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Previous Threads: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=The%202nd%20Primarch%20Quest
You are Lieren of Nothing, the second son of the emperor of mankind, Husband of the motherly and fierce Kanzeon, close personal friend of the emperor Long-Jia Jinhai and his grand architect and head of the Long-Jian ministry of development, head of the wanderers in the fog sect of psykerists who cultivate their will and self-control under your careful and diligent guidance, master of the second legion of your father from terra's space marine, and friend of mankind and kindly aliens wherever they may be found, and many other things, including the creator of the Nameless, an hidden organization of spirit hunters now under command of the advisor and close confidant of the emperor of mankind, Malcador,

Currently, you are on the bridge of the vessel containing the heart, soul and mind of Liberty, the youngest of Kanzeon's sister, who has come to see you as her elder brother and not simply in law. The two of you are floating above the odd world sharing Shangrala's sun, given the somewhat foreboding epithet of the black abyss by astrologers and researchers plotting your countrymen's first, stumbling steps into the cosmic realm. It is strange, in a galatic sense not only because it is wreathed in constant storms, but because it is seemingly a world formed entirely of water. And stranger still, it is wreathed by a ring formed of the remnants and wreckage left behind from a great stellar battle, celestial battleships and cosmic warmachines that resemble no design or blueprint in Liberty's archives or your own memories. They are not Aeldari and do not even resemble the kind of craft in which dwell your emerald eyed bride or her surviving sisters.

"I agree, let us investigate the wrecks, I've never seen any vessel, void worthy or not, of their make, and the battle scars they bare demand closed inspection, and their may be clues of their origin within what remains of the combatants that crewed these ships in their finale battle" You answer, smiling warmly and brotherly as you expertly avoid bringing to attention the ghost signals that frighten Liberty so much, for the time. You keep an eye on the faint signal pinging on her advance and arcane sensor array, making a note of it and locking the internal sensor arrays within your raiment of star-metal, that with a thought you adapt and change into a air-sealed space suit with a rounded helmet of see through emerald glass. Just to keep yourself from being exposed to the vacuum of space, you are confident you would survive it and the lack of breathable oxygen, but confidence is not cause for incaution.

With a delight squeal and a cheer, Liberty leaps off of your back and runs off towards the nearest wall, carelessly opening her internals to the airless void and causing a number of stray parchments and baubles to be launched out into space.

You simply spread your legs and lower your center of mass, and become as a stone in the tide of emptiness, and far more gracefully walk to the opening she made into her hull and follow her out of it, as she's already followed your example and coated her avatar in a protective shield of her own true star-metal flesh. She floats through the vacuum, bidding you to make a game of chasing her to wreckage as she advances through the void with the assistance of thrusters fueled by brightly burning and super condensed flammable gasses.

And all the while, she scans the ruin vessels as the two of you approach them and she narrowly avoids your attempts to grab her to keep her from floating away, not that you're making a serious effort to catch her.

She lands feet first on the nearest and largest piece of a ship standing in the ring of cosmic refuse, and crawling like a puppy would when it tried to sneak up on its owner or playmates, clambered across the surface of the sunbleached and battle worn hull. You simply manuver through the vacuum around it until you reach the same opening she was heading to.

"Tch" She clicked her tongue as she grabbed hold of the jagged edge, looking at the same sight you were "Someone got here before we did, and stripped the whole thing bare! They even took the bodies, unless the unfortunate bastards in here all got sucked out into the void"

"There are signs of pilfering" You agree with a nod as you touch your feet down onto the flooring, noting how every surface and internal mechanism shows signs of being scoured and carved away at to extract every useful resource within "Doubtless, after the battle was finished, the victorious side plundered the remains of the vanquished opponents. Or perhaps, star traveling scavengers, nomads of a sort, came and picked this battlefield clean of all that was useful"

"I was hoping to find mummified aliens!" Liberty balks, crossing her arms and pouting "There's barely even any useful junk left, sure I could still break it down, but where's the fun in that! I was hoping to see something exciting, a defiant last stand, frozen in the cold void of space! Not just an empty husk picked clean by fracking scavengers!"

"Well, lets keep looking, maybe we'll find a more intact vessel further in the debris field" You say chipperly, trying to raise her spirits as she kicks the nearest, methodically stripped and mechanically scraped wall of alloyed metal "And the heroic scene you were hoping to find here"

She smiles, and skips off out the hole bored through the opposite side of the vessel, as if it were slammed by a massive drill bit. You follow her, flying through the void with the ease of a carp in a water, using your legs and shoulders to adjust your trajectory and produce enough thrust to carry you out of the nearly stripped clean wreck.

And by time you escape it, you see liberty throwing up her hands in triumph, splaying out her limbs as she shouts loud enough for you to hear her through the vibrations traveling through the metal debris floating around you

"Lie! Dead people!" She shrieks in delight, telepathically transmitting her excitement "It was a boarding action! Brutal!"

She's already in the wreck, kicking and picking her way through the dense cloud of detritus in her way, as the storm wreathed planet below catches your eye, as a ghost signal tracks across the edge of your sensors.

It activated the moment Liberty passed from the pre-salvaged star ship wreck to the untouched fighter beneath it. A flare of protective rage flashes through you, gripping your heart as you turn to face the sort and run a complicated sequence of calculations to figure out what you would need to do to perform atmospheric entry and land directly atop the signal that clearly took notice of Liberty, and quickly figure out a piece of the plucked clean hull fashioned into a shield and wrapped with telekinetic energy and warp-frost would be suitable for your needs

"We're being watched, keep hidden, you can pick me up from the abyss after I've taken a look at whatever just focused it sights on you" You inform Liberty as you grab hold of the hull you were leaving and with a wrench, tear a slab of its remaining surface free and channel your spiritual and psionic power into its surface, turning it in a shield and boar

"Wait what the hell are you doing?! And what do you mean we're being watched!" Liberty cries out, sounding more like Al-Uzza or Mari than her usual brash and boastful self, and you feel bad about leaving her behind in orbit, but it will be safer for her if you confront the source of your concerns directly

"Going planet side, don't follow me" You answer plainly "You'll be safer within the range of your true body's cannons, I'm going to pounce on whatever is spying on us"

"Wait! You're crazy enough to try an unprotected atmosphere entry!? That's badass! I knew taking a trip with you'd be a blast! Don't die!" Liberty shouts back "Not that someone like you can die! If you could, Kaz would've done it by accident already!"

