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The year is 1374 DR. Sixteen years have passed since the Time of Troubles, when the gods were made humble, and forced to wander the Realms as mortals. With the ascension of the mad god Cyric, Prince of Lies, and the recent return of the tyrant god Bane, Lord of Darkness, the future of Faerûn seems increasingly uncertain. It falls to bold individuals who possess an abundance of cunning, might, and determination to shape the future... should they be up to the challenge.

"You can use a sword," you remark, nodding toward the weapon at her hip. It is a short blade of surfacer origin, with a shape suggesting that it is designed for slashing. The half-breed seems caught off-guard by your question, her eyes widening slightly. "That's right. Though to be honest, my marksmanship is much better than my sword skill," she replies sheepishly. Drawing the weapon that has been by your side since the moment you emerged from the Underdark into the surface world, you incline it toward her and grin. "Show me how you use it. I want to see."

Reluctantly, she answers your challenge, bringing her blade to bear. "It has been so long since I have sparred," she admits readily. "I couldn't possibly be a suitable opponent for the warrior who defeated Malar's champion." You shrug nonchalantly, playfully twirling your weapon. "Not a problem. Just attack me," you state calmly, leaving her visibly unsettled. Electing to defer to your experience, she finds her resolve and tightens her grip on her weapon. "All right, then. I won't hold back."

Using your sword, you beckon for her to approach, inviting her to strike first. Lowering her profile, she breaks into a sprint and attempts to circle around you to strike at you from the side, hoping to leverage the natural agility of her lineage's good half to blindside you. Without a doubt, she is attempting to make use of the Bautha Z'hin style, which emphasizes evasion and maneuverability, as well as being one of the martial arts that you have a particularly strong affinity for.
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Without a doubt, she has received instruction; but her fundamentals are weak. Accustomed to facing down multiple opponents simultaneously, you draw your blade back and adjust your arm, deflecting Luaue's weapon without so much as shifting your weight. Frantically, she withdraws before you would have the opportunity to retaliate. "Your swing is too wide," you explain, "get closer to me before you attack. Be faster, be more aggressive."

Inhaling sharply, the half-breed girl takes a moment to internalize your advice, redoubling her efforts. The priestess makes determined attacks in serial from every angle, which you expertly deflect until her breathing grows ragged. As her assault slows, you advance toward her steadily, forcing her to retreat one step at a time until she stumbles over the root of a tree and falls flat on her back.

"You are better than most rivvil," you offer in consolation, although it is ordinarily a given that your people should be more formidable combatants than humans. "But your mother should have taught you better." The girl sits up to face you, catching her breath. "She taught me what she could during our time together. There was so much more for me to learn from her before she was taken away from me. From all of us, I mean," she says, storing her weapon as you do the same.
"You could still learn," you state, extending your hand to her as an offer of assistance. Skeptical at first, Luaue studies your expression before accepting your aid, rising to her feet. Placing your hands on her shoulders, you look her in the eye and address her with your newfound conviction. "If you will be leading our people, then I must teach you what it means to be one of us." The girl's breath hitches, preceding a torrential outpour of tears from her eyes. She throws her arms around you, a gesture that you awkwardly reciprocate, and sobs upon your shoulder.

Never in your lifetime could you have ever envisioned that you would take a half-breed under your tutelage, much less an Eilistraean one. That would make her the second child to apprentice under you since you ventured into the sunlit world, after Ilanis. Imparting them with the lessons that they will need will be no small challenge, but you are up to the task.

"Eilistraee herself must have sent you to us. It would be a great honor to learn what it really means to be a drow - no, an Ilythiiri, even if it is only half of my heritage," affirms the girl, who breaks away from you after several minutes. "I will not let you down." With your sparring session concluded, the two of you commence your return trip to the camp.
"Where is your mother, and the sword Nelgetha?" You ask idly, navigating the uneven terrain of the forest floor. Luaue hesitates before answering, her pace slowing for a brief moment. "She... is still in the grotto. Or whatever remained of it, after the Beastlord's followers had their cruel sport. There, she patiently waits for the next Silverhair Knight to inherit the Nelgetha. Mayhaps someday, I'll..." the half-breed trails off, sighing in frustration. "But as we just saw, I am simply not strong enough yet."

"I remember what you told me, about this 'Silverhair Knight.' How they use their power to show other Ilythiiri that the way of Lolth is wrong," you recall. "It is true. The best of us willingly take on the burden of defending our people, and redeeming those who have lost their way," she answers. "Mmmh. Then what if, I had an enemy, but I did not think that they should die by my hand..." you mention vaguely, unwilling to directly state your intent however obvious it may be.

Luaue turns to appraise your expression and beams, shaking her head. "You don't need the powers of our goddess to turn a soul to the light, Sindiira. We can only show them that they have the opportunity for a life beyond the Spider Queen; whether or not they choose to embrace it is their decision to make." That is to say, while you might influence the outcome, the matter is ultimately out of your hands. "As for becoming a Silverhair Knight, usually only the most devout of priestesses have the privilege, although it is Eilistraee herself who judges those souls willing to take up the mantle. For what little it is worth, I believe that you would make a fine Silverhair Knight, after everything that you have done for us."

