you're bleeding now but you're otherwise fine. Huh?
>-2 FLESH! 4/6 LEFT!

Lowering your arms, you now notice that a vast majority of the buckshot that was fired at you is suspended about a foot away from you. They then drop to the ground once your telekinetic focus wanes. You forgot you trained that ability, to be honest.

The two robot guards lower their shotguns in confusion. Katherine simply sneers upon seeing her attack failing. "I'm sorry, you don't get to call him by that name. You don't get to call that pathetic piece of shit anything other than that STUPID FUCKING TITLE he picked for himself."

"THE OTTO I FUCKING KNEW DIED WHEN HE PICKED THIS STUPID TARD WRANGLING JOB! LOOK AT ALL OF THE GOD DAMN FILTH HE IS ASSOCIATING HIMSELF WITH!" Her face begins to literally twist and mangle in on itself. It's nearly impossible to read what expression she has now, it's all just blurred flesh. Her body is damn near bubbling with rage now.


"Filth?" Contempt oozes out of every word Alexis says. "I know your boss' boss. I could pull my connections to get the god damn HEAD to obliterate you. YOU don't get to call ME-"

"I almost feel bad for you, Katherine." The Handl- Otto interrupts any potential bickering between Alexis and Katherine could begin. "I really do. It didn't have to come down to this."

"Oh, you don't get to pull the fucking pity card. You don't get to look down at me. You're the one who crawled up to me, BEGGED me for MY family's power, only to realize YOU couldn't handle the FUCKING HEAT!"

"That's exactly why I feel sorry. You're right. This could've been all avoided. I know you did this to spite me over and, hey, you got your attention." Any amount of bite normally in Otto's voice is gone now. There is only complete, sincere pity and worry in its place. "I feel sorry for you."
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Katherine's face morphs back into an actual, non-generic face. She has to be in her late 40s with how wrinkled and tired her eyes look. Heavy, exhausted bags loosely hang from her eyes.

She immediately shifts her face again to something more akin to a 20 year old.. Young, still filled with life. Is she afraid of losing her beauty? Could that be why she has the power?

[SEEKER OF THE CITY] Beauty is only one part. She's doing this to get attention. To stay relevant.

"What?" Her and her robot goons have their full attention on you and Otto. Your allies promptly take this time to start setting up explosives around the kitchen in case this goes wrong. "No, no, you don't get to feel sorry. That's now how this works."

"I genuinely am. There's no trick to this. I'm sorry you felt you had to steal my briefcase to get my attention. I'm sorry that you can't see why I associate myself with these people." He turns his head to look back at you and your crew. All of you are staying dead quiet but Maruyama offers a supportive nod towards Otto.

"I can fully accept that I fucked up with you in the past. I genuinely do."

"W-what kind of mind trick is this?" Katherine raises her arm up, aiming right at Otto. He doesn't even attempt to dodge or protect himself. In fact, he spreads his arms as wide as possible, letting her have a clean shot at him if need be.

"I know you won't do it. Because the only reason you even did this was to get my attention. What point would any of this serve if you didn't see me squirm?"

Katherine begins to back away. Her hand is trembling and for a moment, you swear the flesh on her palm and fingers are beginning to bubble and slosh off. "Shut up. Shut up, shut up, shut up!" A torrent of finger and arm bones are violently fired out of the palm of her hand, ripping her arm to shreds.

Maruyama and Benedict (who stayed behind while the rest prepared the back up explosives) immediately move to slice through the bones. Maruyama's katana and Benedict's armblade manage to slice cleanly through most of the bones. However, one of the larger ones manage to hit Otto right in the stomach.

>INTERNAL BLEEDING CRIPPLING INJURY (Random chance to lose 1 FLESH or to gain a random penalty to a physical stat while active) obtained!

Your other allies are about ready to activate the explosives upon seeing that but Otto takes the long bone sticking out of his stomach like a champ. "N-no need. I-I got this." He turns his attention back to Katherine.

"You're literally tearing yourself apart to get me to submit. You couldn't write a more on the nose metaphor if you...tried, yo-you fucking..." His knees shake and buckle before he collapses onto them. Blood is gushing out from the wound like a busted pipe.

"Y-you know wh-why I associate myself with them? B-because unlike you, t-they give a shit. T-they were willing to shoot you, e-even if it meant entering a fight they would not win."
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"That means they're retarded! That's why I can only trust these two VERY expensive models, mind you, to do their job. I'm not going to let my trust be betrayed by another person again!"

"D-do you have actually have anyone who cares about YOU, Katherine? Anyone you haven't burnt bridges with? I-Is this just projection?"

The room goes deathly quiet after he said that. No one is willing to move or say a single word now. Despite the fate that Otto is on his knees, mere moments away from bleeding out if another attack from Katherine hits him, she doesn't make a move.

"Y-you! You think you're better than me! Y-you think you'll achieve anything by doing this high and mighty shit?" Katherine is fucking fuming now but that's all she does. Her boneless arm hangs loosely by her side as she seethes impotently. "What do you think you're achieving?"

"What...are you achieving by not killing me? That's what this is all about, huh?"

Katherine doesn't respond at first but for the briefest of moments, you see a flicker of something in his eyes. <"You still got your other arm. And you got your guards. Why AREN'T you moving?"> <"No, no, don't let your heart beat like that, don't you DARE!">

"C'mon. You have a clean shot. Do it."

Katherine still doesn't move.

"It's...it's beneath me." Katherine immediately throws the suitcase down onto the floor with sheer disgust plastered on her face. "I don't even want this stupid briefcase anymore. T-this isn't fun anymore. I already read through all of it anyways."

Otto can only smile upon seeing the goal in front of him. He says something that you didn't quite expect him to say. Neither does anyone else, especially Katherine. "That's fine, dear. I know you won't do anything."

"Love you too, dear. See you later." That's the last thing he says before he collapses onto the floor.

Katherine immediately scrambles to get the hell out of here, same with her guards. For the briefest of seconds, you know you could activate your WATERLOGGED POCKETWATCH and use your time to blow a dozen holes in the back of her skull. You could kill her still.

But all you worry about now is getting your boss out of here. Frank immediately secures the briefcase before the rest of your party scrambles to get the explosives AND Otto out of here. It takes no longer than two minutes for the seven of you to be running out of the steak house's back entrance, Katherine and her goons are gone.

Even the rich patrons are gone. Some of them can be seen running after Katherine in a desperate attempt for amusement but most of them are just...gone. The steak house is completely and utterly abandoned. The setting sun is casting the empty streets in a bright orange haze. There's nothing left here for anyone.

The only people you can see or detect is your own group. You won.

>REWARDS: $744, +1 U-CORP FAVOR, U-Company will offer you and the Handler some unique, rare anomalous PARADIGMs for use in future missions.
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>Katherine lived and was humiliated by Otto. She'll absolutely remember this and will probably be a pain in the ass in the future...

Otto is propped up on one of the outside patio seats. Adam, Frank, and Benedict are busy doing their best to patch up the gaping wound in his chest. Meanwhile, you don't need any major healing so with a simple sigh, you pump an ADRENALINE IMPLANT charge through your body. You'll regain one next mission anyways.


It doesn't take long for Otto to get back up on his feet, even though the process is INCREDIBLY painful from how little anesthetic was used.

With a combination of some supplies from Frank, an anomalous power from Benedict, and Adam being able to perform rough surgery, he's back on his feet.
>OTTO is now at 7/8 FLESH and has his crippling injury removed!

"Fuck, man, I didn't expect you to do that. I'm not even sure we could've helped you if she really did pull the trigger." Adam tries to laugh off what he saw but it's clear how dicey this plan actually was.

"It was retarded. The only reason I even went along with it is we had the explosives to blow her ass to pieces." Frank spits on the ground. Sweat is dribbling down from his face, adrenaline still pumping through his system.

"...GOOD JOB."

"Thanks." Otto is still woozy from the surgery, especially due to how rushed it was but he'll probably able to recover more fully once he goes to an actual hospital. He does have the cash to do so, after all. He turns his gaze over to you and with a smirk, he holds his hand out to you. "Thanks for letting me do that, by the way."

You grab onto his hand and shake it. "Hey. It was your problem to deal with, not mine. I only came to help you."

"Fair." Otto lets go of your hand. "...I think I can trust you enough to throw my weight around. With you. I'm a busy man so don't expect me to do it that often."

>OTTO FOXTROT has been unlocked as an ally! His true sheet shall be revealed below!

RAPPORT: 8.5/14 (You've shown your worth to him time and time and time again. Next time you hire him, you'll be able to upgrade his abilities.)
COST TO HIRE: 35% reduction to your Mission Payout.
FLESH: 7/8

[UNENDING CAPITAL] With his sheer wealth and his family name, you doubt they'll be any place he can't get into. As long as he's in your party, you'll have a far easier time interacting and learning from Corporate Administrators or other highly powerful corporate executives.

[UNYIELDING CONFIDENCE] This mission has reawakened his confidence and by god, nothing is going to stop him now. Otto takes -2 less RESTRAINT damage from all sources and thrice per mission, he may reroll all dice he rolls in a check he is part of.
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[HIGH VALUE ALLY] He's your fucking boss. If he dies, you're out of a job until you can find a new one. Keep him alive at ALL costs. Enemies will be able to tell how valuable he is so, you might get some unwarranted attention as well.

[PERSON OF INTEREST] The spooks are after him as well, sadly. Stacks with your own PERSON OF INTEREST bane, drawing even more SPOOK attention towards you.

FOXTROT BRANDED REVOLVER (Only usable by Otto. ROLL: TALENT*2.5, rounding up. Has a high chance to restore 2 RESTRAINT when fired.)
PILE OF REVOLVER AMMO x3 (Totals up to 91 ammo.)
NOUVEAU SUIT AND TIE (ARMOR. Blocks 1 FLESH and RESTRAINT damage from all sources. Blocks an additional 1 FLESH and RESTRAINT from MOST ranged attacks.)
BRIBE MONEY x15 (He can bribe his way out of any situation. You may also ask for one bundle for an extra $150 upon a successful CHARM check.)

Maruyama looks at Otto for a moment and you swear you see a flash of some kind of emotion across his face. Happiness, anger, pity. Something in between. It eventually cools down into a small smile.

"I wish I could move on from her like you did with Katherine."
"Who said I moved on? You think what I pulled back there was a bit?"
"...Fair." Maruyama can't help but to keep smiling upon hearing that. "It feels nice knowing I'm not the only one."

The last thing you notice before you make your plans is an odd package at the front of the steakhouse. Kicking it open reveals a small reward from an "Alan", given the note on it.
>YUE FAMILY PHONE NUMBER obtained! ("Handler told me you were looking into this. Have fun - ALAN". Gets you closer to solving an old mystery you haven't had a chance to follow for a while.)

What to do now, Nicole? Your mission is done here. You got the briefcase. You saved the day.

Pick four.
>It's tradition at this point. The Steakhouse probably has a bar so go inside and drink yourself retarded. (+1 RESTRAINT to you and all allies, you'll gain +0.5 RAPPORT with all allies. You'll also get a chance to talk and learn about your allies and to get a good meal as well.)
>[SEEKER OF THE CITY] Take a walk around District 21 with your allies to decompress after everything. (Heals 2 RESTRAINT to you. You're likely to stumble into an old cache, a new store, or some other interesting lore about U-Corp's district.)
>[ALEXIS + MARUYAMA + ADAM ALLY] You remember you had some old space age tech you still have no idea what it's about and something tells you these three might now. Discuss this old mystery with them. (Gets you ever closer a permanent +1 COGNIZANCE, +1 RESTRAINT boost. Might be useful if you need to fight the spooks later.)
>[FRANK ALLY] You can tell Frank is disappointed he couldn't get into any actual fight. "Hey. Let's train, shall we?" Let him let some steam off. (+1 RAPPORT with FRANK. -SECOND CHARGE on your ADRELANINE implant, leaving you with only one next mission. You'll be able to boost a PHYSICAL STAT of your choice for both you and Frank.)
>[ANOMALOUS ABILITIES] You want to help your anomalous allies to use their powers more effective. Set aside some time to train Maruyama and Benedict. (WILLPOWER THRESHOLD DC: 10/14/18/22, rolling 6d6 for Maruyama and Benedict with you assisting them equally. For every threshold you roll, both will be able to refine and use their respective powers more effective.)
>[OTTO ALLY] You want to talk to the Handler about this new...relationship you find yourself in. You want to figure out what this means for the both of you going forward, business wise. (You want to set some boundaries before you go forward with this new arrangement. Might even get to know a bit more about him as well.)
>[PERSON OF INTEREST] There's a lot of random possessions left behind by the rich patrons who left. Call it paranoia or not but you want to grab some of them for later. (You'll roll 5d100 to determine what kind of info or rare rich person goodies you'll get. They won't miss them, right?)
>[UNSTABLE] You feel cheated out of a massive explosion. Find somewhere nearby to blow up with some of your less useful explosives. Why not? (Choose whether to use SUITCASE BOMB PLUS, a DYNAMITE BUNDLE, or 2 FRAGMENTATION GRENADES. You'll be able to pick four members of your party, including you, to permanently boost the max RESTRAINT of by 1.)
>Write in

(Sorry for the massive wall of text. Just a lot to write.)
>It's tradition at this point. The Steakhouse probably has a bar so go inside and drink yourself retarded. (+1 RESTRAINT to you and all allies, you'll gain +0.5 RAPPORT with all allies. You'll also get a chance to talk and learn about your allies and to get a good meal as well.)
Not the one with human meat please
>[ALEXIS + MARUYAMA + ADAM ALLY] You remember you had some old space age tech you still have no idea what it's about and something tells you these three might now. Discuss this old mystery with them. (Gets you ever closer a permanent +1 COGNIZANCE, +1 RESTRAINT boost. Might be useful if you need to fight the spooks later.)
>[PERSON OF INTEREST] There's a lot of random possessions left behind by the rich patrons who left. Call it paranoia or not but you want to grab some of them for later. (You'll roll 5d100 to determine what kind of info or rare rich person goodies you'll get. They won't miss them, right?)
>[ANOMALOUS ABILITIES] You want to help your anomalous allies to use their powers more effective. Set aside some time to train Maruyama and Benedict. (WILLPOWER THRESHOLD DC: 10/14/18/22, rolling 6d6 for Maruyama and Benedict with you assisting them equally. For every threshold you roll, both will be able to refine and use their respective powers more effective.)
>It's tradition at this point. The Steakhouse probably has a bar so go inside and drink yourself retarded. (+1 RESTRAINT to you and all allies, you'll gain +0.5 RAPPORT with all allies. You'll also get a chance to talk and learn about your allies and to get a good meal as well.)
>[ALEXIS + MARUYAMA + ADAM ALLY] You remember you had some old space age tech you still have no idea what it's about and something tells you these three might now. Discuss this old mystery with them. (Gets you ever closer a permanent +1 COGNIZANCE, +1 RESTRAINT boost. Might be useful if you need to fight the spooks later.)
>[FRANK ALLY] You can tell Frank is disappointed he couldn't get into any actual fight. "Hey. Let's train, shall we?" Let him let some steam off. (+1 RAPPORT with FRANK. -SECOND CHARGE on your ADRELANINE implant, leaving you with only one next mission. You'll be able to boost a PHYSICAL STAT of your choice for both you and Frank.)
>[ANOMALOUS ABILITIES] You want to help your anomalous allies to use their powers more effective. Set aside some time to train Maruyama and Benedict. (WILLPOWER THRESHOLD DC: 10/14/18/22, rolling 6d6 for Maruyama and Benedict with you assisting them equally. For every threshold you roll, both will be able to refine and use their respective powers more effective.)

That was fun. Otto will be good, and I think we actually have the highest total rapport with him at this point, which is fun. And we still have the super suitcase bomb for our raid on the glowies! Yay! Wonder if we could get a couple more things Refined as a free action by Benedict too, like the Fed Killer, since that will be important when we hit the base. We would need to feed him drugs but, eh.

I suppose we need to gear up for that thing next. Wonder if he is down for it, given he is being targeted by them as well.
The satellite mystery...
I want to let him get some action already
For setting boundaries. It's important for when your fucking boss decides to fight alongside you
Let’s make some of Benedict’s training a refinement of Fedkiller.

I’m not saying that we *should* do this… but what happens if we refine that assault rifle?
>some White Powder
Honestly I'm almost tempted to let him keep it. He can make good use of the VIOLENCE boost and RESTRAINT heal on a later mission
>Rich people? Who cares
Based. If any gave a shit they'd be making plays already the moment Katherine arrived
We're saving this for the base assault now that we didn't use it
>A rotten ingredient
I gotta say this Adam moment was godlike

>Head Chef glances back
Does that mean Adam isn't going to be invited to the next cocktail party?
So I was right about the arm bone removal. This bitch has the HELLO? railgun bones, goddamn
>throws himself in front
Handler will never forget this. I bet he's looking back at that fast food mission in a new light now

>-3 (reduced from 4)
This is why we still need to invest in more defensive gear for allies. Anybody else could have been instacrit by HELLO?
>slams the Z-CORP AMPULE
Basically fullhealed in one go from that. Sure 6/10 3/6 ain't that bad in damage but it was both a perfect use of the item and it carried on-screen cool factor. We better clutch that other last ampule for dire emergency
We don't have the kind of money or influence to have healing factor to that degree; this is a taste of what a Company Admin can do...
Hey I thought it was a good line and well-planned on the spot by Handler to counter Katherine's power source. "Competent" is what he is
>juicy shotgun ammo
We couldn't score it, but that's okay
I imagine we could have exploited the hell out of this
The only ways I can think of to stop her with those stats, that aren't what the QM gave in the vote options, are to nuke her COGNIZANCE completely or turn her SHIFTER power against her or make her rely just on VIOLENCE stat somehow.

No way. This is the silver agents on heroin. That must be the VIE implant the same as what Gregory has
Honestly I also don't mind them keeping those. +1 to all stats and d7s for the next 3 rolls? That's something anybody can use no matter what they're specialized in
>detector is barely making any noise
So much for the battle tension huh?
>-2 FLESH! 4/6 LEFT!
I'm starting to think investing in training time + Sukane's service to make temp stats permanent is what we need to make Nicole harder to kill
>forgot you trained that
So did I. Glownigs will be thrown the most off-guard by the first time, naturally. I can imagine Nicole might have taken more damage there if we didn't have that subability
>picked for himself
What, "Handler" or "Freakshit"?
I like this brief TARNISHED GOLD NECKLACE text popup here
>The Handl- Otto
The narration reflecting Nicole's thought is also great

>late 40s
With Handler being somewhere in his 30s if I'm remembering right, it might be he prefers older women
>supportive nod
Girl trouble man to girl trouble man connection
I REALLY do not want to fight this lady ever

>they're retarded!
Well she's not wrong
>anyone who cares about YOU
Powerful question to anybody in the City
>heart beat
She still can't escape the love
>Love you too
He's got his tsundere ex hooked and he knows it, what a madman
We're not taking this to Faustian Bargain?

Is she secretly into this deep down?
>pain in the ass
We can srill make good on Alexis' threat then if we need to
>now at 7/8 FLESH
Not much was spent, well done
>RAPPORT: 8.5/14
This says a lot
>35% reduction to your Mission Payout
Combined with Alexis that's a huge pay cut but it makes sense. It incentivises going for side objectives and loot more than usual to offset the payout loss

Finally a game where the escort VIP fights on your side
>Stacks with your own PERSON OF INTEREST bane
I hope the Head meeting suppresses this for the base assault
Wonder how he'd match with Clover
>moved on?
They need to drink and talk about their exes together
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FRANK: Yjd, 3kt, cQf, fcG
ANOMALOUS: yg4, fcg, cQF

So, bad news. Due to a massive storm that passed by, my power has been cut completely. I have no idea when it is coming back but worst case scenario, the update will be delayed for a few days. I don't like it either but even best case scenario you're gonna have to wait a few extra hours.

So, I need two anons to roll the following
>6d6 (MARUYAMA. You may roll an additional 2d6 due to him having a lingering charge of his ENDURING MINDSET boon)
Do write which one you're rolling for. In addition, you got some excess RESTRAINT healing items so...wanna REFINE some tools? Pick up to four to refine. If you pick two or three, you'll lose a Joyvel pill
If you pick four, you'll lose an ARCADY DUST (a powerful but situational restraint healing item) instead The least valuable ones

>Write in (Choose any number of non-PARADIGM or SUITCASE BOMB PLUS weapon, item, or drugs.)

I'll leave this open until my power fucking comes back on. It sucks but this is the best I can do on short notice.
Rolled 6, 2, 4, 5, 4, 1 = 22 (6d6)

Rolled 4, 6, 5, 6, 5, 2 = 28 (6d6)

Rolling Benedict

Permabuffing the implant further permabuffs anybody we implant
Nicole's signature weapon now
The suitcase bomb is not enough.
Rolled 5, 6 = 11 (2d6)



I want one of Frank’s ETF shotguns.
Nicole is far too squishy.
Who knows what the fuck this is gonna do?
In the event of my combat bodysuit vote failing, I’ll choose to back this guy instead.
Changing my vote in >>6074852 from
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My power is finally back on. Fuck me.
QM curse really is a thing, ain't it?

Closing vote now.
BODYSUIT: zx1, 3kt, yg4

So, since three items all have the same amount of votes, I'll just make it so you're refining all four. Seems fair enough.
So you're getting a FEDKILLER, REPROGRAMMED IMPLANT, BLOOD REPLACEMENT, and BODYSUIT upgrade in exchange for your only Arcady Dust. Writing.
We can always buy more Arcady Dust later or get it somewhere else. It's good because a big RESTRAINT heal helps Nicole and other high-RESTRAINT allies to recover if they seriously need it
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"Wait, my mental alert said the mission's done. Aren't we supposed to, like, go to the Faustian Bargain building or whatever?"

"Nicole I will be perfectly frank with you. Dealing with this properly with the Faustian Bargain is going to take two weeks of paperwork minimum. Do you REALLY want to be part of that?" Otto gives you a polite yet firm pat on the shoulder.

"no not really."
"Atta girl."
"please don't do that again ANYWAYS!"

"So. We're going to use this place as our bar spot this time around. It's abandoned, so the food and drinks are free, and we do have two chefs here so..." You messily gesture towards Adam and Benedict.

"The last thing I want to do is cook," Adam wipes away some quickly drying blood off of his knife. "But I imagine Benedict would like it. Sure. I'm fine with it."
"MAYBE IF I HAD THAT WHORE-" Benedict's eye twitches for a moment before the sugar pill kicks in again. "So be it."

The party patently ignores Benedict's outburst but it definitely added an awkward air to the conversation that didn't need to be there.

"Welp! Adam, Maru, Alexis? Mind if we talk for a sec? The rest of you can do whatever the fuck, just don't get too drunk. I plan on training you guys in case we have to deal with her again. We got off LUCKY this time around."

Your party promptly scatters. Otto, Frank, and Benedict make their way into the abandoned steakhouse while the three allies you called for stay outside with you. They seem confused why you picked them specifically but they are the closest to tech savvy allies you have on short notice.

You dig through your inventory (which seems to shift and twist whenever you don't look at it) for the space age computer tech and tiles found a few days ago. You give them a quick rundown on where you got them from and the little scraps of info you do have about it.

Adam is fucking enthralled at the mere sight of the chip you gave him. "Okay, look, I'm not an expert on astronautical tech but this thing is beyond illegal. A lot of the tech has to operate by specific laws to be kosher with the Head."

"There's no identifying marks or logos, there's no additional shady stuff stapled onto it to allow for easy backdooring or monitoring...aside from doing its function, I could not tell you a single thing about it." Adam hands you the chip back. "It's clear that whoever made it wanted NO chance of them being traced back to it."

"Mmh. Yeah, no company does space travel anymore so this shouldn't exist to begin with." Maruyama knocks his fist against one of the tiles you gave him. "I recognize this material though. Alexis, still have that Pausium detector?"

Alexis is staring blankly at the chips and tiles you pulled out as if something is on her mind. She snaps out of it once she hears her name. She pulls out the metal director as directed and once the tile is put up to it...it starts beeping.

"Weird reading...ah, I see. It also says it has trace amounts of moon dust on them."
"Specifically moon dust? How the hell would THAT thing know?" Adam rightfully points out.
"It didn't but considering the trace amounts of Silicon Dioxide and what the tile was on, it's a decent educated guess."

"Doesn't that mean it had contact with the Moon itself?" Maruyama stares up at the dark orange sky. If you squint just right, you can faintly make out the moon from all of the way down here. "Wait but how the hell does it even any dust at all? You don't just get moon dust by being in space."

"...There has to be someone up there." Alexis whispers through clenched teeth. "Bringing over and landing satellites to maintain old ones and shoot up new ones. 1957 was nearly 300 years ago so you would need someone to constantly maintain them..." <"My father once told me that a long since forgotten part of our family were the first people to walk on the moon..."

Adam taps his knife against one of the tiles, clearly deep in thought. "The average satellite lasts 15 years so they had to burn through, my guess, 19 to 20 of them? That needs a LOT of resources one person can't do by themselves."

"You said something about a signal being broadcasted through the satellite. At least five of them, right?" Maruyama chirps out. "One person couldn't maintain a satellite for 300 years. You need, what, 50 people minimum? Probably more to prevent genetic issues?"

[SEEKER OF THE CITY] Five signals. Five crews of at least 50 people. 250+ people. Up there. In the cosmos.
[SEEKER OF THE CITY] They escaped the City or, at least, as far as you can escape.
[SEEKER OF THE CITY] They still have contact with the City, you imagine, for those who couldn't escape. For those trapped here.

"That would make sense. A lot of the tech I see here is discordant with the usual regulations, norms, and even materials I've seen in other City Tech." Adam nods approvingly at Maruyama's theory. "...Then why the hell are they hiding up there?"

[PERSON OF INTEREST] "That's the only place they can't reach them." You mutter to yourself. The only thing that would be shipped up there is maybe some new materials or food but even then, it might be fully self sufficient up there. "Y-Corp has something to do with this."

"Y-Corp?" Adam cocks an eyebrow. "The teleportation company? The hell would they invest in space travel?"
"In case things go cock up down here." Maruyama seems to piece something together. "This is a backup plan. 300 years in the making."
"...I envy them. At least up there, there's nothing to worry about but your-" Alexis interrupts herself. "I'm going inside."

>SPACE AGE SATELLITE info revealed! (A backup program meant to keep a subsection of Y-Corp and possibly I-Corp residents safely tucked away in the cosmos. You know the Yue family see it as the only thing not 'corrupted' in the world. The only question left is why the satellite was shot down.)

Adam and Alexis promptly head back inside of the steakhouse while Maruyama stays outside with you.
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Huh, you didn't even- "I already know. I'm still new with my power and I know you're far more experienced. You want to do it sooner than later."

"Well. Mind getting Benedict then?"

He nods. Even without using his power, it doesn't take long for him to return with Benedict. The robotic chef, while annoyed at being interrupted from his craft, is intrigued as to what you plan on doing for the makeshift anomalous power training session.

"So, Benedict, you can REFINE stuff now." You squat down, ready to teach these two novices how to properly use their powers. "That's good. However, practice makes perfect. You've used your ability to make unique foods but you need to use this new power as much as you can. Break it in."

You place three items onto the ground: Your FEDKILLER, your REPROGRAMMED IMPLANT, and one of the many blood replacement vials you have. You can't exactly take off your suit but he can just press his blade against it, no?

"You'll refine these three and my bodysuit, which I assume you can refine it like you did with the dumpster. And for Maru, I just need you to get more used to using your sword period. While it's cool to pull it out for special occasions, you need to TRUST your power. Oh, and-" You toss over the bag of ARCADY DUST in front of Benedict. "Take this afterwards to keep your mind intact."

"Now, am I the best source on how to best train your anomalous powers? No but I'm your only one so...this is what we'll do."

The two look at each other and deciding that they really don't have any better option, Benedict is the first one to move. He begins to rub and press his blade against the various items you gave him, as if he's trying to feel the texture of material of each object through his cold and unyielding metal blade.

"Good, good. Study each imperfection. Every flaw unique to each object."
"So I may slice them out." Benedict finishes what you were about to say. He makes several small scratches and incisions across the glass and metal of the first three objects before moving to rub his blade against your bodysuit.

He doesn't slice through it for self evident reasons but he does do the same rubbing and pressing motions he did with the other items. The cold metal feels oddly nice on your skin. Maybe it's just your body being sore after a long day's work.

He pulls his armblade back and with one clean slice, he slices right through the three objects on the floor before slicing right across your bodysuit. Maruyama watches on with worry but you have a gut feeling this will work out just fine.

Just as you expected, none of the items are actually damaged by the slice he made. All four of the items he touch begin to glow with a brilliant white hue before each of them is completely refined into something brand new. The blood replacement vial now has a dark fuchsia hue to it, your pink bodysuit feels a LOT more comfortable and more...

Well it was already pretty skin tight but the thing feels like it's literally a part of you now.
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Every movement you make feels like you're not even wearing anything underneath. As you rub your hand across your stomach, you can even feel the fur from one of your previous mutations as if nothing was blocking it. It's like your suit is your actual second skin. You might be able to remove it but a part of you almost doesn't want to.

The implant doesn't seem to have changed at all. Maybe the changes are too minute for the naked eye to see. Most you can say is it looks less bloody (given you ripped it out of a dead person.)

Now your shotgun? It looks completely different from before. While it was obstinately a normal double barreled shotgun in appearance before, the one before you is a garishly bright pink. The barrel is made out of an unknown light pink metal, same with the trigger. The metal grip, butt, and forearm of the shotgun are now replaced with carved bone.

An odd dark pink-like rust coats everything metallic on the gun. Weird, why is an imperfection added?

"Say, what's with the rust?"

"It...when I sliced through that one in particular, I could hear a voice inside of it. I could not slice away the imperfection of a human idea. You can perfect physical objects but ideas...no. I refuse to." Huh? Wait, does he mean-

[ANOMALOUS ABILITIES] It is a part of you.
[PERSON OF INTEREST] The part that refuses to run.
[SEEKER OF THE CITY] A part of you that will live long after you die.

>NICOLE'S FEDKILLER (Your PARADIGM. ATTACK ROLL: WILLPOWER+VIOLENCE+3. Deals equal measures of FLESH and RESTRAINT damage to enemies. Attacks made by it deal lingering MIXED damage and will partially negate any regeneration on the enemy. Nothing will survive this.)
>REPROGRAMMED 面纱 IMPLANT x1 (When installed into someone, it permanently boosts their RESTRAINT/WILLPOWER/TALENT/FLESH by 1. Grants the user a moderate resistance to all forms of anomalous phenomenon)
>'공습' BLOOD REPLACEMENT VIAL (When consumed, boosts all stats by 3 temporarily. When used by a SILVER IMPLANT user, boosts all stats by 4 temporarily and converts all dices the user rolls to d8s until it wears off.)
>COMBAT BODYSUIT MARK THETA (+2 MAX FLESH and +1 VIOLENCE while worn. Has a high chance of blocking attacks and reduces FLESH damage taken by 1. Once per mission, your suit may block 3 damage instead of 1.)

Benedict begins to huff away at the ARCADY DUST to regain his senses. After doing so, he promptly turns around and heads back into the steakhouse. The last thing he says before leaving you with Maruyama tells you he got something out of it.

"...Perfection is only as good as the perceiver can make of it. Without a perfected lens, any image will be distorted. I am that distortion, am I?" And with that, he's gone.

Maruyama is staring at the ground, almost as if he's humiliated by what Benedict is able to do all of that so easily.

"Hey. It's okay, Maruyama. Think about it like this."
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"Benedict...had to get his powers through unethical experiments done on him. I constantly mutate whenever I train my powers in any meaningful way. You woke up your powers with no side effects to yourself."

"I suppose so. I still feel a bit emasculated when I compare myself to you two." Maruyama is fiddling with his sheathed katana. "All I got is a sword."

"Hey! It saved our bacon when we had to deal with the club owner and it saved us time this mission. It's a cool sword. Nice engravings too, even if they offer no tactical-"

Maruyama squints at you as if you are speaking in tongues.

You clap your hands. "Okay, seriously, you need confidence in your abilities. It's a negative feedback loop otherwise. I'm not asking you to just 'get over it' but let me help, okay? Draw your blade."

Maruyama sighs but he goes through with it. With shaky hands, he draws his bronze katana for you to see. It's clear that even holding this thing takes an intense level of concentration and focus. Sweat is beading across his forehead.

"Tell me. Why are you scared to hold it?"

"...It feels wrong. Like I'm not supposed to show it." His hand is beginning to shake even worse as he talks. "Like it's supposed to stay sheathed."

Hm. If it's a manifestation of his perspective, what he stands for, it's not a stretch to imagine he still feels repressed about who he truly is.

"No one is going to see it but me and you. You trust me, don't you?"

His shaking begins to subdue a bit but he doesn't answer at first. He simply stares at you as if he's waiting to see what else you have to say.

"That's good. I know it's scary to show your heart like this. Lord, I probably only get away with using my powers so freely because I have to use them every day to survive." You can't help but to laugh at yourself. "And violent impulses but still. Now, what do you care about most?"

"...Time. I know it sounds silly and obvious but-"
"No, no, I'm not judging you. Just say whatever comes to your mind. it's a mental thing."

"Right." Maruyama's grip almost loosens for a second but he keeps holding onto his blade. "I'm afraid that I already wasted all of my life. Every day of work, every day I remember her face, I wonder if I could've spent that time better. if I wasted all of my good years with nothing to show for it."

"I don't want others to feel like that. I want them to have the time that I don't. To be able to live a fulfilled life. And maybe then, I could feel like the time I spent on this earth was worth living."

"You didn't waste your life, Maru. Hell, you're only in your 30s, right? You still have your whole life ahead of you."

"It doesn't feel like that. It feels like it's all slipping away." He's almost about ready to hide his sword away but you decide to give him a bit of a helping hand.

"Is that so? So you're saying everything you did was a waste? NOTHING you did and NOBODY you talked to was worth spending your time on? That nothing you did really mattered?"
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Maruyama furrows his eyebrows upon hearing what you said. "That's what that voice said. When I first found this blade."
"But that would be the wrong way to view it. You have me. You have Kiara. You have the respect of my other allies for pulling your weight. Would you say that time was worthless?"

Maruyama is now firmly gripping his blade with a resolve not there mere moments ago. "Of course not. Even if I was given the option to go back, I wouldn't if it meant erasing the time I did spend."

"Then you didn't waste any time. Every second you spent was worth it if it meant arriving to where you're at. It's all about the journey..."
"...not the destination. If I only worry about the destination, all the time I could be spending..."
"...would be wasted." You finish for him.

Maruyama takes a moment to process everything he heard but with some quick, if sloppy swings, he begins to weld his sword as if it was a more natural part of him. "That was...really nice to hear. Thank you."
>BLADE OF A SORROWFUL MEMORY stats revealed! (ATTACK ROLL: WILLPOWER+COGNIZANCE+1. Has the ability of TIME ACCELERATION, allowing him to rapidly age anything his blade touches or to save time when traveling during missions.)
>+1 WILLPOWER to MARUYAMA permanently! MARUYAMA will not lose any RESTRAINT when using his sword!

"I'm glad I could help." You offer him a comforting smile.

"I'm...going to talk to the others if that's okay. I don't want to wallow in my self pity and waste what time I have." "Go ahead. I have someone I need to talk to."

With that, Maruyama is gone. You turn your gaze to the front entrance of the steakhouse to see Frank standing there with his shotgun in hand. It's clear what he wants to do. The first thing you hear him say is... (Choose 1)

>"Cool gun. Let's teach you how to use it, huh?" (+1 TALENT to you and Frank. Both of you will passively deal more damage with your firearms and will have a slight chance to not use ammo when firing them.)
>"No point having cool powers if you'll just die. I need to toughen you up. It's Friday night, let's DANCE." (Both of you will gain +1 FLESH and a minor chance to not receive CRIPPLING INJURES when you would otherwise get one.)
>"Fists only. Let's fight like men, you weird deer freak." (+1 VIOLENCE to you and Frank. He'll be able to teach you some minor martial arts techniques to make you a competent fighter even if you're disarmed.)
>"C'mon, let's do some stretches. Don't want you to get fat, fatty." (+1 TALENT to you and Frank Both of you will have a small chance to automatically dodge melee attacks from hereon out.)
>"Do you want to know what real pain looks like? Let me show you." (+1 FLESH and VIOLENCE to you and Frank. Both of you will be pretty roughed up after this.)

You'll get Benedict's improvement details next update, next one should be shorter and quicker.
>"Do you want to know what real pain looks like? Let me show you." (+1 FLESH and VIOLENCE to you and Frank. Both of you will be pretty roughed up after this.)
Drinks will dull the pain soon. Right now we ROCK
>"Cool gun. Let's teach you how to use it, huh?" (+1 TALENT to you and Frank. Both of you will passively deal more damage with your firearms and will have a slight chance to not use ammo when firing them.)
>"Cool gun. Let's teach you how to use it, huh?" (+1 TALENT to you and Frank. Both of you will passively deal more damage with your firearms and will have a slight chance to not use ammo when firing them.)

Nicole is a TALENT kinda gal. Let’s make Fedkiller as broken as possible.
>"Cool gun. Let's teach you how to use it, huh?" (+1 TALENT to you and Frank. Both of you will passively deal more damage with your firearms and will have a slight chance to not use ammo when firing them.)
Fedkiller doesn't use Talent, but it does use ammo.
I am terrible at reading comprehension, so in the same spirit of improving Fedkiller, I’d like to change my vote to:
>"Do you want to know what real pain looks like? Let me show you." (+1 FLESH and VIOLENCE to you and Frank. Both of you will be pretty roughed up after this.)
Likewise I am dumb. Fuck.

Change to:
>"Do you want to know what real pain looks like? Let me show you." (+1 FLESH and VIOLENCE to you and Frank. Both of you will be pretty roughed up after this.)
>"Cool gun. Let's teach you how to use it, huh?" (+1 TALENT to you and Frank. Both of you will passively deal more damage with your firearms and will have a slight chance to not use ammo when firing them.)
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"Do you want to know what real pain looks like? Let me show you." He places his shotgun back on the holster on his back. He unsheathes the knife hanging off of his belt before gesturing at you to pull out your own weapon. It's clear he won't take no for an answer.

From what you know of his stats, using this knife is actively throwing...but you don't want to kill him after all. You draw an old weapon you bought a while ago: BEYOND LOVE AND HATE. The small dagger in your hand is made out of flimsy, weak paper that couldn't even scratch a fly. It's your backup weapon in case you fight anything that is immune to physical damage.

Frank scoffs at the knife you pulled out but he's smart enough to know what it actually is. "So be it."

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eHyf8fHloow - FRANK BATTLE THEME

Before you have time to even say anything back, he rushes at you at a breakneck sprint. He closes the ten foot gap between the two of you in less than half a second. Shit, he's fast.

He doesn't even wait for you to process what's going on before he starts swinging. You try to deflect with your dagger and shockingly, the paper dagger does manage to hold its own against his ETF KNIFE. He's relentless with his assault, though, and it doesn't take him long before he manages to disarm you. Your knife is sent fluttering to the floor.

"Sloppy!" He slams his knife into your now exposed wrist. The durable rubber-like material of your MARK THETA suit prevents him from ripping your arm to shreds but FUCK, the impact of it still hurts like a motherfucker.

You try to get some distance between the two of you by slamming your foot into his stomach, given how reckless he was with his assault. You manage to send him stumbling back a foot or two but it's only enough to buy you a few seconds at most. Just long enough for you to pull your dagger back to you via telekinesis.

However you forgot that you're facing a 19 year old hopped up on adrenaline and sheer spite. He throws himself at you, slamming all of his bodyweight against you. You grind your heels into the ground but fuck, that knocked the wind right out of you. He doesn't give you a moment to recover. He slams his boot down on your foot before grinding HARD onto it.

You can feel the bones in your foot beginning to crack and dislocate. Shit, this kid's relentless.

[ADVANCED INTUTION] His guard is lowered. Use your antlers, he won't be able to react.

Welp, time to use them like god intended. You reel your head back, struggling through the pain, before slamming one of your antlers right down onto his head. CRACK!

"FUCK!" Frank cries out in pain. He stumbles back away, clutching his forehead. Blood is oozing down his face like a roaring storm was raining down on him. "I THOUGHT THOSE WERE HOLLOW OR SOMETHING WHAT DO YOU MEAN THEY'RE REAL ANTLERS."

"WHO'S LEARNING WHAT REAL PAIN NOW, ASSHOLE!" You trot back a few feet away while he's still recovering from the concussion you gave him.
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You charge RIGHT at him, antlers pointed right at his stomach. It hurts to run right now but you have to try-

"NICE TRY!" Your charge is grinded to a halt. You try to move your head but it refuses to budge more than a few inches. You can barely make out his hands gripping down HARD on your antlers.

[ADVANCED INTUTION] Brace for it. He has enough strength to crack them.

The warning is enough to make sure you don't immediately pass out from the pain but your head is now SEETHING in complete, utter agony. Light pink liquid pours out of the cracks forming in your antlers, splattering down your face and onto the street below.

[ADVANCED INTUTION] He won't be able to break them. Not for a while. Brace through the pain, he'll lower his guard.

You grind your teeth in a desperate attempt to prevent yourself from screaming. Every neuron in your head is frying under the intense, migraine-like headache spreading throughout your head. You swear you hear Frank laughing like a fucking retard at the sight of your suffering.

His grip weakens for the briefest of moments. You take this moment to throw all of your bodyweight forward when he least expects it. Unfortunately, it's not enough to get his hands off your damn antlers but it does send both of you falling onto the hard concrete street.

When both of you slam down HARD onto the floor, it's enough to get him to lose his grip. The two of you are laying prone on the floor, struggling to recover from the throbbing headaches both of you have. Your ADRENALINE IMPLANT activates, letting you get back onto your feet before he can.

You slam your foot down onto his stomach. HARD. Any wind he was recovering was knocked right out of him from that simple impact. You slam it again. And again. And again. Every stomp causes the ETF agent to squeal and hiss in pain.

[ADVANCED INTUTION] He'll stab your leg. Hard. Don't dodge.

You feel something ripping into your leg right as the voice said so. Every inch of your leg is seething in agony at the sharp knife now deeply embedded into your leg. You almost feel a tooth shattering from how hard you're biting down to suppress a scream.

Yet that was his only weapon. Now he's fucked. You raise your leg up one last time before slamming your foot as hard as you can onto his stomach.

It's still not enough to keep him down. His hands grab onto your foot and with all of the strength he has left, he pulls you back down with him. Your back slams HARD against the floor and for a moment you felt something dislocate.

[ADVANCED INTUTION] Rest easily. He's tuckered out. The fight is over. Accept his handshake, it won't be a trick.

As soon as your vision stops swimming, you see that Frank is now sitting back on with nausea washing over his face. He nearly vomits but he holds it back long enough to flash a smile. "Didn't expect a girl to be on par with me. Good work."

You have to admit, if you didn't have this combat bodysuit on, he probably would've overpowered you. That was close.
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Both of you are pretty mangled but the two of you COULD keep going if you really wanted to.

You dig the knife out of your leg. You notice how the material that makes your combat bodysuit is immediately filling up the wound punched in by the knife. Huh, cool. It doesn't HEAL your injury but you feel like it'll help you to heal it off quicker. It still hurts to move anything but you definitely feel tougher after all of that.

>-3 FLESH (reduced from 4) to Frank, -2 FLESH (reduced from 5) to you!
>+1 max FLESH and VIOLENCE to you and FRANK!
>FRANK's MAX FLESH is 8, your MAX FLESH is 7. Both of your VIOLENCE stats are now 7. FLESH for both of you is now 4/8 and 4/7 respectively.

He holds out his hand. You accept it, grabbing onto his hand. The both of you shake on a fight well done.

"Tired now. Wanna get drunk?"
"What do I look like, a basic bitch?" You snort. "Let's go inside."

The two of you get onto your feet. Due to one of your feet definitely being shattered or at least dislocated, Frank offers a bit of kindness by letting you lean on his shoulder as you two to the steak house. He immediately pulls away once you reach the front door with a snort.

"Last one to the table is a dumb looking doe bitch." He immediately breaks into a sprint, way faster than you can run in your tired state.

Prick. That's more than you expected from him at least. You spend the next few minutes waddling through the abandoned, opulent steakhouse. You already got a good look inside and aside from the glass exterior, it looks like any other steakhouse. Maybe it's the migraine preventing you from making any meaningful observations.

You soon find that all of your allies are sitting around a large round table, with Frank + Otto + Alexis sitting at the west end while Maruyama + Adam + Benedict sit at the east end. There's one chair planted at the 'front' or north end of the table, clearly meant for you.

A king's feast worth of food and drink is scattered across the table. Waygu beef, steaming hot lobsters, bisques and soups, smoked salmon, piles of biscuits caked in garlic butter, scallops...all with high class wines and whiskey. Your stomach grows upon seeing all of this fresh, delicious food in front of you.

Your group looks up at you and for a moment, worry and panic washes over their faces...before they put two and two together and realize that Frank probably had something to do with it. You dismiss any worries with one simple statement.

"I threw a fucking road roller at someone, if I wanted to actually fight him I would've. It was a sparring match." With that, you sit down at the table. "So, no one is gonna notice we're eating all of this food for free, yeah?"

"Considering no one is here but us AND the chefs owe us?" Otto, with his bare hands, is chewing down on a prime hunk of ribeye. "Don't think they care that much."

"fair." As you prep a plate of biscuits and salmon, you take a moment to think on what to say to everyone.
You don't have a lot of time before they get ass drunk. You probably can't ask all six of your allies individual questions but you can probably ask each side of the table something.

Choose three questions to ask each side.

>"Okay so you have a contact with the HEAD? The fucking GOVERNMENT on the City? HOW?" You have to ask Alexis how the FUCK she managed to achieve that in about two weeks.
>"You seemed kinda out of it when we were talking about the moon. Mind talking about it?" She seems to have a personal connection with that mystery.
>"So, how do you feel about my crew?" You do wonder how Otto sees you and the people you work with now that he worked with them personally.
>"I feel like we're owed this for getting the briefcase back, Otto. What is even inside it? I don't want it to just be a mysterious macguffin." Knowledge is power.
>"You know, how the hell are you an ETF agent when you're this young?" You are a bit worried about this kid, given how he seems to be overcompensating hard with all this.
>"Say, do you know anything about a Bennett Huxley?" You've dealt with Huxleys before and you did hear something about Frank working with him before. You want to know just in case you have to deal with him later.
>Write in.

>"How's Kiara been treating you, Maru?" You can't help but to be curious at how they know each other and you do want to keep an eye on your fellow SEEKER.
>"I saw you drink a fuck ton when I first met you. Wanna do a drinking challenge, Maru?" You want to have some FUN, damnit, and you want him to loosen up after that funk he got in.
>"Just a little mental check up. Your head feeling fine, Benedict?" Given his...fragile mental state, you do want to make sure he won't corrode into an anomaly any time soon.
>"I gotta point out, that new power you have is cute. You picked that because of Adam, huh?" It works too well to not be an intentional decision. You want to tease him a little bit, lighten the mood, you know?
>"I imagine your name is gonna spread once this incident. You think you're going to be ready for the extra attention, Adam?" You are worried about how this is going to impact his business down the line.
>"Gotta admit, you had balls when you dealt with that anomaly. First time refuting one?" You are curious how well versed with the anomalous he is. Maybe he can warn you about other anomalies?
>Write in.

>Write in (Do something else with your allies? Offer your allies some equipment? Something else completely?)
>"You seemed kinda out of it when we were talking about the moon. Mind talking about it?" She seems to have a personal connection with that mystery.
>"I feel like we're owed this for getting the briefcase back, Otto. What is even inside it? I don't want it to just be a mysterious macguffin." Knowledge is power.
>"You know, how the hell are you an ETF agent when you're this young?" You are a bit worried about this kid, given how he seems to be overcompensating hard with all this.

>"I saw you drink a fuck ton when I first met you. Wanna do a drinking challenge, Maru?" You want to have some FUN, damnit, and you want him to loosen up after that funk he got in.
>"Just a little mental check up. Your head feeling fine, Benedict?" Given his...fragile mental state, you do want to make sure he won't corrode into an anomaly any time soon.
>"I imagine your name is gonna spread once this incident. You think you're going to be ready for the extra attention, Adam?" You are worried about how this is going to impact his business down the line.
>"Okay so you have a contact with the HEAD? The fucking GOVERNMENT on the City? HOW?" You have to ask Alexis how the FUCK she managed to achieve that in about two weeks.
>"You seemed kinda out of it when we were talking about the moon. Mind talking about it?" She seems to have a personal connection with that mystery.
>"Say, do you know anything about a Bennett Huxley?" You've dealt with Huxleys before and you did hear something about Frank working with him before. You want to know just in case you have to deal with him later.
>"How's Kiara been treating you, Maru?" You can't help but to be curious at how they know each other and you do want to keep an eye on your fellow SEEKER.
>"I gotta point out, that new power you have is cute. You picked that because of Adam, huh?" It works too well to not be an intentional decision. You want to tease him a little bit, lighten the mood, you know?
>"Gotta admit, you had balls when you dealt with that anomaly. First time refuting one?" You are curious how well versed with the anomalous he is. Maybe he can warn you about other anomalies?
>"You seemed kinda out of it when we were talking about the moon. Mind talking about it?" She seems to have a personal connection with that mystery.
Y-Corp's ultimate plan to abandon the City and the shitty planet to live on the moon, and to rebuild humanity without the trappings and corruption of the City repeating history...
"Project Moon"
It really is that simple. But how do the old Russian space operations fit into this with I-Corp? Space = cold, but is that all?
>"I feel like we're owed this for getting the briefcase back, Otto. What is even inside it? I don't want it to just be a mysterious macguffin." Knowledge is power.
Better not be photos of the RED Spy fucking Nicole's mom. It's probably files on that one anomalous project or about SHIFTERS. He might get real interested if we pass him the S-CORP LEDGER the Admiral gave us, since it talked about that big PARADIGM REFRACTION PROJECT or whatever it was called
>"You know, how the hell are you an ETF agent when you're this young?" You are a bit worried about this kid, given how he seems to be overcompensating hard with all this.
I'm curious about this bratty upstart. I don't think it's that surprising for a setting like this where despite lethality and inhumane chaos people can and do still live to old age in the City

>"How's Kiara been treating you, Maru?" You can't help but to be curious at how they know each other and you do want to keep an eye on your fellow SEEKER.
I have no idea if they'll end up a couple, but Kiara sounds hell of a lot better as a person than his ex so he'll be able to recover with time
>"I gotta point out, that new power you have is cute. You picked that because of Adam, huh?" It works too well to not be an intentional decision. You want to tease him a little bit, lighten the mood, you know?
His mental state has been decent enough this mission compared to other times. Only real act-outs were with the Cleaner trio that had the suitcase bomb
>"I imagine your name is gonna spread once this incident. You think you're going to be ready for the extra attention, Adam?" You are worried about how this is going to impact his business down the line.
Handler is backing him up so they'll be okay, but I still want to ask
>"Okay so you have a contact with the HEAD? The fucking GOVERNMENT on the City? HOW?" You have to ask Alexis how the FUCK she managed to achieve that in about two weeks.
>"So, how do you feel about my crew?" You do wonder how Otto sees you and the people you work with now that he worked with them personally.
>"Say, do you know anything about a Bennett Huxley?" You've dealt with Huxleys before and you did hear something about Frank working with him before. You want to know just in case you have to deal with him later.

>"I saw you drink a fuck ton when I first met you. Wanna do a drinking challenge, Maru?" You want to have some FUN, damnit, and you want him to loosen up after that funk he got in.
>"Just a little mental check up. Your head feeling fine, Benedict?" Given his...fragile mental state, you do want to make sure he won't corrode into an anomaly any time soon.
>"I imagine your name is gonna spread once this incident. You think you're going to be ready for the extra attention, Adam?" You are worried about how this is going to impact his business down the line.

QM, I could swear I’ve read an absolute fever dream of a QST about a year ago called Two Idiots Commit Murder, starring a certain Frank (I don’t know his last name) and Bennet Huxley. Is there any relation to that other quest?
That's real and it was by the MANAGER, HELP! guy who is running DISFORTUNA now
Sounds funny. Can't find it on suptg for some reason.
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Nifty. Thank you.
Rolled 2 (1d3)

OUT OF IT: yg4, gDz, pDv
HEAD: yg4
YOUNG: gDu, pDv

KIARA: gDu, pDv, yg4
NEW POWER: gDu, pDv, yg4

So, OUT OF IT and a three way tie for West, KIARA + NEW POWER + INCIDENT for East. I'll just roll a 1d3 to decide which two questions you'll ask for West since it's not THAT big enough of a deal for a tie break.


Me and the QM who ran it are friends. I reference his works sometimes since I like his stuff. It's no more deeper than that.
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You dab away at the light pink fluid leaking out of your antlers with some napkins. You can only hope that heals later. You decide to focus on the WEST SIDE first if only because you have a question for all three of them.

"So. What the hell is even in the briefcase?"

Everyone begins to murmur and mutter, realizing that they really don't know any specifics beyond 'important singularity stuff', which clarifies jack and shit. Otto glances around the room like he's expecting someone to break in at any moment.

"Look. I respect you but this shit is classified beyond all measures. I'm probably in hot water even though I recovered this. Especially if what Katherine said about reading it-"
Alexis interrupts him with a firm cough. "She wouldn't rat out SHIT. She would be killed by a Judicator if she said ANYTHING about what she saw."

[SEEKER OF THE CITY] One of the highest positions in the City. A Judicator is a high ranking member of the Head who is tasked with maintaining and enforcing most, if not all, of the laws in the City.
[SEEKER OF THE CITY] Keeping an eye on patents is one such thing they keep track of.
[PERSON OF INTEREST] Wait, doesn't the suitcase need his biometrics?
[ANOMALOUS ABILITIES] You do realize she had incredible control over her body and she DATED him, for heaven's sake. She probably has the ability to mimic them.

"Fair enough. I can't really say much since even I don't understand a lot of it myself." Otto plants the briefcase onto the table. "PARADIGM REFRACTION is the phrase used a lot during it. I'm not that well versed in anomalous shit but after I've seen the shit YOU'VE done, Nicky? I wanted to get in on it."

"Apparently U-Corp's singularity, from what little they told me, can help to 'refine' them. A lot of it went over my head but from what I got, they're working with L and P-Company a while back to create the 'most fundamental PARADIGM that could exist.' Some sort of super weapon I think?"

"So I just assume they want to make some super powerful anomalous human to 'prove' something. That's another phrase they used a lot. To 'prove' some theorem about humanity. To make a 'better' humanity. It's a lot of weird esoteric shit that I can't explain."

Hm. That's slightly worrisome. A lot of your allies clearly feel the same way, especially Benedict and Maruyama. Those two are starting to drink and refill their whiskey glasses pretty damn quick...

Best to change the subject.

"So, Alexis? You seemed a bit out of it when we were talking about the moon earlier. Y-Corp's involvement, yeah, simple enough. But you seemed...oddly finnicky when we talked about it."

Alexis' whole body tenses up the moment you ask her the question. Riiight, probably not the best topic swerve but you hope it's not that big of a deal.

"Nothing good will come out of it." Alexis cryptically responds. "They may be the first ones in the modern day to arrive there. There will always be someone to ruin it, though."
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"First, it was the Americans claiming that they won the race. Now, I imagine the moment any outside entity finds out about this, they'll come rushing over to ruin it." If you didn't know any better, it's almost like Alexis was talking from experience.

You doubt she literally experienced what she's talking about but it's reminding her of something.

"I-Corp has to know. They produce a lot of insulation material, they would absolutely be supplying Y-Corp with it for suits and ships and...A-All it would take is something to leak-"

[CORPORATE INSIDER + INVOLVED] Sweat is dripping down her face. "And you said X-Corp has the satellite now and oh god if it was shot down by the Head they would know too and they don't approve of it and I-Corp would be implicated and god what if they dig into my family's past and-"

"Hey! It's going to be fine! If it's been active for this long, surely the Head would've done something already, right?" Maruyama tries his best to dissuade Alexis' worries but it's clear she's already riling herself up.

No wonder she's worried. You're not sure how the Head would feel about a whole Company disappearing from the City, let alone another company helping them. If I-Corp knows about Y-Corp's true intentions, you wonder...it might be a good idea to associate with it.. Maybe they hate the spooks too?

Yeah. No more hard hitting questions. As you chew on one of the pipping hot biscuits, you try again to swerve the topic.

"So! Frank!" Your voice cracks for the briefest moments. "Who the hell is Bennet Huxley?" That immediately snaps Alexis out of her funk and Maruyama? Maruyama's face twists into an annoyed frown. "I heard some pretty-"

"He's a cunt, he's a liar, he's a backstabber." Frank's mouth twists into a mockery of a smile. "He's a clown. He's my shadow. He's my brother from another mother." Despite his voice oozing with contempt and rage, there's a hint of love in his words. Like he's insulting a person he's known since he was a tiny kid.

"Without me around, I don't even know what that prick does with his free time. For all I know that fucker is probably up in space with the other assholes you were talking about." Frank stabs his steak knife deep into the prime New York Strip (whatever the fuck a New York is). "You want to know who he is?"

"ETF-Phi. One of the top rank ETF agents in M and H-Corp. All he cares about is money so if you piss off some corpo, he'll probably be after ya. Constantly wears a dyed red bunny mask, only uses a baton. Just bribe him if you come across him, that's the only language he understands."

"Yeah, sounds like him." Alexis sneers. "Not like you're any better."
"Fuck you too, ruskie." Frank bites back with his own snark.
"I'm not working with that bastard if you somehow make him your ally." Maruyama firmly states his mind.

Well, sounds like he's a simple man with a simple worldview. Honestly refreshing compared to the complex plots and mysteries.
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Well at least that swinged the mood away from dread. While half of your allies begin jabbing and insulting each other in what you can only hope is in a friendly jesting way, you turn your attention to Adam and Benedict.

"You know, Benedict, I gotta point out that new power you have is cute."

"HUH. WHAT DO YOU MEAN. I DO not see how REFINMENET is all that adorable." Benedict tilts his head like a confused bird seeing a shiny new toy.

"C'mon. He's a mechanic, you can refine stuff, it's obvious. You picked it to help him, huh? Aren't you charming."

Benedict blinks a few times as if he's trying to process your words. A neon red blush immediately coats the human half of his face. "Shut up shut up it's not like that SHUT UP." He immediately focuses all of his attention and energy on stuffing a massive hunk of lamb down his throat.

"Hey, hey, calm down." Adam tries his best to calm down his friend with gentle pats on the back. "Chew." He snaps his gaze over to you with a sneer.

"Hey, it was just a joke! After everything that I said before, I thought it was warranted."

"Yeah, yeah, just be careful next time. You know how sensitive his mood can be." Once Benedict isn't trying to choke on a pile of meat, Adam (and soon Benedict) do crack their own smiles. "It is nice, though, Benedict."
"thank you." Benedict manages to choke down the lamb leg he was eating. "I do not wish to be a burden. That is the reason I picked it."

[CAPTAIN'S COMMAND] How heartburning. Imagine letting another one influence who you are.
[CAPTAIN'S COMMAND] Trapped is a bit of an exaggeration.

"C'mon. You're not a burden. No one here is." Adam comforts his friend.

"Oh, right, while I got your attention Adam. I imagine your name is gonna spread once this incident. You think you're going to be ready for the extra attention?"

"Of course I am." He responds with no hesitation in his voice. "And I imagine a certain SOMEONE is more than willing to HELP, RIGHT?" He's staring down Otto like he owes him something.

Otto is too busy chugging down a bottle of whiskey to hear what Adam said.


It takes until Otto finishes the whole damn bottle to even say anything. "Help with what? We're-"
"WITH MY NAME BEING ASSOCIATED WITH THE INCIDENT THAT HAPPENED HERE!!!" For a moment you swear Adam's hair was about to ignite on fire from sheer fucking annoyance.

"oh yeah sure uhhhh i'll think of something...later." Otto grabs another bottle of whiskey, cracks it open, and begins to chug straight from it. Adam sighs at the sight of this but he shrugs it off. "Yeah, we'll figure something out, it'll be fine. I've dealt with worse."

"FUCK YOU!" "FUCK YOU!" Ah, Maruyama and Frank are having some 'fun'. Best to break it up.

"Hey, Maru."
"FUCK Y- Oh, hey, Nicole! What's up?" Frank, seeing that he can't yell at Maru anymore, turns his attention back to his food.
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"How's Kiara been treating you?"

"Oh, very well!" The smile now on his face could light up the god damn City for seven days straight. "I haven't really had someone text me as often as she has. hell, I expect her to be calling me the moment I leave this place."

"Damn, really? Didn't know you were into robots." You snark. You hope it doesn't rub him the wrong way due to his past.

"Pft! Isn't she into girls or something?" Maruyama waves his hand. "Considering how invested she is in you. I wouldn't want to impose anything.
"Pretty sure she swings both ways, dude. She never said anything about being only into girls."

This causes Maruyama to pause for a moment. That's when a blush crosses his face. "Huh. Okay, well, uh. Yeah, I don't expect to enter a relationship but she has been very nice."

"Robofucker." Otto puts down his third bottle of whiskey down onto the table. "Robofucker."
"Shut up! It's not like you have room to talk! You still love a eldritch horror shape shifter!" Maruyama jabs the steak knife he's using in Otto's direction.
"Fair! Got me there." Otto relents.

"Hey. I don't blame him. Robots are ho-"
"SHUT UP NO ONE NEEDS TO KNOW." Alexis immediately interrupts Frank before he can say anything.
"Am I hot?" Benedict points at himself. "I am a robot too."

Pft. You, Maru, and Adam can't help but to laugh at what's going on with those three goobers.

"But yeah! She mostly checks up on me to make sure I'm safe and, uh, I haven't told her about the sword yet since I'm worried she'll..."
"Tell her, man. She'll probably be ecstatic."
"But what if she gets the wrong idea? I mean, it's literally me. Manifested. Right?"

You simply shrug. "I have anomalous powers and me using my telekinesis on you wouldn't mean I wanna fuck you. Just show her it, she's your friend."

"...Yeah, yeah, you're right. But yeah, she's been really nice to me and fuck, can't really remember the last time I felt, I dunno. Happy? It's nice."

Well, that's good. You don't really know what's going to happen with those two but whatever does happen, you imagine it'll probably work out. Now that you have nothing left to ask, it's time to gorge and drink yourself retarded. You grab a bottle of wine that was laying on the table and crack it open.

Time begins to blur together as you begin to eat and drink the seemingly endless amount of food and booze before you. Your allies begin to ramble on about bizarre, non-sensical stuff...or maybe that's the migraine and booze making it hard to process anything.

Adam is the first one to pass out. Then it's Frank. Alexis passes out after stuffing too much potatoes down her gullet. The only ones who are left cognizant and aren't in some kind of food coma are now you, Benedict, Maruyama and Otto.

Otto stumbles up from his table, swaying back and forth with his briefcase in hand. He stumbles away, ready to deliver the documents despite being ass drunk. He leaves some odd strips of paper behind...?
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Benedict and Maruyama are pretty sober despite the piles of empty booze bottles around them.

Benedict helps Adam and Frank up to their feet, dragging the two of them away. Now, it's just you, Alexis, and Maruyama.

Your head is swimming. Your lips are latched around yet another bottle of whiskey. It burns GOOD going down and before you know it, the bottle clatters onto the table. Your stomach is full from all of the biscuits, salmon, and steak you stuffed down your gullet. The table is nearly empty of all of the freshly cooked food. There's maybe a few biscuits left but that's about it."

"Mmh." Maruyama takes another sip from his fifteen glass of wine. His face isn't even remotely flustered. "Recite the alphabet, Nicole."

"A...F...uh." You try your best but your brain is too fried to even attempt this task.

"Yeah, taking the two of you home. C'mon. Otto left a ticket for us."
"ogey." You stumble up to your feet. Maruyama grabs the odd slip of paper before moving to grab both you and Alexis. Holding the two of you upright by letting you two lean on his shoulders, he begins to escort you out of the building.

The pitch black streets are only illuminated by the faint moonlight above. Maruyama leads you and Alexis down the streets with barely any strain despite holding up the two of you. hehe. sstrong...fuck.

You regain a bit of awareness when he leads the three of you onto a train. The same slick, futuristic one from T-Corp. You close your eyes for a few moments, god they're so heavy.


When you next open up your eyes, you're sprawled out across your bed. The only thing on you is your combat bodysuit. Everything else has been left on a nearby chair. Most of them are coated in booze and drool stains. Huh.

You notice a figure moving around in your room, readjusting things and dusting the floor with a broom. A sword sheath hangs off their belt and you think their suit is purple or lilac but that's all you can make out of them.

Your head is throbbing too much to question who they are. They notice you're awake but they don't say anything. They place a glass of water by the desk nearby your bed before patting you on the head.

"Get some sleep." The mysterious figure whispers to you. You swear that voice is familiar.

You close your eyes again.


When you open them this time, you can already feel your head SEETHING. You smack your hand around on the nearby desk for the glass of water left behind. You down the thing in one gulp before sitting up. Feh. Another mission done with, another night of poor sleep.


Welp. You got some free time now.
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MONEY: $4089

What do you want to do, Nicole? You have four actions to spend. For every $450 you spend, you can get another one. For every $550 you spend, you may make a temporary boost to one stat permanent.

>Rest up and meditate. Your body's too sore and you want to prepare your mind for later. (Costs two actions. Heals you by 1 FLESH, boosts your MAX FLESH and RESTRAINT by 1 for the duration of your next mission.)
>Train your mind and body. (Costs two actions. Choose one PHYSICAL (FLESH/TALENT/VIOLENCE) and MENTAL (CHARM/COGNIZANCE/WILLPOWER) stat to train. It'll be boosted by 1 for the duration of your next mission.)
>Take some time to fiddle around with your PARADIGMS and other anomalous trinkets. (You'll get some nice insight into how all of your PARADIGMs and ANOMALOUS ARTIFACTS tick and you'll get to improve your usage with all of them.)
>[ANOMALOUS ABILITIES] Test out some more of your anomalous powers. Try to find new ways to use them. (WILLPOWER DC: ???, rolling 7d6 by yourself. The higher you roll, the more weird quirks and uses you'll find for your powers.)

>Shopping time, baby! Head to a nearby shop. (Write in how much money you're willing to spend and what shop to go to. NEAL has general supplies, ANOMALOUS STORE has rare specialty items, and BONES AND BLADES has unique consumables and ways to improve your passive healing.)
>Shopping time! Crack open a catalog. (Write in how much money you're willing to spend and what catalog to use. W-Corp has stat boosting consumables and anti-anomaly weapons, J-Corp has a variety of weapons and ammo, and V-Corp has VERY cheap if shoddy consumables/ammo/items.)
>Check out one of your old caches nearby. See what stuff you have hidden away. (You'll roll 5d100 to see what loot you acquired. You may write in a general category of supply to search for to increase the odds of getting it.)

>[SEEKER OF THE CITY] Take some time to wander around the District. (You know your home district better. Pick between ANOMALOUS, SECRETS, INFORMATION, SHOP, CACHE, or MYSTERY when picking this. You're more likely to find something in that category when rolling the dice.)
>[UNSTABLE] The TV flickers with an unnatural hue. The TV MAN is always there to help you. To show you what the world truly means. Talk to him.
>Call up an ally. Check up on them, just in case, you know? (Write in two allies to check up on. You'll gain +0.5 RAPPORT with them and a general idea on their status.)
>Call up a corporate contact. (Costs no free time actions. Write which corporate rep to talk to: D-Corp, G-Corp, J-Corp, V-Corp, or W-Corp. You might be able to make a bargain with them.)
>Call up a corporate family you're allied with. (Costs no free time actions. Write in which corporate family to talk to: Anjaros for Wastes and Spook lore, Krakatoa to check up on Gregory and Max, Wiltshire to learn about the City, or Alex to check up on X-Corp's operations.)
>Write in.

Sorry for delay.
>Take some time to fiddle around with your PARADIGMS and other anomalous trinkets. (You'll get some nice insight into how all of your PARADIGMs and ANOMALOUS ARTIFACTS tick and you'll get to improve your usage with all of them.)
We need to check the PULSATING GEAR because the I-Corp mission may potentially have us go into some kind of facility to check for resources.
>Check out one of your old caches nearby. See what stuff you have hidden away. (You'll roll 5d100 to see what loot you acquired. You may write in a general category of supply to search for to increase the odds of getting it.)
Winter equipment and stuff. And a torch gun to melt ice.
>[SEEKER OF THE CITY] Take some time to wander around the District. (You know your home district better. Pick between ANOMALOUS, SECRETS, INFORMATION, SHOP, CACHE, or MYSTERY when picking this. You're more likely to find something in that category when rolling the dice.)
Refinery shop.
>[UNSTABLE] The TV flickers with an unnatural hue. The TV MAN is always there to help you. To show you what the world truly means. Talk to him.
>Call up a corporate family you're allied with. (Costs no free time actions. Write in which corporate family to talk to: Anjaros for Wastes and Spook lore, Krakatoa to check up on Gregory and Max, Wiltshire to learn about the City, or Alex to check up on X-Corp's operations.)
Contact Ms. Wiltshire to get information and a map about the Part I-CORP district that Handler refers to. In the I-CORP mission summary.
Should we train and then use Sukane to permanent the training gains? That's $500 last I checked
No, we are doing well so far.
You're aiming for the I-Corp mission then? Should we call Anjaro and bring up base assault or too high risk on the phone? I'm curious about how Alex feels about Latecomer's Blossom at X Corp
Yes, I want to do the I-Corp to get a free apartment to hide in when we finish destroying the silver agent base in the G-Corp district. Sure, let’s call Anjaro for help.

+1 and add
>Call ANJARO about the base assault but be careful about the silver eavesdropping if there's any
Supporting this
I-CORP Mission Plan 4.0
>"I-Company has been struggling to find resources to operate their Singularity. No, I don't know what it is, but they've been badgering me to help out or they'll cut me off. I know of a part of their District that might still have some resources. Explore and recover any and all resources you can find." REWARD: $950, +FAVOR WITH I-COMPANY, I-Company will provide you with a free apartment in their District if you ever need a place to hide out at. RISK LEVE: MEDIUM.
Team setup idea: Quentin, Benedict, Adam, Alexis, Ashley,

Reason: Alexis will provide information about his home I-District and provide equipment. Quentin, because he might be resistant to cold too since he is bug-piloting a dead corpse. Benedict is super strong, will help carry a lot of stuff, fight off any hostile individuals, and might be resistant to cold since he is a part machine. Adam is a mechanic if we encounter a facility. Ashley because his [deep intuition] can help in spotting and searching stuff.

Also, we are really good at handling the cold weather since we are half deer and we have six fur-lined uniforms in our inventory.
Alexis, Ashley, and Adam are the only ones who are not resistant to the cold and need fur-lined uniforms.

Any opinions on my plan?
Can we bring Adam and Alexis 2 missions in a row?
Yeah but we do have a 5 ally limit now, and I'm hesitant on causing Adam and Alexis to be tired and unavailable for the base assault because we got them twice in a row before the big day
Consider replacing Adam and Benedict with Lex and either Wendy or Kiara?
Lex for strength, Kiara for utility, I think. And somebody to replace Alexis too.
I'm considering keeping Alexis because it's her home District, but... maybe Casey or Wendy? Either way there's 2 days left to Head meeting. I dunno if we should do something easy on the last day, like go to Freddy Fazbear's for that C-Corp job.
Casey or Wendy seem like decent replacements. And if it is Casey, she can punch above her weight class a few times with the magical girl wand.
I’m pretty sure we’re not allowed to take Allie’s two missions in a row anymore.

It’s why Kiara and Naomi got spirited away at the beginning of the last one. I would, however, like to file for an exception since I-Corp is Alexis’s home district.

Maybe we can buy her some rest time or something.
We can swap out Benedict for Lex. We’ll need another fur coat, but he’s strong enough to carry stuff around for us.
>my mental alert said
Nice job making that canon
>two weeks of paperwork minimum
Wonder how that'll change once shit hits the fan with the Head Meeting and the base assault?
Which one is he talking about?
>your inventory (which seems to shift and twist
It's some weird protagonist hammerspace shit, I'm not even bothering to question it
>NO chance of them being traced
Pretty significant by itself since everything in the City is marked or branded or coded or otherwise traceable to various extents

>forgotten part of our family
The space race... but in this setting the moon landing wasn't faked?
>250+ people. Up there
The Space Colony ARK?!
>why the satellite was shot down
The silver agents did this? Some other company or group they have their teeth sunk into? Mr. Anjaro would know

>literally a part of you
Still no way to "plug" into Nicole in "that" way

>doesn't want to
We still need to clean it even if it's self-repairing magic bullshit material
>imperfection of a human idea
Benedict's obsession that turned him into this is itself the imperfection of a human idea. Even if he fully transforms into a cooking perfection machine, he'd still be imperfect no matter the coping mechanism he would have physically and symbolically embodied
>partially negate any regeneration
The exact tool we need to blast those pesky silverfish!
>permanently boosts
Still no idea who gets this, but it needs to be somebody who uses all those stats and especially TALENT. I don't want to implantmax on the same person either due to spreading the buffs around well, so I'm against it being Naomi because she already has the other EVIGT. There is that one mystery implant we have that we still don't know what it does. Who could figure it out for us?
This is either for Naomi, Nicole, or whoever we give the other silver implant to, and ONLY in a desperation fight
We got the good defense on Nicole now. That leaves helping other allies on that front
>I am that distortion, am I?
I hope this means he can return to human one day on this path of his

>feel a bit emasculated
Man his wife really fucked him up
>they offer no tactical-
PARADIGMs don't need tactical advantage, Delirious Deer!

>this entire Maruyama talk
Time will die and slip us whether we spend it or not, however we spend it or not. That's all
>That's what that voice said
>the journey
>the destination
The process and the results, as they said in Library of Ruina
That's 3+4+1 right now. That fucking blows. We really need to get those status up on him soon
>real pain looks like? Let me show you
>backup weapon
We should go to the ANOMALOUS STORE after next mission to buy more like this one for our high WILLPOWER allies
Damn Carmen for spooking Ashley from anomalous stuff in her backstory. Ashley could have been a punk clairvoyant otherwise
>You trot back

>charge RIGHT at him
OK that's too much being a deer, Noelle
>Light pink liquid
I love that Nicole is anomalous enough on top of the EVIGT implant replacing her blood that she basically has bright magenta Danganronpa blood instead of the blue/cyan that the spooks do
>break them
I like how he was considerate enough to not damage the ANTLER ORNAMENTS. We'll need them to stay festive on the I-Corp mission
>intense, migraine-like headache
Real R-Corp Reindeer hours
>would've overpowered you
>-2 FLESH (reduced from 5)
Frank is a BEAST. I'm glad he's on our side and we brought him on this mission to find out

>meaningful observations
I've been in enough steakhouses QM, you're OK
>delicious food
This is a nice way to close the mission off. All the rich people and cooks left the place and didn't come back, so we might as well loot the food with our stomachs

So that's the Arbiter of this setting, cool
>'better' humanity
Better by City standards? Whose?

>the Americans
I'm surprised she said that since I thought she didn't know an "America" existed. That's Old World info uncommon in the City. Might have got it from her family growing up
>any outside entity
The silver agents?
What the fuck, I think this is the first time in the entire quest that INVOLVED has procced on Alexis. I don't think Alexis has ever become this unsettled in the entire quest either
>how the Head would feel
Same way as they probably do about any Company falling and being replaced with how bent on preservation of humanity they are. They're probably okay with the secession as long as some new group replaces Y-Corp in THEIR City status quo
>knows about Y-Corp's true intentions
But we don't know if I-Corp are anti-silver, that's the thing
>hint of love
Wait so Frank is best bros with Bennett but hates his brother Robbert? Or am I misremembering and he's blood brothers with both?
>whatever the fuck a New York is
Love this bit
>M and H-Corp
Huxley's are tied to H-Corp plenty, but this is the first Huxley we know who's linked to M-Corp of all groups. Wonder if Max and Gregory would know more about Bennett Huxley through that?
>somehow make him your ally
With how we worked with Robbert Huxley before and we're working with Frank properly now, we just might. Best to keep him and Maruyama separate at that time
>simple man
Robbert is the VIOLENCE
Bennett is the CASH
I see now
>a sneer
>Imagine letting another one influence who you are
Man who turned into anomaly really saying "imagine listening to Carmen, couldn't be me"
>sheer fucking annoyance.
That's a lot more friction than Quentin and Kiara had together. I think it's pretty refreshing to see some characters actually disagree and come into conflict like this due to their different natures. Really makes Nicole being the tardwrangler of this group much more impactful in both a story and quest gameplay sense

>light up the god damn City for seven days
Somewhere a lone P-Corp executive smiles to himself...
>swings both ways
I too thought what Maruyama did
Yeah this is good funny banter writing
>the wrong idea
No way. I can easily imagine Kiara making a "drawing the sword = whipping your dick out" analogy to Maruyama to tease him about it
>literally me

I'm surprised Maruyama is sober
>readjusting things and dusting
Other than Ashley, Maruyama is the only other ally we've had in Nicole's apartment. He even takes the time to clean up the place, amazing
I thought the base assault would happen on the same day as the Head Meeting is set, right? We do the base assault and then go to the Head Meeting as a group, ideally
>I'm surprised Maruyama is sober

He is a Japanese salaryman. They have livers of steel.

Also, was it said how many people we can bring to the base assault? I know more than our new limit but, what, like everyone?

>Rest up and meditate. Your body's too sore and you want to prepare your mind for later. (Costs two actions. Heals you by 1 FLESH, boosts your MAX FLESH and RESTRAINT by 1 for the duration of your next mission.)

Spend 1100 to make them perm.

>Take some time to fiddle around with your PARADIGMS and other anomalous trinkets. (You'll get some nice insight into how all of your PARADIGMs and ANOMALOUS ARTIFACTS tick and you'll get to improve your usage with all of them.)

>Check out one of your old caches nearby. See what stuff you have hidden away. (You'll roll 5d100 to see what loot you acquired. You may write in a general category of supply to search for to increase the odds of getting it.)

>[UNSTABLE] The TV flickers with an unnatural hue. The TV MAN is always there to help you. To show you what the world truly means. Talk to him.

Maybe we should spend the cash for an extra action too, idk. But perma boosting stats is pretty good for 550.
Fuck, misread that resting takes 2 actions.

Will add, buy an additional action so it all fits.
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So it seems like everyone's basically going for pDv's vote so here we go. I need three anons to roll for the following
>3d100 (half of the CACHE)
>2d100 (second half of CACHE)
>5d100 (SEEKER)

CACHE TABLE (You are 100% certain to get SUPPORTIVE. If you fail to roll SUPPORTIVE on any of your d100s, the lowest number roll will be converted into an ARMOR result.)
1-20: Consumable (self explanatory. Drugs, ammo, one time gadgets, healing items, if you use it and it disappears it counts.)
21-40: Defensive (Armor, pepper spray, tasers, cloaking devices, anything meant to protect you.)
41-55: Offensive (Explosives, ammo, new kinds of guns or melee weapons, etc. Something meant to hurt people.)
56-91: Supportive (Counterfeit IDs, tools, advanced cameras, etc etc. Something to help you out in the field.)
92-95: Exclusive (Stolen company resources, company exclusive items, etc etc. Something that usually only highly connected people get.)
96-99: Anomalous (You're not quite sure what you'll get if you roll this.)
100: MYSTERY BOX! (Reroll an additional 3d100. You'll get a rare and unique item of that category.)

SEEKER TABLE (Same as the Cache. Fail to find a SHOP on your d100s, lowest number will be converted into finding it)
1-9: The sea of people passing by you are chattering about what's going on in the City... (You'll learn more about what's going on in the City that the TV MAN might not know.. May be useful down the line.)
10-55: Oh, that's an interesting looking building! (You'll gain a new place to visit during your SETUP and FREE TIME phases, like a Shop.)
56-66: "Hey, miss! Come over here!" (You encounter a potential ALLY.)
67-77: A crowd of Cleaners pass by you, muttering and yelling about something. You keep an open ear. (You'll learn some advice that'll be useful for later missions.)
78-88: There's something weird about the alleyway you walked past. You decide to take another check. (You'll learn a useful secret about the City.)
89-93: Something just doesn't seem right. The details don't fit together. That store wasn't there yesterday. That man was supposed to be dead. What's going on? (You uncover a MYSTERY. Once you manage to solve whatever's going on, you'll gain a stat boost and a glimpse into the wider machinations of the CITY.)
94-99: The air grows thick and heavy. Your legs move on their own. You can sense something ANOMALOUS nearby. (ANOMALY ENCOUNTER)
100: The air grows thick and heavy. You swear the streets were crowded moments before. What's going on? (???)

>Also, was it said how many people we can bring to the base assault? I know more than our new limit but, what, like everyone?
I'll probably rule that you can bring everyone who's willing to go on the mission (and that you're willing to shell out cash for) but you will only be personally able to lead 5 of them.
They'd probably be split into teams since that's just easier and makes more sense than everyone rushing in as one solid unit.
Rolled 5, 42, 49 = 96 (3d100)

Rolled 44, 42 = 86 (2d100)


Rollin’ for the cache…
Okay, I will replace Benedict and Adam with Lex and Wendy.
Woke up
Rolling SEEKER

This sounds good

Maybe next time we can use Sukane's training time
Rolled 32, 21, 54, 100, 25 = 232 (5d100)

An inauspicious picture, all considered.

Seeker roll
Rolled 56, 45, 27, 90, 37 = 255 (5d100)

Holy shit nat 100 on a SEEKER and City explore roll finally the big mystery box I am glad my roll didn't take the first post
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CACHE: Offensive x4, Supportive x1 (Consumable roll was converted into Supportive)

I'm bending the rules a bit but since the two rolls came only 30 seconds apart and to offer a tiny bit more variety, I replaced a shop roll with another MYSTERY (since you're almost done with the space age one)
I hope you enjoy what you get from ???.
It might be more than you expected.

I'm fine with this, let's rock
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Feh. You peel off the bodysuit to check up on your wounds. It takes a bit of effort and you swear it's sticking to you but hey, you can't wear it 24/7.

Poking around the area of your now bare leg, the wound has been coated and filled in with a bright pink latex-like material. A good chunk of it has adapted the color of the rest of your skin, as if it was trying to merge with it.


You crawl out of bed, straining to put any pressure on your leg now that the booze induced numbness is gone. The cold air of your room bites your bare skin like a bitch but eh, fuck it.

You kneel down in front of your TV, fiddling with the knobs to get some sort of signal working, before immediately collapsing onto the bed. You really need to furnish this place with all of the money you're getting. You cross your legs, ready to learn in to watch the TV.

The screen crackles to life. A man with a far too toothy and wide smile is fitting by a roaring fireplace. A glass of whiskey in one hand, a pipe in the other. His sky blue uniform tells you that he's the man you always rely on for information.

"Home is where the heart is, is it not? Perhaps you'll lose your heart soon, my deer Nicole. That hunk of twisting, spiraling magenta flesh."

"I'm not scared. Tell me the facts. Straight."

The TV MAN's smile only gets wider. "So be it. Same deal as usual, you'll get your three facts and you'll decide how to handle it. Let's start with some corporate news." The TV MAN pauses to take a swing from his drink.

"Mmh. Delicious. Your name's spreading fast. Real damn fast. When polled by an associate of mine from a pool of 5000 corporate employees with a title of General Manager or higher, 1256 of them recognize the name 'Nicole Smith' if paired with a description of her having antlers. At least two Corporate CEOs has also vaguely heard of you."

Oh. Fucking hell, it hasn't even been a day and that little stunt with the S-Corpers is already spreading like wildfire. "What's the downside? I know there has to be a downside."

"The spooks are scared now and they want you dead at any cost. They're likely to send something even above an elite to hunt you down, alongside Her. The fake you. Expect any mission that you pick today to be a struggle." Shit. Well, nothing you can do about that now.

"Second fact. Z-Company has recently appointed a new Department Manager. Benjamin Aaron really is climbing up the ranks of corporate power. Due to this, a few other corporate families have been working with him and he's been given some remarkable privileges. Due to your association with him as well, Z-Corp will welcome you with open arms."

You blink in an attempt to process this information. "Huh?"

