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The Brotherhood of Steel, a bastion dug into the sands of what was once California, an order of martial might and scientific brilliance. Since its founding after nuclear Armageddon its members have walked the wastes, their mission one of honor. Their deeds brought themselves glory, and a semblance of hope to the communities struggling to rise from the ashes of annihilation. But eventually this time of action faded, worry and doubt closing the Brotherhood from the rebuilt civilization. But in a time of great peril, where the threat of Unity and the super mutant stalked the land, it seemed that the wastes would bring one to revitalize the reclusive Brotherhood. Unfortunately this new initiate was of cold heart and bloody hands. Greedily he took the Brotherhoods’ finest arms and armor, and murdered one of the Chapter’s finest. The response was immediate, plotting elders and muttering paladins acted upon the attack, fanning a flame of vengeance in the hearts of the Brotherhood. The High Elder stepped down from his position, partly from the insistence of council, and mostly from his own doubt for placing his trust within the barbarous initiate. The council wasted no time, placing one of their most zealous into the position of High Elder as they solidified the position as supreme over the entire Brotherhood. High Elder Lamech heralded the Brotherhood’s transformation into the Steel Plague, and he set its soldiers out across the wastes to pilfer weapons and equipment from the scattered super mutant army. Finally he leveled the Plague’s awesome arsenal against the newly formed New California Republic, determined to smother the young nation for both mimicking the nation the venerable founder renounced and being helper to the vile initiate. However, Lamech’s identity as the face of the Plague has been his undoing. Prototype implants, slotted by the dozens into his body and mind to create a warrior worthy of the title of High Elder, have rendered him crippled with the disorder of epilepsy. He sits across from you now, staring at you with a slight grimace in spite of the cloth blindfold wrapped around his head. The hooded figures of the Elders face you as well, all attention turned to the subject of the conference. You have been given the honor of ascending to the position of High Elder…

>Elder: Another member of the Plague’s upper hierarchy, you are experienced in the power of command and your ascension is unsurprising. +5 leadership and knowledge rolls.
>Paladin: One of the Plague’s greatest warriors, you are the apex of the Plague’s martial might and your ascension is typical. +5 combat and leadership rolls.
>Scribe: The lore keepers and scientists of the Plague. There is little in the wastes that can match your knowledge, but your ascension is unprecedented within the Order’s history. +5 knowledge and technology rolls.
>Scribe: The lore keepers and scientists of the Plague. There is little in the wastes that can match your knowledge, but your ascension is unprecedented within the Order’s history. +5 knowledge and technology rolls.

Time for a Fallout leader to have at least some intelligence.
>Scribe: The lore keepers and scientists of the Plague. There is little in the wastes that can match your knowledge, but your ascension is unprecedented within the Order’s history. +5 knowledge and technology rolls.
Yeah sure why not, i'm more excited for a new Fallout quest, I'm assuming it's if the protagonist of Fallout 1 became the leader of the Brotherhood
>Elder: Another member of the Plague’s upper hierarchy, you are experienced in the power of command and your ascension is unsurprising. +5 leadership and knowledge rolls.
I like the idea of the old elder needing to tard wrangle everyone. Probably need someone with experience to set things in the right direction anyway.
>>Elder: Another member of the Plague’s upper hierarchy, you are experienced in the power of command and your ascension is unsurprising. +5 leadership and knowledge rolls.
It's happening.

>Scribe: The lore keepers and scientists of the Plague. There is little in the wastes that can match your knowledge, but your ascension is unprecedented within the Order’s history. +5 knowledge and technology rolls.