You idly play with the idea in your mind. It would be an incredibly serious commitment, yes, but the power that comes with it may well be the advantage that you need to best your sisters. What will you do now?
>[Receive Prestige Class: Silverhair Knight] Until the day comes when Luaue is ready to inherit the Nelgetha, I will be the protector of my people. What do I have to do?
>I have given Lael ample time to work his magics and I expect that he has only good news to report to me regarding my pursuer. Otherwise, there will be consequences.
>At this juncture, I feel that it would be appropriate to petition for Eilistraee's support while I am near her place of power, even if I do not owe her my allegiance.
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Previous Adventures:

The Rules™:

Jezyrene's Abilities:
>[Receive Prestige Class: Silverhair Knight] Until the day comes when Luaue is ready to inherit the Nelgetha, I will be the protector of my people. What do I have to do?
>"I was under the impression that I would not be eligible to become a Silverhair Knight for following and preferring the tenets of Sune. Is that not true?"
If Eilistraee's priestess gives her support and Sune doesn't mind...
>[Receive Prestige Class: Silverhair Knight] Until the day comes when Luaue is ready to inherit the Nelgetha, I will be the protector of my people. What do I have to do?
>At this juncture, I feel that it would be appropriate to petition for Eilistraee's support while I am near her place of power, even if I do not owe her my allegiance.
We're already Sunni.
>At this juncture, I feel that it would be appropriate to petition for Eilistraee's support while I am near her place of power, even if I do not owe her my allegiance
when did we join that goddess? also why ?
>>6071406from what I can remember one goddess give us a whole power boost to dehead a god boosted werebear and one gave love advice and tips , I think the dancing warrior would go with a dancing in moonlight warrior elf over a love, beauty and passion goddees, Am I wrong in thinking that
>Am I wrong in thinking that?
Not necessarily. But that isn't what we did. We took on Sune as a patron and got our hair dyed red by divine magic, after she helped us solve our problem with the corrupt council members, and get the guy. Also, her fellow faithful were quite helpful in acclimating us to local customs, AND Sune is a better-known goddess in the city we're hoping to gain our people a place in.

Subjectively, I also find Elistraee overdone for rogue drow. That's why I voted as I did then, and now.
>Sune is a better-known goddess in the city we're hoping to gain our people a place in.
See, THAT'S why I preferred to go with Eilistraee. Major portions of this quest was to find a way to be accepted as a Drow in Everlund, and to get other Drow accepted in, which is Eilistraee's entire thing, as well as swordplay and dance. Meanwhile, while learning to love is a good part of this quest as well, it just seemed to me like the people who voted on that forgot that it's also a part of her portfolio, albeit a smaller one. Meanwhile Sune gets picked because the anons who voted for her mainly focused on the LOVE and ARTISTIC parts of her portfolio, while forgetting about our journey to find and learn about the Eilistreans and to get them welcomed into Everlund.

It just makes more thematic sense to me that Eilistraee would be the main focus for us.

Also, I find it somewhat annoying that for a quest that has Jez try to be accepted into a normal society as herself, we decide to choose a goddess who everyone in town knows already. It's like she's changing herself much more than the town is changing itself, and I'd prefer both sides to meet halfway.
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The reason why a plurality of anons gravitated toward Sune was because they felt that Jezyrene agreed with Sune's hedonistic ethos over Eilistraee's more altruistic one.

Jez has routinely gone out of her way to buy fancy clothes, makeup, and perfumes to enjoy and beautify herself as a Sunite would, whereas an Eilistraean is supposed to be giving what money they can spare to those in need, something that was established early on. The Eilistraeans wish to inhabit the forests as their ancestors did and sought shelter in the city only after being driven from the Silverwood by the Malarites. Anons have decided that Jez is attached to city luxuries and prefers an urban lifestyle. Jez does not just enjoy dancing, she appreciates statues, fashion, paintings, and thinks calligraphy is quaint and appealing on top of her love of literature.

Deciding to choose Eilistraee as her favored deity would have been a perfectly valid and rational choice. But Jezyrene choosing to abandon HER prejudices of her own volition and accept Sune, a non-drow deity, as her goddess is absolutely thematically appropriate.

I also don't really want to meet half-way. We're still tough and a little into racist femdom, key components of Ilythiiri culture... But Lolthite culture is generally awful, ass, and made Jez's life miserable for centuries. I think largely abandoning it except for the few bits we vibe with makes the most sense.
>At this juncture, I feel that it would be appropriate to petition for Eilistraee's support while I am near her place of power, even if I do not owe her my allegiance.

I am a little upset about this but I will change me vote giving the new explanation , but at the same time I would point out that a elf that lives for what 400 hundred years or so she could change gods later in life and I do remember we did age down or gain some young back for the bear head how much idk
Vote closed.
Damn, I missed the start of the thread/the vote, but regardless, some cool options. Being a silverhair knight/getting a prestige class might have been as close as we could get to those abandoned early quest plans about becoming an eldritch knight.
There were chances to unlock prestige classes with spells or spell-like abilities, but they were a bit out of the way and nobody ever voted for them.

Anyways, update soon.
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Though your allegiance is to Sune, you nevertheless feel the need to visit the old Eilistraean grotto. After risking life and limb for the sake of your people, you feel that you are entitled to some manner of divine recompense from the Dark Dancer after having faced so many ordeals on their behalf. At your behest, Luaue acts as your guide, effortlessly wending through the Silverwood whilst guaranteeing that you are not found by the metallic creature determined to destroy you. Despite her myriad shortcomings, you will at least concede that she is a fine ranger. For a cloddish half-breed, that is.

Following the chiseled staircase to its nadir, you find yourself at the heart of the earthen cavity for the first time in several months. Gone are any traces of the desperate struggle between your kin and the black-bloods, scrubbed thoroughly from the stones and laid to rest by Willow and her people. The rays of sunlight which filter in from the gaps in the earth above you scatter against the pool at the grotto's center, illuminating what is now a scene of unsullied natural beauty.

Beneath the now-refurbished mural depicting the Dancing Goddess lie the remains of Talassysnre, laid flat and wrapped in layers of milk-colored cloth upon which fistfuls of ebon flower petals are scattered, likely done out of respect by the devotees of the forest goddess. Though her body is hidden from view, it is a sure thing that it remains unspoiled by natural decay, patiently guarding the Nelgetha and this place until the next Silverhair Knight arrives to relieve her of her duty.

"I... will remain outside until you are finished here," says Luaue, her voice trembling slightly. "Too many memories of this place for me to work through right now." Inclining her head slightly in your direction, she pivots and withdraws, leaving you alone with only the mural and the sound of the nearby brook's crystal water flow.

