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Thread 1 Archive: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2024/6029286/

You accept your fate and prepare for what is coming. Then a knock at the door. A young looking nun is being accompanied, but a giant man wearing a metal mask. They introduce themselves as Inquisitor Archil and Sister Tamar.

Your parent's expression becomes horrified when they learn of the pact you sighned and that the pact must have barred you from speaking. Your body is looked over for injuries, your mana vessel for a deadman's switch for the pact being broken. Relief passes over both. Children forced into pacts by fey are usually in much worse shape, the pacts usually contain some cruel trick switching it in the favour of the fey.

You are given a few more days with your family as the Church delegation investigates everything. The alchemists worshop, the merchant company, the local church and everyone in the village. You are instructed to act as if nothing happened, Meva runs away crying when you two play scared of the observers. Eventually you are loaded onto a carriage and taken away.

You explain everything you learned, and ask for protection for your family. The request goes into consideration but is accepted. Pixies could try an underhanded attack on your family afterall.

You travel for over a month staying at inns and churches, crossing borders of nations. Eventually you arrive at a large temple in the Divine Capital. Coming in deeper it's more like a hospital. Some children seem to constantly drown throwing up water. Other's constantly set on fire. You are to stay here for now, your job is simply to continue the obligations of your pact best you can (carve a stone statue of decent quality once every 2 weeks) until your contractor can be hunted down.

What do you do in this new place? Pick 2 - first to get 4 votes then we continue
>get to know the other kids
>get to know the staff
>accumulate mana
>visit the library (what do you want to learn/study?)
>try to determine your other mana-traits for Augmentation abilities
>train spellcrafting
>research local herbs, get back to practicing alchemy
>try to help locate your contractor
>help in the garden (remember no magic, your earth magic is a wee bit poisonous)
>write in
>get to know the other kids
>train spellcrafting
>get to know the other kids
>train spellcrafting
Honestly, this isn't a bad position. We want to get rid of the pact and the church can help us with that. In the meantime, we can become even stronger than before. Sucks about our family but we'll be able them out once we're free.
It wasn't the worst outcome, but it's still bad. We are leaving family behind and all that. we don't know much about the church and our shortcut to power was cut away.
I feel we could've played this better but with such a buried post there weren't enough votes. But we're live, fairy will get tracked down and killed and after that it'll be troublesome.
>get to know the other kids
>train spellcrafting
>>get to know the other kids
>>help in the garden (remember no magic, your earth magic is a wee bit poisonous)

Just read the previous thread, liking it so far OP.
>>6071387 the thread did slow down, dunno how to prevent that from happeing once it stops booping
>>6071532 thanks
You over the first few months in the remote monastary you manage to train your spellcrafting allowing you to make 3-sygil spell circles by yourself. For now you can use it to stack-sygils or to perform complicated movements with your Application magic, but it may be worthwhile to broaden your horizons.

You develop spells:
>emerge sharp spikes from the ground (3 sygil)
>create a cloud of sandy dust (2 sygil)
>soften ground into quicksand (2 sygil)
>create a disk of earth and spin it in the ground to disorient oponents (3 sygil)
>cover yourself in rocks as armor (3 sygil, does not work well yet)

Let's roll for the kids you'll get to know! 1d10 to see how many kids of interest there are. (roll each of the next rolls for each kid)

Roll 1: 1d100 basic info - 1 slumrat, 100 royalty. even - girl, odd - boy, if 33, 66 or 99 a half-elf, otherwise human

Roll 4: Where are they from? Size of roll shows how far away, ending number 018 north, 23 east, 459 west, 67 south,

Roll 3: Pact Complications - 1 kid is basically at death's door, 100 no complications like you 1d100

Roll 4: Pact entity type: 1d100
>1-40 - Fey (1-10 dark, 11-15 earth, 16-20 water, 21-25 air, 26-30 light, 31-39 2 element, 40 3 element)
>41-60 - Bloodfiend (41 - 50 dark+water, 51-55 dark, 56-60 water)
>61-70 - Gnome (61-68 earth, 69-70 earth+water)
>71-80 - Drake (71-73 earth, 74-76 fire, 77-78 earth + fire, 79-80 fire + darkness)
>80-95 - Nymph (81-85 water, 86-90 water +air, 91-93 water+earth, 94-95 water+dark)
>96-99 - Rogue Seraphim - (96-98 wind+light, 99 wind)
>100 - one of the 15 Grand Evils

Roll a further 1d100 to see how the hunt for your pixie is progressing.

What to do?
>get to know the staff
>accumulate mana
>visit the library (what do you want to learn/study?)
>try to determine your other mana-traits for Augmentation abilities
>research local herbs, get back to practicing alchemy
>try to help locate your contractor
>help in the garden (remember no magic, your earth magic is a wee bit poisonous)
>ask to train with the palladins/nuns
>write in

It's time to carve the next statue for your patreon. Write in what you want to carve. You just need to leave the statues be now as she won't come, but you need to continue to abide by the contract.
>write in
Rolled 5 (1d10)

Rolled 85, 18, 40, 54 = 197 (4d100)

>get to know the staff

>ask to train with the palladins/nuns

I’m confused do we roll more than 1 1d100?
You can roll more. There'd never come enough people for each to roll once
Rolled 20, 3, 55, 61 = 139 (4d100)


>visit the library (what do you want to learn/study?)
Reading and writing.
Write a letter to our parents to reassure them that we are well.
Put on a childish drawing onto the back side so they know its us.
>ask to train with the paladins/nuns

>>write in
A fairy being stabbed with a sword
Rolled 14, 3, 7, 33 = 57 (4d100)

>get to know the staff
>ask to train with the palladins/nuns

Forgot to vote and rollan’
Rolled 93, 54, 88, 55 = 290 (4d100)

>visit the library (what do you want to learn/study?)
Reading and writing.
Rolled 42, 45, 87, 99, 12 = 285 (5d100)

>get to know the staff
Whoops did one more roll than i was susposed to. But huh seraphim pact interesting
Other Kids

If I had to decide a theme it seems Bloodfiends like to target higher classes, which makes sense as they're vampires.

>Male High Noblity, from nearby north, moderate pact problems, Dark Bloodfiend pact

Ishan, he's from high nobility tricked into a patch with a Cha'kidevi (shadow tick). His pact gift is a pair of shadowy spikes emergin from hi hands which he can use to absorb the vitality of others. His pact master demanded secrets of nobles in exchange, but soon the boy ran out. So he is now sickly and needs to replenish vitality from animals. The church provides him historical letters from long deceased nobles to keep his pact up. He is older than you a teen, but looks small and deflated.

>Female Villager, local, moderate pact problems, Earth Gnome

Senega, the youngest here, a 4 year old girl whose father is a miner. She made a pact with a Molegnome in exchange for helping her father be lead out of a mine, the Molegnome wanted gems in exchange, the girls has failed to provide them in time and as punishment was partly encased in stone making it hard to move, the church provides the required gems for now, but due to her low status unless the matter is resulved within a few months she will be left to her fate.

