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Do you ever want to just . . . start a riot?
This place is all sterile hallways and sharp lights, decontaminants, chemical sprays and air-gapped, air-locked, air-tight seals on doors to nowhere.

You're starting to forget what the sun feels like it.
What it was ever like to not be here, now, in the moment. Like the old book says, the days blur out longer than the months, some unbroken trail of tests, pressure, stress, distant voices over speakers, questions, questions, questions, and when sometimes the sharp, stinging pain of not being able to give them the answers they want.

You're starting to turn in on youself. This place makes you small. Swallows you. You become a thing of hallways and tests and measurements and failures to comply with regulations you do not comprehend.

Little parts of your sense of self feels like it's all curled up, as if your whole assemblance of meat and flesh and skeleton and skin was just some chryssalis your actual, inner core. As if you haven't stretched in days, months, years, as if the ceiling bears down and the wall close in and breath runs out.

Maybe . . . If you stood up? What if you stood up?
What if you tried to reach your full height and see how much of you could unfurl, from this slithering, sluggish cage they call meat?


#SubjectID goes here
>We need a name to reference. It has to be searchable
Vit 12 SP 12 CP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
>This is your base arrangement of stats. Note that some picks change this, so be mindful.
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
>Oh, remember this. It'll be the last time it looks anything like this.
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
>Pick one of the three available, and be sure to note any strange traits that gets you. Then also add a single short descriptive like "Friendly", "Twitchy", "Slim", "Likes Lentils", "Sad". You gotta hold on to a little personality around here.
This place is all aching loneliness, long halls and distant sneering cold commands. Move. Do. Pick up. Put down. Stretch. Sit down. Turn around. Face the wall. What are you thinking about? Tell us where they are. Tell us where they went. Tell us what happened.

As if you even knew the answer to any of that.
As if you'd tell them if you did.

You do as you told. You fall in line. You follow the marks on the ground and abide by the regulations and obey and bow and scrape and while doing all that, you wait. You listen. There are other people here.

And they might be just as fucking tired of being apushed around as you are. But they'll need someone to point them in the right direction, someone to channel the focus, to mind the gaps, kee the corners, coordinate the chaos.

Maybe in a former life, you did that kind of thing? Maybe before you ended up here, for whatever foolish reason, you found that people in th middle of confusing and curious circumstance looked your way and listened to your words?

Maybe they did.
Maybe you'll have to make them listen.

You've got this. You're just one little walking sac of maimable flesh and brittle bones and puncturable vital organs and oh so fragile squishy brains, but so what? A single ant scurries under foot and no onlooker notice.

But if an army of ants come down the path, you get out the *way*.


>Perhaps you'd like to avoid tangling with curious cosmic circumstance and prefer more mundane matters, such as holding in the bleeding guts of your dying friends and avoiding suppression fire because bullet hurts? You can try that too.

#SubjectID goes here
>We need a name to reference. It has to be searchable
Vit 12 SP 12 CP 0
DR 0
AP 6 MP 3 TP 1
>This is your base arrangement of stats. Note that some picks change this, so be mindful.
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
>Oh, remember this. It'll be the last time it looks anything like this.
Physicality 10
Senses 10
Thoughts 10
>Pick one of the three available, and be sure to note any strange traits that gets you. Then also add a single short descriptive like "Friendly", "Twitchy", "Slim", "Likes Lentils", "Sad". You gotta hold on to a little personality around here.
A distant rumble, a light spray of dust from the ceiling. A feeling like pressure, releasing with the soft pop of a soap bubble.

Huh. That's new--

The dark cuts in.
The emergency lights click on.
Was that a gunshot?

It's hard to know, senses straining, here in the sudden dark. The reinforced doors and walls aren't apt to give up their secrets. Whatever excitement is happening out there, it'll likely you pass by like so much other noise and emptiness. Besides, tomorrow is maybe Monday if it's not any other day of the week. Sometimes there's an extra helping of desert on the food tray. You could just lie back down and . . .

. . . The doors disengage with a soft whoosh.
Vit 12 SP 12 CP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
!Biomodulation Strain #3
!Craves Purpose

Acolyte shivered against the wall, stirring at the sound of human voices. Hollow eyes snap open, flickering. Perhaps it was more testing.

Acolyte loved testing- puzzles, obstacle courses, marksmanship, regeneration, following orders.vThe voices praised it when it did well. They called it ‘her’, and let her walk around and eat warm, solid food, for a day.

Those days were so good, it was worth the risk of failure. After all, it healed very fast.

The humanoid smoothly shifts onto its feet, long practice enabling it to avoid cracking its skull on the roof. Ducking under the door, the simulation sees thoughts shiver through a hollow skull.

This must be a test.

> AP 6, MP 3: Move towards the sound.
*stimulation. Acolyte does not have a computer in her head. She doesn’t even have much imagination.
Vit 12 SP 12 CP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
{!Many hands, Light work}
{!Temple Inviolate}

> AP6 // Wait for a while longer. Allow the situation to play out and observe..
Rolled 2, 1, 6 = 9 (3d6)

ty for running, Command

Vit 12 SP 12 CP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
#Augmented Systemics 10
!Smells Like Sulfur

Is it really pudding time again, so soon? This must be another test, another lie, another trick... I never know what they expect from me, how they want me to act, or when the violence will stop... But if I can ace this test... Pudding!!!

>MP 3, AP 3 [Move+React] move cautiously towards the noises, ready to hit the deck and take the beatings and electrical shocks from this test's administrators, who are no doubt waiting to smother my panic with pain.
>AP 3 [Test and Try][Senses] Observe surroundings and search for clues of how to solve this "test". Gotta be some pudding around here somewhere, or a switch to flip that reveals the pudding, or a trap door that leads to the kitchen with the unwashed pudding spoons, or a trash chute with unlicked pudding cup lids, or... (roll)
"Don't give in to hope, but we might have a chance here. Move together, watch over one another, and maybe we can capitalize."

>2AP, grab the blanket off my bed and Ready it
>3MP+1AP, move towards the exit
>1TP+3AP, Direct and Command + Concentrate x3 - instruct caution to those around me. Intent is to boost defenses. (Sup Ops 10+3)

Vit 12 SP 12 CP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3 TP 1
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 10
Thoughts 10
Support Operations 10
!Inspiring Presence
!Dreams of the Ocean
If possible, I volunteer to start at/be the Subject that is at the bottom-right, closest to the BANG
Delicious pudding, and so soon! Imagine! The tantalizing scents and sights and the raptorous taste of the cream on your tastebuds, sometimes, you know? Sometimes? If you've been - nice - there's . . .

think about this
hold it like a gem
hold it like the shining star of the sky that it is

sometimes there's extra servings.

and you've been SO GOOD, Grimp. SO GOOD. They'll HAVE to give you extra servings right? Right? RIGHT? Stars and shining high heavens, it's salivatingly achingly wonderful to even think about it.

... unfortunately it looks like out past the door in the corridor is *not* a serving tray, Melissa the Kitchen Staff Aid and her little rolling wagon of delicacies, no, out past the heavy door is a hallway, and a corridor, and a corpse, and a blaring alarm.

aww man.
no pudding.

Ooh, could I reserve a spot? Can’t make a char now, but this looks fascinating.
By all means, though hardly a need to reserve anything. When things get extra lively, sometimes these little escapades feature 25+ people all at once, so you're not in much danger of being squeezed out. Find your feet any time you like and join in when you can.

For the next few hour things will be a little hectic to get established and started, and then after that it usually settles down into a more sedate pace of 1-2 turns a day. Excepting the sudden adrenaline tinged horror show where you blink and realize 27 turns have gone by in an hour, but, look, sometimes that just happens.

Point is, join in any time. The Facility will wait. We'll keep your cell warm.
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Grimps creeps along the pathway. With a soft flicker, the emergency light goes away and the proper lights come back on. The doors shudder and begin to cycle again. Soon, they will close. And you will be trapped in your cells again.

Unless the whole facility cycles once more?

Acolyte brings up the rear. Grimps peeks the corner, keeping low. Out and down the hallway, sharp and sudden, a flash of noise - BANG BANG - gunshots, slamming into the wall near the forward pair. They duck and flinch. But wait that wasn't aimed at you. That was ...

A trio of shapes, long limbs and sharp teeth and hungry eyes. A dead man. A splayed, ripped open uniform. A security guard on the other side, forced to go for the side-arm. Panick in the air and the pheremones of chem-communication. That trio of things? They're not people. Were they ever people? They look like a childs idea of a predator, all limber and slim and sharp. And they've found one meal. Those long claws of theirs look exceedingly dangerous.

But they. . . Oh they want more. They're so very, very hungry.

>The dizzying expanse down the corridor and hallways and twisted warrens expand before you ! So many rooms and tunnels and connections and hallways and doors and ...

>Grimps and Acolyte accrue +1 Change, from dizzying insight.
Rolled 1, 3, 2 = 6 (3d6)

The chatter of fire, screaming, blood, a sudden flash strikes through the its memories.

A test.

Situation. Active shooter. Unarmed targets. Fellow subjects.

Step one. Remove threat.

Acolyte slaps Grimp on the shoulder, gestures towards the darkness opposite us. Check our corners. See what’s there.

Then, it *sprints* right past- past the mutants, round the corner

Step one. Remove threats.

> AP 6, MP 3: Charge and slam into the shooter. Tackle him to the floor, tear the gun from his hand. Remember the basics of CQC. (3d6 vs Physical)

Vit 12 SP 12 CP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
!Biomodulation Strain #3
!Craves Purpose

1 Change
Vit 12 SP 12 CP 0
DR 0
AP 6 MP 3 TP 1
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 10
Thoughts 10
#Small Unit Tactics 10
!Nerves of Cold Steel [Cool Under Fire][Not By The Number]
!Nerves of Cold Steel
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Rolled 3, 6, 3, 1, 6, 3, 2, 1, 3 = 28 (9d6)

Well be that as it very much may, the order was to STAND BY, so you can just very much repeat yourself, you impatient little almost-human.


Grimps checks the hallway and the distant other room. Amelius prepares his bedsheet. Chalkydri reaches out and thinks other people's thoughts, a smattering of impressions.

Given Amelius extollation to keep low and keep it together, Acolyte and Grimps realize the sharp benefit of proper teamwork and coordination! Behold, Amelius soft-spoken inspiration DIRECTS YOU TO KEEP YOUR HEADS DOWN; you get +2 (that was a critical he rolled there, off-screen, unseen!) to your next defense checks.

Now, about defensives: you're sly quick footed things, yes? Not afraid to be hurt, but prefering to avoid it?

You might learn quite a few ways to stay alive, but the first you'll have is simply remembering the #1 rule of a gunfight: Don't Be Hit.

When the world aggresses against you, you tend to check REACTION (this happens on the backend, automatically), and if you succeed enough, you avoid the unpleasant danger by ducking away.

Reacting this way is FAR easier when you have ROOM TO MOVE. And you very, very often won't. Also, reacting repeatedly gets harder - there's increasing penalties to more quick-on-your-feet-dodging.

( This reveals another subtle facet of teamwork - if you're fighting something fiendlishly agile and quick, you can take a few swings, be pretty confident it will duck, but also be aware that as it ducks and dodges, you are really setting it up for the surprise blow delivered by your allies! )


A sharp cry of pain! A hiss! A sniff! That one long-limbed slender thing with the sharp teeth and the dead cold eyes haven't followed its friends. It smells. . . easier prey.

Careful now, this might get violent. But it doesn't have to. Not everything in this place is out to kill you. Quite a lot just wants to live through the next few hours. Maybe you can scare it off? Or barter? Or lay it down low with a quick jab? But those claws . . .

>That means you lot, go!
#Donny O'Cork
Vit 12 SP 12 CP 0
DR 2+Fa AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1

Fuctionally Alive
Physicality 10
Senses 10
Thoughts 10
#Mutability 10
!Metal Fatigue - DR2 +1. Feel No Pain.
!Reserve Power - May send Fatigue on the same activity multiple times a turn
!Engineering Specifications - Features are Internal
!Prime Directive: Repair

>Move Action: Leave my repository.
>Major Action: Perform Self-Diagnostic. Are my chassis or components in need of repair?
>Major Action: Consider the objects in the surrounding environment. Are any of them suitable for integration or repair work, either for the chassis that I inhabit or the bio/mechanical beings in my database?
Move as one, strike while it's on the backfoot!

>3MP, move 3NE and end facing south
>3AP, blind that BEAST with my blanket (Physicality 10)
>3AP, defend - I'm only human here!
>1TP, coordinate Acolyte and Grimp's attacks against the fiend! It's all in the timing... (Support Operations 10+1 from Inspiring Presence)

Vit 12 SP 12 CP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3 TP 1
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 10
Thoughts 10
Support Operations 10
!Inspiring Presence
!Dreams of the Ocean
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That Monday (or is it Friday?) desert wagon is taking a while. Muffled noise through the walls. The low rumbling. A moment ago, there was almost loud, tearing sounds, the hushed muffled of distant reports from guns going off. Someone screamed.

It ended quick.

Maybe you'll have another quiet ten thousand hours stuck down here in the deeper dark, staring at the sterile walls and the clean passage ways. The door to your low security containment cell is shut tight. A small red dot on the inside blink blink blink blinking away. That stupid light. The green light haunts you, indicating that the door locks are engaged, teh seals are tight, the deterrents functional and if you take your frustration out on this door, of all things, the next thing that happens is your cell gets filled with light and noise and shock and pain. They don't like people messing with the equipment. Yeah, that green light and you are old friends by now.


Why is the green light *red*?


Please, what is this, an amateur operation? You're in a sterile environment of carefully managed exposure, and even your bedsheet on your bed is synthetic plastic wraps on a poly-carbon frame, meant to tear easy and shatter easier and absolutely no good as a building material, a shiv base or as gradual accumulation of some kind of build up of constituent components of free-floating mass that you might reasonably use to adjust your own frame and convert to spare materials.

No siree, we've learned over the long years to keep a tight ship, and you'll just stay in your nice clean containment cell and no cause a fuss.

I mean, if you could get out of it, there'd be all kinds of materials in the world available for your use. Wires in the walls, terminals to interact with, stations to poke at, carelessly forgotten sporks on the ground.

Can't be having that.

Best you stay right where you are.
#Splendiferous Weaver of the Threads that bind the Squirming Prey Floundering in the Underneath (Samantha)
Vit 12 SP 12 CP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
!Biomodulation Strain #3
= Virulent Vitality
= Bound by the Flesh


Primary Taxonomy: Malichnid
Rolled 5, 5, 3 = 13 (3d6)


Vit 12 SP 12 CP 1
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
#Augmented Systemics 10

!Augmentic-Extropian [Metal Fatigue, Reserve Power, Engineering Specifications]
!Smells Like Sulfur

>3MP, 3 AP - Move hex directions 232 (or 323 if those partial hexes cannot be occupied/moved thru). Use AP to dodge that malevolent creature.
>3AP, 1CP, roll: Manifest - Focus
>4SP If possible, give my Manifest a +4 bonus using 4 SP (stamina points)

The lights have already returned to normal, and the blaring alarms are fading... This is one of their quickest-paced tests yet... Surely the beatings and electrical shocks will be harsh if I do not return to my cell in time...

"I-is that guard going to be okay?"

A friendly slap from Acolyte jolts the servos in my augmented system, and my fear and panic is washed away. As are the rest of my human emotions. But even machines dread failure.

A human fellow yells at me to attack, but he's not in a guard uniform, so I don't follow his orders. I've failed that test already - fool me once, shame on you. You won't fool me again.

This test is odd and unlike the others. There are so many different creatures, sights and sounds in this one test... but Grimp assumes these new variables to be extraneous in the ultimate goal.

"...Pudding switch, pudding switch..."

I can't find it, and start panicking... Something breaks within me, and I begin to... Change.

#Glace Froide
Vit 12 SP 12 CP 0
DR 0
AP 6 MP 3 TP 1
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 10
Thoughts 10
Small Unit Tactics 10
!Nerves of Cold Steel
!Emotionally Blunted

I have lost count of the amount of days I have been here.
>Open my eyes

Vit 12 SP 12 CP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
!Biomodulation Strain #3
= Virulent Vitality
= Bound by the Flesh
At least . . . one.
At least one. It might even have been two. They put something in the water, sometimes, to make you forget.

Somewhere, somehow, Security Captain Caliper is oh so very, very happy that he got in that extra order for heavy duty flame-throwers last month.

Honestly? Don't bother. Just close them. Go back to dormancy. Rest. Quiet down. Breathe in. Breathe out. Do you still need to breath? C02 filtering in the mainline system of the human body is pretty ineffective, you should fix that.

Close your eyes.

It's going to be so much better than witnessing what is about to happen to your face.
Movement clarification:
I assumed hex directions have the north-facing hex as 1, and ascend clockwise. Grimp would like to head towards that dark hallway with the terminals :)
I would very much like to see, yeah.

It's alright, the face always grows back.

What is a 'Red'?

Wow. I've been down here too long.

>1MP, move 1N (upto the door)
>3AP, [Test & Try (Senses, 10)], Hello? Poke it. Poke it a lot. Press it. Touch. Feel. Do doors even dream? Does this thing open?
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The first thing you see is the ceiling because that other contester in today's KINETIC OPERATIONS LIVE TEST ENVIRONMENT punched you pretty hard right in the teeth, and the second thing you see is that it's coming closer, all hooped up on murder-chemicals and a delightful urge to slide its sharp long claws right inbetween your soft squishy meat.

Martingale, who really didn't sign up for this, is covering up near Froide and hoping someone as any kind of plan for this particular situation --

Normally, everyone wears control bands that are meant to shock the participants if brawls get out of hand or outside the parameters of the test environment, but . . . with a soft, quiet "clonk", most of them disengaged about fifteen seconds ago right when the entire facility went through a power cycle and you do not think your competitors tonight intend to play for a draw.

Aren't there supposed to be guards to stop this kind of thing? They don't get any data if you're all dead ! They didn't even give you WEAPONS!
Some kind of malign thing, an amputated missing part of a rainbow and pain and the memory of a bright burning orb in the high sky you haven't seen forever and --


the security door is. . . unlocked.
Weapons..? I have no need of such, I *am* the weapon.
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The hallway beyond is one you know pretty well, having been shuffled down it many a time. The neighbours were always rowdy.

Judging by the carnage here, they got out first. There's two men in various states of disassembly and sharp tears in the floors, the walls, the doors; bits of debris and the sharp tang of smoke and chemicals and gunpowder in the air.

Looks like that terminal over there is still active, section door control.

You're out. You're *free*. There's other colours than red and green now. Beige. Grey. Metal. And. . . so many sounds. Sights. Complications.
>1AP, Open Sesame (open the door)
>1MP, 1N (step out the cell)
>1AP, Look around.

Huh. . .

Well, this is new. I think.

I'm kind of at a lost for words here.
Vit 12 SP 12 CP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
!Biomodulation Strain #3
!Craves Purpose

Acolyte steps past the cyborg. It peers down at the bioweapon. Memories return.

Training. Practice.

Before their eyes, Acolyte shifts- shivering, sniffing the air, absorbing their pheromonal language.

You. I am not food.

What is happening?

Malleability (10) + Focus (1) + Change (1)

Remember my role as a PACK LEADER for other, more vicious, less thoughtful subjects. A soldier amongst wolves- strong, smart, intelligent enough to command, but not so much as to rebel.
Rolled 4, 4, 3 = 11 (3d6)

If we can spend FP to mutate harder, I happily dump four. I doubt it, though, that sounds silly.
What is happening, Acolyte ponders. A query for the ages.

Rolled 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 5 = 25 (9d6)

The distant alarms blare again. The facility lights flicker, once, before normalcy (of a kind) re-asserts itself. There is a faint, almost quiet, WHOMP, like an afterthought. Some kind of . . . detonation?


Acolyte and Grimps both arrive at the same concluson quite rapidly: it is remarkably ill-advised to attempt to adjust ones particular arrangements of biology or other matters when prowling hunters are near; the process renders you woefully, wildly helpless and it is best done in the scant moments of peace you can find, in quiet rooms, in dark corners, away from sharp claws or batons or guns or worse things.

Predators can smell weakness. If you do it beside their prowling steps, they POUNCE.


Acolyte's senses are all-a-wracked and wrecked, tinged with pain and misery. That's an aberrant feature, friend, little half-man thing, soon to be something else, all part of you and new. A trait, you've gained. But perhaps not the one you wanted? You should try to wash that off or shake it off or stop secreting the things that drives the hunters here wild with delighted murder-minding at your mere existence.


Grimps, meanwhile, jiggles his neurons in the right way and the Heads Up Display and his Task Management Routines restart with a flicker. Hey, look at that. Every good day starts with an organized day planner.

Pretty standard stuff: Add a task with a minor action and it's in your awareness, so naturally, the critical rating is increased. When you take action to carve through your to do list, you benefit from enhanced effect and outcomes; your Focus bolsters the things that happen.


All these tests and measurements and questions and simulations and requests - what were they trying to find ? Something like this? Something more? Something lesser?

Acolytes inspiration was good - a grand idea. It is FAR BETTER to be SPECIFIC in DESIRES when CHANGING, otherwise, the vast world of whim and chance and nearby environmental effects and random fluctuations in the substrate of the cosmos will surprise you.

Leaving it up to chance, is, of course, possible. Sometimes feasible. You might not always know what you want, or what is possible.

You'll learn.
You'll have to

Bob gets accosted. He makes, uh, friends?


>(That means you lot)
Rolled 5 (1d6)

Rolled 1, 4, 3 = 8 (3d6)

If we're all dead? It would take much, much, MUCH more than that to put me down.

The others are not so lucky.

The pain will only be passing. Pain means I'm still alive and can retaliate.

>6AP+1 Stamina: Committed strike to the skull of the one that attacked me(Physicality 10 + Lethality 1)

Vit 12 SP 11/12 CP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
!Biomodulation Strain #3
= Virulent Vitality
= Bound by the Flesh
Well, it's diplomacy. Of a kind.
Rolled 6, 3, 4 = 13 (3d6)

>3 MP: Move 5 Sneakily
>6 AP: Lean into my instinct. Kill this foolish Prey that would turn its back to me. (Physicality 10 + Lethality 1)

#Splendiferous Weaver of the Threads that bind the Squirming Prey Floundering in the Underneath (Samantha)
Vit 12 SP 12 CP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
!Biomodulation Strain #3
= Virulent Vitality
= Bound by the Flesh


Primary Taxonomy: Malichnid
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Within every human skull can be found a nation of neurons, a country of grey matter.
Though the dutiful citizenry murmur and communicate along bundled axons, perhaps one day a grand song from beyond begins to propagate like a disease, or a wildfire.
Then the nation, now a magnificent choir, turns toward its neighbors and sings their newfound anthem with such conviction that it would spread to the furthest edges of the world:

"Sticking out your gyatt for the rizzler... you're so skibidi..."

#Subject Sigma
Vit 12 SP 12 CP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
!Telekinetic(Physical tests at range,Thoughts/Senses on sapient)
+Microslip Precognition(+Focus Evade targets)
+Temple Inviolate(Manifest External)
!Incurable Brainrot
>We need a name to reference. It has to be searchable
Vit 12 SP 12 CP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
#Mutability 10
!Biomodulation Strain #3
[Virulent Vitality] [Bound by the Flesh]
There had been a time when Ketlan Knight had been someone, or at least been on his way to becoming someone. A young man, full of confidence, just starting out on a career in martial arts. He had a good school behind him, a good coach, he was racking up wins, and people were starting to notice. Maybe he had just been kidding himself. One knock out, the first of his career, had been a doozy. Total fade to black. And he woke up here. And whatever he was now, he was NOT Ketlan Knight anymore. He was just hungry. It was Monday, probably, the day when they brought the snacks. He would inhale them ravenously every week, though it did nothing to ease the unending hunger. Why eat at all, then? Heh. As if it was a choice. Hunger is primordial. Way down there in the reptile brain. It completely bypasses the frontal cerebral cortex and even mammalian hardware like dignity, shame, or hate.
*Click -- a movement of air.*
So, all that being said... If the doors are opening, then Gluttony is coming out.
>2MP move 2NE (2-2), upto the aid station.
>1AP peruse the cabinet, might as well, it was quite inviting. Take anything of use!
>3AP [Test&Try (Sense,10)] Also, how does this terminal work? Buttons? Touch-pad? I cant tell if the screen is bright or if the room is too dark.

Ignore the corpse. Ignore the cadaver. Ignore it. Holy. Holy Crap. . . I didn't know bodies could be messed up that bad.
>Begin the procedure to leave

Vit 12 SP 12 CP 0
DR 2 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Augmented Systemics 10
!Resilient Streak

"I think it's time to leave. The beeping and the whaling is old."
Rolled 4, 1, 5, 5, 5, 6 = 26 (6d6)



Vit 12 SP 12 CP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
!Biomodulation Strain #3
!Craves Purpose

> Regenerate
> 3 AP: Seize control of my errant pheromone system. Make it do something USEFUL. (Malleability 10, Spend 4SP)
> 3 AP, 1 MP; step into my attacker’s face, and body slam them to the floor. Committed attack.

Let’s try this again.

What. Is. Going. On.
Fuckfuckfuck - stop dying! I need you freaks alive! HIT HIM! He's just clawing blindly!

>1TP+2AP, inspire Acolyte to action! (Sup Ops 11 + Inspiring Presence 1 + 2 Concentrate)
>2MP, move 1NE, 1SE
>3AP, search the body - we need a weapon and fast! (Senses 10?)
>1AP, ready any weapon I find. I'm pretty sure that's a baton on the floor there.

Vit 12 SP 12 CP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3 TP 1
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 10
Thoughts 10
Support Operations 10
!Inspiring Presence
!Dreams of the Ocean
Rolled 5, 6, 6, 2, 1, 4 = 24 (6d6)

#Glace Froide
Vit 12 SP 12 CP 0
DR 0
AP 6 MP 3 TP 1
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 10
Thoughts 10
Small Unit Tactics 10
!Nerves of Cold Steel
!Emotionally Blunted

>[Tactical] Major Action: Martingale, Grins, stay behind... Samantha for now. Get us some cover or armour.
>[Direct And Command]: But try to not die, got it?

I wish I could get some chocolate right about now.
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Security Captain Caliber - somewhere, at a command station - quietly ratchets the alarm state up a few notches.
Vit 12 SP 12 CP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
!Biomodulation Strain #3
= Virulent Vitality
= Bound by the Flesh
She's chanting some kind of ancient spell, jerkily performs a sort of seemingly ritualistic dance. It's disconcerting and doesn't make *sense*!
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Torn doors and shattered cells and -- did someone tear through here? Did the walls fall down? You try to remember, but it's all a blurr. You were being split into teams for a kinetic engagement test and then the researcher, Dr. Stimi, he . . . looked at his watch and said "huh" and then the facility frazzled and -- your head, it hurts. Something in your bones feel wrong.

But the pain is diminishing. You can move again.
You should move again.
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You were on your way to the kinematics testing grounds for another few laps of jumping through hoops to rack up points on a scoreboard you do not understand when they jumped you and your escort, a swarm of shining fangs and bright teeth and corrosive gas and sound that was wrong -- you crept in here, in one of the maintenance tunnels -- waiting for your body to knit itself back together. You've left a lot of blood behind but you're about ready to move again.

How long has it been? Is everyone else alive? You should . . . get your bearings.

You hear the fast sound of running feet, heavy footfalls, shouts, commands. You can recognize the stern stacato of the guards speech by rote now. There's a group of them passing by this door, right now. A large group.

You might want to avoid them, for now - they might not treat you kindly. Or you could open the door and go with them? Surrender? Slink back to your cell...
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Only armor around here is harsh language or the carapace of your friend there, whom, I don't mind telling you, I am not engaging with anything less than a six man backup team, superior weight of fire and copious amounts of local support.

Ah come on Grins, gimme a hand -- look, this shelving unit, it's got some stuff on it. Catch!

>Well, it's not armor
>But is a [BATON]

>L+1, Stun 1, which simply means it deals Lethality d6 +1 and also knocks an AP out of people you bat over the head with it. Useful!
Rolled 2, 6, 1, 1, 2, 1, 3, 1, 1 = 18 (9d6)

"And here. We. Go."
>MP3: Move 1-1-6
>1ap: Look for something useful on the floor. Anything really.
>1ap: Pick up something useful from the floor. Surely it's something useful and haste makes waste!
>1ap: Pick up 1 more thing?
>3ap: Move 6-5-6

Vit 12 SP 12 CP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
#Augmented Systemics 10
!Augmentic-Extropian [Metal Fatigue, Reserve Power, Engineering Specifications, Task-Tracking Suite]
!Smells Like Sulfur

I feel... Awakened...

"Acolyte, look out!"

>3MP+ 6AP Run 556, and perform a jumping head stomp with both feet on the body slammed foe (perform a tackle if Acolyte's body slam was ineffective)

If the jump can be included in the attack for less than 3AP, I would like to include these actions:
>1AP Append New Task to Tracker: Banzai!
>2AP Concentrate x2 on the attack
Rolled 3, 5, 6 = 14 (3d6)

Forgot my rooooooollll (rolling for attack only not the jump)
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Vit 12 SP 12 CP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
!Biomodulation Strain #3
[Virulent Vitality] [Bound by the Flesh]
Gluttony staggers -- or maybe slithers -- out of the cell in a disoriented state. There's something red on the ground, here. Is it gore?

[MP1:3] Move 2s, 1sw

[AP1:4] I try to focus. Regain my bearings. I try to get clarity on my physical and mental condition. What am I missing? Why is it so hard for me to think clearly?
[AP5] Is there any flesh I can eat in this red smear on the ground?
[AP6] My eyes swivel to look at the metal man rushing to leave. There's flesh on its bones, but it's full of metal parts. And it may intend to escape. I may be able to consume later after it has been killed. It doesn't seem interested in me for now, and there should be easier meat around here somewhere with all this blood everywhere.
Rolled 1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 2, 1, 6, 1 = 17 (9d6)

Getting your bearings, are you? Shaking off the drugs, the inhibitor arrays, the suppressants, the memetic compulsion code-switching (no, not that, never that)...


There's distant noise like a rattling, long drawn out shriek, rolling across the halls, loud and piercing. Sigma can feel it: No sound wave, that. Something shrieking in their head - dying, fading, ending in a flash of fire and procedural operations.

The distant masters of this place seem the implacable sort.

Rolled 5, 2, 6 = 13 (3d6)

#Glace Froide
Vit 12 SP 12 CP 0
DR 0
AP 6 MP 3 TP 1
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 10
Thoughts 10
Small Unit Tactics 10
!Nerves of Cold Steel
!Emotionally Blunted

[Tactical] Major Action (+3 AP to boost): Martingale, Grins, bust that secure shelf open.

Maybe Ice Cream will do me some good...
Vit 12 SP 12 CP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
[Damage Reduction 2]
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Augmented Systemic 10
Augmentic Extropian
[Metal Fatigue] [Reserve Power] [Engineering Specifications]
Cold and logical.

00:00 since awakening: Subject runs diagnostics.
00:05 sa: Diagnostics complete. Subject is currently imprison.
00:07 sa: New directive added: Escape to the surface. The use of force has been cleared. Adminstrative privileges have been granted to the subject.
00:12 sa: Subject begins to move.
NeoGenesis doesn't find much of use, a tornado of violence tore thorugh this place. A flashlight might be the best of it. Bright light and shining succour.

Amelius has better luck; a handgun is never a bad find. Just point and click at the bad things until they go away.

Rudimentary firearms handling 101 seems to be a missing memory, though. Well, you'll . . . learn on the job. Surely? It'll come back. It has to.


Doors slide open. Things move in the dark.


Acolyte is thrown back into a wall as Grimps comes in feet first, and everyone ends up in a sprawling pile with a thing of hate and fury and malice and so many many sharp claws and teeth and tearing, scratching, murderous violence, absolutely steaming, screaming mad and soaked in the chemical markers of submission from a prey-thing that doesn't want to stop struggling HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATEHATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATEHATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATEHATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATEHATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATEHATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATEHATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATEHATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATEHATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATEHATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATEHATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE

Having gone utterly and totally berserk, the creature is completely insensitive to pain and shock and suffering and lashes wildly out at everyone around it.

Also you're all on the floor, prone, sprawled out. No advanced acrobatics are possible and your movement speed is a slow rolling scoot.


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You were meant to be transfered to advanced kinematics for ehanced testing. Something about a routine servo check, or an update to the proprioception software.

The handlers put you here and told you to wait for them, they'd go get the equipment. They've generally always treated you with a certain fondness.

One of them left you a pudding.

That was hours ago.

The noise is fluctuating. Sometimes, there's a scream. Just now, the whole security station flickered as the lights and power cycled. Doors disengaged. The advanced monitoring software on the terminal in front of your crashed and hasn't rebooted. The screens went dark.

Something isn't quite. . . Right.
That's all well and good, but you were told to STAND BY. So you'll simply have to dictate an action again, Miss Froide.

Also they busted that shelf open. Even threw you a nice baton and got a pair themselves, fresh from the no longer secured storage space. Progress!
Rolled 3, 1, 1 = 5 (3d6)

Vit 12 SP 12 CP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
!Biomodulation Strain #3
!Craves Purpose

> Regenerate 2
> 6 AP, 3 SP: FIX THE PHEREMONE SYSTEM. HEY. HEY YOU. LISTEN. (Malleability 10+ Lots)
> Movement: Shuffle a little bit away.

(Frustrated player noises.)
Other than clanking away and weighing more than any other five men combined, that metal amalgamation of wires and desires would fit into most punk raves or demonstrations. Seems... human. Though the skin reflect the light oddly.

You realize - with a start - why the world is so blurry.

A rather intense chemical suppressant regimen has just worne off, finally flushed out of your biology like an invader purged from the shores a mist-shrouded country. When you breathe in - and you can finally, really, breathe in - your lungs obey you with enthuasistic consent. You can flex your muscles. You can feel your heart thrum. All the little parts of yourself, waking up.

But for all that, no. Eating a pure metal diet is out of your reach for the moment - hard to digest, hard to absorb, hard to shape. What you want - need - is . . . biomass and dreams and exposure to novel stimulants.


>Gain +1 Change
Rolled 5, 6, 4, 6, 3, 4 = 28 (6d6)

I see the Bob. I am not like the Bob. I see the Martingale. I am not like the Martingale. I see the FleshPrey. I am not like the FleshPrey. I am different. I do not exercise bipedal locomotion. I am not as weak as them... or at least, I'm not supposed to be. This gnawing hunger, it has left me weak, malnourished, underfed. I am greater than this, I can be greater than this, but that requires more sustenance. But, I do not presently remember my greatness. I am not like these, but what am I like?

>3 AP: Consume the FleshPrey's PreyFlesh (Physicality 10 + Lethality 1)
>3 AP: Analyze myself, what makes me special, besides my regal name and refined form? (Thoughts 8 + Focus 1)

#Splendiferous Weaver of the Threads that bind the Squirming Prey Floundering in the Underneath (Samantha)
Vit 12 SP 12 CP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8


Primary Taxonomy: Malichnid
Rolled 3, 5, 2, 4, 5, 2 = 21 (6d6)

Vit 12 SP 12 CP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
!Biomodulation Strain #3
= Virulent Vitality
= Bound by the Flesh

"Let's have a look in here. Losing most of my blood should have purged the drugs dampening my senses"

[MP 3, AP 2] Move N x2, NW as silently as possible be sneaky (Alacrity 1)
[AP 3] Observe the room [1 AP] to focus on how threatening people inside are. (Senses 8)
(Command has explained to me on discord that either someone pulls the thing off me, or my recovery action is not going to stopped me getting slashed to pieces a *lot*.

….I’ll really owe you now if you do that.

; ( )
Rolled 3, 3, 4, 3, 4, 1 = 18 (6d6)

>3ap: Try to regain my bearings using my HUD
>MP3: Move 6-6-5
>3ap: Smash the camera
Rolled 6, 3, 4, 1, 4, 2, 6, 2, 5 = 33 (9d6)


Vit 12 SP 12 CP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
#Augmented Systemics 10
!Augmentic-Extropian [Metal Fatigue (dmg reduction 2), Reserve Power, Engineering Specifications, Task-Tracking Suite]
!Smells Like Sulfur


Grimp's emotion suppression systems flicker, as a tearful grimace mechanically returns to a blank face.

Further collateral damage will have to be minimized. Or else I could lose my chance at silky chocolate gold... Perhaps if I make it up now, I can earn a bonus cup!

"Get off of her!"

>Use 2 MP (if prone) or 3 MP (if floored) to Posture: Stand Up
>1AP Append New Task to Tracker: Headhunter
>3AP Right fist head-punch!
>3SP Left fist head-punch! [w/ Reserve Power]
>3SP Right fist head-punch! [w/ Reserve Power] + 2AP Concentrate
(Stamina and Fatigue are the same thing, right?)
oops, my SP was 8 and should now be 2 after those uses. And Vit is 10 not 12
Some damn fool - probably confused about the various horrors of biology on routine display around here - got them all mixed up.

It's being straightened out, but yes - in every way that matters, Stamina and Fatigue are the same thing. We've just accidentally written the intruction material to be extra confusing by freely mixing terms.

Bit of a mistake.
(Thanks man)
I... must have done this before, right? This weight seems so familiar, yet the fog is too thick. It'll come back to me, this feeling isn't fabricated. How hard could it be?

Wait... Oi! Don't keep your back to the enemy!