"Simply put, any mission inside Z-Corp or their associate companies' districts will be a lot more forgiving. Such associates are C, O, Q, and V-Corp. So, District 3, 15, 17, 22 and 26 are pretty safe to go for the next three days."
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Okay, that's some good news! Even if a part of you might already have a different district you want to travel to.

"Third and lastly, a weather report. Due to the recent introduction of A-Energy fumes into the weather system, weather lately has been fucky wucky to put it very lightly all over the City. Lightning storms, blizzards, and floods have been sighted a lot more frequently lately." You can feel your heart dropping upon hearing this.

"None of it is to the point of being lethal or destructive, mind you. But odd weather patterns have been located across I-Corp, H-Corp, D-Corp, and R-Corp districts. Or 4, 8, 9, and 18. The most common oddity is electric interference that will mess with all forms of radio or digital communication. They will still be usable but..."

"You might be able to learn secrets you otherwise might not be privy to should you try to use said equipment in those districts. Secrets that they might KILL YOU to hide." After he takes one last swing from his glass of whiskey, the television immediately turns off.

Hm. Straight and to the point except for that last bit.

You spend the next few minutes taking a cold shower before putting the bodysuit right back on, alongside a big fluffy coat and some boots to deal with the winter weather that seems to permanently linger around in this part of G-Corp.

You dial a few of your corporate friends, just in case. First off is Ms. Wiltshire.

The line connects real quick. Her calm, gentle voice calms your soul the moment you hear it. "Hello dear. What seems to be the matter?"

"Just in case I go there, I need a map of a particular section of I-Corp. I think it's..." You snap your fingers, trying to remember it over his schizophrenic ramblings. He does ramble about multiple missions at once when he calls you. "NU-7? And the general conditions of the environment and people there."

"Hm. Interesting. That part of I-Corp is sparsely populated, basically uninhabited. It's only a part of I-Corp since no one else wanted it. Average annual temperature is 32.9°F but at this time of year, it's -4°F. Only about 1-2 people per square mile there."

"Those who DO live there are, well, I've heard rumors about 'Graverobbers' living down there Big, burly men and women with massive tusks that wear bizarre masks and wield massive shovels. Very territorial and ritualistic people. I've heard rumors they've been around since 1152. They might be willing to barter and bargain with you if you have the right obscure artifacts or powers."

"As for the map, I'll send it over to your boss. Even if you don't go there, he'll keep it for later."

She disconnects after that.

[SEEKER OF THE CITY] 'Graverobbers' is a term you've heard about before but you've never encountered one. They're very uncommon and most don't even believe they exist.

Hm. You dial up Mr. Anjaro as your hand wraps around the doorknob to your apartment's door.
"Do the dogs bark at sun up?" Mr. Anjaro's harsh, low whisper crackles through your receiver.

"You never gave me a password for that, what?" Honestly this sounds like the type of trick you'd do if you were called by an unknown number.

"Good, good. Make it quick." Right. He's not one to fuck around.

"Look. I plan on doing a base assault on a nearby 'glow in the dark' individuals." You keep your eyes peeled to make sure nobody is nearby. You even do a quick mind radar and as far as you know, nobody should be listening. "I plan on doing it sometime around the Head meeting. The location is at-"

You proceed to rattle off where.

"Hm. I'll send some of my boys. Keep up the good fight. I'll ask you to bring me any tech you find there. I'll pay you handsomely." The line cuts off then.

Good. That should make things easier. You put your phone up and after a few moments struggling with your still healing leg, you exit your apartment building and onto the streets below.

https://youtu.be/iLhkMAkFWbg - SOMETHING IS WRONG

It's oddly empty outside. The snow covered streets and the buildings are the same as always but there's nobody outside. Huh. Odd, even this late and you normally have SOMEONE out here doing something. You already feel like something's off but...you'll worry about that later.

You half-stumble-half-walk through the empty streets of your district. The only sound echoing throughout the snow-coated streets is your own footsteps and breathing. None of the buildings have their lights on as you walk past them. Hell, even the streetlights aren't on.

Luckily, the moonlight above seems to be enough to let you wander freely without bumping into something or using your nightvision but it's still weird. Even weirder as you trip over a discarded satchel on the sidewalk. It's empty but that doesn't soothe your nerves either.

[PERSON OF INTEREST] Can't be the spooks. They would've tried killing you, not a bunch of random people.

You eventually find yourself out of a seemingly abandoned, even before what happened to the rest of this part of your sub-district, apartment building. A stick figure hand with seven fingers is carved by the frame of the door. A faint memory of this symbol tells you that you had to carve this...but for what reason?

Entering the apartment building, there's nothing in the lobby but frost-bitten couches and a front desk with nobody sitting behind it. There is something that tells you that the cache is in this room. You head over to the desk and notice that there's an oddly colored patch on the wall right behind the front desk's chair.

Slamming your non injured foot into it, it crumbles immediately, revealing what you're looking for.

>TORCH GUN x6 (ATTACK ROLL: COGNIZANCE. Not really meant as a weapon. Each has enough fuel for 4 uses. Can be used to melt through ice, glass, wood, or to weaken metal.
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>H-CORP WARMING UNIT Z-5 AND WINTER CLOTHING x2 (A bulky metal box with mesh grates all over it. Produces a constant level of heat around itself. Can be used to cook food or to keep people warm. Seemingly needs no power source to stay active. Winter clothing is what it says on the tin.
>MAKESHIFT NAPLAM MOLOTOV x4 (A glass bottle filled to the brim with Styrofoam and gasoline mixed together into a slurry. Adds +3d12 to any attack roll when used and does insane fire damage to anything it hits.)
>DRAGONFIRE SHOTGUN BUCKSHOT x8 (Adds +4d2 when used and inflicts a minor amount of lingering fire damage to anything it hits. Also cooks any animal it hits basically instantly.)
>ICE PICK x6 (ATTACK ROLL: VIOLENCE+2. Causes bleeding on hit, draining FLESH over time. Allows the user to climb up otherwise impossible to traverse terrain.)

Neat. With the winter clothing found in here as well, this should be enough for you and five allies to travel anywhere in I-Corp, you imagine. As you pack all of this up, you feel a cold chill running down your back. It's not the chill of winter weather, no, it's more the chill of something WRONG. Something warning you to watch out.


You turn around and poke your head outside of the abandoned apartment building.

https://youtu.be/QRCvyptGodw - ???

What is that? What the FUCK is that?

Standing outside of the building is something your mind can not properly wrap your head around. It's not that the entity is beyond description, no, it has a definitive shape and appearance. You can put words to it. It's just that your mind refuses to accept what you're seeing.

The entity standing before you is a quadrupedal that towers far, far above you in terms of height (if you had to guess, about 30 feet tall). It is covered in a thin pink-orange fur and its legs end in deer-like hooves. Its torso has patches of exposed skin where fur has been ripped out, exposing bloody muscle underneath. Instead of regular red blood, there's thin and watery magenta pink fluid oozing out.

Bizarre occult symbols have been carved into said muscle. The ones you're able to make out is an eye, three circles each crossed out with an X, and an arrow with two dots poked around the side of the arrow head.

Two long silver blades have been stabbed into the sides of the entity, embedding themselves deep into its flesh. A carving of an eye can be seen on the hilts of each sword.

As for the head of the entity, the neck of it is long and slender like a deer's but its head has been covered by a mangled mess of pinkish-orange hair that's long enough to run down to the street below. A pair of massive antlers that are at least ten feet long sprouts from the entity's head. Even more bizarre occult symbols have been carved into them, too many for you to even attempt to make out any.
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The oddest thing of all about it is that...there's an Eclipse Talisman hanging off the entity's neck.

The entity slowly shifts its head around to look at you. Or at least you think it is, you can't really make out its face.

[ANOMALOUS ABILITIES] No, no, we have to run. That shouldn't be here. THAT SHOULDN'T BE HERE! You two can't exist at the same time!
[SEEKER OF THE CITY] That's an anomaly. You know that's an anomaly. But it's not an anomaly that should exist yet because it's-

It slowly shifts its head, as if trying to get a better look at you, before it finally speaks. The voice that comes out of it is immediately recognizable. It's your voice.

"Hello." The City's Archivist acknowledges your existence. "What are you doing out here? It's not safe out here, not with them around. I don't want anyone I love to be hurt by them."

What do you even say back to it? Pick as many options as you want.
>[SEEKER OF THE CITY] "What do you know?" (-1 RESTRAINT. Choose two of the following to learn about: ALPHABET COMPANIES, THE CITY, THE FUTURE, THE PAST, OUTSIDE THE CITY, YOUR ALLIES, or YOURSELF.)
>[UNSTABLE] "Is this what I'm fated to become if I lose control? A beast?" You need to know why THIS is the anomaly form of you. (OVERWHELMING WILLPOWER DC: 34, rolling 7d6 by yourself. If you pass, you'll find out something deeply fundamental about yourself.)
>[PERSON OF INTEREST] "Not safe? Is it the same group that hurt you?" There's nobody out here but you have to understand what this THING is talking about.
>[ANOMALOUS ABILITIES] "What's with the occult symbols? Is there a purpose to them?" You doubt they're just meaningless scribbles. (-3 RESTRAINT, you'll get some very unique knowledge on the anomalous and occult to use in the future.)
>"Here, let me help you." (-1 UVX #58, MUSHROOM SAUCE, and UVX MODEL #222. You imagine it will repay you handsomely for your attempt to heal it.)
>Try to think of a reason as to why or how this thing could even exist at the same time as you. (OVERWHELMING COGNIZANCE DC: 27, rolling 6d6 by yourself. You'll be able to piece together why this mockery of you exists on success.)
>"No. You don't exist. I refuse to believe you exist. You shouldn't be here." Refute this thing's existence. It's a cruel mockery of you and it should not be. (??? RESTRAINT DC: ??/??/??/??, rolling 6d6 by yourself. The higher you roll, the better you'll be able to proper refute it. Hopefully it'll stop existing if you refute it hard enough.)
>Hug it. (-1 RESTRAINT, -1 FLESH. This will hurt you and you're not sure what benefit, if any, you'll gain for it. Maybe it's the right thing to do, though.)
>"Was all of it worth it in the end?" You're not sure why you're asking this but you have to know.
>Y-you have a mission to do. You're tired, you're seeing things. Walk away. (Heals 2 RESTRAINT. You can only pick two other options with this.)
>Write in (Use an item? Ask it something else? Do something else?)
>"Here, let me help you." (-1 UVX #58, MUSHROOM SAUCE, and UVX MODEL #222. You imagine it will repay you handsomely for your attempt to heal it.)
>[SEEKER OF THE CITY] "What do you know?" (-1 RESTRAINT. Choose two of the following to learn about: ALPHABET COMPANIES, THE CITY, THE FUTURE, THE PAST, OUTSIDE THE CITY, YOUR ALLIES, or YOURSELF.)
>[ANOMALOUS ABILITIES] "What's with the occult symbols? Is there a purpose to them?" You doubt they're just meaningless scribbles. (-3 RESTRAINT, you'll get some very unique knowledge on the anomalous and occult to use in the future.)
>[UNSTABLE] "Is this what I'm fated to become if I lose control? A beast?" You need to know why THIS is the anomaly form of you. (OVERWHELMING WILLPOWER DC: 34, rolling 7d6 by yourself. If you pass, you'll find out something deeply fundamental about yourself.)
>"Was all of it worth it in the end?" You're not sure why you're asking this but you have to know.
>Hug it. (-1 RESTRAINT, -1 FLESH. This will hurt you and you're not sure what benefit, if any, you'll gain for it. Maybe it's the right thing to do, though.)
Use that voice manifest power to temporarily manifest ALL the voices EXCEPT CAP for a powerful group hug. Also pet her on the fucking head, she needs and deserves it
Then that's that, wave goodbye and say an "I love you, me" and carry on with the present

I'm very tempted to offer the ANTLER ORNAMENTS Alexis gave us to this postgame Nicole, but I dunno if that's going overboard on top of all this
I hope the UNSTABLE option gives us insight into how this Nicole turned anomalous like this
>"Was all of it worth it in the end?" You're not sure why you're asking this but you have to know.

>"Here, let me help you." (-1 UVX #58, MUSHROOM SAUCE, and UVX MODEL #222. You imagine it will repay you handsomely for your attempt to heal it.)

>Hug it. (-1 RESTRAINT, -1 FLESH. This will hurt you and you're not sure what benefit, if any, you'll gain for it. Maybe it's the right thing to do, though.)

>[UNSTABLE] "Is this what I'm fated to become if I lose control? A beast?" You need to know why THIS is the anomaly form of you. (OVERWHELMING WILLPOWER DC: 34, rolling 7d6 by yourself. If you pass, you'll find out something deeply fundamental about yourself.)
Supporting this, except not hugging
>[UNSTABLE] "Is this what I'm fated to become if I lose control? A beast?" You need to know why THIS is the anomaly form of you. (OVERWHELMING WILLPOWER DC: 34, rolling 7d6 by yourself. If you pass, you'll find out something deeply fundamental about yourself.)
>"No. You don't exist. I refuse to believe you exist. You shouldn't be here." Refute this thing's existence. It's a cruel mockery of you and it should not be. (??? RESTRAINT DC: ??/??/??/??, rolling 6d6 by yourself. The higher you roll, the better you'll be able to proper refute it. Hopefully it'll stop existing if you refute it hard enough.)

Is welcoming a mockery healthy? Self-love without limits is just a different name for narcissism.
Is it a real mockery or a time warp or slip that let this future Nicole from another timeline show up briefly? I might change my vote in >>6078206 to be less generous then
>"Here, let me help you." (-1 UVX #58, MUSHROOM SAUCE, and UVX MODEL #222. You imagine it will repay you handsomely for your attempt to heal it.)
>[SEEKER OF THE CITY] "What do you know?" (-1 RESTRAINT. Choose two of the following to learn about: ALPHABET COMPANIES, THE CITY, THE FUTURE, THE PAST, OUTSIDE THE CITY, YOUR ALLIES, or YOURSELF.)
>[ANOMALOUS ABILITIES] "What's with the occult symbols? Is there a purpose to them?" You doubt they're just meaningless scribbles. (-3 RESTRAINT, you'll get some very unique knowledge on the anomalous and occult to use in the future.)
>[UNSTABLE] "Is this what I'm fated to become if I lose control? A beast?" You need to know why THIS is the anomaly form of you. (OVERWHELMING WILLPOWER DC: 34, rolling 7d6 by yourself. If you pass, you'll find out something deeply fundamental about yourself.)
>"Was all of it worth it in the end?" You're not sure why you're asking this but you have to know.
>Hug it. (-1 RESTRAINT, -1 FLESH. This will hurt you and you're not sure what benefit, if any, you'll gain for it. Maybe it's the right thing to do, though.)
We need to use RESTRAINT regene.
+1 to Nicole using the AZURE BLUE CANDY on herself
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HEAL HER: 3kt, cQf, yg4, dn7
SEEKER: 3kt, dn7, yg4
ANOMALOUS: 3kt, yg4, dn7
WAS IT WORTH IT: All but umG
HUG IT: 3kt, cQf, dn7
FEED IT: 3kt, yg4

So it seems like HEAL + SEEKER (asking about CITY and YOURSELF) + ANOMALOUS + UNSTABLE + HUG IT wins out. I will veto the 'summon all of your voices to hug it too' since your RESTRAINT, even with the regen, would be too low. And would probably risk your already seething mind collapsing in on itself.

Considering you're nuking your RESTRAINT by 5, I'll take the AZURE BLUE CANDY consumption despite the fact only two people voted for it...for obvious reasons.

Two anons, roll the following
>4d6 (first half of the WILLPOWER CHECK)
>3d6 (second half of the WILLPOWER check.)

Items usable to improve the check
>PEP PILL+ (If you roll a 30-33, you may pass at the cost of spending this.)
>SYNDICAKE (You have two of them. You may consume one to reroll two dice of your choice. When rerolling thanks to this item, you roll d8s instead.)

Have this art of how Nicole is handling this situation right now (she's not)
Rolled 3, 2, 2, 4 = 11 (4d6)

Oh, right, one more item you can use
>SUNSTONE (Has two charges. You may spend one charge to roll another 2d8, two to roll 4d8.)

And while I'm posting this, I'll say one thing about the upgraded implant. It's not really relevant now since you can't use it right now but here's the actual description of it and I only realized now I forgot to add one stat it boosted.
>REPROGRAMMED 面纱 IMPLANT x1 (When installed into someone, it permanently boosts their RESTRAINT, WILLPOWER, TALENT, FLESH and COGNIZANCE by 1. Grants the user a moderate resistance to all forms of anomalous phenomenon)
Rolled 5, 1, 4 = 10 (3d6)

Rolled 5, 4, 2 = 11 (3d6)

>veto the 'summon all of your voices to hug it too' since your RESTRAINT, even with the regen, would be too low
It was worth an ask, no complaints from me QM
>nuking your RESTRAINT by 5
Is this the absolute lowest Nicole's RESTRAINT has been the entire quest? Even during the Ace Strikers mission it wasn't this low. We'll be at 1/9 total since encountering this thing was 3 RESTRAINT loss and now there's 5 more on top of that

Rolling the 3d6

COGNIZANCE is the most forgettable stat, but it counts whenever it comes up
Looks like we are going to be needing those rerolls
Starting with SYNDIECAKE to target that 1 and one of the 2s sounds like a good reroll opener over using ECLIPSE TALISMAN first

>capcha GAY XD
Rolled 7, 5 = 12 (2d8)

Rerolling a 1 and 2 with the d8s with a Syndicake, let's see
And that's a 30.
Consuming your PEP PILL+ and SYNDICAKE to pass the check. Consuming a lot of items here but I'll promise you that it'll be worth it. After all, you did roll a 100 to get this encounter.
Writing. Might take a bit.
PEP PILLS might be the most used drug for Nicole by now. They just work
Tweaker Nicole. Hawt.
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This thing shouldn't exist. It's you, it's literally you. Not a copycat, not a doppelganger, it's YOU.
But that doesn't make sense. You're still here. You would know if your mind cracked, right?

The City's Archivist doesn't seem to notice or acknowledge this discrepancy. "Nicole?" It even knows your NAME? No, no, it has to be stress getting to you. "Did you leave? I can't let them hurt you, you know." It can't see you- Oh god you lost your eyes somehow FUCK-

"I-I'm here, uh...Archivist." It's better to think of this thing as separate from you.

"That's not my true name, you know." The entity lowers its head down to stare at you. Its face is still hidden underneath its hair.

"Wait. You. You remember your name?"

"I have to remember everything. Every mission, every scar, every death, every mistake. A latticework of numbers and names." The long hair covering the entity's face moves on its own, as if pulled by some telekinetic force. The only thing left of its head is a melted mass and formless keratin with half-formed antlers growing out of it.

Each of them has a different symbol carved into them. Your brain SEETHES at the mere sight of them.

"What's with the occult symbols? Is there a purpose to them?" You feel like you have to know. You doubt they're just meaningless scribbles.

"The voices got too loud, so I had to carve them out of me. To condense my true self into one, unified ideal. I am a perfected Seeker, after all." You suddenly feel an intense heat building up in your antlers. "You won't survive in this world without power. Without knowledge. Submit, my former self."

Your body immediately seizes up. You immediately slam into the ground below like gravity was increased a thousand fold.
The only part of your body you can move is your jaw. You clench it shut as the intense burning only gets worse and worse and worse.

"I'm sorry. Any help I can offer will only hurt you in the future. Any association with me will only bring pain and their attention. Yet I still love you."

[PERSON OF INTEREST] Yet, don't they deserve to know about them too? To know that they could be at risk too? It was never you.

Every inch of your skin is coated in a thin layer of sweat. Tears pour down your face. Blood trickles from your lip as you desperately try to hold back your screams. Every neuron and atom in your body is on FUCKING FIRE. Seconds blur into hours, which blur into days. Time means nothing at the constant and unyielding pain seething throughout your system.


"If you hate me after this, that's fine. I wouldn't blame you."

Soon, you regain control over your body. You can wiggle your fingers and toes now and with some concentrated effort, you can move your head around but FUCK. THIS. Your antlers feel like a million tiny needles are still being stabbed into them.

"W-why." That's all you can ask this false you.

"I carved in some symbols. People need symbols, icons, to look up to. To hide behind. To rationalize the world with."
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The entity lowers its head down to 'stare' at you. "You are one now, Nicole. You doomed yourself to that fate."

"W-what?" You try to move your body but the echoes of your body feeling like it was lit on fire stops you from doing jack or shit.

"You grew too bright. Those outside of the ones who glow know about you. People's feelings, people's attention, melding into a gestalt that funnels around YOU." The entity steps a bit closer until it is towering over you, blocking any faint moonlight that is illuminating the empty streets. "Rituals need a catalyst. You were that one."

"And when the City loves you, what else can you but it's guardian? The people of the City need someone to hate, to love, to revere, to follow, to bend to. You were just the unlucky one to be picked. And you cracked. We exist to give meaning to otherwise meaningless ideas, Nicole."

Something inside you shifts.

>A light now shines deep inside your soul. A fundamental part of you will be awaken...eventually.
>SEEKER has been upgraded! You'll have a far easier time understanding the functions of a PARADIGM and you'll get exact numbers on how much development a SPARK ally has left.
>Another aspect of this upgrade will be unlocked in the future.

You slowly get back up onto your feet. You stare down at the entity with hate in your eyes. "Is this what I'm fated to become if I lose control? A beast? Why a deer of all things? Why do I even have these powers? I-" You stumble over your words.

You just woke up one day in this district, presumably with a family and a life before this Cleaner business. You have a past but...you realize how little it matters. And do YOU even matter, frankly? Or is it just the actions you do?

"Why am I like this?" You scramble to stuff something into your system to regain some fragment of control. Blue syrup, a syndicake. Something to let your mind THINK.

"Because you're scared."

"Scared? Scared of WHAT?!" Your patience is already being tested by this fucking mockery of yourself. "Mind clarifying, Nicole? Are you going to be vague and mysterious about it? My fucking existence is already nothing but that, GIVE ME AN ANSWER!"

"That's exactly it. Will there be anything of you left? Will anyone even remember you once all is said and done? Will the bonds you make matter? Will the people you kill be mourned? Or will it all wash away?" Archivist slowly bends its legs down until it is sitting on the empty street, curled up in a remarkably comfy position for the situation.


It clicks for you. It's not a thought you're comfortable admitting to yourself but the only real reason you're doing any of this beyond your own self preservation...is because you had to.

Your whole life up to this point has been following the orders of a boss to make ends meet. Or fighting spooks who desperately want to snub you out of existence for the power you have. A lot of the decisions you've made and allies you've met only exist because of these influences.
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Fuck, you're even becoming a legend across the City because of what you did. But you only did that because you were forced onto a ship because someone paid you to do so. You had no real personal reason to kill the Admiral. You simply did it. For worthless cash.

Is there even a person underneath all of that? Or are you just a scared animal who's clinging to whatever she's given in an attempt to survive in a City where more and more shit is thrown your way? Or maybe-

[???] You were an anomaly since the day you were born. It's arguable if you were ever an actual human at all.
[???] You look like a human. You talk like one. You 'think' like one.
[???] Yet you only exist to be nothing more than an icon. To be feared. To be loved. To be commanded. To command.
[???] A vessel.
[???] 'Nicole Smith' is a meaningless name assigned to a meaningless person. Your only goal is survival and to eventually have a family or make a founded one.
[???] That's because you don't have anything else to your existence. You just finally realized this when you looked in the mirror.

No. Maybe that's how you feel but you know you're a human. Even if your existence is flimsy, even if you don't know what to do with your life, you can make something out of it. But you do understand where you got these powers from. WHY you are an anomaly.

Maruyama had a goal when he manifested his power. Benedict had a goal, even if it was forced out. Your only thought for the longest time was to survive. No wonder why your powers are disconnected. They were the desperate flailing of a wild animal after it pissed off a group far more powerful than it.

Which only made things worse.

Somehow that brings you comfort. You know what's wrong with you and you can try to fix you, you hope.

Your legs stumble over to the anomaly and, with hesitation, you collapse against it and hug the deer. Your body rejects this the mere moment the two of you make contact and even the deer seems confused as to why you're doing it. You feel lacerations blossoming across your skin as you rest your body up against the deer.

Digging into your inventory, you pull out some old UVX jars and the mushroom sauce Benedict made. You slide the sauce over towards the deer's head before slathering some of the cream across the deer's tattered, torn body. You can already feel the already fragile state of your mind cracking at this...paradoxical interaction occurring but FUCK IT AT THIS POINT!

"Why?" The Archivist levitates up the mushroom sauce and slams it into its head. The liquid is immediately absorbed into the mass of keratin that was once its face.

"I don't know. This probably doesn't change anything but I'm too tired to care anymore. Your existence deeply frustrates me and I want to feel good about myself for a moment, okay?"

"A fair desire." After slathering the two jars of UVX onto the deer's wounds, all you can really do at this point is to rest your head against it despite your body desperately trying to reject it.
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Your vision begins to blink in and out of focus.
>3/9 RESTRAINT LEFT, thanks to AZURE BLUE SYRUP. You're starting to freak the fuck out...

"What do you know about us?"

"You already figured most of it out. We operate off fear, paranoia, mild bloodlust and a desire for achievement. There's no in depth reason for your existence. No god created you. No destiny is assigned to you. You were just a woman at the wrong place, wrong time."

"There's simply not much to say about you. You are what you do, nothing more and nothing less. And you're a simple scapegoat for those in the City."



"What do you know about the City?"

"Within the next month, something horrible will happen. Something that will reshape how the City operates. Something that, sadly, you will probably not be able to stop. It is done by another man who, from my perspective, is already dead. A revolutionary damned by his own ego."

"Do I know this man?"

"No. But you will soon. You've already met an associate of his. The Man on the Phone will know if you ask him."

"Is the City all there is?"

"You will never be able to leave it for long. Not without breaking some fundamental aspects of yourself. You were born here. It's your only home."

"Is there any place better than the City?"

"Yes. This is only one of a few remaining governments in the world. However, it is by far the biggest and most hospitable to your mindset. Leaving here will destroy you, Cityslicker."

"Is the Head good or bad?"

"Their intentions are good but the Companies have ruined it. Getting an in with them may be a good option in the future."

That's all you think you can ask before our brain turns into mush.

"...Was it all worth it in the end?"

"Yes. Even if you turn into me, I'd say it was worth it. The journey is what matters, not the destination. You'll do good things. Things I failed to achieve. Be better, Seeker."

The last fragments of your willpower vanish. You close your eyes, ready to drift into oblivion after having to face...whatever you spent the last hour talking to. The cold winter air swirls around your body like the City itself is wrapping you up in a blanket.

You swear you can hear someone whispering in your ear after everything you saw. A warm, comforting voice.


When you open your eyes, you notice two things immediately. One: The anomaly is gone.

The only thing left in its place is two bizarre items and a pile of mangled cloth that you think might've once been cash.

Two: Holy shit what the fuck happened in the brief moment you were knocked out.

Your head is throbbing as you scan your eyes around the destroyed streets. While the streetlights are now powered on, most of them have been completely obliterated by what you can assume is intense levels of heat. Piles of molten slag and glass is all that's left of about 90% of them.

Three foot deep potholes have been punched all throughout the streets like a bored child was using a holepuncher on some paper.
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And, uh.

One of the nearby buildings has a car just imbedded into it now. A car was just smashed into it as if someone tossed it. The building still seems to be intact and by the fact no one seems to be out in the streets, it must still be empty from whatever emptied out the district but what the fuck.

Your head hurts. You have a feeling you did this for some reason.

Well. Self introspection from an anomaly version of you aside, you should probably get moving. Lingering around here feels like a bad idea. You pick up the tattered trinkets the anomaly left behind before you do so.

>A HOLLOW REVVING (PARADIGM ARMOR. A bulky suit of armor made out of steel, rubber, and polymers. Painted in the colors of a crash test dummy. Blocks 3 FLESH damage from all sources and boosts VIOLENCE and TALENT by 3 at the cost of reducing max RESTRAINT by 3 while worn.)
>LOST IN TIME (PARADIGM WEAPON. An automatic crossbow drenched in black, thick tar. Oozes with the memories of what is forever forgotten. ATTACK ROLL: COGNIZANCE+WILLPOWER+1. Deals ESOTERIC damage. Consumes 1 BOLT per attack.)
>3 STEEL BOLTS (Usable by LOST IN TIME or any other automatic crossbow.)
>$333 and 3 PINK FRAGMENTS (A bizarre pink gemstone that you don't recognize. When used, can add 3 to the final tally of ANY roll.)

You crawl back up to your feet with your new items in hand. Time to find a REFINERY SHOP, then mark any other shops you find, then go home to mess around with trinkets and to get your fucking mission. Better than thinking on the metaphysical situation you were in.

So, you let your feet wander. The snowy, empty streets of this part of G-District offers you no comfort after everything. You don't even bother processing your scenarios, only focused on your feet and the sidewalk you're moving on.

Your legs eventually stop when you find a small, tucked away shop in between two other far bigger buildings. If it wasn't for you specifically looking for a place like it, you probably would've overlooked it. The building is made out of cheap and shoddy sheet metal that's crudely held together by wood boards and rope. A metal sign with "IPPO REFINERY" painted on it hangs over the doorless doorway into the shop.

A bright orange light shines through said doorway.

Fuck it. You don't care anymore. You head over to the building and walk inside.

https://youtu.be/_OpUos9qBQs - IPPO REFINERY

The inside of the building is as cramped and claustrophobic as you expect from a shop barely held together by the spiteful hope of the shopkeeper. Shelves lined with hunks of rusted metals and other various raw materials take up 85% of the space inside of the shop, leaving only enough room for you to breath and squeeze your way closer to the front desk.

A bizarre, eerie song blares through an old AM radio that hangs on a shelf behind said front counter.
The man behind the shelf is a man in his late 80s who's wearing nothing more than an oil-stained apron and a t-shirt underneath. A latticework of scratches, scars, and burns covers his exposed and muscular forearms and the sheer amount of calluses on his hands tells you he's been working here for a while.

His eyes are permanently shut closed and his face is twisted into a permanent frown. He shifts as if he's getting a good look at you before letting out a low grunt. "I refine things. You give me stuff, I make stuff. What you want?"

>IPPO'S REFINERY serves as a shop that upgrades existing items and creates new ones from random scrap you have.
>You may also buy raw materials from him that your more mechanically skilled allies (Benedict, Benjamin, and Adam) can create items out of.

MONEY: $4422

"Well? Make your purchase, soldier." (10% discount active!)
>"Make something useful from these." (-ECM JAMMER, REMOTE CONTROLLED AERIAL DRONE, and RAW MOONSTONE GAS DETECTOR. Pick whether you want him to make a WEAPON, ACCESSORY, ARMOR, EQUIPMENT, or AMMO out of it.)
>"Can you make some better ammo out of these?" (-$270. 6 SHOTGUN SLUGS, 7 REVOLVER BULLETS, and 4 PISTOL AMMO in your inventory will be converted into random specialty ammo.)
>"Hey. Just in case, make this thing REAL fucking cool." (-$456, CHAINSAW OF ULTRAVIOLENCE will be upgraded to deal more FLESH damage and to have a slightly improved attack roll.)
>"Can you make these uniforms more protective?" (-RED CLOTH FRAGMENT, -$225. Your 6 FUR LINED UNIFORMS and 2 WINTER UNIFORMS will gain a slight boost to their ability to protect against the cold and will gain minor physical protection.)
>"What do you think you can make out of this?" (-$333, -1 SPACE AGE TILE, -1 SPACE AGE CHIP. You imagine you'll get something suitably out of this world. Write in whether you want AMMO, EQUIPMENT, ARMOR, ACCESSORY or AMMO made from these. You may pick this up to three times.)
>"Hey, mind handing me some of your equipment?" (-$450 per bundle of tools. You'll be able to upgrade ADAM'S, BENEDICT'S, or BENJAMIN's boons with said tools.)
>"Crank these up a dozen notches." (-$150. You'll upgrade all six TORCH GUNS you acquired to be FAR more potent and powerful.)
>"Make a bomb that will make God Cry." (-$750, -2 DYNAMITE BUNDLES and 2 FRAGMENTATION GRENADES. You'll get an explosive likely able to punch holes even in heavily armored vehicles.)
>Offer him something to upgrade (Write in what item(s) to upgrade. EQUIPMENT will cost $150, WEAPONS will cost $450, ARMOR will cost $300, AMMO will cost $16 per round, MISC items will cost $350. PARADIGMs can't be upgraded.)
>Look around the shelves for some raw materials...(Write in what you want to look for and how much money you're willing to spend.)
>"What can you make from this?" (Write in up to three items from your inventory for him to convert into another item and what category you want it to be.)
>Write in.

Took longer than I expect. Next update should be quicker.
>"Can you make these uniforms more protective?" (-RED CLOTH FRAGMENT, -$225. Your 6 FUR LINED UNIFORMS and 2 WINTER UNIFORMS will gain a slight boost to their ability to protect against the cold and will gain minor physical protection.)
FINALLY use that fabric from Gregory
>"What do you think you can make out of this?" (-$333, -1 SPACE AGE TILE, -1 SPACE AGE CHIP. You imagine you'll get something suitably out of this world. Write in whether you want AMMO, EQUIPMENT, ARMOR, ACCESSORY or AMMO made from these. You may pick this up to three times.)
ARMOR because big defense
Keep the rest for later or for in case we meet a Yue or somebody relevant
>Offer him something to upgrade (Write in what item(s) to upgrade. EQUIPMENT will cost $150, WEAPONS will cost $450, ARMOR will cost $300, AMMO will cost $16 per round, MISC items will cost $350. PARADIGMs can't be upgraded.)
EMP Grenade, I want a clutch to fuck up the implants of whoever is that "stronger than elite" the glowies will be sending
>"What can you make from this?" (Write in up to three items from your inventory for him to convert into another item and what category you want it to be.)
Make it something very fucking annoying for any group we use it against

I would love to do more but we're already down 1K from this and we need the money to hire all our allies on the base assault

Splitting into teams just works because we have the 3 earpieces and Nicole's got FOCUSED MINDREAD. We coukd ask Alexis for a fourth one of those earpieces and that'd make things much easier. This way 1 ally in every group becomes the contact out
>"Can you make these uniforms more protective?" (-RED CLOTH FRAGMENT, -$225. Your 6 FUR LINED UNIFORMS and 2 WINTER UNIFORMS will gain a slight boost to their ability to protect against the cold and will gain minor physical protection.)
>"Hey, mind handing me some of your equipment?" (-$450 per bundle of tools. You'll be able to upgrade ADAM'S, BENEDICT'S, or BENJAMIN's boons with said tools.)
For Adam.
>"Crank these up a dozen notches." (-$150. You'll upgrade all six TORCH GUNS you acquired to be FAR more potent and powerful.)
Just in case we encounter an ice monster or strong ice block.
>Offer him something to upgrade (Write in what item(s) to upgrade. EQUIPMENT will cost $150, WEAPONS will cost $450, ARMOR will cost $300, AMMO will cost $16 per round, MISC items will cost $350. PARADIGMs can't be upgraded.)
EMP Grenade
>"What can you make from this?" (Write in up to three items from your inventory for him to convert into another item and what category you want it to be.)

This is fine I suppose.
Should we upgrade a few rounds of ammo as well, for emergencies? It is relatively cheap and some booster and abno rounds or explosive shells might be useful.
Fuck it changing my vote from >>6079220 to backing >>6079327 and >>6079335
We need money after this and we need to save money after next mission to burn on hiring the whole gang to assault the base
>"Can you make some better ammo out of these?" (-$270. 6 SHOTGUN SLUGS, 7 REVOLVER BULLETS, and 4 PISTOL AMMO in your inventory will be converted into random specialty ammo.)

Supporting adding this.

Hopefully we do good on the ammo lottery
One final thing. Are we going to slot in our improved implant before the next mission? The stat boosts are pretty nice.
Is that for Nicole or an ally? Also we still have that unknown implant
I assumed it was going to be used by Nicole. And that is true. Never did get around to figuring out what it does other than being beneficial.
The implants are potent investments for specific allies, and the blood replacement vials are the strongest when used by those. Right now that's just Nicole and Naomi.
Naomi, for sure in regard to the blood replacements, since her power tats let her get perm. Benefits. The improved implant might be better going to a useful ally with kinda shit stats like Casey, maybe.
It gives 1 to every stat EXCEPT VIOLENCE, CHARM, and CONNECTIONS. So somebody that uses everything but those the most.
VIOLENCE is her weakest stat, but that's understandable. CHARM and CONNECTIONS are also highest. She's one of the best that could get this stat-wise
His COGNIZANCE is still gonna be very low and he doesn't use TALENT. Not good with this implant
His base stats are ass, but the upgrade from the implant could help him immensely for that
The thing is is that I don't know how an implant that gives resistance to anomalous phenomena will do when planted into an already anomalous person. Benjamin hasn't really fought properly in the quest yet, and all the implant will do for him is give him 3 FLESH and there's other better ways for that. In fact he doesn't even have a proper weapon of any kind, we should fix that next time we see him
Makes what Kiara is already good at better, that's about it. She isn't lacking for any of those stats the implant gives and her lacking stats are the precise ones the implant doesn't give.
See Benjamin. This gets his WILLPOWER up to 3, but there's gotta be other ways of doing that than implanting with something this powerful
See Maruyama
See Benjamin. Even though she isn't anomalous YET. Not a gun user for that TALENT either
See Benjamin. Could be good if only because she's so fucking fragile even now and we haven't buffed or upgraded her much in that regard at all
Does he even need this? He's turbo-badass enough
I want to spread the silver implants around, so not her
See Benjamin. You're right she could use all these stat boosts. Another good candidate for this implant but the anomalous question is up in the air
See Kiara
Doesn't need it as much as somebody else might, but she can still benefit well

I'm stuck between
But what do you think?
I think Wendy would appreciate it the most, due to the anomalous power resistance. Quentin can probably upgrade by getting some better parts and we do have a super spook supposed to be after us. Alexis is middle of the road for me.

If the thing can work with people who are "different" I will vote fore Casey, if we don't use it ourselves, or maybe Wendy.
Wendy definitely should have of 面纱 IMPLANT. It is perfect for her to have it because of anomalous power resistance.
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"Alright. Can you do fabric work?" You place your six FUR LINED UNIFORMS and two WINTER OUTFITS onto the counter, alongside the RED CLOTH FRAGMENT (which, to clarify, is made out of an incredibly pricy material that's bullet and stab resistant.)

"Mmh. Not great at it but I'll try." He slides the pile of fabric to the side. "Next?"

"Do you have any, say, wrenches and screwdrivers and other tools a mechanic would use that I can buy?"

"Mmh. Mama's mama made this for me. Heard they were made once by an ancient company called 'Home Depot'. I care not for them." The old man digs around underneath the counter before slamming an ancient looking, rusted over toolbox onto said counter. He fiddles with a few latches to show that, yes, it still opens and yes: There are tools inside. "Next?"

"Crank these up a few notches, upgrade these, and make something cool out of these." You pour a bunch of random junk onto the table that you have in your 'who knows how it works' inventory system. You then slap down the required money onto the table. Given how an EMP Grenade probably takes less to upgrade than an assault rifle or something, you only put $150 for it.

He takes the money and the rest of the items so, yeah, seems like $150 is enough to upgrade it. "I'd exit the shop for a bit if I was you. It'll take a bit for me to finish and your eyes are creeping me the fuck out."
>-$1245. $3117 left!

He turns his back around and with the fury of a creator god trying his best to make the universe in seven days, he begins his work. A blinding light slowly begins to fill the room and the most foul, acrid scent humanity could ever smell hits your noise. It's like a combination of wet dog, rotten eggs, and smog.

You take his advice and step outside of his small hut. Might as well spend this time to tinker around with your PARADIGMs, he's too busy in his sauce to notice or care. That and nobody is out here to notice your foul occult tinkering.

First up is the WATERLOGGED POCKETWATCH. It's a very cool emergency backup tool but you do wonder how much you can get out of it outside of that. Pressing down on one of its dials and buttons, the world is awashed in a monochromatic grey hue. Everything has grinded to a halt.

You keep your thumb firmly pressed down on the dial you just pressed. One, two, three, four. Your whole body begins to tingle with an odd feeling as you keep your thumb pressed down. Six, seven, eight. You feel like you shouldn't be doing this.

Ten...and time is still stopped. As you begin to move your body through the still stopped time, you feel the muscles in your arms and legs beginning to burn up with some unknown heat. Your breathing quickly turns shallow as the air around you begins to disappear. 11, 12, 13., 14 Hundreds of pounds can be felt on your back with every single step you try taking.

15. You immediately let go of the crown of the pocket watch. Time immediately resumes as if nothing happened at all. Huh, interesting, you can prolong it.
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Next up is your PULSATING GEAR. It interferes with electronics, right? So what if...
You dig into your phone and after a bit of finnicky, you update its password with some random string of characters. bYFG sounds fine enough.

You then turn it off before turning it back on to show your phone's password screen. Holding up the gear to the screen...it doesn't take longer than two seconds for it to automatically unlock on its own through some unseen force. You repeat this a few times with longer and longer strings of characters.

It eventually stops being able to automatically solve it once 12 characters were introduced but it still filled in 80% of the password when that happened. Neat, that'll be useful if you find anything locked later.

Last one you personally check for now is MEMORIES OF A FORGOTTEN ERA (though you'll still check on the others while travelling to wherever you plan on going for this mission). The horrid sepia filter it always has bothers you like no other and you WANT TO SMASH THIS THING TO PIECES AND-

>+1 RESTRAINT from REGEN! 4/9 NOW!


Anyways, you point it towards the empty streets. As you expected, the formerly empty streets are now filled to the brim with random people from about a week ago. Men, women, robots, you name it. A nameless horde of Cityslickers. A group that deserves her prot- No, no, shut up, that deer isn't here.

God your mind's still racing.

You can hear their inane chattering about where they want to eat out or that they have to take their dog to the vet or what their job is like over the camcorder. You wonder if it could be two way. After all, you are seeing the past.

"Hello?" You whisper into the camcorder.

A few random people stop, glancing around as if they heard something.

"If you can hear me, raise your hand."

About five or six people in the crowd do so.

"What time is it?"

One of the random specters simply states "12 PM? What?"

You then put up the camera. Interesting. That might help if you have to figure out something in the future like another Briefcase Scandal.

>When using your pocket watch, you can stop time for 15 seconds, at the cost of FLESH and RESTRAINT. The extra five seconds bought will allow you to roll +2d4 to any check you make during stopped time and any related DCs are lowered by 2.)
>PULSATING GEAR, thrice per mission, may add +2d6 to any COGNIZANCE check and you'll have a chance to automatically unlock any digital device you come across.
>You may now attempt to communicate with those in the past when the situation calls for it. They may be able to offer information you may otherwise not be able to figure out on your own.

"HEY! YOUR STUFF'S DONE. COME AND GET IT." Welp, enough tinkering for now. Time to grab your stuff.

>TORCH GUN+ x6 (ATTACK ROLL: COGNIZANCE+1. Due to burning fuel more efficiently, each can be used 6 times. They can now burn things 50% quicker than normal torch guns, saving you time in stressful situations.)
>EMP GRENADE+ (Targets multiple enemies. Severely weakens or damages any electronic or implant not owned by you or an ally on use. When used against a mechanical enemy or anomaly, you roll an extra 4d8 when attacking them and you deal extra MIXED damage to them.)
>FREEZING LIGHT GRENADE (A makeshift grenade with a potent, freezing light bubbling inside it. Enemies who fail a DC 25 FLESH check against it are immediately frozen and stunned for three rounds while all other enemies permanently lose 4 dice. Adds +6d6 to your next attack as well.)
>6 IMPROVED FURLINE UNIFORMS And 2 IMPROVED WINTER OUTFITS (Reduces all FLESH damage taken from extreme cold by 2 and from intense heat by 1 [can reduce to 0]. Has a small chance to negate 1 FLESH damage from other sources. Can be worn over most armors.)
>7 EXPLOSIVE SHOTGUN SHELLS, 4 ARMOR PIERCING PISTOL AMMO, 6 HEAVY REVOLVER ROUNDS (Built for KILL someone STONE DEAD. Attacks made with this ammo will always inflict CRIPPLING INJURIES and will deal 2 extra FLESH damage to targets. Has a rare chance to stun.)


Nice. After pocketing all of it, you exit the store. You'll do a quick sweep of any other shops you can find before going back home. As you do so, you do notice that the streets are full of people again. It's as if they were always here instead of being gone for god knows how long. Interesting.

Time to do some quick rounds.


The first place you walk past on your way back home is a small, quaint coffee shop. The dark brown paint slathered all over the building makes it stand out like a sore thumb when everything around you is drenched in white or grey. A bright, cozy light pours out of its windows, almost tempting you to go inside right now.

The inside of the building from what you can see only has three people in it. A young student with black hair, an older man with a goatee, and a young girl with orange hair. The three of them seem to be working to set up the cafe, which only has a few old seats scattered around.

You faintly remember getting a coupon from this place. Maybe you can visit it later.
>CALORE NERO found! You may visit here to get temporary stat boosts or boons/abilities. You may also bring an ally here to boost their RAPPORT.


The second place you come across is, well, to put it politely? You don't want anything to do with this place. There's an unmarked building in front of you that's been painted to blend in exactly with the rest of the buildings. If you didn't know any better, you'd assume it was just abandoned or under construction.

But with the boarded up windows and the odd tattoo'd standing outside, you can tell there's something more to it. And the odd noises that sound like...someone hitting a pile of meat with a hammer.

The tattoo'd man narrows his eyes at you, as if he recognizes something about you.
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"Come back when you want supplies, Nicole. We got everything the City doesn't want you to see." He tosses you a business card. You quickly make distance from the shop.
>UNMARKED SHOP unlocked! You imagine you can buy all manners of illegal shit here that no other shop can offer. However, it might not be a good idea to go there regularly.


The last place you find is, oddly enough, not a shop but something a lot more quaint. There's a small abandoned park in the middle of your district that's placed in the middle of a bunch of other buildings. There's not really much to it aside from a few benches and old play equipment but it's a place to rest your feet.

You sit down on one of the benches before looking up at the morning sky. You take in a deep breath before letting it out. There's nothing here to bother or distract you. It's just the cold air nipping at your toes and ears and your own thoughts.

You feel like you could meditate here a lot more peacefully than you could, even at your own apartment.
>PARK UNLOCKED! (Allows you to meditate and train your powers in a more open environment, letting you boost your RESTRAINT and master your abilities quicker.)


You notice you're not alone, though.

An oddly dressed man approaches the bench you're sitting on and sits right next to you despite a few other benches being around. You have never seen this man in your life but you can already tell you recognize him from somewhere. Mostly because of how he dresses.

Compared to everyone in this district wearing generic winter clothing or work uniforms, he's in a bright orange suit with a navy blue tie. His dress shoes are also the same navy blue as his tie. As for the man himself, he's an older gentleman who has to be in his late 50s from how his face droops and the specks of grey forming in his hair.

He leans forward to look at you. "...Hm. Are you Nicole Smith?"

"Yes?" You cautiously respond. You keep your hand by your side, ready to dig for your revolver or pistol or any sort of weapon to defend yourself against him.

"Good. I wanted to see you for myself. I've heard some of the rumors." The Orange Suit nods approvingly once he realizes he found the right target. "I can't introduce myself for the time being. Too much at stake for the both of us."

You can feel the TARNISHED GOLD NECKLACE in your pocket activating...

>"After all, I have to prepare for the meeting with my fellow...rivals in 2 days. Can't leave my Alphabet Company alone for too long either."<

[SEEKER OF THE CITY] His company. HIS company. Your blood goes cold. It's not hard to connect that this man isn't just an employee of a company.
[SEEKER OF THE CITY] This is a Corporate CEO, Nicole. One of the 26 CEOs that run the massive megacorporation that operates this City.
[SEEKER OF THE CITY] This man has a country's worth amount of land and people under his command. Don't FUCK WITH HIM

"W-what? Wait, why the hell are you here then? How did you find me?"
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"I have my ways." The Unknown CEO cryptically responds. "I've heard stories of you and I'm fascinated, frankly. I want you to find me later. Somewhere more private. If you can find me, I know you're smart enough to help me with a plan I have later."

"F-for what reason? I-I can't really do much-"

"Why, we have a common enemy." He digs into his pocket and leaves something on the bench. "Goodbye. Do not follow me." He gets up from the bench before casually strolling away. You can't even read his stats or his mind when he walks away, it's a complete blank spot.

You pick up what he left behind. It's a simple business card with one small phrase written on it: "DO NOT TRUST K-CORP. FOR YOUR OWN SAFETY."

>MYSTERY OBTAINED: THE UNKNOWN CEO (Which company does he operate? Why should you not trust K-Corp? Why is he interested in you specifically? If he's against the spooks, who else is against them? Or, god forbid, working with them? Is there an ulterior motive to why he contacted you? WHEN SOLVED: +2 CONNECTIONS.)

You don't feel safe out here anymore. You make a mad dash back to your apartment. You think you need some time to think about all of the information that has been smashing against you lately. It doesn't really take that long for you to find your apartment building and to rush up back to your bedroom.

Right as you do so, your phone starts buzzing. Picking it up, you can hear The Handler (can't call him Otto right now) trying to talk to you before immediately being interrupted by someone. You can barely make out what the argument is about but 'put the phone away' and 'yeah you recovered it but the risk of' tells you he's probably still busy doing paperwork.


This shuts up whoever he's talking to but you feel like you shouldn't even be listening into this.

"S-should I call back? You seem rather busy."

"Nah, nah, again. Just dealing with paperwork. You know how it is. So, I got some missions for you, Nicky Wicky Dicky Micky-"
"otto foxtrot."
"Yeah, yeah, don't call me that unless I'm working with ya. Listen up well. Pick one so you can make some more MONEY, BITCH."

Well, you heard the man.

"Oh, right, I'll deliver you a relevant PARADIGM depending on what mission you pick. Still got that deal in the bag."

>[ANOMALOUS] "To put it shortly, a highly important corporate figure died while being transported through a Y-Corp portal. Here's the big issue though: That shouldn't be possible. Portal travel is near instant and there's no visible wounds on them. Head to Y-Corp and figure out how and why that happened." REWARD: $1425, +FAVOR WITH Y-CORP, you'll be granted limited access to very potent portal tech to help you and your allies in the future. RISK LEVEL: CHALLENGING
>[ANOMALOUS] "We got reports of a certain anomaly that's been terrorizing District 14. Some sort of big crash test dummy thing called APEX PREDATOR? Whatever it is, it's been killing a lot of people. Recontain or weaken it enough for the ETF to get." REWARD: $1500, +FAVOR WITH P-CORP, 6 A-ENERGY PACKETS AND 1 C-EXTRACT. RISK LEVEL: HIGH. Regardless of who you pick, Benjamin and Max will offer you intel to help you on this mission.
>"You're staying in your district this time around. Someone, or something, has been ravaging the highways throughout G-Corp's district and a lot of truckers are going missing too. Find out who did it and stop them. Now." REWARD: $1025, +2 FAVORS with G-CORP and the WORKING CLASS, you'll be given an unmarked truck for personal use to make future exploration/travel easier. RISK LEVEL: MODERATE
>"I-Company has been struggling to find resources to operate their Singularity. No, I don't know what it is, but they've been badgering me to help out or they'll cut me off. I know of a part of their District that might still have some resources. Explore and recover any and all resources you can find." REWARD: $977, +FAVOR WITH I-COMPANY, I-Company will provide you with a free apartment in their District if you ever need a place to hide out at. RISK LEVEL: MEDIUM-HIGH
>"Want to commit incredible levels of hyperviolence? I know you do, you sick bitch! You sick fucking bastard! I got a corporate elite I want you to hunt down and do unspeakable things to! DO WHAT COMES NATURAL!!!" REWARD: $2850, improved relationship with your Handler and the Huxleys, +1 max VIOLENCE and TALENT to all allies who go on this mission. RISK LEVEL: VERY HIGH.
>"Things have been hectic and it's been hard to get a calm mission but you might need it. Might not pay well but look, man, shit's been rough. C-Company needs a guard for one of their establishments. Keep an eye on everything, it'll be fine. May or may not be haunted!" REWARD: $625, improved relationships with C-Company, +1 MAX RESTRAINT to you and all allies who join you this mission. RISK LEVEL: LOW-MEDIUM
>[WARNING] [ANOMALOUS?] "V-Company called. I'm not sure how or WHY you managed to impress them but they want to drag your ass out to do a favor for them. Something about an old building that was ran by the Company that came before the Company that V-Corp took over. Explore it, grab what you can find, and escape. Alive." REWARD: $5000, vastly improved relationship with V-Corp, V-Corp will personally offer you a role in their company in the future, you'll learn more about the world before the City. RISK LEVEL: Good luck. :)
>"Q-Company is having an issue with producing the latest lines of Drones. E, X, and H-Corp have done their best but they still haven't figured a solution out. Go in there, help them, FIX IT." REWARD: $1222, improved relationship with Q-Corp, you'll get a chance to upgrade yourself or your allies with biological upgrades from Q-Corp. RISK LEVEL: MEDIUM
>[WARNING] [ANOMALOUS?] "I hope you like the sun because you're going to the WASTES. Your task is to find an old artifact somewhere in that fucked up desert. Bring it back here. Intact." REWARD: $2666, 4 C-Extract, you're likely to find various rare and unique items out in there. RISK LEVEL: OVERWHELMING
>[BONUS MISSION] "This is going to sound incredibly pathetic but I need you to do this for me. I haven't had contact with my family in a while and I need you to find where they're at and how they're doing. I'm worried, okay?" REWARD: $1000, +1 RAPPORT with your Handler, +1 CONNECTIONS to you and two allies of your choice upon completion, and you'll become a honorary Foxtrot (which will help you interact with corporate families easier). RISK LEVEL: MEDIUM

>[UPG] LEX. Your easily pleased anomalously empowered muscle who has a bloodlust you need to sate. ($90)
>ALEXIS. A supplier of equipment and connections. Somewhat flaky and liable to draw attention. (Only pickable with the I-Corp mission. Will ask for a 16% cut of the reward money if you do so.)
>QUENTIN. Incredibly loyal ally who has a hard time staying dead. Poor stats, freaks others out. Has the ability to fly and dodge attacks. (Free, except Frank will cost $27 more to hire.)
>BENJAMIN. Fully licensed as a pharmacist, Open Minded to the supernatural. Has a crimson spark that needs a push to ignite. Delusional, credulous, and naive. ($42)
>KIARA. Fellow explorer of the City with a vast amount of knowledge. Artificial physiology lacks the same limits as flesh and bone. Can mimic other people. Has vastly improved cognizant abilities and can react quicker than most humans. Prone to making rash decisions. (Free if you pick a mission tagged [ANOMALOUS] or [ANOMALOUS?]. $75 otherwise.)
>[UPG] MAX, an Aristocrat. High in demand with the Companies and has extensive access to corporate assets. Held in contempt by other Cleaners and the working class, very sheltered. Has a chaotic spark that longs to explore the world. ($80.)
>[UPG] ASHLEY. Living on the streets has instilled a powerful intuition. Has an athletic frame, with all of its benefits that brings. Desensitized and numb to violence and bloodshed. ($82)
>NAOMI. Well versed in all military matters and a great commander. Has old glowie habits she's trying to break out of. Has a knack for analyzing the quirks and potential of people around her. Slowly regaining her SILVER AGENT skills. Old age and scars have ruined her body. ($155)
>[UPG] CLOVER. A casino manager who larps as a cowboy, has the sharpshooting skills to back it up. Unshakeable morale and has a resolute will that's hard to break. VERY stubborn. Has a hidden ability. ($175)
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>[UPG] CASEY. Optimistic spirit lightens the mood of everyone she interacts with, very experienced at convincing people. Has a queen bee-like mindset. Emotional. ($60)
>[UPG] WENDY. A W-Company rep. Has a similar mind as you, meshes well with you and follows your orders easily. Feared in the corporate world. Fucking LOATHES anomalies and will take any chance she can to rip them to shreds. UNSTABLE. ($143 or +$411 if you spend a W-CORP favor while hiring her. You have 2 FAVORS left. Write in whether you use a favor or not if you hire her.)


Otto won't be available this mission since he did work with you all of last mission but here's his description for future reference.

"[UPG] OTTO. Your fucking boss. Has an insane amount of capital to his name and will make interacting with those in high positions of power super easy. Has unshakeable confidence that can't be easily broken. VERY FUCKING IMPORANT TO KEEP ALIVE and is a PERSON OF INTEREST. (Costs 35% of your mission payout.)"

And to answer a question about the implant, it won't interfere with the powers of the person installed into it. Otherwise a good chunk of your allies couldn't use it without getting the SHIFTer version of cancer or, I dunno, sexual impotence?

Meant to post earlier but I passed out. It is what it is.
>[BONUS MISSION] "This is going to sound incredibly pathetic but I need you to do this for me. I haven't had contact with my family in a while and I need you to find where they're at and how they're doing. I'm worried, okay?" REWARD: $1000, +1 RAPPORT with your Handler, +1 CONNECTIONS to you and two allies of your choice upon completion, and you'll become a honorary Foxtrot (which will help you interact with corporate families easier). RISK LEVEL: MEDIUM
Let's clean an easier one to be ready for the big one.

>[UPG] MAX, an Aristocrat. High in demand with the Companies and has extensive access to corporate assets. Held in contempt by other Cleaners and the working class, very sheltered. Has a chaotic spark that longs to explore the world. ($80.)
>BENJAMIN. Fully licensed as a pharmacist, Open Minded to the supernatural. Has a crimson spark that needs a push to ignite. Delusional, credulous, and naive. ($42)
>[UPG] CASEY. Optimistic spirit lightens the mood of everyone she interacts with, very experienced at convincing people. Has a queen bee-like mindset. Emotional. ($60)
>"I-Company has been struggling to find resources to operate their Singularity. No, I don't know what it is, but they've been badgering me to help out or they'll cut me off. I know of a part of their District that might still have some resources. Explore and recover any and all resources you can find." REWARD: $977, +FAVOR WITH I-COMPANY, I-Company will provide you with a free apartment in their District if you ever need a place to hide out at. RISK LEVEL: MEDIUM-HIGH
We need that free apartment now because we are going to destroy the silver agent base in G-CORP District in the next two days. The silver agent WILL send Deathsquad to our home for destroying their base. We need that free apartment to hide in from the silver agent.
>A young student with black hair, an older man with a goatee, and a young girl with orange hair.

I see what you did, Persona fan.

Need to rest before deciding. I kind of want the bonus mission.
>[ANOMALOUS] "We got reports of a certain anomaly that's been terrorizing District 14. Some sort of big crash test dummy thing called APEX PREDATOR? Whatever it is, it's been killing a lot of people. Recontain or weaken it enough for the ETF to get." REWARD: $1500, +FAVOR WITH P-CORP, 6 A-ENERGY PACKETS AND 1 C-EXTRACT. RISK LEVEL: HIGH. Regardless of who you pick, Benjamin and Max will offer you intel to help you on this mission.

>BENJAMIN. Fully licensed as a pharmacist, Open Minded to the supernatural. Has a crimson spark that needs a push to ignite. Delusional, credulous, and naive. ($42)
>[UPG] MAX, an Aristocrat. High in demand with the Companies and has extensive access to corporate assets. Held in contempt by other Cleaners and the working class, very sheltered. Has a chaotic spark that longs to explore the world. ($80.)
Revenge must be had.
>[UPG] WENDY. A W-Company rep. Has a similar mind as you, meshes well with you and follows your orders easily. Feared in the corporate world. Fucking LOATHES anomalies and will take any chance she can to rip them to shreds. UNSTABLE. ($143 or +$411 if you spend a W-CORP favor while hiring her. You have 2 FAVORS left. Write in whether you use a favor or not if you hire her.)
Anomaly murder!!
>[UPG] LEX. Your easily pleased anomalously empowered muscle who has a bloodlust you need to sate. ($90)
I miss the guy, and he’s been with us for a couple of anomaly-killings already.
>[UPG] ASHLEY. Living on the streets has instilled a powerful intuition. Has an athletic frame, with all of its benefits that brings. Desensitized and numb to violence and bloodshed. ($82)
Same as Lex. We need hitters on this one.
>trying to merge
The weird bodysuit filling the wounds in doesn't exactly help them heal does it? If the material can remove itself as the wound heals and seamlessly merge back into the bodysuit, that's hardcore
>furnish this place
If we move to a new place, yeah
>lose your heart soon
TV MAN confirms glowie deathsquad will trash this place later
>two Corporate CEOs
2 of the 26 of the Head. This means POWER
>above an elite
>fake you
I look forward to fucking up the clone
>Department Manager
I am in full support of Ben making it. First job was rescuing his scatterbrain ass and now he's becoming BIG like 3 weeks later. Max better invite us to their wedding
>welcome you
It might be a bit iffy if they're the ones supplying the silvers with their blood replacements. Handler said they might have Z-Corp by the tits, but it could be another source. We don't know yet
>C, O, Q, and V-Corp
V have their eyes on Nicole, she is known. Q we STILL haven't been able to spare a mission to go to with how good other mission picks were. At least we have Quentin. C and O Companies are unknown

>odd weather
I like this. Things are getting interesting for the City climate
>4, 8, 9, and 18
I-Corp job will be tough but we can do this
>learn secrets
We HAVE to pull the elite silver walkie talkie there, we just gotta
>no one else wanted it
But it has resources for their Singularity there? Very suspicious detail
>since 1152
Ancient gravekeeper tribes is not what I expected for the Russia zone

>dogs bark at sun up?
Do roosters lament the sunset?
>my boys
Glad we have backup set for the date
>bring me any tech
Can't be too destructive then. Have to be careful about EMP nades and explosives
>stick figure hand with seven fingers

We still have the flare guns from the ship mission too
No need to give any to Alexis. Space heater is godsend
We have plenty of fire damage sources stacked up by now
Cooks any animal huh...
I bet Lex and Clover and a few others could make good use of this to get places
>Bizarre occult symbols
I wonder what those specific ones mean
>long silver blades
Are these from silver agents? The eyes mean B-Corp? Something else? Or are they intentional by her?
>long enough
Bitch that's a snag hazard. Some fucker can pull you down by the hair if they wanted

Yet, huh...
>lost your eyes
>condense my true self into one, unified ideal. I am a perfected Seeker
So Nicole if she transforms and SEEKER is the core? What or who defines "true self" for her about this?
>they deserve to know
Not all the allies know about the silver agents, right? I think if I got this right, the only ones are Frank, Max, Benjamin, Maruyama, and Lex

>meaningless ideas
Those ideas all had meaning by existing already. What liar said they're meaningless to you? That anomalies needed to represent them better?
Becoming a proper SHIFTER, or...?
>do YOU even matter
>family and a life before this
We have throwaway snippets here and there

>scared animal
>because you had to
Yeah but isn't the anomaly just projecting? How true is most of this really? Nicole decided on her nebulous "family" goal herself. She does enjoy the Cleaner job to an extent even if it's life-threatening and suicidal at times. She enjoys travelling the City and going to new places and being a SEEKER. Nicole has to do jobs and be a Cleaner to make money and get by and survive. But even so there's still a degree of personal-ness there
>no real personal reason to kill the Admiral
It was cash yeah. But it also became killing him to save our allies and ourselves. Because he was too big a threat and we saw it firsthand. Because WHITE WHALE HOLY GRAIL. People can have multiple and shifting motivations after all
>you only exist to be nothing more than an icon
>you don't have anything else to your existence
>You know what's wrong with you
Too many goals? Too different goals? I don't get it but ok?
>paradoxical interaction
How is it paradoxical nigga? Just wrap your arms around yourself and give yourself a nice hug nigga

>No god created you
Dumbass has yet to know the truth that we anons do. I doubt she ever will, but that's okay
>A revolutionary damned
The shot heard around the world... The real reason why Cleaner Quest is a weird prequel to HELP WANTED!
>intentions are good but the Companies have ruined it
"But there was nothing. There were no creatures, no sun and moon, and no beast. All that was left was just a bird and the black forest. Only cold, dark night continued from then."
>warm, comforting voice

>you did this
Nicole needed this. I hope she can continue anomalous therapy and overcome her issues or make them not be issues anymore
Casey, Max, Ashley, Lex, Alexis, and arguably Quentin CANNOT wear this without being 0 or 1 RESTRAINT
Kiara, Frank, and Naomi are the best allies for this one
>bizarre, eerie song
Music choices playing in-story is something I wish more media does

I love this place already
Fuck it taking a break from my analysis post autism.
My vote is backing >>6079833

Nice catch. I really like all the missions on offer but we have only 2 days left before base assault. I want that safe apartment secured in advance
I guess I will support this.

Hope the bonus mission lasts for a while, since 1 rapport with Otto and getting a stat boost is pretty good for an easy mission.
>Music choices playing in-story is something I wish more media does

Yeah. I recall Shadow Quest, for all the issues it had towards the end was always hype as fuck with the music choices. How I discovered 3 Steps from Hell.
I hope so too.
>[BONUS MISSION] "This is going to sound incredibly pathetic but I need you to do this for me. I haven't had contact with my family in a while and I need you to find where they're at and how they're doing. I'm worried, okay?" REWARD: $1000, +1 RAPPORT with your Handler, +1 CONNECTIONS to you and two allies of your choice upon completion, and you'll become a honorary Foxtrot (which will help you interact with corporate families easier). RISK LEVEL: MEDIUM

>[UPG] MAX, an Aristocrat. High in demand with the Companies and has extensive access to corporate assets. Held in contempt by other Cleaners and the working class, very sheltered. Has a chaotic spark that longs to explore the world. ($80.)
>BENJAMIN. Fully licensed as a pharmacist, Open Minded to the supernatural. Has a crimson spark that needs a push to ignite. Delusional, credulous, and naive. ($42)
>[UPG] CLOVER. A casino manager who larps as a cowboy, has the sharpshooting skills to back it up. Unshakeable morale and has a resolute will that's hard to break. VERY stubborn. Has a hidden ability. ($175)
>Too many goals? Too different goals? I don't get it but ok?
[ANOMALOUS ABILITIES] The whole rant it gave was essentially trying to say everything you do has no actual point to it. That your 'goals' are bullshit and meanginless.
[PERSON OF INTEREST] That you just do things to survive and that anything else is ad-hoc justification or cope.
[UNSTABLE] That you don't really have an actual goal. You simply exist and survive. Your life has no inherent purpose beyond that.
[SEEKER OF THE CITY] How much of that you believe in, well, it is an anomaly. It's naturally biased towards sucking itself off.
[UNSTABLE] The issue is that you really don't know why you do the things you do. You simply do them because of some impulse.
[UNSTABLE] Admittedly, It's nihilistic bullshit now that you're away from the damn thing. You just need to find a solid purpose you're happy in.

>I see what you did, Persona fan.
Good thing you noticed. Though I'm more of a fan of Persona 3 and regular SMT than 4 and 5. Felt fitting, though.
Same but +1 CONNECTIONS is meh for some allies

I miss Shadow Quest too. If I ever run a quest of my own in the next decade and 4chan still exists, I will cite it as one of my biggest inspirations

It does totally sound like that donald and mickey meme comic. MY Nicole will FIGHT and not perish like a dog
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P3 is one of my favorite games of all time, right up there with Star Ocean 2. You have taste, my man.

I checked out when Shadow ran... fuck, I feel old some days. But hey, quests and table top has alway been there for me. Love this stuff.
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Just woke up, closing vote. We're going with I-Corp. I would normally count the ally votes as well but since the people picking Benjamin + Max only did so for another mission, I'll stick to the line up provided by the I-Corp voter (who has 3 votes compared to 1 voter picking APEX HUNTING and 2 picking BONUS MISSION)

Mostly to prevent unnecessary minutiae. (besides, Lex and Ashley hasn't been on a mission since BEING A PIRATE IS ALRIGHT WITH ME, from what I recall.)

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"You're going to I-Corp, you LITTLE WORM." Ah, seems like he's right back to his old fuckin' tricks. You feel half tempted to strangle him through the line but after working with him? You find yourself tolerating it a lot more. "You already lived in that iced over hell in G-Alpha-1. This should be easy."

"Yeah. I already knew that. I called up Wiltshire earlier."

"Oh ho, seems like my little freakazoid is proactive these days, huh? I got the map, yeah, I'll ship it over with...uh. That bitch with the white suit, what's her name?"
"Alexis. Funny thing you mentioned here since I'm hiring her." And you are pushing your luck a bit with hiring her two times in a row.

"So, rundown is this. I-Corp has been booming business-wise. Some sort of collaboration with Y and E-Company?" There's a knowing coyness in her voice upon mentioning Y-Corp. "However, demand needs supply or whatever the saying is and most of their other sources have been having issues with supplying them."

"Something about their singularity? No clue what it is besides affecting temperature somehow?"

"So why don't they send some special corporate task force to do this instead of me, then?"

"Oh, they see both me and you as disposable in comparison and they see this as a last resource without having to kowtow to other Companies. Something something 'corporate alliances beget weakness'. Something something 'iron wall around our heart'. I-Corp is weird like that."

"Fine." You click your tongue. "What am I looking for specifically? And how much of it?"

"Three things. There's three things that forms in the shithole I'm contractually obligated to send you that I need."

"One: Dry-10. Some special kind of dry ice that, due to some weird chemical shit, has a surface temperature of -200 degrees F and needs to be blasted with 600 degrees of heat to remotely begin to melt. Essentially, VERY good at its job at being ice fucking cold."

"Two: Cold Iron. Turns out there's raw iron deposits throughout that part of the district. Do you know how hard it is to find fresh sources of that outside of E, H, O or W-Corp's territory? So yeah, get the fuckin' iron. You got five guesses why they'd need fresh iron as a company."

[SEEKER OF THE CITY] He's not wrong. A lot of cheap ways to get the iron used to making steel and other industrial materials has already been extracted over the centuries.
[SEEKER OF THE CITY] It's hard to find new deposits that aren't A.) Hard to reach, B.) Expensive to get to or C.) Clung to by another company.
[SEEKER OF THE CITY] Though there are certain matter producing Singularities that can produce it via A-Energy. However that falls under 'B. Fucking expensive.'

"And third: Rotwood. There's barely any plants there but the few that are gathered there are remarkably hardy. I-Corp wants to personally study as many samples of it as they can. Perhaps to bring plant life back to more of the City? Or for some other purpose?"

Hm. That's the oddest of the three in your eyes.
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"However, there's a fourth thing they're lookin' for. Completely optional, do it if you wanna. If you find anything 'historic', they'll pay handsomely for it. Don't ask why."

"We'll send you a specialized box to carry the Dry-10, Rotwood, and Cold Iron. That's all I-Corp is willing to give. Bring back more than the quota and we'll pay you more. The quota needed for each is..."

>MISSION OBJECTIV: Obtain 10 Piles of Dry-10 and Cold Iron and 7 Logs of Rotwood.
>OPOTIONAL OBJECTIVE 1: Bring back more than expected of your quota. (For every extra Pile of Dry Ice, +$40. Extra Cold Iron, +$35. Rotwood, +$30)
>OPTIONAL OBJECTIVE 2: Bring back something 'historical'. (+$333 per 'Historical' artifact.)

Welp. Seems relatively easy from a mission standpoint. Might even be relaxing. As much as exploring a frigid hellscape can be.

"That's all. Goodbye." And the line goes dead.

Hm. You quickly shoot out a text to four of the five allies you plan on bringing with a rough outline of your mission AND the expected difficulties. You feel like you'll need a more 'personal' chat with Alexis considering you are bringing her two missions in a row. You'll wait for your other allies to respond first.

Ashley actually seems eager to go. Her response: 'Hm. Would be a nice source of inspiration and I am supposed to go to I-Corp next week. Maybe I can make a song on what I see."
Quentin is also to the point. "This body needs cold in order to last. Being in the cold would be serviceable to me. This is workable."
Wendy is more...special. "Need a clearer head shit has been STRESSING ME OUT need the COLD to snap me out yes this will work I-Corp is my friend's friend."

When Alexis picks up, the first thing you hear over the speaker is a low and tired groan. "Not now. Headache. Stomach hurts. Good night last night but fuck, ate too much Pelmeni, Draniki, Vareniki...Vodka..."

"Yeah, sorry to call you on short notice." A nervous smile you know she can't see crosses your face. "And I promise I'll give you a break after this. I do. But I'm going to I-Corp-"

This immediately wakes her up. "CHTO? The FUCK are you coming down here for?" And she doesn't seem pleased by this development at ALL. "Oбъяcнитecь!" Her words are boiling with an anger you did not expect out of her.

"Uh, look! My boss told me I had to go on a mission down there. Something about I-Corp needing more resources. Look, it's just a job and it's not like I'm doing any personal slight against you!"

Alexis' anger immediately dissipates but not for the reason you expected. "No, I know you're above that. I really just don't want you coming down here. Not this time of year. Too dangerous."

[SEEKER OF THE CITY] There's nothing particularly 'special' about this time of the year for I-Corp Must be something personal to her.

"Mind explaining? I'm going to I-Nu-7 so unless something is happening there."
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"Oh. Oh!" Alexis lets out a sigh of relief upon hearing that. "No, it's nothing. If you were going to Mu-5 or Alpha-1, I might've been worried. Just, uh, family matters. I didn't want you getting involved." The sound of rustling sheets can be heard over the speaker.

"I need a break from it myself. It'll cost extra because I don't want to do back to back jobs anymore but since you're close enough, I'll make an exception. I'll come with."

"Thank you." "No problem. Four other people besides me or you? Got it." And with that, you got everyone you need to onboard.
>MISSION REWARD reduced to $821.
>-$315 from other allies. TOTAL MONEY: $2802

With that situated, you grab onto NEW YOU. For your own sanity, you'll probably won't have it next mission unless it's a high risk one. It immediately shifts into an old, bulky leather jacket that's a few sizes too big for you. As you drape it over your body, it shrinks to adjust to your svelte and mildly toned body.

[WOLF IN DEER'S CLOTHING] It'll be cold. You'll need to embrace the PAIN that will come your way, Nicole.
[WOLF IN DEER'S CLOTHING] Until your TEETH SHATTER and your KNUCKLES CRACK. Embrace the physicality of your mission.
[UNSTABLE] Hot. I like this guy already.
>+1 VIOLENCE this mission! You unlocked WOLF IN DEER'S CLOTHING this mission! Twice per mission, you may reroll all FLESH/TALENT/VIOLENCE dice you roll that are 3 or lower.

You change out your previous outfit to one of the many winter uniforms you have. Bulky fur-lined jacket (after carving some antler holes), some thermal pants, winter googles, fur-lined gloves, and a face mask. More than enough to hopefully help with the cold. You wear the NEW YOU (LEX) version underneath your fur-lined jacket. The more layers, the better.

Nothing else to do but to head to the train station where you meet your allies. It doesn't take long when you zone out and you don't have to look out for anything.

The train station is remarkably busy. You have to squeeze your way through the crowds of hectic people that seemingly manifested out of THIN FUCKING AIR. You even feel someone's hand smacking WAY too close to your rump in your desperate attempt to get past them.

The fuck is going on now?

Once you're able to stumble onto the platform where you normally wait for your train, you do notice some odd posters scattered throughout it. Something about a 'SPECIAL EVENT' at some random convention? It doesn't seem particularly interesting to you but it's weird how it was planned so close to the Head Meeting...and in THIS part of G-Corp's district.

Oh well. It'll probably be over by the time you're back here. By the time you're done processing what's going on, a pair of trains arrive to spit out more people, including four of the allies you hired.

Which is followed by Lex sneaking up behind you and headpatting you a dozen times in a row. You REALLY hate to admit that you're enjoying this more than you should. Welp, time to see how everyone is doing.
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Alexis, to be frank, looks like shit. Her long blonde hair is soaked in sweat and her simple white shirt and pants (instead of her normal fancy white business suit) loosely hangs over her body. If it wasn't for the briefcase you wouldn't recognize her. She taps her white sneaker against the floor. "Hey."
Quentin is still in his spook body. Bright red hair, mangled up wounds that are loosely hidden with stained bandages, and an eyepatch covering his left eye. He's wearing some jeans and a t-shirt but that's about it; not even any shoes.
Wendy is trying her best to hide her shit-eating smirk and her wild gaze but it's not fooling anyone. Pixie cut hairdue is still there and she seems to have swapped her dress for a leather jacket and some jeans. "Hehehe."
Ashley has her usual outfit. Jeans, leather jacket, crop top, spiked collar, and leather boots. Her long red hair still goes all the way down her back. She hasn't changed a bit but she seems to actually be happy to be here.

"Hey. Long time no see, Nicole. Doing well?"
You nod.
"That's nice. We'll have to talk about that new voice I had yesterday." Ah, NEW YOU, probably.

And Lex? Lex's Lex. Super muscular, old bulky jacket, a Strands of Silver (Ashley's band) band tshirt, some boots and a set of work jeans. An old grey beanie snugly hugs his head. "Heya."

The group looks at each other for a moment before Ashley, Quentin, and Lex immediately move in for a group hug with each other. Huh, seems like they're glad to be working together again. Cute.

That leaves you with Wendy and Alexis.

"So. Who's the blonde bitch and why does she look familiar?" Wendy sneers. "I swore I saw you two days ago...somewhere."
"Wendy Walker, was it? W-Corp rep?" Alexis bites back. "How have the Mines been? Still dealing with that incident?"
This immediately shuts Wendy up. "Ngh."

"That's what I fucking thought." Alexis returns her sneer. Seems like they're going to be a doozy.

"Pick your items, Nicole." She cracks open her briefcase. "I already know what to bring for myself."


>MIND SUPRESS PLUS (A bottle of three pills. Consuming them will heal 1 RESTRAINT and reduce the chance for most negative boons to trigger.)
>PEP PILL ZETA BOTTLE (A bottle of four pills. Each pill allows you to add 4 to the final tally of a COGNIZNACE, RESTRAINT, or FLESH roll.)
>FLARE x6 (Flares. A useful sort of light and heat. Can also be used to reload your FLARE GUN.)
>V-CORP BUNDLE ("Otto told me to bring this." Contains 2 V-CORP CIGARETTES [heals 5 RESTRAINT deals FLESH damage and inflicts a crippling injury], and 2 V-CORP PIPE BOMBS [powerful explosives])

>CRACKED HANDHELD RADAR (From a mysterious supplier. Increases the amount of Cold Iron, Rotwood, and Dry-10 you find when visiting a location.)
>FLAMETHROWER (ATTACK ROLL: COGNIZANCE+VIOLENCE+3. Deals high levels of FIRE DAMAGE and causes lingering fire damage. Quickly melts through anything. Has enough fuel for 3 uses.)
>COMBAT COCKTAIL ("Made by M.T Foxtrot." Heals 3 RESTRAINT and FLESH to Wendy and boosts all of Wendy's stats by 2 on use. Puts her in an UNSTABLE state.)
>5 REVOLVER BULLETS and 2 TRAUMA KITs (Trauma kits can be used to heal FLESH or remove CRIPPLING INJURIES. REVOLVER BULLETS are for her HANDCANNON.)

>HAND-CRANKED AMP (+1 CHARM as long as she has it. Allows Ashley to passively heal other allies' RESTRAINT with her guitar. Also VERY useful as a distraction.)
>M-COMPANY MAGAZINE (Filled to the brim with bizarre words, flowery prose, and other nonsense that Ashley seems oddly into. As long as she has it, her DEEP INTUTION boon triggers more often. Also allows her to slowly reheal RESTRAINT.)
>VHF HANDHELD RADIO x6 (Allows you and the rest of the party to communicate even if you have to split up. Also allows for communication with the outside world, even if other sources fail.)
>G-CORP BINOCULARS + BLANK MAP x3 (As the second best explorer besides you, these will allow her to scout out and point out things the group might otherwise not notice. Very useful.)

>REPLACEMENT ORGAN BUNDLE (Hearts, livers, spleens, eyes, tongues. Quentin will passively improve his stats over the mission and will be able to keep his current shell FAR longer.)
>Terry the Centipede Plushie! WOW! FANTASTIC! YOU WILL LOVE THIS BUG YOU WILL HOLD THIS BUG YOU WILL KISS THIS BUG (Offers Quentin GOOD LUCK. He has a FAR higher chance of dodging attacks and he'll have a small chance to flatout ignore ANY damage taken.)
>Q-CORP PHEROMONE BOTTLE ALPHA-Z-5. (Will induce a random powerful mutation as a new BOON for Quentin. You'll get to pick which one he gets later.)
>FORGOTTEN MEMENTO (A wallet with an unknown man's face on it. Quentin seems to recognize the man in it. ???, no clue what it does.)

>PNEUMATIC GAUNTLETS (Replaces his SPIKED BRASS KNUCKLES. +2 VIOLENCE, ATTACK ROLL: VIOLENCE*1.25, rounded up. Allows Lex to break through things even his raw physical strength can't)
>WAX-COATED BRACELET (A bracelet produced by L-Corp. Offers good luck. +1 COGNIZANCE, RESTRAINT, AND WILLPOWER to Lex while he wears it.)
>DEER PLUSHIE ("I think he might like a reminder of why he's here." Allows Lex to use his BRICK SHITHOUSE boon 2 additional times.)
>PARTY TIME BUNDLE (Contains a lot of cheap yet fulfilling booze, shitty snacks, and other party time staples. Will be useful if you have to barter.)

In addition


>Lex is a simple man with a simple plan. Unspeakable fucking violence. (WORLDBREAKER, upgrading BRICK SHITHOUSE. +2 VIOLENCE, TALENT, and FLESH. Thrice per mission, he may reroll all dice that rolled 3 or lower on a VIOLENCE/FLESH/TALENT check.)
>For a moment, Lex closes his eyes and seems to be talking to someone. When he opens his eyes, you notice his green eyes are a bit brighter than usual. (TORMENTED SPARK. Offers no immediate bonus but will slowly develop into a potent anomalous ability.)
>There's an odd look in his eyes you can only describe as 'determined'. As if he's ready to face the world. (FUCK THE WORLD. +2 FLESH and RESTRAINT. Lex now takes 1 less damage from all sources and once per mission, he can ignore a CRIPPLING INJURY.)

>There's a pep in her step now. While she's still numbed to the world around her, she seems to be opening herself up a bit. (M-CORP GROOVE. +1 TALENT, RESTRAINT, CHARM and WILLPOWER. Ashley will naturally gel with other allies more and she'll be able to offer you advice on how to handle any interpersonal conflicts.)
>For a brief moment, you thought her eyes were a different color. She seems more aware now. (SIXTH SENSE, an upgrade to DEEP INTUTION. +2 WILLPOWER and TALENT. She'll be able to react and warn you of things that can only be described as seeing glimpses into the future.)
>She has a shit eating grin on her face. It's as if she believes literally NOTHING can stop you guys. (UNBREAKABLE CONFIDENCE. +1 FLESH, +2 RESTRAINT, +1 VIOLENCE and TALENT. Whenever Ashley rolls or assists in a check, she adds +1d8 to the final roll. Thrice per mission, she may add +2d8 instead.)

>You're a bit scared to even look at her. There's just an aura around her that you can't quite describe. (CORPORATE HORROR, an upgrade to CORPORATE NIGHTMARE. +1 VIOLENCE. In addition to adding her VIOLENCE dice to CHARM or CONNECTIONS rolls, she may add it to her WILLPOWER and RESTRAINT rolls as well.)
>She glances at you. You glance back. You realize you feel an odd connection with her. (SHARED SOULS. +1 WILLPOWER and RESTRAINT. Wendy can access VERY cheap and shitty knockoffs of your anomalous powers for her own use. She doesn't seem to have any cognitive dissonance over this.)
>She seems to have been training for something. A shit eating sneer crosses her face. "Time to do business." (HARDENED MIND AND BODY. +1 to ALL STATS. Wendy passively reduces the DC of all checks by 1 while she's in the party and will generally have more experience doing...anything.)