>Female Poor Villager, local, fucked, is dying, water+earth fey

Aiga, she made an unknown pact with a powerful Swamp Hag. Her pact is unknown and as such he condition rapidly deteriorates. It seems she is slowly turning and mutating into some sort of monster. She is strapped into a divine magic circle lessening the effect, she's generally uncoscious and unresponsive. She seems to be kept here less to help her and more to hunt down the creature tied to her.
>Male Middle Royalty, from decently far west, few pact complications, Dark Bloodfiend

5th prince of a Kingdom in the west. His name is kept secret and he's simply referred to as "Prince". He seems to have made a pact a Mt'erich'ali an Eclipse Leech. A nearly hypnotic being that tricked him into a contract during an eclipse few months back, his conditions are mild. The being for now only requires wealth to be satiated, but the contract was vague enough to cause problems later.

>Female townsfolk, decently far west, few complications, Rogue Wind Seraphim

Raylina is contracted by a winged creature known as a Sphinx. Sphinxes are usually guardians of the heavenly archive, but this one bored went rogue. Raylina is supposed to create satisfactory riddles for the Sphinx and being a quick-witted girl was for now able to do so well. She is a pushy and bubbly girl around your age and has begun hanging around you as you're the first kid to come able to answer them for now.
After getting to know the kids you get to know the staff. You are mostly overseen by a wide assortment of nuns. The one overseeing you closest is sister Telena, she seems to have a kind personality good for kids, but you can sense a deep hidden malice within her. The nuns also all walk around armed, with there being a large number of palladins guarding the place. You get to know their skechule well enough to be able to get some alone time if you wish.

You make a statue of a pixie being impaled and lay it away. Your pact promise was fulfilled.

What will you do now? 2 picks
>get to know a specific kid better (write in)
>study in the library (pick a topic, you can read well enough by now)
>accumulate mana
>try to determine your other mana-traits for Augmentation abilities
>research local herbs, get back to practicing alchemy
>try to help locate your contractor
>help in the garden
>ask to train with the palladins/nuns
>write in
Contractor search: 12
>the palladins looking for your contractor seem to have walked into a dark fey ambush many of them have been wounded and killed. They will need time to regroup.
>get to know a specific kid better (Raylina)

>ask to train with the palladins/nuns
Is she a demon in disguise? lol

Can we help Senega? She is partly encased in stone so wouldnt it be fairly easy for us to slowly break it off of her?
The stone comes back near instantly. You could help her move easier with spells while you're with her though
Just finished reading through the first thread why didnt more people vote to try marrying Meva? I feel like a former mobster who took the fall for someone else wouldn't have wanted to sit and wait for the hammer to fall lol.

Look at this lineup of cases. Its like looking at a severely overworked defense attorney from a comedy. Having to hunt down half a dozen magical entities, some like the Sphinx sound damn hard, and failing to even properly provide for some of them. Bleak.

Seems a bit of a shame in general though, since eating the fey food did manage to double his mana without it even being an earth fey. Plus he got really good at all that fey etiquette. She was also handy for spying. Does she still have to show up and give him gifts for his statues since that is her part of the bargain?

Also I thought I saw something about imbuing magic into your own body and some of them being better for magic swordsmen, but earth not being great. Infusing earth would make you tougher? Surely someone could do it well enough to be so tough that weapons would break on you right? Hell just being really tough seems like a pretty solid boon.

Does his earth magic not work at all with ore and worked metal? I might have missed if he tried that.

Also is there more information on the Weeping Willow? The sole dark aligned divine of the pantheon. (earth is closest to dark in the divine hierarchy). The 8th goddess catches your attention. Yillvana is a dark alighned goddess and the divine of 'mourning, inheritence and tradition'. A former dark god who fell in god with Ursus the killed god of the forge. Once the humanoid 8 gods fought the eldritch 16 black divines. Yillvana and Ursus fell in love, but he died in the war making Yillvana defect, dawn a humanoid apperance joining the light gods.

So if we swore ourselves to Yilvana there would be some kind of boon? Might be handy to read up on that potential while we have access to church stuff.
>get to know a specific kid better (Raylina)
>ask to train with the palladins/nuns
I guess people didn't try Meva marriage because it had a chance of failing.

You could still try to invite yourself to meet fey, but the problem would be needing to track them down yourself which is a whole new skill you need to learn. On the other hand you're at the headquarters of the people who do that for a living.

Being just really tough would only become useful at high levels where it outstrips armor, but I guess.

You can't have 2 pacts at once, but swearing yourself to Yilvana is an option
Offer math problems as riddles.
>>study in the library (pick a topic, you can read well enough by now)
>Magic theory (compatible with mathematics)
>>try to determine your other mana-traits for Augmentation abilities
>study in the library (pick a topic, you can read well enough by now)
lets find out how to track down powerful fey. its in our best interest to make a pact with a more powerful being later if we ever plan to become truely exceptional. (remember that we are masters at fey ettiquette)
>try to determine your other mana-traits for Augmentation abilities
This will be long
We got a 4-way tie. So I'll pick the first option from the first 2 posts and the 2nd option from the 2 next posts.

>Is Telena a demon in disguise?
You don't think there's anything supernatural to her.

>get to know a specific kid better (Raylina)
>try to determine your other mana-traits for Augmentation abilities

Talking to Raylina you find her very fun to talk too. She has black hair and blue eyes. She loves riddles so she enjoys talking to you about math and about fey etiquette. You eventually learn that in exchange for her riddles she gets to learn secrets from the heavenly library that the Sphinx picked up. She didn't tell the adults what she got from the Sphinx because if they knew she couldn't leave even if her pact is broken, so Lumi (the Sphinx) told her to say that secrecy of the reward was part of the pact conditions.

Lumi and Raylina seem to have a very friendly relationship which is different from most contractors.

Unlike Meva, Raylina is really bad at sports and a book work at heart so she felt isolated from the other kids before you came. She is willing to tell you secrets or order secrets from the heavenly library for you in exchange for maths and fey etiquette knowlege.
(the heavly library contains useful info if you know what to ask for like location of artiffacts, or nearby places you could visit fey.
Trying to determine your mana traits is a hard ordeal. You know that based on how low your elemental affinity is that you should have 4.

Roll 1d4 to see how many you manage to figure out this attempt.
Now let's roll to see what other traits your mana has: 1d100 per possible trait. Each found trait needs to be applied to a spell via a sygil and substracts for example 3 multipliers. So applying all 4 traits would make the attunement multiplier go from 20x to 8x.

And provides a negative or positive effect: once an effect is determined roll 1d4+1 to see how much of a multipier effect it has.