You came here for a reason. Best you be judicious, however.
>I wish to borrow the Nelgetha's power until my ordeal is overcome. I am owed that much.
>Perchance the goddess could provide me with some sort of boon or blessing to give me an advantage against my Lolthite sisters.
>What I require is information. What Malar gave me was sufficient for a time, but I must know how I might emerge victorious in the inevitable battle.
>She is a goddess of swordwork. I will sit by the pool and meditate on this precept for a time. Surely there is something that she could teach me.
How to pick only one...
Borrowing Nelgetha, forgiveness, seems appropriate if we want to not kill/redeem one of our sisters. But I figure it needs a proper Silverhair knight for that.

>Perchance the goddess could provide me with some sort of boon or blessing to give me an advantage against my Lolthite sisters.

Willing to be persuaded into another choice, seems the most beneficial. Maybe information is better? Malar was damned cryptic, but Eilistrae might be clearer
>She is a goddess of swordwork. I will sit by the pool and meditate on this precept for a time. Surely there is something that she could teach me.
This is the one advantage we have over our sisters, right? Our practiced swordwork?
>>She is a goddess of swordwork. I will sit by the pool and meditate on this precept for a time. Surely there is something that she could teach me.
>She is a goddess of swordwork. I will sit by the pool and meditate on this precept for a time. Surely there is something that she could teach me.
I mean, we are more talented than them at swordwork, but I wouldn't say that constitutes an actual advantage over a person that can literally break reality (wizard) or a grand cleric of lolth (can literally break reality with divine magic)
>Perchance the goddess could provide me with some sort of boon or blessing to give me an advantage against my Lolthite sisters.
Are you seriously suggesting that Jez isn't more athletic, more charismatic, and better looking?
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She's aight. ;P
Vote closed.

Can't believe the chance for a one-time silver dragon summon narrowly lost.
I am overcome by the desire to shake my fist at the heavens for some reason!
Turning your back to the mural, you sit cross-legged as you did in that exotic restaurant during your night with Amaranth and slow your breathing, shunting all superfluous thought from your mind. With eyes firmly shut, you erase your perception of the world around you sans the rhythmic flow of the nearby stream. Set to your purpose, you meditate on the Eilistraean precepts of swordwork and hunting, hoping that the goddess will bestow upon you some manner of brilliant insight as reward for delivering your people from mortal peril.

Languidly you wade through a sea of hazy memories, traveling through hundreds of years of cruel lessons and brushes with death in search of the breakthrough that will give you the advantage in the coming battle. You recall the blunt pain of being battered during your duel with Vierna, and the numerous times that you sparred with Sindiira. How you led those under your command to victory during your terrible war against the fanatics of the night goddess, and how you dealt swift death to Tenpenny's elite mercenaries despite being blinded...

A wave of existential dread crashes over you as you come to realize that you are reaching the apex of your ability. You could become more vicious, or perchance more clever if you truly applied yourself. Yet further refining your talents beyond what you have already achieved seems like an impossibly distant goal. You cannot defeat old age through effort and determination, and you are most certainly not getting any younger.

But with age comes wisdom, and you have a wellspring of experience from which to draw. Your greatest assets are the skills that you have honed over centuries - as well as those which you have neglected as the years passed you by. You are already equipped with what you need to emerge victorious from your ordeal.

You simply need to remember it.
>Z'ress A'thalak Style - "Force of War." +3 bonus to attacks that use Strength when wielding a weapon with both hands. Power Attack becomes Pulverize Foe.
>Luth Alur Style - "Superior Shooting." Permanently increase Perception by 4. +3 bonus to hit targets using projectile weapons. You learn Shot on the Run.
>Z'ress A'thalak Style - "Force of War." +3 bonus to attacks that use Strength when wielding a weapon with both hands. Power Attack becomes Pulverize Foe.
>>Z'ress A'thalak Style - "Force of War." +3 bonus to attacks that use Strength when wielding a weapon with both hands. Power Attack becomes Pulverize Foe.
>>Z'ress A'thalak Style - "Force of War." +3 bonus to attacks that use Strength when wielding a weapon with both hands. Power Attack becomes Pulverize Foe.
>Luth Alur Style - "Superior Shooting." Permanently increase Perception by 4. +3 bonus to hit targets using projectile weapons. You learn Shot on the Run.
>>Z'ress A'thalak Style - "Force of War." +3 bonus to attacks that use Strength when wielding a weapon with both hands. Power Attack becomes Pulverize Foe.
Time to double down on melee warfare! It's the last stretch
Vote closed.

Although Phaere can fly and levitate, so it looks like we're going to have to rely on Lael to duel her.
Or get Lael or Amaranth to cast Flight on us...
Dispel magic spells/items, items that make antimagic fields, hmm, the weaponized song of friendship?

I forget, did we figure out what the the secret /secret weapon thing the dwarf inscriptions were alluding to in the place where we fought Wurgoth Twice-scarred? (Vol. VIII according to the archives)

Surely there's some manner of superweaponry we've forgotten about in our travels
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Got lost in playing NWN modules again. Update later today.

>did we figure out what the the secret /secret weapon thing the dwarf inscriptions were alluding to

Soon. It and the orcs are still very relevant. And now, time for a "behind the scenes" segment. Twice-Scarred would have played a much more important role as a secondary antagonist in Sam's quest. Dedicated readers may recall Alantha mentioning that the Thousand Scars adopted the ways of the "Dark One," which is actually one of the titles of the god Bane, who is heavily associated with the Zhentarim. Coincidentally, we know that Greycastle has Zhentarim ties, and he was misappropriating tax money for years. I wonder what he's up to right now? Hmm...
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Work sucks! Anyways...
Putting mass behind your swing - that is the foundational principle of Z'ress A'thalak. Those few amongst your people with a physique to suit the style exchange accuracy for power, becoming capable of cleaving flesh with ease, and even shattering more delicate weapons. The hazy memories of your youthful days spent hefting a weighty axe longer than you were tall in the vain hope that its size would give you an advantage over Vierna return, their clarity such that it is as though you had experienced them only yesterday.

Returning to the material world, you open your eyes, having fully internalized old lessons anew. Whether they will be of any use to you when it truly matters remains to be seen - your elder sister has always been a dominant fighter even without Lolth's gifts, and Phaere has an unusually strong affinity for illusions and other odd magics that defy all conventional thinking. At the least, carving a bloody swathe through the soldiers of House Delyl will be no issue.