You smirk despite the rudeness and obscenity of her last remark, as you press both your feet against the wall of steel you've fashioned into a shield and for the second time of your life become a shooting star. Which is simply the swiftness and most efficient means of an orbital landing someone with your constitution can perform, when they have the materials at hand to redirect and shield themselves from the intense heats and sheer speeds that the body would undergo entering a planet's atmosphere from orbit.

And even protected by the hull of a star ship, you do feel the heat. It is like standing in the middle of a forge, and the sweat and wetness of your eyes turns to steam as you adjust your coarse and chase after the ghost signal as it starts to vanish from the view of your suits sensor arrays.

The taste of ozone and intense static electricity wracks your body as you pierce a dense grey black storm cloud, lightning dancing around you as Liberty cheers and urges you on. And a change in air currents, a whirling of the clouds around you, signals the passage of another body through the thundercloud high in the border of the upper atmosphere of black abyss.

Tossing away the solid remains of your shield, and pressing your arms to your side and your legs together, increasing your body's aerodynamics to shoot straight through the molten slag in front of you and the storm raging around you, you pursue whatever disturbed the storm.

And briefly, catch sight of a vessel, with some traits in common with the wrecks above Black Abyss, moving with a propulsion system that makes use of electrical fields and currents. A unusual form of locomotion, reliant on magnetism and ambient field of electricity, that would be easily produced and detected. Which must be why they were lurking in the most intense regions of storm activity, whoever and whatever they are.

What is your next course of action, Lieren?

>Use spirit's touch: Cloud walking and fly after the craft, not allowing it to escape

>Stalk after the craft, aligning your armor's internal sensor arrays to track it, and stealthily follow it to their base

>Fire a warning shot at it, and then, as you free fall, figure out how to land safely upon the surface of the sea of black abyss

>Send the coordinates its heading to Liberty, and give her the task of catch it as you stop your fall with a thought and levitate in the storm.

>Write in
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>Stalk after the craft, aligning your armor's internal sensor arrays to track it, and stealthily follow it to their base
A panther and cub,
fang and claw a falling star,
eyes wandering in...
For a moment, I thought liberty might try to talk us out of it.
forgot the fucking.
>Stalk the craft.
>Stalk after the craft, aligning your armor's internal sensor arrays to track it, and stealthily follow it to their base
>write in
During our stalking keep track of the signals specifically if our sensor suite can determine direction. We may be able to figure out where they are headed, if they are communicating with others or what. Maybe even listen in?
>Stalk after the craft, aligning your armor's internal sensor arrays to track it, and stealthily follow it to their base

>"Something is watching"
>Drops directly on it from orbit
I shouldn't be surprised at this point but still, Lieren does NOT fuck around.
Supporting the stalk and listening in. Also I think I know what kind of ship this is; pic related.

^ Lieren's response to such things, Russ will adore us.
It reminded me of this and I find it more funny than I should.
>Stalk after the craft, aligning your armor's internal sensor arrays to track it, and stealthily follow it to their base
>Stalk after the craft, aligning your armor's internal sensor arrays to track it, and stealthily follow it to their base
>Stalk after the craft, aligning your armor's internal sensor arrays to track it, and stealthily follow it to their base

Become like shadow and stalk your prey.
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Prosperity status: Incoming

>Send the coordinates its heading to Liberty, and give her the task of catch it as you stop your fall with a thought and levitate in the storm.
Kek'd, I was hoping an art fag would draw that but I didn't expect it. Nicely done.

"Well, my name is Lieren of nothing yo."
>>Stalk after the craft, aligning your armor's internal sensor arrays to track it, and stealthily follow it to their base
so so fucking amazing

>Stalk after the craft, aligning your armor's internal sensor arrays to track it, and stealthily follow it to their base
the more we know, the better we can plan. Looks advance tech, other human remnants that moved to Shangrila ? Big coincidence there for a secret project with secret colonization

Deep within the confines of the Imperial Palace, beneath Auramite walls, mystic wards and untold tons of ferocrete Neoth; The Emperor of Man meditated upon ancient knowledge. His Primarch had gifted him a fragment of Aeons old science and plans both, he knew Lieren knew of the Old Ones somewhat but he didn't KNOW what the past held in the same way as someone as Old as he. While it was but a fragment it contained so much and aside from his own research this was a keystone find and for a few moments he was meditating not directly upon this fragment but rather the Son whom delivered it to him. The room will as still as a tomb, as cold as the void but as the Lightning Lord's soul remained in the shifting tides of the Warp he had a moment of rest... but when his mind held his Second Borne in his mind and this plan he heard something? A note? A quiet chime night impermeable?

He let the two thoughts mingle again a moment; another Chime. It was delicate, almost imperceptible at first, like the distant chime of a music box hidden in the farthest reaches of his perceptions. Yet the note seemed to carry with it a whisper of something Old, of something vast and forgotten, an echo that had resounded in the shadows since time immemorial. The Emperor's brow furrowed as he focused on the sound, isolating it from the chaos of the warp. It took all his will to remain still in mind, he pictured his Son... his core, his soul and all as he existed now and not as designed; the note again, then another...and another? Music? He pushed the conceptual double into the plan as if it were a key, a cipher to the fragment and then came the cascade of visions, of music and pain.

A melody played, he began to see the subtle gears turning behind the scenes, each cog and wheel interlocking with a precision that defied comprehension. The notes played on, building slowly into a symphony of cosmic intent, a pattern of events that stretched back eons. It was a design so intricate, so masterful, that even he, with all his vast intellect and foresight, had not seen it before.