Somebody in this organization needs a fucking brain because all the other leaders are retarded for the most part.
>Elder: Another member of the Plague’s upper hierarchy, you are experienced in the power of command and your ascension is unsurprising. +5 leadership and knowledge rolls.
>>Elder: Another member of the Plague’s upper hierarchy, you are experienced in the power of command and your ascension is unsurprising. +5 leadership and knowledge rolls.
>Paladin: One of the Plague’s greatest warriors, you are the apex of the Plague’s martial might and your ascension is typical. +5 combat and leadership rolls.
No nerds allowed.
>>>Elder: Another member of the Plague’s upper hierarchy, you are experienced in the power of command and your ascension is unsurprising. +5 leadership and knowledge rolls

By our will.
>Paladin: One of the Plague’s greatest warriors, you are the apex of the Plague’s martial might and your ascension is typical. +5 combat and leadership rolls.
>KNIGHT: The technicians, mechanics, rearguard, & scouts of the Plague. +5 Technology & Combat Rolls
Votes counted. Locking in for Elder.

To state some things I forgot to mention in the opening post, this quest is running off of one of Fallout's ending slides concerning the Brotherhood of Steel if Rhombus is killed. It goes without saying that the actions of the Vault Dweller during the time of the game was different from the canon one used for later games. The year is 2186, or about 25 years after the first game starts.

I can answer any other questions and provide an idea of what the PC should know at this time.
How are you differentiating lasers vs bullets? What types of power armor does the BoS know-of and have access to?
Do we know what happened to the Vault Dweller after he murdered the high paladin and left? Probably #1 on our list of most wanted right now.
Energy weapons will generally have a higher combat bonus compared to firearms outside higher end guns. The Brotherhood at current is well stocked enough that neither are lacking for ammunition but special ammo (HP, AP, Overcharged) isn't available in numbers. The BoS has a deep knowledge of the T-51 from experience, records, and large stockpile of the armor. They have a slight knowledge of the T-45 but no armor or manuals in their possession so nothing beyond being able to identify it. There's some tinkering and drafting of new power armor type by the scribes and knights but nothing beyond the conceptual stages. With the T-51's position as the apex of power armor before the Great War's end the Brotherhood has no knowledge or care for any sort of other power armor that may or may not exist.

The initiate's location is unknown to the Plague. They've sent knights and the occasional incognito scribe to try and find him. You'd have a general idea of where the Vault Dweller has been in southern California and what he's done, but where he is now would require finding Vault 13 of which the only information you have on it is that it is somewhere near Shady Sands.
Your presence at this table has been a long one, but now you shall steer your peers and the greater Plague from the position of High Elder.

>What is your name? [Write-in]

For this quest I will be using Warden's dice rolling system from Enclave Remnant Quest (check it out https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2021/4907538)

Rules are x/3 roll a d100 and get it under the Difficulty Value (DV), modifiers increase or decrease the DV, crits are 1 and 100 by default and cancel each other. Success are counted and the effect increase the more successful rolls. DVs usually follow menial DV 90, average DV 70, challenging DV 50, brutal DV 30, impossible DV 10.

Choose two traits:

>Zealous: You are one of the most rabid supporters of the Plague’s ideals. +10 leadership rolls among Plague Members. +10 on intimidation rolls against wasteland civilizations, -10 to all noncombat checks against non-plague members

>New World Hate: You despise the scattered wastelanders crawling around the ruins and rising up societies shaped on the past even more than other Plague Members. +15 to intimidations rolls against wasteland civilizations, +10 leadership rolls against wasteland civilizations, +5 combat rolls against wasteland civilizations. Non-hostile actions against wastelanders not possible

>Hardened with Age: The years might wear you, but they can’t strip you of your honed skills and trove of experience. +5 on combat rolls, +5 to leadership rolls when commanding paladins and knights.

>Bunker Blues: Hunkering down and defending is what saved the founders from Nuclear Holocaust, it will protect the Plague just as well. +10 on defensive combat rolls, +5 for leadership rolls to prepare a defense, -10 for attacking combat rolls.

>Daring: A bold and confident command defines your life, and you are still willing to take chances even as High Elder. Crit Threshold increased from 1-10 and 90-100

>Old World Greed: The treasures of the old world still litter the wastes, and you will stop at nothing to bring them into the armories of the Plague. +10 on knowledge rolls for Pre-War items, +10 technology rolls concerning Pre-War technology, -10 technology rolls on new tech. Cannot barter Pre-War items.