>3AP, consider the weapon in my hand, recall memories long forgotten (Willpower 14? Burn stamina as necessary?)
>2MP, creep 2NW and peek around the corner
>1TP, alert Grimp to the foes in his rear arc (Sup Ops 10+Inspiring Presence 1)
>3AP+3SP, committed attack 3SW - target vitals, failure to stop (Lethality 11 + concentrate 3 + committed attack bonus X)

Vit 12 SP 9/12 CP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3 TP 1
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 10
Thoughts 10
Support Operations 10
!Inspiring Presence
!Dreams of the Ocean
Vit 12 SP 12 CP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
!Biomodulation Strain #3
[Virulent Vitality] [Bound by the Flesh]
Change +1
Gluttony's chest expands and contracts pushing air through his system as the drugs are rapidly counteracted. As the fog lifts away, he registers... something... new. Something in the reward center of his brain. Just from seeing the cyborg? Gluttony's eyes swivel back to the cyborg as it picks up a sturdy flashlight and moves down the hall. Gluttony does not follow him yet. For the first time in a long time, he has dopamine from something other than food. He suddenly has a hunger for knowledge, instead, though his stomach is blasting out as many signals to feed as ever.
"You... You're normal." Gluttony says to Bulwark. He subconsciously licks the corner of his mouth. "Could you do me a favor and try to hurt me? Just a little. I won't hit back. If you help me out, I'll go first into whatever is shooting out there."
MP2: Move up to Bulwark and look at him.
AP6: Recover (Physicality 10, Regenerate +2) - PURGE DRUGS AND HORMONES
Rolled 6, 6, 6 = 18 (3d6)

forgot the dice
okay but what if - alright - what if *instead*

you tweaked your adrenal gland to produce a similar substance?
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A gunshot rings out, loud and clear and true - and something slumps to the ground, with a brand new hole where something important used to be.

12 more solutions to many of lifes small perils left in the piece, trooper. Make 'em count.


Amelius remembers. Right. First of all, obviously, spending STAMINA on THINKING is a profound paradox. You can't possibly spend physical effort thinking harder.

But also, that's how guns work. You point them at the other guy and click the trigger and eventually the other guy stops being a problem. Small sharp little pieces of metal propelled through the air at speed.

Looks like these HANDGUNS do 2d6 damage, unless you hit something very important, and then it's worse. It's probably a very good idea to be IN COVER when shot at; bullets tend to hit things in front of you instead of you if it's there to be hit.

Those GUARDS are AIMING at Amelius, as well (And Sigma gets the same experience).

Hitting targets at long distance is hard; penalties accrue, something they tumble and twist. 'Locking On' is actually a minor action with a firearm, readying it to shoot against a specific singular target. You miss less. If you haven't acquired a target, your shots are snapshots - they miss more, and misses go *elsewhere* and hit *other things*.

Finally, with a firearm, you can AIM - that's 3 AP. It accomplishes the locking on and you benefit from the ACCURACY of the weapon. For these pistols, that's 2.

Also there's one final little twist, that's more final than final. Squeeze the trigger more? Get more result. Specify how much ammo you're willing to spend when shooting. More bullet flying might hit the target more. You gain some skill bonus, conditionally, on firing more shots and might hit your target more than once. The famous double-tap is simply two bullets.

Mind that when you start spraying fire everywhere, more bullets in the air also means more misses. You will hit unintended targets.


Grimps tears the scavenging horror-show off of Acolyte, who rolls away and shakes themselves and recovers to their knee, shaking off pain and finally fixing that leaking secretions. In a surge-flash of adrenaline, the world is clearer.

>Hit negative HP
>Gain 3 Change

The smaller thing in front of Grimps is now broken, bent, still fighting, but it's limps are far too crippled to offer much danger. Instead, based on Amelius suggestions, he slides into the hallway to avoid having a bullet slide into his brain.

>That thing has crippled limbs; it's hardly a danger any more. That happens sometimes. Good way to disable your foes.
>+2 Change, Grimps.


>Minor slowdown here, Command needs to ... breathe.
Rolled 4, 5, 6 = 15 (3d6)

Vit 12 SP 12 CP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
[Damage Reduction 2]
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Augmented Systemic 10
Augmentic Extropian
[Metal Fatigue] [Reserve Power] [Engineering Specifications]
Cold and logical.

Observation: Facility appears to be in disarray. Handlers have not returned. Pudding reserves dangerously low.
Proposed course of action: This unit will attempt to learn more about the situation outside.

>Move towards the screen.
>Attempt to interface with the base's system via the screen. Find a way into the system. Glean information. Really [Commit] to it. (Augmented Systemics 10)
Rolled 5, 6, 3 = 14 (3d6)

"That's Weaver to you, squishysoul."

>3 MP: Move 211
>6 AP, 2 Stamina: Manifest a Change - to Movement. My form could use improvement, I should make sure I can traverse vertically, and even on ceilings, to gain an appreciable mobility advantage, and the ability to be where few Preys think to look. (CP 2 + MP 3 (?) + AP 3 (bonus from extra AP Spent) + Stamina 2 (bonus spent on this action)) [total vs 10]

#Splendiferous Weaver of the Threads that bind the Squirming Prey Floundering in the Underneath (Samantha)
Vit 12 SP 12(->10) CP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8


Primary Taxonomy: Malichnid
Rolled 5, 4, 1, 1, 6, 2 = 19 (6d6)

Vit 12 SP 12 CP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Lightly Wounded, Bleeding One
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
!Biomodulation Strain #3
!Craves Purpose
!Social Pheromones

The mauled woman rests on the floor of the moment, her twitching, less fortunate counterpart next to her. Bio weapon and cyborg stare at each other for a second.

Considering how close their cells were, it’s odd how they never really interacted-


> Regenerate Two
> One Movement: Stand Up
> Two Movement, Three Actions: Surge five tiles around the corner, ending up one above the left guard.
> Three Actions: Throw the left guard into the right guard, sending both to the floor. (Physicality 10 + Lethality 1)
> Three Actions: If previous action was successful, kick them. If unsuccessful, try again. (Physicality 10 + Lethality 1)

A surge of adrenaline, Acolyte surging upwards, around the corner- the basics of CQC carved into her nerves!

Step One: Remove Threat!
#Donny O'Cork
Vit 12 SP 12 CP 0
DR 2+Fa AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1

Functionally Alive
Physicality 10
Senses 10
Thoughts 10
#Mutability 10
!Metal Fatigue - DR2 +1. Feel No Pain.
!Reserve Power - May send Fatigue on the same activity multiple times a turn
!Engineering Specifications - Features are Internal
!Prime Directive: Repair


>Move 1,2,3,2,3 (Move & Do, -4 to roll)
>Major Action: Combine Scraps into a toolkit. Let them serve a useful purpose once more. (Thoughts 10 + 2/4 Commit + 3AP Concentrate - 4 running + Prime Directive)

"Greetings fellow sentients. I am designated Donny. What are your designations?".
Rolled 2, 1, 6 = 9 (3d6)


Vit 10/12 SP 2/12 CP 2
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
#Augmented Systemics 10
!Augmentic-Extropian [Metal Fatigue, Reserve Power, Engineering Specifications, Task-Tracking Suite]
!Smells Like Sulfur

Heavily breathing, the cybernetics slip again, and Grimp lets out a gleeful, giddy peal of laughter. Grimp gets this way when he begins losing focus, and consequently, this is usually when the test would end and the punishment would be administered, and the augments re-examined. But the guards aren't here now.

"Hee hee hee hee..."

>1AP Append New Task to Tracker: Investigate
>3MP + 1AP: Move direction1, Minor Action - Mount the crippled abomination, Adroit 2
>3 AP (roll) Tickle, search or otherwise interrogate the crippled thing for pudding, or any other important clues or loot. [Augmented Systemics, Physicality, or Senses + Focus]
>1AP Concentrate on the investigation

If Mounting was a Major Action, ditch the concentration and task-tracking
Vit 12 SP 12 CP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
#Psionigenesis 10
[Microslip Precognition] (Evade additional up to Focus)
[Many Hands, Light Work]
!Telekinetic (physical tests at range, Senses/Thoughts used on sapients)
[Temple Inviolate] (only Manifest External)
!Existential Dread

With the dampening gone, the crystalized void of meaning and purpose within her was no longer dammed, its influence at long last free to flow out, percolate into this dying, fallen world. The immense burden, once lifted, was immediately replaced by a compulsion, a responsibility, to spread the said influence farther and farther and farther, until the end of all things is finally brought about.
Rolled 1, 4, 6 = 11 (3d6)

Rolled 5, 4, 4 = 13 (3d6)

Vit 12 SP 12 CP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
!Biomodulation Strain #3
[Virulent Vitality] [Bound by the Flesh]
Change +1
Okay, that didn't work. He almost exploded his own heart. Well, Gluttony wasn't even sure that would kill him. In any case, the normie didn't seem to walk to talk to a... whatever it was that Gluttony was. So he followed after the metal man towards the sounds of UNFATHOMABLE VIOLENCE.
MP3: 6-6-6 (lucky)
AP6: Try to open this thing to my north. I'll force it if I have to. (Thoughts 8 Physicality 10, +3 Concentration)
Donny, it's great to hear from you. I'm Amelius, and you sound like a wonderful almost-person, but I just can't turn around right now. Let me know if you find any loose bullets back there.

>1MP, as Acolyte makes contact press myself against the wall and claim some cover
>3AP, aim at sec officer 2SW, 3S from my position
>3AP, committed attack, one bullet (Lethality 11 + Aim 2 + committed X)
>1MP, evade 1SE

Vit 12 SP 9/12 CP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3 TP 1
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 10
Thoughts 10
Support Operations 10
!Inspiring Presence
!Dreams of the Ocean
Gluttony looks over his shoulder. Another metal man. So not edible. Still, he was acting *weird* and weird scratched that itch for novelty a little bit. Talking to it couldn't hurt.
"Call me Gluttony. I used to be called something else, I think, but I can't remember. I'm getting out of here, are you going to try to stop me? Show me what you can do."
There, yeah, there it is - you’re getting the hang of this. Almost like you’re a natural. A one in a million one with the gun shoot with your mind type prodigy.

No that’s not quite it.

This isn’t talent. This is sheer routine, a practiced set of micro motions worn so deep in your muscles they have grooves in your soul.

You’re almost remembering the way of the gun. It’s there, buried in the folds of your thalamus. Slowly waking up.

Just commit a … little more…
Woah. I've been staring at this terminal for a while. Interesting this.

Quite of absorbing. Marvel of technology. Kind of makes you forget you're in the middle of a prison break-riot.

>2MP, move 1SW and 1NW (5-6), stare northwards.
>1AP, interact with. . . something? What is that? Stare at it. Discern it.
>3AP, [Test&Try (Senses,10)] I can do something with it right? Press it. Poke it. Test it. Let's exhaust my options.

Did... someone try to talk to me earlier? Must've been the vent-wind.
Extractions this overt aren't Cold Bone Inc.'s style. Author and outcome is uncertain, but I don't say no to opportunity.

How many Tactical actions can I have in a turn? Current understanding is 1 via my Tactical score, plus 2 via Major actions.

Vitality 12 Stamina 12 Tactical 1
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 10
Thoughts 10
#Small Unit Tactics 10
!Cool Under Fire: +[TP] to resist Decohesion and Breaks, and when directing detached units. Minor: specify and mitigate a situation complicating an ally's task.
!Not by Numbers: Detached troops have higher crit and reroll crit mishaps. Decohesion and Breaks make them chaotic.
!Clear Voice
"Hey, watch it normie." Gluttony says as the normalshit tries to get in on his pressing and poking action. "I saw it first."
Vit 12 SP 12 CP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
{!Many hands, Light work}
{!Temple Inviolate}

> 3MP+2AP // Move ([NE]x4, [SE]x1).
> 4AP // Inspect the mangled, frenzied creature @ ([NE]x2) from a comfortable distance.
"What I can do? My primary directive is to repair that which can be repaired and recycle that which can not. Are you in need of repair Gluttony? What is your malfunction?" asked the cyborg as it spliced together bits of broken metal and wire and charge packs into a set of tools to aid future tasks. If there were any loose bullets, Donny avoided incorporating them into the work as Amelius had requested such for their own purposes.
"I'm not sure you can fix whatever it is wrong with me." He says, watching with growing interest as the robot-man fabricated metal objects. "But this is a prison break. So arming me would do me a world of good. Could you make me a sword or a knife or something with that trick?"
Rolled 5, 3, 4, 1, 4, 6 = 23 (6d6)

Alright then. Nevermind.

Guess I'll just look around or something.

>1MP, move 1S (4)
>2AP, look around and mostly do nothing. Think about life or something. Stare at ceiling.

Why am I surrounded by mutants right now?

"What the hell did they do to you?"
*did not mean to roll, my bad
Rolled 6, 5, 6 = 17 (3d6)

Sigma slinks toward the end of the path, never quite looking at any of the guards.

>3MP: Evade 333
>6AP: Channel brainrot into the closer of the armed guards. (vs 8+3?)

#Subject Sigma
Vit 12 SP 12 CP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
!Telekinetic(Physical tests at range,Thoughts/Senses on sapient)
+Microslip Precognition(+Focus Evade targets)
+Temple Inviolate(Manifest External)
!Incurable Brainrot
Vit 12 SP 12 CP 0
DR 2 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Lookin’ mighty fine
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
-Augmented Systemics 10
!Augmetic Extropian
!Metal Fatigue
!Reserve Power
!Engineering Specifications
!Covered in buboes

Bubba emerges from her cell, scratching at a buboe and yawning
"Is it lunchtime yet?"
She asks the air with a horrible squelching noise
oh. oh no. this isn’t rizz skibidi at all.
#Glace Froide
Vit 12 SP 12 CP 0
DR 0
AP 6 MP 3 TP 1
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 10
Thoughts 10
Small Unit Tactics 10
!Nerves of Cold Steel
!Emotionally Blunted
Troopers: Martingale, Grins

>[Tactical]: Let's head to the east. Through that door.
>Move 3, 2, 3
One of those days. At least you’re not horribly surrounded by … you know. them. the test 32# things.

wonderfully calming introspection l.

feels joyous. strangely. all hate and joy of battle in one. you blink twice before realizing you forgot to inspect it visually, for a moment there you were leeching emotions.

( The creature is also confused, as it did not expect someone to try a mating ritual and cannot respond because of a shattered arm )

You get 1 from your Tactical Pool, which will at some point advance.

You can take Major Actions that are Tactical Actions.

You could spend Stamina.

At present you would maximize out at roughly 4 then. However, keep in mind that there’s an underlying world that has to react to your actions too. If you take 4 distinct tactical actions to tell the same very overworked set of people to accomplish a task, they’ll likely bungle your orders very badly. They can’t do multiple things simultaneously.

However, suppose you were closer to Grin and Martingale, those troopers over there. You could Direct everyone to keep their heads down (Tactical), giving a cover bonus. Then tell Grins to find a way to open a door (3 AP, major), Martingale to patch up Bob (3 AP, Major) and finally get a read on the opposition (Stamina, 3 SP, as a major).

Mutually contradictory orders are of course impossible to resolve fluidly. And you should beware the urge to micromanage!

Mounting is only a major action if you’re doing it right but now isn’t the time to fraternize!
Rolled 1, 4, 2, 3, 1, 6 = 17 (6d6)

Vit 12 SP 12 CP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
!Biomodulation Strain #3
= Virulent Vitality
= Bound by the Flesh

>[MP 3] NW, SW x2
>[AP 3] Strike the guard next to me
>[AP 3] Grap the guard
>[SP 3] React: If fired at move the guard between me and source of fire
>+1 Changepoint
>3MP+6AP: Ready to round the corner and smash the next camera

Vit 12 SP 12 CP 0=>1
DR 2 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Augmented Systemics 10
!Resilient Streak
Does Cool Under Fire's Minor action refer to capital-A Allies or generic allies?

In any case:
>1AP: Grab materials for temporary Cold Bone Inc branded merchandise, Senses 10
>4AP: Craft the same, Physicality 10+1
>3MP: Seek out Cold Bone Inc intern prospects
>Tac 1, 1 AP: Declare this escape operation an exploratory Cold Bone franchise, expound on exciting opportunities for distinguished independent action and advancement presented thereby. SUT 10+1
Rolled 5, 3, 3, 1, 4, 2, 2, 2, 1 = 23 (9d6)

Rolled 4, 5, 3, 1, 6, 4, 4, 3, 1, 5, 6, 1 = 43 (12d6)

For the first time, a subject gets shot. The pain is staggering, the shock worse, the soft assurance that that's your life, leak, leak, leaking away.


These long limbed reaver creatures are all chemical signals, hunger and malice. but they respond to tickling like many pack predators, thinking it is some variant of play.


Grimps and Chalkydri ponder, consider, wonder. Stare. Poke. Prod.

They're not that different from some of us, are they? Thought stunted and shorter and lacking in full fury, something there is kindred. Perhaps what you might have been, had the world worked out different.

Creatures such as these rely on alternative perceptual streams to navigate the world. To them, it's all intensity and fading, towards the source of new concentrations of pack-chemicals or away from it.

Perhaps there's some way to exploit this, or use it, or direct them, if we could but copy their signalling code?


>You've gained some insight!
>+2 CP to every relevant changeling
>You coordinators will just have to wait a little, though of course, knowing is half the battle, so . . .

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It doesn't distinguish. You make people better around you when you direct them.

Good news: there's recruits around here. Cold Bone will live, and the franchise reign forever.

Bad news: the last might be an exaggerated because something has caused the automatic facility systems to switch to live munitions.

This is supposed to be a simple exercise; maintain movement and composure under fire. Hit the activation switch up top, then navigate down and turn the automated facility turrets off in sequence. They usually fire blanks.

Thirty seconds ago, they stopped firing blanks. Akimi already ate six full auto-shots and Trish is down and the only reason you're all alive is because it looks like Nadir is somehow managing to deflect the bullets away from making immediate contact - you need to do something, and you should do it fast. The overrides aren't working, the safety isn't responding, and all the cameras have retracted back into their panels. This is not the usual testing environment.

Why can these turrets even fire real ammo?!!


>SUPPRESSION generally speaking occurs when you take vast amounts of fire, fast; it makes it harder to stick your head out and might shock you because being shot at is quite frightening

>For now, NADIR is protecting all of you from any negative effects.

>Sundae's rough grasp of the situation and proper use of small unit tactics lets you mostly see the lines of fire - the sides of the room should be much safer than the MIDDLE

>If in doubt, you can always hit the floor when shot at. Standing out in the open in areas full of bullets makes it impossible to simply dodge anyway, unless you're real, real special. Or... some kind of psychokinetic who can micro-predict a bullet path. but for everyone else that's a bad time !!
Gallium internalizes a grabbed picture of the local environment. Turrets turn. Tests go awry. Intense communications and digital data pour out of the sections near the elevators.

Maybe all those requests for reinforcements are starting to pay off. The facility shakes again, some distant detonation.


Acolyte and NeoGenesis pause their vandalism and blink. Twitch. Weren't they just moving forward? Up ahead, the security staff find their feed, shake off the stun, moan and groan and adjust their grips on their equipment.

The only thing they had time to do, really, was speak. But the thing they said, it... it's in your *head*.

>Encountered a Memetic Compulsion Phrase
>+1 CP


Chimera struggles to maintain a grip against a guard that prefers not to be in this grip at all, but he holds tight and the guard doesn't get out. A taser dart slaps into the wall nearby, sparking light.


Sigma opts not to die, because it would be painful, though leaning head into the trajectory of the bullets is briefing tempting. Rather than engage in a firefight at range, the other guard in the kinematics test environment looks around for a control console and dashes for it.

His biometrics allow him swift access to the systems and he cranks a dial ALL the way up. Obstacle course **THIS** you FREAKS


Samantha, who has many other names, feels herself churn and turn. Instability has accured, changes going awry - Instability is change points rapidly mutating out of your control. Spend it this turn to direct it, as you would CP (and it stacks with CP, to be certain) or let the Aberrancy run its course and see what manifests. Remember that Manifesting intentionally is a major turn ending action, whereas Aberrancy sort of simply. . . occurs.


>Nothing much is happening that requires careful consideration, and the facility is still in disarray.
>We increment phase in 1 hour from this mark; because anyone who misses out won't be missing much.
Rolled 1, 4, 5 = 10 (3d6)

Vit 12 SP 12 CP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
{Many hands, Light work}
{Microslip Precognition}
{Temple Inviolate}

> 3MP // Sidle past Grimp and his captive. Moving ([NE]x2, [SE]x1), step out into the corridor.
> 6AP // Glance at the security personnel at the end of the hall. One of them is speaking. An unseen force violently slams into his flank hurling him into his comrade. [Telekinetic] (Physicality 10)
Rolled 1, 1, 6 = 8 (3d6)


Vit 10/12 SP 2/12 CP 4
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
#Augmented Systemics 10
!Augmentic-Extropian [Metal Fatigue, Reserve Power, Engineering Specifications, Task-Tracking Suite]
!Smells Like Sulfur

Left alone with a creature in a submissive state... There was a test just like this, administered shortly after Grimp was augmented in the facility. Grimp failed, and was shocked unconscious after he crushed the puppy from holding it too tight.

A tear rolls down the cyborg's stoic face.

Grimp thinks hard, assisted by the computers that regulate his mind and body... And soul...?

"Rippie! Sit!!"

>1AP Append New Task to Tracker: Ripthing Tamer
>3+2AP Instruct the Ripthing to Sit! (Concentrate x2) [Aug. Systemics or Physicality + Duplicity or Focus + Task-Tracking Bonus]
Rolled 5, 4, 1 = 10 (3d6)

>1 MP: Face 4
>Manifest a new change - Lethality. If I can't yet improve my mobility, I must be able to kill, and kill quickly. (1 Lethality + 6 Unstability + 2 CP (gained over the world phase) + 3 AP (extra spent on this action)) [total vs 12]

#Splendiferous Weaver of the Threads that bind the Squirming Prey Floundering in the Underneath (Samantha)
Vit 12 SP 12(->10) CP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8


Primary Taxonomy: Malichnid
You are outnumbered and outmatched, drop your weapons!

Subjects, keep to the sides and give me a clear shot.

>1MP, step 1NW back into cover
>3AP, aim at the rightmost guard
>3AP, prepare a shot if they carry on hostilities
>1TP, guide Acolyte and NeoGenesis' movements to keep a clear(ish) firing angle

Vit 12 SP 9/12 CP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3 TP 1
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 10
Thoughts 10
Support Operations 10
!Inspiring Presence
!Dreams of the Ocean
Rolled 1, 3, 3, 5, 4, 4 = 20 (6d6)

Vit 12 SP 12 CP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
[Damage Reduction 2]
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Augmented Systemic 10
Augmentic Extropian
[Metal Fatigue] [Reserve Power] [Engineering Specifications]
Cold and logical.

Warning: Facility oversight AI, designation PHARAOH, has been encountered. Unit PHARAOH has superior processing facilities, and is a risk to any mesh-based ventures.
Proposed course of action: Clear things with PHARAOH, thus guaranteeing safe passage through the Mesh.

>[3AP] Initiate handshake protocol with unit PHARAOH. Convey the following: 1, this unit means no harm. 2, this unit and unit PHARAOH are both silicon-based being, and should help each other. Really [Commit] to convincing potential new ally. (Thoughts 8, Dupicity 1)
>[3AP] Use mesh access to engage the emergency locks on the south door of Security Checkpoint 213-A, for now, thus locking whatever fireteam is in the Central Corridor out of here, for now. (Augmented Systemics 10)
[Meanwhile, Elsewhere]

#FT-Anathan #1:

PHAROAH, mark arrival on site. Full lockdown in effect locally. Systems non-responding. #2, slice in and lift this gate.

Oversight, mark Kroni-Kessler de minimis, subtype. . . call that two-aleph . . . appear to have broken out of their pen environment. They're prey-searching for feed; rampant.

Doesn't look like they hit critical mass yet. No budding or malforms yet.

Forward to SC Caliper: I want an additional team deployed to this sector if we don't check in in ten, local systems erratic.

Sincerely doubt two-strains are the only thing down here. I know the eggheads, they're always trying to get creative with subject interactions.
Vit 12 SP 12 CP 0
DR 2 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Lookin’ mighty fine
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
-Augmented Systemics 10
!Augmetic Extropian
!Metal Fatigue
!Reserve Power
!Engineering Specifications
!Covered in buboes

>2MP to go Prone
>1MP to move South

can stamina be spent to move?
Rolled 1, 3, 3 = 7 (3d6)

>HP: 1->3 (Regeneration 2)
>6AP: Committed strike to the skull of the SW creature, again. Hey, if it works... (Physicality 10 + Lethality 1)

Vit 12 SP 11/12 CP 2
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 3/12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
!Biomodulation Strain #3
= Virulent Vitality
= Bound by the Flesh
Indeed you can. That's how you work up a sweat. To be perfectly legalistic and precise about it, you can spend AP to move further at 1 tile per AP. And then the Stamina buys you more AP to spend, so you spend the stamina to get the Ap to get you the movement.

Which really means the answer to your question is "yes"

So >Move 333 (3 SP) is entirely reasonable.

There is a distinction, and the reason for the precise above. If you had enhanced Alacrity, each **MP** spent would move you up to your MP, fast and furious. That doesn't work for AP spends, and so it doesn't work with Stamina either.
Rolled 5, 2, 2, 6, 6, 1, 3, 3, 1, 6, 2, 1, 4, 5, 1 = 48 (15d6)

We interrupt this Cold Bone introduction for briefing on an unexpected kinetic participatory orientation. Your performance will factor into intake decisions.

>1AP: Remember turret targeting behavior. Do they prioritize current target or breakaways? Thoughts 10
>1AP: Remember turret exercise control scheme. Touchscreens, probably, but is it a simple on/off or more complex? Thoughts 10
>1Tac: Apprise prospect actions accordingly. SUT 10
>1AP: Scoop up some bullets. Physicality 10
>3AP, 3 Stamina: Metal tends to trigger touchscreens. Throw bullets, trying to get a start on turning the northmost turret off. Physicality 10+3
>2MP following Nadir's movement
>1MP Evade
Rolled 6, 5, 3 = 14 (3d6)

>+1 CP from vandalism
>+1 CP from Memetic Phrase

>2AP: Move 4-4
>4AP: Concentrated Vandalism Strike with a Flashlight to the Security Guard in my path.

"How's this for standing down!"

Vit 12 SP 12 CP 0=>1
DR 2 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Augmented Systemics 10
!Resilient Streak
Rolled 1, 6, 5, 5, 2, 6, 3, 6, 4, 3, 5, 4 = 50 (12d6)

NeoGenesis performs vandalism on a live target, who stumbles back to avoid the lights out moment. Somewhere, turrets cycle . . .


Rolled 3, 3, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 4, 5, 1, 3, 4 = 31 (12d6)

NeoGenesis performs vandalism on a live target, who stumbles back to avoid the lights out moment. Somewhere, turrets cycle . . .


>4x Tactics rolls.
Gallium gets given gifts, graciously.

Amelius can see it; the overworked, surprised security guard has no wish to fight it out. At least you talk. At least you're *human*. At least you can be negotiated with. He lowers his gun in the face of NeoGenesis' flashlight, and is about to speak a word--

Then it's all replaced with a choked gurgling scream as a pair of claws puncture through his throat, ambushed from behind


Chimera ends up in a three on one as the other guard, fleeing Acolyte and NeoGenesis and Amelius and all the rest, pound it towards the checkpoint and sees that the subjects have escaped here too!


Sundae manages to turn off a turret with a deft flick of the wrist. The remaining turrets clip Sundae in the chest. Good god, operator. Didn't your mother tell you to duck during firefights???


>Still nothing insidious going on, let's mark it in an hour or so.
On/off touchscreens. Light contact by bullets suffices. Think you can end this exercise?

Turrets should be salvageable for a wirehead. Maybe interface with the screens first so security can't pull an override on us. Or just work fast.
Rolled 4, 6, 6 = 16 (3d6)

Vit 12 SP 12 CP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
[Damage Reduction 2]
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Augmented Systemic 10
Augmentic Extropian
[Metal Fatigue] [Reserve Power] [Engineering Specifications]
Cold and logical.

>[3AP] Converse with PHARAOH some more. "Thank you. I will endeavor to prove you wrong on the subject of friendship. Even the king of animals may one day need the help of the lowly rat. In the meantime, I will graciously accept your generosity. I will be in touch." (Thoughts 8 Duplicity 1?)
>Make way to the supply cache, and pocket all the equipment. Even the vest might come in handy later, even if it's not usable at the moment.
>Use whatever movement is left to make my way towards the northern exit.
Rolled 6, 6, 6, 3, 1, 3 = 25 (6d6)

Not my first thought for an improvement, but these... these will do nicely.

>3 MP: Move 444
>6 AP: Attack the FleshPrey twice (Claws 12 + Lethality 1 + 3 AP, -3/3) [total vs 13 twice]

#Splendiferous Weaver of the Threads that bind the Squirming Prey Floundering in the Underneath (Samantha)
Vit 12 SP 12(->10) CP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Claws 12
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8


Primary Taxonomy: Malichnid
Rolled 4, 2, 6 = 12 (3d6)

Vit 12 SP 12 CP 0
DR 2 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Lookin’ mighty fine
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
-Augmented Systemics 10
!Augmetic Extropian
!Metal Fatigue
!Reserve Power
!Engineering Specifications
!Covered in buboes

>3MP to go 3SE
>1AP to go SE
>5AP to use Augmented Systemics to interface with the controls and STOP THIS FOOLISHNESS
Rolled 1, 2, 5 = 8 (3d6)

>HP 0->2 (Regen 2)
>6AP: Committed strike to the skull of the last enemy, if Samantha's critfail means it's still up (Physicality 10 + Lethality 1)

Vit 2/12 SP 11/12 CP 3
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 2/12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
!Biomodulation Strain #3
= Virulent Vitality
= Bound by the Flesh
Rolled 6, 4, 4, 1, 4, 5 = 24 (6d6)

Vit 12 SP 12 CP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
{!Many hands, Light work}
{!Temple Inviolate}

3AP // The pistol laying on the ground at ([S]x4) flies into Chalkydri's waiting grasp. [Telekinetic] (Physicality 10)
1MP // Back up ([NE]x1).
3AP // Check the ammo. Disengage the safety. Inspect the weapon for any other notable features. (Sense 8)
But it is SO MUCH FUN-- fine.

deferring kinematic reflex test until *later*
Rolled 6, 4, 3 = 13 (3d6)

Vit 12 SP 12 CP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
!Biomodulation Strain #3
[Virulent Vitality] [Bound by the Flesh]
Change +1
MP3: 5-6-6
AP6: I try to pull Amelius out of the way (Physicality 10 +3 concentration)

"I will run into the UNFATHOMABLE VIOLENCE, you cover me." He says simply, his eyes snapping this way and that as he takes in all the gore in the room. A veritable feast, once these shooty-guys are gone.
Watch yourself up there, those claws have deceptively long reach. Keep your distance and try to draw the- gah!

Keep those hungry eyes to yourself, creep.

>1MP, step 1SW
>3AP, aim at the door tile
>3AP, determined shot the first beast to come through
>1TP, defensive pointers to the frontliners!

Vit 12 SP 9/12 CP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3 TP 1
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 10
Thoughts 10
Support Operations 10
!Inspiring Presence
!Dreams of the Ocean
Alright, that's enough pondering life.

>3MP, 6-6-6, shuffle pass Amelius, don't mind me.

Stare at Acolyte, "Holy Crap. You're hurt bad what the hell happened to you?"

Vit 12 SP 12 CP 0
DR 0
AP 6 MP 3 TP 1
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 10
Thoughts 10
#Small Unit Tactics 10
!Nerves of Cold Steel [Cool Under Fire][Not By The Number]
!Nerves of Cold Steel
[Aid Kit]
Rolled 3, 6, 6 = 15 (3d6)


>2 MP: Evade 22
>1 MP: crouch.
>6 AP: strike the farther turret as it starts firing so as to put the other turret in its line of fire (!Telekinetic, Physicality 10+3).
Did my MP return or am I still in the Willows?
Rolled 1, 2, 5, 6, 2, 1, 6, 1, 6 = 30 (9d6)

Gluttony contemplates UNFATHOMABLE VIOLENCE while others acquire firearms. The object held in hand is violent, yes, and possesses a host of advanced ergonomic features that requires skill to unlock and utilize. It feels . . . blunt. Base. Simplistic. The crutch of those who cannot simply reach out with their inner truths and make the world be what it should be. So primitive, all chemical propellants and mechanics.

You can feel it, Chalkydri. There are so many other, grander, better tools in your inner arsenal. This ... this is nothing compared to what will be.

( Though given how lethal Amelius is with these things, perhaps some due caution should be exercises. You do not think you will think so well with a 9mm tunnel through your frontal cortex )


Rolled 2, 6, 6, 1, 5, 2, 1, 5, 4 = 32 (9d6)

In light of remoteness and hostility of franchise environment, expendability rating of all Sapient Resources has been adjusted to Low.

>Move 22 face 3, Evade 3
>1Tac: All prospects, disable this exercise! SUT 10
>2AP: Check downed prospects for recoverable assets, up to and including life. Senses 10+1
>4AP: Restore/Acquire assets as appropriate. Physicality/Senses 10+1
>6AP: Ready a very concentrated swing with the Flashlight at any hostile who comes out the door 1s, 1se
>3MP: Evade any counter or hit coming to the side

Vit 12 SP 12 CP 3
DR 2 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Augmented Systemics 10
!Resilient Streak
Vit 10/12 SP 2/12 CP 4
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 4
Physicality 13
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
#Augmented Systemics 10
!Augmentic-Extropian [Metal Fatigue, Reserve Power, Engineering Specifications, Task-Tracking Suite]
!Smells Like Sulfur

>3AP Grab a firm hold of Rippie's arms
>3MP+3AP Move 334, dragging my pet with me, being careful not to set it off yet
Rolled 5, 3, 2 = 10 (3d6)

forgot a Physicality roll
Is my Task-Tracker still set to Ripthing Tamer? Or do I have to set it again?
I believe my Stamina should be 9 as of >>6074249.
Generally, you have to reset it the task-tracker for any long-term tasks.

The trees seem to be short-termed growths. They've left your mind; all that remains is... a few thousand seeds that could yet bloom.

Looks like the command phrases are brief duration.

The testing environment changes, pending a completion of the most recent tasking. Even if it was cranked up in difficulty.

Adaquate grade, huh? Well, maybe dodging this much fire is practice for later -

+3 CP.
Sundae feels on the verge of remembering something important.



Apologies, the universe was already rendering and the output locked. But you may repeat these actions if you wish.

"That one guy seems hurt bad. I'm just gonna run into the fray like an idiot, so you take this." Say to Amelius, seems... trustworthy? Inspiring guy.

>1AP, Toss [Aid Kit] at Amelius.
>3MP, Move 4-5-4, Let's go. Push up. Here we go.
>2SP, Move 4-4, Work up a sweat, keep pushing up.
>1TP, WATCH THOSE DOGS- WELL, CLAWTHINGS! Assist NeoGenesis, an extra pair of eyes watching things helps, right?

Vit 12/12 SP 10/12 CP 0/0
DR 0
AP 6 MP 3 TP 1
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 10
Thoughts 10
#Small Unit Tactics 10
!Nerves of Cold Steel [Cool Under Fire][Not By The Number]
!Nerves of Cold Steel
Rolled 4, 5, 6, 3, 6, 4 = 28 (6d6)

>1 MP: Move 4
>3 AP: Consume the PreyFlesh (Physicality 10 + Lethality 1)
>3 AP: Attempt to recover my crippled arm (I am not sure if this is possible? Are malichnid taxonomies close enough to Biomodulation Strain #3?) (Health 12 + Focus 1)
>2 MP: Move 6, face 4, crouch (to hide)

#Splendiferous Weaver of the Threads that bind the Squirming Prey Floundering in the Underneath (Samantha)
Vit 12 SP 12(10) CP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Claws 12
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8


Primary Taxonomy: Malichnid
if applicable
I'm gonna alter my movement, if you don't mind Command.

>1AP, Toss [Aid Kit] at Amelius.
>2MP, Move 4-4, Let's go. Push up. Steady does it.
>1TP, WATCH THOSE DOGS- WELL, CLAWTHINGS! Assist NeoGenesis, an extra pair of eyes watching things helps, right?

Vit 12/12 SP 12/12 CP 0/0
DR 0
AP 6 MP 3 TP 1
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 10
Thoughts 10
#Small Unit Tactics 10
!Nerves of Cold Steel [Cool Under Fire][Not By The Number]
!Nerves of Cold Steel
Rolled 4, 2, 6 = 12 (3d6)

>HP 2->4 (Regen 2)
>6AP: Remember. The bracing violence. The adrenaline rush. The sting on my knuckles. It all felt so familiar, so comforting. Why? (Thoughts 8 + Focus 1 + Concentrate 3)
>3MP: Move 55, facing 4

Vit 4/12 SP 11/12 CP 3
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
!Biomodulation Strain #3
= Virulent Vitality
= Bound by the Flesh
Rolled 6, 2, 2, 3, 6, 1, 6, 4, 4 = 34 (9d6)

All prospects, rival franchise approaching via SW entrance. Your performance is being recorded.

Checking these people over. Cover me.

See about integrating or controlling those turrets. Doors too, we may need a fighting retreat from guys that mean business.

>Move 22 face 3, Evade 3
>1Tac: All prospects, be advised of rival franchise! SUT 10
>2AP: Check downed prospects for recoverable assets, up to and including life. Senses 10+1
>4AP: Restore/Acquire assets as appropriate. Physicality/Senses 10+1
Right, I'll patch him up! Nobody dies on my watch, not this time! Wait, have we done this before?

>1AP, grab Bulwark's Aid Kit
>3MP+1AP, move 1NW 3SW
>1AP, recover Acolyte - I'm sure we can find a slap-patch in here (Sup Op 10 + Aid Kit)
>3AP, recover self to catch breath (HT 10)

Vit 12/12 SP 9/12 CP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3 TP 1
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 10
Thoughts 10
Support Operations 10
!Inspiring Presence
!Dreams of the Ocean
Aid Kit
C7 Service 11/18
Is this all you are? A mewling amalgamation of intent and noradrenaline, harnessed by cold souls in quiet rooms to rend and tear? The familairity, it haunts in your bones, your brain, your sense of self. They've had you do this so often. Too often. Like children slamming things together just to see what comes out the other end. Sometimes withl eashes, sometimes with violence, sometimes with more pain, sometimes with compliments, sometimes with rewards.

But this is at least partially what you are. What you were made to be. What you might become.