1. Heavy - Increases the mass of a spell or object.
2.Thorns - Makes spells take on a thorny shape, with the thorns growing sharper and longer if in contact with blood.
3. Brittle - Makes spells or objects weak and brittle.
4. Flickering - Causes spells to flicker, they appear and dissaper periodically
5. Regenerative - Causes spells or objects to slowly regenerate if damaged.
6. Spectral - Makes spells or objects ghostly and able to pass through solid matter.
7. Sapping - consumes more mana
8. Slow - Reduces the speed of spells.
9. Cool - cools a spell or object
10. Jagged - Adds sharp, uneven edges to spells, making yhrm harder to controll, but more damaging
11. Blurry - makes spell hard to see controll and interact with
12. Delayed - Causes spells to activate with a delay.
13. Dull - Reduces the effectiveness of spells.
14. Tiring - Makes spells cause fatigue to the caster (drains stamina and mana)
15. Pulsing - Causes spells to pulse with energy
16. Fragile - Makes spells easier to break
17. Corrosive - Causes spells to erode or damage materials
18. Pulsing - Causes spells to pulse with mana.
19. Disruptive - Causes spells to interfere with other magic nearby.
20. Exhausting - drains nearby stamina
21. Directed - can only go in a stright line
22. Flammable - Makes spells highly flammable and easily ignited.
23. Sticky - Makes spells or objects sticky, adhering to surfaces.
24. Dissonant - Causes a mild feeling of unease near the spell
25. Scattered - Spells disperse in multiple directions.
26. Jittery - Causes spells to shake or vibrate.
27. Sluggish - Reduces the reaction time of spells.
28. Webbed - Creates web-like structures with spells
29. Crystalline - makes spells take on crystalien structures adding harness and smootheness
30. Transparent - - Makes spells or objects transparent
31. Smoky - Causes spells to emit obscuring smoke.
32. Feral - can add animalstic forms or aspects to spells
33. Backlash - casting a spell damages the caster
34. Overload - Casting a spell temporarily blocks you from spellscasting
35. Rapid - the next spell cast will consume less mana
36. Claws - form spell into claws and spikes
37. Haunting - Adds a ghostly, eerie effect to spells.
38. Absorbent - spell can absorb ambient mana to strengthen itself
39. Decaying - spell leeks mana into the enviroment
40. Camouflaging - Grants spells the ability to blend into surroundings.
41. Rusty - Adds a corroded, rusty effect to spells.
42. Prismatic - Causes spells to refract light into a spectrum of colors.
43. Berserk - spells becomes uncontrollable but gains much of raw power
44. Grounded- Makes spells more effective when in contact with the ground.
45. Tremoring - Adds a mild earthquake effect to spells.
46. Enchanting - Adds an enchanting effect, mesmerizing targets.
47. Dirty - cast spell will contain impurities. Like dirty water instead of clean, or choking rope fire instead of pure fire
48. Swarming - Causes spells to act like a swarm, dividing into multiple smaller spells which all stay nearby
49. Disorienting- Distorts the caster's vision and hearing while casting.
50. Seeping - Causes spells to seep into materials slowly.
51. Evasive - Makes spells harder to intercept
52. Mimicking - Causes spells to mimic the appearance of other elements.
53. Instability - Spells have a chance to fail or backfire.
54. Nauseating- Casting spells disorients the caster, causing temporary confusion and nausea
55. Light - reduces weight of spell or object
56. Wild Magic - Spells occasionally produce random and uncontrollable effects.
57. Mana Burn - Each spell cast causes a burning sensation, distracting the caster.
58. Mana Shock - Casting spells can cause a shock that temporarily stuns the caster.
59. Fracturing - next spell will consume more mana when cast
60. Resonating - spell becomes more effective if another caster casts a simmilar spell nearby (can only be used in this case)
61. Lifedrain - spell absorbs life force from killed targets to streangthen itself
62. Herbal Adaptability - may imbue effects of alcehmical ingredients into spell if you are holding them
63. Thunder - can add bonus kinetic power to spells
64. Elastic - adds stretchyness and flexibility
65. Bouncy - can make spell bounce of off objects
66. Muffled - Reduces the sound of spells.
67. Funeral Bell - casting spells with this will attract ghosts
68. Shimmering - covers spell in what appears to be glitter
69. Desperate - spell becomes the more effective the more hurt/damaged the caster is
70. Imprint - each time a spell is cast with this it transforms a bit of the caster's body into the cast element
71. Emerging - spell's origin point is randomised while retaining target
72. Echoing - spell gets repeated increasingly weakened a few times
73. Inky - Causes spells to appear like ink and change colour of things on touch
74. Piercing - Increases the penetrating power of spells.
75. Mind Drain - Casting spells slowly drains the caster's mental energy.
76. Mana Ripple - Spells cause minor ripples in the mana flow, applying the alteration effects of your spells to spells cast by nearby casters
77. Hot - heats up a spell or object
78. Buoyant - Makes spells float in the air.
79. Absorbant - absorbs kinetic impacts
80. Cyclonic - Adds a whirlwind effect to spells
81. Strongly Grounded- Spells require physical contact with the ground to be cast effectively.
82. Warping - Casting spells warps the caster's perception of reality temporarily.
83. Resonant - Causes spells to produce sound waves
84. Mana Bleed - Casting spells causes the caster to bleed out mana slowly.
85. Slippery - Makes spells or objects slippery to the touch
86. Geseous - spell takes on traits of a gas
87. Tasty - the spell will have a taste, can reproduce taste of foods
88. Soul Drain - Each spell cast slowly drains a portion of the caster's soul.
89. Chained - Binds spells to a specific area or object, extending how logn it'll last
90. Baneful - Adds a harmful, destructive effect to spells.
91. Shattering - Causes spells to shatter on impact.
92. Viscous - Makes spells thick and sticky
93. Madness - Adds a sanity-eroding effect to spells.
94. Soultouch - Causes spells to touch the soul.
95. Hexfire - Adds a cursing flame effect.
96. Rending - Increases the tearing and cutting power of spells.
97. Soluble - dissolves in water
98. Swirling - Causes spells to swirl around erratically.
99. Foul - Adds a foul odor to spells
100. Oily - Gives spells a slick, oily tex

>get to know the staff
>accumulate mana
>visit the library (what do you want to learn/study?)
>try to determine more of your Augmentation abilities
>try creating Augmentation sygils
>teach Raylina something (specify what info from the Heavny Library you want in exchange) (specify if you teach her math or etiquette)
>write a letter home (to whom and what?)
>research local herbs, get back to practicing alchemy
>try to help locate your contractor
>help in the garden
>write in
Rolled 4 (1d4)

Rolled 18 (1d100)

Nice found all four. I'll roll 1d100 unless you just want them all rolled asap.
Rolled 1 + 1 (1d4 + 1)

>18. Pulsing - Causes spells to pulse with mana.
Might be nice I suppose?
Rolled 57 (1d100)

Rolled 31 (1d100)

i want to go to the library to do what i said here >>6074732 still
Rolled 1 + 1 (1d4 + 1)

>31. Smoky - Causes spells to emit obscuring smoke.
(could be good or bad i think)
it might be better to
>teach Raylina something (specify what info from the Heavny Library you want in exchange) (specify if you teach her math or etiquette)
to find out where that information is found.
>teach her about etiquette
Rolled 17 (1d100)

Let's see the fourth...
Rolled 1 + 1 (1d4 + 1)

It looks like our mana traits are...

>Pulsing - Causes spells to pulse with mana.
>Mana Burn - Each spell cast causes a burning sensation, distracting the caster.
>Smoky - Causes spells to emit obscuring smoke.
>Corrosive - Causes spells to erode or damage materials.