Rising to your feet, you make for the stairs, glancing toward the mural of the Dark Dancer and remains of her Silverhair Knight lost in eternal slumber below it. Having concluded your business here, you ascend to the surface, where you find Luaue, who rests her weight against a nearby tree, her expression somber. Acknowledging you wordlessly, the two of you retrace your steps through the Silverwood in silence.
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Arriving again at the clearing, you confirm that little has changed in your absence. Evidently, the metallic creature sent to pursue you had no interest in the Eilistraeans or the devotees of the forest goddess. Some distance away, you spot Lael, who is lecturing a pair of children. You recognize them as the very same duo that you instructed in the art of forming shadow rabbits; the obnoxious girl with scarlet hair that now very much resembles your own, and the spineless, diminutive boy with albinism that refuses to part with her.

"There you are," says the apprentice, extending his arms out. "I was just explaining to my new apprentices the method that I used to singlehandedly defeat the steel predator that was sent after you with ease. You can thank me now, by the way," he remarks, folding his arms and looking to you expectantly.

"We're going to be wizards!" Exclaims the girl as you approach, who throws her arm around the boy and jostles him around to express excitement, an act which leaves him befuddled.

"So when am I going to meet this sister of yours?" Continues Lael. "I'll need at least a month to study the drow language to impress her with my eccentric charm."

"She will come to visit me," you mention vaguely, sighing deeply. Though the threat that your sisters pose to your wellbeing is assuredly not dealt with, you can at least take solace in knowing that their machinations have been foiled for the time being. "Are you sure that you got rid of it?" You query, quickly realizing that you have made a grievous error. Grinning from ear-to-ear, Lael leans toward you and begins. "It was child's play, really - all I had to do was disguise myself as you with a few novice spells and lure it into a magic circle that I had prepared in advance. Banishing it was-"
Luaue coughs into her hand, cutting his embellishments short. "I am sure that you did fine work, Lael," says the priestess, who forces a smile. "That said... must you really take these two as your apprentices? It's just..." she bites her lip, furrowing her brow out of concern. "I was hoping that you would choose one of the older children. Mytyl and Tyltyl here hardly even have twenty years between them."

Adopting an uncharacteristically stern expression, Lael leans over, placing a hand on a shoulder of both the boy and the girl. "They have the Gift, and it is strong. None of you, not a single other soul here, could ever understand them in the way that I do. Those of us who can learn the Art view the Realms in ways that you cannot imagine. Tyltyl and Mytyl leave with me." He looks to the duo for affirmation. The girl is quick to agree with his sentiment, beaming at him. The boy, though clearly ambivalent, ultimately elects to place his faith in Lael, nodding firmly.

Though she seems ready to protest, Luaue purses her lips and acquiesces. She draws both of the children into her embrace and squeezes them, a gesture they reciprocate, before withdrawing reluctantly. "And so it is settled," says the apprentice as his attention shifts to you. "Now then, the council is convening in less than an hour, and I'm in a giving mood at the moment."

"Will you be coming with us? Best you decide now, I have big plans for today's meeting!"
>I still have business here. I shall return to Everlund on my own.
>It is high time I returned to Everlund to see about my reward, among other things.
>It is high time I returned to Everlund to see about my reward, among other things.
>>It is high time I returned to Everlund to see about my reward, among other things.
>>It is high time I returned to Everlund to see about my reward, among other things.

I never thought Lael would do his best to imitate qui gon jinn, but there you go, he has found two apprentices to train
>It is high time I returned to Everlund to see about my reward, among other things.
>>It is high time I returned to Everlund to see about my reward, among other things.
Vote closed.
Hey QM, you still around?
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Yes, work is just kicking my ass. I interview voters now and it's election season.
Polling agency?
Yikes. That makes sense. When do you think you'll be back at it?
Correct. It's probably the best one can do in my Literal Nowhere border desert city without some kind of nepotism at play aside from working remote, so at least I'm not in the worst position.

I'm working at having an update out by Saturday. Doesn't help that I have to commute up and around a mountain to the posh side of town.
>the long commute to Richburg
I know it well. Good luck, QM!
"Take me to Everlund," you demand, an answer which seems to cause him some offense. Indignantly, the boy folds his arms and puffs his scrawny mage-boy chest out toward you, scowling. "You didn't say please," he states dryly. Luaue intervenes on your behalf, correcting his misbehavior by blindsiding him with a slap across his face. "Ah!" He shouts, rubbing the newly-reddened skin on his cheek as he glares at her. "I could turn you into a toad for that, you know!"

"Just get going," sighs the priestess. "And if I find out that you're using that strange magic of yours on them-"

"Don't worry. It's traditional to only assign one's apprentices chores during the first few years of their apprenticeship, while they learn to read magic," he assures her. From the sleeve of his robe, he withdraws a mass of blue silk cloth over the course of a minute. Spreading it across the ground, it is large enough to furnish a small home; how he managed to tuck away what you now believe to be a carpet in his garment is one among the many mysteries of the mage's trade that you will likely never unravel.

"All right everyone, just hold on to the carpet and let me take care of everything else. I didn't actually read the instructions that came with this, but honestly, how difficult could it be?" Asks Lael, to no one in particular. Sitting himself cross-legged at the carpet's center, he invites you to join him, an offer that his two apprentices happily accept, seating themselves at either side of him. Though you fail to see how doing this is meant to return you to Everlund, you nevertheless position yourself several paces behind the three, sitting with your legs extended out.
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"Ready? Sim salabim!" Shouts the half-breed, his words imparting life to the carpet, which undulates gently. Folding his arms confidently, he leans back, relaxing as the silken thing ascends toward the roofless world's infinite azure expanse. "We're flying! We're flying!" Exclaims the girl elatedly, who turns her head toward you in the hope of sharing in her excitement with another. A sickness the likes of which you have never felt washes over you as you become increasingly aware of your surroundings. True, you have ridden the giant bat into battle numerous times before - but that was in the Underdark, where the definitive size of each tunnel gave you a sense of surety.