>Silver Tongued: You can persuade others with ease, giving you an edge when discussing with your fellow Elders or engaging in diplomacy with wastelanders, but the more martial members are more distrustful. +10 on non-intimidation speech checks, -5 on combat leadership rolls, -5 on leadership rolls with paladins.
Tubal-Cain, the first metal worker in biblical myth and one of the sons of Lamech, eight generation from Adam. Descendant of Cain

>Old World Greed: The treasures of the old world still litter the wastes, and you will stop at nothing to bring them into the armories of the Plague. +10 on knowledge rolls for Pre-War items, +10 technology rolls concerning Pre-War technology, -10 technology rolls on new tech. Cannot barter Pre-War items.

>Hardened with Age: The years might wear you, but they can’t strip you of your honed skills and trove of experience. +5 on combat rolls, +5 to leadership rolls when commanding paladins and knights.
>Daring: A bold and confident command defines your life, and you are still willing to take chances even as High Elder. Crit Threshold increased from 1-10 and 90-100
>Hardened with Age: The years might wear you, but they can’t strip you of your honed skills and trove of experience. +5 on combat rolls, +5 to leadership rolls when commanding paladins and knights.
Can’t we go the way of Elder Lyon way it the closest to what our founder ideals were
>Old World Greed: The treasures of the old world still litter the wastes, and you will stop at nothing to bring them into the armories of the Plague. +10 on knowledge rolls for Pre-War items, +10 technology rolls concerning Pre-War technology, -10 technology rolls on new tech. Cannot barter Pre-War items.
>Hardened with Age: The years might wear you, but they can’t strip you of your honed skills and trove of experience. +5 on combat rolls, +5 to leadership rolls when commanding paladins and knights.

>New World Hate: You despise the scattered wastelanders crawling around the ruins and rising up societies shaped on the past even more than other Plague Members. +15 to intimidations rolls against wasteland civilizations, +10 leadership rolls against wasteland civilizations, +5 combat rolls against wasteland civilizations. Non-hostile actions against wastelanders not possible

>Hardened with Age: The years might wear you, but they can’t strip you of your honed skills and trove of experience. +5 on combat rolls, +5 to leadership rolls when commanding paladins and knights.
>What is your name?
Caleb Wilson

>Zealous: You are one of the most rabid supporters of the Plague’s ideals. +10 leadership rolls among Plague Members. +10 on intimidation rolls against wasteland civilizations, -10 to all noncombat checks against non-plague members
>Hardened with Age: The years might wear you, but they can’t strip you of your honed skills and trove of experience. +5 on combat rolls, +5 to leadership rolls when commanding paladins and knights.

Man if they renamed themselves Steel Plague from BOS, ain't gonna end well for anyone involved ..... lets see their road to destruction ! What role/function we had when we were just an Elder ? And how old are we, 50-80 ?
> Tubal-Cain
> Hardened with Age: The years might wear you, but they can’t strip you of your honed skills and trove of experience. +5 on combat rolls, +5 to leadership rolls when commanding paladins and knights.
> Daring: A bold and confident command defines your life, and you are still willing to take chances even as High Elder. Crit Threshold increased from 1-10 and 90-100
Let's go and fix the wasteland!
>New World Hate: You despise the scattered wastelanders crawling around the ruins and rising up societies shaped on the past even more than other Plague Members. +15 to intimidations rolls against wasteland civilizations, +10 leadership rolls against wasteland civilizations, +5 combat rolls against wasteland civilizations. Non-hostile actions against wastelanders not possible

>Bunker Blues: Hunkering down and defending is what saved the founders from Nuclear Holocaust, it will protect the Plague just as well. +10 on defensive combat rolls, +5 for leadership rolls to prepare a defense, -10 for attacking combat rolls.