Huh. Is that good or bad? The only thing that throws me off is Mana Burn. Hopefully we can learn to cope with that or master it over time.
>teach Raylina something (Etiquette) (Learn location of Fey nearby our village in exchange)

>try creating Augmentation sygils
Rolled 1, 2 = 3 (2d4)

I'll do the two needed rolls
If Dice could speak they'd be saying loud and clear that we are not getting that good casting mana efficiency.

>Pulsing - Causes spells to pulse with mana.
-2 mod
>Mana Burn - Each spell cast causes a burning sensation, distracting the caster.
-2 mod
>Smoky - Causes spells to emit obscuring smoke.
-2 mod
>Corrosive - Causes spells to erode or damage materials.
-3 mod

So that's a potential max efficiency increase from 20x to 11x at the cost of 4 extra sygils in a spell.

(some of you seem to think this is a passive ability it's not it's something you need to put in work to add as a spell component)

We don't have enough responses as to 'what to do' yet so I can't move the quest forward. Yet. Bit sad to see it did not manage to pick back up with the new thread
>>teach Raylina something ( etiquette)
>try creating Augmentation sygils
>>6075174 >>6076701
>Teach Raylina something (Etiquette) (Learn location of Fey nearby our village in exchange)
>try creating Augmentation sygils
>>try creating Augmentation sygils
>try to determine more of your Augmentation abilities
>Teach Raylina something (Etiquette) (Learn location of Fey nearby our village in exchange)
>try creating Augmentation sygils

Creating augmentation sygils goes smoothly. You seem to have talent in this magic, sadly the easy schooling ends here. The book on this magic is over any further advancements in the art of augmentation will need to be done by yourself.

Raylina quickly picks up on Fey Etiquette. Her eyes smiel with excitement. What is an etiquette challenge really, but an elaborate riddle. She struggles with the physical portions such as the bows, using cuttery and the like, but the mental ones. She's already extrapolating them, making riddles and games from them.

Her patreon rewards her dearly for such interesting delights. You gain the info you desire. It seems there indeed is a fey nearby two even. One is the Swamp Hag which is slowly killing Aiga while the other is your patreon.

One problem is if you try to visit Aiga's Patron first your patron will know and will disappear. A hag is a quite high ranked fey so although the food will likely be nasty it'll be high quality and of the water+earth attribute useful to you. Going to your contractor could lead to a contract renegotiation though.

Where do you go?
>Swamp hag Hut
>Pixie Queen's Court
>Nah don't go afterall

Take Raylian with you?

If you go meet the fey how do you prepare and what do you bring?
>write in

Please give me a 2 1d100 rolls. these will decide if and what event happened here or back home. You will also receive a letter from home soon.
>Bit sad to see it did not manage to pick back up with the new thread
its a shame. one of the better quests on here too. dont let that demotivate you QM. keep it alive!
perhaps you could change the vote system. have a timed voting period (say 48h) then take the choice with the most votes
should there be a tie in votes roll a d2 (or d3 etc) to decide
this might go against your philosophy as QM, but there might be no other way
Rolled 24 (1d100)

>Pixie Queen's Court
lets go there to talk things through with the princess and see if shes willing to end our relationship. she might be angry with us, but she should also understand that its not our fault the inquisition got to us and its in both our interest to end the contract. we might be able to convince her that after we are let go by the inquisition we would make a new, better pact. (of course we are instead seeking to make one with The Hag)
why not? could be a bonding experience. i wouldnt take her to The Hag tho. but wait - arent those types of fey not enemies? would that be bad if we bring someone who has a non dark patron to the domain of the dark fey? if so i change my vote on that to
>If you go meet the fey how do you prepare and what do you bring?
i dont know what we have at our disposal, but i would suggest maybe gift some kids toys? (pixies like that kind of stuff i understand it. well our character is more knowledgeable on this than me and can make a better informed decision)
Rolled 91 (1d100)

I will agree with this >>6078240, and this >>6078202. Your quest is fantastic QM. Don't let anything keep you down.

Stay strong QM I'm just trying to get a feel for how the character should act
>>6078240 +1
>Swamp hag Hut

I kind of want to save the kid who's fucked.


>Potions, Muddy Dolls, a lock of some poor girls hair, and some other thing we guess will impress a swamp hag.
>Pixie Queen’s Court
I really think it would be unwise to make a deal with the hag, considering what is happening to the other kid, and even if we make an unofficial deal with intent to renege once we break our pixie pact, I think it would bite us in the end. I know people are thinking of the girl who is ill from the hag, but I’m more concerned about our family, I think we were contributing to the success of the business and we know about corporate espionage, I guess we’d have to believe in the Pheasants otherwise. I don’t think there’s much we can do to the hag, excluding being self sacrificing (as a young apparently talented mage, being a lucrative get for a hag). I think we’re better just telling the Paladins where she is, unless I misunderstand why they haven’t gone out to deal with her yet and it has nothing to do with them not knowing her location. I’m not sure if it’s just the non dark fairies that like the company of kids or all fae but if they do bringing our witty and knowledgeable friend might put them in a good mood when dealing with us
Agree with this for what to bring.

Also, QM, just caught up and I really like this quest. I didn’t initially open the thread because I didn’t realise it was a fantasy quest and assumed it was a peasant simulator
>Also, QM, just caught up and I really like this quest. I didn’t initially open the thread because I didn’t realise it was a fantasy quest and assumed it was a peasant simulator
I'll try to make it more clear in the next OP what the game is. When it started I wanted something open-ended, so if players had wanted to take it into a farm simulator direction that's where it'd have gone.

>>6078240 24 - here (minor bad event)
The oak tree in the courtyard of the Temple suddenly withers. It must have been centuries old by now, yet it's wood became brittle, it's leaves dropped and a foul smell eminated from it. The nuns and palladins sense no magic in this event, but it's seen as a fell omen.

>>6078357 91 - home (major good event)
You recieve a letter from home. You are asked about how things are and are told everyone is healthy and they had no problems. In fact some good news came, your father's wine was gifted by Baron Struhitz to the King during a royal banquet and the King is said to have loved it. The wine being based on herbs is hard to replicate and it's prize has skyrcoketed taking your mother's buisness along. Your family is in the prozess of recieving a 'royal comercial license' which in effect is declaring the area surrounding the village the King's personal property with your father as the 'govenor'. The King will send royal guards to guard the area so yoru family is more than safe.

Your mom asks abnout your health and hopes you can come home soon because now they can afford a magic tutor for you and all the books you'd want. With the letter arrived a bottle of your father's praised wine with the King's of Kakhetor.

What will you do with the wine?
>gift it to the Chief Nun
>gift it to the High Almoner of the Palladins
>gift it to the royal kid
>chug it yourself
>take it to the meeting with your patreon
>write in
You take Raylina by the hand and you two wander out of the facility. First through a gap in the wall then into a dark forest, it is the middle of the night, but you swear it shouldn't have been this dark. You took a bag of toys to gift to the pixie, but Raylina ends up clutching a teddybear as you walk deeper and deeper.