Would posted earlier but as you know, site threw up and denied me the RIGHT to upload. For some small clarification, the two items that improve DEEP INTUTION and BRICK SHITHOUSE also work on their upgraded versions.
>an ancient company called 'Home Depot'
>less to upgrade than an assault rifle
Wow we saved $300

>extra five seconds
There is always a price for silence
>unlock any digital device
Glowies gonna FREAK when we unleash this in their base
>communicate with those in the past
We haven't even used the "pull things from the past" ability yet. That's still a thing we can use
I hope we don't have to torch our way to escape a horrid enemy with that "saving you time in stressful situations" bit

This'll be for the turbo silver agent
This is a trump card in power
This can even come in handy in the base assault if one of the squads will rely on fire damage and the cryo nades. We can give these to allies for them to keep too, if anybody wants them post-mission
Explosive shells can be handed out to Frank and Kiara
AP pistol ammo can go to anybody with a glowie gun
Heavy revolver rounds go to Clover, Wendy, and Nicole. Or whoever gets that LAWBRINGER
Finally a use for that D-CORP COFFEE COUPON

>when you want supplies, Nicole
They already know her name, and Nicole didn't comment on it. Probably spreading fame?
Worth a visit
A quiet place for a deer to rest
>bright orange suit with a navy blue tie

It might be the J-Corp CEO. Alexis might know who he is
>some time to think
Will there be any? There has to be some on the mission or on the way there
Now this is interesting. Could it be a U-Corp rep for the paperwork?

>won't interfere with the powers of the person installed
Nice. Personally I like the idea of it being Wendy
>pushing your luck a bit with hiring her two times in a row
We wouldn't if we weren't going to her home District
>Y and E-Company
We already knew about Y-Corp due to the secret space program, but E-Corp? I suspect androids surviving in space is the reason why. Throw solar panels in and its free energy
>iron wall around our heart
Sounds stereotypically Cold War enough
>Cold Iron
Now this is unexpected worldbuilding. Going to mine in the Wastes falls under "hard to reach" even with the City's transport methods. I wonder how much of a recycling initiative exists with Companies interested in reclaiming materials from old structures and objects? If iron and similar are more valuable now than in the past, there could be groups into that real recycling biz
They might be loosely interested in working with O-Corp cultivation efforts? I-Corp don't seem the types to be that open without moving at their own pace, but it could happen

>anything 'historic'
MEMORIES OF A FORGOTTEN ERA could help us with locating some
Break out the FISH BOXES and share with the crew? Engage surprise snowball fight? The possibilities for rare on-mission fun reveal themselves
>go to I-Corp next week. Maybe I can make a song
>my friend's friend
Nicole's or another contact she has?
>promise I'll give you a break after
If she really won't be at the base assault, we might as well get her EARPIECE for the group split plan. We can make it work

>family matters
I'm surprised we're getting so much Alexis backstory lately. Also surprised she's actively trying to keep Nicole safe from that shit
>don't want to do back to back jobs anymore
Honestly I like this development with the quest forcing us to keep things fresh with allies
>won't have it next mission unless it's a high risk
I also like this in the face of the recent sanity loss
Wonder how Lex will be affected in turn since he'll be with us
>smacking WAY too close to your rump
Mmmm... delicious venison...
I seriously hope this isn't what I fear it is. If it is, then it can't be helped
Nicole needed this damnit

The rare post-hangover Russian
The ICY BLOOD VIAL must have done better than I thought if he's still kept the glowie corpse intact
>group hug
Holy shit what a nice moment. They're even including my boy Quentin
I'm looking forward to this tardwrangling after Maruyama vs Frank and Quentin vs Kiara
We use up our only pep pill, we need to replenish.
Just in case we encounter shapeshifter monsters, ice monsters, or the things.
To help with searching the resources.
I’m curious about this.
to be used to barter with Gravedigger since they may possess a lot of information.

>For a moment, Lex closes his eyes and seems to be talking to someone. When he opens his eyes, you notice his green eyes are a bit brighter than usual. (TORMENTED SPARK. Offers no immediate bonus but will slowly develop into a potent anomalous ability.)
Let’s upgrade his anomalies power more.
>For a brief moment, you thought her eyes were a different color. She seems more aware now. (SIXTH SENSE, an upgrade to DEEP INTUTION. +2 WILLPOWER and TALENT. She'll be able to react and warn you of things that can only be described as seeing glimpses into the future.)
To help with searching the resources.
>She glances at you. You glance back. You realize you feel an odd connection with her. (SHARED SOULS. +1 WILLPOWER and RESTRAINT. Wendy can access VERY cheap and shitty knockoffs of your anomalous powers for her own use. She doesn't seem to have any cognitive dissonance over this.)
For narrative reason.

>Terry the Centipede Plushie

So many choices. We are really spoiled.

>V-CORP BUNDLE ("Otto told me to bring this." Contains 2 V-CORP CIGARETTES [heals 5 RESTRAINT deals FLESH damage and inflicts a crippling injury], and 2 V-CORP PIPE BOMBS [powerful explosives])

>FLAMETHROWER (ATTACK ROLL: COGNIZANCE+VIOLENCE+3. Deals high levels of FIRE DAMAGE and causes lingering fire damage. Quickly melts through anything. Has enough fuel for 3 uses.)

>VHF HANDHELD RADIO x6 (Allows you and the rest of the party to communicate even if you have to split up. Also allows for communication with the outside world, even if other sources fail.)

>FORGOTTEN MEMENTO (A wallet with an unknown man's face on it. Quentin seems to recognize the man in it. ???, no clue what it does.)

>PNEUMATIC GAUNTLETS (Replaces his SPIKED BRASS KNUCKLES. +2 VIOLENCE, ATTACK ROLL: VIOLENCE*1.25, rounded up. Allows Lex to break through things even his raw physical strength can't)

>For a moment, Lex closes his eyes and seems to be talking to someone. When he opens his eyes, you notice his green eyes are a bit brighter than usual. (TORMENTED SPARK. Offers no immediate bonus but will slowly develop into a potent anomalous ability.)

>For a brief moment, you thought her eyes were a different color. She seems more aware now. (SIXTH SENSE, an upgrade to DEEP INTUTION. +2 WILLPOWER and TALENT. She'll be able to react and warn you of things that can only be described as seeing glimpses into the future.)

>She glances at you. You glance back. You realize you feel an odd connection with her. (SHARED SOULS. +1 WILLPOWER and RESTRAINT. Wendy can access VERY cheap and shitty knockoffs of your anomalous powers for her own use. She doesn't seem to have any cognitive dissonance over this.)

>offer Wendy the upgraded implant.
Yeah this too
>I seriously hope this isn't what I fear it is. If it is, then it can't be helped
That it's a front for a group's attack on Nicole's apartment


G-CORP: ybi, IPC
VHF: cQf






And the implant, which all three agreed upon. Writing. Next choice should have way less bloat to worry about.
Checking the items she gave out...

You just got some more pills. The bottle is in a fancy pink bottle but otherwise there's not much to say.
Wendy- What the fuck, Alexis. Your allies (and the various people still at the station) are panicking at the already kinda unstable looking girl being given a HONEST TO GOD FLAMETHROWER.

"what the fuck alexis." "We trust you with an army's worth of weapons and god-like powers. Is this any worse." "Touche."

Quentin stares down at the wallet he was given. There's a flash of faint recognition in his still intact eye. <"...Bastard."> Before you can read any deeper, he pockets it. Weird but you rather not pry any further.

Ashley, already having some fucking self loathing for her neck given the spiked collar, hangs her new binoculars around her neck. She's already stuffed her maps away somewhere on her person.

Lex's eyes are flooding with tears at the mere prospect of not cracking open the case of booze and other party favors in his hands. But by god, I am- Lex is strong. <[ANOMALOUS STRENGTH] You're a good man, Lex. Nicole is watching you. You can do it.>

Hm. That's how you manifest in his head. Neat.

Lastly, Alexis has what appears to be a bundle of old oil lanterns? You look at her as if you have no idea why she would bring THAT specifically-

[SEEKER OF THE CITY] Same ones as the mining mission but they seem upgraded. The iron body is made out of a reinforced metal that, if the faint beeping is telling you anything, is Pausium.
[SEEKER OF THE CITY] The glass is tinted and reinforced. Bullet-resistant.

"Checked the map. Saw most of the iron deposits were in caves or other low-light areas. Planned ahead." Smart. You give her an approving nod. "Collected these after the mining mission and upgraded them. Thought it would be nice."

>Everyone in the party obtains a REINFORCED OIL LANTERN! (Has enough fuel for eight charges. Passively lights up the environment around you. Incredibly durable from all forms of damage. When thrown at an enemy, deal scaling fire damage equal to the amount of charges left.)

Another train enters the station but unlike every other train that seems to be coming in or out of the station, it is fucking EMPTY. That and the windows are oddly tinted to make looking inside pretty hard. Alexis and Wendy share a knowing look with each other before looking back at you. Benefit of having two corporate elites working for you today.

The six of you, not wanting to stick around with a crowd of mildly (to put it lightly) worried people who are probably ready to do something if you don't move, quickly pile into the train without a second thought.

[PERSON OF INTEREST] You feel like you're still being watched even as you board the train.
[PERSON OF INTEREST] Forget it. For your own sake? You're not in danger, from what I can tell.

Throwing the piles of excess winter-proof clothing onto the floor, you lay down on one of the many empty seats to try soothing your mind.
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Your allies are busy mingling with each other since for most of them, there's a LOT of new faces in the crowd. You're mostly content with just watching them since to be frank, you're not sure what to say to them.

Besides. It's better to let them have their fun before the mission begins, no? You do take some mental notes on how some of them have changed.

Lex interrupts himself mid conversation with Wendy (who he seems gravitated to for some reason). Wendy, while still flashing her usual shit eating grin, does look worried at the thug's sudden meekness.

"...What's that voice?" He whispers, as if he's not even aware he was in a conversation mere moments ago. <[???] It's sickening how you're even allowed to be with these people. They have so much POTENTIAL in them and you? What do YOU have, Lex?>


"Huh? I didn't know you had those too." Wendy tries to laugh off what she's seeing and even a few of your other allies are turning to check up on Lex.

He doesn't respond. You're about ready to get up to do something but he simply shakes his head, snapping out of it. "Sorry, sorry. Just some silly bad thoughts, yeah. Been hearing them for a while." His eyes flash a bright green for a brief moment.

Wendy narrows her eyes but she and the rest of the party decide to just go back to their previous conversation

>Lex gains +6.5% per 1 FLESH or RESTRAINT damage taken, 15% when receiving a CRIPPLING INJURY, or 25% when he enters COMBAT.

As for Wendy? That comment about her 'hearing that voice' tips something off in your mind but you can't help but to be shocked at what you see next. As if it was nothing in particular, one of the winter uniforms is levitating around Wendy.

It's obviously the telekinesis of someone who's never used telekinesis in their life before. They're barely able to float more than a few inches off the ground and with how intense Wendy's gaze is now, this seems to be taking a lot out of here.

But it's just enough to help her slap on the uniform quicker than the others.

>WENDY now has NOVICE TELEKINESIS! She can carry and move very light weight objects for free and for 2 RESTRAINT, she can throw an item at someone to add WILLPOWER to her attack roll. She'll unlock more abilities with practice.

You toss the upgraded implant you got at her. She instinctually activates her telekinesis but it only slows down its fall instead of catching it outright. It's enough for her to grab onto it...and she rushes into another part of the train to install.


As for Ashley? She's staring through one of the tinted windows on the train, out into the busy streets below of one of H-Corp's districts. Her eyes have an off red tint to them now...?
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[SIXTH SENSE] She whispers to herself, just barely audible to you since everyone else is too busy talking to each other. "A man with tusks will throw his trusty spade at one of our heads. The snow will be stained red..."

She snaps herself out of it. "Hm." She gives you an odd look but otherwise doesn't say anything.


Ominous. While your allies are decked out in the winter wear you gave them, you take this time to put it on yourself. As you take this moment to do so, your FORGOTTEN SIGNAL crackles to life. It's silent for a moment and you swear it's almost annoyed with how long its silence is.


Right as it does so, your train arrives at the station. The door to the outside world opens up to reveal-

FUCK. You were expecting it to be cold but even with the dozens of layers you're wearing, you can already feel every part of your body shivering from the intense rush of icy cold wind that just blew in. Even Alexis seems to flinch and hiss as the wind hits her. Must be even colder than she's used to.

Your other allies? Sans Quentin, they're already regretting coming onto the mission. It's too late to back down now, though. Huddling together to keep some level of warmth, your group exits the train and into the station you arrived at.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sNfojOroDCk - I-CORP NU-7

Well. 'Station' is too polite of a word, really. Aside from the platform you stepped on and the track leading to and from said platform, there's fucking NOTHING HERE. No people, no walls, no seats, nada. All that there is on the platform is a odd looking crate made out of a soft, pink metal labeled "FOR YOUR QUOTA. NICOLE, OPEN FOR PARADIGM."

Turning your attention away from the platform...it's a sight you have never seen before. The platform you're standing on is at the top of a pretty tall hill, about a solid 600~ feet tall, allowing you to get a pretty decent look at the scenery below.

At the bottom of the hill is a small town or, well, what's left of it. Most of the buildings are completely crumbled, covered by dozens of feet of snow. You're only able to tell there's any remnants of a building by a few bits of grey peeking out from the piles of snow.

A few brick and stone building stand tall but there's no lights on. Either no one lives there anymore or they're hiding. Neither soothes your nerves.

You look past the town. For miles on miles in all directions, the place is awashed in pearly white snow. It all becomes a haze that you can't remotely attempt to analyze or traverse. No wonder why Wiltshire said no one lives here.

"A winter wonderland." Wendy coos, almost like a child seeing snow for the first time. "Pure. Clean. Beautiful."
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You crack open the crate to see what PARADIGM the Handler (and U-Corp) left for your group.
>GOODS OF THE LAND (A cornucopia with the icon of a golden cross with jagged thorns carved into its side. Slowly generates freshly cooked food and warm drinks. Allies take a lot longer to exhaust and will heal 1 more FLESH from healing items.)

A note on it reads "RETURN AT END OF MISSION". Mmh. Sucks but you have enough as is to keep track of.
"Well that's bullshit." Lex sneers. "Might as well just ship regular rations if we can't keep it."

"Any rations they sent would've been frozen solid by now." Ashley points out. "We would have to take hours to set up camp and a fire and other junk. This is, sadly, more practical."

Alexis pulls out the map, gesturing at you and the others to huddle around it. You'll doubt you'll find everything at one place so you might as well explore as much of this subdistrict as possible. "Alright, where to first?"

There's a lot more on the map than the few locations you plan on picking from but they're too distant to be your first trek to. Might as well focus on the ones closest to the station, right?

>P-CORP CONSTRUCTION SITE OMEGA-9-CHI. Originally meant to house a facility, it was left abandoned after further construction was deemed not profitable. Part of the facility was built, though it's unlikely any anomalies are there. (VERY HIGH COLD IRON, LOW DRY ICE and ROTWOOD.)
>'MOUTH OF GOD'. A cave with some remarkable odd folklore attached to it involving 'ungodly beasts' living inside. Highly rich in natural resources. (HIGH COLD IRON and DRY ICE, no ROTWOOD.)
>'DARK FOREST'. One of the few places in this sub-district populated with plant life. The wildlife that has survived here must be tough as nails, you think... (HIGH ROTWOOD, MEDIUM DRY ICE, no COLD IRON)
>БOЛЬHИЦA. An abandoned hospital. Ran by Z-Corp as an initiative to help any people who live here out of 'goodwill', apparently. Stocked to the BRIM with useful supplies, though that likely attracted scavengers. (MEDIUM DRY ICE and COLD IRON, LOW ROTWOOD, decent loot as well! Riskier.)
>UNNAMED TOWN. No harm in investigating the town closest to you, right? (LOW in ALL RESOURCES, probably the safest one on this list.)
>ГOPOД ЛЮБBИ. Apparently one of the few active towns or villages nearby that has regular humans in it. Perhaps they could offer you a better lay of the land? (MEDIUM in ALL RESOURCES, chance to barter with them for unique items from I-Corp.)
>зa мpтвe. Rumored to be a village where the GRAVEROBBERS live. Far, far older than any of the other buildings or settlements here. They might not like outsiders. (Very likely to have HISTORIC artifacts, HIGH ROTWOOD and DRY ICE, low COLD IRON. Risky.)
I hate russiaboos
>ГOPOД ЛЮБBИ. Apparently one of the few active towns or villages nearby that has regular humans in it. Perhaps they could offer you a better lay of the land? (MEDIUM in ALL RESOURCES, chance to barter with them for unique items from I-Corp.)
>БOЛЬHИЦA. An abandoned hospital. Ran by Z-Corp as an initiative to help any people who live here out of 'goodwill', apparently. Stocked to the BRIM with useful supplies, though that likely attracted scavengers. (MEDIUM DRY ICE and COLD IRON, LOW ROTWOOD, decent loot as well! Riskier.)

I love our friends upgrades, but Lex needs to be a touch less self hating.

Also, do we give Ash the Hunting Knife we got from Dreary for the mission?
>зa мpтвe
No anomalous stuff, no super high tech. These are the oldest group here so getting them to know we're just here to collect material would be safe to get done early. Throw them excess party stuff and simple barter items if they're interested. Get what we're looking for then move onto the next
Oh shit yeah +1 to passing the BLOODSTAINED HUNTING KNIFE to Ashley
>E-CLASS RATIONS x4 (Very poor quality rations with dehydrated meat, fruits, and bottles of water. Useful during exploration, at least?)
We still have these. Definitely useful here for bartering or using in a pinch
>OIL BLACK BLOOD VIAL. (When used, improves your sense of smell, temporarily grants you +3d6 to all checks relating to locating a human, drone, or anomaly.)
This could be immensely clutch on this mission given the environment
>POWER DRILL. "Rips through everything with ease." (Has five fuel tanks.. Can spend 1 tank to precisely rip through a large section of stone or to make a ATTACK ROLL of 2d8+TALENT+VIOLENCE)
This along with the ICE PICK can be very controlled ways of getting through a place
>GRAPPLING HOOK (It's a fucking grappling hook. Comes with three air canisters. Allows you to reach areas otherwise impossible to access normally. Restores RESTRAINT on use.)
Ashley could get to a high place with this to use her new binocs. Quentin's got his flight to help back anybody up with going high if need be
>MEAT BAIT (Chunks of half rotten, wiggling meat of unknown origin. Can be used to lure animals and anomalies to and away from a location of your choice.)
Also worth to keep in mind on this mission
We can split into 2 groups of 3 with Alexis here
>REMOTE CONTROLLED AERIAL DRONE. Now comes with drifting functionality! (Has two charges before needing new batteries. Lets you scout buildings or observe people without risk to yourself.)
Wide open areas combined with snowy weather conditions makes good use of this a 50/50 shot

>ELITE SILVER WALKIE TALKIE (Crackles with voices you can't quite recognize and some that you do. Same as your normal walkie talkie but has access to some secret channels.)
>"None of it is to the point of being lethal or destructive, mind you. But odd weather patterns have been located across I-Corp, H-Corp, D-Corp, and R-Corp districts. Or 4, 8, 9, and 18. The most common oddity is electric interference that will mess with all forms of radio or digital communication. They will still be usable but..."
>"You might be able to learn secrets you otherwise might not be privy to should you try to use said equipment in those districts. Secrets that they might KILL YOU to hide."

Supporting these ideas, especially the radio.
I mean there's no need to use what I listed right now, just that this mission is a good one to merit using them on. We have so many items that actively expending them can benefit us... but you can't use a fucking cool grappling hook if there's no building or structure to climb like Batman, or if we don't pick or write-in an option that uses it, right? That's the nature of reality and stories and choosing your path through life. For every choice there's who knows how many others not taken.
I was mostly saying these are good ideas for if stuff comes up. We can use the radio right now. Same with the earpieces, but they might be affected by the interference.
Like look here for example >>6072886
We had all those cool options to blow Katherine out using what we had. But instead we decided on the thematically-fitting Handler talk one, even risking it going bad because of it. We got a good and- dare I say it?- kino story update from it and still won the encounter and completed the mission. Could we have gone with any of the other ones for any other reason? Yeah. Would they have got us different rewards? Yeah. But did we? No.
If we have the action time to use the ELITE SILVER WALKIE TALKIE on the way to the first destination, then I'm all for +1ing that. We have 5 allies with us to also watch the surroundings on the way while Nicole uses it to listen in on the glownigs, ESPECIALLY when TV MAN told us they'd try to start serious business on the next mission we're on right now. And come on. It's a walkie talkie. We're doing the walkie, so it's up to the agents on the other end to do the talkie.
>We're doing the walkie, so it's up to the agents on the other end to do the talkie.

kek. Yeah I don't see why we couldn't use that when moving. But IDK, up to QM.
>>ГOPOД ЛЮБBИ. Apparently one of the few active towns or villages nearby that has regular humans in it. Perhaps they could offer you a better lay of the land? (MEDIUM in ALL RESOURCES, chance to barter with them for unique items from I-Corp.)
>ГOPOД ЛЮБBИ. Apparently one of the few active towns or villages nearby that has regular humans in it. Perhaps they could offer you a better lay of the land? (MEDIUM in ALL RESOURCES, chance to barter with them for unique items from I-Corp.)
Hopefully there is a side mission that people in the town and the gravedigger can give us.
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[SEEKER OF THE CITY] Okay, you think you read a bit of this dialect before. G-Corp is only two districts away from I-Corp.
[SEEKER OF THE CITY] You admit, you're super rusty, but it's one of the few dialects you can speak.
[SEEKER OF THE CITY] "City of Love". Maybe more apt to say "Love City" or "Love Town". Creepy.

"Uh, ГOPOД ЛO...Love Town right?" You point at the town in question.
"Wow, that was AWFUL but yeah, that's what is written on the map. You want to go there?"

The other one you could read are "HOSPTIAL" and "FOR THE DEAD". You rather not deal with those yet. You can always visit them later.

"Sure. We have to go somewhere and if people are there, maybe there's a side mission? Money is power, power is god, etc etc."

"Whatever the boss says goes." Lex moves to pick up the Quota Box (as you will be referring to it from now on). With one hand, he easily holds the bulky box with one arm. There's not a lot Lex can do but by god, he makes up for it by being STRONG.


"Before we do-" You open up your INVENTORY to vomit up some of your excess inventory onto your less-stocked allies and to restock some of your previous allies. You proceed to give your allies the following:

>DOUBLE BARRLED SHOTGUN and 4 DRAGONFIRE SHOTGUN BUCKSHOT (For when punching isn't feasible)
>EXPIRED SINSUL ALPHA x3 (He really doesn't lose anything from the stat penalties if he takes them.)
>UVX #1 x2 (To make him even bulkier.)
>AUTOSTIMPAK x1 (In case he gets TOO hurt. Keep on fighting, soldier.)

>TASER (She has the TALENT to use it.)
>BLOODSTAINED HUNTING KNIFE (LEX is strong enough without a melee weapon, ALEXIS can't really use it, others have better options)
>SPOOK SHADES (You have a surplus of these. Might as well.)
>GRAPPLING HOOK (In case you find somewhere tall she can scout out from.)

>3 SILVER BULLETS and 5 ARMOR PIERCING PISTOL ROUNDS (Keep that shell fresh, Quinny. Also restocks his ammo.)
>SPOOK SHADES (You have a surplus of these AND he's in a spook shell. Fitting.)

>DAY TRIP BOTTLE (She's probably going to be chatting a lot with people.)
>I-CORP BRIEFCASE (You feel like she deserves it.)
>SPOOK SHADES (Last pair. You gave one to Kiara ages ago and you're reequiping one yourself.)
>RAW SUNSTONE CHUNK (Everyone here is relatively protected/bulky BESIDES her. She needs it.)

>"RICRESCERE" and "GEWALT" BLOOD REPLACEMENT VIAL (For emergencies. She is a SILVER IMPLANT user now.)
>HEAVY REVOLVER ROUND x4 (Restocks her ammo.)

That's enough loot handing out for now. Best to move before Quentin's shell cracks or an actual human has their blood frozen. With you leading the way, you begin your trek down the hill. Hoo boy.
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At least for now, making progress isn't that hard. It's biting cold and your group has to huddle together to keep some level of warmth (sans Quentin, he enjoys the cold) but otherwise? Nothing's really hampering you for now.

Six hundred feet of hill DOES take a while to get down but you're already seeing the benefit of the new PARADIGM you got. Your group is keeping warm with the six glasses of warm cocoa that was manifested from it during your trek down.

You instinctually know it's out of charge and needs time to refuel but by the time your group reaches the bottom of the hill, all of you feel fine. Lex promptly put the cornucopia into the QUOTA BOX for safekeeping.

[HIGH COGNIZANCE!] Alexis, Wendy, and Lex don't notice anything off. You, Ashley, and Quentin though? You three manage to caught the hint of something darting throughout the abandoned town you're at the edge of.

It was tall. Real tall, even taller than Lex (who by himself is roughly 7'11?) so it was FREAKISHLY tall. They had something in their hand. A spear of some sort? The only other thing you manage to catch is that it had matte grey skin. So not a human.

It's gone as soon as you turn to look at it and by the looks of it, it doesn't seem to be following YOU specifically.

"Hm. Should we tell the others?" You whisper to the other two who noticed.
"I agree. Keep an eye out in case it pops up again." Ashley takes a moment to tie her baseball bat to her back before pulling out the hunting knife you gave her. "Also, I think it had a shovel? Weird."

It's settled. After catching up with the other three, you start the long trek over to Love Town.

There's not much to say as your group spends the next god knows how long trekking through the expansive and featureless snowy terrain between the train station and LOVE TOWN. The bright morning sun shines above your group with an innocent hatred and while it is bright, any heat it could provide is drowned by the frigid air around you.

The good thing is that you have full line-of-sight of a WIDE radius around you. The only thing besides the snowy terrain and your own group is that, miles and miles away from your group in both directions, you can barely make out the outline of some remarkably tall mountains.

The only sound besides the wind is your group stepping wadding through six inches of snow. It's oddly peaceful.

Wendy is looking around, awe-struck at the environment she has found herself in. "This is what snow looks like, huh?"
"Pft, what, you don't know?" Lex fiddles with the googles and face mask of his uniform.
"W-Corp doesn't really get snow." Ashley points out to Lex. "More of a, what, desert climate?"

"Not a lot of weather in general, keh. We're lucky to get rain. Mostly just dust storms."
"Well I'm glad you get to see it for the first time." Lex flashes a goofy smile.
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You take a moment to listen into the ELITE SILVER WALKIE TALKIE. What's the harm, right? No one is around besides you six. As you fiddle with it, an odd electric interface prevents you from making out most of what's going on. Huh, it's already this bad?


That's the last you get before the signal goes cold. You don't like the implication of ANY of that.

You catch something in the horizon. Ashley fiddles with her binoculars to make sure it's what you're looking for. With a thumbs up, she confirms it's your target. "Let's move."

It doesn't take long for the six of you to end up at the edge of LOVE TOWN.

The town itself is protected and surrounded by a fence made out of tall, thick off-blue wooden logs that have been driven into the ground. The tips of the logs have been sharpened into razor sharp points, as if they're worried something will try climbing over them.

The gate that leads in and out of the town is currently locked shut with no apparent way to enter it for the time being. Two men are standing guard by the entrance while a third one, who seems to be perched on some platform behind the gate, is staring you down.

All three of them are wearing pretty similar uniforms. A large patchwork cloak made out of random animal furs is draped over them. Underneath the cloak are colorful hand-knitted shirts and pants that have patterns of flowers and other plants on them.

The two entrance guards have thick spears made out of the same off-blue wood with icy steel for their tips. The one behind the gate has what appears to be a crossbow, remarkably more high tech than the other two.

"КO CИ TИ?" "OДAКЛE CTE ДOШЛИ?" Ah. Shit, you barely understand I-Corp's dialect (let alone their rustic-sounding one) but you know they're asking who you are and where you came from.

Alexis is able to patch in. Your understanding falters past basic phrases but her CHARM is enough to lower the guards long enough for a proper conversation to happen and for them to switch to the universal City Dialect.

"Hm. Outsiders, it seems. You have to understand how...our situation is here. We can not in good faith let you in." GUARD A solemnly responds to Alexis.
"Indeed. Not since the Graverobbers have been making their move." GUARD B nods his head approvingly at his older comrade's comment.

"No, no." You now notice that the third guard is a young woman around your age. Perhaps that's why she has the crossbow. "We can let them in...if they offer tribute. We are running low on...supplies and manpower."

"Anfisa!" GUARD B hisses out. "Do not say such things to outsiders! Who knows what their intentions here are."
"Look." Lex raises his free hand up in mock surrender. "We really aren't here to hurt you. We're here to collect some ice and metal and stuff."

"Hm. We may have that." GUARD A keeps a firm grip on his spear. "But Anfisa is right. We need a tribute. You seem far more well supplied than us."

Wendy grits her teeth at the idea of having to give these guys anything but her business sense is enough to override her anger. "Hm. What kind of tribute?"

"You clearly have a lot, so..." Anfisa waves her crossbow in your group's general direction. "Money. Food. Weapons. Medicine. We'll deem if it is worth entry, outsiders." Mmh. This isn't what you expected but you suppose you shouldn't try fighting one of the few human villages here.

What do you want to offer them as tribute?

>Money, the universal language of the City. You got some to burn. Offer them that. (-$500. Nothing more, nothing less.)
>[ASHLEY ALLY] "Actually, if you're low on manpower...we can be of service?" See if they have a side mission you can do. (You'll get another optional objective to complete. You'll be rewarded handsomely by the village for completing it alongside being allowed in.)
>[WENDY ALLY] You can already tell Wendy has a pitch in store. Help her along with it. "WELL, YOU SEE, EVER HEARD OF WONDER-CORP'S WONDERFUL STONES?" Huh. That's what the W stands for? (-3 RAW NOVASTONES from Wendy's inventory, -1 VOIDSTONE FRAGEMENT from your inventory, +1 W-CORP FAVOR for helping Wendy.)
>[QUENTIN ALLY] "WE HAVE MEDICINE AND DRUGS FOR YOUR PEOPLE." (-1 AUTOSTIMPAK, UVX MODEL #222, JOYVEL PILL and ACTIVATED CHARCOAL. You feel like you'll earn their respect for the villages, making it easier to talk to them later.)
>[LEX ALLY] "We have some excess weapons. You probably need them more than us." Arm them up with some supplies. (-PIPE from Wendy's inventory, -HANDMADE GUN, POCKET KNIFE and 5 ARMOR-PIERCING PISTOL AMMO from your inventory. They'll be able to defend themselves better.)
>[ALEXIS ALLY] Alexis seems to have something to say. Let her do her thing. (MODERATE CHARM DC: 18 (-2 from being I-CORP RESIDENT), rolling Alexis' 6d6 only. Pass and you'll be able to enter the village free of charge while getting some valuable information about the land around you.)
>"Actually, I have some food here." (-2 HIGH QUALITY SEAFOOD BOXES or E-CLASS RATIONS x2 and 1 HIGH QUALITY SEAFOOD BOX. Write in which one to give. The village will reward you HANDSOMELY for the imported goods.)
>Offer them something else? (Write in up to six items to give them. The more valuable the pile is, the more likely they are to reward you.)

>Write in (Try another way to impress them? Give up and go somewhere else?)
>[ALEXIS ALLY] Alexis seems to have something to say. Let her do her thing. (MODERATE CHARM DC: 18 (-2 from being I-CORP RESIDENT), rolling Alexis' 6d6 only. Pass and you'll be able to enter the village free of charge while getting some valuable information about the land around you.)
>[LEX ALLY] "We have some excess weapons. You probably need them more than us." Arm them up with some supplies. (-PIPE from Wendy's inventory, -HANDMADE GUN, POCKET KNIFE and 5 ARMOR-PIERCING PISTOL AMMO from your inventory. They'll be able to defend themselves better.)

We don’t need this crap. It’s not like they’ll ever be able to effectively fight us anyways.
We can't give weapons like this to the Gravekeepers if we ever come across them. They don't use guns or this sort of junk. I like this option
>fancy pink bottle
Fits her well
The first man whose body he took over?
>flooding with tears
We're going to go get vodka SMASHED after the mission, aren't we? Just wait until then
>I am- Lex is
Nice bleedthrough there
We wouldn't have these if Alexis wasn't on the mining mission with us. Nice way our choices affect small changes

>new faces
First time Wendy is meeting everybody but Quentin and Alexis is meeting Ashley, I think?
>gravitated to
Because Wendy is a fellow schizo sister to Nicole
>hearing them for a while
God I knew TORMENTED SPARK upgrade was a fucking mistake. I liked the idea of Lex not being anomalous except the tattoos, but I'm also starting to like the undercurrent of Lex going for anomalous powers because he thinks Nicole and all this SHIFTER business is so cool. But now the poor man has Carmen in his ears. We need to talk to him and keep him grounded from his new self-loathing as we go
He's the group's tank and meathead, this'll be easy for him to get naturally
I'm noticing a lot of our allies have been getting lots of WILLPOWER and RESTRAINT stat upgrades lately. I wonder why?
She has no cognitive dissonance about any of this huh? How come?
>installed REPROGRAMMED 面纱
That anomalous resistance might come in clutch someday
>off red tint
We found out Ashley was going to be a SHIFTER or anomalous, but she had rejected it because hearing that BITCH telling her lies and stupid shit spooked her. That's also why she had such strong reactions to Nicole's anomalousness throughout the quest. Now though, I hope she's doing better about that on her end.

But it isn't quite a SPARK. Might be something more constrained or singular in scope, exclusive to her?
Is it because the bad snowstorm is affecting all electronics, and even though the FORGOTTEN SIGNAL is an anomalous object it's also an electronic? The idea of it getting this way is pretty funny
I can picture this place in my head. This is going to be one hell of a mission
>winter wonderland
Maruyama would say 銀世界

This is nice and all, but nothing says we can't break out the H-CORP WARMING UNIT Z-5 and have a nice grill if the opportunity is right? 1 more FLESH healed from healing items is a huge deal if we're in for a struggle with whatever the glowniggers are planning here
This doesn't suck at all and I'm fine with not keeping this
>two districts away
I still say that despite all the shit that the City's Archivist said to Nicole, projecting or otherwise, that there has to be something to Nicole being from G-Corp. Or am I wrong and she isn't even from here? I thought I was being smart thinking of threads to follow for her past, but...
>"Love Town"
>the Quota Box
We lose this, it's mission failure

With his stats he's better with the shottie than Kiara is. SINSUL ALPHA I had the idea to give him for the base assault anyway. I dunno if UVX #1 would even help our super-frail allies like Max, Naomi, Casey, or Benjamin stay alive. TORMENTED SPARK is buffed from taking a CRIPPLING INJURY, so it's good that he has AUTOSTIMPAK
Ashley could use the TASER well with her slight future vision. We planned for her to have the HUNTING KNIFE already. I forgot she has 6 TALENT, so SERVICE PISTOL is nice backup. I love her having the SPOOK SHADES too because it adds to her punk aesthetic
Great on that SILVER AMMO for him. He can fly and reach high enough places that the FLARE GUN is better in his hands than anybody else's in drawing attention. FLASHBANG fits because he doesn't really need to see or hear that much to fly around, and I can imagine him priming the flashbang then rushing to cling to the target to make SURE everything hits them as a nonlethal suicide bomber. SPOOK SHADES also fit him, he's literally a spy bug.
Nobody mainlines CHARM and CONNECTIONS like Alexis does (except Handler). I-CORP BRIEFCASE stays on her no matter what. Last pair of SPOOK SHADES means we need to loot more of them for team style. RAW SUNSTONE CHUNK is also a wise pick because I keep forgetting Alexis has 4 FLESH 3 RESTRAINT
She can use her new telekinesis with the molotovs to make sure they hit. I like us keeping the second "RICRESCERE" as an emergency. One shot of HEAVY REVOLVER ROUND is all she needs to land in a tough fight, then she can just pull out another weapon and go nuts
>loot handing out
Excess loot distribution is super wise and I'm perfectly fine with all of this

>sans Quentin
Imagine him just flopping on the ground making snow angels as everybody else watches
>six glasses of warm cocoa
This PARADIGM is OP. What sort of anomaly could have manifested this thing?
Oh shit rare trait activation
Is Slenderman somewhere in this place?
I miss snow too

Mystery CEO is a confirmed enemy of the silvers
We need to move to I-Corp ASAP. Wait a sec...
I don't wanna engage their Blue Sicko mode

>[ASHLEY ALLY] "Actually, if you're low on manpower...we can be of service?" See if they have a side mission you can do. (You'll get another optional objective to complete. You'll be rewarded handsomely by the village for completing it alongside being allowed in.)
I have an idea: we can stealthily steal their explosives with help from Adam's mechanic skills, Frank ETF training, or Naomi military experience. We can use the explosives on silver agent base.
>PULSATING GEAR (Passively interferes with electronics and other machinery. May unlock certain choices.)
This can be helpful in defusing the silver agent bomb.
Brilliant idea, but we don't have anybody in the party that can do that right now. We'll have to call them over to Nicole's place to do that
>[LEX ALLY] "We have some excess weapons. You probably need them more than us." Arm them up with some supplies. (-PIPE from Wendy's inventory, -HANDMADE GUN, POCKET KNIFE and 5 ARMOR-PIERCING PISTOL AMMO from your inventory. They'll be able to defend themselves better.)
The Glowies’ OpSec is appalling.
There is no good reason to still be using the same radio encryption after all this time.

These morons deserve to lose at this point. They’re being hard carried by a singularity.
How much do you wanna bet at least 8 other Wings are like that, where their singularity is solely what's keeping them afloat and they would have fallen to their own incompetence years ago otherwise?
LEX: XQ9, 3kt, cQF, r1f

Seems pretty obvious what to do.

>First time Wendy is meeting everybody but Quentin and Alexis is meeting Ashley, I think?
Answering this for clarification,
Wendy has only ever met Quentin before
Alexis hasn't worked with Ashley, Quentin, or Wendy before.
Rest haven't met Wendy

>The Glowies’ OpSec is appalling.
On one hand, yes, that's their main weakness. On the other, you'll get an explanation as to why you still have access next update.

The issue with that is that you're in the middle of bumfuck nowhere in a Not!Russian winter wasteland with electronic interference that heavily hampers contact with the outside world. Your phone won't work and It's frankly a miracle the spook radios even work. You'll have to find somewhere closer to modern civilization to try calling your other allies.

Though, Alexis' radio from her [CORPORATE ELITE] boon might be able to contact the outside world.

Do you want to ask her to do that? Leaving this open for three to four hours or until three votes come through
>NO HARM TRYING? (This will complicate things a LOT if high corporate officials got involved and the spooks realized there's a rat. Would probably stop the building explosion at least.)
>PROBABLY NOT WISE. (Best to keep them under the false idea that no one can hear their plans. You rather not push your luck with this.)
I wonder if we could fool the silver agents into thinking Nicole did die in the explosion
>PROBABLY NOT WISE. (Best to keep them under the false idea that no one can hear their plans. You rather not push your luck with this.)
I would take that bet. Naomi was probably the last competent agent they had, and she is old as fuck.
Three hours have passed, not going to wait for one more vote that's just a confirmation, writing.
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Something's bothering you. You raise your hand up to ask the guards for a moment to check something. They keep their weapons trained on you to keep up face but they otherwise don't move.

You dig into your pocket to pull your ELITE SPOOK AGENT RADIO and your PULSATING GEAR. You toss the PULSATING GEAR a few feet away before trying to use the radio.


This rightfully causes your allies and guards to panic. You drag the gear back into your inventory via telekinesis and bam, it just goes back to playing white noise due to poor signal. Seems like they DID change the signals but you have a PARADIGM to partially counter it.

"Okay, look, let's not mince words. We outarm and outnumber you but we're not here to start anything."
"wait did you move that with your mind." One of the guards whispers as if he saw a deity manifest in front of him.

Not bothering to answer, you throw out your tribute. A shitty handmade gun, a pocket knife, some ammo for said gun, and Wendy chips in with a hunk of metal pipe you stole GOD knows how long ago.

To these guards, you might as well be a god blessing them with treasure. Despite it being litter in your inventory. The two doorguards scramble to pick them up while Anfisa jumps down from the platform she's standing on, disappearing behind the wall.

The gate slowly opens up, revealing the village behind it. Your group takes this as a sign to go on in and so, you enter the walled off village to see how it's handling itself.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EvkcJ1k5rT0 - LOVE TOWN

The first thing that strikes your group is just how quiet the village is. It's as if it was a ghost town.

The village itself is pretty small all things considered. Aside from the log fence surrounding it and a few scattered off-blue trees, there's only about ten buildings total inside of the village. All but one are circled around a statue that has been planted firmly in the middle of the village.

It's an old stone statue that has long since seen better days. It's missing an arm and a lot of the detail on it has been chipped away by weather and time. It is of a man with a long, flowing regal cloak draped over his body. A vest with the symbol of a two-headed eagle is worn underneath said robe. Any other detail has been lost to time.

[SEEKER OF THE CITY] You know L-Corp has a 'King' but the only other Corporate CEO you know of with a 'Royalty' title is N-Corp. You doubt it's someone from modern day I-Corp.

You turn to Alexis. Even she can't identify it so all she offers is a shrug. Seems like it's just a gap in your group's knowledge.

Checking on the actual buildings, five of them are small windowless wooden huts with wood roofing that have a smoking chimney blasting a steady stream of smoke into the air. None of the doors are open sans one that has a small child poking her head around the doorframe.
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An old sounding woman with an incomprehensibly thick accent calls out to the child. She promptly retreats away. That's about the only person you've seen besides the guards and Anfisa. Seems like those are just regular every day houses.

Anfisa pops up behind your group without making a single fucking sound. Everyone jumps for a moment except for Ashley, who has a shit-eating smirk on her face. Bitch foresaw that, huh?

"I apologize for...the lack of a proper introduction. Our village has seen better days. Most of our good men are out hunting for resources while the rest are...sick."

"UNDERSTANDABLE." Quentin chirps out, looking around the quiet and empty village. "THIS PLACE LACKS THE HOSPITALABLE CONDITIONS NECESSARY FOR HUMANS."
"Ah, another Бeзликий? Advanced one, if you have face!" "Faceless?" You pry into that odd comment. You recognize that, at least.

"The workers with no face, those? We have one too. He came from outside." Anfisa chirps out with a faint smile. "Very skilled worker, asks not for much."

"Interesting! Hey, guess you got a friend here, huh Quinny?" Lex jabs his elbow into Quentin. He only offers a weak laugh as response.

Turning your attention to the rest of the village to see what you have to work with:

There's a small building made of roughly carved stone tucked away at the northmost corner of the village, away from the rest. A bright orange glow is pouring out of it and you swear the snow around the stone structure is melting. "Blacksmith. He may have some supplies for your kind." Probably has some COLD IRON you can bargain for.

There's also a honest to god regular brick building, like you would see in an actual town in the rest of the City, is dead north from the odd statue. Its windows have frosted over and the wooden door has been firmly shut close. Yellow light pours out of its windows "That is where our mayor works. He is very busy man. Maybe you can assist him, strangers." Free money? Tempting.

Two wooden huts, like the rest of the residential buildings, have been covered in odd looking paint. One has a red cross painted on the side while the other one has a % symbol painted onto its side. "Healer hut. Shop, barter." Anfisa clarifies.

The last building of note is a really, REALLY rundown shack that's made out of old metal scraps and whatever bits of plastic, wood, and other building materials has been scavenged. It barely looks like it barely functions. "Our Бeзликий works there. He may help you, need be."

"Thank you, Anfisa." Alexis offers her best smile towards the young girl. She points towards the statue. "May we ask about that?"
"That was last trustworthy ruler of I-Corp. 2100. Nicholas Petrov. Very good man." Ah. Seems like they don't get much contact with the outside world then, huh?

Oh well. You might as well split up your group to investigate the village before you have to move on. You doubt this place will be able to provide for the QUOTA BOX by itself.
Choose three buildings to check or people to talk to. You'll automatically split your group into three groups of two to make scouting out this place quick.

Write in which one YOU want to explore personally when picking. You'll be able to influence it a bit more directly while the other two groups do their thing.

>BLACKSMITH. Might as well give him some old junk you don't need in exchange for COLD IRON. (-2 HARPOON GUNS, -DIGITAL CAMERA. In exchange for the goods, he'll offer 4 COLD IRON and some tips on where to find more when you leave town.)
>MAYOR'S BUILDING. Hey, if you can kill two birds with one stone with whatever request the Mayor has, that'll be swell. Alexis can probably work over a good deal. (You'll get an OPTIONAL MISSION if you pick this for some decent cash and resources.)
>HEALER'S HUT. You can get some real easy goodwill if you offer them some healing supplies. Maybe you can even get some temporary allies who know the lay of the land better or to scout out for you.
>SHOP. Might have some DRY-10 or ROTWOOD that it's willing to give away or, hell, even some I-Corp items. (-PARTY TIME BUNDLE. Write in whether you want to barter for DRY-10, ROTWOOD, or I-CORP ITEMS. You may pick two if you also spend two of your four E-CLASS RATIONS.)
>MAP SHACK. You DO want a better lay of the land and Quentin might be able to communicate or relate to his command better. (You'll unlock two more places to visit and some advice for the ones you have access to. Simple.)
>VILLAGER HOUSE #3. Someone is standing in the doorway to their hut. They seem to be eyeing you up. "Outsiders. I need you to find someone for me." Ominous. See what they meant by that specifically.
>Anfisa is shifting around in place as if she wants to ask you or tell you about something. Have someone talk to her. (You'll get some lore and information about the region that the others villagers might be unwilling to talk about. SEEKER can help fill in the gaps.)
>MAYOR'S BUILDING. Hey, if you can kill two birds with one stone with whatever request the Mayor has, that'll be swell. Alexis can probably work over a good deal. (You'll get an OPTIONAL MISSION if you pick this for some decent cash and resources.)
Alexis and Wendy
>MAP SHACK. You DO want a better lay of the land and Quentin might be able to communicate or relate to his command better. (You'll unlock two more places to visit and some advice for the ones you have access to. Simple.)
Quentin and Lex
>VILLAGER HOUSE #3. Someone is standing in the doorway to their hut. They seem to be eyeing you up. "Outsiders. I need you to find someone for me." Ominous. See what they meant by that specifically.
Ashley and Nicole
+1 why not
optional jobs plus info on places to go next
we need to start looting those materials though, because the silver agents haven't begun their bullshit yet and things are still calm
"I apologize for...the lack of a proper introduction. Our village has seen better days. Most of our good men are out hunting for resources while the rest are...sick."
>the rest are...sick."
we can gain a lot of good will and rewards from people in town if we go to Z-CORP to scavenge for medicine supplies to give them. And I am curious if the Z-CORP abandoned hospital is actually a scientific experiment to test something on the people in the surrounding area. Maybe is responsible for creation the "ungodly beast"? We can potentially find some useful items in the Z-Corp hospital that can help us deal with the beast.
"The workers with no face, those? We have one too. He came from outside." Anfisa chirps out with a faint smile. "Very skilled worker, asks not for much."
>"Very skilled worker, asks not for much."
Silver agent? Did he just arrive in town?
They mean drones

Hospital sounds good
Silver agent organizations do have drone silver agents. https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2024/5944282/
One man, one woman, and one Drone in bright silver outfits are sitting around at one of the patio tables outside of the coffee shop. You could tell one is a Drone since unlike the other two, his 'face' doesn't have any static covering his already blank face.

You immediately rush to hide behind something to eavesdrop on them.

"Shouldn't be talking about this in public. Liable for information to leak." The Woman in Silver hisses through clenched teeth.
Good catch, I forgot drone silver agents don't need the face-static singularity. Quentin also kept the ELITE SPOOK SHELL. I doubt a silver agent is here but it would be wise to check
Smart. Forgot about that.
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With a simple command, your allies scatter to scout out and talk to the various people in the village. You only visited here for a quick lay of the land and an extra job or two. You don't plan on saying here long.

Wendy seems WAY too disappointed at the idea of being separated from Lex for someone who's only known him for an hour tops, but before she can complain too much, Alexis drags her over to the mayor's office like she's her bratty daughter.

Lex and Quentin turn to look at each other. Lex raises his fist. Quentin raises his. They fistbump. Both of them crack silly-looking smiles, though Quentin struggles to move his facial muscles into a smile. All is well in the world. The two are about ready to stroll over to the MAP SHACK but you grab Quentin's shoulder at the last second.

You whisper something to the two of them. "Let Quentin go in first. See if the Drone reacts weird to a fellow spook." The two nod, even if they're not sure WHY you're asking this.

You then let the two go to deal with the shack.

"Welp." You turn to Ashley. "How much do you want to bet we'll be sent on some shitty fetch quest?"
Ashley takes a deep breath, letting cold air flood her lungs before she answers. "Considering he's calling us over, it's probably something about a Graverobber or he wants us to do his job for him."

[UNSTABLE + PERSON OF INTEREST] "Think it's a trick or a trap or somethin'?" Your gaze bounces around the village, as if trying to make sure no one is watching you. Can't ever be TOO sure in unknown territory. "What if the 'Faceless' was just a silver agent-"

"Dunno. Let's talk to them first." Ashley pats you on the head in an attempt to calm you down. "You got those wild eyes again. If anything bad happens, we'll be able to handle it. No need to rile yourself up." You're almost disgusted at how good you felt when she patted your head.

Oh well.

With your nerves calmed for now, you decide to see what this random NPC FUCK WHO YOU SHOULD PUNCH—this random dude wants. Father Above, your head feels like a mess.

House #3 is to the north, so it takes a bit to walk over there. You couldn't really get a good read on who was calling out for you, all you had to work on was their outline and voice. With the winter wind blowing throughout the village, you basically have no idea what to expect as you approach the house.

The man standing by the doorway is roughballing here, in his late 30s? You're guessing because it's clear living here has done a NUMBER to him that normal City life doesn't. His dark yellow eyes have sunken into his face, heavy eyebags underneath them from days or weeks with little sleep. His fur-lined outfit is drenched in dark, foul-smelling stains that reek of either infection or dark crimson blood.

His boots are held together with old leather straps and string, while his pants are roughly stitched together, clearly made from leftover scrap materials.

His left arm has been hacked clean off. However, there's something in its place.
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There'sa hunk of ice in a rough approximation shape of a human arm that has merged with the stump of his arm. It's clearly anomalous in some way since he opens the hand of his ice faux-arm, extending it out for a handshake.

One thing catches your eye however. The things growing on his head.

A pair of dark brown, gnarled, and scarred antlers have sprouted out of his head. They're also a lot longer than yours, measuring at a foot and a half in length. A flash of jealousy rushes through your subconscious mind. You're FINE with having six-inch antlers, damnit.

[SEEKER OF THE CITY] For a brief moment, you thought you recognized this man. However, you never met this man in your life before.

"G-Corp?" The Antlered Man tilts his head at you as if he had the same thought as you.
"Yeah? Well, I live there; I'm not associated with them. Wait, how could you tell?" You're confused as to how he could gleam that.

He taps at his antlers.

[SEEKER OF THE CITY] G-Corp is a transportation company. Deers and transportation have been loosely associated before in the human subconscious. It makes a loose kind of sense.
[ANOMALOUS ABILITIES] Usually by having a vehicle ram into them. A symbol of death or fear. Being caught deer in the headlights.
[SEEKER OF THE CITY] Perhaps a desire to outrun something? Or feeling like something is hunting you down?
[DEER IN WOLF'S CLOTHING] You're strong enough to fight back now, Nicole.

Ashley shoves at your side to snap you out of your weird introspection. Okay, yeah, no need to dwell on YOU for too long.

"Sorry if I dredged something up, miss. I do wish to ask for a favor from the two of you. You are explorers, yes?" The Antlered Man lowers his hand. It seems like he's worried he offended you somehow.

"Sorry about her. She can get a bit doe-eyed-" Ashley cuts herself off. "Damnit. Look, you didn't do anything offensive. What DO you want to talk to us about, uh...?" She waits for him to offer up a man.

"Don. Call me that for now." For now? How ominous. "I have seen better days as you can clearly see. Even after this new ability I awoken to yesterday has done little to bring me back into fighting shape." Yesterday. Hrm. That lines up with the partial reseal of the P-Corp facility.

"Was it a Graverobber that did it?" Ashley asks. "I've been hearing a lot about them. Something is telling me they're important for some reason."

"Nah, nah." Don shakes his head. "They look big and scary but they're flighty creatures. Bear ripped it off when I tried to kill it for me."

"A bear?" You can't decide whether to laugh at him or to pity him. "Did you have no better option?"
"Nah. Most of the prey animals hide too well. We follow the bears and wolves to try getting what scraps we can." Pity overpowers any amount of amusement you felt about his situation.
"Well, what do you want us to do? I doubt we can get you a new arm." Ashley rubs her arm with an awkward look on her face. "Maybe we can kill the animal that did to you?"

"Hm." Don seems to consider it for a moment. "Perhaps. I got three requests for you. I can get some of the other villagers to do the other two, but we need someone to lighten the load, you see?"

You nod. Given what you've heard from Anfisa, this place has seen FAR better days.

"Alright. I can't offer much, but I trust that you'll be able to help us out, Seeker." Wait, what the FUCK? You flinch upon hearing that title out of him.

"Nicole, do you-"
[UNSTABLE PERSON OF INTEREST] "No, I fucking don't. Is he a secret agent-"
[SIXTH SENSE] "Calm down. I don't sense anything. He's clear; he won't backstab us. It's fine." Ashley throws her hands up in the air. Her eyes shimmer with an off-red hue as she says this. "Let's not overthink this, okay?"

You doubt it's a good idea to pry too far into what he meant by that 'Seeker' comment. You'll focus on getting the stupid task out of him before leaving the village.

Which task do you accept? Choose one; you are already getting another optional mission from the MAYOR later.
>"Sure. I want you to kill that bear for me. He's a hardy motherfucker so it'll be a tough fight. Bring me his head. I'll tell you where I last saw the bastard." (MODERATE DIFFICULTY. REWARD: $333, +1 LEX RAPPORT from killing a bear for god's sake. You'll also get some BEAR MEAT (heals FLESH and temporarily boosts VIOLENCE by a lot) and BEAR FUR (can be used to upgrade armor).)
>"I heard that there's an old stash from the 1930s somewhere in some nearby ruins. I'll mark it on your map. Bring back four old relics from that stash." (EASY DIFFICULTY. REWARD: $150, you'll get to keep two of the relics you find there, you'll get to learn more about the Old World and City.)
>"We need medicine. They're hard to come across even in the City proper, but the nearby hospital has some. I heard there be monsters in that cursed place..." (CHALLENGING DIFFICULTY. REWARD: +$200 per TRAUMA KIT, +$50 per GAUZE ROLL, varying prices for other medicine.)
>Accept none of them but offer Don some rations and booze for his time. (-1 E-CLASS RATION and 1 HIGH QUALIY WHISKEY. He'll pay you $75 and a HISTORIC TRINKET that might be useful enough to keep instead of selling.)
>Accept none of them. Apologize for not being able to assist. Leave. (Costs nothing, gives nothing.)
>"We need medicine. They're hard to come across even in the City proper, but the nearby hospital has some. I heard there be monsters in that cursed place..." (CHALLENGING DIFFICULTY. REWARD: +$200 per TRAUMA KIT, +$50 per GAUZE ROLL, varying prices for other medicine.)
"And third: Rotwood. There's barely any plants there but the few that are gathered there are remarkably hardy.
>I-Corp wants to personally study as many samples of it as they can. Perhaps to bring plant life back to more of the City? Or for some other purpose?"

>Hm. That's the oddest of the three in your eyes.
Strange amount of incendiary weapons and RESTRAINT heal or boost.
>БOЛЬHИЦA. An abandoned hospital. Ran by Z-Corp as an initiative to help any people who live here out of 'goodwill', apparently. Stocked to the BRIM with useful supplies, though that likely attracted scavengers. (MEDIUM DRY ICE and COLD IRON, LOW
Is Z-Corp trying to study something horrible in the DARK FOREST?
>Anfisa is shifting around in place as if she wants to ask you or tell you about something. Have someone talk to her. (You'll get some lore and information about the region that the others villagers might be unwilling to talk about. SEEKER can help fill in the gaps.)
About the DARK FOREST?
>but the nearby hospital has some. I heard there be monsters in that cursed place..."
Are the monsters from the DARK FOREST that get captured by Z-Corp to study?
>'DARK FOREST'. One of the few places in this sub-district populated with plant life. The wildlife that has survived here must be tough as nails, you think... (HIGH ROTWOOD, MEDIUM DRY ICE, no COLD IRON)
Anon, I definitely think there is something horrible in the DARK FOREST. That can tank our RESTRAINT and team.

I am feeling a Darkwoods game vibe from this.
>"I heard that there's an old stash from the 1930s somewhere in some nearby ruins. I'll mark it on your map. Bring back four old relics from that stash." (EASY DIFFICULTY. REWARD: $150, you'll get to keep two of the relics you find there, you'll get to learn more about the Old World and City.)
>>"I heard that there's an old stash from the 1930s somewhere in some nearby ruins. I'll mark it on your map. Bring back four old relics from that stash." (EASY DIFFICULTY. REWARD: $150, you'll get to keep two of the relics you find there, you'll get to learn more about the Old World and City.)
>"I heard that there's an old stash from the 1930s somewhere in some nearby ruins. I'll mark it on your map. Bring back four old relics from that stash." (EASY DIFFICULTY. REWARD: $150, you'll get to keep two of the relics you find there, you'll get to learn more about the Old World and City.)
Keep it simple
Our medicine supplies are low- and high-quality medicine items reserved for dire emergencies and way too valuable to be used. We will inevitable go to Gravedigger Village anyway; gravedigger historical old relics may be a whole lot more valuable since we have lived here for a very long time. And we still have a party time bundle to barter gravedigger. We need those medicine supplies for the silver agent base attack.
If we do >>6083911 we give up those medical items, not keep them
3 for the STASH, 1 for MEDICINE, I doubt three votes for MEDICINE will storm in the next 6 hours so I'm calling it here.

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"1930s, huh?" That caught your attention real quick. Stuff from the 1980s is already hard to find in any intact condition these days but the 30s? That's over 300 years at this point.

"Correct. I haven't been able to travel there myself after my failed hunting attempt." Don swings his ice prosthetic around to prove his point. "Still trying to get used to this after all."
[NUMB] "Uh huh." Ashley narrows her eyes in annoyance. "Don't care. Where's the location of the stash?"

"Sorry, sorry. Some scouts were exploring the old city of...well. The name's lost to time so we call it Antlia for short. Mostly for supplies that the Graverobbers haven't already pillaged. We found an old bunker underneath the ruins of a Bank but we couldn't get into it."

"So, you want us to break in and find whatever's inside?"

Don nods. "Correct. From what little documentary we found about it, it was apparently the stash of a rich and powerful 'Anjaro' from the old world. Probably has good quality wines or precious metals in there. All I want is a few old relics from you."

"Will we be able to keep any?" Ashley asks.

"Sure. If you find four relics, I'll let you keep two. Sound fair?" Don holds his icy hand out.
Ashley looks towards you, waiting for your answer. "Well?"

You grab his hand and firmly shake it. You try your best to ignore how fucking FRIGID it is. "T-t-t-that works for me." You immediately let go before your hand freezes rock solid.

Ashley pulls out one of her BLANK MAPS she was provided with. She has copied a rough sketch of the map that Wiltshire provided your group down onto it. Don proceeds to mark down the location of Antlia on it. Checking to see where it's at, it seems to be northeast from here, close to that old abandoned hospital.

Cool! "Alright, we'll see what we can do. No promises." Ashley folds the map up before putting it away somewhere on her person.

You'll probably talk to him later once you're done looting everything you find. But for now, you have more important things to worry about than the vaguely disconcerting feeling he's giving you right now.

After some quick and impersonal farewell, you head back to the statue at the center of town to wait for your allies. You don't have to wait for long, though. Lex and Quentin are the first ones to arrive back from their assigned task.

Both of them are pretty much fine by the looks of it. There's no worry in their eyes, no injuries, nada. Seems like your worry about the 'Faceless' there was unfounded.

Lex explains what happened while you were busy with Don. "That guy was REAL flighty when he saw Quentin walk in but after I came in and explained it, it was all good." Huh? Nervous?

"Ah." Well now you just feel bad for him. "What locations did he mark down?"
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Lex unfurls the map he was given for you and Ashley to look at. The two new locations marked down are quite interesting from the rough descriptions written of them.


Interesting enough places to check out later ON TOP of Antlia. Before you can decide on where to go, you hear two pairs of footsteps approaching your group. You feel an odd tension from the two approaching you but you're not sure why.

You turn around to check.

Alexis looks fucking miserable but Wendy is having the time of her life. The yellow eyed schizo has an ear-to-ear smile. "GUESS WHAT WE DID!" "guess what she did." "WE GOT OURSELVES A BRAND NEW JOB!" "i had to spend the last ten minutes calming the mayor down."

"Uh. What did she do?" Lex can already smell that something bad must've happened while the rest of you were busy.

"Well!" Wendy claps her hands. "We stormed into the dangerous mayor's office to talk to the accursed ruler of this-" She is immediately shut up by Alexis smacking her hand over Wendy's mouth.
"She got too excited and made a scene when the mayor asked who she was. We had to calm him down to tell him, no, we were NOT turning this place into a W-Corp strip mine. Then he gave us a job and I'm pretty sure he wanted us out as soon as possible."

Alexis then uncovers Wendy's mouth. She's disappointed that she couldn't explain it from her perspective but all she does is shrugs. "I did negotiate a good payment out of him once he was 'calmed' down."

"WHAT'S THE MISSION?" Quentin, while not being the most social party member, is trying his best to swerve this conversation somewhere else.

"Simple rescue mission. Five hunters went missing three days ago while exploring some place called Antlia? They were trying to find food and water for the village but whoops, they haven't returned."
"So we're tasked with finding out if they're rotting corpses or not!" Wendy chirps out with way too much excitement.

[UNNERVING] "THEY WOULDN'T ROT IN THE COLD." Quentin tries to move one of his fingers but it just snaps right off. As it clatters to the ground, he kneels down to pick it up. "THEY WOULD DO THAT."

With an unnerving crunch, he sticks the finger back into place. Most of your allies try to ignore it but Lex and Alexis gag at seeing that display of body horror.

You? You still feel fine. Peachy, even, as the aftertaste of the AZURE BLUE CANDY lingers in your mouth.

Time to get the others focused on something else besides Quentin's rotten corpse shell!

Welp. No point staying here. You have to make a move.

You rather not still be working here when the sun sets. You've wandered around G-Corp during nightfall and it is WAY colder than it is during the day.

Looking at the new maps and locations you have, which one do you want to head to next?
>P-CORP CONSTRUCTION SITE OMEGA-9-CHI. Originally meant to house a facility, it was left abandoned after further construction was deemed not profitable. Part of the facility was built, though it's unlikely any anomalies are there. (VERY HIGH COLD IRON, LOW DRY-10 and ROTWOOD.)
>'MOUTH OF GOD'. A cave with some remarkable odd folklore attached to it involving 'ungodly beasts' living inside. Highly rich in natural resources. (HIGH COLD IRON and DRY-10, no ROTWOOD.)
>'DARK FOREST'. One of the few places in this sub-district populated with plant life. The wildlife that has survived here must be tough as nails, you think... (HIGH ROTWOOD, MEDIUM DRY-10, no COLD IRON)
>БOЛЬHИЦA. An abandoned hospital. Ran by Z-Corp as an initiative to help any people who live here out of 'goodwill', apparently. Stocked to the BRIM with useful supplies, though that likely attracted scavengers and monsters. (MEDIUM DRY-10 and COLD IRON, LOW ROTWOOD, a LOT of medicine and healing items to loot! Risky.)
>зa мpтвe. Rumored to be a village where the GRAVEROBBERS live. Far, far older than any of the other buildings or settlements here. They might not like outsiders. (Very likely to have HISTORIC artifacts, HIGH ROTWOOD and DRY-10, low COLD IRON. Risky?)
>WHITEROCK. An abandoned human village that no one has gotten into contact to for ages. May have survivors that you can send to LOVE TOWN. Danger may still lurk there. (MEDIUM-HIGH in ALL RESOURCES, very likely to have valuable weapons/armor/medicine/other items. Risky.)
>DANUS. An old church that the various villages would go to for religious sanctuary. (MEDIUM in ROTWOOD, low in the other two. Decent chance to acquire N-CORP RELICS and other religious artifacts. Safe.)
>ANTLIA. Originally built in 1935, has been preserved by the freezing cold weather of this area. Supposedly has a stash from a rich and powerful family hidden inside? (MEDIUM in ALL RESOURCES, tied with two optional objectives, may have some old world artifacts there. Might be risky.)
>ANTLIA. Originally built in 1935, has been preserved by the freezing cold weather of this area. Supposedly has a stash from a rich and powerful family hidden inside? (MEDIUM in ALL RESOURCES, tied with two optional objectives, may have some old world artifacts there. Might be risky.)

Did the medicine mission option say we have to give up all the medicine supplies we find? We will definitely have a few medicines as a reward, too.
>ANTLIA. Originally built in 1935, has been preserved by the freezing cold weather of this area. Supposedly has a stash from a rich and powerful family hidden inside? (MEDIUM in ALL RESOURCES, tied with two optional objectives, may have some old world artifacts there. Might be risky.)
Let's just get these missions done quick and loot all we can. We need those mats
>зa мpтвe. Rumored to be a village where the GRAVEROBBERS live. Far, far older than any of the other buildings or settlements here. They might not like outsiders. (Very likely to have HISTORIC artifacts, HIGH ROTWOOD and DRY-10, low COLD IRON. Risky?)
>БOЛЬHИЦA. An abandoned hospital. Ran by Z-Corp as an initiative to help any people who live here out of 'goodwill', apparently. Stocked to the BRIM with useful supplies, though that likely attracted scavengers and monsters. (MEDIUM DRY-10 and COLD IRON, LOW ROTWOOD, a LOT of medicine and healing items to loot! Risky.)
>ANTLIA. Originally built in 1935, has been preserved by the freezing cold weather of this area. Supposedly has a stash from a rich and powerful family hidden inside? (MEDIUM in ALL RESOURCES, tied with two optional objectives, may have some old world artifacts there. Might be risky.)
Should we go to Gravedigger Village to get more side missions?
>change the signals
PULSATING GEAR might be the best thing we can use in the glownigger base itself, alongside ECM JAMMER
>two-headed eagle
An ancient czar most likely
>'Royalty' title
Interesting bit of lore

>last trustworthy ruler
A shame the current one must not be so faithful

>separated from Lex
Gee Lex how come HandlerQM lets you have TWO girls into you?
Imagine Lex throwing Quentin up really high and Quentin gets bigger air with his wings. That'd be super cool for the most visible flare shot or reaching a rooftop
>almost disgusted
Bitches love headpats. Nicole becoming an anomalous deer just makes her double susceptible

>flash of jealousy
Nicole's antlers are an average size for female deer aren't they? Any bigger and it might be a liability getting through doors or low clearance spaces
>screams of your past
Where's her parents? What happened to them? Does it even matter anymore?
>loosely associated
Is that part of why Nicole's anomalousness took this form? She must have a stronger attachment to District 7 than it appeared
When silver agents no longer exist to hunt Nicole down and make her a running animal, will her manifestation also change?
>weird introspection
I'd be doing the same shit if I had powers tied to my being and background like this
>bit doe-eyed
I love the idea of Ashley getting used to it all to this extent
>partial reseal
Random people getting powers is one way for NPCs to gain relevance and names throughout the City

>seen FAR better days
Everywhere feels like that nowadays...
Is this deer to deer conversation?

Is there a whole flaming WWII battlefield under that town and ruled by some ram guy? Wait wrong game
>'Anjaro' from the old world
Mr. Anjaro could get a kick out of that if we tell him later
I'm suddenly glad my M-CORP MAGAZINE upgrade vote failed before
>close to that old abandoned hospital
Close enough to stop by without losing too much mission time?
Coast is clear for now >>6083242 >>6083336

>smacking her hand over Wendy's mouth
Reminds me of that one meme image I saw

>working here when the sun sets
Should have a reasonable time limit then

It didn't, no. However if we do collect excess medicines if we hit the hospital close by, we could turn those in even though we didn't explicitly take that side mission. The villagers would not say no to that

Ashley saw that vision of one launching a shovel at the group, but the Don guy said Graverobbers are flighty, on top of the FORGOTTEN SIGNAL hint telling us to avoid anomalous items or advanced tech use around them or they get spooked.
>ANTLIA. Originally built in 1935, has been preserved by the freezing cold weather of this area. Supposedly has a stash from a rich and powerful family hidden inside? (MEDIUM in ALL RESOURCES, tied with two optional objectives, may have some old world artifacts there. Might be risky.)
You swear you heard the name 'Antlia' from somewhere. However, Lex and Ashley beat you to the realization.

"Isn't that from some old world video game?" Ashley squints at the name. "Like, that one dungeon crawler where you're a marine or something?"
"Oh! Yeah, yeah, uh. I don't remember the name but I used to play it as a kid. Real cool one." Lex waxes nostalgically as old childhood memories begin to rush through his head.

[SEEKER OF THE CITY] "You do realize it's just the name of a constellation, right?" You faintly recall what the two are rambling about but you doubt that's why the villagers chose the name.

"No need to be a spoilsport, Nicky!" Wendy smacks you HARD on the back. REAL FUCKING HARD OUCH FUCK!!! The force of the implant is dispersed throughout the entirety of the rubber bodysuit underneath your winter outfit but if it wasn't for that, you would've taken FLESH damage.

"HEY." Quentin grabs onto Wendy's arm the moment he realized what happened. "DO NOT HIT THAT HARD."
"It's fine, it's fine!" You brush off Quentin. It's not that big of a deal, honestly. "Let's get moving. We can do this three stooges nonsense later."

"Agreed." Alexis offers a faint, if proud, smile at your attempt to lead the team. "Time is money and most of us aren't rich, you know?"
"Mangled the metaphor a bit there." Ashley shrugs. "Oh well. She's right, let's get moving."

With all of that handled, your group makes their way back to the gate leading back to the outside world. The two doorguards, one now armed with a HANDMADE GUN, proceed to open it back up.

You turn back one last time before leaving. Don is now standing by the statue, waving at you with his ice prosthetic. You feel like you'll see him later, if only because you bothered to learn his name.

The gate promptly slams shut behind you. All your group can do is to move forward. Lex pops open the QUOTA BOX to pull out the cornucopia to see what spoils it has created. Seems like it skimped out this time since all it made was some freshly baked brown bread.

Not as good as hot chocolate but it's still food. Your group quickly tears into their portions of bread with gusto. You'll need every bit of energy you can to travel through this winter wasteland.

After your stomachs are full, Ashley leads the way to Antlia since her map is the one with its location marked down.

You keep NICOLE'S FEDKILLER (Feels weird referring to yourself in third person) out just in case anything tries to rush your party. Your other allies draw their own guns, knives, and batons once they notice you have your own gun out.

"Is there a reason that your stuff always ends up pink-" "I like the color pink, okay?" You interrupt Lex before he can pry any further.

There's nothing of note on your way over to Antlia. You almost wished for something to break up the monotony of endless white plains and distant snowy mountains. Occasionally you would catch a glimpse of a wolf or fox but it would bolt before you could get a good look.
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The only thing that really stops you is Lex pausing to put down the QUOTA BOX so he can apply some UVX #1. "Just in case we have to fight."

You remember an old item you have. Before you start walking again...

Do you give LEX the KRAV MAGA MANUAL? Or to another ally? Alexis and Quentin don't really benefit from it.
(KRAVA MAGA MANUAL boosts VIOLENCE by 1 permanently and raises MELEE/UNARMED rolls to d7)
>YES. (LEX VIOLENCE is boosted to 10.)
>NO, but give it to ASHLEY (ASHLEY VIOLENCE is boosted to 7)
>NO, but give it to WENDY (WENDY VIOLENCE is boosted to 6)

After you decide what to do with that manual, it's smooth sailing over to Antlia. It doesn't take much longer until Ashley is able to get a glimpse of it over her binoculars. Your group proceeds to pick up the pace to make sure you can get SOME shelter soon.

A snowstorm is starting to pick up around the area. It's not bad right now but you know that it'll get pretty severe over the next hour or two. Luckily, you arrive at the edge of town before the snowstorm really picks up.

https://youtu.be/2Dx7xXn9KjI - ANTLIA

The first guttural reaction you have upon seeing the town yourself is an odd sense of reverence? It's hard to really pin why that was the emotion you felt, though.

Despite being at least 300 years old, the buildings and streets have been frozen in time and almost perfectly preserved. The buildings are far taller than any building you have seen in the City short of actual skyscrapers, towering over your group like grey monoliths from another world. Though the ones at the edge of town don't even compare to the tallest one that's a mile or so away from where your group is.

While the other buildings cap out at 5-6 stories, the clock tower at the center of the town goes up for at least 125 stories if not more. If it wasn't for your group being so far away from it you might not be able to make out the time on it.

It is locked at "11:25". Which is clearly not the actual time but it also hasn't been maintained in god knows how long. You're not shocked it's wrong.

A few ancient cars are parked in the middle of the streets but the main thing that catches your eye is the oddly humanoid shaped piles of snow in the ground. Lex pokes at one of them with his shoe but they just crumple into nothingness after he does so. You swear you heard some odd whispers as soon as he did that.

Alexis holds a hand to her ear as if she understands the whisperings. "...Old Russian. Dialect is too old for me to understand any of it." Makes sense. A lot of non-Universal City Dialect (formerly known as English) has drifted a lot over the years from what little you know.

Quentin grabs a hold of Ashley.

"Wait, hold on-"

Quentin slowly flutters up into the sky with his bug wings to get a better look at the layout of the town with a bewildered Ashley in tow.
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Ashley is, understandingly, shocked at being dragged dozens of feet into the air. You can barely make out her yelling "WAIT HE CAN FL-" before they're too high to hear.

"Huh." Alexis is a bit non-plussed about what she just saw while Lex is cheering on Quentin like the fucking doofus he is. Wendy shrugs, already knowing about Quentin's ability to fly.

"Drones are quite useful pests, are they not?" Wendy snidely remarks. "Hopefully that poor Ashley girl isn't having a panic attack."
"This isn't the worst thing Quentin has done, trust me!" Lex cheers on with a bit too much pep in his voice.
"I also know about the corpse thing. Trust me, a squirming hunk of meat is pathetic compared to what the Lack has shown me-" Wendy interrupts herself before she can sperg any further.

Alexis stares Wendy down the moment she hears the term "The Lack". Bad memories from the mining mission? Or perhaps she picked up on Wendy realizing she shouldn't have said that outloud.

You keep your mouth shut about your knowledge on the bizarre gestalt consciousness that is W-Corp's singularity. "Let's just wait for them to come back down."

It takes a few minutes for the two to flutter back to the ground but Ashley seems to have been able to get a decent look of the cityscape with Quentin's help. You can probably examine what they missed with your aerial drone as you explore.

Looking at the map, the layout of the town is that of an upright rhombus with a straight line poking out of the top and bottom of it. You're currently at the south/bottommost part of town and Quentin marks directions on where certain key locations are.

Though before your group can make a move, there's an odd commotion coming from one of the buildings. It doesn't sound like any sound a human would make. No, it's a familiar sound to a lot of your group after missions on missions of fighting.

Bloody, visceral sounds of meat being torn apart. Whoever or whatever is ripping into the meat must've be doing it to something long dead since that's the only sound you hear. You certainly didn't hear any commotion on your way over here.

Ashley, with her keen senses, manages to locate it to a small cafe about a hundred feet away from where your group is standing. Right where you have to walk through to get to the main part of the City.

To the more supernaturally attuned of your party (You/Wendy/Ashley), the three of you feel an odd aura around that building. There's the obvious fear of what predator or other scavenger could be inside but...

[SIXTH SENSE] "I recognize that presence. I think I saw it in my visions. Put your guns away."
[HUNTER OF THE CITY] "Not an anomaly but it's not human." Wendy sneers with thinly veiled contempt. "Sickening but it could be useful if it's what I think it is."
[ANOMALOUS ABILITIES] It has been alive far longer than anyone in your group. If you sensed it, it sensed you. It is not making a move until you do.

Your group holsters their guns for now in case it is a Graverobber.
How do you want to proceed? You check the upgraded map for locations...seems like there's the Bank, a Shopping Center, a Governmental Office, an Apartment Complex, and an Industrial Warehouse in this southern half of Antlia

>[LEX ALLY] There's an oddly nostalgic look in Lex's eyes. "I think we should go to the Cafe." It's a long shot but approach the entity in the Cafe. (You'll likely get some useful information one way or another. Something tells you this might impact how you view Lex too.)
>[WENDY ALLY] "I know my way around some industrial equipment. We can scrap that for as much COLD IRON as we can dream of." You still have to do your mission, after all. You can focus on the others later.
>[QUENTIN ALLY] "I SAW PLANT GROWTH AND ANIMALS IN THE SHOPPING CENTER. HUNTERS MIGHT'VE WENT THERE." You have no better lead and the missing villagers sound more time sensitive. Head to the SHOPPING CENTER.
>[ASHLEY ALLY] "Something tells me the shopping center is too obvious of a choice. Other scavengers might've left supplies in the apartment complex while they were taking shelter there." Trust Ashley's intuition and head to the apartment complex.
>[ALEXIS ALLY] "Let's go to the bank. Straight shot, focus on our objective." Go to the Bank to reclaim the STASH.
>[UNSTABLE RESOLVE] Something is luring you to that Clock Tower. You can't quite put it into words. Start making your way over to it. (This will take longer than the other choices.)
>[SEEKER OF THE CITY] Pull out your aerial drone and examine some other locations while you're exploring. (FREE ACTION. -1 charge on it, leaving you with one charge on the drone. You'll get some more detailed information about three random locations your group didn't choose to explore.)
>Write in.
>NO, but give it to WENDY (WENDY VIOLENCE is boosted to 6)
>[LEX ALLY] There's an oddly nostalgic look in Lex's eyes. "I think we should go to the Cafe." It's a long shot but approach the entity in the Cafe. (You'll likely get some useful information one way or another. Something tells you this might impact how you view Lex too.)
The gravedigger probably knows where the five missing hunters went.

I think we shouldn’t use the drone because it might spook the gravedigger.
>"Those who DO live there are, well, I've heard rumors about 'Graverobbers' living down there Big, burly men and women with massive tusks that wear bizarre masks and wield massive shovels. Very territorial and ritualistic people. I've heard rumors they've been around since 1152. They might be willing to barter and bargain with you if you have the right obscure artifacts or powers."
>"Was it a Graverobber that did it?" Ashley asks. "I've been hearing a lot about them. Something is telling me they're important for some reason."

>"Nah, nah." Don shakes his head. "They look big and scary but they're flighty creatures. Bear ripped it off when I tried to kill it for me."
>NO, but give it to WENDY (WENDY VIOLENCE is boosted to 6)

>[QUENTIN ALLY] "I SAW PLANT GROWTH AND ANIMALS IN THE SHOPPING CENTER. HUNTERS MIGHT'VE WENT THERE." You have no better lead and the missing villagers sound more time sensitive. Head to the SHOPPING CENTER.
>[SEEKER OF THE CITY] Pull out your aerial drone and examine some other locations while you're exploring. (FREE ACTION. -1 charge on it, leaving you with one charge on the drone. You'll get some more detailed information about three random locations your group didn't choose to explore.)
>YES. (LEX VIOLENCE is boosted to 10.)
The impact of d7s is higher the higher the VIOLENCE.

>[LEX ALLY] There's an oddly nostalgic look in Lex's eyes. "I think we should go to the Cafe." It's a long shot but approach the entity in the Cafe. (You'll likely get some useful information one way or another. Something tells you this might impact how view Lex too.)
Oh, I didn’t notice this.
>NO, but give it to WENDY (WENDY VIOLENCE is boosted to 6)
Switch to
>YES. (LEX VIOLENCE is boosted to 10.)
>YES. (LEX VIOLENCE is boosted to 10.)

He is very specialized. Smart to boost what he is good at.

>[LEX ALLY] There's an oddly nostalgic look in Lex's eyes. "I think we should go to the Cafe." It's a long shot but approach the entity in the Cafe. (You'll likely get some useful information one way or another. Something tells you this might impact how you view Lex too.)

>[SEEKER OF THE CITY] Pull out your aerial drone and examine some other locations while you're exploring. (FREE ACTION. -1 charge on it, leaving you with one charge on the drone. You'll get some more detailed information about three random locations your group didn't choose to explore.)

Lex is cool. One of my favs aside from Casey and Quentin.
>YES. (LEX VIOLENCE is boosted to 10.)
Wise move with d7s

>[LEX ALLY] There's an oddly nostalgic look in Lex's eyes. "I think we should go to the Cafe." It's a long shot but approach the entity in the Cafe. (You'll likely get some useful information one way or another. Something tells you this might impact how you view Lex too.)
I do not want the Graverobber to attack us out of fear like in Ashley's vision
>old world video game
Dumb Marines
In Antarctica,
Shooting Demons

>play it as a kid
I'm surprised Lex could handle the hardcore dungeon crawling and demon fusion with him being a meathead, but I suppose kids do have it easier
I already knew that too, thanks
>smacks you HARD
Where the fuck did this come from? Is Wendy okay? Girl you're max RESTRAINT, what the fuck was that crap?
We're doing it. Alexis' frosty corpo girlboss exterior is melting further
Better them than us
>learn his name
Names have power, and named NPCs have influence. Rule 1 of fiction
>yourself in third person
Kinda like Saxton Hale using Hale's Own Fists in TF2, isn't it?
>ends up pink
I love this exchange

Might be of some significance, or just a cool detail for the setting immersion
>humanoid shaped piles of snow
Oh no somebody SNOWGRAVE'd all these people, better ready the flammenwerfer

Ashley getting good song material from these missions
>cheering on
Lex's character is some much-needed levity, TORMENTED SPARK aside. I'm glad he sees Quentin in a positive light like this. It's a big difference compared to the Ace Strikers mission
>stares Wendy down
Okay there's probably going to be a bit more friction between them now. I vaguely remember Alexis being very affected by the crystallized state Valentina was in down in the mines, and then Nicole doing her thing immediately afterward on top of that
>more supernaturally attuned
Lex will get there eventually, he's still new to this SHIFTER business
>Might be of some significance, or just a cool detail for the setting immersion

I thought it might have been when Chernobyl melted down but that was at like 1:30 AM. Maybe when WW3 or something began. Antiseptic war maybe.

>Lex will get there eventually, he's still new to this SHIFTER business

He also has Power Tats, the reason Naomi gets perma boosts from glownigger blood blood replacements.. Wonder if he will ever get that option too.
>YES. (LEX VIOLENCE is boosted to 10.)

>[LEX ALLY] There's an oddly nostalgic look in Lex's eyes. "I think we should go to the Cafe." It's a long shot but approach the entity in the Cafe. (You'll likely get some useful information one way or another. Something tells you this might impact how you view Lex too.)

>[SEEKER OF THE CITY] Pull out your aerial drone and examine some other locations while you're exploring. (FREE ACTION. -1 charge on it, leaving you with one charge on the drone. You'll get some more detailed information about three random locations your group didn't choose to explore.)
Sure you wanna drone with how anti-tech the Graverobbers are?
Yeah, why do you, anon, want to do the drone scouting despite the warnings on how the grave robbers will react?
The warning.
LEX: zlS, Srv, wGB, FtJ, cQf
The violence has escalated. Lex will now be hitting with 11d7 with his regular attacks (d9s when he uses his NAVY BLUE INJECTOR) and he can add +2d8 to any attack at the mere cost of 1 RESTRAINT. As a reminder, 7-8 counts as 2 successes in combat and 9-10 is three successes.
In other words you're going to be relying on him a LOT in combat (not to say you or your other allies are slouches though)
LEX: zLS, Srv, cQf, wGB, FtJ
Seems like dealing with the Graverobber is what's winning here.

Due to there being some pretty heavy opposition towards using the Drone and a majority hasn't voted for it, we'll skip it this vote but you'll be able to use it later. It's not like this is the only time you can use it, the information you'll get will just be delayed. Writing.

>Wonder if he will ever get that option too.
You'll see. It'll probably be easier to upgrade his tattoos without taking up a rare RAPPORT BOON slot since he already has some in. You imagine that Naomi or maybe Alexis would know more about this. Maybe Max too, since corporate families would probably deck themselves out in power tats too.

>I'm surprised Lex could handle the hardcore dungeon crawling and demon fusion with him being a meathead, but I suppose kids do have it easier

"Hey." You turn your attention to Lex. "Did you ever beat that video game?"
"Fuck no! I got stuck on Sector E or whatever it was. I should probably replay it one of these days, though." Lex admits without any shame in his voice. "I was like 8 when I last played it."

"F-funny thing you mentioned that...w-woah." Ashley stumbles a bit as she tries walking over to Lex. She is still recovering from Quentin's impromptu flight session. "I just beat the game a few days ago. Maybe I can help you out this time around? I got one of those old emulators running on my laptop."