>Adam Methuselah
>New World Hate: You despise the scattered wastelanders crawling around the ruins and rising up societies shaped on the past even more than other Plague Members. +15 to intimidations rolls against wasteland civilizations, +10 leadership rolls against wasteland civilizations, +5 combat rolls against wasteland civilizations. Non-hostile actions against wastelanders not possible
>Zealous: You are one of the most rabid supporters of the Plague’s ideals. +10 leadership rolls among Plague Members. +10 on intimidation rolls against wasteland civilizations, -10 to all noncombat checks against non-plague members
Tubal-Cain, the first metal worker in biblical myth and one of the sons of Lamech, eight generation from Adam. Descendant of Cain

>Old World Greed: The treasures of the old world still litter the wastes, and you will stop at nothing to bring them into the armories of the Plague. +10 on knowledge rolls for Pre-War items, +10 technology rolls concerning Pre-War technology, -10 technology rolls on new tech. Cannot barter Pre-War items.

>Hardened with Age: The years might wear you, but they can’t strip you of your honed skills and trove of experience. +5 on combat rolls, +5 to leadership rolls when commanding paladins and knights.
Votes counted. Locked in for Tubal-Cain with Hardened with Age and Old World Greed.
High Elder Tubal-Cain, it is a strange feeling to hear the gathered Elders address you with the prestigious title, and stranger to hear the former High Elder in the voices. He speaks first.

“As you already know our Brothers are fighting against the infantile New California Republic. The paladins I have sent under the command of Paladin Culver have been laying siege to the “state” of Junktown for the past three days. The knights under Paladin Jacob’s command have held their position south to prevent word of the attack from reaching the Hub. I had planned to lead the assault on the settlement myself, and I’d recommend the same action High Elder.”

There’s a tone in his voice with that last sentence that sounds more like a command than advice. Lamech may have stepped down, but he still holds an unspoken authority over the Plague. Could be trouble if he ever forgets his position.

But on to the subject of Junktown, you find it impossible to not let out a sigh. You’ve read the reports, you were there when the plan to attack the scrap walled settlement was drafted. It stands for everything that is the wastelander; carved out of whatever remains of the old world, slapped together to look like something strong, another ugly stain painted by stupid people. Taking the town will not be difficult, especially if you decide to see to its razing in person.

What displeases you is the net that has been made with the knights. You see the value in keeping word from spreading but having the scouts scattered on patrols means they cannot be put into scavenging the wastes for valuable technology, or helping within Lost Hill’s workshops.

The other Elders; Monroe, Stockton, Ricard, and Minus murmur between each other as you ruminate, likely discussing their own plans and ideas. But they all seem to be keeping their plots on hold, likely ready to get this excuse of a “war” over.

>Let the Paladins destroy Junktown themselves, they’re fully capable of handling it on their own.
>Head to Junktown and take command yourself, you’ll wipe that settlement off the map.
>Recall the knights, you’ll have them out investigating something worthwhile than catching fleeing settlers.
>Put together a team of scribes and lead them on a search, let the council and the paladins worry about waging war.
>Head to Junktown and take command yourself, you’ll wipe that settlement off the map.

Our first act as high elder will show that we aren't afraid the lead from the van, powered armored boots on the ground

Also, fuck junktown
>>Head to Junktown and take command yourself, you’ll wipe that settlement off the map.

We have taken our throne, its best we make immediate action and destroy a place. That will reinforce our position of power and make everyone understand we are a good leader, more importantly the other Elders and Lamech should approve.