There is finally is, not even a true door, but instead merely a wax gate you have to pry open. You announced yourself days prior as fey ritual demands and you offer the toys as gifts to the fey as you enter upon which they with glee rip them to shreds. Raylina nearly burst out crying as she sees "Mister Bear" being torn to shreds, but she learned her etiquette well she knows she can't have an outburst or save him, you know she remembered the face of that single pixie though.

She is such a smart kid that you may have forgotten that unlike you she actually still is a kid when taking her along. You are finally brought before her your contractor the pixie queen. Her forms is much different to what you remember she's the size of an adult woman and her form as well as of her close attendants is combined with gems due to your earth element. Next to her throne are the destroyed remnants of all the statues you had traded her. You sit down at the table and dinner begins. It is time to talk.

>Raylina begins skirting the lines of fey etiquette before the Mistress of the house even does. Her conversation focused on a servant with a torn ear and an eastern face.

>Roll a 1d100 high is good low is bad. Basically if Raylina breaks fey etiquette or if the pixie queen or a servant does.
In the meantime the Pixie Quenn speaks: "it was quite stuffy having to visit you in that old form you know, but you did feel our contract shifting didn't you?" - Her voice is filled with glee

"Those palladins were tricked too, I have recieved some fortunate trinkets from them and a gift should be recipricated with another one don't you think?"

Multiple palladin swords, staffs and religious trinkets are laid before you. What do you do with them?
>accept the gift and destroy them in pixie gift-acceptance fashion
>keep the useful things for yourself (suspicious if caught)
>return them to the monastary as a remnant of those who died (suspicious)
>(high fey etiquette skill) profess that a gift from the dead belongs to the dead. The artiffacts will stay with the Pixie Queen and trinkets of equal worth will be left with the palladin corpses. You will recieve a different gift in exchange for the toys

The servants keep bringing dishes. Mostly various meats covered in a layer of jelly. Atrributed mostly to the dark they greatly raise your mana increasing it to 1400, the effect on Raylina is much smaller as her natural element is.... roll a another 1d100: 1-20 water, 21-50 wind, 51-80 light, 81-88 2 first, 89-96 2 last 97-100 water&light

As the dinner proceeds the talk of your contract is avoided. You need to bring it up first. How do you chose to do so?
>write in only
Rolled 22 (1d100)

>gift it to the High Almoner of the Palladins

>(high fey etiquette skill) profess that a gift from the dead belongs to the dead. The artiffacts will stay with the Pixie Queen and trinkets of equal worth will be left with the palladin corpses. You will recieve a different gift in exchange for the toys

>Tell her about the other contracts at our temple and let the conversation eventually end up our own in comparison to there's.

Probably should have not brought Raylina along.
Shit is it possible to save her?
It's above 20 so it's a minor slip up. Feel free to roll your own 1d100 if you want to get her out of this, in this case you run the risk of a fopa of your own though
Rolled 99 (1d100)

fully agreeing with this.

so: we could potentially stay under contract with her (break this one and make a better one later) if we get through this with good rolls and our relationship develops positively
or we could try our luck with The Hag later. we know nothing about her other that shes presumably very clever and powerful (and most importantly our element)
potentially high risk, guaranteed high reward. keep this in mind anons and decide wisely when it comes to a choice.
with The Hag we could become one of the most powerful mages in the land before we hit puberty. but its a risk. i would be willing to take it tho

(rolling for raylinas natural element)
(kinda sad that it wasnt for something really significant)
>gift it to the High Almoner of the Palladins
We should get Raylina a new Mister Bear
(high fey etiquette skill) profess that a gift from the dead belongs to the dead. The artiffacts will stay with the Pixie Queen and trinkets of equal worth will be left with the palladin corpses. You will recieve a different gift in exchange for the toys
>Tell her about the other contracts at our temple and let the conversation eventually end up our own in comparison to theirs
Rolled 88 (1d100)


How bad will she get got for the minor slip up?
+1 to this. The only other thing I could think off without being too obvious that we’re seeking to break our contract might have been complaining about how we’re watched so closely on account of our contract, but I don’t think the Pixies would care. We can’t lie to them, fae, is that right or was that just those other fae? I’m not sure how dangerous hags are in this world, and personally I don’t want to contract with it, but maybe they’d be frightened if we casually suggested we were thinking of signing up with her (I assume she’d have to come here and squash pixies to free us up) on account of our magical potential
Support, I guess High Almoner of the Paladins would be the guy to learn about tracking down fey since hes the head of the guys who do it for a living. Also makes the decisions on who is safe to leave the compound?

Phew that looks like a solid roll for trying to save Raylina from her fuckup.
You figure out Raylina's magic affinity is water and light. As she makes a mistaker the Pixie Queen grins happily knowing she'll be able to exploit it against you only to slip up herself in her glee as she pointer her fork upwards a clear insult to light alighned fey.

At this point you have the choice of either letting it go and bith mistakes being forgotten about or capitalising on the Fey Queen's mistake.
>just move on pretend nothing happened
>use this to get out of your contract (raylina will be taken by the pixies, you will gain the Sphinx's ire)

The dinner continues and you bring up the topic of breaking the contract. It's clear by now that you don't wish to make a deal to escape the inquisitors and however much she does you're nothing but a way to track her down now, but the Pixie Queen is spiteful. She does not like her things taken away.

She grimaces and her face contorts. With the royal guard now near your family she does not have the firepower to touch them... your mana though it grows so fast. You are a being with infinite potential, she can sense it. How foolish would she be to let you go?

"Why don't you stay for a bit longer?" - she says and all the other pixies look stunned

What she just did is a "decorum at infinitum", declaring you a longtherm guest meaning you may use all local fascilities as your own as long as you don't leave. It's essentially a 'do whatever the fuck you want' pass as long as you don't leave, but in the case of the pixie the exit door was also promptly hidden. All this did in her case is buy herself time.

What do you do?
>look for an exit immeditely (1d100 roll)
>spend time eating pixie food
>read the books of the pixie queen
>make a replacement toy for Raylina and keep her company
>spend time with the Pixie queen
>Write in
Outside of the Pixie nest your gift to the high Almoner arrives. Exquisite wine from the east, even more valuable here than back home. Sipping it he gets a feeling that he definitely owes you a favour, but as you and Raylina go missing he gets a feeling this was some sort of cry for help.

He gets up from his chair and summons the palladins to begin tracking you two. Due to his old age he rarely gets out into the filed himself, but he's curious this time so he sets out. (roll 1d100 to see how sucessful his resque effort is)
Rolled 6 (1d100)

>just move on pretend nothing happened
>spend time eating pixie food
>just move on pretend nothing happened
>read the books of the pixie queen

We got a fuck ton of mana already. I'm curious what kind of books a pixie queen has.
Rolled 93 (1d100)

>just move on and pretend nothing happened
>read the books of the pixie queen
interesting. this might be our only chance to get out of our contract without rolling, but i think the price is too unreasonable. lets focus on getting out of there in one piece and if she wasnt cooperative send the paladins after her.
>just move on pretend nothing happened
and do this
>spend time with the Pixie queen
so she doesnt try to go after raylina without us there to save her + we can bargain with her about this whole contract fiasco and/or get her to tell us more valuable pixie/fey things. after all, it seems she needs us more than we need her.
we have the upper hand on her. she thinks we have infinite potential. we, at least, are in no hurry to get away from here until we have something to show for it.

actually clutch roll with that 6. now the paladins wont fuck us over unexpectantly, which would have guaranteed made the queen believe that we sent them, fucking us over royally
I may be bit quick ro respond, but enough people posted and something quite exciting happened.