"Hey! That would be nice!" Lex has a beaming smile on his face with the same joy of a dog being told he could have THREE treats instead of one. "W-well. After this mission, o-of course."
"Of course, doofus." Ashley lightly slugs him on the shoulder. Not like that would do much. "Hey, Nicky? Remind me to not bring him to Clover's Casino. He has a HORRIBLE poker face."

"HEY!" Lex yells out but he quickly falters once he realizes he has no real defense to Ashley's comment. "f-fair."
Alexis and Wendy, despite their differences, can only snicker at this harpy bullying the hell out of poor little Lex. You think they're enjoying his embarrassment a bit too much. Corpos really are sadistic, huh?
Quentin would try cracking a smile but you think his shell's face is literally frozen now. He's smacking the side of his face as if trying to unlock his muscles. "FEH. I WANTED TO JOIN IN THE LAUGHING AND SMILING TOO. THIS SUCKS."

Have this small mini update while I write. Would be kinda clunky to add it into the main update.
"Okay, focus." You really hate being the spoilsport here but you need to get their attention back to the task on hand. "What should we do?"

Lex's giddy smile fades as he shifts his attention away from Ashley. His cold gaze falls upon the abandoned cafe. You can't quite tell what expression he's making but it's closer to a frown than anything.

Yet he speaks with an odd nostalgia, which quickly shows itself in his gaze as well. "I think we should go to the Cafe. There's, like, I dunno. A familiar presence there?" It's clear even he has no idea what he's talking about.

"Familiar?" Ashley cocks an eyebrow. "You haven't been here before, yeah? What's so familiar about it?"

"Dunno. Aura? Something in the air? I ain't good with describing stuff like this." Lex shrugs. You can't blame him if he's just feeling some guttural reaction. <"Smells like family. Whatever that means.">

You faintly recall him saying something about him not really having contact with his family anymore, if he ever had contact to begin with.

"Well." Wendy tries to roll with the idea. "It clearly knows we're here. We're not even attempting to hide or keep our voices down. We should just confront it."
"I hate to agree with you but maybe it knows where the missing hunters are?" Alexis offers another reason why it might be wise. "Blindly searching for them when they've been gone for who knows how long...seems like a waste of time."


No one really has an objection to it so it seems to be the plan you're going with. Ashley keeps a firm grip on her BLOODSTAINED HUNTING KNIFE and Wendy has her P-CORP BATON out while the rest of your allies go unarmed. You doubt a knife and a glorified club would be scary tech to them, after all.

You don't bother sneaking up towards the cafe. One, because the crunching of snow with every step your group takes ruins any attempt at said stealth. Two, if your group's impulses were right they already knew you were here anyways.
You swear the wind picks up as your group now stands outside the remnants of the cafe. A few old blocky letters still cling to the front of it that, from your limited knowledge, reads "PARA" "DIS" "STATI". Paradise Station, maybe? Cute name if that's the case.

The front door and window have long since been destroyed or punched in over the years, leaving only behind the empty boxy frame of the brick building itself. The bricks are a sickly orange-yellow from centuries of the sun bleaching them but otherwise, the building is remarkably intact.

The inside of the cafe itself is a mess. Tables and chairs are scattered around the cafe's interior with little rhyme or reason as if a fucking bomb went off inside. Yet there's no actual sign of structure damage inside of the building. There's a counter at the back with a display case filled with snow and behind that is some shelves.

But the main focus is what's in front of the counter. You've never seen something like it before.
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https://youtu.be/uuCIrLc_bTY - GRAVEROBBER

The figure standing in front of the counter is far taller than any humanoid you've met before. It has to crouch down on its knees to avoid banging its head against the 10 foot ceiling. Rough estimate, that makes it at least 12 feet.

Well, 'it' isn't the right term. It would be more apt to say 'she.'

Her skin is a dark matte grey hue that's more comparable to stone or concrete than anything remotely resembling a natural skin tone. The surface of it is rough, cracked and scarred after decades surviving out here.

A pair of three inch long ivory tusks grow out of the bottom of her mouth, which causes her jaw to protrude out slightly. Her pair of neon green eyes peer down at the group, analyzing any move you might make. She messes with the

Her frame and figure is comparable to Lex's build if anything. Her torso is boxy and wide while her arms and legs are incredibly thick, too thick for any human to naturally obtain on their own. All of the muscles in her arms and legs are tensed up as if ready to unwind like a spring. In her left hand is an old shovel with a rusted over head that's about twice the size of a shovel anyone in your party would use.

A loose fur cloak is draped over her body. When she moves, you can tell that's the ONLY THING she's wearing. The only thing underneath it is...

A small matte-grey skinned girl in a fur cloak, who is huddling against the bigger Graverobber. Well, small for what must be a Graverobber, she's only a foot shorter than you are. She's holding a hunk of bloody viscera in her hands.

Ah. Your eyes are drawn to what's in front of them. The corpse of a bear with fur as white as the snow around you lays on the ground. Its stomach has been ripped brutally open by a combination of using their teeth and shovels. Steaming viscera has spilled out onto the ground, staining the snow that's gathered in the cafe bright red.

"Oј лo нјe a вac, cтpaи." The larger Graverobber snarls in a language that's similar enough to what you and Alexis know but whatever dialect it is, you've never heard it before. "Иидa. Или e ceдepaгнти."

"мaмa? Чoвeкcкyтиoм, миpшe пoзнaтo." The smaller Graverobber mumbles out. It's clear she's scared of your group by how she's huddling against her...mother(?) even closer now. "Зaтoмиeнa пopицЗштoyв, мaмa?"

"Uh." You can make out very rough impressions on what they're saying. "Family", "Smells like", "Mama", "Box", and 'Scared' for the small one. Could they be talking about Lex? Smells like 'family' though? "Alexis, got any clue?"

She's struggling to process the gibberish sounding language that faintly sounds like I-Corp's dialect. "'Hunt', 'Not for you', 'Leave', 'Harvest.' They think we're here for the bear?" Huh. That's simple enough. She must not know why you're actually here.
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Your group is at a loss.

[ASHLEY ALLY] Except for one.

Ashely tests the water by pulling out her whalebone guitar. The exact definition of what is advanced to them, especially with how primitive they seem, is vague but a guitar should be fine. The Mother Graverobber tenses when she sees Ashley pulling something out but calms upon seeing the tool.

Ashley clears her throat for a moment before she begins playing a very simple song. There's no lyrics to it and the strumming has no real pattern to it. It's mostly meant to be soothing, pleasant music. The best comparison is that of a nursery rhyme but, well, on guitar.

The child Graverobber, who was huddling and shaking against her mother, slowly begins to calm down despite the six strangers huddled nearby. Upon seeing this, the Mother Graverobber visibly calms down.

In an attempt to communicate back, the Mother Graverobber begins to croak and spit out words vaguely understandable to your group. "Outsider. Not here hunt? What here for? Have no value. Only food Outsider no eat." It's clear she has little experience speaking in the Universal Dialect. Just because most people KNOW it doesn't mean they can speak it.

Wendy, shockingly, is the first one to speak up while everyone else is either trying to stay quiet. "We're here to hunt down outsiders. Outsiders that we were sent to find for an Outsider Village. Did you kill them?"

"No." The Mother Graverobber spits out real quick. "Seen them. What get for telling? Know you supply. Need barter for know. Scout here often for food, know place. What benefit rat out?"

"We could arrange some supplies for you and your village. Depends on what you want." Wendy clears her throat for a moment. "What's your name?"

"Svet." Svet croaks out. You would ask about her daughter but you rather not prod at the obviously protective Graverobber. "What have to offer? For offer, I give good price. Can show you where at. Will tell that most alive, free." So she does know where they're at.

"IN WHAT SENSE? WHAT IS THEIR CONDITION?" Quentin pries at the Graverobber.
"Alive." Svet blankly states. You doubt you'll get any more information without paying whatever price it wants. "Food. Med. Want that for more." She then clams up, refusing to speak more until then. She guards her daughter as she rips into the still fresh bear me.

Your group huddles around for a moment.
"How much should be willing to give away?"

"I." Lex is nearly choking on his words as if speaking is somehow foreign. "Give them food and medicine. Svet is as strong as me, probably way stronger. Why NOT earn her trust?"
"I CONCUR. THOUGH I WOULD NOT BE OPPOSED TO BLOODSHED IF NEED BE." Quentin matter-of-factly states his non-answer. You know he'll go with whatever.
"We could try bargaining for its services if it's so strong, no?" Alexis sees the obvious benefit of having someone as powerful as her.
"I say we overpay it. Win it over, have it protect us too."

Wendy takes a moment to put her thoughts into words.

[SHARED SOULS] Yet you instinctually know she won't propose violence. Not yet. Wendy holds back her tongue for now.

"We know nothing about them beyond what they fear and what little we gleamed from her there." Paranoia drips from every word Wendy says. "Give her the bare minimum needed to win her over. Leave her the MOMENT she tells us what we want."

Ashley stops playing her song for a moment to spit out her idea. "Perhaps it would be wise to earn a rapport with it. Learn more about THEM if we have to deal with another Graverobber in the future."

Hm. Which plan do you go for, Nicole?
>[LEX ALLY] Spoil them. If she's even only a tiny bit stronger than Lex, Lex is horrifyingly strong. Winning them over is a good idea. (-ALL E-CLASS RATIONS, -ACTIVATED CHARCOAL, GREEN CHERRY SYRUP, and MEAT BAIT. Svet will tell you everything she knows about the area the hunters are at AND it'll be far easier to talk to Graverobbers in the future.)
>[QUENTIN ALLY] "WE HAVE SPARES. YOU TWO MIGHT NEED THIS." You do have some leftover clothing. Try to appeal to her maternal and survival instincts. (-SPARE IMPROVED FURLINED UNIFORM and 1 SPARE WINTER OUTFIT. Svet will be warmed by your offer, offering you info on the Hunters and a random location in 'Antlia PLUS a minor HISTORIC TRINKET.)
>[ALEXIS ALLY] "We have some tools that could help you on your next hunt. Lead us to the hunters personally and you can keep them." (-MEAT BAIT, OIL BLACK BLOOD VIAL, and Q-CORP PHERMONES. AVERAGE CHARM DC: 21, rolling Alexis' 6d6 only. You'll get Svet as a temporary ally while exploring Antlia. She'll teach you some minor survival and hunting tricks to your whole party.)
>[WENDY ALLY] "Here. Tell us what you know so we can go our separate ways." Offer her the bare minimum. (-2 E-CLASS RATIONS. She'll tell you the location and how to get in. No more, no less.)
>[ASHLEY ALLY] "We may have maps of the region but we don't know what it's truly like to live here..." Try to convince her to offer as much info about the region and her culture as possible. (EASY RESTRAINT DC: 24, 7d6+1d3 rolling with Ashley's assistance. Pass and you'll be able to coax out the info on where the hunters are alongside some LORE about the Graverobbers and their culture, lowering all future DCs when interacting with Graverobbers.)
>[PERSON OF INTEREST] "If you find anyone in silver, kill them." Bribe them to be a nuisance towards the SILVER AGENT you KNOW is hunting you down. (FREE ACTION, -BOTH UVX #1 in your inventory. Svet will do what she can to slow down any SILVER AGENTS that might be out here.)
>[UNSTABLE RESOLVE] Weird. Both of them sensed something familiar about the other. Try to connect the dots. (FREE ACTION. CHALLENGING COGNIZANCE DC: 28, rolling your 7d6 by yourself. Succeed and you'll figure out something fundamental about Lex, speeding up his TORMENTED SPARK progress.)
>Write in.
>[LEX ALLY] Spoil them. If she's even only a tiny bit stronger than Lex, Lex is horrifyingly strong. Winning them over is a good idea. (-ALL E-CLASS RATIONS, -ACTIVATED CHARCOAL, GREEN CHERRY SYRUP, and MEAT BAIT. Svet will tell you everything she knows about the area the hunters are at AND it'll be far easier to talk to Graverobbers in the future.)
This will be useful when we visit the graverobbers village.
>[UNSTABLE RESOLVE] Weird. Both of them sensed something familiar about the other. Try to connect the dots. (FREE ACTION. CHALLENGING COGNIZANCE DC: 28, rolling your 7d6 by yourself. Succeed and you'll figure out something fundamental about Lex, speeding up his TORMENTED SPARK progress.)
>[PERSON OF INTEREST] "If you find anyone in silver, kill them." Bribe them to be a nuisance towards the SILVER AGENT you KNOW is hunting you down. (FREE ACTION, -BOTH UVX #1 in your inventory. Svet will do what she can to slow down any SILVER AGENTS that might be out here.)
If this option wins, she is definitely very likely to be dead when trying to stop Super Elite Silver Agent. Because the silver agent hunting us is going to be way stronger than the elite silver agent. And I don’t want to get Lex's potential adoptive mother killed.
>"The spooks are scared now and they want you dead at any cost. They're likely to send something even above an elite to hunt you down, alongside Her. The fake you. Expect any mission that you pick today to be a struggle." Shit. Well, nothing you can do about that now.

The example of an elite silver agent:
>COMBAT CONDITIONS: DISTORTED >PERCEPTION (All ranged attacks against the spook roll -2d6. All ranged attacks rolled by the spook roll 6d6 more.)

>SILVER ELITE: 10/10 FLESH, 8/8 RESTRAINT, 12d8+10d6 TALENT. (+3 from SERVICE PISTOL, +6d6 from DISTORTION IMPLANT, +4d6 from ELITE TRAINING. SILVER ELITE regenerates 2 FLESH + 1 RESTRAINT per turn while his implant is active. Heals 1 FLESH or RESTRAINT for every 4 6s or 2 8s rolled. May reroll two dice each turn.)
>ELITE SPOOK: 5/10 FLESH, 6/8 RESTRAINT, 19d8+5d6 TALENT. (+3 from SERVICE PISTOL, +1d6 from WEAKENED DISTORTION, +4d6 from ELITE TRAINING, +7 FROM EMERGENCY PILL. Regenerates 1 FLESH per turn. Heals 1 FLESH or RESTRAINT for every 4 6s or 2 8s rolled. May reroll three dice each turn.)
Let’s make friends with the locals.
>The violence has escalated
>using the Drone
Yeah I'd prefer to skip it until after we deal with the Graverobber
>power tats
Reminds me of the idea that Ayin in Lobotomy Corp might have the exact same tattoos that Adam has. We simply never see them under his clothes
>stuck on Sector E
I beat the whole thing many years ago. You simply need to draw maps yourself for Sector E's teleport maze, or try every teleporter and note the correct order as you go. Free exp the entire time
>old emulators
I can't imagine the insanity of advanced vidya emulators in the City. Every console game just works on any decent PC now. Truly a gamer's paradise... until you accidentally boot up a haunted game, or you get reverse going-into-games-machine'd, or the game you were playing was secretly a monitored test by a corporation and you become selected for something ominous, or any other crazy scenario
>this harpy bullying
I wouldn't describe Ashley like that
He could simply force his shell to smile and then wait until it freezes on him?

>contact with his family
Strange thing to think about how families must be in this setting
>Paradise Station
I don't have as much time to play SS13 these days, sadly

>this whole scene
I can feel the sad dystopic Russian family energy from here
>bear with fur as white
If polar bears are out here then we need to be careful. I hear they can be insanely hostile
>Lex? Smells like 'family'
Is it because Lex's green eyes and TORMENTED SPARK are similar to what these have?

>Except for one
Ashley is no slouch when it comes to family skill either huh? I wonder how she'd get along with Naomi. This is a very nice scene anyway
>choking on his words
Everybody needs a hug in this shitty existence we live in

Backing >>6086140
We do our jobs too fast and too good to need rations on us, and we haven't had a relevant emergency yet thank goodness. We should still invest in a few later because what self-respecting City explorer doesn't? So what if they sit unused in our inventory for like 5 threads? That's what emergency rations are for. We haven't come across severe enough statuses to purge with ACTIVATED CHARCOAL yet. We've done well to avoid all sources of poison and other internal damage substances in missions, plus no drug overdoses on any of our allies that necessitate this item. I doubt Benedict's -1 damage syrup can help that much to these resilient Graverobbers, but something nice and sweet is worth it for these two to share. The MEAT BAIT is half rotten and wriggling and I doubt it'll be good even for how tough these two are, but it'll help them get more bears and other animals out here.

They stand no chance against a super elite. I'd rather just be nice and check on Lex, then move on. We have no materials collected yet
Let's go with this
>Combine Lex and Quentins asuggestions. This is a mother and little girl. You know what it is like to be cold and hungry. To be afraid.

>[UNSTABLE RESOLVE] Weird. Both of them sensed something familiar about the other. Try to connect the dots. (FREE ACTION. CHALLENGING COGNIZANCE DC: 28, rolling your 7d6 by yourself. Succeed and you'll figure out something fundamental about Lex, speeding up his TORMENTED SPARK progress.)
>[LEX ALLY] Spoil them. If she's even only a tiny bit stronger than Lex, Lex is horrifyingly strong. Winning them over is a good idea. (-ALL E-CLASS RATIONS, -ACTIVATED CHARCOAL, GREEN CHERRY SYRUP, and MEAT BAIT. Svet will tell you everything she knows about the area the hunters are at AND it'll be far easier to talk to Graverobbers in the future.)
>[QUENTIN ALLY] "WE HAVE SPARES. YOU TWO MIGHT NEED THIS." You do have some leftover clothing. Try to appeal to her maternal and survival instincts. (-SPARE IMPROVED FURLINED UNIFORM and 1 SPARE WINTER OUTFIT. Svet will be warmed by your offer, offering you info on the Hunters and a random location in 'Antlia PLUS a minor HISTORIC TRINKET.)

>[UNSTABLE RESOLVE] Weird. Both of them sensed something familiar about the other. Try to connect the dots. (FREE ACTION. CHALLENGING COGNIZANCE DC: 28, rolling your 7d6 by yourself. Succeed and you'll figure out something fundamental about Lex, speeding up his TORMENTED SPARK progress.)
Meant to close earlier but I passed out.

LEX: zLS, UjO, fGn, Srv
While I would allow the Lex and Quentin combo vote, seems like a majority just went for Lex only.

I need two anons to roll the following
>4d6 (first half of COGNIZANCE)
>3d6 (second half of COGNIZANCE)
If the total equals 28 or higher, you pass.

Items available to boost your odds
>XISXIS PILL (Roll an additional 3d4. You have two left.)
>DAMDAM PILL (Roll an additional 2d6, you'll have 4d6 surplus dice that'll be consumed when you'll make a TALENT/CHARM/COGNIZANCE check. You have three left.)
>SPOOK SHADES (Allows you to reroll ALL dice, including any extra dice gained from the pills. You have two uses of this per mission.)
>PEP PILL ZETA BOTTLE (Lowers the DC by 4 per pill. You have four left.)
Rolled 5, 1, 4 = 10 (3d6)

I'll roll the 3d6. I'm not too miffed on the Quentin option not going through either
Rolled 3, 4, 6, 6 = 19 (4d6)

Huh, no items needed, you rolled 29. Good job. Writing.
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It takes you a moment to decide which one to go through with. Ashley's song does help you to focus despite the biting cold air around you. You DO want to save items when you can, there's always the possibility you'll need them later.

You do realize you don't really have a reasonable use for some of your items, though. Cornucopia for food, you're not fishing any time soon, syrup is good but niche...best to get rid of them. You can always buy more or stuff more ingredients into Benedict.

Slowly opening your inventory (since you can't use your telekinesis), you place the required items onto the floor before backing away a foot away.

Svet separates from her daughter for a brief moment. It takes a moment for Svet to approach the pile if only because her size makes it hard for her to comfortably move in the Cafe. She gathers all of them in her massive palm before skittering back to protect her youngin.

There's an awkward silence that no one wants to break outside of Ashley, who keeps strumming her song along. You hear Svet tear into the ration packages with her bare hands. Looking inside to see the dehydrated fruit, her green eyes sparkle for a moment.

[SEEKER OF THE CITY] Most fruit bearing plants don't survive in such low temperatures. What few plants do survive are bitter, such as the Lingonberry.
[SHARED SOULS] Wendy seems to finish Seeker's thought for you. "Probably wouldn't even be worth the hassle to gather them normally." You cock an eyebrow at her being able to read your internal monologue like that.

Svet lowers down a hunk of dehydrated orange (coated with a bit of mint syrup) towards her daughter. She promptly devours it with gusto, chirping and clicking her tongue like a happy baby bird. Lex and Svet both instinctually sprout big, toothy grins upon hearing that cute noise.

"Bait for hunt, bag food for long hunt, green to make bag food better." Svet squints at the charcoal. Must not be something she's ever seen before.
"In case of poison, eat it. You'll throw the poison up." Wendy explains. "My miners usually need a lot of it when they go underground."

"Worthy tribute. Will tell where hunt went. Have hunt paper?" Svet tilts her head as if she's not quite sure if she said the right thing. "Paper that Hunt uses for hunt, to find where to hunt?" Ah, she's asking for a map.

Ashley stops strumming her song, letting the room fall into a comfortable silence. She digs into her pockets to pull out the map of Antlia she made while Quentin carried up her to the sky. She carefully approaches Svet, holding the map up to her.

"Hmm." With how she's skimming it, you assume she's reading the shape moreso than the actual words. She jabs a finger (which you now notice her fingers have claw-like nails.) at a point on the map. "Human big hut is where hunt rests for long hunt. Best protect from cold air. Hunt regular hunts at this." She points her claw at the Shopping Centre and the Clock Tower?
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"The..." Ashley takes a moment to find a word that Svet will 100% understand. "Tall one? Why there? Other spot makes sense."
"Treasure from long ago, when I was young, found in tall tower. Lot of metal and artifacts from long ago time there. Humans trade treasure with other humans." Ah. If the clock tower is at all as it is and somehow managed to survive centuries out here, that makes-

Wait. From when SHE was young?

"How old are you?" Alexis picks up on that wording.
"Tpи cтoтинe." Now THAT phrase you understand. Three hundred. "I am young for my. People."

You, Alexis, and even Wendy (who somehow understood it as well) all take a moment to process that information. Three hundred. Fucking hell, she was probably around here when it was still functioning! God knows how ancient the others might be.

You do understand her dialect a bit more so, to ease up on clunky communication, the three of you who are getting used to her dialect start to speak to her in I-Corp's dialect to communicate with her easier.

It seems like the last place she saw them herself was near the apartment complex after they hunted something down at the Shopping Center. There was five people, three men and two women, who managed to hunt down some wolves to cook up for later.

Apparently, one of the women got injured by the hunt and went to the apartment building with one of the men while the other four went back to hunt more at the Shopping Centre. From how she described it, the shopping center is MASSIVE. With Asley describing what she saw while airborne, it's probably around 300k square feet. That's double the size of most of the upper high-class supermarkets you've heard about.

She never saw the three who went back to it leave during her many hunts down here but if she recalls correctly, the two at the apartment complex SHOULD still be there, waiting for the others to return.

The apartment complex, from what she described, is nothing to note. It may have some old world supplies and some tenants still living there but there's nothing of value there aside from the two villagers there
You already know about the plant growth and animal activity but she also warned about three things of note.

1.) There's still electricity there so SOMEONE has to still be living there, maintaining it. And from how she described it, it's not one of her people or a villager.
2.) Due to said electricity, VERY primitive I-Corp automatons are still guarding a vast section of the shopping centre. Most of them seem to be guarding a 2000 square foot area at the northwest part of the shop. She has no idea why, though.
3.) She has seen animals or plants randomly die during her few times exploring the shop from out of nowhere. Plants would wilt after a few minutes while animals would choke and wheeze before dropping dead. An airborne chemical weapon?

Hm. You should be able to work with this.
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That's all you could get out of her but that information will be useful later when you explore.

"My payment is. Done. You may. Tell your friends. What I spoke." Svet begins to exit the shop with her daughter in tow. "I will tell. My village about you. What are your names?"

"QUENTIN." "Alexis. Pleasure to meet you." "Wendy. You better remember it, keh." "Ashley. Thank you for helping us." "Le-Lex."

Svet pauses right after she squeezes through the wide open frame where there was once the cafe's window. "Lex? Sounds familiar."
"Yeah. Your name sounds familiar too." Lex's eyes seem to be unfocused, as if he's trying to remember something he should.

"WHAT IS YOUR DAUGHTER'S NAME?" Quentin seems to pick up on something that your other group hasn't. "FOR CLARIFICATION."
"Ele." You doubt you'll actually have to remember that name. Three letters...it seems like the graverobbers keep short and to the point names.


Something about Lex's physique is bothering you now that you look at it. He's at least a solid eight feet tall and the amount of bulk and muscle he has seems...unnatural. You brushed it off before as City Shenanigans but humans should NOT be built like this.

[SEEKER OF THE CITY] The tallest recorded human was 8'11" tall. He had crippling medical issues that made walking around incredibly hard and his body began to fall apart into itself, dying at 22. Lex shows NONE of those and is at 22 as well, if not older.

The way his muscles are packed together underneath the thick layers of clothing and winter apparel are so tightly knitted together, it's almost like they form a protective layer of thick flesh over his body. It's subtle enough and City tech is radical enough where most people just ignore it but you know the only augment he has is tattoos. He was this bulky LONG before he had them.

And when you saw him smile a moment ago...two of his lower canines are longer than a human's should be.

<"Ele, huh? At least she has a mother and a father, hopefully, to raise her. I can't even remember my mother's face.>

"Lex? Who's your dad?"
Lex snaps his attention over to you. "Some random scumbag from District 7. Never learnt his name. Six foot something, always wore a wife beater and had a thick beard, it's been like 15 years since I've seen him."

So his dad is a human but he doesn't know his mother. And Svet seems to recognize his name and her daughter recognized his smell.

"That man sounds. Familiar." Svet whispers to herself. "District 7. Sounds familiar. I was there when I was. Wandering. I do not try to think about. What I did there."

Oh, no, oh no. This may complicate things depending on how Graverobbers view that kind of interspecies mingling or how others might view it. Your other allies quickly begin to pick up on the implication here.

A half breed. Half human, half Graverobber. No wonder why he's built like that if even a mere child is almost around your size.
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Lex is the last to pick up on it but you can tell it's mostly out of denial.

"Just a coincidence." Lex mutters. "Let's move. I don't want to think about this. This is making my head hurt."
Svet plants a hand on Lex's shoulder. He flinches as if the mere act of being touched is freezing the blood inside of his system.

"I. Apologize. We are not. Meant for the City. I could not stay. It is good to see. You are. Alive." It's clear that while she picked up on the connection as much as everyone else, she knows she can't stay and reconnect. Especially with her own daughter to worry about.

Lex doesn't respond as Svet exits the cafe, quickly disappearing into the snowstorm right outside of town.

<[???] No wonder why you're only good at violence. It is in your nature, your very blood. Is your bond with Nicole only because she offered you tribute->

Your mouth twists into a snarl. "I know what you're thinking and it's wrong. Snap out of it, Lex." This is enough to get him to start ignoring the voice in his head somewhat.

"...No wonder why she had my eyes." All of the boorish energy that he normally had is sapped right out of him. While not particularly relevant to the rest of your allies, it's clear this revelation has left an impact on him.

None of your allies really know what to say to him to comfort him. It feels like trying to comfort him while he's processing everything would probably be taken the wrong way. Even Ashley can only offer a weak smile, to show she's here for him.

[WOLF IN DEER'S CLOTHING] Pain is what defines him. His brutality, his longing for a family he never truly got, his role of taking and inflicting pain on your missions.
[WOLF IN DEER'S CLOTHING] And for you as well. You work dangerous missions every day, risking your life. Spooks wish for your blood. Pain is simply inevitable in your line of work too.
[WOLF IN DEER'S CLOTHING] In that sense, you two are not that different.

[SHARED SOULS] "You're not so different from us, Lex." Wendy speaks on your behalf. It's clear she doesn't know how to view his 'humanity' in wake of this info but...

She tolerates working for you and you're closer to an anomaly than a human. So in relative terms, she has no direct issue. She speaks with a soft tone, "Pain is not a bad thing. If humans did not feel pain, would we learn from our mistakes?"

Lex doesn't respond to that either. No one else feels confident enough to talk to him about it, let alone you. Quentin simply pats him on the shoulder, getting his attention long enough to follow after you.

You notice something left on the ground, right outside of the cafe's windowframe. You pick it up to see what it is.
>2 COLD IRON HUNKS and 2 DRY-10 HUNKS! (Something Svet scavenged? Did she leave this behind intentionally? Whatever the case, you're taking it.)

Lex opens the QUOTA BOX. You promptly put it inside.
>QUOTA: 2/10 COLD IRON, 2/10 DRY-10, 0/7 ROTWOOD.
All you can do now is to carry forward. As you take a deep breath, you feel the AZURE BLUE CANDY's regeneration kick in again.
>Your RESTRAINT is now 6/9!

Time to pick somewhere else to explore.

Where do you want to head to now?
>[LEX ALLY] "We should check on the two in the apartment." It would be wise to get them out of here, especially if the other three are dead. Maybe you can find some loot too? (Will guaranteed you'll get some reward from the village even if the others are dead. You might also learn more about the hunters as people.)
>[ASHLEY ALLY + WENDY ALLY] "Whoever is keeping the electricity on has to be getting those resources somewhere." "The Industrial Warehouse..." Go to the Industrial Warehouse (You might be able to disable some of the impromptu security at the SHOPPING CENTER there)
>[ALEXIS ALLY] "Let's go to the bank. Straight shot, seems less risky than rescuing the villagers right now." Go to the Bank to reclaim the STASH.
>[UNSTABLE RESOLVE] LOOT? AT THE CLOCK TOWER? LET'S GO THERE BABY! (Will cost more time than the other actions but the sheer amount of potential rewards you could get here is mouthwatering.)
>[PERSON OF INTEREST] You know the spooks are from the old world as well. Perhaps the GOVERNMENTAL BUILDING has some info on them?

>[ANOMALOUS ABILITIES] This place is ancient and you haven't used MEMORIES OF A FORGOTTEN ERA in a bit. Try to test out its past interacting abilities. (-1 RESTRAINT, FREE ACTION, MEDIUM WILLPOWER DC: 24, rolling 7d6 by yourself. You'll be able to get some information about how the town was before it was abandoned alongside a random HISTORIC TRINKET.)
>[SEEKER OF THE CITY] NOW that the Graverobber is gone, you can use this freely. (FREE ACTION. -1 charge on it, leaving you with one charge on the drone. Write in one location to examine in detail or three locations to get rough information on.)
>[WOLF IN DEER'S CLOTHING] Try to find a way to comfort Lex. (FREE ACTION, WRITE IN. What do you want to say to him? Depending on what you say, you may impact his TORMENTED SPARK progress and his RESTRAINT.)

>Write in.
>[ASHLEY ALLY + WENDY ALLY] "Whoever is keeping the electricity on has to be getting those resources somewhere." "The Industrial Warehouse..." Go to the Industrial Warehouse (You might be able to disable some of the impromptu security at the SHOPPING CENTER there)
>[SEEKER OF THE CITY] NOW that the Graverobber is gone, you can use this freely. (FREE ACTION. -1 charge on it, leaving you with one charge on the drone. Write in one location to examine in detail or three locations to get rough information on.)
Examine the shopping centre
>[ASHLEY ALLY + WENDY ALLY] "Whoever is keeping the electricity on has to be getting those resources somewhere." "The Industrial Warehouse..." Go to the Industrial Warehouse (You might be able to disable some of the impromptu security at the SHOPPING CENTER there)
Given that they would have sent her to the village with just one hunter or given up on the task if the hunter's injuries were serious, it seems likely that she is okay.
>[ANOMALOUS ABILITIES] This place is ancient and you haven't used MEMORIES OF A FORGOTTEN ERA in a bit. Try to test out its past interacting abilities. (-1 RESTRAINT, FREE ACTION, MEDIUM WILLPOWER DC: 24, rolling 7d6 by yourself. You'll be able to get some information about how the town was before it was abandoned alongside a random HISTORIC TRINKET.)
>[SEEKER OF THE CITY] NOW that the Graverobber is gone, you can use this freely. (FREE ACTION. -1 charge on it, leaving you with one charge on the drone. Write in one location to examine in detail or three locations to get rough information on.)
SHOPPING CENTER because we will waste a lot of time just trying to search for the three hunters in the massive shopping center building, and we are potentially on time limit to save the three hunters.
>[LEX ALLY] "We should check on the two in the apartment." It would be wise to get them out of here, especially if the other three are dead. Maybe you can find some loot too? (Will guaranteed you'll get some reward from the village even if the others are dead. You might also learn more about the hunters as people.)

>[ANOMALOUS ABILITIES] This place is ancient and you haven't used MEMORIES OF A FORGOTTEN ERA in a bit. Try to test out its past interacting abilities. (-1 RESTRAINT, FREE ACTION, MEDIUM WILLPOWER DC: 24, rolling 7d6 by yourself. You'll be able to get some information about how the town was before it was abandoned alongside a random HISTORIC TRINKET.)
>[SEEKER OF THE CITY] NOW that the Graverobber is gone, you can use this freely. (FREE ACTION. -1 charge on it, leaving you with one charge on the drone. Write in one location to examine in detail or three locations to get rough information on.)
We can pick up the apartment duo on the way out of here
Seems pretty uniform what people want. Two anons, roll the following
>4d6 (First half of WILLPOWER)
>3d6 (Second half of WILLPOWER)

You may reroll THREE willpower dice via a charge of your ECLIPSE TALISMAN but otherwise, you'll have to rawdog it.
Rolled 4, 5, 5, 3 = 17 (4d6)

Finally caught up, and I’m just in time for a roll. Here’s hoping I don’t fuck it up. Been a great quest so far QM.
Rolled 3, 2, 6 = 11 (3d6)


welcome aboard anon
28, more than enough to fiddle with the bizarre PARADIGM (and to probably break SOME sort of law by interacting with the past. Good thing no one here cares!)
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You really, REALLY rather not wander blindly into the shopping centre only to be hit with some crackhead's security system ON TOP of the wild life in there. The only schizophrenics you tolerate are yourself and MAYBE Wendy.

She can be a bit much sometimes.

"I'm just me, Nicole." Wendy derisively snorts despite you not saying anything.
"She didn't even say anything?" Alexis is beyond confused at what the hell Wendy is on about.
Quentin tries his best to explain what's going on. "I SAW HER LIFTING SOMETHING WITH HER MIND. TO PUT IT AS LEX WOULD, 'PSIONIC BULLSHIT.'"
Lex doesn't bother to say anything while Ashley is busy trying to whisper something to him in an attempt to comfort him.

"Not like it's mine, per se." Wendy waves off Quentin's comment. "I'm just leeching off a doe-eyed battery source. A tool for ME to use." Ah. So that's how she justifies using the telekinesis she borrowed from you.

You dig through your inventory to find your little aerial drone. After turning it on, it launches up into the sky. You then toss the controller over to Quentin so he doesn't just sit around while you pull out one of your old PARADIGMs.

The camcorder feels icy cold in your hands. Your fur-lined gloves offer little resistance towards the particular cold that seems to surround the artifact. It's not normally like this but perhaps it's simply adapting to its environment?


The cold radiating around it fades away the moment you listened to the Lex-like voice in your head. You promptly turn on the PARADIGM. The screen shows nothing but sepia colored static. Weird, you never had that result before. You promptly begin to focus all of your WILLPOWER into the device...


The static soon fades away, letting you see what the camcorder is recorded. What's being recorded is not an abandoned town filled with empty cars and buildings anymore. The streets are bustling with hundreds of people as far as the eye can see. The road you're standing in, while empty now, is flooded to the brim with antique cars and horse-drawn carriages.

The buildings are lit up with antique lightbulbs and gas lamps, bringing a warmth to the town that's no longer here after centuries of being abandoned.

One of the many passersby suddenly stops in the middle of the sidewalk. While the others are annoyed at him suddenly stopping, they simply walk past him as if this is something he just does. He's staring...in your direction.

He's in simple attire; A long military coat that goes all the way down to his ankles and a pair of military boots. The only other identifying figure about him is his bushy mustache. Otherwise, he looks like a generic I-Corp/Russian (due to this town being older than the City) man.

"Я тeбя вижy. Ктo ты?"

Alexis perks up upon hearing a man speaking in I-Corp's dialect. She scrambles over to you so she can translate for him.
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"He can see you somehow and he wants to know who you are." Alexis clarifies what he said. "I can understand THAT, at least."

"Hm. I'm a traveler. I simply want to know more about the town." With this, Alexis gibbers something into the camera. There doesn't seem to be any further need for translation since...

"Ah. American." You have no idea what America is. "This is Yele, territory of great Soviet Union. We are simply here to live a good life. It is the pinnacle of perfection, you see."

"It seems you do not know of that, however."

Alexis, while not really used to the anomalous, is rolling with this bizarre conversation well enough. "It has been over 300 years, sir. We are here to help those who still wander this old town."

"Ah. Seems like the Americans won, huh." The Military Man doesn't even sound disappointed at this information. It's as if he expected to hear this. "Or what's left of it. Since you are from Soviet territories and one of you has a military medal, I suppose you deserve to know." He points at you and Alexis

"We were an industrial powerhouse. Still are, you see. Our town by itself was enough to produce 0.5% of our Union's GDP!" The Military Man sprouts a wild smile to the absolute bewilderment of the passersby, who just see him talking at thin air. "Sector Antlia is where we produce most of our amazing products, including the first automatons!"

So that's what the Industrial Warehouse's name is, you assume.

"Do you mind telling us a bit about these automatons and the warehouse? We may have to deal with...American spies that are using them." Alexis bluffs, though there's probably a hint of truth to the 'spy' part at least. Damn spooks.

"Hmmm. Damn men in black, huh? Simple enough. Most should have a deactivation phrase of Tихий Бeлый. Though you should be able to outrun them, their wheels are not meant to travel the snowy streets! As for the warehouse, it will likely be locked. In case you have to sneak in, look for a green flower." Huh?

"What, are they just meant to hang around in shops?"
The Military Man points towards the Cafe you were at moments ago. You can make out that instead of regular human workers, it's operated by a few very basic automatons.

"Ah! Seems your connection is weakening. Just a heads up, our Clock Tower and Bank has a Time Capsule in it. May you enjoy our spoils, if the automatons guarding them have powered off-"

The footage starts turning grainy. You reach your hand at the screen and for a moment, you feel your hand phasing into the screen.
When you pull it back out, the PARADIGM turns off and you're left with something. Another military medal, like the one you got from X-Corp, but way older and made out of solid gold. Old Russian is scribbled down on it but Alexis tells you what it translates to...
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>MEMORIAL MEDAL! (HISTORIC TRINKET! +1 FLESH and RESTRAINT while equipped. Has a 50% chance to ignore any RESTRAINT damage taken. Takes up an accessory slot.)

You toss it over at Alexis, who is by far still your squishiest ally here.

You try to ignore the piercing gaze that Wendy is giving the PARADIGM you were using. It's clear she TOLERATES using them if need be but she's still uncomfortable around them.

That's when you hear Quentin calling for you.

"Yes?" You head over to see what Quentin saw over through the Drone, which is now safely resting at his feet. (heh. Drone using a Drone.) Why the fuck is there a bullet hole in it?

"IT IS BETTER IF YOU SAW FOR YOURSELF." He hands the Aerial Drone to you so you can skim through the footage.

Skipping past the trip throughout Antlia (since there was nothing of note there), you examine what it saw at the Shopping Centre. Svet was a bit generous with her description of how big it was because while it does take up a LOT of land...

Over half of the Shopping Centre has crumbled away into rubble. Everything from the right/east of the main entrance of the massive three story Shopping Centre has crumbled into piles of concrete and metal and frankly, it's a shock it's still structurally intact.

On closer examination, there's a massive interlocking mass of plant matter, bark, and leaves growing out of the ruin. The latticework of plant material is pressing up against the the eastern side of the building, keeping the rest of it standing up. Most of said plant matter is off blue wood and bark...similar to Rotwood.

The actual building itself is incredibly non-descript. It's just a dull grey blocky building with no windows. The only real thing of note aside from the plants growing on it is that there's at least a dozen doors at the entrance that would lead in and out of the front of the building.

The footage cuts to the Aerial Drone flying around the internal of the Shopping Centre. The interior of the first floor was a wide, open space lined with fifty different aisles that once had plentiful stock but have long since been empty.

Plants have wrapped around every shelf and aisle you can see. Flowers, bushes plump with berries, and even spindly trees with off-blue wood can be seen scattered in between each aisle.

Most of the animals that you were told about are either not here or have scattered to hide upon seeing the Drone but you DO see an off-white deer running around an Aisle.

For the first twenty feet past the entrance and the cash registers by it, there's nothing to note. But the moment it passed 30 feet inside...

You could catch a glimpse of two people standing by one of the aisles. A VERY bulky man in a silver uniform and an oddly familiar woman with orange-pink hair and pink eyes. The only difference between you and the woman you saw is her Antlers are oddly glossy looking. As if she's wearing fake ones to mimic you better.
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[PERSON OF INTEREST] Oh fuck. They're already here! You were warned about these two! Why the fuck are they in THERE?
[PERSON OF INTEREST] Did they figured out you were going there? How? Why?

"We got to move." You say with a bit too much worry in your voice. You rather not rush in the Shopping Centre yet. You still have to deal with whatever security system is there first even BEFORE you learned your doppelganger and her bodyguard were in there.

The others, who were busy keeping an eye out around your immediate surroundings in case danger popped up, immediately snap their gazes over to you. They can see the worry in yours and Quentin's faces and they're smart enough to figure SOMETHING must be wrong.

The panicked energy you bring to the group makes your mad rush over to the Industrial Warehouse real quick. Even though it was probably about a thirty minute walk normally, it takes less than 10 minutes for your group to make a mad dash over to it.

It's only when you managed to stumble in front of it do you realize that wow, your feet hurt like a BITCH now. You normally don't run this fast but after the Archivist, seeing yet ANOTHER YOU is...worrying. You wish you could get a foot or leg massage or something but no time, you need to keep moving.

The building you're now standing in front of looks less like the massive, towering buildings you ran past and more like something straight out of H-Corp. It's a short squat building that's about half the size of all of the other buildings. The only entrance in or out of it is a sheet metal garage door that's currently firmly shut.

Piles of metal and wires in the rough approximations of humanoid forms are scattered around the warehouse. Each one of the I-Corp automatons has long since lost power...except for one very simple one that's still digging away at a 4 foot by 4 foot hole in the ground. Said machine is nothing more than a small box on wheels with a claw-like arm bolted to it.

Piles of COLD IRON are scattered around it. Each of them are coated in blood. Is the machine protecting them? Odd.

The perimeter of it is surrounded in a large chainlink fence with massive bundles of barbed wire at the top...which would be terrifying if the fence didn't look so weak. Well, by fence standards, it's not something you can just snap with your bare hands. Yet-

[WOLF IN DEER'S CLOTHING] Your arms move automatically. You feel the muscles in your arms flex for a brief moment. You wrap your hands around the chain length and snap it easily with your bare hands.

Even with the bodysuit on, you shouldn't be strong enough to break it like that.

Lex snaps out of the silence he fell into after seeing his...mother in all of her Graverobber glory. "Oh, shit! Look at you go, Nicky! Didn't know you could that."
"I. Okay, how? I know you don't have some strength based power." Ashley can already smell something bullshit about what you just did. Ah, right, your NEW YOU is underneath all of your winter clothes.
"Remember that voice in your head yesterday?" You shrug. "Same source."
It takes her a moment to piece the dots together before she sighs. "At least that PERSON OF INTEREST voice helped."

"Cheating." Wendy snorts. "I could do that easily...with enough Sunstones and time." She says with fake-sounding confidence.
"Uh huh. Let's move before whatever sent you into a panic finds us." Alexis gets your group to focus.

As your group steps past the now broken chain length fence, you take a moment to look to see if there's any way in or out of the INDUSTRIAL WAREHOUSE beyond the massive sheet metal door but nope! It's locked tighter than a religious girl before marriage.

You do notice how there's a few trees spread around the warehouse as well. Some of which are right next towards the Warehouse. Interesting.

[WENDY ALLY] "There's probably a hidden entrance somewhere. I know it's a custom in H-Corp to always hide an underground passage to your workshops in case they need to operate in secret. Sounds like what our mystery friend is doing."
[ALEXIS ALLY] "Hm. I-Corp dirt is notoriously hard to burrow into. I doubt that would be possible here. We would only spend that energy if there was a bunker here."

You think they're both right here and if you can get in without making too much noise or spending resources, that WOULD be nice.

How do you try to enter the locked down INDUSTRIAL WAREHOUSE? Seems like whoever is running this place doesn't want ANYONE inside now. Pick one.
>[LEX ALLY + WOLF IN DEER'S CLOTHING] Just break your way through. The cold has probably weakened it and you DID bring Lex along for a reason (50% chance you and Lex to lose 1 FLESH, rolled individually. AUTOMATIC VIOLENCE PASS. You break in INCREDIBLY fast, buying you an extra action next update.)
>[WENDY ALLY] You do want to trust Wendy here. She may be unstable but to be a rep, she had to had SOME competency. (COGNZIANCE THRESHOLD 26/30/34, thanks to the MILITARY MAN'S HINT, rolling 9d6+1d3 with Wendy's help. While you only need to pass the first one to find the entrance, passing the other two will allow you to find more hidden resources and information about who could be working here and what their plan is.)
>[ALEXIS ALLY] "Hm. I know it sounds bizarre for me to say but perhaps we can repair the automatons around here. If they understand my language, perhaps I can get them to assist us?" Go along with Alexis' plan. (MEDIUM COGNIZANCE DC 33 (-3 from MILITARY MAN'S HINT), rolling 9d6+1d3 with Alexis' help. Succeed and you'll get a few operation, allowing you to enter the building with their help. DCs involving the security system will be moderately reduced as a result.)
>[UNSTABLE] FUCK IT. SLAP AN ECM JAMMER ON THE SIDE OF THE BUILDING. LEAVE. (-ECM JAMMER. The quickest out of all options and will temporarily disable the Security System at the Shopping Centre. You won't get to explore the building proper, however.)
>[ASHLEY ALLY] "Someone WOULD have to come in and out of here if they're maintaining the Security System. I say we wait and ambush them." Get your group to climb up to the top of the building and wait. (MEDIUM TALENT DC 24, rolling 6d6+2d3 to represent the group. Pass and you'll be able to sneak attack whoever's maintaining everyone here and, in case they're an enemy, eliminate them before they become a problem.)
>[QUENTIN ALLY] "THERE IS A SMALL GAP. I MAY CRAWL INSIDE. PLEASE KEEP GUARD WHILE I EXPLORE." Let Quentin exit his shell and explore inside the Warehouse. Try to take this time to repair his shell in the meanwhile. (Will cost more time than the other options BUT you will get a chance to repair Quentin's shell, adding +1 to all of his stats for the rest of the mission.)
>[UNSTABLE] FUCK IT. SLAP AN ECM JAMMER ON THE SIDE OF THE BUILDING. LEAVE. (-ECM JAMMER. The quickest out of all options and will temporarily disable the Security System at the Shopping Centre. You won't get to explore the building proper, however.)

>Try your luck getting that COLD IRON away from the still working robot. It may put up a fight but you can handle it. (MEDIUM FLESH DC 25, rolling 8d6 by yourself. Succeed and you'll obtain 4 more COLD IRON without any real struggle. Failure and you'll get 2 COLD IRON at the cost of 2 FLESH damage.)
>You notice a weak tree that's planted by the building. Tell Lex to rip it down. (EASY VIOLENCE DC: 27, rolling Lex's 10d6. Pass and he'll rip it down, earning your group 3 ROTWOOD. Failure and he'll only be able to rip off enough to earn 1 ROTWOOD while also tiring himself out.)
>There's a few hunks of odd looking ice growing by the side of the building. Snap some of that off. (You'll obtain 2 DRY-10. No check needed.)

>Write in.

Due to how long the last updates took, I decide to make this one longer to make up for the extra waiting around
Would've posted earlier but I had to dogsit for a friend with little warning. Only just came back now.
>[LEX ALLY + WOLF IN DEER'S CLOTHING] Just break your way through. The cold has probably weakened it and you DID bring Lex along for a reason (50% chance you and Lex to lose 1 FLESH, rolled individually. AUTOMATIC VIOLENCE PASS. You break in INCREDIBLY fast, buying you an extra action next update.)

I feel like time is of the essence with our doppelgänger around, and it seems to make sense to me to try and have the initiative whenever we do encounter them and extra time/actions should afford us that opportunity. We passively regen flesh and Lex has a lot anyway’s so I don’t really see this as much of a possible downside.

>There's a few hunks of odd looking ice growing by the side of the building. Snap some of that off. (You'll obtain 2 DRY-10. No check needed.)

0 cost, and no opportunity for failure or downsides.
>[WENDY ALLY] You do want to trust Wendy here. She may be unstable but to be a rep, she had to had SOME competency. (COGNZIANCE THRESHOLD 26/30/34, thanks to the MILITARY MAN'S HINT, rolling 9d6+1d3 with Wendy's help. While you only need to pass the first one to find the entrance, passing the other two will allow you to find more hidden resources and information about who could be working here and what their plan is.)
Look for a green flower
>Try your luck getting that COLD IRON away from the still working robot. It may put up a fight but you can handle it. (MEDIUM FLESH DC 25, rolling 8d6 by yourself. Succeed and you'll obtain 4 more COLD IRON without any real struggle. Failure and you'll get 2 COLD IRON at the cost of 2 FLESH damage.)
Try the deactivation phrase
>Most of them seem to be guarding a 2000 square foot area at the northwest part of the shop. She has no idea why, though.
Is this where the three hunters are located?
>You could catch a glimpse of two people standing by one of the aisles. A VERY bulky man in a silver uniform and an oddly familiar woman with orange-pink hair and pink eyes. The only difference between you and the woman you saw is her Antlers are oddly glossy looking. As if she's wearing fake ones to mimic you better.
>[PERSON OF INTEREST] Did they figured out you were going there? How? Why?
Are they planning on killing the three hunters to frame us for murdering the hunters?
"Why are you sending those 521 fucks after me? Too scared of me? Why does one of them look like me?"

"What? You're the one who looks like her. And it's because it's less r-risky..." The Agent begins to twitch as the floor is quickly being drenched in her own blood. "I-If t-th-they get captured, t-they can't tell you anything important. W-we pay them to do dirty work for us, t-they do a good job, it's a good partnership.

"Wait. What the fuck do you mean 'I look like her'? I'm the original."

>"Not like a-anyone e-else in the City would k-know. T-The City is big. I-It's easy for rumors to spread. A-Al-All it takes is a few bad things done by s-someone who looks like you to...ruin...your...name...""

The Agent's head slumps over. "T-They'll take your place. S-safer for everyone inv...olv..."
>[WENDY ALLY] You do want to trust Wendy here. She may be unstable but to be a rep, she had to had SOME competency. (COGNZIANCE THRESHOLD 26/30/34, thanks to the MILITARY MAN'S HINT, rolling 9d6+1d3 with Wendy's help. While you only need to pass the first one to find the entrance, passing the other two will allow you to find more hidden resources and information about who could be working here and what their plan is.)
Look for a green flower.
>There's a few hunks of odd looking ice growing by the side of the building. Snap some of that off. (You'll obtain 2 DRY-10. No check needed.)

I prefer we don’t trash this unknown individual or group that controls the machine's home. I want to gather information first on whether they are hostile or not. If they are hostile, then we trash the place, and if not, we can convince them to get the machine to attack the silver agent and doppelgänger to buy us time to rescue the three hunters.
Okay fine

changing my vote from >>6088463 to backing >>6088556
and if the deactivation phrase works and we just autosuccess, then
>There's a few hunks of odd looking ice growing by the side of the building. Snap some of that off. (You'll obtain 2 DRY-10. No check needed.)
because why say no to free material when it's right there and we have the time?
>[LEX ALLY + WOLF IN DEER'S CLOTHING] Just break your way through. The cold has probably weakened it and you DID bring Lex along for a reason (50% chance you and Lex to lose 1 FLESH, rolled individually. AUTOMATIC VIOLENCE PASS. You break in INCREDIBLY fast, buying you an extra action next update.)

>Try your luck getting that COLD IRON away from the still working robot. It may put up a fight but you can handle it. (MEDIUM FLESH DC 25, rolling 8d6 by yourself. Succeed and you'll obtain 4 more COLD IRON without any real struggle. Failure and you'll get 2 COLD IRON at the cost of 2 FLESH damage.)
Try the deactivation phrase first.
>You notice a weak tree that's planted by the building. Tell Lex to rip it down. (EASY VIOLENCE DC: 27, rolling Lex's 10d6. Pass and he'll rip it down, earning your group 3 ROTWOOD. Failure and he'll only be able to rip off enough to earn 1 ROTWOOD while also tiring himself out.)
>There's a few hunks of odd looking ice growing by the side of the building. Snap some of that off. (You'll obtain 2 DRY-10. No check needed.)
>[LEX ALLY + WOLF IN DEER'S CLOTHING] Just break your way through. The cold has probably weakened it and you DID bring Lex along for a reason (50% chance you and Lex to lose 1 FLESH, rolled individually. AUTOMATIC VIOLENCE PASS. You break in INCREDIBLY fast, buying you an extra action next update.)

>There's a few hunks of odd looking ice growing by the side of the building. Snap some of that off. (You'll obtain 2 DRY-10. No check needed.)
>can't use your telekinesis
Nice detail
>read your internal monologue
It'll take some getting used to
>claw-like nails
Fitting that Lex has his spiked brass knuckles that echo this trait

>Three hundred
Interesting how there's still lifeforms from before the City setting still alive
>still electricity
>guarding a 2000 square foot area
What could be hidden there that merits constant maintenance of all these systems in this desolate town?
>airborne chemical weapon
If it's not consistently there, it must be mobile or generated by something else. If so, there must be a source behind it

>My village
We still have an advantage if we want to travel there later
>pick up on something
Very strange how Quentin was the one that hit on this first
>8'11" tall
Andre the Giant, yeah?
>He was this bulky LONG before
I never saw this twist coming. I completely forgot Lex was a bulky giant motherfucker even BEFORE we ever met him in thread 1. I never questioned it either
>half breed
Did both his parents want it, or was it one of the two? Either way, good for Lex?

>comfort him
Yeah I don't fucking know either man. This is all up to him to work through and he can't do that with violence. This isn't the sort of shit you can fight your way in. If we stop by the Graverobber village maybe we can pay them a proper visit?
"Life is full of pain." - Doubt, Green Dawn

That candy is pulling its weight, thanks Benedict

I'm so proud of Quentin
>tool for ME
Whatever helps you cope, fraulein
>adapting to its environment
Interesting property
ENDURANCE [Medium: Success] - Nice.

>not really used to
Alexis will learn however long it takes her to do so
>military medal
We are NEVER giving up this medal
>Sector Antlia
>men in black
First time Nicole is coming across this phrase. I wonder if it'll be relevant later?
>Tихий Бeлый
Everywhere all around
>instead of regular human workers
So somehow whoever's maintaining the systems had all the robots still working in the ruined shopping center co-opted to guard a specific part of it?
>Clock Tower and Bank has a Time Capsule
Our goal is the Bank here, but I don't know if we have mission time to loot that clock tower with 125+ stories on it.
This belongs on Alexis permanently
>piercing gaze
Yeah yeah anomalous stuff sucks, we know
>Drone using a Drone
>similar to Rotwood
We have 0 of that already. I hope we don't spend the entire mission in the Antlia town; there's so many delicious locations in >>6084464 to potentially visit!
>no windows
I can picture it in my head already
"Probably wouldn't even be worth the hassle to gather them normally." my ass, Wendy
>off-white deer
Is that a distant cousin to Nicole?
>VERY bulky man in a silver uniform
Oh fuck it's them. We'll need Lex to match that fuckers strength or we're screwed

>yours and Quentin's faces
I guess they just saw Quentin looking equally tense in body language, since he has no face
But that doppelganger is clearly a fake bitch?
>get a foot or leg massage
Perhaps the Vannis could help Nicole find a place for that? We still haven't used that SELF CARE KIT either
>small box on wheels with a claw-like arm
A relative of Beepsky?
>coated in blood
So we're not the only humans to explore and loot this place. They just failed here with this thing

>that PERSON OF INTEREST voice helped
What happened between Ashley and POI? Did POI help her with her brother? He's related to the silver agents with being in 521 Association after all
>tighter than a religious girl before marriage
This is the second metaphor of this type mentioned. Nicole is there something you're not telling us?
>hidden entrance
Oh right we didn't recap the group about the MEMORIES OF A FORGOTTEN ERA past view or what we saw from the camera drone
>I-Corp dirt is notoriously hard
That's the power of permafrost eh?
WENDY ALLY: Srv, 3kt, Irs
LEX + WOLF: Zne, 6Km, FtJ

DRY 10: 6Km, FtJ.
COLD IRON + DRY 10: 3kt, Irs (I think?)

Tell you what, to not muddy around with tiebreakers, here's the compromise. Wendy and Quentin will scout out for the hidden entrance with 8d6. They need to pass TWO thresholds and if they fail, you just go through with the "BUST THE FUCKING DOOR DOWN" option. So the DC is 30 now, with extra info on 34+

As for the resource collection, you can certainly try to use the deactivation phrase on the Drone. Though you note he said 'most' and it may not work on what's essentially a glorified, non-sentient box with a claw arm. Let's say it's higher than a 50% chance it works, leaning in your favor.

If it does, you can get the COLD IRON and DRY ICE at the same time. Otherwise, you'll default to DRY ICE to avoid fighting the robot.
I think that's fair enough, no?

I need two anons the roll the following
>8d6 (COGNIZANCE, DC 30.)
>1d10 (DEACTIVATION PHRASE ROLL. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, or 10? It works. 1, 2, 3, or 4?, it doesn't. Can't really control it beyond that.)
AVAILABLE MODIFIERS: You may reroll ALL dice for the COGNIZANCE CHECK once thanks to Quentin's spook shades.

>I guess they just saw Quentin looking equally tense in body language, since he has no face
When he's in a human corpse, he DOES have a face. The actual shells Drones are meant to wear are faceless but Quentin is, to put it politely, defective in that regard.
Rolled 2, 6, 2, 3, 2, 4, 3, 2 = 24 (8d6)

Rolled 2, 5, 5, 1, 5, 2, 1, 3 = 24 (8d6)

Rolled 9 (1d10)

Rolled 1, 2 = 3 (2d2)

Well, you failed on the COGNIZANCE check so you didn't find any sneaky entrances. You'll still find SOMETHING thanks to the hint you got earlier.
You passed the DEACTIVATION PHRASE random check, so you'll get 2 DRY 10 and 4 COLD IRON.

Funny Military Man really helped you out here, huh? Writing. Rolling 2d2 for the FLESH damage check. First number is for Nicole, second is for Lex. 1 = HURT, 2 = NO HURT
>the meatshield man avoids all damage
>Nicole eats shit slightly
>you failed on the COGNIZANCE check
Oh wait the reroll got 24 again
Well we were fated to not find that secret way in, sadly
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"Wendy, Quentin? You two look for any secret entrances. If you don't find anything, we'll just enter the old fashioned way." You feel an odd impulse to commit INCREDIBLE VIOLENCE rush through your whole system. "I got a hint about a Green Flower? Try looking for one of those."

[WENDY ALLY] Wendy, before leaving, steps right up towards the sheet metal door. She taps her knuckle against it as if she's looking for a weakness in it.

"Shoddy construction. Really weak spot here." She taps at a random point on the door. "You might not think it but I AM also one of W-Corp's MANY safety inspectors. This shit would not pass ANY of our metrics." Huh. That should make it easier to punch in.

With that said, she leaves the group with Quentin in tow to try finding the exit. Well, while you're waiting for them to scout around, you might as well grab some resources around here. You're probably only staying here to find the villagers and to loot the bank, you'll leave right after.

First up is the DRY 10.

All around the building, there's clusters of hard crystals around the various corners and sides of the building. It feels a bit weird seeing DRY ICE, even if it's a weirder version of it, growing off a building like any other random hunk of ice. Ashley digs through her pocket for the knife you grabbed her and moves in to start chiseling away at the ice.

Lex stands right next to her with the QUOTA BOX opened, ready to collect whatever comes falling in.

That leaves you to deal with the robot guarding the COLD IRON.

You, as casually as you can, stroll over to it without any care for how it reacts. You trust that what the man you spoke to over the PARADIGM said was accurate. You have to learn from the past, after all. You let out a breath you didn't even know you held in.

The boxy automaton immediately snaps itself to face your direction. A panel opens on its left side which it promptly sticks its clawed arm into. It pulls out a stun baton that crackles with impotent hatred. It doesn't move yet but you can tell it is eyeing you down. As much as it can given it has no eyes.

[PERSON OF INTEREST] Just say the words before it beats us to death.

You squint your eyes at the foul machine. As soon as you open your mouth, the boxy automaton spins its wheels up before bolting in your direction. It's only fifty feet away and it's QUICKLY closing the distance. Shit, shit! You hope to god this password works on it.

"Tихий Бeлый!"


It only travels a dozen feet before it immediately grinds to a halt. It barely has enough power to put the stun baton back inside itself before it powers off. Thank god that worked.
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You have no idea how long it'll be shut down for and while it would nice to get the baton, it's not worth the time investment trying to break into the thing.

You promptly walk past the now impotent automaton to examine the cache of COLD IRON it was guarding. It seems that, for whatever reason, there was a decent sized amount of it buried only a few inches underneath the permafrost. You're impressed it even managed to dig down that deep to begin with.

Alexis is standing right beside you, seemingly deciding she has nowhere else to be.

"So. I doubt you rushed here because of some deep appreciation of random warehouses. Mind telling me?" While she DOES know about the spooks, she didn't see what you saw on the AERIAL DRONE. You quickly explain what you saw as you collect what COLD IRON you can.

Alexis takes a moment to process the information but she actually takes it in stride. "Ah. Not the first time I heard about someone having a doppelganger. But to have one without YOU creating it is another thing. They're usually made via V-Corp's singularity to be disposable doubles for rich corpos."

Ah. You DID meet a V-Corp rep who flatout told you about their singularity and that does track with what you know. "Are they sentient?"

"About as sentient as you or me. Though sometimes they have defects like being a woman when the original DNA doner was a man or vice versa but they're otherwise just regular humans." Alexis then realizes that this lore dump, while interesting, is not really all that relevant. "As for the other one...good thing we have molotovs and flamethrowers. Hit and run might be our only option we have if we encounter them."

You nod. You really, REALLY don't want to get into a fight with them unless you have every advantage possible. You collect the COLD IRON right as Wendy and Quentin approach the two of you with disappointed looks on their faces.

"We found jack and shit. If there was something hidden it was hidden damn well." Wendy sighs, obviously defeated at (in her eyes) how incompetent she was.
"WE DID FIND A GREEN FLOWER. WHICH IS ODD DUE TO A COMPLETE LACK OF PLANT LIFE SANS THE SHOPPING CENTRE. WE FOUND SOMETHING BURIED UNDERNEATH IT." Quentin holds out something in his gnarled, frigid hands. You can tell that he had to snap one of his fingers back on in the short time between you telling him to search and him coming back.

A flower and a small package that's roughly as big as a shoebox.

The flower has dozens on dozens of tiny little green petals with a bulbous ball of yellow pollen in the center. Alexis grabs it with an odd fascination in her eyes. "This looks like a Chamomile...but green. They're a sign of good luck in this District."

Unwrapping the actual package, there's two things of note. There's an ancient note that's been preserved thanks to the cold and dry environment and...an ancient looking pistol. The pistol has taken a lot more damage than the note over the years so you don't think it even works anymore
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It's a queer looking gun with a really thin barrel and an oddly shaped, circular trigger guard. It feels weird to hold it but something about it feels 'cool' to hold, for a lack of a better word.

Skimming through the note...

"This pistol is a gift from an old fiend of mine. To whoever finds this, I want you to kill someone with it. I do not care who or how. I do not want it to go to waste."
"If it must rot, I want it to see one last moment of glorious battle. We already lost Fornx because I was too scared to use it."
"For what it may do if I did pull it."

That's oddly cryptic but you're not going to look a historical trinket in the mouth.

>2 DRY 10 and 4 COLD IRON!
>LUGER PISTOL (HISTORICAL WEAPON. Has seen better days. ATTACK ROLL: TALENT-1. Rolls d5s instead of d6s. Something is telling you to spill blood into it, though), 4 PISTOL AMMO, and GREEN FLOWER (When consumed raw, boosts all dice rolled to d7s for a short duration. Can be made into a drug or food item by BENJAMIN or BENEDICT to boost all stats!)
>QUOTA: 6/10 COLD IRON, 4/10 DRY-10, 0/7 ROTWOOD.

"May I keep the gun for now?" Wendy is eyeing the gun with a faint smile as if she recognizes it from somewhere. You shrug, tossing it over to her alongside the ammo. It's not like you'll use it. She catches it with some shitty telekinesis before pocketing it in her inventory.

While that's all cool and all you have places to be.

You and your other allies rejoin Lex and Ashley at the sheet metal door. Time to beat it to death.

Quentin and Alexis step back. It's not that they can't help but neither of them are particularly strong. Ashley and Wendy stand by the sidelines, ready to offer advice but they'll probably only step in if you two can't break it. No need to exhaust everyone.

Lex drops the QUOTA BOX onto the ground before tightening his hands into fists. You raise your leg up, ready to kick right through the weak spot. It's not that you're BAD at using your fists but you don't want to steal Lex's thunder.

[SIXTH SENSE] "Better move quickly. Whoever's inside is coming out soon. Break it down before he spots us." Ashley warns the two of you.

So be it. You reel your leg back and slam it right into the weak spot Wendy pointed out to you. The sheet metal easily cracks underneath your foot and your leg goes RIGHT through the sheet metal door.
And you can feel the jagged metal left behind in the impact ripping through your winter uniform's pantleg. It even makes some shallow cuts in the bodysuit underneath. You let out a hiss of pain as you reel your leg out of the hole.

Your leg has seen better days. Your thermal pants has some tears in it now and your leg has some shallow cuts throughout it. They are being sealed by the bodysuit but you do feel a bit woozy.
>-1 FLESH! 7/8 LEFT!

Lex's eyes flash a bright green for a brief moment as a worried look crosses his face. He shakes his head to distract himself from it before he slams his fist against the weakened door.
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Then he does it again. And again. Every time he slams his fist into the door, you can see it bending and twisting from the sheer force of his strikes.
And despite the door twisting into a hunk of razor sharp metal, any cuts he does get on his fists are barely deeper than paper cuts. He simply shrugs off any damage he does take with ease.

It takes less than 20 seconds before the door is barely able to hold itself together. Wendy points at another spot on the door and, despite your leg hurting, you slam your foot into the spot she pointed at. Seems like that was a critical structural weak point Lex created from his relentless assault on the door.

Your kick is enough to weaken the sheet metal door enough for Lex to fucking rip it open. He's able to rip the door like it was nothing more than tin foil. This is when the rest of the group steps in to help widen the hole enough for everyone (including the comically oversized Lex) to walk through without tearing themselves to shreds.

Your group promptly beelines into the makeshift opening.

https://youtu.be/pUbDIz0FmHo - WAREHOUSE

The inside of the warehouse is a complete fucking mess. The walls are lined with shelves that hold a variety of broken tools and mangled scrap metal. Even a novice like you knows nothing of value could be constructed by it. The floorspace of the room is mostly take up by a massive table in the middle of the room that stretches up and down nearly the whole length of the floor.

Scattered on this table is an incoherent mess of documents and gun parts. Something about the documents is making it REAL hard to even look at them. It's as if the words written down on them pours out of your head the moment your eyes scan over them.

[PERSON OF INTEREST] Those gun parts look like they would make SERVICE PISTOLS. The documents are probably protected by a Singularity if you can't read them...

At the far back of the room, right where the table ends, is another table and desk that someone was working at mere seconds ago. An old man that has to be in his late 60s if not older has turned around to stare at your group in shock. He's wearing nothing more than a bulky welding uniform and a makeshift welding mask, which is currently lifted up so he can see you better.

Surrounding him are three very primitive automatons that barely look humanoid, let alone functional.

They're more like mannequins that were forcefully given life. Plastic faces with frozen, neutral expressions. Visible doll joints that squeak every time they move their limbs. Smooth plastic with the faintest hint of a human form. Each of them is adorned in shoddy armor that would probably only take one solid strike to break.

At the west most corner of the room is a panel that's surrounded by a secure metal shell. The only reason you can even see the panel is that the front of the box has fogged over glass installed in it. It looks secure and tough, maybe reinforced or bullet resistant?
"What the hell, Nicole? Why did you break down the door? You know there's a back-" The Old Mechanic pauses. "I don't recognize your friends, Nicole."

The voices in your heads begin to violently yell in a chorus of sheer, unrelenting rage. Your group has to do something before he realizes what's going on. Now.

What do? You have THREE ACTIONS (+1 from previous vote.)

>[UNSTABLE] KILL THE FEDNIGGER AND HIS ROBOTS. (-4 SHOTGUN SHELLS, heal 3 RESTRAINT and gain +1 MAX RESTRAINT for rest of mission. You'll make sure there's no chance of him ratting out your group's presence.)
>[PERSON OF INTEREST] "Huh? Of course I'm Nicole. Why, you're acting like I'm a doppelganger!" Try to figure out your fake's goal. (RESTRAINT DC: ???, rolling 6d6. The higher you roll, the more information about your doppelganger you'll learn, including her weaknesses.)
>[ANOMALOUS ABILITIES] Telekinetically grab every document you can with Wendy's help. (-2 CHARGES on one of Wendy's MOONSTONES. You'll get 1d4+2 random SPOOK DOCUMENTS which, while you doubt will leak any super critical info, will help you figure out more about the spooks.)
>[WOLF IN DEER'S CLOTHING] Make a fucking beeline towards the panel and break into it. Now. (MEDIUM VIOLENCE DC: 26, rolling your 8d6. Pass and you'll permanently disable whatever security system is at the SHOPPING CENTRE, massively easing up exploration. Saves a lot of time when you don't have to talk to him. -4 to DC if you pick ALEXIS, no roll if you pick UNSTABLE.)
>[LEX ALLY] "Lex. Grab him." (-1 LEX FLESH, 50% to take an additional 1 FLESH. EASY VIOLENCE DC: 26, rolling Lex's 10d6. Pass and Lex will capture the old man for interrogation, letting you learn a LOT about the spooks and other associates like him. If picked with ALEXIS, he'll only have the 50% chance.)
>[WENDY ALLY] "We could easily kill you if we wanted to. Disable the security system for us, pretty please." Let Wendy talk to him. (AUTOMATIC VIOLENCE PASS! Takes longer than just smashing it. He'll show you around the workshop, letting you get every bit of info and loot inside it. He might warn his employers if you don't pick something to win him over or disable him.)
>[ASHLEY ALLY] Ashley's eyes shine an off red. "You do realize the moment they're done with you, you'll be killed, right?" Let her tell him about her vision. (RISKY WILLPOWER DC: 26, rolling Ashley's 6d6. Pass and the old man will believe her and will join your side. He'll provide your group some automaton meatshields, SERVICE PISTOLS, and PISTOL + SHOTGUN AMMO in exchange for protecting him.)
>[ALEXIS ALLY] "Well, you see, we're undercover." Let Alexis buy you some time. (MEDIUM CHARM DC: 18 (-2 from knowing the deactivation phrase), rolling Alexis' 6d6. Pass and she'll be able to get some useful intel about Antlia and the other locations you can visit before slipping the deactivation phrase, disabling the robots as a threat.)

>Write in. (Use a drug on you or an ally? Use another item? Something else?)
>[UNSTABLE] KILL THE FEDNIGGER AND HIS ROBOTS. (-4 SHOTGUN SHELLS, heal 3 RESTRAINT and gain +1 MAX RESTRAINT for rest of mission. You'll make sure there's no chance of him ratting out your group's presence.)
>[PERSON OF INTEREST] "Huh? Of course I'm Nicole. Why, you're acting like I'm a doppelganger!" Try to figure out your fake's goal. (RESTRAINT DC: ???, rolling 6d6. The higher you roll, the more information about your doppelganger you'll learn, including her weaknesses.)
>[WOLF IN DEER'S CLOTHING] Make a fucking beeline towards the panel and break into it. Now. (MEDIUM VIOLENCE DC: 26, rolling your 8d6. Pass and you'll permanently disable whatever security system is at the SHOPPING CENTRE, massively easing up exploration. Saves a lot of time when you don't have to talk to him. -4 to DC if you pick ALEXIS, no roll if you pick UNSTABLE.)
Why not ANOMALOUS for the documents?
>>6089357 #
>[ANOMALOUS ABILITIES] Telekinetically grab every document you can with Wendy's help. (-2 CHARGES on one of Wendy's MOONSTONES. You'll get 1d4+2 random SPOOK DOCUMENTS which, while you doubt will leak any super critical info, will help you figure out more about the spooks.)
>[ASHLEY ALLY] Ashley's eyes shine an off red. "You do realize the moment they're done with you, you'll be killed, right?" Let her tell him about her vision. (RISKY WILLPOWER DC: 26, rolling Ashley's 6d6. Pass and the old man will believe her and will join your side. He'll provide your group some automaton meatshields, SERVICE PISTOLS, and PISTOL + SHOTGUN AMMO in exchange for protecting him.)
He will be useful for the village. I want to make people's lives easier here.
>Write in. (Use a drug on you or an ally? Use another item? Something else?)
>Make all your security robots attack the silver agent and doppelganger on sight. And make your robot not attack the hunter, villagers, graverobbers, or us, only attack if provoked.
>Write in. (Use a drug on you or an ally? Use another item? Something else?)
If we succeed on the ASHLEY ALLY option, do we even need to use TK with Wendy to grab the documents if he can just give them all to us willingly as fully turning on his silver agent allies?
Switch to
>Write in.
>Check the surroundings for any silver agent listening device bug or anything like that. Check his body, equipment, and automaton bodyguard for listening devices and tracking devices too, if we successfully convince him to join us.
Backing this:

We need intel on these fucks.
>[PERSON OF INTEREST] "Huh? Of course I'm Nicole. Why, you're acting like I'm a doppelganger!" Try to figure out your fake's goal. (RESTRAINT DC: ???, rolling 6d6. The higher you roll, the more information about your doppelganger you'll learn, including her weaknesses.)
>[WENDY ALLY] "We could easily kill you if we wanted to. Disable the security system for us, pretty please." Let Wendy talk to him. (AUTOMATIC VIOLENCE PASS! Takes longer than just smashing it. He'll show you around the workshop, letting you get every bit of info and loot inside it. He might warn his employers if you don't pick something to win him over or disable him.)
>[ASHLEY ALLY] Ashley's eyes shine an off red. "You do realize the moment they're done with you, you'll be killed, right?" Let her tell him about her vision. (RISKY WILLPOWER DC: 26, rolling Ashley's 6d6. Pass and the old man will believe her and will join your side. He'll provide your group some automaton meatshields, SERVICE PISTOLS, and PISTOL + SHOTGUN AMMO in exchange for protecting him.)
>Write in. (Use a drug on you or an ally? Use another item? Something else?)
I forgot we had those
>SINNLÖSCHEN x2 (+2 WILLPOWER, you roll d8s when making WILLPOWER checks and -1 FLESH DAMAGE taken while active. Constantly drains your RESTRAINT while active.)
DC 26 on 6d6 roll feels like a high bar. Though this can help, I'd like to point out Ashley has 3 RESTRAINT as is. 1 NOLNOL PILL can help counteract that drain and we have 3 of those. We don't always get WILLPOWER checks this difficult
>[PERSON OF INTEREST] "Huh? Of course I'm Nicole. Why, you're acting like I'm a doppelganger!" Try to figure out your fake's goal. (RESTRAINT DC: ???, rolling 6d6. The higher you roll, the more information about your doppelganger you'll learn, including her weaknesses.)
>[WENDY ALLY] "We could easily kill you if we wanted to. Disable the security system for us, pretty please." Let Wendy talk to him. (AUTOMATIC VIOLENCE PASS! Takes longer than just smashing it. He'll show you around the workshop, letting you get every bit of info and loot inside it. He might warn his employers if you don't pick something to win him over or disable him.)
>[ASHLEY ALLY] Ashley's eyes shine an off red. "You do realize the moment they're done with you, you'll be killed, right?" Let her tell him about her vision. (RISKY WILLPOWER DC: 26, rolling Ashley's 6d6. Pass and the old man will believe her and will join your side. He'll provide your group some automaton meatshields, SERVICE PISTOLS, and PISTOL + SHOTGUN AMMO in exchange for protecting him.)
>Write in. (Use a drug on you or an ally? Use another item? Something else?)
Anon, Why do you want to shut down the security system? We can turn all the security automatons to attack the silver agent and doppelgänger on sight. That would be a whole lot more useful than shutting down a security system.
We have three moonstone fragments to reroll her dice for nine time, and sunstones to add two +2d8 on her roll. We don't need to use SINNLÖSCHEN.


SUNSTONE: FtJ, M3B, gDL, p44, C5N
Tell you what, I'll consider the "make the robots attack the doppelganger and spook" an add on to Ashley + Wendy and the "look for devices" will be a quick free action. I'll say you can't grab as many documents as you can from ANOMALOUS ABILITIES but he's likely to give you 3~ of the most relevant ones from his piles if you convince him.

So. Here's what I want. Three anons, roll the following
>6d6+2d8 (ASHLEY'S ROLL, DC 26. You can reroll in three dice chunks, removing one MOONSTONE FRAGMENT per reroll.)
>6d6 (YOUR RESTRAINT ROLL. Higher is better but the exact measure is hard for you to decipher. With ECLIPSE TALISMAN, you may reroll three dice once.)
Roll this after you roll the Ashley check to see if you pass. (reasonably you will with the items you're consuming but just to be sure.)
>7d4+2 (OLD MAN'S COGNIZANCE ROLL. THRESHOLD: 14/17/21/24. For every threshold he beats, he'll be able to sneakily a handful to your side while keeping up the illusion that they're just shut down. He can't immediately convert ALL of them, it's easier to break or shut something down than to reprogram on the spot.)
Rolled 2, 5, 3, 2, 1, 3 + 2 = 18 (6d6 + 2)

Rolled 1, 5, 4 = 10 (3d6)

Rolled 5, 5 = 10 (2d8)

Rolled 3, 1, 3, 3, 4, 1, 4 + 2 = 21 (7d4 + 2)

10+20 = 30. Pass, spending a SUNSTONE CHARGE and a MOONSTONE FRAGMENT.
Just to make it-

Please let other anons roll.
Rolled 3, 3, 2, 4, 5, 3 = 20 (6d6)

>>6d6 (YOUR RESTRAINT ROLL. Higher is better but the exact measure is hard for you to decipher. With ECLIPSE TALISMAN, you may reroll three dice once.)
Is that a pass or a reroll?
It's a pass but you may reroll to get more information.
Save it then
Rolled 2, 4, 1, 4, 2, 4, 1 + 2 = 20 (7d4 + 2)

Alright, all in all
COGNIZANCE: 21 (I'll give a bit of leeway since it would suck to miss it by 1. Do take note that I usually only want one anon per dice pool rolled in the future)

All passes, three thresholds beaten, writing. Might take a bit since there will be a LOT to discuss with the Old Man. It is the first time you dealt with a Silver Agent collaborator besides Ashton.
And even he was just doing to for the money and thrill of the hunt.
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You can feel your mouth starting to twist into a certain kind of smile you only show when your mind begins to crack. Your mouth starts to drool at the mere thought of painting this room red and black with oil and blood.

[HIGH RESTRAINT] You hold that voice back for now.

Ashley is giving you THAT look. A look of growing dread. You can see the hunting knife in her hand, ready to make her move.

You clear your mind. Fine. You'll find someone else to let out your pent up stress at later.

"Huh? Of course I'm Nicole. Why, you're acting like I'm a doppelganger!" You have no context for how the fake you talks but damnit, you'll fake it until you make it. "Do you really think my friends would be wearing silver all the time?"

The Old Man lowers his guard for a moment when you begin to speak. "Guess that makes sense. Not like I would know what your friends look like anywho. They just look like blurs."

"I mean, we got to keep some level of secrecy. Especially with a sudden uptick in how many people know about us! Let alone our causalities!"

"Yeah, what was it, roughly two dozen over the last few weeks? They've really been trying to get in bed with E, J, and Z-Corp for some better discounts."

You can already feel your faux-polite smile beginning to crack. "Is that so?" You have to hold yourself back from staring right at the SERVICE PISTOL parts laying on the table. "How has J-Corp's shipment been, Old Man?"

"I" You almost thought you broke your cover but all the Old Man does is sigh. "It's fine but you know, I might be a Scrapper but I have a name. It's Bill Smith-"

[SEEKER OF THE CITY] "Scrapper" is a pejorative to describe those without a house or stable job. They usually make their money by scavenging for raw material to sell, ala GLORIOUS COPPER WIRING!!!

"I apologize but you do realize we have to keep some level of OPSEC! Loose lips sink ships~!" You put on an oddly coy tone of voice.

"Of course you fuckin' say that." He mutters under his breath, clearly annoyed with where this is going. This is a well worn road of discussion for your doppelganger and him. "I have to keep up the good work and make sure it's absolutely perfect. Everything has to be neat, perfect, and tidy for you. All of these stupid fucking procedures and codes and-"

"Why, what seems to be the matter? It's simply how we must operate things, Bill!"

"It gets fucking old and GOD, that smile you keep giving me. You always act like this peachy keen sugary nightmare, YOU POMEGRANTE PARASITE! It's fucking sickening! I'm shocked anyone can tolerate you!"

"Bill, Bill! Is there something wrong with being polite and kind?"

"P-POLITE? Don't fucking play around! I know you only do that shit to lower people's guards! I know you're a HOLLOW, SOULLESS BITCH- GOD, I HOPE YOU HAVE A DOPPELGANGER!"
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He pauses for a moment. Damn, he was about to say something but he stopped right before he could. "Hold on. That smile doesn't look like..."

You finally drop the act now. "Nope." Very interesting information about your doppelganger. Apparently she's a perfectionist who always keeps up a sugary, upbeat act? Sounds like a neurotic mess you can easily shake with some mind games.

That's when Wendy moves in. Her HANDCANON, loaded with all four HEAVY REVOLVER BULLETS, hangs comfortably in her hand. "Listen, Bill. We truly do appreciate you shitting your diapers like the old fuck you are. That was some very useful info."

The automatons immediately move in front of Bill, hiding him from Wendy's gaze.

"The Nicole you were talking to? Yeah. Exact opposite of the one you should've talked to. And if she told us to, we could rip you to shreds."

"N-nuh uh! Robots, they're-"
"Made out of shitty Grade G plastic and metal. 5 bucks per kilogram. Not even H-Corp wants that shit" Wendy interrupts him. "She," Wendy points at Alexis. "Could rip them apart with her bare hands. Don't kid."

"T-that's only because t-they didn't give me enough time or money to-" "Uh huh. Don't care."
"You disable the Security System. We don't kill you. Simple as." She pulls back the hammer on her HANDCANNON. "Your choice. Is working for them really worth dying for?"

There's silence for a moment...but Bill immediately caves before Wendy stops playing with him and just goes in for the kill. "Fine, fine!" He stumbles over towards the panel block and, after fishing for his keys, unlocks it. He begins to fiddle with a mess of buttons and panels.

Wendy keeps her gun trained on him the whole time. Your group decides to take this chance to sneak around the WAREHOUSE to see what information and loot you can scavenge from it. Starting first with the shelves closest to the door you punched a fucking hole into.

Even with five people scavenging through it (while ignoring Bill's impotent cries to not touch his stuff), most of it is beyond useless for your group. Random screws and nails, metal that feels like it can crumble any second now, Hammer...

You do find something neat within the pile of nonsense. There's a few plastic bags of off-silver powder hidden behind all of the trash. Quite interesting. You look to your allies to see if anyone knows what it is.

Lex and Ashley seem to faintly recognize it. "Isn't that Sinsu powder?" "Yeah. Reid usually grinds some up before a show. It's not...good."
"I DOUBT IT IS MEANT FOR NASAL CONSUMPATION. GUNPOWDER HAS BEEN MIXED IN." Quentin points out the odd black specks in it. Interesting.

>+SILVER AMMO GUNPOWDER x6 (Can be used to upgrade any PISTOL or REVOLVER AMMO type to gain SILVER AMMO'S healing property.)
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You doubt you'll be able to find more without Bill's help so you move onto the documents. Just like last time, the words simply spill right out of your head as you try to read them.

