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Nine years ago King Aiden Perenolde betrayed the Alliance and sided with the Horde of Orgrim Doomhammer. Nine years ago Prince Alric Perenolde, the second heir of Alterac was sent into exile for his own protection. This exile turned permanent and Captain Normand Garside, your guardian for the past nine years made sure that you were safe and learned the useful skills that would help you in the future.

Now you are ready to carry the responsibility and unite the scattered Alteraci people and reclaim the lands that were once the Kingdom of Alterac.

The Stonemasons had finally all arrived at their new home. A large tent city had formed next to Dawnholme, row upon row of all sorts of tents housing families and friends. Over three thousand and three hundred souls were now living in Dawnholme, making it the largest town in all of Hillsbrad. And soon Dawnholme will be the greatest town in all of Híllsbrad as the Stonemasons are working on building new infrastructure and housing for everyone.

For you the end of the spring was a busy time as well. All the summer preparations were finished, the meeting was had and decisions regarding the future were made. You would join the Durnholde campaign against the gnolls, you have to join it not just as a good neighbour, but to prevent the plans Lord Colonel Garithos of Regional Defenders has. For he wants to replace Lord Blackmoore and take Durnholde Keep for himself.

Though not everything was bad news. Malevus had found her courage, giving her permission for you to court her and words cannot describe how happy that made you.

Oh you also fought a laughing orc and took him as your prisoner.

Welcome to Alterac Resurgent Quest!

Twitter: https://twitter.com/MedivhQM
/qst/ Archive: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Alterac%20Resurgent%20Quest
Prince Alric Stats: https://pastebin.com/rysxdRsv
Quest Mechanisms: https://pastebin.com/CyD88qqf
Character List: https://pastebin.com/FkYd6wkJ
Side Character Stats: https://pastebin.com/aRfyksUG
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Oh fuck!

You pulled yourself up from the bathing barrel. How the hell had you fallen asleep and nearly dipped under the water? Were you really that tired and how long had you been asleep? The water was still quite warm. Taking a couple deep breaths and then leaning on the side of the barrel, you knew that maybe you should just wash yourself and then go to sleep.

Doing just that, you took the bar of soap and went to work. Having scrubbed yourself from head to toe, cleaned your ears and washed your hair properly, you stepped out of the barrel and dried yourself with one of the many towels left for that purpose.

Stretching your back and your arms, you inspected your reflection on the mirror. You have grown, gotten more adult, maybe a bit more handsome. The few scars from the wounds, a couple wrinkles from the stress. Fel green eyes. The glyphs written in Draconic on your chest to keep the Fel inside you in control.

You sighed and threw the towel away. Alright, just to put your clothes on for a few moments before you can jump into the bed and then some cozy nice sleep.

“Good morning Monica.” You greeted your friend, you had taken a seat downstairs and were waiting for breakfast to arrive. She was wearing her green dress, just like she always does.

“Good morning Alric.” She greeted you back and smiled. “Here is the tea you ordered.”

Placing the tray on the table, she poured one cup for you and another for Krix Wiklish, your goblin mechanic.

“Thank you Miss Sengutz.” Wiklish replied back to her, the bald goblin was wearing a rather nice looking vest and a shirt as he cleaned his monocle. “Prince Alric, no news of the Dark Irons?”

“Nothing, they are late.” You said back to him. “Thank you Monica, any news?”

“No, nothing has happened here that you should know.” She said.

“Alright, well hoping to see you later, but no promises. Today is going to be a long day.” You said back.

“I understand, just stay safe.” Monica replied and left you alone with the goblin.

“She is a nice lady.” Wiklish said to you and took the tea cup.

“There is a reason why I made her my representative.” You replied and switched the topic. “Master Blacksteel most likely has a reason why he is late. The distance from his homeland to here is a long one and the equipment he brings with him are most likely quite heavy. He would have many reasons to be late.”

“You are right Prince Alric.” Wiklish agreed. “We will just have to wait.”


The goblin seemed slightly disappointed, he had gathered his assistants who were now finding themselves increasingly bored after having helped him finish the rockets and presenting them to you. With his Geared Speed Regulators being made by the blacksmith, there was very little for the goblins to do other than to wait.

You could maybe ask him to start working on something else in the meanwhile. Something he and his goblin assistants could ponder and tinker upon while nothing else is going on. That would mean needing to invest some resources he needs for it and thankfully you did save some coin for purposes like this. But what exactly would you ask him to start inventing and developing, and how much would you invest in his project?

>Offensive. Continue on developing the Goblin rockets. Work on cannons or something else that could really cause damage to your enemies and knock down the palisades at Gallows Corner or blast trolls and orcs to smithereens.
>Defensive. Land mines, traps and tools that could be used to defend Alterac and Dawnholme from attackers.
>Industrial. Tools, equipment. Continuing the development of the Geared Speed Regulator, but most likely end up losing his attention and start working on something new.
>Goblin Mystery Box. Let Krix Wiklish choose what he will work towards.

Krix Wiklish investments and inventory:
Krix Wiklish can build you the things and gadgets you require, but first he needs some investment. With the goblin attention span being short, you don’t exactly know what you will get when you invest in their work. By giving more Wealth to Krix Wiklish, more potential items and weapons can be purchased.

Investments: 7 Wealth

-Geared Speed Regulator, +1 Supply per Windmill or Mine in your control
-Goblin rockets, allow recruitment of Rocket Troops

New Investments:
>1 Wealth
>2 Wealth
>3 Wealth
>4 Wealth
>5 Wealth

Total Resources:
5 Wealth, +15 per season
4 Supplies, +0 per season
315 Peasants

QM: New thread! Let’s start with Krix Wiklish and his investments. Total Resources are accurate. And as always if you have any questions or anything regarding the Quest, characters, events or something else, please go ahead and ask them. I will try to answer to the best as I can.
>Industrial. Tools, equipment. Continuing the development of the Geared Speed Regulator, but most likely end up losing his attention and start working on something new.

>5 Wealth

Say it with me. Industrial powerhouse Alterac. Though with our territory getting a lot bigger I wouldnt say no to a defensive breakthrough.

Ya know if we really wanted to make more cash and trade we could try to have Jandice and the Barovs sell the Geared Speed Regulator around the alliance. Or try it ourselves to our more accessible neighbors, it might be valuable enough to open the door to trade with Dalaran or the Kingdoms if we had a mind to earn some favor? To dwarves like our isolationist neighbors, or the Dark Irons. Or to Vancleef and Katrana.
>Industrial. Tools, equipment. Continuing the development of the Geared Speed Regulator, but most likely end up losing his attention and start working on something new.
Could he develop a steel refinery from 5 wealth? Lets hope so!
>5 Wealth

I remember Alric made a gentleman's agreement with two thugs in Capital City, so stay out of their business and not recruit Alteracis in that city.
>Industrial. Tools, equipment. Continuing the development of the Geared Speed Regulator, but most likely end up losing his attention and start working on something new.
>5 Wealth
As much as I like mystery boxes, we really need more resources. Is the investments wealth pool depleted when we choose an invention or is it deducted from the normal one?

Deducted from the normal one. The Investments: 7 Wealth is there just to keep track of how much you have actually paid Wiklish in total.
And is that 7+5 what impacts the amount of options we have? Or is it just gonna be the 5 we're putting down right now?

It will be the 5 Wealth/New Investments that impacts whatever option you choose right now. The previous 7 Wealth is what got you the rockets and the gearbox and gives you the option to go further along those tech lines.
Then the "7 wealth" information is rather useless. It's just as relevant as "total wealth spent on buildings" or "total wealth spent on troops", a neat stat but nothing more.

Does the amount of wealth we spend here also affect the quality of the inventions we get?

It can affect the quality, but it mostly affects how much progress Wiklish does achieve within the next season.
>Industrial. Tools, equipment. Continuing the development of the Geared Speed Regulator, but most likely end up losing his attention and start working on something new.
>5 Wealth

I hope we can get firearms soon, so wiklish can study their mechanisms and develop and manufacture your own.
>Industrial. Tools, equipment. Continuing the development of the Geared Speed Regulator, but most likely end up losing his attention and start working on something new.

>5 Wealth
>>Industrial. Tools, equipment. Continuing the development of the Geared Speed Regulator, but most likely end up losing his attention and start working on something new.

5 wealth

i would say defensive next. Wilkish need to move from thing to thing, repeating too soon with him is probably a bad. Since he would lack that spirit.
>Industrial. Tools, equipment. Continuing the development of the Geared Speed Regulator, but most likely end up losing his attention and start working on something new.
>5 Wealth

For reasons exactly like this you had saved the coin and didn’t budget everything away during the summer meeting. You had an opportunity right here to get plenty of long term benefits for a short term loss of your coin, this was an investment to the future.

“Master Wiklish, meanwhile I want you to continue the work on the Geared Speed Regulator or in other ideas similar to that. We have enough coin in the treasury to finance this project.” You said to him.

“Are you serious Prince Alric? It won’t be cheap.” He replied with a question.

“I am, and we should have enough coin even if it is expensive. Your Speed Regulator has already had an impact with our windmills and mines, the amount of time saved and waste products avoided has been really helpful.” You spoke and continued. “We have limited territory, sure there is potential in Strahnbrad Hills, but we can’t develop large swathes of land, we need to concentrate as much on what we have now than on what we could speculate on having in the future.”

Lady Jandice had promised that the Barovs could throw their wealth behind Alterac and her reconstruction, but when would that happen? When would you reclaim Alterac?

“Then I won’t disappoint you.” Wiklish replied proudly.

“Alric never disappoints… except once when…” Monica said as she came carrying bowls of porridge, white bread and dried apples and fruits as a breakfast.

“We were talking about investments.” You interrupted her and stopped her. “I am going to be quite poor yet again.”

“Oh.. well that will hopefully pass.” She replied back. “I will leave you be then, tell Lady Jandice I said hello.”

“I will.” You gave her a smile. “So Master Wiklish, you have the coin, but do you have any ideas?”

“Plenty of ideas Prince Alric, plenty…” Wiklish said and gave you a wide goblin grin. You could see how gears were turning inside his head and how he couldn’t wait to get to work. While he was to wait for Master Blacksteel, at least he would have something to do now.

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It was closer to midday when you arrived at the Barov Estate. It had taken you a while to get here mostly because Mayor Fowley wasn’t much of a rider, so he travelled on a horse cart.

Not much had changed at the estate from your previous visit here, there were just several more guards at present. Footmen wearing the purple tabards of House Barov.

“You are going to feel something really funny when we get inside.” You quipped to Chief Ragis who was riding next to you. He in return gave you a questioning look. “You will recognise it then.”

He shrugged as a reply.

Circling the horse carts once, you waited till one of the stablehands came to help you. And as you passed the reins to the servant, you saw the front door opening and the one you had been waiting to see walked out.

You smiled as Jandice Barov stood there. She was wearing a dress coloured in the Barov purple and had her archmage robe thrown over her shoulders. She smiled back when she saw you. It was so great to see her, your lover.

“Lady Barov.” You greeted her as she walked towards you.

“Prince Alric. Mayor Fowley.” She greeted you and Fowley back. “And this is?”

“Chief Ragis of Stonedon.” You replied and watched as he gave her a stiff bow, Ragis really didn’t know how to bow in any other way.

“Lady Barov.” He said.

“Last night I received your messenger Mayor Fowley and I am glad for the three of you having come here.” Jandice said and continued. “Based on what the messenger told me, Prince Alric you seem to be causing trouble yet again.”

“I wouldn’t exactly call it trouble.” You replied with a laugh as her tone had been playful as well.

“Nevertheless, you are always in the centre of the attention.” She said back. “Now I would be a bad host if I didn’t invite the three of you inside, please follow me.”

Following her, you felt the strange feeling of entering her home. Through magic, wards and enchantments, the estate was bigger from inside than it looked from outside. Chief Ragis must have noticed the feeling as he looked around somewhat confused of what he had just felt. It didn’t take long for the four of you having sat down around a dining table and one of the maids having brought wine for all of you to drink.

“We can talk about leisure and gossip later, let us handle the business first.” Jandice said to all of you. “Prince Alric, what exactly did you want us to talk about?”

>Organising the joint patrols between Tarren Mill, Barovs, Stonedon and Alterac. See if Barovs and Tarren Mill could patrol Strahnbrad Hills with your men.
>Discussing the Durnholde Campaign and if Barovs and Tarren Mill could participate in it in some capacity.
>Talking about the orc you caught and the implications around it.
>Speak about Darrowmere League and trade. See if you could progress on getting Barovs to join your defensive league.
>Other, write in.
>>Organising the joint patrols between Tarren Mill, Barovs, Stonedon and Alterac. See if Barovs and Tarren Mill could patrol Strahnbrad Hills with your men.
>>Discussing the Durnholde Campaign and if Barovs and Tarren Mill could participate in it in some capacity.
>>Talking about the orc you caught and the implications around it.
>Organising the joint patrols between Tarren Mill, Barovs, Stonedon and Alterac. See if Barovs and Tarren Mill could patrol Strahnbrad Hills with your men.
>Talking about the orc you caught and the implications around it.
>Speak about Darrowmere League and trade. See if you could progress on getting Barovs to join your defensive league.
Tarren Mill doesn't have the troops to spare and we shouldn't ask it of the Barovs.
>Organising the joint patrols between Tarren Mill, Barovs, Stonedon and Alterac. See if Barovs and Tarren Mill could patrol Strahnbrad Hills with your men
>Talking about the orc you caught and the implications around it.
>Speak about Darrowmere League and trade. See if you could progress on getting Barovs to join your defensive league

>Other, write in.
Gnoll migration puts Tarren Mill and this estate in no small danger. Ask Jandice if she personally would join the campaign in their stead. Not the troops unless she wanted bodyguards, but she could join our camp. We have a few other mages so that might open up larger spells, like the great troll burning of the ancient arathi empire.

If she had some opinion on Prince Kaels offer that might be good. Maybe we could have tried a counter offer, or what she thinks he might have wanted. Also her opinion of Kel Thuzad. Though perhaps that would be better spoken of in private.
support. It's tempting to invite Jandice along for the campaign in a professional capacity as a mage, though I see issues between Jandice and Malevus developing over Alric.

If we do invite her, then we need to make clear that Alric has made a firm commitment to his squire that requires his entire attention. There can be no other romantic arrangements now
You sipped the wine a bit and took off your darkened glasses, all three of them had seen your eyes before and frankly it felt a bit silly to wear the glasses inside.

The four of you around the table couldn’t have been more different from each other. An Alteraci Prince trying to reclaim his homeland, a chief of a hill-tribe in a world that changes around him, a powerful and rich archmage conflicted by both of her duties and personal reasons and a small bookish merchant, who probably was the most normal of the four of you.

“Firstly we should start with the most recent news.” You said to Jandice. “Two days ago my patrol found orc tracks in Strahnbrad Hills and we chased the orc down, capturing it and sending it wrapped in chains to Dawnholme.”

“What was an orc doing in Strahnbrad Hills?” Jandice asked you. “A raiding party? A scout?”

“It was a lone orc so maybe a messenger or a scout. I dueled him and instead of fighting to the death, he held back.” You said to her and continued. “It laughed as it fought, like he was some sort of a madman… err mad orc, but he fought smartly.”

“Peculiar…” Jandice mused aloud.

“There is no trusting of the orcs.” Fowley said and shook his head. “I spoke with our officers and they think that they could repel a raiding party, but a larger force…”

“Would sweep us away, like a fall storm takes away leaves.” Ragis responded, gaining curious looks as you hadn’t thought the tall bearded man to be capable of being poetic.

“That is why we need to cooperate. Stonedon alone can’t defend Strahnbrad Hills, nor can Tarren Mill repel a larger force. But together we could achieve that, if we were to cooperate.” You said to them and continued. “Alterac has already helped to train the soldiers of Tarren Mill and we have supplied Chief Ragis and his warriors with arms and armour. We have had the talks of deeper cooperation when it comes to patrols, but if we all aren’t on the same page, we won’t get everything out of it.”

“What are you exactly suggesting?” Jandice asked and based on her tone, she knew what you were going to say.

“Joint patrols from start to finish. Instead of having Tarren Mill to only patrol their territory or Barovs their estates, we should have warriors of Stonedon travel as south as the bridge over Darrowmere River and footmen in the Barov purple travel to Shoredon and beyond.” You told them and continued. “Combined and well planned, we can cover the right bank of the river and prevent whatever the threats are from crossing, as they are many. The gnolls, the Syndicate, the orcs.”

“Alric…” Jandice said back and she dropped calling you a Prince. “You know well that I can’t make that decision.”

“You spoke with your father about sending more troops here? You must have spoken about the patrols as well?” You asked her and looked into her eyes.


“And he only agreed on sending the few troops we have now and he outright forbade having those men helping or cooperating with anyone else other than Tarren Mill or the Alliance.” Jandice told you back.

“Darrowmere League is a defensive alliance, it isn’t some tool to be used against the Alliance, but to defend ourselves together.” You said to her.

“League of which Alterac is the largest partner and will be the largest partner. Kirin Tor aren’t exactly concerned, but they are watching you Alric. And my father has the King’s ear, you know his attitude towards you.” Jandice continued arguing back.

“But you do recognise the benefits of what I am suggesting?”

“I do…” She said and you interrupted her.

“Then what are we doing here?” You said with a raised voice and threw your hands up.

“...But I cannot agree to anything more than helping Tarren Mill. I am an archmage of Dalaran and one of the Barovs.” Jandice argued back to you and continued. “I do not have the same independence as you do…”

She was conflicted. She saw the benefits of your words, but her duties towards Dalaran and her family seemed to be stronger than that. It seemed that Barovs could work together with Tarren Mill, it was their land after all, but nothing more. Alteracis and Stonedon have no issues patrolling together, but if proper joint patrols aren’t possible, there will be gaps and the green soldiers of Tarren Mill don’t have the skills your men do.

“We are ready to handle the patrols south of Tarren Mill with Mayor Fowley, but working together with you is impossible.” Jandice said to you. “Especially as we do not have any special interests in Strahnbrad Hills, not anymore.”

She meant the oil rig, you had passed the Barovs on that and most likely her father was forbidding further cooperation till some point in the future. This was frustrating, you knew that Jandice was smarter than this, but if her sense of duty said to follow her orders…

“I am sorry Alric, but my hands are tied.” Jandice told you.

You looked at her, there was a sliver of understanding in her eyes, but a certain sadness of not being able to say yes to this. She was conflicted, would she go against her family and father? If she went, what would they thing? What would Dalaran think? Would it be worth it?

>The hell they are tied! Jandice is not in Dalaran, nor is her father in this room right now. She can make the decision on her own and stand behind said decision.
>Argue for the benefits of joint patrols, she will realise and accept the benefits outweigh whatever arguments her father or Dalaran might have against it.
>Accept the present situation. Barovs will patrol with Tarren Mill and you will patrol with Stonedon.
>It looks like if Barovs won’t cooperate with you, then it would be better if they sit out of this completely. You will patrol the lands with Stonedon and Tarren Mill.
>Other, write in.

QM: Some pastebin updates here and there.
Didn't she say herself that it's her and her brothers that run the Barov business now? And if the Kirin Tor isn't concerned then where's the problem?

>"And he only agreed on sending the few troops we have now and he outright forbade having those men helping or cooperating with anyone else other than Tarren Mill or the Alliance.”
And by helping us they'd be helping Tarren Mill.

Jandice and her brothers do run the Barov businesses and handle most of the daily tasks, but Alexei Barov is still the head of the family and has the final say on things. Especially when it comes to military matters. Dalaran might not be concerned right now, but they might become concerned and as an archmage it is her task to prevent said concern if possible.
>>It looks like if Barovs won’t cooperate with you, then it would be better if they sit out of this completely. You will patrol the lands with Stonedon and Tarren Mill

The League exist for a reason, it will defend the land no matter what. Has a prince we have made such a pact and stand by it, how we can fullfill it if we cant even patrol together with the soldiers of Tarren Mill ? We will not be denied doing patrols with an ally and partner by Dalaran, the Alliance or the Barovs. Not when the League was a victory by us politically and diplomatically. Dawnholme, Stonedon and Tarren Mill will stand together.

The "business" was probably meant like the trades and other activities of their estates. But her father is 100% fully occupied with Alliance internal politics, we did see it before and she points it out here again. This is political not only a military action, with the Barovs not getting in the Hills and her father not really liking us before this is a natural conclusion. They are fine with trade (and Jandice can do whatever in secret) but politically they don't want a clear association, this patrols would create that.

Kirin Tor lie, this a clear showing of them of their dislike of what Alric did in their city. This being what we did and still do in the Underbelly (taking people from that stinky hole and giving them a better place), so a little petty vengeance and a clear "we are watching your League thing, princeling".
Ugh... damnable politicking.

>It looks like if Barovs won’t cooperate with you, then it would be better if they sit out of this completely. You will patrol the lands with Stonedon and Tarren Mill.
So be it then.
Argh if we had taken Kael's deal for support I could have pushed the angle that she'd be supporting Dalaran and her duties there to override duty to the Barovs. Anyone in Dalaran could hardly complain about Jandice helping if Kael was helping or so I figured. I think theres still an angle though.

>Other, write in.
How about replacing that special interest with something else. The Darrowmere river. The ogres having taken Gallows Corner the path to Strahnbrad is still unusable or in greater danger, an unsophisticated dam and trolls block the northern part of the river. As it stands any trade between north and south has to go around the long way by Lordamere lake, or the western path. Even the ships have to go around Gilneas. Would the trade benefits of reopening the river for much more efficient trade, maybe even some exclusivity to its use be worthwhile enough to sway the rest of her family?
>Accept the present situation. Barovs will patrol with Tarren Mill and you will patrol with Stonedon.

My thinking is that this way, Tarren Mill's own militia can patrol further into Strahnbrad Hills.
Barov's soldiery can patrol Tarren Mill itself, and any leftover Alteracis/Stonedon forces mind the rest of the inland Hills area, like the Stonemason mercenaries.

This way we have maximum boots on the ground, and they don't get deployed elsewhere such as helping Garithos in his plans.

I admit I don't understand why everyone so far is completely eliminating Barov assistance unless I'm missing something?
I think the benefits of such a deal is too far off to sway him.

Mainly a message to the Lord Barov to play ball or fuck off of Tarren Mill.
I think they've shown some willingness to wait for returns. Their oil deal had a fair bit of immediate payoff for us that they would fork over while they wait for the oil money to really start rolling in after some years. Not enough to beat Katrana's deal of course, but it was there. Besides theres no issue with proposing this to see Jandice's opinion and put our foot in the door for a show of good faith. If she rejects it, then its just back to whatever works for the patrol. Lets try it.
Yes, but we're not talking about business or about the Young Barovs. This is a military and political matter which has taken the interest of the Lord Barov. Such deals will not work on him

It is not Jandice's mind we need to change anon.
>Other, write in.

As for an angle on her loyalty to Dalaran. There was the Death Knight remains that Alric ""discovered"" in the hills. I imagine Dalaran and the Alliance would be worried about that. Wheres theres one there could be more. Isn't it strange that the gnolls would move in -again- so soon after the last batch? Maybe Dalaran would look favorably on knowing what was causing them to migrate this way again. Orcs and their warlocks? More Death Knights woken from their slumber? Syndicate? Trolls?

If Lord Barov was willing to abide by the oil deal with them providing troops, and a Barov Trade Outpost in Dawnholme headed by Jandice, its just a matter of making it look like theres something worth it. Frame the trade as lucrative or strategic enough then it will involve military and politics, just like the oil deal. She takes this to her father and he can think on it so we can work towards their cooperation later, or atleast start with her brothers which is better then nothing. If all the Young Barovs agree then maybe thats enough leeway for Jandice, maybe not. If they think it might pay off in the long run thats good enough even if they can't be convinced to act right now. Just float the idea to Jandice and see what she thinks.
>>Accept the present situation. Barovs will patrol with Tarren Mill and you will patrol with Stonedon.
I dont even know what anons were thinking. Barov parents deeply dislike us and have zero reason to cooperate with us after we screwed them over the oil. The oil whos location was informed to us by them.
Just get as much benefit as you can from this and let it drop no need to put Jandice in a tough situation.
>Accept the present situation. Barovs will patrol with Tarren Mill and you will patrol with Stonedon.
might as well accept what token support we get, and not anger the barov family.
This I can get, but we can hardly stop Lord Alexei Barov from sending his own troops to patrol his own properties. At least this way the troops patrol the wider area around the property and remain useful to Tarren Mill and not deepening any real or perceived rift between Fowley and his liege.

We don't want that kind of attention.
I feel absolutely knackered and have no energy for a proper update today. But I can ask a small clarification due to the winning vote, as it looks like accepting the present situation is the winner. As your soldiers are going to use Tarren Mill as a base and patrol the lands north of the town with Stonedon, how will Tarren Mill handle their patrols? A small vote to keep the quest going.

>Tarren Mill concentrates on their territory and everything south of it with the Barovs.
>Tarren Mill will send their patrols up north towards and into Strahnbrad Hills at expense of stronger coverage in the south.

And as there is going to be dinner and lighter talks, will there be sweet talk between the lovers?

>Flirt openly with Jandice
>Covertly flirt with Jandice
>Don’t flirt with Jandice
>Other, write in
>Tarren Mill will send their patrols up north towards and into Strahnbrad Hills at expense of stronger coverage in the south.
>Don’t flirt with Jandice

Qm question did wiliks invention improve the mines output? And if so did we get more money for that?
>>Tarren Mill will send their patrols up north towards and into Strahnbrad Hills at expense of stronger coverage in the south.
>Don’t flirt with Jandice
>>Tarren Mill will send their patrols up north towards and into Strahnbrad Hills at expense of stronger coverage in the south.
>Don’t flirt with Jandice
>Don’t flirt with Jandice
Alric is a good boy. When the moment presents itself for a private chat, explain the situation with Malevus. I feel we owe her that at least as she has confessed her love in magic ink already.

>Tarren Mill will send their patrols up north towards and into Strahnbrad Hills at expense of stronger coverage in the south.
Tarren Mill and Barov patrols could overlap, and then Alterac/Stonedon overlap with Tarren Mill in the north east.
>Covertly flirt with Jandice
>Tarren Mill will send their patrols up north towards and into Strahnbrad Hills at expense of stronger coverage in the south.
There maybe was a reason to force the issue, but whatever that reason was, it would cause problems for Jandice which was something you didn’t want to happen. You didn’t want to set her against her family or against whatever Kirin Tor might want. So a compromise it is.

“Alright, so be it then.” You said and sighed. “Alterac and the Barovs won’t cooperate over the patrols, but we will all use Tarren Mill as a base, for rest and storing supplies.”

“That does sound doable.” Jandice replied to you.

“If plausible, Tarren Mill’s patrols could range north into Strahnbrad Hills as well. Sure it opens up the south a bit, but the south is more well covered by both Durnholde and now the Alliance Naval Base.” You spoke and continued. “Since we defeated the gnoll camp on this side of the river, have there been any threats that have cropped up?”

“Wolves? Bears?” Fowley mused. “At least no gnolls outside of those who were caught earlier this spring.”

“Murlocks might swim up river, but that's it.” You replied and shrugged.

“Do we have an agreement then Prince Alric?” Jandice asked you. She used the prefix again. “We handle the lands south of Tarren Mill, and Tarren Mill when they can, patrol Strahnbrad Hills as well?”

“We can do it Lady Jandice.” Fowley replied back.

“It isn’t exactly what I wanted, but politics is full of compromises.” You said and gave her a shrug and a smile.

Chief Ragis chose to just nod.

“Then we have an understanding, wasn’t that what you came here for?” Jandice said and asked you. There was a bit of a playful tone in her voice when she said that.

“To discuss the patrols yes, that was the reason.” You said and chose to not acknowledge her tone.

“Then shall we have a small recess? I feel like I need to lie down for a moment, my stomach didn’t like the travel here.” Fowley asked Jandice.

“We can do that, I will have one of our maids to come see you shortly. She knows a bit of healing magic.” Jandice replied.

“Thank you Lady Jandice.” Fowley said back to her.

Jandice gave you a faint smile to which you replied with your own.

“I will go and catch some fresh air outside, can you help our good Mayor in the meantime?” You said to Jandice.

“I can do that, now Mayor Fowley please come, I will show you the way.” Jandice said to him and stood up.


You had walked outside to the gardens behind the estate. Thankfully you had remembered the way from your last visit here as it would have been a bit embarrassing to get lost in such a large mansion.

Annoyed by Jandice's responsibilities to her family and Dalaran, you took a deep breath and put your dark glasses back on. You had hoped she would have decided to make her own decisions, but no it wasn’t to be that. Yet the way she looked at you and how she spoke to you, there was the care she had shown to you.

“Prince Alric, you were right.” Ragis said to you and scratched his beard.

“About what?” You asked him. He had joined you outside.

“Of the funny feeling.”

“Oh right, yes the mansion is larger from inside than it looks from outside. Lady Jandice told me that it took her quite a long time to get all the wards and enchantments ready for it to work.” You told Ragis.

“It is quite fascinating.” He replied to you.

“Just wait till you get to see Dalaran one day, that place is magnificent. Beyond anything I or you could imagine.” You said to him and asked him a question. “You were silent for most of the time, what were you thinking?”

Ragis looked at you and then looked back into the garden.

“Lady Barov is conflicted.” Ragis told you.


“I saw the soldiers of Tarren Mill, they are green just like my warriors. But the guards here, they carry themselves well.” Ragis said to you. “The Barov footmen will fight well.”

“I think so too, just hoping that we can avoid any fighting.” You said back to him and took another deep breath. “Alright, let’s head back in, maybe Fowley has found a place to rest. The man can’t just avoid his stomach issues.”

It was a needed break for all of you. Fowley had laid down in a bed and one of the maids was apparently tending him with both herbal tea and some sort of spells. The fresh air was something you had really needed and now you had talked briefly with Jandice about lunch preparations. It seemed like a fine idea, an opportunity to continue the talks after Fowley’s upset stomach calms down.

Having sat down, more wine had been served and the casual talk that followed was mostly about what the two of you had been doing recently. Ragis thankfully quickly realised that he didn’t have much to say and excused himself, saying that he will go tend his horse and then talk with the guards, to which Jandice thankfully gave him directions to where to find their officer.

“Poor man, he is so out of place here.” You said to Jandice. “The hill people have had very little contact with those from outside over the years and now we are here marching into their lands, bringing men, equipment and war with us.”

“He seems like a proud man.” Jandice replied.

“He is, but he is a good man.”


She gave you a smile and sipped her wine. While the two of you were alone in the dining room, this wasn’t exactly that private of a situation. Maybe it would be better to keep the sweet words away for a moment or two, or at least till you are in a properly private place?

“Alric, how long are you going to stay here? Planning on leaving after lunch when all the talks are done?” Jandice asked you.

“You know, I am not sure yet.” Was your answer. “I had planned this roundtrip through the hills and Tarren Mill only to take a couple days, after all I now have an orc in my dungeon waiting for me to return.”

“Stay for the night and ride back to Dawnholme tomorrow?” Jandice suggested half innocently as she bit her lower lip. “We could talk more in private and then later have some fun together…”

Oh you knew well what that fun was. The mere idea of spending a night together with your lover sends warmth and desire through your body. And as much as you had avoided flirting with her with others around, the way she spoke to you made you smile. Ahh blasted, why was she so beautiful and so alluring? Who knows when you have the opportunity to see her again, so a night spent with her wouldn’t hurt at all.

>Why wait till the evening? You could have some light fun with her before lunch and maybe talk about some things in private.
>Jandice’s offer sounds quite doable and fun. Stay for the night and leave tomorrow. You can talk in private and later spend the night with your lover.
>You are planning on leaving back to Tarren Mill for the night. The two of you can talk in private before and after lunch.
>Talk with her now and then leave to Dawnholme after the lunch. That way you get back home before it is too late in the evening.
>Other, write in.
>Talk with her now and then leave to Dawnholme after the lunch. That way you get back home before it is too late in the evening.
Do not betray the squirefu with infidelity.
>>Jandice’s offer sounds quite doable and fun. Stay for the night and leave tomorrow. You can talk in private and later spend the night with your lover.
>>Jandice’s offer sounds quite doable and fun. Stay for the night and leave tomorrow. You can talk in private and later spend the night with your lover.
>Jandice’s offer sounds quite doable and fun. Stay for the night and leave tomorrow. You can talk in private and later spend the night with your lover.

Infidelity? She knew what she was getting into.
Infidelity? She knew what she was getting into.
No? Wasnt the whole relationship with Jandice a secret? when did Malevus found out and do we even now if shes okay with that?
>Talk with her now and then leave to Dawnholme after the lunch. That way you get back home before it is too late in the evening.
When Alric had his mental breakdown. I think she would've said something if she had a problem with it.
You grinned and smiled at her.

“Well Jan… how could I say no to that…” You replied with a tone that didn’t hide your intentions.

“I knew you would say yes.” Jan replied to you.

“I can leave tomorrow. We can tell the others that we have talks about trade and business, which will take most of the remaining day.” You said to her and mulled the idea a bit. “Terrible thing that, negotiations lasting so long…”

“Al… I thought for a moment you wouldn’t even speak sweet words to me and now look at you…” Jan said to you as she sipped her wine. You could see the want in her eyes. If not for the guests and the present situation, you could probably have her right here on this table.

“We have guests Jan, we have roles to play. We can’t just openly lust for each other.” You said and laughed.

“Not going to lie, that would be pretty fun…” Jan said back and joined you in laughing.

It took the two of you a second to gather yourself together.

“It is so great to see you Jan.” You said and smiled, you always had so much fun with her. It was her energy, the want to find joy and excitement together. The care you showed towards each other.

“You too Al, you too. Both of us are just so busy, I am leaving back to Dalaran in three days or so and who knows when I will return.” Jan said to you.

“I guess asking you to join me in Durnholde is out of the question then?” You asked her. “I could use an archmage.”

“Sorry Al, but I think I will already be in Caer Darrow then. Besides, Durnholde left a bit of a bad taste in my mouth… I don’t want to go there unless forced.” Jan said and grimaced.

“I understand, well it was worth a try.” You said back.

“You do have your own mages, that I have heard.” Jan said.

“Yes, but none of them are a beautiful archmage like you.” You replied back to her and laughed.

Jan sighed and shook her head.

“So is there anything you want to talk about? Before lunch, that is?” Jan asked and changed the subject. “Or do you just want to flatter me and get me all hot and bothered?”

You sipped your glass of wine and thought for a moment. That did sound like a fun idea, but maybe you should handle some business first?

Choose two:
>Speak to her about her family and Dalaran. You want to know where her father really stands and what does Dalaran really want of you?
>Talk about Prince Kael’thas, what he had offered to you for the Durnholde Campaign and ask what Jandice thinks about him and his plans.
>Ask her about Kel’Thuzad and his excommunication. What has she heard? Jandice is an archmage, she should know more about what has happened.
>Tell her about Malevus, your feelings towards her and her allowing you to court her. See where Jandice and you stand in all of this.
>Other, write in

QM: Choose two. Just two so that I don’t have to write all the options in one go, we will go through the rest of them later. And if Alric has any other questions or things to discuss with Jandice, write ins would work really well here.
>Talk about Prince Kael’thas, what he had offered to you for the Durnholde Campaign and ask what Jandice thinks about him and his plans.
>Ask her about Kel’Thuzad and his excommunication. What has she heard? Jandice is an archmage, she should know more about what has happened.
>Talk about Prince Kael’thas, what he had offered to you for the Durnholde Campaign and ask what Jandice thinks about him and his plans.
>Ask her about Kel’Thuzad and his excommunication. What has she heard? Jandice is an archmage, she should know more about what has happened.

That was before alric commited to courting her and her agreeing to a relationship. I dont really see the blushy innocent squirefu being that ok with it so id rather ask her first before doing anything else but alas too late now.
Such great and intoxicating explanation....

In a serious relationship you mean ? Yeah she agreed to that after Alric openly pursued that and made it very clear he wanted that. He wanted Malevus and, made it very clear for what > girlfriend, so he wants a relationship and more with her. The real deal. The settle down kind of thing, the blatantly honest "i would like to have 4-5 kids" kind of thing. Malevus even wanted to be sure Alric was sure of this, and that she was sure of this. Sweet isn't it ?

And by all means Alric is free at this moment. So far beside Jandice he is not with someone else, he is not a womanizer really (he uses this reputation, but it's not the real him). Women like him and he certainly likes women, but he doesn't go to multiple of them. He so far stays with just one, with Calia behind, he decided to try something with Jandice. And Jandice relationship is not that serious for Alric, he likes her. But by all means from his point of view this is just a fling that they agreed upon.

Funny question for all now : what most peoples of the continent think is a serious relationship ?

I don't think that's what you usually say to someone breaking down. Still wanting a serious relationship and saying it to someone you love, is kind of an answer already.

>>Ask her about Kel’Thuzad and his excommunication. What has she heard? Jandice is an archmage, she should know more about what has happened.
>>Tell her about Malevus, your feelings towards her and her allowing you to court her. See where Jandice and you stand in all of this.

two choices, better use them. i don't see why Alric shouldn't say something that is very important to him and Jandice. I like her has a character, and she helped us a bit beside the zex. I respect her enough to tell her now.
>>Ask her about Kel’Thuzad and his excommunication. What has she heard? Jandice is an archmage, she should know more about what has happened.
>>Tell her about Malevus, your feelings towards her and her allowing you to court her. See where Jandice and you stand in all of this.

Missed the opp to vote against staying the night but oh well.
Talking about Kel'Thuzad is easy winner, but we have a tie between Malevus and Kael'thas. Could I have a tiebreaker vote between them?
Do I think she prefers it this way? No. Is she at ok with it? I think so.

None of that contradicts what I said.

>Ask her about Kel’Thuzad and his excommunication. What has she heard? Jandice is an archmage, she should know more about what has happened.
>Tell her about Malevus, your feelings towards her and her allowing you to court her. See where Jandice and you stand in all of this.
Apologies, I had planned on writing during my "nothing ever happens watching security TV screens" night shift, but 'lo and behold it was actually a busy night. Who knew some idiots would choose to go spelunking into a fenced industrial park and get caught by our cameras.

Now though I had planned the update to be a multiparter regarding Malevus and Jandice, with the first being the information and second what direction will things go. You already had some discussion that was interesting to read and what Malevus had said to Alric during his Fel caused panic attack is rather on topic now as well. So I could ask prematurely what do you think? Should this arrangement continue, should it change?

I will also ask for a roll, this is for events after the lunch.

>Best of three, taking the second roll
Rolled 1 (1d10)

Rolled 7 (1d10)

>Inb4 shit roll
Rolled 10 (1d10)

“While that would be fun…” You said and chuckled a bit. “We should be serious for a moment or two.”

“What do you have in mind then?” Jan replied and shifted in her seat, straightening her back and allowing her more regal tone in her voice to return.

“Kel’Thuzad.” You said matter of factly.

“How do you know about him?” Jan asked, guessing correctly what you already knew.

“Prince Kael’thas warned me. Send me a letter telling about his excommunication, that he is very dangerous and we shouldn’t try to apprehend him, but if we do, Dalaran would reward us.” You told her.

Jan seemed to think for a few seconds before she spoke.

“Archmage Kel’Thuzad was one of the most respected archmages in Dalaran and he gave Kirin Tor several decades of loyal service.” Jan said.

“Then what happened?”

“He flew too close to the sun.” She spoke and continued after a pause. “There are many things we aren’t allowed to study beyond the surface level, beyond the need to know how to counter or protect yourself.”

“Like Fel.” Her demonstration in Tarren Mill came to your mind.

“Like Fel, but there are some subjects that skirt very close to being forbidden, yet stay allowed.” Jan said and continued again. “Kel’Thuzad was a master physician, no one else in Dalaran and probably in the rest of the world knew as much as he did about the human body.”

“My teacher suggested asking for his help after I had my incident.” You said back to her.

“Precisely, he probably could have helped you. But during his studies of the human body, he ventured too deep into the question of what exactly is life?” Jan told you.