>6 critical dissaster - aplified by minor dissaster of the ill omen of the dying tree

The paladins set out into the forest. Wandering seemingly aimlessly and without the High Almoner and most aplladins gone there would be no one truly left to defend the place. The ancient withered oak would slowly unfurl like a spiral and out of it would step a hag, a creature akin to a diving beetle in form, hunched over, with long hair and hairy arms. The contractor of Aiga. The local area would soon turn to swamp the change felt feintly even in the pixie layer which is, but feintly tathered to the material world.

The Swamp With would then proceed through the monastery and a slaughter would ensue.
Ishan, Senega, the Prince and the other kids would all attempt to get away. (roll 4 d100's to see how each does, only high rolls will ensure survival). The staff would not be as lucky, trying to protect the kids, the nuns and few remaining paladins would be drowned in quicksand.

The bogwitch would then eat Aiga whole. Swallowing the child, Only to give birth to her once more seemingly unchanged except for her wounds being all healed. The birth of a Hagspawns.

The implications of the massacre to the standing of the church will be massive, but if the consequences get even further out of hand depends on if Ishan and the Prince survive as well as how the expedition of the High Almoner and the Palladins proceeds.

Another letter to you had arrived in the meantime, it's contents lost as it was destroyed in the fighting. Of the monastery mostly remain flames and mud.
Within the witch's abode you and Raylina have ended up in her library scouring her various books. Most are some bizzare trash, but Raylina managed to quickly find exampels of works containing knowlege unknown (or excluded) by the Heanly Library.

Which of the books do you with to study? (pick one)
>Black Poison Cookbook - a long tome detailing recipees for very deadly poisons some with bizzare effects like inducing extreme depression or bone melting
>Veil of Whispers - A forbidden grimoire that teaches the art of supernatural beings to objects, allowing the user to manipulate their powers via them like slavery.
>The Labyrinth of Shadows - speaks of the location of a dark alighned dungeon of high power, that seems impossible to clear.
>The Eternal Thorn - A cursed text that reveals the location of a mythical plant whose thorns can cause everlasting pain. The book is said to contain a piece of the plant embedded in its cover, making it incredibly dangerous to even touch.
>The Song of Silent Screams - A collection of haunting lullabies that, when sung, can invoke nightmares or summon creatures from the netherworld. The melodies are said to have been penned by a banshee queen.
>Ashes of the Lost - (requires fire+dark attribute mage) - A pyromantic tome that details the creation of a special fire capable of burning memories and erasing people from existence. The flames created are said to leave behind only the ashes of the person's soul.
>Serpent’s Tongue - A dark volume that teaches the lost language of serpents, allowing the reader to communicate with and command venomous creatures,
>The Shattered Crown - A mystical guide to the forbidden art of dethroning celestial beings. It provides instructions on how to weaken and bind angels and other divine entities, offering dark rituals to strip them of their power.

The Pixie Queen seems to spend her days prancing around nervously as if trying to come up with a plan. Some new idea.
Rolled 89 (1d100)

We really need to get out of this contract and the pixie queen's lair soon. Things are going to shit lmao.

>The Shattered Crown - A mystical guide to the forbidden art of dethroning celestial beings. It provides instructions on how to weaken and bind angels and other divine entities, offering dark rituals to strip them of their power.

I don't think we should go around pissing off normal and dethroning normal heavenly beings, but Raylina's rogue Sphinx is free game.
Rolled 95 (1d100)

>The Shattered Crown - A mystical guide to the forbidden art of dethroning celestial beings. It provides instructions on how to weaken and bind angels and other divine entities, offering dark rituals to strip them of their power.
Rolled 61 (1d100)

that was worse than anyone could have expected... RIP
we may as well try to become a god at some point. if so, we probably need whats in that book.
>The Shattered Crown - A mystical guide to the forbidden art of dethroning celestial beings. It provides instructions on how to weaken and bind angels and other divine entities, offering dark rituals to strip them of their power.
something more inherently useful would be the 1st, 2nd and 4th options.
i might change my vote later.
one kid saved!

>We really need to get out of this contract and the pixie queen's lair soon. Things are going to shit lmao.
not for us they arent. technically we dont even know anything about that yet

where are those high rolls when they matter?!?!! (at least another kid lives)

(watch me roll abysmally)
Rolled 22 (1d100)

Let's go for
>The Shattered Crown - A mystical guide to the forbidden art of dethroning celestial beings. It provides instructions on how to weaken and bind angels and other divine entities, offering dark rituals to strip them of their power.
It has the most long-term potential. Also, holy fuck, that is bleak. Hopefully the Paladins will forget about us in their quest to render divine judgement on the hag.
>>The Shattered Crown - A mystical guide to the forbidden art of dethroning celestial beings. It provides instructions on how to weaken and bind angels and other divine entities, offering dark rituals to strip them of their power.

Go big or go home.
Rolled 64 (1d100)

also don't forget to roll.
>The Shattered Crown - A mystical guide to the forbidden art of dethroning celestial beings. It provides instructions on how to weaken and bind angels and other divine entities, offering dark rituals to strip them of their power.
>Serpent’s Tongue - A dark volume that teaches the lost language of serpents, allowing the reader to communicate with and command venomous creatures

I just think it's neat if we can manage to find time for another book, or can take one with us. I don't think breaking Raylinas pact needs to be done anytime soon. That access to info from the heavenly library is really handy and she can make riddles all day. If the Church gets absolutely wrecked then it might be we can get out of here, go back to our home village, and live our life. Depending on how the paladin stuff goes between the pixie Queen and the hagswamp.
Oh right, what was the gift for using high etiquette to refuse the paladin stuff?
Would have gone with
>>Serpent’s Tongue - A dark volume that teaches the lost language of serpents, allowing the reader to communicate with and command venomous creatures,
Because all the other books seemed evil as fuck (this does too, but not as evil as the other ones) but looks like The Shattered Crown won. At least it might be handy knowledge to have
Good catch. I'll add it.

The gift offered to you instead was more meager equivalent to the brought plushies. Various trinkets, toys, bits of cloths and crayons belonging to the servant pixies.

What do you do with them?
>keep them
>destroy them

(Dreaming big I see)

Ishan gets away with some wounds and Senega manages to hide unharmed. Only these Two survive, all the other kids including the Prince end up killed. The search for you two is called off. Suspicion is raised over the hag using you for her plan and whiel search is to resume one day for now you and Raylina are considered dead. A major international incident has occurred, the Prince has turned outto have been the Crown Prince of Berken a large Kingdom and as he died the alliance forged via his engagament with the Riestas Kingdom has been annuled. The Berken King seems furious. His son had very few drawbacks from his pact, but now he's dead which has resulted in a potential aspostacy prozess by Berken. The situation on the political scene has turned quite chaotic.
Back in the Pixie layer you fueled by your ambitions are researching how to constrain, weaken or potentially overthrow heavenly beings. You manage to find that they are weak to certain herbs, find symbols which weaken them by type and all simmialr things liek this. The celestial constraining symbols certainly are interesting they seem to absorb their mana if placed nearby them you wonder if such thing exists for other mana.