Your allies are noticeably uncomfortable at their inability to hold in ANYTHING written down on the pages except for Alexis, who seems familiar with it somehow.

[CORPORATE INSIDER] "I haven't seen this exact Singularity before but it reminds me faintly of B-Corp's? They have encryption similar to this; You usually need SOME special implant to read them."

A special implant, huh? You strain your eyes in an attempt to actually let the words sink into your head. An intense burning sensation can be felt in your neck, right where your EVIGT IMPLANT is.

Most of the words are still nonsensical to you; You're not sure if they released new implants after the P-Corp incident or if you're missing something vital. You can still make out some of it, though.


You suppose you never did have a name for their organization outside of 'Silver Agents'. Though it might just be a codename, you never know. You relay what you read to the others and who the 'doppelganger' is.

"Wait, doppelganger?" Lex snorts at the mere idea of them thinking YOU'RE a doppelganger. "It's like. Some mindtrick to make people distrust you, yeah? You're the original."
"The thing that worries me the most is the the amount of weapons listed. Even the Corps I directly work don't usually need this much."
"I doubt corporations even need guns half the time. Most singularities can probably do more damage than a gun, no?" "I suppose so, Ashley."

You grab a few other documents at random since it would take too much time to force yourself to read them. You can read them as you explore the SHOPPING CENTRE or the rest of this subdistrict. You check to see how Wendy and Bill are doing.
>+3 SPOOK DOCUMENTS (It'll take some time to decode all of them. You and Wendy will passively do so as you explore.)

He's still flipping through a few buttons and switches to Wendy's growing impatience. "Hurry up." "Do you think they WOULDN'T suspect something if all of their systems shut down at once? Give me a break!"

That's when Ashley's eyes glow an off-red hue. They immediately lose their glow, as if her ability is being suppressed.
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Worrying but there's no point using a half remembered vision. You slip her a SUNSTONE and a MOONSTONE FRAGMENT.

She cracks the fragment in her hand before instinctually taking a huff of the orange-red fumes leaking out of the SUNSTONE. This seems to be enough to get her eyes glowing again.

"Bill? You do realize they're going to kill you regardless, right?"

Bill's neck immediately snaps in Ashley's direction. He almost seems insulted at the idea of his employers killing him. "Bullshit. Any information that got leaked was because they didn't tell me about THIS doppelganger-" He points at you. "And because SHE apparently has an implant. You can't read those documents otherwise."

"Oh, that's not why they're going to kill you. They're going to kill you because they found someone else." Her eyes keep glowing as she recites her vision. "You're too slow and old for them. You won't fulfill the quota and so, they find someone else to do it. You already failed before, haven't you?"

"It's not MY fault they ask for robots and automatons alongside the guns and look do you know how hard it is to get cold iron-" "They don't care. Fuck, man, they're watching my brother like a hawk because they failed to kill her." She nods her head in your general direction.

Ashley lets out a low hiss of pain as she struggles to use her sixth sense through whatever is suppressing it.

"They probably haven't done it BECAUSE he's still working with her doppelganger. OR, to you, the original? Who cares. You?" She takes a moment to push past the haze in her vision. <"Damn. They must really be trying to hide this.">

"You'll be shot five times in the back. in two weeks. This shop will then be destroyed by high grade explosives. No one will remember you. This WILL be your fate. This is what you will choose. There WILL be no going back." Only then do her eyes lose their glow.


"Fuck. You have those weird psychic-" "Nope! Nope, I'm not one, FUCK OFF-" "-eyes. You ain't bullshitting, are you?"
"You were going to leave five minutes ago with a shotgun and two robots if we didn't come in." "Yeah, actually, how the- You know what, not important. It's my fate?"

Ashley can only shrug. "I only sense the most probable outcomes. I'm not god, I'm not omniscient. But I'm usually right."

Bill glances back at the panel he was working on. "I was going to tell my employers about this, you know, after you left. To earn their good graces back." "Yeah, we kinda assumed."

"If I work with you, will you make sure I don't get blackbagged? I really, really rather die of a heart attack while I'm asleep."

Ashley, again, just shrugs. "Would you rather trust the super duper secret feds who won't tell you much and ask for unreasonable demands or the guys who are giving you a way out?"
"Realistically, though, we could not pay you what they pay you for your services." Alexis points out, seemingly out of obligation than anything.
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"Yeah. I'm not being paid enough to kill myself for some men in silver. Sure. What do you want?"

"Weapons, ammo, automatons." Wendy lists out her demands for you as she carefully holsters her handgun. "Oh. And try reprogramming some of the ones at the shopping centre to fuck over your employers."

Bill laughs at the suggestion as if you told him to rip his balls off so someone can use them as a doorknocker. "I'm sorry, you do realize who's over there, yeah? She's working with an Excisor, my shit can't make a dent in him!"

That catches your group's attention. A special title usually means you're SOMETHING in the City. Ranger, ETF, CEO, Corporate Rep, etc. You'll definitely have to ask him what he means by that.

"I...suppose that makes a certain level of sense. Maybe I can move into P-Corp with all of the money I got."
Wendy and Quentin share a 'does he know?' look but they both decide it's not worth telling him. "Probably for the best. I'll put in a word with you."

"The fuck is an Excisor? Isn't that a tooth or somethin'?" Lex is beyond confused at the random title drop.
"That's Incisor, you dork." Ashley gently shoves Lex.

"I once saw a bear RIP ONE OF THEIR HAND off and it grew right fucking back!" Bill begins to furiously work on a dozen things at once (reprogramming, finding spare ammo and guns, the works). "They don't tell me a lot about their specific agent titles but if an Excisor is sent after you, it's because they want you dead at any cost. I have not seen that man take a hit he hasn't regenerated from."

"So. What, like a video game chaser?" Lex seems to be getting the idea of what's going on now. "Like in those zombie games?"
"I have no idea what you're on about but I guess so!"

"Wait, hold on, why did you work for them anyways?" Alexis can't help but to pry into why he's an associate of them anyways.
"What do you think? Money. Make a buncha tech for them, earn 30-35k profit, repeat. I'm not made of stone."

"And the documents?" You hold up the singularity protected documents.
"Most of them are just encrypted order lists and where they tend to hang out at. I travel there to give them their shit and get my payments. SOMETIMES, they tell me about specific targets I have to make equipment for."

"Heard somethin' about a rich dude who never wears shoes and makes really shitty movies. Had to make a special EMP bullet to shut off his implants. Guess it didn't work out." ...Gregory.

"Got the names of any other collaborators?" You press him for whatever information you can. He simply shrugs, though.
"Nope. Apparently, ever since some radios of theirs got stolen, the only thing they tell me is what orders they want. They used to be more open before then."
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"Hell, they're probably going to lock up more once they realize I backstabbed them. All I can say is that they ask for a lot of specialized ammo to shoot down a lot of random rich people and they give me the tech to do so. That and a lot of their shit is just random stolen tech I can buy from other companies."

Hm. You do wonder if they actually have anything that they don't buy from other companies or random contractors aside from their own Singularity.

"Do you have any of it left?" "Uh. Sure, I hold no value in it anymore. Take it. Do what you will with it." One of the robots moves to look through the shelves for the tech in question. After that, the conversation dries up as your group waits for him to finish up his work.


He finally stops fucking around with the panel. "25% of the robots are permanently shut off, 40% are reprogrammed, 35% are rebooting. You got about an hour before the rebooting ones turn back on. Best I can do on short notice. I shut down the ones that were guarding, uh, the one that are guarding the section my bosses said had 'the lures'."

The lures? Does he mean the villagers? Did they somehow expect you to go out of your way to help them out or was it for the other villagers- You know, you'll cross that bridge when you get there.

Your group nods along. You won't look a gifted horse in the mouth. Three of his robots promptly slide in to join your group, each of them holding a bundle of goods for your group.

>+3 AUTOMATON MEATSHIELDS (Each has 3 FLESH and RESTRAINT, 2 TALENT + VIOLENCE + WILLPOWER + COGNIZANCE, 0 CHARM and CONNECTIONS. Can't use most equipment or items. Generally dogshit but they will eat hits and fight for you.)

>5 SERVICE PISTOLS (Your allies are already well armed, this is for your other allies.)
>20 PISTOL AMMO (You give 5 to ALEXIS, 5 to ASHLEY, and 5 to QUENTIN. You'll keep the last 5 to get to other allies.)
>12 SHOTGUN SLUGS (You give 4 to LEX, keeping 8 for yourself.)

"I said all I can. I'm going to run like hell, you six get the hell out of here and deal with them for me."

There's nothing else to do here, you got all of the information and loot you can out of this old man. There's only one target left for you (well, two, but the Bank time capsule has spent centuries by itself. You can always go there before leaving). The Shopping Centre. The six of you spill out of the WAREHOUSE before making a beeline towards the hole in the fence so you can get out.

Lex stops for a moment. He points towards the barbed wire at the top of the fence. "Nicky. Wendy. Rip some of that off."
The two of you look confused at the request but both of you comply. Wendy strains to use her ability but she loosens it enough for you to rip off quickly. You toss it to Lex...

Who promptly wraps his spiked brass knuckles in them. As he slides them back on, the razor sharp wire digs into his hands.
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>+BARBED SPIKED BRASS KNUCKLES! (ATTACK ROLL: VIOLENCE. +1 VIOLENCE, +2 extra VIOLENCE when intimidating. Boosts all TORMENTED SPARK progress earnt by 1%! Small chance to inflict extra FLESH damage to self and enemy.)

Your group stares at him as if he's fucking insane. Lex simply shrugs as if the masochistic makeshift weapon he's wielding is totally normal. You don't sense any self hatred or doubt in his head so you have no idea why he's doing it.

"I don't understand this weird psychic anomalous power stuff that well but it's all in your head, right? And my head is, like, I dunno. Telling me this will help."
"A-and I think it's cool." He begins to shift in place as if this might be a bad idea after all.


"...In any other situation I would call you a fucking retard." Ashley spits out with obvious compassion in her words that she tries to wrap under a layer of detached numbness. "And you are. But if it'll help you..."
"I have done worse things when trying to use my powers. Hell, I cut holes in my body to let ghosts appear out of me!"

The group just stares at you even though over half of them have seen you do that exact thing. Right. Best to change the topic.

Moving on from Lex's self flagellation, your group makes its way towards the SHOPPING CENTRE. There's nothing in your way nor anything of real interest so you let your mind immediately zonk out until you're standing right in front of it.

You feel Wendy violently jabbering her elbow into your side to get your attention. Snapping back to reality, you're outside the grey monolith that is the SHOPPING CENTRE. Looks the exact same since it's only been 30 or 40 minutes since you were last here but there is something slightly different about it. An air of tension that tells you that something WILL go down when you enter.

You're too far in to stop now, though. Your group steps through the front doors, pushing past the threshold that all of you can feel. The only sound any of you can hear is Lex's blood dribbling onto the ground with every movement he makes.

Luckily, you aren't immediately confronted by your doppelganger and her super powerful bodyguard. It's simply the same abandoned shopping centre with endlessly stretching shopping aisles that's overran by god knows how many plants.

You swear you saw the same off-white deer from earlier peeking its head around one of the shelves. Wait, no, not deer. It's a reindeer on closer examination. Aside from the off white hue, it looks like any other generic reindeer you could see.

Ashley, ignoring the ominous deer, heads over to one of the many aisles and begins to climb up its shelf to do a quick scan of the environment. Quentin moves in to do some quick scouting as well with his bug-like flight. No point going in blind, yeah?

"God, I've seen what you've done for others-" "You'll get a hug from both of them AFTER we're out of enemy territory." Alexis interrupts whatever nonsense Lex was about to go on.
It doesn't take long for the two to return, thankfully.

As the two begin to ramble about what they saw, you take a moment to think about which path to go from here.

Choose one MAIN location and up to one SIDE location. Your MAIN location is where all 6 of the important characters will go. If you pick a side location, two automatons will be sent to deal with it on your behalf.

>[PERSON OF INTEREST] "I scouted the two of them wandering around Aisle 10, north of here. We need to see what they're talking about." Follow Ashley. You NEED to learn what these two want with the villagers. (TALENT THRESHOLD 24/27/30/36, rolling 7d6+2d3 to represent the group. For every threshold you beat, the longer you'll be able to stay hidden before you have to retreat in order to not be spoted.)
>[LEX ALLY] "Mom told us that the villagers were north something from here. Let's save them first before they realize what's going on." Make a beeline towards the missing hunters that the Security System is mostly down. Nothing else matters.
>[ASHELY ALLY] "I saw a locked door leading to an employee's only section. You have a lockpick set, yeah?" If there's still electricity here, there's cameras here. Go in there to get a better sense of your surroundings.
>[WENDY ALLY] "Nicole. I have an idea. Let's draw out our enemies." Wendy digs out her flamethrower. Set something on fire as a distraction and prepare for an ambush. (You'll get a chance to hopefully eliminate them as a threat for the rest of the mission. You doubt this will be easy, though.)
>[ANOMALOUS ABILITIES] Okay so it's obvious this weird deer is relevant to you somehow. Go up to see and see what the fuck it wants.
>[WOLF IN DEER'S CLOTHING] You can sense something foul in the air despite the security system being turned off. A sickly rot that causes the fur on your stomach and the skin on the rest of you to shiver. Tell the robots to check it out. (SIDE LOCATION ONLY.)
>Have the automatons collect some ROTWOOD and other plants. No reason not to! (SIDE LOCATION ONLY. You'll get 1d4+2 ROTWOOD and 1d6 random PLANTS you can barter with or use as ingredients for drugs/food later.)
>Write in (What do you want to look for or do? It is a massive shopping centre, there's probably a LOT of places to find. Ask your allies something? Use an item? Something else completely?)

Woo. This update should be quicker AND shorter. This will not be like my last quest, I will NOT be posting 8 post long updates that often.
I'll update the pastebin tomorrow to handle all of the loot and status changes you've gotten.
>[PERSON OF INTEREST] "I scouted the two of them wandering around Aisle 10, north of here. We need to see what they're talking about." Follow Ashley. You NEED to learn what these two want with the villagers. (TALENT THRESHOLD 24/27/30/36, rolling 7d6+2d3 to represent the group. For every threshold you beat, the longer you'll be able to stay hidden before you have to retreat in order to not be spotted.)

>[WOLF IN DEER'S CLOTHING] You can sense something foul in the air despite the security system being turned off. A sickly rot that causes the fur on your stomach and the skin on the rest of you to shiver. Tell the robots to check it out. (SIDE LOCATION ONLY.)

I want to kill these two right here and now on our own terms. All these options are still great, and I am curious about that airborne threat that Svet commented on. I'm fine with whatever wins the vote
>This will not be like my last quest, I will NOT be posting 8 post long updates that often.
We're being hunted my Malkuth, dayum.

>[PERSON OF INTEREST] "I scouted the two of them wandering around Aisle 10, north of here. We need to see what they're talking about." Follow Ashley. You NEED to learn what these two want with the villagers. (TALENT THRESHOLD 24/27/30/36, rolling 7d6+2d3 to represent the group. For every threshold you beat, the longer you'll be able to stay hidden before you have to retreat in order to not be spoted.)
>[WOLF IN DEER'S CLOTHING] You can sense something foul in the air despite the security system being turned off. A sickly rot that causes the fur on your stomach and the skin on the rest of you to shiver. Tell the robots to check it out. (SIDE LOCATION ONLY.)
>Write in
>3 PINK FRAGMENTS (A bizarre pink gemstone that you don't recognize. When used, can add 3 to the final tally of ANY roll.)
>one of W-Corp's MANY safety inspectors
I never saw this coming either

>V-Corp's singularity
Is Nicole's also from them? I assume the rep would know he was talking to the REAL Nicole and not the fake. Alexis said "usually" so I assume there's other ways of copying people out there in the City. Maybe the silver agents used a different source
>not really all that relevant
I dunno, some people out there are really into fucking themselves. "My own clone! Now neither of us will be virgins!" exists for a reason, and it's not just as a meme
>Hit and run
If they're anything like regular silver agent baseline regen, then that's wrong
>every advantage possible
We've made do with less plenty of times
Great for growing fingernails faster

>old fiend of mine
Somehow I like the idea of this actually being "fiend" and not a "friend" typo
>lost Fornx
Sector F was kinda meh back in SJ
Some say Ruger...
Could make a good sleepytime tea with this and the shrooms
>she recognizes it
German girl, German gun

>rip the door
It's pretty fitting that Nicole hurts her leg doing her thing even with the voice borrowed from Lex, and Lex just no-sells the door normally
>Visible doll joints

>recognize your friends
How recently have the silver agents had a guy working for them here to manage this place? How were the town's automatons doing before they showed up? I doubt they were guarding a specific spot in the shopping center until things changed here

>a certain kind of smile
The Expression...
Sable should stop listening to Carmen offscreen
I'm surprised 6/9 is enough to proc this
>get in bed with E, J, and Z-Corp for some better discounts
This info drop alone is huge. Handler thought they were getting their serums and blood replacements from Z-Corp or somewhere else. I hope Benjamin will be okay. I also think that the unknown CEO we met before this mission was J-Corp's because of his suit color (orange) and him warning against K-Corp which they had a small war with over the Ace Strikers gassing. Didn't we also find out there were some J-Corp cops that were dirty and worked for the silvers? On top of that we helped E-Corp out with the E/X/Q cooperation. Damn, is there no corp they don't have their fingers in?
>It's Bill Smith
I look forward to seeing him again in a P-Corp facility soon...

>sugary, upbeat act
The way the doppelganger is colorfully described is reminiscent of Casey, but if Casey were more of a bitch and less of a cute scatterbug
>Bill's impotent cries
I kinda feel sad for bullying this old tech geezer, but he literally works for the enemy
We might definitely need this for the imminent bossfight
>faintly of B-Corp's
We STILL haven't told her the silver agents are Old B Corp!
>special implant
There's still the UNKNOWN IMPLANT we have. Looking back, we looted it in the buried facility mission with PRESTON SMITH's items. It was hidden in the Research Lab. Wonder if that means anything as to what it might do?
Stilleto Dagger? Cloak and dagger...
That's enough arms for a small army
Another point of fucking with them?
Is this all just to get back at the current B-Corp? They're so salty they're on a collective revenge quest?
>amount of weapons
...They're going to wage war on one of the corporations. There's no way all this is just to put Nicole and friends down. They must be aiming to bring down one of the Wings themselves, right?
Even more evidence. Handler's gonna love this

>ability is being suppressed
>trying to hide this
How are they blocking the information like this to the point even Ashley cannot bypass it alone? Is this part of their singularity too or is it some other method?
>watching my brother
PERSON OF INTEREST better have helped her with that for a day
>not one, FUCK OFF-
I still remember her explaining how she basically got scared and both refused to listen to Carmen and rejected progressing whatever was going on, so she never got to this point before. Guess there's more to go before she can wholly accept this as part of her being now

That's totally not a silver agent Claw
>move into P-Corp
I hear there's a certain facility in District 16 that will be wanting some help...
>share a 'does he know?' look
I like the cordial dynamic between Wendy and Quentin
>Isn't that a tooth
I fucking love Lex, he's one of the funniest characters in this quest
>random title drop
>video game chaser
The best way to kill one is a cutscene takedown. Where can we make one of those?
>30-35k profit
Why hasn't he gone to a Nest by now with that much easy money?
>where they tend to hang out
That's MORE TARGETS for us
>special EMP bullet
It'd be great if we had those
>radios of theirs got stolen
Whoops! That's what we get for looting everything

>random rich people
I doubt there's anything random to their actions
>anything that they don't buy
So same thing I said in >>6082590 about some other Wings
>out of your way to help them
The price of being too based in the City
We can use them as suicide bombers
The excess are great to sell or trade with
>one target left
Sorry about the Clock Tower, but the bossfight is the immediate threat

>tries to warp under
The punk tomboy ice is melting...
Noelle get out of here! There's a bossfight happening soon!
>get a hug from both
Does Alexis mean Svet and Ele, or does she mean Nicole and Wendy (or Ashley)?
>[WENDY ALLY] "Nicole. I have an idea. Let's draw out our enemies." Wendy digs out her flamethrower. Set something on fire as a distraction and prepare for an ambush. (You'll get a chance to hopefully eliminate them as a threat for the rest of the mission. You doubt this will be easy, though.)

>[WOLF IN DEER'S CLOTHING] You can sense something foul in the air despite the security system being turned off. A sickly rot that causes the fur on your stomach and the skin on the rest of you to shiver. Tell the robots to check it out. (SIDE LOCATION ONLY.)
We have a low chance of getting 36 THRESHOLD. Support this
>>6090495 if you want a higher chance of getting 36 THRESHOLD.
I forgot to do this
Changing my vote from >>6090476 to backing >>6090495
I second the stat-maxxing.
Funnily enough, my captcha starts with M0G. Let’s mogg on these idiots.

This was my original vote. I’ll modify it to support the DamDam pill and pink fragments.
We definitely need Bill contact information when we are done with this mission. It would be great to have a guy who specializes in building silver agent stuff. Also, we definitely should give him the Naomi contact so that Naomi can get silver agent stuff from him.
No reason not to buff, supporting
If he had experience building all of this stuff then I don’t think it’s a stretch to get him in contact with Otto or Max or General Alex.

He clearly has high mechanical aptitude and experience with advanced technologies. Maybe all he needs is a little bit of seed capital and he can become a new vendor.
PERSON OF INTEREST: p44, Srv, gDL, Srn, tib, 6Ru
WOLF IN DEER'S CLOTHING: p44, gDL, Srv, Srn, tib, 6Ru, K0v

Welp. Seems pretty obvious what people want. I'll take the DAMDAM PILL and PINK FRAGMENT into account sooo

I need three anons to roll the following.
>5d6 (One third of the roll)
>4d6 (Second third)

And whatever the sum of all of those rolls are will be added up and will had 3 added to it.
Rolled 2, 2, 4, 6, 6 = 20 (5d6)

Ayo not too bad
Rolled 4, 4, 5, 5 = 18 (4d6)

Rolling the 4d6
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Rolled 2, 3 = 5 (2d3)

Okay yeah, ESPECIALLY with the Pink Fragment, you passed the TALENT THRESHOLDS by a wide enough margin (36 being the highest threshold and you rolling a 41), and we're a bit behind since I fell asleep.
Writing. Rolling the 2d3 myself for extra flair. Let's say if I roll a 4 or higher, you get a tiny bonus on top of the other thresholds. Nothing to really shake anything up but just as a treat for using your items well.
HUGE value
I’m excited now
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You have to deal with the spooks or, at least, see what they're doing here. You know they're petty bastards but they should have a reason for being here.

[WOLF IN DEER'S CLOTHING] I ain't smart but this place is in bumfuck nowhere and these spook guys like being hidden, right?
[WOLF IN DEER'S CLOTHING] Maybe it was wrong time, wrong place. Hunters bumped into that Billy guy's operations, spooks got worried or somethin'?

You look over at Lex. You're not how much of that voice was your own speculation and how much of that was you but that DOES make some sense. He doesn't seem to acknowledge what the copy of his voice in your head is saying.

Before you can dwell on it, that god awful fragrance you smelled earlier hits your nose again. It reeks of sulfur, burning plastic, and dog vomit. Something about wearing NEW YOU (LEX) is making your nose way more sensitive to this smell. It's faint enough that you wouldn't have noticed it normally.

Lex and Quentin seem to have picked up on the smell too and Ashley, while seemingly not able to smell it, is clearly feeling the presence of whatever is producing that smell.

[SIXTH SENSE] "Their most vile trick...can't see it, vision is too blurry." Ashley whispers to herself. "Should we check it?"
[BLOODLUST] "I say we should rush in and crack that fucker's head in." Lex is about ready to fucking bolt it in the direction of the scent like a wild god damn animal. "You can't see it? That means it's an enemy."
[ASHLEY ALLY!] Ashley firmly grabs onto his shoulder with both of her hands. It's barely enough to stop him for a second. Lex notices this and for a moment, it's clear his five neurons are trying to think about what to do.

[BLOODLUST NEGATED!] "Fine! We better be able to crack SOMEONE'S head open." Seems like Ashley's presence is enough to calm him. For now. "Send in the robots or somethin'."

With a small hand gesture, you send two of the robots in the direction of that smell. Since you're not a fucking bloodhound you can't pinpoint target it but it's somewhere northwest of the front entrance. Glancing in that area, you can barely make out what appears to be a small hardware store?

Weird but you have more pressing issues.

"Where did you see the doppelganger?" You keep your voice low as you talk to your two scouts.
"Aisle 10, north of here. It gets really dark up there and I didn't want to draw too much attention," She shakes one of the REINFORCED LANTERNS your party has. "But I heard your voice up there."

You take a look around the shopping centre again. With the security system off now, it only clicks that most of the power has been shut off. The only source of light in or out of here is through holes in the ceiling that Rotwood and other growing plants have punched their way through.

You'll make do. You dig into your inventory for a DAMDAM PILL and a PINK FRAGMENT...and you throw both of them into your mouth. You crunch down on the fragment like rock candy. Tastes like peach bubblegum, oddly!
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Wendy immediately grabs onto your shoulders. Your other allies are confused what riled her up this time but before they can ask, she presses her face right next to yours.

"Where did you get that?"
"G-get what-"
"You know what. I know you're not one with the Lack, HOW DO YOU HAVE A FRAGMENT FROM IT-" Wendy bites her tongue for a moment. "I'll ask later."

You simply swallow the rest of the pill and the fragment.

[SEEKER OF THE CITY] The Lack, from your knowledge, is a gestalt consciousness. It's how W-Corp empowers a lot of their products, such as the various stones.
[SEEKER OF THE CITY] Yet you can get fragments from it directly somehow? Interesting.

You and Wendy both give Quentin a look of disgust. He promptly realizes that he spilled up, muttering out a weak apology.

Okay. Enough distractions. You gesture at Ashley to lead the way.
>4d6 SUPRLUS obtained! You'll gradually consume this as you make TALENT, COGNIZANCE, or CHARM checks.

Your other allies either didn't hear what Wendy said or had no fucking context for her schizo ramblings, so they just ignore that outburst of hers With Ashley taking the lead, you follow her down the long and empty aisles. You imagine they would have to have a light source as well so you'll just turn yours off when she senses them.

The only sound you can hear for hundreds of feet in any direction is your own footsteps. Your group is doings it best to hide them but they'll always be some sort of noise made. Especially when you have LEX IN YOUR PARTY. Though you thank your lucky stars when you notice that the further north you go, the more wildlife seems to have popped in out of thin air.

Random reindeer that skitter whenever they spot you, the occasional squirrel or chipmunk that are using the tall shelves to store the food, and other random prey animals. Some of the automatons are still roaming around the aisles as well and, given their bright pink glow, you imagine they're on YOUR side now.


It takes a while to find where the spooks are at WHILE also keeping a low profile. You can hear a pretty nasty sounding snowstorm blowing through the town outside. Seems like you'll have to deal with that once you're done here. Luckily, for now, it only helps to muffle your group's movement.

Ashley immediately snuffs out her lantern once you get close to the end of Aisle 10. You hear your own voice...but a mockery of it. Your group huddles back a bit to hide behind one of the shelves down here. Piercing around the edge of the aisle, you check to see what they're doing.

There's a small makeshift table that's been hastily put together in the the empty space between aisles, scavenged from whatever furniture was still usable from the various random shops. The two targets you were looking for busy scanning through some documents they have scattered across the table.

You take a moment to examine them as closely as you can from this distance.
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The Excisor's build is what Lex's build is to the rest of you. He's shorter than Lex by a solid foot but the sheer amount of muscle bulging underneath his uniform is threatening to tear it apart at any given moment.

His biceps have to be at least a solid 21 inches if not even bigger. His neck is thick enough where you're pretty sure you could stab a knife into it and it wouldn't hit anything vital. Hell, he didn't skip out on leg day either, they're pretty bulky as well.

The veins on his arms, legs, and neck are visibly bulging every time he moves. A mixture of blue, orange, red and pink glowing liquids can be seen glowing underneath them.

His uniform is heavily modified compared to the normal spook uniform. While he still has the usual silver office suit and tie, a large silver trench coat has been thrown over his body. It has to be tied around his body with several layers of belts just so it can stay on.

All of this is tied up with a simple silver trilby that's oddly comical compared to everything else he's wearing. His face is still blurred thanks to the SPOOK SINGULARITY but you can make out the faintest grimace on his expression.

https://youtu.be/QRCvyptGodw - SHE HAS YOUR FACE

The person sitting across from him...looks exactly like you. Same winter uniform, same orange-pink hair, same pink eyes, same lithe and slightly muscular physique, same face, same antlers (even though you know they're fake). Even the ECLIPSE TALISMAN is there.

There's not a single aspect about the copy that is different from you aside from some minor accessories not being there (like your ANTLER CHARMS and GLOVES OF UNKNOWN COLOR). Maybe she's missing the fur on your stomach but that's not visible with her uniform on. She's otherwise an exact copy of you.

Lord Above, why does she exist?

"So, Bel." Noelle (since 'Doppelganger' over and over again sounds clunky) flashes an oddly coy smile. "It appears someone has shut off the power to our little operation here. Isn't that a shame? Perhaps our associate has been forced to resign against his well?" Noelle giggles as if the idea of it is hysterical to her.

"Perhaps. Perhaps you should have picked a better location." With how deadpan and monotone his voice is, you can tell he doesn't find this amusing. "This was too close to civilization."

"Why, you do remember that Bill is a human bean, right? A man who needs his food, water, and sleep, unlike you?" There's a sugary plasticity to her voice that is grating to listen to for any real length of time. It's like listening to a prissy student council member from high school all over again.

"Feh. What about our targets? Nicole-"
"Remember, use Noelle for the target."
"How will we find NOELLE?"

"Well, Bel. If we can trust the data matrix we have about our target, she's most likely already here! We know she has ways of finding out about our plans even after we update security!" You almost think she's looking at you when she said that.
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"Is that not because G-Corp and J-Corp's branches have been sloppy? She was able to eliminate some of our operators thanks to the Cowboy's cheap trick."

Noelle lets out a slightly annoyed sigh. "I do admit that they have not been on their A-Game but you do realize we have only been noticed in the last three weeks? I consider it more an issue of Noelle's unwarranted grudge on us than just a failing on our part."

"Meaningless talk. What do you want to DO?" Seems like Bel is the 'voice of reason' to your doppelganger. Good?

"Hm. If she does not arrive to rescue the unlucky hunters, I say we 'escort' them to somewhere underground and carry on with our operations here. We can spin it as some story about the Graverobbers doing their thing." Noelle shrugs as if it's a non-issue to her. "They exist only as a lure for her. I know how she operates."

"It seems unnecessary to involve ourselves with such petty trickery. We should have just eliminated them once they arrived in this district.

"Ah, ah, temper, Bel! We have another reason for being here." She reaches into her inventory and out of the blue, she tosses something small at Bel. He doesn't even attempt to capture it so it just gets sent flying past him and over to the aisle your group is hiding behind.

"...Well? Are you going to get that?" She coos at the deadpan Excisor.
"Aw. Oh well, I didn't need it anyways." She leans back, propping her feet up on the table. "There is that hospital and-"

"Should we even be talking about this? What if she is here, like you predict?"
Noelle seems to pause at this. "Hm. Perhaps. Perhaps she is." Her gaze immediately snaps in the direction of the aisle your group is hiding behind.

Every single person in your group has to tighten every hole in their body shut in case they're listening. The next two minutes are spent in silence. After two minutes pass, the two return to their conversation.

"I suppose it depends if she sees interfering it as a big enough slight against us to go for. I-Corp's relationship with us has been frosty, heh. Do you have your box?"
Bel pulls out the exact same fucking box Lex is holding in his hands right now. Your group can't decide whether to laugh at this or to just be confused.

"Is access to their preservation singularity worth it? I believe our associates at A, D, E, J, K, W and Z-Corp are more than enough for our operations."
"Feh! We need as many favors as we can. Especially with the Head meeting happening soon, we need to make our move. Soon. We need to strike every corporation while they're distracted."


"Hm. Should we not find our biggest thorn outside of that one X-Corp executive? Alex? Or perhaps the Yues, wherever they are at? We did find that satellite."

Noelle's face goes cold upon hearing the satellite. "Ah. Those pesky things. We tried to tell the Head to shoot them down through a middleman but they got cold feet after."
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Those things are interfering with our own satellite projects, shooting them down here and there and..." She lets out a small sigh. "It's annoying, really."

"I told Lucius that we could not invest in space travel. It is not the 1950s anymore and this is not America anymore. We need to focus on the new tech available to us."

"Can you blame a girl for being optimistic? If we could find ways to resign people without it being traced back to us, that would be a dream..."

>PROJECT THORN. A project made by Y-Corp and the Yue family to excise themselves into space. To escape the City.
>A satellite system made with I-Corp's help allows those living in space to communicate with each other and the City. They must've learnt about the spooks due to their attempts to send their own weapons into space.
>The Head either doesn't know about them or does, but they do not oppose it and were tricked into shooting it down.
>Even Space is not exempt from these damn spooks and their constant yearn for control. If PROJECT:THORN was allowed to go off without a hitch, there would always be that one thorn in their side. Forever.
>Perhaps if you can find a way to communicate with those in the stars, you can get some help. You DO have their tech...

"That's why we need to get in with I-Corp. Or to at least find whatever old world artifacts are here to help us." Noelle is fiddling with her shoes but she stops. "Feh. I wish I could go home so I can kick these off and relax."
"You can bother the Vannis about it later. Focus."

"Mmh. Should we hunt them down? I imagine that little tale was MORE than enough to lure them right where we wanted them. I know Noelle LOVES information~!"
"Indeed." The two of them stand up from their table, grabbing the documents left on the table. "Or to at least 'resign' the hunters."


The two of them immediately snap their gaze back to the shelf you're hiding behind. You know they're bluffing since otherwise, you know they would be running over to your group RIGHT now. R-right?

You glance at your allies. None of them are willing to say a single word lest they draw attention to where your group is hiding.

You try to read their stats via MIND READ...

ABILITIES: ???, ???, ???, ???, Hello! :)

ABILITIES: REGENERATE ?? FLESH AND RESTRAINT PER TURN, ???, ???, rolls d10s instead of d6s, ???.

...You can't get a read on them. Well, you can read your doppelganger just fine but those are YOUR stats. With YOUR equipment on. You have no idea if those are fake stats and her real stats are different or if she's an EXACT copy of you.

Checking to see what Noelle threw near you...
>+JOYVEL ZETA PILL (Heals 4 RESTRAINT. No downsides!)
The robot that stayed behind with your group is nudging your shoulder. It whispers something so low, it's almost imperceptible to anyone else.


>Destroy it. Fuck the spooks over. We do NOT want them to have this. (This WILL fuck over the spooks but you'll lose access to the two automatons since they'll be beyond contaminated.)
>Collect and isolate a sample. Perhaps Benjamin can mess with it when you hire him later. (You'll get 1d3 samples to make some chemical weapons with later AND you'll get one automaton back.)
>Ignore it. We do NOT fuck with chemical weapons. (You'll get both automatons back and you won't have to risk the area getting contaminated if you fuck with the barrels.)

As for the spooks, what do you want to do with them?
>[WENDY ALLY] Even if he can regenerate, being on fire WILL be a major distraction. SET THEM ABLAZE AND GO RESUCE THE VILLAGERS! (-1 NAPLAM MOLOTOV, -1 FUEL TANK ON WENDY FLAMETHROWER. You'll be able to figure out how good Bel's regeneration is while distracting them long enough to get to the villagers.)
>[ASHLEY ALLY + PERSON OF INTEREST] Try to sneak away to the villagers. Now. You CAN NOT fuck with them. (-2d6 surplus on DAMDAM, leaving you with 2d6 left. EASYTALENT DC: 30, rolling 9d6+2d3 to represent the group. Pass and you'll be able to sneak away without them noticing you. Simple as.)
>[LEX ALLY + WOLF IN DEER'S CLOTHING] You can fight these fuckers. They can BLEED. You can fight them on YOUR terms. (+0.5 LEX RAPPORT, +26% TORMENTED SPARK progress to Lex, WOLF IN DEER'S CLOTHING will be upgraded! Due to your high roll last turn, you'll get to ambush them and hit them for free without them being able to fight back.)
>[ALEXIS ALLY + CONVINCED BILL] "Distraction! Now!" Send out the automaton you have with you and have it call over the other automatons. Run while they're busy. (Buys you time without spending any resources or skill checks but you imagine this will wipe a lot of the automatons Bill reprogrammed.)
>[QUENTIN ALLY + ELITE SPOOK SHELL] "I AM IN THEIR SHELL. PERHAPS I CAN TRICK THEM FOR A MOMENT." You trust Quentin's judgement. Let him handle them. (HARD COGNIZANCE + CHARM DC: 37, rolling Quentin's 9d6 only. If he passes, he'll be able to bullshit his way long enough to lead the spook and doppelganger on a wild goose chase, buying you some time where they WON'T hunt you down when you explore other locations.)
>[UNSTABLE RESOLVE + ANOMALOUS ABILITIES] Try to push past whatever is blocking your MIND READ. You NEED to see their stats. (FREE ACTION. -2 RESTRAINT, setting your RESTRAINT to 5/10. AUTOPASS due to high WILLPOWER. You'll get a more solid reading on their stats and abilities.)

>Write in.
>Collect and isolate a sample. Perhaps Benjamin can mess with it when you hire him later. (You'll get 1d3 samples to make some chemical weapons with later AND you'll get one automaton back.)

>[LEX ALLY + WOLF IN DEER'S CLOTHING] You can fight these fuckers. They can BLEED. You can fight them on YOUR terms. (+0.5 LEX RAPPORT, +26% TORMENTED SPARK progress to Lex, WOLF IN DEER'S CLOTHING will be upgraded! Due to your high roll last turn, you'll get to ambush them and hit them for free without them being able to fight back.)
>Collect and isolate a sample. Perhaps Benjamin can mess with it when you hire him later. (You'll get 1d3 samples to make some chemical weapons with later AND you'll get one automaton back.)


Use our WATERLOGGED POCKETWATCH to toss in both of our FRAGMENTATION GRENADES alongside the SUITCASE BOMB PLUS hopefully eradicate both of them without a fight. I’m hoping the spook isn’t entirely immune to the pocketwatch effects. If it fails we can follow up with regular combat I suppose. Maybe EMP grenades/flamethrower can nullify his healing should the explosives fail.

I don’t really want to tango with 50 FLESH and 25 VIOLENCE and lord only knows what boons he has as well. Willing to change my vote if someone has a better plan of action but I don’t like the lex option personally.
I can't vote right now because gotta go to sleep, but I am for all intents and purposes SPOOKED
I would check our inventory if I was you. If we can't instapanic this guy with dealing 16 RESTRAINT damage all at once, use pale/esoteric damage to inflict as many crippling penalties and max FLESH damage as possible, or some other severe bullshit... I don't think we can take this guy down. We might finally have found an enemy we cannot stop if he's free and loose. I really want to end him here, but I am starting to get scared that we can't do it.
We can holy-water our anti-abno slugs and when they get fired through FEDKILLER it should fuck him up good if he survives my explosives plan. No way Noelle survives the explosives and it’s 5v1 at that point.

We can use our red phone or teleporter if it gets sketchy too.
50 fucking flesh and rolls d10s, and we don't know what our clone can do. Gonna need to think about this shit later since I am on codeine cough syrup for a shitty summer cold. If we decide to fight I can say we need to alpha strike, hit them with everything we can. If we can get the suitcase bomb to them it would take like half of Bel's health and wipe out Noelle but I am sure she has some bullshit. If she is an exact copy she may have the same implants as us so we need to account for that too we do have a couple of EMPs. But hey, maybe boss fight time!

I really hope they don't have an army of fuckers like Bel.

On the other hand, if we can beat him... that is an upgrade for our bug boy. Could maybe harvest an implant or two as well.

If we don't nuke them, restraint damage is likely going to be our only chance vs him at least.

We also got this guy, >"WE MAKE BETTER GAS FUCK YOU K-CORP' GAS CANISTER if we want war crimes.
What if we turn their own chemical weapons on them?
How? Throw the chemical barrel at them? We don’t have Benjamin on our team.
Well yeah. Send the robots with the barrel, heat it up with the flamethrower.
Just pump ourself with every single combat drug to kill them on the first turn. Ezpz
We also have the refined Suitcase Bomb. So our options for a first strike are pretty good.
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I love how the solution to many problems in the quest are just to snort a bunch of coke, shoot up, down RX pills and just go murder death kill apeshit on a nigger. My kind of dystopia.

Tossing a bomb meant to fuck up dozens of people is also a good option, and then unloading into them is also good. I just worry Noelle is going to have BS psychic shit to make it not work.
Here's some shit we could use on the big motherfucker
Anti implant because this guy has so many blood replacements and implants in him we have to do this
Esoteric/pale damage
If "Completely nukes the RESTRAINT of anyone exposed" means it drops RESTRAINT to 0, this might be one of the best options available to us here
Permanent 3 dice loss to him
This is 20 FLESH damage, which he can survive, but 3 CRIPPLING INJURIES is important too
This guy is an actual white whale, so is it finally time for these?
How much is that "scaling fire damage" here?
Extra FLESH damage against humans
Does he count as an"anomalous human"? If so, 3 extra FLESH/RESTRAINT damage plus esoteric/pale
Always inflicts CRIPPLING INJURY, and Wendy has 4 of them already loaded
Further dice reduction, this one is by 2 each
We have only 3 bolts for this but it does esoteric/pale damage. With COGNI+WILL+1 roll, and with Wendy using her HANDCANNON for the HEAVY REVOLVER ammo and Nicole using her FEDKILLER, that leaves only Quentin the best one here that's free to use this
Free 1d12 to a RESTRAINT, VIOLENCE, or TALENT roll. I don't think the 1 temporary FLESH/RESTRAINT is enough against this horror
Alexis is the highest at 6 CHARM here, but she's got her ROYAL BLUE DERRINGER scaling off her 10 CONNECTIONS so no dice unless she pops the bastard with one special pistol round then swaps to this.
Nicole's got 7 WILLPOWER, while Ashley and Wendy have 6. Honestly with how he's got less RESTRAINT than FLESH, Ashley could use this instead of the BLOODSTAINED HUNTING KNIFE... but that knife has 3 rerolls and guaranteed SEVERE BLEEDING. Hmm...
>T-Company Temporal Rewinder
This is going to be vital for Alexis to use if we get horrid rolls and he gets godlike ones
I think the best thing to do first is decide what route to murder him. Do we go in on depleting his FLESH or his RESTRAINT? Could we do something utterly deranged like Timestop with WATERLOGGED POCKETWATCH, force the Y-CORP HANDHELD TELEPORTER on him, set it to teleport him straight into the Lack at the abyss below the W-Corp mine we were in, run, and let him get shunted there never to be seen again? Y-CORP TELEPORTER says "to any place in the City you know the exact location of", so I doubt we could use it plus WATERLOGGED INFINITE SEA MAP to teleport this big glownigger to the middle of the fucking ocean 10000 miles away
>[ANOMALOUS TATTOOS] Lex's attacks now do equal parts RESTRAINT and FLESH damage, allowing him to damage otherwise physical resistant entities. He may spend 1 RESTRAINT to add +2d8 to any FLESH, VIOLENCE, or TALENT roll he makes or assists in.
Hell even Lex can do RESTRAINT damage to shit now. We have more options for sanity damage than I expected.
>She reaches into her inventory and out of the blue, she tosses something small at Bel. He doesn't even attempt to capture it so it just gets sent flying past him and over to the aisle your group is hiding behind.
>"...Well? Are you going to get that?" She coos at the deadpan Excisor.
>+JOYVEL ZETA PILL (Heals 4 RESTRAINT. No downsides!)
Did this dumb bitch just hint at us the solution then?
As much as I love the idea of dropping this guy in the middle of the ocean, he would probably survive. This guy is so busted, he could probably swim back to shore even after we remove his head.

Now into the W-Corp mines… that’s an interesting idea.
>Destroy it. Fuck the spooks over. We do NOT want them to have this. (This WILL fuck over the spooks but you'll lose access to the two automatons since they'll be beyond contaminated.)

>[WENDY ALLY] Even if he can regenerate, being on fire WILL be a major distraction. SET THEM ABLAZE AND GO RESUCE THE VILLAGERS! (-1 NAPLAM MOLOTOV, -1 FUEL TANK ON WENDY FLAMETHROWER. You'll be able to figure out how good Bel's regeneration is while distracting them long enough to get to the villagers.)
>set it to teleport him straight into the Lack at the abyss below the W-Corp mine we were in, run, and let him get shunted there never to be seen again?
>Now into the W-Corp mines… that’s an interesting idea.
Both You do realize that the W-CORP mine location has a mining town with people in it?
My only concern about the grenades is that our V-Corp knockoff probably has TK powers too. She could just toss the damn thing back at us.

I think we should avoid using the waterlogged pocket watch too. If the Elite Silvers could move through the time distortion, Big Chungus here almost definitely can.
Yeah I have no doubts he will swim back to the City if we do that. I don't know if the Lack inside the abyss is powerful enough to mindbreak this badass if he's at 16 RESTRAINT maximum. I fear he could still jump out of it and dig his way out of the whole mine, or he has some bullshit in his system to help him withstand the extreme mindfuck gas exposure. Even so we can't let what ifs paralyze us. Valentina was down there for a week or so and she was like 90% crystallized- but she's also with an affinity for that crystal shit to begin with, which is why the Mayor kept her there. Nicole walked out of the gas cleared area and instantly got mental assaulted in one step away.

You realize there's an abyss pit right there at the bottom where nobody has ever went into and came out alive? You are right that people will be in danger if he survives mentally intact and exits free.

I really don't want Nicoke+Wendy to hot potato the turbo mindbreak gas container against the clone. I forgot about timestop resistance, good point. I don't want him to move freely and crush peoples' heads in seconds because our allies are timestopped and he isn't
We should give Lex the Chainsaw of Ultraviolence if we haven’t already. It’ll double his Violence stat to be just shy of the Glowie’s.

Ashley’s Willpower stat is equal to her Violence. We should give her Beyond Love and Hate to deal Restraint damage as well.

We also need to keep the Driftwood Idol in mind, it lets us tank a couple of extra hits. Which I think are going to be *very* potent when they come…
That is pretty clever. I imagine the human T-1000 has enough implants to fuck over Za Worldo, and if he does, I don't want Nicky to be close to him when he stops pretending to be stopped.

I will find it fun if we can take him out of the picture, and her and Noelle get in a scuffle and end up shouting "Im she real one, shoot her!", or some shit at the same time and Wendy caps her ass without hesitation, tells us no she was not sure after, kek. I know it is a trope but considering it made me smile so...eh.

One thing is, fake Nicole might end up being the more dangerous of the pair even if she is squishier because she knows exactly how we think and I believe knows or strongly suspects we are there. Will vote after food.
I agreen, if we go for jumping them. Might also support is supercharging Mind Radar, get full stats and powers from them since we just got a freebie restraint heal. Use some holy oil for out melee guys, hand out anti abno or silver ammo. Gonna need to re-read our last fight against an elite to see if I can figure out what BS he might be able to pull.
>You realize there's an abyss pit right there at the bottom where nobody has ever went into and came out alive? You are right that people will be in danger if he survives mentally intact and exits free.
That super silver agent body is full of super drugs and implants. I think he highly likely will make it out live.
Chainsaw + holy oil for maximum pale/esoteric damage could be incredible. I think if we do that, it should be after we debuff Bel as much as possible with CRIPPLING INJURY plus dice debuffs plus EMP to shut his implants off for the fight. Maybe SUITCASE BOMB PLUS first?
So Ashley would hit him for that SEVERE BLEEDING first and then use the other anomalous dagger for sanity damage? I don't think she can dualwield both, but I could be wrong.
We could hamper his moves with ECLILSE SILK BOMB too, but that won't last long with this brute's power.

Or if Nicole and Noelle straight up fistfight. That's always cool when a clone and an original do it

>supercharging Mind Radar
It's still valid info to pass to Handler and Alex on what the other ally clones and Excisors are packing for future encounters.

You're right. I still wanted to suggest it because it felt like a creative solution even if it's essentially the "take our problems and push them somewhere else" solution
He has restraint restoration.

He would get constantly nuked to zero, gain however much back, take ten steps, get nukes to zero, rinse and repeat.

He would eventually escape the mines, but it would be an absolute abomination that would be so much worse in the future. Even if that future is a hundred years away.
The only way he could restraint heal without his implants active are either his traits or external items including shooting silver ammo.
>Anom: +2 WILLPOWER, Allies with SPARK passively gain progress to awakening their spark. If sent to haunt someone, they passively lose RESTRAINT over time.
We also have this
>Poi: +1 COGZNIANCE + TALENT, Limited resistance to perception altering effects. If sent to haunt someone, paranoid delusions will cause them to betray their allies, temporarily joining you as an ally.
If his restraint is low enough, this plus a CHARM check might convince him to tear all his implants out willingly?
So highly dangerous sane super silver agents get turned into insane, uncontrollable, highly dangerous super silver agent traps in a W-CORP mine that has a mining town with people still mining the mine. Yeah, I am absolutely against sending him to the W-Corp abyss, no matter what.
I already see there is going to be a mission, us going back to that W-Corp mine to solve our mess we made if we decided to teleport him to W-Corp mine.
>hey Freakshit A random dumbass (definitely not your right?) decided to teleport. A super silver agent in the W-CORP mine abyss, his restraint gets absolutely destroyed by the Lack. However, the problem is that there is an insane Berserk super silver agent running around the mine, killing anything it sees, and he breaks out of the mines and massacres almost all the inhabitants of the mining town. W-Corp quarantine mining town and need a cleaner to solve this problem made by some (absolutely not your right, Freakshit?) retarded dumbass. Go deal with it. REWARD: Go fix this fucking absolutely mess your make, Freakshit, and you're going to spend the rest of your life paying dead relatives children that get killed by your braindead action.Risk Level: VERY HIGH.
What if we holy oil the chainsaw, give it to lex, stop time, throw in the suitcase bomb plus our frag and EMP grenades to disable his implants/fuck him up.

The explosions should kill Noelle, and massively weaken him, then Lex with the chainsaw and our FEDKILLER with anti-abno rounds should finish him off?

We can tank one hit and if it’s only his dice rolling we should still be able to beat him with the 5 of us and a drone.
I don't think that alone will be enough
Time stop is a bad idea. Elite agents can move through it, I can guarantee you this guy will too.

I’m down for the EMP grenade, but I’m iffy on the suitcase bomb. Noelle almost certainly has telekinetic powers like Nicole, so what’s stopping her from bucking the bomb back at us?

The oily chainsaw is an absolute yes.

We can theoretically tank three hits:
-(at least) one from Quentin
-two from Driftwood idol
Noelle can't TK everything we throw back at us, especially if we distract her attention. I say we use all this in order
No implants for him
Eat shit
Holds him for a time
2 max flesh damage plus removes 3 dice from him
Gain +6d4 to our next attack plus removes 2 dice from him
Mindbreak him as much as possible

Nicole uses FEDKILLER with 1 PROTOTYPE ANTI ABNO first, then switches to AP (does Bel count as "armored"?) or HOLLOWPOINT or EXPLOSIVE shotgun ammo
Lex uses CHAINSAW OF ULTRAVIOLENCE with HOLY OIL and ANOMALOUS TATTOOS going for restraint damage
Quentin uses LOST IN TIME twice until we only have 1 bolt left, then swaps to 1 PROTOTYPE ANTI ABNO ammo, then swaps to regular ANTI ANOMALY
Ashley hits with BLOODSTAINED HUNTING KNIFE to ensure severe bleeding- if he's at 0 restraint, keep it up; if he's not 0 restraint then swap to BEYOND LOVE AND HATE for restraint damage
Wendy uses HANDCANNON with HEAVY REVOLVER ammo once or twice, then swaps to regular ANTI ABNO

If he is at 0 restraint but still fighting or a threat, we should stop using the expensive anti anomaly stuff. Any good?
Since ammo is so important, that's why I stress using PROTOTYPE ANTI-ABNO ammo sparingly. Maybe 1 crossbow shot is enough from Quentin too, but we could always buy more crossbow bolts for LOST IN TIME later. We can still use OATH TO CONTAIN for a free 1d12. Are the frag nades and reinforced lanterns worth trying? Or the flamethrower and other fire sources?
>REFINED ZANAL x2 (When consumed, +1 to all stats and you roll d8s for the next two rolls you make. Wears off after your second roll. No downside.)
>POLISHED VOIDSTONE (Boosts all stats by 3 on consumption for a short duration and once it wears off, boosts one stat of the user's choice permanently by 1.)
>VOIDSTONE FRAGMENT (A vantablack fragment of a stone. It crackles with seething intensity. Allows you or an ally to reroll all dice rolled when consumed.)
>SUNSTONE (A refined SUNSTONE, made by W-Corp. Has one charges. You may spend a charge to add +2d8 to any dice roll you make.)
We have these too. Abusing MANAGER'S TENDRIL is also a must against this bastard. Anything else we're missing that could help us?
I count five thrown items. We have six people total.

We can do this in a few pre-planned volleys made to get as many rounds on target as possible.

I’m thinking that Nicole opens up by shooting Noelle in the face, then Lex hucks the suitcase bomb at them while Noelle is stunned by the bullet. Follow that with the cryo, EMP and rope grenade. Cap it all off with the gas canister because the other explosions could displace the gas cloud.

I’m down for burning as many consumables as we can on this. We have a great chance to take these fuckers off the board for good, we can’t waste it.
Ambush round
FEDKILLER (with what ammo?) Noelle
SUITCASE BOMB, he's the strongest of us
EMP+, why not
RAW NOVASTONE CHUNK, she could use the 6d4 more
Mindbreak gas canister, she must have experience with using these already
...but that leaves the ECLIPSE SILK BOMB unthrown. Maybe a double throw is fine?

Round 1
ROYAL BLUE DERRINGER - 1 PROTOTYPE ANTI ABNO PISTOL, then either swap to SUGAR WAND X or swap ammo type
LOST IN TIME - 1 CROSSBOW BOLT, then stay on or swal to something else?

Anything? I'm forgetting boosting items here. I think Lex might need them the most to match Bel in power and keep him occupied
>Collect and isolate a sample. Perhaps Benjamin can mess with it when you hire him later. (You'll get 1d3 samples to make some chemical weapons with later AND you'll get one automaton back.)
>[LEX ALLY + WOLF IN DEER'S CLOTHING] You can fight these fuckers. They can BLEED. You can fight them on YOUR terms. (+0.5 LEX RAPPORT, +26% TORMENTED SPARK progress to Lex, WOLF IN DEER'S CLOTHING will be upgraded! Due to your high roll last turn, you'll get to ambush them and hit them for free without them being able to fight back.)
Support because I'm about to go to sleep now.
We only have 3 HOLY OIL, 1 of which Lex will be using. I don't know if Ashley should also use one or not
Here's my official vote
>Collect and isolate a sample
And my plan so far in >>6092040

An idea I had is that once Noelle is fucking dead, we could summon Anom to haunt Bel to further lower his RESTRAINT as the fight goes on if we need to.

I want to do the MIND READ option to get their full stats too. I don't know if you guys also want that or not, but we can easily go from 5/10 to 9/10 restraint if we pop the JOYVEL ZETA

I will support this. Having Lex go all rip and tear will be cool. We have a thing we can give Lex that will boost all his shit by 3 and give 1 perma boost. We can use one of our blood vials to boost our shit by 2 for a while too.
>I want to do the MIND READ option to get their full stats too. I don't know if you guys also want that or not, but we can easily go from 5/10 to 9/10 restraint if we pop the JOYVEL ZETA

I will support this too.
Changing to >>6092084
Both of these are me

Changing to support

Sorry for multiple ID’s QM I’m a mobilefag
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Rolled 1 (1d3)

This was a LOT more discussion than I was expecting. I don't mind it, I like it even.

COLLECT: K0v, TVK, gDL, FtJ, cQf, G2g

KILL: K0v, gDL, FtJ, TVK, cQf, G2g

Writing. You'll see how effective your specific plan on fighting is soon enough. I will say this, with the items you have, you CAN put up a fight against him.

Rolling 1d3 for the sample amount.


You are Lex Iron and you are fuckin' scared. It's actually hard to remember the last time you were actually scared. There was that weird captain anomaly dude but aside from that? This is a first.

Every thing you've heard about him makes it sound like he's some massive hotshot. Regenerating hands, looking like THAT, all of those weird veins and shit? He looks like he belongs in a video game! Not real life! It doesn't help at all that Nicky looks scared of him too.

She's clearly trying to hide it but you know her well enough to know when something is really worrying her.

[ANOMALOUS STRENGTH] So what? We fought worse and we won. He doesn't have cool anomalous powers like you, Nicky, Ashley, or even that crazy Wendy chick!
[BRICK SHITHOUSE] All of us have gotten stronger too. We got more allies too. We have more weapons. We have more STRENGTH!
[SOUL OF A FRIEND] But what if it's not enough? What if your friends get hurt? Is it worth risking their lives and the lives of those we're meant to rescue?

[???] Look at you. So many of the voices in your head are screeching for blood. For violence. You really are a one trick pony, aren't you, Lex?

"Shut up." You whisper so quietly, you're sure even the weird spooks can't hear you. "Shut up, shut up."

[???] You're scared. You said it yourself. Yet you still long to fight? Why? To risk the lives of those around you?
[???] Who is this for, Lex? Who are you trying to prove this to? Your family? You never even met your own mother 'til today and your father is a worthless deadbeat. There's no legacy to uphold there.
[???] Your friends? What, the four to six wayward souls who were as lost as you? Are they even your friends or were you just sick of having nothing but your own thoughts, Lex?
[???] Let's face the facts. You only want to fight it to satisfy yourself. To show dominance. Like a wild beast trying to attract a mate. How selfish.

You grit your teeth at this awful voice keeps whispering into your ear. You hate listening to this damn thing but it won't shut up! IT WON'T SHUT UP IT WON'T SHUT UP!

"I'm not a beast."

[???] It's in your blood, Lex. The blood you're leaking onto the ground as you clench those sad little fists. 50% of it isn't even human.
[???] Maybe that's why you tolerate Quentin. He's just a bug pretending to be a human.

You try to say something but the words dry up in your mouth and mind. You're not even sure what you COULD say to prove this voice wrong. The blood trickling out of your bleeding hands feels so, so cold.
You have to fight. You know that. Yet why are you still so, so scared? Why does that voice keep blaring in your fucking ears? Is it right? Are you dragging others into danger if you propose that plan to Nicole?

Just for your selfish desire to spill blood? Is that all you want in life? Blood for blood's sake? Is that all you are?


[!!!] So what if that is who you are?

That's. That's a new voice.

[!!!] Let's look at the facts. If you don't kill this man and that fake Nicole now right now, they will keep hunting your group down.
[!!!] They will stop at NOTHING until your friends are nothing but bloody paste beneath their feet.
[!!!] There's no room for negotiation. No room for running. No room for hiding. Your life and the life of your friends are on the line.
[!!!] You have to make a choice, Lex.
[!!!] Will you fight? Or will you perish like the beast you think you are?

The barbed wire digs even deeper into your hands. Your grip on your brass knuckles is so tight at this point, your knuckles have gone white. The voices are gone now. There's only the nagging pain in your hands and the warm blood running down your arms.

You can feel Ashley's hand on your back. She's giving you a look like she knows what you're going through. As if she could hear those two chucklefucks yelling in your head as well. Yet you can still see the worry and fear on her own face.

You can see Alexis looking at you with a worried frown. When she notices you looking at her, she puts on a cold and detached expression. As if she doesn't want you to see her worrying.

Quentin is squirming nervously behind the counter. With every move he makes, you can hear the bug deep inside him chittering and wriggling in fear as he keeps an eye on Nicole. Fear for himself and for those around him.

Wendy, that crazy bitch, doesn't have that off-kilter smile on her face like she normally has. She's right by Nicole, trying to think of a plan to get out of here. She's biting her lip so hard, she's drawing blood from it.

Everyone here is scared. It's not just you. Some hide it better than others but you don't need to be a genius to notice this.

You have to be the strong one here. You need to show them that you can win this. That you can make it out of here to live another day. No matter how much blood is spilled.

You damn near shatter the brass knuckles in your grip as you grip down even harder on them.

You are Lex Iron and you're going to show that motherfucker that he's nothing more than a two bit chump.


Have this mini update while you wait. You are going to rush to fight a mysterious doppelganger and a giant walking pile of FLESH points after all.
Fucking siiiick
We're gonna WIN
We CANNOT let this big motherfucker survive
We could have ignored them and run
We could have stealthily rescued the villagers and fucked off, but they would have ruined that village in return when they found out
We would have paid later for avoiding him and cowarding out now
We won't
He DIES here and he dies NOW
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What snaps you out of your little decision making trance is a familiar sound at this point; The soft sounds of blood dribbling onto the floor. The barbed wire he has wrapped around are now deeply embedded into his skin now. Like thorns on the world's most boorish rose. Despite the horrific amount of pain you imagine he must be feeling, he has the goofiest smile you have ever seen in your life.

"We're going to kill him." His eyes have taken on a bright, radiant green hue that's not like any other green you have seen before. It is distant and fuzzy, as if it was a green you only see during shallow sleep. An opulent green that you swear you saw his mother's eyes take on when she spotted him. "We're going to kill him. I don't care how long it'll take or how much money it takes. We'll do it."

"I'm sorry, did bloodloss finally get you?" Alexis has a half-smile-half-frown as if she's not sure how to react to his comment. "I tolerate a LOT when working with this group but that thing is far out of any of our leagues."
"We did kill a X5 with her before." Ashley takes a deep breath to collect her thoughts. "However. He LET us win. And I have a feeling he's not dead anyways. If we're going to fight him, we need to kill in one shot."

[CAPTAIN'S COMMAND] Right you are.

Wendy doesn't bother to look in the direction of the spooks. Her gaze is only on Alexis for now. "You can run. Go on, do it. Save yourself. It would probably be a smart idea."

[LIQUDATION] For a moment, Alexis really did consider it. She steps away from the group, ready to turn away and to bolt out of the shopping centre. The sheer amount of FEAR in her eyes tells you that she doesn't find this to be worth it.
[HIGH RAPPORT + DEALT WITH SPOOKS BEFORE] Yet she holds back the urge to run for now.

"No point. They would chase me down. Even if it would be more pragmatic to leave you behind as a distraction, I will stay. For now."
"And look at how easily you were convinced." Wendy snorts. "Glad you're sticking around. Now pull your fucking gun out."

"Shh. I got a plan." You begin to pull out piles on piles of garbage from your inventory. No expense is too great when your target has FIFTY FUCKING FLESH. Even if this DOESN'T KILL HIM, it should be enough to make fighting him...possible?

You toss out the EMP GRENADE+, CRYO GRENADE, SUITCASE BOMB, RAW NOVASTONE CHUNK, and "WE MAKE BETTER GAS FUCK YOU K-CORP' GAS CANISTER from your inventory. Wait, Wendy has telekinesis now, you also toss the ECLIPSE SILKBOMB over to her as well. Everyone moves to gather their respective combat item.

As for you? You're not certain if he's anomalous or not but you have to try. You load in one PROTOTYPE ANIT ABNO SLUG and one EXPLOSIVE SLUG into your FEDKILLER.
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They haven't moved yet despite your extensive preparation. Even as Wendy smashes one of her NOVASTONES and stuffs it into the canister (closing it right after to prevent the whole group from being gassed), they don't move.

Is this overconfidence? Do they not know? Maybe what they were saying was just a really accurate bluff.
You hope it's just that.

"Let's kill them." That's all you have to say. Lex can't help but to smile upon hearing that, showing off all of his teeth with an ear-to-ear smile.


>[ANIMALISTIC IMPULSES] Your muscles feel stronger. Your soft skin feels like it is draped over rock hard stone. The rush of violence now excites you beyond all measure.
>Thrice per mission when you make a TALENT/VIOLENCE/FLESH check, you may reroll all dice that rolled 3 or lower. You also passively add +1d10 to all TALENT/VIOLENCE/FLESH/RESTRAINT checks you make.

You're the one who jumps out of cover first. Noelle's eyes widen the moment she catches a glimpse of you but it's not out of fear. It's not even out of malice. It's a simple, kind smile that is completely discordant with what's going on.

Bel doesn't remotely attempt to dodge or reaction. He just stands there. It damn near makes you miss your shot but you aim and with a pull of the trigger, you fire off both slugs right as you cross towards the aisle at the other side.

[ANIMALISTIC IMPULSES] You land perfectly on the other side, not losing your balance for a second.

A violent explosion erupts from the point of impact, causing Bel to stumble back with only the mildest look of shock on his face. The explosive slug seemed to do little more than scorch and scratch his overcoat. Though there was a hole punched in...a hole big enough for your second slug to go through.

The PROTOTYPE ANTI-ABNO round punches a hole right through him, seemingly piercing his skin without any real issue. Bel actually stumbles back to this. An expression of PAIN rushes across his face. It almost looks weird on his face as if he's never felt it before. A massive latticework of pink, orange, greenish-yellow and blue light pours out of the wound in his chest.


He immediately begins to bolt in your direction with a speed that can only be compared to a racecar. Your allies barely have any time to react but they manage to throw all of the items you gave them over at his direction. Noelle's sugary, plastic smile still remains on her face but her eyes do widen at the fuck ton of items throw their way.

A bright pink glow surrounds her fake antlers. A faint pink glow surrounds all of the objects being thrown but she only manages to one of the RAW NOVASTONE CHUNKs. It is now stuck floating in the air about a solid fifteen feet away from them.
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As the SUITCASE BOMB PLUS slides in front of Bel, he immediately throws himself on top of it, not even caring about what it might do to him.

Everything then erupts into a mess of colors, smells, noises, and flashing lights. The massive plume of fire that erupts from the SUITCASE BOMB PLUS ignites the gas now leaking out of the improved "WE MAKE BETTER GAS THAN YOU" canister, making the resulting explosive even bigger.

Your group was probably about, say, 300 feet away from them and there's about 5 feet of clearance between each aisle, so about 60 aisles between you? The six closest aisles to Bel are immediately vaporized by the massive explosion. The next twenty either shatter to pieces or scorched so badly, they melt into plastic and metal slag.

Every remaining aisle even for the ones you and your allies are hiding behind are sent flying in random directions, leaving barely any coverage for the spooks to hide behind for cover.

For a moment, there's nothing but silence and the gentle sound of hissing as an off-green gas surrounds the area where everyone threw their items. For any other enemy that would've killed them outright but you're not sure here.


What you see next horrifies you beyond all measure.

Bel limps out of the green gas. He's still ALIVE, after everything you threw at him for an opening shot. That doesn't mean you didn't do any damage, no, he looks like dogshit.

Both of his arms have been blown clean off leaving only behind mangled wires and bleeding stumps where his shoulders once were. His legs aren't doing too much better with both of them having massive hunks of flesh missing from them.

A thick layer of frost covers his torso, legs, and stumps which seem to have slowed down his movement a lot. Thick layers of sticky ECLIPSE STRANDS have wrapped around his torso and legs, causing him to hobble any time he tries to walk.

His shades have been knocked clean off and his eyes, what little you can see them, are flashing with a technicolor assault of every single possible color humanity has ever seen and some colors they've never seen before.

A hole is being burnt into his neck by what you can assume is one of his many implants failing from the EMP. The latticework of colors caused by your PROTOTYPE ANTI-ABNO ROUND are only flashing brighter than they were before. Yet despite the fact that by all measures, he should be dead, he's not.

Noelle...steps out of the cloud as if nothing has happened. There's some mild scorching on her uniform and she looks a bit more tired than before but otherwise, she's fine. She cracks her shoulders while still sprouting the same old smile.

You and your allies are stunned, unable to do anything upon seeing Noelle's perfect health.
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>NOELLE TOOK 1 (reduced from 20) FLESH DAMAGE!

>MISSING ARMS (-5 VIOLENCE, -5 MAX FLESH, can't use ANY weapons, rolls d8s now.)


"Impressive, Noelle. That was a solid plan. Credit where credit is due."


Noelle clears her throat, interrupting you before you can continue. "You don't think I have tools like you, Noelle?"

"Do you know how much money it costs to negate the damage of an explosion like that for me? $100k." Noelle doesn't even seem particularly annoyed. You can't really tell what's going through her mind but she just seems genuinely happy. There's still no malice to her words. " A drop in the bucket for my contractors."

Bel's body is already starting to patch itself up despite all of the carnage inflicted onto him. His arms are the first target of priority. His stumps are already starting to grow back into a new pair of fresh arms but while it might've taken him thirty seconds top before, it seems to be taking him at least triple that with everything you threw at him.

He takes a deep, long breath before staring you dead in the eye. "Target spotted." Seems like he's gotten his senses back as well even if he's still hazy from the gas flooding through his lungs and the latticework of neon colors across his body. "Eliminating. Now."
>BEL heals 5 FLESH and 3 RESTRAINT!


FLESH: 27/42 (-5 from MISSING ARMS, -3 from ESOTERIC DAMAGE)
REGENERATES 5 FLESH and 3 RESTRAINT per turn (Reduced from 15 and 6 through lingering MIXED DAMAGE, EMP, and FEDKLLER's ANTIREGEN)
When BEL hits 0 RESTRAINT, once per mission, may heal 5 RESTRAINT and lose 3 MAX RESTRAINT.
Rolls d8s instead of d10s

FLESH: 7/8
ADRENALINE, CAMO, and EVIGT IMPLANT in NOELLE SMITH are on cooldown. They are not active for this turn.
Can reduce all FLESH and RESTRAINT damage taken once per mission to 1. Takes 2 less damage from all resources.
"I would like to talk. Your group has-"

"SHUT UP, YOU FUCKING FAKE!" You immediately cut her off.

"Shame. You really would have potential, you know." With a snap of her fingers, something appears in her hand. A shotgun that mimics your own. "I'm the original. Remember that." Bel promptly steps in front of Noelle once she finishes talking. "...I don't enjoy doing this, you know."

https://youtu.be/pYsxg0xs_fo - TOTAL FEDNIGGER DEATH.


QUENTIN: 4/4 FLESH, 4/4 RESTRAINT, ATTACK ROLL: 9d6 TALENT (WEAPON: SERVICE PISTOL. Can reroll two dice per attack.
LEX IRON: 6/7 FLESH, 4/5 RESTRAINT. ATTACK ROLL: 10d7 VIOLENCE (WEAPON: BARBED BRASS KNUCKLES. Has a chance to inflict extra damage to himself and others. He does MIXED DAMAGE with all attacks.)
ASHLEY MILLER: 5/5 FLESH, 3/3 RESTRAINT, ATTACK ROLL: 11d6 VIOLENCE (WEAPON: BLOODSTAINED HUNTING KNIFE. Has a chance to inflict SEVERE BLEEDING, which does passive FLESH damage. Can reroll three dice per turn.)
ALEXIS MOROZOV: 5/5 FLESH, 4/4 RESTRAINT, ATTACK ROLL: 12d6 CONNECTIONS (WEAPON: ROYAL BLUE DERRINGER. Does MIXED damage. Has a 50% chance to not consume ammo.)

EXTRA PARTY DICE: 16d8+7d4+4d6 (+6d8 from SILVER PHYSIOLOGY KNOWLEDGE from You/Alexis/Quentin,, +10d8 from CAPTAIN'S COMMAND, +7d4 from NOVASTONE GAS + X-CORP MEDAL, +4d6 from AUTOMATONS. Will be rolled by QM.)

BEL: 27/42 FLESH, 4/11 RESTRAINT. ATTACK ROLL: 14d8 VIOLENCE (-3 from CRYO GRENADE DAMAGE. Deals 2 less FLESH damage with all attacks thanks to ECLIPSE SILKBOMB's strands. Might still have a trick up his sleeve.)
NOELLE SMITH: 7/8 FLESH, 9/10 RESTRAINT. ATTACK ROLL: 16d7+15d6 WILLPOWER+VIOLENCE. Can not be targeted thanks to Bel. (WEAPON: NOELLE'S DOPPELKILLER. Loaded with normal shotgun slugs. Does MIXED DAMAGE to any target. She WILL throw something with telekinesis this turn.)

Pick one MAIN action and one SIDE action.
>[LEX ALLY] Get Lex. To Do Every Drug. Known to Man. NOW! (MAIN ACTION. +52.5% TORMENTED SPARK PROGRESS. -BROWN VIAL, -1 NAVY BLUE INJECTOR, -1 WHITE POWDER, -POLISHED VOIDSTONE, -SUNSTONE, -1 EXPIRED SINSUL ALPHA, -6 LEX RESTRAINT and 1 LEX FLESH, leaving him at 4/8 RESTRAINT thanks to all of the healing and stat boosting. Lex will roll 16d10+12d8 on his next attack and will have MASSIVELY IMPROVED STATS. There's a chance he awakens his power right here and now.)
>[QUENTIN ALLY] "QUENTIN! EAT ATTACKS!" (SIDE ACTION. Quentin has a 40% chance to dodge, 20% chance to take 3 FLESH, 40% chance to get hit for 4 FLESH damage. NOELLE and BEL will lose 3d7 and 3d8 respectively on their attacks.)
>[WENDY ALLY + ANOMALOUS ABILITIES] Shit! You can NOT let her throw something. Using your combined telekinesis, stop her from attacking! (MAIN ACTION. -1 MOONSTONE on Wendy, -1 CHARGE on her remaining one. MAIN ACTION. With the two of you working as one, you'll negate Noelle's 15d6 completely.)
>[ASHLEY ALLY] No better time than now to push Ashley's sixth sense. Listen to EVERYTHING she says and follow her predictions. (MAIN ACTION. Everyone in the party will take 2 less damage from all sources and 5 SUCCESSES will be added to your party's final tally. No cost, nada, just listen to her.)
>[ALEXIS ALLY] "Talk, huh? Let's talk." Have Alexis distract Noelle by prodding at the mental weaknesses you learnt earlier (SIDE ACTION. Alexis will have a 50/50 chance to stun Noelle outright with her talk, removing all her dice from combat from this round.)

>Write in.

The fight has only started. I hope you like what you've gotten yourself into.

As a reminder for how different dice types work, the goal of combat is to get more successes than the enemy. Depending on how big a dice is, you can get more successes with it.
1-2 = NONE
3-4 = 0.5 SUCCESS
5-6 = 1 SUCCESS
9-10 = 3 SUCCESSES
11-12 = 4 SUCCESSES
etc etc. Though it's rare to see anything higher than a d10.

Sorry for the reupload, I had to edit some things I missed while writing and to make smooth things out.
>>[LEX ALLY] Get Lex. To Do Every Drug. Known to Man. NOW! (MAIN ACTION. +52.5% TORMENTED SPARK PROGRESS. -BROWN VIAL, -1 NAVY BLUE INJECTOR, -1 WHITE POWDER, -POLISHED VOIDSTONE, -SUNSTONE, -1 EXPIRED SINSUL ALPHA, -6 LEX RESTRAINT and 1 LEX FLESH, leaving him at 4/8 RESTRAINT thanks to all of the healing and stat boosting. Lex will roll 16d10+12d8 on his next attack and will have MASSIVELY IMPROVED STATS. There's a chance he awakens his power right here and now.)

Ultra fucking violence. Might change if someone comes up with a smarter idea, but Lex beating the fuck out of a terminator with no arms is too good. If Noelle is a near exact copy, she may have a teleporter as well.
You missed including a SIDE OPTION. Also I think her teleporter might be fried from the EMP

Is the option to kill Bel right now spending all regular anti abno rounds? The 9 that go in any pistol or revolver? It's not prototype anti abno ones, which are the stronger upgraded versions
>[ALEXIS ALLY] "Talk, huh? Let's talk." Have Alexis distract Noelle by prodding at the mental weaknesses you learnt earlier (SIDE ACTION. Alexis will have a 50/50 chance to stun Noelle outright with her talk, removing all her dice from combat from this round.)
Nicole should be at 7/10 RESTRAINT, right? We got that +1 max from solving the satellite mystery. We didn't end up doing the MIND READ to get their stats, so we're staying at 7/10 and not 5/10
He needs to die ASAP. It might get pricey but we can always but more regular anti-anomaly ammo later. Frank's an ETF for example so he's got access to them by nature of his job. It's better than fucking up the kill and letting him get a single hit on anybody even with no arms. With all the mixed damage coming his way he'll hit 0 RESTRAINT, instaregen 5 of that, then immediately hit 0 RESTRAINT again.
Full dice removal too good to not pick here with what we're facing. But fuck that 50/50, I wanna push the odds in our favor
>Write in. (Summon Ker to distract Noelle and help Alexis pull her diplomacy negotiation bullshit harder. -1 RESTRAINT because of GLOVES OF UNKNOWN COLOR cost reduction.)
Anybody else have better ideas?
It occured to me that even if we put him at 0 RESTRAINT, his regen will heal him back up to 3 afterward. If that bullet option doesn't kill Bel outright, then I think Lex pulling out the CHAINSAW, putting 1 HOLY OIL on it, then proceeding to turn and keep Bel as a fucking meat nugget is the best way to deal with him. I bet Ashley can also help dismemberment with the BLOODSTAINED HUNTING KNIFE. Perhaps one of the fire items to cauterize and ensure he cannot regrow limbs? But if Bel is dead, all that's left is to keep Noelle pinned and not escaping. We could pull ADVANCED TELEKINESIS to bind her with the shelf metals and proceed to burn her alive with some of our fire damage items. The moment Bel dies it becomes a 1v6 and we win
Throw in some more anti-abno slugs from Fedkiller on top of it.
Trying 1 ARMOR PIERCING feels better to me because I want to see how it does to his body. It helps for the future if we ever face an Excisor again (please no). For the second ammo pick (we have 2 ammo fired each time) we could stick to another EXPLOSIVE one or do a HOLLOWPOINT for more rerolls or simply a regular shotgun ammo. No way I want to spend the last PROTOTYPE ANTI ABNO here
+1 and Alexis ally option
>(please no)

Hey, stakes are getting higher. Maybe we can get Otto to upgrade our anti-glownigger shotty a bit more? Add some glitter at least, heh.

Suppose I will add,

>[ALEXIS ALLY] "Talk, huh? Let's talk." Have Alexis distract Noelle by prodding at the mental weaknesses you learnt earlier (SIDE ACTION. Alexis will have a 50/50 chance to stun Noelle outright with her talk, removing all her dice from combat from this round.)

For my SIDE action. We brought this bish for a reason and it isnt her gun hand.
Fedkiller is a PARADIGM. It is, for all intents and purposes, an extension of Nicole’s anomaly.

I have no fucking clue how we go about upgrading that.
I dunno. We definitely don’t have this guy dead yet, and I’d prefer to not take too many chances. My lizard brain wants to use our anti-abno rifle ammo to just end the fight here, but I think we want to stunt his regen with Fedkiller.

We still have plenty of anti-abno rounds and I’m sure we could find more for Fedkiller.

It’s not like we have the personal contact info of a top general, two anti-anomaly specialists, a corporate bigwig and three members of wealthy and connected families or anything.
Our buddy Benedict managed to so which is why it is now a girly pink. That shop we went to could upgrade weapons. We can check.

I am still waiting for Greg to show up, random as fuck because he needs footage.
We need to keep hitting him with FEDKILLER to nerf his regen. I think even using regular shotgun ammo will still matter because of how strong the FEDKILLER is. And yeah good point we're well connected enough to get more anti-anomaly ammo. Should we start having Lex use 1 HOLY OIL on the CHAINSAW and proceed to tear the big guy up? Also I wonder what the fuck 0 RESTRAINT even does because we've never done that to any enemy before to find out.
Carmen please fuck off

Supporting this
Here’s hoping he just has a panic attack and doesn’t do anything for a turn.

That’s gonna be enough for us to kill him.

Or even better, what if we use Poi to make him attack Noelle? He won’t remember who’s friend and foe if his brain is completely broken.
Rolled 4 (1d4)

You can flatout buy regular anti-abno rounds from J-Corp at a rate of 3 bullets for $150. Prototype rounds would probably need Benedict smashing his REFINE ability into them or looting more abandoned P-Corp facilities. So, it would be more reasonable from Nicole's perspective to use the more common ammo first.
Fair catch. Updating that, also updating that Bel is 27/40 due to the CRYO GRENADE reducing max FLESH by 2. It's not relevant RIGHT NOW but it might be later.

LEX ALLY: cQF, qze
ALEXIS ALLY: Everyone.
USE KER: vWM, G3O, FtJ, SrV, cQF

Due to KER helping out, I'll roll 1d4 instead of 1d2 to decide what happens and even if you fuck up the 25%, you'll get SOMETHING.
1: You'll reduce her roll to 10d7+10d6
2-4: STUN!!!
Rolled 4, 4, 8, 2, 5, 6, 1, 1, 1, 4, 3, 5, 8, 3 = 55 (14d8)

Stun it is! Good thing you thought up of that AND brought Alexis along to this Not!Russian hellscape.

First manner of business, rolling for BEL.
Rolled 6, 3, 4, 7, 2, 3, 1, 4, 8 = 38 (9d8)

1, 1, 1, 2 = NO SUCCESSES
3, 3, 4, 4, 4 = 2.5 SUCCESSES
5, 5, 6 = 3 SUCCESSES
8, 8 = 4 SUCCESSES
TOTAL: 9.5 SUCCESSES. He doesn't like that at all. Time to reveal that remaining once per mission ability he has.

>[BRICK SHITHOUSE MIMICRY] Once per mission, reroll all VIOLENCE that rolled 4 or less.
So, rolling another 9d8, keeping the 7 successes he already has.
Rolled 7, 7, 1, 6, 6, 4, 3, 2, 2, 2, 8, 6, 3, 1, 7, 5 = 70 (16d8)

3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4 = 4.5 SUCCESSES
5, 5, 6, 6 = 4 SUCCESSES
7, 7, 8, 8 = 8 SUCCESSES

Be glad you blew off his arms. Now to roll for your extra dice. Starting with 16d8.
Rolled 3, 4, 4, 4, 2, 2, 4 = 23 (7d4)

Then, 7d4.
Rolled 6, 3, 4, 6 = 19 (4d6)

Then, 4d6.
1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 = NO SUCCESSES
3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4 = 5 SUCCESSES
5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6 = 6 SUCCESSES
7, 7, 7, 8: 8 SUCCESSES
TOTAL: 19 SUCCESSES. God DAMN did that Novastone actually work out for you. And the two automatons too, Bill is shockingly competent.

Enough to beat him but not enough to kill. Especially not with some of Noelle's abilities still hidden, so I'll still have to ask for some of you to roll. Considering there's a lot TO roll, I'll let each anon roll for two party members.

I need three anons to roll the following. Two for each anon.
>18d6+5d10 (NICOLE)
>9d6 (QUENTIN. Can reroll two dice.)
>10d7 (LEX. Can reroll all dice that rolled 3 or less once this turn.)
>11d6 (ASHLEY. Can reroll three dice.)
>12d6 (ALEXIS)
>18d6 (WENDY)

Do please say who you're rolling for, even if the dice are different. Just makes tracking things easier.
Rolled 4, 6, 2, 1, 2, 1, 3, 3, 5, 2, 4, 4, 4, 6, 6, 1, 2, 3 = 59 (18d6)

>18d6+5d10 (NICOLE)
Rolled 1, 8, 8, 1, 1 = 19 (5d10)

>18d6+5d10 (NICOLE)
Rolled 3, 6, 6, 6, 2, 5, 3, 5, 4 = 40 (9d6)

>9d6 (QUENTIN. Can reroll two dice.)
Rolled 5, 2, 6, 4, 5, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1 = 30 (10d7)

>10d7 (LEX. Can reroll all dice that rolled 3 or less once this turn.)
Rolled 5, 6, 3, 6, 6, 6 = 32 (6d6)

Reroll six dice
Rolled 7, 6, 4, 6, 7, 2 = 32 (6d7)

Reroll six dice Again because I put 6d6 instead 6d7
Rolled 2, 4, 1, 2, 6, 6, 4, 6, 6, 6, 3, 1 = 47 (12d6)

>12d6 (ALEXIS)
Rolled 4, 1, 6, 1, 6, 1, 3, 4, 4, 6, 2, 4, 5, 2, 1, 3, 4, 3 = 60 (18d6)

>18d6 (WENDY)
Rolled 1, 3, 4, 5, 4, 4, 3, 4, 4, 2, 2 = 36 (11d6)

Counting successes so far
1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2: NONE
3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4: 4 SUCCESSES
5, 6, 6, 6: 4 SUCCESSES
1, 1, 1: NONE

3, 3, 4: 1.5 SUCCESSES
5, 5, 6, 6, 6: 5 SUCCESSES

LEX 10d7
4, 4, 5, 5: 4 SUCCESSES
6, 6, 6: 3 SUCCESSES

1, 1, 2, 2: NONE
3, 4, 4: 1.5 SUCCESSES
6, 6, 6, 6, 6: 5 SUCCESSES (Satanic Power....)