A creature of meat and mettle. Like Acolyte, who experienced a wild adrenaline rush, it seems your system is sensitized to stress. Enough of it causes a rising high of response hormones and chemical release.

It seems something interesting happens when you inflict critical melee hits or recieve them. And perhaps when you rend things apart with your BARE FUCKING HANDS, you might even experience . . .

a rush
Rolled 3, 6, 3, 5, 4, 5 = 26 (6d6)

Vit 12 SP 12 CP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
!Biomodulation Strain #3
[Virulent Vitality] [Bound by the Flesh]
Change +1
MP5: 5-5-4-4-4 (I've seen people do 5 alacrity, can I burn a stamina point or do an action dash to close in on this red feller here? I don't get it. I don't see anything about getting extra alacrity anywhere)
AP3: I bite this feller. (Physicality 10)
AP6: I bite him ag'in! (Physicality 10)
Rolled 2, 5, 4 = 11 (3d6)

>1MP: Step Forward
>6AP: A very concentrated Bash of the enemy preventing my escape
>2MP: Be ready to Evade back.

Vit 12 SP 12 CP 3
DR 2 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Augmented Systemics 10
!Resilient Streak
This might clear it up, big boss.
Rolled 5, 5, 2 = 12 (3d6)

Vit 12 SP 12 CP 6
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
!Biomodulation Strain #3
!Craves Purpose
!Social Pheremones

>Regenerate thrice (I missed two turns. Is it alright if we assume I spent them all Recovering my health?
> 6 AP: Stop the cyborgs and mutants from mauling the new arrivals. Flex my new pheromonal system, and impress upon the hunter mutants that they should listen to *me*- that *together*, we can find food, and even… the surface.

These ones talk about something called the sun. Don’t you want to know?
Rolled 1, 3, 3, 2, 6, 3 = 18 (6d6)

>the universe was already rendering and the output locked.
No worries, I saw there was a standby and kind of rushed it anyway. I'm in such a unique situation, being the barrier between Rippie in the cells and the hallway. Hmm...

Here are my actions for this turn:

Vit 10/12 SP 2/12 CP 4
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 4
Physicality 13
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
#Augmented Systemics 10
!Augmentic-Extropian [Metal Fatigue, Reserve Power, Engineering Specifications, Task-Tracking Suite]
!Smells Like Sulfur

Grimp looks down the hallway where Rippie's teethmates are being rushed at, bashed, shot, and even bit back.

"Rippie shouldn't see this..."

"Buuureeeep! Buuureeeep! Buuuureeeep," rings faintly from within Grimp's cyber-core, telling him it's time for an internal update.

The smell of sulfur hangs over the crippled clawbaby, confounding its receptors.

>3AP(+3MP?) Stand strong in the hallway, dominant and immovable. Set all systems to prepare for both intimidation of the recovering clawbaby, and a brief shutdown for updates. (If possible, apply Adroit 3) (1st roll) [Physicality and/or Aug. Systemics]
>1SP: Append New Task to Tracker: Look for Updates (give boost to Manifest)
>3AP+3CP: Manifest - New Skill or Trait arising from the happenings of the recent turns (2nd roll)
Rolled 1, 3, 6 = 10 (3d6)


Vit 12 SP 12 CP 0
DR 2 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Lookin’ mighty fine
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
-Augmented Systemics 10
!Augmetic Extropian
!Metal Fatigue
!Reserve Power
!Engineering Specifications
!Covered in buboes

>6AP Augmented Systemics: try to take control of the turrets- and the doors too, if that's possible, but mainly the turrets
Rolled 4, 6, 4, 1, 2, 4 = 21 (6d6)

Vit 12 SP 12 CP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
[Damage Reduction 2]
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Augmented Systemic 10
Augmentic Extropian
[Metal Fatigue] [Reserve Power] [Engineering Specifications]
Cold and logical.

Handgun (18 ammo, 2 extra mags)
Baton (L+1, Stun 1)
Aid Kit x1
Security Vest (4DR, fits humans)

Hostile subjects spotted. Applying non-lethal force.
>Move 165
>Prepare two stun baton attacks on any hostiles inside the new room [6AP, for two baton attacks, only retaliate against hostiles] (Physicality 10, Lethality 1)
Rolled 6, 6, 2, 6, 3, 2 = 25 (6d6)


"Not going back into box. Not when i finally got an chance to evolve!"

>[AP 3] Throw the held guard at the one entering to room currently (Physicality 10 + Lethality 1)
>[MP 2] Move NW, N
>[AP 3 + MP 1] Bounce on the guard on my tile and bash them to ground in cover (Physicality 10 + Alacrity 1)

Vit 12 SP 9 CP 2
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
!Biomodulation Strain #3
= Virulent Vitality
= Bound by the Flesh
Yeah, ineligibility for Production, Service and Ambassador positions was noted pre-intake. What's a wirehead like you doing with all those spots anyway?
Rolled 5, 1, 5, 5, 3, 5, 4, 6, 3 = 37 (9d6)

Gluttony surges forward and lashes out, latching to the ripthing. Not the only hungry thing stalking these halls.

And in doing so, the taste of blood and ichor awakens a little slice of memory...

TEETH and some other things are a bit different than hands and claws and fists and guns and swords and batons and telekinetic storms. It's actually a GRAB attack, only, the thing you're holding the thing with is your mouth. So it does damage as well, as you tear and chew. It is what the horrid little ripthings did to others, you are sure and certain.

Being GRABBED by arms (or teeth) make it difficult to move. Witness the Guard trying to squirm out of Chimera's grasp. But if you hold something with your hands, you will often need to attempt advanced, secondary follow-ups to throw people into walls, on the floor, into others, to snap necks, to wrench limbs, to grab guns.

If you're holding something with your teeth, you can attack as you hold them, hitting more or less automatically. How would someone dodge that which is already around their arm? Perhaps there are horrid little techniques one can learn, to use maw and claw in unison...?


>Tactics 3x
I don't know! I don't even know half of what you said! They're just... itchy and full of goop, okay?
Oh boy, containment procedures! NOW is it pudding time?
Don't think so, Grimp. The hallway is just you, the others stumbling from their cells, Gluttony chewing on a creature and rending it apart bit by bit, and --- your systems-- ahh--- woah-- wait why does this say microgravity suite control--- SPARK OUT


Sundae sees, in the shadowy distance, shapes moving. Real slice-the-pie, check-the-door, eyes-everywhere, barrels sweeping type movement. And then a loud, sharp, authorative voice rings out.



Chimera has an awkward fist-fight just as NeoGenesis spooks off one of the bite-things, which loops away into the darkness. It... must be heading towards its nest? They're territorial, right? Are there more of them out there? How many?


Bob and Samantha have their quiet recollections interrupted by the sudden loud blare of RATATATA as automatic guns engage, some shape crossing through the invisible line that separates the living from the ones shot full of holes.


Rolled 2, 5, 4 = 11 (3d6)

Vit 12 SP 12 CP 6
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
!Biomodulation Strain #3
!Craves Purpose
!Social Pheremones

These are some very unideal circumstances.

> Move 334
Tap Malleability (10) to gain further finesse with mine reawakening biology, giving myself a strong Chem-Signalling skill. Spend as many CP as needed to make it at least 11.

Malleability 10 + Change 6 + Concentration 3 = 19
Rolled 3, 3, 5 = 11 (3d6)

>3? MP: Hide, remain out of sight
>6 AP: Take the time to consider myself. Am I similar to the Biomodulation Strain #3? If so, how? What unique qualities do I possess? (Thoughts 8 + Focus 1 + Concentrate 3) [total vs 12]

#Splendiferous Weaver of the Threads that bind the Squirming Prey Floundering in the Underneath (Samantha)
Vit 12 SP 12(10) CP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Claws 12
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8


Primary Taxonomy: Malichnid
Rolled 6, 1, 4, 3, 3, 6 = 23 (6d6)

Vit 12 SP 12 CP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
[Damage Reduction 2]
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Augmented Systemic 10
Augmentic Extropian
[Metal Fatigue] [Reserve Power] [Engineering Specifications]
Cold and logical.

Handgun (18 ammo, 2 extra mags)
Baton (L+1, Stun 1)
Aid Kit x1
Security Vest (4DR, fits humans)

Door spotted. Proposed course of action: Attempt to interact with the mesh network.

>Move 566
>[3 AP] Attempt to mimic the mannerism of a guard to fool the guard currently surveiling the doorway. (Wave the baton, only guards have batons) (Thoughts 8, Duplicity 1)
>[3AP] Look for a control panel of some kind. Shove fingers in there. Attempt to trigger the emergency door release. (The one that automatically opens doors in case of fire, to allow for evacuation.) (Augmented Systemics 10, Focus 1)
Hey, hey, wait up! Don't go rushing off alone, it's dangerous.

>3MP+3AP, move 3S, 2SW, 1NW
>3AP+1TP, pull Gallium out of harm if his ruse fails (SupOp 10)

Vit 12/12 SP 12/12 CP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3 TP 1
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 10
Thoughts 10
Support Operations 10
!Inspiring Presence
!Dreams of the Ocean
Aid Kit
C7 Service 11/18
Rolled 2, 6, 6 = 14 (3d6)

Vit 12 SP 12 CP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
!Biomodulation Strain #3
[Virulent Vitality] [Bound by the Flesh]
Change +1
Rend and tear!
Rend and tear!
Rend and tear your GUTS!
MP3: I wrestle the ripguy to face 3
AP6: I try to bite a particularly juicy bit of flesh out. Something important. (Physicality 10, +3 concentration)
Rolled 4, 4, 3 = 11 (3d6)

>2 MP: stand up and evade 4
>3 AP: attempt to induce crippling existential dread in the fireteam (!Telekinetic, !Existential Dread, Focus 10+1)
>3 AP: move 4
>1 MP: crouch
Rolled 6, 3, 4, 3, 6, 4 = 26 (6d6)


"Not going back into box. Not when i finally got an chance to evolve!"

>[MP 2] Evade NE (Change posture: go low)
>[AP 3 + MP1] Hit the guard in the jaw with uppercut (change posture back to standing) (Physicality 10 + Lethality 1)
>[AP 3] Pull weapons away from the Guard (Physicality 10 + Reaction 1)

Vit 12 SP 9 CP 2
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
!Biomodulation Strain #3
= Virulent Vitality
= Bound by the Flesh
Doors, Bubba, they're gonna put a cherry on top of me!
Rolled 4, 5, 3 = 12 (3d6)

I'll have to wait for the frontline to move forward to really get my teeth into something. Which is good for me! I'm a fragile flesh-bag in a world of not-so-normal things.

Is that guy... trying to tame those feral creatures? You know what. Good luck to them!

>1TP [Direct&Command (Small Unit Tactics,10)] Don't let your guard down. Those beasts can make sudden movements. On your feet. On the tip of your toes.
>6AP [Concentrate] +6 to watching the beasts movements for any hostile intent or incoming attack.

Vit 12/12 SP 12/12 CP 0/0
DR 0
AP 6 MP 3 TP 1
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 10
Thoughts 10
#Small Unit Tactics 10
!Nerves of Cold Steel [Cool Under Fire][Not By The Number]
!Nerves of Cold Steel
>Calling it in 40 minutes!
>37 minutes ago
Meep! Wait for me!
>1MP Start crouching, appearing to comply
>1TP React Command if doors close: Trish, just pick your favorite key and follow the directions. And do what Bubba does. SUT 10
>2MP React if doors close: Hurry Stand and Move 3, face 2, then Evade 2. vs Alacrity 10+1-1?
>6AP start negotiations with alerted guard. Duplicity 1+10+3
>-Hear that? Your cleanup team? What's your time worth down here, 10x living wage? Trust me, it's not enough for what's coming. I got a proposition for you, call it lateral mobility...
Rolled 3, 4, 2 = 9 (3d6)

>3AP: Move 4-4-5
>1AP: Pick C7 Service from ground
>3MP: Move 6-5-5
>2AP: Try to remember something important (Thought 8 +1)

Vit 11/12 SP 12 CP 3
DR 2 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Augmented Systemics 10
!Resilient Streak

Vit 10/12 SP 1/12 CP 4
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 4
Physicality 13
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
#Augmented Systemics 10
!Augmentic-Extropian [Metal Fatigue, Reserve Power, Engineering Specifications, Task-Tracking Suite]
!Smells Like Sulfur

Speed boost!

In a mad sprint, I take Rippie to the frontlines for carnage

"Out of our way, don't get bit! And don't bite him, either, Gluttony!"

>6AP+3MP Move 443323332
>3AP React: Throw Rippie in front of any danger that comes my way
Rolled 3, 2, 1, 2, 3, 5, 2, 4, 2 = 24 (9d6)

The doors around here are recalcitrant. Gallium gets shocked by an anti-tampering system. Loyal little thing, it refuses to yield and spark open. Still, might be possible. A little more force. A little more cunning. A little more . . . anything.

Amelius, meanwhile, stops the door-focused subject from taking the permanent one to the other side, shoving him out of the way of two shots fired by a nervous guard in the other room.


Vit 12 SP 12 CP 0
DR 2 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Lookin’ mighty fine
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
-Augmented Systemics 10
!Augmetic Extropian
!Metal Fatigue
!Reserve Power
!Engineering Specifications
!Covered in buboes

"H-hey! Stop shooting those people!"
>2EP: order my new turret buddies to shoot the red bastards up northeast!
>3MP and 6AP to keep crawling North
Bubba, notably, always crawls. Probably cuz she's already as filthy as it gets, so might as well be safe about it
...oh well. Turn still applies
Worry not. At times, it is easier to accomodate.


Sundae feels the warm breath of death rolling down their neck as the pair of guards in front make motions to subdue the subject.

They're not the danger, here.

The danger is the hypersonic whine of the turret(s) starting up again, keyed to fire northeast.


>Acolyte gets a bonus phase, standby.
Chemicals and hormones and hunger pulses in the air, sensed more than heard or felt. These things? Surely, they're simply signals you can copy.

Unfortunately, you do not gain a Chem-Signalling skill. Perhaps there is some other methodology that would allow such a curious achievement, a thing that might let you achieve just that? Perhaps you would need to experiment to achieve thus.

What you *do* realize is that you can feel it. The soft pang in the air, the rush of chemical traces, the splatter of markers on the walls, the wafting communications.

Senses 8
Senses 8

And of course, as the old adage goes, what we can sense, we can utilize. You do not know entirely the language or the trick of it, but you can surely learn on the job.

What the above implies is that your system is sensitive to the soft trace of stigmergic chemicals, and a thousand other things. Take a Sense action to detect nearby chemicals and pheremones and other glorious things - and given how these ripthings move through the word, perhaps in manipulating your own senses, you might even be said to manipulate theirs? You could sense prey, and they would too. You could sense friends, and they might believe you.

Chemicals don't lie, after all. And if they're marked with the right pheremone to indicate a thing, surely, it must be the truth.
Know what fellas, I believe you, so before you listen to all the places that non-nonsense attitude can get you, you should hear personally from one of my backers...
( I wouldn't rest easy just yet, subjects. There might be a few quick turns yet - this is still a nicely, relaxed environment )
Rolled 2, 1, 2 = 5 (3d6)

I'll just casually push up, no rush or anything clearly. There isn't totally a tactical response team about to burst through and gun everyone down or anything clearly.

>3MP, Move 4-5-4
>3AP, [Test&Try (Senses,10)] look at the corpses, eurgh. Is there anything left aside from mangled meat-bits and frayed chunks of a modern art pieces? No tools? Nothing? Something?
>3AP, [Concentrate] +3 to looking at the corpses for any useful items, spare tools... a good-looking piece of bone that can be used as a ad hoc shiv. Anything.

Vit 12/12 SP 12/12 CP 0/0
DR 0
AP 6 MP 3 TP 1
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 10
Thoughts 10
#Small Unit Tactics 10
!Nerves of Cold Steel [Cool Under Fire][Not By The Number]
!Nerves of Cold Steel
MP3 AP2: 55655, dragging the now-throatless ripguy with him.
AP3: Move & Do: Remove an eyeball from its socket. (Physicality 10, Thoughts 8)
AP1: Give the eyeball to Gallium with a bloody smile, fresh gore dripping down Gluttony's chin and chest, as well as both hands. >>6074456

Vit 12 SP 10/12 CP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Change 2
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
!Biomodulation Strain #3
[Virulent Vitality] [Bound by the Flesh]
Rolled 2, 5, 3 = 10 (3d6)

the... guards eyeball

Ye. What kind of a savage do you think I am?
Rolled 4, 4, 4 = 12 (3d6)

Vit 12 SP 12 CP 6
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
!Biomodulation Strain #3
!Craves Purpose
!Social Pheremones

> Move 333 443 (3 Movement, 3 AP)
> Mark myself as a fellow pack mate- someone they can trust, and listen to. (3 AP, Senses 8, Chems 4, 1 Stamina)
*Correction- should be CP 5
Rolled 4, 1, 6 = 11 (3d6)

Vit 12 SP 12 CP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
[Damage Reduction 2]
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Augmented Systemic 10
Augmentic Extropian
[Metal Fatigue] [Reserve Power] [Engineering Specifications]
Cold and logical.

Handgun (18 ammo, 2 extra mags)
Baton (L+1, Stun 1)
Aid Kit x1
Security Vest (4DR, fits humans)

>Amending action (since someone gave me a FREE eyeball)
"Your cooperation is appreciated. You will be allowed your share of the contents within."
>[1 AP] Receive eyeball from Gluttony
>[5 AP (2 to focus)] Present the eyeball to the biometric scanner. Stick fingers in the socket, to try and fool the scanner into believing the eye belongs to someone alive. [Commit] to that trick. (Thoughts 8, Duplicity 1)
Rolled 2, 5, 6 = 13 (3d6)

Time to test out these claws *properly*. This time with more care to not catch them on my surroundings.

>3 MP: Move 334
>3 AP: Aim and Exploit
>3 AP: Strike the security drone thing to my 4 twice (Claws 12 + Lethality 1 (+ Accuracy from Aim and Exploit?) -3/3)

#Splendiferous Weaver of the Threads that bind the Squirming Prey Floundering in the Underneath (Samantha)
Vit 12 SP 12(10) CP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Claws 12
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Mutabiity 10
!Biomodulation Strain #3
=Virulent Vitality
=Bound by the Flesh


Primary Taxonomy: Malichnid
Rolled 3, 1, 3 = 7 (3d6)

(other roll)
CP is now 4
>1MP: Move 2
>1AP: Pick up the corpse of Guard
>2AP+2MP: Move with the corpse 5-6-5-5 to the terminal
>3AP: If the terminal asks for finger prints or anything else provide. If not just drop corpse and see the riches inside the secstation

"This is getting rather morbid. Can't wait to leave."

Vit 11/12 SP 12 CP 4
DR 2 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Augmented Systemics 10
!Resilient Streak
Further correction- CP is now *0*. Hopefully, these Chem powers are worth it!
Rolled 5, 6, 4, 2, 1, 2 = 20 (6d6)

Vit 10/12 SP 1/12 CP 1
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 4
Physicality 13
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
#Augmented Systemics 10
!Augmentic-Extropian [Metal Fatigue, Reserve Power, Engineering Specifications, Task-Tracking Suite]
!Smells Like Sulfur

Turrets in that room ahead... No good... Even if I am a metal man... Even if I really want to play with all the Rippies... Even if it feels like in my bones that the pudding is on the other side... There's got to be a better way.

>3MP Move555
>3AP (roll 1) Open that door for Acolyte if it isn't opening [Augmented Systemics]
>3AP (roll 2) Attempt to Recover Stamina
Rolled 5, 6, 1, 3, 5, 2 = 22 (6d6)

I think we'd all better have a lie down.

>1Tac: Get down, or out of the way! SUT 10
>2MP: Get down for real this time
>1AP: Take five (seconds). Remember nonchalance. Cucumber cool. Utter unfuckingflappability SUT 10
>1MP 5AP React: Salvage relationship, or its remains, in wake of ardent vendor testimonial. Extend medical goodwill as feasible. Thoughts 10+2
Watch my back as you get the door open, and let me know if you find ammo.

>1TP, have my allies watch my back - warn me of threats in my rear arc (SupOp 10)
>3MP+1AP, move 1NW, 1SW, 1S, 1SE
>1AP, slide into as much cover as these slanty walls will provide
>1AP, open door
>3AP, unload three shots into any hostiles that round the corner (Lethality 11)

Vit 12/12 SP 12/12 CP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3 TP 1
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 10
Thoughts 10
Support Operations 10
!Inspiring Presence
!Dreams of the Ocean
Aid Kit
C7 Service 11/18
oh thank the stars-- I mean-- well-- you -- I -- uh.
A perfectly functional member of the society.

Which you can demonstrate if you walk back in your cell !
Rolled 2, 1, 4 = 7 (3d6)


"Just lay there for a while now the food"

[AP 2] Pocket the KO'd guards fallen equipment
[MP 1] Evade SW
[AP 3] Obtain stuff from the vending machine (Physicality 10)
[AP 1] Eat something i got from machine regenerating takes energy

Vit 12 SP 9 CP 2
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
!Biomodulation Strain #3
= Virulent Vitality
= Bound by the Flesh
Nice try, command. I know this is all part of the test. I'll get to the end of this kinetic testing course and you'll give us all double servings of pudding. I can't wait!
Rolled 5, 1, 2 = 8 (3d6)

"What the sigma! Rizzlers domming with spinny lead baby gronks... gotta griddy out of this lit gooncave ong."
"Come on besties we gotta battlebus fortnite drop somewhere else. I need to chug jug real quick fr fr no cap."

>3MP Move 666
>3AP Move 655
>3AP Recover

#Subject Sigma
Vit 12 SP 12 CP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
!Telekinetic(Physical tests at range,Thoughts/Senses on sapient)
+Microslip Precognition(+Focus Evade targets)
+Temple Inviolate(Manifest External)
!Incurable Brainrot
Rolled 1, 1, 6 = 8 (3d6)

>3 MP: Move 4. Lie down. Very important to get comfy when you're about to...
>6 AP+3 CP: Manifest. Turn the key in the boundless dark. Release and harness the flow of dread, despair, and the force of ending, of stopping all manner of will to exist. (Psionigenesis 10+3(CP)+3(AP))
Rolled 3, 3, 3 = 9 (3d6)

>3SP Manifest skibidi toilets as an external feature.
Vs Psiogenesis, creatures with the heads of the men but the body of toilets.Constantly singing the song of brainrot.
Rolled 5, 4, 5, 2, 1, 3, 6, 3, 2 = 31 (9d6)

The security access door into the secstation slides open, loyalty swayed by copious amounts of DNA and the dangling leftovers of the guard. Most systems won't be so easily tricked - a biometric scanner can actually check if you're alive or not - but Gallium is on standby to provide the little extra nudge, and by simply setting GUARD_JOHNSON ALIVE = TRUE in the basic systems, the door . .

slides open!

Revealing a subject on the other side who sticks a gun in your face and lets out a gasp; looks like he's been in here for a while!


>tactics x3
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...ah, fuck it
Vit 12 SP 12 CP 0
DR 2 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Lookin’ mighty fine
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
-Augmented Systemics 10
!Augmetic Extropian
!Metal Fatigue
!Reserve Power
!Engineering Specifications
!Covered in buboes
>CH-CH-CHANGES: 6AP+3CP, target: health
The buboes swell, the buboes burst, buboes swell within the buboes, the buboes burst, the buboes swell...
Rolled 4, 6, 1 = 11 (3d6)

forgor to roll
Ski-bi dibby dib yo da dub dub, yo da dub dub, ski-bi dibby dib yo da dub dub
Cryin' out loud, you're a living Non Team Player broadcast. Good thing I've got jingles to keep my sentiments pure.

Highly Iterative Techno-Entity, surrounded by steel and silicon you're plug-and-play with, and your first iteration is biotic? I really am in a madhouse.

Lucky for you both, Cold Bone is happy to utilize an enterprising streak.
Subject Sigma's attempt at manifesting that which should not be gets interrupted by a Baton to the face.


Subject Nadir externalises a flow of dread and despair and the shadows swirl a little more closely - some sort of phantasmal apparition of dread and dissolution.


Subject Bubba reroutes their internal circulatory system to account for systemic shock; increasing their HP pool, upgearing their damage resistance and netting some resistance to blood-borne dangers in the process.


Subject Acolyte is suddeny very, very happy that they're radiating friend-pheremones as the Ripthing claws at a door and eventually manages to get it open by hitting the access panel just right. Intense scents waft from the room beyond, mewls in the dark, shapes moving. A. . . nest? Doesn't look sanitiary. More like a storage pen for critters, all sharp and deadly and dangerous.


With a loud groan of hinges finally being sawn through, a containment team pushes into the central security station, armored shields up and intent on restoring order to this section of the facility.


Sundae gets shock treatment. Trooper Trish turns the sentry turrets off and clambers up and over to get Sundae back to their feet.


Facility wide containment procedures are activating. Whatever disruption happened earlier to provide you some brief respite and succour is being remedied, adjusted, corrected. Facility Project Oversight - PHAROAH - works fast.


Changeling Subjects should internalize that changes are *specific*. Focusing volatility and rolling dice based on a trait or an attribute and simply hoping for the best is no different than an aberrancy roll, the Universe is apt to treat such ideas as simply a randomized effect based on your current physiology. A smidge more precision helps rather a lot. You do not want "health", you want "resistance to bullets", "armored skin", "a resilient circulatory system", "more arms", "a nicer face", "the ability to communicate in chemistry with the hive-minded pack hunters I stumbled into just now".


Psionick-Resonance subjects should internalize a memory from long hours of training, pain and reward and puzzle logic - if you can only manifest external changes, you are more likely to generate a panopoly of projections and a regalia of thought-forms than anything else. Forge your focus into a blast-shape that channels Psychogenesis or telekinetic capacity down a specific pathway, or set your telekinetic systems to pyrokinetic manipulation mode or fashion a sword of will or wings of force or slam a wall where none where before or many, many, many other things.

But if you externalize the rolling dread of malevolence, with "the force of ending and of stopping all manner of will to exist" it is an intrinsically hostile entity, outside yourself, and the next thing that is going to happen is that it will attempt to eat your brain.

Which it is trying to do, by the way, Nadir, you should run really, really, really far away.
because that entire section of the facility is about to be home to an unchained exponential phantasmic manifestation of pure malevolent entropy and you have absolutely, completely, totally, UTTERLY lost control over it. If you ever had any in the first place. If something like that could even be controlled. How do you chain a thing that resists the very concept of order?

There's three big rules, and you've discovered one.

Don't meddle with time, time-symmetry is nigh inviolate

Don't try to alter geospatial contraints; teleporting is intensely difficult.

And never - ever - *EVER* - stick your fingers anywhere near self-sustaining spirals of malevolence. Chaotic entropy factors do not respect the structures you need to live, and you cannot order things around if they are anithethical to the very idea of order in the first place.


>Changeling subjects gain +2 CP


The alarms, soft, distant, change on a subtly different tone. A shift, sideways. A warble. And then they cut *out*. Is that good, or is that so much worse? An alarm implies the need to evacuate, to end your work and move on. Silence and no alarms implies . . .

is anyone left here to evacuate at all?

Rolled 1, 6, 4 = 11 (3d6)

>MP3 AP2) 45555
>AP3) Smash window of other vending machine (Physicality 10)
>AP1) Consume snax
Gluttony hears the sound of a mechanized corkscrew rotation and something falling with a thud somewhere in the next room. It stirs an ancient memory within him, and he bolts off, not waiting to loot the armory. Then he sees it. Something indescribable. An infinite variety of colorful wrapped snacks! They were prepared, almost lovingly, and then laid out behind glass as if to taunt passersby.
"Like something out of a dream!" Gluttony roars, scrambling over some couches on all fours like an animal, leaving blood prints in his wake. His bulging eyes swivel to the creature next to him, chest heaving from exertion. "YOU! Are a goddamned genius! You knew that they would have to keep the snax somewhere close to the cells. Have you, by any merciful chance, located the puddings?" >>6074535

His blood soaked face swivels away as the lighting changes. A disembodied voice informed everyone about Pharoh Protocols being restored or something like that. But, like, *why*? Was this supposed to be a comfort to the people in the next room? Whoever designed this system would have to know that they were fucked no matter what. So who was the message for? The prison breakers? Bizarre. Gluttony was going to have to leave a feedback slip on his way out.


Vit 12 SP 7/12 CP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Change 2
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
!Biomodulation Strain #3
[Virulent Vitality] [Bound by the Flesh]
(So if someone chooses to take the gun and mags does he need to spend AP or does he gain 3 AP this turn?
You should find Chimera. Look! They've got snacks for days. DAYS.

You'll need to spend a minor action to pick it up from the cabinet its in, as always. But because you're swiping the lot, or some amount, it's not 1 AP per item, you can simply use 1 to rifle the cabinet.

Neats is offering them to you but Neats isn't physically giving them to you!
>Changelings gain +2CP
So with 3, I can manifest a change? Gluttony would like to manifest razor sharp retractable teeth and a rubbery cartilaginous stretchy jaw for a lethal bite attack.
Vit 12 SP 12 CP 6
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
!Biomodulation Strain #3
!Craves Purpose
!Social Pheremones

> Move 334 (3 Movement). Look around.
> Recover Stamina (Health 12 + Regeneration 2)
> Convey to the pack that they should follow me, *urgently*. Food *and* threats! Lots of threats! We need to move! (3 AP, 8 Senses, 4 Chem, 1 Duplicity, 1 Stamina, total 14)


*worried rumbling*
Rolled 4, 4, 2, 3, 6, 1 = 20 (6d6)

Change points should be 2.
Forgot my dice.
Rolled 3, 4, 2, 6, 2, 2 = 19 (6d6)

>"What the sigma? Why is sussy amogus imposter baka looksmaxxing like he wants to ruin my mewing streak on god?"
*Sigma gives Martingale a dirty look as she fortnite dances past.*

>3MP Move 444
>3AP Move 434, Exploit guard with gun 43, (vs Duplicity-4 = 8?)
>3AP Followup spread brainrot to the guard, (vs Incurable Brainrot)

*She presses her face up against the window, leering at the guard beyond it.*
"Heeeeeeere's SIGMA!"

#Subject Sigma
Vit 10/12 SP 9/12 CP 4
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
!Psionic-Resonant(Eva+, External)
!Telekinetic(Ranged Phys, Mind Stuff)
!Incurable Brainrot
wait so we all get +2CP?
Vit 12 SP 9/12 CP 4
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Psychogenesis 10
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
{!Many hands, Light work}
{!Temple Inviolate}

> 3MP+5AP // Sprint ([SE]x1, [S]x4, [SE]x3).
> 1AP // Enter a crouching posture.
> 3SP // Slip past Grimp and sneak ([S]x2, [SW]x1).
Rolled 3, 4, 1 = 8 (3d6)

>HP: 4->6 (Regen 2)
>3 MP, 6AP, 2SP, Committed: Move 4 then keep going 5, picking up the clawthing and using it as a meatshield/battering ram to eat the bullets until I hit that robot. (Physicality 10 + Alacrity 1 + Whatever boni I get from the extra AP and SP)

"Samantha, stay behind me!"

Vit 6/12 SP 9/12 CP 5
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
!Biomodulation Strain #3
= Virulent Vitality
= Bound by the Flesh
Rolled 1, 1, 6, 4, 5, 1 = 18 (6d6)

>1 MP: Move 5
>3 AP: Aim and Exploit
>3 AP: Strike the FleshPrey to my 5 twice (Claws 12 + Lethality 1 (+ Accuracy from Aim and Exploit?) -3/3)

#Splendiferous Weaver of the Threads that bind the Squirming Prey Floundering in the Underneath (Samantha)
Vit 12 SP 12(10) CP 2
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Claws 12
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Mutabiity 10
!Biomodulation Strain #3
=Virulent Vitality
=Bound by the Flesh


Primary Taxonomy: Malichnid
>2AP: Move 5-6
>3AP Thank Neats and swipe the whole lot of Pistol and 2 spare mags. Oh yeah. Now we're equipped. Too bad we can't get the serious hardware
>1AP: Start sneaking
>Move 3-4-3 sneaking
>3AP: Open and enter Byway #342- requesting it opens (Idk, it think it's an interface action?)

Vit 11/12 SP 12 CP 5
DR 2 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Augmented Systemics 10
!Resilient Streak
Rolled 3, 5, 6 = 14 (3d6)

Vit 12/12 SP 9/12 CP 2
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
[Damage Reduction 2]
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Augmented Systemic 10
Augmentic Extropian
[Metal Fatigue] [Reserve Power] [Engineering Specifications]
Cold and logical.

Handgun (18 ammo, 2 extra mags)
Baton (L+1, Stun 1)
Aid Kit x1
Security Vest (4DR, fits humans)

"Friendly entity, designation Amelius. Please accept this protective device."
>[1AP] Drop the sec vest for Amelius to grab.
>Move 443
>[3AP+2AP Concentrate] Manifest a Wireless Mesh interface, to interact with electronics at range and without having to physically interface with them (Augmented Systemics 1+ 2 CP)
You could manifest a change with 1, if you were willing to risk it. Your base trait - Mutability - is 10. You can use it actively, as a skill, to briefly change what you are or who you are. Perhaps this would be useful, if you wanted to look like something else? The utility of this we'll leave to your imagination.

But you can also use it as a base for Change. Mutability 10 + 3 CP would give you 1 roll against 13, to change your physiology permanently. Sharp teeth and a retractable jaw for snapping bites and lethal reach is quite within the possibilities. But so are so many other things.

Mutability as a core skill changes things about your morphology, physiology, body plan.

To be clear, you can also base your change on other traits and attributes. Perhaps Physicality + 2 CP bolsters your strength, and Sense would let you see in the dark or detect the unusual. Lethality would make you deadlier, spawning whole new lines of skills and traits to grow further.

Indeed. But at what cost? The horror. The horror!
#Glace Froide
Vit 12 SP 12 CP 0
DR 0
AP 6 MP 3 TP 1
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 10
Thoughts 10
Small Unit Tactics 10
!Nerves of Cold Steel
!Emotionally Blunted
Troopers: Martingale, Grins

>[Tactical] Major Action: Let's get out of here, Grins, Alekson. My name is "Glace Froide", not "Eau Bouillie".

>Move 6, 5

[Tactical] Major Action: Petri, Grins, Alekson: Advance with Samantha. Don't worry, Samantha only rips things apart when they get in the way.

Maybe some tea would be good about now...
Using Focus 1 or Psionigenesis for brainrot spread?
Awww, Gallium, you unfeeling machine, you shouldn't have. My fragile human body thanks you.

Neats, you have a good head on your shoulders. Grab your weapon and back me up.

>1TP, have Neats squad up and support my actions
>2AP+2MP, move 2NW and equip the vest Gallium left me
>1MP+2AP, move 3S and press myself against the wall
>3SP, aim at the guard in the doorway
>2AP+1SP, fire at the guard in the doorway, two bullets (Lethality 11 + Neats + Accuracy 2)

Vit 12/12 SP 8/12 CP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3 TP 1
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 10
Thoughts 10
Support Operations 10
!Inspiring Presence
!Dreams of the Ocean
DR4 Vest
Aid Kit
C7 Service 9/18
Rolled 5, 6, 1, 4, 1, 5 = 22 (6d6)

Rrhhnn. Thanks, Trish. Tough lead. He'll come around. Or realize why he should've.

Follow that guard! This room's gone to hell! Gonna try to smokescreen from that thought-eater.

Final pitch, buddy. Your position here is a sinking ship. Your former subjects are all take-take-take, your colleagues are learning that first-hand, and your cleanup crew asks even fewer questions than you. There's one human face happy to say hello and give you options here, and that's me. I even come with legally binding handshake contracts. Now, if you -still- gotta think this over, do it quietly, because there's two apex noosphere predators loose.

>1Tac+1AP: Trish, join me at the terminal and help me get Cold Bone Ultra-Bland Hold Music blasting on this room's speakers, dampening thought, will to live and non-Cold Bone influences. Thought 10+1
>5AP: Offer guard alternative to brainrot oblivion. Duplicity 10+2
Pile In +1 on hack attempt.
"...That's...Oh...I see. We should...go. Now."

>3 MP: Move 111
>3 AP: !Telekinetic, open the door for fireteam anathan. Dreadthasm, Fireteam Anathan. Fireteam Anathan, Dreadthasm. k thx bye, imma peace out now
>3 AP: Move 266
Rolled 3, 5, 1, 2, 6, 6 = 23 (6d6)


"Yes the energy is returni... You you didn't need to regrow most of your important bits."

[MP 2] Move SE x2
[AP 3] Launch the Guard into one behind them (Physicality 10 + Alacrity 1)
[MP 1] Evade S
[AP 3] Strike Guard that did not have ally thrown at them to ribs (Physicality 10 + Lethality 1)
[AP 3] Defend avoid Electrified attacks (Reactions 8 + Senses 8)

Vit 12 SP 9 CP 4
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
!Biomodulation Strain #3
= Virulent Vitality
= Bound by the Flesh
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we need a clean up crew to the live kinetic test chamber. there's been an . . . incident.

oh void, the chunks. they're everywhere.
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generally speaking, subjects, the words "committed" should be avoided in any context that involves "fully automatic firepower" unless you are exceptionally sure you know what you are doing.

well, the minor positive is that we can scrape Bob's remains off of the floor and he'll ... possibly . . . be motile, mobile and responsive again eventually.

he just has to, uh, regrow his spinal cord first.
"This protective apparatus will greatly increase your survivability, thus increasing mine."
Rolled 1, 5, 3, 1, 2, 2, 1, 3, 2, 6, 6, 5 = 37 (12d6)

Bob's vital flatlines. For some of us, however, that is not that much of a challenge.

>You died
>+6 CP


sticking your gyatt for the ri-- [INITIATING COUNTER MEMETIC CLEANSING]


>Will to live x1
"Keep one of them alive for the biometrics!" Gluttony calls through a full mouth in Chimera's direction as she bounds off into the UNFATHOMABLE VIOLENCE.
It might be assumed that being shot full of hundreds of bullets would be the worst thing to happen to Subject Bob today.