Each note was pitchest black upon both the void and the warp, like engraved shapes on a great cosmic wheel slowly rotating around something, he peered upon the axis upon which these notes turned; he saw swirling fire and calm waters, he saw life and death. Something new planned by something old to bring them about new once more.

The galaxy span about him, the warp roiled and turned, the notes became slitted eyes that hissed and cackled, old eyes looking upon a Usurper. From the notes shadows crawled but with this new axis those shadows gained flesh! Pulling themselves from then to now...it was the music, the music he understood..

Spiralling golden paths, music, it's beacon...they can see him, they can see everything; it's trap.

I like Umbra lore and Lieren colliding
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Calling the vote now, sorry for the long wait, the grind in monster hunt consumed me. I've started dreaming bout dat grind.

Stalk after the craft, aligning your armor's internal sensor arrays to track it, and stealthily follow it to their base:11
-During our stalking keep track of the signals specifically...:3

Send the coordinates its heading to Liberty, and give her the task of catch it as you stop your fall with a thought and levitate in the storm.:1

Total votes: 12

So Lieren will stalk after the craft, tracking it stealthily to its base.

Writing now

Exactly, lol

One benefit of being able to tell the most efficient path forward/ to victory

Kek, so very true. Being a bystander in one of Lieren's tougher fights would be quite the experience


I laughed so hard at this my stomach started hurting for real. Amazing work anon!

First off, amazing music choice to accompany the writing, really helped to increase the sense of foreboding. Also like the use of musical notes as a cipher, very cool. And very spooky
>All of the sudden, the quest pivots towards hunting mythical beasts and turning them into weapons and armor...
Rather than immediately giving chase and pursuing the alien craft into the depths of the heart of the eternal storm, instead you halt your free fall to the surface of the planet spanning sea, a gentle application of spirit's touch to slowly end your descent without straining your body with centrifugal forces and intense whiplash. And then, floating amongst arcs of lightning that roil around your star metal encased form, adapting the armor shielding you from the electrical fangs of the raging storm to increase its aerial mobility and aerodynamics, as well as carefully adjusting the internal sensor suite inside of it to be more sensitive to the electromagnetic bursts the vessel produces that would otherwise be hidden in the background electricity of the ceaseless storm. Allowing the craft, if its occupants caught sight of your orbital decent towards it or was only aware that a mass was rapidly approaching through the atmosphere to its location and thought what the sensors protecting their vessel picked up was a long ranged missile or other projectile launched from low orbit, that it had escaped the danger of being detected.

And then, following the faintest of emmissions the vessels unusual and arcane propulsion creates, you swim through the storm, using the fin like blades extending from the armored plates on your star-metal suit to dive and swerve around stray bolts of lightning and patches of static electricity intense enough to super heat even the durable and naturally repairing star metal covering you, with acrobatic grace. The peculiar, storm dwelling vessel doesn't enter your sight again as you track it like you would a wounded animal, and while your mind is focused on the task, you cannot help but to admire the transient beauty of the storm roiling around you, landscapes of lightning forks and splinters painting a canvas of black clouds that swirl and dance to create almost a dream like landscape formed of ephemeral elements. It is a world in of itself, and from the flitting shadows, moving in the corner of your vision like distant flocks of birds or shoals of fish too deep in the water to be clearly made out and identified, there is life thriving within this every shifting environment of the storm.

Paying these shadows cast by alien life no heed, you quicken your flight through the storm, wreathed in lightning that forces you to adjust your position and roll yourself to cast off the excess electrical charge before it grows intense enough to damage the technology within the star metal you wear or pierce through your steel cloak and strike directly at your twin hearts. Maneuvers and movements you must repeat with increasing frequency as the vessel leads you into the true heart of the storm. Or to be more accurate, one of many, as the planetary lightning storm has several areas of intense activity that generate and spread to shroud the whole of the black abyss.


And all the while, the vessel creates false trails by expelling additional flukes of electrical currents to try and mask its true location, creating the illusion of it splitting on the sensor reading glowing in the upper right corner of the visors set within your helmet, burning into your eye as it increases its intensity to be seen through the gloom of the clouds and the blinding flashes of new born lighting carving through the storm. But you are easily able to discern which are the true vessel, as the false trails travel in a straight line with out adjusting their trajectory to avoid damage from lightning strikes or ducking through wells of static electricity to mask their heading or perhaps recharge the magnetic thrusters carrying the vessel through the storm.

Measures which may fool a lesser tracker, but not a man who has hunted spirits and the deadliest game the mists of Shangrala shelter.

Eventually, the craft has completed the task it has set out to complete or feels certain it is not being trailed, and performs a series of complex paths through the most active regions of the perpetual storm, paths you follow exactly to find yourself at a wall of blue, cascading energy. A shield generated from raw magnetism and electromagnetic forces, pressing back against the storm and enforcing an artificial bubble of tranquility within its heart, shielded by the very same storm it pushes back against and banishes outwards.

And while the ship you're falling easily passes through the insubstantial wall, at a glance you realize you cannot do the same. A buoy reacted when they approached, and in observing the shield, you were unable to take advantage of the brief parting of the energies producing it to slip through the barrier after the vessel had passed through. Another entrance must be found, and observing the air currents and flow of electricity, that alternative path is quickly revealed. The bottom of the sphere is peeled back, and lightning generated from the storm is gathers beneath it. It is drawn there by what is functionally a hyper advance lightning rod, and then it is drained and absorbed by long, hair like tendrils that gather the electricity generated and stores it for later use or refinement.

Diving down, you shroud yourself in a veil of warp lightning, knowing how to generate the substance from your encounters with spirits who wield it like spears, and launch yourself through the opening. And see that the lightning catching ropes are connected to an inverted spire, wreathed with nine rings of eighteen glass like panels that thrum with power and visibly distort the air around them. Each panel is the size of the vessel you were tracking.