1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2: NONE
3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4: 4 SUCCESSES
5, 6, 6, 6: 4 SUCCESSES

I'll say, you rolled INSANELY well on the extra 7d4 and 4d6. A 23 or higher on 7d4 is only like a 4.49% chance while 19 or higher on 4d6 is 9.64% chance.

It's been a few hours so I'll just roll to keep things moving. I would say it's a formality but...you'll see next update. Writing.
Rolled 1, 4, 2 = 7 (3d6)

Rerolling a 1 and two 2s.
3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4 = 3.5 SUCCESSES
SUCCESSES: 4.5 + whatever she rolls with the rerolls.
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>I'll say, you rolled INSANELY well on the extra 7d4 and 4d6. A 23 or higher on 7d4 is only like a 4.49% chance while 19 or higher on 4d6 is 9.64% chance.

So hopefully we are not getting obliterated. Yay. Fuck you Noelle and your boyfriend too!
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"Alexis. Distract her. I don't care how-" You take a moment to make an incision on your arm to let KER trickle out of your arm. A pinkish gas flows out of your arms and what you see is...

The upper torso of yourself in an uniform exactly like the one you're wearing now. Her face is currently obscured by her long, flowing hair but otherwise, yeah, it's just you but made out of pinkish fumes.

She quickly surrounds Alexis, sliding underneath her uniform through whatever gaps she can to hide her presence from the others. Alexis is obviously weirded out by the specter but she won't ask any questions. Nor does Ashley, since she's the only other one to see this.

You toss her and Quentin every last anti-abno round you have left. Best hope they make them count.

Alexis steps out of cover after loading the new ammo into her gun. Noelle immediately aims her shotgun at her and damn near pulls the trigger right there which would probably kill Alexis on the spot. Yet she stops the moment Alexis begins to speak.

[LIQUDATION?] "I give up. We tried our best, we REALLY did, but it's clear we're out of your league."

Everyone is beyond confused at what's happening, especially Noelle and Bel. Bel simply takes his chance to slowly start the progress of regenerating his arms while Noelle is stunned by this sudden swerve.

"We threw as many explosives and W-Corp gemstones at you as we could. Noelle blew two holes with specialized ammo into your bodyguard and he still didn't die. It's clear your organization has us beat."

"...Well." Noelle lowers her shotgun with an ear-to-ear smile. "I'll be honest, I'm glad you finally came back to your senses. You do realize the 'Nicole' you're following was a fake, yeah?"

"She really did have me fooled." Alexis's voice, if you didn't know she was bluffing, sounds incredibly convincing. You can already see Quentin and Wendy aiming their guns at her, ready to blow a hole in her head. "I mean, you're obviously the real one. The one I was working with was such an obviously imperfect doppelganger."

"Finally! Someone noticed!" Noelle slowly begins to step out from behind Bel's cover. "When did you realize?"

"Really, it was when I saw her body mutate right in front of me. Look at her antlers." She nods her head in your direction. "But I had a suspicion with all of her outbursts..."

"Exactly! You see, V-Corp can copy a LOT of things about a person but violent mutations and mental issues ARE one such thing. Now, I'm not denying her right as a person, of course." This is all that's necessary to cause Noelle to start jabbering. "She has as much right to exist as I do. It's WRONG to kill sentient beings, after all, but my backers don't want a clone so opposed to their goals."

[KER ACTIVE] "Indeed, that is true." Alexis's smirk begins to widen as Noelle slips up. "Yet I find that odd. If it is a mutation of a clone, why do YOU have antlers?"
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"Well, I knew that if you saw me without them, you would think I was the fake. So I needed fake ones! It's such an obvious flaw in her disguise, though, even if I admire her craftsman still!"

"It does concern me it took you this long to reveal she's a fake. I saw her growing those awful antlers after we went to the mining mission...god, it was horrifying. After I trusted her during our tour through X-Corp..."
"I could imagine! I had to don them after I saw that fake mutating right in front of you when you were going to the mining town! It was such a shame that I couldn't intervene because of the corporate administrators..."

Alexis smirks at that. "Is that so? I never said where I actually saw her mutate. It was when I was exploring X-Corp. If you were the real Nicole, you would've known that."

There's a lull. Literally no one in your party besides Alexis knew when exactly you got your antlers. Everyone else here only saw you AFTER the mission you got it.


Before she can even attempt to lie further, Alexis fires a shot at Noelle. It grazes her forehead so it doesn't actually do any real damage but the sheer mental strain of fucking up such a important detail is driving her insane!

Bel immediately closes the distance in the split second between Alexis firing and Noelle being stunned. He slams his leg right into her chest at full force Alexis is promptly sent flying back a dozen feet like a rag doll.

He crossed a 300 foot gap in less than a second. Fuck.

Alexis hits the ground with a nasty thud. She crawls back to her knees with no serious injury but, examining her closer, all of the impact was absorbed by the body armor she wore underneath her uniform...which is broken now.

3 damage. WITH his strands weakening his impacts. Fuck.

He instantly snaps his gaze over to you. He's now RIGHT IN BETWEEN the aisles you and the rest of your allies are hiding behind. Even with his injured legs, he's still fast enough to charge right at you. You barely have time to load your shotgun before he's ready to smash your skull in...

If a pair of rough arms covered in barbed wire didn't immediately grab onto him. Putting all of his bodyweight into it, Lex pulls Bel away from the aisle you were hiding him and shoves him away from the two adjacent aisles your group is hiding behind.

Bel barely stumbles further than a foot away before regaining his composure. In one swift motion, his left arm immediately regrows from the stump it was mere seconds ago. It's a clearly half baked regeneration since the skin of his arm is pink like a baby mouse.

The force of it is still enough to cause Lex's ribs to make a REALLY nasty sounding CRACK sound. OUCH.
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"THAT ALL. YOU FUCKING GOT?!" Blood trickles down Lex's mouth but he doesn't seem to even mind the pain at this point. It is as if every ounce of pain he feels is empowering him.

Lex immediately returns the favor by slamming his fist directly into Bel's jaw. Crackles of bright green and blue energy radiate from the sight of impact as a massive hunk of Bel's jaw is sliced clean off by the barbed wire.

Bel stumbles back yet again and for a moment, you think he's about ready to fall, but he keeps standing for now. It's just long enough of a reprieve for Lex's AUTOSTIMPAK to activate.

"SWITCHING TARGET." In the blink of an eye, he darts over towards the aisle Quentin + Ashley + Wendy were hiding behind, standing right in front of their closest exit. Looking through the gaps of the aisle's shelves, you can see Wendy aiming her gun at his head.


A massive hole punches right through Bel's skull. He doesn't even remotely flinch and instead slams his fist down onto Ashley, who (even with her foresight) didn't expect him to blitz over to her aisle that quickly.

[SIXTH SENSE] She immediately dodges the first punch by ducking to the right. Then the second but squatting down. Then the third by rolling to the left. As if she could see his movements before he even realized what he was doing.

She immediately jabbed her BLOODSTAINED HUNTING KNIFE directly into his thigh before slicing it right down to his foot. A torrent of multicolored blood violently sprays across her face, blinding her for just long enough for him to throw a wild haymaker at her.

She manages to still dodge most of it but his fist managed to smash against her foot, shattering it without even him really trying.

She sends her slamming into the nearby shelf, leaving Quentin and Wendy vulnerable to his assault. Another massive hole is punched into his chest by Wendy's HANDCANNON but he slowly but steadily approaches the bug and the crazy W-Corp rep, ready to smash their heads into paste with one go...

But Quentin has a card up his sleeve.

[TO THE SKY] He wraps his arms around Wendy and, as his bug wings rip through his uniform, he flies up out of the shelf and over to where Alexis is to get some distance from Bel.

Bel snaps his gaze to Ashley but he decides her attack isn't worth killing her for yet. Especially when he still has other targets. He tries to blitz over to them...when two of the automatons Bill gave you stumbles out from nearby aisles. They latch onto his legs with all of their life, knowing that they can't actually injure him in any meaningful way.

This, combined with the ECLIPSE SILK, is enough to slow him down long enough for Ashley to stumble back far enough down the alley where your explosive slugs won't hit her.
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You aim your shotgun at him while he's momentarily distracted. With a pull of the trigger, you're sent stumbling back a solid foot down the aisle you're squatting in. You immediately regain your balance right after, just in time to see your slugs hitting Bel.

In a brilliant pink explosion, Bel's face is ripped clean off and one of his leg is damn near ripped off from the explosion. Everything below his eyes is now exposed bone and his left leg is now bent at such an awkward angle, you don't think he can even 'walk' anymore.

Your gun's innate MIXED DAMAGE, combined with Lex's punch, seems to be enough RESTRAINT damage to break his mind. He just stops moving for a moment as if he's not sure where he even is or why he's here. He's still breathing but for now, he's just a statue.

>CATATONIC PANIC REVEALED! (When in CATATONIC PANIC, the user can not move or act. While still alive in the literal sense, they are mentally braindead.)

https://youtu.be/5taN_PQiG78 - BEL SECOND WIND

...Before a high shrill beeping erupts from his exposed jaw as a violent surge of electricity zaps every fiber and muscle in his body. He smashes his foot into one of the automatons before kicking the other one off. It shatters into pieces as it hits a nearby shell.

With a single minded desire to kill being the only thing left on his mind, he charges in their direction with cold, calculating hate in his eyes. Pain does not matter to him. All that matters is that he can kill those who stand in his way.

Quentin and Alexis promptly take this chance to expunge ALL of the anti-abno rounds into him. They promptly aim their guns at them. Despite the fear in their eyes that this still might not be enough, they magdump every single last round you gave them directly into his chest.

The bullets sink into him like BB pellets being shot at a mattress. Even as bullet after bullet pierces his shredded torso and arm, he doesn't remotely slow down. You can't help them since you're still reloading your damn gun, Lex and Ashley are chasing right after him, and Wendy's wrist seems to be twisted in an angle it should not be in...

>WENDY loses 3 TALENT for the rest of the fight due to HANDCANON'S RECOIL! SHE IS AT 4 NOW!

Despite his hobbling gait, he's still closing the distance remarkably fast. At least a dozen bullets have pierced his shredded body in no small part thanks to ROYAL BLUE DERRINGER's special property but it only takes him a second to cross the 12 foot gap.

Wendy immediately raises her shattered RIOT SHIELD from her inventory in a desperate attempt to stop the attack.

He raises his leg up, ready to smash it into WENDY...before something odd happens.
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His kick goes through the shield, shattering it, but it goes wayward. His foot slams into her crotch and she falls to the ground in absolute agony but you didn't hear anything break. Not her hips, not her ribs, nothing.

Sure, it's mentally traumatizing to be hit there and everyone winces at the crotch shot as if they were hit too but she's fine.
>-1 FLESH TO WENDY! RIOT SHIELD now needs repairs! -1 MOONSTONE to block the 1 RESTRAINT damage!

Bel just stands there. For a moment no one quite knows how to react until finally, his body collapses onto the floor. His blood begins to pool into a massive puddle on the ground mere seconds after he drops. He's still breathing despite EVERY. FUCKING. THING thrown his way but he's not attacking any more.

Hell, you think he barely has any FLESH left either. With how quickly he's bleeding out, he might die any moment now.


Ashley and Lex are finally able to catch up with him. As if to try to make sure he won't get up again, Lex smashes his foot down onto Bel's chest, causing one of his ribs to break. Ashley moves in to slash his neck for a coup de grace...

Before his body is immediately dragged away from your group by an unseen force.

Everyone turns their attention over to where his body is going. What you see tells you that this fight isn't over just quite yet.

https://youtu.be/axOGPBDkNlk - PUPPETEER

Everyone was too distracted by the immediate threat to remember to attack Noelle. And to be fucking fair, you expected her to be mostly a supportive glass cannon like you are!

Bel's corpse is by her side now. Not laying on the ground in a pool of his own blood, no, he's standing up right beside her. There's something very odd about how he's standing, though. His arms have been twisted into unnatural angles and with how mangled and destroyed his legs are, he shouldn't be able to stand.

Yet he is. On closer examination, thousands on thousands of translucent pink strings are wrapped around his arms + legs + neck. Tracing your eyes to where this strings are connected to, all of them are erupting out of the palm of Noelle's right arm.
>IMPROVED PUPPETEER ABILITY REVEALED! (Noelle can puppeteer the corpses of allies to block damage for her.)

Her other arm is holding onto her shotgun with an iron grip. Despite all of this you do not detect a single trace of anger on her expression. She's simply smiling as if she expected this to happen.

"Impressive. Even though my contractors told me every single thing they knew about my fake, they didn't know how well armed you truly were. I underestimated you." Used syringes, empty pill bottles, half shattered glass vials and piles of white dust lay by her feet. "You know what I do know about you, fake?"

[ASHLEY ALLY] "Brown vials, cocaine, ZANAL, SINSU ALPHA...fuck, with how much she took, it's enough to cause an overdose on someone five times her size.
Her whole body begins to vibrate with such speed, she's just a pink blur of motion. "Your habitual use of opioids, stimulants, psychedelics, steroids, and other prescription medications. I can see why." She cocks her shotgun.

Everyone scrambles to reload their weapons or to brace themselves for an upcoming assault. Bel is nothing more than a meat shield for her. The main threat is HER.

"The most annoying thing we have encountered is you. What better way to stop you from hurting anyone else than to use your own tactics, faker? There's always time for fun. It's Friday Night, after all."

She cocks her shotgun again.

"Let's dance."

[PERSON OF INTEREST] Something's wrong about her. It's clear she's the fake yet she still believes to be the original?
[CAPTAIN'S COMMAND] Does it matter? She will still kill you if you don't command your allies.
[SEEKER OF THE CITY] I think she truly believe she's the original. It's not a facade.
[UNSTABLE] So what? It's kill or be killed here.
[ANOMALOUS ABILITIES] Perhaps nothing. Perhaps everything. Who knows?



NOELLE SMITH: 12/12 FLESH, 12/12 RESTRAINT. ATTACK ROLL: 30d10 WILLPOWER+VIOLENCE. (WEAPON: NOELLE'S DOPPELKILLER. Loaded with ARMOR PIERCING SHOTGUN SLUGS, letting her ignore PHYSICAL PROTECTION. Does MIXED DAMAGE to any target. Can't use TELEKINESIS due to puppeteering BEL. Takes 2 less damage from all sources.)
BEL PUPPET: 5/5 FLESH, 0/0 RESTRAINT. ATTACK ROLL: NONE (Exists solely to block hits for Noelle.)

LEX IRON: 3/7 FLESH, 4/5 RESTRAINT, 10d7 VIOLENCE (Same weapon and effects as last turn.)
ASHLEY MILLER: 3/5 FLESH, 3/3 RESTRAINT, 11d6 VIOLENCE (Using the same weapon as before, since using her SERVICE PISTOL would be a downgrade. Same effects as before.)
ALEXIS MOROZOV: 5/5 FLESH, 4/4 RESTRAINT, 11d6 CONNECTIONS (+1d6 from KER, -2d6 from CAMO IMPLANT. Same effects as last turn.)
QUENTIN: 4/4 FLESH, 4/4 RESTRAINT, 7d6 TALENT (-2d6 from CAMO IMPLANT. Same weapon and effect as before. Can reroll ALL of his dice due to using HOLLOWPOINT ROUNDS.)
WENDY WALKER: 6/7 FLESH, 8/8 RESTRAINT, 15d6 COGNIZANCE+VIOLENCE (-2d6 from CAMO IMPLANT. Her flamethrower does high levels of FIRE DAMAGE and causes lingering fire damage. Quickly melts through anything.)

EXTRA DICE: 16d8+1d4

Even with her insanely high dice, you imagine you can still beat her without anyone dying. Choose a MAIN ACTION and SIDE ACTION.

>[ALEXIS ALLY] "Let me talk." (MAIN ACTION. ??? CHARM DC: 28, rolling Alexis' 7d6 only. Perhaps you can convince her to give up on a success. Even on a failure, this might make her hesitate enough to do 2 less FLESH and RESTRAINT damage with her attacks and to add 3 successes to your party. Can't use Certificate of Corporate Ownership on this.)
>[LEX ALLY] Nope! You ain't taking any risks. Dope up LEX with as much drugs as possible. KILL HER. (MAIN ACTION. Same items as >>6092698 (You), leaving him at 4/8 RESTRAINT and 6/11 FLESH. He'll roll 16d10+12d8 on his next attack and WILL awaken his anomalous ability.)
>[QUENTIN ALLY] "QUENTIN! EAT ATTACKS! USE UP THE REMAINING FLUIDS IN YOUR SHELL!" (SIDE ACTION. Quentin has a 40% chance to dodge, 20% chance to enter CRITICAL STATE, 40% chance to lose his shell. NOELLE will lose 4d10 on her attack and you'll add 3d8 to the EXTRA DICE POOL. He'll be able to attack even if he loses his CRITICAL STATE or SHELL.)
>[WENDY ALLY] Wendy wants to do fire? Let's do fire. (MAIN ACTION. -5 REINFORCED OIL LAMPS across you and your party. Bel's corpse will be destroyed and there will be a 20% chance Noelle is fatally burnt to a crisp. Even if she survives, five of her d10s will be converted into be converted into d5s.)
>[ASHLEY ALLY] No better time than now to push Ashley's sixth sense to the limit Listen to EVERYTHING she says and follow her predictions. (MAIN ACTION. Everyone in the party will take 2 less damage from all sources and 7 SUCCESSES will be added to your party's final tally. No cost, nada, just listen to her.)
>Pull out your WATERLOGGED POCKETWATCH. Stop time for 15 seconds. Throw everything you can in that time. (FREE ACTION. -2 FLESH and RESTRAINT to yourself, -CRYO GRENADE, -FRAGMENTATION GRENADE x2, -FLASHBANG. Bel's corpse will be too damaged to block any damage and she'll lose 5d10 on her attack roll.)
>[KER ACTIVE] Send her in to distract Noelle. (SIDE ACTION. Noelle will lose focus on Bel's corpse and will be too distracted to guard herself properly. CAMO IMPLANT's penalty will be removed from you and all allies and an additional 2d8+4d4 will be added to your EXTRA DICE.)
>Write in.

FREE ACTION can be picked alongside SIDE and MAIN actions.
If you pick two or more actions that destroy, damages, or removes BEL'S CORPSE, you'll add +3d4 to your extra dice pool per option past the first.
>[LEX ALLY] Nope! You ain't taking any risks. Dope up LEX with as much drugs as possible. KILL HER. (MAIN ACTION. Same items as >>6092698 # (You), leaving him at 4/8 RESTRAINT and 6/11 FLESH. He'll roll 16d10+12d8 on his next attack and WILL awaken his anomalous ability.)
>Pull out your WATERLOGGED POCKETWATCH. Stop time for 15 seconds. Throw everything you can in that time. (FREE ACTION. -2 FLESH and RESTRAINT to yourself, -CRYO GRENADE, -FRAGMENTATION GRENADE x2, -FLASHBANG. Bel's corpse will be too damaged to block any damage and she'll lose 5d10 on her attack roll.)
>[KER ACTIVE] Send her in to distract Noelle. (SIDE ACTION. Noelle will lose focus on Bel's corpse and will be too distracted to guard herself properly. CAMO IMPLANT's penalty will be removed from you and all allies and an additional 2d8+4d4 will be added to your EXTRA DICE.)

It’s gonna make things so much easier to get these two out of the way.
QM, the drugs will heal Lex, right? Cause the guy’s on the verge of keeping over dead right now.
As a reminder, we need all five REINFORCED OIL LAMPS because we will explore the abandoned hospital in due time. I highly suspect there is going to be a large dark place in the abandoned hospital where having oil lamps is going to be helpful.
SINSU ALPHA boosts his max FLESH by 1, VOIDSTONE boosts it by 3, WHITE POWDER deals 1 FLESH damage to him. So it heals him by 3 total, leaving him at 6/11.
Here's a quick list of drugs you can write him to give him beyond that.

>TRANQUIZILER SYRINGE (He takes 1 less RESTRAINT and FLESH damage. You have two of these.)
>Z-CORP AMPULE (Heals 2 FLESH and RESTRAINT. Only one.)
>UVX MODEL #222 (Gives him FLESH regen and boosts his health to 7/12 at the cost of random unknown side effects. You have two but you can only apply one per person)
>LEYLEY PILL (Gives him the ability to block 2 total FLESH or RESTRAINT damage. You have two of these.)
>'HÄLSA' BLOOD REPLACEMENT VIAL (Gives him VERY powerful RESTRAINT and FLESH regen, roughly around 3 to each health stat per turn. You have two of these.)

There's more in the pastebin for anyone who really wants to minmax but these are probably the most apt for "KEEP HIM ALIVE."

You would actually have one left. Alexis brought six, you would use five if you pick Wendy. So you'd have one left after this nasty fight.
This, and give Lex the chainsaw
>You would actually have one left. Alexis brought six, you would use five if you pick Wendy. So you'd have one left after this nasty fight.
I know, but we will eventually spit up to exploring a dark place in the abandoned hospital to search for more stuff quick.



Fuck it lets go. Maybe Big Q can get something from the bodies when we are done. Maybe grab a few implants.

Remember if, nothing else we do have a chance to deflect bullets.

I suggest at the very we toss him some Halsa, Z-corp ampule, a LeyLey along with the normal shit. We can get or buy more and bitch gotta die, her dice are retarded.
+1 both of these
It's time to shred.

I'd say 1 TRANQ SYRINGE and 1 LEYLEY PILL. I do still want us to have items left to use after this after all
>Brown Vial
Rolls d8a. Sold as a street drug. Should be easy enough to get more later from wherever or from former X/J-Corp guys
>Navy Blue Injector
He rolls d8s and heals 2 RESTRAINT and he has 5 of these. No reason not to use one. Dunno how easy it'd be to get more but not a problem right now. Naomi might want one for her tattoos, but that's later
>White Powder
We have 4 of these and the 1 FLESH damage is nothing. Crack is easy enough to find in the City
>Polished Voidstone
Boosts ALL STATS BY 3, and he gets 1 permanent boost to any stat after it expires. This is absolutely a desperation item and this is a desperation moment. Fuck it if we can't get more of these after, it'll be worth it to use now
Free +2d8, only one charge left, why not?
>Expired Sinsul Alpha
Lex has 3 of these and they boost all the stats he cares about. Easy, and this is the expired version

I don't think Z-Corp Ampule and UVX and HALSA are worth it to use on him in the middle of the most glorious moment Lex is about to have in his entire life. Maybe after on the post-battle comedown? I still don't know for sure if the HALSA regen is permanent or temporary either
As an addendum to my vote:

Let’s give him a LEYLEY pill. I also second the CHAINSAW.
Is Tranq Syringe even worth it?
>Hunters bumped into that Billy guy's operations
So he was just stationed here in Antlia already? The automatons were simply controlled and maintained by him to keep things here on the down low? Guess it wasn't a recent move-in by them. They might have been guarding and patrolling the whole town normally until this thing with the villagers happened and Bill had to move them all to the shopping center to keep the captives captive? Or am I wrong about this?
>Their most vile trick
Not the sort of phrase I'd hear from a punk rocker girl, but she is part psychic medium now so it makes sense
I don't think we've ever had this happen before until now
>power has been shut off
Will it stay off or will it come back on on its own later? Bill fucked off already I think. Perhaps the village might be interested in taking over the security system and maintaining power if they know it's unoccupied now?

>not one with the Lack
She doesn't know what Nicole did down there in the bottom of the mine. Not yet
Quentin, you should take that up with Kiara and not the two girls that we know are confirmed straight (I assume Wendy is also straight)
I know I'm going back to do this right now because I'm way behind, but how much of this do we still have after that stealth check to spy on Noelle and Bel?
>nasty sounding snowstorm
If that stops us from exiting the shopping center after we're done with this superboss fight, then that does buy us time to relax and loot the bank vault plus save the villagers. Maybe even check that white deer. Definitely an opportunity to safely start a fire somewhere and have a post-climax COMFY time

>simple silver trilby
I hope we can loot that post-fight
>use Noelle for the target
I love how both of them use the same name for each other

>G-Corp and J-Corp's branches
This checks out
>unwarranted grudge
>that hospital and-
The hospital is nearby and that village did bring it up before. We could easily stop by on the way back if it's close enough
>exact same fucking box Lex is holding
Wow! More free materials for our mission! We're definitely looting that afterward
>A, D, E, J, K, W and Z-Corp
A might be dangerous for Gregory and Max
D we don't have much affiliation with
E might be dangerous for Kiara and the E/X/Q joint partnership
J we don't have much affiliation with unless that Unknown CEO is of J-Corp
K is already one of our enemies since the Ace Strikers gassing plus the Unknown CEO's warning
W might be dangerous for Wendy
Z might be dangerous for Benjamin
Damn, shit's fucked. We should let our allies know once this mission ends
>strike every corporation
So I was right. They DO want all out war
He might be one of our biggest corpo allies against the glowniggers alongside Mr. Anjaro, Gregory, and the Handler
>got cold feet
Interesting detail
>[ALEXIS ALLY] "Let me talk." (MAIN ACTION. ??? CHARM DC: 28, rolling Alexis' 7d6 only. Perhaps you can convince her to give up on a success. Even on a failure, this might make her hesitate enough to do 2 less FLESH and RESTRAINT damage with her attacks and to add 3 successes to your party. Can't use Certificate of Corporate Ownership on this.)
>Pull out your WATERLOGGED POCKETWATCH. Stop time for 15 seconds. Throw everything you can in that time. (FREE ACTION. -2 FLESH and RESTRAINT to yourself, -CRYO GRENADE, -FRAGMENTATION GRENADE x2, -FLASHBANG. Bel's corpse will be too damaged to block any damage and she'll lose 5d10 on her attack roll.)
>The Head
I like how the Head is perfectly fine with people wanting to leave the City permanently to go into space. It's not their fault there's no real money in it nowadays
>communicate with those in the stars
Make Contact
>bother the Vannis about it
We need to contact the Vannis soon too. I don't think they know about the doppelganger... or do they?
God I fucking hate that they describe it like that. It just fits them
>snap their gaze
How do they fucking know?
>Hello! :)
Fuck you! >:(

Not Ice-9 thankfully
Why are these here in a fucking abandoned hardware store?

>Rolled 1 (1d3)
Well at least we have 1 sample. Benjamin could find a way to make more from that
A new trait we never knew he had, nor do we still have info on
How can we even disprove Carmen about Lex? The whole thing is that the whispering exists to sow doubt and sound plausible enough to fuck with the person

40.5/125 counts as "high" for this? Interesting
Now THIS is the voice Lex should be listening to
>see her worrying
The ice is melting even more...

>world's most boorish rose
Even a rose like this can bloom in the rocks and the graves
>five course meal
I look forward to seeing how the fuck Quentin gets to take this guy over after we kill Bel. The spooks will know because he'll be obviously piloting an Excisor corpse, but Quentin can always evade them... somehow
>he's not dead
I don't think using DISSOCIATION to release Cap is a good idea unless we're really REALLY in the shit
>Wendy has telekinesis
Thanks for the free throw QM

Appropriate timing
>scorch and scratch
So explosive ammo doesn't do much to them as expected
>expression of PAIN
Excisors are considered anomalous enough that anti-anomaly ammo does fuck them up, good to know
>one of the RAW NOVASTONE
That's the one Nicole threw. The one Wendy has is in with the gas canister so it isn't impeded. Amazing strategy on Wendy's part

>massive explosion
Thanks Benedict; also the distances are fucking weird but it's an action scene so it just works
>mangled wires
Even if he regenerates his limbs, he cannot regenerate the implants and other internal augments or machinery that are lost. A very important detail for the future if/when we ever come across similar freakshits
That's a lot more damage than I expected we'd ever do. I think I'm just underestimating our party's power all the time
>drop in the bucket
Somehow I doubt that
>-3 from ESOTERIC
Max Flesh/Restraint and stat reduction does fuck-all to enemies with high pools like this, noted. I was wrong the whole time. It's not % max damage like in Lobotomy Corporation. We're better off saving all our Esoteric/Pale damage sources for weaker priority targets who have lower stat pools for us to permanerf
>Reduced from 15 and 6
Holy fuck. Mixed damage might be the real way to go from here on out
>Can use it for free

>I don't enjoy doing this

Was Bel a doppelganger of Lex all along?!

Could have gotten rid of some of those 1s and 2s with the rerolls we have like MANAGER'S TENDRIL or something, but I figure the OVERWHELMING SUCCESS means even if we did the outcome would not change. I guess it's very good as insurance against those pesky 1s and 2s for other times

I love how it's literally just Nicole but with longer hair. Fits how City's Archivist was Nicole as a full anomaly but with self-awareness and SEEKER as its core.
>surrounds Alexis
It's like Nicole is hugging her, cute
>Quentin and Wendy aiming
On the one hand, it sucks they don't trust Alexis. On the other hand, them falling for it adds to her deception.

>I never said where
>no one in your party besides Alexis knew
A rare moment when us not telling everybody everything actually works out in our favor
>300 foot gap in less than a second
And this is with all his debuffs
>3 damage
AND with all the other debuffs
Reminder that Alexis has 2 FLESH base, and only has 5 thanks to the body armor, the briefcase, and the medal - the latter two we got for her LITERALLY IN THE LAST 24 HOURS. This fucker would instagib her if we didn't play things well and set Alexis up to be less squishy

Is this the easiest and fastest anomalous SHIFTER power we've ever had to awaken in anybody in the group? It's like it was made for Lex to fully unlock in one go
>bright green and blue energy
I am glad the ANOMALOUS TATTOOS are finally mattering since we got them as his upgrade
Such a baby move to cure his SHATTERED RIBS with that. Lex can easily handle this much. Ribs grow back no zey don't
I am glad my vote for M-CORP GROOVE lost the upgrade vote at the start of this mission, because Ashley has been winning nonstop from the moment she got this power. I fucking kneel >>6080763 >>6081047
That's gonna suck for the rest of the mission, but on the bright side there's a lot of ice and snow around to help it. Lex can also carry her
I'm glad restraint to 0 has an actual impact like this. It makes me wonder how anomalies might react if we ever put one to 0 restraint
>wrist seems to be twisted
At least you have your other hand?

>crotch shot
Was he even aiming there?
>-1 MOONSTONE to block
I'm surprised she needed that last moonstone charge to endure the mental pain of getting hit in the crotch. Kinda funny
The only person we'd ever do this with is Lex, but even then it's kind of a dick move
>overdose on someone five times her size
But she'll drop from it all. Lex won't

Is this the highest dice roll values we've ever seen on any character in the entire quest so far?
OP that's 4/4, the MEDIUM QUALITY BODY-ARMOR broke
HANDCANNON won't do much more good here, good choice from her
Rolled 2, 9, 10, 9, 9, 10, 9, 9, 8, 3, 3, 7, 9, 7, 10, 10, 10, 9, 2, 7, 4, 7, 6, 2, 8 = 179 (25d10)

Chainsaw. Drugs. Ker. Timestop. Let's fucking do this.

First, let's see how Noelle rolls. Lucky, she's right at the threshold of how many dice /qst/ allows you to roll at once so we'll save on unnecessary rolls

It lost its ability to block damage outright but she can still have her max FLESH boosted with it on.
>Max Flesh/Restraint and stat reduction does fuck-all to enemies with high pools like this, noted.
To be fair, this dude already had monstrous stats and a -3 to all stats would cripple any SHIFTER outright and a lot of abnos would be reeling from it too.
>but I figure the OVERWHELMING SUCCESS means even if we did the outcome would not change.
There's a certain amount of overwhelming number advantage that makes any extra rerolling mostly wasted time.
>A new trait we never knew he had, nor do we still have info on
To ruin the secret, it's just how he sees [EASILY PLEASED] himself.
>I know I'm going back to do this right now because I'm way behind, but how much of this do we still have after that stealth check to spy on Noelle and Bel?
You got 6d6 from using the pill to sneak, you spend 2d6 to add 2d6 to the roll, you still have those 4d6.
>That's a lot more damage than I expected we'd ever do. I think I'm just underestimating our party's power all the time
You threw an upgraded version of a bomb meant to obliterate the dining area of a restaurant + you shoot him with 'KILL ANOMALOUS NIGGERS' ammo + your shotgun is literally the "KILL FEDNIGGERS" gun.
This is like the one situation you should expect to do a lot of damage.
Rolled 4, 2, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 2, 3, 8, 4, 4, 2, 3, 5, 7, 3, 3 = 63 (18d8)

2, 2, 2: NONE
3, 3, 4: 1.5 SUCCESSES
7, 7, 7, 7, 8, 8: 12 SUCCESSES
9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10: 26 SUCCESSES

Rolling for extra dice now. Starting with your d8s, then your d4s.
Rolled 2, 1, 3, 4, 2 = 12 (5d4)

And then, d4s
Rolled 6, 7, 10, 3, 2, 9, 3, 3, 3, 4, 5, 5, 2, 6, 7, 7 = 82 (16d10)

1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, NONE
3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4: 6 SUCCESSES

So, you need to roll 31.5 successes.

I know about Manager's Flesh but let's see how you do WITHOUT it. I'll reroll all of the 1s, 2s, and 3s AFTER you guys roll to see how much that improves your odds. Now, for you and your allies, let's see...working with Lex's extra dice via CHAINSAW and removing one from ALEXIS from Ker being used up but adding 2 back from CAMO not working...
okay wow the amount of dice Lex will be rolling is too high for you to roll in a single post, I know that, so let me roll half of it myself. Which would be 16d10. Due to chainsaw.

I need three anons to roll for the following. Two CHARACTERS per anon. If a character has multiple dice, you can roll both pairs of dice and still roll for another character. If there hasn't been a roll in 2 hours, I'll roll that to speed things up.
>18d6+5d10 (NICOLE)
>12d6 (ALEXIS)
>17d6 (WENDY.)
And with half of his attack, Lex rolls
2, 2: NONE
3, 3, 3, 3, 4: 2.5 SUCCESSES
5, 5, 6, 6: 4 SUCCESSES
7, 7, 7: 6 SUCCESSES
9, 10: 6 SUCCESSES
or 24.5 by himself. Drugs and violence do solve ALL of your problems! (Even if you succeed, it is better to overkill Noelle as much as humanly possible. Trust me.)
Rolled 1, 5, 3, 6, 6, 3, 6, 4, 5, 6, 6, 6, 4, 5, 1, 6, 2, 5 = 80 (18d6)

>18d6 (NICOLE)
>5d10 (NICOLE)
Rolled 8, 8, 6, 10, 10 = 42 (5d10)

>5d10 (NICOLE)
Rolled 6, 4, 2, 1, 7, 5, 3, 5, 3, 3, 4, 4 = 47 (12d8)

Rolled 4, 4, 3, 3, 4, 1, 1, 2, 6, 2, 6, 6, 1, 4, 5, 3, 6 = 61 (17d6)

>>17d6 (WENDY.)
Rolled 5, 2, 5, 2, 4, 2, 1, 3, 3, 1, 6 = 34 (11d6)

>it is better to overkill Noelle as much as humanly possible. Trust me

Not concerning at all

Rolled 3, 6, 4, 1, 1, 5, 2, 2, 6, 1, 6, 1 = 38 (12d6)

>12d6 (ALEXIS)
Rolled 6, 1, 5, 6, 5, 6, 1, 6, 2 = 38 (9d6)

Rolled 2, 1, 5 = 8 (3d6)

Rerolling 1s and 2s
You haven’t rerolled three Ashley dice.
Just keeping track of things.
1, 1, 2: NONE
3, 3, 4, 4: 2 SUCCESSES
5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6: 12 SUCCESSES
10, 10: 6 SUCCESSES
1, 2, 2, 2: NONE
3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4: 5 SUCCESSES
5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6: 7 SUCCESSES
7, 7, 7, 7: 8 SUCCESSES
9, 10: 6 SUCCESSES
1, 1, 1, 2, 2: NONE
3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4: 3.5 SUCCESSES
5, 6, 6, 6, 6: 5 SUCCESSES
1, 1, 2, 2, 2: NONE
3, 3, 4: 2.5 SUCCESSES
5, 5, 6: 3 SUCCESSES
1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2: NONE
3, 4: 1 SUCCESS
5, 6, 6, 6: 4 SUCCESSES
1, 2: NONE
5, 5. 5, 6, 6, 6, 6: 7 SUCCESSES

NOELLE: 40.5
TOTAL SO FAR: MODERATE SUCCESS (with you and Lex HARD carrying it)

I should clarify something about the Lex roll. You still need to roll another 16d10 for him, since his original roll was 32d10 but the cap for rolling dice in /qst/ is 25 (I learnt that the hard way a few threads ago). So, BGN, give us the honors and roll another 16d10.
You chewed through a LOT of your drug stash and gave him a chainsaw for a good reason.
Rolled 2, 1, 1 = 4 (3d6)

Yeah I had to do something really quick and am just waking up.


Ash rerolls
Well then she kinda shits the bed on this one. But yeah the only way to counter Noelle's drug abuse is with abusing ours even harder.
Rolled 5, 8, 8, 1, 2, 1, 6, 8, 10, 7, 10, 1, 3, 2, 3, 10 = 85 (16d10)

Rolled 4, 5, 5, 7, 1, 3, 5, 5, 4, 8, 1 = 48 (11d8)

1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2 2, 2, 2: NONE
3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4: 5.5 SUCCESSES
5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6: 9 SUCCESSES
7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 8, 8, 8: 16 SUCCESSES
9, 10, 10, 10, 10: 15 SUCCESSES

Rerolling 11d8 due to MANAGER'S FLESH, which will still matter here (since overkill is necessary here.)
1, 1: NONE
3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4: 9.5 SUCCESSES
5, 5, 5, 5, 5: 5 SUCCESS
7, 7, 8, 8: 8 SUCCESSES
1, 1, 2: NONE
3, 3, 4, 4: 2 SUCCESSES
5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6: 12 SUCCESSES
10, 10: 6 SUCCESSES
1, 1, 1, 2, 2: NONE
3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4: 3.5 SUCCESSES
5, 6, 6, 6, 6: 5 SUCCESSES
1, 1, 2, 2, 2: NONE
3, 3, 4: 2.5 SUCCESSES
5, 5, 6: 3 SUCCESSES
1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2: NONE
3, 4: 1 SUCCESS
5, 6, 6, 6: 4 SUCCESSES
1, 2: NONE
5, 5. 5, 6, 6, 6, 6: 7 SUCCESSES
1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2 2, 2, 2: NONE
3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4: 5.5 SUCCESSES
5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6: 9 SUCCESSES
7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 8, 8, 8: 16 SUCCESSES
9, 10, 10, 10, 10: 15 SUCCESSES

In comparison, you rolled 3.88x better than Bel but only barely 3 times better than Noelle, even WITH turning LEX into the god of hyperviolence and death. Imagine how this fight would've gone down if you didn't have that ambush bomb strike or if you failed to stun NOELLE the first round

Pretty good. Rip and tear until it is done.

I swear if this bish has a second stage or some shit...

Will remind people we still have like 3 dopplegangers to deal with at some point even if Noelle was possibly the most dangerous, all likely with their personal terminator in human flesh as well as huge amounts of resources. Gonna really need to restock on ammo and drugs. Benjamin can make shit so that is decent, and we can get him an upgrade kit too.


I don't think I shall imagine that. It is a miracle we haven't gotten an ally killed so far. Emphasis on the so far. If Casey bites the dust I will riot.
Just woke up. Lotta rolls but I like that in quests. Good to see we won(?)
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You have a few seconds before total hell breaks out. Wait, no, shit! She's already aiming her shotgun at you!

Fuck, fuck! You don't have time to give Lex the supplies he needs to put up a fight! As you see her starting to pull the trigger...

The still standing aisles immediately light up with dozens on dozens of glowing blue eyes. This distracts everyone for a split moment since obviously, no one expected anyone to interfere with this.

You soon realize who those eyes belong to. A small army's worth of automatons rush out from the aisles; Their gazes are focused exclusively on Noelle. There has to be at least twenty of them at least.

Noelle immediately and, without any effort, mows through all of them with her shotgun. Plastic and metal fragments are sent flying in every direction possible but that doesn't matter to you. No, they're buying you precious time!

You scramble out of cover and over to Lex, who's busy leaning against the aisle in front of him in an attempt to recover. His breathing is heavy and it's clear that he might not survive long enough to close the distance without assistance.

Digging through your nebulous inventory, you throw down every single drug you think could help him out onto the ground ALONGSIDE a chainsaw. "DRUG UP. NOW!!!"

He takes the hint. Lex shovels down the VOIDSTONE, WHITE POWDER, SUNSTONE, LEYLEY PILL and EXPIRED SINSUL into his mouth before crunching down on it like rock candy. Probably impossible for any non-Graverobber but by god, can he chew. He then slams a NAVY BLUE INJECTOR and TRANQUIZLER SYRINGE into his arm before washing it all down with the BROWN VIAL.

With a deep and focused breath, the tattoos across his torso begin to light up a bright blue. As he picks up the CHAINSAW OF ULTRAVIOLENCE, he looks down at you with a blank expression. It is as if he has completely dissociated from the world.

"...Lex Iron." Lex whispers, seemingly not aware of you anymore. "You're right, ???." Whatever name he tried to say, you only hear static in its place. "It's a bloody name. Of a man with no purpose but to spill the blood of himself and others."

[UNSTABLE RESOLVE] It's the same voice you heard when you saw the SEEKER. It's the same one Ashley fought off. What IS that voice?

"It's the name of a beast. A vile creature. A worthless two-bit thug. You're right I am a beast who only knows pain." Yet, despite what he's saying, he's cracking a smile. "Yet, you wanna know something?"

His drug-empowered grip damn near shatters the chainsaw you gave him.

"People struggle every day to keep livin'. To cope with their own pain, to push past every bit of torment the world throws at them."
"At the end of the day, this pain is our responsibility to bear. This path may bring me nothing but suffering but I don't care."

...You're not sure if he'll hear you but you have to say something.

"There's always a purpose to the pain." It just sounds right.
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>"There's always a purpose to the pain."
Somewhere, somewhen... a fierce redhead cracks a smile.
Oh wait Ashley is right here KEK
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Every obstacle you faced, every ally you struggle to keep alive, every nick and scratch and broken bone you received? It was because you had a goal. To finally be free of everything that could hold you back in the City.

To have a family. To be able to truly show your love and appreciation to your friends.

Lex doesn't respond to what you said but it's clear he DID hear you.

He begins to approach Noelle, who's still being distracted by the endless swarm of automatons Bill reprogrammed for you. You yell out a single wordless command towards Alexis before pulling out your pocketwatch. With a simple press of a button, time grinds to a halt.

The clattering sound of gears grinding to a halt blares through the air before the world is washed over in a monochromatic filter. Unlike the last time you stopped time, only three people are immediately frozen in time: Quentin, Alexis, and Noelle.

Lex...is moving as if time didn't stop at all. He doesn't seem remotely aware of his surroundings or the fact he shouldn't be able to move.
Wendy sluggishly chases after Lex. She's moving at half speed compared to his slow casual walk but she's still moving just fine.
Ashley's body is frozen in place but her eyes are darting around, analyzing everything she can with the time you bought for her.

You immediately dash past all of them to close the distance between you and Noelle. With gallons of adrenaline pumping through your body, you managed to get close enough to her to toss all of your grenades at her while still having enough time to get back to cover.


Noelle's eyes immediately snap over to you. "So it wasn't the cowboy who could stop time. It was a tool you had. Transmitting this data to my sponsors."
"Can't transmit shit if you're dead!" If she's able to perceive you in stopped time, you see no reason why she can't use her powers in stopped time.

Looking back at your allies, all of them have locked back up. Seems like five seconds were each of their respective limits. You turn back to Noelle with a knowing smirk.

You pull the pin on one of your FRAGMENTATION GRENADES before tossing them at Noelle. As expected, a pink glow surrounds them. They're immediately tossed away from her in random directions, freezing after they traveled about 20 feet away from her.


"You won't have time to get back into cover. We know your limit is ten seconds, faker."
You don't bother to respond. You pull the pin on all of the rest of your grenades before tossing them right at her.


Her eyes widen like sauce plates as she realizes time is still frozen. Her fake antlers spark with pink light but she can't push herself to move the rest of the explosives. Every fiber in your being is burning, as if pushing past the ten second limit is ripping the atoms in your body apart.
>-2 FLESH AND RESTRAINT! 5/8 and 3/10 LEFT!

Right as you feel your brain beginning to snap, you dive back into cover.
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[CAPTAIN'S COMMAND] Hm. Impressive. I shall let you remember the trinkets I gave you.

Before you have time to process what the Admiral said, a violent explosion erupts right where Noelle was standing. The three allies who managed to perceive through time stops stumble back in shock while the other two are confused as to what the FUCK just happened.

Though Quentin seems to figure out FAR quicker than Alexis.

As soon as the explosion clears up, you check to see how Noelle is handling herself.

Bel's corpse has smashed face first into the floor, no longer being controlled by Noelle. It took most of the brunt of the explosion so Noelle herself only has minor scratches and a concussion considering how she's barely able to hold her balance.

She is, however, being harassed by the whispering specter of Ker.

You have no idea what Ker is saying and she soon demanifests but it's clear whatever she said, Noelle is losing focus REAL quick. Especially since, as her CAMO IMPLANT fails and she loses her blur, you can see tears running down her face.



Alexis immediately shuts her up with some quick suppressing fire. Noelle instinctually dodges most of it without any issue but two lucky bullets managed to slam right into her leg. A bright royal blue crack forms down the length of her left leg.

She returns fire with two shotgun slugs right in Alexis' direction. One misses but another slams RIGHT into Alexis' chest...which is blocked by some unseen force.
Alexis quickly takes the hint and ducks right back into cover before Noelle could fire another round.

While NOELLE is busy reloading her gun, she was too tunnel visioned on killing Alexis to notice Wendy closing the distance with her flamethrower (that and the flashbang probably helped too.) Wendy flashes an ear to ear smile before she presses HARD on the trigger of her flamethrower.

Noelle's whole body is immediately enwreathed with flames. You can't even see her outline underneath the bright red flames. It's as if she was suddenly transmuted into a humanoid ball of fire then and there. The most ear-piercing scream you have ever heard in your fucking life bellows out of Noelle's smoldering lungs.

Wendy scrambles to hide behind cover now that Noelle is burning but even through the pain, she manages to fire off a shot at Wendy. It grazes past Wendy's protected shoulder so it doesn't do any real damage to her.
She immediately snaps her aim over to you and before anyone can react, you feel a slug punching you right in the chest.

You smash against the shelf behind you from the force of the strike. For a moment, you can feel your mind smoldering......but your EVIGT IMPLANT pumps enough juice into you to keep you from going insane.

You lay prone against the shelf, struggling to breath from the impact. You catch Quentin and Ashley rushing past you as Lex keeps his slow, steady walk towards Noelle. As if he walked any faster, his whole body would snap in half from everything pumping through his system.

Ashley stops right about 80 feet away from the distracted (and reloading) Noelle.
[SIXTH SENSE] <"My fucking head would be blown off if I get any closer. She won't expect this.">

With a flick of her wrist, she throws her BLOODSTAINED HUNTING KNIFE right at the burning Noelle. It pierces deep into Noelle's chest like a knife through butter. Noelle yanks it out and throws it onto the ground, barely phased by the action. At most it distracts Noelle long enough for Quentin to aim his shot.

Quentin launches up into the air and, taking a moment to make sure he's aiming right at Noelle's hands, he empties his magazine. All four bullets pierce right through her hands with ease, severing off a good chunk of her burnt-to-a-crisp fingers. She drops her shotgun onto the ground because of the sudden lack of digits.

He didn't cut off enough on her left hand so she picks it back up and fires it up at Quentin. He manages to dodge it with ease but he has to fly far away from the commutation to avoid her aiming at him again. He doesn't need to because of one simple reason.

https://youtu.be/XhpmjhA7UYU - LEX

Noelle immediately has to raise her shotgun up to block Lex's overhead swing. The horrifyingly loud screech of metal grinding against metal only lasts for a second before Noelle smashes her foot RIGHT into Lex's dick. The sheer drug-fueled force of her hot (literally) foot is enough to even make the drugged up Lex step back. It's clear he didn't actually feel any of that.

With lighting fast speeds, she reloads her shotgun and fires off slug after slug at Lex. In a blur of motion that makes it hard for you to process what's going, he deflects at least four or five slugs as if they were nothing more than spitballs. He lowers his guard and, tilting his saw sideways, he begins to slice right through Noelle's exposed stomach.

Noelle grabs onto the blade with her bare hands as if she was trying to wretch the saw out of her gut. Sparks of blue, green, and black energy crackle around the teeth of his chainsaw. Inch by inch, the blade sinks deeper into her side. A torrent of blood and viscera spills onto the blade and Lex, staining them both a sanguine red.
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[ENCHANCED BLOODLUST] Lex lowers his guard for a brief moment...

It almost cuts half way through her torso before he is sent stumbling back.

Three new holes have been punched into his chest. It's enough force to get him to stop him from slicing her in half for the moment. He rips the blade out of her, giving her just enough time to feebly stumble back.

He blinks for a moment as if trying to process the damage actually done to him.

The flames burning around Noelle are finally snuffed out. Now that you can see her, she looks horrid now. Her uniform has been burnt mostly clean off sans for some thin scraps of cloth clinging to her torso and waist. A gaping hole in her chest is still pouring out fresh blood. Her arms, legs, and face are charred black and she's definitely missing most of her fingers and toes...

But she hardly seems care about the damage. The only serious structural damage appears to be the massive gash that's only a few inches away from exposing her spine. She already reloads her gun in a split second but NO! You're not letting her get off another attack.

You pull the trigger on your own shotgun.

Noelle's left leg, already mangled by Alexis' shots, is blown clean off. Right before she starts falling, Lex recovers from the three blasts to his chest and sinks his shotgun right into her side again. With no more resistance from her, he slices clean through her spine and through the rest of her torso.

Noelle's eyes widen as she realizes Lex is completely obliterating her despite her defenses and the amount of drugs she took. Her severed left leg and lower half hit the ground first. Before her upper torso can even begin to fall, Lex raises his chainsaw up one last time before slicing her left and right arm clean off, leaving her as an immobile torso.

With a sickening thud, all of her severed body parts hit the ground. Lex promptly collapses to the ground in a heap as the drugs pass through his system.


[UNSTABLE] You make a mad dash over to the now armless and legless upper torso of Noelle. Before anyone can even begin to stop you or process what's going on, your fist smashes into Noelle's face.
[UNSTAB??] Again.
[UNSTA???] And again.
[UNST????] And again.
[UN??????] AND AGAIN.
[U???????] AND AGAIN.
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You're interrupted by two things. One, Ashley grabbing you by the shoulders and dragging you away from the now pulped Noelle. Two, a light blue shimmer is surrounding the two of them.


Wait. Huh.

Only the armless upper torso of Noelle, a 10 inch wide hole in the middle of Bel's chest, and Bel's head were teleported back. Everything else seems to have been left behind. Including a good chunk of their delicious loot.

Well then. That's enough to snap you out of that violence induced trance you were experiencing.

You collapse onto the ground. The rest of your allies (who are still cognizant) surround you and Lex. All of them have seen far better days after what they just experienced but they're still alive to remember it. You look down at yourself to see that your chest is stained with blood. Your doppelganger's blood. You're not even sure why you went for her face but...

God. Your head hurts so, so fucking bad.

[NUMB + DIDN'T KILL ASHTON] "You know what? She deserved that." For some reason, Ashley seems a lot more willing to tolerate this outburst from you than last time. "They couldn't be content with dragging Ashton in their bullshit. Nooo, they had to bother my dad and my mom and other brother and my friends and-"

"Fuck! She had your fucking face! Do you know how much of a mindfuck that was when I first saw her?" Ashley rips off a piece of Bel's uniform that's still mostly intact to dab away at the blood on your mouth. "Hell, with that M-Corp sponsorship and all of the other shit you've done? I can look past it."

"I AM MORE CONCERNED ABOUT HOW THEY FUCKED ME OVER ON MY PROPER SHELL. I CAN'T REVIVE A HEADLESS CORPSE FOR GOD'S SAKE!" Quentin stomps his boot into the scorched, partially melted floor your group is standing on.

"HOPEFULLY I CAN FIND SOME ORGANS BUT. FUCK. GOD DAMNIT. PISS ANT. SHIT EATER!" Quentin mutters a variety of racial epithets and other 'phrases' your mind is censoring, lest your grasp on reality fray any more, as he moves to examine Bel's corpse.

Alexis kneels down to clean up the mess you made of yourself so Ashley can move to check up on the now comatose Lex. "...Whoo. You know how to drag me into some new bullshit every day."
Wendy squats down right besides you. "Did she taste good, keh?"

You spit out a piece of burnt gristle onto the floor. "Tastes like bubblegum, mango, and regret." And that's not wrong. Her flesh tastes like all of that alongside the irony taste of human meat and blood.

"Heh. Eating out another girl? Guess you're a dyke after all."
"Go fuck yourself, Wendy, genuinely." You try to sound mad but you're mentally burnt out and tired more than anything. "I-I didn't know why I did that."
"Hm. I am looking at a kindred soul. Perhaps you're actually a doppelganger of me, so in that case..."
"Hehe, yeah, yeah. No worry. Just hamming it up for Quentin's sake. Ain't into chicks like that."

Quentin covers his face out of shame before he goes back to checking on Bel's corpse. You'll loot their corpses and go deal with the villagers so you can get out of here but before all of that, you have a few things on your mind.

You definitely need some time for your group to recover and the snow storm outside sounds really bad. Pick three.
>Set up the H-CORP WARMING UNIT Z-5 and try to sleep off the mental strain. (+3 RESTRAINT and 2 FLESH to you. Your allies will be able to heal 1 FLESH from resting their bodies.)
>Crack open some whiskey! (-2 HIGH QUALITY WHISKEY. +0.5 RAPPORT with everyone, ALEXIS will heal to full RESTRAINT, you and Lex will heal 3 RESTRAINT.)
>Try to find something to treat Ashley's CRIPPLING INJURY. This place is huge, there has to be something? (You'll roll 4d100. Higher you roll, the more spare supplies you'll get after treating her wound.)
>Take some time to talk to an ally of yours. (Pick up to two allies to talk to gain +0.5 RAPPORT.)
>Welp. The spooks are probably pissed. Crack open your radios and listen to how they're seething. (You'll get some neat intel on how the spooks will respond to you murdering two prized goons.)
>Explore the shopping centre some for some supplies. No harm, right? (Choose two categories to loot: AMMO, GADGETS, HISTORIC ITEMS, WEAPONS, EQUIPMENT, BARTER GOODS. You'll roll 2d100 for each category, higher is better.)
>Write in.

As Lex wakes up, you notice something different about him....(Pick one. This will determine his anomalous ability. He can train and develop it over time.)
>Nothing's wrong with him but there's now a red crystalline cast on Ashley's foot? (PROTECT YOUR BLOODLINE. Lex can spend 1 RESTRAINT to give an ally a temporary shield that can either block 2 FLESH damage or temporarily negate a CRIPPLING INJURY.)
>Both of his arms are now ensnared with jagged, crimson crystals that reek of blood. You swear they look like barbed wire. (VIOLENCE FOR VIOLENCE'S SAKE, turning his brass knuckles into WEAPON PARADIGMs. He'll be able to heal 1 FLESH/RESTRAINT, whatever's lowest, whenever he hits an enemy in combat or succeeds a TALENT/VIOLENCE/FLESH check.)
>As his hand slips into a pool of blood, you notice it begins to shift and morph into something solid. (CRYSTALIZATION. Lex can spend 2 RESTRAINT or 1 FLESH to make solid walls or pillars of blood. Useful for exploration or for stop enemies in their tracks.)
>Draped over his uniform is a bulky red leather jacket. It looks like what he wore when you first met him. (CALL ME LEX, an armor PARADIGM. In addition to him blocking 2 FLESH damage from all sources while still earning TORMENTED SPARK progress, he'll also gain TORMENTED SPARK progress when an ally takes damage or receives a crippling injury, letting him gain a new ability faster.)

You'll get the loot, 'trinkets', and the barrel sample next update. Had to end the update somewhere.
>Crack open some whiskey! (-2 HIGH QUALITY WHISKEY. +0.5 RAPPORT with everyone, ALEXIS will heal to full RESTRAINT, you and Lex will heal 3 RESTRAINT.)
>Try to find something to treat Ashley's CRIPPLING INJURY. This place is huge, there has to be something? (You'll roll 4d100. Higher you roll, the more spare supplies you'll get after treating her wound.)
>Welp. The spooks are probably pissed. Crack open your radios and listen to how they're seething. (You'll get some neat intel on how the spooks will respond to you murdering two prized goons.)

>Draped over his uniform is a bulky red leather jacket. It looks like what he wore when you first met him. (CALL ME LEX, an armor PARADIGM. In addition to him blocking 2 FLESH damage from all sources while still earning TORMENTED SPARK progress, he'll also gain TORMENTED SPARK progress when an ally takes damage or receives a crippling injury, letting him gain a new ability faster.)
Incredible. This was truly a superboss encounter. Hardest fight we've ever done in the entire quest so far.

>Try to find something to treat Ashley's CRIPPLING INJURY. This place is huge, there has to be something? (You'll roll 4d100. Higher you roll, the more spare supplies you'll get after treating her wound.)
Search with Quentin; he can go back to harvesting Bel right afterward. Alexis is still reeling from the hits she survived, Lex did what Lex did and needs to rest the most, Wendy's wrist is fucked, and I don't wanna make Ashley walk when its her foot we're going to be treating.
>Crack open some whiskey! (-2 HIGH QUALITY WHISKEY. +0.5 RAPPORT with everyone, ALEXIS will heal to full RESTRAINT, you and Lex will heal 3 RESTRAINT.)
NOW it is time for the good drinks
>Welp. The spooks are probably pissed. Crack open your radios and listen to how they're seething. (You'll get some neat intel on how the spooks will respond to you murdering two prized goons.)
Gather round and listen to the glowniggers react and rage

>Draped over his uniform is a bulky red leather jacket. It looks like what he wore when you first met him. (CALL ME LEX, an armor PARADIGM. In addition to him blocking 2 FLESH damage from all sources while still earning TORMENTED SPARK progress, he'll also gain TORMENTED SPARK progress when an ally takes damage or receives a crippling injury, letting him gain a new ability faster.)
Never a need to get him armor with this
>WHITEROCK. An abandoned human village that no one has gotten into contact to for ages. May have survivors that you can send to LOVE TOWN. Danger may still lurk there. (MEDIUM-HIGH in ALL RESOURCES, very likely to have valuable weapons/armor/medicine/other items. Risky.)
>БOЛЬHИЦA. An abandoned hospital. Ran by Z-Corp as an initiative to help any people who live here out of 'goodwill', apparently. Stocked to the BRIM with useful supplies, though that likely attracted scavengers and monsters. (MEDIUM DRY-10 and COLD IRON, LOW ROTWOOD, a LOT of medicine and healing items to loot! Risky.)
Question anon, what next location do you want to go when we leave ANTLIA? Our two strong candidate locations are the abandoned hospital because of the obvious reason and WHITEROCK because of searching for survivors to send back to the village. I want to go to White Rock to check on the survivors first because I worry there is a time limit for the survivors lives.
Anon our votes are the same... you don't need to change your own to +1 me. I agree with you

Hospital is good because it gets us consumables and completes a sidequest even if we didn't explicitly take that one. My second choice is the Graverobber village or the Dark Forest. We have no Rotwood for our mission unless we can collect some here from the shipping center or if Bel's box has some
>Anon our votes are the same... you don't need to change your own to +1 me. I agree with you
I know, I want +1 the Quentin plan.
Thanks, I get it now. I can't fucking believe Quentin the expendable corpse "meatshield" of the group took zero hits during the entire bossfight. The wings are too cool.
Also, will Bel organ go bad or somehow dissolved while we search stuff with Quentin?
If they do, then I'm against Quentin helping. He needs his tactical liver and other high-quality parts
>Crack open some whiskey! (-2 HIGH QUALITY WHISKEY. +0.5 RAPPORT with everyone, ALEXIS will heal to full RESTRAINT, you and Lex will heal 3 RESTRAINT.)
>Try to find something to treat Ashley's CRIPPLING INJURY. This place is huge, there has to be something? (You'll roll 4d100. Higher you roll, the more spare supplies you'll get after treating her wound.)
>Welp. The spooks are probably pissed. Crack open your radios and listen to how they're seething. (You'll get some neat intel on how the spooks will respond to you murdering two prized goons.)

>Nothing's wrong with him but there's now a red crystalline cast on Ashley's foot? (PROTECT YOUR BLOODLINE. Lex can spend 1 RESTRAINT to give an ally a temporary shield that can either block 2 FLESH damage or temporarily negate a CRIPPLING INJURY.)
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>still have her max FLESH boosted
That's good, thank you
>-3 to all stats would cripple any SHIFTER outright and a lot of abnos would be reeling
Exactly my point. Pale/Esoteric damage is better against opponents that you cited instead of somebody insane like Bel was. This is a good lesson to learn from this bossfight
>makes any extra rerolling mostly wasted time
Good to know this too, thank you. There does seem to be cases where you need to succeed as much as possible like with Noelle at the end there, so in those cases MANAGER'S TENDRIL plus weapon/trait rerolls matter the most outside of ordinary check thresholds
>how he sees [EASILY PLEASED]
Very interesting how the traits vary for the person that they belong to
>still have those 4d6
Okay thank you
>the one situation
I'm just paranoid okay? It feels like fights take way longer than they should with how much we throw at them in this quest, which adds to the feeling that other foes in the City are all bullshit in their own ways like Nicole's group is. I like that but at the same time I can never shake the feeling of being underprepared at all times

>amount of dice Lex will be rolling is too high for you to roll in a single post
That's the power of the LEX

Still need to have his permanent +1 to a stat of his choosing after this fight
>only hear static
It's like saying Y̷̛͕̥̱̠̮̩̔́͊̀̊̐̌̔̀͒͒̒̀͘̕͝Ḩ̵̡̨̛̻͔͕̣̬͉̦͊̈́̓̈̾̈́̓͒̐͊̋́̐́͒̈́͝ͅV̶̢̛̻̦̺̥̭̂̈́̈̂́̈́̑͝͠͠H̵̢̛̗͖͈̱̝̜͖͓̣̗̼̼̰̳̜̩̗͋͜͠ but here it's C̷̡̨̡̧̨͚̗͍͖̭͖̘͔̬͎̳̠̬͎̥̀̎̓̎̐̃̿̇͋ͅa̵̧̧̨̛̙̳̗͖̖̩̫̻͓̳̔͊̆̊̊͋̓̿̆͒̕͘͜͠ͅr̸̛̬͙̥͚̦͎̯̘̱͙̞̹͕͓̰͖͑̋̿́̆͑̽̃͌͜͠m̵̨̨̢̧̛͈̜̞̘̣͍̝̩͚̺̟̰̳͇̘͍̈́̀͑́̈́͛̎̾͘͝ͅḗ̸̢̨̧̛̞̘͓̮̱̭̠̭̠̮͓̝͍̗̝͎̼͖͉̟̰̟̘̏̆͊͐̍͗̊͆̇͌̀̑̃̿̎̆̀́̈́̕n̵̢͉͓̰̬̥͖͉̫͚͚̬̖̙͉̈́

>Transmitting this data
Did we end up killing her before she could do that?
>We know your limit
But if they never know it's Nicole's WATERLOGGED POCKETWATCH doing it, then they'll keep assuming that Clover is the one doing it for 10 seconds

>figure out FAR quicker
Quentin at max operating power
Bitch deserves it
Pic related
This hasn't happened since the gangster explosion with the Ace Strikers if I remember right
I'm really getting sick of constantly seeing this shit from almost every fight we keep being in for a long while
>the flashbang
Was there one? When? Where? Whose?
>ear-piercing scream
It must have hit Nicole hard too though she wasn't thinking about it in the fight. Because that's HER voice making that agonized noise

>healing off 2 from EVIGT
If we hadn't given EVIGT to Nicole that'd be a panic moment. If we hadn't had Benedict refine the bodysuit that'd be more Flesh lost from that shot. Every single decision we make with items and loot keeps mattering in this quest, goddamn
>knife through butter
Deer hunting, mmm...
>hot (literally) foot
Not my fetish
>Set up the H-CORP WARMING UNIT Z-5 and try to sleep off the mental strain. (+3 RESTRAINT and 2 FLESH to you. Your allies will be able to heal 1 FLESH from resting their bodies.)
>Crack open some whiskey! (-2 HIGH QUALITY WHISKEY. +0.5 RAPPORT with everyone, ALEXIS will heal to full RESTRAINT, you and Lex will heal 3 RESTRAINT.)
>Try to find something to treat Ashley's CRIPPLING INJURY. This place is huge, there has to be something? (You'll roll 4d100. Higher you roll, the more spare supplies you'll get after treating her wound.)

>Draped over his uniform is a bulky red leather jacket. It looks like what he wore when you first met him. (CALL ME LEX, an armor PARADIGM. In addition to him blocking 2 FLESH damage from all sources while still earning TORMENTED SPARK progress, he'll also gain TORMENTED SPARK progress when an ally takes damage or receives a crippling injury, letting him gain a new ability faster.)
Oh right because the chainsaw also gives the user [BLOODLUST] so it just amplified Lex's preexisting trait
It lasted this long, good thing we picked it from Captain Abraham back then
>she looks horrid
I love the descriptions like Noelle's damage here
>eyes widen
I love this moment from Noelle too
Is Nicole corroding or something? And this part is also cool

>light blue shimmer
How did the glowniggers triangulate their exact location to do this? Is it an augment they still had in their body somewhere that none of the attacks managed to get?
That's super fucking hot but you're straight Nicole come on
>10 inch wide hole in the middle of Bel's chest
Shit the glowniggers also recovered the PROTOTYPE ANTI-ANOMALY ROUND we hit him with. We had got those from the buried facility mission. Now they might be able to figure out a way to counter it or use it against us. FUCK this is bad, but there's nothing else we could have done to stop Bel better
>still alive to remember it
And tell this story to others one day
Our good actions having good consequences
>had to bother
If Ashley is bringing this up here, how must our other allies and their loved ones be doing faced with offscreen glownigger harassment?
>that M-Corp sponsorship
Yeah how's that been going for her since we got her that magazine's number?
Interesting weakness. Also I think this is the most pissed off Quentin has ever been this entire quest
>bubblegum, mango
The one unknown man lucky enough to go down on Nicole one day will be pleased... yeah right as if that'd ever happen!
>Go fuck yourself
Great now I'm imagining a smoothed-out and polished dildo made of some W-Corp gemstone. Wendy would totally have one of those

>Quentin covers his face
He doesn't know Kiara's bi, does he? Also I love that she's on her second mission with him and Wendy's already teasing Quentin even though she called him a "useful pest" earlier (and I forget whatever else on the buried facility mission)
I forgot
Did he even have any hollowpoint ammo at all? I thought all he had was regular, silver, and AP. If he did then I must have missed it at some point.
>The one unknown man lucky enough to go down on Nicole one day will be pleased... yeah right as if that'd ever happen!

Deer-ussy, kek.

Quentin throwing a hissyfit was funny.

Will think about choices, vote later.
>Set up the H-CORP WARMING UNIT Z-5 and try to sleep off the mental strain. (+3 RESTRAINT and 2 FLESH to you. Your allies will be able to heal 1 FLESH from resting their bodies.)
>Crack open some whiskey! (-2 HIGH QUALITY WHISKEY. +0.5 RAPPORT with everyone, ALEXIS will heal to full RESTRAINT, you and Lex will heal 3 RESTRAINT.)
>Welp. The spooks are probably pissed. Crack open your radios and listen to how they're seething. (You'll get some neat intel on how the spooks will respond to you murdering two prized goons.)

>Both of his arms are now ensnared with jagged, crimson crystals that reek of blood. You swear they look like barbed wire. (VIOLENCE FOR VIOLENCE'S SAKE, turning his brass knuckles into WEAPON PARADIGMs. He'll be able to heal 1 FLESH/RESTRAINT, whatever's lowest, whenever he hits an enemy in combat or succeeds a TALENT/VIOLENCE/FLESH check.)
H-CORP: p+p, Zne, FtJ
SPOOK: BGN, 3kt, /ag, FtJ
CRIPPLING INJURY: p+p, /ag, 3kt, BGN

CALL ME LEX: BGN, 3kt, p+p, ZnE

So, it seems like Whiskey + Looting to treat Ashley + SPOOK!!! wins for the free time action, while CALL ME LEX wins for the spoopy anomalous ability. I need two anons to roll 2d100 for the LOOT table. Since

1-11: PAINKILLER BOTTLE x2 (Comes with three doses. One dose adds +2d4 to a FLESH or RESTRAINT roll.)
12-30: GAUZE ROLL x2 (Can heal one FLESH, temporarily negate a crippling injury (or heal one for Ashley due to her boon), or to heal a CRIPPLING INJURY if used with UVX.)
31-50: STANDARD ISSUE MEDKIT x2 (Has 3 charges. One charge can heal 1 FLESH, two can heal a CRIPPLING INJURY, three revives someone out of CRITICAL STATE with half FLESH.)
51-70: ADRENALINE SHOT x2 (VERY potent shit but very short lasting, best used in emergencies. Fully heals FLESH and RESTRAINT and snaps anyone out of CRITICAL STATE and/or PANIC. After a short duration, halves the user's FLESH and RESTRAINT.)
71-90: TRAUMA KIT (Very user friendly. Has 5 charges. Heals 1 FLESH with 1 charge. Heals a CRIPPLING INJURY with 2 charges. Three charges revives someone out of CRITICAL STATE with full FLESH.)
91-95: CONDENSED 'PURE JOY' INJECTOR (INCREDIBLY ADDICTIVE. Outlawed in a lot of Districts after it caused several thousand cases of dopamine-induced catatonia. Reduces all FLESH and RESTRAINT damage taken by 3 while active, heals 3 RESTRAINT.)
96-99: Z-CORP 'ZENITH' SERUM (You know this shouldn't be here. Must've been left behind by the spooks or someone else who came here previously. Fully heals the user's FLESH with no downside and applies a long lasting but weak regeneration.)
100: MYSTERY BOX (Roll an additional 2d100. You'll get an improved version of that specific item with rare and unusual properties. If you roll another 100 this way, ??????)
Rolled 29, 40 = 69 (2d100)

Rolled 15, 47 = 62 (2d100)

GAUZE ROLL x3 (Since you'll use one to heal Ashley)
A boring haul but you'll see the PURE JOY and ZENITH serum later + you got some fun new toys with the spooks.


Meh rolls but we have plenty of med kits at least.
I honestly like having more of the basic medical stuff now, after we have more unique or specialized ones we can save for emergencies.
Fair enough. I won't say no to more medkits. Excited to see what robbing copses gets us. How much you want to bet Bel comes back at some point with his head stitched on another body? Or Noelle does and her skin looks like fucking Freddy Kruger crossed with a well done hamburger?
The crimson red jacket now draped over Lex's injured body had seemingly manifested out of thin air. The leather itself is covered in a thin glossy sheen that faintly smells of dried blood but the only other noteworthy aspect of it is the various patches stuck to the back of it.

You count five in total. One of a centipede, one of a pair of antlers, one of a briefcase, one of a guitar, and one of a gemstone. It's otherwise a pretty simple jacket that you wouldn't know was anomalous if not for your fine-tuned instincts.

>CALL ME LEX obtained for Lex! (Blocks 2 FLESH damage from all sources, does not hamper his TORMENTED SPARK gains. Allows him to be empowered through the suffering of allies.)
>While wearing CALL ME LEX, he gains 0.5% per FLESH/RESTRAINT damage an ally takes and 5% when an ally receives a CRIPPLING INJURY. This can boosted by his BARBED WIRE BRASS KNUCKLES.

"I see you lookin' at me." Lex wipes away the blood on his hands onto his already stained PARADIGM. "Like it?"

"It's rather simple." Most of the other PARADIGMs you've seen have been ominous and mystical artifacts, fancy swords, or fucked up mutations. "Not like mine is any better."

"I ain't fancy. I just wanna wear my heart on my sleeve." Lex shrugs. "My heart ain't fancy either, what can I say?"

"Can't judge you for that." Your brain is too frazzled to really say any more. So you don't. You pop open some of the HIGH QUALITY WHISKEY you've been saving for an occasion like this.

You immediately tense up when you feel the beady eyes of five exhausted, booze-hungry allies staring down at you. You take a deep, hearty gulp of the bottle you opened before putting it and a full bottle of whiskey down onto the ground.

As if your allies were like a swarm of locusts devouring fields of rice, as described in N-Corp's many religious texts, their greedy hands grab at the bottles of whiskey to drink every single drop left.
You lean against the still warm corpse of Bel to try to recover your sanity while your allies begin to party like animals. Your belly feels nice and warm as the whiskey settles in.
>+4 RESTRAINT to you! (3 from Whiskey, 1 from AZURE BLUE REGENEARTION) 5/10 RESTRAINT LEFT!
>ALEXIS is fully sane!

It doesn't take long for the booze to make Wendy and Quentin drunk but the others, either through sheer bulk or through high tolerance, are barely affected. The two drunkards promptly find themselves hitting the ground (before promptly laughing like idiots).

Lex and Alexis sit down next to you by Bel's corpse while Ashley tries her best to rest her leg.

"Thanks for the booze." Lex takes another swig of a mostly empty bottle of whiskey.
"Felt like we deserved it after what we had to fight." You sigh. "Fuck, man. Hearing myself scream like that was something else."
"Yeah. I don't think I want to hear that again." Alexis can't help but to shiver when she remembers what she heard.
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"I don't plan on being set on fire anytime soon so, trust me, Lex Sis. You'll be-" You pause. You thought the drink wouldn't have affected you that much but damn! Guess it did.

Alexis is staring at you like you said the most vile insult in the world to her.
Ashley and Lex share one look with each other before immediately bursting out laughing. "Holy shit." "Oh yeah, she DOES have Lex in her name! And with the Graverobber thing-"

"Do not ever c-c..." Alexis tries her best to sound angry but even she can't help but to crack up at that. "Pffft. Fuck. I never realized that until right now."

"Woo. Please don't be mad at me, Lexy." You flutter your eyelashes at the poor exhausted I-Corp lady.
"I will if you keep making up stupid nicknames like that!"
"HEH. A. LEXA. HEH." Quentin can't really make a coherent sentence and that doesn't help when Wendy wraps an arm around his shoulder.
"Centipedes have a lot of protein, rright? F-feeling hungry." Wendy slurs out with an oddly lustful look in her eyes. "C-cmere."

The next few minutes are spent laughing at Quentin's expense as he desperately tries to get out of Wendy's iron grasp.
>+0.5 RAPPORT with everyone!

"Alright." You decide to help Quentin out of his jam by freeing him from Wendy's drunken grasp. She desperately tries to grab onto Quentin but she falls right back onto her face when she tries. "You guys, loot the corpses. Me and Quentin will be busy looking for some supplies."

Quentin immediately snaps out of his drunken stupor. "OH GOOD. IT WAS A PAIN KEEPING HIS ORGANS OPERATIONAL ENOUGH TO GET DRUNK. WHERE TO?"
"A-aw, y-you were faking it? Meanie!" Wendy whines at the unfairness of Quentin's corpse puppeteering and its many, many boons. "Feh!"

"Yeah, yeah. We're going to get some supplies to treat Ashley's leg and Wendy's hand. Let's go."

With that, the two of you leave the rest of the party behind to do some quick scouting of the nearby area. The incredibly hectic fight has, understandably so, scared off a LOT of the animals. It's dead quiet the moment you get some distance from the group. The wasteland of destroyed shelves makes it a lot easier to scout out the area.

You walked at least a solid five hundred feet away from where your group was before you even managed to see any store that fits what you're looking for but a good chunk of them are emptied or boarded up too tightly to explore.

[SEEKER OF THE CITY] As you're about to pass by one of the many shops around here, you make out a still stocked one that says 'HEALTH' in I-Corp's dialect.

Pulling open the frozen shut door with Quentin's help, the two of you begin to search through the mostly empty shelves to see what's still left after centuries of people scavenging around here.
>29, 40, 15, 47.

There's not a lot but what you do managed to find should be enough for now.
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"Quentin, I put a lot of stuff in my body but I don't trust random crackhead syringes."

You'll pretend you didn't hear that last bit. It doesn't take the two of you long enough for you to rejoin the group. First thing you do after joining back up is prying off Ashley's shoe and wrapping her foot up with gauze.

After she puts her shoe back on, she stands up and puts some weight on her foot. She's going to hobble a bit for a while but she seems fine now. You then grab onto Wendy's wrist and snap it back into place before wrapping a thin layer of bandaging around it (not enough to consume anything.)

She hisses a bit in pain but the booze helps her to tough it out. "W-what's with Lex's queer lookin' jacket? Smells like tainted ideas and saccharine...bleh!" She's trying her best to rile herself up at the sight of something anomalous but she doesn't have the heart in it. "At least it's not fuckin' antlers- Uh, sorry, Nicky."

You won't hold it against her.

While Lex, Ashley, and Wendy take the time to rest from their injuries, you check up on Quentin and Alexis to see what they managed to look so far. It better damn be worth it after everything you went through. Oh, they also managed to find the sample one of the automatons looted.

>"УБИЙCTBO" BLOOD REPLACEMENT VIAL x2 (A crimson red vial that reeks of blood and hate. When consumed, boosts MAX FLESH and VIOLENCE by 3 for a long duration. When used by a SILVER IMPLANT user, heal 3 FLESH and 3 RESTRAINT as well.)
>REPROGRAMMED "VYDRŽAŤ" IMPLANT (An implant meant to attach to the user's heart. Enables SILVER IMPLANT bonuses from certain items. +3 MAX FLESH and +1 to two stats of the user's choice when installed into someone.)
>SILVER TRIBLY (ACCESSORY. +1 MAX RESTRAINT, COGNIZANCE, and WILLPOWER when worn. Looks cool, even if you look like a jackass wearing it. Might be best for Maruyama considering his weapon whenever you hire him again.)
>SILVER CIGARETTE PACK (These fuckers got a BRAND? Has five cigarettes. One cigarette heals 2 RESTRAINT and adds +1d12 to any roll the user makes.)

>QUOTA: 7/10 COLD IRON, 5/10 DRY-10, 4/7 ROTWOOD.

>SILVER SHOTGUN SLUG x4 (SILVER AMMO only usable by SHOTGUNS. Does MIXED DAMAGE to all targets and heals an extra 1 FLESH and RESTRAINT when hitting an anomalous human.)
>ICP SYRINGE x2 (A rare form of anomalous energy. May be injected to boost all stats by 2 for a short period, to permanently upgrade a power you or a SHIFTER ally has, or to induce an anomalous ability in someone.)
>FAKE ANTLERS (Filled to the brim with C-Extract, A-Energy, and even a bit of ICP-Energy. Can be sold for $1500 or to be converted into a potent item of power by ADAM, BENJAMIN, and/or BENEDICT.)
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>REPROGRAMMED "ELNIAI" IMPLANT. (Smells like mangos and bubblegum. Enables SILVER IMPLANT bonuses from certain items. +1 WILLPOWER, CHARM, COGNIZANCE, and RESTRAINT when installed into someone. Once per mission, it may reduce all damage taken by one attack to 1.)
>'NIONIO" BLOOD REPLACEMENT VIAL x2 (Smells like mangos, bubblegum, and pent up repression. Permanently increases WILLPOWER by 1 on use. When used by a SILVER IMPLANT user, permanently increases two stats of the user choice by 1.)

>+VX-NINE SAMPLE (A heavily reinforced, air-tight container filled with a potent chemical weapon. Can be converted into a weapon by IPPO'S REFINERY or BENJAMIN.)

Woo! That's some pretty decent loot all things considered. Especially that implant! Weird how it got reprogrammed, you swore only Naomi knew that.


You then dig into your pocket. Odd, you don't recognize these two trinkets.
>+THE ADMIRAL'S MEDAL (One of his many medals. The mere sight of it emboldens your mind. Once per mission, if you would fail a RESTRAINT, WILLPOWER or COGNIZANCE check, you may choose to automatically pass it.)
>+FRACTURED IRIDESCENT KING (A glass-like king chess piece barely held together by its own force of will. Whenever you target or damage an enemy with an ability or PARADIGM, you do a minor amount of ESOTERIC DAMAGE to them on top of any other effects.)

Huh. Neat. Welp, there's one thing left to do before you find those villagers. You sit down with the rest of your allies with your SILVER ELITE RADIO turned on and you take a moment to listen into their wails. After this, you'll go rescue the villagers.

Your allies huddle around the radio with bated breath. You rather not keep the signal on for too long since you imagine they'd KNOW you somehow have access to their signals if you keep using these radios.

The radio crackles for a moment and for a moment, you hear nothing. Then, you hear the sound of someone gagging. A pair of oddly normal men, no weird filter to their voice or anything, are speaking over the line.

"Fucking hell. Her face looks like burnt ground beef. I thought you said they would be unkillable."
"Do you SEE the damage to his head? This can only have been done with high grade explosives. And that weird round we recovered..."
"They must've recovered more than we expected from the P-Corp facility. Only way they could've killed him."
"Any reason we only sent two? She seems to have enough resources and rapport to hire multiple highly armed allies."
"The rest of the ELITES, EXCISORS, and normal AGENTS we have access to were busy preparing for the Head Meeting. Nicole's a high priority target but have you SEEN what the CEOs can do? She's a drop in the bucket to them."
"Yeah. That's fair. Should we scrap the others?"
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"No, no, Max and Benjamin's doppels still have value. So do the rest of the association. We just need to be smarter."
"I get that. Should we send another EXCISOR to be safe? I imagine they're still resting."
"Fuck, man, they probably already expect another attack. Just send five nearby agents to keep an eye on them but tell them to NOT ENGAGE."
"Noted. Any reason why the retrieval implant didn't fully work? I mean, we don't want EXCISOR tech to be stolen by her.
"Can't be from EMPs. She must've got a lucky shot with this bizarre slug she fired. We're going to study it so we can kill that damned CEO she was talking to."
"Why WAS he wearing J-Corp's colors? Aren't they WITH us? I swear that Singularity reminded me more of A, B, C or L-Corp's-"

And that's when the signal goes cold. Your allies decide it's probably best to not speak about what they just heard for their own safety. Who knows who could be watching you now?

Hm. Food for thought on who your mysterious CEO sponsor is. Could be that he IS with J-Corp but he's allied with one of those four. And you know the spooks will be keeping an eye on you since you DID kill two of their top goons.

There's nothing much else TO do here so after packing everything you found up, you let Ashley lead you in the direction she last saw the villagers at when she was scouting the area before.

The area you find yourself in appears to be a former food court. Most of the restaurants have LONG since closed down and the various tables scattered throughout the circular court have been knocked over or destroyed outright. Dozens of now powered off automatons are scattered around the food court, seemingly here to guard something.

That's when you hear cries coming out from behind one of the metal grates. Lex decides to just punch a fucking hole right through said grate which, yeah, that caused everyone inside to scream like FUCKING BANSHEES.

[ALEXIS ALLY] Alexis promptly rushes up to the grate and begins to gibber something in I-Corp's dialect at such a rapid rate you can't make heads or tails of it. Whatever she said manages to make them shut up for now.

"Listen! We're not here to hurt you. We were sent to rescue you. Lex, sir, open the grate."
Lex promptly rips open the hole he punched in like it was nothing more than tissue paper. Seems like the drugs still pumping through his system are making him MONSTEROUSLY strong.

Behind the counter of a former cookie shop is a trio consisting of two men and one woman, each of which are adorned in familiar-looking fur coats. Their coats are stained with blood and, as you trail your eyes to the source of it, a half-eaten deer carcass is laying right next to them.

They raise their hands up in surrender but once they see Alexis, they immediately begin to calm down. Your group shares some quick introductions and you find out that these are the three you're looking for. Woo. Only took killing two powerful spooks!!!