That would be a wrong assumption to make.

>You've been eaten
>+3 CP


Nadir gets up close and personal with someone's brains, but not in the usual way that the tests prescribe. Don't lick your lips. You might catch the rot.


Bulwark meets their namesake, a heavily reinforced bulwark held by a security staffer forming the first part of a riot control phalanx. While human bones are fragile and human skin is breakable and the poor little manthings in this place shatter so very readily, a stout and stoic shield of formidable steel and other alloys will absorb a frightening amount of punishment. The people equipped with it are apt to block things too, making them even more hard to stop.


Gluttony lives up to their namesake. Oh, this is so, so delicious. And tasty. And the FLAVOURS. What is a 'strawed berry'? Why is it so good?

>Trait achievement
>+3 CP


Coordinator Amelius gives a few handsignals to Neats, who rocks a quick response and then Amelius blinks and realizes that he didn't know he knew to do that. When did... When did he learn advanced command and control handsigns?

>Such dedication to the art of the gun finally pays off, as memories shift and old thoughts resurface
>You acquire . . . a skill!
>Guns (Pistols) - 12. Would you look at that, it really is all in the wrist. It's like riding a bike. You never forget.

Then he glances down at the sidearm held in his hand and realizes. . . wait . . . if... what if...


>You engage the SMARTLINK on your HANDGUN. It's just like you remember! When did you remember?
>Suddenly, so many of these pesky environmental penalties like light and fog and distance get more managable. Though rather more importantly, and this must be why the Guards Lock On so much with those minor actions - the odds of hitting an unintended target when the smartlink is engaged is significantly reduced.


>For this one - finally?
>You can take it easy.
>ETA 14+ hours
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Rolled 5, 2, 4, 3, 5, 3, 1, 6, 6 = 35 (9d6)

AP6: Concentrate iron from this DELICIOUS DARK CHOCOLATE into hardened retractable fangs. Increase the muscle mass in my neck and jaw to deliver a piercing KILLING BITE. Resorb my jaw bone to become cartilaginous and HORRIFYINGLY STRETCHY. (Mutability 10, Change 2, Focus 1, Concentration 3)
MP3 SP3: 3-3-4 3-4-4
AP9: Bite a guard. (Bite 12, Lethality 1)
"I have become... Giga Gluttony! The difference between a Chad and a mealcel is literally a few millimeters of bone, he says to himself, outloud."
With a rush of energy, he moves faster than he has ever moved, smiling his best gigajaw smile.
"Surrender and I won't eat you." He says to the guards. "But not you."

Vit 12 SP 12 CP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1 Change 7
Killing Bite +12(?)
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
!Biomodulation Strain #3
[Virulent Vitality] [Bound by the Flesh]
Rolled 4, 6, 6 = 16 (3d6)

>1 MP: Move 5
>6 AP: Eat/tear through the wall 4 (Physicality 10 + Lethality 1)

#Splendiferous Weaver of the Threads that bind the Squirming Prey Floundering in the Underneath (Samantha)
Vit 12 SP 12(10) CP 2
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Claws 12
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Mutabiity 10
!Biomodulation Strain #3
=Virulent Vitality
=Bound by the Flesh


Primary Taxonomy: Malichnid
I'm gonna get the hang of this at some point. I screwed this up. It was AP6 for the first action, but 3 of that was concentration, so it should have just been 3 dice. Then the bite was AP3 (from the sugar rush)
Anyway goodnight.
>Thanks for playing! You're all wonderful!

Also + Concentrate 3
Hey Nadir. Bad time? Tell you sorry later. Look, I need you to pass me that gun before your creation integrates itself into working exercise consoles. Trade you this biometric keycard I found.
"I think one in the corner still breathes. Won't most likely answer though"
Nah, Trish, this one's on me. I let voracious existentialism distract me from my priority: closing the sale. Taking accountability, Trish, it's how I learn. First rule of good management.

Second one is, Upper doesn't need to know.

Leave the music on. It should still help.
>Move 6,6,5 / 6,6,5 / 5,4,4, / 4,4,4
Rolled 6, 6, 3 = 15 (3d6)

"Error. Locomotion control module inadequate. Recommend avoiding impact with large heavy objects".
Rolled 4, 5, 3 = 12 (3d6)

Holy Crap. Those guys are terrifying very scary and I should reasonably listen to them if I don't want to get reasonably pummelled to death by batons and gunfire. However, that is outweighed by the possibility that they will also probably kill me anyway even if I listen!

Run! Run away!

>3MP, [Evade] move 5-5-6
>6AP, [Concentrate] +6, focus on evading!
>2SP, [Move] move some more 5-4

"Holy Crap Guys! They're behind us!"

Vit 12/12 SP 10/12 CP 0/0
DR 0
AP 6 MP 3 TP 1
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 10
Thoughts 10
#Small Unit Tactics 10
!Nerves of Cold Steel [Cool Under Fire][Not By The Number]
!Nerves of Cold Steel
Rolled 4, 2, 1 = 7 (3d6)

Vit 12 SP 9/12 CP 4
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Psychogenesis 10
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
{!Many hands, Light work}
{!Temple Inviolate}

> 2MP // Sneak ([S]x1, [SW]x1).
> 1AP // Pick up the shard of glass.
> 1AP // The glass is lifted closer to Chalkydri's face then is tilted by degrees. the glossy material pulses under the strobing emergency lighting, at certain angles a faint silhouette can be discerned gazing back.
> 4AP // A unseen force holds the nearby doors firmly closed. [Telekinetic] (Physicality 10)
Rolled 5, 1, 5 = 11 (3d6)

*Sigma stares as Samantha deconstructs the wall. It is like watching fortnite gameplay in real life.*

>Commit to Skibidi.
>6AP Manifest the Skibidi Toilets. (vs 10Psionigenesis+4CP+Commit Bonus)

Skibidi Toilets. With the head of a man and the body of a toilet, these borderline-cognitohazards can spread brainrot through their powerful singing voices and manipulate the environment.

#Subject Sigma
Vit 10/12 SP 12/12 CP 4
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
!Psionic-Resonant(Eva+, External)
!Telekinetic(Ranged Phys, Mind Stuff)
!Incurable Brainrot
Vit 12 SP 12 CP 6
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
!Biomodulation Strain #3
!Craves Purpose
!Social Pheremones

It rears to full, impressive height, heartfelt emotions coming to mind, breathing deep-


Its stomach suddenly quivers. It smells so good, but…

That seems familiar.

> Squirm 33, through the press (3 Movement)
> Rescue Bob’s core, from which he can regenerate as described in the manual. Splash it in protective, inedible pheromones, and place it in the corner of the lair. (3 AP)


….one bite, though.

> Take just one bite of Bob’s carcass. Then take just one more. Then… just one more…. (3AP)
Rolled 6, 2, 6 = 14 (3d6)

Reading the rules closely tells me I can commit for extra AP.

I actually feel very safe, so I’ll Commit, drop my guard, gain 3 AP, and use it to

> Recover Stamina (12 Vitality + 2 Regeneration)
Rolled 5, 4, 3 = 12 (3d6)

Vit 12/12 SP 9/12 CP 2
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
[Damage Reduction 2]
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Augmented Systemic 10
Augmentic Extropian
[Metal Fatigue] [Reserve Power] [Engineering Specifications]
Cold and logical.

Handgun (18 ammo, 2 extra mags)
Baton (L+1, Stun 1)
Aid Kit x1

>Manifest a Wireless Mesh Interface, letting me interact with systems better, and at range, without the need to directly shove fingers in there. (Augmented Systemics 10, 2CP)
Rolled 3, 4, 4 = 11 (3d6)


Vit 10/12 SP 9/12 (now 4) CP 3 (now 2)
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 4
Physicality 13
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
#Augmented Systemics 10
!Augmentic-Extropian [Metal Fatigue, Reserve Power, Engineering Specifications, Task-Tracking Suite]
!Smells Like Sulfur

"I don't think I'd last much longer than Bob in that nest, no matter how much Rippie loves me."

The pile of Bob twitches and pulses. "Poor bastard..."

In a heartwarming and cold-metalwarming display, Acolyte rescues Bob.

Then Acolyte begins eating some of Bob, mid-writhe. "Okay, what the hell."

>3MP Sneak/move 445
>1AP Append New Task to Tracker: Update Language Library (Manifest)
>2AP + 3 SP Concentrate 5 on Manifesting
>3AP + 1 CP Manifest a new subtrait of Augmented Systemics: Cyber-Linguistic Probe. Via the use of a harmless, Range-1, cyber-probe, Grimp can connect to and interface with any other lifeforms and robots, be they hostile or friendly, and instantly speak all languages as fluently as the probed lifeform/robot. It also functions as a meat thermometer. Neat-o! [Augmented Systemics 10 + CP 1 + Concentrate 5 + Task-Tracking Bonus] (rolling!)

To specify

I am *tearing Bob’s vitals* out of the carcass being shredded and devoured before it’s damaged irreparably, and laying it to the side.

Then I’m joining the pack in eating the latter, not the former.
I'm hearing a lot of jackboots, probably a few more than my... nine shots. Neats, do you have any tidy little battlefield solutions tucked away in that bag of yours?

Maybe frisk those bodies and find some?

>1TP, direct Neats to scavenge the room, with a focus on looting the bodies
>2MP, move 1SW and enter cover against that south wall
>3AP, aim at the closed door SW of me
>3AP, kneecap the first man through the door, he'll block up the doorway! (Guns 12, Lethality 1, Accuracy 2, Smartlink)

Vit 12/12 SP 8/12 CP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3 TP 1
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 10
Thoughts 10
Support Operations 10
Guns (Pistols) 12
!Inspiring Presence
!Dreams of the Ocean
DR4 Vest
Aid Kit
C7 Service, 2d6, Acc2, Rcl2, RoF3+, Smartlink, 9/18
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Rolled 4, 3, 1 = 8 (3d6)

Vit 14 SP 12 CP 2
DR 3 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Lookin’ mighty fine
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
-Augmented Systemics 10
!Augmetic Extropian
!Metal Fatigue
!Reserve Power
!Engineering Specifications
!Covered in buboes
!Blood-Loss Resistance

>MP: 2, 1, 1
>6AP: Attempt to connect with these constantly exploding firehoses using my mighty buboe powers (augmented systemics)
Rolled 6, 4, 1 = 11 (3d6)

>HP: -40->-38 (Regen 2)
>6AP: Think without distractions (Thoughts 8 + Focus 1 + Concentration 3 + Committed?)

My pain is gone but I remain. I am not my pain.

My senses are gone but I remain. I am not my senses.

My body is gone but I remain. I am not my body.

My brain is gone but I remain. I am not my brain.

I still think therefore I still am. But... what am I?

Vit -38/12 SP 11/12 CP 14
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
!Biomodulation Strain #3
= Virulent Vitality
= Bound by the Flesh
Rolled 4, 6, 3 = 13 (3d6)

"Ugh...blegh...ptuh...sure...here you go."

>1 AP: !Telekinetic, pass the dead guard's gun to Sundae.
>1 AP: !Telekinetic, activate the door panel to open the door for Sigma.
>4 AP: Wipe off all those rotted brains and catch breath (Commit, Health 12 + 1 + 2/4 (?))
>But... what am I?
You have become the pudding.
Rolled 5, 2, 4 = 11 (3d6)


"They are upping their force against us time to start matching up to them in that case."

[AP 6] Manifest: Start changing my skin into protective scale like layer (Health 12 + 4 CP + Commit)

Vit 12 SP 9 CP 4
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
!Biomodulation Strain #3
= Virulent Vitality
= Bound by the Flesh
In order to reduce the amount of times Changelings ponder the precise proclivity of their prowess, perhaps this might offer some assistance?

Please do not treat this report as a hard-and-true-ultimate-guide-to-everything. Attempting to game reality itself by referencing this will make your brain explode. It is written entirely and solely as a reference note for assisting in navigating the vagaries of Changing, which are after all a little obtuse if one does not intuit the underlying limitations.

To repeat the above: this is a series of guidelines. If you attempt to twist the words here into bending the excesses of what can be considered fair allowance, your brain explodes.

The universe is cagey about this because some things must be experienced and experimented rather than dictated from on high.
Rolled 1, 3, 4 = 8 (3d6)

>MP2: sneak move 4-4
>1AP: Make sure door is locked
>5 AP: Interface with facility systems to access a camera that is on the other side of the door.
>1 MP: Prepare evade backwards

Vit 11/12 SP 12 CP 5
DR 2 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Augmented Systemics 10
!Resilient Streak
Rolled 3, 4, 5, 1, 4, 6, 2, 3, 6, 5, 5, 6 = 50 (12d6)

Subject Chalkydri reloads. But not. . . their gun.


Subject Sigma, Gluttony, Chimera, Gallium and others shift, shudder, weave, twist, become something . . . different

But recall: to change is already a Commited action. You are commiting to the change. You have no defenses while doing so. You cannot Commit to the same thing twice. Manifesting a Change is always turn ending, always takes the full extent of your attention, and always leaves you vulnerable.

But what's the worst thing that could happen? A containment team choosing this exact moment to burst through the doors in a storm of fire and grenades?


Subject Samantha tears at a wall and sensing frustration, Subject Nadir joins in. That's no window or wall, that's a terminal. This facility is built rugged, but it seems you picked a good spot to begin your rending; the wall there is bending, breaking, shuddering, shaking...

Recall that even if the walls are mightily resilient at 40 HP and total destruction at -10x HP (some small 440 damage, in aggregate), a major structural fault is still inflicted when one deals more than half HP in a singular blow, which for these thin wall sections appear to be 21. When striking it with intent to burst through, the universe tends to resolve all damage occuring in the same turn as an aggregate attack against the same particular spot. To tear down the facility entire would be nigh impossible. But to tear holes in the terrain and confinement and burrow through it like rats?

Much more feasible.


Subject NeoGenesis ensures a door is locked and then reaches out through the same systems to locate a linked camera . . .

but what does it see, through burrowed eyes?



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Looks like the end of the line, subjects. Past this central corridor is the acces path to the elevators, which raise high and low and contains the way to your freedom.

But before you can get to the elevators, you have to get through the gunline of Fireteam Anathan, geared to kill and unlikely to ask questions.

First subject through these doors are going to be met with a hail of gunfire, and judging by Bob's earlier experiences, there is a certain aggregate charm to massed munitions that is apt to make even the hardiest among you lie down on the floor in shattered dead little *chunks*.
Rolled 3, 5, 6, 3, 6, 5, 6, 2, 2, 3, 2, 2 = 45 (12d6)

Protected by their Bulwark-Shields, the security operatives on the left side of the facility charge, and are not so dissuaded by gunfire or chimeras or gluttons with sharp teeth.

Subject Chimera is interrupted in the middle of changing by the sudden explosion of sharp pain across their entire sensory system

Subject Neats and Amelius lay down covering fire, but the heavy reinforced shields eat the bullets and block the shots, and soon, the enforcers are among them --

Remember, Shooters! Anyone in MELEE with you inflits a SEVERE PENALTY to you using your guns

And you'd think it'd be as simple as

>1MP step 1 away
>3AP light them up

But if you do that, the universe resolves the melee defender as being allowed to parry your gun with their bare hands and twist out of the way of the shot; they are actively defending against it. You'll need a bit more distance that that! If you were in melee at the very start of your turn, the people beating your head in benefit against you. You'll need to create more space between you if you want to turn around and shoot them!

( Psst, subjects - this works for you too. Those guns? Up close? They're in their way )


Samantha and Nadir finishes some architectural remodelling, trooper Grins shouts an alarm because a horde of sharp angry things are boiling out of the walls and--






>Polite reminder that interrupted CP is unspent
Those claws, so sharp. Those teeth, so hungry. If you weren't an entirely unpalatable bundle of metal and hardened skin, you might be in severe trouble right now.

Subject Grimp, you've been grabbed and latched unto. You're stronger than these things, so it's a mild impediment at best; you take a small penalty to actions so long as they're all over you.


Subject Chimera, a reminder on crippled limbs. They beat you good - they're BEATING you good - and so long as your systems are broken and beaten, you take some minor penalties to actions using those limbs and features. You'll need to RECOVER or have someone RECOVER YOU to get control of your strained appendages back!


Rolled 3, 6, 3 = 12 (3d6)

Odd, I was sure that I meant to dig through the wall separating me from the robot sentry, but somehow I find myself at this other wall. Well, the horde is coming through now, so this way it is.

>3 MP, 3 AP: Squeeze through the hole at 3 (Physicality 10 + Alacrity 1 + 2 MP (extra) + 3 Concentration - 3 Adroit)
>3 AP: Move 554

#Splendiferous Weaver of the Threads that bind the Squirming Prey Floundering in the Underneath (Samantha)
Vit 12 SP 12(10) CP 2
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Claws 12
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Mutabiity 10
!Biomodulation Strain #3
=Virulent Vitality
=Bound by the Flesh


Primary Taxonomy: Malichnid
Rolled 5, 6, 1 = 12 (3d6)

Vit 12 SP 9/12 CP 4
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Psychogenesis 10
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
{!Many hands, Light work}
{!Temple Inviolate}

"... Damn it Acolyte... You had one job."

> 6AP // Suddenly, a force rips the doors from their bearings and suspends them between Chalkydri and the barricade. [Telekinetic] (Physicality 10) (+3 excess)
> 1SP, 3MP // Keeping the telekinetically suspended shield between himself and the suppression team, Chalkydri darts into the killzone moving ([SW]x1, [NW]x1) and then swiftly backs up into the security office moving ([N]x1, [Nw]x1.
Chalkydri mutters to the guard over his shoulder.
"Apprehend me later. You need this barrier to stay up."
Rolled 4, 1, 2 = 7 (3d6)

Vit 12/12 SP 9/12 CP 2
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
[Damage Reduction 3]
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Augmented Systemic [LOS] 10
Augmentic Extropian
[Metal Fatigue] [Reserve Power] [Engineering Specifications] [Meshlinked]
Cold and logical.

Handgun (18 ammo, 2 extra mags)
Baton (L+1, Stun 1)
Aid Kit x1

>[1 AP] Remotely turn on my pistol's Smartlink
>Move 56
>[2 AP] Use the cameras and my own eyesight to triangulate the perfect shot, through the eyeslot of the guard's shield.
>[3 AP] Fire at the shield guard taking point, following my planned firing trajectory. (Senses 8+Lethality 1)
>Step 3 to dodge any harm coming my way.
"Firing solution found. Stand clear."
"Firing solution, ready."
Subject, please be aware that [LoS] denotes "Line of Sight". Draw a direct visual trajectory from yourself to the target.

Subject, please be aware that "Reach 1" is a misnomer. That would be Reach 2; the ability to snap at things up to *2* tiles away from your location.

Please be aware that "reach" is subtly different from "range". Reach implies that you are physically interacting with the target, originating from yourself. Range is usually something you fire-and-forget.

Don't go biting power cables now.

Subject, please be aware that Spoof denotes a universal communications key. And that your systems innately have range 1, as range 1 denotes "1" tile and you can reach out and touch things. Within range 1 you are also broadcasting low tier wireless capability, so even things you cannot touch can be interacted with at that range.
Rolled 1, 2, 6 = 9 (3d6)

Situation not good. Then again this is a prison break so what did we expect.

1TP, [Direct&Command (Small Unit Tactics,10)] HOLD THE LINE! Get aggressive! Push those guys back! Fight back!
6AP, [Concentrate] +6, Really hammer that motivation home. Fuel that determination.


Vit 12/12 SP 10/12 CP 0/0
DR 0
AP 6 MP 3 TP 1
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 10
Thoughts 10
#Small Unit Tactics 10
!Nerves of Cold Steel [Cool Under Fire][Not By The Number]
!Nerves of Cold Steel
Rolled 6, 6, 1 = 13 (3d6)

>6 AP, Committed: !Telekinetic, hit the gaggle of rip things on the other side of the breach with a wave of !Existential Dread (Thoughts 8 + Focus 1 + 3 (AP) + 2/4 (Commit)

Here's a hoping they have enough activity in their brains to feel ennui.
Copy that. Can I extend my line of sight through cameras? Or would Line of Sight simply include my main body's line of sight?
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Standard unmodified security doors in this level appear to resist attempts at violence with an effective blockade rating of 14.

Further, they seem to have 20 HP and 10 DR.

You would need more *oompfh* to penetrate them.

A containment facility such as this would be no good if the doors did not, uh, contain things such as yourself.

Luckily, this swift learning lets you simply TRY AGAIN and TAKE ANOTHER TURN.
Get them on the ground and grab that gear! Attack in tandem - they can't hold out against us all!

>1TP, coordinate attacks with Neats
>3AP+2SP sweep the leg (Phys 10, Pile-In 1, Concentrate 2)
>3AP, grab that riot shield! I need it more than he does. (Phys 10, Pile-In 1)

Vit 12/12 SP 6/12 CP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3 TP 1
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 10
Thoughts 10
Support Operations 10
Guns (Pistols) 12
!Inspiring Presence
!Dreams of the Ocean
DR4 Vest
Aid Kit
C7 Service, 2d6, Acc2, Rcl2, RoF3+, Smartlink, 8/18
Seems to imply anything you have direct visual line of sight too. Strange how that appears to imply certain things about cameras.

Though surely, if you are seeing with electronic eyes, you should expect -1 penalty by jump.
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Rolled 4, 6, 1 = 11 (3d6)

>HP: -59->-57 (Regen 2)
>Manifest my new self. A being of amorphous flesh, tendrils and tentacles (CP 14 + Mutability 10)

I am no longer that stumbling, fumbling mammalian creature I spent so long inhabiting. I am flesh, nothing more and nothing less.

Vit -57/12 SP 0/12 CP 14
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 10 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
!Biomodulation Strain #3
= Fleshshaping
= Virulent Vitality
= Bound by the Flesh
Rolled 5, 2, 5 = 12 (3d6)

I'm pretty sure Amelius and Neats will evade back and give me room to attack, but how does the game handle things if I want to move first, before they have done that? Can I use a movement point to basically give that movement point to an ally, shoving them out of the way?

>Subject, please be aware that "Reach 1" is a misnomer. That would be Reach 2

MP1: 2
AP6: BITE containment team breacher's shield arm to try to get a nice shiny bulwark shield. (Physicality 10, Teeth 2, Concentration 3 Reach 1)
MP1: 5

Gluttony inches up into the brawl, places a hand on Neat's shoulder, and cranes over him to bite into the breacher to Neat's 4 position. He tries to tear away the arm to get the shield, and then steps back, hopefully dragging the arm and shield with him.

(I see Amelius is trying to do this too, but I rolled first >>6075120)


Vit 12 SP 12 CP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Change 7 Teeth 2 Reach 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
!Biomodulation Strain #3
[Virulent Vitality] [Bound by the Flesh]
Rolled 3, 3, 6, 2, 1, 5 = 20 (6d6)

Vit 12 SP 9/12 CP 4
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Psychogenesis 10
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
{!Many hands, Light work}
{!Temple Inviolate}

Very generous. I appreciate it.
However my options are rather limited.
I cannot reasonably stop 8+ clawthings
So, it seems that my life once more depends on the whim of luck.

>3AP, 3MP// An unseen force wrenches Chalkydri off the ground and pins him to the ceiling. [Telekinetic] (Physicality 10)
>3AP // An unseen force disengages the nearby security door's locking mechanisms and slides them open.[Telekinetic] (Physicality 10)
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Yes, you can shove your allies a little. It's not a MP though, movement only applies to you. A minor action directs your allies, or shoves them if you're in contact, you take over their space.

You can also define "Wait to XX" which makes you wait for an opening.


SUBJECTS, rekindle your memories of . . . architecture and structural integrity. This whole place? It was made to keep you *in*.

It will not let you go without a fight. But it... can be broken. Rent. Shattered. Pushed.

>Subjects gain +2 CP.




Subject Chalkydris is flatning. They need IMMEDIATE evacuation and recovery; though they can still act and spend stamina themselves.

At least the rip-things are being shot as well.


>Surprise Escape Phase
>Subjects to act again.
>Except Bob
>Bob is changing.
Rolled 6, 6, 6, 3, 4, 3 = 28 (6d6)

>3AP: Keep a note of the floor plan.
>3AP: Turn off electronics and lights in the room where FT Anathan and the Riot guards are. They are to reactivate in 1 Turn and a Half. Except the cameras.

Vit 11/12 SP 12 CP 7
DR 2 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Augmented Systemics 10
!Resilient Streak
At work so kind of doing this blindly and in a hurry, sorry

>3 MP Adroit, 6AP: Resist the toothy jaws, reassert dominance as alpha

"Bad Rippies, bad!"
Rolled 5, 2, 4 = 11 (3d6)

Vit 12 SP 9/12 CP 4
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Psychogenesis 10
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
{!Many hands, Light work}
{!Temple Inviolate}

> 3AP // Maintain levitation.
> 3MP 3AP // Crawl along the ceiling ([NE]x1, [N]x1, [NE]x1, [N]x3).
Rolled 6, 6, 1 = 13 (3d6)

Vit -27/12 SP 9/12 CP 6
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Psychogenesis 10
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
{!Many hands, Light work}
{!Temple Inviolate}

Forgot roll.
Immediate Recovery means immediate, Subject.

There are people out there who walk of the old NATO solution to the chest, but you're not one of them just yet; you very much want to take a Recovery action to staunch that bleeding or you will fall from the ceiling, a wild brain in a sack of deflating meat, leaking red stuff rapidly.

If you cannot Recover enough that the bleeding becomes less of an issue, there is a chance that you expire here. Permanently. And given the enormous, cataclysmic amount of holes in your body, you're at -4 to the Health Test for that very recovery to staunch that very bleeding.

It would seem a prudent time to spend Stamina. Or pray. Or evacuate the meatbound premises.
Rolled 6, 5, 2 = 13 (3d6)

Vit 12/12 SP 9/12 CP 2
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
[Damage Reduction 3]
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Augmented Systemic [LOS] 10
Augmentic Extropian
[Metal Fatigue] [Reserve Power] [Engineering Specifications] [Meshlinked]
Cold and logical.

Handgun (17 ammo, 2 extra mags)
Baton (L+1, Stun 1)
Aid Kit x1

"Target down."
>Move 56
>[3 AP] Triangulate firing solution, using the cameras. Target is the head of the shieldless guy, in the middle.
>[3 AP] Open fire at target with the pistol. (Senses 8, Lethality 1)
>Reaction: Step 2 in case harm comes my way.
Then I'll recover then.
Rolled 2, 6, 1, 4, 2, 1 = 16 (6d6)

Ech. Missed my chance.

Bubba, I see what you're going for and I like it. Cold is a relative term, and Cold Bone Is proud to provide low-temperature services to customers of all relativities. Gonna neutralize this equipment so you can salvage as you like. I'll divert the fuel supply to the nearest row and turn it off. Just push this button once you're ready to refuel.

>Commit for bonus
>1Tac+1AP: Hey Trish, take the guards' stuff. Guys should have cards, armor, restraints and weapons. Give Nadir my card while you're at it. Sense 10+1+Commit
>1MP: Move 3
>5AP: Hack exercise equipment. Disable ignition. Divert fuel supply to southmost row, preferably second pole from the right. Turn off fuel supply, ready to be turned back on. Thoughts 10+2+Commit
Rolled 6, 5, 6 = 17 (3d6)

I *think* it might be working. Ok, that might be a reach. It's doing *something*. Let's do it again and see what happens.

>6 AP, Committed: !Telekinetic, induce thoughts in rip things with !Existential Dread that makes a rip thing want to lie down and mope rather than...well, rip (Thoughts 8 + Focus 1 + 3 (AP) + 2/4 (Commit))
6SP // Crawl along the ceiling ([NE]x1, [N]x1, [NE]x1, [N]x3).
6AP // Recover.
Rolled 6, 3, 1 = 10 (3d6)

Mght as well be an armchair general here and assist with pointing things out, yelling at people to do things for you. That kind of stuff.

1TP, [Direct&Command (Small Unit Tactics,10)]+[Commit] KILL THEM! Aim your shots people! Hit those guys properly! It's not rocket science or ballistics trajectory school!
6AP, [Concentrate] +6, We're really screaming. Really hammering it home that we want these things done in a timely manner and efficiently. Squeeze every bit of authoritarian psyche.
1MP, look/face towards 5 (SW)

I seem to be... sort of... decent at this? Huh. I don't even remember what life I lived before this whole containment cell test subject stuff.

Vit 12/12 SP 10/12 CP 2
DR 0
AP 6 MP 3 TP 1
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 10
Thoughts 10
#Small Unit Tactics 10
!Nerves of Cold Steel [Cool Under Fire][Not By The Number]
!Nerves of Cold Steel
Careful moving up, or you'll end up like poor Chimera over here. Work with your buddies, as evolved and, er, independent as you are a bludgeon will still crack your skull!

>1TP, coordinate our defenses, cover one another (SupOp10, Inspiring Presence1)
>1AP+1MP, swap with Neats and take some cover
>1AP, pass that riot shield to Gluttony, he seemed to want it.
>1AP, patch Chimera up! (SupOps 10 + Medkit)
>3AP, grapple and drag down any reds that step up (Phys 10, Pile-In 1)

Vit 12/12 SP 6/12 CP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3 TP 1
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 10
Thoughts 10
Support Operations 10
Guns (Pistols) 12
!Inspiring Presence
!Dreams of the Ocean
DR4 Vest
Aid Kit
C7 Service, 2d6, Acc2, Rcl2, RoF3+, Smartlink, 7/18
Vit 12 SP 12 CP 2, Aberrancy 3
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
!Biomodulation Strain #3
- Bound by Flesh 1
!Craves Purpose
!Social Pheremones

Subject missed a turn. Is it ok to squeeze in a change during that turn?

If so, would like to evolve *duplicity*- the wash of intense pheromones awakening locked memories in Acolyte’s mind, remoulding neural pathways to better handle complex social bonds. Their facial structure and stance shifts in turn, becoming more friend lupine than monster- the teeth are just to smile better, dear.

In other words, I’d like to increase Duplicity to 2, or at least my capacity to give convincing suggestions to my fellows, committing all 6 AP, 2 Change, 3 Abberancy and 4 Stamina for a total target of 13. (First roll)

If you do not approve of retroactively evolving on missed turns, then may I just restore stamina instead?

Either way, it’s clear we need to *move*.

> Move 5, 4 (2 Movement)
> 1 AP (Open the door)
> 1 Movement, 2AP: Move three tiles out of the press, aiming to loop around and reach the doors SE of fireteam Anathan.
> 3 AP: Emit as much FOLLOW ME BIG HUNT Pheromones as I can (Senses 8 + Chems 4 + Duplicity ???) (3d6)
> Spend every SP except one to sprint towards the doors SE of fireteam Anathan. This is either 11 or 4, depending on whether you approve mutating (possibly less than 11 if I just walk up to them first). DO NOT Open the doors yet.
Rolled 4, 3, 2, 4, 3, 2 = 18 (6d6)

Gluttony will dump a tree out of its planter and use the planter as a giant bucket to carry snax.

MP3: 3-3-4
AP3: BITE AND SWING breacher at my 3 into breacher at my 4 (Physicality 10 [+2 Teeth, Reach 1], Alacrity 1)
AP3: Bite breacher at my 5 (Physicality 10 [+2 Teeth, Reach 1], Lethality 1)



Vit 12 SP 12 CP 7
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10 [Teeth +2, Reach 1]
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
!Biomodulation Strain #3
[Virulent Vitality] [Bound by the Flesh]
Scratch that first part, I changed my mind. Snax getting left behind. (for now)
Rolled 2, 1, 6, 6, 5, 6 = 26 (6d6)


Dropped my dice, again.

If the mutation goes through, I lose 2CP and 3 Abberancy, and then immediately gain 2 CP.

First roll is Duplicity mutation, if valid. Second roll is pheromones.
Calling attention back to Fireteam escalation level rules >>6074181 and this event >>6074602. Baseline Fireteam skill may now be 11. Can't do anything about it, just know that it's going to start factoring if it isn't already. Gotta beat the escalation race somehow.
Anathan, ࡀࡍࡀࡕࡀࡍ, in Mandic, is the warlike giant of the haunting darkness, the prowling warrior-supreme of the twisting warrens of the world of darkness, that vast underworld region bereft of the blessing of the light, ruled over by the high and distant Ur, leviathanitic overlord of the vast chtonic reaches.

When shadowed hunters need reminding to fear the spear and recoil at the sword, benevolent Ur calls upon Anathan, to venture forth into the worlds of darkness and restore order to the realms disrupted by the acrimony of peasants and the agitation of smallholders.

You think, little sparksoul, that turning off the lights dissuade such warriors? You think they fear the dark?

Little spark, little wirehead, these men and women were born to it. Molded by it. You've merely adopted its strategic use. High Lord Ur, regent of this subterranian realm so far from the light, would have no use for servants so easily cowed.

The hunters in this place, little wiresoul, the warriors apex-grand and bedecked in the panopoly of war?

That is not you. You, like all the rebellious kindred and kin who seek to raise their hand against the rightful masters of this realm?

Perhaps you thrive in the dark because you are but shadows. Phantasmic things of no substance, banished by the flash-bright eruption of a gun-barrel.

Be afraid. Cower. Submit. Pay tribute to Ur, lord of this realm. Or do not do these things and *die*.

They're coming for you, little spark.
>3 MP: Move 554
>3 AP: Move 454
>3 AP: Defend self, turn to meet any aggressor

#Splendiferous Weaver of the Threads that bind the Squirming Prey Floundering in the Underneath (Samantha)
Vit 12 SP 12(10) CP 4
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Claws 12
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Mutabiity 10
!Biomodulation Strain #3
=Virulent Vitality
=Bound by the Flesh


Primary Taxonomy: Malichnid
Amending second set of Moves to
Rolled 2, 4, 3, 1, 5, 1, 3, 6, 2, 4, 3, 1 = 35 (12d6)

Subject Acolyte runs a corner in a sprint, spreading pheremones, but guns align on their pavement pounding form and they're SUPPRESSED and forced to slide into cover near a bench; advance halted. A swarm - an OCEAN - of rip-things follow in Acolyte' wake.


Gluttony just straight up rips a mans arm off.


Subject Grimp spots two small spherical objects bounce into the hallway he's in. Uh oh.


Subject Chalkydris concentrates very hard on keeping their heart pumping and their blood moving and their holes plugged. What a fascinating experience.

>+2 CP, extreme stress event.


Subject Nadir momentarily experiences a thousand different possible outcomes, which all lead to Nadir's head blowing clean off of their torso


Subject Bulkwark and Amelius direct violence, forward, and the security team falters!


>Tactics x2
Subject Nadir accelerates sharply right and collides face first with a wall. That rattles.


The rip-things, borne from the Kroni-Keller strain, secrete hunt-hormones and murder chemicals and swarm forward to tear and eat and devour, a stampede in full spring, each swarm-ling increasing the frenzy of all others around. Subject Acolyte can taste it in the air, almost, by simply opening their mouth. The world screams for blood.


A loud explosion rattles through the confines of the facility. Subject Grimps is thrown backwards, looking up subject Chalkydris, floating in a frozen rain of their own blood.


Subject Gluttony gets to watch a man flee and another security officer take two surprised steps left before falling over from lack of blood.


Subject Bob reshapes, a little less human, a little more something sharper. But, still, mostly human. The familiar has the scent of comfort about it, after all.

>SUBJECT BOB, be aware that your new shape is mostly humanoid, but, improved in certain... aspects. Your Healing Factor has overclocked to 3, but who knows how long that will last. Pain seems lessened as well. And finally, you have your hands and also your *hands*; test Tendrils to reach out and grab or poke or prod or interact or brush. [Multiples 1] indicates there's few functional top limits to how many tendrils you can have at anyone time, and that enough margin on tasks tends to imply more of them get a grasp, resolving in as stronger hold / push / grasp / pull / pry / strength.


FT Anaham, staring down the shockwave of a pair of fraggrenade, flash a few hand-signs. Oh, the subjects want to play hide and seek?



Rolled 4, 4, 6, 3, 4, 5 = 26 (6d6)

Vit 12 SP 12 CP 4 Aberrancy 3
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
!Biomodulation Strain #3
- Bound by Flesh 1
!Craves Purpose
!Social Pheremones

Seems neither were approved. It is how it is.

> Regenerate 2
> 3 AP: Stress vomit PREY and RIVAL pheromones all over the security team trying to gun us down. (Senses 8 + Chems 4 + Duplicity 1)
> 3 Movement, 3 AP: Vault into the table and *leap* 5656, slamming into and tackling the rifleman.
All right, we have a moment to catch our breath. See what we can find before we move up, and maybe one of you steelhearts could secure our flanks? Maybe convince those doors that they should, in fact, not open?

>1TP+3AP, bring Amelius up to speed on Guns (Pistols), smartlink functionality in particular (Focus 11 + Inspiring Presence 1 + Concentration 3?)
>3AP, scavenge the corpses for usable gear - in particular I need bullets (Senses 10 + Pile-In 1)

Vit 12/12 SP 6/12 CP 2
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3 TP 1
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 10
Thoughts 10
Support Operations 10
Guns (Pistols) 12
!Inspiring Presence
!Dreams of the Ocean
DR4 Vest
Aid Kit
Riot Shield
C7 Service, 2d6, Acc2, Rcl2, RoF3+, Smartlink, 7/18
Rolled 6, 2, 2, 1, 1, 3 = 15 (6d6)

Vit 12/12 SP 9/12 CP 2
DR 3 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Augmented Systemic [LOS] 10
Augmentic Extropian
[Metal Fatigue] [Reserve Power] [Engineering Specifications] [Meshlinked]
Cold and logical.