It is an anti gravity engine, holding up a metal wrought habitat that glimmers with pale blue and deep violet lights, surrounded by a white clouds generated by a system spraying mists to cool the extreme excess heat the various mechanics of the habitat produce keeping itself afloat and charging additional, smaller branches of itself. The design is unlike anything you've seen before, and is clearly alien in origin. The appearance of the habitat, is like a hybrid of the sprouting body of a mushroom and the shell of a mollusk, rendered into straight lines and geometries, all flat panels arranged to gradually curve.

And all around it, unusual craft, of the same design as the one you chased, flat and spread out like, lined with electromagnetic generators along the edges, appear to your eyes to resemble traditional carvings of bats. Symbols of good fortune and wealth.

Hanging beneath the watch lights and infrared sensors, you contemplate your next move as you quickly pick out the vessel you'd tracked amongst the swarms of its brethren, and watch it dock next to an extend bridge of smooth, oil polished steel that is surround by the same air distortions of the rest of the central habitat.

It is clear these beings are harvesting not only the wrecks surrounding black abyss in orbit, but also the storm itself, and most likely the sea as well. But are purposefully avoiding detection. It'd be safer to dwell within the sea, rather than inside the beating heart of the storm above it. But what is it they fear so much to hide away above this abyss?

What is your next move, Lieren?

>study their curious technology from a distance and try to discern their origin from the design philosophy and what little adornment you can make out

>Make your presence known to a figure of authority, and communicate to them with wind whispering that you intend to do no harm

>Sneak into the habitat, realizing that if you cloak yourself with lightning, you will be undetectable from the ambient electricity generated by the machinery, and will mask your own bio-electricity, if their technology possess detection capabilities refined enough to pick it out as well

>Transmit what you're seeing to Liberty, to check against her archives and records to see if this is a previously known species or perhaps culture

>Write in


very nice Haiku!
>study their curious technology from a distance and try to discern their origin from the design philosophy and what little adornment you can make out
>Sneak into the habitat, realizing that if you cloak yourself with lightning, you will be undetectable from the ambient electricity generated by the machinery, and will mask your own bio-electricity, if their technology possess detection capabilities refined enough to pick it out as well
>study their curious technology from a distance and try to discern their origin from the design philosophy and what little adornment you can make out
>Sneak into the habitat, realizing that if you cloak yourself with lightning, you will be undetectable from the ambient electricity generated by the machinery, and will mask your own bio-electricity, if their technology possess detection capabilities refined enough to pick it out as well
>Sneak into the habitat, realizing that if you cloak yourself with lightning, you will be undetectable from the ambient electricity generated by the machinery, and will mask your own bio-electricity, if their technology possess detection capabilities refined enough to pick it out as well
>Transmit what you're seeing to Liberty, to check against her archives and records to see if this is a previously known species or perhaps culture
Might as well bring her into this. It's her adventure and a learning experience as well. Also to let her know we didn't die.
So is it just me or are you all getting Tzeentch vibes too?
>>study their curious technology from a distance and try to discern their origin from the design philosophy and what little adornment you can make out
>Sneak into the habitat, realizing that if you cloak yourself with lightning, you will be undetectable from the ambient electricity generated by the machinery, and will mask your own bio-electricity, if their technology possess detection capabilities refined enough to pick it out as well
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Time for a write in plan! A cunning plan that cannot fail!
>Write in
Have Liberty go out so that she can bounce a signal from us to the other ships on the flip side of the Sun giving her distance and a chance to react if something is up. It means the other sister can help if needs be... also remember our Father's warning of how Terra's oceans were 'lost'~
>Transmit what you're seeing to Liberty, to check against her archives and records to see if this is a previously known species or perhaps culture
Meanwhile we
>Sneak into the habitat, realizing that if you cloak yourself with lightning, you will be undetectable from the ambient electricity generated by the machinery, and will mask your own bio-electricity, if their technology possess detection capabilities refined enough to pick it out as well
The moment we understand they are trying to ambush us we know the signal is being intercepted or viewed, bait them, study them as a predator probes their prey.
>study their curious technology from a distance and try to discern their origin from the design philosophy and what little adornment you can make out

>Sneak into the habitat, realizing that if you cloak yourself with lightning, you will be undetectable from the ambient electricity generated by the machinery, and will mask your own bio-electricity, if their technology possess detection capabilities refined enough to pick it out as well
>study their curious technology from a distance and try to discern their origin from the design philosophy and what little adornment you can make out
>Sneak into the habitat, realizing that if you cloak yourself with lightning, you will be undetectable from the ambient electricity generated by the machinery, and will mask your own bio-electricity, if their technology possess detection capabilities refined enough to pick it out as well

Be the all encompassing storm for the Thunder Panther is the Celestial Hunter.
>study their curious technology from a distance and try to discern their origin from the design philosophy and what little adornment you can make out
>Sneak into the habitat, realizing that if you cloak yourself with lightning, you will be undetectable from the ambient electricity generated by the machinery, and will mask your own bio-electricity, if their technology possess detection capabilities refined enough to pick it out as well
Also transmit what we're seeing to Liberty regardless so she can watch Lieren sneak around.
>study their curious technology from a distance and try to discern their origin from the design philosophy and what little adornment you can make out
>Sneak into the habitat, realizing that if you cloak yourself with lightning, you will be undetectable from the ambient electricity generated by the machinery, and will mask your own bio-electricity, if their technology possess detection capabilities refined enough to pick it out as well
They could be dangerous, they could be harmless. They could be enemies, foes, or friends. Ideally we should find out before we do anything else.
>Sneak into the habitat, realizing that if you cloak yourself with lightning, you will be undetectable from the ambient electricity generated by the machinery, and will mask your own bio-electricity, if their technology possess detection capabilities refined enough to pick it out as well
>Transmit what you're seeing to Liberty, to check against her archives and records to see if this is a previously known species or perhaps culture
Mere months had passed since the undying rivals had left the Mistborne world of Shangrala cursing one another's ineptitude and swearing if they saw one another again it would be an Aeon to soon yet here they were sat side by side being scolded like children, sulking and ribbing at one another like delinquents before the headmaster. Triarch Warden and Overseer of this Tribunal Mhortek found himself absently rubbing his temple despite not having the capacity to have a headache while the two Ancients before him continued.