“Did he try to…”

“Yes, at least that is the rumour. Kel’Thuzad had tried to resurrect some dead animals. He was warned, his laboratories and stashes were raided and instead of dropping the issue, he fled.” Jan said to you. “He had heard the rumours of potentially getting excommunicated and chose to flee before he was caught.”

“Necromancy…” You whispered.

Jan just nodded.

“Kel’Thuzad is a mighty archmage, he knows how to apply his previous knowledge. If he had stayed in Dalaran, he could have caused a great cataclysm maybe within a year or two.” Jan said.

“Year? That quick to learn how to…”

“Yes, that is the difference between an archmage and a beginner like you. If I put the time and effort into learning something new, maybe I could achieve similar results…” Jan said and shrugged. “Alas, I don’t have time for it, I don’t have time to study illusions as much as I would love to.”

Jan seemed annoyed about that.

“Then what would you suggest I do if Kel’Thuzad makes his way to Alterac?” You had to ask her.


“Leave him be, he is too dangerous for you to try to capture or apprehend. But he is also a pragmatic man, he doesn’t do things without a reason. If Kel’Thuzad comes to Alterac, he must have some reason to be there… and you should let him go and do whatever he wants.” Jan spoke and finished.

“You speak like you know him?”

“He was my teacher for a while years ago…” Jan said and looked away for a moment. “It makes it harder, you know, none of us could have predicted he would delve into necromancy, even if he always had his peculiarities.”

“I see… I will heed your warning, but I wonder what he would want in Alterac?” You asked her.

“Al… I don’t know. It is just this all left a bad taste in my mouth. I wonder if Kirin Tor could have handled things differently and he didn’t need to go into exile? Because we lost a great archmage…” Jan mused aloud.

To let him go and do whatever he wants? Well as long as he isn’t a cause of a threat or a danger to Alteracis, that could be the way to go for you.

Well then… that was the easy subject for you to ask and talk about. Next something a bit more difficult. First to pour your glass full of wine again.

“Al… what are you thinking?” Jan asked, clearly noticing you being quite thoughtful.

“I was thinking of Malevus.” You said to her.

“What about her? Is she alright?” Jan asked, concern in her voice.

“She got wounded during the battle against the ogres and kobolds, you have heard about it, right?” You said and asked her.

“She got wounded?” Jan quickly asked and leaned forward.

“Not seriously, she is going to make a full recovery with just a couple new scars.” You said and waved her concerns away. “It is another thing regarding her that we need to talk about…”

“What is it?” Jan was now rather confused.

“Malevus gave me permission to court her…” You told Jan.

Her eyes opened in a full surprise before a wide smile appeared on her face. She stood up from her chair, walked around the table to you and took hold of your hands. Realising that maybe you should stand up, you faced her for only a second before she hugged you and wrapped her arms around you.

You were taken somewhat by surprise as you hadn’t expected this to be her reaction. After a short moment, she relented and let go of you, though still keeping hold of your hands.

“Al, I knew there was something between the two of you. The way she blushed and looked at you.” Jan said to you and she had a wide smile on her face.

You looked back at her mouth slightly agape.

“You aren’t disappointed or…” You started to say.

“I am happy for you Al, what else could I be, but happy?” Jan replied.

“I thought…”

“That I would be mad? That Malevus has taken Al away from me?” Jan said back.


“You really aren’t mad?” You had to repeat yourself.

“No!” Jan nearly shouted. “When did the two of you become a couple?”

“Just a bit over a week ago…” You said to Jan. “You aren’t against it?”

“Why would I be? Al, we talked about this. I love you, I want to be at your side and you are everything I would want in a man, but I am not ready for us to be more than what we are.” Jan said, her voice became more quiet as she leaned in and allowed her cheek to touch yours. “I have realised that I would lose to someone else sooner than later, that I was in a race where everyone else had the head start.”

“Jan…” You started to say something, but were again interrupted.

“You are bewildered Al, but we have some time before lunch, so tell me everything. I want to know how Malevus ended up giving her permission for you to court her.” Jan asked, released your hands and took a step back. “And what are your plans?”

>Just tell Jandice everything. All the small things you like about her, the couple moments of closeness, the night when you had the panic attack. What Malevus said to you that night about you and Jandice.
>Tell Jandice about your feelings that you have for Malevus. She should understand the difference between how you feel for Malevus and for her.
>Keep things short and simple, she just only few days gave you permission to court her.
>You are going to take it slowly with Malevus, that is what she wants and you are going to honour her wish.
>You are going to chase her, just like in her favourite steamy romance novel.
>Other, write in

>Ask more about Kel'Thuzad. Jandice seemed to know him rather well and she seems to not say everything.
>Why exactly is necromancy so forbidden? You could imagine trying to find what life exactly is a task worthy of trying to accomplish
>Jandice is an archmage, is there anything forbidden that you should know about or learn about?
>Other, write in

QM: Took me a while, but here is the update.
>Tell Jandice about your feelings that you have for Malevus. She should understand the difference between how you feel for Malevus and for her.
>You are going to take it slowly with Malevus, that is what she wants and you are going to honour her wish.

>Ask more about Kel'Thuzad. Jandice seemed to know him rather well and she seems to not say everything.
>Why exactly is necromancy so forbidden? You could imagine trying to find what life exactly is a task worthy of trying to accomplish
>Jandice is an archmage, is there anything forbidden that you should know about or learn about?
Questions too good to pass up.
Btw QM were the rolls for how well jandice takes the news or for something unrelated?
>Just tell Jandice everything. All the small things you like about her, the couple moments of closeness, the night when you had the panic attack. What Malevus said to you that night about you and Jandice.
>Ask more about Kel'Thuzad. Jandice seemed to know him rather well and she seems to not say everything.
>Jandice is an archmage, is there anything forbidden that you should know about or learn about?
Support. Mention that we encountered the deathknight remains so there's a particular loathing of necromancy.

Unrelated, will come up shortly.
>>Just tell Jandice everything. All the small things you like about her, the couple moments of closeness, the night when you had the panic attack. What Malevus said to you that night about you and Jandice.

>Ask more about Kel'Thuzad. Jandice seemed to know him rather well and she seems to not say everything.
>Why exactly is necromancy so forbidden? You could imagine trying to find what life exactly is a task worthy of trying to accomplish
>Jandice is an archmage, is there anything forbidden that you should know about or learn about?

>Keep things short and simple, she just only few days gave you permission to court her.
>Ask more about Kel'Thuzad. Jandice seemed to know him rather well and she seems to not say everything
>>Just tell Jandice everything. All the small things you like about her, the couple moments of closeness, the night when you had the panic attack. What Malevus said to you that night about you and Jandice.

>Ask more about Kel'Thuzad. Jandice seemed to know him rather well and she seems to not say everything.
>Why exactly is necromancy so forbidden? You could imagine trying to find what life exactly is a task worthy of trying to accomplish
>Jandice is an archmage, is there anything forbidden that you should know about or learn about?
Asking about forbidden stuff, could I have a roll. Due to granularity required, it is 1d20 instead of the usual 1d10. No update today, real life stuff took priority.

>Best of three
Rolled 14 (1d20)

inb4 triple nat1
Rolled 16 (1d20)

Rolled 8 (1d20)

“Well if we have the time…” You said to Jan sat back down, signalling her that she should take a seat as well. “Because it is a long story.”

“As long as Mayor Fowley doesn’t march through that door, I think we have the time.” Jan replied as she did as you wanted.

Pouring more wine for the both of you, you started to tell the story nearly from the beginning. From the early days of her training when she didn’t give up as you tested her mettle, from how loyal she became to you and how apparent her care was. Her wild imagination and love of steamy romance novels that probably helped her imagine you as this dashing young Prince, which to be honest you are. All these small daily things between you and her, the sparring, her helping you to put on your armour, the small tasks and just her following you as your squire as your bodyguard.

How you succeeded in changing her life and allowing her to go for her dreams, how she saved your life when the gnoll had gotten the upper hand and punched a hole in your chest. Her concern and care for you, how slowly you had started to have feelings for her and vice versa.

How that one night you had a panic attack after a Fel induced nightmare, how you had seeked council and help from Malevus. How she had held you and helped you to calm down, how she had told you to tell her truth and so you had done so. You had told Malevus about you and Jan, about what had happened in the cabin and what has happened since then. That the two of you were lovers. And you told Jan what Malevus had said to you, as long as you and her are happy, she wouldn’t care about what was going on as long as you were truthful with her.

You spoke about the kiss that followed, how embarrassed Malevus had been and how you found that really cute. You spoke about the couple moments of closeness that had followed, the talks that had followed about wanting a large family. The careful prodding by her until the day she gave you the permission to court her.

And through this Jan just listened carefully, without reacting much at all.

“And here we are.” You finished.

“She loves you Al.” Jan replied immediately. “And I think you love her too.”

You chose not to say anything back.

“I can see it in your eyes when you speak about her.” Jan said and then took a deep breath. “Alright, I know what I will do.”

“What is it?” You asked, she seemed oddly confident.

“I am going to tutor you. As you know I was a bit of a wild girl when I was of your age and a bit younger.” Jan replied somewhat proudly. “I know what girls like, even what a shy girl like Malevus will enjoy. She is going to be like hot wax under your touch.”

“T-thanks… I guess…” You managed to reply, somewhat confused about this.


Jan wasn’t mad at all, or really disappointed about this. It really seemed like she had understood that her chance for you to take her hand in marriage were quite poor. Because both of you and her. But throwing what was between the two of you away would be a waste, as long as you and Jan were happy and enjoying it, seemingly with the blessing of Malevus.

Still you need to talk with Malevus when you get back home to Dawnholme. It is the right thing to do, after all she asked for honesty.

“So… where shall we begin?” You asked Jan back. She replied with the widest grin you had seen from her.

The “lessons” didn’t last long as one of her servants came to inform the two of you that Mayor Fowley was feeling much better and that they would start preparing the lunch. It also gave a small pause for the two of you and a good opportunity to change the subject of these talks.

“We can continue later this evening.” Jan said with a sly smile. “I don’t think we have the privacy before it.”

“Yeah, I think after the dinner, that sounds like a pleasant time.” Was your reply. “Though maybe we could still talk about something else.”

“What is on your mind?” Jan asked.

“Kel’Thuzad… sorry, I can’t get him out of my head.” You said back.

“Don’t worry, what about him?”

“You know more about him than you have told me. What do you know about him?” You said and asked her.

Jan paused for a second before nodding.

“Kel’Thuzad wasn’t just my teacher, he is also a business partner of my family. I knew him even before I enrolled in Dalaran.” Jan told you. “He is a rich man and he will most likely come visit Caer Darrow in the coming weeks.”

“Doesn’t that put you in a bit…”

“Bad situation? Yes, Dalaran won’t like it and both I and they know it.” Jan replied. “I won’t attempt to apprehend him, I could do it and have a good chance at succeeding. But I am loyal to my family…”

Not the most enjoyable situation that is for sure.

“Will Dalaran punish you if you don’t try it?”

“No, Kirin Tor cannot lose two archmages in as many months.” Jan said to you. “They will most likely give me ‘the talk’ and ask me to never repeat what I have done. But outside of that I am not worried and neither should you.”

“Is it all because of necromancy? I could imagine trying to find what life is a goal worthy of achieving.” You asked her.

“It is. Necromancy in all forms is forbidden. We aren’t to tamper with life, if someone dies, it is not our job to deal with. It is the job for the Church of the Holy Light and their priest. Long time ago Kirin Tor and the Church came to an agreement, Dalaran wouldn’t touch resurrecting people, that would fall under what the Church does.” Jan spoke to you.

“So it was a deal with the Church to not study necromancy?” You asked.


“Yes, well they would have been mad if we did it in any case. Necromancy is evil, it is not within our understanding of the Holy Light and what we humans see as good. Our morals and ethics say that those who die should rest, their souls are in a better place.” Jan said and continued. “Yet those who have died in a battle or have been wronged, the Church does resurrect them if a strong and capable enough priest or a paladin is available.”

“That does sound like something worth studying…” You replied.

“It would be, but the hunger of knowledge would make you ask the important question.” Jan said and lowered her voice slightly.

“Which is?”

“Can you postpone death? Can you live forever?” Jan said with a whisper. “Imagine if that was available. What would the Kings and Queens do? How powerful would an archmage become if they had all the time in the world to study and experiment? How rich someone could become, if they could keep amassing wealth?”

She was right, it was dangerous. The temptation was really apparent.

“Then should I know about it? How to counter it?” You asked.

“For that you have Malevus and the rest of the priests of the Church. It is their job to handle everything that is undead and unholy, it is not our job outside of recognizing it and passing the baton to them.” Jan said and sighed.

Yet again she knew more than what she was telling you. You could see it in her eyes and hear it in her voice. Her tone was secretive. You weren’t talking to your lover right now, but to an archmage of Dalaran.

“I understand… but I fear that I am going to have to face undead again in the future, for I have already faced a few.” You said and got a curious look out of her.

“I don’t understand? You fought the undead? When?” Jan asked you. She seemed quite surprised.

So you told her about the Death Knight.


“I can’t believe it, one of the Death Knights so close to Dalaran and we had no idea of it.” Jan said and bit her lip. “Thank you for telling me this Al, I do need to tell Lord Antonidas about this as you have sent the corpse back to Stormwind City. It won't stay a secret forever.”

“You may do that.” You replied.

“Worrisome news, what if more of them are still around?” Jan mused.

“Is there anything I should know about them?” You asked her.

“I am not an expert when it comes to Death Knights, but I can… look into them when I return to Dalaran.” Jan replied back to you.

“Thank you Jan, I would appreciate it.” You said and gave her a warm smile. She really was ready to go far to help you.

You sipped your wine and finished the glass. A slight buzz had appeared and you felt warm from the alcohol inside you.

“Jan, is there anything I should know? I mean about things that aren’t normally studied, things that are restricted or forbidden.” You asked her suddenly.

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Jan looked at you and didn’t reply. Her eyes peered into yours and you looked back. She was hesitating to answer. You needed to prod the information out of her. She was an archmage and as she had shown to you in Tarren Mill, she knew about Fel. She must know more about other stuff as well.

You just needed to ask.

Choose one:
>Fel and demonology
>Necromancy and undead
>Draconic and curses
>Other, write in

QM: 16 wasn’t good enough for an outright answer, so choose only one and maybe you will get an answer. Also gained Jandice the Wingwoman.
>Draconic and curses

Fits in with what we are already learning.
>Draconic and curses
>>Draconic and curses
>>Draconic and curses
>Draconic and curses

We're dealing with Blackrocks in our neck of the woods. That's curses and general warlockery.
At least with demonology, we have Silver Hand paladins to Turn Evil. Decursing is the Mage's/Druid's wheelhouse.

Draconic is self-evident
>>Draconic and curses
"I have dealt with the Blackrocks, there has been a Death Knight in the mountains." You started speaking. "Against undead I have the Silver Hand and their paladins and priests, but against the orcs what do I have?"

You shifted in your seat before continuing.

"Their warlocks might use Fel, again I have my paladins to counter that, but what about curses? Words of power and other magical ailments?" You asked Jan.

"I know only a little about curses… they are a delicate subject far away from general arcane magic." Jan replied.

"My teacher has spoken about how words have power." You said to her.

"Your teacher is correct. They do have power, but harnessing the power, that is the issue." Jan said back.

"I am studying Draconic." You said with your broken and heavily accented Draconic.

"Al, what was that?" Jan asked and was somewhat confused. "Was that… Draconic?"

"Yes, my teacher wants me to study it. It is not an easy language, but according to my teacher, it should help me in the long run." You told Jan.

"You are studying Draconic…" Jan said again, rather surprised about this.

"The words… have power…" You switched to Draconic and then back. "The words have power, that is what I have been told and that is why I am asking you about the curses. If I can understand how they work, curses that is, I could defend myself and find progress in my other studies."

"You are asking a lot Al." Jan replied and leaned back on her chair. "You also keep surprising me time after time. Studying Draconic? I would love to meet your teacher one day."

"They haven't been around, but I will ask them if that could be possible when I see them." You replied and spoke in a way to reveal as little as possible about Lady Nalice.

"Maybe one day, but I will have to disappoint you. I know nothing about Draconic and only little about the curses." Jan said and continued. "We can see if I have anything about them here in my small library, but don't hold your breath."

"Anything you could do, I would appreciate it a lot." You replied. "I fear that my many enemies have multitudes more of magic than I do, I need to be prepared for everything and then a bit more."

"Kirin Tor would be reluctant to help you." Jan said.

"Hence the mages from Underbelly." You said back. "Hence my own studies."

Jan looked at you and nodded. She understood your situation and what obstacles you had.

There was a knock on the door and several seconds later it was opened. One of the servants came to inform you that the lunch was nearly ready. Jan thanked the man and sent him away.

"Good timing, I was already starving." You said to her.

"Me too." Jan said and stood up. "After the others have left we can continue, but shall we go and see how your vassal is doing? He seemed a bit lost around here."

"A small walk before lunch does sound lovely." You said and smiled.



Chief Ragis had been found in the stables inspecting the horses. The ones here were larger and stronger than the small hobby horses found in Strahnbrad Hills. You could see that he was quite fascinated about them, maybe one could be a worthy gift in the future?

And when it was time for lunch, you found Fowley in a much better condition. Whatever the maid had done to help him had really helped and then the chefs had prepared lentil soup to not upset his stomach again.

"Prince Alric, you will be staying here?" Fowley asked you.

"Yes, we couldn't finish the trade talks before lunch." You replied. "Lady Jandice will be leaving back to Dalaran soon and so it is better to get everything done before that. Besides, I have my own hurries too."

"Then I can only wish the two of you luck." Fowley replied.

As the lunch continued, the four of you casually spoke about what you had decided regarding the patrols, making sure that everyone was on the same page. Then the talks moved to business, trade and developments across the Hillsbrad.

"I heard you sold a lot of your supplies." Fowley asked you.

"Yes, most of what I had saved for the rainy days is now gone and converted into a coin." You replied back to him. "If I were to guess, some of it will return back to be in Durnholde."

"Hmmm… yes the campaign." Fowley said. "Troops are moving and so is the coin."

You could feel that he had some sort of a plan in mind.

"We are living in a great period for trade, not in years have we had this much trade and prosperity in Hillsbrad. Gone are the stagnant times when bandits ruled the roads." Fowley spoke to you.

"You have something planned?" You asked him.

"Yes, I am feeling adventurous." Fowley replied to you. "I have a proposition."

"Which is?" You asked again.

"When you arrive to Durnholde, can you speak with Lord Blackmoore and invite him to join the Darrowmere League." Fowley asked you.

As a reply you nearly choked on your wine. That was something you hadn't expected to hear from Fowley at all. The small bookish man had surprised you rather well.

"But why?" You succeeded in asking.

"Durnholde has the coin from their gladiator games, they have troops and camps to feed. We meanwhile have the food and supplies to provide them." Fowley said to you. "That is my speciality. Yours are soldiers, you can handle the defence side of talks."

You really hadn't expected that from Fowley. As a request it was a lot, maybe too much. You already had the trade caravans and market fairs organised so the trade was there. And you personally had the alliance with Blackmoore. Dragging Darrowmere League further into this could tie you with Blackmoore more closely which could be a boon, yet it could be a negative. There are many sides to this to take in account.


>There are both economic and defensive benefits in inviting Durnholde and Blackmoore into the Darrowmere League. You will do it.
>Existing arrangements could be strengthened, but first you should get Lady Barov on board. That is your priority.
>You would prefer to strengthen the League as is. Give a neutral answer and don't promise anything.
>Decline outright. Let Fowley know what sort of a man Blackmoore is. Having him aboard would be a folly in making.
>Other, write in.

Let them know of Garithos' plan to surpass Blackmoore:
>Yes, they should know about it
>No, it is just intel and less people know about it, the better

QM: The rolls were economic prosperity of Hillsbrad and Fowley's idea.
>>There are both economic and defensive benefits in inviting Durnholde and Blackmoore into the Darrowmere League. You will do it.
>Yes, they should know about it
>>There are both economic and defensive benefits in inviting Durnholde and Blackmoore into the Darrowmere League. You will do it.
>Yes, they should know about it
>>There are both economic and defensive benefits in inviting Durnholde and Blackmoore into the Darrowmere League. You will do it.
>Yes, they should know about it

Someone need to check Fowley stomach

>Other, write in
Suggest he come with us to help make the offer, or atleast so our Naturalist mage can take a look at him in Dawnholme and we can discuss further since this is a big ask.

I thought we didn't want to add Durnholde to the league until after Thrall attacked to lessen the impact on our own political image? Though I'd be open to discussing whether or not that would be the case anyways if Alrics alliance with Blackmoore is already in the open after the capital investigation over Thrall. Then do we end up taking more measures to defend against Thrall, or more to salvage the situation as best we can like getting enough to supplies to feed refugees who we eventually have to help evacuate from the area while guarding the bridge. Probably the latter. Might be worth it to be in a better position to salvage things?

Can we make the benefits of getting Durnholde into the League while Blackmoores position is under threat from Garithos and then Thrall worth it?

Justify running wargames or field exercises of troops evacuating people against the possibility of syndicate warlocks breaking out the camps and taking control of the orcs. Since we can't say it's Thrall syndicate warlocks plot could at least sound plausible, especially after the ballsy winter assassin episode.

>Yes, they should know about it

Id suppose their reaction would be to encourage that Alric get Durnholde into the League. Maybe a shift in the Barovs to be more against Garithos, which if it went up all the way to the patriarch could be nice. Oh of course, Dalaran wants to study the orcs and see if they can return to normal. Antonidas implied that. They DEFINITELY don't want the 'Kill the orc's faction in charge, and Archimage Jandice is going to talk with him soon anyways. Could see some Dalaran support directly or otherwise.

Also I had wanted to hear her opinion on Kael's offer and plans lol.

We did recently hire that Naturalist mage lady. Ask him to come down with us to get checked out. Inb4 arsenic poisoning. Lead? Some plant?
Support, especially the man's poor stomach.
Really though, I feel the proposition to Durnholde and Blackmoore should wait until after the gnolls expedition concludes. If Garithos and the Regional Defenders catch wind that a subject of the Alliance-military has partnered with Alric and Alterac, then Garithos has just been handed a legitimate reason to usurp Blackmoore.
Whatever it is, it needs to be checked. For that matter maybe his culinary staff or the ones that bring food to his culinary staff in Tarren Mill should be checked.

I mean the Syndicate and others have reason for want us dead. And they have killed before.

Maybe we could talk with Garithos about it when we are done with the gnoll campaign and the inevitable orc fallout.
Fowley has had physicians and doctors under a payroll checking him regularly. He has been avoiding dishes with a lot of meat and gone nearly fully vegan in process. It has helped, but from time to time his stomach issues return. Now having Madam Judy check on him is possible, she might catch something others haven't caught before. No need a vote for that, when Alric returns to Dawnholme we can have that happen.

Now there won't be an update today, I am too tired to write it, but with the vote being quite unanimous I could use another vote regarding it as you lot did have a good point.

Talk with Blackmoore regarding Darrowmere League and inviting him into it:
>Before the campaign, tie a stronger relationship with Blackmoore and try to make his standing stronger through that.
>After the campaign when you know if Garithos has tried anything and you know where everyone is standing.
>After the campaign when you know if Garithos has tried anything and you know where everyone is standing.
Until Garithos has departed in my view, but I'll work with the unfolding story.
>>After the campaign when you know if Garithos has tried anything and you know where everyone is standing.
>>After the campaign when you know if Garithos has tried anything and you know where everyone is standing.
"I will bring it up, but only after the campaign is finished." You said back to him and saw his eyes brighten up. "Because there is an issue that needs to be resolved first."

You put down your utensils and supped a bit of wine.

"Or preferably doesn't come up." You continued.

"Prince Alric, what are you talking about?" Jandice asked. She had switched back to her more cordial self now with others present around the table.

"I have intelligence that suggests Garithos wants to surpass and replace Blackmoore." You told them.

None of them reacted until Chief Ragis spoke first.

"This Garithos tried to take you down before?" He asked you.

"Yes, Lord Colonel Othmar Garithos is the current commander of Regional Defenders and now he has put his eyes on Durnholde Keep." You said back to him.

"That man is a cretin!" Fowley shouted. "Prince Alric, please tell us everything you know."

Fowley had been against Garithos and his plans back in the winter in Southshore, no wonder he was more than pissed. Now you told them everything you could, leaving details of the personal alliance between Blackmoore and you aside, you did emphasise the good relationship and the trade that existed. What the Garithos' plans were, were then reflected against them.

"It is good that you told us that. I need to send a letter to Burnside…" Fowley replied.

"No, don't do that. Less people know the better. I am not sure if I am even going to tell Blackmoore, he is too volatile for things like this." You said and waved the idea away. "I will have to watch and see if anything comes up and be prepared for Garithos making his move. Less successful he is during the campaign the better, it needs to be Alterac that gets the win against the gnolls or Durnholde itself."

"That… that is true." Fowley replied. "I was too hasty."

"Don't worry about it Mayor Fowley, and don't stress about it. I can't have you get your stomach upset." You said to him.

"Don't worry about my stomach." Fowley said back.

"I will worry about it. In fact, I have hired the services of a naturalist. Lady Martin, knows her herbs and knows healing magic. When I return back to Dawnholme, I will send her to visit you." You told him.

"You don't need to do that Prince Alric." Fowley said. "I have already paid too much for physicians and besides the issues come and go."

"I will send her, end of story."

"Fine, have it your way." Fowley relented.

Good, that was one thing tied up. Now just to finish the lunch.


You had eaten and spoken more with Fowley, Ragis and Jandice about Durnholde until it was time for Fowley and Ragis to leave. Giving orders to Ragis, he would tell Sir Cyrus to deliver you armour and meagre belongings in Tarren Mill to Dawnholme. You will ride back home tomorrow and then you would go see if the orc was in any brighter mood to talk, or just to listen to you talking.

Watching as the Mayor and the Chief left, Jandice turned to talk to you.

"Now what? Shall we go see if my books have anything about curses?" Jandice asked.

Yes, you had planned on doing that, but you still had something else in mind.

Choose two:
>Go see her book collection and see if there is anything useful there regarding curses or other magic. Maybe demonstrate setting Cinder Sword on fire to her.
>You had planned on speaking about her family with her. How does her siblings see you and of her parents have switched opinions about you.
>Talk about Prince Kael’thas, what he had offered to you for the Durnholde Campaign and ask what Jandice thinks about him and his plans.
>Other, write in.

QM: Choose two to go through first. The third option will be handled after the first two are done.
>Talk about Prince Kael’thas, what he had offered to you for the Durnholde Campaign and ask what Jandice thinks about him and his plans.
>Go see her book collection and see if there is anything useful there regarding curses or other magic. Maybe demonstrate setting Cinder Sword on fire to her.

We already showed her the bonfire, time to show more party tricks to ignite her.
>>Talk about Prince Kael’thas, what he had offered to you for the Durnholde Campaign and ask what Jandice thinks about him and his plans.
>Go see her book collection and see if there is anything useful there regarding curses or other magic. Maybe demonstrate setting Cinder Sword on fire to her.
>>Talk about Prince Kael’thas, what he had offered to you for the Durnholde Campaign and ask what Jandice thinks about him and his plans.
>>Go see her book collection and see if there is anything useful there regarding curses or other magic. Maybe demonstrate setting Cinder Sword on fire to her.
>>Go see her book collection and see if there is anything useful there regarding curses or other magic. Maybe demonstrate setting Cinder Sword on fire to her.
>Talk about Prince Kael’thas, what he had offered to you for the Durnholde Campaign and ask what Jandice thinks about him and his plans.
Apologies, it is yet another episode of QM is too tired to write an update after a long day at work. Alric was going to talk about Kael and then demonstrate some magic. And for that, could I have a simple roll. Higher is better, but there is a chance for a fumble.

>3d10, Best of three
>Higher the better

Burn Fel in progress:
Rolled 4, 3, 7 = 14 (3d10)

Burn Fel in progress:

What could go wrong in a magically enchanted house and releasing small amounts of Fel.. uh oh. Flying books and other poltergeists that attack people like in Scholomance?
Rolled 8, 6, 7 = 21 (3d10)

Rolled 2, 4, 10 = 16 (3d10)

“Yes, but I was thinking of something else first.” You said to her and shrugged.

“What is it then?”

“I have learned a new trick. Didn’t think it would be possible, but here we are.” You told her and on purpose didn’t really explain yourself.

“Al, you are being a bit annoying right now.” Jan replied to you.

“Alright, alright. You know how Cinder Sword doesn’t burn, it just heats up and sheds embers? Well it wasn’t supposed to be like that originally, but the enchanters in Stormwind messed up and failed to get it to burst on fire on its own.” You told her and continued. “I have learned how to do that.”

“To set your sword on fire?”

“Yep. I did that a bit on the accident at first, but now I know how to do it on command.” You said and continued. “Can I show it to you, is it even possible here… you know without people seeing?”

“In the garden, sure we can do that first.” Jan said and seemed thoughtful for a second. “You know where it is, go there first and I will join you shortly.”

“You have a plan, don’t you?”

“Might have.” Jan said and grinned.

She had a plan, probably something fun on her mind.

“Well do what you need to do, I will go to the garden first.”

>21, Crit success!

The garden behind the estates was quite a large one and in the middle of it was a small clearing surrounded by tall well maintained bushes. It seemed like the trope of large gardens behind estates had some actual truth behind it.

Having drawn the Cinder Sword, you took several swings with it to start heating it up. Slowly the dull grey of the blade turned red, orange and white of heated metal, each swing shedding more and more of embers.

“I see you are already ready.” Jan said to you as she walked to the clearing.

Now you saw what was her plan, she had changed her clothes from the archmage's robes and the dress she wore to her trousers and shirt she preferred to wear when actually doing something more athletic, like fencing. As she had her fencing sword by her side.

“And I see that you have changed your clothes… and you have your sword.” You replied back to her.

“If you are going to show me your new trick with your sword, let me be dressed for the occasion.” Jan said and grinned. “Now let’s see what you have learned.”

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“Alright, like I said they messed up when they made this sword, at least according to King Varian.” You told her and took a ready stance, pointing the Cinder Sword ahead of you. “But I can do this nowadays.”

With a snap of your left hand, a small green flame appeared on the tip of the Cinder Sword and immediately turned back into normal fire. The liquid fire stayed on the tip for a second or two before creeping up the blade, slowly reaching the hilt. Cinder Sword had never burned you, you knew it was really hot, but for some reason you weren’t burned. Neither did your own fire burn you or jump past the hilt on your hand and arm. It knew how to behave.

The flames licked upwards as droplets of the fire dropped off the blade on the gravel. It burned there without much effort from you to keep it alive, some concentration was needed, but not that much.

“That seemed easy, at least easier than the bonfire.” Jan commented and tilted her head a bit as she walked around you, observing the sword and the fire. “You are controlling it without much effort.”

“This isn’t that difficult of a trick.” You said back to her.

“I can see that, I can feel that.” She replied. “To control your mana that well and most importantly keeping it stable. You have improved since Tarren Mill.”

“Thank you Jan.” You said and concentrated on your blade again, the flames slowly died down and retracted back down the blade before disappearing completely.

“Now, let’s not waste any time.” Jan said and smirked as she drew her fencing sword. “Prepare yourself Al.”

“Are you serious?” You asked. Oh this was her idea. You watched as she took a low ready stance, her fencing sword being just as long as Cinder Sword, but definitely not as heavy or big. “This isn’t a fair match and these are real blades.”

“Oh I know, the question is, are you that big of a chicken to say no to this?” Jan’s tone was a bit mocking. “Oh will I have to claim the victory through you surrendering?”

Alright, she got you. But you weren’t going to fight that seriously, these were real blades after all. Moving your left hand on the hilt of your sword, you raised it above your head and prepared yourself. Now just to play it safe and see how good she really is with her much thinner blade.

>3d10, Best of three
>DC 12, Crit 23

QM: It was a good enough of a roll for a Crit, I decided that.
Rolled 6, 6, 7 = 19 (3d10)

Rolled 8, 7, 1 = 16 (3d10)

Rolled 1, 4, 3 = 8 (3d10)

Lets go fencing, not overpowering
my rolls, wow.
>19, Success!

“I will let you go first.” You said.

Jan didn’t need more encouragement as she took several steps closer and brought her blade down to slash at you. The speed the blade moved did surprise you a bit, but your own parry found it in any case. Jan moved to a series of jabs, forcing you to backpedal as you kept parrying her blade. There the weight and size difference of the Cinder Sword really did become apparent, it was really easy to push her fencing sword aside.

Another set of slashes were easily parried and you chose to take the initiative. Parrying and knocking her blade away from you, your riposte went for her head and would have hit her if not for you holding back.

“That was close.” Jan replied to you, the tip of your sword just inches off her nose.

“That is the difference between our weapons, don’t go into a longsword fight with just a fencing blade.” You said to her. “In a fair fight, you are at a disadvantage.”

“Who said I would fight fair?” She smirked back.

At the periphery of your vision, you saw a blade coming at you. Spinning on your heels, you parried it just in time to find out that you were assailed by another Jan.

“Illusion!” You shouted out and turned to look at the original Jan, but she had disappeared.

“Are you sure it is an illusion?” Jan’s voice came out behind you.

You turned around and saw her standing there. Now there were two of them opposing you.

“Prepare yourself!” Jan said and both of them took their ready stances.

Which one of them was the illusion? Are they both illusions? You cursed in your mind how sensing magic had become an obstacle for you during your training. Both of you took this seriously enough to not muck around, so you had the feeling that Jan might have a trick or two planned.

And then both of them approached you, blades ready to attack.

>3d10, Best of three
>DC 14, Crit 22
Rolled 7, 2, 7 = 16 (3d10)

Hmm how about Alric plays a trick or two? Good ol flashbang does work pretty well, but we don't know which one is real. Since we've already got the Cinder Sword lit, what if we pump more mana into it to see if we can make it even hotter and brighter until Jan starts feeling the heat.
Rolled 1, 4, 7 = 12 (3d10)

After this fight what would jandices martial skill be?

Her Martial would be 3, so on par with most Footmen. But she is a fencer and not a proper swordwoman, one is a sport and other serious battlefield matter.
Rolled 8, 4, 9 = 21 (3d10)

So close for the Crit, you know what, I will allow one more roll. Let's see if it hits the mark.
Rolled 8, 6, 7 = 21 (3d10)

Well here goes
>21, Success!

First one came at you, forcing you to stay on defence. A parry and then another before the second Jan tried to get through you. Cinder Sword clashed with her fencing blade, shedding sparks and embers on the gravel beneath your feet. The two Jans took turns at trying to find an opening, but you managed to keep them away from you.

And then third Jan entered the fray.

The pressure started to pile up. Having to defend against three of them was starting to be a bit too much for you. You were a good duelist, but having to fight against many foes without your shield and armour was a hurdle.

But as you kept blocking, parrying and moving, you realised something very important. The three Jans took turns at attacking you, they didn’t really try to attack at the same time and that made sense. Jan was a fencer, not a footman. If these were illusions, they knew as much as she did. It was probably the only reason why you were still holding out, to win you needed an opening.

Parrying one of the blades, you swept the air in front of you a couple of times to buy some time and space for your own plan to happen. You concentrated within your left hand for a few seconds before trailing it behind one swing of yours, letting the liquid fire out of your hand in an arc. Sparks and embers formed between you and the three Jans, separating you from her and allowing you to reset the situation and the duel. Taking a couple deep breaths, you raised your sword above your head and prepared for another go.

“Illusions… that is smart.” You said to them.

“To fool the eyes and the mind.” One of them replied.

“But to defeat you, I don’t think that is enough.” Second one of them replied.

“To think you used your flames to push me back.” Third one of them replied.

The wind sighed around you and the three Jans disappeared in front of you, turning into a cloud of purple smoke and lighting before dispersing near immediately. They were all illusions? Then where is the real one?

“To think that I thought I could defeat you…” The voice of Jan appeared behind you. Turning around, you saw her standing there next to one of the tall bushes. She was wearing her purple dress and archmage’s robes.

“You weren’t here in the first place?” You asked her and sheathed your sword.

“Never were, you were talking with my illusion all this time. I just needed a bit of time to make you think that I had changed my clothes.” Jan said and smiled. “And you bought it…”

“You fooled me! If you wanted to spar with me, you could have just asked me in the first place…” You said back to her.

“Sorry, it was safer this way. My illusions can’t hurt you and if you had actually cut one, I would have loved to see your shocked face.” Jan chuckled.

“Cruel, that is just cruel…”

“No, but seriously. You were right, these are real blades. I can’t have that happen, a diplomatic incident in the works.” Jan said to you and continued. “Besides, you are going to a war a bit of warmup doesn’t hurt at all.”


“You are right about that.” You said back to her. “Still you could have just asked me.”

“What is done is done.” Jan replied. “Shall we head inside and get some refreshments? We can then look at the books.”

“If the water is an illusion as well, then I don’t know what I will do with you…”

The break was much needed, having drank several glasses of wine had made you a bit dehydrated and then the light sparring and showing off your new spell had brought a sweat to your skin.

And Jan was right, it was good that you had some sparring before the campaign, especially as you are most likely going to end up fighting multiple gnolls during it.

Now in the small library, Jan seemed thoughtful as she looked at the bookcases. Then with a flick of her hand, one of them floated out and landed on her hands.

“This one might have something useful to you.” Jan said to you before passing the book to you. “Though it is in Darnassian…”

“I need to ask Malevus to translate it for me then…” You said and continued. “Thank you, I appreciate this a lot.”

The book was really old, the covers seemed rather worn and most likely countless hands have handled it and eyes read it.

“I don’t think my library has anything else useful here… But in Dalaran, I will look if I can find something else to send you.” Jan said to you.

“Don’t push your luck, I don’t want Kirin Tor to ask more questions than they already do.” You said back to her.

“I won’t and if someone asks me, I am an archmage, I have my own research to do.” Jan said and shrugged.

You could only shrug back as a reply. She knew Dalaran better than you did after all.

“Speaking of Kirin Tor, Prince Kael’thas didn’t just warn me about Kel’thuzad, he had an offer.” You said to her.

“Oh, what does the wily Prince have in mind?” Jan asked back.

You told her what he had offered to you. Troops, specialists form Quel’thalas. And in return he had asked for a favour, a strong favour. You had declined his offer, after all you can’t buy a pig in a poke.

“Prince Kael’s position is his birthright, he is the heir to Quel’thalas.” Jan said to you and continued. “But even an elven Prince needs to work hard to stay afloat in Dalaran. Magic is one hell of an equaliser.”


Jan gave you a curious look as she thought what to say next.

“He has his plans, many plans. I have had the privilege to talk with him quite many times and every time it seems like he had something else in mind. Some plans regarding Barovs, or my position in Dalaran. He just doesn’t say it outright.” Jan told you.

“He is always scheming?”

“Always, but the funny thing is, I don’t think he never has had ill will or bad intentions behind his plans. He is very much one of those rising tide lifts all boats type of a person.” Jan told you.

“But he has the biggest boat.” You replied.

“Of course.” Was Jan’s short reply.

“I don’t think he had any malice or ill meanings hidden in that offer of his, but the favour… it would be a bit too much. I can’t accept something that I don’t know, at least I avoid making such choices.” You said to Jan.

“I would have taken the offer. If what you said about Lord Garithos is correct, I would stack the odds as much as possible into your own favour.” Jan said to you and continued. “Whatever Prince Kael has in his mind, it won’t be as bad as allowing Lord Garithos to win.”

“Well what is done is done, I have already sent my reply weeks ago.” You said to her. “And if there was a way to contact him, how would that look? Going back on my decision?”

“You are right…” Jan lamented. “What is done is done…”

“Maybe next time?” You said and shrugged.

“Maybe…” Jan shrugged back. “Do you think that you have the soldiers to take the victory needed in Durnholde?”