So we destroy Junktown and i imagine we loot the valuables (weapons and tech) and resources (like water, animals, food supplies, scrap metal, scrap cloth and digital scrap ?), while burning the wastelanders (and extracting informations from any of them that has a position of power). A purge of anything alive in the wastelands more than expansion.
and i guess books and old world tools/reliquias would be valuables to loot too.
>Head to Junktown and take command yourself, you’ll wipe that settlement off the map.
>>Head to Junktown and take command yourself, you’ll wipe that settlement off the map.
shit junktown has no defense against us, its going to be a massacre and a full net gain. Shitty rusted wrecks for walls will only last so much.
>>Head to Junktown and take command yourself, you’ll wipe that settlement off the map.
>Let the Paladins destroy Junktown themselves, they’re fully capable of handling it on their own.
Votes counted, writing for taking direct command
“I’ll see to the attack personally, command and deployment plans will remain the same while I am on the field.” You announce to the council, they acknowledge with a “Yes High Elder” as you turn your attention to mustering a bodyguard to accompany you and selecting equipment for combat

>Paladin Braum: Grunt (+5 on combat rolls with automatics, explosives, and knives), M60 Machinegun (+10 on ranged combat rolls, +5 on defensive combat rolls), Ripper( +10 on melee combat rolls)
>Paladin Matthias: CQC (+ 10 on unarmed combat rolls, crit threshold on unarmed combat rolls raised to 1-10) BeatCo Powerfist (+10 on melee combat rolls)
>Knight Wilson: Gun Nut (+5 on combat rolls with firearms, +10 firearm technology rolls), modified AK-112( +10 on ranged combat rolls)
>Knight Song: Ghost (+10 on stealth rolls, +5 on combat rolls with silenced weapons), Silenced DKS-501 (+15 in long range engagements, +10 on medium), Combat Knife (+5 in melee combat rolls)

You enter the armor and take off your robe, letting one of the knights take it as you adjust your undersuit, pulling the hood over your head as you prepare to put on your T-51 power armor. Adjusting the poly laminate composite you grab the armor’s helmet. Exhaling, you place it on your head, breathing in through the sophisticated filters as you look around. It feels good to be within the sacred armor again. You grab your weapons and then have your bodyguard and another Paladin accompany you to the outskirts of Junktown.

>Wattz 2000 Laser Rifle (+15 on ranged combat rolls) and .233 Pistol (+10 on ranged combat checks, crit threshold increased to 1-10)
>Rockwell CZ53 Minigun ( +10 on ranged combat rolls, ranged combat crit threshold changed to 1-5 and 95-100) and Desert Eagle .44 (+5 on ranged combat checks)
>Flambe 450 Flamer (+20 Close range combat rolls) and Wattz 1000 Laser Pistol (+10 on ranged combat checks)
>Super Sledge (+15 on melee combat rolls) and Glock 86 Plasma Pistol (+15 on ranged combat checks, crit threshold changed to 1-10 and 90-100)

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Marching through the desert in power armor lets you cross the wastes quickly, and you reach the Paladins before dusk.

“High Elder.” Culver salutes you as you motion for him to be at ease.

“Report Paladin.” You command.

“We’ve been taking opportunity shots at the guards between surveillance, we’ve injured about 5 of them but we don’t know their current status, we estimate around 25-30 guards not including the wounded. Civilian population is likely around 50 or so, we’ve seen groups fleeing north and others fleeing south. We’ve picked up the southern bound civilians, though half a group managed to flee beyond our range. In summary the enemy is alert and ready for combat, but the town as a whole is clearly nervous from our prodding. I do not believe they can hold any meaningful defense against an attack.” Culver explains, standing ready as the other paladins prepare themselves for your orders.

>Shoot apart the settlement from a distance.
>Charge in and clear out the streets up close.
>Goad the defenders into fighting you in the open.