“-and were it not for my timely intervention my venerable associate, the Diviner himself may have been lost upon some backwater primitive world following his Prophacies!” the Infinite wailed hand wide of faux concern.

“It was you whom forced a direct confrontation and altercation with the native population! All for what to plunder and steal like a miscreant!!”

“Enough” Mhortek growled but they continued to spar words,

“Oh what a loss for the Dysnasty, no the whole of the Empire were you to perish there falling tot he hands of the 'Emperor' or his gene wrought scions it was my duty to our people that I intervened”


“ENOUGH!” Mhortek now bellowed slamming his palm down upon his podium while the gathered court gossiped and showed their disgust at his these elders were behaving. “The Great Awakening is not yet upon us and you, BOTH of you risked not simply yourselves but also that of our people! You have said yourselves Aledari were present upon the world in growing numbers, you have both fragrantly shown you risked revealing us to not simply they our ancient enemy but also this budding power!”

Trazyn raised his hand slowly,

“Speak Overlord.” He wanted to go back to sleep.

“Thank you, Permission to approach?” a few moments passed at the audacity but as an Overlord it was his right and so he was gestured forward. The two lent close to have a quiet word the Infinite speaking in a low tone.

“During my venture upon the world despite Orikan's wishes for us to leave were it not for my pressing onward we would not have uncovered this”, a small sphere was taken from within the Overlord's cloak and placed forward to the Triarch representative whose Optical widened in recognition and horror. He lend forward to whisper directly to the brazen thief.

“You will give this council the location of this; Shangrala and we will verify the authenticity of your claims, you can return to the stand and-”

“Thank you my gracious Overseer and thank you for you understa-”

“Orikan please approach the Overseer”

Trazyn looked nervous as his rival smugly stepped past him sharing another quiet word with their judge, the tones were hushed and it went on for a little longer than he was comfortable with especially given the repeated glances back at himself.

The Court was quiet now waiting patiently actually now engrossed in these secret talks and what manner of bargains were being struck. Finally though Orikan returned to his place as his tail gently swayed like a proud feline.

“The rulings are to be forestalled until further evidence is gathered by the Court and the Accusatory party, defendants you would be wise to get your stories straight.”

Trazyn and orikan froze a moment; they were both accused by the same party? They'd not told on one another like they'd assumed!

“As Overlord I belive I have the right to face my accuser!” Trazyn spoke with poise though he was clearly for once nervous.

“That you do-” came a voice far older than even them. They turned together and cursed for out of the shadows came an ominous blue hued light, followed by a figure of legend; Anrakyr the Traveller.

Mhortek lent forward to finish; “We shall dispatch a number of Deathmarks to confirm the details and if needs be act. You had best hope they don't find anything...compromising on this Shangrala. But they surly won't will they?”

Both shook their heads vigorously all the while remembering a certain orb left in a child's hand when they left.


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Calling the vote now, sorry for the wait.

study their curious technology from a distance and try to discern their origin from the design philosophy and what little adornment you can make out:7

Sneak into the habitat, realizing that if you cloak yourself with lightning, you will be undetectable from the ambient electricity generated by the machinery, and will mask your own bio-electricity, if their technology possess detection capabilities refined enough to pick it out as well:10

Have Liberty go out so that she can bounce a signal from us to the other ships on the flip side of the Sun giving her distance and a chance to react if something is up....etc: 1

Transmit what you're seeing to Liberty, to check against her archives and records to see if this is a previously known species or perhaps culture:3

Total votes:10

So Lieren will study the curious technology from afar, and sneak into the habitat, cloaked in lightning

Writing now

Oh boy, more Trayzn and Orikan! My favorite duo. Always enjoy reading these ones, very funny but in character for both of them

While that is a question that may go unanswered for sometime, many others may yet be answered through cautious and distant observation. It is true that infiltrating the habitat would provide more immediate answers to many of the curiosities rising to the surface of your thoughts, but much can be learned through passive observable. Like the exact function of this alien species form of anti gravity generators or the ambient electromagnetic fields wreathing every portion of the suspended citadel within the calm of the storm clouds. Or the origin of the species, or at least that of these storm harvesters themselves. Much can be learned about the users of a device as well as its builders by the design philosophy and needless adornment and decoration included into it.

Of which, along the panels producing the current that keeps the habitat from plummeting to the depths of the sea below through the perpetual storm, there is a scarcity. The construction of the panels and static electricity collectors are spartan and plain, entirely functional without any needless additions or extravagancy. They are built to purpose, and are clearly well maintained, but not worshipped as some cultures and faiths of humanity idolize technology. The necessity and importance of the generators is clear, considering they are unadorned. But the markings you can see along the armor and walkways, are decorative, not colorful, muted but clearly proudly displaying allegiance, to a clan, family or perhaps corporation. Any flat surface that does not perform an imperative function in keeping the habitat operational is decorated with streaks of color and acid etchings that to your eyes look tribal. Dark blues and violets so dark as to near black, perhaps serving a secondary function of helping blend the station into the background of the storm on the visible spectrum of light. But, nearer to the heart and inhabited portions of the shell and mushroom shaped habitat, the blues become so light as to be more easily perceived as a brilliant shade of white, but there is a subtle, nigh imperceptible differentiation between hues, separating the various components and out stretched portions of the habitat from its center.

But what does that denote? Districts devoted to a particular craft or labor? familial lines? Station and importance? You know too little to presume. But the construction of their technology and how the most curious examples of it clash with the more standardized construction that composes much of the habitat convinces you that they are not native to the black abyss, or even the star system. From their vessel to the fortified station they dock at, they are designed to be modular, and the electromagnetic propulsion and ambient energy absorbers maybe innovations designed to allow them to move through the atmosphere of this storm wracked planet with ease and subtlety.