>For the decisive battle and the Vanguard, for a long war of attrition, no.
>You won’t be alone, you can count Durnholders to have your back.
>Probably not, but you just need to lose less than Regional Defenders do. Can they call it a victory if half of them are dead or wounded?
>No, but you are going to find a way to level the playing field.
>Other, write in.

QM: What do you think, can you win? The roll was pretty good, but Crit would have given you a bit different result.
>>No, but you are going to find a way to level the playing field.
tfw wanted the Kael favor for that sweet elven specialists unit. I bet it was rangers and we might have gotten to see a Windrunner sister. God that would have wiped the smug look right off Garithos's face.

>For the decisive battle and the Vanguard, for a long war of attrition, no.
>Other, write in.

We want to use Alric's rank as a Prince, and his good relation with Durnholde, to take command or atleast establish his influence on the campaign. Then try to make use of our strength in experienced troops and talented officers, against the more numerous and green Regional Defenders with that Garithos temper.

We want to set the pace and make it rigorous. Form a rivalry of outdoing each other from the start. Get them to exhaust their green troops in matching our commitment to being mobile in the search for the enemy's heart. Hope Madam Judy can handle any casualties or bad luck we encounter, plus see what the mages can really do.

Give some Officers and allies a chance to shine by putting together groups for hunting down the main gnoll encampment. Take first blood against some gnoll scouts to show off if we can. If it gets the RD to do some heavy lifting and shedding of blood in the scouting and tanking ambushes the gnolls will have prepared so much the better. Bring about the decisive battle before we get worn down, and get the head of the enemy leader.

Atleast thats how I'd see the best odds of evening the playing field.
>>For the decisive battle and the Vanguard, for a long war of attrition, no.
>>You won’t be alone, you can count Durnholders to have your back.
I think anons forget that no one wants Garithos in charge especeally after the bullshit he pulled last time he got in charge.
I will allow the voting continue till tomorrow, but I will ask for a simple 1d10 roll. This is for Barovs.

>Best of three
Rolled 8 (1d10)

Rolled 3 (1d10)

Is this vote likely to impact her or the Barovs thinking? That reminds me I was thinking about asking her about mages in battle. I wonder how big a spell our 3 Dalaran underbelly mages could make if they worked on one big spell.
Rolled 2 (1d10)

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“Enough for decisive battle or for the vanguard. I have skilled veterans, they can throw their weight around more than the regulars or the green rookies Regional Defenders or Durnholders have. And speaking of them, I am going to throw my own status and my reputation in to take either command of the whole campaign or at least take command over the Durnholders.” You told Jan. “I am a Prince, Garithos is just a Lord and as long as Blackmoore endorses this, Garithos has very little to argue back.”

“Just don’t play your cards too early.” Jan warned you.

“That is something I need to avoid.” You said and sighed. “But when it comes to the actual fighting, I am quite hopeful. I do have my mages with me, all three of them and a couple students of theirs.”

That got her interest as she gave you a curious look.

“One of them is a pyromancer and second one is a bog standard arcanist, and the third one is the naturalist.” You told her. “It isn’t that much, but maybe a well applied fireball can turn the tide of the battle?”

“Or to counter their shamans…” Jan mused back.

“Like Jaina countered the one we faced back then.” You replied.

“I told you, magic is one hell of an equaliser.” Jan said and chuckled.

“You are right about that.” You smiled back at her.


You ended up speaking with her about magic for a couple of hours. Just everything about it, small things, bigger things. It was just fun to discuss it outside of your usual studying sessions, because Lady Nalice was quite strict and Eligius followed her curriculum really closely. It didn’t hurt that one of her servants had brought the two of you more wine to drink.

As much as you would have liked to just talk about magic, you did have one more thing to talk about.

“Hey Jan, during your visit back home… what did your family say about me?” You asked her somewhat carefully.

“My father, he doesn’t like that I associate with a Perenolde like you nor is my mother that happy about it either.” Jan said and was clearly unhappy for the change of subject. “Especially when I failed to get the oil deal out of you.”

“I hope I haven’t caused any issues to you with your family.” You said to her.

“No, you haven’t. It is just what it is. My parents aren’t going to change their minds that easily, but if they are to benefit from something… that does change their mind quite easily.” She said to you.

“Oh I just need to learn how to transmute gold then.” You jested.

Jan laughed, your joke had worked.

“If it was that easy… and please don’t try to research that, Kirin Tor would hunt you down.” Jan chuckled and warned you.

“That is forbidden as well?”


“How about your siblings then?” You asked and went back to the subject.

“Same as before really. Weldon is nonchalant about everything, he just loves his horses too much to be bothered with anything else, but Alexi…” Jan started to tell you.

“What about him? He seemed rather interested in me?” You asked her.


“He has teased me about you.” Jan confessed. “Spending so much time with that Alteraci Prince…”

“Does he know?” You asked her.

“No, and when he learned that we didn’t get the oil, he stopped the teasing. Remember when I told you about our reputation, willingness to go far to get what we want.” Jan told you and continued. “But of my family, he is likely the most willing to do business with you. Unless you need horses that is…”

“I will keep that in mind…” You replied to her and chuckled. “We just need to be at the right place at the right time for that to happen.”

“Yeah, Tarren Mill and this estate is somewhat of my responsibility.” Jan said. “Their responsibilities are up north.”

That did give you an idea. Maybe you should meet with her family, after all you are technically neighbours. But what would be the situation suitable for the meeting? The Alliance meeting in Stormwind City? Here in Tarren Mill? “Accidental” happy coincidence of all of you in the same place at the same time? Or was it too early? If Jan hadn’t managed to get the trade or oil deals done with you, what leverage would you have? What would be your market value?

>Invite her and her family to join you in Stormwind City for the large Alliance meeting planned later this summer.
>Ask her to arrange a meeting with her family here in Tarren Mill. It would be closer to your home and less travel for them.
>Maybe an “unplanned” meeting in Dalaran would be good to have? A happy coincidence that all of you are in the same place at the same time.
>It is a bit too early to bring the larger Barov family together. Until you have gotten Jandice to agree to be part of Darrowmere League, you don’t have the necessary leverage in potential negotiations.
>Other, write in.

QM: Next is the last social update with Jandice. I got the update done today!
>Invite her and her family to join you in Stormwind City for the large Alliance meeting planned later this summer.
>Maybe an “unplanned” meeting in Dalaran would be good to have? A happy coincidence that all of you are in the same place at the same time.

The Barovs have many allies in the Alliance that would seek Alterac being brought low again, particularly the King Varian after we took in his refugees. Stormwind seems to be a place where they would feel most secure, and therefore it might be a good place to begin openly showing interest, if not courtesy. Alexei was a pompous idiot before though.
Oh right Medivh I was wondering about something. Was part of the reason for taking over Strahnbrad Hills that Alric was looking for a hidden passage to connect with Strahnbrad? A mountain/hill route that didn't require going through what was bandit territory? I feel like that was something they were looking for and we forgot, unless I am misremembering.

I wonder if we will see Calia and if the Calianons will spring up out of the woodwork to try for a coup as passions reignite. Some kind of polygon shaped romance map? The Political Marriage to secure the future of Alterac justification? Or a soap opera reveal that Calia was actually pregnant. What kind of move will Katrana make against Jandice and her family since she knows Jan and Alric were having a fling. Or will Sir Cyrus have spotted the Malevus and Alric development. I wonder if we will be able to see VanCleef. Or maybe we encounter some pirates or an alterac island colony on the ship ride down taking shelter from a storm over the waters.

See Nalice again and hopefully bring her back home. Plus we might see Arthas, and Jaina again. It would be good to mend Alric's bond with Jaina. Maybe go ahead and tell her about the whole fel thing, as she probably suspects and can connect some dots. Plus Alric ended up telling Jandice about it anyways. Apologize, tell her whats what atleast without exposing Nalice. Jaina is a pretty strong ally and good friend after all. The Dalaran meeting would be nice for that too. Though Dalaran also means we could visit Kael.

We could really use the political power of an ally in the alliance like the Barovs. Otherwise Alric is never getting permission to retake Alterac. Unless we can renegotiate some of the oil that we might keep for personal use I have a few ideas. Royal privileges in the Alliance legalism might be worth something, but that might require some kind of political marriage, which I'm not against but it would require some doing. Wiklish's inventions, the geared speed regulators is a solid invention and with more funding he could make a lot more. Third idea, very classic, avoiding alliance taxes which seem to be a pretty heavy burden right now if I recall. Also if we can clear the darrowmere river of that troll dam then access to that would be valuable.

Could we offer ourselves in a mercenary sort of way with military prowess against banditry, or piracy? Or as a middle man with a way to getting some dark iron goods. Funny thought, if there were claimants to the ancient human Arathi Empire. Though other Perenolde Alteraci claims to nearby land might be of interest anyways. Like Durnholde. Could use a good look at what issues alliance nobility are really enduring right now.
>>Maybe an “unplanned” meeting in Dalaran would be good to have? A happy coincidence that all of you are in the same place at the same time.
>>Invite her and her family to join you in Stormwind City for the large Alliance meeting planned later this summer.
>>Maybe an “unplanned” meeting in Dalaran would be good to have? A happy coincidence that all of you are in the same place at the same time.
No update today and no need for any rolls either. I don't even have anything clever or fun to ask from you. No "X is for write ins" in mind. I will try to get the update out as soon as possible tomorrow so the voting continues.


Original goal was to find a way through the mountains into Strahnbrad, but the discovery of oil and finding the trolls occupying the mountains have put that on a back-burner a bit. But you did find out that the river upstream is somewhat blocked by flotsam/dam, if you could clear that, you could go around the mountains instead of over them. Though for that you need ships.
“I am not sure if meeting your parents and family as planned is the right thing to do.” You said to Jan and continued. “But meeting them ‘unplanned’? Maybe in Dalaran, a happy coincidence that all of us are in the same place at the same time?”

“That could work, they just need a reason to travel there and my parents don’t do much travelling nowadays.” Jan said and sighed.

“Maybe Stormwind City then? I have heard that a meeting between the Kings and Lords of the Alliance is being planned to happen some time later this summer.” You suggested to Jan. “Do you want to come? Could be a way to get your family there as well.”

“To Stormwind? Now that doesn’t sound like a bad idea, I haven’t visited the city in years.” Jan replied to you. “And having such a meeting as the reason to visit Stormwind City, maybe my parents could actually travel there.”

“Now I haven’t heard when it will be held, just that the meeting has been planned, so I will need to send you a letter when anything actually comes up.” You said to her.

“At least I know to keep my own ears open now.” Jan said.

“Maybe carefully prod Lord Antonidas? Become an official representative of Dalaran?” You suggested.

“Nah, Lord Antonidas will choose someone else, if not coming there personally.” Jan said and waved the idea away. “I.. we will find a way, I am sure of that.”

“Of course…” You replied back and smiled. “But now… how about dinner? And then maybe… some quality time?”

“I am already starving.” Jan winked back.

The next morning came too fast.

As did the need to dress up and go eat some breakfast.

If plausible, you would have stayed with Jan in the bed for longer, but that wasn’t to be. After an evening spent with a lovely dinner, bath together, long sweet talks with a few glasses of wine between and then sharing the bed, you felt reborn. Having found satisfaction and all that pent up want for Jan’s touch had been released.

Maybe it was the last time the two of you shared the bed together? You didn’t know when you could see her again and if then you would have a chance to be with her. And most importantly you need to talk with Malevus about all of this.

“I don’t want you to go.” Jan said to you as she watched you prepare Epona for the ride back home.

“I don’t want to leave, but duty calls… my people call… and the orc in my dungeon calls.” You said to her and finished checking the saddle.

“Oh I know, we are two busy souls with our own tasks and tribulations.” Jan said to you and stepped closer.

Looking around and making sure that no one was watching, she leaned in and gave you a kiss.

“Stay safe Al and don’t get hurt. You have so much ahead of you, don’t throw it away recklessly.” Jan said to you and continued. “Because I want to share the bed with my lover again in the future.”

You smiled back at her and took hold of her hands.

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“Don’t worry, I have my bodyguards and the last time the gnolls and I faced each other, I didn’t have my armour or the fire burning inside of me.” You told her. “I have no intentions of losing or getting hurt.”

“Now that is the Al I know.” Jan replied and smirked. “Now go, don’t let me keep you here. Otherwise these goodbyes turn even more awkward…”

You let go of her hands and mounted your horse. Checking that you had everything with you, you gave her one last glance.

“At latest, see you in Stormwind City.” You said to her. “I’m sure of that.”

“See you in the future Al!” Jan shouted as you rode away and picked up speed. Soon Epona was galloping away.

You didn’t hear her whisper to herself that she still loved you.

The ride from the Barov estates to Dawnholme took you till the mid afternoon. The weather had stayed good, it was warm and only a couple odd clouds were in the sky. Farmers and other peasants stopped to watch and see who was the lone rider, before realising that it was you. They bowed and greeted you with you finding a bit of time to exchange a couple words here and there with them.

But reaching your home, you found Sir Gravis already waiting for you outside the stables. You noticed the horse cart used to transport the orc was here as was Sir Cyrus. So both the orc and your belongings were already here.

“Prince Alric.” Sir Gravis greeted you. “Did the talks with Lady Barov go well?”

His tone didn’t betray his intentions, he seemed genuinely curious about the supposed talks.

“They did, I do believe that Alterac and Barovs are one step closer in forging a more lasting alliance.” You told him as you dismounted your horse and passed the reins the him. “How is the orc?”

“In the dungeon, in the most secure cell. Everything went without any issues and we covered the orc with a tarp before moving it here. The word hasn’t spread, at least not yet.” He told you.

“Oh good, good job Sir Gravis.” You said to him and gave him an agreeing nod.

“Thank you Prince Alric.” He said and bowed.

Now then, the orc. Or maybe you should talk with others first?

>Get it out of the way. Talk with Malevus about Jandice and you being lovers. You want to have things to be clear between you and her.
>Talk with Normand Garside. You and him need to be on the same page when it comes to the orc and the events around it.
>Go see the orc, maybe stare at it for a while. You are going to find a way to learn what the orc knows.
>Other, write in.
Is Nalice back? Or does Cyrus speak Orcish?

>Talk with Normand Garside. You and him need to be on the same page when it comes to the orc and the events around it.

Lady Nalice is still in Stormwind City and Sir Cyrus doesn't sadly speak Orcish.
>Talk with Normand Garside. You and him need to be on the same page when it comes to the orc and the events around it.

>Other, write in.
Go check with the three mages. If anyone here has a decent chance of knowing orcish I'd imagine its some dalaran mages? That said one of them might be a spy for Dalaran. Could be good to see if Cyrus can spot something.

Is there a week or two before campaign to do another magic training session with Eligius? It would be nice to learn a new spell since people didnt want to actually try the physical fel boost without Nalice.
>>Talk with Normand Garside. You and him need to be on the same page when it comes to the orc and the events around it.
>>Talk with Normand Garside. You and him need to be on the same page when it comes to the orc and the events around it.
Its pointless to talk with the orc unless we find someone who can understand him.
I suppose its possible Eligius might have tried to learn some. The potential of finding orcish writing about their warlock techniques. That said, if one of the Dalaran mages did know orcish it would make me wonder if that one was the spy.
Finally caught up with the quest, it's nice to see it's still going. And I want to express my disappointment in people that just want to fuck everything that moves at the expense of Alric's personal integrity, even if Calia was a useless wallflower. I think the consequences of doing such things need to be present and need to be more severe. Imagine if the Menethils were to find out that you dishonored her not once but twice?
“I will talk with Normand first.” You said to Sir Gravis and switched to a bit more cautious tone. “I presume he wasn’t exactly happy about the orc?”

“He is more than concerned, but when he saw how well we had wrapped the orc up in chains, he stopped worrying too much.” Your knight replied to you. “But you know, an orc in Alterac…”

“I get it, thankfully capturing one is a bit different to allying with one.” You said back to him. “Still I can see my neighbours getting uppity about us holding an orc, but outside of executing it outright, what choices do we have?”

“If you mean…” Sir Gravis started to say.

“Not lethargic, if the orc is sent into the camps, he can escape after the guards look the other direction. Not much difference in the physique compared to Thrall and only the Holy Light knows where he is.” You said to Sir Gravis and sighed. “Either way, I will go talk with Normand.”

“I have my knights standing guard in the dungeon for now.” Sir Gravis said back to you.

“Good, have the Royal Foot Guards take guard duty as well.” You said to him.

“Will do Prince Alric.” Your knight saluted you.

Everything seemed to be in order here. Having seen your new dungeon, you were quite sure that it could hold one orc in without him being able to escape. That wouldn’t be your worry.

“I’m back!” You shouted as you stepped inside your home.

You saw Aurvan’kal having been carried downstairs with the rest of your meagre belongings that had been left to Tarren Mill, but you didn’t see Malevus or anyone else either downstairs. Hearing footsteps from upstairs, Normand left his office and looked down at you from the balcone.

“We need to talk about the orc.” He bluntly said to you.

“Yeah, but where is everyone?” You asked him as you made your way up the stairs.

“Malevus and Taretha are visiting her parents and Maura is in the town looking for fresh herbs for sale.” Normand said to you as you opened the door of your study and stepped in. “Not much has happened in the past few days, just…”

“The orc… please take a seat.” You said and sat down on your chair.

“We need to get rid of it, we can’t have the orc stay here longer than it is necessary to move it away.” Normand immediately told you his worries.

“I want to know what the orc knows before that was to happen.” You said back to him. “The orc acted like a mad man… mad orc, but didn’t fight like it. He must have had a reason to not fight to his death.”


“Yes, Sir Gravis spoke to me about that.” Normand said to you.

“I don’t want to argue against you, but the orc stays until we find someone we can speak orcish and we can properly interrogate him. I want to know what the orc knows.” You said to Normand.

“And I want the orc gone as soon as possible. Prisoner or not, an orc in Alterac under the care of a Perenolde. You know how this looks.” Normand said and sighed. “But you have made your decision already, so please argue your decision for me, there must be more to it than just whatever the orc might know.”

>The orc is not lethargic, if not properly secured and chained up, he could escape the moment he is thrown into one of their camps and the guards avert their eyes.
>Successfully capturing and keeping a hold on an orc is a political success. You have shown to others that you don’t allow orcs to move around freely in your lands.
>The orc must be a messenger between the orcs in Alterac Mountains and those still free in Arathi Highlands, like the Warsong Clan. If the orcs are on the move, that is something you need to know.
>The orc can fight and your men need training in how to fight against orcs. In a controlled environment, you can use the orc to train your soldiers.
>Other, write in.

>Parade the orc through Dawnholme, let everyone know that you captured it.
>Reveal the existence of the captured orc to the public, but keep it chained and secured in the dungeon.
>Keep the orc hidden in the dungeon, but don't clarify any rumours about it.
>What orc? There are no orcs in your dungeon.
>Other, write in

QM: Two votes


Welcome back anon!
>>Successfully capturing and keeping a hold on an orc is a political success. You have shown to others that you don’t allow orcs to move around freely in your lands.
>Reveal the existence of the captured orc to the public, but keep it chained and secured in the dungeon.
>The orc must be a messenger between the orcs in Alterac Mountains and those still free in Arathi Highlands, like the Warsong Clan. If the orcs are on the move, that is something you need to know.
>Interrogate first, then reveal the orc to the public and send him to Blackmoore. No, we don't give a shit if he escapes the next day. Wash our hands of the problem.
I mean that does seem like an us problem when Garrithos is trying to replace Blackmoore and loosing ANOTHER orc will look pretty bad. I suppose once the gnoll campaign is over and the threat of replacement mostly passed, yeah.
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Let's be real. Blackmoore was on his way out as a political player the moment he ceded Alric the charter and he knew it. The only conversation that can be currently had about Blackmoore's future is the amount of face he will retain when leaving the political scene. Either he gets violently ousted by Garithos and then falls down a flight of stairs repeatedly until his neck breaks, very unfortunate accident that (bear in mind it was Aliden that backed off, not Falconcrest and we had news from Kris Legace that Stromgarde is rapidly becoming a hotbed of Syndicate activity),or it happens in a duel with Garithos when he loses his nerve, or he has to settle for being Alric's vassal when he retakes Alterac city and at this point it is a matter of "when" and not "if", the writing is on the wall for anyone that cares to look. He is an incompetent has-been who is only capable of fucking and drinking at this point and most of Durnholde is being carried by Lengston AND he has Katrana's agent in his bedroom that can also arrange him an unfortunate accident should be become a liability. His position right now is more tenuous than Alric's. We no longer need Blackmoore, while he needs us and he isn't our only ally now either and the ideal outcome would be the outcome in which
>Blackrmoore disappears or is rendered ineffective
>Garithos disappears or is rendered ineffective
>Alliance takes further damage, to both manpower and their political prestige
>Alterac gets honour, prestige territory and resources
It is an outcome towards which we should be working and it doesn't matter how it comes about so long as we don't stain our hands with demon filth, because that NEVER ends well and I have it on good authority that the edict of Terenas will not be repealed in his lifetime (haha).

Thats true Blackmoore lost much, but he still believes he has his position secure mostly out of believing two things that are not entirely true : that Alric counts on him has an ally, the heroic Alteraci Prince, and that Taretha was spent well on Alric. Ultimately he will likely fall by his own hands either during the campaign or afterwards, i am not sure if he would be able to survive in the future after what will hit Durnholde arrives.

The major problem i see for me, is not really Garithos and Blackmoore, but how much can we manage to protect in case Thrall gives in the vengeance on the Durnholders (which like us a lot from the commoner to the nobles), and if not Thrall the orcs of the camps and the orcs that will come with Thrall for the rescue. Thrall and his people will fall upon the camps at a certain point of the Gnoll Campaign, and if they win Durnholde and Durnholders would be there in their reach.

If nothing else i think we should be able to win in the Gnoll campaign, Alric seems almost healed and to full strength again. That should help and if we can arrive in time south for defend Durnholde, then i think the charter could have more political strength.
Messenger and a set of what you have planned to do with the orc. Could I have a roll for tomorrow regarding the orc.

>Best of three
Rolled 9 (1d10)

>Interrogate and only reveal the orc once we got all we could out of it and are ready to ship him off to Blackmoore. There's no need to mistreat him, especially since he had been rather peaceful after having been defeated. Whether it is some clever ploy or something else remains to be seen.
I think we are more likely to win the gnoll campaign than not unless something outstandingly bad happens and throws everything into chaos. As for Thrall, there's reasons to believe the verbal dressing down Alric had given him and the high influence rolls we got on him will ensure that he doesn't do anything stupid. His goal is to rescue his people, if he wanted revenge, he already had plenty of opportunities to have it, he could have easily climbed into Blackmoore's keep and stabbed him to death in his sleep or preyed on Durnholde patrols, Drek'Thar most likely advised him to see past his immediate desires and work towards a better future. Remarkably similar he and Alric, in that regard.
Rolled 3 (1d10)

I'm now scared the orc is an assassin too
Rolled 6 (1d10)

“Why would the orc try to cross Strahnbrad Hills? An orc that isn’t lethargic, coming from the east and what is in the east?” You said to Normand and continued. “Only Clan that is still resisting is hidden somewhere there, the Warsongs led by Grom Hellscream. And what we have in Alterac Mountains somewhere up north, the remnants of the Blackrock Clan led by their demon-crazed chieftains. It is not hard to make the connection. If the orcs are talking with each other, that is something we should be worried about.”

You didn’t mention Frostwolves. The orc could easily be a messenger from Hellscream to Thrall as well.

“It could be that we just haven’t caught any other orcs who have been crossing the hills, after all we didn’t have a presence there for years. But now that we have, we have to act with the information we have.” You said and continued. “I want to know what the orc knows, if we could achieve that, we could maybe prevent whatever plans they have.”

“None of us speak Orcish.” Normand pointed out.

“I need to talk with Eligius, he might have something, but I’m not holding my hopes up.” You said and sighed. “But till we have someone who speaks Orcish, the orc needs to stay in my dungeon. And after we have learned what the orc knows, then we can wash our hands off him. Send him to Blackmoore and let him throw the orc into the camps. Maybe at that point lethargy has hit him?”

Normand nodded.

“There is logic in what you said.” He replied. “Alright.”

“So you see my point?”

“I do, I still don’t like having the orc here though.” Normand replied. “Now where can we find someone who speaks Orcish?”

“Dalaran?” You shrugged. “Or maybe someone else from somewhere else? I’m not sure if we should make noise about the orc until we have interrogated it, that includes telling about him to others. For our own protection and the protection of the orc. As wild as it might sound, what if the orc works for the Syndicate and is an assassin?”

“You don’t really believe that?”

“No, I don’t. My brother allying with the orcs? He wouldn’t make the same mistake Aiden did.” You waved the idea away and stretched your back. “I am going to change my clothes and then go see Eligius. If I’m not here when Malevus returns, can you ask her to carry my stuff into my room?”

“I can do that.” Normand said to you and stood up from his chair.

“We really didn’t need the orc to happen to us right now, but it is what it is.” You said.

“Wise words.”

“I wish that half of the time I wouldn’t need to be concerned about all these things, but…” You started to say. “Alright, can’t just stay here and talk. We have work to be done.”



“Laughing Skull.” Eligius said to you.

Your warlock acting as your spymaster masquerading as your scribe stood in the middle of the dungeon behind a wooden table. The large domed room had several sturdy cell doors around it with now two of them having inhabitants. Pai the Assassin had stayed quiet since the last interactions with her and she had no idea of the orc in another cell. To make sure that the orc wouldn’t escape, the cell door had been reinforced with a pair of sturdy logs blocking it from being opened. It was like a small gate into a fortress.

“You mean the skull mask?” You asked him. Having changed your arming jacket and trousers to your usual set of white shirt and leather jacket, you felt more comfortable immediately.

“No, that is the name of the Clan.” Eligius said and opened a small book on the table. “Lady Nalice had a book regarding the Alliance Expedition through the Dark Portal. Before the portal was closed, there were messengers sent regularly through it. Laughing Skulls were one of the Clans that had stayed in Draenor and only had joined the war just before the expedition was launched.”

“You are saying that the orc is from a Clan that didn’t invade Azeroth originally?” You asked him.

“Yes, I would imagine that not that many Laughing Skulls exist in our world.” Eligius answered.

“Anything else? Did the book say anything else useful?”

“The orc didn’t have much with him. Just the clothes, plenty of bones, the mask and his weapons.” Eligius said to you and continued with a whisper as there were guards in the room. “I don’t sense anything being off either.”

“That is good news.” You replied and took the skull mask off the table. If Eligius didn’t sense Fel or anything else, neither did you, that would at least mean the orc not being a warlock.

Holding it in your hands, you turned it around a couple times before placing it in front of your head. Peering through the eye holes, you looked at Eligius for a second before putting the mask down. A laughing orc wearing a skull mask, no wonder his Clan was named Laughing Skull. Really original.

“Peculiar orc.” You mused aloud. “Do you know if anyone here speaks Orcish?”

“No, but I can ask around.” Eligius said to you. “Maybe Mr. Wiklish or one of his goblins?”

Why hadn't you thought about that before?

“Send a message to him and ask him to come here as fast as possible.” You told Eligius. “If he or one of his goblins knows Orcish, that would solve our problem here.”

“I will do that immediately.” Eligius answered. “Anything else Prince Alric?”

“We will continue the studies later today.” You said to him. “Can’t skip a day.”

“Of course.” Eligius replied and bowed before leaving the dungeon.

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Now then just to wait till Wiklish arrives or he sends a message that he can’t help you. Would be a bit strange for goblins not to know Orcish, after all some of them were allied during the Second War.

You looked at the skull mask. What a strange orc, though you only knew one orc, one that had grown up amongst humans. Taking a deep breath, you exhaled slowly. What was Thrall up to? Could the orcs be planning to liberate the Internment Camps now? What if they do it while the campaign against the gnolls is happening? You couldn’t know, at least not yet.

>Go through the orc’s belongings and then go talk with the orc. He doesn’t probably understand you, but maybe you can find a connection with him.
>Malevus, you should keep her waiting. You want to see her and you need to talk about yourself and Jandice to her.
>The three mages from Underbelly. You haven’t really talked with them since their arrival to Dawnholme as they have been campaigning. See how they have become accustomed to your service.
>Other, write in.

QM: The roll got you these tidbits of information and something not yet revealed.
>>Malevus, you should keep her waiting. You want to see her and you need to talk about yourself and Jandice to her.

"you should keep her waiting". No, it should read "you shouldn't keep her waiting." Amateur mistake!
>Malevus, you should keep her waiting. You want to see her and you need to talk about yourself and Jandice to her.
Ironic how the insult of Garithos became true over time. I suppose the sooner we get this over with the better. Yer a manwhore, Alric.
>The three mages from Underbelly. You haven’t really talked with them since their arrival to Dawnholme as they have been campaigning. See how they have become accustomed to your service.

>The three mages from Underbelly. You haven’t really talked with them since their arrival to Dawnholme as they have been campaigning. See how they have become accustomed to your service

I wanna see what my money h
>>The three mages from Underbelly. You haven’t really talked with them since their arrival to Dawnholme as they have been campaigning. See how they have become accustomed to your service.
We can talk with Malevus later, lets see what the mages are up to because they might be doing a lot useful stuff against the gnolls.

I find Alric with his flaws interesting character. Having Jandice as his mistress is not full manwhore territory, that would be if Alric had bedded Monica, allowed Katrana to seduce him and tried to hit on Jaina more aggressively. That would be in the womaniser territory.
I do agree that Alric is a better character if flawed, but he already became an adrenaline junkie/thrillseeker due to years of intense duress and constant life versus death struggles. He doesn't really feel alive anymore unless he's going steel on steel against someone with his life on the line. Maybe QM is playing it up a little, but I don't think that's fel corruption alone and it has been mentioned more than once, as well that his propensity to delegate tasks to his subordinates has also grown. But I do not attempt to hide the fact that I'm greatly displeased with the direction the quest had taken due to haremshit. Of course I can hardly have the room to complain, since I wasn't there to roll against it. I am now.
>Go through the orc’s belongings and then go talk with the orc. He doesn’t probably understand you, but maybe you can find a connection with him.
Didn't the Laughing Skull clan ally with the Alliance Expedition in Warcraft 2?
That is true, they did have a temporary alliance of convenience.
>I'm greatly displeased with the direction the quest had taken due to haremshit

Anon, Alric is in a relationship with two women, and one of them has stated *very explicitly* that it's JUST a friendship with benefits. This hardly counts as haremshit.

As a veteran of certain quests that eventually devolved into haremshit and collapsed because of it (Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon, etc), I can understand how you feel, but a nobleman having two lovers wasn't exactly rare IRL, and I trust Medivh to handle Alric's relationships well/not fuck it up TOO badly.
A nobleman takes concubines when it is beneficial for him, not spends time running around like a headless chicken bumping into random women on his path and "trying to make it work". None of the women Alric had taken as lovers, benefited him in any way, with the exception of satiating his sexual needs or needs for companionship, which ironically enough any other woman could have sufficed for. Jandice would get disowned if her parents were to find out and he could have gotten the magical training out of her without sleeping with her. Lordaeron would probably send their army to drag him before the king's family if his involvement with Calia was to be found out. His attempts at courtship had caused him nothing but heartache, stress and involvement in commitments that he had struggled and failed to uphold. And now we're also introducing turmoil into the heart of his squire.
>None of the women Alric had taken as lovers

Yeah, all THREE of them. Get your head out of your ass and shelve your autism for half a fucking second. Medivh has been dangling a new hot woman in front of us damn near every thread at this point, and out of all of them, Alric has only started a relationship with three of them (one of which he ENDED and another that barely counts) and has only fucked one of them. If anything, Alric has been doing a damn fine fucking job keeping his dick in his pants considering how many women are basically throwing themselves at him!

Furthermore, all of the points you've brought up (Terenas/Arthas gutting us like a fish if they find out about Alric and Calia, Jandice getting disowned, Malevus's internal struggle) have all been discussed IN DEPTH over the past few threads. Doomposting about it just makes you look like a gigantic fucking faggot who's both jumping at shadows and doesn't trust the DM.
Apparently it wasn't discussed enough, since Alric couldn't hold his first relationship going for longer than a year. Pointing out things that have transpired isn't "doomposting", but if it offends your sensibilities so, you can filter my posts.
>>The three mages from Underbelly. You haven’t really talked with them since their arrival to Dawnholme as they have been campaigning. See how they have become accustomed to your service.
uhmm bones bones
Pair of the Royal Foot Guards followed you as you made your way through Dawnholme. Your walking stick, which you used really for a show right now as you didn't need it to get around, made soft thuds and clicks depending if it hit the dirt or cobblestone. The locals, Alteracis, Stonemasons, those from Underbelly greeted you as you passed them. Briefly you stopped to exchange a word or two as you watched as the work on the town continued. A couple more yards of the sewer had been finished while you had been away, dozens of men were moving large stone slabs and using winches to lift them into places. The arched roof of the sewer was being built piece by piece.

But that wasn't what you were looking for, making your way through the town to the opposite end where there were a row of tents next to half-finished houses, you found what you wanted.

Larger tent, decorated with arcane symbols and having windchimes hanging from the strings that softly made their noises as wind blew through them. Without a warning, you pushed the door flap away and stepped right in.

"Prince Perenolde!" Jon Boyd replied as he saw you and stood up to bow. He was followed by both Luke Williams and Madam Judy Martin. Thank the Light you caught all three at the same time.

"You may sit." You replied to them. One of the two students of William's carried you a chair to sit on before both of them scurried away. They were young men, younger than you. "So how have you been?"

"We are doing fine, thank you for asking Prince Alric." Madam Martin said to you. The older lady was wearing her stupendously large hat even inside the tent. "How is your squire doing?"

"She is going to explode soon. She hasn't been able to spar or exercise for a while. Outside of that, she's doing well." You told her.

"That is good to hear. Tea?" Madam Martin asked.

"Yes please." Was your reply.

She quite literally conjured one extra tea cup to the table. A small puff of smoke and purple light and there it was. Then just fill it with hot already prepared tea.

"We didn't expect you to come see us." Jon Boyd said to you.

"I have been a bad Prince of yours, I am paying you three enough to recruit and arm dozens of soldiers and I don't even check on my investments." You told him as you took the tea cup. "Thank you. And the last time we really spoke, I was bedridden."

"You do look quite healthy right now." Boyd replied.

Jon Boyd the pyromancer wore his red and purple robes. Right arm was heavily bandaged and across his face were pockmarks from old burns, his right ear having completely burned off. Brown medium length hair had been pulled back and secured with a piece of string.

"Thank you Mr. Boyd. I hope the two of you got through the campaign without any issues?" You asked them.

Williams nodded to you. The bald man with a head full of crisscrossing scars was mute after orcs had taken his tongue and tortured him. He was an arcanist and a bodyguard.


"A lot of walking, but after the start things went really well." Boyd told you as he sipped his own cup of tea. "People were somewhat distancing themselves from us at first."

You had heard the same story from your officers. Unsurprisingly they had been a bit wary about what was going on, but soon the trust between them and your men had been formed. After that they performed well.

"But your officers and men are professionals. They understood our tasks and what we could achieve. In the end we had no issues working together." Boyd finished.

"That is good to hear, campaigns that end up being uneventful are good campaigns." You said to them. "Next one will be a quite different case then. I hired the two of you to counter the trolls and their regeneration, in a couple of weeks you will be fighting gnolls instead. Are you alright with it?"

"Of course, the target doesn't matter as long as we are paid and we get to cast our magic, right Luke?" Boyd said to you and turned to his compatriot.

Williams just nodded.

"The boys are too rowdy." Madam Martin shook her head.

They seemed to be in good spirits.

"Enthusiasm is a good thing to have, but be not mistaken, the gnolls are not a playing matter. Lord Uther's Expedition faced them before and I fought against a shaman of theirs with Lady Jaina Proudmoore. This time we are going to face even stronger opposition and they will throw everything they have at us." You said and warned them.

"Don't worry, we can handle ourselves." Boyd said to you. "But may I ask, how do you wish to employ us in the battle? We could start preparing for the tasks at hand."

Would it be too early to reveal that you have been studying magic? You could use Boyd and Williams as your personal back up within your retinue. Being able to give them instructions quickly could prove rather useful, especially if they could assist you in your own magic. But maybe their place was in the backlines, or having them counter gnoll magicks. Each of these ideas had their own benefits. Madam Martin's place was simple, she would stay back and help those who were wounded and use her own magic to support the battle that way. But Boyd and Williams, where would you deploy them?

>Frontline, directly supporting your fighting men and dealing as much damage as possible to gnolls.
>Fire support, quite literal fire support to blast the gnolls from distance.
>Backline, to counter potential gnoll magic and dispel their effects.
>Your retinue, prestigious position where they could help to support and protect you.
>Other, write in.

>Reveal that you study magic. The three mages should know it ahead of time so that they could support your magic with theirs.
>No, not yet. They haven't been employed for that long. Better to keep things under wraps.
>Other, write in.
>Your retinue, prestigious position where they could help to support and protect you.

It would be nice to watch the gnolls eat a fireball before we charge in with our boys (knights and royal guard)

>No, not yet. They haven't been employed for that long. Better to keep things under wraps.

Maybe after the campaign.
>>Fire support, quite literal fire support to blast the gnolls from distance.
>No, not yet. They haven't been employed for that long. Better to keep things under wraps.
Wont they sense Alric using magic when he brings them into battle supporting him?
>Fire support, quite literal fire support to blast the gnolls from distance.

>No, not yet. They haven't been employed for that long. Better to keep things under wraps.
It was better to not tell them anything about your magic training, at least not yet. For the same reason it was better to have them stationed in the back providing fire support and dealing damage from a far, can't have them sense anything Peculiar about you.

"I want you to be with my archers and crossbowmen. We will be fighting in forests so their firepower is somewhat halved, I want you to bolster them and support them as much as possible." You told them and continued. "I want quite literal fire support."

"I like what I am hearing." Boyd replied. "Williams can sling a couple bolts of arcane energy at them as well, right Luke?"

Williams just revealed his smile which was rather crooked thanks to his half-well healed jaw the orcs broke.

"It is then settled." You said and finished your cup of tea before standing up. The mages followed you immediately. "I am sorry for being busy and not being able to stay here for any longer, but I have things to do. But Madam Martin, can we talk outside?"

"Of course." She replied.

"Wonderful, I will see the two of you hopefully soon again." You said and watched them bow to you.

Leaving the tent, you stopped outside and waited for Martin to join you. Her comically large hat nearly got snatched by the tent when she exited it.

Then you told her about Mayor Fowley and his stomach issues and about your want to get them sorted out. Madam Martin seemed somewhat sceptical of the request, she wasn't a true healer, but you were her employer and she did know plants and herbs. She would at minimum try to see what was wrong with Mayor Fowley and his stomach and if the physicians had missed anything crucial. She would pack whatever she needed and travel to Tarren Mill tomorrow.

You thanked Madam Martin. If she could help the poor Mayor, it would help all of us a lot as he was a good friend and ally of yours. And those stomach problems of his must be quite annoying.

You had returned home and found the place still empty. Maura had returned, but there was no sight of Tari nor Malevus. The day slowly rolled into late afternoon when you went into your study and pondered what you should do next?

Well you need to talk with Malevus that is for sure. About you and Jandice being lovers, friends with benefits, sexfriends in sexfriendship. Many words to describe the two of you. And most importantly what does Malevus want, was she against it? She had told you that she didn't care as long as the two of you had fun, but was it the case anymore?


Leaning back on your chair, you bit your fingernails. How would you approach this? By the Light you were bad at this sort of thing, it felt like you had multiple voices in your head giving contradicting guidance. Sure it seemed that ladies fell for you all the time, but not long ago you were denser than a rock and dumber than an ogre when it came to women. At least you had some self-restraint, you hadn't fallen dick first on every lady who showed a modicum of interest in you, and with Malevus you had promised the opposite of that. Be a good boyfriend and court her slowly, do a lot of fun things together and let things develop on their own.

