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Sweet Jazz City has a new thorn in its side, a thorn that is just one of hundreds of mild irritants that for the most part even the police doesn't take seriously. You, however, are different than all the rest. As different as everyone is from everyone else, but more so! Most of your fellow blasters are doing this to be part of something, to have an outlet for their teenage angst or to ride through a midlife crisis, or worst of all just here cause they thought the uniform was cool (which it totally is but that's a that's supposed to be a bonus!)

You're here because you don't have any other option. Your Epithet, your parents never let you use it, never let you stretch your wings, never let you go all out. But here, nothing can stop you from doing what you wanted, nothing could stop you from unleashing your full power...except your curfew...and the fact your epithet wasn't the best...also the inherent structure of the Banzai Blasters making it difficult to really advance on your own...

But besides all that, you had no where to go but up!

What did you write in for your Epithet when you applied for your first uniform?

You have the ability to explode! Literally...When activated, your epithet causes you to unleash an explosive force will only grow stronger as you train. Currently, it leads to you instantly going unconscious when you use it, however it is powerful enough to blow open buildings, destroy cars, and anyone caught in a radius of 10 feet around you will usually be knocked unconscious as well, unless they have exceptional stamina. Begin with 5 Proficiency, 3 Stamina, and 1 Creativity.

Your ability is to polish things, making them smooth and often shiny. You can make a sidewalk smooth as glass, or make a rock shine like a mirror! You can use this to slide across the ground, to make things easier to push by weakening friction, or making reflective surfaces. However, for some reason you tend to slip more easily and you walk into glass pretty often. Begin with 3 Proficiency, 1 Stamina, and 5 creativity

your ability is to increase or decrease weight and internal volume. Currently, you can only increase an objects weight or internal volume by half. You cannot decrease the volume of an object below the amount needed to contain anything inside of it. You cannot use this on other people, but you can use this on yourself. Proficiency 1, Stamina 5, Creativity 3.

(Proficiency is the power or potency of your Epithet.

Stamina is how much you can use your epithet, and how much damage you can take before you go unconscious.

Creativty is the overall utility of the power, commonly extending to how many moves you have or how clever you can be with the power.)
I don't know much about this epithet erased thing, if we picked Boom would it be possible to eventually blow up other stuff? Killer Queen style?
not killer queen style, but some possible stuff is being able survive the explosion to explode again, direct the explosive force. More Bakugo style with enough training and accidental self detonations
ez choice
Yes, the powers are determined by the definition of the word (and somewhat the personality of the inscribed.)
Hoping it can upgrade things in the future, per one of the definitions: "improve, refine, or add the finishing touches to."
Yeah, so you can expect BOOM! to have a more energetic personality, Polish to perhaps be someone who goes with the flow, or ton to be rather overbearing or flighty.

Something to keep in mind is that after epithet choice, will come passives which will give options for either abilities unrelated to your epithet or further customizing your epithet.
I think I'll go for this. It's got a lot of potential. I don't really see how it has less than "make things smooth"
Even if we can’t polish things to make them better soon, I’m sure in the midterm we can be like Khalifa and Alvida from one piece. (Was thinking between this and Ton because did I want to be like Ms Valentine.)
I'd prefer Ton, but if we go with polish, we better learn how to skate around Ghiaccio style
Not the most utility, but pure force is based
File: ihykeon-running.gif (1.51 MB, 220x293)
1.51 MB
1.51 MB GIF
that's 6 for polish

1 for ton

and 2 for BOOM!

Polish is the clear winner! writing up the next bit
Your Epithet is Polish! No not Polish, polish, not the people. Well maybe you had some Polish in you, but polish was definitely inscribed onto your soul so that was the one that mattered.

You had started your training with simple things, making it easier to slide across the kitchen floor in your socks, making it so you always had a reflective surface to adjust your looks, and of course making the ground extra slippery when your older sister made you angry.

Truley, you had the makings of a real bad guy, the potential to make it big in the Banzai Blasters! However, you didn't only have an epithet. Anyone worth their salt had something a little extra, an X factor that could be called upon to tip the scales of a battle or situation!

What was yours?

>Your parents sought to use your epithet to better your future prospects, and to give you a useful extracurricular skill that would look good on a college application. You hated every second of figure skating class, but you got some benefit. When sliding on a smooth surface, gain a movement speed boost and become much more acrobatic. In exchange, you're even clumsier "off the ice" due to how used to skating you have become.

>You have a pretty decent allowance! Either because your dad makes a lot of money, or you actually earned that much is up for debate, but you have enough extra money after paying your Banzai Blaster Membership Fee to be able to pull out anything from your pocket that is worth less than ten bucks once per day!