Paladin forces:
Paladin Culver: Sharpshooter (+10 on ranged combat rolls) Rockwell BigBazooka (+20 on ranged combat rolls, 1 turn cooldown after firing), Wattz 1000 Laser Pistol (+10 on ranged combat checks
Paladin Squad, 3 men (+10 on all combat rolls)

>Paladin Braum
>Glass them from range

>Paladin Matthias: CQC (+ 10 on unarmed combat rolls, crit threshold on unarmed combat rolls raised to 1-10) BeatCo Powerfist (+10 on melee combat rolls)

>Flambe 450 Flamer (+20 Close range combat rolls) and Wattz 1000 Laser Pistol (+10 on ranged combat checks)

>Charge in and clear out the streets up close.
>Knight Song: Ghost (+10 on stealth rolls, +5 on combat rolls with silenced weapons), Silenced DKS-501 (+15 in long range engagements, +10 on medium), Combat Knife (+5 in melee combat rolls)
Probably want someone like this as our bodyguard in future. Good insurance against assassins.
>Wattz 2000 Laser Rifle (+15 on ranged combat rolls) and .233 Pistol (+10 on ranged combat checks, crit threshold increased to 1-10)
>Charge in and clear out the streets up close.
>Knight Song: Ghost (+10 on stealth rolls, +5 on combat rolls with silenced weapons), Silenced DKS-501 (+15 in long range engagements, +10 on medium), Combat Knife (+5 in melee combat rolls)
>Flambe 450 Flamer (+20 Close range combat rolls) and Wattz 1000 Laser Pistol (+10 on ranged combat checks)
>Charge in and clear out the streets up close.
Since I doubt that we would have the chance of bodyguard for every mission, or the choice of weapons we need to think long term.
>Knight Song: Ghost (+10 on stealth rolls, +5 on combat rolls with silenced weapons), Silenced DKS-501 (+15 in long range engagements, +10 on medium), Combat Knife (+5 in melee combat rolls)
>Flambe 450 Flamer (+20 Close range combat rolls) and Wattz 1000 Laser Pistol (+10 on ranged combat checks)

>Goad the defenders into fighting you in the open.
We need to do this with minimum casualties on our side, maximum eradication of irradiated vermin, and all tech recovered.
You'll be able to change weapons on different deployments. though the sidearm you choose will remain unless there's a vote to swap it out. Bodyguard is a long-term choice though.
deus nolens exitus friend, this looks amazing.
second this, the 223 pistol is the weapon of kings in classic fallout
>Paladin Braum: Grunt (+5 on combat rolls with automatics, explosives, and knives), M60 Machinegun (+10 on ranged combat rolls, +5 on defensive combat rolls), Ripper( +10 on melee combat rolls)

>Rockwell CZ53 Minigun ( +10 on ranged combat rolls, ranged combat crit threshold changed to 1-5 and 95-100) and Desert Eagle .44 (+5 on ranged combat checks)

>Shoot apart the settlement from a distance.

This kind of voting is shit. The first half is to vote for the team and weapon and the second half is to vote for the method of engagement.
How can we adapt to this? What if the CQC options win but with the long-range engagement option?
maybe we could have a revote for tactics if they don't match later
Maybe we should consider cooperating and asking the other anons to change their tactics vote to something more sensible with the loadout we have? Also it's just us and the bodyguard we are configuring, if we get a melee loadout and an intermediate range bodyguard (it's an example roll with it), and choose ranged tactics, then we obviously bring ranged npcs and FIRES.
Dead already?
don't be so negative. You have to say dying
This is late coming but I'd like to apologize and confirm the quest is done. This was my first civbuilding quest and I've found out I wasn't too prepared for it. Trying to figure out a good system for combat that could work for individual and semi-large fights, while keeping a brand of violence fitting the isometric games was something beyond me. Furthermore I had trouble charting a civbuilding system to fit the current state of the game while being transformable to a larger scale latter on, as well as difficulty in how to reach planned story beats and locales in a non-disruptive way. This compounded with moving late last month prompted me to put off trying to work something out, and as time went by I found myself less willing and more unable to brainstorm anything satisfactory.

I would like to again say sorry to my players, doubly so for the late response. My final request would be that if anyone has any readings for quests like these I'd greatly appreciate if you shared them. The quest will probably not return soon but I would still like to try my ideas and there seems to be an audience.

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