Yesterday during the dinner you had told that to Jandice and she had pondered the right approach to this. Her promise to help you in courting Malevus was a well welcomed one and her many ideas could help you today.

Though her ideas for this exact moment of talking with Malevus about you and Jandice really came to two things. Either outright being serious and setting things straight, the ball was in your and in the hands of Malevus when it came to all of this. Or maybe you should do something fun and maybe something tender with Malevus before speaking things through. After all, you had several hours to spend together before you needed to go study magic with Eligius later this evening and night.

"Alric! We're home!" Tari shouted from downstairs.

Shit! They are here and you didn't have the time to think through everything. Damn it, think something quick, what will you do?

Approaching Malevus:
>Do something fun and/or tender before serious talks, write in
>Just talk with Malevus and get things out of the way

Malevus talks regarding Jandice:
>Write in

QM: Good news! You saved Fowley’s life, he has Crohn's disease that would have ended up "undiagnosed" and would have gotten a lot worse with time. This does close one alternative Tarren Mill direction though. I can reveal you that.

And I choose to be brave, Malevus relationship write ins! Maybe think of a fun date or activity or a place to have the talks after boyfriend and girlfriend business? Or will you just talk with her in your bedroom in private immediately? Taking also ideas what Alric would say to Malevus about Jandice. The next update will have for now the final Jandice/Malevus/Alric relationship vote, I am not going to ask about it for some time afterwards unless things really change so let's get this done.
I'm glad we ended up looking into Fowley's issues, I was suspecting he had gastritis or something of the sort. His life was pretty stressful.

I feel like the most important point we've got to hit with The Jandice Talk is that the relationship has no romantic element to it; Jandice is just a good friend and part-time mentor we fuck, while Malevus is the one we capital "L" Love, so if she wants us to stop plowing Jandice on the side, we should do as she asks.
>Just talk with Malevus and get things out of the way
AFTER that we do something romantic-fun once the non-fun stuff is out the way.
>>Just talk with Malevus and get things out of the way
I really dont have any ideas about how to talk about it, so ill leave it up to the rest of you.
>Just talk with Malevus and get things out of the way
Serious stuff first and then we can be all romantic. Go for cuddles and searching each others bodies, but pull a swerve at last second and instead go feed Epona carrots and brush her well. Leave Malevus all hot and bothered, but still spend quality time with her. I can see Alric being sneaky like that.

Agreed. Alric is attracted to Jandice, but that attraction is not fuzzy feelings inside or butterflies. We have told these things to Malevus before, but it would be good to repeat them. If she wants us to stop having sex with Jandice, then we should stop. But if she is fine as her as our lover, then we can continue, but only if Malevus is not there. That wouldnt be fair to fuck Jandice while Malevus is sleeping next door, and Im not sure if sharing the bed threeway is a good thing. That goes too far.

Jandice as our mistress/lover is acceptable to me, but Malevus should be the serious subject of our love and attention.
>>Just talk with Malevus and get things out of the way

Our relationship with Jandice, we have mostly done it for one reason. While she has also grown in a good friend and mentor, the agreement we made with Jandice was clear. Now ?

>You saved Fowley’s life, he has Crohn's disease that would have ended up "undiagnosed" and would have gotten a lot worse with time.

Thats very nice. The last thing we needed, is that he died. We can count on him and he sounds like a good man.

He must had it by a while, i remember he had some stomach problems before in other threads but not with a reaction like this.
Update is halfway done and finished. I will try to get it out as soon as possible tomorrow. Apologies for the wait.

Good pondering on Malevus though and yes Fowley's stomach issues have been going on for some time already, but they really started to flare up recently.
>Maybe think of a fun date or activity or a place to have the talks after boyfriend and girlfriend business?

Take-the-girlfriend-to-the-dungeon day, to show Pai what self-respect looks like and how Alric is a good boy.
You just need to conjure something together, that is what you need to do. Taking your jacket off and leaving the boots behind in the study, you opened the study door and stepped out.

“I was wondering where the two of you have been.” You said to Tari and Malevus who were both standing downstairs.

“We visited my parents as we didn’t know exactly when you would come home or how late it would be.” Tari said to you as you made your way down the stairs.

“I tried to hurry and even then I have already gotten plenty done.” You said and shrugged to her before giving her a slight hug. “How are you feeling?”

“Tired, as always.” She replied to you. Her long blue dress did little to hide her baby bump.

“How about you Malevus?” You asked her and gave her a slight hug as well.

“Feeling bored, Raleigh still hasn’t given me permission to train…” Malevus sighed.

“After the campaign, maybe then your leg wound has healed enough.” You said to her and continued. “Can we talk though? I have something we need to talk about.”

“Don’t let me keep you here, I will go bother Maura.” Tari said to you and Malevus.

“Thanks Tari. Shall we go Malevus?” You said.

“Yeah, what do you have in mind?” Malevus asked. “About our new guest in the dungeon?”

“That as well.” You said to her and walked back upstairs with her in tow. “Did you heal the orc?”

“I did, the wound wasn’t that bad and the orc didn’t resist. The moment he saw the thread and needle, I think he understood my intent.” Malevus said to you as she followed you to your bedroom.

“Good, I want to know what the orc knows. There must be a reason why it was in the hills.” You said to her, placing the black noise device on the table and closing the bedroom door.

You then wrapped your arms around her in an embrace to which she replied in kind.

“I did miss you Alric.” Malevus said to you.

“I missed you too…” You said to her and released the embrace to hold her hands. “But we need to talk.”

“Talk about what?” Malevus asked. Her red hair was just brushed and let go, even plain like this, she was so beautiful and holding her hands made a couple butterflies appear in your stomach.

Guiding her to your bed, you sat down next to her. You could see the visible confusion in her eyes.

“What is it Alric?” Malevus asked.

“It is about Jandice…” You started and allowed your words to register. Malevus opened her mouth slightly as she thought about the implication for a few seconds. “I told her about us, she knows. And… I spent the last night with her.”


A slight blush appeared on her cheeks as Malevus listened to what you were saying.

“You asked me to be truthful and so I will be.” You said to her. “And due to that we need to talk, I want to know where we are with all of this.”

Malevus looked at you for a moment before wiggling closer to you. Placing one arm around your back, she leaned on your side, placing her head on your shoulder.

“You like her, you have told me so before.” Malevus said to you with a quiet voice. “But is she happy?”

“She knows that she has ‘lost the race’ so to speak, but is more than fine with what we have now.” You said to Malevus.

“But is she truly happy?” Malevus asked again. “And are you happy with her?”

“I think she is. She knows she can’t be what would be expected of her, she can’t marry me or provide me with an heir. Yet, she is fine with that, she loves me regardless.” You told Malevus and continued. “And I can’t lie to you that I don’t feel attracted to her, because this morning I felt like I wanted to just spend the whole day with her, casually lounging together and doing sweet tender things to each other.”

Malevus blushed hard when you said that.

“But you came home…” She said to you.

“Yes, because as much as I like her and feel attracted to her beauty and who she is as a person, that attraction is different to what I am feeling towards you.” You said and continued. “There are no butterflies in my stomach nor that warmth and fuzzy feeling across my body that I have with you.”

“Jandice is my friend, my mentor in magic, she has taught me a lot. She is a businesswoman and noblewoman fighting with similar problems as I do. We share a lot on that front, but then on top of that we are lovers. We have agreed to see each other if we are in the same place at the same time, but not more than that.” You told Malevus, it was something she already knew.

“She is your mistress.” Malevus said to you as she lifted her head off your shoulder and looked away for a moment. “And both of you are happy.”

Malevus let go of you and sat there looking at the opposite wall.

“I told you that night that I wouldn’t care about you and Jandice as long as it makes you and her happy.” Malevus said to you and turned to look back at you. “I still think so…”

“So you…” You started to say.

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“In Quel’thalas it is not uncommon for the wealthy or for the nobles to have mistresses or side pieces, be they public or not. Reasoning being that arranged marriages are rarely ones with love or romance. I was told that too, if the things don’t work with my proposed husband, just acquire someone else to warm your bed and find the things you are lacking… I was told that by my mother...” Malevus told you and continued. “Because of you Alric, I am not going to need a side piece to be happy or to have love and romance… but I cannot tell you to stop if that makes you and her unhappy. It wouldn’t be right of me to deny you or her that because it is clear that you care for her and she cares for you and because behind the Lady Jandice Barov she presents to others around her is a good person worth taking care of and to be loved.”

“Malevus…” You started to say, but she silenced you with a finger to your lips.

“Just promise me one thing, if I am around and with you, then don’t spend the night with her.” Malevus said to you and looked into your eyes before whispering. “Because I want to be the one spending those nights with you…”

>Be fully loyal to Malevus, you aren’t going to meet with Jandice anymore with the idea of her being your mistress or lover. Last night was the last time with anyone else other than Malevus. Jandice will understand and neither you or her will be unhappy.
>Accept the offered promise. You won’t be with Jandice if Malevus is with you and around. There’s probably even less opportunities for you to meet Jandice as lovers. Malevus is more than kind in accepting Jandice as your mistress.
>You cannot keep that promise, because you don’t want to put aside something that brings you and Jandice so much joy and happiness. It would be wrong for both of you. Malevus will understand this.
>Other, write in

QM: Final Jandice as your mistress/lover vote for a long time, unless something very drastic happens.
>Accept the offered promise. You won’t be with Jandice if Malevus is with you and around. There’s probably even less opportunities for you to meet Jandice as lovers. Malevus is more than kind in accepting Jandice as your mistress.
Worst comes to it, he can just have them both simultaneously, Malveus would probably like it because of those damn books.
Mah elf waifu
>Be fully loyal to Malevus, you aren’t going to meet with Jandice anymore with the idea of her being your mistress or lover. Last night was the last time with anyone else other than Malevus. Jandice will understand and neither you or her will be unhappy.
>>Be fully loyal to Malevus, you aren’t going to meet with Jandice anymore with the idea of her being your mistress or lover. Last night was the last time with anyone else other than Malevus. Jandice will understand and neither you or her will be unhappy.
>>Be fully loyal to Malevus, you aren’t going to meet with Jandice anymore with the idea of her being your mistress or lover. Last night was the last time with anyone else other than Malevus. Jandice will understand and neither you or her will be unhappy.
Malevus withdrew her finger off your lips, dragging it down off your chin.

“You said because of me you aren’t going to need a side piece to be happy or to have love and romance…” You started to say to her before continuing after a couple of seconds. “You said you want to be the one spending those nights with me…”

Smiling, you leaned closer until you felt her warm breath on your lips.

“I will promise you what you asked and I will give you more…” You said and kissed her.

Malevus responded in kind as her hands found your chest, gripping your shirt for support. Your lips found each other again and again, until you pulled yourself back a bit.

She was blushing and her ears were drooping, her breathing had turned heavier as she looked into your eyes.

“No one else, but you Malevus.” You said to her with a whisper and leaned in for another kiss. Your hand wandered down her side and took hold of her thigh as if you prepared to push her down on your bed, followed by whatever her imagination was most likely conjuring together right now.

Malevus closed her eyes and waited with bated breath, but the kiss didn’t happen nor did you make your move on her. Instead you took hold of her hands and pulled her up.

“Let’s go feed carrots to Epona.” You said to her, completely nonchalantly and fully disregarding the romantic tension between you and her.

“W-w-what?” Malevus replied as she opened her eyes and didn’t really recognise what was going to happen.

“She really likes carrots you know, then we can brush her mane and tail together.” You said to her.

“B-but didn’t we…” She started to say.

“That can wait, besides you have said that you want to take things slowly and experience it all.” You said to her and led her out of the bedroom.

“Y-you meanie…” Malevus lamented.

“Now just to put on my boots and Epona is going to be the prettiest horse in the whole Alterac!” You said with a laugh. “Let’s go my dear squire, let’s not keep her waiting!”

“You seem happy Prince Alric.” Eligius said to you and asked. “Did something happen?”

“Nothing specific really, I just brushed my horse before coming here.” You said to him and shrugged.

Tari had given you and Malevus curious looks as you happily had walked down the stairs with still blushing and embarrassed Malevus following you. She had no idea what had just happened or what you had spoken about with Malevus and how you had pulled the swerve on your poor squire. It was maybe a bit mean thing to do, but you couldn’t resist the temptation and the moment to not do it.

So just a moment after telling Malevus that you wouldn’t be seeing Jandice anymore as lovers, you had dragged her to the stables to brush your horse. If she really liked you, sometimes she would just have to take a deep breath and bear with you.

“Alright… this book is quite interesting.” Eligius said and switched the subject.


“Yeah, Lady Jandice gave it to me. We thought that curses and understanding them could help us if we were to bump into orc warlocks or something else of that type.” You said to Eligius. “Though we don’t exactly have the time to learn something new properly.”

“And we are supposed to follow the curriculum.” Eligius reminded you and closed the book. “We can look into the curses, but in my opinion you are a bit too early for learning about them.”

You shrugged at that answer. You didn’t exactly have time to learn about new types of magic before the campaign in Durnholde happens. Maybe if you were to throw the curriculum into a ditch and spend all of your available magic studying time to learn something new, you could maybe achieve something. But you weren’t completely sure, maybe it was worth a try?

Two weeks or so? Would it be enough?

>Stay with the curriculum as provided by Lady Nalice. It is a bit tedious, but she is your teacher. She knows what is best for you. You need to learn how to detect magic.
>Concentrate on fire magic, try to deepen your knowledge and try to learn a new trick.
>Study the curses, this would be a completely new endeavour to you and you aren’t sure how long it would take for you to learn something new.
>Ask Eligius to teach you about Fel and the arts of warlocks. Fel can be a strong tool in your arsenal if you learn how to control and use it properly.
>Other, write in

If choosing anything else other than the curriculum:
>Full concentration on the new subject. The curriculum can wait till later. You need to learn the new subject fast.
>Half of the time on the new subject and the other half on curriculum.
>Spend maybe a quarter on the new subject, that should give you a base level understanding, but not knowledge how to cast the new magic.

QM: End of Jandice and Alric as lovers, you will have to tell her that in the future or with a letter. And here is a quick decision on how to spend the time before the campaign when it comes to magic. Do you want to rush something new ready for the campaign, or maybe you should keep going as is.
>Stay with the curriculum as provided by Lady Nalice. It is a bit tedious, but she is your teacher. She knows what is best for you. You need to learn how to detect magic.
We have already voted in favor of keeping our mages far out back as fire support, so if we will need to detect something that is in the immediate vicinity, this will be a necessity. It could make the difference between triggering some sort of a fireball trap and losing ten soldiers and suffering grievous wounds or not. Alric is already immensely capable as an attack type fire mage compared to the average non-gifted.
>>Stay with the curriculum as provided by Lady Nalice. It is a bit tedious, but she is your teacher. She knows what is best for you. You need to learn how to detect magic.
Kinda pointless to learn other subjects if Alric cant even sense magic properly yet.

As basic as it sounds probably do want to know how to sense magic so he can hunt down the shamans. That said, so very tempted for a nice fire magic like a smokescreen, controlling or putting out a fire. Breathing fire lol. Good ol heat metal so someone has to drop their weapon or cook in their armor. Or a dragon curse, but thats entirely new territory.
>Stay with the curriculum as provided by Lady Nalice. It is a bit tedious, but she is your teacher. She knows what is best for you. You need to learn how to detect magic.

Oh it's detect magic, hell yeah. We need this for more sleuthing antics.

Also I'm happy with the waifu route that anons have chosen, well done lads.
"Ehh, better not start anything new. Let's just concentrate on the curriculum." You said to Eligius. "We don't really have the time for anything else and I really want to get my head around sensing magic."

"Good choice Prince Alric." Eligius said and nodded to you.

"How can something so mundane be so bloody difficult? I can set things on fire, yet this evades me. Frustrating really." You said and stood up from the chair you were sitting. "Just let's go to the cellar and continue where we left off the last time."

Great, it would be more of trying to sense glowing rocks hidden underneath some cups. Eligius meanwhile seemed to enjoy this a bit, seeing you struggle with such an easy task for him.

Oh well, better get to work.

Days passed.

During the evenings your magic training continued and you had made some progress. Sensing the flow of Arcane energies in the air wasn't an easy task, but day after day you learned a bit more. It still wasn't easy for you, while Eligius had no issues with it.

And while the evenings were spent studying magic, the days were full of other activities. Handling the supplies for your army, getting the men ready and watching them spar and march around in formations. Drill after drill to get them ready.

But you also found time for music and languages. Slowly more Elvish words got stuck in your mind and Draconic was wrestled into submission. Sir Cyrus was really helpful with the latter as you could exchange a word or two with him here and there. But the former? That was way more enjoyable.

While Malevus was busy and away, you slipped small letters filled with sweet words and encouragement in Elvish under her pillow. The careful touches and looks, words and compliments through the day, the tender good night's kisses and the warm fuzzy feeling both of you got from just cuddling after your music sessions. Both of you enjoyed this a lot, it was something you wanted. You wanted to be with her and all these small things through the day just made the wait for the simple good night's kisses more sweeter.

Ever since your short talk with her, things had felt different. Both Malevus and you knew that a step had been taken forward. This was more serious now than before the talk and even if your swerve to go feed carrots to Epona had confused Malevus at first and stopped whatever action which could have followed, she had thanked you a couple days later. You were right, she had asked you to take things slowly. Rushing ahead would do no good to you or her.

Now though with a week remaining till you march to Durnholde, it was time to finish some things when it comes to your military. Promotions as planned, what troops are you actually going to take with you and apparently Eligius had gotten something new from his spies. You wondered what it was?

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Choose one:
>Promotion ceremony, your troops should all be watching and present.
>Troop planning for the campaign, now is the time to shuffle them around and choose what you will take to Durnholde.
>Eligius and his intelligence. What has he learned?

QM: What do you tackle first? And I hope I did Malevus and Alric some justice in the last few updates. What sort of stuff would you like to see from their daily and near daily stuff?
>Eligius and his intelligence. What has he learned?
This this this
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>Eligius and his intelligence. What has he learned?
We gotta handle this orc. Didn't we have Wilkish on the case? The sooner we learn what is his deal, the more finely we can hone our future plans. Knowing where your enemies are not, can be just as important as knowing where they are.

On a side note, I'd like to see if we can do more to facilitate further control over the Stonemaons, it has become kind of ridiculous now, at this point if they were to stage a revolt, their people would outnumber the alteracis. Isn't Dawnholme now a Stonemason majority? Their secret meetings and the cultural schism can present a major threat, especially if the Syndicate will attempt to stoke the fires. Oh and the prisoner rehabilitation, we need to institute a working plan in regards to gradually releasing those that we had imprisoned as a result of our counter-Syndicate operations and their reintegration into society. Pai and Otto had both raised valid concerns in the past - people need something to work towards and few things are as sweet as the promise of freedom and if we can show the people that it is better to deal with us than with our brother or Falconcrest, we could erode their power passively with great effectiveness, perhaps to the point that it could cause them to make a fatal error.
>Accept the offered promise. You won’t be with Jandice if Malevus is with you and around. There’s probably even less opportunities for you to meet Jandice as lovers. Malevus is more than kind in accepting Jandice as your mistress.

We're going to be a king bois. We gonna have a mistress or two.
>>Eligius and his intelligence. What has he learned?

A couple updates too late! Alric chose to stay loyal.
Intelligence chosen. I will ask for rolls regarding it.

>Best of three, taking the second roll
Rolled 10 (1d10)

Rolled 5 (1d10)

Rolled 10 (1d10)

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>taking the second rolls between the two 10's

I swear picrel

Malevus had locked herself into her room after Eligius had brought her another one of the rare books she had asked you to acquire for her. It was some sort of a holy book on old scriptures or something, completely outside of your expertise. Apparently it was quite expensive too and Eligius had lamented to you how much of the black budget those books were using.

“Couple more are on the list Prince Alric, I sure hope you can get a share of loot from the campaign as those things are quite expensive." Eligius told you.

"They are for a good cause, Malevus benefits from having those old books." You said to him and waved the issue away.

Sitting in your study, you sipped some tea as Eligius did the same. He apparently had some news for you.

"Now you have something to tell me?" You asked him.

"Yes, our man in Southshore reports to us that Colonel Garithos has left for Durnholde in the past few days. He wrote that he had taken most if not all of his men, including the war machines." Eligius told you.

"That is what, four hundred men?" You asked.

"Thereabouts. And the war machines were a pair of ballistas from the Second War." Eligius finished.

"Why would he take ballistas into the woods? Is he thinking that there is going to be a siege or what?" You asked Eligius.

"I don't know Prince Alric." Was the short reply. "He also took quite a large baggage train with him."

Siege weapons, large baggage train? Ballistas won't crack the walls of Durnholde Keep that's for sure, but if he has that much heavy equipment, it will slow him down. But ballistas in the woods? Really?

"Anything else?" You asked him.

"From Southshore no, but Master Wiklish did arrive here an hour or so ago. He was in Shoredon preparing some of the supplies needed at the oil rig." Eligius told you. "And before you ask, no news of the Dark Irons."

"Blasted… well let's not waste any time then." You said and stood up. "Let's go see what the orc knows."

"Prince Alric." Wiklish greeted you.

"Master Wiklish, thank you for coming to see me this quickly." You said to him as he gave you a bow out of courtesy.

"The messenger was tight-lipped. Just asked me if I or anyone else knew Orcish." Wiklish said to you as he fixed his monocle. "I know Orcish, but why are we in the dungeon?"

Good, the word hasn't spread yet.

"During my visit to Strahnbrad Hills, we found and captured an orc. He is currently in the cell and he doesn't speak Common. So I am going to need you to translate for me." You said to Wiklish matter of factly.

"An orc!" The goblin nearly shouted out. "It has been years since I have spoken Orcish, but I can try."

"It is better than nothing. Let's go then." You said to him and waved at the Royal Foot Guards to open the cell door.

First the two large timbers were lifted off blocking the door. Then two locks were disengaged to pull a metal latch off. Finally the actual lock was opened and one of the Royal Foot Guards pushed the door open.


Light from your lantern entered the pitch black cell. It illuminated the walls and the chained orc. Your eyes studied him, he had both leg and arm irons made from solid steel and riveted in place. He wouldn't open those with pure strength alone. Chain was used to connect them to a metal collar similarly riveted shut. Large chain that looked like it was stolen from a ship was attached to the wall and then into the leg irons. The orc probably could stand up and take a couple of steps but that's it. Otherwise the room had no furniture, just an empty bucket for the orc to relieve itself and empty wooden bowl, he had been served food.

The orc stared at you with its red eyes as you looked back through your glasses. Taking them off, you saw the orc a bit better in the darkness. He looked surprisingly healthy, the wounds you had given to him had closed and you saw the neat stitches Malevus had applied. The orc was otherwise naked outside of a simple loincloth.

"Wiklish can you translate for me." You said as the goblin and Eligius followed you in.

Your hand rested just in case on the hilt of the Cinder Sword as Eligius moved to flank you and shone the light of his own lantern at the orc.

"Of course." Wiklish replied to you. "Putanni, magan kazreth-zaka."

You didn't know what the goblin said to the orc, but you saw his eyes dart towards the goblin and then back at you.

"I am Prince Alric Perenolde, the second heir of Alterac and ruler of these lands." You said and waited for Wiklish to translate. "And I wish to talk with you."

The way the goblin spoke made the Orcish sound even more guttural and crude. The orc listened to the goblin, but didn't avert its eyes off you.

Then he started to laugh. The wild deep laugh turned into near howling as the large orc laughed madly. It echoed through the dungeon and nearly alerted the Royal Foot Guards to barge into the cell. Eligius even took a step back, but you didn't move. What could the Laughing Skull orc do to you or others this well chained up?

Slowly the laughter ended and the orc took a deep breath. He then said something in Orcish, his voice was quite deep, deeper than Thrall’s and more hoarse.

"I know you." Wiklish translated and looked at you waiting for what you would say next.

What do you say or ask?
>Write in

QM: Rolls were how good of a translator you found and what sort of intel did you receive. That 5 wasn't necessarily a bad roll.
>You know me, but I do not know you. How do you know of me and what is your name and the purpose of your journey, warrior?

You fought well laughing skull warrior, not as one ready to die before his task is complete

Do you know any warriors greater than I

Tell me about the Laughing Skull, and the other Clans.

Tell me about Orcish honor, does your life belong to me, or what would other Clans do if they found another's warrior in their land unannounced

What can you tell me of your home world

Ooh I know, could ask him what he knew about the Death Knight that Alric killed. Is have to look up the name tho. See his reaction. It could mean he learned about Alric from Thrall or one of the other orcs who was there without having to ask about Thrall directly, which would've been one to consider.

Also it sounds like Garithos is planning to make his move during the campaign. He thinks he will get his promotion so he may as well bring everything now? Or maybe he plans to have a very slow campaign, building palisade fort by fort across the hills to slowly assert control.

Hmmm he brings a big baggage train because he doesn't want to rely on the Durnholde supplies, even though Durnholde bought so many supplies it effected the entire local market value so they could feed everyone I presume. Why not use the Durnholde supplies? Because he intends to sabotage the Durnholde supplies and then feed them from his own well prepared baggage train to look good?

Some kind of alternative ammo for the ballistas to start forest fires and extra water? Intel on a gnoll stronghold? I wonder if he would be crazy enough to try for a ballista ""'accident"" to kill someone.
>How do you know of me, and how much exactly? You must have heard of what my father has done during the Second War
>What is your purpose in this land, so far away from your home? Who are you working for?

>Have you met the tall blue men or the green men?
Curious if he's met with the Amani or the Revantusk forest trolls at all

>I don't believe you have fought human warriors before with the way you used the axe, but you are a warrior of skill. What is your main weapon?

>Do you know that the land you travelled in is claimed by my human clan? We will guard the land against intruders like yourself, the trolls or other human clans.

>Your land is not on this side of the mountains? How long have you been travelling to come here?
"You know of me, but I don't know anything about you." You said to the orc and allowed Wiklish to translate. "What is your name and how much do you know of me?"

"Astu." The orc replied after a translation and spoke a bit more.

"His name is Astu." Wiklish said to you and asked something from the orc.

The orc, supposedly named Astu, didn't reply to Wiklish immediately, but then said something including your last name.

"He had heard of humans pushing into the hills led by a friend of the Horde. A Perenolde." Wiklish said to you. Astu continued to speak and the goblin translated. "They say you have fought many times, other humans, gnolls and ogres too. It is impressive."

"Who are they?" You asked immediately.

"Men with orange bandanas." Wiklish translated the reply.

The Syndicate!

"What is the purpose of your travels warrior?" You asked Astu.

Wiklish translated your question and the orc laughed. Astu took a breath and spoke.

"He says he is a wanderer. No real purpose where he goes." Wiklish said to you.

Well that was fishy. He came from the east and went to the west. Warsong Clan is in the east and Frostwolves are in the west. He followed the near same route Thrall used when he crossed the river. The way he had fought was strange as well. He didn't want to tell you what was his purpose, but maybe with a bit of persuasion you could get the orc talking? Syndicate too?

>Continue asking the questions. If Astu doesn't answer, move on to the next question.
>Ask him again, apply a bit more pressure. You are the one here asking questions.
>Astu is your prisoner and so he should answer your questions. That is the power balance.
>You defeated and captured him in battle. He is honourbound to you now.
>Be blunt, others wanted you to execute Astu or outright strike the orc down. Only due to you is he alive.
>Other, write in.

More questions or replies?
>Write in
>Continue asking the questions. If Astu doesn't answer, move on to the next question.
>Be blunt, others wanted you to execute Astu or outright strike the orc down. Only due to you is he alive.
>Does he want to live? Is he prepared for imprisonment or would he prefer execution?

Alric cannot afford to be honourbound to an orc that is known to be in his land. This will bite back so hard later
WWAD. In his precious little fel empowered heart he loves that fight adrenaline. Fight feel good. Orc fight good. Keep Orc means more fight, which means more good. Then he beats his chest and throws Malevus over his shoulder on his way to the sauna.

Uh anons. I'm worried that army could potentially be for us... those ballista would fuck us up.

>send scouts to make sure they're not coming towards us. And so we know the time frame they'll show up at durnholde if they... do.
Orc bro arc get.
>Be blunt, others wanted you to execute Astu or outright strike the orc down. Only due to you is he alive.
>Do not threaten him, but make it abundantly clear that situation is difficult and perhaps both of their lives and the lives of their people hang in the balance

There is a lot to be gained from befriending this orc, he is reasonable, that means we can work with him. If we can work with him, that means we can use him to our advantage. If we have an orc mole in one of the Durnholde internment camps...no one would believe that we had actually dared to do such a thing. And when Thrall will come to break his people out, that will be one more fighter to help him. He is not lethargic, that means he will be of great use and increase his chances. And the audacity of it would be our best shield against suspicion, since most of alliance still consider orcs to be useless, mindless brutes incapable of subtlety or higher thought. An orc agent? Preposterous!

Surely Garithos couldn't be that stupid. Right? Because it will be his funeral, as well as that of the regional defenders.
>Uh anons. I'm worried that army could potentially be for us

We've followed the Edict to the letter, so Garithos doesn't have any valid reason to go to war with us. Either he's baiting us into giving him a reason, or he's just trying to wave his dick around and make us think he's too tough to fuck with.

>There is a lot to be gained from befriending this orc
There's also *a lot* to be lost if we're even remotely implicated in Thrall's attack on the Internment Camps. You've got to remember, the grand majority of the Alliance (or, at least, our neighbors) assume we're already a bunch of orc-lovers they're not really wrong, but still and are absolutely chomping at the bit to get rid of us.

I'm also against killing the orc; We should get everything we can out of him (including having him and Wiklish teach us orcish), before either staging a breakout and letting him go, or possibly putting him to work with the rest of the prisoners. Treating an Orc the same way we treat our human prisoners would be one hell of a statement. I'm not sure how the Alliance would take that statement, though.
I think trying to befriend the alliance and make them see us as worthy partners is a pointless waste of effort. The most we can manage is just holding them at bay by taking advantage of their political turmoil and launching our own schemes. They will never agree to cede anything to our demands on good faith alone and we have no leverage over the alliance with the exception of economic pressure because we didn't treat Southshore and Tarren Mill as shit and our military power is not sufficient to make a dent in them if they were to present a united front. And the oil that we have discovered of course. So we have to take every advantage we can get and Thrall stirring shit up is a massive advantage if we play our cards right. And yes, I am strongly against killing Astu as well, but I don't think pressing the orc into labor would be fair. If we go the enlightened ruler route, then why has he been put into forced labor? What crime did he commit? He was just caught wandering. This wouldn't work and it's far too early for us to declare that in Alterac only Alterac laws apply. Sure, it'd work if we were to beat up a bunch of brigands and tell them that, but Lordaeron would just laugh at such posturing and so far we have to live in their shadow.
>I think trying to befriend the alliance and make them see us as worthy partners is a pointless waste of effort.

I completely agree, fuck the Alliance.

>So we have to take every advantage we can get and Thrall stirring shit up is a massive advantage if we play our cards right.

Principally, I agree, BUT, I think directly working with an Orc against the Alliance is well outside of our bounds right now. Now don't get it twisted, again, FUCK the Alliance, but I don't think trying the Perinolde Special as we currently are would be the best idea. Maybe once Arthas gets Frostmourne'd and starts buttfucking Lordaeron and we can try to spin it as an alliance of convenience, but we just don't have anyone who's really THAT GOOD at intrigue to cover our ass (if only Nalice was still here).

>If we go the enlightened ruler route, then why has he been put into forced labor? What crime did he commit?
Being an Orc is crime enough for every ruler in the Alliance, and most of them would just kill him, so putting him to work IS the "Enlightened Ruler" option.

>This wouldn't work and it's far too early for us to declare that in Alterac only Alterac laws apply.
We aren't part of the Alliance, so we are, objectively, not beholden to any of their laws. Furthermore, there is no legal reason for us to not make our own internment camps, too.
I will also say that I'm not married to the idea of putting the Orc into forced labor; it was just an idle thought.
Lordaeron nominally considers Alterac theirs ever since they sacked the capital and Aiden died, so we still are squatting on "their lands". The nobles of Alterac are all declared outlaws and there is a bounty on their heads by Lordaeron. I do not know if this had been rescinded, but it is an official thing. To put this short, Lordaeron simply hadn't bothered to put together a force to complete the annexation. Obviously we have had enough goodwill with Uther to postpone immediate punitive expedition that would have killed everyone once the resurgence of the Alteraci people had been discovered. And no, Lordaeron doesn't care that those aren't their lands, they have the military and armed men and they can kill us if we try and say otherwise, so it's their land. Geopolitics 101. No one is going to hear us plead our case and at this point the orcs look like more reliable allies. To begin to lawfully consider Alterac ours and have real political presence, we need to reclaim our capital and have our claim to the throne of Alterac be recognized by the Alliance. This will take serious work that is also not really worth the effort given the meta knowledge we have.

These are all fair points, and again, I'm not super attached to tossing the Orc in the camps with the rest of our prisoners. I honestly don't really care what happens to him, so long as it doesn't have (too much of) a chance of biting us in the ass in the future like making him a mole in the internment camps.

Remember, its not paranoia if they're actually out to get you.
Aye aye, I'm right there with you. But I still want to scheme, that's our greatest strength. We don't even have to make him a mole, just explaining to him what goes on in camps and that Thrall is planning to free them would be enough. He's a clever fellow, he can put two and two together.
this is still just a interrogation being nice to the orc doesnt mean were befriending him. im sure what to do with him will come afterwards.

Unrelated note QM has said many times that alrics magic fire doesnt burn him. does that mean alric can potentially learn immolate? Alric is slowly becoming illidan Just need to learn to fight with two weapons.
Just my questions from before, I don't expect we will get too many answers without first building trust or that honor bond. See if we can get him to acknowledge that he knows some chieftain or warrior deserving of his respect. About the orcs concept of honor and him being quite a bit older should know of his home world. Stuff Alric would have some interest in. Shamanism. Just smirk at Atsus answers and ask about the warsong clan.

>Continue asking the questions. If Astu doesn't answer, move on to the next question.
>You defeated and captured him in battle. He is honourbound to you now

Oh and if we wanted to we could ""execute"" him by poison. Oh we deny the orc a warriors death, and we shall bury him away from town. But it was just a drug that put him in a deep sleep.

Or something funny like putting him in a full plate of armor. Some red quartz glasses to hide the red eyes. Or let him chill in a cave or hunter cabin. Really funny idea, Wiklish makes a goblin mech but it's just Astu in armor.
“I don’t believe that.” You said to Astu and continued immediately. “I don’t believe that at all.”

Wiklish translated for you and you watched if Astu reacted at all.

“I’ll be straight with you and Wiklish please translate as I am speaking…” You said, taking your hand off the hilt and crossing your arms. “The fact is that others wanted you dead, either me to outright strike you down in the battle or execute you after your capture.”

Taking a step closer to Astu, you continued as Wiklish kept translating.

“Only because of me you are still alive. But I am not going to threaten you, I am just making the current situation astonishingly clear to you. And because you know who I am, you should understand why me keeping an orc, even in a prison, can be suspicious.”

You knelt down to be mostly eye level with the chained sitting Astu. Staring into his glowing red eyes with your own Fel green ones, you continued speaking.

“So cut the bullshit and be honest with me, because that is the best option for you.” You told him and stood up. “So how is it, what was the purpose of your travels?”

Wiklish gave you a look and finished translating the last words you had said. Then you just waited. Astu stared at you and after a moment spoke something in Orcish with his deep voice.

“He is saying that he is a messenger.” Wiklish translated to you. “A messenger between chieftains.”

“What chieftains?” You asked back and after a translation, Astu replied to you.

“He won’t say, he is bound by his word to not tell a single thing.” Wiklish said to you.

Bound by his word, by honour to stay silent. You knew the orcs valued their own honour, so the chance to get him to actually talk was slim. Maybe with torture, but you weren’t sure as the orc had many small scars across his body. He was familiar with pain and probably wouldn’t fear death. Maybe with magic, maybe Eligius would know a spell to get him to talk?

Though there weren’t many chieftains out there. Grom Hellscream, whoever are the leaders of the Blackrock remnants, Thrall? Not him, but his mentor. You could maybe prod him with names you know.

“Honourbound then… don’t translate that.” You mused aloud. “But translate this, you fought well for one that needs to stay alive. I can respect that, you have your mission as a messenger.”

Wiklish continued translating for you.

“But how do the orcs handle situations like this? I captured you in my lands and defeated you in a battle. You are my prisoner. But I am not an orc, so how would your clan of Laughing Skulls handle this?” You asked Astu.

He spoke after hearing your question and made Wiklish to translate a lot in one go. The goblin needed to ask the orc couple questions to clarify what he had said.

“He is saying that his clan wouldn’t have taken prisoners, nor would they have become prisoners.” Wiklish said to you.


Yet he had practically surrendered to you and hadn’t fought to death. He really seemed to want to keep his information and whatever messages he had with him and not take them into a grave.

“Other clans would honour those who fought well, they would be ransomed if honour would allow it. That is before bloodthirst blinded them all.” Wiklish told you.

The old orc in the Internment Camp had spoken about it. Whatever demonic powers the orcs got, it made them mad and hungry for battle.

You sighed. This hadn’t gotten you that much information. Astu was a messenger between chieftains, but he wouldn’t tell you what information he was carrying. He did tell you that he could be ransomed back to other orcs, at least potentially, but could you actually do it? You were sceptical about it.

“How much do you know about me then?” You asked him.

“That your father had allied with Doomhammer, that your kingdom was destroyed, that you have been active after many years of being hidden.” Wiklish translated to you. He didn’t know much about you, just surface level information. Or he on purpose told you little to not reveal from where he could have learned about you.

Alright, you had a couple more questions in mind, but you also had to be careful what you would ask. Wiklish was your translator after all and he didn’t know about Thrall. Eligius had stood there in silence, scribbling what the orc had said into a book of his and he knew about Thrall.

Several more ideas circled in your mind, some more radical than others.


>Why isn’t he lethargic while the rest of the orcs are?
>Ask about the Syndicate, he mentioned the men with orange bandanas. What does he know about them?
>He came from the east, there are gnolls there. What does he know about the gnolls?
>Mention Grom Hellscream and the Warsong Clan. They are the only Clan you know of that operates from where he came from and he did speak about orcs in multitude.
>Talk about Thrall, The Frostwolves and how you think that Astu was going to deliver a message to Thrall from Grom Hellscream. Let Astu think about why you would know about them.
>Other, write in.

>You are going to move the orc with you to Durnholde Keep where you are going to throw him into one of the Internment Camps. After that you are done with him.
>Demand the orc to serve you as you didn’t kill him, he is bound by honour to you. The ransom for his life is him serving you and him paying for it through that, starting with him teaching you Orcish language and their culture.
>You lied about not threatening him. Have Eligius to torture the orc with his Fel magic. Blades won’t work on him.
>Tell Astu to write his message down on paper. You are going to make sure it will be delivered as you are going to stash it where you had met Thrall. You are going to swear by your honour to do it.
>Release the orc into the wilds later tonight. Give him a short message from you to Thrall explaining what had happened. If he is a messenger, then he should deliver his message in person.
>Other, write in.


Yes and no on your question, I am not sure yet. But on Alric and his resistance to fire and heat, the Cinder Sword doesn't burn him. That is on purpose thanks to the enchantments the sword has. Alric realises that the blade is like scorching hot steel that radiates heat and doesn't want to touch it, but it doesn't burn him. Alric has also gotten used to rather hot baths, the heat doesn't bother him much at all anymore.