Or that could be a pleasant happenstance, a fortuitous coincidence The same basic principle would allow them to move agilely through any environment, so long as there was not a disruption or anomaly prevent it in any given planet's electromagnetic field. What is clear, is they value function over form, and take every precaution into making sure the vital machinery keeping them moving and alive in the storm work flawlessly and have taken great care into ensuring that they are not damaged or even dirtied, but do not worship them. And the design speaks of a frugal mindset, which also explains why they have been scavenging the old battlefield above the world. Whoever these storm shadows are, they leave nothing to waste. An admirable mindset, though is it borne from resourcefulness and a willingness to recycle and reuse or from simple greed and miserlyness? Again, you cannot be certain.

What you are certain of is, they are less advance than the Aeldari and the era of humanity that is survived by Kanzeon and her sisters. They may prove a danger to the initial, unarmed and unescorted wave of Shangralan colonists, but you do not see any armaments or defensive platforms upon the habitat, but that does not mean they to are mostly unarmed and not equipped to wage a pitched battle, defensive or not.

The ships that did not belong to them show this from the electrical burns they bore to the point of their alien alloy hulls being melted into slag or rent asunder by what you now realize were intense magnetic forces.

Ah! so they've weaponized not one universal force, but two! Magnetism and Electric Fields! They are truly crafty and of inventive minds, even if you have seen technology that far exceeds their capabilities. And fought inside of it. Or wielded it as a spear in battle, or worn it as a robe. But that does not tell you how old or ascendant this species is.

But it does provide further and deeper evidence that they come from somewhere beyond the light of Shangrala's sun. They are spendthrift in their construction, caring more about functionality than beauty and what decoration they do create, it is the spreading of pigments in etched lines, which is not at all costly or resource intensive. And they've taken the time and care to strip the ships and till the clouds to gather the raw materials that can be extracted from the wrecks and lightning storm both.

Before meeting one of them face to face, you are already confident they would be more likely to trade or bargain with the people of Shangrala than they are to attack. But confidence is a slow, insidious killer, and they are hiding and watching for something, for some purpose. And were spying on you and liberty.

They may be scavengers by necessity, rather than choice. And while breath is still drawn from your lungs, no raider or bandit, brigand or blackguard driven by greed or sadism shall trouble the fair people of Shangrala or benight the soil with their presence.

And from your inspection of their technology, you've found a means to walk unseen into their domain, to see with your own eyes if they are a threat that will menace the innocent explorers of Long Jia or if they pose no danger beyond taking resources that are yet unclaimed by any human government.

Using the same principles behind their magnetic and electrical field composing technology, you mask yourself with a cloak of electricity and align its current with that produced by the machinery that is constantly working to keep the habitat afloat, masking yourself from any detection device or alarms that may be tripped by even your body's own bio-electricity.

And then, you enter in unseen, floating up to one of the more remote walkways and landing onto it without a sound. As you muffled your footsteps with spirit's touch, wrapping your limbs with a gentle telekinetic force to quiet your movements beyond what even your incredibly well honed stealth skills and hunter's knowledge are capable of, making use of your experience infiltrating sites and heavily guarded locations and improving upon it with the psykerist gifts you've cultivated.

And it is from this walk way you catch your first sight of these stranger. They are, compared to humans and especially Aeldari, and most other aliens species you've encountered, except the merchants of mirth, squat and diminutive. While their form is humanoid, their legs are digitigrade, and they are tailed and move about with a hunching stance as they move. Their is something rodent about their appearance, but not rat-like. They remind you of a desert mouse native to Nuceria's most inhospitable regions in the way they move and their posture, but they are not furred. But rather scaled, with brilliant blue scales, that you can tell are smeared with pigment to color them, even from a distance.

While the habitat is dried, the hands of some of the toiling workers brushed away the colorant to reveal pale white scales on their mouse like hands.

And judging from the dryness maintained by large, blocky machines that gather the moisture in the air, the resemblance to the desert mouse goes beyond their posture and gait. They are, without a doubt, a lifeform native to a desert. But did they come here by necessity, driven from their home, or did they come to pick through a graveyard of their ancestors making.

You frown, noting how everyone of the mouse lizard aliens wear what is clearly a firearm of some kind on their hips, and generate a collective aura of disquiet and danger. They are expecting to be attacked, and have been since before you noticed their spying. But from whom and for what reason?

How do you proceed in your investigation, Lieren?

>Make use of the technique "The Dragon sheds its scales to walk amongst snakes" to appear as and walk amongst them as one of their own, learning their language through observation and gathering intel by eavesdropping

>Observe and find the authority of this habitat, and confront them directly to ask what it is they're doing above black abyss and what are they hiding from

>Simply check to see if they pose any danger to Shangrala or humanity at large and take a few samples of their technology for further study, but leave them alone otherwise

>Show Liberty what you're seeing and give her a test, asking her what she thinks should be done

>Write in
>Make use of the technique "The Dragon sheds its scales to walk amongst snakes" to appear as and walk amongst them as one of their own, learning their language through observation and gathering intel by eavesdropping
>Show Liberty what you're seeing and give her a test, asking her what she thinks should be done
>Make use of the technique "The Dragon sheds its scales to walk amongst snakes" to appear as and walk amongst them as one of their own, learning their language through observation and gathering intel by eavesdropping
probe a little to see how psyker aware they are, if they are not overly connected start pulling memories and all we can
>Observe and find the authority of this habitat, and confront them directly to ask what it is they're doing above black abyss and what are they hiding from
>Write in
As we gather intel upon them find the intel they have been gathering upon this world and maybe others they have visited, maybe we'll discover whats upon the surface thanks tot heir efforts.
>Make use of the technique "The Dragon sheds its scales to walk amongst snakes" to appear as and walk amongst them as one of their own, learning their language through observation and gathering intel by eavesdropping
>Show Liberty what you're seeing and give her a test, asking her what she thinks should be done
>Show Liberty what you're seeing and give her a test, asking her what she thinks should be done
>Show Liberty what you're seeing and give her a test, asking her what she thinks should be done
>Make use of the technique "The Dragon sheds its scales to walk amongst snakes" to appear as and walk amongst them as one of their own, learning their language through observation and gathering intel by eavesdropping
>Make use of the technique "The Dragon sheds its scales to walk amongst snakes" to appear as and walk amongst them as one of their own, learning their language through observation and gathering intel by eavesdropping
>Show Liberty what you're seeing and give her a test, asking her what she thinks should be done
With all the alien races Leiren is adopting, he's going to have a problem with Imperium protocol.