>You look older than you actually are. Instead of looking like a 15-16 year old kid, you look old enough to where you might get away with buying restricted items from the convenience store, or get into an R-Rated movie! This does mean though that you will naturally be looked to by your peers and underlings as more wise, and thus suffer from high expectations!
>Your parents sought to use your epithet to better your future prospects, and to give you a useful extracurricular skill that would look good on a college application. You hated every second of figure skating class, but you got some benefit. When sliding on a smooth surface, gain a movement speed boost and become much more acrobatic. In exchange, you're even clumsier "off the ice" due to how used to skating you have become.
>You have a pretty decent allowance! Either because your dad makes a lot of money, or you actually earned that much is up for debate, but you have enough extra money after paying your Banzai Blaster Membership Fee to be able to pull out anything from your pocket that is worth less than ten bucks once per day!
>You have a pretty decent allowance! Either because your dad makes a lot of money, or you actually earned that much is up for debate, but you have enough extra money after paying your Banzai Blaster Membership Fee to be able to pull out anything from your pocket that is worth less than ten bucks once per day!
>You have a pretty decent allowance! Either because your dad makes a lot of money, or you actually earned that much is up for debate, but you have enough extra money after paying your Banzai Blaster Membership Fee to be able to pull out anything from your pocket that is worth less than ten bucks once per day!
>Your parents sought to use your epithet to better your future prospects, and to give you a useful extracurricular skill that would look good on a college application. You hated every second of figure skating class, but you got some benefit. When sliding on a smooth surface, gain a movement speed boost and become much more acrobatic. In exchange, you're even clumsier "off the ice" due to how used to skating you have become.

Being able to slip and slide around guard and such sounds like an ability that is pretty GREAT AT CRIME
Looks like you have a fine allowance
Finally home, writing now
>Your parents sought to use your epithet to better your future prospects, and to give you a useful extracurricular skill that would look good on a college application. You hated every second of figure skating class, but you got some benefit. When sliding on a smooth surface, gain a movement speed boost and become much more acrobatic. In exchange, you're even clumsier "off the ice" due to how used to skating you have become
With your Powers known, and your uniform fresh from the public laundry machines (so your mom doesn't find out you have one) you are set to begin your your career as a Banzai Blaster. Most entry level blasters were only in it to perform standard teen acts of rebellion or malaise, but not you! You planned to get somewhere, somewhere you could be proud of, with your epithet!

You clenched your fists, knowing how long it had been since you got to let loose with your power. You had been forbidden from using it by your parents after you had grown a little two troublesome with it, cause too much damage... and got one person hurt. However, you wouldn't be stopped now, not now when you had this golden opportunity. Your epithet would help you slide up the ranks of the Banzai Blasters, you would get to be free and enjoy what was yours, and get back at the authority figures who thought they knew better. HA!

First however, you had to meet up with your team! All of them would be relatively new, just like you, and you would even have a Banzai Captain to lead you. It was rare for a team of newbie blasters to get a leader, as pretty often the captains and higher ranks were only concerned with underlings that they could gain a profit from either via their skills or their monthly payments being reliable. The fact your team had a captain meant that there was promise in this squad, promise you could use! Being a Banzai Blaster was all about climbing the Pyramid scheme, at least from what you could tell. So you would use this team to help guide your way up, no matter what came along!

But! How would you do this? Just because you planned to use them as stepping stones didn't mean there was only one way to do it.

>Try and show your power off for them all, using it as much as you can and make it clear that your Epithet can take you place, and them along with you if they play their cards right.

>Try and show yourself to be a good leader by bringing plans for a heist, one to inspire everyone due to it being against one of the ritzy department stores in the center of the city.

>Play it cool for now, and show your reliability to them all. Longer to get any profit, but you can earn real trust and wait for the right moment to either screw over your captain or grab onto his coat tails.

>Try and show yourself to be a good leader by bringing plans for a heist, one to inspire everyone due to it being against one of the ritzy department stores in the center of the city.

Stamina isn't high enough yet for us to be reliable, or a clutch.
>Play it cool for now, and show your reliability to them all. Longer to get any profit, but you can earn real trust and wait for the right moment to either screw over your captain or grab onto his coat tails.
>Try and show yourself to be a good leader by bringing plans for a heist, one to inspire everyone due to it being against one of the ritzy department stores in the center of the city.
>Play it cool for now, and show your reliability to them all. Longer to get any profit, but you can earn real trust and wait for the right moment to either screw over your captain or grab onto his coat tails.

Showing off our epithet will only get us more work from cap, while making plans can be perceived as us overstepping our boundries and being overambitious.
>>Try and show yourself to be a good leader by bringing plans for a heist, one to inspire everyone due to it being against one of the ritzy department stores in the center of the city.
>Play it cool for now, and show your reliability to them all. Longer to get any profit, but you can earn real trust and wait for the right moment to either screw over your captain or grab onto his coat tails.
Dead thread?
>>Play it cool for now, and show your reliability to them all. Longer to get any profit, but you can earn real trust and wait for the right moment to either screw over your captain or grab onto his coat tails.

Hope this quest is still alive. I keep finding quests right when QMs evaporate.
I miss Epithet Erased, it was a fun time.
If you miss Epithet Erased I can suggest a couple of epithet based campaigns by WarpedLamp (one of Jello's friends)
Also would be a shame if this quest ends
Jello has uploaded 2 episodes of anime campaign which epithet erased is based on, but the uploads are edited. and if you want to see the other episodes you might have some trouble since he hasn't uploaded due to spoilers for epithet erased
did you vote in your own quest? I am not sure if based or cringe
>Show off as much as you can
I am voting because.... yeah
I think there's a place where the rest of them have been archived somewhere but I don't have the link on me right now.

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