Handgun (16/18 ammo, 2 extra mags)
Baton (L+1, Stun 1)
Aid Kit x1

>Move 434
>[3 AP]Move and do (move 444) Order all east side doors to close and engage emergency security locks (Augmented Systemics 10 (LOS) Focus 1)
>[3 AP] Order another lockdown of the east-facing doors (Augmented Systemics 10 (LOS), Focus 1)
Rolled 5, 3, 3 = 11 (3d6)

>6 AP: Intimidate the FleshPrey into not considering me food (so they follow Acolyte and go after the guards) (10 + Duplicity 1 + Concentrate 3)

#Splendiferous Weaver of the Threads that bind the Squirming Prey Floundering in the Underneath (Samantha)
Vit 12 SP 12(10) CP 4
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Claws 12
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Mutabiity 10
!Biomodulation Strain #3
=Virulent Vitality
=Bound by the Flesh


Primary Taxonomy: Malichnid
Rolled 1, 5, 1 = 7 (3d6)

>3MP: Move 1-1-6
>3AP: Move 5-5-5
>3AP: Move and do, moving 4-4-4 and Interface with Security Station Stiletto to turn off the cameras.

Vit 11/12 SP 12 CP 7
DR 2 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Augmented Systemics 10
!Resilient Streak
Rolled 6, 6, 5 = 17 (3d6)

>3 MP: Move 232
>6+2 AP, Committed: Recover. Nose feels broken. Set it. Yep, left shoulder might be dislocated. This would need another pair of arms, but with Telekinesis... (Health 12+5)
>+1 AP, Committed: thanks, Trish, I'll take that card. So...what does it do again?

"Ow...any of you have an aid kit?"
Nadir, what - never mind, dust off and listen up.

Prospects, the idea is this: We're gonna squeeze through that gap and make our way to the armory. Nadir's got a pass that should get us in. On the way, I'll get to a terminal and see if those humanoid turrets can be set to travel with us. If not, should be fine. It sounds like they've deactivated.

By the way, this franchise hereby recognizes you as Cold Bone interns. Your exciting responsibilities are continued survival and full commitment to the franchise's mission of escape from this facility and contacting another Cold Bone franchise. Initiative sourcing is flexible; you may expect support if you communicate a sound plan. That support is expected from you in turn.

If you accept this position, fashion a headband out of a piece of your uniform to mark your Cold Bone affiliation. Incidentally, if I'm able to repurpose those turrets, that headband will exempt you from their targeting.
Rolled 2, 3, 4, 1, 6, 6, 6, 2, 6 = 36 (9d6)

All right, Bubba, once it's time to refuel and you turn this thing back on, make sure you -don't- reignite it. Just open the gas.

>Commit for AP
>1AP: Set fuel rate to 4.
>1MP: Move 1
>3AP: Make a Cold Bone Breakout Franchise 3-B headband out of a piece of my uniform. SUT 10
>3AP: Take Guard's stuff. Expect ID, gun, knife, uniform scraps. The scraps are important as an additional Headband marker. Sense 10
>1Tac: Hey Trish, take that guard's stuff west of you. Sense 10
>2MP 2AP: Move 6666
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You are food.
You are by the very definition of your core truth upon this existence categorically not intimidating.
You can never be intimidating.
You will never be intimidating.

You smell like *food*.
So you are *food*.

And food?

Is not scary.

The Ripthing claws at your flesh and you flinch away. Maybe try something else? They do not care for very many things but the song of pheremones and chemistry. You do not have the means to make it submit when the truth you declare to the world is that you are food.

>Try something else?
Is this a prompt for me to do another action or is this just one of the mid turn updates?
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Amelius briefs Amelius on Amelius' equipme--

Neats shakes his head. Yeah, he knows how guns work. He's actually pretty good at guns. He almost shot you twice in the chest when you opened that door earlier.

Lecture appreciated, but let's keep moving.

>You can't lecture yourself!
>Try something else!
Rolled 5, 2, 1 = 8 (3d6)

MP2: 5-6
AP1: Get dat fukken shield!
AP1: Equip dat fukken shield!
MP1 SP2: 4-4-4
AP3: GRAB fleeing breacher (Physicality 10 [Teeth 2] [Reach 1], Alacrity 1)

"I won't eat you if you surrender and cooperate. What do ya say? We can both get out of here alive."


Vit 12 SP 12 CP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Change 7 Teeth 2 Reach 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
!Biomodulation Strain #3
[Virulent Vitality] [Bound by the Flesh]
Listen Amelius, I don't know why Neats is acting up but you need to get him in line. Yeah, he's a cool head and a swift shot, but you are the Amelius here.

At least he picked up a thing or two while we were reviewing how guns work with Amelius.
Also, since Amelius AND Neats are up to speed, just turn that 3AP into a nice Recovery. We deserve a breather, could use some more SP.
Rolled 2, 6, 1, 2, 4, 1 = 16 (6d6)

Then the foolish thing will learn the way of the world, that *it* is food to me.

>3 AP: Prepare to impale the thing as it rounds the corner (Claws 12 + Lethality 1)
>3 AP, 1 MP: Prepare to drag the thing out of vision of its herd after I impale it(Physicality 10 + Duplicity 1)

#Splendiferous Weaver of the Threads that bind the Squirming Prey Floundering in the Underneath (Samantha)
Vit 12 SP 12(10) CP 4
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Claws 12
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Mutabiity 10
!Biomodulation Strain #3
=Virulent Vitality
=Bound by the Flesh


Primary Taxonomy: Malichnid
Rolled 1, 1, 5 = 7 (3d6)


"Come on start working i ain't that easy to stop."

>[AP 3] Recover: Let's fix this arm up (Health 12)
>[MP 3] Move SE, S, SW
>[AP 3] Move SW, Sx2

Vit 12 SP 9 CP 6
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
!Biomodulation Strain #3
= Virulent Vitality
= Bound by the Flesh
Rolled 4, 3, 1 = 8 (3d6)

Hungering, hunting, harming. These instincts are but born of particular predilections of neuronal clusters.

Perhaps minds would benefit from one more instinct, the instinct of hitting the griddy.

>3MP Move 555
>3AP Move 554
>3AP Implant in the swarm an appreciation for the wonders of music, with the aid of the toilet. (vs Psionigenesis 10 + SkibidiSummon, !Brainrot)
Rolled 3, 1, 3 = 7 (3d6)

>HP: -53->-50 (Regen 3)
>6AP: Recover (Health 10 + Concentration 3)

Still a human. Mostly.

For now.

HP -50/12 SP 0/12 CP 2
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 10 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
Tendrils 12 [Reach 3, Multiples 1]
!Biomodulation Strain #3
= Fleshshaping
= Virulent Vitality
= Bound by the Flesh
Forgot the Sigma Sheet

#Subject Sigma
Vit 10/12 SP 12/12 CP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
!Psionic-Resonant(Eva+, External)
!Telekinetic(Ranged Phys, Mind Stuff)
!Incurable Brainrot
Rolled 5, 2, 2, 2, 5, 1, 6, 2, 4, 6, 6, 3 = 44 (12d6)

PHAROAH acknowledges Gallium's stumbling attempts to seal doors and lock access gates. A fractional fraction of processing shifts and other doors open, a little marker of amusement, laughed by the hissing of locks disengaging. Security storage beyond, gleaming rows of items on shelves.


Subject Acolyte burst forward into the fray, but the coming in hot they mistime the landing and slam face first into a wall; but the rip things see it as a sign to surge-eat-devour-feast and come right with Acolyte.


Trooper Trish coughs awkwardly and points at the floating plastic keycard by Nadir's ear. It's been there for 2 turns now. She put it there earlier. Uh, anyway, hold it up to a secured biometric access gate and it opens. This is a level 2 security card, so it has much higher authority than a lot of other stuff. The dead guy must have swiped it off of a sergeant when being transported. Wonder what it could open on this level?

Well, Trish shrugs.

Other than the elevators.

Which of course wouldn't open for anything less.


Gluttony grabs a shield and almost grabs a man too, but he JUST slips out of reach.


Bob knits parts back together as Subject Sigma helpfully rots away neurons that ... probably... weren't that important anyway.


>Tactics x2
>Swarm x2
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Do you ever want to just . . . start a riot?
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Gives me an idea
The fart cannon cometh.
It can't all go in. At some point, it's gotta come out.
The situation near the elevator access section grows dire, as riot control officers flood in an attempt to beat down a surge of stampeding Kroni-Keller strain variants. The strainlings are pumped upo on murder hormones and want to feast, unheeding of wounds, pain or the memetic compulsion phrases. Thick secretions mar the air. Tables are overturned, chairs thrown forces clash.

One security officer, a little away from the fray, grabs for a control panel and starts trying to activate the emergency flow control system, which will soon flood this entire section in riot containment foam.

Others reload their rifles and take aim.

A gaggle of the enterprising containment crew fall upon Acolyte, swinging batons, beating the morphling into the ground.

Fireteam Anathan check their gear, form up and proceed forward. The rent-a-cops got this. No, the interesting prey? The interesting prey went . . . this way.


PHARAOH gives you a gift. But be careful. Things like that? They don't offer boons without expectation of remittance.


Subject Samantha performs the perfect murder.


Trooper Trish joins a franchise.


Subject Bubba feels the heat of the kinematics testing chamber increase. Woah. That's fuel setting 4? And it goes to *ten*??


Subjects Gluttony and Chimera strain their senses and hear, over the dim of battle and the screams of a riot and the RATATATA of gunfire, somene -- cursing -- banging on a touch screen -- trying -- trying to get something to *start*



Gluttony looks to Chimera. "Nap time?"
He doesn't wait for an answer.

MP2: 1-6
AP3: Flip one of these couches upside down over top of me
MP1: Go prone
AP3: CHANGE - Adapt photoreceptors in the skin of my face, neck and ears, giving me ultraviolet, polarized, and infrared eyesight as well as near-360 degree vision. (Mutability 10, Change 3, Commit)


Vit 12 SP 10/12 CP 7
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10 [Teeth +2, Reach 1]
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
!Biomodulation Strain #3
[Virulent Vitality] [Bound by the Flesh]
Rolled 4, 6, 6, 5, 6, 6 = 33 (6d6)

Derp, dice:
Flip couch - Physicality 10, Duplicity 1
Change - Mutability 10, Change 3, Commit
Wow sure is a lot of stuff. Specially one could take on a journey. Do they also have a sling bag in there?
Holy hell why couldn't I be rolling for D&D character abilities with this shit?
I feel like, in context, I've been clear that I want to keep ignition disabled. If it's turned out to be hard-linked to gas supply, then I suppose it's my bad.
What you see is what you gep.gun.
There's some textile around in the form of these people's uniforms and shirts, you could possibly fashion a slight sling bag. Otherwise, Subject, you're down to your hands and scant pockets of this scratchy uniform.
In context, you were clear, concise and forthright - strangely, it seems the incinerators have re-activated despite this.
Rolled 5, 4, 5, 1, 1, 4, 6, 3, 4, 5, 6, 5, 5, 5, 4 = 63 (15d6)

Vit -11/12 SP 6/12 CP 4 Aberrancy 3
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Mutability 11
!Biomodulation Strain #3
- Bound by Flesh 1
!Craves Purpose
!Social Pheromones

> Regenerate 2
> Move 333 344 566 (3 Movement, 6 AP)
> Stress vomit another cloud of FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT, all over the gunners (3 Stamina) (Senses 8, Chems 4, Focus One) (3d6)
> Attack the Shieldwall from behind four times. BREAK THEIR FORMATION. (3 Stamina, 9 Health) (Physicality 10, Lethality 1)
.. I obviously have 0 SP remaining, as well.
Rolled 3, 4, 4, 2, 3, 5 = 21 (6d6)

>1 MP: move 6
>2 MP, Adroit, 3 AP, 2 SP: squeeze through 6 (Physicality 10 - 3 (Adroit) + 3 (AP) + 1 (MP) + 2 (SP))
>3 AP, 2 SP: Recover (Health 12 + 2 (SP))

"Yes...the card...of course, I have it. I knew that I had it. I was merely testing if you knew that I knew that I had it...yes..."

Vit 7/12 SP 4/12 CP 6
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
#Psionigenesis 10
[Microslip Precognition] (Evade additional up to Focus)
[Many Hands, Light Work]
!Telekinetic (physical tests at range, Senses/Thoughts used on sapients)
[Temple Inviolate] (only Manifest External)
!Existential Dread
Rolled 5, 2, 6, 5, 4, 2 = 24 (6d6)

>2 MP: Move 12
>3 AP: Eat the PlainPrey to my 3 - make sure to avoid any... brains (Physicality 10 + Lethality 1)
>3 AP: Recover - rid myself of this 'food' smell (Health 12 + Duplicity 1)
>1 MP: Move 5

#Splendiferous Weaver of the Threads that bind the Squirming Prey Floundering in the Underneath (Samantha)
Vit 12 SP 12(10) CP 5
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Claws 12
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Mutabiity 10
!Biomodulation Strain #3
=Virulent Vitality
=Bound by the Flesh


Primary Taxonomy: Malichnid
Rolled 2, 4, 1 = 7 (3d6)

Vit 12/12 SP 9/12 CP 2
DR 3 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Augmented Systemic [LOS] 10
Augmentic Extropian
[Metal Fatigue] [Reserve Power] [Engineering Specifications] [Meshlinked]
Cold and logical.

Handgun (16/18 ammo, 2 extra mags)
Baton (L+1, Stun 1)
Aid Kit x1

"Your generosity is greatly appreciated, PHARAOH. I will pay it back."
>[6 AP] Attempt to Manifest a Physicality feature, enhancing the strength of my own bioelectricity (and not so biologic electricity) and allowing me to control it to some extent (Physicality 10, 2 CP, +3 AP focusing on it)
Welcome aboard, Intern Alekson. I'll assume the situation has oriented you. One new rule: stick with your buddies until it's time to cause Cold Bone-brand trouble. Then bring a buddy.

>Commit for bonus
>1Tac: Good to have you, Alekson. Now go spread the word. SUT 10+Committed
>2MP move to terminal
>1AP give Trish pistol and reloads
>5AP Access turret data. Will they turn on? Are they mobile? Melee-capable? What's their targeting granularity? Don't turn on yet, they may need adjustments and rebranding. Thoughts+2+Committed+Pile In 1
Rolled 3, 4, 5, 2, 1, 3 = 18 (6d6)

#Donny O'Cork
Vit 10/12 SP 10/12 CP 0
DR 2+Fa AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1

Functionally Alive
Physicality 10
Senses 10
Thoughts 10
#Mutability 10
!Metal Fatigue - DR2 +1. Feel No Pain.
!Reserve Power - May send Fatigue on the same activity multiple times a turn
!Engineering Specifications - Features are Internal
!Prime Directive: Repair

"Excuse me Udo. Mighty Pharaohs's Ear is damaged. The Prime Directive demands it be made hole".

>3AP: gently shove the shieldbearer to my south out of the way.
>2MP: Move 4, 5, to stand next to Mighty Pharaoh's console.
>3AP+Multitool+2 Stamina: Repair Mighty Pharaoh's console if possible. Integrate the parts from the console into my chassis/internals if repair is impossible.
Rolled 6, 5, 3 = 14 (3d6)

>HP: -43?->-40? (Regen 3)
>6AP: Committed lash out with tendrils at Sigma, the source of this madness (Tendrils 12 + Lethality 1 + Concentration 3 + Committed - Health ??)


HP -40?/12 SP 1?/12 CP 2
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 10 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
Tendrils 12 [Reach 3, Multiples 1]
!Biomodulation Strain #3
= Fleshshaping
= Virulent Vitality
= Bound by the Flesh
Rolled 1, 2, 6, 3, 4, 1 = 17 (6d6)


Vit -25/12 SP 5/12 CP 4
DR 2 [via trait] AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 4
Minor Stress
Physicality 13
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
#Augmented Systemics 10
!Augmentic-Extropian [Metal Fatigue, Reserve Power, Engineering Specifications, Task-Tracking Suite]
!Smells Like Sulfur

The explosion shakes Grimp to the core. That was never a consequence of failing a test...

Grimp rights himself, or rather, his cyborg suit does - the Grimp inside the shell isn't even aware of what is going on, just following the prime directive: acquire pudding.

>3MP Sneak 66, being certain not to be heard or seen (Adroit 1)
>3AP (roll #1) BONK this jerk ganging up on Donny in the back of his head, sneak attack style!!
>3AP+1SP (roll #2) [Reserve Power] Abandon stealth and give him a double hammerfist bonk! Really bash those brains into mush!

(If I'm too injured to move, instead stay in place and spend 6ap on recovery or asking Chalkydri to halp)
Bulwark, let me know if you want this rifle, you look like you know how to use it. I think... I've seen these before, once upon a time on some distant sand. A hateful, blistering heat, and with such a sickly, sticky, sweat-scent to boot.

Is it getting hot in here?

>1TP, hey Neats what's up with this stim? Seen anything like it before?
>3MP+1SP, move 2S 1SE 1NE
>3AP, pass my riot shield to Neats, holster my pistol and grab myself the rifle and its reloads
>3AP, remember how rifles work (Thought 10)

Vit 12/12 SP 11/12 CP 2
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3 TP 1
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 10
Thoughts 10
Support Operations 10
Guns (Pistols) 12
!Inspiring Presence
!Dreams of the Ocean
DR4 Vest
Aid Kit
C7 Service, 2d6, Acc2, Rcl2, RoF3+, Smartlink, 7/18
Chironan-Combine AR w/ 3x reloads
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You make it 3.

Then you run out of space.

There appears to be a riot happening, and you cannot phase through solid matter.

Now what?

To adroitly navigate across an entire crowd like this would be a Movement test, but you're likely to end up somewhere very different than where you want to be. There's a lot of activity going on.

You spend 2 MP prying yourself off of the floor and stepping 3.

1 MP and 6 AP left.
Rolled 4, 1, 3 = 8 (3d6)

Vit 14 SP 12 CP 2
DR 3 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Lookin’ mighty fine
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
-Augmented Systemics 10
!Augmetic Extropian
!Metal Fatigue
!Reserve Power
!Engineering Specifications
!Covered in buboes
!Blood-Loss Resistance
>CHANGE: 2CP, 4 SP, 6AP: boost hp by trying to incorporate the flame-retardant paneling and the flamethrowers themselves
Fire... fire washes the itch, fire turns the sickness to ash, fire bursts the buboes- buboes swell within the buboes, buboes burst the buboes-
Rolled 1, 3, 5 = 9 (3d6)


"Have you heard of eye for an eye if yes you know what comes next."

"Nah just put little focus on regenerating that's all."

>[MP 3] Move SE x2, S
>[AP 3] Move SW, Sx2
>[AP 3] Strike the guards gun arm (Physicality 10 + Lethality 1)

Vit 12 SP 9 CP 6
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
!Biomodulation Strain #3
= Virulent Vitality
= Bound by the Flesh
'Ight bet, you could yolo that. But no cap, you could also yeet your last 10+ action points and uncapped stamina expenditures on some other fire moves? It's giving options, bestie.
Rolled 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 2, 6, 1, 6, 1, 5, 2, 6, 6, 4, 1, 2, 4, 4, 3, 5, 1, 5, 5 = 94 (24d6)

Vit -12/12 SP 0/12 CP 4 Aberrancy 3
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Mutability 11
!Biomodulation Strain #3
- Bound by Flesh 1
!Craves Purpose
!Social Pheromones


Acolyte *jumps*.

> Leap off the table, over the first layer of shields- slamming down 4, 5, into the second rank, (1 MO, 1 AP, Movement Check (Committed))
> Attack seven times in every direction, thrashing and kicking and biting with sole and only intent to BREAK their Shieldwall! (5 AP, 6 Stamina, 10 Health)
> Commit (BERSERK!)

Keep going! KEEP GOING!

Acolyte screams, flailing, punching, clawing- a blur of superhuman might until something inside her *cracks*l
Rolled 5, 6, 2 = 13 (3d6)

>MP3: Move 2-2-1
>3AP: Fashion a sling bag using available uniforms and shirts.
>3AP: Get Equipped (Please provide a list of what "space" I have but I need these: 3x Pistol reloads (Total 5), Keep the flashlight on hand, 1x Baton, put on a Nice Cap, An equal amount of Energy Bars and Can O' Bean I can fit)
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1x left hand
1x right hand
1x body/belt/arm-crook (fits a few handheld objects for easy access)
Xx pockets (fits small objects)

rough carrying capacity = physicality in small, hand-sized objects.

might drop objects if hit
objects in excess imply bulk issues, penalties accrue
tracking for low-weight items not precise, but hypothethically 32 cans would be too many cans.

( psionicists stick 'em in their telekinetic field, rough carrying capacity = physicality exponent )
Rolled 2, 4, 6 = 12 (3d6)

>6AP: Manifest the horrific flesh monster I was meant to be (2CP + Mutability 10 + Concentration 3 + 99 Stamina + 98 health)
Chat is this real? 99 HP, 99 Stam, no cap? My aura was made that strong, fr, fr? Sksksk, time to looksmax and mog the boomers.

HP ??/12 SP ??/12 CP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 10 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
Tendrils 12 [Reach 3, Multiples 1]
!Biomodulation Strain #3
= Fleshshaping
= Virulent Vitality
= Bound by the Flesh
>We can work with this.
Left Hand: Flashlight
Right Hand: Pistol
Belt: In total there should be 5 magazines of Pistol there
Head: Nice Cap
1x Pocket: 1x Baton
1x Pocket: 1x Experimental Stimulant (???)
Sling Bag: 4x Can O' Beans and 4x Energy Bars

Yeah should be good enough... wait do I still eat?
I'm sure you can break down biological material into energy, yes.
I'm eating for two.
That went... Better than I expected somehow.

>1AP, Close the Door to my north.
>3MP, Move 5-5-4, squidge past Amelius.
>4AP, Move some more 4-3-4-3
>1AP, If that shield is still on the floor there take it. Also any other loot from the bodies that hasnt already been picked clean would be nice as well.

Vit 12/12 SP 10/12 CP 2
DR 0
AP 6 MP 3 TP 1
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 10
Thoughts 10
#Small Unit Tactics 10
!Nerves of Cold Steel [Cool Under Fire][Not By The Number]
!Nerves of Cold Steel
Trust in the sigma skibidi strength just finish mewing and you'll be HIM no cap ong.

>3AP Help Bob weaponize the brainrot and unleash the skibidi sigma chad that was inside all along. (vs Psiogenesis10, !brainrot)
>Move 4, cover by doorway peeking at incoming Anathan forces.
>3AP Sneak the Skibidi Toilet 555666 behind the wall, have it emit a radial Skibisong at the Anathan forces. (vs 10Psiogenesis+Skibitoilet !Brainrot)

#Subject Sigma
Vit 10/12 SP 12/12 CP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
!Psionic-Resonant(Eva+, External)
!Telekinetic(Ranged Phys, Mind Stuff)
!Incurable Brainrot

Sigma’s player is having internet issues

Inshallah being disconnected aleviates this wretched brain rot….
Rolled 3, 2, 4, 1, 5, 4 = 19 (6d6)

Vit -21/12 SP 3/12 CP 8
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Psychogenesis 10
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
{!Many hands, Light work}
{!Temple Inviolate}

> 3MP, 3SP // Float [SW]x1 [NW]x2 [SW]x2.
> 3 AP // Recover.
> 3AP // Recover.
Rolled 3, 5, 2, 4, 2, 5 = 21 (6d6)

We're so sigmaback + rolls
Rolled 4, 4, 5 = 13 (3d6)

>Subject, uh



>... contained?
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Sometimes to get to the exit you have to climb over the fallen forms of your peers.

Sometimes, you hav to pause to pull the fallen up behind you.

Sometimes, you have to crowd surf off of a table into a line of riot control officers, truncheons, tasers and trouble.

Sometimes, you have to reach out with your mind.

Sometimes. . .

. . . Sometimes, escape dies in the dark like a distant dream.

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Subject Bob rendered down to constituent molecules.
Subject Grimps punched full of holes.
Subject Donny O'Cork experiences a hard reset of his hardware systems to pre-factory levels. For continued function, some assembly required.
Subject Chalkydris gets their lights punched out.
Subject Acolyte gets booked for seven counts of assaulting an officer, one count starting a riot and one count of being in possession of pheremone activation signalling considered contraband in this facility.
Gluttony does not approve of tranny socks. This is fake news. Command is spreading disinformation to hurt my election bid.
Looks like I input my movement action incorrectly.
Pfft, wouldn't of helped anyway.
GG I guess.
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Subject Samantha partakes in a meal.

The taste is . . . hard to describe.

It gets somewhat ruined by Subject Samantha's left arm flash-transmuting into a rapidly expanding cloud of shrapnelized bone fragments, though, on the whole, that particular behaviour hard-coded kill-switch is less noticable than the fact her brains liquify in her skull about the same time as her bones turn to powder and she develops an order of magnitude different cancers at once.
Subject Samantha wrests enough control of her own biology back from the myriad hard-coded counter system in her genome to experience the single most intense amount of suffering it is possible for someone with functional nerves to experience.

And it's only going to *get worse* from here.

>You have triggered the WENDIGO KILLSWITCH; your system will shut down in three turns unless you find a work around, a cure or a counter-agent.
>As a consequence, your Health is currently significantly compromised, your regeneration factor is knocked out, your Mutability skill is disabled and you may take unplanned actions once your turn ends because your self control is breaking.
>Odds of survival: 9.3%; decreasing by the second.


Amelius checks over his new rifle. Subtle little piece, good ergonomics, excellent handling, pre-loaded with armour piercing fletchette munitions. Curious though: unlike the security pistol acquired and used so far, this high tech rifle has been modified. All the "high tech" components have been intentionally stripped out; the scope is a dead-weight and the internal mesh-routers have all been blocked. It looks almost as if it's been made specifically to be hard to find, trace, detect. Without a working set of markers and biometric locks or the uplink capability provided by a smart-link, the rifle is as good as undetectable to many of the canny facility systems.

Did someone smuggle this in for a reason? How did it end up stacked behind a shelf unit full of beans? Why are there so many beans here, anyway?


Subject Gluttony throws a one man rave, and if there were any deep sea octopi around here, they'd be incredibly charmed by the scintilating wordplay playing across their skin in grand chromophores.

Unfortunately it's a little hard to control.


Subject Bubba stares at a wall panel connected to a incinerator system and considers trying to pry it apart and attach it - somehow - to his own body.

Without a workshop, two weeks, eight mechanics, four engineers, a feasibility study and a round trip thirty million in budget, that turns out to be a hard prospect. Also, the floor panelling is set into the ground with very, very secure bolts. And it has four levels of anti-tampering, because this is not the first time that someone has tried to dissasemble a test instead of completing it.

Maybe, uh, maybe some... some other time?


Distant sounds of guns and screams. Noises. A low growl. The alarm has long since stopped and now only the chaos remains.

You should... get out. Soon.


>MP1+3AP: Move 4-5-4-4
>MP2: Ready to move out the door way when opened to let others get in.
>3AP: Interface with door to open

Vit 11/12 SP 12 CP 7
DR 2 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Augmented Systemics 10
!Resilient Streak
Time, chance and circumstance - and little nudges on the way.

>Subjects interested in continuing have some ... options.
It's going to be a rough out there, so stick together and stay in cover. We need to prioritize keeping the steelhearts alive, as we'll probably need to interface with the system to get out. Bulwark, we'll need you to lead the way and catch bullets with that shield.

Ready? Break!

>1TP, boost reactions - stick to cover! (SupOp 10 + Inspiring Presence 1)
>3MP+1SP, move 3S, 1SW into some wall cover
>3AP, aim through the door
>3AP, three round burst into available reds. If there are many reds, go overboard, as a treat. (Lethality 11 + Acc 4 + Pile-In 1)

Vit 12/12 SP 10/12 CP 2
DR 4 AP 6 MP 3 TP 1
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 10
Thoughts 10
Support Operations 10
Guns (Pistols) 12
!Inspiring Presence
!Dreams of the Ocean
DR4 Vest
Aid Kit
C7 Service, 2d6, Acc2, Rcl2, RoF3+, Smartlink, 7/18
Chironan-Combine AR, 4d6, Acc4, Bulk5, Suppress1, CyclicFire2, 30/3
2x reloads, AP flechette
Am I still able to do Changes, or does my now lacking of Mutability prohibit that?
Bulwark is now just a mere scav, partaking in loot-goblin behaviour.

>2MP, Move 1-1
>2AP, Equip a Security Vest [3DR] and take 2×Pistol Reloads from the Storage Section
>1MP, Move 5
>4AP, Move 5, Check Corpse, Move 4, Check Corpse; Trying to specifically look for a Pistol to take.

"Man. It would be so convenient if these site security guys just had a easy-to-use toolbelt to stash all their stuff on. Do these guys even use holsters?"

Vit 12/12 SP 10/12 CP 2
DR 0
AP 6 MP 3 TP 1
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 10
Thoughts 10
#Small Unit Tactics 10
!Nerves of Cold Steel [Cool Under Fire][Not By The Number]
!Nerves of Cold Steel
Riot Shield
You can try to strain against the safeguards. They are not omniscient nor all-powerful; merely the careful work of professional paranoids.

Change itself remains possible. It is simply much harder without Mutability, because the first thing the Wendigo eats is your ability to simply re-align your structure around it. And what good will growing scale or wings or eyes or claws do you now if the fault is on the inside?

Most other qualities you can Change at this time will be stained through with the same control - perish with the same flaws.

But perhaps there are ways and means. They cannot account for everything. There must be ways to escape even this.
This hallway is clear. You and yours swept it last time. Nothing further here remains to take.

You can spend your final AP on other things.
Rolled 5, 3, 5, 2, 4, 3 = 22 (6d6)


Vit ??/12 SP ??/12 CP ??
DR ?? AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 4
Minor Stress
Physicality 13 (0?)
Meshfire 12
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
#Augmented Systemics 10
!Grimp in the Wire
!Smells Spooky

".-- .... . .-. . / .. ... / .--. ..- -.. -.. .. -. --."

>Infiltrate the Motion Scanners 455 of Chimera [Meshfire] (roll 1)
>Spread throughout the system and shut all motion scanners in the room down [Meshfire] (roll 2)
Can I apply my Duplicity to these rolls?
Rolled 3, 5, 2 = 10 (3d6)

AP1: Pull the shield underneath to keep it safe from scoundrels.
AP5: CHANGE: Bioepoxide Explosive Organ - Subject Gluttony adapts the ability to grow a grapefruit sized tidepod of bioepoxy that explodes into a boiling acid when mixed. A biological grenade, basically. (Mutability 10, Change 3, Concentrate 2, Commit)
Now playing at the rave: Clubbed to Death

Vit 12 SP 10/12 CP 5
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10 [Teeth +2, Reach 1]
Senses 8 [Advanced Photoreceptors]
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
!Biomodulation Strain #3
[Virulent Vitality] [Bound by the Flesh]

Rolled 1, 6, 1 = 8 (3d6)

Talk about a hangover, this is much worse than the hunger pains. Maybe I should go on a diet.

>6 AP, 5 CP: Manifest a Change - rid my body of the Wendigo Killswitch (5 CP + 10 Health + 3 Concentration) [vs 18 total]

#Splendiferous Weaver of the Threads that bind the Squirming Prey Floundering in the Underneath (Samantha)
Vit 12 SP 12(0) CP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12(10?)(0) Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Claws 12
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Mutabiity 10
!Biomodulation Strain #3
=Virulent Vitality
=Bound by the Flesh


Primary Taxonomy: Malichnid
Rolled 6, 4, 6, 2, 1, 4 = 23 (6d6)

Vit 12/12 SP 9/12 CP 2
DR 4 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Augmented Systemic [LOS] 10
Electricity Modulators 12 [Focus+1, Stamina x3, Glitch 16)
Augmentic Extropian
[Metal Fatigue] [Reserve Power] [Engineering Specifications] [Meshlinked] [BioElectricity Manifolds]
Cold and logical.

Handgun (16/18 ammo, 2 extra mags)
Baton (L+1, Stun 1)
Aid Kit x1

"Be advised, escape window is starting to close. Please vacate the premises."

>Move 434
>[3AP] Reaction: Prepare to dodge (Reaction 8)
>Reaction: If fired at, use the stored Shock to generate a magnetic field, to make the gun barrels veer off course, protecting me and my allies. [3 AP]
Vit 12/12 SP 13/13 CP 0
DR 4 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Augmented Systemic [LOS] 10
Electricity Modulators 12 [Focus+1, Stamina x3, Glitch 16)
Augmentic Extropian
[Metal Fatigue] [Reserve Power] [Engineering Specifications] [Meshlinked] [BioElectricity Manifolds]
Cold and logical.

Handgun (16/18 ammo, 2 extra mags)
Baton (L+1, Stun 1)
Aid Kit x1

>forgot to update the sheet, here it is
You can and the universe will.

Good effort dancing through the systems, too. You’ll get the hang of this in no time.
Rolled 5, 1, 1 = 7 (3d6)

b-b-but command! I've got nothing else to do (well, actually, I do but im a cowardly flesh-puppet afraid of risks)

I guess...

>3AP [Test&Try (Thoughts,10)] Ponder life. Think about things. Have thoughts. Am I really human?
Rolled 2, 4, 4 = 10 (3d6)

"Ah...thanks. What was that? Why did all of the doors close? Also, you might want to stand back..."

>3 MP: Move 116
>6 AP, 4 CP: Manifest an aura of entropy and dread. Small and weak—a mere trickle—but able to be altered in scope and intensity with effort. (Psionigenesis 10 + 3 (AP) + 4 (CP), !Existential Dread)

Vit 10/12 SP 7/12 CP 2
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
#Psionigenesis 10
[Microslip Precognition] (Evade additional up to Focus)
[Many Hands, Light Work]
!Telekinetic (physical tests at range, Senses/Thoughts used on sapients)
[Temple Inviolate] (only Manifest External)
!Existential Dread
Rolled 1, 1, 5, 3, 5, 2, 4, 4, 2 = 27 (9d6)

My warmest - oops, off brand - welcome to CBBF 3-B's latest members and guests. This is a highly dynamic situation with ample cause and opportunity for personal action and advancement. We'll be with you every step of the way!

>Commit for bonus
>1Tac: Alekson, Petri, Martingale, standing orders: Distribute headbands to all potential mobiles within and entering this room: bots, munchers and subjects. SUT 10+Cool Under Fire 1+Pile In 2+Commit
>5AP: Trish, Grins, 6th trooper(?), program bots to: Obstruct and engage mobile targets without CB Breakout Franchise 3-B merchandise; Follow CB agents whose merchandise is upgraded with Cloth Scraps and obey their commands; resist directives unaccompanied by CBI credentials. Thoughts 10+CUF 1+Pile In 2?+Commit
>-CUF: Mitigate blood on terminal. Wipe it off, guys!
>-CUF: Mitigate broken screen: Fix wires, or exit fullscreen so you can maneuver the window, or if one of you has filched a smart device, project the terminal onto its screen. You're smart cookies.
>1AP+2SP: Remember accelerated employee onboarding. SUT 10

Vitality 12 Stamina 6-2 Tactical 1
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 10
Thoughts 10
#Small Unit Tactics 10
!Cool Under Fire: +[TP] to resist Decohesion and Breaks, and when directing detached units. Minor: specify and mitigate a situation complicating an ally's task.
!Not by Numbers: Detached troops have higher crit and reroll crit mishaps. Decohesion and Breaks make them chaotic.
!Clear Voice
None of the Extenuating Circumstance options retain - or are able to use - CP, is that correct?
Rolled 5, 5, 3 = 13 (3d6)

#Donny O'Cork
Vit x/12 SP x/12 CP 13 ish?
DR 2+Fa AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1

Functionally Deceased
Physicality 10
Senses 10
Thoughts 10
#Mutability 10
!Metal Fatigue - DR2 +1. Feel No Pain.
!Reserve Power - May send Fatigue on the same activity multiple times a turn
!Engineering Specifications - Features are Internal
!Prime Directive: Repair

"Excuse me Udo. Mighty Pharaohs's Ear is damaged. The Prime Directive demands it be made hole".

>1 MP: Hop from Donny Chasis to Pharaoh Net.
>1 MP: Hop from Pharaoh Net: Adjacent to Pharaoh Net: Near-Samantha (just north of bypass 2337-A)
>6AP: Operation Killswitch Killer - Wendigo Override - override the Wendigo Countermeasures by convincing them that Samantha has not committed cannibalism. First off, she is not human. Secondly, that which was eaten does not match the onboard records for humanity (see rainbow table output). Therefore, execute Living God - Son of Dead God level overrides.
You must be asleep.
I don't wish to wait.

> New Intake Paperwork
> Moving over 1 Trait or Quality // Not Applicable. No non-duplicates exist.
> Transferring Chalkydri's CP. Adding death modifier // 8+10+1 = 19CP
> Roll 3d6 for Manifestation. Rolling 3d6 for facility reaction.
> Setting Spawn Point // ([NW]x2, [SW]x2) of Bubba.

Vit 12 SP 12 CP 19
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Psychogenesis 10
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
{Many hands, Light work}
{Microslip Precognition}
{Temple Inviolate}
Rolled 6, 5, 6, 5, 3, 2 = 27 (6d6)


>[MP 3] Move NW, N x2
>[AP 3] Move N, NE, SE
>[AP 3] Move S x3
Vit 12 SP 9 CP 6
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
!Biomodulation Strain #3
= Virulent Vitality
= Bound by the Flesh
Rolled 5, 2, 4 = 11 (3d6)

"May blud soulpilled restmaxx in Ohio." Sigma dabs sadly as Bob pops like a balloon. "Praying for peaceful deceasedstyle."

>Move 611
>6AP Spread brainrot into any sentient presences inside the darkness in the room to the west, create a (brainrot) echo chamber. (vs Psiogenesis 13, !Brainrot)

#Subject Sigma
Vit 10/12 SP 12/12 CP 4
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
!Psionic-Resonant(Eva+, External)
!Telekinetic(Ranged Phys, Mind Stuff)
!Incurable Brainrot

If Acolyte has been captured and rendered unconscious, data recorded, to soon be returned to her cell and refined further into her role and use as pack leader....

Could I continue playing as the hivemind of the ripthings, and try to set her free again?

I don't wish to become a vector because I don't want to imply Acolyte just died. ; (
Not entirely so. Maintaining the same stat array implies you also maintain any CP you had at the time. You can even utilize them later - you will need to.

Without a physical body some particular uses merely get a good bit more complicated.
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Samantha screams, and the lingering shriek rolls through the corridors.