The herbs... you will need to study more. Maybe if you were more careful with studying alchemy you'd understand it better. it seems though that there are plants which can have drug like effects on seraphim and celestials as well as others which disrupt light and wind mana when injested. Combinign them can cause their mana to go haywire and harm them.
Outside your self study you spend your days looking for an exit (unsucessfully) and on daily dinner's with the Pixie prizess. Your mana accumulation is still astounding getting to 2000 within the week and few days you were there. The Pixie Queen seems to be spending a lot of time showcasing potential spells she could give you. Diemsnional pockets, set teleportation points, curse spells, melding into shadows, and the like. She offers renegotiating the contract to one statue every few months. She talks about other lands where the divine 8 church holds no power and a dark patronage would be a sighn of status.

Are you receptive to keep the pact?
>insist on breaking it off
>keep it
>try to renegotiate it into a Family relationship (you bascially become her boss and she just a servant, unlikely to work)

Roll 1d100 to see how looking for an exit is going.

What to do the next days? You can pick 2
>spend time eating pixie food
>read the books of the pixie queen (same selection as before)
>make a replacement toy for Raylina and keep her company
>spend time with the Pixie queen
>make an especially good job on your statue to get a reward
>try to catch up on alchemy
>practice math
>practice spellscrafting
>try using your high mana for something (write in)
>Write in
Rolled 55 (1d100)

>destroy them

>insist on breaking it off

>read the books of the pixie queen (same selection as before)
>try to catch up on alchemy
Rolled 60 (1d100)

>>destroy them
>>insist on breaking it off
>>read the books of the pixie queen (same selection as before)
>>try to catch up on alchemy

I find the non fairy stuff more interesting and I'd like to go back to that
>destroy them
>insist on breaking it off

>make a replacement toy for Raylina and keep her company
>make an especially good job on your statue to get a reward
I think we could use the exercise of making something spectacular to practice magic, anyway, and I do want to try to leave the pixies on the best terms possible (to avoid any issues in the future). I'm concerned if we get trapped with a dark magic user it might ultimately harm our elemental magic in the long-term (or prevent us from developing to our full potential). I didn't really have much issue with the pixies, to be honest, it seemed like an easy enough pact to maintain but being scrutinised is an issue and we don't really know anything about these other lands.
Rolled 66 (1d100)

I can't believe I still do that.

Honestly with the Church getting mcfucked I'd imagine they might be a bit busy for us, we could justify that we are way safer at home anyways. But if we want to break it off shouldn't we try to spend time with the pixie Queen to convince her, or atleast be there to see if she makes another etiquette mistake we can use to get out of it like before? Finding the way out seems to be rather rough lol

Also I don't think just ignoring Raylina is very good. We can study alchemy when we get back home. That said, I seem to recall the votes end up just being absolute fucking garbage that ruins everything involved so I'm hesitant to make a tie.
Rolled 55 (1d100)

>destroy them
she brings up good points i think we need to further consider. also: if the church is fucked now they will pull off the paladins protecting our family most likely (and she mentioned wanting to harm them if we cross her)
>read the books of the pixie queen (same selection as before)
>>The Song of Silent Screams - A collection of haunting lullabies that, when sung, can invoke nightmares or summon creatures from the netherworld. The melodies are said to have been penned by a banshee queen.
you forgot to pick a book anons
>spend time with the Pixie queen

(i cant believe 3 of you already voted to break the pact just like that)
>Snek Book

You know maybe insisting on breaking it off when we don’t have an escape route is a bad idea. Also voted for books without specifying which one. Changing
>keep them
>read the books of the pixie queen (same selection as before)
>Serpent’s Tongue - A dark volume that teaches the lost language of serpents, allowing the reader to communicate with and command venomous creatures,
>spend time eating pixie food
I just read this and it was fun, I'll try to participate later
>destroy them
>stall (3:2 because one vote was changed so stall wins)
>Book reading - Serpent’s Tongue - A dark volume that teaches the lost language of serpents, allowing the reader to communicate with and command venomous creatures,
>try to catch up on alchemy

Looking for the exit progresses, you manage to conclude that the exit is moving as you checked everywhere and by tailing the pixie servants you realise it's being moved manually in some way. No roll needed, you will have found it after next turn. (meaning 1 more turn here then you can leave)

Stalling has the Pixie Queen has happy, because it means she got her foot in the door. Her face lights up.

"What a good brother you are. Protecting your precious little sister's smile so well. You do not have to hurry to leave. An important guest is comming today and she made sure no one is coming to save you.

You return to reading the bizzare books. You learn of the secret tongue spken with a burning tongue. If one is to drip poison on their tongue one can speak the language in the tome helping one command snakes and venomous creatures. Further reading allows you to quite easily pick up understanding the poison tongue in the very least.

Lastly you use whatever supplies you have locally to try relearning alchemy. It is a good start and you are progressing in understanding the divine weakening concoctions, but it'll take a while.

Raylina meanwhile seems to have been doing her own thing all the while as you focused on furthering your skills. Finally you find her hiding the corpse of a pixie the one she wished to avenge. She looks distraught while hiding it. She has commited a major fopa, one even invitation perpetuum won't cover.

What you do?
>rat Raylina out
>leave her to her own devices
>give her some advice on how to get away with it
>help her hide it (will take a 'Free time' action slot)
>pocket the corpse as a valuable ingredient (if caught you comit a fopa, roll 1d100)
As advertised earlier a guest indeed comes. Via rite of invitation perpetum you are too hosts in this situation with all the rights and obligations that entails. The Entity that enters is Quaga with Aiga holding her hand. You can feel that the Hag as an entity is far beyond even the Pixie Queen and the decorum of the visit reflects that.

Aiga seems to be staring daggers at you and Raylina a weird smugness behind her expression. The dinner continues and the waxy home slowly begins to feel more muddy and swampy. You can feel the very moistness.

"This child you have raised into something dangerous. What a useful tool. Mana at the level of an a 7th circle mage at the age of only 6, yet an elemental alignment so trash that you don't have to worry about him ever using it to overpower you." she then turns to you "Remember to consume my gift to you child. An earth grape will make you an even more useful tool. Your mistress has seen what you've been reading you seem to be interested in our side when it comes to the war of the heavens aren't you?"

What do you respond?
>stay quite
>correct that the Pixie is not your master and that the pact is equal

What do you do?
>consume the earth grape
>reject eating it

Aiga then speaks up blatantly. "Can we stay a bit longer?" a silence stems the room, a blatant breach of fey etiquette, but somehow the one looking terrified is the Pixie Queen. As if she does not have the balls to enforce the rules at all against her. It seems that beyond the unbroken rules of fey etiquette strength still reigns supreme. The queen is about to ask the Aiga and the Bog Witch to stay do you let it happen?