With magic it is bit different. When Alric creates fire above his hand and small droplets drop on his hand, they don't burn him, but Alric in his mind knows that it is fire and it is hot. If Alric lights a campfire and sticks his hand in, he will get burned as there's other materials in there on fire. If Alric was to set his arm on fire, what would happen to his clothes? Would they be set on fire? Are you willing to experiment? And I am in a good mood, why would Alric be more resistant to fire?
>Talk about Thrall, The Frostwolves and how you think that Astu was going to deliver a message to Thrall from Grom Hellscream. Let Astu think about why you would know about them.
>Mention Grom Hellscream and the Warsong Clan. They are the only Clan you know of that operates from where he came from and he did speak about orcs in multitude.
>Tell Astu to write his message down on paper. You are going to make sure it will be delivered as you are going to stash it where you had met Thrall. You are going to swear by your honour to do it.
>You are going to move the orc with you to Durnholde Keep where you are going to throw him into one of the Internment Camps. After that you are done with him
>Other: Mention what goes on in the camps and tell him to wait for Thrall to come get him. Mention lethargy and that it would be a good idea to pretend to be weak to avoid punishment or suspicion

That's about the best we can do in my opinion, there's no way a piece of paper could be traced back to us unless someone saw us write it, saw us deliver it and then saw an orc come and pick it up. Especially if the message is in orcish. If Astu doesn't trust us not to tamper with it, give him an envelope and some wax. Torturing the orc that surrendered is just inhumane and trying to force him to serve us probably wouldn't be a good idea. Releasing him would be fair, but we do not know his true intentions. Can we truly trust him? What if he is an assassin? It'd be pretty funny if the orc was illiterate, then I'd probably change my vote to releasing him and taking a risk.

>And I am in a good mood, why would Alric be more resistant to fire?
He is still carrying the magic of Nalice within him, is he not? She's a red dragon, they tend to be resistant to fire and that magical energy has practically become a part of him now. I am working under the presumption that continuously keeping an element within you will reflect on your physique, fel is just the most volatile of them all, but paladins also become immune to disease as a result of their connection to the light, for example. Alric is clearly shaping up to be a fire mage, so it'd make sense he would develop resistance to fire.

Also I'm looking forward to the Perenolde Tiara, if you are going to include it. If you do, I wonder if you will also include The Star of Xil'Yeh.
>>Ask about the Syndicate, he mentioned the men with orange bandanas. What does he know about them?
>>He came from the east, there are gnolls there. What does he know about the gnolls?
We are hostile and at conflict with both of them. Its only ends in one way with them. So anything he knows....its useful, we can't even spy on those lands at the moment. He has not much reason to say anything he knows of this subjects, but not much reason to say nothing either. Will he demand something in return ?

>Talk about Thrall, The Frostwolves and how you think that Astu was going to deliver a message to Thrall from Grom Hellscream. Let Astu think about why you would know about them.
Powerful move. I am not sure about the other orcish question, there could be no relation. Then again thats an answer on his own.

And shit....Wilkish is here uh. The whole Thrall stuff is kind of secret...and Wilkish well. Works for us but this kinda requires deep loyalty, its also dangerous information. Errr might want to tackle that before going in the secret info questions...? Or do we just say it, Wilkish has a WTF moment, keeps going and then we deal with it at the end of the talk with Astu ?

>Tell Astu to write his message down on paper. You are going to make sure it will be delivered as you are going to stash it where you had met Thrall. You are going to swear by your honour to do it.
>You are going to move the orc with you to Durnholde Keep where you are going to throw him into one of the Internment Camps. After that you are done with him
>Other: Mention what goes on in the camps and tell him to wait for Thrall to come get him. Mention lethargy and that it would be a good idea to pretend to be weak to avoid punishment or suspicion

Big stuff, big jump. I am seriously considering putting forward a Write-in for talk with Wilkish before going in the secret stuff questions.
Yeah, I kind of overlooked the fact that Wiklish doesn't know about Thrall, but I doubt the goblin will betray us unless pressed to testify. We haven't treated him poorly, we funded him and gave him a chance when no one else would take him in. I guess we will have to let him in on a few trade secrets.

>why would Alric be more resistant to fire?
Because of hte fire nalice gave him? magical fire of your own making not burning the casters? its not that far fetched for alric to learn it if he is atually fire resistant from either of those points. Its just necesary for him to test the boundaries and experiment its one of the abilities that would have nice syngery with hes lose combat martial fighting.
I dont think he would betray our trust and relation, but is probably not the kinda of stuff he would expect out of this interrogation. Beside Alric treating better people of most races he has encounter (except gnolls and ogres if one consider them races), he has not exposed himself with another Perenolde special. Wilkish probably wouldn't want to know about this secret, since its dangerous for the Alterac of Dawnholme* that anyone at all knows this.

He is also not an important noble, commander or officer under us either (and most of them dont know this). He is the head inventor and engineer. And with Dawnholme being relatively young, its a scary thought.... and well others would see it has Wilkish getting to know this important secret first if it ever came out.

>Trade Secrets
I am not sure what we have on the table for that, we have a decent amount of Alteraci people, Underbelly people and Stonemasons people. There might be something like the Alteraci Brandy perhaps, if any artisans for the production ever survived and live in our lands (and not out of them like in Alliance land). We can arrange something with Beric, if needed like a permanent trade post in Alterac City when we retake and rebuild it. Or something more solid like a title in our court (we can't afford a court).

*i dont remember if anyone outside of Alric, his crew and people calls them Alterac. Has in the kingdom, i think its only us and outside friends that do so. The Alliance would probably never call us that, only Dawnholme or Dawnholme Principality. The Syndicate doesn't call it self Alterac, just Syndicate. Aiden could claim the crown and kingdom with being the first son, but without royal lands he probably just keeps being Crown Prince and Syndicate Master/Lord i guess.
By "trade secrets" I meant our "Perenolde special", ha. Scheming and being aware of the escaped orc and not dropping everything to run and catch him like the Alliance would have us do. It remains to be seen what sort of options the QM will present us with. I'm also wondering if Alric will meet Medivh in the flesh and if he will tell us the same thing as he had told everyone else once the friendly neighbourhood necromancer will begin brewing his special juice "Get the hell out to Kalimdor, boy, this shit's fucked."
"Thank you for this talk, I'll be back in just a moment." You said and gave Astu a polite nod. "Wiklish, Eligius, could you please follow me."

Walking out of the cell, you waved the guards in the dungeon to leave and give some privacy to you. As Eligius closed the cell door behind you, you turned around to face the goblin.

"The orc has spoken more than I expected." You said to Wiklish and Eligius. "Thank you for translating for me Master Wiklish."

"Not an issue Prince Alric." The goblin said and fixed his monocle.

"Yet not much hard information, just things we know or can speculate about." Eligius replied to you. "Prince Alric, what do you plan to do with him?"

"I will have him taken with us to Durnholde, after that out of sight, out of mind." You said to him. "But before that, there is one thing we need to talk about."

You turned to look at Wiklish before you spoke again.

"I am going to ask you to translate a few things that you shouldn't know about. Information only reserved to me consisting of matters of state security." You said to Wiklish.

"Prince Alric, is that wise?" Eligius asked you and immediately bowed to Wiklish. "My apologies Master Wiklish."

"Yes, we don't exactly have others who speak Orcish. And besides, Master Wiklish hasn't given me a reason to not trust him." You said back to your spymaster.

"Of course." Eligius said and bowed.

"It has been my honour to work for you." Wiklish replied.

"Good, because I am going to talk about Grom Hellscream, Warsong Clan, Thrall and about Frostwolf Clan." You said to him and continued. "So do not be surprised when I tell you that Thrall has made his way to Alterac Mountains and found an orc Clan hidden in there."

He was surprised. Wiklish took off his monocle and wiped it a couple times on his sleeve.

"Thrall? As in the escaped gladiator?" Wiklish asked you. "Hellscream and his kin, those I have heard of. But Frostwolves? A Clan with that name never did hire the services of us goblins."

"And especially for that reason what you have just heard and will hear, won't leave this dungeon, that cell or your lips." You said to Wiklish and continued. "Do you understand that?"

"Yes, yes I do." Wiklish replied.

"If others than us were to learn about it, it would put all of us in danger." You said. "That would mean the end of the investments, the oil rig and everything."

Wiklish visible swallowed.

"I am not going to tell anyone." Wiklish replied quickly. "I am not going to risk my projects!"

That sounded like it worked, the goblin wouldn't talk about what he would hear.

"Right then, shall we get back to work?" You asked and clapped your hands together.


Mystery Box:

QM: Shorter update today thanks to the prep talk with Wiklish write in, I will write the longer one tomorrow. Also a Mystery Box! Will it be a good thing or a bad thing?

And correct! The mana seed given to you by Lady Nalice is the main culprit here. You can thank her for your ability to take really hot baths and long stints in the sauna.


You would be right that most people outside Alric and his allies won't call what he owns Alterac. It would give Alric legitimacy which can be unwanted to them, but mostly because Kingdom of Alterac exists in this legal limbo. The first heir in Aliden is invalid due to Syndicate, you are the second heir and you don't even control Alterac proper. There are claims to the lands by Gilneas backed people and direct claims by Stromgarde. Finally King Terenas doesn't want to make a precedent of stripping Perenoldes off their right to the lands and rulership.

Things are very much stuck, but of the claimants you do have the strongest claim purely by not being a criminal and actually being right there next to the place. Which to be honest isn't that much.
I think there's been enough new developments for the time being even if there's a chance for a greater boon...
In this house we always say yes to the Box
The boxes of mysteries must always be opened.
Could I have a Mystery Box tiebreaker?
I expected that of them. The Kingdom of Alterac doesn't really exist anymore even if we are the closest (legal) thing to it. And there is not much reason to call us a Kingdom for that, and because we are an Alteraci. Thinking on it that creates a weird thing in realm letters and diplomatic events, since we are a Prince of Alteraci and have land under us, but we aren't Alterac for them.

>The first heir in Aliden is invalid due to Syndicate
mmm i feel like Aliden might change that in the future then. If he can get more power or influence first, he must be making plans for deal with us and the Alliance.

The Syndicate could be a temporary thing, until he can unstuck the situation and have again the majority of the legitimacy despite being a criminal by quite a while. Though with how long he has been a criminal leading the Syndicate, he might just not care anymore of making a change and just take by force the right.

That cousin in Gilneas is too quite instead, either him or the ones behind him must be cooking something. Can't just let a tool gather dust, no ? If he is a tool. Stromgarde i don't expect them to move too much for now, maybe in a year or two they might try for a campaign of conquest (Alterac at this point is occupied by ogres, bandits, kobolds and orcs. Everything is mostly in ruins or used poorly by said races, i wouldn't be surprised if nature and the harsh climate claimed plenty of space that was civilized before).

And while i trust Terenas in not stirring the pot of rights of land and rulership, others might want to make a grab regardless.
for the sake of tiebreaker i will add my vote too
Stepping back into Astu’s cell, the orc looked at you. He had most likely realised that you would be asking some more important questions next, why else would you have a short break like this in the first place. Astu seemed more observant as his eyes jumped between you, Wiklish and Eligius.

“Master Wiklish, please continue the translating.” You said to the goblin who nodded back as a reply. “Now Astu, I know you came from the east and the only Clan that is active in Arathi Highlands and Hinterlands is the Warsong Clan led by Grom Hellscream.”

As Wiklish translated for you, mentioning of the well known orc and his Clan didn’t cause much of a reaction from Astu.

“And you spoke of hearing about me, from whom could you have heard from? You don’t speak Common so you can’t eavesdrop under a window of a farmstead, nor can you interrogate a human prisoner either. You must have been with the other orcs, with Hellscream and with the Warsongs.” You spoke to Astu and continued after Wiklish translated everything for you. “Then you travelled west through my lands before being captured. Why would you travel west? To meet with the Blackrock Clan remnants hidden in the mountains? To meet with those demon-crazed lunatics?”

Astu’s eyes moved a bit when Wiklish translated that. Mentioning the Blackrocks did seem to have some effect.

“No, you didn’t travel to meet the Blackrocks. You travelled west, following the trail laid by Thrall in search of the Frostwolf Clan.” You said to Astu. Mentioning Thrall’s human given name caused an immediate reaction. “And I know Thrall managed to find his way to the Frostwolves.”

Eligius glanced at you, but it was Wiklish who had the most clear reaction as the goblin just looked at you for a few seconds before translating what you had said to Astu. The orc tried to hide his surprise, but you could see that what you had said did have an effect on Astu.

“That is why I think your story of being just a wanderer was bullshit, you were travelling delivering a message from Hellscream to Thrall. Those are the chieftains you mentioned.” You said to Astu. “And now think twice why I would know about all of this, it should be apparent.”


You could hear from the voice of Wiklish that he hesitated a bit to translate the last thing you said.

“In a week I will be leaving for Durnholde and I will take you with me and put you into one of the Internment Camps. That is my duty as Prince and as a human, I cannot keep you here under my care.” You continued to speak. “And when you are in the camp, I will wash my hands off you and we won’t see each other again.”

Astu mentioned your name as he said something.

“A Perenolde playing both sides?” Wiklish translated for you.

“I have a reason to be reasonable towards you, that you don’t need to know. So listen carefully. You are not lethargic, the orcs who are in the camps are lethargic. So for the sake of yourself and everyone else, it would be better to pretend to be weak to avoid suspicion and punishments.” You told Astu and continued. “Because as you might already know, Thrall is planning on attacking the camps and freeing his people and I think Hellscream is going to help him.”

Wiklish looked outright nervous as he translated all of that to Astu.

“You are carrying information regarding their plans.” You said to him and continued. “And it is in my interests to see that information reach Thrall.”

Astu spoke again to you.

“He is saying that he will tell you nothing.” Wiklish translated.

“As much as I would love to learn what Thrall and Grom are exactly planning, he doesn’t need to say anything to me. I will give him paper, quill and ink, he can write the message down, explain what happened here in his own words and we can seal it within a letter with wax. I have a way to get it to Thrall, but it might take some time.” You said to Wiklish and allowed him to translate for you before continuing. “And as much as he swears by his word and is honourbound to not say a word to me, I swear by my own honour to have that message delivered.”

You watched as Astu listened to Wiklish. Silence followed that.

“Think about what I have told you.” You said and Wiklish translated.

Astu didn’t say anything for a moment until he nodded once.

“Good. Eligius can you go and fetch what we need and a secure container.” You said to your scribe.

What a peculiar situation you had managed to get into. Being a middleman in delivering messages between Thrall and Grom. If others were to learn from this, all the bad ideas they have about you would be proven true in their heads. A Perenolde doesn’t stray far from other Perenoldes.

Astu had been provided with what he needed to write his message down. Giving him privacy, you had left him alone in his cell and left to handle other business you needed to do.


First and foremost you had spoken with Wiklish after his services weren’t needed anymore and put an emphasis on everything he had heard being of utmost secrecy. Wiklish looked like he didn’t know what to think about what he had learned, but he didn’t seem to be the type that would just speak about it to everyone else. Still, you need to be careful with the goblin. And then you had spoken with Eligius and went through what you had already learned, while studying the belongings of Astu.

Time had passed and early evening had arrived when you returned back to the dungeon. Having asked the guards to leave, with the help of Eligius, you opened Astu’s cell door and stepped in.

The older orc looked at you in the light of a single candle on the floor in front of him. Next to the candle was a parchment filled with Orcish letters and glyphs.

You knelt down and picked up the parchment, giving it a cursory look. You then folded it and put it inside a letter. Pouring some wax from the candle on the letter, you stamped it shut with the blade of your rondel dagger. Blowing the wax a couple times for it to harden a bit faster, you took the letter and stashed it within a leather tube which you then wrapped shut with red string. Now it would be weatherproof and could wait by the large rock in the hills until it was picked up by Thrall.

“I will have this delivered to Thrall.” You said and held the tube in your hand. “I swear.”

Astu didn’t reply, but nodded once. He understood your intent.

Giving the orc a slight smile, you stood up and went for the door. Leaving his cell, Eligius closed the door behind your back.

“Prince Alric, you got what you wanted?” Eligius asked you.

“Yep, now just to get this to Thrall. That means no magic training today, it will take me a couple hours to ride where I need to go and it will be in the middle of the night when I return.” You said to Eligius and held the leather tube in your hand.

There was a click and clack of metal on metal. Both you and Eligius turned to look at the direction of the noise and saw one of the cell doors to open.

“I will come with you.” A familiar voice said.

Out from her cell stepped out Pai the Assassin. Pai looked well, her long brown hair had been brushed and her figure had regained most of her previous rather alluring shape. She was holding in her hands what looked like a chicken bone and a handle of a ladle. Had she lockpicked the door from inside with those replacement quality lockpicks?

You hand travelled to the hilt of your sword and even Eligius seemed to prepare for a confrontation.

“If you put your ear on the door, you can hear, if only barely, what the people here are talking about.” Pai told you and Eligius. “Take me with you Prince Alric, and let me go to these Frostwolves. The Syndicate doesn’t know about them, where they are living and there I will finally be safe.”


She had eavesdropped on you? You had thought that the doors were soundproofed enough to stop that? Of course the one time you don’t take the black noise device with you, it bites you in the ass. And now she had learned at least about the Frostwolves and most likely about other things as well.

“Trust me like you can trust that orc, I won’t run away. That I promise as an Alteraci to another Alteraci.” Pai said to you with a tone that was more serious than you had ever heard her speak before. “And in return I will write everything I know down and I will call yourself my Prince and serve you loyally till death takes me.”

She wasn’t joking, her breathing was heavy. It looked like she had bet everything on this.

>No, you outright can’t trust her at all. End of the story. Search the cell, throw her back in and chain the door down.
>How long has she been able to escape from her cell, but haven’t done it?
>Ask her how much did she exactly hear about and learn.
>If she were to serve you, she would swear her loyalty to you right now. And then she would tell you the most important thing you should know about.
>Agree to the proposal. With the Frostwolves she wouldn’t need to be afraid of the Syndicate coming after her. And she would write down everything you should know about the Syndicate.
>Other, write in

QM: Mystery Box!
huh what? what does she mean does she intend to just go live in that area or actually just hang out with frostwolves.

>How long has she been able to escape from her cell, but haven’t done it?
>Ask her how much did she exactly hear about and learn.
>If she were to serve you, she would swear her loyalty to you right now. And then she would tell you the most important thing you should know about.
I do kinda trust Pai despite my better judgement. But apperently she could already leave her cell so i guess that only adds to the trustworthyness.
I guess this would be the best way to actually deal with pai and get something in return. Even if syndicate learns of what we done somehow they are a criminal rogue organization they can hardly use it against us and as long as we make sure theres no hard evidence we can just deny it all as racism against alteracis or something.

To live with the Frostwolves. If orcs can survive through the winter in the mountains, then she has a chance as well. She is betting on the orcs not chucking her literally to the wolves.
>Ask her how much did she exactly hear about and learn.
>If she were to serve you, she would swear her loyalty to you right now. And then she would tell you the most important thing you should know about.
and if she agrees then
>Agree to the proposal. With the Frostwolves she wouldn’t need to be afraid of the Syndicate coming after her. And she would write down everything you should know about the Syndicate.

She's not going to attempt to do the shit she tried to pull on us on the orcs too right?
I'd imagine most wouldn't be attracted to humans since they're a different species, not to mention they're too frail by their standards.
>Agree to the proposal. With the Frostwolves she wouldn’t need to be afraid of the Syndicate coming after her. And she would write down everything you should know about the Syndicate

>Other, write in
I would rather send her with Eligius to go kill Falconcrest. I would like her and Eligius to have a spotlight in the B plot, and it's our best chance to deal with Falconcrest anyways. If she would REALLY rather go chill out with the Frostwolves then Thrall did owe us a solid so atleast she won't die, but then she's going to be out there for who knows how long until Falconcrest is dead. I appreciate the guts in this idea though. Not surprised she broke out, the woman is a professional.
>>Ask her how much did she exactly hear about and learn.
>Agree to the proposal. With the Frostwolves she wouldn’t need to be afraid of the Syndicate coming after her. And she would write down everything you should know about the Syndicate
>"All this time and patience i and Eligius put with you served something at least, i almost thought you decided to break out for another kind of proposal. Very well, Pai swear your loyalty to me the legitimate and only true heir to the Kingdom of Alterac and give me all that you know. I will warn you though, while i can arrange for Thrall to ensure you are accepted in the Frostwolves i cannot do much else and you can hardly serve me there. And that bothers me. Soon i will be occupied in the campaign against the Gnolls, where i shall do nothing but wage war against those monsters while having to contend with a brute power hungry Alliance Colonel, that is set to ruin the efforts i and my allies have made so far. And in all of this i know the orcs might soon attack the camps of Durnholde, and i will have to intervene there out of obligation. The Syndicate remains a concern too for me, and even in defeat they remain active. If you are sure of your choice and believe you can serve me there somehow, then take it, otherwise i believe that you could do something about that Colonel during the gnoll campaign or you could do something to the Syndicate leadership."
>"Eligius will of course come with you, if you are interested in my two proposal instead of freezing. He will not be a scribe out there, not if he needs to kill. Take your decision, Me and Eligius will still give you orders even if you go in the mountains."
Small updates to Stats and Socials, nothing major though.


Her original plan was to go and kill Lord Creedy as she worked for him and she knows how he looks like. That was what she suggested to Eligius.


We shall see, maybe Thrall starts to prefer short and fertile brunettes instead of long-haired fair blondes?

That does remind me. Maybe for the good, Warcraft really doesn't have that many half-breed races in it. Sure Mok'nathal exist as does half-elfs here and there. But most of the other half-breeds are either RPG, book or comic territory stuff.
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>>How long has she been able to escape from her cell, but haven’t done it?
Chicken bone lockpick, well I'll be.
>Agree to the proposal. With the Frostwolves she wouldn’t need to be afraid of the Syndicate coming after her. And she would write down everything you should know about the Syndicate.
We should show her some trust here, I think having an agent embedded within the Thrall's horde would be excellent. There's few that know what Pai actually looks like, so it would be difficult to have her identified and if need be a disguise is not particularly difficult for an experienced assassin to procure. And not much of a point asking about how much she had heard, she probably heard everything.

And the Perenoldes have successfuly betrayed the Alliance. Again! Let's congratulate ourselves, the family tradition lives on.

I'm not sure if it's a good idea. Eligius is a warlock. Thrall's horde despises demonic influence. You'd be putting his life at serious risk.
Its a good idea, because i meant that he will go with her for the actual missions that are relevant for us to be done, Eligius will not join her for the glacial vacation with tribals.

"if you are interested in my two proposals instead of freezing." i am not sending him up north, beside what you said, there is no reason at all. He goes with her if she does consider our two proposals which are : kill the Colonel or kill a Syndicate leader.

At the moment she is useless up there, we aren't going to do anything in the mountains for quite a long while and Thrall will probably already tell us his movements. The only thing she can do there of use, is look at movements of the ogres. But again we cannot look offensively anyway up north, we can only make a defense to any attack that come from the mountains (or secret small raids). So might has well make it clear to her we are in fact loaded with actual problems (instead of Thrall that...is certainly not an enemy at this point), and that her skills could be of use there. It also very difficult for any messages of her to reach us or vice versa, sending messages with Thrall takes already a long time. Any spying would be difficult if she had never done with orcs, and would just risk unfriendly relations with Thrall (that has an "okay" relation and favors to repay us) for little gain.
We still need Eligius to advise us when it comes to magic and studies as well as act as our scribe and spymaster. I think it's too great of a commitment for someone as vital to running Dawnholme and Alric's business. Perhaps someone could be sent in his stead? I do agree that she could be put to better use, but nothing stops her from actually assassinating ogre leadership or sabotaging their efforts, provided she agrees to it. Imagine poisoning their supplies and then walking in and decapitating their leadership in one fell swoop while their soldiers are too sick to lift their weapons? It is an incredibly useful option to have. A competent assassin of our own.
>>If she were to serve you, she would swear her loyalty to you right now. And then she would tell you the most important thing you should know about.
While i will not argue that Eligius is very useful for studies and being advised, we do have a program that Nalice made for us to follow. We in theory could be able to keep progressing while having no one with us to provide aid. Scribe, is a role different people can do and spymaster while Eligius is still very much in training and does a lot of direction of our spies, he could use more direct experience and our spies are all relatively new and in places that are not too dangerous. Would he be in danger ? Yes, but Garithos or Falconcrest being dead would clear the table of a problem.
>Imagine poisoning their supplies and then walking in and decapitating their leadership in one fell swoop while their soldiers are too sick to lift their weapons?
I do imagine it and i wouldn't mind if she did so if she really wants to go north, but from the tone she has, being given ogre killing duty does not seem like something she would agree. She is independent and stubborn to convince too, i wonder how she managed to remain in the Syndicate they don't look like the kind of people who would accept her behavior. Skill can only go so far. In regard to the ogres themselves, they are tough bastards that can swat aside and crush men with ease and they have also show themselves to be quite observant and strike at perceived ease opportunities. Like attacking the Syndicate while they where occupied in putting roots in new land. Pai wouldn't have support there against the ogres, unless we spend a favor with Thrall for give her some help on the field.
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>We shall see, maybe Thrall starts to prefer short and fertile brunettes instead of long-haired fair blondes?
He doesn't see Taretha that way

I was more thinking of later times Jaina.

Though that being said, it looks like there is a consensus. I will start writing later today.
“All this time and patience me and Eligius put with you and in the end what worked was you deciding to eavesdrop on us.” You said and raised your voice. “All the effort from our part and now you decide to make a proposition like this?”

Pai seemed a bit taken back by what you had just said.

“Then get down on your knees and swear your loyalty to me right now. And then you will tell me the most urgent and most important things I need to know.” You said to Pai and drew your sword.

Cinder Sword’s dull grey blade had a few smouldering embers and hotspots on it that grew larger as the blade ate the air around it. Pai looked at the blade and you, she could see that you were serious about this and somewhat furious because of her.

Then she got on her knees and lowered her head on the dungeon floor.

“I swear to serve you loyally my Prince, I swear to serve Alterac and my Prince in any capacity I can.” Pai said to you while keeping her head down. “I swear to serve my Prince until my body quits on me or I am killed in action.”

You looked at Pai who was prostrating in front of you. You weren’t exactly sure if those words were sincere, but what she is going to tell you next is going to decide that.

“Alterac Stands.” You said to Pai. “Get up on your knees.”

Pai did as told and now looked at you.

“What you are going to tell me will decide what I am going to do with you. Six months ago you still tried to kill me and now you are swearing fealty to me, you aren’t an immediate turncoat like Sahvan is.” You said to her and continued. “So speak and let me judge what you are going to tell me.”

“Your sister is alive.” Pai said to you. Her hair was all over her face from having held her head down.

“I know Beve is alive.” You replied. “You can do better than that.”

“I am not talking about her.” Pai said to you. “I am talking about your little sister.”


“I have no little sister, I am the youngest child.” You said back to Pai.

“You do have a little sister, Alicia Perenolde.” Pai said and looked into your eyes.

“Explain yourself right now.” You replied to her.

“Your father after the Second War had taken a mistress, one of the palace maids. She got pregnant and gave birth to a small girl with black hair.” Pai said to you slowly. “And before Alterac was destroyed, your father had legitimised the girl.”

You have a little sister? Why haven’t you heard about her before this?

“What happened to the mother, where is she?” You asked Pai.

“She died shortly after giving birth, she had been sick for some time already.” Pai told you and continued. “And why do I know this? Your brother protected her for some time, but to win the loyalty of Lord Creedy, Alicia was given to him as a royal hostage. As long as Creedy has her, your brother can’t act against him. I have seen her, she looks just like you, you shared your eyes with her until you know...”


How she spoke didn’t betray her, she wasn’t lying to you and she wasn’t trying to play a character. She was speaking the truth. You sheathed your blade and look at Eligius.

“I don’t think she is lying.” Eligius answered your unsaid question.

You have a little sister, that was something you hadn’t expected. Different mother, but same father…

“Thank you…” You said. You couldn’t get hold of your thoughts. A political hostage? Was it possible that she wasn’t actually your little sister and your big brother is just using her to control Lord Creedy? Maybe, but that could be disproven easily.

“If she was legitimate, there should be a papertrail and witnesses.” You said to Pai.

“Your brother and your sister can confirm her existence if you don’t believe my word.” Pai said back to you.

You nodded faintly to Pai, that was enough.

“Alright, stand up.” You said to her. “We will leave shortly and you aren’t in any condition to travel up the mountains wearing just a shirt and trousers.”

You turned to Eligius who nervously kept looking at you and back at Pai.

“Go find Sir Gravis and tell him to acquire everything one needs to survive in the mountains for a week or two. Tell him that Pai has turned turncoat and she has a mission from me.” You ordered him. “Do not tell more details.”

“Are you sure Prince Alric?” Eligius asked you.

“Yes, very much so.” You replied. “Now go.”

Eligius nodded and walked out of the dungeon.

“How long have you been able to escape?” You asked Pai, you were quite surprised to see her come out of the cell.

“Since you allowed me to take the regular baths, it wasn’t difficult to acquire what I needed.” Pai replied to you.

“Your cell was regularly checked, why didn’t they find the… chicken bone?” You asked her.

Pai chose to not answer with words, instead she picked up the bone and the ladle handle. Lifting her shirt just enough, she reached under it and the bone and the handle disappeared. Letting the shirt drop and showing both of her empty hands, the trick was quite apparent.

“You stashed them underneath your breasts…” You said and pinched the bridge of your nose due to how annoying the solution it was and how apparent the solution had been. Of course she found a use for her rather large tits.

“The bone is between my breasts.” Pai replied and smiled wildly. “I couldn’t believe it, the guards didn’t pat down my breasts when they searched me.”

“Yeah you would have tried to seduce them immediately.” You said and sighed.

“Ooops…” Pai’s reply was of fake innocence as she lifted her shirt and breasts up a bit with her hands, the handle and bone fell down on the dungeon floor.

“How much did you hear then?” You asked Pai.

“What you spoke with Mr. Boredom.” Pai replied to you. “Thrall is in the mountains, there’s a Clan of orcs, Frostwolves hidden there. Grom Hellscream most likely is in contact with them. They are planning on attacking the Internment Camps.”


Basically everything, well shit. No wonder she felt confident to give you this proposition. But she didn’t learn why you knew about all of this, what is your exact relationship with Thrall. Nothing about Tari or Blackmoore.

“Alright, I believe that as long as you deliver the message to Thrall, you will be safe with the orcs, but I won’t guarantee them accepting you or allowing you to stick around.” You said to Pai. “That will depend on your own behaviour.”

“I will take my chance.” Pai replied and raised her chin up a bit.

“My knights and my guards will see you walk out of here. You will be known as a turncoat, as a traitor to Syndicate and as someone who decided to defect and serve me instead. That will be your cover story for those who will ask.” You said to her and continued. “I will escort you out of the town into the wilderness as you are going out on a secret mission that I only know about. When the Syndicate hears about this, let them guess around what you are doing.”

Pai gave you a nod, she seemed to like what she was hearing.

“Now let’s go and see if the knights have started to gather what you need.” You said and allowed her to go first.

Sir Gravis had protested to you in private about releasing her like this, that you couldn’t trust the Syndicate bitch. He might be right, but you were going to trust your gut feeling this time.

As you prepared for the ride ahead by yourself, Eligius and Normand came to speak with you.

“Son, are you going to release that woman?” Normand asked you.

“Yes.” You replied as you carried your saddlebag around.

“Can you tell me why?” Normand continued.

“No.” You said back to him and looked up at him. “I don’t want to lie to you so I am not going to say anything other than one day you will learn what this was about.”

Your foster father looked at you and you could see disappointment in his eyes. It did hurt you to not tell him anything about why you were going to release Pai, but that would reveal why you knew about Thrall and Normand didn’t know anything about it or his connection with Tari. But Normand should probably know about Alicia, if he knows anything about her?

“I hope this doesn’t fall apart. That woman tried to kill you…” Normand said to you and continued. “Did she tell you anything?”


>Tell Normand about Alicia Perenolde. That is one reason why you can trust her, Pai doesn’t seem to be lying.
>Normand shouldn’t know about Alicia, at least not yet until you have managed to ask Beve if she actually exists.
>Other, write in.

>Leave the message Astu wrote down alone and don’t read it. Honour your own word and actions in delivering it all sealed like you showed it to Astu.
>Have Wiklish fetched here and have him read what the message is about. Break your own word you gave to Astu.
>Other, write in.

>Order Eligius to go with Pai. You need someone you can trust following her and making sure she doesn’t do anything unwanted.
>You need Eligius here in Dawnholme. He is your spymaster and does a lot of other things as well. He can’t be sent away.
>Other, write in.

QM: Please vote on all three. I have been waiting for this revelation for a quite long time.
>Tell Normand about Alicia Perenolde. That is one reason why you can trust her, Pai doesn’t seem to be lying.
Probably not in the open. Still there is enough conviction in Pai words that Alric could believe that, and she showed us she was able to escape. I am not quite sure in this decision since is very wild. To be completely fair Alric would have all the rights to be furious has such claim.
shit i am sorry for Normand and Gravis, Gravis has done much for ensure our safety and Normand for the whole secrets and seeing one of the assassin of Durnholde just walking out. We will resolve that in time, not now.

>Leave the message Astu wrote down alone and don’t read it. Honour your own word and actions in delivering it all sealed like you showed it to Astu
i will not break our word. The word of a Prince should have the value of gold.

>You need Eligius here in Dawnholme. He is your spymaster and does a lot of other things as well. He can’t be sent away.
we have more important targets and work.

And order someone to take some papers i want her to write down anything else that she knows of the Syndicate when we arrive at the meeting place. Or when she is up north, All the details she knows.

Well thats nice to know but we still need Creedy dead and now our only assassin who knows what he looks like is leaving to freeze her tits off in the mountains. I think the assassination mission would have been better.

She didn't mention where his hideout is either, though once the info that she went turncoat leaks theres a very good chance he moves out from there anyways.

>Tell Normand about Alicia Perenolde. That is one reason why you can trust her, Pai doesn’t seem to be lying.

>Leave the message Astu wrote down alone and don’t read it. Honour your own word and actions in delivering it all sealed like you showed it to Astu.

I feel weird about that whole Astu interaction. Especially after we told Thrall if we met on the battlefield we would be honorbound to oppose him it feels a bit weird to lend a hand in this. Maybe its just me. Either way the invasion would still happen, at most it would be a delay of clearing up the lost message? A delay might have been useful to give us more time to prepare for the fallout of durnholde refugees coming to us?

But we exposed to Astu and Wiklish that we know about Thrall and his planning to invade Durnholde to free the orcs. We also gave our word of honor not to read the letter which is probably about the invasion prep. We also told Astu to just pretend to be lethargic so he can hide there better. Why? It seems like we have risked exposing this connection to Thrall for nothing. If Astu and his fellow orcs actually do interact with the Syndicate then there is the chance he could blab about this and it reaches them? If he breaks out of the camps before the invasion, or afterwards and he tells his chieftain Grom why he didnt make it back but the message still made it. Or if someone puts their hands on Wiklish while we're away.

>Other, write in.
If Alicia Perenolde is a royal hostage that ensures the alliance between Creedy and Aliden then if the royal hostage suddenly vanishes would it result in a Syndicate Civil War? Creedy sees his protection is gone and tries to strike first, or Aliden sees a chance to get rid of his rival and consolidate. We ask Pai and Eligius to go on the Rescue Alicia Perenolde Mission. If she can kill Creedy as well, good, if not then she can go chill with the Frostwolves. I want that Pai and Eligius B Plot Mission where they bound over their journey. Plus this way we can give them some actual gear and prep like horses to get there and get away before the leaks spread.
OH and I thought Pai would mention where Creedy's current hideout is among other things. Though once the leak about her going turncoat spreads I'd imagine Creedy would change hideouts, which could be rough finding again.
Couple more small Social and Stats pastebin updates. Nothing major, just noting Alicia down.


You will hear more from Pai in the next few updates. It would have gotten too long if I had just kept writing.
>Tell Normand about Alicia Perenolde. That is one reason why you can trust her, Pai doesn’t seem to be lying.
>Have Wiklish fetched here and have him read what the message is about. Break your own word you gave to Astu.
We need to have foreknowledge to be able to plan better. I don't want our troops to be attacked by Thrall. Plus I want to see how the orc Clans talk to each other. It would be good to know how strong their bond is.

>other : I say we tell pai to kill lord creedy, save our sister and eligius will go with her as well as our newest knight cyril. Time to send the BAMF Team. Maybe add the rover brothers too.

Please support anons.
Checked and supported.
The A Team, the Alric Team. One tank and four dps. A real dungeon party. I'm tempted to send Old Rover instead but then it sounds like the kind of plot where he'd lead the enemy away so the rest could escape if something goes wrong, which could be a solid way to end. I wonder if the Rover brothers would be bothered by Eligius revealing his warlock powers. I don't think they were too bothered by Alric's green eyes. They are pretty easy going, so I think they'd work it out over the trip.
>>Tell Normand about Alicia Perenolde. That is one reason why you can trust her, Pai doesn’t seem to be lying.
Time to make an important point.
>>Leave the message Astu wrote down alone and don’t read it. Honour your own word and actions in delivering it all sealed like you showed it to Astu.
It doesn't actually matter at all what is written in that message. Thrall is getting the horde together one way or another. And we should stay true to our word, we have made an honour bound promise. We might be schemers and traitors, but even so, we still have our honor and we should keep it. Alric needs to remain consistent.

Supporting this basically + not reading the message. With this new information revealed, we actually now have a good reason to send off Pai and Eligius off together. This should be her mission after she delivers the message and Eligius should do all that is necessary to assist her in the rescue op. Maybe even bring his witches. The downside of course is that they will know Pai will be coming, since the fact of her being aware about our little sister is probably known to the Syndicate higher ups. We need to play our hand carefully, but Alric can't be in two places at once.

If Alicia Perenolde is a royal hostage that ensures the alliance between Creedy and Aliden then if the royal hostage suddenly vanishes would it result in a Syndicate Civil War?
That would be the best possible outcome and we have been working towards it passively by putting efforts into disrupting their plans and counter intelligence. If we do manage to rescue her, we also will need to actually let the relevant parties know that we have. Probably via Beve, via our Stromgarde merchant spy.
Support for all except reading the letter.
>Tell Normand about Alicia Perenolde. That is one reason why you can trust her, Pai doesn’t seem to be lying.
>Leave the message Astu wrote down alone and don’t read it. Honour your own word and actions in delivering it all sealed like you showed it to Astu.
>other : I say we tell pai to kill lord creedy, save our sister and eligius will go with her as well as our newest knight cyril. Time to send the BAMF Team. Maybe add the rover brothers too.

Eligius should avoid meeting the Orcs for the reasons mentioned of a warlock being bad news among them. Hellscream and Thrall wouldn't hold back against them knowing that Alric already knows.
>>Tell Normand about Alicia Perenolde. That is one reason why you can trust her, Pai doesn’t seem to be lying.
Normand should know about what is going on with our family especially when we are talking about big new thing like this. That should reassure him with Pai.

>>Leave the message Astu wrote down alone and don’t read it. Honour your own word and actions in delivering it all sealed like you showed it to Astu.
We need to be consistent. We made the promise or made Astu understand we dont open the letter even if we have all the chances to do so. Morals and honor is something we need to keep together even if it means we dont know what the orcs are going to do.

>>You need Eligius here in Dawnholme. He is your spymaster and does a lot of other things as well. He can’t be sent away.
We need Eligius here, sending him away while he has his spymaster duties, helping us with magic, training the spies, training the witches and handling information is just foolish. Who knows how long they would be away from Dawnholme. Who handles the spymaster work, who trains the witches and trains the spies? Eligius just can't be replaced without either Alric taking on his duties or giving them to someone else? Alric doesn't know about spy business, we chose Eligius to be our spymaster and got Nalice train him because we didn't have a spymaster. Would Sahvan take those duties, he can't even keep his dick in his pants with the whore he is seeing. Would Alric take on training the witches, who aren't publicly known to be witches, while still not handling basics of arcane magic? Would we need to go ask our new mages to handle that training, revealing the existence of the witches to them? Those are just few things that come to my mind.

The plan itself is way too wild. Sure seeing Pai and Eligius bond over something like this could be fun, but even when Pai suggested this with knife on the throat of Eligius, it was way too much of a Hail Mary plan even back then. Taking Eligius as a hostage and forcing him to tag along? What are the chances of success? Can Pai go and successfully kill Creedy, rescue Alicia and come back with Eligius? She can be good, but she wasn't avoiding getting caught by Alric good. And would Eligius even agree to this plan on the second go, he already declined once.