Welp. You found all you really needed to here. As you help the three of them out of the hole Lex punched through, you take a moment to decide where to head to next. Due to you killing the SPOOKS, you can now safely split the group up to visit multiple locations.

Choose two places to visit. The party will decide how to split up unless you write in who goes where.
>[UNSTABLE RESOLVE] Something is luring you to that Clock Tower. You can't quite put it into words. Start making your way over to it.
>[PERSON OF INTEREST] You know the spooks are from the old world as well. Perhaps the GOVERNMENTAL BUILDING has some info on them?
>[ALEXIS ALLY] "Let's go to the bank. We still have that bank stash to grab, remember?" Go to the Bank to reclaim the STASH. (Has your other optional objective here.)
>[LEX ALLY] "We should probably tell the dudes at the apartment complex whatever we found their buddies. So they can leave too." Go inform those still at the APARTMENT COMPLEX about your rescue attempt.
>[QUENTIN ALLY] "I DO WANT TO CHECK UP ON BILL. IF THE SPOOKS ARE COMING TO WATCH US, THEY MAY DEAL WITH HIM." If nothing else, you can send him back to the village wit the others? Find him somewhere safe to hide at?
>[WENDY ALLY] "Hm. Nicole, follow me. I sense some sort of presence nearby. A...I dunno." As you follow Wendy, you notice the map shows you she's leading you to a GRAVEYARD. Go with it. (May offer some relics and information about this part of I-Corp that can warn you about future locations you visit.)
>You don't NEED to visit two places. Just pick one then immediately escort the villagers back. (Takes up one VISIT action. You'll confirm the safety of the villagers and you'll save a bit of time that could be used to explore other locations.)

Want to give the villagers any assistance? Pick as many as you feel like.
>[ANIMALISTIC IMPULSES] You know, they WERE here to hunt. You might as well help them, no? Go hunt down something and bring it back to them. (FREE ACTION. -1 DOSE on Q-CORP DRONE PHERMONES, -4 SHOTGUN SLUGS, leaving you with 8 regular ones. You'll be able to sneak around and safely bag some animals for the villagers, improving your reputation around I-Corp as a result.)
>"Hey. You need this more than I do." Hand them some rare booze and jewelry for their trouble. (FREE ACTION. -LAST HIGH QUALITY WHISKEY, -1 HIGH QUALITY JEWELRY. This should get you a nice bonus reward once you return back to the villager.)
>"Take some medicine back home with ya." (FREE ACTION. Write in whether to give both of your UVX #1, one of the STANDARD ISSUE MEDKITS, or a TRANQUIZLER SYRINGE. You'll get a lump sum of $250, 1 COLD IRON and 1 ROTWOOD for the meds.)
Nice loot, as appropriate of a boss fight. We have 4 ICP shots now; seems like we were saving them to upgrade allies but we may want to shoot up with one ahead of the meeting since it sounds like a cluster fuck in the making to upgrade some. We might want to slot Noelle's implant in us to keep the mc from being instagibbed like with what we tried to do to our dopple. As always I suggest giving one of the blood replacements to Naomi since she needs the stat boosts. Annoyed, the silver faggots got our bullet. We are going to need more rounds it seems if we are going to face the other dopples and the pet Excisors. Maybe REFINMENT + Ittos can make normal anti abno rounds into a rough equivalent.
>various patches
He better get new patches when he meets the other allies again
>wear my heart on my sleeve
Wonder what'd happen if he met that one we met before?
>Hearing myself scream
Thanks QM

>Lex Sis
Hilarious moment of character interaction
>oddly lustful look
I never expected the dynamic between Quentin and Wendy to get like this over these missions, but it's nice to see. What Quentin does might be horrific and cool, but he doesn't deserve to be lonely or ostracized for that. There's worse shit going on all the time elsewhere in the City by people worse than he could ever be. Guy just wants his mom CEO to love him but I bet she doesn't even care about him. Though we still haven't delved into the Q-Corp drone lore and worldbuilding much to know for sure what his deal is in relation to the rest of Q-Corp dronekind
Thanks QM
This is a powerful ability. Quentin could fake getting drunk with targets to make them let their guard down for example
>'HEALTH' in I-Corp's dialect
A classic 'apoteke' I assume

>put a lot of stuff in my body
Too bad a dick isn't one yet :^)
Yup, sweet MURDER juice
I really really want to give this to Alexis with how she's the frailest person we have in our group
Sure why not let's save this for Maruyama. It fits him the most out of everybody we have except Quentin
These niggers have their own brand?! What, do the cigs also glow in the dark when you smoke them? Dropping a smoked out one to crush it under your foot probably counts as "running them over". This has a damn good effect and we have 5 of them now
These belong to Nicole now
We have 4 now I think? We could try to trigger powers in more of our allies, but I like the idea of some of our team being completely unanomalous and therefore not fucked by anti-anomaly attacks or abilities. I don't want to lose that
I'm curious what these can be converted to by those three... No way I want to sell these now
>We have 4 now I think? We could try to trigger powers in more of our allies, but I like the idea of some of our team being completely unanomalous and therefore not fucked by anti-anomaly attacks or abilities. I don't want to lose that

I agree and I think it is time to upgrade one or 2 of nicky's given the shit we are up against.

>I really really want to give this to Alexis with how she's the frailest person we have in our group

She would be decent. So would Naomi give her frailty and how useful she is. I 100% want to give her 1 each of all the blood replacements we have multiples of before the base assault because perma bonuses are better than just a 1 time boost for us or another ally

>I'm curious what these can be converted to by those three... No way I want to sell these now

It said and/or so in theory we could have all of them collab to make something. No idea what would happen but it will likely be cool.
This goes into Nicole? Or do we deer up somebody else?
Ungodly powerful effect. Using this on a non-implant user is forbidden
I'd rather give this to Benjamin, but Ippo's Refinery being an option is curious
Oh right we never taught our allies the Silver Agent audio trick that Mr. Anjaro showed us at that luxury restaurant. We should do that to all 5 of who we have with us right now if we have time on this mission and we aren't being observed yet
Which one? He didn't give any there. Probably means the one from Bel with how he was the one fixed on that corpse
Godlike item. Nothing stops us from taking ridiculously hard checks of those 3 stats and just autopassing it for some sick shit
Is this just permanent? Does it apply to every single attack Nicole ever does from now on? This is also godlike irregardless of how it works
>they'd KNOW you somehow have access
There's only so much PULSATING GEAR can do. Even PARADIGMS are limited in scope and functions like how people are limited in views and biases
>oddly normal men
Do they turn their singularity filters off in private with each other? Or are these non-glownig sponsors or higher-ups?
>preparing for the Head Meeting
That day is going to be a chaotic climax to this quest
>Max and Benjamin's doppels
We need Max and Benjamin to be the ones to kill them, but failing that they should at least be there to participate
>retrieval implant didn't fully work
It waited until they died to trigger, that's what they meant?
>Can't be from EMPs
Still valuable knowledge. EMPs continue to matter because it fucks up their other implants for us to help kill them, but not for this one. Or maybe the EMP+ did in fact work on that retrieval implant, but these mystery men assume we hit a normal EMP and not our EMP+
>bizarre slug
Can we pass the remaining PROTOTYPE ANTI-ABNO ammo to Alex so he can maybe figure out a way to make more of them? He'd be very interested to know these are potent against the glowniggers' strongest... but then if the knowledge spreads then more groups and corporations could have access to the power this PROTOTYPE ANTI-ABNO round packs. Small price to pay?
>J-Corp's colors
Thanks QM
>Singularity reminded me more of A, B, C or L-Corp
"A WHITE FLASH OF LIGHT" certainly sounds like a type of movie magic or L-Corp wizardry. B-Corp is also specialized in information and surveillance so they have ways. We know nothing about C-Corp other than one of our mission choices was in not!Freddy Fazbear's
>he IS with J-Corp
So wait... that was a CEO. He is the leader of an entire Wing. The entire creator of presumably J-Corp is against the spooks, but the rest of his company is with the spooks? Is this a case of left hand vs right hand? Could be more at play here behind the scenes than we know
>rapid rate
Russian spoken fast is quite something
>drugs still pumping
We should go somewhere with something he can murderize while there's time... but I doubt all the effects will last that long, ah well

>safely split the group up
All these options are too good and I cannot decide right now, sorry

Of our allies, I think Max and Benjamin are the ones farthest behind. Arguably Clover too. Frank even though we only had him for 1 mission so far is still one of the most competent and badass allies we have in our crew, so I'm hesitant to include him in this. We have some squishy as fuck allies that could really benefit from Noelle's anti-instagib implant, and even Bel's implant too if we're not giving that one to Alexis. The blood replacement vials aren't permanent, or so I thought. If they are permanent irregardless of implanted status or not, and they could gain their upgraded state if implanted afterward... then this opens up a lot more freedom for us to use them on our allies.
To get anything like the PROTOTYPE ANTI-ABNO rounds, we'll first need more regular ones to give to Benedict for REFINE (not to be confused with the REFINEMENT of P-Corp facilities!!!). I suggested giving the only one we have left to Alex because I assume he knows people who can replicate them or make more of them as they are. I also pointed out the potential consequences of such a decision in addition to offscreen impact. P-Corp's Citywide ETF would kill to get more of these as well as many other anti-anomaly groups and personnel. It might give more influence to X-Corp than before and balance the scales of the City more in the Head's favor than those of the anomalous people and powers that could overthrow them. We don't really care about the Head being overthrown though, so...?
As for the ICP, I already made my opinion clear. Giving one to Nicole might be interesting though, and it'd be flavorfully appropriate after both encountering the City's Archivist AND overcoming the doppelganger all in one day. I'm for doing this much for the time being. Getting Benjamin and Adam and Benedict together to collab sounds like some VERY SPICY cooking though, I fully agree. They'll need one hell of a kitchen
Naomi has power tats that give her a permanent boost from the blood replacements, not her implants. It is why she had one of her maluses mostly negated by the last one we gave her.
>[UNSTABLE RESOLVE] Something is luring you to that Clock Tower. You can't quite put it into words. Start making your way over to it.
Nicole and Wendy. I am curious about the mysterious thing luring us to the clock tower.
>[ALEXIS ALLY] "Let's go to the bank. We still have that bank stash to grab, remember?" Go to the Bank to reclaim the STASH. (Has your other optional objective here.)
Lex, Ashley, and give two torch guns to both.
>[QUENTIN ALLY] "I DO WANT TO CHECK UP ON BILL. IF THE SPOOKS ARE COMING TO WATCH US, THEY MAY DEAL WITH HIM." If nothing else, you can send him back to the village wit the others? Find him somewhere safe to hide at?
Quentin and send him to the village and give him Namoi phone number. Also, ask him if he can make his remaining or reboot the automaton in the shopping center to destroy five chemical barrels we found in the hardware store.
>[LEX ALLY] "We should probably tell the dudes at the apartment complex whatever we found their buddies. So they can leave too." Go inform those still at the APARTMENT COMPLEX about your rescue attempt.
Alexis and three hunters. And give the hunter a one medkit for they injure hunter member (>>6087291) back in the apartment.

>[ANIMALISTIC IMPULSES] You know, they WERE here to hunt. You might as well help them, no? Go hunt down something and bring it back to them. (FREE ACTION. -1 DOSE on Q-CORP DRONE PHERMONES, -4 SHOTGUN SLUGS, leaving you with 8 regular ones. You'll be able to sneak around and safely bag some animals for the villagers, improving your reputation around I-Corp as a result.)
>[UNSTABLE RESOLVE] Something is luring you to that Clock Tower. You can't quite put it into words. Start making your way over to it.
Nicole and Wendy. I am curious about the mysterious thing luring us to the clock tower.
>[ALEXIS ALLY] "Let's go to the bank. We still have that bank stash to grab, remember?" Go to the Bank to reclaim the STASH. (Has your other optional objective here.)
Lex, Ashley, and give two torch guns to both.
>[QUENTIN ALLY] "I DO WANT TO CHECK UP ON BILL. IF THE SPOOKS ARE COMING TO WATCH US, THEY MAY DEAL WITH HIM." If nothing else, you can send him back to the village wit the others? Find him somewhere safe to hide at?
Quentin and send him to the village and give him Naomi phone number. Also, ask him if he can make his remaining or reboot the automaton in the shopping center to destroy five chemical barrels we found in the hardware store.
>[LEX ALLY] "We should probably tell the dudes at the apartment complex whatever we found their buddies. So they can leave too." Go inform those still at the APARTMENT COMPLEX about your rescue attempt.
Alexis and three hunters. And give the hunter a one medkit for they injure hunter member (>>6087291 #) back in the apartment.

>[ANIMALISTIC IMPULSES] You know, they WERE here to hunt. You might as well help them, no? Go hunt down something and bring it back to them. (FREE ACTION. -1 DOSE on Q-CORP DRONE PHERMONES, -4 SHOTGUN SLUGS, leaving you with 8 regular ones. You'll be able to sneak around and safely bag some animals for the villagers, improving your reputation around I-Corp as a result.)
>[ALEXIS ALLY] "Let's go to the bank. We still have that bank stash to grab, remember?" Go to the Bank to reclaim the STASH. (Has your other optional objective here.)
>[WENDY ALLY] "Hm. Nicole, follow me. I sense some sort of presence nearby. A...I dunno." As you follow Wendy, you notice the map shows you she's leading you to a GRAVEYARD. Go with it. (May offer some relics and information about this part of I-Corp that can warn you about future locations you visit.)

>[ANIMALISTIC IMPULSES] You know, they WERE here to hunt. You might as well help them, no? Go hunt down something and bring it back to them. (FREE ACTION. -1 DOSE on Q-CORP DRONE PHERMONES, -4 SHOTGUN SLUGS, leaving you with 8 regular ones. You'll be able to sneak around and safely bag some animals for the villagers, improving your reputation around I-Corp as a result.)
As a reminder to anon, we made a promise to Bill to protect him. And he is quite valuable because he knows how to make silver agent stuff. And we are on time limit; when the night settles in, it is going to get a whole lot colder. So if you don’t want to waste precious time, then support my plan so that we can do things quickly and leave to the next location at WHITEROCK to secure the survivors in WHITEROCK Village.
Also, we need to destroy the silver agent chemical barrel. I don’t want silver agent to weaponize the chemical barrel to use on the head meeting days or use it on us.
I want to give them the meds too because we still need more materials. Maybe both UVX #1 is fine?
Okay, since I want to give the hunter medkit anyway.
>"Take some medicine back home with ya." (FREE ACTION. Write in whether to give both of your UVX #1, one of the STANDARD ISSUE MEDKITS, or a TRANQUIZLER SYRINGE. You'll get a lump sum of $250, 1 COLD IRON and 1 ROTWOOD for the meds.)
Give UVX #1
My plan is when we move out of the ANTLIA and send the five hunters to the village. Is to go WHITEROCK secure survivors and send them back to village and loot Whiterock village, when we finish that, then go abandoned hospital grab as many medical supplies as possible and give away most our medical supplies we find in the hospital to the village (since village in short supplies in everything >>6082202 >>6082203) for reputation gain and rewards. Then go to the graverobbers village to trade.

Any opinion on my plan route?
Hospital was said to be closest. I want to get the materials we need quicker so we don't have that hanging over us. Did Whiterock even have any survivors stated to be there?
>WHITEROCK. An abandoned human village that no one has gotten into contact to for ages. May have survivors that you can send to LOVE TOWN. Danger may still lurk there. (MEDIUM-HIGH in ALL RESOURCES, very likely to have valuable weapons/armor/medicine/other items. Risky.)
>May have survivors that you can send to LOVE TOWN.
Fair enough. I'm still bent on Dark Forest for that Rotwood, but we could also get that from the Graverobber Village. Knowing we helped with Lex's mom and sister should be enough to get them to be okay with us collecting some Rotwood while we're there.

Currently its
>QUOTA: 7/10 COLD IRON, 5/10 DRY-10, 4/7 ROTWOOD.
Once we get our reward from Love Town when we return to collect, it'll be 11/10 COLD IRON, 7/10 DRY-10, and 6/7 ROTWOOD with our current quota state. With that in mind maybe I'm wrong to want to go to the Dark Forest especially with what >>6083946 pointed out now becoming more relevant? We just survived and beat a superboss fight; can we truly take on some RESTRAINT nuking Russian forest monster even with all the literal fire power at our disposal? Our party is still good to go on but I don't want to risk the Russian winter nightmare The real reason to go to the Graverobber Village would then be less for Rotwood and more for Lex's sake. BUT
>(For every extra Pile of Dry Ice, +$40. Extra Cold Iron, +$35. Rotwood, +$30)
>зa мpтвe. Rumored to be a village where the GRAVEROBBERS live. Far, far older than any of the other buildings or settlements here. They might not like outsiders. (Very likely to have HISTORIC artifacts, HIGH ROTWOOD and DRY ICE, low COLD IRON. Risky.)
No reason not to try going for more for pocket change in the process while getting the remaining DRY-10 we need.

As for that hospital nearby Antlia
>"We need medicine. They're hard to come across even in the City proper, but the nearby hospital has some. I heard there be monsters in that cursed place..." (CHALLENGING DIFFICULTY. REWARD: +$200 per TRAUMA KIT, +$50 per GAUZE ROLL, varying prices for other medicine.)
Again, pocket change to us but consider this
>MISSION REWARD reduced to $821.
>-$315 from other allies.
All that "pocket change" from excess materials and this sidequest goes toward recouping the hiring costs we spent getting our 5 teammates on this job and then some. All that money will still add up with the glownigger base assault soon and potentially one more mission before the big day with the Head Meeting.
And we're sending Bill to the village after he has the robots destroy those super-biohazard barrels safely, right? No sense in releasing them in the shopping center even if it's abandoned, that'd be mega retarded
Then, where are we going to put the chemical barrel and destroy it?
Take them outside or to a collapsed ceiling room or something?
I really really do not want this shit here because then this entire town might be one massive dead zone. I have no clue how to dispose of this shit and we have no corpo experts here to know
Hide it somewhere and call X-Corp (Alex) or Anjaro to take it away?
>Take them outside
Won't that cause the storm or weather to blow the destroyed chemical barrel toxic air away?
Yeah good fucking point

This is way more ideal, let's do this one
>Quentin and send him to the village and give him Naomi phone number. Also, ask him if he can make his remaining or reboot the automaton in the shopping center to destroy five chemical barrels we found in the hardware store.
Quentin and send him to the village and give him Naomi phone number. Also, ask him if he can make his remaining or reboot the automaton in the shopping center to move five chemical barrels we found in the hardware store to somewhere hidden. Also check for tracking devices on the chemical barrel.
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This really feels like you're stretching your party incredibly thin but you don't have any other good ideas so...this is what you'll do, sure. You're probably only willing to do this BECAUSE you cleared out all of the possible threats you know about here.

"Lex. Ashley. Bank." You toss them two torch guns in case they need to melt through some locks or frosted over doors that even Lex can't brute force.
"Quentin, get Bill and send his ass to the village. Here's Naomi's phonenumber." You scribble something down on one of the many checkered fabric strips you have and toss it over to him. "Get him to deal with the toxic waste barrels I rather not cause another 'Ace Strikers' incident."
"Alexis, drag the three chucklefucks to the apartment complex." You shove a medkit into her hands. "Treat whoever's injured.
"And we're going to check the clock tower!" Wendy interrupts you before you can say what you plan on doing with her. "I sense an AURA around it. The potent AURA only a UNKNOWNABLE MYSTERIOUS CUBICAL CONSTRUCT could have. PERHAPS ANOTHER WORD-"

You bunp (yes, bunp) your fist against her nose. Gently, mind you, but just enough to shut her up.

"yeahireallyrathernotseepeoplechokingagainthatwasnotpleasant." Quentin mutters to himself in a distinctly not-monotone and slightly disgusted tone of voice. "OKAY. SURE."
Alexis, Lex, and Ashley simply shrug at the orders they were given.

"Hopefully Quentin will be fine. I trust that the rest of us will be able to travel safely." Alexis nods.
"Sure. I can do a bank heist. If we can kill a God, we can kill CAPTIALISM ITSELF!!!" Lex throws his fist in the air. "AM I RIGHT???"
"Lex we killed a shitty V-Corp doppelganger of Nicole and probably yourself." Ashley grabs onto his fist and gently lowers it down. "We're not killing capitalism. Besides, it's not really a heist if no one is guarding it."

"wait huh." Lex has no idea how to respond to Ashley's comment and neither do you. He didn't particularly look like Lex. You sorta been filtering it out as backgrounds noise but Lex has tattoos all over his arms, face, legs, chest. Half of them are anomalous, half not. Bel was smooth as a baby's ass.
"Seems like what makes the most sense to me. Though the real article is always going to be better-"

You promptly disengage from this conversation by cracking open the Q-CORP DRONE PHERMONES jar and smearing some of it on your arms. Immediately, everyone's eyes glazes over before they immediately snap back to their conversations, completely unaware of your existence.

The only one who's looking at you is Quentin. He narrows his eyes at you before turning his attention to the rest of your party. <"Smells like home. Where did she get that from?">
To be fair, you don't remember, but it's a good time to use it. You sneak back into the SHOPPING CENTRE to do some quick hunting. It shouldn't take that long.

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[ANIMALISTIC IMPULSES + WHISPERS OF THE CITY POWER] It actually doesn't take that long to find one of the few animals that weren't scared of. Your sense of smell and your natural intuition in the layout of buildings makes it easy to find your prey.

Upside, the animal you found should be big enough to feed a village for a bit!
Downside, it's because it's a Brown Bear. The massive animal is busy picking through some of the sparse berries growing off a bush that has entwined with a check out lane.

Digging out for one of your many HARPOON GUNS, you fire it off at the beast before it has time to smell you out. The harpoon embeds deep into its paw. It cries out with a monstrous roar but due to the pheromones, it can't see you.

Good. Now that's pinned and you can aim properly, you take your time aiming your FEDKILLER at it. With your functional invisibility and four anomalously infused slugs, it's dead before it realizes what's going on.

With the help of your telekinesis and your ANIMALISTIC IMPULSES boosted strength, you slowly drag the thing back outside of the shopping centre. This is right when your pheromones wear off.

Everyone flinches when they see you (in their view) suddenly reappear out of thin fucking air with a 900 pound hunk of bear meat.

"Take this back to the village when you're done, Alexis."
"Wendy, come with me. You guys go through with the plans I told you about."

>Party now consists of only Wendy and yourself!

No one is going to question your plans now after that little stunt you pulled. The three hunters begin to drag the bear behind them while they follow after Alexis, Lex and Ashley head in the direction of the bank, and Quentin heads towards the INDUSTRIAL WAREHOUSE.

Wendy looks at you. You look at Wendy. You hold up your fist. She holds up her own.
Fost Bunp.
God damn, this is going to be fun. Not that you dislike your other allies, no, you love them equally like they're your own children but-

Wait, you're barely old enough to drink, 21. Most of your allies are the same age or older and last you checked only Frank-

"Hey. Dork. Don't we have a clock tower to investigate?" Oh, right, that. You really do get distracted easily these days, don't you? It's not hard to get a good line of sight of the clock tower due to how fucking tall it is. The two of you begin the long and arduous task of walking over to it.

Feels weird being alone with Wendy. At least with your other allies they're always saying some funny bit or trying to pry in with something but now, it's just you and Wendy. You sorta miss it, though.

The streets are as empty as always and the blocky, imposing buildings have nothing to offer you but empty shelves and snow-filled rooms. The cold wind blowing past your face is your only other company besides her. The abandoned and ancient cars reek of a past you will never experience yourself.

As things should be.
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Wendy is the first to break the silence. "So. I actually have no idea how I got your weird rink-a-dink bullshit power." Wendy telekinetically pulls out her luger. It reeks of blood now and has a thick smear of blood all over it. Well, spook blood, given how it's a mish mash of every possible color.

It also looks brand new now?

>WENDY OBTAINS LUGER PISTOL NEO! (ATTACK ROLL: TALENT+RESTRAINT. Rolls d7s now. No other powers, it's just a really good gun.)

"I have no idea either. You think I understand my own abilities?"
"I would fucking hope you do!" Wendy can't help but to cackle at that comment of yours. "You're some weird freak who probably has sixty nipples and five arms hidden under that coat. I'd hope you know how your abilities work."

"Fuck, man, I just woke up one day with them and I've been rolling with them since. Who knows? Maybe my parents brought me to W-Corp and threw me into the Lack or whatever."

"Pft! I doubt it. I don't smell your presence through their voices."

You feel like you have to pry into this somehow since she IS a W-Corp Rep. You DO know about her Singularity. "What even is the Lack?" You feign ignorance for now.

Wendy narrows her eyes before deciding to humor you with what she feels she's legally allowed to tell you. "It is how W-Corp records all of its information. When you're a company who's tasked with finding a gemstone that can help out in any task, you need as much knowledge and information as you can. Five voices are better than one."

"And I assume you're attuned to it somehow?"

"Always. Their advice is cryptic and needs fifty layers of filtering to get anything useful but I am a part of it as much as it is a part of me. Like those damnable voices we both have in our heads." She pauses for a moment. "Yet it's still me."

[ANOMALOUS ABILITIES] Most people don't have voices in their head whispering their every thought, after all.
[PERSON OF INTEREST] Ashley's head was cold. Alone. Dead quiet. She was content.

"Perhaps. Maybe that's why I wanted to bring you along." You kick some random stone laying on the sidewalk right into the door of an abandoned car. "To give you a moment without so much noise."

"I appreciate that, I truly do. Maybe that's why I took your powers. Maybe it is some weird form of flattery?" Wendy sighs, trying her best to process everything. "Back in W-Corp, they probably would've hosed me down if they even smelled the possibility of me-"

"Why IS that?" You were never given a solid answer for their hate of the anomalous. It always seemed like being zealous for the sake of being zealous.
"Can't fit a square peg through a round hole. They're bastardizations of the Lack. Fragments with no other fragment to cling onto. An idea without a container." Wendy sneers as she begins to rile herself up. "Imagine you had a book. A book has many pages, each of them distinct, but combined together they make a story. Yes?"

"Uh huh?"
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"Now, imagined if you ripped out five random pages from different spots in the book and stapled them together into a new 'book'. It would be an incoherent piece of FILTH and FUCKING GARBAGE!"

[ANOMALOUS ABILITIES] I see what she's going on about. Anomalies are inherently narrow minded and very limited in their beliefs.
[UNSTABLE] Perhaps they only care about expressing their pent up rage and stress.
[SEEKER OF THE CITY] Perhaps they only care about knowledge and making sure it stays recorded.
[PERSON OF INTEREST] Perhaps they only care about staying safe.
[CAPTAIN'S COMMAND] Perhaps they only care about power.

"I assume PARADIGMs as the same to you?"
"Even worse! It's like ripping half a page out of one of those books and expecting anything of value out of it! It's tainted!" Wendy spits onto the ground. "They have their purpose if only because they are TOOLS."

[CAPTAIN'S COMMAND] Hm. Tools, huh? Enjoy your new trinkets, by the by, Nicole.

Hm. Perhaps she really does only trust using YOUR powers since YOU'RE still a human with human thoughts.

Before you have time to ask anything more about the Lack or her own thoughts about how everything's going, the two of you are standing right outside of the clock tower. And by the Father Above, it's even more imposing up close and personal than something far far out in the horizon.

It casts a large and looming shadow for what must be miles. Not enough to actually make it hard to see your surroundings but definitely enough to instill an odd sense of dread. The clocktower itself has a pretty large staircase at its base.

The actual entrance is at the top of the stairs and fuck, those stairs are tall. At least five stories tall in their own right. This is going to SUCK going up and down. The only other thing about the tower that catches your attention (since it's otherwise a tall red brick clocktower with nothing to note) is that ticking.


You couldn't hear it until you got right up to it but you definitely hear this incessant ticking in your ears. Every few seconds, it starts up again.


[HUNTER OF THE CITY] "Something about this tower feels weird. I can't quite put my finger on it. Something is INSIDE THERE."
[SEEKER + HUNTER OF THE CITY] "An echo." "Of something long forgotten." The two of you whisper at the same time.

What that actually means, the two of you don't fucking know! You go off gut reactions from voices deep in your subconsciousness. All you two know is this thing is ominous and you want to know what's inside pronto. Which means climbing up 6 flights worth of stars.

The two of you begin the long and obnoxious process of climbing up these stairs. You pity any maintenance worker who had to travel up these damn things every time they needed to fix something. You two eventually zone out until you're at the locked cold iron door blocking your way inside- ahaha no.

You two rip it clean off with the combined effort of your telekinesis powers. You got places to be!
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YEP9crw8R90 - CLOCK TOWER

Yeah you're not sure what you expected here. Despite the ominous feeling seeping into your bones growing stronger every second you stay here, it's positively fucking boring!

The walls are lined from bottom to top (as far as you see, the tower stretches up for god knows how long) with a random schizophrenic mass of clockwork pieces that you feel like shouldn't still be working. Yet they still do, endlessly churning on and on despite not being maintained at all.

Most of the gears have rusted over completely and a good chunk are just gone, leaving massive gaps in the latticework of clockwork garbage. Yet it keeps moving on.

The only other thing in the room is the massive spiraling staircase leading up, up, and up. It's just wide enough for one person to walk up comfortably so Wendy will probably have to follow right behind you. Your WHISPERS OF THE CITY ability automatically activates...and tells you there's something hidden here on the floor you're on right now.

You don't know where but you know it's here.

Benefit of having gloves that reduce the mental strain of your abilities means you can passively activate WHISPERS OF THE CITY'S secret passage finding ability- Wait why did that work with Bill's?

[PERSON OF INTEREST] He worked with the spooks. They somehow manage to suppress Ashley's future seeing, they probably suppressed ALL scrying powers in that area. You'll have to ask Bill for more information.
[UNSTABLE RESOLVE] That and you did just punch the door in after Wendy and Quentin failed to find anything so it's moot anyways.

"Wendy? How confident are you in finding hidden doors?"
Wendy, the moment she heard that, smashes her foot into the barren floor she's standing on. Turns out this is exactly what she needed to do in order to uncover the secret.

A tile-sized part of the floor is sent falling into a deep, dark abyss god knows how far down underground. Wendy nearly loses her balance but she pushes herself telekinetically back onto stable flooring. There's an old iron ladder leading down, DOWN into the abyss below.

There's no source of light or anything down there but you do hear something. A rumbling, like flowing water. A murky black river that might show you something you shouldn't see. Or perhaps it's just a regular river.

As for the staircase above, you sense something...watching you. Not a spook but something far, far more primordial. And you swear you hear someone whispering your name up there. Something about a 'capsule' and a 'reward'. Fucking ominous.

"I don't like it here. It feels like we're in a place only the dead should be." Wendy, normally prone to answering with violence when dealing with the anomalous, looks REALLY tense about being here any longer than she has to.

"I get what you mean. Should we just leave?"
"We did go out of our way to check it. Feels wrong NOT to investigate but just...stay on your toes."
Where to go, Nicole? There's only two paths.
>SPLIT THE PARTY AGAIN! WHAT COULD GO WRONG? (Choose which one you want to go. Wendy will explore the other.)
>[SEEKER OF THE CITY] You do have an AERIAL DRONE. Send it up one of the paths. (FREE ACTION, you'll lose your AERIAL DRONE due to it running out of power. Choose a path to examine. You'll be given forewarning on what might up or down there.)

What else do you want to do before heading up, down, or leaving? Choose three.
>[WENDY ALLY] Since the two of you ARE alone, maybe offer Wendy some quick ability training? (MODERATE WENDY WILLPOWER DC: 30, rolling 9d6 as you assist her. Succeed and she'll either get a new ability or her NOVICE TELEKINESIS is improved into regular ol' TELEKINESIS!)
>[PULSATING GEAR] Something about the clockwork is REALLY bothering you. Examine it further with your PULSATING GEAR. (COGNIZANCE THRESHOLDS: 35/40/45, rolling 11d6 with Wendy's and the Gear's assistance. For every threshold you pass, you'll figure out more and more about what's REALLY bothering you about it beyond the surface issues with it.)
>Take some time to soothe Wendy's and your own nerves. Try to cheer her up, you know? (CHARM THREHSOLD: 15/18/23, rolling 5d6 by yourself. For every threshold you pass, both of you will earn 1 RESTRAINT shielding, up to 3 if you pass all THRESHOLDS.)
>It might be wise to be honest with Wendy. Tell her that you know about the Lack and that you experienced it for yourself. (+?? WENDY RAPPORT. You're not sure how she'll react but it might be wise to be honest with her since you DO know her company's secret. She shouldn't freak out TOO badly, right?)
>"Hey. Wendy. Shot in the dark, mind telling me what this does?" Hand her over the UNKNOWN IMPLANT. She installed one inside her so she might know what might happen if this triggers? (UNKNOWN IMPLANT'S effects will be finally revealed!)
>[ANOMALOUS ABILITIES] Use your MIND RADAR power. (Costs time to sift through the background noise but is otherwise free. You'll know for certain if anyone is actually inside or if this is your mind playing tricks on you.)

>Write in.

Yeah I apologize for the massive delay. Long story short, stomach issue. The less you need to know about, the better.
Will update inventory next update once my stomach stops trying to digest itself.
>>[SEEKER OF THE CITY] You do have an AERIAL DRONE. Send it up one of the paths. (FREE ACTION, you'll lose your AERIAL DRONE due to it running out of power. Choose a path to examine. You'll be given forewarning on what might up or down there.)



>"Hey. Wendy. Shot in the dark, mind telling me what this does?" Hand her over the UNKNOWN IMPLANT. She installed one inside her so she might know what might happen if this triggers? (UNKNOWN IMPLANT'S effects will be finally revealed!)

>[PULSATING GEAR] Something about the clockwork is REALLY bothering you. Examine it further with your PULSATING GEAR. (COGNIZANCE THRESHOLDS: 35/40/45, rolling 11d6 with Wendy's and the Gear's assistance. For every threshold you pass, you'll figure out more and more about what's REALLY bothering you about it beyond the surface issues with it.)

>It might be wise to be honest with Wendy. Tell her that you know about the Lack and that you experienced it for yourself. (+?? WENDY RAPPORT. You're not sure how she'll react but it might be wise to be honest with her since you DO know her company's secret. She shouldn't freak out TOO badly, right?)
>"Ah! Seems your connection is weakening. Just a heads up, our Clock Tower and Bank has a Time Capsule in it. May you enjoy our spoils, if the automatons guarding them have powered off-"
Underground power station?
>[SEEKER OF THE CITY] You do have an AERIAL DRONE. Send it up one of the paths. (FREE ACTION, you'll lose your AERIAL DRONE due to it running out of power. Choose a path to examine. You'll be given forewarning on what might up or down there.)
>[WENDY ALLY] Since the two of you ARE alone, maybe offer Wendy some quick ability training? (MODERATE WENDY WILLPOWER DC: 30, rolling 9d6 as you assist her. Succeed and she'll either get a new ability or her NOVICE TELEKINESIS is improved into regular ol' TELEKINESIS!)
>[PULSATING GEAR] Something about the clockwork is REALLY bothering you. Examine it further with your PULSATING GEAR. (COGNIZANCE THRESHOLDS: 35/40/45, rolling 11d6 with Wendy's and the Gear's assistance. For every threshold you pass, you'll figure out more and more about what's REALLY bothering you about it beyond the surface issues with it.)
>It might be wise to be honest with Wendy. Tell her that you know about the Lack and that you experienced it for yourself. (+?? WENDY RAPPORT. You're not sure how she'll react but it might be wise to be honest with her since you DO know her company's secret. She shouldn't freak out TOO badly, right?)
Coinflipping the aerial drone direction.
1 = UP
2 = DOWN
My vote for where to go will be the opposite direction
I'm ok with losing the AERIAL DRONE forever. I wouldn't be if we had that power upgrade that powers tech items, but we passed that up for DISSOCIATION. We can always get another cheap flying camera if we needed. This one lasted us a damn long time since we got it; it served us well enough
I can't post a Castlevania clock tower theme yet because this place is too quiet and stilled for one right now
>"Hey. Wendy. Shot in the dark, mind telling me what this does?" Hand her over the UNKNOWN IMPLANT. She installed one inside her so she might know what might happen if this triggers? (UNKNOWN IMPLANT'S effects will be finally revealed!)
I want to finally learn the mystery implant. Just what did it do that Preston Smith was willing to hide it with his suicide note? It's not a SILVER IMPLANT but it can still help an ally who needs it
Solve this mystery with what Admiral gave us on his ship
>It might be wise to be honest with Wendy. Tell her that you know about the Lack and that you experienced it for yourself. (+?? WENDY RAPPORT. You're not sure how she'll react but it might be wise to be honest with her since you DO know her company's secret. She shouldn't freak out TOO badly, right?)
I thought it was OK for people to know a Wing's singularity as long as they don't try to patent it themselves, or make money from it unauthorized, or spilling it to others, or using it to blackmail the Wing itself. She's a W-Corp rep so discussing their own singularity with them alone like this is fair game
Rolled 1 (1d2)

Coinflip says my vote is
>aerial drone UP
>stomach issue
I know how that goes. Hope you're doing better OP

I feel you. I was in bead all day yesterday, but seem to have sweated out what every BS hit me.
Switch to
>"Hey. Wendy. Shot in the dark, mind telling me what this does?" Hand her over the UNKNOWN IMPLANT. She installed one inside her so she might know what might happen if this triggers? (UNKNOWN IMPLANT'S effects will be finally revealed!)
Use our 4d6 surplus dice (DAMDAM PILL) on
Oh right we still have the leftover 4d6 and this is a COGNIZANCE check, good reminder

Factor that into my vote in >>6096992 >>6096997 please
So just a thought, we are probably going to really need a shopping spree before the base assault and the Head meeting if we do shit with that. Got any good ideas to pick up besides a shit ton of explosives and ammo?

I wonder if just this once QM would allow us to give money a shopping lists to some of our allies to stretch out how many places we can get stuff from? Probably not but who knows.
I would like to invest in a few more defensive gear as well as consumables to make up all we spent killing Bel and Nicole, but overall I think we're okay? As long as we have enough aoe options and get more EMPs. We have no idea how big that place is and QM confirmed we'll have to split up all our allies if we really do hire them all. We have only 3 earpieces and one part of Nicole's mindread can be used to communicate at a distance if I'm not wrong. That's also a power of hers we've never used once yet in the entire quest so the glowniggers don't know that.
Oh yeah, plenty of grenades of all types but yeah EMP for sure, healing stuff, maybe a taser for a melee ally? I think those temporarily mess up implants? Some armor for squishy allies. Need to repair a couple of people's stuff. Some restraint regen stuff, obviously, and that way we could have Benedict upgrade a few things at missions start. Maybe hit up ippo's to upgrade some ammo of stuff, if we have time. Give naomi one of each blood replacements we have more than one of. Has QM said the max number of people we can bring, just for this one?
QM previously stated that we can use more allies for the base assault, but we would split into two teams to prevent the writing bloat that happened during the P Corp mission.

No idea if that still stands.
We need to get Ben to make something with our VX gas sample. We will also need as many EMP grenades as we can carry to deal with implants.

Also, we still have a bunch of ICP syringes collecting dust. We could, in theory, power up a few of our allies beforehand if we wanted to.
I think haven't seen android glowniggers yet but they must also exist. The tasers will still do great against them. Definitely need repairs on defensive stuff like the shields and such. I don't think he gave an explicit max for the base assault, but that we will split the allies into teams if we do hire all of them all at once. That's gonna be spicy as hell since some will be meeting each other for the first time there. We'll have enough allies that know each other for vouching in case some might be a bit abrasive (Frank, Handler, Wendy, Naomi) or divisive (Quentin, Benedict, Max, Clover).

I agree. Writing bloat puts strain on the QM and I don't want him suffering excessive micromanagement of spinning plates like back in HELP WANTED! That's a clear recipe for burnout

That VX sample is gonna be a real killer when worked on. Sure you might think implants don't matter if we instagib agents before they can fight back, but we've been shown repeatedly that they're cockroaches in suits and shades. I don't have much faith in nuking any from full HP without expending resources and/or pushing our capabilities to their limits the way Clover did at the end of the buried facility mission.
I still like the idea of some of our teammates being completely non-anomalous. We could ask the group if they want any or if they want to stay as is.
I definitely want to inject all our four ICP syringes into Casey. I want to turn her into an eldritch godbug.
I want to inject something of mine into her allright. It'll turn her into something else nice. :^)
I genuinely do not understand what draws all of you to Casey.

Someone please explain it to me.
>[SEEKER OF THE CITY] You do have an AERIAL DRONE. Send it up one of the paths. (FREE ACTION, you'll lose your AERIAL DRONE due to it running out of power. Choose a path to examine. You'll be given forewarning on what might up or down there.)

>[PULSATING GEAR] Something about the clockwork is REALLY bothering you. Examine it further with your PULSATING GEAR. (COGNIZANCE THRESHOLDS: 35/40/45, rolling 11d6 with Wendy's and the Gear's assistance. For every threshold you pass, you'll figure out more and more about what's REALLY bothering you about it beyond the surface issues with it.)
>"Hey. Wendy. Shot in the dark, mind telling me what this does?" Hand her over the UNKNOWN IMPLANT. She installed one inside her so she might know what might happen if this triggers? (UNKNOWN IMPLANT'S effects will be finally revealed!)
>[ANOMALOUS ABILITIES] Use your MIND RADAR power. (Costs time to sift through the background noise but is otherwise free. You'll know for certain if anyone is actually inside or if this is your mind playing tricks on you.)
She is cute, spunky, can seem naive, but has a weird interesting deeper mindset. Remember the kind of shit she was talking about in the mine mission.

Me too anon, me too. A mom?

I could support that.
I'm not that much of a Caseyfag, I just felt the need to post >>6097110 because the opportunity presented itself to me.

>weird interesting deeper mindset
She's also no longer in the setting she's from, so there's that "being a transplanted foreigner in a similar setting" aspect to her woes as well
Duh, yes
Rolled 1 (1d18)

Rolling for something
Okay I'm gonna talk about Nicole herself
Weakest is 5 Charm right now. We can bump that permanently up to 6 if we use that SELF CARE KIT
>SELF CARE KIT (Sponsored by Lilith Vanni! When used on you or an ally. it permanently boosts their CHARM by 1.)
But we could also use this on any other ally of ours at all if we wanted to
>ANTLERS (Has the ability FOCUS - You may spend 1 FLESH, 1 RESTRAINT, or increase the DC of a power activation by +4 to temporarily boost the next power you use. This may unlock choices otherwise impossible with your regular abilities.)
With GLOVES OF UNKNOWN COLOR we can just use the FOCUSED versions of her powers for free. This is amazing because there's still shit Nicole can do that we've never done yet
>When FOCUSED, your telekinesis can create enough pressure and friction to ignite objects.
We have plenty of ways to burn things already. This is more of an emergency thing
>PUPPETEER - When FOCUSED, you unlock control over their mind, allowing you to temporarily change their mind for a limited duration. You may use this to add a +3d6 bonus to any CHARM, VIOLENCE, OR CONNECTIONS rolls you make when trying to talk with them or when trying to scare them away. May require a hard WILLPOWER check if against an anomaly.
We could just use FOCUSED PUPPETEER to get a dice bonus to these checks when appropriate, and this way save more on consumables like the pills
>MIND READ - When FOCUSED, You may unlock a telepathic bond between you and up to three other allies, allowing you to easily communicate with others without alerting suspicion. There's no range limit to it but it passively drains RESTRAINT to keep up...
Coincidentally, we have 3 EARPIECES thanks to Alexis from way back. This lines up nicely with use during the glownigger base assault
>HOLY TEARS (A small piece of liquid with a minor yet comforting presence to it. Can be drank to grant minor RESTRAINT regeneration for a short duration. Has enough for three sips.)
And this sounds like just the thing for that occasion to make up the restraint drain of FOCUSED MINDREAD
>F-CORP SIN: VANITY (You may spend this to gain +4d6 when making a CHARM or CONNECTIONS check involving F-Company and its people.)
We never got more of these "sin" information about Districts. We also never chose an "explore the District's area nearby" option since way back then because we've had so much other shit to deal with
>WEAPON (One slot normally, you may have two if you use TELEKINESIS)
We can dualwield the ASSAULT RIFLE and FEDKILLER if we really wanted to get CUHRAYZEE on some glowniggers
>"TRAINING TIME". The next time you try to train your anomalous abilities, your body, or another skill, you'll be guaranteed to learn something new or to permanently improve a stat corresponding to what you're training. ($550. Can be used to make temporary stat boosts permanent.)
We never used this either, though we easily could

>You may spend 2 RESTRAINT to fully reroll all dice of a RANGED attack you make by altering the trajectory of the bullet with your mind.
We haven't done this yet either, but it might come in extremely clutch if we really need to make any shot land
>SIGHTJACKING (1): For 1 RESTRAINT, you may attempt a DC 18 (modified by target's mental resistance) WILLPOWER check to temporarily see through the eyes of another person within a small radius around you.
If we have an ally with unique vision with us, we could SIGHTJACK them to see what they're seeing. Yeah it works with the manifested voices from DISSOCIATION, but it's still something
>DISASSOCIATION (2): You may now summon Poi, Ker, Sable, Cap, or Anon, physical manifestations of your BOONS and BANES.
DUDE WHAT IF... We use this to manifest a voice we borrow from an ally with NEW YOU? We've never tried this before and we could see what happens on this mission for example. We have NEW YOU active and Lex right here with us so we could also see how this affects the respective ally when we do it to summon [ANIMALISTIC IMPULSES]
>However, if you spend 1 extra FLESH/RESTRAINT to FOCUS, the distance limit is removed and their duration is heavily extended
We could pop this cost and throw one of the manifested voices WAY far to remotely help one of our ally squads on the base assault
The one voice we've never summoned out yet except for Cap
>Cap: You and all allies gain the ability to reroll two dice you roll for every skill check.
This is obviously godlike especially when we combine it with MANAGER'S FLESH 3 free rerolls. It might be the thing we need to turn the tables when we need it. Also manifesting him is literally letting Admiral out to play by our rules, which is as impactful as you'd assume releasing an X-5 anomaly from Nicole's head would be
The allies we don't have a NEW YOU form for yet are
I'm very very curious about some of these in particular.
DOWN: cQf, f90, SuL
UP: mpg, BGN
UP: Sul, cQf, f90
DOWN: mpg, BGN


So, sending DRONE to check out the bottom half while you and Wendy go up. Side actions is pretty cut and dry too.

Three anons, roll the following. Let's consume one 2d6 of your surplus, adding up to 13d6.
>4d6 (first third of COGNIZANCE)
>4d6 (second third)
>5d6 (third third. heh.)

>if just this once QM would allow us to give money a shopping lists to some of our allies to stretch out how many places we can get stuff from?
I see no reason why you couldn't? Granted you'd probably have to tell your allies which stores you want them to go to but a simple "Hey. Go to this anomalous store, pick up some artifacts, here's $750" is like
Pretty simple compared to what you ask of them on missions.
Probably three, not two. You have Alexis, Lex, Quentin, Benjamin, Kiara, Maruyama, Adam, Ashley, Max, Frank, Naomi, Casey, Clover, Benedict, Wendy AND Otto as normal hirable allies. So 17 people total. I have a limit of you having 5 allies so, it'd probably be close to three teams of 6 each.
You + Five goons, a team of 6, and a team of 5.

I genuinely fear what you would do when or if you hire Casey again.

>DUDE WHAT IF... We use this to manifest a voice we borrow from an ally with NEW YOU?
Due to your improved knowledge on PARADIGMs and the anomalous overall works, you get to know how ANIMALISTIC IMPULSES would manifest NOW!

>ANI: +1 MAX FLESH and VIOLENCE. When hit by an attack that inflicts a CRIPPLING INJURY, allies have a 25% chance to block the injury and a 75% chance to take 1 less FLESH damage. Same HAUNT as Sable, they'll just go fucking apeshit and start attacking people.
Rolled 5, 3, 3, 3 = 14 (4d6)

Rolling a 4d6
3 teams of 5-6 sounds adequate with what we're up against
>I genuinely fear what you would do when or if you hire Casey again.
Shout outs to MANAGER HELP!'s QM who made a girl character that players go for not once but twice in two different quests, where the only reason we can't do that here is because our protagonist is a straight girl
Pretty good
Rolled 6, 1, 5, 3 = 15 (4d6)

Rolled 4, 1, 5, 1, 1 = 12 (5d6)

>I see no reason why you couldn't? Granted you'd probably have to tell your allies which stores you want them to go to but a simple "Hey. Go to this anomalous store, pick up some artifacts, here's $750" is like

Neat that could help us some.

>ANI: +1 MAX FLESH and VIOLENCE. When hit by an attack that inflicts a CRIPPLING INJURY, allies have a 25% chance to block the injury and a 75% chance to take 1 less FLESH damage. Same HAUNT as Sable, they'll just go fucking apeshit and start attacking people.

Das bretty good.
So you would get two thresholds beat. Do you want to spend your last bit of DAMDAM surplus to try passing the last one?

Why DAMDAM? Why not MANAGER FLESH to reroll 3 of the 1s?
>MANAGER'S FLESH (A manager's command is absolute. Each turn, once per ally, an ally may reroll any three dice they roll for an attack or skill check they roll for. Has no other limits, may be used as often as possible. Passively increases the THREAT LEVEL of missions.)
>Passively increases the THREAT LEVEL of missions.
>reroll any three dice they roll for an attack or skill check they roll for. Has no other limits, may be used as often as possible
Yeah so why can't we do that here?
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You know what, completely fair, I keep forgetting about that thing.
Fuck it, ignore the vote call, just roll another 3d6. Replacing 3 of the 1s.
If we use the MANAGER'S FLESH reroll, the mission will get harder.
Rolled 1, 4, 5 = 10 (3d6)

All thresholds passed. Barely. You get to keep your 2d6 surplus for later.
Which you'll probably need.

Every mission is harder just by us having this thing. We might as well use it wherever it matters, like here
See I told you guys this item is OP. We can save up on pills more with it
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>You get to keep your 2d6 surplus for later
>Which you'll probably need.

>I keep forgetting about that thing.
So does Nicole and almost every player voting in this quest, me included
The large drawback of carrying MANAGER'S FLESH is that every anomalies entity can sense our presence for having it, which makes stealth very hard when we go into an area full of anomalies entity. If we don’t have stuff that can hide the "smell".
>You stare down at the massive tendril. Some part of you is telling you that a chunk of his essence will be in this tendril. He will be able to sense and feel wherever it goes. Though some part is also telling you that so would the anomalies. You might get into a lot of hot water that you otherwise would be able to avoid if you accept.
Yes it's a passive thing. What's your point ESLfag? Do you want to get rid of it somehow? Because if we can't then we might as well keep using it when we need it. It will continue to keep our risk increased by existing in our inventory, but it won't increase it further than it is
More enemies/stronger enemies means more chance for good loot too.
I don’t mind using it now, since we already have it in our inventory, and I realize the anomalies entity can still sense it despite not using it. I just want to warn others anon about its drawbacks.
Oh yeah good point

Yeah I agree with you. I also think if we do get rid of it somehow then somebody else will have it and use it. I don't want to imagine the silver agents with this power. It's better off with Nicole
Heads up, I'm getting dragged to an event earlier than planned. May be slightly delayed. Have this mini update as payment.


You are Ashley Miller and you're about five seconds away from killing yourself. Oh, no, it's not because Lex is a bad partner. He's lovely, even.

It's just that the vault that Nicole told you to break into only has one hallway leading in and out of it. That hallway currently has a massive barricade of thick ice right in the middle of it. The ice is so god damn thick, you could smash your WHALEBONE GUITAR into it and you'd probably break all of the bones in your hand before you chipped the ice.

You have been spending the last 10 minutes using one of the torch guns to melt away at it. Lex is doing his best impression of some mindless demon from DOOM by trying to just bruteforce his way through it with his fists. To his credit, he is making some massive cracks in it with his drug-fueled strength but the ice is at least 4 inches thick. It's pretty damn sturdy.

You let out a sigh. You're not really in any risk of anything and frankly? You like being bored more than risking your life because some cockroaches in bright silver suits decided to huff Smugvel or whatever drug they take.

[NUMB] You can't help but to smirk to yourself. It was real funny seeing Nicole rip into that doppelganger's face.

Maybe you're just getting numb (heh) to her tomfuckery since the first time she acted out, you gotta admit it...yeah. Reminded you of some real bad episodes you had back in high school. Long story short, you fell in the wrong crowd, you had a stupid nickname like Fang. You know. Silly shit teenagers do. You even dyed your hair silver and wore really, really tacky clothes for attention. Hell, maybe you inspired those spooks after all!

No, wait, you think Admiral told you something about them before you blew him up. Something about being an old group? Nicole would probably know more. Still, would've been funny if it were the case.

You sorta stopped doing that after that voice came up. [???], you think? Sorta like how Poi was [PERSON OF INTEREST], [???] is...something else. You're not sure what but after you heard it, you threw out that old outfit and changed your name back to your real name. You don't want to be something you're not again-

"You okay?" Lex stops punching the thick wall for a moment to check up on you. You only now realize you dropped the torch gun onto the ground. You pick it back up, putting it right against the icy wall.

"Yeah. Just nothing to do but to think. Idle hands are the devil's plaything."
"Mmh. Well, I can use my hands for something else if you're really that bored." Lex winks.

"oh well uh-"

"AHAH! GOT YA!" Lex slaps his fist on the icy wall. Fuck, your face is lighting up like a god damn Christmas tree. You mutter to yourself as you try to put your focus back on the ice wall. Stupid dork and his stupid muscles and- GUH!
You do wonder how Nicole's doing. You hope she's okay.
You know what is kind of scary? When we encounter the Benjamin and Max dopples, they are almost 100% come as an item. So that is like 2 Bels, assuming each dopple has their own human terminator.

Fuckkkk really wish we had distributed the flame throuer to Team Ashley.
>assuming each dopple has their own human terminator
I doubt every dopple has their own personal Excisor. I really don't want to fight more of them
>almost 100% come as an item
I hope they're both as stupid squishy as our Benjamin and Max. They have 2 fucking FLESH; this is inexcusable with the kind of shit we're dealing with at this point of the plot.
Maybe there could be something funny where the two Bens start arguing "MY girlfriend is better!" "No, MINE is!" and similar. Or maybe with how the doppels are different compared to the originals, that doppel Ben and Max hate each other. If there's traits shared with the originals we could also exploit that like Ben's [GULLIBLE] and [DELUSIONAL].
>distributed the flame throuer to Team Ashley.
I think not. Those torch guns are upgraded and still taking them that long? No way the flamethrower would have much impact on top of it being more widespread compared to the focused precision of the torch guns. It'd be a huge waste of the last fuel tank
I mean they dopples are supposed to be identical, down to most items to the originals. They do have that implant that turns all damage into 1 1 time, but that might be enough time for bendopple to hand out and take advanced party favors since the have upgraded skills from the OG. IDK, will be interesting. Maybe they that mechanic that if one dies before the other the survivor get super charged.
>that implant that turns all damage into 1 1 time
We don't know yet if that's just a Noelle thing or a doppel thing
>if one dies before the other the survivor get super charged
Yeah I hate it when that happens. Killing both of them at once might be a huge pain. I wonder when one of the doppels working for the silver agents pretends they're going to fight our original ally, but then a scene like this happens https://youtu.be/IHHZvNx3zrw
>POWER DRILL. "Rips through everything with ease." (Has five fuel tanks.. Can spend 1 tank to precisely rip through a large section of stone or to make a ATTACK ROLL of 2d8+TALENT+VIOLENCE)
I forgot to give them this.
So did I. One of the 3 teams should definitely have it in the glownigger base assault for breaching or making an escape
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You squat down right by the open hatch leading god knows where. Digging out in your INVENTORY, you find the item you're looking for. Your aerial drone promptly shoots down into the murky abyss...and it sure does take a while to travel down.

Looking on the small screen on the remote you control the damn thing with, it goes down 25 feet. Then 30. Then 35. It quickly becomes disconcerting how deeply it goes down and all the screen is showing is black.

It's not that the screen is off and, hell, these things are built in with low light vision so you should be able to see something but all you see on the feed is pitch black darkness.

Until it FINALLY hits the bottom at 45 feet, the feed actually shows something besides murky darkness! Only two or three feet away from the bottom of the ladder is what you suspected from the noise you were hearing: A river.

Despite this part of I-Corp being colder than an Android's nipples, there's a steady and unrelenting stream of steaming hot and oddly black water flowing down south. The river itself seems to be curving down very slightly down but it's so minute you could be convinced you're seeing things.

A small rowboat made out of wood sits right by the small platform the ladder ends at. It's tied to a metal pole with some sturdy rope. There's no identifying marks or anything on the boat and the only way to proceed seems to be either north or south down the river so you just pick one at random.

Heading up north, all you can see for a good 30 feet or so is the smooth stone tunnel that the river is flowing down. Someone must've carved this ages ago but you're not a fantasy dwarf so you can't say anything more than that. The steam only seems to get hotter but before your drone can overheat, you see something: Another platform!

The platform has a utility tunnel staircase carved into the stone which leads up to somewhere. A metal plate is stamped next to the tunnel in question. Three symbols are stamped on it: A circle with three arrows pointing out from the center, a double whole note with a lightning bolt running through it, and a clock.

[SEEKER OF THE CITY] D-Corp, M-Corp, and T-Corp? T-Corp makes sense, this is a clock tower, but the other two don't.
[SEEKER OF THE CITY] Well, no, D-Corp might. There was an anomaly containment facility, though built by P-Corp instead of D-Corp, somewhere within the general area from it.
[SEEKER OF THE CITY] M-Corp is a blank spot for me. They're mostly associated with partying it up, emboldening creatives to create amazingly impressive slop, and indulging self destructive behavior. Party animals in a corporate form.

Before you have time to dwell on this, something launches out of the river. Something thick and slimy since your Aerial Drones' lens gets smeared in something foul looking. The feed then cuts out completely.

OKAY SO THERE'S SOMETHING IN THE WATER GOOD TO KNOW! "So! Wendy! Got any idea why D, M, and T-Corp would work together?"
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"Ah. Yeah, I do. Aren't they part of the the Lambda Project? W-Corp was meant to sign up with it but we had other alliances to deal with. Why do you ask?"

[SEEKER OF THE CITY] It takes a solid moment but that term does sound familiar. It's a mostly informal alliance between A, D, G, M, O, R, and T-Corp.
[SEEKER OF THE CITY] The general throughline was to 'preserve culture' through whatever means necessary. A/M with entertainment, D/O/T through archival projects, and R/G through exploration.

"Saw something with three of their symbols down below. Seems like there's some really murky waters down there."
You feel like Alexis might know more but since she's not in the party, she isn't here to commit on it. Wendy simply shrugs. This isn't her line of expertise.

So, some random archelogy thing from those corporations? You suppose it shouldn't be that shocking, it's not like this place is hidden. The most concerning thing is what the FUCK is even down there that managed to destroy your drone.

One mystery at a time. The one on your mind right now is what's up with the clockwork. You toss Wendy over the UNKNOWN IMPLANT to look at while you kneel in front of the mass of clockwork. Wendy narrows her eyes upon seeing the implant and tosses it back at you with an oddly curious smirk. "They don't make these anymore. This was from one of the Precursor Companies."

[SEEKER OF THE CITY] Alphabet Companies are A-Z. Precursors are Alpha through Zeta. 26 Alphabet, 24 Precursors.
[SEEKER OF THE CITY] They were the companies BEFORE the Alphabet Companies. None still exist, most info about them is non-existent, and mentioning them is a social taboo. Complete blank here.

"I'd keep it close to your chest if I was you. I doubt you'll find anything like this." Wendy tosses it back towards you. "That was made in, fuck, 2125? Probably older. Here, lemme..." She quickly explains its functions.
>DAEMON IMPLANT REVEALED! (Has four charges. Can spend 1 charge to add +2d3 to any skill check, can spend 2 charges to: Heal a CRIPPLING INJURY, 2 FLESH, or 2 RESTRAINT. Regains 2 charges per mission.)

It's no SILVER IMPLANT but it's so generically useful, literally ANY ally would benefit from it. Hell you're half tempted to install it into you right now but you'll worry about who gets it later. As for the clockwork?

It's a complete mangled mess of clockwork that really should not work strictly on a structural level. Most of the gears are rusted and there's massive gaps where gears should be but they just aren't there. Yet somehow there's something deeper that's bothering you about all of it.

Wendy is the first to point something out. "Look at this." She taps her finger against one of the bigger gears. The moment she taps on it, it stops immediately as if it could sense her touching it. That's odd, that's...not how clockwork should work unless it's some super delicate mini-watch but no, the gear is pretty big. A simple tap shouldn't have done that.
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There's something etched on it in smudged but legible text. "PRODUCED BY 321-CORP. CONTECT 9-9911-58220 FOR EPLACMENT PADTS."

That's clearly gibberish. A lot of the other gears on it have similarly garbled text as if they're trying to poorly copy something.

No, it's more than that. Checking at the many gaps throughout the clockwork, something is slowly but perceptibly growing out of them. Soon enough, one of the many gaps is filled with a mangled and half-formed gear.

"It's alive." Wendy mutters with thinly veiled hate in her words. It's clear what she expects the origin of this to be. She grabs a sharp hunk of stone off the floor and slices it down the gear.

The rock cuts through it easily, splitting it in half, before it immediately reforms. You didn't see any flesh or blood but nevertheless, you can easily cut through it and it can reform.

A shudder runs through the clock tower. It's very minute and was evenly spread out throughout the structure but it was enough for you to notice. A nearly inaudible murmuring fills your ears in old I-Corp dialect. You can make out "DON'T", "JUST CLAIM", "YOUR PRIZE", "LEAVE ALONE" in that same dialect.

Hm. Couldn't hurt to try communicating. You tap at one of the empty gaps in the clockwork. "Do you understand? Five teeth if yes." A gear pops up. As you expected, it only had gear teeth. So it's sentient after all.

Wendy digs into your pocket for the PULSATING GEAR and sticks it into one of the many gaps in the clockwork. The shuddering begins again but it's a lot more noticeable this time around but as soon as it starts, the gear is spat out. Intriguing. Some of the text on the gears are now a lot more understandable after that.


"Wendy. Light up your flamethrower and hold it up against one of the bricks."
Wendy follows your command. Not spending more than what's necessary to keep it light, she presses the hot tip of the flamethrower against the stone wall.

The shuddering begins again.

Okay! You're inside something living and it makes up the whole clocktower! That's totally not worrisome!- Wait.
>-2d6 SURPLUS! 2d6 LEFT!

It's oddly warm in here. It's been like this for a while but you only noticed it down. It's warm, cozy, but oddly humid in it. Words that should not be used to describe any building in this part of I-Corp. If the water below was steaming hot and had ready to 'grab' onto food...

Are you in this thing's mouth? Was down the ladder into its stomach?

You share a look with Wendy. Both of you immediately agree that you want to get to the top to figure out what the fuck is going on here before running ASAP. You are NOT being paid to do this. The two of you immediately start rushing up the ladder to get to the top of this incredibly tall clock tower.

As expected for something 125 stories up, it's going to take a while to go anywhere. Might as well mention THAT...
It takes running up about 150 feet worth of stairs before either of you slow down enough to actually have a reasonable conversation.

"So. About the Lack." You try to think of the best way to word this but you might as well roughball it. "I know about the gestalt consciousness. I, uh, went to a W-Corp mine and...'talked' to it."

[???] Wendy stops mid-step the moment she hears you say this. "What." Her voice drops to a dead, cold monotone. "You did what?"
[???] "Y-you do realize you're not allowed to do that, r-right? O-only ap-a-" She's stumbling over her words, trying her best to process what you said. "I-If an-anyone unauthorized ac-a-accesses it, t-they could access the information in there and- Oh god, do you know what we KEEP IN THERE?!"
[???] "E-every single W-Corp official has been exposed to it! I-it is the seedbed of all of our knowledge, all of our inspiration and being! It is the literal soul of W-Corp, Nicole!!!"

You faintly recall a plan where you threw Bel into the Lack. You now thank the Stars you didn't do so since if he managed to crawl out, you would've helped the spooks a lot. Probably a very safe emergency attack for literally ANY other enemy.

She grabs firmly onto your shoulders. You feel your heart stop for a moment as she begins to shake you violently, forcing you to slam both hands onto the railings of the stair to keep a steady grip.

"No, no, how did you even access it? How? Tell me, tell me! You shouldn't have been able to!"
"I-I went to the bottom of the mine and breathed in a fuck ton of fumes to access it! A-ask it??? It probably saw me???"

Wendy stares blankly past you. The next minute is spent in terse and ominous silence as she...doesn't say a single word to you. She pulls you even closer to her and for a moment, her face presses up against your neck. You feel an intense shiver of disgust and fear coursing through your body at her hot breath running down your neck.

"I heard back from it. It saw you. It saw your fractured soul and it wanted to heal you, Nicole. It must've allowed you in on its own accord. Why didn't you let it take over? Why didn't you let the Lack obliterate you and make you anew? Like it did for me?"

Ah. So immediately throwing an Excisor in there actually is viable if you ever encounter another one. Probably once works ONCE.

You say the only thing you can honestly say. "I'm already fragmented, Wendy. If you smash a hammer into a fragment, you get dust. I don't want to be dust."
The two of you stare at each other in silence before Wendy eventually shoves you back a bit. Seems like you probably shouldn't have mentioned that you knew it to her with how cagey she's acting...

But then she just smiles. She shakes her head as if this is the funniest joke in the world. "You're the only anomaly I have managed to tolerate. Every other fragment I see denies the fact it's a fragment. Not you." You have no idea what she means by that, you're a human still!
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You might have physical mutations but you still think like a human! "...and you're the only one who understands me. We really are two fragments of the same soul, huh? We even have the same voices, just slightly shifted."


"Maybe that's why it allowed you to know. So be it." Wendy starts heading back up the stairs without any further prodding. "Let's go up these stairs, my kindred fragment."
>+0.5 RAPPORT with WENDY!

That was an oddly ominous few minutes but you're glad she didn't decide to smash your head against the stair railing before throwing you down a hundred foot drop. The next thirty minutes are spent in awkward silence. You imagine any discussion on her Singularity is going to bring back...moments like this.

She soon loosens up as you get to the half way point.

"Sorry." Instead of the maniac mystic you had breathing down your neck, there's simply a meek girl with yellow eyes trying her best to apologize to you. "I. Normally, Singularities are only supposed to be known by trusted associates of companies and the highest officials of said corporations. I didn't know how to react when I heard you knew."

"It's fine." You brush it off. That's how you deal with most conflicts with non-spooks. "Not like I could do much with it. Sure, apparently it lets me talk to it but at most I might be able to talk to it if I spend $7500 on moonstones and hotboxed my room with their fumes. And then what? W-Corp would know if I tried stealing anything."

"Mmh. It's the principle of the matter if anything. If a corporation knew you had unauthorized knowledge in any way, they'll probably kill you to be safe." OKAY SO DON'T MENTION ANYTHING ABOUT X OR K-CORP'S SINGULARITIES TO PEOPLE GOTCHA. "It's not 'illegal' per se, the Head is so laissez faire about everything the only thing they give a shit about is their own operations."

"The corpos themselves care a lot, though."

"F-fair! I-if a Rep told me about their singularity to their face, w-would I be allowed to discuss it?"
"Oh! To them? Sure, sure." So V-Corp's singularity knowledge is fine. "Just...don't tell me about it. It's like a movie studio being sent a script written by you. Even if we just skimmed it, we could be sued to oblivion. Understood."

Hm. Makes sense. Keep it within the specific Corporation's ecosystem.

This neat little corporate conversation is cut abruptly when you finally reach the top of the clock tower. You take a look around to see what's exactly up here. You're standing on a small rickety wooden platform in a roughly triangular shape with the top of the spiraling staircase at the dead center of it.

The four walls surrounding you all have a glass clock face resting in the middle of them, each locked to 11:25. So far, everything looks normal up here. But when you two turn your attention to what's at the top end of the wooden platform?

There's a mangled mass of clockwork and wiring loosely piled up there.
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It quickly begins to shift and condense into something approximately adjacent to a humanoid form. It's a very shoddy recollection of the humanoid form and it's not able to actually make any legs so it's a loose silhouette of a human from the waist up.

"BEEN." It creaks out something that could be perceived as words. "WHILE. SINCE. OUTSIDERS. LIKE. RED HAIRED. AND. COFFEE MAN. AND. NARROW EYED MAN. WHO. YOU. WORK FOR?"

Wendy holds back her disgust at what she still assumes to be an anomaly but for you, something about this feels a lot different from most of the anomalies you've seen. Even the biggest one you know about isn't the size of a giant clock tower.

[SEEKER OF THE CITY] It is more like the aftershock of something far, far more powerful than used to be here. An echo of an echo. Whatever anomaly was once here is long gone or dead.
[CAPTAIN'S COMMAND] An anomaly as powerful as me.

"We're here for a time capsule? I think? I work with W-Corp." Wendy is doing her best to act polite around it. "Do you have access to it?"

"SURE. FOR. PRICE." It holds out a rough mockery of a hand to you. "TELL ME. OR GIVE ME. SOMETHING. PENNY FOR THOUGHT. I WILL GIVE IT TO YOU."

"What's in the time capsule, if you don't mind me asking?" You ask.

What do you want to offer it? For each offering, you'll get one of the three relics. For every offering you give past 3, you'll get an extra reward. If you pick less than three offerings, write in which relics you want.
>"Have a liquid you can not remember." (-2 DOSES OF Q-CORP PHERMONES.)
>"Hear a story of a comrade I once liberated." (-1 COMRADE FAVOR. In addition to an artifact, it'll give you and Wendy a BOON for the rest of the mission.)
>"Have a tribute of treasure." (-1 HIGH CLASS JEWELRY, -1 BOTTLE OF HIGH QUALITY WHISKEY, -$50.)
>[PULSATING GEAR] "Let me fix you." It is clear this thing can be improved in some way, no? (EASY COGNIZANCE DC: 40, rolling 13d6 with your last surplus dice. Pass and on top of earning a RELIC, it'll offer you two some VERY valuable information about the rest of the District as repayment.)
>[WENDY ALLY] Wendy grits her teeth. "Have some sparkling gems." (-2 NOVASTONE CHUNKS from WENDY.)
>[SEEKER OF THE CITY] "Have these parts from a world you will never see." (-1 SPACE AGE COMPUTER CHIP and SATELLITE TILE.)
>[UNSTABLE RESOLVE] Offer it your hand. (-1 FLESH, -1 RESTRAINT. AVERAGE WILLPOWER DC: 26, rolling 7d6. You'll get a small trinket from the anomaly remnant itself on success.)
>[ANOMALOUS ABILITIES] "Have something to give back your old strength." (-A-ENERGY BOX and 1 C-EXTRACT. You imagine it'll pay you back HANDSOMELY for giving up these two.)
>While not an offering, you do want to ask it something. (PICK TWO: WHO ARE YOU, WHAT HAPPENED HERE, WHERE DOES THE RIVER LEAD, TELL ME ABOUT THE MEN YOU SAW.)
>Write in. (What do you want to offer or ask it?)
>"Hear a story of a comrade I once liberated."
>While not an offering, you do want to ask it something
I can run with these. It’s not like we ever use the A-energy anyways.
Well we use it to buy anomalous gear or in place of money to buy important items, but yeah. We only have 1 A-Energy Box right now but those are pretty easy to come by

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Closing. Half because I want to get back onto schedule and because four people voting for the same thing is sorta hard to break.
Three anons, do your thing. (I should REALLY be writing when I'm actually awake. Fuck.)
>4d6 (half of WILLPOWER)
>3d6 (half of WILLPOWER)
Rolled 6, 2, 1, 4 = 13 (4d6)

Rolled 6, 2, 3 = 11 (3d6)


So close. What can we use to fix this?
Well, since the cat is out of the bag with MANAGER'S FLESH, you got 3d6 worth of rerolls to work with. So you can use that.
Rolled 5, 2, 4 = 11 (3d6)

MANAGER bless my roll!

For Casey!
Rolled 1, 1, 3, 4, 5, 2, 1, 3, 3, 1, 3, 4, 5 = 36 (13d6)

God nigger fuck shit cunt damn it.
Rolled 3, 4, 1 = 8 (3d6)

Reroll of three 1.
you're lucky I said "Per ally" in the MANAGER FLESH description otherwise I wouldn't allow that. Writing, consuming 1 COMRADE FAVOR + 1 A-ENERGY and C-EXTRACT + 1 FLESH AND RESTRAINT + your last bit of surplus.
>you're lucky I said "Per ally" in the MANAGER FLESH description otherwise I wouldn't allow that
The fact that we had all that shit happen in last mission and this one leads me to believe the MANAGER'S FLESH making our missions more hazardous is a real thing and not placebo
>the cat is out of the bag with MANAGER'S FLESH
You say that like you hate it. QM, you GAVE US this. We chose to keep assets alive and got the guy out and he gave us this. We went the entire rest of that mission and all of the last one in U-Corp forgetting this thing even existed. It can't prevent us from taking damage or making bad decisions either. There's only so much rerolls can do to save us from the consequences of our actions. We haven't even used it with Cap summon for 5 omni-rerolls for everybody
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mah nigga.


Mah penis
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>You say that like you hate it. QM
No, I just genuinely forgot about it for the longest time since it was literally a non-factor last mission since iirc, you voted not to bring it.
Don't take it as a "god why did I give you this fuck me", take it as a "oh yeah that's a thing I should probably remember to apply it now"
Thanks for clarifying
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You telekinetically toss over an A-ENERGY BOX and a C-EXTRACT SYRINGE over to the entity. You COULD save those for later but you'll probably make a killing on this mission through artifact sells so you don't remotely care.

The mass of clockwork collapses onto the offerings and in mere moments, a sickening crunch rings through the otherwise quiet clocktower. You and Wendy both scrunch your faces up but you have other matters to worry about.

"For I was hungry and you gave me food." The entity chatters cryptically. Before you can question what the fuck that was, it holds a loose cluster of gears in the faint outline of a hand towards you. You hesitantly grab onto it with your own. A brief jolt of agonizing pain rushes through every fiber of your being as your hands connect.

[HUNTER OF THE CITY] Wendy immediately whips out her baton and is almost ready to smash the anomaly into tiny little pieces...
[4/8 RAPPORT! HIGH RAPPORT DETECTED!] She looks at you for a brief moment. As if waiting for you to call for the order before she obliterates it.


You were about to nod but something hits your nose. The smell of rotten flesh. It gives you an odd sense of focus. You shake your head, causing Wendy to back down for a moment. You try your damn best to power through the pain. You can feel cracks forming in your antlers as you do so...
>-1 FLESH! -1 RESTRAINT! 4/8 and 4/10 LEFT!

And soon, your pain is rewarded with a small trinket. The Clockwork Figure pulls its hand away from your own to reveal what it decided to give you for that. "YOU dEserve this. Thank you for acknowledging the possibility of pain and seizure."

>SOVIET CLOCKHANDS OBTAINED! (PARADIGM FRAGMENT. 'GLORY' is carved onto each clock hand alongside a bright red star. Can either be used to upgrade WATERLOGGED POCKETWATCH or to create a new PARADIGM with ADAM, MARUYAMA, BENEDICT, and/or MAX's help.)

Huh. Max? You're not sure your IMRPOVED SEEKER told you that but you'll roll with it, sure.

"Warn us next time." Wendy roughly jabs the tip of her baton into the Clockwork Figure's torso. "If it were not for HER, I would've broken you across all of SPACETIME YOU INSIGNIFACT-"
"I know- KNOW know." The Clockwork Figure mutters. "Test. Test. Test."

Wendy lowers her baton down. "Don't you have a gear to fix this thing? It's talking all annoying and it's really starting to rub my nerves raw."
"Smell. Smell it. I. Admiral, Admiral, ADMIRAL I SMELL YOU WHY ARE YOU HERE WHY-" The Clockwork Figure immediately wretches its hands around your shoulders but Wendy doesn't bother humoring it for a second.

With a violent SMACK of her baton, the Clockwork Figure is sent stumbling back. It didn't do any real damage but it was enough to scare it off for now.

"Woah, woah, wait." You reel from the sudden outburst from the Clockwork Figure. "You knew him?"
[CAPTAIN'S COMMAND] I did not know this entity. I would warn you if you ever find a friend of mine.

"No. NO. warned about. I. I apologize."
"He plays by my rules. Don't worry about him, uh, whatever your name is."
[CAPTAIN'S COMMAND] I hate to admit you're right. For now. Vessel.

"D-Do you HaVe...?"
"Yeah, yeah." You dig into your pocket for the PULSATING GEAR. The both of you sit down in front of the anomaly fragment with the gear in hand. Maybe this is why the ADMIRAL even found the damn thing at.

You then remember you bought the ANCIENT TOOLBOX for Adam. You still have it in your inventory so why not use it now?

It takes a while to pry the damn thing open but with a set of tools AND the gear's anomalous ability to interface with technology, you begin the long and arduous task of patching the anomaly fragment up. As much as you can given it's a sentient pile of clockwork gears that's probably held together through A-ENERGY.

Yet your P-CORP ENERGY COUNTER isn't working. Well, as you slowly piece the gears Wendy knocked back off onto it, a barely audible buzz begins to trickle out of the counter. So it seems like this thing is BARELY even anomalous in its current state. Or barely itself.

Seems like the 'echo' metaphor was apt. This seems to oddly calm Wendy despite her general bloodlust against the anomalous.

"Do you remember anything from when you were bigger?" Wendy has picked up on the fact this thing isn't remotely what it once was.
"Colors. Noises. Shovels. Cries. Nothing more than that." Its speech gets more cognizant and understandable as you meddle with its parts. It'll take a while to see how well your work actually helps the entity later.

"Hm. Well, don't surgeons talk to their patients while operating on them for brain surgery? To make sure they're still aware of themselves? Let's talk."
"Z-Corp does that a lot, actually. Once saw a man having a completely normal conversation while he was nothing but a head attached to some fancy machine!" Wendy chimes in with her own story. "It was freaky."

"Could. Imagine."

>"Where does the RIVER lead?"
"Up, towards an old hospital that the men were exploring, some ways off in the distance. They have part of the GREAT RIVER flowing through the hospital from some greater source."
"Down, down, down. That's where those who rob the graves of my fathers perform their religious worship. So far underground, right under their foul village."
"Into the water? Well, they made a lot of mistakes, We did Yes, yes, yes. 11:25, the reactor melted and we saw something we shouldn't." IT doesn't feel like enlightening you beyond that. A shortcut to the Graverobber Village and the Hospital, though? That's useful.

"They were here to find something left behind by my Mother country. Something to remember, something to put up on a wall. Archeologists tasked with preserving the past."
"They said they were from T, M, and D-Corp. I do not what those are but they hold no desire other than recording and preserving anything interesting they see."
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"They asked me questions. I answered them. They left. Redhead said she wanted to speak to the locals. Those with tusks and shovels. To learn their songs."
"Narrow Eyes said he wanted to examine an old church. To find salvation that his company can not provided."
"Coffee Man went into the dark, dark, dark forest. I do not know why but he said his company lives in the dark, dies in the light."

"I imagine all would be willing to bargain with you if you go to those places." So, DARK FOREST for D-Corp, GRAVEROBBER VILLAGE for M-CORP, DANUS for T-Corp. Interesting.

You decide to offer it your own story and, by proxy, subtly tell Wendy about your mission in W-Corp. "So, I once had to go to a small town of ABGRUND..." It takes a good while to recap the W-CORP MINES mission so you just summarize it to both CLOCKWORK FIGURE and WENDY.

Both are silent upon hearing what happened down there. The sleazy mayor, the young girl who was kidnapped, the mystery that unraveled as you explored there, how the mayor got lynched by his own people...it's a lot to take in.

Wendy simply snickers to herself. "So that's what caused the scandal. I suppose it would've came out if that poor bitch did but wow."
"...You helped the proletariat. For that, I must thank you, Nicole." You didn't say your name- Oh right it overheard Wendy when she had her fit. "I-"


Time pauses for a moment. You and Wendy feel it at the exact same time and both of you can still move around in it. It was only for a second so time immediately resumes before you two can really do anything.

It was just enough for the figure to reconstruct itself. That's not to say your work on it did nothing to help it. Hell, you're probably the reason it was able to kickstart it. It's just most of the PHYSICAL repairs were undermined by what happens.

What was once a legless torso made out of clockwork is now a fully formed clockwork humanoid. The rust and grime that formerly coated its body has been scrubbed clean off. The loose and messy wiring has been reorganized to give the entity structure and flexibility to its limbs. Instead of a mangled husk of clockwork, it's now...well.

It looks like a very primitive Android now. It's all mechanical parts and any Joe Rando could make one like this in a week with E-Corp supplies but for something that probably existed over 300 years ago? This thing must've been bleeding edge back then.

"Thank you. Your payment." With a snap of its fingers, a pile of VALUABLE LOOT is provided to you. Before you can even begin to process what's in it, it squats down to look both of you dead in the eye. "You want to know why I-Corp sent you here? Instead of their own employees?" Okay, that's ominous, but you nod.

"That ROTWOOD you have? It is an ill omen. Only growing from places of great suffering and PAIN. Oh, there were a lot of mistakes made here. Mistakes that linger in such beings as me."
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"They would know too much. Yes, yes, know too much. So they sent you to operate in their stead. Everything for 5000 miles in every direction was irradiated 155 years ago. Low enough to not be notable with how long has passed but it left a SCAR."

Oh. Oh, that's not good at all. You're about to open your mouth to say something but-

"The Dark Forest. Was once something greater. Where it all started. Before the reactor collapsed. If you go there, expect things beyond your understanding to be inside."
"Two. It'll get cold real soon. This time of year, the temperatures reach below -65 Celsius. A storm so intense and foul will sweep these lands, you will not be able to perceive more than your own hands. I know a secret to explore past the storm."

"Go north. Always go north. One day I will go north to the end of the world, stained with the inks of the violet undernight-" The entity shutters for a moment. "The storm will confuse you. Only north will be viable. You will always be able to find the location you wish to stumble across no matter how intense the storm is."


Then, the Clockwork Man slumps onto the floor. It is now inactive, seemingly recovering from whatever you did to it. Welp! You might as well check to see what it left behind for you.

>APPENDIXED FROSTBITTEN TOME. (A hefty book filled to the brim with excerpts from old manifestos, archived speeches from 300+ years ago, and other mostly forgotten historic information. Reduces the DC certain checks in I-CORP by 3 and SEEKER will be FAR better at informing you how to handle situations for the rest of the mission and I-Corp will pay you a monstrous amount to get it back.)
>GLOBUS MODEL 5-19-2 (RELIC TECH. A complex electromechanical analog computer that used an elaborate system of gears, cams, and differentials designed to help you in case you're lost. Can be sold to I or G-CORP for 3 FAVORS.)
>$1000 (A note reading "FOR MY FOOD" is scribbled on it.)

Awesome! You're now getting the fuck out of here! You can tell Wendy wants to get the hell out of here. Her shoulders are tensed up so high her shoulders are about ready to cave her neck in. You two quickly scramble down the staircase and as you two start the long descent down, your EARPIECE goes off.

"Hello." Alexis' voice coos into your ear. "I met up with Quentin a few moments ago. He already escorted Bill back to the village and now he has joined up with me. He said he dealt with the chemical barrels to. We're heading back to the village right now. Lex and Ashley, from what I know, have broken into the bank and they need you to come down to investigate some artifacts so you can determine what to keep and what to sell."

The feed goes off from there. Hm. Well, time to decide where to head to from here. How do you want to handle things next, Nicole?
>Head over to meet up with Lex and Ashley. No harm in doing some quick loot examination and hey! You have a feeling they're being goobers, something light would be nice now.
>Meet up with Quentin and Alexis. You sorta need to tell Alexis about the tomfuckery you heard and to get some insight on it. Getting down to business as it were.
>Wait at the clocktower for the others to arrive after they do their things. Take this time to rest up. You'll decide on a more detailed plan from there.
>Send Wendy over with Quentin and Alexis, go check up on Lex and Ashley. You imagine Wendy can handle telling them about the info you learnt.
>Send Wendy over to help Lex and Ashley, check up on Quentin and Alexis. Wendy's a corpo, she would know what's good, and you want some private time with Quentin and Alexis.
>Tell the others to meet up at the clocktower. While you wait, do some quick scouting. (Choose whether to scout UP to the HOSPITAL or DOWN to the GRAVEROBBER VILLAGE. Should be safe due to the anomaly fragment being on your side. No risk of weird tongue stuff.)