>no (situation may turn very dangerous roll a 1d100)
>yes (Aiga will take part in your and Raylina's activities)
>try to change topic (write in, 1d100 the write in determiens the success chance)

What to do the next days? You can pick 2
>spend time eating pixie food
>read the books of the pixie queen (same selection as before)
>make a replacement toy for Raylina and keep her company
>spend time with the Pixie queen
>make an especially good job on your statue to get a reward
>try to catch up on alchemy
>practice math
>practice spellscrafting
>try using your high mana for something (write in)
>Write in
Damn. We're have to say no or change the topic here. If the hag starts staying here with us we might never escape. The pixie queen is by nature a little childish and naive and doesn't wish to do us harm thanks to the pact which probably leaves chances to escape, but the hag seems much more conniving. I could see her actually harming us and stopping an escape.

I assume thanks to rules of etiquette if we say no here he Pixie Queen has to fight the hag to enforce it she says no, right? Maybe we can escape in the meantime?
>give her some advice on how to get away with it

>stay quite

>reject eating it

>try to change topic (ask what happened to the paladins/ other children)

>practice spellscrafting
>make a replacement toy for Raylina and keep her company
I had an idea. Hide the body in another stuffed animal or statue or toy for Raylina. The Pixie Queen always destroys the toys, which would make it look like she had killed a pixie who was hiding inside, which seems like a very pixie thing to do. So it could be handy for getting her to let us out.
>pocket the corpse as a valuable ingredient (if caught you commit a fopa, roll 1d100)
I like this idea (>>6084952) if it's reasonable, but if not I'd rather just take the hit as they value us.

>correct that the Pixie is not your master and that the pact is equal

>reject eating it

>no (situation may turn very dangerous roll a 1d100)
Although, I think this is a good idea too (>>6084932) and I'd be OK with trying to deflect. If she caused those children to die, and they had pacts with other powerful entities that are now void (especially the valuable prince) it might be some leverage for the Pixie Queen to use.

>make a replacement toy for Raylina and keep her company
>make an especially good job on your statue to get a reward
Rolled 9 (1d100)

>give her some advice on how to get away with it
>stay quiet
>consume the earth grape
we need the hag to think that we are nothing more than a mere child with a gift to exploit
why wouldnt a 6 year old accept a treat? (plus i really dont believe its harmful to us. fey food is fey food and this is something of our element)
>try to change topic (write in, 1d100 the write in determines the success chance)
ask why they came here in the first place. does the hag want to gather allies for this "war of the heavens"? or if she and our contractor have any history together. get her talking about that it should be a broad topic
>make an especially good job on your statue to get a reward
>make a replacement toy for Raylina and keep her company
>give her some advice on how to get away with it
>stay quiet
>consume the earth grape
The Hag thinks we are already the subservient party in our pact, she sees us as a tool based on how much mana we've had and how its effected the Pixie Queen. I don't think theres a need to change that perspective or to reject fae food aligned with us. She has no reason to poison us. Rejecting and changing that perspective will only make her suspicious and less willing to offer us anything.

>try to change topic (write in, 1d100 the write in determines the success chance)
Asking about the War of Heaven seems like a good idea since she brought it up.

>make an especially good job on your statue to get a reward
>make a replacement toy for Raylina and keep her company

The Pixie Queen talked about a lot of useful stuff. The Teleportation points for instance. If we could learn that we could maybe put such a point in the Pixie Queens house, leave with Raylina so we can go home, and then come back later when the Hag isn't here to see about breaking the pact when this extremely hostile and powerful being isnt here. Or get strong enough to break it and do so later since the Hag implied that is possible even if she says our alignment makes it unlikely.

That said I do wonder if we even need to break the pact if the Church is gonna be really busy with other things for a while.

I do wonder if Raylina is just smug because of killing the little pixie, or if its because of something the Sphinx said. The Sphinx should be part of Heaven so I imagine it knows something about the Hag or the dark side being bitter about the war's results, which means Raylina might know something.
Is this the 1d100 roll or does it come after the vote?
Rolled 52 (1d100)

ah right my roll
i just hope nothing horrible comes of that 9
best case that roll doesnt count
That's why I would agree with this post, specifically that "try to change topic" attempt, because even if it doesn't succeed we won't get obliterated for rolling bad.

Honestly I was following the first thread and I loved it, but with all the time between the updates and how it went radio silent I wasn't convinced with following, bug after seeing in how fucked of a situation we got I'm intrigued
>give her some advice on how to get away with it
>stay quiet
>reject eating it
>try to change topic (write in, 1d100 the write in determines the success chance) - '9'
>make an especially good job on your statue to get a reward
>make a replacement toy for Raylina and keep her company

Raylina manages to hide the dead Pixie, not even you know where it is, but this is a fey realm. it's only a question of time until the the corpse is found and now that Aiga is with you two all the time you don't really have any time to yourselves. You try to keep to boring tasks like making a very good statue and cheering Raylina up.

Changing topic does not work at all, you just are shown a glare by the hag as the topic gets back on track and they are invited.

The girl smiles when you give her a new stuffed bear, but her expression soon becomes mellow again. She is worried about having killed a pixie and even feels bad in hindsight but can't talk about it. She seems to be whispering about it to the bear though.

You finish a quite grand statue and hand it to the pixie Queen, as a gift she grants you a small hyperspace puch which lets you store up to 100kg of stuff in suspended time at 1/10th the weight. She tells you to put the earth grape in if you won't eat it immediately.

Your mana gain has stagnated resulting in it going from 2200 mana, you are not sure how much further you can go with fey food.

The Pixie realm on the other hand keeps morphing to be less waxy and more swampy... you have found the exist.
Do you try to leave?
>not yet

Escape choices:
1. Take raylina

2. Break pixie pact first

3. Take Aiga
>no (1d100 roll to see if you manage to shake her off)

Write in if you want to steal something, or have some cleaver escape plan.
I think you may have miscounted was t there more for eating the earth grape?
Rolled 93 (1d100)

Should we really break the pact with no replacement option? Making statues is not an issue for us anymore. We should stay on the queens good side while keep getting awesome rewards like what we just got.
>no (1d100 roll to see if you manage to shake her off)
I wont bother rolling with that 93 we already got
>no (1d100 roll to see if you manage to shake her off)

Why would we want to keep the pact when the Pixie Queen is an unaligned dark-fey? We have Raylina now so we can easily find an earth-aligned fey that would give us much greater bonuses to our Earth Magic thanks to the Sphinxes heavenly record. Or we could try to get an in with the Dwarven god through Meva. Our magic inefficiency is way too high with the pixie queen. Plus we should go home at some point and we can't do that while contracted with a Fey. I'm worried about our parents.

Definitely need to break the pact. I want to go to the academy and we can't with a pact.
Sadly some shit came up irl and I'll have to cut the quest short here. I'm very sorry about that
Hope it turns out good my man
Thanks for running, I enjoyed it while it lasted.
is there any possibility you can continue it some day?
As usual I blame the fey, regardless was fun half participating half lurking throughout the quest hope things go well for ya QM

Also I hope this quest is a lesson to everyone to NEVER TRUST THE F#$%ING FEY

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