You cling to dear life as the carpet accelerates to breakneck speed, watching in abject terror as the landscape below you becomes an indistinct verdant blur. Screaming until your throat is hoarse, your cries are squelched by the turbulent wind that carries your voice off to lands unknown. For lack of alternative, you shut your eyes and try to distract yourself with pleasant fantasies about tormenting Lael. What you would not give to throw that wretch into the spider pit right this moment...

Still clinging desperately to the infernal flying furnishing, the sound of your anguished shouts crescendos as the wind's howl fades into nothingness. Prying your eyes open, you soon realize that you are before the Hall of the Elders. The spectacle of your episode has attracted a small crowd, the half-breed and his two child apprentices amongst them, all watching wordlessly as you kick and yawp like a madwoman.

Falling silent, you are on your feet in an instant, heading for the council chamber ahead of the others with your face buried beneath your hands. Gods willing, none who witnessed what has transpired here will remember it.

Entering the council chamber again after what feels like a full military campaign, you are greeted by a host of familiar faces, as well as a new one. The Council of Elders has at last found new members to take the place of Brandt Greycastle and Rupert Tenpenny. From right to left, you take stock of those present, reading off their placards to yourself whilst doing so:
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ARADONESS ARARA FARARAH, HIGH PRIESTESS OF CORELLON LARETHIAN. Tall, lithe, and still epitomizing sylvan beauty, the traitor's otherwise warm features contort into a scowl the very second that you enter her awareness. Were this any other day, you would gladly do the same in turn, yet you hope to emerge from today's council meeting victorious over her, and thus allow your restraint to prevail for the moment.

SPEAKER DULNUR DARKSHADOW, SPEAKER OF THE TOWN. Like a foundry worked nonstop for centuries, the old dwarf continues his quest to pollute the air of all the Realms with the gaseous exhaust of his pipe. His severe demeanor suggests that he is less than pleased to see you again, although you cannot recall him ever wearing a different facial expression, so it is impossible to know for certain.

ARFAERN LAEL LATHALAS, HIGH SORCERER. You reread the placard once, twice, a third time, breaking into a cold sweat as the reality of what you are seeing seeps into your psyche. Coming up from several paces behind you, Lael moves toward seat with a bold stride, his apprentices nowhere to be seen. Council meetings must be boring for children - he must have sent them off elsewhere for the duration. Amaranth mentioned nothing of leaving Everlund. Perchance the two are in his care for the moment?

GUARDIAN STEN SILVERSHARD, HIGH CAPTAIN. Never without a cigarette in hand, the High Captain regards you with a nod. The bags under his eyes suggest that he has not had the privilege of a good night's rest in a tenday, but his immaculately polished armor and confident manner indicate that he is the model of readiness, even at this phase of his pathetically brief human lifespan.

MISTRESS EMITIA ROUZET, MISTRESS OF GUILDS. A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one. How Emitia came to be appointed as the newest Master - rather, Mistress of Guilds eludes you. Amaranth did predict that Tenpenny's successor would be chosen for the purpose of repairing the reputation of the wealthy merchants after the fat half-man's innumerable crimes. Electing one of his victims to the position could be viewed as a form of recompense by some. There is a certain burning passion in her eyes that you did not recognize when first meeting her. She greets you with a warm smile.

KEEPER WILLARD CAWLEY, KEEPER OF THE BRIDGES. This mirthless old human male appraises you with his one good eye, the other being concealed behind a patch of dark cloth. Sporting garbs that are suitable for a wealthy individual but otherwise inconspicuous, he smokes a length of rolled tobacco that is much longer than one of Sten's cigarettes, though far thinner than one of Tenpenny's cigars. As the rumors suggested, he is a difficult person to read, not reacting to your arrival in any way that might suggest how he intends to vote on the matter of aiding the Eilistraeans.
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"Arright everyone, we got a lot to get through today, so I'm gonna start us off. I see we got Sindiira here today," he says, waggling his cigarette in your direction, wafting wisps of blue smoke throughout the chamber. "So we may as well get through the stuff about, uh..." the paladin looks to his left expectantly, hoping to consult Lael in much the same way as he could consult Amaranth over matters of pronunciation. "The Eilistraeans," offers the High Sorcerer, flicking a lock of golden hair away from his face.

"Yeah, what he said," confirms Sten.

"Nay," states Arara plainly, pointing an accusatory finger in your direction. "This sreea and her army of irinal slaugh-dhaerow are a threat to all that is good in this world; a danger to our very way of life. Triune Goddess as my witness, I would fight to my dying breath to protect this city and its people. I implore you, do not be deceived by the wicked designs of Lolth and her concubine who stands before us-"

"Shut up!" Interjects Emitia, whose ruby-red hair works with her fierce expression to lend her a fiery disposition. "You do not know her, or what is in her heart! Sindiira is a good woman, one who has risked her life to better our community. With regards to the measure to provide succor to the drow seeking refuge, I vote 'yea,' and encourage every individual here to join me in doing what is right!"
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The darthiir priestess scoffs, her face now red with indignation. "Foolish child. You think you know better than I what manner of evil resides within the hearts of those creatures?" She asks, slamming her palms against the stony surface in front of her, as though attempting to intimidate the girl. Undaunted, Emitia challenges Arara, mirroring the gesture. "I know... that you are a bigot! A bitter woman whose prejudices blind her to the truth! Your hateful rhetoric brings shame to the Council of Elders and the gods of the Seldarine whom you claim to represent!"

Lael chews away at an orange root vegetable, observing the heated exchange with unrestrained amusement. Both Dulnur and the new Keeper are content to smoke the minutes away, although you are able to catch the slightest upward crease form on the side of the dwarf's stony visage. The paladin bashes his fist against the table, silencing the both of them. "Keep your skirts on, dammit. We got two hours left for today's meeting, so let's all try to get along, yeah? Women..." Sten shakes his head disapprovingly. "Anyway, we got the rest of the votes to get through. Dulnur?"

"Nay," states the dwarf matter-of-factly.

