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A proud Ninja stands alone, locked in a small room. He needs to find a way out.

>What do you do?
>Open the door
>>Check clothes for AWESOME ninja tools.
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>Check clothes for AWESOME ninja tools.
They confiscated your stuff, so you'll have to find it.

>Open the door
The Door itself is locked. But you do find a Note.
>Read the note
flail my arms and piss and shit myself
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>>Read the note
You decide to take a look at the note on the door, it reads.

>Hey man, I know this might be a bit awkward but you need to remember who you are.
>That way you can leave and go on your epic quest for something.
>Also can you go fetch me some Milk by the time you leave? I ran out and I'm too lazy to get more.

As you read the strange note, a feeling of undercity washes over you. The only things you remember as a ninja is the fact that this world has been warped in some way. But as you try to remember who you once were, you start to have conflicted feelings about how you became a ninja in the first place.

>One account you remember something about being a petty street thug. Living life on a day-by-day basis.

>Another you decided to become a foot soldier. Giving your life to a greater cause than your own.
>>One account you remember something about being a petty street thug. Living life on a day-by-day basis.
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>One account you remember something about being a petty street thug. Living life on a day-by-day basis.

You lived a life of earning free stuff by taking it without permission. This helps save a fortune on pretty much everything you can use the five-finger discount on. Although running away usually did do the trick. You also had a weapon or a tool that aided you in your own efforts.

>Your armaments help you gain distance from you and the authorities. It also helps attack a long distance.

>Your armaments help you sneak away and disorient the authorities.
>>Your armaments help you gain distance from you and the authorities. It also helps attack a long distance.

mobilityCHADs rise UP!
>>Your armaments help you sneak away and disorient the authorities.
disBROrienters can't stop winning
We might have to do a tire breaker. Pick a number between 1 and 100, I'm thinking of a number in between. whoever is closest to the number I'm thinking of wins.
I'm this guy. I'm thinking 42.
Your armaments help you gain distance from you and the authorities. It also helps attack a long distance.
Gotta go fast
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Its 24. mobilityCHADs wins

>You gain shuriken as your starting weapon

As your life of crime continues to flourish. You also learn these skills that you utilize to help in your endeavors.

>Camoflage - a passive effect that makes it hard to be detected by enemies.
>Dash - Use once per turn to escape enemies.

However, this streak of luck would not last for long. At this point, you had your eye on a large project for a while and you thought that now was the time to test your luck.

>You wanted to overthrow an oppressive monarchy that has ruled your domain for decades.
>You wanted to find out about the secrets of the immortal monks.
>You just wanted to escape your capture.
>>You wanted to find out about the secrets of the immortal monks.
>>Dash - Use once per turn to escape enemies.
>>You wanted to find out about the secrets of the immortal monks.
>Dash - Use once per turn to escape enemies.
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But when you ponder all of your thoughts as they pass by in a single moment, one seems to be more present than the others. Your failure to steal the secrets of the monks. Those immortal husks that have a prize that you don't have, the one that you want. And they gave it to you. But now, you wish you had a refund...

>Something unlocks behind you...
>Dramatically turn around
>Dramatically turn around
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You dramatically turn to see who is challenging you. However, all you see is the door open ajar.
>open the door
>get on the floor
>everybody walk the dinosaur
>Peek through the opening in the door
>Send a shuriken through the gap in that door.
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>Send a shuriken through the gap in that door.

You wish you had your stuff but again, it got confiscated.

>Peek through the opening in the door

You decide to look through the gap in the door. It's a little too dark to see anything...

>What do?
>open the door wider so that some of the light in the room shines in to the next room
>If that doesn't work try to feel around for a light switch, it should be close to the doorway.
>start pleasuring yourself
>+1 to this.
>Dash straight into the darkness
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>open the door wider so that some of the light in the room shines in to the next room
>If that doesn't work try to feel around for a light switch, it should be close to the doorway.

You decide to investigate the darkness, you hug the wall behind you. After a small way in you find something in the darkness, a light switch maybe?
>No, not a light switch.
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>No, not a light switch.

The guards said to you. Then you have the realization, you were sleepwalking again, were you?

>What now?
>ask the guard to let us out, we'll give him treasures beyond his wildest dreams, and, if he's a worthy companion, the secret to immortality itself
>turn on your nightvision.
seconding this >>6076416 then >>6076359
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>>ask the guard to let us out, we'll give him treasures beyond his wildest dreams, and, if he's a worthy companion, the secret to immortality itself

It looks like the guard's will is long gone. All desires have left long ago.