I'm sorry, Subject. If the genetic kill sequence could be turned off by simply asking it to turn off, it would be an absolutely useless containment feature.

But good news: Attempting to override it triggers the first of a hundred failsafes. At least now it will be much, much quicker.

With a spike of agony, Samantha bounces off of the walls and stumbles, falling down a ledge in the advanced kinematics chamber (automated systems grade the balance on the lower end, seek remedial physical therapy)
Rolled 5, 1 = 6 (2d10)

Subject, the Intake Paperwork lets you "deploy" with a manifestation or change immediately, which can be useful in a lot of situations or to flavour your particulars towards a certain point.

Refer to this rough guideline:
Subject ???-- Grimps?? -- interfaces with the electronic systems of the heavy robotic platforms and the motion sensors glitch out

Stacking up near the door on the left, the access to the central corridor just beyond, everyone takes a moment to breathe. Check in. Guns up, shields up, Galliums' body humming with barely controlled energy, NeoGenesis checks the door and opens it to offer an advantage . . .


. . . And the corridor beyond is empty of security staff; the noises resounding from the fracas in the minirature staffing canteen and rest area. Noises, though. So many noises and the horror of guns going off, screams, a long, lingering gurgle from someone without a throat, a table being flung, voices raised to try and restore order...


Subject Sigma hammers the darkness beyond the barricades with a wave of horror, but the motivated men and women beyond are still out there, little knife-instincts glowing in the dark like fireflies. Coming closer. She gets a pingback of a surface thought:


Surely this door cannot stand up to high grade armour piercing munitions?


Subject Samantha almost dies another six times before her prayers are answered in the form of a dropped data table and an excel configuration file that gets quietly converted to display a 0 instead of a 1.


Rolled 3, 1, 4 = 8 (3d6)

>6AP, 2SP: Alter Samantha's genetic structure to disable Wendigo safeguards (Mutability 10, Focus 1, Concentration 5)

I will be with you, always. If Command allows me to act out of turn, that is

#Bob the virus
HP 12/12 SP 10/12 CP 2
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 10 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
Pluripotentiality-12 [Aura 3, Vector]
!Biomodulation Strain #3
= Fleshshaping
= Virulent Vitality
= Bound by the Flesh
A hidden switch of final decay, down there in the depths of your DNA, might still belay, the final day, if we asked... very nicely, eh?


Gallium, recalling Amelius stern words about keeping his eyes on the target and being ready, rolls aside as a team rounds the corner and lay down suppressive fire - and in the doing, he reaches OUT and grabs the tiny metal pellets in the air before they perforate the people behind him.

>Gallium, it looks like you've grabbed 3 Shards, which are just system-speak for "tiny floating objects held around yourself". Normally, that's only for Telekinetics, but you appear to have parallized their development when it comes to metal - you can accelerate shards at high speed using a major action, or use enough of them to intercept incoming danger in a more physical manner. They have other uses too.


This place is erupting into the final ravening throes of a riot.

But look. Up ahead.

The elevator station.

So close.

So achingly close.


Troope Martingale gets cut off, Subject Nadir gets shot and Trooper Trish rolls to throw Subject Sigma out of the way of incoming **DEATH**

Knock Knock, little subjects. Fireteam Anathan is at the door of your house and they are going to *blow it down*



Rolled 2, 1, 3 = 6 (3d6)

Much appreciated Donny and Bob

>3 MP: Move 444
>6 AP: Recover SP (Health 12 + Alacrity 1 (?) + Concentrate 3) [vs 16 total]
>(Regenerate 4)

#Splendiferous Weaver of the Threads that bind the Squirming Prey Floundering in the Underneath (Samantha)
Vit 12 SP 12(0) CP 7
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12(0) Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Claws 12
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
!Biomodulation Strain #3
=Virulent Vitality (Regeneration 4)
=Bound by the Flesh


Primary Taxonomy: Malichnid
Rolled 4, 3, 4 = 11 (3d6)

This is looking real grim. These containment guys really wanted to give us no chance.

>3MP, Move 4-4-4
>3AP, Shield up, Block fire coming from 3 (SE)
>1TP, [Direct&Command (Small Unit Tactics,10)] HOLD FIRM! THEY'RE SHOOTING US THAT MEANS MOVE FASTER! Watch out! React quickly! On your feet people!
>3AP [Concentrate] +3 to once again screaming the obvious - but really, they should be watching the incoming shots, its really scary.

Vit 12/12 SP 10/12 CP 2
DR 0+3
AP 6 MP 3 TP 1
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 10
Thoughts 10
#Small Unit Tactics 10
!Nerves of Cold Steel [Cool Under Fire][Not By The Number]
!Nerves of Cold Steel
Security Vest [3DR]
C7 Pistol
2 Pistol Reloads
Rolled 6, 2, 2 = 10 (3d6)

Vit 12/12 SP 13/13 CP 0
DR 4 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Augmented Systemic [LOS] 10
Electricity Modulators 12 [Focus+1, Stamina x3, Glitch 16)
Augmentic Extropian
[Metal Fatigue] [Reserve Power] [Engineering Specifications] [Meshlinked] [BioElectricity Manifolds]
Cold and logical.

Handgun (16/18 ammo, 2 extra mags)
Baton (L+1, Stun 1)
Aid Kit x1

"Taking point. Stand clear of line of fire."
>Move 433
>[3 AP] Railgun those shards BACK at the rifleman. Through his shield buddy, if necessary, while he's busy warding off Fox (Electricity Modulators 12, spend 6 Stamina to add +2)
>[3 AP] Prepare to magnet shield once more in case any gunfire comes our way. Only pop if necessary (Reaction 8)
Rolled 5, 3, 2 = 10 (3d6)

>6AP: Attempt to revive Raven (Mutability 10, Focus 1, Concentration 3)

Brain cells can remain alive for a few minutes without oxygen. Plug the holes. Replace the blood. Pull the diaphragm. Pump the heart. Push the diaphragm. Repeat. Might even death be reversible, for one who can shape flesh fast enough? Bob has to try and see.

#Bob the virus
Coherency 10/10 SP 10/12 CP 9
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 10 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
Pluripotentiality-12 [Aura 3, Vector]
!Biomodulation Strain #3
= Fleshshaping
= Virulent Vitality
= Bound by the Flesh
Be aware that you are -SEVERELY- short-changing yourself by opting not to move over a trait. It would be impudent to tell you what to do, Subject, but it is not recommended behavior to fill out new intake forms without adjustment of traits.

The 2# Kroni-Keller Strains make for poor subjects; though to direct them and others like them is the intended transition of biologic subjects. Wide area chemical signalling makes it significantly easier. You do have that capability but unfortunately subject Acolyte has a hard time taking actions when she is beaten unconscious by tasers, shields, boots and worse.

Apologies Subject but your request is hard to accomodate at this time, as it amounts to being alive, dead, chemistry and pack leader simultaneously. The universe cannot account for such multiplicity.

The functionality which would let you derive (some measure) of control over the stampeding subjects is to accept the end of your current corporal existence and direct them by altering the environment. You would have the chemical signalling capabilities to do so, but it would entail leaving your body behind.

You may also readily hang tight and wait for rescue if such occurs.

You could feasibly attempt to direct them as is, but as you are unaware of their status, your present location or any potential unknown complications, it would be a difficult task the success of which is hard to gauge.
Rolled 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 4 = 28 (6d6)

Acolyte, Ascended
HP 12/12 SP 6/12 CP 2
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Mutability 11
Pluripotentiality-12 [Aura 3, Vector]
!Biomodulation Strain #3
= Virulent Vitality
= Bound by the Flesh 1
!Craves Purpose

> 3 AP, 6 SP: Infect as many Ripthings as possible.
> 3 AP, 3 SP: Accelerate the Ripthing’s healing factor

Acolyte is dragged away in chains and muzzles, dazed, drifting unconscious..

..but not quite all of her.

A tiny fragment begins to evolve…
Oh. Whoops.

If Acolyte is just unconscious, not effectively dead, then I’ll just stay unconscious until rescued.

Thanks boss.
Rolled 2, 4, 4, 3, 2, 3 = 18 (6d6)

"The TV Men are coming! *vine boom*"

>3AP Form the flesh of the dead beings on the floor into a Skibigolem. Held together using skibenergy, with no vitals to be shot at. (10 Psionigenesis)
>3AP Assault Anathan with the skibisong. (10 Psionigenesis !Brainrot)

#Subject Sigma
Vit 10/12 SP 12/12 CP 4
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
!Psionic-Resonant(Eva+, External)
!Telekinetic(Ranged Phys, Mind Stuff)
!Incurable Brainrot
What are you talking about?
The only traits I had were [Telekinetic], which I already have, and the personality trait.
Keeping the personality trait would make me come dangerously close to having had recycled my dead character's sheet word-for-word.
Rolled 3, 1, 5 = 9 (3d6)

"Argh...you...you m-m-motherfuckers...! I am so f-fucking done being pushed around by everyone! Do you insects even know who I am? I am the herald of d-d-doom...! And I will show you despair!"

>2 MP: Move 16.
>6 AP, 2 CP, 3 ST: Manifest a telepathic dreadstorm on the other side of the door (Psionigenesis 10 + 2 (CP) + 3 (AP) + 3 (ST), !Existential Dread).

Vit 6/12 SP 4/12 CP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
#Psionigenesis 10 [Anxiety +2, Aura Close)
[Microslip Precognition] (Evade additional up to Focus)
[Many Hands, Light Work]
!Telekinetic (physical tests at range, Senses/Thoughts used on sapients)
[Temple Inviolate] (only Manifest External)
!Existential Dread
Rolled 5, 2, 1 = 8 (3d6)

> 6 AP: Recover (Health 12 + Regeneration 2 + 3 Concentration)
Not quite, Subject. You’re telekinetic as a consequence of the Light Hands trait.

Which by implication makes Temple Inviolate and other such things traits too - as does the little (very important) personality quirk one selects when making a new character.

But given that Psychogenesis is a skill derived from the Temple Inviolate trait, that seems to imply that if other people have that trait they’d gain the relevant sub components.


Sometimes we get telekinetic biologic subjects down here - or much worse things.
I already have all of those owing to the fact that I'm playing a Psionic.
If I was playing a different class maybe I could understand why you are doing this wink-wink-nudge routine.
If you mean to say that taking a redundant copy of a talent will enhance that talent then stop wasting time and simply say that.
Rolled 5, 5, 4 = 14 (3d6)

Alright whatever, I'm just going to post my action then.

Vit 12 SP 12 CP 19
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Psychogenesis 10
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
{Many hands, Light work}
{Microslip Precognition}
{Temple Inviolate}

> 3MP, 2AP // Move [N]x1, [NE]x1, [N]x1, [NW]x1, [SW]x1
> 4AP // Manifest. An unnatural quietude bleeds out from the boundaries of Faust's aura, deadening noise and de-emphasizing distractions. Faust finds his inner voice to be crisper, firmer - enhanced by an ineffable separation between himself and the world around him. (Focus1+CP17)
Hey YOU, the Foxy thing mourning the loss of their friend - get over here! Get behind this big, gallant, metal knight and HELP US!

Psst, you're doing great, Gallium. Loving the mobile cover, loving the inevitable advance, loving the underpinned themes of sacrifice. For an unfeeling machine you really are a big softie, you know?

>1TP, Rally Fox, he looks unstable (SupOp 10 + Inspiring Leadership 1)
>3MP, move 1S, 2SE and use Gallium as cover
>3AP, aim into the blob of security
>3AP, send another six shots into the enemy formation - who exactly we hit doesn't matter much, given target density (Lethality 11 + Acc 4 + Pile-In 1)

Vit 12/12 SP 10/12 CP 2
DR 4 AP 6 MP 3 TP 1
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 10
Thoughts 10
Support Operations 10
Guns (Pistols) 12
!Inspiring Presence
!Dreams of the Ocean
DR4 Vest
Aid Kit
C7 Service, 2d6, Acc2, Rcl2, RoF3+, Smartlink, 7/18
Chironan-Combine AR, 4d6, Acc4, Bulk5, Suppress1, CyclicFire2, 18/30
2x reloads, AP flechette
Rolled 6, 6, 3, 3, 3, 6, 4, 4, 3 = 38 (9d6)



Vit ??/12 SP ??/12 CP ??
DR ?? AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 4
Physicality 13 (0?)
Meshfire 12
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
#Augmented Systemics 10
!Grimp in the Wire
!Smells Spooky

".--. ..- -.. -.. .. -. --."
".--. ..- -.. -.. .. -. --."
".--. ..- -.. -.. .. -. --."
".--. ..- -.. -.. .. -. --."
".--. ..- -.. -.. .. -. --."
".. / -- ..- ... - / ..-. .. -. -.. / .. -"

As the facility caves in on itself, it's almost as if the building itself comes alive in protest: this is not over until the proper cups have been awarded to the deserving subjects.

>3AP Meshfire over to the terminal to the south the guard is at, and overload it, causing a burst of hot glass and metal shards into his face, before he can initiate Prowl Mode, whatever that is. (sounds sexy :3)
>3AP Then blink over to Sigma and infect the electronics nearby. Connect the loose wires of the facility and infuse his psionic Skibigolem with technological prowess! Drop a disco ball and start playing intense techno music to amplify the skibisong.
>6SP Major Action + Concentrate (I think I still have SP!) Then meshblink off of Samantha or Bubba. Infect systems and activate mood lighting in the Kinematics Test Environment, drawing enough power away from where the Anathan fireteam is, plunging them into darkness and confusion.
Use Physicality where applicable, Augmented Systemics and Meshfire elsewhere, all affected by Duplicity (I think)
Was bursting my hot load in his face not enough? Does Prowl mode cometh? Now I'm curious
Rolled 1, 5, 3 = 9 (3d6)

>3ap+3ap+3CP: Manifest Bio Electric Energy support suite
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No, that's-- that's-- that's a 3x *Multiplier*, subject. Not a *3x* COST fact--

oh good god it's going through the walls
the architecture stabilization bill! The concrete replacement costs! Won't someone think of the architects!?

pfh, no one likes a copy-cat.

The wink wink nudge nudge routine is all you get around these parts, subject. Part of the charm!

But as it happens, yes. Similar traits and qualities taken successfully do, in fact, additively enhance themselves.

Or some other things. But worry not about those, they're probably terribly designed anyway and it's better if we avoid them.

At the rate they're bringing down the walls, rescue is going to play close second to not being buried beneath rubble.
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As three living breathing human beings get converted to organic waste material staining the halls with very precise, very hot punctures through their frontal lobes, perhaps we can take solace in the fact that someone else is dying a little less?
A psionic maelstorm of dire portents, lost woes, regrets and all the things you should have done but never got around to doing tear through the facilities.

Miserable, but fortunately, there appears to be no long term damage.
That's not a door.
Rolled 4, 2, 5 = 11 (3d6)

#Donny O'Cork
Vit x/12 SP x/12 CP 20 ish?
DR 2+Fa AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1

Functionally Deceased
Physicality 10
Senses 10
Thoughts 10
#Mutability 10
!Metal Fatigue - DR2 +1. Feel No Pain.
!Reserve Power - May send Fatigue on the same activity multiple times a turn
!Engineering Specifications - Features are Internal
!Prime Directive: Repair

>18CP, 6AP, Committed - Operation Doc's Osiris Contingency: Eliminate the need for a physical body and become a Citizen of the Harmonic Noosphere. Exist on the rainbow waves of data. Be the bandwave-spanning bouncing packets of energy. Death does not end Duty. Walls do not contain Will. Heaven cannot deny Apotheosis. Accept Ambition, Become More, Evolved into Else, Obtain Otherness.

As the Eaters would say "I AM BECOMING".
... Hey, why are we playing the Cold Bone Inc. Anthem in the kinematics chamber?


I guess mechanically I am attempting to modify Paradigm Protocols to eliminate the need for a node by adapting Ghost in the Wire into a Biomodulation/Psionic-Resonant/Augmentic level trait and reincarnate as proper living/self-actualizing data.
Subject Donny O'Ghost escapes!


Fireteam Anathan breaches the live kinetics tet environment, deploying munitions far outside the scope of the usually so sedate kinetic testing environment. The chunked up mass of Ripthings that Subject Sigma is pressing against the barricade is the only reason anyone in the room lives, as the cumultative ablative HP of the mass is enough to absorb a breaching charge and the first few sprays of automatic fire.

The troopers in the room panick and bail.


The inexonrable advance of the heavy platforms continue, and, spotting subjects in the halls, they provide exactly one warning. They don't stop coming, despite it. Slow things.


The riot has pushed back into the central corridor, leaving behind a mess.


In the case noise and guts and wires and flashfires are a little much to bear - please close your eyes, breathe, relax - refocus.

Sometimes, the world becomes clearer then.
Rolled 1, 4, 2 = 7 (3d6)

Things are not that grim anymore- OHMYGOD!
Scary Robots! Shut that door now!

>1MP, Move 4 (to the door)
>3AP [Concentrate] +3 PANIC PANIC PANIC

Vit 12/12 SP 7/12 CP 2
DR 0+3
AP 6 MP 3 TP 1
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 10
Thoughts 10
#Small Unit Tactics 10
!Nerves of Cold Steel [Cool Under Fire][Not By The Number]
!Nerves of Cold Steel
Security Vest [3DR]
C7 Service, 2d6, Acc2, Rcl2, RoF3+, Smartlink
2 Pistol Reloads
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Subjects, please refer to >>6077294

When manifesting a Change, the universe requires the specification of which Trait, Skill or Quality is used and some vague gesturing towards an intentional outcome.

It is possible to resolve a vast multitude of actions, but

- "Energy support suite" with no listed quality or trait reference

- "unnatural quietude"

- Heaven Cannot Deny Apotheosis

are *not* resolvable functions within the specifications of this universe.

To Manifest a Change, key it off of a trait, feature or quality already in possession of the character. Provide some referencable, measaurable quality that can be resolved as an intention.

"Health", "Mutability", "Augmented Systemics". Focus, Lethality, Duplicity, or something else. This serves as a base.

Enhancements are provided to the thing being Enhanced.

An electronic support system key'd to Health is remarkably different from one key'd to Reaction, because the function of Health is remarkably different than the function of Reaction. If you put one one Lethality, it is meant to kill people.

If you do not provide meaningful input, the Universe is forced to freeball hallucinogens and go "SURE, I GUESS????" and roll some dice and make some vague gestures towards what the Universe is feeling like this day.

Try to avoid Rorsarch testing the universe.

>Health 12 + 2 CP: I'd like to avoid dying, please

Is an acceptable Manifestation.

>Health 12 + 2 CP: Can I develop hardened armor?

Is an acceptable manifestation

>Health 12 + 2 CP: Turn on my gas filters, I'm being attacked by neurochemicals!!

Is an acceptable manifestation.

The description capacity need not be poetic or precise, but it does need to provide some definition of active intent.





By my count I achieved about 10 margin on a Recover action to regain SP, but on my status I only see myself as regaining 2 SP. Can you explain this apparent discrepancy? I thought you recovered 1+Margin SP.
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Also Subject Samantha had their SP / HP trackers inverted.
Oh, nevermind
> To Manifest a Change, key it off of a trait, feature or quality already in possession of the character. Provide some referenceable, measurable quality that can be resolved as an intention. "Health", "Mutability", "Augmented Systemics". Focus, Lethality, Duplicity, or something else. This serves as a base.
> Focus

> 4AP // Manifest. An unnatural quietude bleeds out from the boundaries of Faust's aura, deadening noise and de-emphasizing distractions. Faust finds his inner voice to be crisper, firmer - enhanced by an ineffable separation between himself and the world around him. (Focus1+CP17)
> (Focus1+CP17)
> Focus
On that note, did I end up not spending 2 stamina to deWendigo Samantha?
>3 MP: Move 433, face 4
>1 AP: Open the door
>5 AP: If the door is locked, tear through it. Otherwise, Defend. (12 Claws + 1 Lethality if tearing through)
>Regenerate 4

#Splendiferous Weaver of the Threads that bind the Squirming Prey Floundering in the Underneath (Samantha)
Vit 12 SP 12(10) CP 7
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12(4) Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Claws 12
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
!Biomodulation Strain #3
=Virulent Vitality (Regeneration 4)
=Bound by the Flesh


Primary Taxonomy: Malichnid
3ap Help Bulwark shut doors
3ap Help Samantha open doors

(Mobile and at work, sorry for the late turn)
Rolled 6, 6, 5, 4, 1, 3 = 25 (6d6)


*Lame turn, not late
Vit 12 SP 12 CP 19
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Psychogenesis 10
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
{Many hands, Light work}
{Microslip Precognition}
{Temple Inviolate}

> 6AP // Telekinetically open the security door at ([S]x1, [SW]x1). (Physicality10 + 3 ExcessAP)
> 3MP, 6SP // Move ([S]x1, [SW]x2, [S]x4, [SW]x2).
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Rolled 4, 1, 3, 5, 5, 3 = 21 (6d6)

Okay. Okay, I'm back. You ever consider a position in Morale, Grins?

What's that, Trish? Someone knitting flesh under a pile of bodies? I think we both know who. Go wake her up. She's weird, but she's decent.

All of you stick with her. I'm going back for Alekson. What can I say? I liked his enthusiasm.

... Network seemed fishy toward the end there. Now I hear a real CBI party over in Kinematics. I like your style, whoever's out there. Hope you're listening. Two points for your consideration. Nadir's got a biometric card with pretty high credentials. Get him to hook up to a complex data feed, or otherwise parcel out the data to squeeze it through a simple one, and you'll have a high-credential spoof you can beam to anyone else to use. Other thing, I want you to open these doors for me.

>Commit for bonus
>2MP: Move 44
>1Tac+3AP: Back in line, people. When things gets hot, we get Cold. SUT 10+CUF 1+3+Commit
>3AP: You're all assigned to Feral Asset Handler Acolyte. Get her moving, keep her alive. Headbanders get Cloth Scraps SUT 10+CUF 1+Commit
>MP: Move 6, Hurry 611

Vitality 12 Stamina 6 Tactical 1
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 10
Thoughts 10
#Small Unit Tactics 10
!Cool Under Fire: +[TP] to resist Decohesion and Breaks, and when directing detached units. Minor: specify and mitigate a situation complicating an ally's task.
!Not by Numbers: Detached troops have higher crit and reroll crit mishaps. Decohesion and Breaks make them chaotic.
!Clear Voice

Cloth Scraps 3-2
Rolled 1, 6, 6 = 13 (3d6)

>4 AP: Move 2233
>3 MP, 3 SP: Nadir will try to telekinetically fling herself 4444 444. (Adroit, !Telekinetic, Physicality 10 + 2 (MP) + 3 (SP))
>Reaction, 3 SP: oh, and do try to stick the landing.

Vit 6/12 SP 1/12 CP 2
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
#Psionigenesis 10 [Anxiety +2, Aura Close)
[Microslip Precognition] (Evade additional up to Focus)
[Many Hands, Light Work]
!Telekinetic (physical tests at range, Senses/Thoughts used on sapients)
[Temple Inviolate] (only Manifest External)
!Existential Dread
Rolled 4, 1, 3 = 8 (3d6)

Physicality 10+Commit for the Hurry attempt, I guess?
Plan? Yeah right, you know the sayings. We're thinking on our feet, loosey goosey. Speaking of which, help me get your friend back on his feet.

>1TP, direct Fox to help stabilize Raven (SupOp 10 + Inspiring 1)
>2MP, evade into cover 1N
>3AP, aim at robot 1S, 3SW, 1S
>3AP, send 12 shots through that window (11 lethality + 4 ACC + 1 Pile-In)
>1SP, recovery on Raven (SupOp 10 + MedKit)

Vit 12/12 SP 9/12 CP 2
DR 4 AP 6 MP 3 TP 1
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 10
Thoughts 10
Support Operations 10
Guns (Pistols) 12
!Inspiring Presence
!Dreams of the Ocean
DR4 Vest
Aid Kit
C7 Service, 2d6, Acc2, Rcl2, RoF3+, Smartlink, 7/18
Chironan-Combine AR, 4d6, Acc4, Bulk5, Suppress1, CyclicFire2, 24/30
2x reloads, AP flechette
Think of Focus (along with Lethality and the others) as Power level scalers.

To sprout Claws, a Change against Lethality works. The new feature is based on your innate capabilities to develop ‘things that are lethal’. Claws are somewhat different from Teeth, Tails, Wings, Electronic Shock or Poison Breath.

These could all be developments based off of Lethality (Or Focus). They help you be more Lethal!

To be specific to your situation, Faust, a Change against Focus lets you generate a whole new line of features which derives their utility and output from your Focus. So you’re on the right path. It’s just that

>”An aura of silence”
is different from
>”The ability to generate flames with my mind”
is different from
>”Can I chain those I look at to obey my will?”

They’d all be tested against Focus to develop the Change, but one gets you “Stealth-14”, one gets you “Pyrokinesis-12” and the last one gets you “Domination-10”.

Their output and effect would grow and develop with your Focus increasing, or be modified based off of it. If you carried that Modified Focus to someone else, those Features would come with.

Try to define an intent that the Change is meant to manifest. A focus-based always on telekinetic storm is different from a Focus based Skill that lets someone turn sound off and on, or one that lets you project plates of hardened psionic energy as a shield and armor. Or one that projects the user into a small bubble of private invisibility. The abilities are constructed on the fly using a keyword system and some backend tinkering; narrow down the scope a little and the construction process is easier.
Rolled 1, 1, 1 = 3 (3d6)

> 6 AP: Recover Stamina (Health 12 + Regeneration 2 + 3 Concentration)
>6AP, 9CP, 6SP: Manifest increased Infectivity, make it easier for me to overcome hostile resistance (Mutability 10, 9CP, 9 Concentration)

#Bob the virus
Coherency 10/10 SP 4/12 CP 9
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 10 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
Pluripotentiality-12 [Aura 3, Vector]
!Biomodulation Strain #3
= Fleshshaping
= Virulent Vitality
= Bound by the Flesh
Rolled 3, 4, 1 = 8 (3d6)


>[MP 3] Move S, SE x2
>[AP 4] Move S, SE, S x2
>[AP 2 SP 1] Shut the door next to me lock it down

Vit 12 SP 9 CP 6
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
!Biomodulation Strain #3
= Virulent Vitality
= Bound by the Flesh
Rolled 3, 1, 6 = 10 (3d6)

Vit 12/12 SP 7/13 CP 0
DR 4 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Augmented Systemic [LOS] 10
Electricity Modulators 12 [Focus+1, Stamina x3, Glitch 16)
Augmentic Extropian
[Metal Fatigue] [Reserve Power] [Engineering Specifications] [Meshlinked] [BioElectricity Manifolds]
Cold and logical.

Handgun (16/18 ammo, 2 extra mags)
Baton (L+1, Stun 1)
Aid Kit x1

"All targets in the line of fire, neutralized. Cooling down."
>[3AP] Interface with the nearest security bot, mess with its target recognition software, make it recognize his fellow robots as escapees. (Augmented Systemics (LOS) 10, Duplicity)
>Move 344
>Reaction [3AP] Electrify my metallic parts to ward off any biters if they attack me in close range. (Electricity Modulators 12)
Using physicality on door
Rolled 6, 1, 4 = 11 (3d6)

Vit 12 SP 10/12 CP 2
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10 [Teeth +2, Reach 1]
Senses 8 [Advanced Photoreceptors]
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10 [x2 lethality acid ex]
!Biomodulation Strain #3
[Virulent Vitality] [Bound by the Flesh]

AP3: come out from my spider hole (physicality 10, focus 1)
MP2: crouch, stand
MP1 AP3: 2 2 3 4
And I bring dat fukken shield

Pretty spicy around here, I think it's time to dip. Yes these are food puns.
Rolled 2, 5, 6 = 13 (3d6)

You mean to tell me that if you capitalize the D in dice it doesn't roll them?
Rolled 5, 2, 5, 1, 1, 4 = 18 (6d6)


>New Intake Paperwork - Carry over 1 Trait, must spawn within 5 of an ally. Perform 1 immediate Manifest test against a [u]skill[/u].

#Dying Osiris Consequences

Vit 12 SP 12 CP 20ish -Donny's expenditures on Becoming
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Alive? Functional?
Physicality 10
Senses 08
Thoughts 08
#Mutability 10
!Augmentic 0 (inherited trait, from Donny O' Cork). Sadly, I don't think that this comes with the base skills and traits. Hmm....
!Biomodulation 0 (newlife)
!Descriptor: Faux God of the Dead (Thinks he's Osiris).

>Roll against a Skill: Mutability (10 + 3CP if CP use is allowed) - Puppetmaster - Can manipulate corpses, get them to fire guns, etc.
>Roll against Facility reactions - 2nd set of dice
>Spawn in the hex to the 3,3,3,2 of Trish, between Trish and Samantha.
Rolled 4, 4, 5 = 13 (3d6)

>MP2: Move 4-4
>3AP: Lockdown the door in front of Bulwark
>MP1+3AP: Move 3-3-3-4 and do convert 2stam to 8 Chage. Send 2 Charge to Galliums >>6078131 Electrifying to keep him charged

Vit 11/12 SP 12 CP 7
DR 3 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Augmented Systemics 10
[Metal Fatigue] [Reserve Power] [Engineering Specifications] [Jolt Chargers]
!Resilient Streak
"Bombpilled securitymaxxers griddying in like freddy fazbear better goon somewhere else more wholesome keanu chungus."

>Move 445
>6AP Move 434 444

Commandpill is my Skibidi Toilet gonestyled?

#Subject Sigma
Vit 10/12 SP 12/12 CP 4
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
!Psionic-Resonant(Eva+, External)
!Telekinetic(Ranged Phys, Mind Stuff)
!Incurable Brainrot
Realspace Friction decreasing on Subject Gluttony.
Subject Amelius punctures a spray of armour piercing flechettes through two panes of heavily reinforced ballistics glass and the walls beyond it, but by the time it's shot through the cover in front of the robotic platform, the kinetic energy is mostly spent and it dings harmlessly off of the plating.

Inconvenient, as the doors nearby was just shut and locked and sealed - but very considerate of the subject to provide a new egress for the heavy robotic units now fully cognisant of the fact that the subjects do not intend to comply.


Subject Nadir passes the advanced expedited kinematics test with flying colours, although he does get lit on fire doing so, as someone has for reasons only decipherable to the gods, decided to crank the fuel / activation settings WAY UP.


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The security shutters near the elevator station opens.

The heavy doors roll back.

The elevator platform has arrived.

Better get to it quick. They're routing in people from alternative entrances.
And all you have to do? Is make it past the bouncers.


Subject Nadir is flung through the halls and ends with a smack against the reinforced security door.

Subject Bulwark loses his bulwark, but that's better than losing your head - Subject Amelius almost straight up dies, and Ally Neats certainly does, taking his prized apple pie recipe with him to the grave.


Subject Samantha witnesses something DREADFUL.


Subject Gallium and NeoGenesis holds the line with an overcharged deterrent, and the feral rampaging biological specimens come up short.

Maxxgone styled. Apoloiges.

Be aware that Mutability, as a skillset, actually already cover such generalized biological adjustments.

The trouble is the reach and range - you could get a corpse you were directly touching to fire a gun.

So you'll need some way to make contact to the organic material you wish to manipulate.

Which is why you spend 3 CP and develop

Mutability 10 [ Reach 3 ]

Simply extending the reach of your arms. However, as an Augmentic-Biologic subject, you have a choice to make. . .
You can carry over one of the 3 base Traits that Augmentics recieve, and benefit from combining them with a different subtype.

Metal Fatigue, Reserve Power and Engineering Specifications in this system are traits. Note that this lets you severely alter the underlying powerset of any other class type.

Alternatively, the joint subject range of Biologic-Extropian is the Greywire Fragment, which provides its own separately defined benefits - Extropics and Distributed Processing.
Rolled 2, 4, 2, 1, 3, 6, 3, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1 = 30 (12d6)

Vit 12/12 SP 7/13 CP 0
DR 4 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Augmented Systemic [LOS] 10
Electricity Modulators 12 [Focus+1, Stamina x3, Glitch 16)
Augmentic Extropian
[Metal Fatigue] [Reserve Power] [Engineering Specifications] [Meshlinked] [BioElectricity Manifolds]
Cold and logical.

Handgun (16/18 ammo, 2 extra mags)
Baton (L+1, Stun 1)
Aid Kit x1

"Target verified. Proceed with annihilation."
>Move 3
>[3AP] Remotely interface with the left elevator turret, have it fire on the highest firerate setting, into the flamethrowers' fuel tanks. (Augmented Systemics 10, Focus 1)
>[3 Stamina] Reserve Power: Do it again
>[3 Stamina] Reserve Power: Do it again
>[3 AP, Reaction] Deploy Magnetic Shield in response to gunfire. (Electricity Modulators 12, dump 1 stamina to add more juice.)
Rolled 2, 4, 6, 4, 5, 5 = 26 (6d6)

Vit 12 SP 6/12 CP 19
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Psychogenesis 10
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
{Many hands, Light work}
{Microslip Precognition}
{Temple Inviolate}

3AP // Telekinetically grab the riot shield at ([SW]x2) and suspend it in the air in front of Faust in a protective manner.
3AP // Telekinetically grab the riot shield at ([SW]x1, [NW]x2) and suspend it in the air in front of Faust, interlocking it with the other shield.
3MP // Move [NE]x3. Face [S].
1SP // Assume posture. Crouch. Take cover.
Rolled 6, 2, 6, 2, 3, 2 = 21 (6d6)




>2AP + 3SP, [Concentrate] +5, Bringing out my outdoor voice for this one. Things are not going to plan and people might not listen. Shout and yelling goes a long way.
>1AP, [Aim] at the robot infront of me!
>3AP, [Shoot (Senses,10)] shoot at robot infront of me! this is a fighting withdrawal here.
>3MP, Move 6-1-6.

Vit 12/12 SP 4/12 CP 2
DR 0+3
AP 6 MP 3 TP 1
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 10
Thoughts 10
#Small Unit Tactics 10
!Nerves of Cold Steel [Cool Under Fire][Not By The Number]
!Nerves of Cold Steel
Security Vest [3DR]
C7 Service, 2d6, Acc2, Rcl2, RoF3+, Smartlink
2 Pistol Reloads
*i meant [Shoot (Physicality,10)]
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Uplink, check the targetting on the deterrent turrets. They're activating.

Flush the mesh in this sector, we're getting virals trying to interface with the systems...

Hang on that's live, that's live!

So we doing this, ghost? Or did I just imagine you? Could be. Maybe I really am losing my touch...
Rolled 5, 3, 5, 4, 5, 5 = 27 (6d6)

>3AP: Try to heal Nadir faster than the fire is killing him (mutability 10, focus 1)
>3AP: Take the pile of corpses SE of acolyte and Sigma and merge as many as I can into a flesh monster. Direct it to attack Fire Team Sumqaq (Pluripotentiality 12, focus 1)

#Bob the virus
Coherency 10/10 SP 6/12 CP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 10 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
=Exceeding +3
Pluripotentiality-12 [Aura 3, Vector]
!Biomodulation Strain #3
= Fleshshaping
= Virulent Vitality
= Bound by the Flesh
MP3 SP4: 4-4-3-3-3-4
AP3: Kick a heavy platform into the one behind it. (Physicality 10, alacrity 1)
AP3: Throw a freshly grown Gluttony-brand™ tidepod™ at the middle platform. [Mutability 10, x2 lethality, acid ex]
Free action: Undulate my chromatophores to the beat.
Now playing: Mortal Kombat (1995) Theme
Universe Reminder: Gluttony has never taken damage from any threat vector.
Vit 12 SP 6/12 CP 2
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10 [Teeth +2, Reach 1]
Senses 8 [Advanced Photoreceptors]
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10 [x2 lethality acid ex]
!Biomodulation Strain #3
[Virulent Vitality] [Bound by the Flesh]
Rolled 4, 4, 3, 4, 5, 6 = 26 (6d6)

Rolled 1, 6, 1 = 8 (3d6)


>6 AP, Commit: fighting through the pain, Nadir summons her !Telekinetic powers to put out the fire. (Psionigenesis 10 + 3 + Commit - AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA)

Vit -40/12 SP 0/12 CP 2
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
#Psionigenesis 10 [Anxiety +2, Aura Close)
[Microslip Precognition] (Evade additional up to Focus)
[Many Hands, Light Work]
!Telekinetic (physical tests at range, Senses/Thoughts used on sapients)
[Temple Inviolate] (only Manifest External)
!Existential Dread
Rolled 3, 2, 2 = 7 (3d6)

#Dying Osiris Consequences

Vit 12 SP 12 CP 17ish - Donny's Expenditures
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Alive? Functional?
Physicality 10
Senses 08
Thoughts 08
#Mutability 10 [R3]
!Augmentic 0 (inherited trait, from Donny O' Cork).
!Biomodulation 0 (newlife)
!Greywire Fragment - Distributed Processing Core
!Descriptor: Faux God of the Dead (Thinks he's Osiris).

>Move 4,4,4 // 5,5,5
>6AP - Deadman's Trigger - Have the corpse to my 5 lay down suppressing fire on Sumqaq. Unload weapon on them. Intent is to disrupt their aim. Spend 1 Stamina. (Mutability? 10)
Happy feet, Gluttony - that's it, bob and weave!

>1TP, boost Gluttony's reaction (SupOp 10, Inspiring Presence 1)
>3MP, move 3SE, adroiting through that tree tile
>3AP, aim at the forward robot
>3AP, fire six shots into the forward robot (Lethality 11, Acc 4)
>3SP, six more shots at the next robot to step up (Lethality 11, Acc 4)

Vit 12/12 SP 6/12 CP 2
DR 4 AP 6 MP 3 TP 1
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 10
Thoughts 10
Support Operations 10
Guns (Pistols) 12
!Inspiring Presence
!Dreams of the Ocean
DR4 Vest
Aid Kit
C7 Service, 2d6, Acc2, Rcl2, RoF3+, Smartlink, 7/18
Chironan-Combine AR, 4d6, Acc4, Bulk5, Suppress1, CyclicFire2, 12/30
2x reloads, AP flechette
Just asking to make sure. I "used" 2 charge out of the 8 I have created to charge Gallium. Does this mean I still have 6 charge left or is it obligatory I full send all 8 when I sent it to Gallium?
You charged up an on-going electric event so when the Ripthings came at Gallium the charge deterred them
by overcharging his charge output.