How the hell is he going to preserve these guys?
In a planet? In a bunch of Ghettos? As part of a Rouge trader retinue? A few secret star systems?

Is he going to have to fight the other primarchs and his father? Is he going to create another mechanicum/mechanicus mars situation where these aliens become a respected part of the imperium that become integral to its function and thus are permitted to exist?
I imagine they'd become a vassal state or something.
They get their own system, they pay a tithe, and are generally left alone unless they fuck around.
Hell, I imagine the more warlike aliens would make for a great troop division within the Imperial Guard.
>>Make use of the technique "The Dragon sheds its scales to walk amongst snakes" to appear as and walk amongst them as one of their own, learning their language through observation and gathering intel by eavesdropping
>Show Liberty what you're seeing and give her a test, asking her what she thinks should be done
>Make use of the technique "The Dragon sheds its scales to walk amongst snakes" to appear as and walk amongst them as one of their own, learning their language through observation and gathering intel by eavesdropping
>Show Liberty what you're seeing and give her a test, asking her what she thinks should be done
Inequalities like that breed contempt. Far more desirable targets for chaos cults and the like to Subvert.

Won't this become a problem down the road? Or will this fundamentally change Imperium policy into something unrecognisable?
Contempt would stem if Lieren allowed this to happen, but seeing we've got The Journey, we could head off problems with good philosophy and such.
If we prove that we can improve their lives and respect their lifestyles within good and moral boundaries, we could have good societies within the Imperium.
Granted, I can see a lot of issues stemming from other sources, such as the Administratum or other Primarch's not wanting aliens within Imperium borders, so we could sell the vassalage as a form of protection to these aliens.
Other anons could probably word it better, or come up with a better idea, but I'm fairly smooth-brained, so take what I've said with a grain of salt.
>Make use of the technique "The Dragon sheds its scales to walk amongst snakes" to appear as and walk amongst them as one of their own, learning their language through observation and gathering intel by eavesdropping
>Show Liberty what you're seeing and give her a test, asking her what she thinks should be done
We did talk with the Emperor about creation of aliens protectorates and the alien species we have saved (which currently live in their own enclaves in Shangrila while slowly integrating OR live already in the human states and are integrating in the wider cultures of Shangrila), and that he was incredibly interested in knowing how much the Journey spread through the Eldar.

Lieren is active, we have seen he has thought of this. With the Jokaero he has put offers and solutions already, which they have agreed upon.

How ? Shangrila is already a model in the making of how humans and xenos can cooperate, work and thrive together. It was already becoming one with the presence of multiple Journey Eldar, that work with the Wanderers of the Fog. Things such has ghettos are out of the picture with Lieren at this point.

With his father ? Oh no, the Emperor understands the benefits of this if it works out. The Emperor wants those benefits if Lieren manages to make this work out, in fact. 100% like when he had the chance to put to use the water stones on Terra for war (something he didn't say so far !). Will it be a reason for conflict with some of his brothers and other wider factions that will form in the Imperium ? Definetly ! There is more than one topic for conflict in the future with some of his brothers or other wide factions of the Imperium : journey, xenos, technology, government types, laws, view on religions and i could keep going. A lot of imperials nobles that are tyrants will definetly shit their pants and ally with eachother

Perhaps, he might found it yes or a sizable group of techpriests might just arrive later on, and ask Lieren and the sisters-ships if they can serve them directly and create a new mechanicus sect...... even if he really doesn't need it since he uses engineers, educated in academies and by himself or ex-students of the now deceased Shan. But Lieren is fairly kind so he would be probably okay with it after asking them to stop being on their knees.
The Wanderers of the Fog are another topic that will create conflict even if its a very good result and achievement of Lieren. The psyker question resolved, integrated, beneficial and working. Others in the Imperium will not see it like this though especially if you add some jealousy, hate, prejudice and so on.
The wanderers are just a proto-Librarius.
They probably won't be spared when the Question of Nikea comes up.
Thing is at this point, magnus himself will argue that progress in psyhic arts must go hand in hand with proper training, protections and caution instead of the free for all stance he had in canon.
"just". I disagree, they arent really a Proto-Librarius, the Wanderers where not made for war but for teach, educate and give a better and more secure life to all psykers that join them. It sounds quite unfair to put a "just" to what has been made so far and the choices taken, is the Brotherhood of the Panthers "just" a warrior sect ? Its the White Lotus Organization "just" a volunteer medical organization ? No and no.

That is if there will be a Council, might be not even on Nikea, and who wins. The Emperor also likes Guozhi ..... and the old man will reincarnate with his mien, even if Tzeentch really wants his soul. Overall the Wanderers are already well liked too, if a council happens there is no way in hell Lieren would just allow an outcome of a death sentence if they do any psykerism.
And things are not going has canon, by quite a while. Multiple Primarchs have strong ties of friendship and brotherhood already with Lieren (he has no issue in treating them has family and showing it), which would mean they would agree on a lot of things ...... you guessed it not looking so canon anymore that Council does it ? Nevermind the Emperor liking him and being proud of most of his actions (he has shown favoritism to his sons before, wouldn't be surprised if he did again).
Yes and Yes.

They *Are* just a warrior lodge and they are just a well trained medical. . I want to say a charity, but I think they might be an official government branch now.