>>turn on your nightvision.

You don't have night vision, but you did have your eyes closed. The cell you reside in is decently lit, and you can make out some figures in the darkness.
trick him into coming closer and the beat him up and steal his keys! or spear! or both!
Role a d20, please
Rolled 13 (1d20)

You ask the guard to come closer, you bash his head into the bars and the hood to his shell breaks open. But the guard manages to escape and screams from the top of his lungs down the hallway.

What a moment of uncoordinated skill. You feel like, after all this time rotting in a cell, you lost all of the things that make you who you are.

>Do you still even remember your name?
>Jimi Yakitori
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>Jimi Yakitori

Jimi Yakitori... yeah... that sounds about right. Your head is still throbbing even after all this time and being strapped in an uncomfortable bed and stuck in this cell.

>What do?
We are in a psychiatric institute, and affected by derealization. The doctors here aren't keen on helping. Are our shackles welded to somewhere? Can we unlock the shackles? Does the guard have anything that looks like the key? (I think they're perception checks)
I hope we're really a ninja and this isn't gonna be a bait and switch
(lol no, that’s not what I had planned. Also sorry about the wonky upload schedule, I was more focused on trying to get ready to move out to college)
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>Are our shackles welded to somewhere? Can we unlock the shackles? Does the guard have anything that looks like the key?

The shackles have a rune engraved so no regular keys can unlock them. However, you have seen the guards carry this tiny stick-looking thing everywhere they go, so that might be your ticket out of here.
scream and pretend to be injured, don't respond until they open the cell door
Do the shackles move at all? Can we try dislocating or breaking our thumbs to get rid of the shackles?
Well, could you stick bunch of straw into the hole to open it? Doesn't seem plausible but maybe they overengineered the lock.
We do have neat claws, maybe we can try to pick the lockl
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With many ideas flowing through your head, you try to stick some straw into the "hole". The rune is more of a drawing than a hole. So, it doesn't work.
scream and pretend to be injured, don't respond until they open the cell door
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You go up to your cell and scream from the top of your lungs. The bandages muffle your scream, however.

> What now?
(sorry bout the long update time, the rushed drawing, and the new ID, I just moved into my dorm)
>Throw the contents of the wooden waste bucket through the bars. Make sure it's full first.
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>>Throw the contents of the wooden waste bucket through the bars. Make sure it's full first.

Well, now the bars and the hall just smell like shit
fuck stealth and subversion and observation, then
>beat the wooden bucket into splinters, stab the fuck out of the next guard that comes to check on us
We're bandaged, but have hands relatively free. Can we try to free our mouth, eyes and ears? (Tear in the bandages)
Both of these and maybe try to use splinter to lockpick again?
Lock is magical. We need the guard's wand to unlock. Also this is why the standard way of getting out of cuffs (breaking your thumb) doesn't work either.
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>(Tear in the bandages)
You decide to tear off the bandages, this should be able to unmuffle your speech now.

>fuck stealth and subversion and observation, then
Well, 7 other inmates have completely lost their sanity, so anything that makes you sound like a methhead wouldn't phase the technically braindead guards.

>beat the wooden bucket into splinters, stab the fuck out of the next guard that comes to check on us

That might be a good idea for a temporary weapon. Keep this in mind.
(Again sorry for the update schedule and the ID being wonky. I just figured out how to set up my college dorm wifi to the computer I use to draw this stuff. I also had a busy first week too)
Cry for help and hope the gaurd slips and then attack.
Role a d20 for me if you please
Rolled 19 (1d20)

not him but here
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You decide to call out to the guards by saying.

"Uh hey I spilled the waste bucket and now the Hall smells like shit. Little help?"

Someone in the prison recognizes your voice and is now headed in your direction.

>What now?
>Make a poopie
Wait patiently and examine the guard as they come
Is this now an Elder Scrolls quest?
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>Wait patiently and examine the guard as they come

A minute or two passes by when one of the guards approaches your cell. Sadly not the one you slammed his head breaking its oversized duck mouth thing. They bring with them a meek college student. They see something in you, something you probably don't see in yourself.
>Demand to be let out of this cell
Ask what the hell all of this is about.
Stare/observe at the shorter individual and the just as they are about to speak say "Hi, how's it going?" in the most cheerful voice you can.
Hey sorry for the lack of updates. I think I bit off more than I can chew. I was busy with school work and other projects. I think I’ll post a few more updates and then I’m going to be taking a hiatus to learn new software. I will be posting this on a website when I’m posting updates for now.
No prblem, have a good one.

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