How I see this Pai found an alternative to killing Creedy. That was desperate plan to get rid of the threat Creedy was to her if she was to live freely. So instead of having to try something that mad, she realised that she can go living up in the mountains in one place the Syndicate doesn't know about or can't reach her, without the risk of going through this stupidly dangerous plan.
I'm not that against hailmary plans because up until now most things Alric had done were such and it wasn't until the fel incident that Alric realized that he can't keep going doing things that way. Now that her plan would have our support long term, it can be more than just her and Eligius even if she goes on a solo mission. We do not know what kind of assistance his magic can give her. The discovery of Alric's sister and ability to deal a lethal blow to Syndicate is a new development and we need to adjust our strategy to new opportunities presenting themselves. I understand why you would want to go for a more subdued approach, but I think we need to seize the moment.
Do we need to save Alicia and kill Creedy right now? It is opportunity and new development that I agree, but do we know what would happen next? Alright Creedy is dead and his faction is leaderless, would a new leader pop up, would Aliden wrestle them under his command, would there be a civil war, what about Beve or Falconcrest? Just too much of things that we don't know on top of not knowing if Pai and Eligius can even succeed in the first place.

I don't support taking Cyrus or Rovers with them either. In the two battles Cyrus has been part of, he has either charged in first or wanted to fight first. That is opposite of stealth and subtle action. Rovers would fit better, but they are commanders of our archers that we need during the campaign and during patrols. Bill Rover is retired from active service.
And while saving Alicia is something we need to do in the future along with getting rid of Creedy, we should be in a position where we could take advantage of the chaos that follows either through our own actions or by having Beve do something. As long as Creedy is alive and Alicia is his hostage, no one in the Syndicate has the opportunity to grow too powerful, no one can take advantage of the sudden power vacuum, but when that is gone, we need to be able to pounce on the issue.

I suggest we contact Beve about Alicia, have Pai go hiding up in the mountains for awhile. And when we can actually go in Alterac without the edict hampering us and when we know more about where Creedy is or whoever is the top dog in Strahnbrad. Then we make a plan to rescue Alicia without having to go through this dangerous plan. Remember we have Beve inside the Syndicate as their spymaster, she should be in the plan and she could help us.
We definitely don't have to do it immediately and you have astutely observed that Cyrus would probably be a bad pick for the mission. There's no reason to launch the assassination mission immediately, but I am not against Pai spending some time among the Frostwolves, who knows what sort of things she might learn that will be of use. She's definitely the kind of person that doesn't seem like she belongs among regular people. We could schedule her and mr Boring's assault operation to a later date.

>I suggest we contact Beve about Alicia, have Pai go hiding up in the mountains for awhile. And when we can actually go in Alterac without the edict hampering us and when we know more about where Creedy is or whoever is the top dog in Strahnbrad. Then we make a plan to rescue Alicia without having to go through this dangerous plan. Remember we have Beve inside the Syndicate as their spymaster, she should be in the plan and she could help us.
Now that you have described it, I support this. Still, no reading the orc message though, that's where I draw the line.
Now just to convince the other anons to take deep breath and think this through. We can go through the plan of saving Alicia and dealing with Creedy in the future, but slapping shit together and sending them on a merry mission is just too foolhardy of a thing. And sure knowing what the orcs are talking about would be good, but again honor and our consistency. Let the message be delivered.
Telling Normand, not reading the letter.

I was originally thinking for Eligius to just go with Pai to Frostwolves and not get roped into assassination plot. Though it looks like a large majority does want something to happen on that front, but exactly how is still open. I will have a vote on it in the next update with more detailed options and opinions.

But before it could I have a roll for Pai, guards and preparations. I will try to write the update during my night shift.

>Best of three
Rolled 4 (1d10)

Rolled 1 (1d10)

Rolled 10 (1d10)

Luckily there's no mention of the second roll being used here
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14 KB

Hmmm... maybe I could take the second roll too... hmmm.... good idea...

I am writing by the way.
“Yes, if I were you I would sit down.” You said to Normand.

“That serious?” Normand asked as he sat down opposite of your work desk. “When you have asked me to sit down before…”

“That serious.” You replied and sat behind your own desk. Eligius chose to stay standing.

“Alright, what is it?”

“Pai told me that I have a little sister.” You said to Normand matter of factly.

You could see his face not react at all for a few seconds and then the news hit him.

“Little sister?” Normand asked, not being able to believe what he had just heard.

“Alicia Perenolde, my father apparently had a mistress after my exile and well… before everything fell apart he made the child legitimate.” You told Normand and continued. “A palace maid supposedly.”

Normand seemed to think for a few seconds.

“It must have been Beatrix. After the death of your mother, there was this maid who was your father’s favourite for a short moment, but her becoming his mistress? It could be her, maybe.” Normand mused aloud. “Where is she?”

“Died shortly after the childbirth, supposedly she had been sick.” You told Normand. “What do you think of this, do you believe this?”

“I can’t say I have heard anything, Beve would know about this.” Normand said to you. “But if the mother was Beatrix, it could be true… do you believe her?”

“I don’t think she is lying, her eyes didn’t betray her nor her tone.” You said back to him. “I will send a message to Beve through Kris Legace and see what she responds, but before that we have more pressing matters…”

“Yes, sending Pai away.” Normand replied. “Alicia? It feels strange to think that there’s one more Perenolde in the world. Where is she?”

You told Normand what little Pai had told you and added some of your own thinking. It looked like the Syndicate was split into three powerblocks in this status quo where not one side has managed to get the full control of the organisation. There was your brother Aliden supported by Beve, Lord Falconcrest and then Lord Creedy who had Alicia as a royal hostage. To your limited knowledge Lord Falconcrest didn’t have anything like that, but you knew very little of him in the first place.

All of this was something you needed to deal with, but when and how? Of that you weren’t sure. Well one person could help you.



You had Pai brought into your study where you, Normand and Eligius had stayed waiting. She had already gotten a pair of boots and a simple brown jacket. The preparations seemed to have gone well without any issues.

“So this is…” Pai started to say, but you raised your hand to silence her.

“Remember where you are and whom you serve.” You said to her sternly.

“Of course… of course my Prince.” Pai said and gave you a deep bow.

“I will get to the point immediately, where is Alicia, where is Lord Creedy?” You asked her.

“Directly to the point, so be it.” Pai said and smiled a little. You were half expecting innuendo or something similar, but she seemed to realise that wouldn’t help her. “North of Strahnbrad there are a series of old keeps in the mountains by the King’s Road. The Syndicate uses them as hideouts and bases. If Lord Creedy was to be found, he would be somewhere there. Alternatively he would be in Strahnbrad or in the many villages by the road to Andorhal.”

“Is he really that easy to be found?” You asked Pai and crossed your arms.

“No, he is in those places if he wants to be found. His actual hideout is somewhere else in the mountains.” Pai told you.

“And that is where Alicia would be? Have you been there?” You asked her.

“Yes, I have been there and I saw her there, but I was thoroughly drugged out while they carried me there.” Pai said and seemed annoyed.

“There are many keeps, mansions and castles along the northern border. There are many places where this Lord Creedy could be.” Normand said to you.

“So you don’t know how to get there?” You asked Pai.

“No, but finding it out requires just some investigation and maybe some persuasion of the right people.” Pai told you and continued. “Syndicate is decentralised, but even then the right people know the right things and if you were to collect those puzzle pieces.”

“You could get the necessary information to get there.” You replied.

“Correct, my Prince.” Pai said back to you.

You stared at the assassin and then looked at Normand.

“Normand, can you please leave.” You said to him.

“Something related to the secret mission?” He asked you, to which you nodded. “Alright, I understand.”

Normand stood up from his chair and walked past Pai.

“Alric, I will tell Maura about Alicia and Miss Assassin, do not break Alric’s trust.” He said to her before leaving the study.

You looked at Eligius and then back to Pai.

“Eligius told me that you had tried to persuade him to join you on a quest to kill Lord Creedy.” You said to Pai and continued. “And while you had been polite, he declined.”

Polite enough to not slit his throat with the knife Pai took from him. A small jest to get Eligius to sigh.


“I wouldn’t call it a polite attempt.” Eligius said and sighed. Success.

“Could you kill Lord Creedy now?” You asked Pai.

“Yes my Prince.” Pai replied to you.

“Could you free Alicia and bring her here?” You asked Pai.

“Yes my Prince.” Pai replied again.

“Could Eligius come with you to ensure everything goes well?” You asked next.

“Now hold on a minute! I am not going to go anywhere with that woman.” Eligius immediately said back to you and raised his voice. Thankfully the black noise device on your table muffled it and no one outside the room could hear anything. “No way no how!”

You started to laugh and had to wipe away a single tear. To joke around a bit on such a serious thing was something you couldn’t avoid doing.

“And don't just laugh…” Eligius lamented back to you and shook his head.

“I am serious about the idea of freeing Alicia and getting rid of Creedy.” You said to Eligius and looked at Pai. “Pai, how likely do you think it is that you could succeed? And don’t sell me any imaginary numbers.”

She looked at you and then to Eligius and back at you.

“I can do it, but to succeed? Not high…” Pai replied and sighed.

“And you tried to drag me with you as a hostage!” Eligius said to her and pointed at her with his hand. “You are a mad woman!”

“That was then! I was willing to take the risk in killing Creedy if it meant that I had a chance to be free. Him dead, very few would know about me and what I have done and have the power to act against me.” Pai argued back at Eligius. “But now I hear that there are these Light-damned orcs in the bloody fucking mountains. There’s no Syndicate there, they can’t get there and if the Prince is in contact with them, then I will take my chances even if it means that I risk freezing my tits off during the winter! It is either life in the cell, Creedy being dead or there up in the mountains.”

You hadn’t seen Pai heated like this. It had either been the alluring seductress or her being really annoyed with you as you stared at her in total silence.

“The Syndicate kills those who have failed in their missions. They don’t accept failure.” Pai said to Eligius. “I have an alternative to that now.”

“So you prefer the mountains and the orcs?” You asked Pai.

“I do, but… if you are serious about killing Creedy… I can do it. I want that man dead, just like many others do.” Pai said back to you.

“But first you will deliver the message, everything else will happen afterwards. That is if we decide to act.” You said to her.

“The word will spread, Creedy will learn sooner than later that I am away and serving my Prince. He will become careful, more careful.” Pai said to you. “But he can’t go fully into hiding, he is the left hand of Prince Aliden, he has his duties and he needs to be seen from time to time.”

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“So killing him later would still be possible?” You asked Pai.

“Yes. Besides, a few months in the cell has made me soft… I need to lay low for some time and get my strength back.” Pai said to you and switched to her more regular alluring voice. “I want to be on top~... shape of course.”

That’s more like it, that is the Pai you knew much better.

Killing Creedy and freeing Alicia. It wasn’t a job that would be an easy one. It required planning, preparation and most likely reinforcements for her to be able to pull it off without any issues. Then there was your sister, The Lady Behind The Cloth, the spymaster of the Syndicate Lady Beve Perenolde. What could she do for you? I bet she would see her little sister out of the Syndicate hands.

“Prince Alric, what are you thinking? Are you going to send her away to this magical goose chase?” Eligius asked you. He clearly wasn’t a fan of the idea.

>Pai will deliver the message to the Frostwolves and then she will go, kill Lord Creedy and rescue Alicia Perenolde before the security is heightened. You will order Eligius and potentially others to go with her as a backup and to ensure that she follows the orders.
>The message will be delivered to the Frostwolves and Pai will head out alone to kill Lord Creedy and to rescue Alicia Perenolde. That would be her final test of loyalty to you. If she succeeds, she would have a place in your retinue.
>Astu’s message will be delivered and Pai will stay with the Frostwolves for now until she is ready for the mission. Eligius will prepare things here and provide support while you contact Beve Perenolde which can take weeks or longer.
>She will deliver the message and then stay with the Frostwolves. The plan is just too dangerous and uncertain to be acted upon, she said it herself, she prefers to be in the mountains.
>Other, write in.

QM: I need to be a bit honest, I didn’t expect this much support for this idea. And like I said, some of the Pai stuff had to be moved to future updates, this too is already nearly 10k characters long.
>Astu’s message will be delivered and Pai will stay with the Frostwolves for now until she is ready for the mission. Eligius will prepare things here and provide support while you contact Beve Perenolde which can take weeks or longer.
With cards on the table now, we could execute this in the foreseeable future. Sooner or later something will happen to unbalance the Syndicate and give us an opening to deal them a decisive blow, but right now. I would be in favor of the prudent approach. A lot would hinge on trusting Beve to do the right thing, but if she were to stage a diversion or interfere with Syndicate's ability to respond to Pai's infiltration efforts...Perhaps convince Creedy to use his Andorhal forces in an attack on Dawnholme once the majority of Alric's forces have departed for the gnoll expedition?
>>Astu’s message will be delivered and Pai will stay with the Frostwolves for now until she is ready for the mission. Eligius will prepare things here and provide support while you contact Beve Perenolde which can take weeks or longer.
Creedy has been trying to assassinate Alric for what, more then a year since that incident where an assassin stumbled into the room Jaina was using? Beve didn't tell Alric where Creedy was or about Alicia. No seeming intent to upset the delicate balance the syndicate has even though the hits kept coming. I doubt her willingness to rock the boat. We would have to send a message containing a lot of sensitive information when letters aren't safe, and basically go "are you in or out".

It gives up the element of surprise on a more relaxed target to wait and ask Beve for something she clearly didn't want to risk right?

If you want something to unbalance his faction of the syndicate I think it just happened, they lost Gallows Corner to the ogres so they are probably scrambling to try to recover that or work around whatever else they lost?

Also I don't think Cyrus is a hothead for his potential on such a mission, we made him a bodyguard and his mission was to make sure Alric lives and to watch him until Nalice is back. Making himself look valuable in battle was just something Alric would appreciate. Besides I think a dragon spawn who can't follow orders exactly would get eaten lol. Plus he can read people and knows if they are gonna try something.
There's just too many what ifs involved right now. As for Beve, I'm pretty sure she was at least partially responsible for the magic tool using assassin not going after us when he could have and only being in Durnholde as an insurance - to clean up the mess in case Pai and her associates screw up, which they did. That assassin is in fact still at large. I am almost certain that he was working for Beve or adjacent to her faction in some capacity because procuring such a vast number of powerful magic items, like mirror image generation, blink and obfuscating robes is no easy feat. In fact, said assassin being around is what makes me so concerned over Pai going in unprepared. While Beve could stay her hand when it comes to Alric, she wouldn't hesitate to defend Syndicate's interests, at least for now. And I'm pretty sure she is already aware of Kris Legace being our agent and the fact that she hasn't been killed yet, most likely speaks in her favor, so I wouldn't be so swift in discounting her as a potential ally.
>>Pai will deliver the message to the Frostwolves and then she will go, kill Lord Creedy and rescue Alicia Perenolde before the security is heightened. You will order Eligius and potentially others to go with her as a backup and to ensure that she follows the orders.
>Astu’s message will be delivered and Pai will stay with the Frostwolves for now until she is ready for the mission. Eligius will prepare things here and provide support while you contact Beve Perenolde which can take weeks or longer.

Seems like the best way to get ducks in a row. I hear the info about Beve not rocking the boat, but sis is still a resource better left utilised
>Pai will deliver the message to the Frostwolves and then she will go, kill Lord Creedy and rescue Alicia Perenolde before the security is heightened. You will order Eligius and potentially others to go with her as a backup and to ensure that she follows the orders.

Speed is of the essence.
Ah fuck it, changing my vote to this. Let's make things happen, even if it means sending her to near certain death. Although I hope the QM will let us actually play through the rescue effort in a "You are Pai..." way. Give her the robe of obfuscation too. Who dares wins, right?
>>Astu’s message will be delivered and Pai will stay with the Frostwolves for now until she is ready for the mission. Eligius will prepare things here and provide support while you contact Beve Perenolde which can take weeks or longer.
We need to be prepared and not go for Hail Mary plan. This is too dangerous to be pulled out in a hurry without proper preparation. We can and we should take our time with this. Hell if we can communicate with Thrall and he owes us bigly he could help with the rescue plan. Anons please we arent in a hurry. Get Beve on board, let Pai train, stack the odds to our favor as much as possible.

Please dont change your vote. We can plan this out properly and make sure this isnt near certain death plan like you say it is and how Pai herself said.
I am counting votes 4-3 in favor of your original vote now. Please dont change it.
What we can be certain of is that magical inspector gadget assassin doesn't work for Creedy, and that works for me since he won't be there protecting Creedy. There is nothing we can do to find that guy, and we don't have the resources to procure gear like that for Pai though we could let her use the Robe of Obfuscation. Our counterintelligence is not set up to go out
into hostile territory in Strahnbrad and dig up info so it'll still be Team Pai working on site anyway. If they need some money sell a couple supply we kept on hand for opportunities. With Eligius and Cyrus she'd have solid backup, and pulling Old Rover out of retirement for one last mission like some action hero movie is almost too tempting an addition if we really must keep his sons for the gnolls and patrols.

As a side note on that Andorhal idea. Beve feeding info to Creedy for attacking in force while Alric is distracted with the gnoll campaign sounds like the makings of an immense clusterfuck. Interesting idea though. If that force gets sent out then has no living leader to call it back, that might be really fucking messy. If Creedy dies while they are just staging the troops maybe, but then Team Pai might have a hostile army nearby? Would they hire mercs as the bulk instead? Risking Dawnholme itself to expose Creedy, very ballsy.

Back on point. Not striking against Creedy because this inspector gadget guy we can't for sure do anything about might show up in retaliation is not a reason to hold off. Alric and Creedy made clear war on each other when we took Shoredon and still it was just Creedy trying to kill Alric, inspector gadget was just there for clean up when they failed at Durnholde. Whether he is Beve's man or Alidens or even Falconcrest it'll be them picking a fight with Alric to send inspector gadget after Pai if they really want to escalate. Everyone knows Creedy is picking a fight with Alric but they can't or won't risk interfering in each others business to because of Alicia. Do they expect Alric to just sit there and take the attempts on his life, wait to see if the targets expand to those around him, I don't think so. Do it, then ask Beve for forgiveness when it's done.

I do think asking Beve is a solid idea, but to give up the element of surprise? Oh I loathe it.
I dont think the fourth assassin we met in Durnholde is in anyway related to this. He shouldnt be part of the discussion.

But the other points you raise should be reasons not go for this plan immediately. Pai doesnt have her gear and in her own words she is not yet ready. She has been in a cell after getting wounded by us and not properly exercising. We dont have our spies trained either to provide support or intelligence in Strahnbrad. It would be poorly prepared Pai and Eligius going into a dangerous territory half blind. And Medivh just wrote on the update how contacting Beve can take weeks or longer. Dont you remember that the messages have to go through Kris Legace in Stromgarde.

Going unprepared is just too risky even with the element of surprise. Just too many things we cant control or dont know about. I want this to succeed and go without major problems, but this just asks for us to face a setback.
You make a compelling argument in favor of acting immediately and being reminded of the fact that the Syndicate had actually lost territory and they most likely had serious manpower issues is what tipped me in favor of changing my vote. I think the risks are worth the reward and using Cyrus is not a bad idea either, provided we instruct him to listen to Eligius' commands as if he spoke with Alric's authority. Push comes to shove he can always assume his true form and then there will be no survivors. The dragonspawn are incredibly tough, lethal and very fast, hell most Syndicate personnel have probably never seen one in their lives and have no idea what those things even are or look like. You could slowly haunt Andorhal using Cyrus as a giant crocolisk cryptid myth, making Syndicate patrols and messengers disappear and he would probably love doing that too. Although I'd prefer to avoid needless bloodshed and go for a decapitation strike, but this too is an option.

You also make compelling arguments against it, but I think it's time we took a serious risk with our retainers and had faith in them. I was the one who brought up inspector Gadget because I assumed he worked for Beve. I think there should still be a small grace period during which Pai should be allowed to make preparations, but not so long as to take weeks.
To be clear I said I don't want to give up the element of surprise because it would take too long to get a response, and I don't think Beves willing to rock the boat anyways.

Is a training montage in the mountains to wipe the rust off better than the element of surprise on someone without heightened security? I don't feel that way. We can't get that back once he knows Pai has gone turncoat.

Its not like Eligius can pull out his spies and reposition them fast enough or well enough given their current training to get info anywhere as fast and cleanly as I would like. Pai believes it requires hunting some clues in Strahnbrad no matter what, and shes the best to do it. I really think it is the time and opportunity to strike. If we can't give her back the gear we took when we caught her or what we can make in town then I don't see it being better to wait for a full set of super gear. Let her use the Robe, its pretty damn strong as we've seen, and take from whoever she has to hunt to get those clues she needs.

I'd be fine with what anon said there with a grace period and prep, thats fair. Lets pretend that Pai is still in the dungeon for a little while to cover that small grace period. Unless we have a leak in the guards or someone who can get the guards to talk, those damn courtesans I bet, then theres no reason to just announce out loud that Pai has turned until its actually leaked but by that time the mission is ahead of them.

My thanks anon. I was also thinking about what if Cyrus just used his stronger dragonspawn form lol. Warcraft has so many different kinds of magic why not just call it Dragon Beast Transformation magic or something wacky like that. Hell, eat the bodies to hide the evidence even if it will really creep Pai and Eligius out. Cyrus the Trash Disposal Unit they call him. The three of them seem like a solid team if shit hits the fan.

>Pai will deliver the message to the Frostwolves and then she will go, kill Lord Creedy and rescue Alicia Perenolde before the security is heightened. You will order Eligius and potentially others to go with her as a backup and to ensure that she follows the orders.

>Other, write in.
If Pai needs a short grace period, pretend she is still in the dungeons getting her cozy treatment rather then announce he going turncoat. Or pretend we are starving her out as Alric grows tired of waiting for her to turn. Hell, pretend to execute her by poison, perfect since the Southshore mayor died of poison, so people think she is dead if thats what it takes to keep the element of surprise. I'm not picky. Then we send her, Eligius and Cyrus. Maybe Old Rover if other people like the 'Pull him out of retirement for one last mission' kino.
Also a thought, if we lend out the Robe to Pai, why not lend out the Raiments to Eligius? That blink and infinite pocket could save his nerdy twink ass life, if he can wear it. Not like we are gonna use it while we are campaigning, unless we want to risk doing something nefarious to Garithos's supplies or balistas ourselves. Rather flashy I must admit but it had a similar enchantment for not getting spotted if I recall.
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I will call the vote here, the more immediate plan of action won. I am not sure if I can write the update later this evening/night, so I am going to ask for a write in vote. That should clear things up a bit as I didn't expect this option to come up right now. You caught the QM out of guard slightly.

Please write down characters and named equipment we have, which you want to lend to Pai and Eligius for this mission. The options with most votes will get chosen, though some characters might decline on joining the mission.

>Write in

Now, let's have some !!FUN!!
Part 1

Pai Robe of Obfuscation. Eligius the Raiments and Gnoll Necklace

Let Pai out covertly and chill at a cabin, she can train up for a short grace period. Her cover will be that we have changed her guard routine to a punishment cycle of no bathing no laundry one meal a day absolutely no interaction. Put a guard we can trust to handle it. As far as anyone is concerned its the stick after the carrot has failed.

Eligius has a duty of Cartography of Strahnbrad Hills and surrounding lands, and Cyrus will join him as protection. We don't expect them back for some time, and this should cover their gathering of supplies and horses.

Alric and Sahvahn will handle intelligence. Perhaps Normand as well since he is retiring from the military duties, he could probably try to discipline Sahvahn a bit and is good at handling the paperwork. Maybe improve Sahvahn's reading and writing a bit. All they really gotta do is keep a steady course and do some lessons that Sahvahn can handle.

Part 2

Deliver the message to Thrall, in return ask him to get them into Strahnbrad's outskirts and help to pull off this plan as reinforcements. Call in the Favor if need be. Alric saved Tari who is like a sister to Thrall, now Thrall can help save Alric's little sister. I don't think anyone has anything else they wanted from the Thrall favor, and now we even helped him get this message. Let the Syndicate point the finger at orcs for what happened, or at each other using orcs, what are they gonna do about it? They could pretend to be Blackrock orcs if it helps.

If they refuse oh well, but I don't think Thrall would turn it down the way Alric would phrase it. So they get Thrall's help getting into Strahnbrad outskirts and have some backup from him ideally.

Part 3

The Team will have to spot some syndicate assets, grab them, squeeze them for info, then get rid of them. Rinse and repeat. I'm sure theres plenty of ways to clean the scene, but I would find it really funny if Cyrus is tasked with getting rid of them and he just eats them in his dragonspawn form. No body, no crime. They continue doing that until they figure out which Hideout Creedy is currently using. If they need a place to lay low I imagine Pai knows or can find Syndicate safehouses they can use. Pass off as Syndicate themselves if it helps. Call in reinforcements if need be.

Part 4

Inform the backup to move into position if things go tits up . The Team scopes out the Hideout with the Robe and or the Raiment. Figure a way in and then out. Find Creedy, Find Alicia.

Pai goes in wearing the Robe and carrying the Raiment, or wear the Raiment and pocket the Robe. Kill Creedy, get to Alicia and convince her that Alric sent her to save her. Have her put on the Robe or Raiment, and they lean on its stealth enchantments to get out. If they get spotted they give a signal so the reinforcements can charge in. They retreat back to Frostwolf land, then return to Dawnholme.

Thats the plan. Anything to add?
Cyrus should have been at the top there but w.e. Also I forgot we do have the bloodstone, which could really pump Eligius up though we haven't really tested it out yet. Could still send it with him though since it might just collect dust unless we want to use it on the campaign.
I am in full support of this, but I have an issue with this.
>Pai goes in wearing the Robe and carrying the Raiment,
Wouldn't it be better to let Eligius handle the raiment? I doubt she knows how to blink safely and we know nothing about her possible magic talents. The last thing we need is an accident when she thinks the wrong thoughts and melts into a wall. Also grab a few goblin rockets. Better to have them and not need them than need them but not have them. And we do need at least three Syndicate disguises, but seeing how many Syndicate people we had captured, a disguise shouldn't be difficult to procure. That is assuming their cover even gets blown.

Bloodstones are a bit of a wild card, so let's not introduce any more random variables. This is already risky enough as is.
The idea was that if she goes into the Hideout alone with the robe she can put the raiment on Alicia and they can both walk out with stealth enchantments rather then go in with Eligius and then someone has to be without the stealth, though Pai could probably hide pretty well even without?
Oh yeah I like your thinking anon, grabbing a few goblin rockets seems doable. I wonder if they could even fit in the raiment magic pocket? It would be straight looney toons or Lupin the Third to use that in a heist like this and see some scribe just pull out a goblin rocket that he lights up with simple magic.

I do wonder if he might need the bloodstone if he comes across a strong warlock, or a big crowd so he can pump his Fear spell. Might be handy in an emergency, and idk if we want Alric to test it first lol.
Would that work? Since the people supposed to guard her would "know" that she's there? I don't know the exact mechanics of the robe, but at least within the immediate location of Alicia's place of holding, the guards will have to be incapacitated or killed because they will maintain constant awareness of her presence there. She could sneak around the place after that, I suppose. I guess it's best to swap clothes later, when the two arrive and scout the place out. And yeah, worst case scenario we could just blast our way out and make the Syndicate think that a much larger force is assaulting their hideout. Morale shock is an important factor. And depending on how large those pockets are we could give Eligius a few fire and discard crossbows too. Perhaps have Wilkish make a few smoke grenades? I doubt those require reinventing, although that's on the QM.
I think as long as the person wearing the robe doesn't announce themselves, let down the hood, or let someone watch them put on the robe they will be very very hard to even notice? For sure its stronger then the raiments in the stealth aspect. I'd be fine sending in Pai with the Robe and Eligius with the raiment, Creedy might be hard to kill after all, then Pai lets Alicia use the Robe while they make their escape so shes less of a target.
If we are to do this, then lets be reasonable in our plans and try to stack the favor to our odds.

Eligius, Raiments can be bit too flashy as they mimic our better looking clothing. Opposite of stealthy or disguise. Bloodstone should be taken, Eligius should know how to use it and it could help him when in trouble. Gnoll necklace too for extra help. Blessed vial for stamina boost. Pai, Robe of Obfuscation doesnt need explanation. Makes her near invisible what else assassin wants? Cyrus to be the tank and as emergency panic button in melee. Bill Rover as the archer/tracker/ranger.

Can we take anyone else without having too big of a party and becoming suspicious? Six is the maximum size for me, after that we wont be unnoticeable smugglers. Maybe Sahvan, but he and Pai wont get along. Maybe the Hillsbrad forest bandits, but then the party would be too big. Rover Brothers could replace their father, but we need them in the campaign. After that others are too recognisable. Maybe ask the named Stonemasons or are they too outsiders and unreliable? Otto Wanz, actual Syndicate warlock to find a purpose?

I wont go too much into planning what will happen in Alterac, but we could take the Dream Dust Eligius has stashed somewhere and pretend to be Syndicate smugglers who have been in hiding and now took the opportunity to slip into Strahnbrad with whatever they could carry. It could act as emergency fund if needed. When in Strahnbrad Pai will guide us forward. How to get there though. Pai will deliver the message to the orcs and then returns to chill at one of the hunting cabins. In maybe two weeks or when she returns, maybe one week after we leave to Durnholde to allow "smugglers" to use lapse in security, the team gathers and then they are off. The backstory why Eligius is away can be whatever, he is our scribe so official Alterac business somewhere far away. Cyrus is the bodyguard for the trip and Bill went to hunt. Rockets could works, but they might be bit too big and then we might need horse cart or something, but then getting into Strahnbrad past the ogres and our defences can be a problem. Syndicate disguises for everyone.

Beyond this no worth to plan as we dont know how things will go.
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No real update today either, my apologies, work has been a bit ornery. Reading through the replies I think I have an idea what do you lot exactly want and I have done some backstage stuff for this decision, but as no update today, I am just going to ask another clarification. This is to make sure that all anons have a chance to throw in their votes and opinions. And please, keep any potential additions short and tidy. Makes my job a bit easier as there's surprisingly a lot of moving parts in this.

Team Pai:
Sir Cyrus
Bill Rover

Robe of Obfuscation
Raiments of Dawn
Dream Dust
Blessed Vial of Water
Gnoll Necklace

Does this look good?:

Is it missing any characters or equipment?
>Write in
Crazy and hectic but yes. Let's see how Pai's wild ride goes

Could Eligius benefit from the Gnoll's translated grimoire? I assume no.
Cyrus should get an extra pair of pants, for when he pops into dragonspawn and splits his trunks.
>>Write in
Otto Wanz. I want the warlock to join them. He is a former Syndicate, he knows how they work. He has said that he needs a purpose and someone had the idea of redeeming the prisoners we have a long time ago. This could be the path forward. He is a warlock, but with Eligius there watching him I dont think he will try anything. If he dies then its not a big loss, but he could be important as extra caster. What Bill Rover thinks could be an issue.

This would be a strong party. Tank, rogue, archer and two casters.
Crazy thought anons... how about we send Raleigh... so we have a healer. Surely he'd help save our sister...?

>otherwise yes + that Otto want guy anon wants.
The only thing I am concerned about is the Bloodstone, their power is volatile, is it not?

I'm kind of on the fence about Otto, he might actually stab them in the back for a position among the Syndicate, imagine the boons he would gain by betraying them and delivering them into Creedy's hands? I thought about him and I believe it would be introducing another risk factor, are you certain this is wise?

Raleigh is too inflexible, when he learns that we have warlocks or suspicious individuals that use strange magics working for us, he will snitch or just get in our way.
What of instead Bill, we place one of the named mercs that arrived with the Stonemasons ? (Unless they are all away already) Bill is not just retired for his service, but also because he is old. While he would help a lot with moving and scouting, he might slow them.
We are already going with a dangerous plan. Wanz might not be the wisest decision, but he can be worth the risk. I dont think he will betray us. If he wanted, he probably could have tried to escape already from the camp.

I am thinking of the bloodstone as trump card. Use it only in situations where it is truly needed.

They might be a package deal. Not having Bill, we wouldnt have our tracker/scout.
I believe the Raiment has stealth enchantments, though not as strong as the Robe, so Alric can walk around in it on his way to magic training without people pointing fancy pants out.

Aint no fucking way lol. Raleigh may stay in town but hes a spy for the silver hand too. Aint no way we show him we employ warlocks. Or asking Thrall for help if that part of my plan is a go.

Hmmm I thought trying to use a small 3 man and well equipped for stealth mission plan would be ideal, then for people who really wanted reinforcements we could use the Thrall favor for his help. Atleast that was the idea Alric saves Tari, now Thrall can save Alicia. Pai and Eligius get their bonding arc. Atleast that was the plan.

If people want to bring Rover and Otto thats a pretty versatile and powerful team if they agree to go. Though it means letting Rover know about our using warlocks. Then Rover and Otto will know about Thrall if we try to get his support. Though perhaps people are ok with that, and would rather have a full team instead of asking Thrall for help? I almost feel kinda bad like I'm making it a complicated series of issues lol.
I definitely don't want to use Thrall.

I'd want

Rover, cyril the dragon(onyxias knight), pai, eligius and Otto dude.

We can have pai deliver the message and come back whil3 everyone else prepares for the rescue. That'll give her some time to hike in the mountains and get fit. While we set everything else up.

We should definitely start some rumors of pai being sent to go kill our brother and sister. (Hopefully make creedy and friends think there's nice family infighting)

Did we ever send that letter to our cousin in gilneas? We should also reinvite our despora or Alteracis in stormwind.
I dont think that rumors gonna work as well as you intend. Pai was Creedy's agent, if its rumored that Pai turned coat its his ass that would be exposed first so he will be on alert. Theres no way he hears that and thinks he can relax.

I think showing Bill Rover that we employ warlocks isnt great considering his motivation is hoping that Alric will bring back the old glory of Alterac, but maybe he will get over it. Though he might not agree to go being retired so w.e

That plus I figure a smaller group of three with two of the members having equipment enchanted for stealth would be good since this should primarily be a stealth mission. Then having to go through the ogre held territory just themselves would have been easier too, though Thrall's help would have been an option.
There was an opportunity you couldn’t miss. It was risky, risky as hell, but maybe you can pull it off. Well not you as you would be campaigning elsewhere, but Pai and Eligius.

“I am going to send the two of you away on this magical goose chase.” You said to Eligius and continued. “I cannot allow this opportunity to go away.”

“I am not going with her!” Eligius immediately said back to you.

“You will because I order you to.” You replied to Eligius rather sternly and turned to look at Pai. “Please take care of my scribe.”

“Alric! Don’t!” Eligius protested rather loudly.

“I am not sure how long it will take you to find the Frostwolves, more accurately how long it will take for them to find you, but either in two weeks or when you return, you will leave for this mission.” You said to Pai and continued. “Your number one goal is to rescue and bring Alicia here, killing Creedy comes secondary. Because as long as Alicia is out of the picture…”

“Creedy doesn’t have his hostage.” Pai said and smirked.

“I am not aboard this plan!” Eligius continued to lament.

“We will talk more shortly.” You said to Pai. “I would like to have some privacy with my scribe.”

“Of course my Prince.” Pai replied and gave you the most telegraphed bow imaginable.

You watched as she walked away and exited your study. Sir Gravis or one of the knights escort her away from there.

“Alric, you can’t be serious about this? You trust that woman?” Eligius asked you immediately after the door clicked shut.

“Not fully, but I don’t think she is lying either.” You said and pinched the bridge of your nose. “This is too quick, but before everyone learns about Pai leaving the cell and the word spreads to the Syndicate, we have an opportunity we cannot miss.”

“But me? Why me? She threatened me with a dagger.” Eligius protested again.

“You aren’t going there alone, I will order Sir Cyrus to come with you and to protect you. I will also ask Bill Rover to come along as a final mission from me to him.” You said and continued. “And you will take Otto Wanz out of the prison camp and have him with you as well.”

“Him?” Eligius asked.

“You know what he has been saying. That they need a purpose, some sort of a reason to do things. Well here is one for him. Sure he is a warlock, but I think you can keep him in line.” You said to Eligius.

“I am not worried about that, but about the others.” Eligius replied to you. “What if I need to… you know… reveal that I am a warlock.”

“Look, I want you to go there with Pai not just because teasing you is funny.” You said to him and continued. “But because I trust you to keep her concentrated on the work at hand. Because I know that you will do your best and don’t let me down. I trust your judgement not just because you are my spymaster or are a warlock or because you help me with magic studies, but because you are my friend and I know how capable you really are.”

“We still know so little…” Eligius said back to you.


“That is why as much as Pai is the one doing the dirty work, you are the one calling the shots. That is why I will have the party to be more than just the two of you.” You said. “But you are right and I would love to have more time to gather information and have everything prepared, things just are what they are. I will send a message to Beve, but you shouldn’t wait for the reply to come back before you need to leave.”

Standing up from behind your table, you walked to the still standing Eligius and placed your hand on his shoulder.

“If it comes to you revealing to others that you are a warlock, then so be it. It was me who allowed you to get this close to me and who judges you to be trustworthy enough to be my spymaster. If they have any protests, let them protest to me.” You said back to him. “You might need to explain why Wanz was chosen for the task at hand, but I think you can handle it. Same thing with Bill Rover, he might need some persuasion when Wanz is introduced or if you need to use your skills.”

“That is exactly what I am worrying about…” Eligius said and shrugged. “I guess you have made up your mind.”

“If not for the campaign, I would be the one going out there and I wouldn’t wait a week or two.” You said to him. “We have couple more days to plan the details out, so we can talk more then. Now though, let’s get the stuff packed and let me escort Pai away from here.”

You had finished backing your saddlebags for a night of riding and thrown a large brown cloak around your shoulders as you walked down the stairs. There you saw someone whom you hadn’t expected to see ready and looking like they were ready for some action.

“I’m coming with you.” Malevus said to you. She was wearing her simple tunic and trousers, but just like you she had a brown cloak over her shoulders. You could see her sword by her side. “Someone needs to make sure she doesn’t try anything.”

“Has Raleigh given you permission to go out for a ride?” You asked her as you walked to her.

“No…” Malevus answered.

“But are you still going to come with me?” You asked her again.

“Yes.” Her answer was more energetic and sure about herself.

“Well… I don’t think I can say no to that my dear squire.” You said to her and brushed her hair off her face with your hand. “Let’s go then, we have a ride ahead of us.”

It had taken some time for Pai to be ready, but in the end Sir Gravis and others had managed to find everything she might need with her. Proper boots, thick cloak to protect from the weather, backpack filled with food rations. She had everything and more that she might need.


Pai hadn’t said anything to Malevus when the two of you had joined her at the stables and gotten on your horses. Sir Gravis had spoken with you and confirmed that everything had been prepared and asked if you were ready as well. When he had gotten a confirmation that everything was alright, he seemed somewhat relieved to send you off with Pai. Malevus being there might have helped with his concerns as well as sending Pai off to some secret mission wasn’t something Sir Gravis liked about. After all, just several hours ago she was still your prisoner.

Evening had arrived when you rode out of Dawnholme, avoiding the town itself and the scattered farms surrounding the lands. Three riders galloping away at speed might have caught some unwanted attention and caused questions to rise up.

As you rode ahead, Pai didn’t even try to talk with you or Malevus. It felt like she hadn’t expected Malevus to join the two of you. And when you stopped for quick breaks, not that many words were exchanged either. Only when you had ridden past one of the hunting cabins deep in the woods near the mountains did you talk with her more. That would be her hideout when she returns from the mountains, that is where Eligius and the team would find her. You told her about the plan, about the team that would join her and Eligius. At first she seemed somewhat surprised that there would be a team, but after you had explained who the members would be, Pai seemed to agree with the idea. Going through the plan and telling her that Eligius would get everything ready and prepared while she was away, she was as ready as she could be.