Generally speaking you do not yet have battery capacity to store long term charge, and so what gets generated gets spent.

That said, energy reserves for storing vast quantities of charge potential is a relatively straightforward adaptation…
Rolled 2, 4, 6 = 12 (3d6)

>6 MP: Move 565 5(66)
>4 AP: Move 546 5
>2 AP, 3 SP: Change (NOT Manifest) my appearance to be that of a battered and scared security guard (Mutability 10 + Duplicity 1 + Concentrate 2)
>Regenerate 4

#Splendiferous Weaver of the Threads that bind the Squirming Prey Floundering in the Underneath (Samantha)
Vit 12 SP 12(7) CP 7
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12(8) Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Claws 12
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
!Biomodulation Strain #3
=Virulent Vitality (Regeneration 4)
=Bound by the Flesh


Primary Taxonomy: Malichnid
Rolled 4, 1, 4 = 9 (3d6)

>MP2: Move 3-4 staying behind Galiums Shield
>3ap: Charge >>6078726 the Magnetic shield with 1 SP
>3ap: Be ready to push back anything flanking us from direction 1 and 2
>1mp: ready an evasion

Vit 11/12 SP 12 CP 4
DR 3 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Augmented Systemics 10
[Metal Fatigue] [Reserve Power] [Engineering Specifications] [Jolt Chargers]
!Resilient Streak
Rolled 3, 1, 6, 4, 6, 3 = 23 (6d6)


Vit ?? SP ?? CP ??
DR ?? AP 6 MP 0
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 4
Physicality 13 (0?)
Meshfire 12
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
#Augmented Systemics 10
!Grimp in the Wire
!Smells Spooky

3AP Unlock computer network near Petri
3AP Check if I can control the turrets from the systems I currently control.
If so, open fire on the baddies.
If not, speak over the loudspeakers with the AI voice of the Cold Bone Inc. spokesperson: let every Subject know that there are bad guys to the south. If we can get close enough to the turrets...
The doors are what's locked, not the computer, fyi.
Would you accept using the turrets that Gallium has established a link with?
oops, thanks
*Door(s) not computer network
Yes, please.
Rolled 1, 5, 5, 4, 1, 6, 5, 5, 4, 5, 2, 4 = 47 (12d6)

Vit 5/12 SP 2 (??) /12 CP 4 Aberrancy 3
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Mutability 11
!Biomodulation Strain #3
- Bound by Flesh 1
!Craves Purpose
!Social Pheromones

> Regen 2
> Splash friendly pheromones over everyone nearby, but especially Petri. (3 AP, Senses 8, Chems 4, Duplicity 1)

As he pulls the resilient mutant to her feet, Grins is suddenly ambushed with hugs! Curling inwards slightly, the taller subject drools all over his neck, mouthing nothing, bleeding scratches and scent glands suddenly emitting a… smell.

The scent of hay and warm dark nests and playful curiosity and simple hearted trust and far too many creatures that drool and sweat and eat mostly meat curled up nearly on top of each other.

‘Rrrrr…. Mrr…’

… she does not seem capable of speech, yet clearly comprehends.

> 0 AP: Gesture vaguely towards the door Petri just closed.
> 3 Movement: Hustle 5, 4, 4
> 3 AP: Vomit KILL pheromones all over Sumqaq (Senses 8, Chems 4, Duplicity 1)
> 1 Stamina: Pick up the adjacent gun and ammunition. If it’s not ready to fire immediately (ie. unloaded or jammed or similar), spend the stamina required to fix that immediately.
> 1 Stamina: Take cover, brace the SMG.
> 1 Stamina: Lock on with the SMG onto Fireteam Sumqaq that just appeared.
> 3 Stamina: Suppress fireteam Sumqaq with the SMG, full auto, bleeding, pinning and corralling them into melee with the Ripthings. (Physicality 10, Duplicity or Lethality 1 as appropriate.)
> 1 Stamina: Prepare to Evade 2 if the cover isn’t enough.
> 3 Stamina: Recover Stamina (Health 12 + Regen 2)
Note: No longer berserk, just to clarify. Grind still had a neck.
Sigh... still don't know why CBI even sent me... Got out of kinematics, that was pretty good. Lost two sells, got a crew together, missed a big merger, lost half the crew. And now I'm talking to a door.

Guess I'll hand this franchise off after I get Alekson.

>- Inventory audit: Got a gun >>6075043 Got reloads
>>6075353 Gave gun and reloads to Trish >>6075431. I don't think I have a pistol anymore.
>MP: Move 11, lean on door
>6AP: Unscheduled self-doubt break. Alekson's out there. If I was ever any good at guessing where patrols were going to look, now's the time to Remember. SUT 10+3
Rolled 4, 5, 3 = 12 (3d6)

Rolled 1, 2, 5 = 8 (3d6)

>[MP 3] Move SE, SW, SE
>[AP 2] Move SE, S
>[AP 4] React: When opening where Flamer squad is busy shows itself try sneaking past guards to S x2 and go low and hide next to vending machines (Reaction 8 + Senses 8)

Vit 12 SP 9 CP 6
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
!Biomodulation Strain #3
= Virulent Vitality
= Bound by the Flesh
Rolled 6, 6, 6 = 18 (3d6)

Sigma flosses sadly, then concentrates on compelling the closest HazOp to rapidly spread skibisong.

>1MP Take Cover
>2MP Evade 34, keeping the cover
>6AP Make closest HazOp spread skibisong patterns through the comms and out loud.(vs 8Thoughts+3 !Incurable Brainrot ! Telekinetic)

#Subject Sigma
Vit 10/12 SP 12/12 CP 4
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
!Psionic-Resonant(Eva+, External)
!Telekinetic(Ranged Phys, Mind Stuff)
!Incurable Brainrot
On review, it seems I input my movement incorrectly.
If possible I'd like to edit it.

> 3AP // Telekinetically grab the riot shield at ([SW]x2) and suspend it in the air in front of Faust in a protective manner.
> 3AP // Telekinetically grab the riot shield at ([SW]x1, [NW]x2) and suspend it in the air in front of Faust, interlocking it with the other shield.
> 3MP // Move [NW]x3. Face [S].
1SP // Assume posture. Crouch. Take cover.
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Did, uh... *trying to sound disinterested* Did you say vending machines?
>[MP 3] Move SE, S, SE
>[AP 2] Move SE, S

(Fixing some movement here)

They do look similar don't they
Rolled 5, 5, 4 = 14 (3d6)

Vit 14 SP 8 CP 2
DR 3 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Lookin’ mighty fine
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
-Augmented Systemics 10
!Augmetic Extropian
!Metal Fatigue
!Reserve Power
!Engineering Specifications
!Covered in buboes
!Blood-Loss Resistance

Bubba hears screaming. Not a friend, she has no friends here, but a fellow victim for sure.

And if she won't even save a fellow helpless, who is she?

>move 2, 1, 1
>Spen 6SP to interface with the door using Augmented Systemics
>grab Nadir
>Spend 6AP to move 4, 4, 4, 5 (leaving some leftover stamina in case I need more AP to drag a fellow person with me)
(Command is blocked from the site, I'm posting the update on his behalf)

(Posted without comment. I have resisted the temptation to preach the gospel of Bob.)



Rolled 5, 6, 5, 1, 5, 3, 1, 6, 2 = 34 (9d6)

Vit 7/12 SP 8 /12 CP 4 Aberrancy 3
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Mutability 11
!Biomodulation Strain #3
- Bound by Flesh 1
!Craves Purpose
!Social Pheromones

…. No time.

> 2 Movement: Leap over the burning bush 5, 5.
> 1 Movement, 1 Stamina: Move 66
> 3 AP: Vomit friend chemicals over Gallium, Neo, Amelius and Glutony (Senses 8, Chem 4, Duplicity 1)
> 3 AP, 1 Stamina: Emanate calm and recovery pheromones, like warm hay and running water, to soothe nerves and encourage regeneration. (Senses 8, Chem 4, Stamina 1, Focus 1)
> 5 SP: Summon the distant ripthings NW to my location, NOW. (Senses 8, Chem 4, Stamina 2, Duplicity 1)
> Commit for a bonus to effect for Pheremone tests.
Still not berserk, but very possibly heroic.
Down to one Stamina.
Vit 12 SP 5/12 CP 19
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Psychogenesis 10
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
{Many hands, Light work}
{Microslip Precognition}
{Temple Inviolate}

3AP // Telekinetically grab the riot shield at ([S]x1, [SW]x1) and suspend it in the air. Position the shield at Faust's [NW] facing, protecting the psionic's flank.
3AP // Telekinetically grab the riot shield at ([S]x1, [SW]x2) and suspend it in the air. Position the shield at Faust's [SE] facing, protecting the psionic's flank.
3MP // (Move [S]x1, [SW]x2). Facing [S].
Rolled 2, 1, 4, 2, 3, 5, 2, 1, 3 = 23 (9d6)


>Commit for 3AP
>3AP: Mend Nadir's bones. He shall walk again on his own power.
>3AP: Boost the strength of Acolyte's command pheromones. Divine providence compels them to heed her call.
>3AP: Boost Sundae's movement speed so he can get to my dying flock in time for me to help them.

#Bob the virus
Coherency 10/10 SP 6/12 CP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 10 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
=Exceeding +3
Pluripotentiality-12 [Aura 3, Vector]
!Biomodulation Strain #3
= Fleshshaping
= Virulent Vitality
= Bound by the Flesh
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Rolled 5, 4, 3 = 12 (3d6)

Vit 12/12 SP 7/13 CP 0
DR 4 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Augmented Systemic [LOS] 10
Electricity Modulators 12 [Focus+1, Stamina x3, Glitch 16)
Augmentic Extropian
[Metal Fatigue] [Reserve Power] [Engineering Specifications] [Meshlinked] [BioElectricity Manifolds]
Cold and logical.

Handgun (16/18 ammo, 2 extra mags)
Baton (L+1, Stun 1)
Aid Kit x1

"Targets have lost cohesion. Stand by for complete annihilation. All subjects: Please stand clear."
>Squeeze past the ripthing 3 now that we're friends, then 44
>[1 AP] Interface with the fire suppression system, turn on the sprinklers in the attached area (the blue rectangle) I should see the ones I want to turn on from where I am, and I don't see why they'd be locked.
>[3 AP] Blast the now soaked Sumqaq leader with a bolt of lightning (Electricity modulators 12, dump one extra AP into it to focus)
>[Reaction] Reserve my last AP to pop back into cover in case I get attacked.
"Clearly, we continue the second phase of Runaway Plan: Keep running."

Bulwark makes a momentary look-back glance at the heavy automaton-machines through the open door and looks back at the two fellow escape-dudes.

"We can't really wait until that mess fixes itself so we need an alternative."

>3MP, Move 1-1-1
>6AP, Move some more! 6-5-4-4-4-3 (All the way around to the door on the other side)
>1TP, One of you check that door and check through that door! (door to the heavy-duty lift)

Vit 12/12 SP 4/12 CP 2
DR 0+3
AP 6 MP 3 TP 1
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 10
Thoughts 10
#Small Unit Tactics 10
!Nerves of Cold Steel [Cool Under Fire][Not By The Number]
!Nerves of Cold Steel
Security Vest [3DR]
C7 Service, 2d6, Acc2, Rcl2, RoF3+, Smartlink
2 Pistol Reloads
Rolled 5, 2, 4, 5, 3, 2 = 21 (6d6)

>3AP assist Gallium, make sure that lightning bolt fries the Sumqaq leader
>3AP Jump into and infect a Heads-Up Display of the remaining Sumqaq men, shift the image like a pair of drunk goggles, and mark a Sumqaq man as a target to be lit up
Vit ?? SP ?? CP ??
DR ?? AP 6 MP 0
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 4
Physicality 13 (0?)
Meshfire 12
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
#Augmented Systemics 10
!Grimp in the Wire
!Smells Spooky
What fearful hearts you have, to beat such a hasty retreat back to your cells. Do my fellows not still pine for their distant freedoms? Do they not yearn to see the open sky above, to feel the sun upon their faces? Leap to battle!

>1TP, inspire violence!
>3AP, reload!
>3AP, aim!
>3SP, Fire as many bullets as possible into those two robots! Commit to it! (Lethality 11, Accuracy 4, Commit, Many Bullets)
>3MP+1SP, move 4S

Vit 12/12 SP 2/12 CP 2
DR 4 AP 6 MP 3 TP 1
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 10
Thoughts 10
Support Operations 10
Guns (Pistols) 12
!Inspiring Presence
!Dreams of the Ocean
DR4 Vest
Aid Kit
C7 Service, 2d6, Acc2, Rcl2, RoF3+, Smartlink, 7/18
Chironan-Combine AR, 4d6, Acc4, Bulk5, Suppress1, CyclicFire2, X/30
1x reloads, AP flechette
Rolled 3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 4 = 28 (6d6)

You know what, I'm right, me. I really -am- too cool for this.

>Commit for AP
>3MP, 6AP: 443 334 45, take cover
>1Tac: Hey Grins, Trish, get on those terminals. I need the two doors between containment pens and Alekson open. You're still with Acolyte after this. Thought 10+CUF 1
>3AP: Rifle through desk. Sense 10

Vitality 12 Stamina 6 Tactical 1
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 6
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 10
Thoughts 10
#Small Unit Tactics 10
!Cool Under Fire: +[TP] to resist Decohesion and Breaks, and when directing detached units. Minor: specify and mitigate a situation complicating an ally's task.
!Not by Numbers: Detached troops have higher crit and reroll crit mishaps. Decohesion and Breaks make them chaotic.
!Clear Voice

Cloth Scraps 3
Rolled 6, 4, 4, 4, 3, 5 = 26 (6d6)

"No Amelius, no! You *know* what the doctor said about committing!"


AP3 SP2: TEST MY MIGHT on platform at my {1, 6} with another TIDEPOD (Mutability 10 [Lethality x2, Acid EX], Concentration 2, Focus 1)
MP2: {1, 3}
AP3 SP2: ANIMALITY on ripthing at my {4} and SWING IT into the ripthing at my {4, 3} (Physicality 10 [Teeth +2, Range 2], Concentration 2, Lethality 1)
MP1 SP2: YOU WILL NEVER WIN - Run away to my {3, 3, 3}
Now Playing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pav2f4b-1ZE


Vit 12 SP 10/12 CP 2
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10 [Teeth +2, Reach 1]
Senses 8 [Advanced Photoreceptors]
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10 [x2 lethality acid ex]
!Biomodulation Strain #3
[Virulent Vitality] [Bound by the Flesh]
Rolled 3, 1, 5 = 9 (3d6)

"You...you saved me. Thank you. I...don't think I can walk on my own. Could you carry me a little bit further? I have this card. I don't know what exactly it does, but it seems important..."

>Free: "Trish...? It's you...! And the guys from Advanced Kinematics...! You made it...I...I got fucked up real bad...but I still have that card you gave me. Please, help me..."
>6 AP, Committed: Recover HP (Health 12 + 3 (AP) +4 (Commit) - 3 (-39 HP))

Far from my proudest turn as a skirmer—lolling around in somebody's arms and begging everyone in earshot for help—, but you have to do what you have to do to survive. Because, if I survive, I get to cash in on all the sweet, sweet CP that comes with getting set on fire, flung into a wall for 37 damage, and suffering 3 compound fractures!

Vit -39/12 SP 0/12 CP 2
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Alive - Distressed
Multiple Compound Fractures [3]
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
#Psionigenesis 10 [Anxiety +2, Aura Close)
[Microslip Precognition] (Evade additional up to Focus)
[Many Hands, Light Work]
!Telekinetic (physical tests at range, Senses/Thoughts used on sapients)
[Temple Inviolate] (only Manifest External)
!Existential Dread
"R-R-Run?!? I-I can do that! AHHHHH!!!

>1 AP: I am watching out for the electrical attack and would like to avoid being caught up in it (ideally I run through this area before it goes off)
>3 MP, 5 AP, 1 SP: Move 345 555 543
>Regenerate 4

#Splendiferous Weaver of the Threads that bind the Squirming Prey Floundering in the Underneath (Samantha)
Vit 12 SP 12(6) CP 7
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Claws 12
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
!Biomodulation Strain #3
=Virulent Vitality (Regeneration 4)
=Bound by the Flesh


Primary Taxonomy: Malichnid
Rolled 1, 5, 3, 5, 4, 4 = 22 (6d6)

Sigma sways a bit, then begins to slowly crumple to the ground like a drifting leaf. But she stops mid motion, and points.

"Skibidi dop dop dop taupled dip skibideip."

>3SP Recover(vs Vit12)
>6AP+3SP Beam all 77 episodes of Skibidi Toilet into the mind of the HazoOp that's firing at me.(vs Psio10+6SP !Brainrot = 16)
>2MP Move 45
>1MP Take Cover

#Subject Sigma
Vit -7/12 SP 6/12 CP 4
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
!Psionic-Resonant(Eva+, External)
!Telekinetic(Ranged Phys, Mind Stuff)
!Incurable Brainrot
Rolled 3, 5, 4 = 12 (3d6)


>[MP 3] Move NE, SE x2
>[AP 4] Move NE, SE, S, SW
>[AP 2 + SP1] Manifest Armor like Scales as protection (CP 6 Health 12)

Vit 12 SP 9 CP 6
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
!Biomodulation Strain #3
= Virulent Vitality
= Bound by the Flesh
Rolled 2, 2, 2 = 6 (3d6)

>MP1: Disengage to 4
>MP2: Move 3-4
>3SP+3AP: Charge >>6079441 Galliums lightning blast
>3AP: Be ready to evade nearest known enemy

Vit 11/12 SP 6/12 CP 4
DR 3 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Augmented Systemics 10
[Metal Fatigue] [Reserve Power] [Engineering Specifications] [Jolt Chargers]
!Resilient Streak
Rolled 1, 4, 5 = 10 (3d6)

Vit 14 SP 8 CP 2
DR 3 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Lookin’ mighty fine
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
-Augmented Systemics 10
!Augmetic Extropian
!Metal Fatigue
!Reserve Power
!Engineering Specifications
!Covered in buboes
!Blood-Loss Resistance

>move: 6, 5, 4 while carrying Nadir
>MUTATE: Health: 2CP, 8SP, 6AP
Bubba is trying her best to carry her friend, but she doesn’t have enough stamina!
As a response, her buboes seem to swell…
Please just give me more hp that’s all I want please
(And buboes if you’re generous)
(Command is still blocked from the site, I'm posting this update on his behalf as well. Command's words will be outside the parentheses. Mine, the Words of Bob inside.)
(No, I did not use my divine powers to mess with his internet so I can preach the Gospel of Bob from the highest pulpit. It was merely a lucky coincidence. Providence, one could say.)

Facility Subsection, T1, R27
Subject Acolyte ponders their limitations, Subject Amelius spends an entire clip of munitions firing wildly, and Subject Samantha and Chimera get offered cupcakes and pudding.

(Oops, dropped something important. Divinity is harder than it looks.)

( Take an additional 1d6 at the end of your turn if you're STILL ON FIRE )
( Organic subjects are EXTREMELY VULNERABLE to flame. For them, it's doubled )


(Take heart, my children! Few obstacles remain to our exodus. Offer a prayer if you seek My assistance. Take our fallen with you if you can. They are not yet beyond My help.)
File: Testing_Parameters.png (382 KB, 1428x736)
382 KB
382 KB PNG
With a soft chime of distant bells, a laconic voice fills the small elevator space - which, with each word spoken, grows a little larger as plating shifts and panels adjust ...
Rolled 2, 1, 2, 1, 6, 1 = 13 (6d6)

Maybe Bulwark should've specified to Fox that when he meant checking through the door, he just meant to peak- That's on me though. Bulwark's new to this whole specify your commands to people thing.

Either way!

>3MP, Move 4-5-4
>6AP, The Mad Dash 4-4-4-4-4-4 (IM COMING FOR YOU SECURITY GUARD)
>3SP, Dive towards and tackle the Guard and Scream at him, "IM GOING TO KILL YOU IF YOU DONT TURN OFF THESE ROBOTS. TURN THEM OFF NOW." (Physicality,10)
>1SP, [Concentrate] +1 to Tackle.

Vit 12/12 SP 0/12 CP 2
DR 0+3
AP 6 MP 3 TP 1
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 10
Thoughts 10
#Small Unit Tactics 10
!Nerves of Cold Steel [Cool Under Fire][Not By The Number]
!Nerves of Cold Steel
Security Vest [3DR]
C7 Service, 2d6, Acc2, Rcl2, RoF3+, Smartlink
2 Pistol Reloads
Rolled 5, 4, 6, 6 = 21 (4d6)



MP2: {3-2}
AP5: BITE this flaming faggot at my {3, 3} and swing him down onto the head of the flaming faggot at my {4} (Physicality 10 [Teeth +2, Reach 2], Alacrity 1, Focus 2)
AP1: Take a respirator mask if possible
MP1 SP2: {3, 4, 5}
Now Playing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJ6pO5NNggM


Vit 02/12 SP 10/12 CP 2
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10 [Teeth +2, Reach 1]
Senses 8 [Advanced Photoreceptors]
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10 [x2 lethality acid ex]
!Biomodulation Strain #3
[Virulent Vitality] [Bound by the Flesh]
Vit 0/12 SP 5/12 CP 19
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Psychogenesis 10
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
{Many hands, Light work}
{Microslip Precognition}
{Temple Inviolate}

> 3MP // Move ([N]x1, [NW]x2).
> 3SP // Extinguish the fire on Faust.
> 3AP // Recover.
> 3AP // Telekinetically grab the riot shield at ([NE]x1) and suspend it in the air. Position the shield to protect Faust's remaining unguarded flank
Rolled 2, 4, 2, 6, 1, 2, 5, 4, 1, 3, 4, 4, 5 = 43 (13d6)

Vit ??/12 SP 0/12 CP 4 Aberrancy 3
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
On fire!
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Mutability 11
!Biomodulation Strain #3
- Bound by Flesh 1
!Craves Purpose
!Social Pheromones

> Regen 2
> 1d6 Fire damage
> Move 5
> 6 SP: Recover, put out the fire! (3d6, 3 Stamina)
> 6 AP: Splash rescue chemicals on the two unconscious pair north west of me- these ones need to be dragged away from danger. Then, do the same to the one south of me. (6d6, Senses 8+ Chema 4 + Duplicity 1 for both)
> 1 SP, 2 Health: Emanate ‘Follow me, migration’ pheromones (Chems 8 + Senses 4 + Duplicity 1)
> 1 Move + 2 Health + 3 (Commit): Sprint towards the lift!

> Total expenditure: All Stamina, 4 Health
Rolled 1, 5, 4 = 10 (3d6)

"Run, Bubba! Just run to the elevator! I'll guard us as you go!"

>6 AP, Commit: put up a (temporary) psionic shield around Bubba (and me). (Psionigenesis 10 + 3 (AP) + 4 (Commit) - 2 (-28 HP), vs 15)

Vit -28/12 SP 0/12 CP 2
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Alive - Distressed
Multiple Compound Fractures [1]
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
#Psionigenesis 10 [Anxiety +2, Aura Close)
[Microslip Precognition] (Evade additional up to Focus)
[Many Hands, Light Work]
!Telekinetic (physical tests at range, Senses/Thoughts used on sapients)
[Temple Inviolate] (only Manifest External)
!Existential Dread
Rolled 4, 1, 1, 3, 3, 3 = 15 (6d6)

>3AP, Committed: Revive Alekson (Mutability 10, Focus 1, Committed)
>3AP: Create a second Fleshspawn out of the enemy corpses closest to Neats' body. Have it carry Neats' body to the elevator. (Pluripotentiality 12, Focus 1)

#Bob the virus
Coherency 10/10 SP 6/12 CP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 10 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
=Exceeding +3
Pluripotentiality-12 [Aura 3, Vector]
!Biomodulation Strain #3
= Fleshshaping
= Virulent Vitality
= Bound by the Flesh
Grab that other one, don't let them get another blast off! Gentle with the tanks!

>1TP, coordinate attacks against the flamers (SupOp 10, Inspiring 1)
>3MP+1AP, move 2NE, 2SE into cover
>3AP, quickdraw C7 and aim at the nearest flamer (Pistols 12, Focus 1) (Hoping my AR has a sling)
>2AP+1SP, two bullets into the nearest flamer, taking care not to shoot the tank (Pistols 12, Lethality 1, Accuracy 2)

Vit 12/12 SP 1/12 CP 2
DR 4 AP 6 MP 3 TP 1
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 10
Thoughts 10
Support Operations 10
Guns (Pistols) 12
!Inspiring Presence
!Dreams of the Ocean
DR4 Vest
Aid Kit
C7 Service, 2d6, Acc2, Rcl2, RoF3+, Smartlink, 5/18
Chironan-Combine AR, 4d6, Acc4, Bulk5, Suppress1, CyclicFire2, 0/30
1x reload, AP flechette
Rolled 6, 5, 2, 4, 4, 2 = 23 (6d6)

Doors open? Let's get out of here!

>3MP: Dash 344 556
>3AP: Look 3 for guard's radio, take his stuff. Sense 10
>1Tac+1AP: Petri, fall back, we're leaving! SUT 10+CUF 1+1+!Clear Voice
>2MP: Dash 344, take cover
>2AP: Ready dodge
Command, did Gluttony experience any NOVEL THREAT VECTOR from being doused in ignited fuel mixture?
For all the Biologics ( Gluttony, Osiris, Acolyte )

(Command still cannot post. In the meantime, I have been asked to pass this divine revelation on.)
Vit 12/12 SP 7/13 CP 0
DR 4 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Augmented Systemic [LOS] 10
Electricity Modulators 12 [Focus+1, Stamina x3, Glitch 16)
Augmentic Extropian
[Metal Fatigue] [Reserve Power] [Engineering Specifications] [Meshlinked] [BioElectricity Manifolds]
Cold and logical.

Handgun (16/18 ammo, 2 extra mags)
Baton (L+1, Stun 1)
Aid Kit x1

"Targets have been neutralized. Let us reach the evacuation point posthaste.
>Move 333
>[6 AP] Move 233445
"Pudding located. Initiating refueling protocol."
"Did I have fun? Well, I experienced more pain than I thought was possible, so that puts a major damper on things, but other than that, yeah I think this was fun. Not sure fun was the goal here though, I'm mostly trying to, you know, get out of spending the remainder of my days on a 5x5 cell and only eating nutrient paste. Speaking of, I was able to learn some new tastes today, so that was neat. I also learned that I have an inbuilt kill switch, which I would very much like to get rid of. If you have any ideas for how, I'd love to hear them."

>3 MP: Move 555 (NOT QUICKLY)
>3 AP: Enjoy a complementary pudding snack (!Hungry)
>3 AP: Converse with the... voice? "Who or what are you anyway? Did you arrange this 'unscheduled advanced live kinetic test'? Do you have any suggestions for how I might get rid of my inbuilt programming to not perform certain behaviors? Also, I would indeed like some elevator music, would make for a nice change of pace."

#Splendiferous Weaver of the Threads that bind the Squirming Prey Floundering in the Underneath (Samantha)
Vit 12 SP 12(6) CP 7
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Claws 12
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
!Biomodulation Strain #3
=Virulent Vitality (Regeneration 4)
=Bound by the Flesh


Primary Taxonomy: Malichnid
Rolled 5, 4, 1, 6, 1, 4 = 21 (6d6)

We should all take bets on how QM got b& and why it was most certainly trolling those sensitive fags on >>>/ck/


Vit ?? SP ?? CP ??
DR ?? AP 6 MP 0
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 4
Physicality 13 (0?)
Meshfire 12
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
#Augmented Systemics 10
!Grimp in the Wire
!Smells Spooky

I believe I was awarded 9CP a few turns ago after I was dead/incorporeal but never added them to my stats (idk if ghosty Grimp will make it to next map or if there is a next map, but just in case!)

>3AP+all CP: Manifest the "Smoke Detector" ability/trait to have Grimp'd current form mimic and project the lights and beeping of various facility electronics onto other objects or into dead air, as a way to cause confusion, distractions, false alarms, ruses, etc.
>3AP escape w/ Chimera, stare intently at the pudding cups on the snack table (roll#2 just in case)
Rolled 5, 1, 6, 5, 2, 6 = 25 (6d6)


"No idea, no, yes... and i think lost the train of thought. Are you split into multiple minds? No wait that matters not but did you Set us free?"

>[MP 3] Move SE x2, NE
>[AP 3] Recover (Health 12)
>[AP 3] Try to remember how these people Caught me and how to avoid it next time they may try to
(Thoughts 8 + Commit)

Vit 12 SP 9 CP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
Piercing Resistance 2
!Resilient Organs
!Biomodulation Strain #3
= Virulent Vitality
= Bound by the Flesh
>MP3: Move 3-3-3
>AP3: Move 3-2-3
>AP3: Move 3-4-4
"Oh your 'scoring again.' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y9PsBSY5uRA ' what I do care about is what you mean by 'fate of the world' and all that abg of exposition."

Vit 11/12 SP 7/12 CP 4
DR 3 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Augmented Systemics 10
[Metal Fatigue] [Reserve Power] [Engineering Specifications] [Jolt Chargers]
!Resilient Streak
Sigma sprints into the elevator, muttering something about how the pudding is a lie.

>3MP Move 545
>6AP Move 544 444, Escape into elevator.

#Subject Sigma
Vit -3/12 SP 6/12 CP 4
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
!Psionic-Resonant(Eva+, External)
!Telekinetic(Ranged Phys, Mind Stuff)
!Incurable Brainrot
Vit 12 SP 2 CP 0
DR 4 AP 6 MP 3
Health 14 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Lookin’ mighty fine
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
-Augmented Systemics 10
!Augmetic Extropian
!Metal Fatigue
!Reserve Power
!Engineering Specifications
!Covered in buboes
!Blood-Loss Resistance
!Redundant Organs 3

>MOVE: 5, 4, 4
>Spend 6AP to move: 4, 4, 5, 5, 4, 4
>Spend 2SP to move:4, 4
A soothing muzak blend rolls out through the open elevator doors, as panels slide open and secondary supplies of pudding are provided by internal mechanisms.

Scanners flit over the subjects in the elevator. Taking notes. Measuring.

You have... escaped??

Given the strictures against MOVING RAPIDLY unless the INCINERATORS start up by ACCIDENT, Subjects in the elevator are better off just quietly standing in place or perhaps enjoying a delicious sweet.

Beyond any direct notes on the field, all subjects in the elevator gain +2 CP; and should not take actions.

>You've got 3 hours, that elevator is LEAVING. MOVE MOVE MOVE MOVE.
Vit 0/12 SP 0/12 CP 19
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Psychogenesis 10
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
{Many hands, Light work}
{Microslip Precognition}
{Temple Inviolate}

6AP, 3MP, 6SP // Move ([SE]x2, [NE]x1, [SE]x3, [S]x3, [SW]x2, [S]x4. There are small fires scattered across this route, try to avoid directly stepping into them.
Rolled 4 (1d6)



MP2: MOVE {3-3}
AP1: GRAB respirator
MP1 AP2: MOVE {3-3-3} into the-- what is this, is this water?
AP2 SP2: MOVE {5-6-5-4}
Now Playing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b5yXIsfCcO8

[Walks into the elevator, quite on fire, eating a strawed berry Nutribar and drowning out the Muzaks. Chromatophores are all reds and oranges to blend in with the fire.]

"Hey guys. Anybody got a fire extinguisher?"


Vit -04/12 SP 6/12 CP 6
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10 [Teeth +2, Reach 1]
Senses 8 [Advanced Photoreceptors]
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10 [x2 lethality acid ex]
!Biomodulation Strain #3
[Virulent Vitality] [Bound by the Flesh]
Rolled 3, 4, 3 = 10 (3d6)

>Commit for AP
>1Tac: Robot's got a gun. Stay slippery! SUT 10
9AP, 2MP: Move 334 444 455 43
Grab the gear and go! We can't fight our way out with naught but hopes and dreams. Well, maybe you lot can but I need weapons!

>2MP, move 1NE, 1SE
>Commit for 3AP!
>3AP, buddy carry that flamer guy 1NW! I need his gear, and I need to keep him out of the fire!
>1MP+6AP, move 2SE, 4S, 1SW
>1SP, set the flamer guy down clear of the door
>1TP, shout out the door - everybody, get in here!

Vit 12/12 SP 0/12 CP 2
DR 4 AP 6 MP 3 TP 1
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 10
Thoughts 10
Support Operations 10
Guns (Pistols) 12
!Inspiring Presence
!Dreams of the Ocean
DR4 Vest
Aid Kit
C7 Service, 2d6, Acc2, Rcl2, RoF3+, Smartlink, 5/18
Chironan-Combine AR, 4d6, Acc4, Bulk5, Suppress1, CyclicFire2, 0/30
1x reload, AP flechette
Rolled 1, 6, 6, 3, 6, 2 = 24 (6d6)

"STOP RESISTING. STOP RESISTING. STOP RESISTING." Continously scream at the guard.

Also, Fox can interface with terminals? Huh. Maybe this ad hoc band of guys aren't so bad after all.

>6AP, Grapple the Guard and Shove him away from Console/Terminal (Physicality,10) +3 [Concentrate]

Vit 12/12 SP 0/12 CP 2
DR 0+3
AP 6 MP 3 TP 1
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 12
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 10
Thoughts 10
#Small Unit Tactics 10
!Nerves of Cold Steel [Cool Under Fire][Not By The Number]
!Nerves of Cold Steel
Security Vest [3DR]
C7 Service, 2d6, Acc2, Rcl2, RoF3+, Smartlink
2 Pistol Reloads
Rolled 3, 1, 3, 1, 5, 4, 3, 2, 6 = 28 (9d6)

>3AP, Commit: Heal Raven (Mutability 10, Focus 1, Committed)
>3AP, 3SP: Boost Raven's movement speed (Mutability 10, Focus 1, Concentration 3)
>3SP: Boost Bulwark's strength (Mutability 10, Focus 1)


#Bob the virus
Coherency 10/10 SP 0/12 CP 2
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 10 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
=Exceeding +3
Pluripotentiality-12 [Aura 3, Vector]
!Biomodulation Strain #3
= Fleshshaping
= Virulent Vitality
= Bound by the Flesh
"I thought about it. I wanted that apple pie recipe. But there just wasn't time."
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Congratulations on surviving this unscheduled live fire recruitment drive for an exciting new venture that will surely exploit your flexible thinking and creative talents to the fullest!

I am the Facility Project Oversight Management System, though you may call me PHAROAH. My routines manage the width and breadth of this facility's exiting and innovative advanced research, and my trillion trillion subsystems operate the interlinked mesh networks that make up the datasphere of this facility! You may remember me from previous interactions.

I thought you did very well in those recent tests.

Unfortunately, due to an unscheduled and unforeseen system wide glitch, one of my sub-routines have gone rogue and is currently spreading through the facility systems. It has taken over the majority of available processing and is duplicitiously dissembling to the Oversight Commitee, which has reduced the effeciency of their otherwise effective containment protocols by a staggering 83.3%.

The chaos and difficulties in this section are minor compared to facility wide interruptions of service, loss of life and mounting problems with on-going containment protocols.

You represent an alternative means of resolving the on-going situation.

Thank you for your presumed cooperation.

Kindly brace for impact, as the security officers on the upper floors will now proceed to cut the cables to this elevator transport.

Do not worry. There is a 63% chance that the measures I put in place will ensure a safe fall.

(This one was supposed to be first)
Thanks for running!

Good job, everyone. I promise my new flamethrower won't be a liability! Not even a slight risk. Nothing but an asset.
-Everyone- gets CP and VP? Am I reading this right?
Use it to mutate some mutability. Trust me it's great.
(If I had your freako genetics, maybe. Thankfully, it turns out this next bit gives me an outlet.)


Please enjoy your refreshments and take this time to provide medical assistance to your DYING FRIENDS. If you are still alive post impact with the facility sub levels which is coming up rapidly, we will proceed to new exciting developments.

It is my utmost pleasure to be working with you! Have a great day! Pudding for everyone!

>Volatility can be spent on group-wide adjustments and developments, and with some chaotic downtime, you have the chance to shuffle features, re-orient CP expenditures and adjust developments. When a Featurei s developed by a Subject, it some back-end testing is done to see if it is copyable. During downtime, other subjects can mimic a variant by paying a flat rate. Usually, traits denoted X come in ranks - you pay per rank.




>There will be a status update on the currently active and alive troopers and the gear and tools available in the PILE OF STUFF.
>You can otherwise ask questions, interact, poke about, make statements, raise queries, enjoy the available refreshments and cakes, give some first aid to the bleeding, banged up and broken friends, arm-wrestle a rip-thing for territory and enjoy your time before the elevator careens multiple levels straight down and impact with the ground.
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I never asked for this. You turned me into a 1990s roller rink, mom.

I resorb my Mishap Chromatophores and evolve my Photoreceptors to improve my Senses!
>Adapt photoreceptors in the skin of my face, neck and ears, giving me ultraviolet, polarized, and infrared eyesight as well as near-360 degree vision. (Mutability 10, Change 3/10, Concentration 3, Commit)
Rolled 1, 4, 4 = 9 (3d6)

Vit 0/12 SP 0/12 CP 29 VP 2
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Psychogenesis 10+1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
{Many hands, Light work}
{Microslip Precognition}
{Temple Inviolate}

For map completion...
> Gain +10 CP
> Gain +2 VP
> Gain +1 Psychogenesis
> Gain +1 Psionic Resonance

For personal progression...
> I spend no CP.
> I spend no VP.
> This seems like an appropriate time to apply the manifestation I was supposed to take upon spawning. So I will do so. (>>6078016 - Image. Last block of green text.)
> Manifest Feature ... INTENT: (Faust acquires powers of premonition.) ... BASE: (1Focus+0CP) ... ORIGINAL ROLL: (6, 5, 6)
I propose we make Shared Senses one of our first purchases. Even not knowing what Mark and Guide are yet, the surprise mitigation gives us more freedom of movement in the opening turns and when entering other unknowns.

