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Pick race and location
shrek is so back
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You are Shrek Shlomostein leader of the swamp trolls of Ningabajunga.

Your people eat Rotten Fish and Bat Guano. In the middle of the swamp there is a cave infested with Bats where you harvest your guano.

To the north there are Elvish tribes lead by Queen Sikof
Sikingdik. To the south there are the Dwarves lead by the legendary warrior Rekur Xitup. To the east there is a tribe of bloodthirsty cannibals known only as The Reds which are lead by a powerful sorceror named Eklesius. To the west there is the lands of the lizardmen, a vast expanse of savanna which they reclaimed from the centaurs long ago. Roaming their land there are vast hordes of undead, but the lizardmen know ways to elude them.

You received news that a powerful Elvish Witch is traveling though the swamp. She has been sent by the elf queen to harvest some Rare Herbs which are necessary for a very important Potion.

What do you do?

> Send your troll shamans to help the elf witch
> Send a war party to intercept the elf witch so you can torture her for information
> Demand tribute from the elf witch for your patience
> Follow the elf witch from afar to learn what she is doing
> Write in
war party! get out of our swamp!
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Nigga wtf
You know you want it.
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> Follow the elf witch from afar to learn what she is doing
> Send your troll shamans to help the elf witch
Shrek personally accompanies the shamans to rizz up the witch.
>Send your troll shamans to help the elf witch
Try to get the elf pregnant
I suppose, the story was too good for this board
shrek too op
It's the only rational shreksplanation
>gay vampire pirate gnomes
>volcanic isles

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