You just hoped that she would actually find the Frostwolves in time and not get lost or eaten by mountain lions or something.

It was well past midnight when you reached the large rock that had gotten rather familiar to you in the recent weeks. There were no hidden messages from Thrall stashed there as you walked around the rock and checked any possible nook between it and the tall pine. You had asked him to give you a warning if he was going to make his move against the Internment Camps and at least now there were no messages for you.

“So here we are going to say goodbye my Prince.” Pai said to you as she passed the reins of her horse to Malevus. You had explained that the mountains were not a place for a horse, too rocky and too uneven. She would have to continue on foot for the rest of the journey.

“Next time we see each other, you have accomplished your missions.” You said to Pai and continued. “Remember to follow your orders, you might not think that much about Eligius, but I trust that man. So follow his orders and listen to what he has to say.”


You reached to your saddlebags and took out a short sword and its scabbard. Presenting it to Pai, she looked at the sword and then took it. It was better if she was actually armed. Then you gave her the message Astu had written for the Frostwolves.

“Of course.” Pai replied a bit arrogantly before switching to her alluring tone. “See you then my Prince.”

Pai took a step closer to you and before you could react, she had planted a deep kiss on your lips.

“Got you~” Pai said jokingly as she pulled back and started to walk away.

She really didn’t need to do that and you sighed somewhat disappointingly as you watched her walk away with her large cloak and backpack on her back. Pai pulled her hood over her head and in just a few moments had disappeared into the bushes. Then you heard a noise that sounded like a disappointed Malevus and you turned to look at her.

She was pouting. Then she walked to you, took hold of your shoulders before wiping your lips with a sleeve of her tunic. And then it was her turn to kiss you.

“There, much better.” Malevus said to you. “Let’s go home Alric.”

She was still a bit pouting.

“Sorry, I didn’t have time to react…” You carefully said back to her.

“Do I need to kiss you again?” Malevus asked you.

“Well… I wouldn’t mind…” You playfully replied to her and smirked. “Maybe a kiss or two, or ten.”

Blush crept up her cheeks.

“Let’s just go home and while we do that, please tell me what in the Light’s name is going on? I heard little from Sir Gravis, but why are you letting that woman go?” Malevus asked you.

>Tell her everything, you promised to be truthful with her. Alicia Perenolde, the message to Frostwolves, the plan to rescue her and kill Creedy.
>Let her know about Alicia Perenolde and your plan to free her. But leave the message to the orcs out of it.
>For the sake of secrecy, you aren’t going to tell her anything. It would ruin the idea of having this be top secret.
>Other, write in.

>Just ride home so that it isn’t early morning when you get there. There isn’t much to do in the woods in the middle of the night after all
>The moons are out as are the stars. Maybe stop by some serene clearing and look at the stars with Malevus, that sounds romantic. Sleep under the stars and return back home early in the morning.
>Return to one of the hunting cabins and spend the night there with her. That sounds like a cozy solution.
>Other, write in.

QM: Well this is a long one. A small relationship vote of some importance here before going back into proper business.
>Tell her everything, you promised to be truthful with her. Alicia Perenolde, the message to Frostwolves, the plan to rescue her and kill Creedy.

>Return to one of the hunting cabins and spend the night there with her. That sounds like a cozy solution.
>>Tell her everything, you promised to be truthful with her. Alicia Perenolde, the message to Frostwolves, the plan to rescue her and kill Creedy.
>The moons are out as are the stars. Maybe stop by some serene clearing and look at the stars with Malevus, that sounds romantic. Sleep under the stars and return back home early in the morning.
>>Tell her everything, you promised to be truthful with her. Alicia Perenolde, the message to Frostwolves, the plan to rescue her and kill Creedy.
>The moons are out as are the stars. Maybe stop by some serene clearing and look at the stars with Malevus, that sounds romantic. Sleep under the stars and return back home early in the morning.
>>Tell her everything, you promised to be truthful with her. Alicia Perenolde, the message to Frostwolves, the plan to rescue her and kill Creedy.

>>The moons are out as are the stars. Maybe stop by some serene clearing and look at the stars with Malevus, that sounds romantic. Sleep under the stars and return back home early in the morning.
good idea
“I can tell you while we ride back home.” You said to Malevus and helped her to mount her horse and to tie the reins of the horse Pai used on her saddle. “It is a long story.”

“Thanks Alric.” Malevus replied to you.

You rode slowly through the woods to avoid branches from snatching you and to be able to talk with Malevus. Thinking that it was better to just outright tell everything, you started from the beginning. Thankfully you didn’t need to tell Malevus your connection to Thrall, but everything else related to Astu and what you had learned from Pai was new information to her.

And so you spoke. You told her what Astu had said to you, how Wiklish had translated for you, that he was carrying a message between Grom and Thrall, and how you had decided to not read the message and have it delivered in any case.

“But why Pai, why her? Couldn’t you just leave the message by the rock like you had planned with Thrall?” Malevus asked you.

“Well… there has been a development…” You said to her and started explaining how things had developed.

You told Malevus how Pai had eavesdropped on you and Eligius and how she had lockpicked her way out of the cell. And then you told her everything else that Pai had told you, what you had planned and so on. It took you a moment to tell Malevus everything, but in the end she was speechless. Stopping her horse, you stopped as well and looked at her.

“You have a little sister and you send that assassin to go save her and kill Lord Creedy.” Malevus said to you. “While having her deliver a message to Thrall in the first place.”

Malevus looked at you and shook her head a bit.

“I am not sure if that is the most insane or most opportunistic plan I have heard of.” Malevus said to you and was thoroughly baffled.

“Or both.” You replied.

“Or both… Alric… I don’t know what to say.” Malevus said back to you.

“It is my little sister.” You said to her.

“I understand, but… that plan is just… even with Eligius and the others…” Malevus wasn’t convinced at all.

“I trust them to succeed. If I could go there, I would do it myself. But as we have the campaign…” You said to her and shook your head. “I have to take the risk.”

Malevus looked at you and then smiled.

“I don’t envy your position, because nowadays I would do the same.” Malevus replied. “Thank you for telling me everything.”

“I hope they succeed.” You said to her.

“So do I. I want to meet your little sister and become her friend.” Malevus said to you.

“Cool aunt Malevus.” You said and chuckled.

“That makes me sound old…” She lamented.

“You are older than Normand and Maura.” You reminded her. “Still young for an elf, basically a teenager.”

Malevus chuckled.

“Let’s just go home, it is already quite late.” She said to you.

“Ehh… I have a better idea.”



You had found a small clearing in the woods closer to Dawnholme, yet still away enough for no one to stumble on you during the night. You could see the starry clear sky above you, the two moons that orbited Azeroth illuminated the lands. Having tied the horses on some trees, you spread a simple thick blanket on the mossy grass and invited Malevus to join you.

At first she hesitated a bit, but when you told her about your idea, she joined you.

Laying there on the blanket, backpacks as your pillows, you threw your cloak over the two of you as Malevus shimmied closer to you. Side by side, your hand found hers. Staring at the stars, you didn’t need to say much to her. Words weren’t needed, the serenity of the moment was enough to describe everything to you and her.

You weren’t sure how long the two of you stayed like that, but then Malevus moved slightly more closer, giving you a kiss and resting her head next to yours. Pulling the cloak tighter around the two of you, you closed your eyes.

Listening to her breathing, you decided to say something.

“Good night my dear…” You whispered to her.

“...squire…” Malevus continued.

No, just my dear this time. You weren’t ready to replace squire with a word with four letters. Not yet.

You slept under the stars for several hours and woke up with the sun already up. The ride back to Dawnholme had been quite easy and after eating a simple lunch, it was time to go recruiting the other members of the party. That task you left to you and Eligius.

Recruiting Sir Cyrus for the mission was a simple job. He had been told to follow your orders by Lady Katrana and Lady Nalice so when you told him what was expected of him, he agreed. He had thought that his job would be to protect you and keep his eyes open for whatever threats in Dawnholme itself, but an opportunity to go save your little sister was too important to discard. A chance to make a name to himself and gain renown no other will have.

You left Otto Wanz for Eligius to handle while you left to talk with Bill Rover. It was better if you did that after all Bill had served you since the start of all of this. And while he had retired from active duty in favour of his sons taking his spot within your forces, the old ranger still spends time hunting and training the archers. Which to be honest is just him appearing at the archery range, taking one of the many common bows available and then absolutely dominating everyone else.

But now instead of the archery range, you were sitting in his home outskirts of Dawnholme sipping a cup of hot tea.

Rover scratched his beard and stared at you with his small eyes, he wasn’t of many words so he seemed to wait for you to speak first. The small scruffy looking man seemed so unassuming otherwise.


“My Prince, why did you come to see me?” Bill asked you as he sat down opposite of you.

“I have a job for you.” You said to him and pushed your glasses up a bit. He didn’t like the look of your eyes.

“Ask my sons, I am retired.” Bill answered.

“I need them during the campaign and this is for something else entirely.” You said to him.

“Not interested.” Bill said to you quickly.

“Do you want to go to Alterac?” You asked and leaned back a bit. Your nonchalant tone seemed to surprise him a bit. “Those who care about the Edict can’t complain if they don’t know about the mission and if you succeed, they still can’t complain.”

Bill gave you a curious look as you continued to sip the tea.

“I want you to join a team whose mission is to rescue my little sister.” You said to him.

Bill nearly dropped his cup of tea, but he caught it and lowered it down on the table.

“My Prince, please explain yourself.” He asked you.

And so you explained yourself. You told Bill what the plan was and what sort of a team you were building. Telling him about Pai was something he didn’t like to hear and he does find Eligius sketchy, he has always found him sketchy ever since you rescued him from the bandits in Strahnbrad Hills. But he knew that Eligius was loyal to you and with Sir Cyrus coming with him, if Pai tried anything, there would be strength in numbers.

You told him why you wanted him. He was the best archer and tracker you knew. Getting into and out of Alterac was going to be his job as was to ensure that no one could ambush them while in the woods. His expertise as a ranger and a forester would be priceless in a mission like this.

In the end he relented and gave you a small agreeing nod.

“My Prince, you will return us back to Alterac one day?” He asked you.

“Yes, that is my goal… for us to return back home one day. I don’t know how long it will take, but as long as the Syndicate and my brother stand between me and Alterac, the task won’t be an easy one. But if we have an opportunity to rescue Alicia and deal with Lord Creedy, that should throw their plans sideways.” You told Bill.

“I will do it.” Bill replied.

“Thank you, I will leave for the campaign soon so Eligius will be handling the rest of the details. I will have him come talk with you in the coming days.” You said to him and stood up. “Thank you for the tea and thank you for doing this for me.”

You didn’t think of Bill Rover as your servant, but more as a family friend. As someone who has done more than enough for you and Alterac. Him accepting to join the team would help Pai and Eligius a lot. Now just to hope that he doesn’t get angry or something else when he realised what Otto Wanz is and if Eligius needs to reveal his own skills.

Well, better to ask for forgiveness, especially if they come back with Alicia. Now though you had done your own part, rest was in the hands of Eligius.


“Alric, your officers are here.” Normand said to you.

The next day you had asked your officers to join you for the meeting. It was time to decide what troops you would send to Strahnbrad Hills instead of having them join the Durnholde campaign.

“Thank you Normand, I will be downstairs shortly.” You replied to him.

Normand left the study, leaving you alone with Eligius. He had spoken with Otto Wanz and while not much had happened in the prison camp, the prisoners were content at working in Dawnholme. Many of them had been carpenters and other manual labourers in their previous lives so it was a familiar work, even if it was quite hard and heavy labour.

Wanz had been reserved about the idea, but the talk of allowing him to use his warlock powers under the supervision of Eligius if they were needed, and being able to show his own expertise as a former Syndicate member were enough to make him agree. And it didn’t hurt to be able to stretch his legs after a long time living in the prison camp.

“Prince Alric, will you tell them about Pai and the mission?” Eligius asked you.

“We should probably feed them some sort of a story, if not the full truth.” You said back to him. Sir Gravis, his knights and some of the Royal Foot Guards had learned about Pai being sent away to some mission. Maybe you should tell them exactly that and just wait till everything has resolved?

>Tell them the truth. While you are out there campaigning, Eligius will lead a team into Strahnbrad to rescue Alicia Perenolde from the Syndicate. You can trust your officers to not spread the news.
>Have them know that there is going to be a secret mission while you are campaigning, but you can’t talk about it due to security reasons. Less people know about it the better.
>Do not tell them anything. This is a secret mission handled by your young intelligence apparatus. Just that everything that has happened has a reason.
>Other, write in.

QM: Whoops another long one.
>Have them know that there is going to be a secret mission while you are campaigning, but you can’t talk about it due to security reasons. Less people know about it the better.
We can trust our officers, they believe in us. The only interrogative is Raleigh....
>Have them know that there is going to be a secret mission while you are campaigning, but you can’t talk about it due to security reasons. Less people know about it the better.
We could just tell them too. Kinda divided on this
“A secret mission, not the details.” You replied to Eligius. “I trust them, but the less people know about it the better.”

Eligius gave you a short bow.

“Alright, let’s go.” You said and stood up. “Final touches.”

You walked out of the study and then downstairs. Most of your officers were around the table waiting for you. Captain Garside, Lieutenant Cromwell, Lieutenant Beckston, Sir Gravis, Sir Radan and Eligius. Malevus was there as well, but this time she chose to sit by the wall and not by the table.

Taking your seat at the head of the table, you removed your glasses and glanced at your officers.

“Normand, are the preparations ready?” You asked him first.

“They are, the promotion ceremony will be held after this meeting.” Normand answered.

“Good… now thought first and foremost I presume all of you have heard about Pai the Assassin being freed with me and Malevus escorting her away from Dawnholme last night.” You said to them and continued after getting their attention. “I cannot speak about the exact details, but this has been in works for several months.”

You had gotten good at conjuring lies together.

“While we are away campaigning in Durnholde, this mission that we have been planning will be launched. For security reasons I can’t talk about it, but if the mission is successful, you will notice it.” You said to them. “I hope you understand.”

Sir Gravis who had helped you with Pai gave you a curious look, but chose to not say anything.

“Now though to the issue at hand. In under one week we are going to leave for Durnholde and we need to decide how many men we will send to garrison Strahnbrad Hills.” You told your officers and continued. “Thankfully nothing has seemed to have happened in Strahnbrad Hills or elsewhere. Regional Defenders and Garithos have already left for Durnholde, but outside of that things have been quiet. So now to do the final touches, what troops do we take with us to Durnholde.”


You shuffled some scrolls in front of you and took the one with the current organisation of the Army of Alterac as it is called nowadays.

“We have an agreement with Mayor Fowley, Chief Ragis and Lady Jandice Barov for sharing some responsibilities in patrolling the lands on the right bank of Darrowmere River. Stonedon is going to join us in Strahnbrad Hills and Tarren Mill is going to patrol with the Barovs.” You told them and continued. “This will take some weight off from our shoulders, but we still have plenty of land to patrol through.”

“Prince Alric, we have had nearly hundred men in the Hills. If we have the warriors from Stonedon and if Tarren Mill can handle their portion of the lands, maybe fifty would be enough.” Lieutenant Cromwell said to you.

“It should be a balanced force.” Lieutenant Beckston continued. “Who knows whom they might face.”

“If they face anyone.” Sir Gravis said and lazily leaned on his gauntleted hand. “I mean the trolls are in the mountains, they took the booze. The Syndicate there has been hamstrung and they have been fighting the gnolls. We are going to go and fight the gnolls too. Who could threaten the Hills?”

“What are you saying?” Beckston asked him.

“That we might not need any men or a very few there. Why not bank everything on the campaign itself?” Sir Gravis suggested.

It wasn’t a bad suggestion, Sir Gravis was right in that most of your enemies had been beaten or on purpose stayed away. You could pull all of your troops away for two or three weeks that the campaign will take.

“Sir Gravis, there should be a token force sent there.” Cromwell said back to him.

“Do we need them? When the Dark Irons arrive, I wouldn’t be surprised if they had their own guards. Then we would have dozens of goblins and Dark Irons in Strahnbrad Hills.” Sir Gravis continued. “Prince Alric, it’s your call, what do you think?”

Cromwell expected a garrison of fifty men, would less be enough? Would none be the right amount?

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Total: 55 Footmen, 40 Pikemen, 50 Archers, 20 Crossbowmen, 5 Knights, 45 Bandit Rogues,
-10/10 Elite Royal Foot Guards
-20/20 Veteran Footmen
-10/10 Elite Archers
-30/30 Regular Archers
-20/20 Kul Tiran Swashbucklers, Regular Pikemen
-5/5 Knights of Gravis, Regular Knights
-15/15 Benedict's Blood Alley Boys, Veteran Footmen
-20/20 Regular Pikemen
-10/10 Veteran Archers
-15/15 Sir Alan Radan's Men, Regular Bandit Rogues
-20/20 Lyion's Rogues, Regular Bandit Rogues
-20/20 Veteran Crossbowmen
-10/10 Regular Footmen
-10/10 Regular Bandit Rogues

Vassals and Allies:
Total: 50 Footmen, 30 Archers
-20/20 Green Footmen, Stonedon, vassal
-20/20 Green Footmen, Tarren Mill, ally
-20/20 Green Archers, Tarren Mill, ally
-10/10 Regular Footmen, Barov Estate, friend
-10/10 Regular Archers, Barov Estate, friend

Choose the troops to send to garrison Strahnbrad Hills:
>Choose as many as you want

QM: Been a while since I have managed to fuck up posting an update. I had prepared half of this and decided to finish it with just two votes available. Trying to catch up after a couple of missed days. What units do you want to send? Vassals and Allies are just listed for convenience.
10 regular + 5 vet footmen
15 regular archers
20 Lyion's bandit rogues

50 all up, balanced forces and in mixed groups
i accept this
Yeah, this looks fine. Some veterans to keep the less disciplined units in line and archers to screen the flanks.
-5/5 Veteran Footmen
-10/10 Regular Footmen
-15/15 Regular Archers
-20/20 Lyion's Rogues, Regular Bandit Rogues

“I will follow your suggestion Lieutenant Cromwell.” You said to him and continued. “We can’t fully expect our enemies to not do anything. They will be watching and we need to show them that we are still there.”

“Wise decision Prince Alric.” Cromwell replied to you.

“Have everyone else ready, we will leave in five days.” You said to him.

“Yes Prince Alric.” He replied.

“Now, let’s go and make the promotions official.” You said and happily clapped your hands together.

You had been postponing the ceremony for far too long.

The soldiers were all dressed up and armoured, wearing their cloaks proudly. Flags of Alterac flew in the wind and the colour of orange overwhelmed all other colours around them. They stood at attention, waiting for you and the ones honoured today.

You had switched to your better clothes, the normal brown leather jacket wouldn’t fit the occasion. Walking past the rows of your soldiers, you inspected them one by one, making sure that everything was spotless and within the manuals. Soon many of these men would be knee deep in gnoll guts and mud. And not all of them would return back to Dawnholme. So for them and their families ceremonies like this create memories.

At first you knighted Empleton, Joe and Thomas. Wearing their plate mails, you could see them be slightly nervous as you called them forth and drew the Cinder Sword. The heat from the blade made beads of sweat gather on their brows as you carefully tapped their pauldrons with it. Then you moved to their leader, promoting Sir Gravis into Lieutenant Gravis. Leader of your bodyguards should be an officer. Next you promoted Sir Radan into Lieutenant Radan as well. He had served you loyally as the leader of your skirmishers and showed everyone how a former bandit can rise up the ranks and find honour in your service.

Then you called Lieutenant Cromwell to step ahead and you promoted him into a Captain. You called your men to raise a cheer to the freshly promoted men and the commoners who had joined to watch the occasion joined in the cheers.

You smiled. The weather was pleasantly warm and the skies were clear. This was your army, those were your people. Step by step Dawnholme would grow and you would be closer to reclaiming Alterac.

Alterac Stands.


Several days had passed and the soldiers chosen for the Strahnbrad Hills garrison duty had left Dawnholme. For you these days were full of work, checking supplies and making sure men were properly armed and armoured during the day. Practising music, languages and magic during the evenings. Eligius had been busy as well with him keeping Sir Cyrus, Wanz and Rover up to date. You had also gone through the equipment you would loan to him and found out a small issue.

Raiments of Dawn don’t fit him…

Well they do fit on him, but they would be way too loose and he would look just silly wearing it and probably trip if he had to run or do anything in a hurry. So in the end he chose against taking the Raiments, it would also work against his normal unassuming image.

You did give him the Bloodstone. You had kept it stashed within a small paper envelope to keep it out of sight and out of mind. You hadn’t yet found time to truly study it, but you were sure that Eligius can find use for it, if he ends up in a situation that requires it.

During these days you had also written a short message to your sister. You didn’t like to peddle secrets like that through Kris Legace so you kept the message short also for her security. Less she knew, less likely others in the Syndicate would target her. After all, she had to move to Stromgarde for her own safety. The message wasn’t a long one, just a single sentence to tip off Beve that you knew about her.

How are they fairing, the noble flowers of ours?

That should be enough to tip her off. It would take most likely weeks for the message to reach her and for her to reply back to you. Too long for Eligius to benefit from the information, but it was still worth asking.

“Let’s try once again.” Eligius said to you.

You had been going through your magic sensing training again and again in the past few days without much new progress, but you felt like you were close to handling it and wrestling it into the ground. Not much time remained until you would march to Durnholde so you wanted to get this part of training done.

“Alright, I am ready.” You replied and took a deep breath. “One more try.”

>3d10, Best of four
>DC 15, Crit 22

QM: One more update before we leave for Durnholde. Have I forgotten anything that we should go through before Durnholde?
Rolled 5, 1, 10 = 16 (3d10)

Everything seems to be in order, although someone had suggested in the past to scout Garithos' army and what's it doing because having ballistae brought out made some people nervous that he might actually be attacking us instead.
Rolled 6, 4, 8 = 18 (3d10)

lets goooo and detect the world soul here
Rolled 2, 5, 5 = 12 (3d10)

Rolled 8, 8, 5 = 21 (3d10)

inb4 trip nat1
so close to that crit....
A roll or segment to see if Malevus learned anything from her expensive and fancy new book of the Light?
>21, Success!

It had taken you way too long, but finally after try after try, you had started to handle the dastardly shiny magic rock under a cup test Lady Nalice had made you try time after time. Trying to feel the rock was very difficult, but it did prepare you for the actual sensing of magic or arcane.

So when Eligius with his rudimentary knowledge and control over arcane weaved it in the air, in layman’s terms you could see it, you could feel it. Pushing your senses you could feel the magic beyond the rocks or the arcane in the air that dissipated quickly, you could see and feel the wards that helped to conceal and hide the training you did in the cellar from the outside world. The wards again in layman’s terms felt like they were glowing brightly when you were inside the cellar, but when you had tried to sense them from outside and you had sensed absolutely nothing. The wards that concealed the cellar seemed to work.

While you had progressed, you were still a beginner. The ability to sense magic and arcane walked hand in hand with overall control you had over arcane, and currently so many things were just things you had only read about. But you could only be happy, progress had been made and finally you could move forward in your studies.

“Eligius, you have read the curriculum, what will I study next? I mean you are most likely away when I return and I can’t rest on my laurels.” You asked him.

Eligius gave you a disappointed look and sighed.

“More of the same.” He said to you and continued. “You are just a beginner Prince Alric, before you can move forward, you need to truly be in control of the arcane.”

You could feel yourself deflate a little. Oh great, more fancy magic rocks under cups for you.

The remaining time before it was time for you to march to Durnholde happened without any significant events and so the last day was mostly spent just waiting. For you this meant going through your armour one more time and for Malevus, well she had her new expensive books to read. You had tried to have a look, but the concepts and what was overall written in them made little sense to you. You had never been that religious, so you thought to leave the matters of Holy Light to others more well-versed in the subject.

One thing worth mentioning was brought to your attention. Madam Judy Martin returned from Tarren Mill with some good news and bad news. The good news was that Mayor Fowley was feeling better, but the bad news was that he had some sort of a stomach and digestive system problem. The expensive physicians and doctors Fowley had hired were on the right track with the changes to the diet and required rest, but they hadn’t gone far enough.


Madam Martin had observed the Mayor for a couple of days until his stomach problems had resurfaced again. How he reacted and what the symptoms were did help her to come to a conclusion. Mayor Fowley had some sort of an inflammation in his bowels that reacted to some foods and stress. Apparently Madam Martin had once seen the bowels of a man that were in a very dire condition and from that she knew how to help the poor Mayor.

Though you didn’t dare to ask how she had seen the bowels, her description of the treatments Mayor Fowley should go through did make sense. Fowley would have to drop any and all foods and drinks that might be hard to digest. Everything spicy or acidic, alcohol and wine. The foods should be as easy to digest as possible, this means soups or as liquid food as possible. Madam Martin also forbade him from working too much and she had brewed several potions that might help him in easing the inflammation.

And while Fowley had lamented the strictness of these new instructions, after one of the potions had eased his stomach issues, he relented and chose to listen to Madam Martin. When Madam Martin had left to return to Dawnholme, Fowley was in progress of giving the instructions to his servants and cooks. It was a good sign, he was serious about following her instructions.

The Army of Alterac had marched towards Durnholde through most of the day. Banners, flags and cloaks in the orange of Alterac signalled to everyone that Alterac was on the move and by the size of the marching column and the baggage train, their intent was a serious one.

Earlier that morning you had said goodbye to Tari, Normand and Maura. You had greeted the Stonemason mercenaries that would stay in Dawnholme guarding and protecting the town. You had gone through the mission Eligius would leave with Pai and the team once more. You had done everything you could to prepare for the campaign and to leave things in Dawnholme as good as possible.

With the evening slowly starting to arrive, you had ordered your army to make camp by the road to Durnholde. Darrowmere River and the bridge over it was just a couple minutes walk away and the bridge would be crossed early in the morning, you would then reach Durnholde Keep somewhere around midday.

“Prince Alric.” Lieutenant Gravis greeted you. With the promotion now an official one, the knight with his black plate mail and long black hair, he seemed to carry himself a bit more upright.

“What is it Lieutenant Gravis?” You asked him.

“Lady Malevus asked me to tell you that your tent is ready.” Gravis told you. “She said that she would prepare dinner for you.”

“Thank you.” You said and gave him a nod.


Several rows of tents had been erected in a small clearing and the soldiers were busy preparing dinner over the campfires. Tomorrow they would do the same, but just in the shadow of Durnholde Keep's walls next to the other armies called up for this campaign. This would be the last night before the social duties would start and you wouldn’t be just surrounded by your people.

You sighed, maybe you should eat some dinner?

>Spend the evening in your tent with Malevus. You don’t have that much interest in socialising with others right now, you would be doing enough of it in the future.
>Go talk with your officers. Going through your troops and what to expect one more time could prove useful.
>Walk and mingle with your soldiers. It would be good for them to see you up and running before the campaign starts.
>Other, write in.
>Walk and mingle with your soldiers. It would be good for them to see you up and running before the campaign starts.
>>Walk and mingle with your soldiers. It would be good for them to see you up and running before the campaign starts.
On the one hand these are the men who will be fighting and bleeding for Alterac and its allies. It'd be good for morale to see Alric out and about with the boys. Give them some war stories about the last gnoll campaign, or maybe about how Alric won the tournament in SW. On the other hand, dinner prep with Malevus.
>>Walk and mingle with your soldiers. It would be good for them to see you up and running before the campaign starts.
>Walk and mingle with your soldiers. It would be good for them to see you up and running before the campaign starts.
"Can you tell her, I will eat with the men." You said to Gravis.

"I will Prince Alric. Planning on talking with them?" Lieutenant Gravis asked you.

"Yeah, it will be good for the morals to see me up and running." You said back to him.

"You do have your cane." Gravis pointed out.

"It's mostly for the show." You replied to him. "Don't worry about it."

Your legs felt fine. You had regained your strength and agility, you were as nimble as before. Just that… you didn't have the same endurance as you got winded faster than before the incident. It did concern you a little. You had continued to burn the Fel away and you hadn't seen any Fel induced nightmares lately. Things seemed fine, but you weren't fully back, not yet at least.

But the cane, that was for the show. If your enemies think that you are weak, they can underestimate you. It wouldn't be unexpected, as you can just imagine Garithos not being able to restrain himself and saying something stupid.

Walking amongst your soldiers for a couple of hours, you talked with many of them and sat with them discussing a variety of topics. The campaign, Dawnholme, Stonemasons or your health. You ate with some of your veterans and spoke with them of what to expect. Your eyes, well they were hidden behind the glasses. When the rumours had spread of the incident, your soldiers had been the most sceptical and worried. For that reason as well it was good to mingle with them. They better see their Prince energetic, and being just like always.

One of them who knew how resourceful you were had asked you about if you had any tricks up your sleeves? Of course you had, but would they be tricks if you revealed them too early?

That seemed to convince the men. The spirits were high.

After a quick breakfast, the tents had been taken down and the camp was broken. You wanted to reach Durnholde Keep as fast as possible and so the marching column was ready in near record time.

And it didn't take long for you to reach Durnholde.

Crossing the bridge over Darrowmere River, your men marched through the countryside until the towers and spires of Durnholde Keep could be seen. When the walls were visible, you started to notice the large tent town next to the Keep. Everyone else had already arrived.


You were quickly noticed and a rider wearing the tabard of Durnholde came to greet you.

"Prince Perenolde." The clerk on horseback greeted you. "We have been waiting for your arrival."

"Now you don't need to wait any longer." Was your reply to the man. "What is your business?"

"To guide your army to their designated campsite and to tell you, Lord Blackmoore wishes to see you post-haste." The clerk replied.

Hmmm, yes. You could meet with Blackmoore near immediately, but maybe you should do something else instead? Maybe take your time?

>Allow the clerk to guide your army to the spot reserved for them.
>Set up your camp right next to Regional Defenders just to annoy them.
>Leave the soldiers some distance away to the village of Durnholde. Better to keep your distance.
>Other, write in.

>Go talk with Lord Blackmoore immediately just like he wants. Be a good guest.
>You need to talk with Karramyn Langston first. He practically runs the place and maybe he should learn about the plot Garithos has planned.
>First and foremost you need to move Astu from one of your carts to indoors into a proper cell. Have everyone know that you caught the orc.
>Other, write in.
>>Allow the clerk to guide your army to the spot reserved for them.
>Go talk with Lord Blackmoore immediately just like he wants. Be a good guest.
Oh geez i hope hes atleast a litlte sober.
>>Allow the clerk to guide your army to the spot reserved for them.
>Go talk with Lord Blackmoore immediately just like he wants. Be a good guest.
>Allow the clerk to guide your army to the spot reserved for them.
>Go talk with Lord Blackmoore immediately just like he wants. Be a good guest.
We brought him a present.
>>Allow the clerk to guide your army to the spot reserved for them.
>Go talk with Lord Blackmoore immediately just like he wants. Be a good guest
Blackmoore it is. Could I have a roll?

>Best of three, taking the second roll
Rolled 5 (1d10)

Blackmoores alcohol roll.
Rolled 3 (1d10)

Rolled 7 (1d10)

Rolled 2 (1d10)

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"Lead the way." You said to the clerk who bowed to you on horseback.

Marching past the village of Durnholde, the clerk led you and your army to an empty field next to the Keep. The plot reserved for you was near the road, but on the opposite side to the Regional Defenders and others were. In addition the many horses and ox the campaign required were between you and them. Close to the Keep, yet far away from the others.

Leaving your men into the care of the clerk and a small army of other servants, you rode into the Keep through the gateway. The cannons poked out of the battlement, and Durnholder soldiers snapped into attention when they recognised you.

"I haven't seen this many soldiers here before." Lieutenant Gravis said to you.

You acknowledged him with a nod. That was something worth keeping in mind.

Dismounting your horse Epona, you took out your cane and fixed your dark glasses. Looking around you noticed many curious onlookers and bystanders watching you. The moment your head turned towards them, they looked away. You could feel how they stared at you. Durnholde itself looked mostly the same, just with a lot more people, boxes and bags around the courtyard. You looked up and noticed a completely new roof having been built to replace the one that had been damaged in the fire.

Entering the Keep building itself, you didn't need a guide to know where to go. The clack of the wooden cane on the wooden floor alerted the servants and others of your presence. Soldiers wearing the tabards of Regional Defenders and Alliance made way for you and servants avoided looking at you as you walked past them with your knights following behind you.

It was a cold response from them. Last time you were here, they thought of you as a hero for saving the Keep and fighting against the assassins. Now though, they were very reserved.

Reaching the door to Blackmoore's study, you ordered the knights to stay outside as you pushed the doors open and stepped inside.

"Prince Alric!" Blackmoore greeted you. He looked surprisingly tidy. Fresh clothes, fresh haircut. Though what looked like a glass of wine in his hand.

But he wasn't alone and the man not wearing his armour turned to look at you.

"Perenolde…" Lord Colonel Othmar Garithos said with a sneer and voice full of disdain.

Oh great that fucker was here.

>Greet Lord Blackmoore. You were told that he wishes to see you and you wouldn't want to disappoint your good host and friend.
>Be polite and ask what matters are so urgent that he needs your presence immediately?
>Allow Blackmoore to be the one talking. See what he is about.
>Other, write in.

>Acknowledge the presence of Garithos, but nothing more.
>Acknowledge him and if he starts to talk shit about you, verbally dress him down.
>Acknowledge him and if he tries to dishonour you, demand a duel to solve the differences right now.
>Completely no sell him. Garithos is pure air, he doesn't exist.
>Other, write in.

QM: Atmosphere and Garithos
>Greet Lord Blackmoore. You were told that he wishes to see you and you wouldn't want to disappoint your good host and friend.

>Acknowledge him and if he tries to dishonour you, demand a duel to solve the differences right now.

Set him up for a good duel.
>>Greet Lord Blackmoore. You were told that he wishes to see you and you wouldn't want to disappoint your good host and friend.
>Acknowledge him and if he tries to dishonour you, demand a duel to solve the differences right now.
>Greet Lord Blackmoore. You were told that he wishes to see you and you wouldn't want to disappoint your good host and friend.

>Acknowledge him and if he starts to talk shit about you, verbally dress him down.
>Greet Lord Blackmoore. You were told that he wishes to see you and you wouldn't want to disappoint your good host and friend.
>Acknowledge the presence of Garithos, but nothing more.
>Greet Lord Blackmoore. You were told that he wishes to see you and you wouldn't want to disappoint your good host and friend.

>Acknowledge him and if he starts to talk shit about you, verbally dress him down.
He'll get his soon enough.
>Greet Lord Blackmoore. You were told that he wishes to see you and you wouldn't want to disappoint your good host and friend.

>Acknowledge him and if he starts to talk shit about you, verbally dress him down.

I wonder what peoples thoughts are on Duel Now vs Save it for later?

Does putting him in his place now actually solve our differences? Will it be more impactful now? Does walking right in and solving things by the sword make him look a bit brash, or is it on brand for the swaggering swordsman public persona. I feel a little buildup might make it more satisfying and useful.

Will it be more impactful later, perhaps during a joint command tent with all the officers to determine strategy and leadership (unless Blackmoore brings that up now as his urgent matter, which we could perhaps insist on summoning the officers to delay for a nice big scene). We push our royale privilege and rank to take command, Garithos predictably, perhaps goaded a bit from this dress down here, insults our honor thinking Alric won't try to duel while he walks around with a cane. Then we give him whats coming to him. There will be no denying how things built up to the need for a duel to solve the question of leadership. Plus that might help keep any of the RD officers from dragging their feet, atleast that is my thinking.
I think we need a better opportunity to settle it. It has to be bigger than just sating a personal grudge because Garithos was a big meanie and called us upsetting words, even if I too would like to kill him on the spot to save us the trouble in the future. He has to fuck with our army or our people to give us an actual justification to slay him. Because then it cannot be said that Alric just kills whoever displeases him or that he is needlessly wrathful and swings his sword with little regard or restraint. We need to maintain our consistency. A much better solution would be to let Garithos dig us a hole and give him a little nudge while he's busy admiring his handiwork.
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“Lord Blackmoore.” You greeted the man and gave him a polite nod before turning your head just enough to look at Garithos. “Colonel Garithos.”

It was better to not antagonise him outright, but if he starts something, it is better to stay at just words.

“I was wondering when you would arrive.” Blackmoore said to you and went to fetch some wine for you.

“It has been quite a busy time in Alterac, a lot has happened.” You said to him and took the cup he offered to you. “And I did send you the letter telling you that I would come here. If I couldn’t come, I would have sent a message.”

You sipped your wine, it was probably from Stromgarde by the taste.

“Gnolls are enemies for all of us and some of us have been fighting them for a couple of years already.” You said to him and continued. “Besides, I wouldn’t miss a chance to join a campaign like this. There is enough honour available for all of us.”

Blackmoore laughed and clapped your shoulder.

“Well said! It is good to have you here.” He replied to you.

“In my opinion Alterac is not needed for this campaign. Regional Defenders and of course Durnholders would be enough.” Garithos said to Blackmoore. “Alliance can handle their internal threats.”

“Where was the Alliance when Tarren Mill was facing the bandits two years ago?” You asked Garithos and continued. “Where was the Alliance when the Syndicate attacked Tarren Mill earlier this spring?”

“You insolent…” Garithos started to say, but you interrupted him immediately.

“It was Alterac who defeated the ‘Alliance internal threats’, not Regional Defenders or anyone else.” You replied back to him sternly. “And we did it because it is the right thing to do, just like it is the right thing for us to be here.”

Garithos stared daggers at you.

“Gentlemen! Leave the fighting for the gnolls.” Blackmoore said to the two of you.

“My apologies Lord Blackmoore, I just think very little of Colonel Garithos and his antics.” You said to Blackmoore.

“I will make my leave.” Garithos said and had enough of you as he charged out of the study.

He had kept his cool better than you had expected him to keep his cool.

“Colonel Garithos and I don’t see eye to eye. You must have heard about what had happened in Southshore when we last met?” You asked Blackmoore.

“I have.” Blackmoore replied to you. “It is unfortunate that the two of you have come to blows, the week he has been here has given a good picture of him.”

“He is a powerful man.” You said back to Blackmoore. “Of course he wants a good image out.”

“Tomorrow we will plan the campaign and have a grand dinner between the officers. But today, just the two of us… four of us, you did take your elven squire with you, have a dinner of our own.” Blackmoore said to you. “How does that sound?”

“That would be lovely.” You replied to him.


Blackmoore walked to his table and put his cup down after finishing it. He looked at you and you noticed his eyes wandering up and down on you.

“But a walking stick and dark glasses. For a moment we thought that the Syndicate had gotten you, but here you are. How did you survive? What exactly happened?” Blackmoore asked you and continued. “How are your eyes?”

>You are built different. Be cheeky about the incident.
>Show him your eyes like he requested. Let him see those Fel coloured eyes.
>Be punctual and tell him the prepared story of a poisoning and barely surviving it.
>Politely decline, you don’t like to talk about your near death experience.
>Other, write in
>>Show him your eyes like he requested. Let him see those Fel coloured eyes.
>>Other, write in
"If you recall, I had a fondness for a particular drink. Some.. 'bright' minded individual noticed that and decided to poison one.. I had to toss my entire stock away just to be safe." you reply, sorrow tingeing your voice, it had been good whiskey. "I nearly died, only luck and my own will saved me."
This and in addition to that, feed him the story about attempted fel poisoning. The Syndicate resorted to dark sorcery now that fire, steel and enchanted items at Durnholde had failed.
Leaning gently on your cane, you placed the wine cup down and removed your round dark glasses, staring into Blackmoore's eyes. You could see the surprise in them and then a cold stare back.

"Hellfire… so it is true…" He muttered. "Fel eyes…"

"If you recall, I have a fondness for a particular drink. Some.. 'bright' minded individual noticed that and decided to poison one bottle I had acquired months before... I had to toss my entire stock away just to be safe." You replied, sorrow tingeing your voice, it had been excellent brandy. "I nearly choked on my own vomit and died, only luck and my own will saved me. Well my squire and my family were there immediately to help me as well."