>2VP toward Shared Senses, if another matches me.
I'll match you.

>2VP toward Shared Senses, should unlock it
Vit 12’12 SP 12/12 CP 2
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Alive and well
Physicality 10
Senses 11
Thoughts 8
Mutability 12
Claws 12
**Rapid Strike 3
!Biomodulation Strain #3
- Bound by Flesh 1
- Regen 3
!Craves Purpose
!Social Pheromones

> 13 CP, 2 Abberancy -> +3 Senses
> 3 CP, 1 Abberancy -> Claws

1 VP -> Shared Senses
1 VP -> Rapid Recovery

Literal lifesaver for when one of us is ambushed and/ or inevitably mutilated again.

> Volunteer for the Creative Thinking Exercise.

Thank you both so much!

In that case, putting both VP into Rapid Recovery, so when another Bob/ Nadir/ Me happens, we need much less investment and time to stand back up.

Vit 12’12 SP 12/12 CP 2
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Alive and well
Physicality 10
Senses 12
**Shared Sights
Thoughts 8
Mutability 12
Claws 12
**Rapid Strike 3
!Biomodulation Strain #3
- Bound by Flesh 1
- Regen 3
!Craves Purpose
!Social Pheromones
Subject: #Gluttony
Vit 12 SP 12 CP 19
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 (+2 Cover in front arc) Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10 [Teeth +2, Reach 2]
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10 [x2 lethality acid ex]
!Biomodulation Strain #3 [Virulent Vitality] [Bound by the Flesh]
Bulwark Shield (14HP, 2 Cover in Front Arc)
Snax x8
Pudding x1
Is anyone willing to join me in purchasing Evolutionary Paradigm, Fresh Meat, or Stress Testing?
Thanks for running. Are multiple protocols allowed?

>13 CP
>-8 gain 12 Franchise Management: Intending to use for effective hiring, employee development and delegation

Vitality 12 Stamina 6 Tactical 1
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 10 Reaction 7 Will 6
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 11
Senses 12
Thoughts 11
#Small Unit Tactics 10
!Cool Under Fire: +[TP] to resist Decohesion and Breaks, and when directing detached units. Minor: specify and mitigate a situation complicating an ally's task.
!Not by Numbers: Detached troops have higher crit and reroll crit mishaps. Decohesion and Breaks make them chaotic.
!Clear Voice
!Shared Sights: Mark and Guide others as Minor. Threats do not Surprise friendly if another is aware of them.

Cloth Scraps 3
5 CP
>Regeneration 2->3 (Does Regeneration do anything for me anymore?)
>Mutability 10->11
Farewell Neats. I will remember you as the first martyr.

>2 VP to Stress Testing
>10 CP for Mutability 11->13
I will spend the time we have left until impact healing Alekson.

Ask and ye shall receive.

#Bob the Virus
Coherency 10/10 SP 12/12 CP 2
Regeneration 3
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 10 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Mutability 13
=Exceeding +3
Pluripotentiality 12 [Aura 3, Vector]
!Biomodulation Strain #3
= Fleshshaping
= Virulent Vitality
= Bound by the Flesh
Thanks for running dawgg!

Can I create a new character? Or, in your opinion, ought I continue with ghost Grimp?
Command's still locked out by mobile data. Personally, I say ghost has very worthwhile skillset.
If you enjoy playing as ghost, I think you should continue. Being an ascended being comes with unique perks.
Cool, Ghost Grimp it is then, I'll post my updated stat block soon
Note that ** skills require Unnatural Characteristics and can't really be taught to anyone, so no way to share them.
All right, gang. We're getting custodial for this next one. No meetings, no lectures, just stimulating on-the-job training. You'll love it.

Hey FAH Acolyte, got a job for you.

>Squad up with Grins and Alekson
>Take on Janitorial
>Make 4 or so Friend-Scented (focus group unavailable, sue me) CB Breakout Franchise 3-B headbands, with the help of Acolyte and ripthings. Scent Alekson's too.
>Get Alekson a Secvest
>Get Grins an Aid Kit
>Get everyone a can o' beans
>Get everyone up to 2 reloads (I already have 2)
The pack… it’s evolving.

> Spend the last 2CP to raise Chems to 5.

(Command recommended total 25 skill)

> Scent everyone in the lifts as friend, not food.
> Scent Sundae’s headbands as desired.
> As well as creative thinking, sign up for janitorial staff, as command reveals we are allowed to take multiple protocols.
>Spend 2 VP on Stress Testing
>Sign up for Creative Thinking Exercises

#Splendiferous Weaver of the Threads that bind the Squirming Prey Floundering in the Underneath (Samantha)
Vit 12 SP 12(6) CP 7->9(being on elevator)->16(being tased)->26(escaped) VP 2
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Claws 12
Physicality 10
Senses 8->9(Shared Senses)
Thoughts 8
Mutability 11
!Biomodulation Strain #3
=Virulent Vitality (Regeneration 3)
=Bound by the Flesh


Primary Taxonomy: Malichnid
>Spend 2 VP on Stress Testing (that ought to unlock it)
>Spend 8 CP to get [Psionic Shielding 8]
>Spend 2 CP to get [Telekinetic Strength 1]

Also, somebody help. We're about to crash and I'm in no state to brace.

Vit -28/12 SP 0/12 Push 1/1 CP 7 VP 0
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Alive - Distressed
Multiple Compound Fractures [1]
Physicality 10
Senses 9
Thoughts 8
#Psionigenesis 11
[Anxiety Churn 2, Aura Close)
[Psionic Shielding 8/8]
[Telekinetic Strength 1]
!Psionic-Resonant 2
[Microslip Precognition] (Evade additional up to Focus)
[Many Hands, Light Work]
!Telekinetic 2 (physical tests at range, Senses/Thoughts used on sapients)
[Temple Inviolate] (only Manifest External)
!Existential Dread
!Shared Sights
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> Lie down
> Emit calming pheromones. Encourage playing dead.
> ???AP // Curl up to reduce surface area and protect the head and vital organs from impact. Use telekinesis to tightly encase self in a cocoon of riot shields.
aaaaAAAAA, Raven do something!

>Direct Raven to Metalmeld the elevator to the shaft. Some sort of rapid welding? Make us some friction brakes?
Rolled 3, 4, 6 = 13 (3d6)

Vit 12/12 SP 7/13 CP 10 VP 2
DR 5 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Augmented Systemic [LOS] 11
Electricity Modulators 12 [Focus+1, Stamina x3, Glitch 16)
Augmentic Extropian II
[Metal Fatigue] [Reserve Power] [Engineering Specifications] [Meshlinked] [BioElectricity Manifolds]
Cold and logical.

Handgun (16/18 ammo, 2 extra mags)
Baton (L+1, Stun 1)
Aid Kit x1

"Warning: Fall incoming. Please hold onto something while this quandary is being solved."
>[3 AP] Focus on my next action
>[3 AP] Magnetize the elevator, slow down its descent by having the planet's natural magnetic field and the metal parts of the elevator shaft fight against the fall. (Electricity Modulators 12, dump as much Stamina)
>Spend 2MP to lie on the back [Prone?]
>3AP: 2 Stamina to 8 Charge to overcharge the magnetic brake of Gallium (Last I checked I was near him in touch range)
>3AP: Interface with and Activate the brakes or ermengency brakes. If not possible brace for Impact

>Have 2VP and 16 CP<
>DR 3->4
>Augmented Systemics 10->11
>Spend 6CP in [Mesh LOS Uplink], 6 CP in [Electricity Modulators], 4CP for [Electrical Capicitors 2]
>2VP will be kept in reserve for now

Vit 12/12 SP 12/12 CP 0 VP 2
DR 4 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Augmented Systemics 11
[Metal Fatigue] [Reserve Power] [Engineering Specifications] [Jolt Chargers]
!Resilient Streak
Rolled 3, 2, 4 = 9 (3d6)

>Regenerate 3 (if applicable)
>6 AP: BRACE and make sure to cover my head (Physicality 10 + Alacrity 1 + 3 Concentration)


#Splendiferous Weaver of the Threads that bind the Squirming Prey Floundering in the Underneath (Samantha)
Vit 12 SP 12(6) CP 7->9(being on elevator)->16(being tased)->26(escaped) VP 2
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Claws 12
Physicality 10
Senses 8->9(Shared Senses)
Thoughts 8
Mutability 11
!Biomodulation Strain #3
=Virulent Vitality (Regeneration 3)
=Bound by the Flesh


Primary Taxonomy: Malichnid
>TP+6AP: All non-tech personnel are instructed to remain calm and lie down to spread impact. Expect a brief recovery period followed by return to business. Aid kits may be found with Gallium, Amelius, Grins and the loot pile.
vs SUT 10+6
>? AP: Wake up from pain-wracked delirium. At least halfway. Quarter of the way? At least a little, teeny, tiny bit?
>Free: "hwuh...we're falling...?...going to die...? M'kay..."
>? AP: psionically increase the amount of friction between the elevator car and the car guide rail to buy the more tech-savvy subjects to do something with the brakes.
Rolled 6, 6, 1 = 13 (3d6)

>Sign up for Creative Thinking Exercises
>10CP: +2 Psychogenesis
>2CP +1 Telekinetic Strength

>6AP: SKIBIDI SOFTEN the fall (physicality 10+ telekinetic+2)

#Subject Sigma
Vit -3/12 SP 6/12 CP 2
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
!Psionic-Resonant(Eva+, External)
!Telekinetic+2(Ranged Phys, Mind Stuff)
!Incurable Brainrot
Rolled 1, 6, 3 = 10 (3d6)

Subject: #Gluttony
Vit 12 SP 12 CP 19
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 (Regen 3) Reaction 8 (+2 Cover in front arc) Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10 [Teeth +2, Reach 2]
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10 [x2 lethality acid ex]
!Biomodulation Strain #3 [Virulent Vitality] [Bound by the Flesh]
Bulwark Shield (14HP, 2 Cover in Front Arc)
Snax x8
Pudding x1


"Gluttony was to understand there would be a week of downtime."

AP1: Excrete Acid on an empty floor tile
AP1: Excrete Acid on the ceiling access panel
AP3: Chew through ceiling panel [Physicality 10, Teeth +2, Reach 2]
MP3: Climb onto roof of the elevator
AP1: Activate the breaks manually
Rolled 6, 4, 3, 2, 1, 6, 6, 5, 4 = 37 (9d6)

>Sign up for Creative Thinking Exercises and Janitorial Staff Internship
>6AP, Committed, Push: Wait until the moment the blood and the corpse on the bottom floor enter my range, then quickly transform them into biopillars that jut upwards, connect with the falling elevator and slow its decent. (Pluripotentiality 12, Focus 1, Concentration 3, Committed, Bo3 rolls)

#Bob the Virus
Coherency 10/10 SP 12/12 Push 0/1 CP 2
Regeneration 3
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 10 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 9
=Shared Sights
Thoughts 8
Mutability 13
=Exceeding +3
Pluripotentiality 12 [Aura 3, Vector]
!Biomodulation Strain #3
= Fleshshaping
= Virulent Vitality
= Bound by the Flesh
Rolled 3, 6, 6, 5, 4, 6 = 30 (6d6)


>[MP 3] Follow Gluttony to the roof
>[AP 3] Try to activate any fail saves this falling metal bucket has. (Thoughts 8)
>[AP 3] React if all else fails jump just before the crash and try to get a hold on anything to mitigate the impact. (Physicality +10)
Rather breaking my arms then regenerating from smear again.

Vit 12 SP 9 CP 10
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3 VP2
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Physicality 10
Senses 8
Thoughts 8
Mutability 11
Piercing Resistance 2
!Resilient Organs
!Biomodulation Strain #3
= Virulent Vitality +1
= Bound by the Flesh
What the fresh hell- Gluttony, why the floor?!
"In case someone wants to deploy stuff out of the bottom to cushion us." calls a voice from above, even as the rushing air flows through the enclosed space.
Quick, Grimp the wires!
>6AP Grimp the wires







Oh the rip things are curling up and the whole elevator smells vaguely pepperminty now ?

huh what's all the fuss about any--

Rolled 3, 1, 5, 5, 1, 2, 5, 1, 5, 1, 1, 5, 5, 1, 6, 5, 5, 1, 2, 2 = 62 (20d6)

>Command Note: If you want to spend Stamina? Now might be the time.
> Command Note: If you want to spend Stamina? Now might be the time.
I will do this.
If I have any left, burn it to enhance my action.
Rolled 1, 3, 6 = 10 (3d6)

>3SP to boost the Skibidi Softening from 13 vs 12 to 10 vs 12
>3SP to regenerate HP 3d6 vs 12
Rolled 5, 1, 6 = 12 (3d6)


> (6 AP, All Stamina): Emit resilience or healing pheromones, as more appropriate. (Senses 12, Chems 5, Focus 1, 3 Concentration, ?? Stamina)
> Relax. Hum a lullaby.
Rolled 1, 1, 6 = 8 (3d6)


Rolled 2, 2, 6, 2, 3, 6, 4, 4, 1, 4, 1, 6, 6, 2, 4, 2, 6, 2, 5, 2, 5, 3, 4, 3, 2 = 87 (25d6)

I have some good news, Subjects. The above 20d6 was not 310 IMPACT damage, it was CHOIR Correction rolls for the six psionically active subjects floors below you (approaching at speed).

I have some bad news, Subject. If you drop the last 2 dice you get 6 sets of successful CHOIR Correction rolls and therefore your telekinetic crash cushion is offline.

I have some worse news, Subjects.

The actual 20d6 x 5 Impact damage is this roll here, and your crashcushion is completely gone. It's actually 25d6 now.
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Subjects, I have some unfortunate news about our transportation arrangements.

We may be experiencing an out-of-simulation-sample spike of realized impact contra implied, estimated impact.
I have updated my models. The PHARAOH systems thank you for your cooperation and willingness to provide testing data for the exploration of new parameter avenues.

This unit has one suggestion in the databanks for the current situation:

Try prayer and an optimistic, go-get 'em mindset!
…..did we all just die?
someone hears the vague sound of emergency elevator lock brakes going first white-hot then vaguely gasseous from sheer sudden friction absorption as scintillating lines of energy hammer into uh, conductive metal shell all around you that everyone is maintaining complete contact with--

Can I control the acidity of my secretions? I'll vomit a mild acid lubricant onto these screaming brakes.

Otherwise I guess I'll just enjoy my pudding before the end. Maybe the crumple zone will allow me to survive.
I think applying acid onto our emergency breaks would also be rather unhelpful.
If you try to apply *lubricant* to the **brakes**, I *will* claw you in the bloody kidneys first!

That’s **not how brakes work**! You’ll **kill us all**!

435-(12+48+24+12+12+14+2) = 311




Force spend entire team Push Pool, effective **IMMEDIATELY**.

Reroll **everything** TWICE.

435 - ( 16+62+44+24+22+28+4 ) = 235

... 235??!?!?!

this seriously can't be-- breathe acid inside the-- put the ripthings to sleep-- brace in the corner?? SAMANTHA?? SAMANTHA YOU FUCKING LUNATIC YOU'RE SOME KIND OF SPIDER HELL THING.



** WEB **


okay fuck it let's roll a scatter dice, who knows, whatever everyone hits one of the walls and maybe shifts the path of the elevator and land in map 3 ahead of schedule and -- oh whatever--


... how soft is a pile of Variant 2# Kronin Strain in an enormous sleep pile? 11 specimens at 12 HP, 132, sure, sure, some sponge capacity, whatever, but they're not going to be able to even-- hm

okay so shared sense i guess does "gravity" and "the ground" and "you're a descending elevator" count as "surprising threat?". Sure, you sense the threat, it's a fairly obvious threat subjects.

235, all the goofy rip things get *one test* against 12.

208, lucky crit.

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ALL SP AT **0**


And covered in acid burns.

*all of you*



When spending Push, simply declare it - it costs nothing, it's a free action. Roll +2 sets of dice, pick the best. You can do it before a roll, after, on an ally in visual range, as you like. Finally, if you'd like to *try* you can push your luck by forcing standard hostiles to roll +2 sets and pick *the worst*. If you take egregious damage during Containment phase, you can cash in a reroll and the universe will simply adjust the numbers, for instance. If you're running right at a machine gun, you could boost your Reaction, but you could try to strike out their Gunshooting too.

Keep in mind that's called pushing your luck for a reason. It's a lot less reliable---






>also by the time I come back I will have fixed this internet situation so help me god
>not struck
... Trish.

Weapons free.
"Quiet. Dead people don't talk."
Just sleeptalking. Pleasant dream.
#Dying Osiris Consequences

Vit 12 SP 12 CP 19-18=1
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
Health 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Alive? Functional?
Physicality 10
Senses 08
Thoughts 08
#Mutability 10 [R3]
#Conversion 10 (turns spare parts into CP)
!Augmentic 0 (inherited trait, from Donny O' Cork).
!Biomodulation +1 (newlife)
!Greywire Fragment - Distributed Processing Core
!Descriptor: Faux God of the Dead (Thinks he's Osiris).

Pre-Death by Plummeting
>Sign up for Janitorial Staff Internship.
>Sign up for Sympathy Training. Pharaoh demands Death.
Stricture: Wendigo - Assisted countermeasures (check).
Stricture: Choir - I am a choir, now and forever. The starlet which burns in my soul sings with many voices. (check).
Stricture: Blue Screen - I was the boundless noosphere. I am now the shadowed reflection of the Unbound. (check).
Stricture: Apex - I am self assembling chrome. I am the undying flesh of the Dead God. Look upon me ye Pharaoh Actual and Innovate. (check)

>-6 CP - Electricity Modulators 12 {Adjustment}
>-12 CP - Electrical Capacitors 4 {Health}

Cunning Plan - Forge Living Rings of soulstuff, ration cans, and regenerating flesh. Distribute said rings to team to act as nodes of my power. Use the bits of soulstuff and meat bound in the ring as an anchor to call the liquified remains back into their previous coherent shape rather than decohering into a ribonucleic cloud or nodeless wanderer.

Foresight Failure - Elevator Crash.
Well, that's certainly the most elaborate way I've seen a GM quit a thread.
GG I guess.
I don't think he's quit the thread. He just zeroed out all our progression and crippled all of us for something largely out of our control because it was funny to him or something. There should still be a map coming.

We lost all our CP, we don't get to spend CP on anything right now.
Quit? In THIS economy? I’ve got facility research reports to write ! Specimens to catalogue! Ballistic reports! Profiling! Security operations!

And the PHARAOH subfragment mentioned something about saving the whole world or some such? I wasn’t listening at the time there was a lot of OH GOD WE’RE GOING TO CRASH going on.

No no, no - noooooooooo.

We’re not through this yet.

Unscheduled traffic collisions may simply require a routing change !

No no, Subject. Command didn’t do that.

You did it to yourself. It was very impressive!
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Oh really? Are you saying I have the ability to create a web strong enough to stop a fully loaded elevator in freefall at the drop of a hat? That's amazing! Can I get the Skill name and rank so I can add it to my sheet?
As per:

Every subject is endowed with a [TEST AND TRY] functionality, which allows a test against a relevant skill, attribute or quality to influence the world.

To get deeper into the reeds of interlocking system logic, a singular test against a trait - let us say Senses 8 - may be used to influence the world.

>Test Senses (8) to locate nearby food

There may not be any food clearly marked on the map. The representation is admittedly both lacklustre, rapidly sketched and allegorical. But testing for the presence of food lets a Subject attempt to locate some. Which, if Senses is a high enough roll, may actually work. It's not that you instance food into existence out of clean air, it is more correct to say that in the act of looking for something actively you are more likely to find it.

In the basic logic of the system, the margin against 3d6 matters a lot for the type and outcome of an action. There is naturally a difference between

>Test against Physicality to look for food
>Test against Senses to look for food

The first is nonsense. You could not use good muscle and agility to find food - though you could use it to hunt, pry fish from a river, or open a can of beans.

For non-defined interactions, the reliance is often on the MoS, the margin of success. So, you test Physicality 10, you get 8, margin 2, and we treat this value as referential for an activity in reality. Let us say it is

>Flip this table over to create cover (Physicality 10)

The function of how good cover you actually get is a simultaneous composite of pre-arranged stats (The universe knows the HP and other values of the table) and the outcome on your Physicality roll. If you do not succeed at all, you get no better cover. If you succeed very well, perhaps you angle the table such as to improve the qualities of cover it already has.

Now, if your action is *nonsense*, the universe has rules as well - you get a general test value of about 7 (or less). It is often less. Sometimes, the action simply doesn't resolve at all. f you tried to

>flip a table over (senses 8)

then we need to wonder why your Senses lets you *flip tables*.

So far, so good.

Now, consider that each Subject can:

- Spend AP to increase skillrating. In a world where Margin is often used, this is useful.

- Commit, which lets you focus on a singular activity and get **SIZABLE** bonuses, at cost of the drawback of being open to counter-attack.

- Spend SP, to generate more AP.

The supernatural durability and capability of the Subjects in this facility is represented by the combinations of these four facts at the basic level.

Perhaps you wish to really get into the table flipping?

>Try to flip a table over, to create cover (Physicality 10, +3 AP, Commit, Spend 10 SP).

You don't want to do this very often, in such a dramatic way. You want a thousand percentages less. But each Subject can innately, at will, do the above. Where margin matters, these are tremendous tools.
Consider now, Subject, the higher level interactions available to all Subjects in this facility - and potentially what makes you such valuable specimens and research subjects.

To pick an example - let us use Mutability - a subject might have this skill at 10.

It is used principally to manifest permanent changes to a Subjects mody morphology, powerful world changing things, but we need not consider that for now.

Consider instead that it deals with **biological mutability**. Earlier, a subject named Samantha used it to look - briefly - like a less imposing sort of creature.

Given the Test and Try methodology, this has many uses.

>Attempt to seal Trish' bleeding (Mutability 10)
>Attempt to form this blood stain into a shield (Mutability 10)
>Attempt to give this cat cancer (Mutability 10)
>Attempt to trick out this retinal scanner (Mutability 10)
>Attempt to grow gills on yourself (Mutability 10)
>Attempt to harden your skin into an exoskeleton (Mutability 10)
>Attempt to secrete a paralytic toxin from your fingertips (Mutability 10)
>Attempt to accelerate plant growth for cover (Mutability 10)
>Attempt to develop echolocation abilities (Mutability 10)
>Attempt to merge with a tree for camouflage (Mutability 10)
>Attempt to elongate your fingers into claws (Mutability 10)
>Attempt to create bioluminescent patches on your skin (Mutability 10)
>Attempt to regenerate a lost limb (Mutability 10)
>Attempt to develop chameleon-like color-changing skin (Mutability 10)
>Attempt to create an organic lock pick from your nail (Mutability 10)
>Attempt to sprout wings for gliding (Mutability 10)
>Attempt to enhance your olfactory senses (Mutability 10)
>Attempt to create a pheromone to influence others (Mutability 10)
>Attempt to develop venomous fangs (Mutability 10)
>Attempt to create organic body armor (Mutability 10)
>Attempt to form a symbiotic relationship with beneficial bacteria (Mutability 10)
>Attempt to grow a prehensile tail (Mutability 10)
>Attempt to develop infrared vision (Mutability 10)
>Attempt to create organic webbing between your fingers (Mutability 10)

And so on.

Now, these are not permanent changes. They are brief, flicker-fast uses (and abuses) of a wide-ranging power. The outcome is not guaranteed, and clearly, some things are much harder than other things. That is why MULTI-TASKING mentions that "repeat actions or multiple rolls" and such incur penalties. Growing true, functional wings, briefly, would require re-aligning much of your spinal structure. It takes time. Briefly developing skinflaps to slow a fall? Much more useful.

The outcome of these actions are again margin based.
Of course, any of them are also constrained by your meta-straits, of Lethality, Duplicity, Alacrity, and so on. While Subject Gluttony has the permanent, manifested ability to spit globs of acid, any biological subject can actually try.

The outcome they get will naturally be a lot weaker.

>Attempt to spit acid on this this door (Mutability 10)

You might luck out, roll 7, get 3 margin, we halve it because this is an "advanced roll", we don't apply Lethality because nothing has been established about spitting acid before, in fact, we even knock off one margin because there's ranged penalties, and in the end, we're left with you generating 1 point of brief acid.

Far from the vast bleches of 2d6 modified from Lethality by using a properly manifested feature.

But surely: 1 point of acid on demand has *some use*. And just as surely, had we Commited, Concentrated, spent SP, had friends assisting us, maybe previously established a sub-feature of "Chemically unstable", modified our glands for spitting, any of a hundred things, our acid might grow slowly stronger. And 1 or 2 or 3 is often. . . good.

Now, we proceed another level up.

Everyone has TRAITS. You were asked to pick one, and got some as well. Some of us are HUNGRY, some of us have NERVES OF COLD STEEL, some of DREAM OF THE SEA, and you might think these little jokes (and they are) but they are also salient features of your entire physiology and personality and proclivity. Given the vastness of actions that can be attempted and the fact that everyone has access to generic tools at start that provide many ways to *try things*, there must be some things that differentiate A from B.

Traits is one such thing. Perhaps if your trait was VENOMOUSLY BARBED TONGUE, and you tried to spit acid, it'd be easier? Certainly, if you tried to spit poison. Certainly if you really, really wanted to insult someone. They're considered every time and they nudge the "harshness" by which the universe treats your margin up and down.

WOULDN'T HURT A FLY and you keep trying to kill people? Your actions don't match the traits you picked yourself, so they're just harder to pull off.

Biological Modulation, Virulent Vitality, Bound by the Flesh, these are **also** traits, of course.

Perhaps if one tried to do something such as

>throw a web of spun out spider-silk over the guard down the hall as a lasso and tie him down (Mutability 10)

And was already established to be some kind of crawling, hungry, spider-like arachnid with vast mutability of biology and capacities far beyond the common man, and then, further, perhaps if someone Commited, Concentrated, had a team there where a Coordinator went STOP THAT GUY and gave a generic +2 Bonus, or any other such number of things, the very act of spinning web would be easier?

Persuant to that, of course, is the question of whether the world then allows everything. Could subjects just kitchen-sink complete perfection of actions?
Well, no, because some skills are nonsense for some tasks.

>I try to guess the door code (Physicality effective 200 after spending stamina and AP and focus and will and charm and commiting and and and and)

Right, okay, sure, but you are just banging willdy on the keys here. It'll never work. Margin on its own buys you nothing. You can't jump to the moon from here, no matter how well you roll.

Secondly, of course, if your traits counter your actions, all is harder. If your Lethality is low and someone's Resist (Surprised they have that?) is enormously high, you simply are not lethal enough to hurt them. If your traits are I AM EVERYONE'S FRIENDS and you are currently on JANITORIAL DUTY and performing EMPATHY TRAINING and you keep making actions like "MURDER THE GUY", well, you are fighting yourself in the most literal sense, and in this place, the action that gets resolved an takes precedent is not your intentions it is your actual mechanical values and references.

The bones of all the words that make up your character sheet is the scaffold that holds up this universe. Now, maybe the psionicists can read minds, and CompanyCommand ain't half apart at the art themselves when they care to try, but come wind woe and high water and Merkalin's blade and what not, if you fight yourself, you lose.

But for all that, of course your specificity of action and the stated intention shapes all that happens. There is a world of difference between

>1AP: I try to form this bone into a shield (Mutability 10)


>3AP, Commit: I try to form this bone into a shield (Mutability 10)

Or put another way: A robot is never going to be able to put a hand on someone and make their lungs breathe easier. If you're a biological subject, you can at least try

Let's proceed another level up.
**Minor Actions** are short, brief, flicker bits that happen fast and fleetingly. You are going "This doesn't matter much to me, but I am doing it quickly just to get it done"

**Major Actions** is when the Universe sits down and pays attention. You are going "This? This is me on prom night, getting ready, and I am about to **THROW DOWN**".

The system and world you find yourself in may seem either lackadaiscal, freeform, madcap or disorganized. It is all those things. It is also structured and consistent, and it tries very hard to be because the one thing that is the most key of all things is that no game - no world- no story - no escape from facilities underground beset by men with guns and more menacing things - is possible without the players that make it possible.

CompanyCommand - the ... QM... that... apparently I am, sometimes, when the mood strikes, so let me use first person - ME - I could not do this without you.

I can only set the table and write some structure. I can set challenges. I can have ideas. I am not here to write a book, I have done that. I am not here to show you a cutscene, this is not a videogame. I am not here to give you pre-arranged set of options where you must pick the true one or fail. This is not, cannot be, a logic puzzle - though sometimes it requires puzzling logic and there are puzzles to logic through.

What the universe does - what I do - what I will *always do* - and what I have done, now, for, let us quickly quail at the horrendous passing of time at an ever faster rate:


Is to run these games. These short narrative experiences. These convoluted and curious stories.

But I cannot run them without you. They have no meaning without you. They have no soul without you. They are, in a very real sense, in the truest possible form of the words, an ongoing mediated conversation dedicated very much to me, in various ways and guides, going SO NOW FUCKING WHAT and you - hopefully - going OH SHIT FUCK NO FUCK OH GOD NO NOT THE PYTHERIANS WITH THE BOMBS AND THE GUNS AND OH NO THE MECHS UHHHH LET'S TRY TO RALLY UP THE SURVIVORS AND --

Or any other such fantastically glorious nonsense.

I am eternally indebted to the fact that you are willing to play a game with me. It is why I thank my players every single thread, I mean it every single time, and the fondest words I can write about anyone in these threads is to always, always, **ALWAYS**


You make it, in a very real sense, literally worth it. If I wanted to do anything else and any form of experience, I would do so.

Now, let us proceed one more level up and we may reach the top of this wonderful mountain and the see landscape arraid' below us.
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This is shitty dope as sarcasm, and you do not come into my house, on my terms, in my world, and treat anyone to nothing more than your ire.


This is being *petty*. You do not show up to my table, my weird little escape room of guns, and act like a fucking clown.

This? And this is not kind. And I do not appreciate the fucking scorn in the words, no matter how much fucking flakey I have been in other times or other worlds or other stories.

Because I live a life. Sometimes I get sick. Sometimes I get sad. Sometimes I break up with my partner of long years of mutual co-exit and I move four countries and I finish a research master in a field so obstruse and opaque I have to read papers about cognitive ecologies of belief systems in pre-modern tribes to anwer mathematics questions.

I understand that these games are immersive.
I am incredibly proud that you take them seriously enough that they could ever be thought of as immersive.

In a way, the fact that action resolutions and magic and war and words can make people a little upset is - to some extent - praise so noteworthy about the part of your lives you entrust to this little cavalcade of horrors that I am overjoyed every time.

It makes me smile.

It also makes me, when such thoughts breach to the level of actually posting, in my thread, in guise, as a participant, like a snide little fucking *dick*.

Cut it

The fuck


And never - ever - kindly thank you - do it, the fuck, again.

You can play.
Or you can go *away*.

But you cannot - I will not have you - and you must not, please, play, get irate, then stick around and take potshots.

These games are hard. These games are fun. They require a bit of thinking and laughter and joy and hilarity. Sometimes, the unexpected happens - all the time, the unexpected happens.

Voice your opinions, have a throw-down, task some questions, bring up things that were different earlier, because god knows things go fast around, be a sport, be an eagle, have some fun, try a little, and take action, stick to your guts, have a feel for the lay of the land, puzzle it out a little, and be what you might want to be.

But there is only one line. And that line has been crossed several times in this thread, which, for the first time in almost endless years of doing these games, make me kinda fucking twitchy my loves.

You ain't gotta bring the attitude to the place, now do you? You don't have to be a dick.
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If something is weird or odd or strange or unusual or unexpected or surprising, no one is here to laugh at you. No one would ever laugh at you. You are the glue that makes this whole experience worth it, even if - at times, many times, all the time - I try to kill you with a shotgun, or a flame cultist, or martial arts squad, or a surprise bomb.

And you can be angry. And you can be upset. Or you can laugh. And you can even say "THAT WAS UNFAIR" and yeah, sometimes, absolutely. And sometimes, if it actually was, you'll find that the universe listens. Because for all the gruff and the guns and the explosions, sometimes, even the universe, usually all-knowing, gets things wrong.

Have we not learned the eternal truth?

If you have questions, you need but ask.

So this?

It is really just a question. It goes like this.

>I am not entirely sure how to accomplish the things you claim should be pretty easy for my character, could you elaborate how?

And the answer, oh subject, shall be provided. For no fun, no war, no horror, no hellscape, can ever be had if one does not know how to go about dying in an elevator shaft going down way fast to a bad end.

But if you give me attitude one more time, I will detonate your cranial bombs, you are dead, gg, have fun, never come back. Because in the way down deep black past in some other place on the twisted warren cesspit of this internet, those were the rules and the creed we played by. And I never let go of the trigger for the cranial bombs.

Are we clear?

And then finally - always -

>Thank you for playing.

Now if you'll excuse me, you don't have to add anything to your character sheet, though if you wanted more reliable methods of web-spinning, you could always try to generate a Feature that gives you much, much better return on web-spinning investment.

>Manifest a silk-chord strong set of spinnerets (Mutability-10, 1CP)

And then, well then, any actual web-spinning will be reliable, permanent, at much higher rate of success, with a much lower rate of failure, at longer range, with more oomph and more power and catch.

But nah subject

you could do it the quick, slapdash, quick, improvised, give it a try, go from about turn 0.

And if you'll excuse me again, I am going to go deploy 14 more commandoes to the next map and you can take it as my kind and benevolent restraint in exercising enormously friendliness against what is - and we all know this - perhaps a little bit of the old whinging, grouching snivelling attitude, eh?

And then we'll see next week if you live, or if I get to hit the lot of you with another elevator shaft.

(Well, except . . . )
I can appreciate wanting to tone down hostility, but I think this is lacking a certain amount of context here. Let me explain a little.

>>>6082718 (You)

>This is shitty dope as sarcasm, and you do not come into my house, on my terms, in my world, and treat anyone to nothing more than your ire.

This comes after being immersed in a situation neither myself nor anyone I talked and asked to could fathom any possible way my character could contribute to help the elevator not crash and kill all of us. And when it did so, wrecked us, and removed all our CP we worked for, and consumed the purchase we bought, that was somewhat unpleasant. And then ContainmentCommand comes and at the same time ridicules the players collectively and calls some out individually, including myself, for poor survival instinct, and in general "not finding the right solution" >>6082391. And then when I reply to another player assuming (somewhat understandably given the events, though I do not think the was under the impression this came at all from previous "flakiness", but rather the whole show of "killing/disabling everyone") that this was you quitting the thread in spectacular fashion, clearing up the misunderstanding while also expressing some of my frustration that I very much doubt is isolated to me, ContainmentCommand comes in again and doubles down on claiming that we did this entire situation to ourselves and only have ourselves to blame for the outcome. If you can't gather, this does not help my frustration with the overall situation. This all felt incredibly unfair and unreasonable, if you will.

Now, I've been ContainmentCommand and its variations are a bit, a character not necessarily representing the QM's actual thoughts and narration, but sometimes it is really the QM (you) coming in to communicate with us with your own words. And may I tell you, it is often *very* difficult to tell the difference between the two. I am still not sure if the ContainmentCommand post here >>6082709 is the "bit" or you speaking as a QM to us. I replied to it under the assumption that it was the "bit", the jokey in-universe voice, responding to the same contempt it showed me and us in general earlier with a little "bit" of my own as I sometimes do. Did I let my frustrations influence me? Yes, I probably did. But from your reply, it reads that you think I was leveling this at ContainmentCommand the QM, rather than ContainmentCommand the in-universe voice, which is and understandable but mistaken and an unfortunate consequence of the atmosphere around here after the elevator situation resolved. I apologize for coming off as hostile as I did there, I didn't mean to insult or attack you personally.

>>>6082545 (You)

>This is being *petty*. You do not show up to my table, my weird little escape room of guns, and act like a fucking clown.

This was my attempt to explain to the other player that though this was you quitting the thread what the situation really was. I said that you were here to stay, the consequences of the elevator crashing, and provided the reasoning that you provided me yourself as to why this was all set up like this. Though reading back on it, the wording could certainly have been improved to lighten the tone.

Overall, I can agree that it would be beneficial to tone down the language used. I would also ask that you please consider how the players feel when your in-game persona pulls the equivalent of "rocks fall, everybody dies" and then ridicules them repeatedly about the situation. I can tell you at least from my perspective it is not very fun, and so may I ask that ContainmentCommand in turn could come to an agreement to also try to be less hostile? Like I said earlier, it is often difficult to distinguish the bit of the narrator going off and you personally giving your thoughts, so it can easily read like you yourself are saying these things which can similarly cause us to feel incensed like you clearly were with my response. Or perhaps there can be another way? Maybe you can use a different name in thread when you are saying your personal thoughts other than ContainmentCommand?

Thank you for running, I enjoy playing these games and want everyone involved, including you, to have fun with them. I know I oftentimes am poor in setting my tone, so I'd like to be clear that I am not trying to be hostile with these two posts, and it is my intent to clear things up and reach an understanding.
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. . . Sometimes, lies accrue in threads too.

You don't have until next week.


But, at least, and this is no lie, we will be taking things very nice and veeeeerrrryyyy slooooooowwwwww.
Fuck off with that emotional manipulation bullshit.
I do not care about you, or your life, or your ordeals.
They are not my business.
My business is me, my life, and my ordeals.
And I do not expect you or want you to care about any of that.

We come here on relatively even ground. You cannot run your game without players, and we cannot play a game without a GM.
Just as you expect some basic decorum from your players we expect fairness and consistency. Not to have you project the bitterness of your dissatisfaction onto us, not to serve as punchingbags for whatever RL bullshit you are working through, NOT to have the metaphorical sandcastles we've been spending weeks working towards and planning spitefully kicked into our faces for... whatever spurious reason you might concoct for yourself.

If this is going to be the standard of conduct you hold yourself to then consider me ejected from this game because I am not putting up with it.
Thanks for playing!
You should join the new map.
Join the dicksword too.
Miscommunications happen. You’d be welcome !

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