"Come on old friend," entreats the paladin gently, scratching his head. "Things ain't like they used to be when we were adventurin'. Maybe it's time for a change." Obstinate, the dwarf firmly shakes his head, putting an immediate end to the discussion. The High Captain sighs, moving on to Lael. "How 'bout you, Twinkle?"
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"Yea, obviously," answers the High Sorcerer without a moment's hesitation. "I have recently been informed that a dark beauty will be on her way to meet me soon, so it is the only real option," he explains, a statement that draws a variety of concerned glances from the other council members. "... and, I gave word to Cywir that I would vote yes regardless, I suppose." Arara responds, softening her tone to address him - a most unusual display, given your impression of her. "Lael, my Arael'Vae, not you as well?" He shrugs. "I know exactly what I am doing, Arael'Sha. Just trust me. Would I ever steer you wrong?"

The urge to say 'yes' seethes beneath your skin, held back only by the understanding that the capricious mage boy is voting in favor of your people. You bite your tongue and maintain your neutral expression.

"That just leaves me and our new guy, Keeper Cawley. I'm not gonna lie, I'm not too big on having a bunch of drow in this city. But Sindiira's done right by us, and I guess I wouldn't be much of a Helmite if I looked the other way when some kids needed protecting." He takes a drag from his cigarette, shutting his eyes. "That means we're at three 'yeas' and two 'nays' right now. Cawley?" Approving any council measure requires a majority, or four votes in favor to pass. That is to say, the power to decide the fate of your people rests within the hands of this stranger. How dreadful.

All eyes fall upon Willard Cawley, the new Keeper of the Bridges. Having not uttered a single word for the duration of this meeting thus far, a tense quiet builds in the council chamber as all present await his answer. Ejecting a stream of blue smoke from his lungs, his pitiless gaze falls upon you, prompting you to gulp anxiously in anticipation. Wetting his lips, he utters a single word with a low, raspy voice that affords no mercy.

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Although you wait for him to explain himself, the human does not elaborate further. He does not provide the rationale behind his choice, nor does he provide his opinion on the Ilythiiri, Eilistraee, or anything else for that matter. That, it seems, is for all of you to infer. Whatever his reasons, he has cast the decisive vote in favor of your people. Sten is the first to speak up, clearing his throat. "Looks like that settles things. We can put the drow up at the old Tenpenny estate, now that we finally cleared it out. At least that place can be put to use for a good cause, after everything."

"Speaking of which, let us not forget the matter of Lady Sindiira's reward!" Sings Emitia, who hops to her feet. Circling around the chamber, she approaches you with a heart-sized chest fortified by steel, the dull white glow emitted by its dark wood informing that it has been augmented by magic. She offers it to you with both hands, holding back joyful tears as she looks into your eyes and beams. "This is from my personal fortune. It is not nearly as much as I would like, though my coffers are a tad lean after paying back the stolen council funds I had received from Tenpenny in full."

Your heart stirs, heralding a warm sensation that spreads all throughout your body. Accepting the chest as gracefully as you are able, your the edges of your lips curl upwards for once. "Dos bel'la ussa, abbil," you state. Nodding, she continues. "Furthermore, the High Captain and I have agreed to formally declare you Champion of Everlund. It is no royal title, but it is the highest merit that a citizen can receive. I can think of no other individual more deserving of such an honor."

Bowing politely, Emitia returns to her seat. Not only have you finally secured the place of your people in this city, but a peek at the contents of the chest leave you dizzy. The interior is several magnitudes larger than its appearance would suggest. Money - more money than you have ever possessed in the entirety of your many years, all for you you. This is wealth.

As the council's discussion turns to matters of statecraft and petty squabbles over the outcome of the previous vote, their words become indistinct noise as you dream of the possibilities.
>I am a rich woman now. There is only one thing to be done! I go to the Bell Market, right this instant!
>It has been far too long since I have seen my dear Amaranth. I wonder if he will like my new hair color?
>This seems like a fine time to visit Ilanis, and celebrate my hard-won successes by becoming mind-bogglingly inebriated.
Wow, one chunky update, well worth the wait. Almost too much to comment on but...

>Luaue intervenes on your behalf, correcting his misbehavior by blindsiding him with a slap across his face.
Based, the old ways are held true

>Amaranth absent

Interesting to see Emitia on the council and I admit, I smiled a bit at Jez becoming champion of Everlund. I guess we are kind of a wandering boss fight for others by now...

Am I reading the character sheet right, we went up from 358 to 200 358 gold pieces?! God damn, we're minted. And that just shows how insanely rich Emitia is. Wow.

Anyway, as for the choice:
>Recognition and wealth, at last! Lets go to the bell market, I can buy everything I've ever wanted. Should I get clothes for my rescued Ilythiiri in my colors at Tenpenny estate? Should I get some banners to put up in my colors?

Basicly, the question I wonder is, might Jez think she's the equivalent of a Ilythiiri matron now for these rescued folks?

One last shopping trip... Maybe even get something for Amaranth.

Also, on a meta level, Lael has grown on me, in all his self centered frivolity.

Hope work went well, Ed!
>>It has been far too long since I have seen my dear Amaranth. I wonder if he will like my new hair color?
Nice update
>>I am a rich woman now. There is only one thing to be done! I go to the Bell Market, right this instant!
(buy a house too)
>It has been far too long since I have seen my dear Amaranth. I wonder if he will like my new hair color?
>I am a rich woman now. There is only one thing to be done! I go to the Bell Market, right this instant!
>It has been far too long since I have seen my dear Amaranth. I wonder if he will like my new hair color?
>It has been far too long since I have seen my dear Amaranth. I wonder if he will like my new hair color?
>"Lael, please make sure the Aradoness and Speaker aren't untoward towards your apprentices. If they are, I believe I could tolerate you enough to help with protecting them."
I am making an executive decision. Vote closed.
CEO Greenwood coming through!
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Today is a marvelous day. Why, the sort of wealth that you have on your person does not simply sprout up from the cavern floor as a mushroom does, and you deserve to live a little. After all, did you not singlehandedly deliver an enclave of your people from certain demise? And did your remarkable deeds not earn you the title of 'Champion' and the prestige that comes with it? It could be said that you have never been so successful at any other point in your life.