>Write in

720 posts. And we're only on Page 7. Woo.
>Tell the others to meet up at the clocktower. While you wait, do some quick scouting. (Choose whether to scout UP to the HOSPITAL or DOWN to the GRAVEROBBER VILLAGE. Should be safe due to the anomaly fragment being on your side. No risk of weird tongue stuff.)
If we're travelling using the river then we won't be exposed to the snowstorm right?
>Mosin Nagant

My inner /k/ommando is so happy.
>Head over to meet up with Lex and Ashley. No harm in doing some quick loot examination and hey! You have a feeling they're being goobers, something light would be nice now.
>Head over to meet up with Lex and Ashley. No harm in doing some quick loot examination and hey! You have a feeling they're being goobers, something light would be nice now.
>Head over to meet up with Lex and Ashley. No harm in doing some quick loot examination and hey! You have a feeling they're being goobers, something light would be nice now.
>Head over to meet up with Lex and Ashley. No harm in doing some quick loot examination and hey! You have a feeling they're being goobers, something light would be nice now.
>>Send Wendy over with Quentin and Alexis, go check up on Lex and Ashley. You imagine Wendy can handle telling them about the info you learnt.
>Send Wendy over with Quentin and Alexis, go check up on Lex and Ashley. You imagine Wendy can handle telling them about the info you learnt.
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It would be more efficient to separate from Wendy to check up on both pairs but you decide against it. Probably better if you just met up with Lex and Ashley, you'll have to reconvene somewhere so you'll probably use the clock tower as a planning spot.

The underground river WOULD keep you safe from the Snowstorm but only if you planned on visiting the Hospital or Graverobber Village. Might be tricky if you want to go anywhere else, especially the three locations that have Corpos roaming around.

Eh. You'll worry about it later.

Your trek down to the ground floor of the clock tower with Wendy in tow. Your legs are already beginning to collapse underneath you since you have never had to walk up and down so many flights of stairs in your life. If it wasn't for the PARADIGM you were given at the start of the mission, your body would've given out by now.

Good thing you helped the Handler out with Katherine or-

Wendy grabs onto the back of your winter jacket right as you're about to fall. "Yeah, no. I'm not letting anyone but ME crack your skull open. Keep moving." She pats you on the shoulder before letting you go. "Schwester."

Doesn't take a genius to realize what she called you. Cute.

Finally reaching the bottom of the spiraling staircase, you step out of the Clock Tower...to head down more stairs. You're half tempted to use your last charge of DRIFTWOOD IDOL by throwing yourself down the stairs but you're not sure if it blocks you from losing limbs and teeth. So you decide against that.

The trip down the second flight of stairs is long enough for you to get a good look at your surroundings. It was pretty clear and bright about twenty minutes ago when you were at the top of the staircase but now? The sunlight is a lot more muted now and there's a healthy shadow to everything in your immediate surroundings. Looking towards the sky, it's a lot cloudier than it was now. You can't even see the sun anymore.

You can already feel your stomach starting to grow. Right, you left the food PARADIGM with Lex since he had to carry a lot of stuff anyways. Probably a good idea to meat- meet back with him soon. The moment you two arrive at the bottom step, you start jogging over to where the Bank was to reunite with Lex and Ashley.

One good thing about exploring abandoned towns and ruins, there's no one to bother you or to get in your way! Sure, you're left exhausted once you stumble in front of the Bank itself but at least you arrived without any issue.

The bank itself looks like any other damn building in this town. If it wasn't for "BAHK" being written onto the front of the building in blocky stone lettering, you would've glossed it over as any other apartment or restaurant or homeless shelter. Your SEEKER self loathes how monotonous every building is.

Oh well. Time to meet up with your allies. You push open the front doors to see...

Nothing. Nada. Fucking empty. The whole front lobby of the Bank has literally nothing inside of it.
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Well, there's still the counters where tellers would give out banknotes to the back but otherwise, the only thing in the square room is a pair hallways: One at the west side and one at the south side.

With how much noise is being made in the latter one, it doesn't take long to figure out which one to head down. You do a quick WHISPER OF THE CITY scan and okay yeah the west one leads to an emptied out office that holds nothing of value. No point going there.

Wendy takes a moment to sniff the air before she allows you to go any further. "It's faint but it smells like someone bleached this place clean."

[PERSON OF INTEREST] The silvers have no reason for being here. You think this is a mystery you're not supposed to solve.

"Well, it is weird how this place is emptied out. Maybe we can ask the others?" You shrug. You're really only here to check out the loot.

Wendy shrugs back. So be it.

Heading down the southern hallway, the first thing that catches your eye is the MASSIVE pile of shattered and crunched ice. A decent amount of it is still rock solid but it appears whatever structure was once here was melted to weaken it before being cracked wide open.

The trail of watery footsteps leading past the ice pile tells you that's probably what happened.

It's a short trip past the pile of ice to find what you're looking for: The bank vault. It too has been...pried open by less than subtle means. The vault's massive steel door has been twisted, scorched, and burnt in such a way that a small entrance was punched right through the damn thing instead of them actually opening it up.

Crackles of off-blue and green light linger around the torn entrance hole. That's pretty damn impressive since you'd guess this thing is about three feet thick but on closer examination, the metal itself seems remarkably flimsy even before it was weakened.

Wendy smacks her baton against it and the metal DENTS just from her gentle taps. The cold must've weakened the metal over time. Without any further ado, the two of you climb right through the torn open vault door.

https://youtu.be/BjXNlIaGfrY - VAULT

You know you're not actually robbing a bank since this place has been abandoned for centuries but god damn, does it still feel like it. You feel giddy at just...waltzing right into a Bank vault for goodness sake! Especially when you look around to see your surroundings.

The walls are lined with hundreds on hundreds of tiny little deposit boxes that must hold a million little secrets of their own; That is if there's anything left from the centuries of being storied here. There's a handful of different colors for each deposit box but on first glance, you couldn't tell what they mean.

The only other thing to note besides the deposit boxes is the massive table in the middle of the room. Well, it used to be, it's busy resting on its side after being knocked over.
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Loose scattered Rubles are littered across the floor. Worthless to anyone besides historians but you pocket a few because why not?
>+₽500 (Maybe some historian or local residents might still use it? Won't pocket too much in case it's garbage.)

A tile right underneath where the table presumably was has been removed, revealing what you were looking for: the Time Capsule. Your two allies, Lex and Ashley, are busy stiffing through it to decide what's worth keeping.

Ashley is the first to notice you. She waves at you with a small, almost friendly smile. "Heya. How was your trip to the Clock Tower?"

"Mysterious and-" "Really vague. We found a-" "Shortcut to some other locations." You and Wendy finish and interrupt each other's sentences. Ashley can't help but to giggle a bit at what she heard.

"Yeah. That tracks. We found a lot of old junk in here and we want you to decide what we should keep. That weird iced hand guy us to bring back four relics and keep two but...we might've found more?"
Lex now chimes in. "I would say lie to him and keep the extra one. I would. But we COULD get some extra pay if we loaned off an extra one to him and to be honest?"
"A lot of these relics...kinda suck?" Ashley laughs despite the situation not being particularly funny. "I dunno. Nothing that makes me go 'WOAH I'M CUMMING SO HARD I MUST KILL A BILLION PEOPLE FOR IT', you know?"

"Did you find any information? I had a weird impulse that we would learn something by going here."
"Oh, yeah, we found a few old papers." Lex digs through his pocket and tosses a few by your feet. "Doubt we'd have time to read them all but you can add that to your list."

"Hm." Wendy taps her baton against the many deposit boxes. "Any rhyme or reason to these? Or are you as stumped as us?"
"I punched open a few." Lex points to some mangled deposit boxes in the back. "Yellow is valuables you can sell. Red is heirlooms or valuables not worth selling. Pink is documents. Blue seems to be tools and equipment meant for businesses. Green seems to be a random assortment of garbage."

"Before you ask, no, the ones he punched open didn't have anything inside. I doubt most of them have anything left inside."

Hm. Maybe you can loot some of those as well. Before you help them pick something out of the garbage, you have to throw a jab at Ashley. You're not sure why but you swore something happened while you weren't with them.

"I bet having nothing to do but be around Lex must've been craz-"
Ashley's face immediately turns neon red. "Just look at the damn relics, horny bitch." There's no real anger to that phrase. It's clear she's just trying to get back at you.

"Like you have any room to judge her, Ms. Handlebars." Wendy sneers.
That's your cue to go neon red. Yeah, best to focus on the loot before Lex can process enough of what's going on to quip as well.

>SOVIET ARMY FATIGUES (RELIC ARMOR. +1 MAX FLESH, blocks up to 3 FLESH DAMAGE per mission. Adds an extra +1d10 to any RANGED ATTACK the user makes.)
>MARAKOV PISTOL (RELIC WEAPON. Uses PISTOL AMMO. ATTACK ROLL: TALENT+2. Unusually reliable as a weapon, treating 1-2 rolled by it as 0.5 successes and 3-4 at 0.8 successes.)
>RADIO R-3-121-5 (RELIC EQUIPMENT. A very sturdy radio that, due to unusual design, produces untraceable signals. Allows for long distance communication without the Spooks or any other faction being able to know. Can also be used to contact allies you didn't hire for information.)
>RED STAR BADGE. (RELIC TRINKET. +1 VIOLENCE to the user, the user may add half of their VIOLENCE STAT [rounded down] to any check they make once per mission.)
>PERVITIN BOTTLE (RELIC CONSUMABLE. Has four chalky tables that reek of violence. Heals 2 FLESH and RESTRAINT and increases VIOLENCE, TALENT, and MAX FLESH by 2 for a long duration. Vastly increases the user's aggression on use.)
>MINDBREAKER REVOLVER BULLETS x6 + MINDBREAKER RIFLE AMMO x4 (RELIC AMMO. Attacks made using this ammo bypass all mental protection and will deal massive MENTAL damage on hit. Good for eliminating targets otherwise too hard to kill.)

>TECHANICAL DOCUMENT #6-9-82 (Has a LOT of bizarre semantics, technobabble, and weird diagrams. Something tells you this will offer a glimpse into technology lost over the years.)
>OFFICIAL RESIGNATION LETTER (You'll get a powerful glimpse into the corporate and political world through this. Maybe even some information on I-CORP'S SINGULARITY.)
>NOTE FROM A MOURNER (You doubt anything immediately practical will be found from this but it'll offer the greatest glimpse into the world before the City. Might even offer a fresh perspective a Cityslicker wouldn't have.)

>YELLOW. LET'S SELL SOME SHIT LATER! (Roll 4d100. None of it will be immediately useful to this mission but it'll be a killing profit wise.)
>RED. You ARE a bit curious to see what sort of family heirlooms are inside. Maybe you'll find something for Alexis? (Roll 5d100. It's very unlikely anything immediately practical will be in here but you may find some great bargaining chips with corpos and other people still living in the general area.)
>PINK. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER. (Roll 4d100. You'll get a glimpse
>BLUE. More tools couldn't hurt! (Roll 3d100. You'll get some useful tools to help you out when you explore other parts of this subdistrict.)
>GREEN. GAMBLING? I THOUGHT YOU'D NEVER ASK! (Roll 7d100. You'll have NO fucking idea what you'll get from this.)

>Write in. (Feel free to write in whatever extra action(s) you want. You can write in as many as you want as long as it's reasonable.)
>RADIO R-3-121-5 (RELIC EQUIPMENT. A very sturdy radio that, due to unusual design, produces untraceable signals. Allows for long distance communication without the Spooks or any other faction being able to know. Can also be used to contact allies you didn't hire for information.)

>PERVITIN BOTTLE (RELIC CONSUMABLE. Has four chalky tables that reek of violence. Heals 2 FLESH and RESTRAINT and increases VIOLENCE, TALENT, and MAX FLESH by 2 for a long duration. Vastly increases the user's aggression on use.)

Keep these

>OFFICIAL RESIGNATION LETTER (You'll get a powerful glimpse into the corporate and political world through this. Maybe even some information on I-CORP'S SINGULARITY.)

Read this

>GREEN. GAMBLING? I THOUGHT YOU'D NEVER ASK! (Roll 7d100. You'll have NO fucking idea what you'll get from this.)

Gamba x2 plz
>RADIO R-3-121-5
This is definitely must have.
This will be quite handy if we encounter enemies who have a massive health pool.

>RED. You ARE a bit curious to see what sort of family heirlooms are inside. Maybe you'll find something for Alexis?
How much bigger, nigger?

>RADIO R-3-121-5
What the fuck, no way. We're taking this, it's ours, I won't hear otherwise
We saw how important sanity damage is for specific targets
I really don't like having to not take the SOVIET ARMY FATIGUES but that mysterious "BIGGER PAYOUT" is alluring to me. We can always get or buy more defensive gear and ranged buffing objects later.

Lost tech? Tech can always be reconstructed or rediscovered.
I-Corp's singularity? Why bother if we won't be blackmailing them or using it ourselves?
Now this mourner letter? This is what we want and need

Okay Alexis you will be up to par after this. Fill up your third accessory slot with spook shades + memorial medal and be the max cool russian chick of the group. Save whatever else for any I-Corp rep we might need to win over later
>MINDBREAKER REVOLVER BULLETS x6 + MINDBREAKER RIFLE AMMO x4 (RELIC AMMO. Attacks made using this ammo bypass all mental protection and will deal massive MENTAL damage on hit. Good for eliminating targets otherwise too hard to kill.)

>RADIO R-3-121-5 (RELIC EQUIPMENT. A very sturdy radio that, due to unusual design, produces untraceable signals. Allows for long distance communication without the Spooks or any other faction being able to know. Can also be used to contact allies you didn't hire for information.)

>TECHANICAL DOCUMENT #6-9-82 (Has a LOT of bizarre semantics, technobabble, and weird diagrams. Something tells you this will offer a glimpse into technology lost over the years.)

>RED. You ARE a bit curious to see what sort of family heirlooms are inside. Maybe you'll find something for Alexis? (Roll 5d100. It's very unlikely anything immediately practical will be in here but you may find some great bargaining chips with corpos and other people still living in the general area.)

>YELLOW. LET'S SELL SOME SHIT LATER! (Roll 4d100. None of it will be immediately useful to this mission but it'll be a killing profit wise.)
I hate sovietboos so, so much
>MARAKOV PISTOL (RELIC WEAPON. Uses PISTOL AMMO. ATTACK ROLL: TALENT+2. Unusually reliable as a weapon, treating 1-2 rolled by it as 0.5 successes and 3-4 at 0.8 successes.)
>RADIO R-3-121-5 (RELIC EQUIPMENT. A very sturdy radio that, due to unusual design, produces untraceable signals. Allows for long distance communication without the Spooks or any other faction being able to know. Can also be used to contact allies you didn't hire for information.)
>MINDBREAKER REVOLVER BULLETS x6 + MINDBREAKER RIFLE AMMO x4 (RELIC AMMO. Attacks made using this ammo bypass all mental protection and will deal massive MENTAL damage on hit. Good for eliminating targets otherwise too hard to kill.)

>OFFICIAL RESIGNATION LETTER (You'll get a powerful glimpse into the corporate and political world through this. Maybe even some information on I-CORP'S SINGULARITY.)

>PINK. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER. (Roll 4d100. You'll get a glimpse
We can pick 2 boxes to open.
>RADIO R-3-121-5 (RELIC EQUIPMENT. A very sturdy radio that, due to unusual design, produces untraceable signals. Allows for long distance communication without the Spooks or any other faction being able to know. Can also be used to contact allies you didn't hire for information.)
>MINDBREAKER REVOLVER BULLETS x6 + MINDBREAKER RIFLE AMMO x4 (RELIC AMMO. Attacks made using this ammo bypass all mental protection and will deal massive MENTAL damage on hit. Good for eliminating targets otherwise too hard to kill.)

>OFFICIAL RESIGNATION LETTER (You'll get a powerful glimpse into the corporate and political world through this. Maybe even some information on I-CORP'S SINGULARITY.)

>YELLOW. LET'S SELL SOME SHIT LATER! (Roll 4d100. None of it will be immediately useful to this mission but it'll be a killing profit wise.)
>PINK. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER. (Roll 4d100. You'll get a glimpse
Don't worry we'll be out of I-Corp after the mission ends. Then we have 1 more before the base assault if we don't take a day off for once
>RADIO R-3-121-5 (RELIC EQUIPMENT. A very sturdy radio that, due to unusual design, produces untraceable signals. Allows for long distance communication without the Spooks or any other faction being able to know. Can also be used to contact allies you didn't hire for information.)
>MINDBREAKER REVOLVER BULLETS x6 + MINDBREAKER RIFLE AMMO x4 (RELIC AMMO. Attacks made using this ammo bypass all mental protection and will deal massive MENTAL damage on hit. Good for eliminating targets otherwise too hard to kill.)

>OFFICIAL RESIGNATION LETTER (You'll get a powerful glimpse into the corporate and political world through this. Maybe even some information on I-CORP'S SINGULARITY.)

>YELLOW. LET'S SELL SOME SHIT LATER! (Roll 4d100. None of it will be immediately useful to this mission but it'll be a killing profit wise.)
>PINK. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER. (Roll 4d100. You'll get a glimpse
>"I imagine all would be willing to bargain with you if you go to those places." So, DARK FOREST for D-Corp, GRAVEROBBER VILLAGE for M-CORP, DANUS for T-Corp. Interesting.


>RED. You ARE a bit curious to see what sort of family heirlooms are inside. Maybe you'll find something for Alexis? (Roll 5d100. It's very unlikely anything immediately practical will be in here but you may find some great bargaining chips with corpos and other people still living in the general area.)
We can use the stuff we get from Red Boxes to bargain with Corpo to get nice special items or even PARADIGMS from Corpo. It will be worth far more than money we get from selling stuff from the Yellow Boxes.
We might want to take a day off before the base assault. We’ll have five allies exhausted for it if we don’t.
I agree. Don't we also have Ashley's concert to go to that day?
Yeah but we don't know if that's before or after the base assault. My money's on after
>RADIO R-3-121-5 (RELIC EQUIPMENT. A very sturdy radio that, due to unusual design, produces untraceable signals. Allows for long distance communication without the Spooks or any other faction being able to know. Can also be used to contact allies you didn't hire for information.)
>MINDBREAKER REVOLVER BULLETS x6 + MINDBREAKER RIFLE AMMO x4 (RELIC AMMO. Attacks made using this ammo bypass all mental protection and will deal massive MENTAL damage on hit. Good for eliminating targets otherwise too hard to kill.)

>NOTE FROM A MOURNER (You doubt anything immediately practical will be found from this but it'll offer the greatest glimpse into the world before the City. Might even offer a fresh perspective a Cityslicker wouldn't have.)

>RED. You ARE a bit curious to see what sort of family heirlooms are inside. Maybe you'll find something for Alexis? (Roll 5d100. It's very unlikely anything immediately practical will be in here but you may find some great bargaining chips with corpos and other people still living in the general area.)
>PINK. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER. (Roll 4d100. You'll get a glimpse
RADIO + MINDBREAKER, RESIGNATION, and RED + PINK won (however, I'll give you a bone and let you keep MOURNER for later. You won't be able to read it right away, you'll understand how later.) I realize that I cut Pink off on the voting selection but you didn't miss too much, it is still just documents.

I need two anons to roll the following
>5d100 (RED)
>4d100 (PINK)

1-19: BASIC TECHANICAL DOCUMENTS (Weird semantics, schematics, and technical information. Will help you to interact and repair tech across the District better and might be helpful for ADAM/BENJAMIN in the future.)
20-39: CORPORATE DOCUMENTS (Most of it will be grandstanding by corporate suits but there may be a glimpse of knowledge about the Alphabet and Precursor companies in here.)
40-61: EXPLORER'S MAP (Scribbled by a SEEKER. Will warn about the dangers of locations you have access to and will unlock a new location to visit.)
62-79: MILITARY SCRIBBLINGS (Smells of WAR. Will offer your group tips on how to fight in the future, will help when dealing with the SPOOK BASE later. R, J, and X-Corp would kill for this.)
80-89: SCHIZOPHRENIC SCRIBBLINGS (Written by someone UNSTABLE in the 1940s. Offers maddeningly descriptive information about the past and, somehow, the City itself?)
90-95: REDACTED LETTER (Smells of spooks. But a different kind of spook. Holds secrets that NO ONE in the City wants you to know about.)
96-99: ESTORIC TOME (An odd electric air surrounds this tome. Wendy already wants to destroy it. May offer an upgrade to Ashley, Lex, Wendy's or your own abilities.)
100: MYSTERY!!! (Roll an additional 3d100. You'll get a rare and unique item of that category.)

RED TABLE (Which family they're from is randomly determined)
1-21: ANTIQUE PHOTOGRAPHS (Photos from a time long since passed. The few lucky memories that were captured before being washed away by time. Offers glimpses of the past.)
22-38: FAMILY JEWELRY (Generates a halfway decent Trinket for immediate use but you imagine you could get a decent CORPORATE FAVOR by trading it back in.)
39-55: MILITARY MEMORABILIA (Something from their time in service. Could be a gun, a uniform, or some more pictures. X, J, and R-Corp would love whatever you find here.)
56-68: FAMILY TOME (A thick hardcover book that has a LOT of stuff written down in it. Will have a LOT of lore about the family and their history throughout the years.)
69-85: FAMILY PAINTING (A painting of a man/woman you don't recognize. Something tells you that your corporate family associates would KILL to get this back.)
86-95: HEIRLOOM POSSESSIONS (A random assortment of recipes, instruments, holy scriptures, and clothing. There's a VERY high chance they'll upgrade an ally of yours.)
96-99: DEED OF OWNERSHIP (Oh fuck, should you even have this? Technically grants you access to a decent sized chunk of I-CORP land but you imagine you'll have to go through a million hoops to KEEP said land.)
100: MYSTERY!!! (Same as PINK TABLE.)
Rolled 80, 12, 76, 1, 16 = 185 (5d100)

Rolled 36, 66, 89, 68 = 259 (4d100)

You know, for the sake of having more variety, reroll that 1 and 12. Consider it a favor.
And you, reroll that 66.

>How much bigger, nigger?
How the fuck would Nicole know? The deal was 'bring back 4 artifacts, give me two, you keep 2". There was never really a set price for what he would give if you brought back 6 and gave four.
You'll see when you get back to him but I'll promise that what he pays you back with will be roughly on par value wise with the artifacts on question, even if it'll probably be in non-relic/artifact items and cash.
Rolled 40 (1d100)

>reroll that 66
You got it
Sounds good. At least what we're getting is nice enough. I got no complaints
Rolled 14, 37 = 51 (2d100)


That's quite the persistent photograph. It really wants Nicole to have it. Wonder why?
File: AMBERBRIGHT.jpg (1.17 MB, 3000x3000)
1.17 MB
1.17 MB JPG
"Are you retarded? We're keeping the radio and the mindbreaker bullets. The rest, they're cool and all but we'll probably get better rewards for turning them in than keeping them."

"Probably 'ight." Lex begins to fold up the army fatigues. "We're gonna take a bit to sort all of the relics so check out those boxes for us."
"You know." Ashley seems to realize something. She snaps her finger as she pieces her idea together. "We could send Quentin to-"

"SEEMS WE'RE ON THE SAME PAGE." The sharp, monotone voice from your favorite bugman rings through the mostly quiet bank vault. Quentin (seemingly by himself) is standing outside. He taps his foot impatiently. "TOLD ALEXIS TO WAIT. KNEW YOU HAD RELICS BY NOW. TOSS THEM OVER."

"Huh. Great minds think alike." Ashley tosses over the three small artifacts over to Quentin, who catches them with ease. Lex finishes folding up the fatigues and quickly hands them over to Quentin as well. Quentin skitters down the hallway with the goods in tow. Good thing he has bug wings, right?

[SIXTH SENSE] "He'll be able to make it back before the storm rips through the subdistrict."
"What storm?" Lex seems confused at what Ashley is on about but everyone else clearly knows what's going to happen soon.

Neat. You gesture at Wendy to go bother Lex and Ashley while you check up on the deposit boxes. It would be REALLY easy to just rip them open with your telekinesis but who knows how fragile these things are? Good thing you have this old lockpicking kit that's been rotting in your inventory.

Though, to be fair, most barricades you've seen haven't been behind a simple padlock. It is perfect for THIS situation, especially when the deposit boxes are still locked up tight. Your TALENT is high enough to pry both of them openly remarkably quick and with little issue.

It would be too time consuming and painstaking to open up EVERY box in here (and half of them are probably dust) so you pick the ones that are the least damaged looking.

First up, RED. Seems like the quickest to identify if any of them are worthwhile. Inside is...huh. There's some paintings in here. They're wrapped in a heavy layer of paper so you can't immediately see what the paintings are but still! That's frankly the last thing you expected out of a deposit box.

You gently levitate them over to Ashley and Wendy to unwrap them. You do NOT trust Lex to do it for very obvious reasons. Let's see what's else is in here...

A small silver ring with a hunk of polished amber as its gemstone was sitting underneath the paintings. Your P-CORP ENERGY COUNTER is crackling ever-so-slightly but it's nothing more than that: faint crackling. Interesting. You pocket it for later.


Huh. That would round out Alexis' stats pretty decently. Nice trinket.
File: OLDPHOTOGRAPHS.png (330 KB, 640x377)
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You're not sure what family this belongs to. You can probably find out when you meet up with Alexis. There's also some old musty photographs in here that are probably about to crumble into dust any moment now.

You gently pick them up to see who's on them. They're in black and white so it's going to be hard to parse out any specific colors, in case they end up being a Krakatoa with their grey-blue hair or somethin'.

The first photograph throws you for a loop for a moment. It's a family photo of a man in his late 40s, his young wife (you presume 26~?), and a pair of young girls. The reason why it throws you for a loop is that the woman in the picture looks a LOT like you.

It's not a Noelle Smith situation where she's a doppelganger but her face, her light hair that you swore looks pink despite it being in black and white, and you swear there's tiny little nubs she's hiding in her hair.. The other three in the photo look normal aside from their attire being really outdated.

Puffy blouse and skirt for your relative(?), a long and baggy overcoat for the man, and some simple dresses for the girls. They're standing in front of a massive and imposing castle that looks like it belongs in some gothic horror story than reality itself. Hundreds of large, sturdy trees you've never seen in your life can be seen in the background of the shot at as well.

The thing that catches your eye is how happy they look. There's no fear or worry or stress to their smiles. It's just genuine contentment, living life to their fullest.

You flip around back to see if there's anything written on it. Huh. It's written in plain English. It's written in VERY small text so you have to squint but you can just make it out.
"Brought my family to Neuschwanstein Castle. Hopefully they'll enjoy it. Gives me time to think."
"The Union is great and all but I can't put my full trust in it. Not like I have a choice, I have obligations back home and I can't just leave, but my family doesn't need to worry about that."
"Nikola has been worried too. She keeps telling me about bizarre creatures that bump in the night. I didn't want to believe her but...I saw one too. I fear for what world my children will inherent."
"Running out of space. Keeping this photo here, hopefully one of my descents find it. May the Melnikovs survive."

You know enough of I-Corp's dialect to know what Melnikov means. 'Miller'. Hm. Isn't that Ashley's last name?
>FAMILY VACTATION PHOTOGRAPH! (A distant ancestor seen in the flesh. Seems like the world was already falling apart before the City came around. You, Ashley, and this Melnikov family seem connected together?)

The second one is decidedly less worrying to you It's a young girl in a thick winter uniform rolling around in the snow. Aside from her oddly sharp teeth there's not really a lot to work on the image itself. Checking the back...
"Эльбpyc Aлeвтинa. Cкyчaю пo тeбe."
File: OLDPORTRAIT.jpg (73 KB, 1024x768)
73 KB
[SEEKER OF THE CITY] Elbrus Alevtina. I-Corp usually writes names last name first so. Alvetina Elbrus in English.
[SEEKER OF THE CITY] You faintly recall hearing that last name in a magazine but if they're a corporate family, they're too small or niche for you to know a lot about.

>YOUNG GIRL PHOTOGRAPH (Might be useful for when you find an Elbrus? No immediate use for it now.)

"Hey! We unwrapped those paintings! Come look, they're kinda weird!" Lex calls out for you. You quickly unlock the PINK box (after giving it a quick pat for good luck) to pull out the documents inside there before heading over to see what the paintings are.

Both of them have been preserved pretty well considering the fact they were left in a bank vault for 300~ years. You'd chalk that up to this place being mostly airtight until it got broken into. Let's see- Okay yeah the first one you recognize immediately. Ashley and Wendy too both seem to recognize the person on the first painting on sight.

Grey-blue hair is hard to miss when you know one specific family who has that as a common genetic trait.

The woman with grey-blue hair is standing in the middle of a field of flowers (sunflowers you assume) that seems to stretch on forever. A crown of yellow flowers rests gently on her head and it seems like she's busy tying some to her sparkling white dress. She's pretty old, probably around her late 60s, but otherwise there's not a lot to say about the painting. It's a woman in a flower field.
>KRAKATOA PAINTING OBTAINED! (Gregory, Max, and Roland will KILL for this. Weird how you found it in I-Corp, though, they're more associated with A, C, and M-Corp.)

The second one, though, you have no clue who this belongs to. The painting is that of a very young man (probably 16 at maximum) in a grey and red suit and tie that he probably shouldn't be wearing for another 5 years considering his age. His piercing grey eyes feel like they're staring right through your own soul.

His face is twisted into a contemptful sneer that feels like he's judging you centuries after he has long since turned into dust.
>SNEERING MAN PAINTING OBTAINED! (Seems like someone in a more business focused corporate family. Alexis, Max, Maruyama or Quentin might know.)

Interesting. "Wrap them back up." While your allies work to wrap up the paintings again, you decide to flip through the documents you found. Starting with one that seems the most immediately useful: the EXPLORER'S MAP. It's a jumbled mess of random notes stapled onto a map that, due to age, is really hard to read but you'll do our best to transcribe it mentally.

There's only information for MOUTH OF GOD, ANTILA, зa мpтвe/GRAVEROBBER VILLAGE, DARK FOREST, and DANUS. Seems like the other towns and locations were too modern for this map (understandingly so.)

Your knowledge on I-Corp's dialect is spotty but it's good enough to translate most of it down. Seems like there's also info on another location here...
File: SCHIZOPHRENICNOTES.jpg (1.12 MB, 3024x4032)
1.12 MB
1.12 MB JPG
"ANTILIA: [Not relevant anymore. Was about the clock tower entity.]"

Huh. You imagine whatever MANOR the EXPLORER was talking about, it must be long since abandoned by now. You'll mark it on your map, though.

Next, SCHIZOPRHENIC RAMBLINGS. Wendy peers over to look at the notes with you.

It then cuts out. The look on Wendy's face is something you haven't quite seen before. "...Poia. I don't know a lot about that corporate family but they were rumors that they worked with the Head. Didn't know they WERE the Head."

[???] You should burn this piece of paper, Nicole.

You shake the thought of our mind. You toss it towards the others to digest while you skim through. You got a few more to look through. As for the military scribblings...they're just a bunch of maps and diagrams about locations you have never seen in your life before.

Not a lot of actual text to it outside of explaining certain tactics. It's not immediately useful now but it could be in the future.
>MILITARY SCRIBBLINGS OBTAINED! (Will be used when you go to the SPOOK BASE. All allies during that mission will have +3 added to any non-attack rolls they make. In combat, 1-4s will be treated as half successes.)
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Finally, you'll compare the CORPORATE DOCUMENTS and the OFFICIAL RESIGNATION LETTER at the same time. Mostly because both of them have insane amounts of fluff. You begin to piece them together (after your allies are done with the schizo paper) to find what pieces of info are worth reading into.

>CONNECTIONS TOTAL: 18 (6 from you, 6 from Wendy, 5 from Lex's boosted stats, 1 from Ashley)

While Alexis by herself would've been able to skim through most of it, the combined work of everyone in the party is enough to find most of the worthwhile information.

"No matter how many times we win, our accomplishments are dismissed or downplayed by the outside powers of the world. We used to be so much better back in the old days. Progress from the outside world is too much. We must FREEZE everything to a halt."
"We managed to find something that could help with our project. DRY-1, we'll refer to it. We'll fuel our new Singularity with it. A Singularity that will prevent the cogs of progress from ruining our empire. We shall freeze our hearts, souls, and minds in their Ideal state forevermore." Ideal-Corp? No, no, you doubt that's what I-Corp's true name is.

"It's all just politics at the end of the day. Nations will fall but we'll live on through other means. I heard that the French were creating some new technology that could create clothing and food through nothing but human emotion. Quite interesting!" C-Corp?
"The Scots have gone radio silent. All we know about what they're doing is that there's an odd, persistent darkness over their isles. Last we heard is that they planned on 'staying safe in the dark'. That the light has the voice of a false angel." ...D-Corp?

"Yues. I fuckin' hate them. Those Chinese Bastards keep saying that they'll take over all manners of shipping and transport throughout the world! I know their trick! I saw them ripping a hole in reality itself with a fucking pocket knife! They're cheating, they're FUCKING CHEATING, AND THEY'LL DESTROY THE WORLD!" Y-Corp.
"Swiss keep blabbering about the anomalous. Wanting to study them and figure out how to make more out of weird artifacts. Apparently they want to reach some 'human subconsciousness' bullshit. Nonsense, really." U-Corp?

"Music sings to our very souls. What if we could unite the world under a single rhythm? Where no one has to feel alone or rejected? Where no one has a discordant thought? We shall unite the world with one final song that will remove all worries from our very souls." ...M-Corp. What the hell would they want to do that for?

Very, very interesting. All of this information is interesting but you have to keep on moving regardless of what you just learnt here. Your allies quickly pack up everything you found before making their way outside of the bank.
You have one spot to head to now: The Clock Tower. You have to plan where to go to next. It takes a long while to reach the tower itself on account of all of the stairs but once you're inside, your group piles down onto the cold tile floor to wait. You tell Alexis over your earpiece to come to the clocktower once she's done.

Thirty minutes passes before the two managed to come back. By the time they do, they look like absolute shit. Taking one glimpse outside tells you why: The storm is finally starting to pick up outside. It's not bad enough where it would be impossible to travel but it won't take long before it's awful to travel through.

Quentin tosses a burlap sack onto the ground. You open up to see...
>$1755 (650*2.7 from extra relics.)
>ROCKSALT SPRAY (An I-Corp special. Has four charges. A heavy mix of rock salt, strong acids, and other potent chemicals. Deals 3 FLESH damage to humans and 6 to androids. Has a high chance to inflict CRIPPLING INJURIES on hit.)
>POTATO VODKA x4 (One of I-Corp's most popular products. Heals 1 RESTRAINT and applies DRUNK LUCK for a medium duration. DRUNK LUCK allows the user to roll an additional dice when they roll a 1.)
>BREAKER BULLET x4 (I-Corp's specialty ammo, mostly used by the Maus family. Can be used to fire a conceptual 'breaking' effect, adding +1d20 to any check the user desires. Can also be used as regular bullets.)
>STATIS FIELD GENERATOR (A very expensive I-Corp product that uses their Singularity, locks the current state of the MIND and BODY while active. Can be used to generate a temporary shield that blocks 20 total FLESH and RESTRAINT damage across the party.)

QUOTA: 11/10 COLD IRON, 8/10 DRY-10, 7/7 ROTWOOD.

There seems to be a wrapped up relic in here as well but you'll worry about that once you pick a location. Checking the map to see what would be safe...

Choose one location to visit.

>зa мpтвe. Rumored to be a village where the GRAVEROBBERS live. Far, far older than any of the other buildings or settlements here. They might not like outsiders. (Very likely to have HISTORIC artifacts, HIGH ROTWOOD and DRY-10, low COLD IRON. M-CORP's rep is here, likely to earn M-CORP favors if you play your cards right.)
>БOЛЬHИЦA. An abandoned hospital. Ran by Z-Corp as an initiative to help any people who live here out of 'goodwill', apparently. Stocked to the BRIM with useful supplies, though that likely attracted scavengers and monsters. (MEDIUM DRY-10 and COLD IRON, LOW ROTWOOD, a LOT of medicine and healing items to loot! Risky.)
>P-CORP CONSTRUCTION SITE OMEGA-9-CHI. Originally meant to house a facility, it was left abandoned after further construction was deemed not profitable. Part of the facility was built, though it's unlikely any anomalies are there. (VERY HIGH COLD IRON, LOW DRY-10 and ROTWOOD.)
CAN'T BE REACHED THROUGH RIVER DIRECTLY (You can probably visit one of these safely before having to come back here to use the River. Or you could Risk the Storm.)
>WHITEROCK. An abandoned human village that no one has gotten into contact to for ages. May have survivors that you can send to LOVE TOWN. Danger may still lurk there. (MEDIUM-HIGH in ALL RESOURCES, very likely to have valuable weapons/armor/medicine/other items. Risky.)
>DANUS. An old church that the various villages would go to for religious sanctuary. (MEDIUM in ROTWOOD, low in the other two. Decent chance to acquire N-CORP RELICS and other religious artifacts alongside some decent weaponry + ammo. Safe. T-CORP'S REP is here.)
>'MOUTH OF GOD'. A cave with some remarkable odd folklore attached to it involving 'ungodly beasts' living inside. Highly rich in natural resources. (HIGH COLD IRON and DRY-10, no ROTWOOD, rich in W-Corp gemstones which have powerful stat boosting effects.)
>'DARK FOREST'. One of the few places in this sub-district populated with plant life. The wildlife that has survived here must be tough as nails, you think... (HIGH ROTWOOD, MEDIUM DRY-10, no COLD IRON, has highly valuable tech here if there's some technological facility here.)
>GRAND MANOR. A remnant of a family far, far, far, far, far older than anyone in this party. Opulent and imperial despite its age. (HIGH ROTWOOD AND DRY-10, MEDIUM COLD IRON, high chance of a LOT of old artifacts and relics. A killing in cash! Real risky.)

Sorry for delay. Just a lot to write. Will update inventory with all of your loot soon but you currently have $5557 now, the most you've had in the quest...ever. You're a rich bitch, ESPECIALLY if you get excess resources for MORE MONEY!!!
>>WHITEROCK. An abandoned human village that no one has gotten into contact to for ages. May have survivors that you can send to LOVE TOWN. Danger may still lurk there. (MEDIUM-HIGH in ALL RESOURCES, very likely to have valuable weapons/armor/medicine/other items. Risky.)
>'MOUTH OF GOD'. A cave with some remarkable odd folklore attached to it involving 'ungodly beasts' living inside. Highly rich in natural resources. (HIGH COLD IRON and DRY-10, no ROTWOOD, rich in W-Corp gemstones which have powerful stat boosting effects.)
>WHITEROCK. An abandoned human village that no one has gotten into contact to for ages. May have survivors that you can send to LOVE TOWN. Danger may still lurk there. (MEDIUM-HIGH in ALL RESOURCES, very likely to have valuable weapons/armor/medicine/other items. Risky.)

It cannot possibly be more risky than the two fuckers we fought earlier.
Fine let's get the survivors to haul ass to Love Town and finish our quota
>WHITEROCK. An abandoned human village that no one has gotten into contact to for ages. May have survivors that you can send to LOVE TOWN. Danger may still lurk there. (MEDIUM-HIGH in ALL RESOURCES, very likely to have valuable weapons/armor/medicine/other items. Risky.)
>GRAND MANOR. A remnant of a family far, far, far, far, far older than anyone in this party. Opulent and imperial despite its age. (HIGH ROTWOOD AND DRY-10, MEDIUM COLD IRON, high chance of a LOT of old artifacts and relics. A killing in cash! Real risky.)
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You ponder it over for a moment. MOUTH OF GOD would have some nice minerals and you REALLY want to say 'fuck it' and check the manor. However, you almost immediately decide on picking WHITEROCK. Even if there's no one left there you can just run and take a buncha supplies.

Besides. You best head there quick before the storm makes travelling a real bitch and a half.

You immediately toss the AMBERBRIGHT RING to Alexis. Wendy would probably be the second best choice but Alexis is squishy and it would give her willpower and brain just enough of a push for her to help you better down the line. She catches the ring and slides it onto her ring finger.

Ashley lets out a low whistle. "Looks good on you. Maybe I should get one of those once we're done indulging in I-Corp's bullshit."
Alexis squints at the punk as if she just insulted her. However, she pretends to be the bigger woman in this situation by plainly ignoring it. "So, Nicole. Where to?"

"WHITEROCK. We have to move quickly before the storm rushes in. Everyone ready?"

Your allies murmur something vaguely positive sounding. You can tell they're still a bit rattled from the fight to the death and all of the bullshit that happened to it but none of them have any complications.

Lex, however, doesn't seem to be doing too hot. He drops to one knee seemingly out of fucking nowhere and if it wasn't for Quentin, Ashley, and Wendy springing in to keep him steady you imagine he would've cracked his head on the clocktower floor.

A thin, wispy stream of black smog pours out of his mouth as if some sort of eldritch spirit was being sucked out of him. He coughs something FIERCE before getting right back onto his feet. "Sorry. D-drugs ran through me, hit me like a TRUCK."


"Fuck, don't scare us like that." You try your best to hold back your nervous laughter. "G-get him back to his feet."
It takes a moment for the three to get him standing back up but he's able to regain his balance real quick. Best to start moving.

It only takes about ten minutes to reach the edge of town and frankly, most of that was spent on the trip down the annoyingly long stairs. The weather outside has gotten a lot worse in the few minutes it took you to start your trip to WHITEROCK.

Everything is now a dull and murky grey as the last bits of natural sunlight are being blocked by the brewing snowstorm. The previously calm and gentle winds you felt while exploring are beginning to pick up, sapping away all of the warmth from your body despite the winter gear you're wearing. Thank god you had some IMPROVED UNIFORMS, otherwise you might've been taking some damage by now.

Checking the map, it seems that WHITEROCK is southeast from where you're at. Time to start heading there.
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Your group has to huddle together to keep some semblance of warmth even despite the improved fabric and material of your uniforms.
[UNNERVING] Even Quentin has to keep his body warmed to prevent his true centipede body from turning cold. That doesn't mean your group LIKES having a corpse pressed up against them. Alexis and Ashley almost start to gag but they hold back for now.

>NUMB and MEMORIAL MEDAL block 1 RESTRAINT damage for Ashley and Alexis!

You, Lex, and Wendy are too busy trying to surround the group to really care about the faint stench of rot surrounding Quentin at all times. As soon as you begin your trip, the storm only seems to pick up in intensity. It was already somewhat bad before but now? Visibility out here is getting really bad.

About two hundred feet away from town, your group can already hardly see more than fifteen feet in any direction. It all just disappears into snow at a certain point. Even though you should still be close enough to see ANTLIA from here, it's just a blur of white noise now.

[SEEKER OF THE CITY] It'll only get worse. Keep moving unless you want to freeze to death.

Ashley, once she's done gagging at having to be so pressed up against Quentin, helps to lead the group with her natural intuition. "Okay, there's going to be a real strong gust. Stand still, hold your ground." Five seconds after she said that, a massive gust of wind nearly sends your group flying but you hold strong for now.

This pattern repeats for a while. Slow progress being made, Ashley warning about something and your group bracing it, before your group starts moving again. Quentin mutters something about 'if only this damn storm wasn't here I could fly' or something to that effect. Must really suck to have such an ability but having no way to use it when there's so much land to travel. The chattering of everyone's teeth (sans your own and Alexis') is constantly echoing throughout your head. God, it's annoying. You can't blame them though.

You crack into GOODS OF THE LAND to get something warm for everyone. It's enough to keep you pushing...for now. Who knows how long you can take of this if you don't get to WHITEROCK soon.

It does take a bit but eventually your group finally arrives at the edge of WHITEROCK. The storm lightens up just enough for your group to get a decent look of it.

https://youtu.be/ZfwAGpHOrZM - ASH

The first thing that hits your nose is the scent of burning wood. The permitter of sharpened ROTWOOD logs surrounding the village are lit up like birthday candles on the worst cake you've ever seen in your life. The gate that would normally block any outsiders from going in and out has crumbled into naught but blackened ash.

[ALEXIS ALLY] "No, fire shouldn't be burning like this." There's fear in Alexis' eyes as she seems to realize something the rest of you should already know. "The wind should've blown it out. Only H-Corp products could make a flame THAT wind-resistant."
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Looking back at the flaming logs, it only now hits you that the flames are dangerously still despite the nasty winds still swirling around your group. The flames are also of a far darker orange, nearly muddy brown, tone that you would normally expect from a normal flame.

[SEEKER OF THE CITY] You know it's not an anomaly doing it. Your P-CORP ENERGY COUNTER is dead quiet. H-Corp WOULD have the technology to make such flames.
[SEEKER OF THE CITY] They aren't particularly a fan of I-Corp for obvious thematic reasons. H is fire, I is ice. I-Corp was born out of a fear of too much progress, H is the industrial capital that DEMANDS progress, etc.

[SIXTH SENSE] "I don't see anyone in my visions..." Ashley can't help but to have a tense expression as she tries her best to use her semi-anomalous ability. "I don't sense any immediate danger but no immediate help either."
[WENDY ALLY] "Hm. Flames are recent, those types of brown flames are usually able to melt through wood in minutes. Someone got here before us."
[LEX ALLY] "This is a WARNING. Like throwing someone's severed head through your apartment window. I've seen enough syndie bullshit to know an obvious calling card."

That's all your group is able to piece together without going inside of the village directly. Your group braces for the worst as they pass through the destroyed gate and into the village proper.


It is not much better inside. You have Quentin quickly get an aerial shot via his wings before shooting back down to tell you what he saw.

While LOVETOWN was circular in its permitter and layout, WHITEROCK is a lot more blocky and packed together. Each building is a small square that easily slots in with the others as if packing boxes on a shipping container. Aside from a one building wide gap running north/south and east/west, every single spot of the village has SOME sort of building there.

Which is great for saving space but when a FUCKING FIRE IS RAGING, THAT MAKES IT REALLY EASY FOR IT TO SPREAD!

Every single building around you is enwreathed by a hungry dark brown flame. The formerly suffocating cold is now replaced with a suffocating heat that's causing your group to sweat like pigs mere moments after stepping into the village. Each building is made out of super flammable wood and furs so it's more like they're wicker candles instead of actual buildings at this point.

Heading to the center of town, it's not much better here. There's a statue just like the one in WHITEROCK except it's of some woman but that doesn't seem immediately practical to you right now. What does catch your eye is the Cleansers nearby it...or, well, the corpse of one and a barely cognizant survivor.

The corpse has their head has been smashed into the stone base of the statue over and over and over again. Their head barely has any structure inside of their suit and dark brown jelly is oozing out through the gap between their neck and fireproof suit. That's not what human brain matter looks like.
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Another one, presumably a woman by the slightly more curvy shape of her fireproof suit, is curled up in the fetal position right by the statue. She's muttering incoherently to herself and doesn't remotely seem to be aware of what's going on around her. She seems to have been here for a while since a thick layer of snow has covered her body (which seems to be the only thing keeping her from freezing.)

"Am I the only one who smells something fishy?" Lex points out the odd behavior of the Cleanser. "Like, I'm not smart but Whiterock was like...destroyed or abandoned a week ago. Why a fire NOW? Why a calling card NOW?"
Wendy tries her best to rack her head around it but she turns up a blank as well. "I have no idea. I suppose they thought it would be an easy place to burn since no one was using it but why is one of them dead then?"

"She didn't kill them, I know that much." Ashley points out. "She doesn't have any blood on her suit or gloves and I don't think she would have time to clean herself if she DID."
"HIS CORPSE..." Quentin kneels down and jabs his finger into the mush. "COLD BUT NOT SUPER COLD. THESE TWO COULD NOT HAVE BEEN HERE FOR LONG. FEW HOURS TOPS."

"Miss?" You try to get the Cleanser's attention. She's still blabbering in an incoherent mix of pressurized clicks and gas hissing in incoherent patterns. You know NOTHING about their specific language but you know it's their version of incoherent blabbering.

Most of the buildings around also seem to be standing up still even if the brown flames licking at their wooden structure is ready to collapse them in on themselves. Yet you somehow don't care if the buildings burn down. A subconscious nagging is pulling your gaze somewhere else.

WHISPERS OF THE CITY is telling you that the statue is hiding something important. Something about this town feels a bit TOO identical to LOVE TOWN for your own good. As if it were just a front.

[WENDY ALLY] "Down." Wendy cryptically states. "I sense something DOWN."
[PERSON OF INTEREST] No one would ever suspect to check underneath the statue. Yet if they're hiding, it must be from SOMETHING.
[PERSON OF INTEREST] And it can't be the Cleansers, they're recent.

A lot of things about this town is giving you the creeps. There's something just off about all of it. How do you want to go from here, Nicole? Pick two non-free actions and any amount of FREE ACTIONS.

>[H-CORP BUSINESS CARD] "Hey. I'm with you." Get her attention and show her that you're on her side. "Mind helping us out?" (-1 H-CORP FAVOR. You'll get her as a temporary ally while exploring WHITEROCK and other locations in this part of I-Corp. She'll also offer more information if you pick LEX'S or ALEXIS' checks as well.)
>[UNSTABLE RESOLVE] Her RESTRAINT seems rock bottom. It might not be the healthiest for her but offer her a V-CORP CIGARETTE and your last bit of good booze. (FREE ACTION, -1 V-CORP CIGARETTE and HIGH QUALITY WHISKEY, +1 H-CORP FAVOR [leaving you with 2])
>[LEX ALLY] "Let me handle her. I'm not that bright but I can tell something bad happened." Let him comfort the cationic Cleanser. (MEDIUM LEX RESTRAINT DC: 15 (-3 from CALL ME LEX), rolling 5d6 by himself. Succeed and she'll tell you what she knows about the village and what she remembers before going catatonic. You'll also heal 2 RESTRAINT by proxy.)
>[QUENTIN ALLY] Have Quentin mess around with the corpse to see if he can glimpse anything from it. Brace your stomachs. (FREE ACTION, -1 RESTRAINT to the whole party. You'll get all the knowledge the dead H-CORPER had and a pretty solid glimpse on what attacked them. You'll be more prepared for the threat if you ever come across them yourselves.)
>[ASHLEY ALLY] "Something's off about this. I know this sounds crazy but let's explore around before we do anything drastic." Trust Ashley's gut. (COGNIZANCE THRESHOLD: 37/42/47 (-3 from APPENDIXED TOME), rolling 13d6 to represent the party. For every threshold you pass, the more suspect details you'll notice and the more you'll be able to piece together what truly happened here.
>[WENDY ALLY] You have to explore deeper. Get Wendy to help you push it with your telekinesis. You don't need to explore every nook and cranny. (Saves time, time that you might need. You'll be able to explore further into WHITEROCK with little hassle.)
>[ALEXIS ALLY] "Hey. Look at me. Who sent you here?" There is something REAL fishy about it. Why the fuck are they even here? It seems weird for two random H-Corpers to be out here to set fire to things in bumfuck nowhere. There has to be a point. (AUTOPASS due to CORPORATE ELITE. You'll get to know who sent her here and why. The BOSSES are more important than the goons after all.)
>Write in.
Time is running out
>[UNSTABLE RESOLVE] Her RESTRAINT seems rock bottom. It might not be the healthiest for her but offer her a V-CORP CIGARETTE and your last bit of good booze. (FREE ACTION, -1 V-CORP CIGARETTE and HIGH QUALITY WHISKEY, +1 H-CORP FAVOR [leaving you with 2])
Get her to snap out of her distress
>[LEX ALLY] "Let me handle her. I'm not that bright but I can tell something bad happened." Let him comfort the cationic Cleanser. (MEDIUM LEX RESTRAINT DC: 15 (-3 from CALL ME LEX), rolling 5d6 by himself. Succeed and she'll tell you what she knows about the village and what she remembers before going catatonic. You'll also heal 2 RESTRAINT by proxy.)
Know what we're in for plus mind heal
>[WENDY ALLY] You have to explore deeper. Get Wendy to help you push it with your telekinesis. You don't need to explore every nook and cranny. (Saves time, time that you might need. You'll be able to explore further into WHITEROCK with little hassle.)

I can support this.
>[UNSTABLE RESOLVE] Her RESTRAINT seems rock bottom. It might not be the healthiest for her but offer her a V-CORP CIGARETTE and your last bit of good booze. (FREE ACTION, -1 V-CORP CIGARETTE and HIGH QUALITY WHISKEY, +1 H-CORP FAVOR [leaving you with 2])
>[QUENTIN ALLY] Have Quentin mess around with the corpse to see if he can glimpse anything from it. Brace your stomachs. (FREE ACTION, -1 RESTRAINT to the whole party. You'll get all the knowledge the dead H-CORPER had and a pretty solid glimpse on what attacked them. You'll be more prepared for the threat if you ever come across them yourselves.)
>[ASHLEY ALLY] "Something's off about this. I know this sounds crazy but let's explore around before we do anything drastic." Trust Ashley's gut. (COGNIZANCE THRESHOLD: 37/42/47 (-3 from APPENDIXED TOME), rolling 13d6 to represent the party. For every threshold you pass, the more suspect details you'll notice and the more you'll be able to piece together what truly happened here.
>[ALEXIS ALLY] "Hey. Look at me. Who sent you here?" There is something REAL fishy about it. Why the fuck are they even here? It seems weird for two random H-Corpers to be out here to set fire to things in bumfuck nowhere. There has to be a point. (AUTOPASS due to CORPORATE ELITE. You'll get to know who sent her here and why. The BOSSES are more important than the goons after all.)
LEX: 3kt, cQf, AfU
WENDY: 3kt, cQf, Afu
QUENTIN: Sul, 6ru

Welp, since Quentin didn't get half of the votes (which is what I tend to do with free actions), it's just the Lex roll. Two anons, roll the following
Rolled 1, 1 = 2 (2d6)

Rolled 1, 5, 2 = 8 (3d6)

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wow Lex is really fumbling it.
Well, reroll those three 1s. Then we'll see what items you'll need to pass the check.
Rolled 1, 4 = 5 (2d6)

Rerolling mine
Rolled 6 (1d6)

Rerolling that 1 I guess
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5+2+4+1+6 = 18. Pass, barely, thanks to Manager's Flesh. Writing.

For future reference, when I ask for rerolls, I just want one anon to do it.
Rolling can already be kinda slow so I don't want it to be even slower with 'oh I'll only reroll mine".
Not angry, just clarifying for the future.
Got it boss.
Thanks, I got it now
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Before you even have time to remotely process what you're doing, you already have a cigarette and bottle of whiskey in your hand. It sucks having to get rid of the last bit of whiskey in your inventory but fuck it! It'll be worth it.

You kneel down in front of the catatonic Cleanser with the booze and cig in hand. She instinctually snatches them out of your hands in the blink of an eye.

She doesn't take use quite yet but the items merely being in her hand is calming her down. She's not gibbering nearly as loud now! Y-your standards for mental health in others is admittedly low though. You're not the best at comforting people outside of giving them drugs.

Lex moves in to deal with this situation for you. He sits right by the catatonic Cleanser and for a moment, he's not sure what to say. You fuckin' hope he figures something out because you feel this is time sensitive.

"Call me Lex." He holds his hand out towards the female Cleanser while not-so-subtly looking at the corpse resting nearby. "Look. I ain't here to ask why you did this. Ain't my place and I doubt you'll answer." He's right. She doesn't. "Bitch of a City though, eh?"

The Cleanser doesn't respond but she's slowly starting to shift her position from 'fetal' to 'crouching on her knees'. She's not gibbering in that bizarre Cleanser language either. It's just dead quiet now.

"Yeah, I'm not that funny." Lex can't help but to laugh despite the obvious awkwardness of the situation. "I'm just here for ya. I don't got nothing much better to do." He scoots a bit closer to the Cleanser. She does the same until she's resting right by his side.

"...Why?" Instead of the usual loud, crackling voice you normally hear from Cleansers, her voice is like that of a snuffed candle. Wispy and barely audible.

"Why what? I don't really care if you killed anyone, we all got our jobs, if that's what you're worried about."
"Why pretend you give a shit? I know this is just some...trick for information."

[TORMENTED SPARK] "Maybe Alexis would do that. That's not why I did it." Lex shrugs as if he never actually thought of comforting her for that reason. "I just know you're going through something and I want to help."

"Again." Her wispy voice crackles almost inaudibly through her gas mask. "Why pretend?"


"Pretend? Nah. I don't pretend no more. Not after..." He shakes his head to distract himself from whatever dark mental spiral he was going to enter himself. "Like I'm kinda shit at poker for example. I went to this new casino some Kanna and Cloves guy opened and man! I went broke real quick."

The Cleanser immediately breaks into a giggling fit. It sounds real weird through the filter of her gas mask but it sounds like she really needed that. "Fuck. You're a dork, aren't you?" It's almost enough to warm your heart as well.

"Tell me about it." Ashley tries her best to suppress her own giggle fit.
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"You ready to talk?" Alexis curtly asks. "We don't got all day."

"Hey, hey, no rushing her." Lex pretends like there isn't a raging fire surrounding him but the Cleanser shushes him by gently patting him on the shoulder.
She then proceeds to lift up her gas mask just enough for her to greedily gulp down the bottle of booze in one go. She then lights up the cigarette and begins to puff on it.

Her lower face (which is now visible) is caked in a latticework of fresh burns that are still trying to heal. Most of them are second to third degree burns so you're shocked she's not in agonizing pain.

[SEEKER OF THE CITY] Cleansers DO have an abnormal tolerance to heat. You've heard rumors that some Cleansers can survive hours inside burning buildings with no ill effects.

"It's fine, Lex. I'll tell you what I remember. Me and my...partner," There's a tinge of still fresh pain to how she said 'partner'. You imagine it was more than a working relationship. "were heading here because we had some contact we were supposed to meet. Can't quite remember who."

"Okay you do realize how little that makes sense? Why the hell is everything on fire?" Alexis rightfully points to the raging inferno engulfing every building. "I don't want to point fingers but." She glances at you and Ashley as if waiting for you two to point something out.

[SIXTH SENSE + MIND READ] You two simply shrug. She seems clean so far.

"T-then, I dunno, something happened. Gate was blown open. Burnt to a crisp and..." She pauses to take a deep huff of the probably fiberglass filled cigarette. "A swarm of outsiders. Fifteen of them at least, maybe more, armed. N-not sure who or why but they shot our contact dead. My partner had a full tank so he tried to scare them off but, uh."

"Everything was a blur from there. Fell down, hit something hard, head still hurts." Her gaze drifts towards her partner who seemed to had his head pasted. "...Not as much as him. Last thing I recall is them rushing around the statue for some reason. Lit the empty buildings up since this place has been a ghost town for a while. Only my contact was here..."

Your group all shares THAT look with each other as you realize something at the same time. The calling card wasn't the Cleanser showing off. It was her trying to get someone's attention. There has to be something underground and- Oh god the villagers must be there.

And whoever these armed outsiders were, they knew about this hidden passage and they're hunting them down for a reason.

The Cleanser looks up at the stormy sky. "That wasn't there. It was a clean morning sky." So, it's been a few hours. No time to waste them.

"Hey." The Cleanser looks up at you with an odd look; Well you think it's a weird look but it's hard to tell with the tinted lens of her gas mask. "Name's Fatima. I'll pay you back for the booze later."
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While you're not sure why her boss sent her here specifically or what relics she was trading, that seems somewhat less important now with the information you have. Some mysteries are not meant to be known.

"YEAH THAT'S COOL WE GOTTA MOVE!" You shout a bit too loudly as you begin to focus your telekinetic might on the statue. Issue is that it's a giant hunk of stone and even though you threw a road roller before, that took nearly every last bit of strength you had.

Wendy immediately moves in to help with her own telekinesis. It's just barely not enough but Lex pushes it over the edge by shoving his back against the statue. That little nudge is enough for you and Wendy to push it back a solid twenty feet away from the center.

Fatima skitters back from this display of anomalous power with a tense, ready to go battle posture...but she calms down when she realizes why you pulled out the psychic bullshit.

Right underneath the statue is something that's bewildering to everyone here: A small staircase leading down. Everyone in your party scrambles to rush down the staircase now that you know you're REALLY on the clock with the WHITEROCK people.

You're the last one to head down the hidden underpass. You catch a glimpse of Fatima watching your group as if she wants to follow but for now, she stands there in complete bafflement of what she saw.

<"Should I help them? They did help me...but am I obligated to? My head feels so fuzzy, I-">

You don't really have time to win her over. If she comes, she comes. If she doesn't, she doesn't. Not your obligation to convince her.

It doesn't take long for your group to reach the bottom since the staircase only leads about 15 feet down. That's because at the bottom of the hidden staircase is something you didn't quite expect to see.

An old rusty metal elevator cab that clearly leads deep, DEEP underground. This thing has been here for a while since it's probably more rust than steel at this point. It'll probably snap if you sneezed at it the wrong way.

Since there's actually a cab here without your group needing to call it up, whoever's down there hasn't come out. At least not through here. You would ask why there is such a thing here but you're just glad you don't have to go down more fucking stairs at this point.

"I DO NOT LIKE THE STRUCTUAL INTERGITY OF IT. I WOULD SURVIVE IF I CARVED A HOLE ON TOP IN TIME BUT I AM NOT SURE ABOUT THE REST OF YOU." Quentin tries his best to show worry to the ground but everyone else has already thrown their hands in the air when it comes to safety.

"We're going into the belly of the beast." Wendy chuckles to herself. "God probably wouldn't let it die because an elevator failed. Get in, pussy."
"...I fought something that looked like it could put up a fight against a Judicator. My sense of self preservation is already shot, Quentin." Alexis flashes a sardonic smirk.

"SO BE IT." Quentin is the first one to step it and woo! It doesn't immediately collapse!
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Lex is next, then you, ten the rest of the party. Even with the weight of six people it doesn't implode. The panel only has "SURFACE" and "UNDERNEATH" so Ashley presses 'UNDERNEATH'. There's not really anything else she could pick.

The elevator doors shut and your group begins the long, long ride down to the bottom. It's oddly silent aside from the faint chattering hum of the elevator. No elevator music- Wait.

A cheeky smirk crosses Ashley's face as she realizes she could do the funniest thing possible. She already has her guitar out, ready to play a song at a moment's notice.

"Ashley I will fucking pay you not to." If there was room in the elevator you would fall to your knees.
"I already have to listen to elevator music 20 hours a week please don't." Alexis' faux polite smile barely hides her seething contempt.
"Ashley, I love your songs and I love your band but please." Lex tries his best to be the calm reasonable voice in the room. "Not now."
Wendy and Quentin are just confused at everyone else's reaction to the mere idea of elevator music. "I WOULD QUITE LIKE MUSIC." "Yeah, what's the issue?"

"Pft. Calm down. I'm trying to lighten up the mood before we enter another brawl to the death or whatever." Ashley puts up her guitar. "So. If you had to make a guess, do you think we'll have to fight anyone?"

"Wait, isn't that YOUR job?" Wendy snaps back at Ashley's question. "You're the weird future seeing musician schizo bitch. You're the one who foretells and we have to pretend you make sense."
"And just like how Nicole doesn't use her telekinesis all the time, I can't use my power 24/7." Ashley shrugs as if it was self evident she wasn't literally omniscient.

"Could do with or without. Give me drugs and a chainsaw and I'm fine.
"i really rather not fight thanks i'm not really a fighter."

Before the conversation could go anywhere else, however, the elevator finally reaches the bottom. What your group sees when the elevator doors slide open isn't really something you wanted to see first thing: A corpse with its head caved in.

You're starting to notice a pattern. While the corpse's uniform (consisting of a fur-lined uniform very similar to what your group is wearing) is spotless and there's no other signs of injury, their head has the consistency of gelatin moreso than anything else.

Your group looks away from the the corpse since it has no value beyond reinforcing the fact you have not a lot of time left. Time to take a quick look of your surroundings. You're in the middle of a hallway that ends right where two elevators (one of which you came down) are stationed at. There's no light source at ALL aside from a very faint glow from the elevator's lightbulb so...

Lantern time. A bright orange hue surrounds your group as everyone lights up their own lanterns. With only one path forward, Lex and Quentin take the lead in case of an ambush.
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The hallway lead dead north. The path is mostly linear aside from some minor twists and turns but it's barely noticeable by anyone in the group. The walls and floor that surrounds your group are made out of an old, reinforced steel that has weathered the years far more than the elevator.

The only sound throughout your voyage down the endless hallway is the sound of your own footsteps. You're not sure how far they echo but you can only hope whoever else is down here is busy with something else.

"Stop!" Ashley harshly whispers. Your group grinds to a halt and it only takes a second to realize why she told you to stop. There's a sharp corner turn only five feet away from where you're currently standing and right around it, you can make out the sound of someone talking.

You dim your light (with your allies following suit) of your lanterns before peering your head around the corner.

The turn leads into a small break room of this bizarre underground facility or shelter you're wandering around in. It is sparsely decorated with only a few steel tables and chairs scattered around to let people rest their legs. Two vending machines for "NIL'S SHADOWY BREW" and "FISHY'S HELP IN A CAN" at the back of the room are the only other thing in that room.

Not counting your hallway (south of the breakroom), you see three other paths.
-A hallway continuing north at the back of the room.
-A locked metal door labeled "RESEARCH LAB"
-A locked airlock labeled "HAZARDOUS MATERIALS."

Not like you can explore those just yet since three people are loitering around in the breakroom. Each of them is clearly not from this area since aside from some very basic winter protection, all of them look like they came from completely different districts.

A tall, bulky man with half-formed tusks is sitting down at one of the tables closest to the RESEARCH LAB. Aside from a fur-lined coat all he's wearing is a business suit and tie that's clearly two sizes too small for him. A shotgun rests gingerly in his hand. "Where the hell ARE those WHITEROCK fucks? I thought they would be hiding here!"

A spindly woman wearing nothing more than a red bodysuit and a scarf is resting her back against the locked airlock. A revolver hangs around the holster on her belt. "I told you, I don't know. Extraction said they were here and they would be hiding some valuable artifacts here. That's it."

The last one is a Drone wearing naught but a grey suit and tie. There's nothing else noteworthy or identifiable about him aside from the fact he has a baseball bat instead of a gun. "WE SHOULD CONTINUE EXPLORING THEN, NO? HAVE YOU FOUND A WAY TO GET INSIDE THE ROOMS HERE?"

"Tried." The Graverobber Halfbreed knocks his fist against the metal door. "Too tough for me to punch through. Airlock probably wouldn't flinch if you threw a fuckin' Y-Corp Warp Bomb at them. Should we meet up with the others?"

"Probably." Bodysuit Lady sighs, clearly defeated at their own lack of progress.
"But we should keep watch here just in case."

"YEAH." The Drone grips his bat with a bit too much force to be comfortable. "I SMELL SOMETHING FAMILIAR. WAS THERE ANOTHER DRONE IN OUR GROUP?"
"Maybe? Why?" Uh oh. Best to make a move.

Welp. It's clear these three are going to be a problem. How do you wish to handle this situation?
>[WENDY ALLY + UNSTABLE] "Nuh uh." "Fuck this." Light these fuckers up. Shoot any survivors with your REVOLVER. (-1 FUEL TANK ON WENDY'S FLAMETHROWER, -1 MAKESHIFT NAPLAM MOLOTOVS, -3 REVOLVER ROUNDS. One of the quickest options and there's no chance they'll be a threat in the future. Costs some resources though.)
>[ASHLEY ALLY] "I'll prime a distraction. You rush in and knock them out, we'll interrogate them." Ambush them WITHOUT immediately killing all of them. (VERY EASY TALENT THRESHOLD: 27/31/35, rolling 10d6+1d3 with Ashley's help. For every threshold you pass, you'll be able to capture one of the three randos for interrogation. Pass all 3 and you'll do so without any chance of them fighting back.)
>[LEX ALLY] Well, it's pretty dark in here and Lex is a scary looking motherfucker. Help him spook the SHIT out of the randos. (AUTOPASS VIOLENCE CHECK due to OVERWHELMING LEX VIOLENCE. The randos will surrender their items and run, letting your group explore with ease while gaining some loot as well. Might bite you if they call for help though.)
>[QUENTIN ALLY] "WE HAVE NO TIME. HAND ME A NOVASTONE. I'LL FLY IN AND BLIND THEM, WE'LL RUN." (-NOVASTONE CHUNK from your inventory. The quickest out of all of the options and you'll buy a LOT of time thanks to them being blinded. You'll be able to proceed without any issue...but they WILL still be alive.)
>[ALEXIS ALLY] "No need to attack them. Who's to say we can't make a truce? Let me talk to them." It's her life. Let Alexis do the talking. (MODERATE CHARM DC: 21, rolling Alexis' 6d6 by herself. Succeed and the three randos will enter a non-aggression pact with you for now, allowing you to explore without consequence. They may even help down the line if you encounter their comrades.)
>[ANOMALOUS ABILITIES] Take a deep breath and use WHISPERS OF THE CITY. (FREE ACTION, -1 RESTRAINT. You'll be able to figure out the rough layout of this underground facility and a rough idea on where any secret passages may be.)
>Write in.

Just a heads up, I'll probably be closing this thread after this update. I can feel my creative juices drying up and it shows in how long it takes for me to write these last few updates.
Once a majority is settled and we deal with whatever dice have to be rolled, I'll close it up and take a week long break. We had a good run this thread after all.
>>[ANOMALOUS ABILITIES] Take a deep breath and use WHISPERS OF THE CITY. (FREE ACTION, -1 RESTRAINT. You'll be able to figure out the rough layout of this underground facility and a rough idea on where any secret passages may be.)

>[ASHLEY ALLY] "I'll prime a distraction. You rush in and knock them out, we'll interrogate them." Ambush them WITHOUT immediately killing all of them. (VERY EASY TALENT THRESHOLD: 27/31/35, rolling 10d6+1d3 with Ashley's help. For every threshold you pass, you'll be able to capture one of the three randos for interrogation. Pass all 3 and you'll do so without any chance of them fighting back.)
A spindly woman wearing nothing more than a red bodysuit and a scarf is resting her back against the locked airlock. A revolver hangs around the holster on her belt. "I told you, I don't know. Extraction said they were here and they would be hiding some valuable artifacts here. That's it."
Are they P-CORP agents?
>[ASHLEY ALLY] "I'll prime a distraction. You rush in and knock them out, we'll interrogate them." Ambush them WITHOUT immediately killing all of them. (VERY EASY TALENT THRESHOLD: 27/31/35, rolling 10d6+1d3 with Ashley's help. For every threshold you pass, you'll be able to capture one of the three randos for interrogation. Pass all 3 and you'll do so without any chance of them fighting back.)
>[ANOMALOUS ABILITIES] Take a deep breath and use WHISPERS OF THE CITY. (FREE ACTION, -1 RESTRAINT. You'll be able to figure out the rough layout of this underground facility and a rough idea on where any secret passages may be.)
>[ASHLEY ALLY] "I'll prime a distraction. You rush in and knock them out, we'll interrogate them." Ambush them WITHOUT immediately killing all of them. (VERY EASY TALENT THRESHOLD: 27/31/35, rolling 10d6+1d3 with Ashley's help. For every threshold you pass, you'll be able to capture one of the three randos for interrogation. Pass all 3 and you'll do so without any chance of them fighting back.)
>[ANOMALOUS ABILITIES] Take a deep breath and use WHISPERS OF THE CITY. (FREE ACTION, -1 RESTRAINT. You'll be able to figure out the rough layout of this underground facility and a rough idea on where any secret passages may be.)

See you in a week QM. Take all the time you need.
Everyone's voting for the same thing so let's cut to the chase so I can archive this thread. The chance of 6 people popping out of the woodwork to vote for anyone else is 0.

Three anons, roll the following
Rolled 6, 2, 4, 5, 6 = 23 (5d6)

Rolled 3, 4, 6, 4, 6 = 23 (5d6)

Rolled 2 (1d3)

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>struggled for dear life on a moderate/average check
>The immediate next check, labeled super easy, you roll a 48 (which is WAY above average for 10d6+1d3. Roughly a 2.65% chance to roll 48 or higher.)

The dice really have a funny way of working out, huh? You pass with flying colors.
Thread is now archived here: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2024/6071053/
I'll be taking a break for 7-9 days, depending on how long it takes for my precious creative juices to return. No promises on when I'll post the next thread beyond that since I know I'm bad at deadlines.

Thank you, anons, for reading and playing my quest. See you on the other side.
Have a good break homie. See you and Nicole soon.
You and your quest are cool. Please do not burn yourself out
Love you
>stretching your party incredibly thin
We went from always keeping the party together with many people with us to dividing the team more often with less of us
>many checkered fabric strips
That's all they're good for now
What cubical construct?
>mutters to himself
Quentin never let it show until now far as I am aware, but it's nice to know even he got rattled the fuck by that event
>probably yourself
I'd have never thought a doppelganger would be a high-level silver agent like that. Very interesting they trust the copies enough to do that for Lex's
>Where did she get that from?
From literally our first ever Nicole cache looting in thread 1. Lex was even there with us when we picked this up and he commented on it
"Huh. I heard that costs a lot of money to get. Or, I dunno, working for P-Company and sending them...what was it. A-Energy? Some junk abnos make?"
And wow I forgot we made Benjamin promise not to tell Z-Corp about Nicole's powers. Guess that promise doesn't mean much by this point with how prevalent Nicole has become?

>Brown Bear
If it were a Polar Bear, we might be screwed a little
>Fost Bunp
They're so cute together
>love them equally like they're your own children
Where the fuck is this thought coming from, Nicole???
Damn Nicole is younger than me
>only Frank
Frank's like 19 isn't he? He's the youngest of everybody in the group
>distracted easily these days
There's a lot more stuff to do and think about, come on!
>miss it

Actually Wendy is one of the best people we have that can use this outside of Frank, Kiara, and fucking BENEDICT of all people
>sixty nipples and five arms
Some guys would be into that, but I'm glad Nicole isn't that level of dangerously furry
>my parents brought me to W-Corp
Nice that that theory is being cleared up here by the best person to be able to do that
>cold. Alone. Dead quiet
Interesting detail how every character has individual traits, but those traits don't always act like a personal inner-voice companion. We players know Lex's do but turns out Ashley's don't... except she commented about PERSON OF INTEREST due to NEW YOU offscreen. Does that mean that Nicole's trait/shard being transplanted can talk even in other people that have no inner vocal traits? And that traits gained from mentally silent individuals gain voices temporarily while they are transplanted into Nicole's mind? Very very interesting...
>weird form of flattery
The power of sisterhood...

>trust using YOUR powers
Nice insight into how W-Corp thinks in regards to all this. Definitely don't want Nicole going full anomaly ever. Gotta stay human
>five stories tall
Giant steps?
>pity any maintenance worker
They must have had a side elevator or dumbwaiter platform thing. Too bad we don't have time to look for it!
>why didn't that work with Bill's?
Thanks for addressing this
>pushes herself telekinetically back
Pretty good for a same-day beginner
>murky black river

I wonder how he'd get along with Ashton once Ashton finds out he and Ashley are an item
>some mindless demon from DOOM
I'm surprised DOOM exists in some way in this urban hellscape hundreds of years in the future. I figure they must have retained stuff somehow
>4 inches thick
Who the fuck planted this ice wall in the middle of the bank vault? Those crazy russians...
Even through the (I'VE BECOME SO) NUMB (I CAN'T FEEL YOU THERE), Ashley's still getting there
>huff Smugvel
>getting numb (heh)
I didn't expect Ashley to be this jokey in her perspective
Nice edgy RPG character name there
>be something you're not
Carmen scared Ashley out of her edgy larp, that sucks. It wasn't any serious either, she just did that to Ashley to fuck with her
>Stupid dork
All these characters are cool. Great writing QM

>Lambda Project
Preserving City culture is not the same as preserving the old culture. The latter is what Y-Corp and I-Corp are into with this secret space program
>Precursor Companies
Very interesting lore here. I wonder why it's social taboo to talk about them if they're intertwined with the history of the City. Probably the Head doesn't want their control to revert?
I have no idea who to give this to

We made the right call not to go down the ladder. How the fuck did this whole thing take over the clock tower that far down into the river tunnel?

That's not Carmen. Which voice is it?
>the seedbed of all of our knowledge
Again with that specific word choice regarding the Lack...
>a very safe emergency attack for literally ANY other enemy
Great for if we need to pull this shit in the future
>actually is viable if you ever encounter another
But if they live... the glowniggers get all the W-Corp information and then they win
>wanted to heal you
Legion wants to help Nicole, that's still amazing to get confirmed
>I don't want to be dust
This might be one of the strongest lines Nicole has had about herself in the entire quest

It's nice to know Nicole isn't alone even in her inner issues
>$7500 on moonstones
We haven't even reached close to that yet, sadly. We could skip it and go back into a W-Corp mine to do the Lack trick once again if we really wanted
>within the specific Corporation's ecosystem
As well as what else we already know
Regular and not Admiral's, right?
And we just hit 4 thanks to the talk earlier on the stairs. Amazing timing
>acknowledging the possibility of pain and seizure
Still waiting for Deltarune Chapter 3 and 4... Still waiting...
I am very curious what those 4 could make with these. I'm also curious how godlike the WATERLOGGED POCKETWATCH could become
>a friend of mine
If we ever do then that might be the perfect time to DISSOCIATION and summon Admiral out as Cap

Not good, but he's better in than out
>found the damn thing
How did Admiral get the PULSATING GEAR from this clockwork thing if he said he never met the guy? Ah well. Wonder when he even came here to russia/I-Corp for that
>'echo' metaphor
We killed or "demanifested" Dreary outright. Admiral demanifested but he's somehow in Nicole as the CAPTAIN'S COMMAND trait. This clockwork being was not demanifested or killed but was rendered de-anomalous by... something? Time itself? No human contact for so long?
>graves of my fathers
This guy still remembers being human in this state? I'm impressed

Another redhead working for M-Corp? Is it one of Ashley's relatives or somebody similar?
>Mistakes that linger
In the water of the river too, if he was right on that

Holy shit. I don't think we can go into that melted reactor in the Dark Forest. We might have if we hadn't fought Noelle and Bel, but we took our hard-earned superboss victory. We can't handle some insane S.T.A.L.K.E.R. shit now
Honestly, this is better off in I-Corp's hands where it belongs
>>>/k/ is a shit place now, but it didn't use to be or so I'm told. Anyway this is one hell of a god gun. I have no clue who to give it to
We don't have much in Nicole's home of G-Corp. I think it's better to give this to them than to I-Corp with how we'll have more influence with them when this mission ends

>the three locations that have Corpos
Well if we stop by Graverobber Village to say hi to Lex's family, we might as well talk to the M-Corp rep with Ashley in tow and our Krakatoa contact info + favors
Never alone again
>throwing yourself down the stairs
This might be a very creative last-ditch-effort use of DRIFTWOOD IDOL. No enemy will ever see it coming either
>monotonous every building
Brütalism at its finest

>a mystery you're not supposed to solve
Probably some ancient bank robbery or purge execution happened here. Nothing that concerns us anymore
There's always old money connoisseurs out there
>almost friendly smile
>giggle a bit
Alexis isn't the only one melting
>Nothing that makes me go 'WOAH I'M CUMMING SO HARD
Lex is right here you know
>Ms. Handlebars
Nicole needs to get back at Wendy if/when Wendy also grows horns or similar

>your favorite bugman
I'm glad we've reached the point in this quest where we have a favorite bugman
>make it back before the storm
I keep being proven wrong about not voting for the wings when we did
>old lockpicking kit
We did use it a few times early on. I miss having ordinary doors to pick open. A reminder of simpler times
Yeah this belongs to Alexis now

>how happy they look
When was the last time you looked into the mirror and saw yourself happy?

Elbrus is a family of proto-Harvesters based on the teeth?
>quick pat for good luck
Nice, thanks QM
>preserved pretty well
Thanks for answering shit before I can even ask
A rather out-of-place find definitely, but we're going to hold this in the hammerspace until we have all 3 of them in the same room to see the looks on their faces
Is this related to the Handler?

W-Corp might be interested in this area once Wendy finds out about this. Could be the start of something with I-Corp? Might be too minor
Some mysteries and horrors we can never get to see in this quest. That's just how stories and missions go. I'm fine not being able to make it here after all the shit we did already
The damn green flowers again
Mother of a Thousand Eyes huh
Damn a bonus area just for us? Too bad we might not make it there, oh well
Carmen still at it
Admiral gonna weigh in on that? This might be more to do with the Precursor Companies
We already know this; it's piss easy to deduce this
A new name, a new threat
But the Head is made up of all the CEOs of the companies plus other personnel, right? There's one person at the head of the Head?
>You should burn this piece of paper, Nicole
You should kill yourself again, Carmen
This is HUGE for the base assault. I'm glad we got this because this combined with MANAGER'S FLESH will help us pull it off
Pure stasis is about what I expected from their Singularity
>create clothing and food
C-Corp keeps being more interesting the more we get hinted on it. Interesting how they're France
>light has the voice of a false angel
How long has Carmen been doing this? I didn't expect it to be that far back in time. Darkness over islands reminds me a lot of the Land of Shadow from the Cu Chulainn myths
>Chinese Bastards
So Yue are chinks as well as S-Corp? Hmmm
>'human subconsciousness'
About that PARADIGM REFRACTION thing U-Corp are bent on pursuing
>one final song
M-Corp really want to pull Instrumentality over the City? I doubt any of the other companies would ever let them do that, not to mention the Head

We scored almost 3K alone from this plus the clockwork being
We save this in case of robo-glowniggers in the base assault
Combined with the MILITARY SCRIBBLINGS making 1s be half-successes at the base assault, this might be an unexpected lucky item
We still have LEAD's gift
>GOUGED OUT ROBOT SENSOR (From a robot in a City not of your own. The sheer brutality of how it was destroyed floods you with VIOLENCE. Twice per mission, you may reroll all VIOLENCE dice you roll.)
So this can go with that, perhaps
This is yet another emergency aoe item for us
>a wrapped up relic in here as well
What was it again? We didn't get it in the last update

>bit rattled
They'll get better as we go, I hope
>some sort of eldritch spirit was being sucked out of him
Ashley can do that to him later, not on a mission
I keep kneeling at our decisions mattering

Yeah no way we can travel anywhere else extra in this after WHITEROCK is done, right?

>calling card
"WHITEROCK. An abandoned human village that no one has gotten into contact to for ages."
But this only happened in the past few hours?
>packing boxes
Commieblocks as expected

>TOO identical to LOVE TOWN
But LOVE TOWN don't know what happened here. There can't be a secret passage connecting the two places together, can there?

>mental health
Do we even have anybody mentally well-adjusted in our group? Can anybody be said to be truly sane in this City?
>giving them drugs
We've never given drugs to comfort others though, unless you count sanity healing as one method?
>don't pretend no more. Not after
Another echo of Ashley's sentiment... There has to be a common thread somewhere
Lex is a fucking champ through and through
>some contact
Who would be wanting to contact two H-Corp Cleansers out here in the russian wasteland, in a town that was reportedly silent for a full week until now?
>swarm of outsiders. Fifteen
That's way too much manpower to be glowniggers here. It wasn't LOVE TOWN people and I doubt they'd lie to us about WHITEROCK. It wasn't automatons from ANTLIA. It wasn't Graverobbers.
>hunting them down
The villagers were hiding underground for a full week? What could have triggered that? The same force behind these random goons showing up? Then who is this mystery dead contact that chose this place for a meeting? So many questions

>Some mysteries are not meant to be known.
Yet another echo but of the bank bloodshed mystery...
>complete bafflement
The Cityslicker when faced with the true spirit of humanity

>elevator music
Ever since we picked SIXTH SENSE for her, Ashley has been slowly lightening up more. I think it's because by getting her that upgrade pick, she's defying Carmen and overcoming the fear she used to have from her voice
>calm reasonable voice
Lex having to do this is a real WHAT THE FUCK moment
We get him a fresh kill on the base assault and he'll be rocking the rest of the time. In fact we'll get him several so he can finally go all out on his meatshield potential
Somebody exclusively loves blunt force trauma to the head

>Two vending machines
I wonder who these could be referencing? :^)
But we're nowhere near the Dark Forest or the reactor?
>three people
Of approximately 15
>the three
Are these the real glownigger doppels? No way they'd have one of Quentin. These have no visual distortion so they can't be glowniggers, and there's no reason for them to ever drop the distortion if they aren't disguised and undercover. These are a different group
>Y-Corp Warp Bomb
I think we could use one of those for the base assault...
And with that I'm fucking done with my autism reaction/analysis posts not a single anon will ever bother to read both in here and in the archives. I was delayed because of irl injury.

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