You stashed the glasses away and picked the cup, sipping the wine.

"Where the Syndicate had failed with fire, swords and magical tools. They nearly succeeded with Fel poison." You told Blackmoore and continued. "And when that failed, they tried to kill me the old fashioned way. Thought that I was easy pickings."

"The word spread of your battle against them in Tarren Mill. That you fought like possessed." Blackmoore replied.

"Less possessed, more pissed that they had forced me to get rid of my alcohol stash." You replied with a chuckle and got Blackmoore to laugh.

"Your eyes… they are like orc eyes…" Blackmoore said to you after having recovered. "Wicked, ill-meaning. Will they…"

"I don't know, but the difference between me and them is that I am not lethargic. I might need this cane a bit, but the Syndicate did not kill my spirit." You told him and continued. "And speaking of orcs, I caught one. It is wrapped in chains and guarded by my men."

"An orc? Thrall?" Blackmoore quickly asked you.

"No. If it was, I would have informed you immediately." You said and visibly saw Blackmoore deflate. "We caught it wandering in Strahnbrad Hills. Doesn't speak Common nor it had a will to fight."

Better to call Astu an it and not 'humanise' him by calling him… well him.

"When we march north, we shall throw the orc into one of the camps." Blackmoore said and seemed disappointed. "You did the right thing Prince Alric, your family reputation makes people think that you are…"

"A filthy traitor and an orc lover? It is their mistake to think so. But thank you Lord Blackmoore, I just did what is required of me. Of all of us." You replied. Capturing orcs shouldn't be a special occasion.

He nodded and seemed thoughtful about something. Blackmoore seemed to get lost in his thoughts until he looked at you again. This time his eyes betrayed his intent. They revealed malice.

"How is Taretha? How is she?" Blackmoore asked you with a cold steady voice.

You felt the fire inside you ignite. The calm sea of fire started to churn and you felt your heart beat faster. How did he dare to ask about her? After causing so much pain and suffering.

>Write in

QM: Went with just three votes this time.
>>Write in
she is heavy with my child. A bastard yes, but i shall not cast it to the wind. I shall make sure it has a good life ahead of him.
Other than that, she is happy. More than happy to be my secretary and take away from my duties i must say.
>Taretha is doing just fine. She has fully adjusted to her new environment and made new friends.
He doesn't need to know so many details. If he has already learned that she's pregnant then be vague about who is the father, regardless of his assumptions.
Write in
"Taretha and her family are healthy, happy and settling in to a calm life at Dawnholm. My activities keep her occupied, and she is a good woman with such insight into numbers and finances. Truly she is the most treasured gift from you."

Vague innuendo ahoy
>Taretha is doing quite well and her...talents have proven to be quite useful for me
Say what he wants to hear but also say the truth, she's an excellent accountant.
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"Taretha is doing well, she is healthy and accustomed to life in Dawnholme." You replied to Blackmoore while hiding how you felt towards him. "She has managed to find new friends and her family has found employment in my household… I never understood why you set Tannis aside, he has been a good assistant to Captain Garside."

A careful change of subject that sadly didn't seem to stick.

"Have you enjoyed her presence?" Blackmoore asked and grinned slightly. Of course he wants to ask about that, better to then keep your play up.

"Of course I have, she is my good friend and her talents have proved to be quite useful for me." You replied with a smirk and a tone that left little for imagination. "I am of course talking about her being my personal accountant and secretary. She has an excellent touch on numbers. "

"Of course of course." Blackmoore said approvingly. "Then I shall just hope for good health for you, her and the child."

He believed the rumours! He really thinks that his plan to put the two of you together worked. This is just great, you are surrounded by complete idiots! First Garithos and now him!

"Thank you Lord Blackmoore, of course none of this would be possible without you allowing her or her family to leave Durnholde in the first place. They must have been a great loss to you." You said and gave him a fake smile. Better to feed the story a bit more.

"I do miss her from time to time, but it is good that she has found such a good man to be by her side." Blackmoore said to you and continued. "I will have a room for you prepared."

"No need Lord Blackmoore, do not take this as a slight, but I will be staying within my camp." You said and waved his suggestion away. "Bit of a bad taste in my mouth from the past few assassination attempts."

"I understand." He replied and looked slightly disappointed. "We shall see at dinner then."

"At the dinner, thank you for this talk Lord Blackmoore." You said and gave him a polite nod before walking away.

By the Light did you feel dirty talking to him about Taretha like that. What a despicable man Blackmoore was.

You had thought about visiting Karramyn Langston, but he was away inspecting one of the Internment Camps south of Durnholde. Apparently each camp had sent some of their guards to join the campaign so Langston had made rounds making sure that the camps were properly secured.


Before the dinner later this evening, you performed some administrative duties in your camp. While you spoke with Blackmoore, your soldiers had pitched up the tents and gotten everything ready. The presence of the Alteracis in Durnholde had caught the attention of the others so Captain Cromwell had ordered preemptively that no soldier should leave the camp alone, to always travel in groups of three or more. You or no one else wanted any incidents to happen.

You are Lady Malevus Silverthread, a member of a famed family of couturiers and tailors, a paladin in training, feeling cabin fever from not being able to train properly, squire to Prince Alric and most importantly a girlfriend to him.

"Do I need to come?" You asked him as you held a thin blade against his throat.

"Blackmoore requested you. He probably has his new mistress Annabel with him." Alric replied as he held the mirror. "It would be good courtesy if I had someone with me."

Carefully dragging the blade on his skin, you finished shaving his day or two old stubble away. You liked him more clean shaven, as especially his moustache experiment had been a disaster. He was more handsome this way, easier to kiss as well.

"There, all fresh and clean." You said to him. "Hair brushed, clothes are ready too."

"Thank you Malevus." Alric said as he stood up from the chair in his new larger tent. "I don't know what I would do without you~"

"You know how to shave yourself…" You rolled your eyes to his playful tone.

Alric walked to his field cot where his better set of clothes was waiting for him. They had seen plenty of use, but for a dinner like this they seemed to be sufficient.

"I won't force you if you don't want to join me." Alric replied and started to undress in front of you to change the clothes.

Blush flared up and you felt that warm fuzzy feeling appear inside you as Alric stood there without a shirt as he removed his trousers. Standing there in just his braies, he was a sight to behold.

Alric turned around and noticed you staring at him. Then he noticed your blush.

"You have seen me half-naked before." Alric said to you and smiled. "Nothing new here. Just the same old your Alric, though maybe a bit more handsome."

He then caught you off guard and threw his shirt at you. It hit your face and got tangled on your long ears. The shirt carried his scent that you had learned to enjoy when hugging and cuddling with him. Maybe you could do something sweet or fun with him before he needs to leave?

"Are you going to come, or did you have something else in mind?" Alric asked you as you lifted his shirt off your face. "I can always tell Blackmoore that you had some other duties than just being my valet for the night."


>You had planned on checking on Astu and his wounds one last time. Removing the stitches and replacing the bandages.
>Raleigh had asked you to help him with spiritual matters the soldiers might have.
>Join Alric for dinner, take it as a very awkward date with him in the presence of a man both of you greatly dislike. He would most likely appreciate it.
>Other, write in

Something sweet with Alric:
>Write in
>No, this is not the time and place

QM: Small Malevus detour
>Raleigh had asked you to help him with spiritual matters the soldiers might have.
We need to maintain our morale. And it also might help us learn a thing or two about what's going on among the soldiery, if anything. They might disclose things to her that they wouldn't to Alric. This will also further work in Alric's favor since Blackrmoore will be unable to observe their interactions.

>No, this is not the time and place
We need to stay focused. This is a military expedition, not a date.
>>Raleigh had asked you to help him with spiritual matters the soldiers might have.
Sorry Alric !
For being real though, Alric could justify not being too timesinked by Blackmoore with campaign matters. Maybe talk about Gnolls a lot ? We would be on topic, not that our ally cares of that. If Blackmoore gets very drunk maybe we can talk with Annabel for any news from the south, and then go swiftly bye and back to camp. Alric might have to do some fake drinking, nothing difficult or outright just go "I cant enjoy too much drinking after the poison".

Spiritual matters is an interesting thing, Malevus definetly needs to check it out. The reason there could be anything.... their Prince fate and religious implication of Fel poison, the fact that the Church of the Light isn't really bothered to send one priest and they share one with Tarren Mill, being the protectors against orcs, gnolls, bandits, ogres and the Syndicate ..... and what else ? Nothing comes to mind, there is no religious support to the Alterac of Dawnholme, nevermind to the Prince and the Reconquest it self. Its a genuine cold shoulder from the Church of Light. (The Coven we made is very much a good secret, so no rumors there).

One important thing while we stay here in Durnholde:
Something i would keep in mind to Alric is probably the possible issue some Alliance soldiers/officers might brought up, with the origins of some of the Alteraci soldiers. Ex bandits and criminals, someone might try to make it an issue. Like Garithos or Alliance Paladins. But I think we can defend our men, just keep it mind.

>No, this is not the time and place

While its daring, there is too many Alliance soldiers and "people"* around. They risk to ruin good moments or the romantic courting Malevus wants, she wouldn't want that to happen. Also military campaign so better focus, Gnolls are no joke. A surprise kiss when no one is around could still work.
Maybe we should send another letter to the Church ? Even if i expect the same answer of before really.
I think until we build our first church we won't get much of worth from them. It might be in the budget if we don't do another military or supply expansion.
>Raleigh had asked you to help him with spiritual matters the soldiers might have.

Malevus has a goal, a dream, and it involves very large but ceremonial pauldrons. The Guardian Grind. Resolving the matters of men who might die fighting against monsters, who serve their Prince and protect their people. Learning to embody and inspire that spiritual strength.

>Other, write in
Funny idea, if we need another date so Malevus can grind how about we invite Madam Judy to join dinner? We can get to know her better as well. Plus she has some very funny topics of conversation, and Blackmoore won't feel too snubbed.

>Write in
Start with a very formal blessing as one from the new fancy book so she can practice what she will give to the other soldiers, maybe it will make a difference for whats to come. Then give him a smooch while his eyes are closed.
"Sorry Alric, but I have already promised to help Sir Raleigh. We are going to speak with the men and help those who are interested in the Holy Light." You said to him.

"Good, while the dinner could have been enjoyable, that is way more important." Alric said to you and stood there shirtless.

One part of you wanted to go and kiss him right now, but the rest of you knew that this wasn't the time and place for that. So you just walked to Alric and placed your hands on his shoulders.

"In any other circumstance how could I say no to a dinner with you?" You said to him.

Alric's own hands found your hips.

"But you have your duty and lessons, just like I have mine. And I have no reason to prevent those from being done." He said to you.

"Thank you Alric and may the Holy Light bless and protect you." You replied. "Close your eyes."

Alric did like you asked him and closed them. You closed your eyes as well and concentrated.

You could feel tingling on your skin travelling down your arms and through your hands on his shoulders. Just a brief touch was needed to bless Alric. Then you opened your eyes and leaned forward to give him a kiss.

"I am not sure if it was your blessing or the kiss that caused me to feel light and be at ease." Alric said as he opened his eyes.

"Let's go with the kiss, I'm not really supposed to bless people yet. That's the job for the actual priests." You told him. "Now, let's get you dressed and ready for dinner. Better not to keep Blackmoore waiting."

"You are right." Alric said to you. "I will try to return before it is too late in the evening."

You didn't reply as you looked into his eyes. They were cursed eyes, sickly and unholy. But they only radiated kindness and warmth. It wasn't Alric who was blessed here, it was you. You were blessed for having met such a man.

"And don't drink too much." You said to him.

"No promises!" Alric laughed, causing you to roll your eyes.

If he comes back all drunk, you aren't sure what you will do with him…

When you helped Sir Raleigh or had Father Hampton around, you always wore a simple light grey robe over your clothes. It was supposed to represent purity or clearness, but in practice it was there just to keep your own clothes clean from dirt or blood.

And as the sun started to set and dusk threw long shadows around you, the light robe made you look like you were radiating warmth and Holy Light itself.

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Sir Raleigh walked between the tents and spoke with those who wanted to approach him. The number of the men who did it had grown slowly through your time in Dawnholme, but there was still distrust towards the paladin from Silver Hand and for very understandable reasons. And one group showed their distrust more than the others did and those were the former bandits under the command of Lieutenant Radan. So with Sir Raleigh's encouragement, it had fallen to you to speak with them.

You didn't mind doing it, in fact they took you in more openly than the rest. Even if you were an elf and the squire to Prince Alric, making you quite distant to them, the fact that you spoke about the matters of Holy Light with Lieutenant Radan regularly was enough to win their trust. And so you sat on a bench while a score of bandits let a campfire illuminate them. Carefully they all listened to your words, sometimes asking questions and clarifications.

"Thank you Lady Malevus for talking with my men." Lieutenant Radan said to you.

The two of you were standing some distance away from the men. The rat-faced man scratched his pockmarked nose. You rarely saw him outside his patchwork plate mail, but with his promotion, he had started to dress for the position. In fact his red, green and brown tunic looked quite good on him.

"The Holy Light is for everyone, I should be the one thankful for having such good listeners." You replied to him.

"Ermm yes." He nervously replied. Though the nervousness hadn't disappeared with the promotion.

"Did you have anything in mind, you asked if we could talk? If it is about the Holy Light, then I have plenty of time available right now." You said to him. "Prince Alric is eating dinner with Lord Blackmoore, so I have no duties regarding him either."

"It is him I wanted to talk about… Prince Alric I mean…" Radan said to you.

"What about him?" You asked back.

"How is he?" He said and continued. "I mean you are his squire and closest to him basically daily."

"Why are you asking about him now?" You asked again, now you were somewhat sceptical.

"Some of us have seen him fight and be just like always, but most haven't." Radan said to you and continued. "The men are still concerned about you know…"

He tapped the side of his eye with his finger.

The Fel eyes, of course it was about them.

"Lady Malevus, you speak about how the Fel is the complete opposite of the Holy Light. Disorder and destruction to order and reconstruction. Death and life. It makes the men concerned, their Prince having eyes that mark him as…" Radan said and stopped, he didn't want to say the accusations aloud.

"Unholy, impure and tainted." You finished his sentence. Radan just nodded.

"Is he… is he anything like that? Has he changed?" Radan asked you. "Can we trust him to make the right decisions on the battlefield?"

>Write in
>Write in
>"Do not worry i will answer your question fully Sir Radan, from both of my points of view as the squire and paladin in training of the Prince. Your concerns for him are important, and i will not dismiss them. You have served him well and he respects you."
>"While his Fel eyes mark him as unholy at first appearance, our Prince has developed a strong sense of will and righteousness far before the assassination attempt, allowing him to resist the pain and suffering the poison has inflicted him. When he was bedridden for him it wasn't simply a physical fight for recovery, but one where he also had to guard himself over the influence of Fel over the mind and soul. If he was already turning to be a wicked man, then the poison of Fel would have doomed him."
>"I have observed and aided him during the recovery, and while it wasn't easy for him he moved through it. It took a strong dedication and perseverance but he was able to return to health for lead us in battle, despite the Fel weakening him severely at first."
>"In regard to changes, the Prince has not changed in mind and neither desires. He has no intentions to suddenly turn back on promises made, or go against the wishes of his people and the men he trusts. The same man that spared you long ago, and then decided to recruit you and raise you has soldiers of the true Alterac is very much back again."
"This said, he is nothing short of very eager for show to all of us he is back to fight side by side, to make us see he is the Conqueror that will lead us in taking back our homeland and vanquish our foes. You have certainly heard of how he fought admirably against those assassins in Tarren Mill, he showed great courage and fought until they where all slain. This desire of him, could be used by his foes even if they would find it no easy task against our Prince."
"For this reason any Gnolls seen that show to be Fel possessed or outright a Warlock should be strike down with no hesitation or mercy. Kill them, and make sure they are not just wounded, strike them until their bodies stop moving. The unholy powers of the Fel cannot be underestimated. While the Prince is righteous and has proved resiliant against Fel, such foes could attempt what the Syndicate tried to do with the poison but this time with spells."
Sidenote. I think its funny that everyone notices the glowing green eyes but no one mentions the black fingernails, like that part of Alric is just him going through an alternative or goth phase, a sports support paint phase, or he lost a bet with one of his ladies. "Why yes, I do paint my nails in the colors of Alterac. Go Hawks!"

Gives me an idea for some kind of sports competition if not an actual Tournament to attract some knights to service. I suppose Skiing is the big mountain go to. A comprehensive hunting competitions with skiing, archery, big game hunting (someone shows up with an orc and it gets a little awkward).

+1 resolve the worries of the men.

That said, he definitely enjoys his carnage a bit more. The second he sees that high value target hes going in there for the glory. That sweet battle high that makes his blood sing. But, how many times has that aggression paid off? A fair number of times.

Then theres the whole fact that the Fel actually restored vitality to his injured heart and body, and his crazy recovery rate from his heart attack even if hes not quite back at full yet. Once he is back at full, will it stop there or will his body get stronger with the fel having atleast truly fused with his once broken heart? I think it likely, and the chuuni in me thinks thats cool. You don't walk away from a one in ten thousand chance quadruple nat1 with no scars.

I think atleast some of that got across to Malevus from Lady Nalice or Alric on the whole process and nature of the Fel that allowed it to heal Alric. That said, these men probably aren't looking for the full picture of how these forces balance, but if full honesty plays a role in allowing them to accept the situation its an option.
I'm in support of this, although I'd omit the word "conqueror" and use "warrior" instead. I doubt most Alteracis relish the idea of conquest, the focus is on retaking their lands and returning to their ancestral homes while taking along with them any people that contributed to the cause.

Alric's character did change slightly, but it probably has more to do with the fact that his forwardness now is not born of desperation but out of a joy of life and desire to protect those he is beholden to. At the beginning of the quest, Alric was largely motivated by constantly pressing desperation of having to prove himself to everyone he came across to spare his people and his family the judgment and trouble so he had to neglect himself and whatever his wants were to that end, honing himself into a very formidable warrior and a keen mind for war and politics both. Now that he is more established and actually not only resisted, but won victories against his oppressors, he can allow himself to be more Conan-esque if you will and actually enjoy exercising his strength and being alive. He doesn't fight out of desperation anymore, but because it is the right thing to do, because he is good at it and because it is for a good cause.
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Hes definitely feeling more free to use his strength, and he should enjoy himself as he finds people he can rely on to do his will. Those paperwork duties are heavy and dull like iron chains hes gotten quite eager in shedding. I see subtle and unsubtle influence at work in his little outbursts. An allure to strength, power, aggression and passion, creativity itself as an expression and release. A bit of paranoia which to be fair is justified. If past forwardness was out of desperation now its from desire to exercise that power and push those limits. I would say much of these inclinations cleave more towards fel.

What fight does Alric want the most right now? To destroy Garithos's chance at taking Durnholde. A man we can hate easily right in our reach, waiting for the right stage and excuse to cut him down to size. I predict we might see it again next we see Alric get really angry, desperate, or flush with victory over someone he can really hate. Im from Alterac and I say kill'em all! I'm gonna love it.

Speaking of Conan I actually think Alric is getting closer to Elric of Melnibone. The use of magic as a swordsman, the potential addiction of (fel) magic that keep the body vital and its influence on some of his stronger emotions. Elric is an Albino which is rather offputting, but now Alric has those glowing green eyes. Prince of a destroyed (empire) Kingdom. The one letter difference of name lol. There might be more but I'd have to reread, but that anti-hero potential is there.
You're definitely right by saying that he's more like Elric, ha, at least he got away with only a heart attack and no cursed sword that brought ruin to everything he held dear and then killed him and stole his soul. That fate, as well as turning white-haired. is reserved for someone else COUGH COUGH. He definitely should watch himself and the absence of nightmares lately is concerning. I doubt the thing has backed off, it is probably getting ready for something. I wonder how will our special op go.
I'm optimistic on the operation. It's sad that Eligius couldn't wear the raiment but he's got the bloodstone and the necklace, so I look forward to their bonding over time. I do have a feeling that if shit hits the fan Old Bill is gonna pay the price, though Otto might find purpose in self sacrifice too, but it would be a kino way to go for either. Or they decide to pull back and we try again later. They have quite a few powerful tools at their disposal, I tried to outline a basic roadmap plan which shouldn't be too hard, and it's a powerful team.
I think I can write a nice reply with these posts which will come tomorrow. But could I have a roll for Alric for now.

>Lowest of three
Rolled 10 (1d10)

>lowest of three
Oh no
I can understand that, but i choose Conqueror because it gives a sort of "presence". I didn't want to use Prince again and something like Warrior felt to standard.

Maybe Commander? Unifier ? Savior ?Hawk Knight ? Essentially i want to throw at Alric another word our army might associate him with, and this explanation to Sir Radan and his men is the perfect test bed.
Rolled 3 (1d10)


I think a generic warrior would have been best for the moment, he's the kind of a prince and king that marches with his men and fights at the front lines, leading by example. Using the word warrior would make sense, since it would place him on the common ground along his soldiers on the field of battle, where he usually is. He even prefers to fight on foot.
Rolled 6 (1d10)

“You don’t need to be worried about that, or be worried asking me about it.” You said to Radan and gave him an assuring smile. “Because you have served him well and loyally, so I know your concerns come from a good place.”

“So is he…” Radan started to say again.

“I have spoken about how the best defence against Fel and its effects is strong faith and strong mind. How through both, one can defend themselves.” You told Radan and continued. “And we both know that our Prince is not the most religious man, he doesn't join the sermons nor has he asked me to talk about the Holy Light."

You looked at Radan.

"Yet here we are, ready to go on a campaign with an army that he has built. To protect thousands of men and women in a city he has built." You continued and asked Radan. "Would a man with a weak will and mind achieve all this in just two years? You know the answer better than I do, you have served him longer than I have."

"We wouldn't be here if not for his strong will and so while his Fel eyes and black nails mark him as tainted and unholy, his mind is just as strong as always." You continued speaking after a pause. "When he was bedridden, for him it wasn't simply a physical fight for recovery, but one where he also had to guard himself over the influence of Fel over the mind and soul. If he was already turning out to be a wicked man, then the poison of Fel would have doomed him."

"You were there." Radan mentioned.

"Yes, we heard him fall and rushed out to help him." You lied to Radan. In reality Lady Nalice had carried him back home after having stabilised him. After having pushed the Fel into him to save him. "I saw him struggle to get up and walk the first few steps or when he walked the stairs down for the first time. A man without a strong will wouldn't have recovered as fast as he did."

"Lady Malevus… you sound like you are proud of him." Radan said to you.

"It is my honour to serve him, I have met no better man. Of course all of us are flawed in our own ways, but some of his flaws are his greatest strengths. He forgave a bandit like you and made you an officer, he has kept his hand and imprisoned those who have brought their blades against him. He took me in as his squire, even if I could barely hold my sword, even if I had this silly dream of wanting to be a paladin like the ones whom I saw help Quel’thalas in the Second War." You told Radan and looked at him. "He could have said no, but out of goodness in his heart and pure kindness, he said yes. And ever since the poisoning, he has been the same good and kind man as before."

Your affection towards Alric had seeped into your voice as you spoke which was something Radan noticed.

"Do you…" He started to say, but you interrupted him.


"If not for his kindness, I would be a maid scrubbing floors for my old Master. But he has allowed me to live up my dreams, he is the best thing that has happened to me. Just like he is the best thing that has happened to you, or all these soldiers or everyone in Dawnholme." You said to him and continued. "Don't you agree?"

"You are right Lady Malevus." Radan replied to you.

"He hasn't changed, in fact I think he is stronger than before." You mused aloud and spared a glance at the bandit knight. "You have those who still have doubts to look around and realise that the Prince they serve is still the same man. If he wasn't, we wouldn't be here following him."

"You are right Lady Malevus, my concerns were misplaced." Radan said and scratched his chin. "Thank you for listening to me."

"I was happy to. It is my duty and because I am your friend." You said to him. "Now shall we go back to your men, they might still have some questions?"

You offered Radan an assuring smile and placed your hand on his shoulder. In that moment you could see his eyes brighten. You didn't even need to bless him, just a smile was enough.


Alric's tent was brand new. Two layers of cloth to keep chill and water away. There was his large cot in one corner, then a table and couple chairs with enough space for half a dozen men to stand around. A simple wardrobe, armour rack with Aurvan'kal on it. Brazier with coals was waiting for the cold and rainy nights. Then in the opposite corner to Alric's cot was yours behind a cloth curtain. When Normand had discussed making a new tent for Alric, Tari had asked for this late addition. When she had suggested it, she had winked her eye at you. After all, the squire should be always there and available.

And now you had a good excuse to share the tent with your Prince, with your boyfriend.

You sighed, it was late and after lounging in your own cot for a while and unable to fall asleep, you decided to read the latest instalment of the romance novels under a candle light while waiting for Alric to return.

And by the Holy Light was this an exciting story. The hero Marcus had travelled to Booty Bay and had met a mysterious dusky woman. Later the ship he was on had been attacked by the pirates and he was taken captive. Now stripped of his belongings, bound and ballgagged, he found out that the mysterious dusky woman was actually the Queen of the Pirates and he was at her and her whips' mercy!

Oh did it suddenly get very warm in the tent!

Just as you were reaching the next chapter, someone pushed through the cloth flaps that made up the door. Quickly you closed the book and stashed it away as Alric stepped in.

"I thought… you were already asleep…" He said to you, his speech was quite slurred. He clearly was very drunk.

A second person followed him into the tent, another familiar face.

"Lady Malevus, you were waiting for him?" Lieutenant Gravis asked you.


You had spoken about his flaws and one was when he decides to drink, he ends up drinking too much. And it looks like that has happened… again.

"I had expected something like this to happen…" You muttered to yourself. "Let's help him into the cot."

Alric was leaning on one of the poles keeping the tent up, he had picked up the black noise device and activated it before putting it back on the table, as you walked to him.

"What happened?" You asked him with a disappointed tone.

"Blackmoore had an unopened bottle of… Alteraci Brandy." He replied as he gave you his darkened glasses. "We… we drank it and then… finished it and…"

Alric froze mid sentence as he tried to find the words he was looking for.

"They drank more Lady Malevus. Lord Blackmoore passed out well before him and I had to help him into his bed, his new ladyfriend and the Prince couldn't carry him, he was too heavy." Gravis told you and helped Alric to take off his outer robe. "I have never seen anyone outdrink Blackmoore and still be…"

"Standing? Co..coherent?" Alric answered. "Oh cock…"

"What is it?" You asked him as you helped him sit down on his cot and started to take his boots off.

"The campaign meeting… tomorrow afternoon…" He said to you and Gravis. "If I can't go… Malevus, you and Cromwell…"

Alric closed his eyes and crashed on the soft cot, burying his head on the pillow.

"Frankly it is incredible that he was still up and standing." Gravis said to you as you pulled a blanket on Alric, covering him up to his shoulders. "I saw all the empty pitchers and bottles, Blackmoore's lady barely stayed upright herself."

"I heard… that…" Alric groaned back. "I think… I made a mistake…"

You stood up and sighed. Alric you idiot, you silly idiot.

"Are you going to be alright?" Gravis asked you.

"No worries, if I need to move him and he is too heavy, I will ask one of the guards." You replied to him.

"Good, then till tomorrow. Good night Lady Malevus." Gravis said.

"Good night Lieutenant Gravis." You replied as he stepped out of the tent.

Then just move the bucket next to the cot and..

"Alric, you should drink water." You told him and filled a mug from a pitcher.

Alric groaned in response as you gave him the mug. Laying there on his side, he carefully drank the cup and handed the mug back, all done eyes closed.

"I'm sorry… I shouldn't have… drank this much…" Alric whispered to you.

"It happens…" You answered just as quietly.

Alric was going to say something, but kept his eyes closed. He then carefully opened them and looked at you. His dull green eyes were tired and in the candle light it looked like the green in them was dancing and shifting as he gently stared at you. You could see remorse and…


"Malevus… I love you…" Alric whispered and closed his eyes.

Your heart skipped a beat.

His breathing steadied as slumber started to win the battle.

Blush had crept up and you felt very warm inside. The butterflies Alric spoke of had appeared in mass in your stomach.

"Malevus…" Alric muttered, but didn't say anything else.

Why would he say those words now! You weren't prepared! And now… how can you sleep? You have to try…

>He is drunk, smells like sweat and alcohol. Just let him sleep.
>Give Alric a good night's kiss and go to sleep.
>Hold his hand and brush his hair until he falls asleep.
>His cot is wide enough for the two of you, cuddle with him through the night. He might need closeness.
>Other, write in

Reply to Alric:
>Write in
>He is drunk, he won't remember any of this tomorrow

What sort of dreams will Malevus see:
>Write in

QM: I asked lowest on purpose. Lower the roll, the more he ends up drinking with no-one responsible supervising him. Roll of 2 or 1 would have caused a mess, but Alric is built different. This vote has layers like an ogre.
>Hold his hand and brush his hair until he falls asleep.

Making sure he doesn't choke on vomit. Dayum Alric, outdrinking Blackmoore! What a lad.

Reply to Alric:
>Write in
"I know and I love you too, in sickness and in drunkeness you big silly."

What sort of dreams will Malevus see:
>Write in
Dreams of the Light made whole, brought to a mountain kingdom that is itself restored, where her Elvish people, and others like Humans, Dwarves and even a Troll delegation are present.
I'm pleased to have brought a roll of 3 to the table then. What would have happened on a 10?
>Other, write in
Sing an elvish lullaby or lament

>Write in
>He is drunk, he won't remember any of this tomorrow
"Its not fair to say that now, and I haven't forgotten how you let that hussy steal your lips Alric Perenolde. Should I paint your nails Alterac Orange as punishment? This prince of dreams will wake to find a reminder against such reckless company...One day far from now you will not return from the sleep of men but I will linger on. They say strong mages can even lengthen the years of their life. Do your best my Prince."

>Write in
A dream of Home? A dream sent by her Master the prophet? A hawk and a phoenix sharing a nest?
>Hold his hand and brush his hair until he falls asleep.

>Write in
"Truly ~ ? I wonder if it's my sweet Prince or the Brandy talking .... perhaps i should buy a bottle or two for hear it again my love ~ ?"

>Write in
Has Malevus walks alone in the mountains of Alterac she sees a clashing of two massive hawks. Feathers and blood fall from the sky their bodies looking more wounded and their shrieks fiercer as their fight goes on, with the two sky colossi relentlessly pecking and cutting each other with their beaks and claws. One Hawk is triumphal in the end standing over the peaks and ruins of the fallen kingdom, the rocks, trees, ice and snow of Alterac now decorated with their blood and feathers. The other hawk even if defeated is not done, and flies inside the ancient Palace-Nest of the Perenolde bloodline waiting for a last confrontation.

High rolls are good and low rolls are bad. If the rolls had stayed high, Alric would have been just slightly buzzed.
asssassins come again and drink everyone under the table.
"I know and I love you too, in sickness and in drunkenness you big silly." You whispered back to him to which Alric responded with just some sleepy mumbles.

Taking a chair, you sat down next to him and took hold of his hand. Instinctively he gripped yours back as with the other hand you carefully started to brush his hair. And then you started to faintly sing a lullaby.

Alric didn't respond, just a faint smile appeared on his face and soon a faint snooze accompanied you. Continuing to brush his hair, you made sure that he had actually fallen asleep before you let go of his hand. Making sure that the blanket was on him properly, you allowed him to finally rest.

Was it just the alcohol speaking? No, it was not. It was your Alric who said those three words. Your Prince.

Laying on your own cot, the warm fuzzy feeling was your companion. It made you feel good and protected and it didn't take long for you to fall asleep as well.

And in your dreams you saw a hawk and a phoenix bathed in bright light sleeping by each other. While the symbolism was lost to your dreamself, you had a feeling of not wanting it to stop. You felt safe and you didn't want to be anyone else, only you.

You don't want to be Prince Alric Perenolde.

Prince Alric Perenolde is hungover.

His head hurts.

"Alric, you need to eat." Malevus said to you.

"Yes mother…" You groaned back.

Malevus rolled her eyes as she placed a platter with cooked bacon, eggs and some bread in front of you.

"How much do you remember?" She asked you.

"Well we ate and drank wine, but then the Alteraci Brandy bottle was taken out and then… poof. I woke up here." You told her and continued. "Did anything happen?"

"No, nothing happened." She replied to you. "You just reminded us when the campaign meeting was to happen."

Urghg. Maybe you will recover till then?

"Thanks Malevus…" You replied as you bit into a piece of bacon.

"Though you did outdrink Blackmoore so there is that." Malevus said to you. "Do you remember anything else that was important?

You closed your eyes and jogged your memory. You had a better idea of what happened before the brandy, but not that much what happened afterwards. Just pictures here and there.

"I should have come with you, maybe you wouldn't have drunk yourself into a stupor…" Malevus lamented and sighed. She was worried and her voice carried care.

"Alright Alric, what exactly happened last night and why did you drink so much, did Blackmoore dare you to drink?" Malevus asked you. "We didn't get to talk much before you fell asleep."

You had a faint memory of someone holding your hand. It must have been Malevus. Outside of that… hooboy was it a struggle to remember.


>You and Blackmoore spoke about the campaign and the gnolls.
>The battles against The Syndicate and the ogres interested Blackmoore.
>Blackmoore and you had laughed as Annabel had danced for the two of you.
>You had warned Blackmoore of Garithos and his nature.
>About Taretha and how this alliance is very beneficial to the two of you.
>Other, write in

Why did Alric drink so much:
>Write in

QM: Next update will be the campaign meeting one. Reasonable write ins can influence things. You missed an event with the last set of votes, but I am not going to tell you what.
>You and Blackmoore spoke about the campaign and the gnolls.
>The battles against The Syndicate and the ogres interested Blackmoore.
>You had warned Blackmoore of Garithos and his nature.
Thats something drunk alri could let slip.

Why did Alric drink so much:
>Write in
Blackmoore challenged him to a drinking contest and alric wouldnt be bested by anyone even in booze.

>You and Blackmoore spoke about the campaign and the gnolls.
>The battles against The Syndicate and the ogres interested Blackmoore

>Write in
Alric drank that much so he could get Blackmoore incapacitated, then he could inform Annabel of the Garithos plot asking for her support.
What a tease. What event could it be? Do you mean the vote to not have Malevus go drinking with Alric on the date, or the set of votes on holding his hands and brushing hair?

I was kind of wondering if Alrics fel would get him horny drunk and he tries to make a move on Malevus or something in the tent. Or if it was the discussions to be had with Blackmoore and Annabel. If Annabel would notice the feelings between Alric and Malevus. Or something between Blackmoore and Annabel is going on. A chance to convince Blackmoore to take the field or some such.
>You and Blackmoore spoke about the campaign and the gnolls.
>The battles against The Syndicate and the ogres interested Blackmoore.
>You had warned Blackmoore of Garithos and his nature.

>Write in
Blackmoore challenged him to a drinking contest and alric wouldnt be bested by anyone even in booze.
>Blackmoore: "If you can't beat me, then you're going to call me daddy."
Alric accepted and drank that much so he could get Blackmoore incapacitated, then he could inform Annabel of the Garithos plot asking for her support.

Double banger and plausible.
I support these.

I'm glad Malevus didn't come along, because Blackmoore getting drunk and making a move on her could have resulted in the unfortunate accident of his head separating from his shoulders, caused by a precise cut that had arrived from an unknown assailant, leaving third degree burns at the place of the impact.
Pinching the bridge of your nose, you closed your eyes for a moment.

"He wanted to learn more about the two battles we fought." You said to Malevus. "First against the Syndicate in Tarren Mill and then the battles against the ogres."

You opened your eyes and took your cup of hot herbal tea. Sipping it, you continued.

"Of course the stories were entertaining, but I think he was genuinely interested in them. How I was doing after the Incident and because what if the Syndicate tries something similar here?"

"That is a fair point." Malevus replied as she was folding your yesterday's clothes away.

"We then… we had talks about the campaign and the gnolls. He says that the gnolls have been ranging as south as they did two years ago. The Uther's Expedition was just a temporary fix to the problem." You told her and continued. "Something or somewhat is driving them away from the mountains."

Malevus gave you a curious look as you continued to eat the bacon.

"Orcs?" She asked.

"Maybe, I don't know." You sighed. "And then we… then we drank. Did anything happen last night that I don’t remember?"

"No, nothing happened. Why did you drink?" Malevus asked again, she was both disappointed and annoyed with you right now. You also felt that she was hiding something, better not to press her about it right now.

"It is embarrassing, but he challenged me." You told her.

Malevus sighed as she sat down and buried her face in her hands. Groaning, she let her long red hair flow between her fingers as she for a moment became disappointment incarnate.

"You won… if you don't remember it…" She muttered back. "You are a big silly buffoon, you know that Alric?"

"I'm sorry…" You apologised. "I have no real memories of that other than… I hinted Blackmoore of the true nature of Garithos…"

"You told him everything?" Malevus asked you.

"Has he burned the Regional Defenders camp down yet?" You pointed out.

"No… so probably not." She sighed.

Brushing her hair back behind her head, Malevus walked to you and put her hand on your shoulder.

"It was a stupidly thing for you to drink so much." She said and continued. "But the most important thing is that you are fine."

"Just with a headache that could kill an ogre…" You lamented.

Malevus smiled before bowing down to kiss your brow.

"I will go get you more bacon and eggs, so stay strong while I am away my dear Alric." She said and turned to walk away.


She was right, it was stupid of you to drink so much and now you were paying for it. Oh by the Holy Light you felt awful! But at least you do remember after Blackmoore had passed out having spoken briefly with Annabel. She was an agent, a spy for Lady Nalice, and you had told her what you had learned about Garithos and his plans. It was in her benefit to know about this, maybe she could be of help to you?

You groaned. The greasy food was good, but you knew the food coma would follow shortly. Still it was better to eat than suffer the whole day.

Maybe Malevus could tend you and brush your hair while you rested in bed? That would be nice.

You felt tired, but at least you had your dark glasses on to hide your tired bloodshot eyes as you walked through the Keep.

After the breakfast, you had returned back into the bed, but Malevus had just laughed after you had requested the headpats. She wasn't going to make your suffering more tolerable, it wouldn't be a lesson otherwise.

"Are you feeling well Prince Alric?" Captain Cromwell asked you. He found your hangover mostly just funny, but a professional he was, he avoided saying it outright.

"I am, I am. Just a long night of diplomacy." You replied to him.

Cromwell wore the Alteraci plate you had given him, but had left the battle axe behind. Carrying it into a meeting wouldn't be socially acceptable.

One of the guards pushed the doors to the study open, allowing you to step in. You had quickly straightened your back, but everyone here must have already learned about your drinking. Most of the people who were in the room turned to look at you and you saw some familiar faces and some whom you didn't expect to see here. But no Blackmoore, he hadn't arrived yet.

There was Garithos, this time in his armour carrying his weapons, surrounded by his officers including Captain Reginald who had briefly garrisoned Dawnholme under the Alliance orders. Garithos and his clique stared at you, but they didn't say a word.

Then there was a group of Durnholders, one of which was Karramyn Langston who greeted you and next to him stood Marshall Redpath. A former Marshall, he had quit the service of Southshore after Garithos had stepped in and went freelance. Looks like he had found employment here.

What caught your eyes was a group of knights wearing no common tabards and amongst them stood Sir Foecourt, he was one of the many petty nobles of Durnholde and looks like he was dressed up for war as well.

Finally there were a couple of soldiers wearing red tabards with the design of Stromgarde on them. You definitely hadn't expected to see them here and you hadn't expected to see your former underling standing amongst them. Jon Maxwell gave you a polite nod when he noticed you looking into his direction.

Well then, with Blackmoore not here, maybe you could talk with some of them or maybe you should assert your control over the campaign already?


Choose two:
>Take your seat next to Blackmoore's empty one and ask everyone to sit down.
>Go talk with Garithos and Reginald. See what they are up to today, try to get an idea of what mood Garithos is in.
>Speak wi