The Bell Market at this trade city's heart takes on a different character today; the tyrant sun's radiance does not seem so cruel at this hour, and the temperature is ideal to be out and about. The distant aroma of spices and the technicolor silks on display tempt you to approach, but you have other intentions on this occasion. For there is a great deal on offer for an affluent adventurer such as yourself, the likes of which the common dungeon delver could only dream of. When you first set foot in Everlund, you could only admire these from a distance and imagine holding them betwixt your hands. Yet now, it could be yours - for the right price.

>"Pale Night" - (Keen Icy Burst Bastard Sword) - 18,000 GP
>"Feyrender" - (Impact Eflbane Greataxe) - 16,400 GP
>"Eclipsebreaker" - (Redeemed Brilliant Energy Greatsword) - 52,000 GP
>"Final Verdict" - (Axiomatic Second Chance Heavy Crossbow) - 32,000 GP

>"Nightbloom Aegis" - Glamered Invulnerability Moon-Ivy Armor (Agility + 7 Defense, assumes the form of any normal clothing, damage resistance 2 vs non-magic) - 27,700 GP
>"Shining Resolve" - Mirrored Determination Mithral Scale Armor (Agility +8 Defense, bonus Defense against rays, Regain 1d6 Health once per day if reduced to 0 Health) - 35,050 GP

Useful Magical Items:
>Ring of Blinking - 30,000 GP
>Major Cloak of Displacement - 50,000 GP
>Torque of the Titans - 72,000 GP
>Gogondy Wine (Powerful divination magic upon imbibing) - 3,000 GP
>White Cloak of the Spider - 8,200 GP

>House - 1,000 GP
>Large House - 5,000 GP
>Mansion - 50,000 GP

A Gift for Someone?:
>Lotus Flower Tea - 70 GP
>Engraved Amber Ring (Specify Text) - 90 GP
>Chocolate Cake - 150 GP
>Silver Headband for Women - 45 GP

Exotic Magical Items with Very Important Uses:
>Book of Carnal Delights ("Fuck Like a God" Edition) - 3,000 GP
>Alchemist's Womb (Instructions Not Included) - 5,000 GP
>Porcelain Golem (Includes Low Sapience & Servant Functionality) - 3,000 GP
>Marvelous Mammary Potion - 400 GP
>Potion of Dragonshape - 23,825 GP
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Three of the four votes to go straight to Amaranth are from 1-post IDs. I'm not throwing out any accusations or cracking down on anyone, but I feel it's expedient for me to not deal with the potential shenanigans right now.

Don't worry gals, you can see your boyfriend soon, I promise.
>"Pale Night"
>"Final Verdict"
>"Shining Resolve"

>Ring of Blinking
>Gogondy Wine


>Lotus Flower Tea x 10
>Engraved Amber Ring ("BE MINE AND HAVE ME")
>Chocolate Cake
>Silver Headband for Women x 5

>Alchemist's Womb (Instructions Not Included)
too proud for boob-tonic, and we already fuck like a goddess
>Potion of Dragonshape

If I did my math right, this should cost 198040 GP, which will leave us with 2000-odd gold... More than enough fro now, especially since with all this equipment we can one day earn more, once we'd made Amaranth ours, subjugated our sisters, and given fancy headbands to all our favorite ladies over tea and cake.
>"Eclipsebreaker" - (Redeemed Brilliant Energy Greatsword) - 52,000 GP
>"Shining Resolve" - Mirrored Determination Mithral Scale Armor (Agility +8 Defense, bonus Defense against rays, Regain 1d6 Health once per day if reduced to 0 Health) - 35,050 GP
>See if someone can enchant or improve our Bustenhalt, it's been with us so long it'd be criminal to leave it behind. Or request that the gnome we buy from look into improving the design for us, and create a set for us and Ilanis.
>Ring of Blinking - 30,000 GP
>White Cloak of the Spider - 8,200 GP
>Large House - 5,000 GP
>Lotus Flower Tea - 70 GP
>A few other teas in a box set
>Try to find a tea set for Amaranth, perhaps something from Wa or Kozakura to fit with the tea
>Various romantic books
>Various martial arts manuals
>"How to Speak Illithiri like a Proper Matron, Surface Dweller Edition" Volumes 1 to 12 (For Emitia)
>Visit the dress tailor to discuss an appointment for you and the girls (Emitia, Ilanis, Luaue, and ESPECIALLY Willow)
>THE FRILLIEST FUCKING PRINCESS DRESS THAT EVER WAS, hidden deep, deep beneath all the other purchases
>Chocolate Cake - 150 GP (for us, although I'd just prefer a slice rather than the whole thing)
>Silver Headband for Women - 45 GP (for Ilanis, enchanted for her to see in the dark. DON'T USE DURING DAYLIGHT)
>Book of Carnal Delights ("Fuck Like a God" Edition) - 3,000 GP
>Marvelous Mammary Potion x 10 - 4000 GP or however many they have for sale. Doesn't have to be used on us...
Could we also request a "Resplendent Rear" potion from the potionmaker?

The price from the things on the list is 182,515. I'd love to know what the prices for the possible other things might come up to so I can adjust or remove items from the shopping list.
Also, FYI, I'm dBQgt2L0, it's just that I missed a couple of updates due to a family trip.
Oops, forgot to replace Large House with Mansion.
>"Eclipsebreaker" - (Redeemed Brilliant Energy Greatsword) - 52,000 GP
>"Final Verdict" - (Axiomatic Second Chance Heavy Crossbow) - 32,000 GP

>"Nightbloom Aegis" - Glamered Invulnerability Moon-Ivy Armor (Agility + 7 Defense, assumes the form of any normal clothing, damage resistance 2 vs non-magic) - 27,700 GP

>Ring of Blinking - 30,000 GP
>Gogondy Wine (Powerful divination magic upon imbibing) - 3,000 GP
>White Cloak of the Spider - 8,200 GP

>Mansion - 50,000 GP

>Chocolate Cake - 150 GP
>Silver Headband for Women - 45 GP

>Book of Carnal Delights ("Fuck Like a God" Edition) - 3,000 GP
>Alchemist's Womb (Instructions Not Included) - 5,000 GP
>Porcelain Golem (Includes Low Sapience & Servant Functionality) - 3,000 GP
>"Pale Night"
>"Nightbloom Aegis"
>"Shining Resolve"

>Major Cloak of Displacement
>Gogondy Wine
>White Cloak of the Spider


>Lotus Flower Tea
>Engraved Amber Ring (YOU ARE MINE FOREVER)
>Chocolate Cake
>Silver Headband for Women

>Book of Carnal Delights ("Fuck Like a God" Edition)
>Alchemist's Womb (Instructions Not Included)
>Marvelous Mammary Potion (I cannot resist)
>Potion of Dragonshape
Vote closed. Surprised that the desire for a mansion is unanimous.
Property is investment
Well, Jez seemed to me like she always wanted "Huge... tracts of land", in both senses of the euphemism.
If she can't head a great house in her homeland, she can own a great house here in Everlund!
Damn, missed a pretty cool vote. INVESTMENTS. This is like the actually cool version of buying potions before the final boss fight in a video game, I think we are going to surprise our sisters with some of this new equipment, should be good.

>Mansion stuff
Gotta put all those dresses somewhere? I think it's also classic PC behavior, in all the campaigns I've dm'd the players have never refused a chance to get their hands on another house, given the opportunity
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Another busy week ahead. Though I will at least post this so anons can familiarize themselves with the recent changes.

Meanwhile I’ll just be sitting here on the edge of my seat waiting for the vote results after I missed my chance to vote for big fat drow baps.
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>That gear
>Those abilities

I realize this is not a class based system like normal dnd, but i wonder where Jez "power level" stacks up in forgotten realms within the ruleset we are working with.
Anyway, cool.
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You take your pick of the finest wares available to the elite of the Realms. A set of scale armor made from pearly mithral, a material famed for its light weight and remarkable durability, that is surrounded by a dull white glow and polished to a supernatural mirror sheen which informs you of the protective magics enveloping it. A silver ring encrusted with shimmering amethyst which connects the wearer with another plane, and a white cloak spun from the silken webs of Lolth's own spiders imported straight from the Underdark, which will allow you to navigate walls and ceilings with ease.

The armaments on offer tempt you with their powers and exoticism, yet there is one masterfully crafted weapon that is plainly without equal, with a price to match its allure; a vicious sword forged from some impossibly lightweight scarlet metal from an impossibly distant plane, surrounded by a heavenly white aura. Said to have been wielded by a half-demon who sought redemption through defying their infernal heritage eons ago, it has traded hands between merchants and adventurers ever since. And now, it is yours.

You round out your shopping trip by picking up a few luxury goods - a box of tea imported from a land far to the east for your treasured magician, a simple although striking silver headband to be given to a woman of your choice. A pastry with several servings made using an exotic ingredient from a distant land which the baker refers to as 'chocolate,' and a mystical tome which alleges to offer knowledge of the secrets of carnal delight.
As you carefully pack away your haul, you notice the brass token bestowed upon you by the High Captain sitting at the bottom of your bag. The paladin did mention that you've the right to own property now, as a citizen of this city. After the difficult life you have lived, any home with a bed and a roof would do so long as you could call it your own. But you've no need to settle with a queen's ransom at your disposal. Without a moment's delay, you return to the Hall of the Elders, purchasing the deed for a mansion in the very same district as Emitia's - after you repeatedly demand assurance that it is in a habitable state, of course.

Satisfied with your acquisitions, you decide to set off, taking one final stroll through the Bell Market before you are on your way. That is, until a most bizarre device steals your attention. It is a person-sized steel vat with a circular window the size of your torso offering a glimpse at its interior, which is filled with a luminescent violet liquid. A paper label crudely attached to the surface reads 'ALCHEMIST'S WOMB 5,000 GOLD PIECES,' written in fresh ink.

The merchant, a dwarf male who gambles on purchasing exotic items from adventurers with the intention of selling them for a profit, explains that he recently obtained this object from the city of Waterdeep, from a company of explorers who allege to have procured it during a raid on the lair of a malevolent sorcerer who worshipped the surfacer deity Cyric, the Dark Sun and Prince of Lies. Though the knowledge of how to operate the device died with its creator, the party's own wizard explained that it can somehow synthesize life if used correctly.
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Your limited experience with the devotees of this god leads you to believe that those who follow him are remarkable only in that they are uniquely deranged. That said, whatever nefarious designs the sorcerer had in mind for this steel womb, perchance you could appropriate it for your own purposes if you enlisted the assistance of a skilled archmage... electing to take the risk, you exchange your gold for what could be the opportunity of a lifetime, working with the dwarf to load the vat onto a cart for transport.

With your shopping for the day concluded, you are on your way to your next destionation.
>I will be going home, to my new mansion. I must conduct an inspection to ensure that everything is in order there.
>It is high time that Ilanis received a surprise lesson. She has lazed around for long enough, I think.
>To see Amaranth again is my highest priority. He and I have been apart for far too long now.
>To see Amaranth again is my highest priority. He and I have been apart for far too long now.
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I got you something as thanks for running by the by, QM.
>To see Amaranth again is my highest priority. He and I have been apart for far too long now.
Curious about Amaranth give his absence at the council meeting
So many variations on Jez, cool stuffs anon.
Oh, and threads on the final page of the catalog so might not be as many people who get to see thhis last post as usual
>To see Amaranth again is my highest priority. He and I have been apart for far too long now.
Yeah, probably a good idea to archive it.
>>To see Amaranth again is my highest priority. He and I have been apart for far too long now.
>>To see Amaranth again is my highest priority. He and I have been apart for far too long now.
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The vote seems pretty unanimous. We will pick up in the next thread.

Thank you. I deeply appreciate all of the contributions made by readers.
>>To see Amaranth again is my highest priority. He and I have been apart for far too long now.

Thanks for running!

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