The Librarius of a chapter is designated as it's lore keepers, psyker trainers and the experts called in when you need to deal with warp matters. It does exactly as you describe the Wanderer's do, but because it is a space marine only club their focuses are naturally skewed in the favour of martial excellence and temperance.

The wanderers on shangrala have, to my recollection, trained their arts to the best level they are capable under tutalage, they use this prowess to be deployed to find and recover other nascent psykers, use it to dispel and abjure evil spirits wherever they are found, act as psychic security to the royal family and Namless, And otherwise are an autonomous "lieren brand" secret society which does as he lays out in their charter.

They are not just an enclave of people who hone power for no reason other than containment and quarentine from the wider public.
We have used the Brotherhood has our personal guard, has agents, has our elite strike force, and has the guards of Jinhai and Daiyu when they where crowned. They are their own elite unit that could be sent out alone even and do their missions solo, so i do think they are bit more than just a warrior lodge. I think they have died and suffered losses in enough heroic moments to deserve some respect.

I dont quite remember if they are part of the governments now. I am not sure. I know they work closely with each state, but the White Lotus fundamentally follows the objectives we have given them.

While they do all that they have also interact closely with other pyskers groups such has the ones of Prospero and trained the ones of Nuceria, and collaborate/study closely with Eldar.

I have not defined them has such, if anything they have helped break the myth of witches and warlocks that the Shuni where infamous for, and show that psykers are in fact people like the rest of Shangrila and that they can help. They where also present in the Nuceria Expedition Force, so they also helped there.
Male I have a question, has Magnus ever tried to predict Lieren's future?
would have loved to see Magnus surprised by that.
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Calling the vote now sorry for the long wait. Got food poisoned by some cheap chinese food, the orange chicken was tasty at least. Like all the discussion you lads were having.

Make use of the technique "The Dragon sheds its scales to walk amongst snakes" to appear as and walk amongst them as one of their own, learning their language through observation and gathering intel by eavesdropping:9

Show Liberty what you're seeing and give her a test, asking her what she thinks should be done:9

Observe and find the authority of this habitat, and confront them directly to ask what it is they're doing above black abyss and what are they hiding from:1

As we gather intel upon them find the intel they have been gathering upon this world and maybe others they have visited:1
Total votes:10

So Lieren will disguise himself as one of these mouse like lizard xenos, gathering intel and learning their language from observation, while broadcasting that to Liberty and testing her by asking her what she thinks should be done.

Writing now
One of Lieren's favorite phrases is "Fate is the salve of fools", so if Magnus has, he probably wouldn't mention it to him
Burying that particular curiosity for the moment, you instead turn your well honed and superhuman and further refined senses upon observing the peculiarities of this unknown species form and physiology from a distance, hidden in the shadows cast by the clouds above and the towering spires rising from the ring like foundations of their hidden habitat. Details that could be easily overlooked, on their subtle movements and instinctive mannerisms, the general pace and gait of their steps, the heft of their tail and how it counter balances their forward march, the exact shape of their scales, the exact shade of white beneath the dust of blue pigments and dyes they've smeared on themselves, their manner of dress and the indicators of status, wealth and career clearly present in the differing fashion worn by the shuffling masses of these lightning farmers. The angle of their hunched stance, how far they lean forward, the way they lift their snouts when they look over and scrutinize their enviroment, the way their eyes tend to glance upwards when they are idle, a remnant of their bestial ancestors scanning the clouds for the shadows cast by predatory birds or a similar flight capable form of life.

It takes moments for you to construct a standard template, a mental image of the very embodiment of their ordinary from the thousands of unique individuals milling about before you, toiling and moving in great crowds that remind you of swarms of ants and schools of fish more than the rhythm of a civilized city in motion. With some mental adjustments done to make the absolute ordinary example of their species less so, as it is likely they have developed a sense similar to the uncanny valley effect to pick out the physically or mentally ill of their society in their distant past, or perhaps to tell similar but rival species or genetic lineages apart from their own community at a glance. An adjustment to the high, a further lean, a slight stutter in their step, a delayed flick of the tale, a darker, duller shade of white for the scales, a separating of the pigments upon the scales and wear and tear upon the rubber leather hoods and cloaks that all of them wear for, you assume, to keep excess moisture that couldn't be done away with by the industrial de-humidifiers from reaching their scales or in dryer environments, retaining what precious little moisture can be found. An ingenious duel purpose clothing, that serves and important function for survival and comfort in extreme weather and environments that are the opposite of each other.

With the mental image and a clear picture of these nameless xenos in your mind, you subtly perform the psykerist technique you invented upon nuceria, but rather than taking on the aged mask of Kynigos, you shroud yourself with an illusion of the imaginary member of the storm catcher species.

And after taking a quick moment to check that there were no obvious flaws or tell tale signs of otherness, you descended from your perch. Using your natural agility and alacrity, you scramble from the isolated walkway and down walls, using flashes of lightning and the brief shadows they extend and darken, you seamlessly join the throng of workers working at or moving to their station. As unnoticed as water flowing into a stream.

Keeping your head down, you match the pace of the flow of the inhabitants moving about the habitat, and extend your senses as you move through them as an unseen stranger, your true appearance and nature hidden far beneath the illusion you wear, woven from the moonlight drawn from your heart and the darkness of the spires and overcast. Delicately and as gently as was possible, to hasten your learning of their language to the point of grasping at least an acceptable level of conversational ability with it, you delve into the shallow puddles of their collective, surface level thoughts, their stray musings, idle ponderings and habitual notions formed in the winding currents of the thousands of minds surrounding you.

Their thoughts are oddly structured, not mechanical, but structured to naturally follow a flowchart like motion, a schedule that is adjusted and extended as they go about their day, moving from a collection of thoughts to another, connecting back to the original notions and expanding upon those earlier ideas. It is a frantic, scattered form of consciousness. The mentality of a prey species, fast paced by necessity and adaptation. They are quick witted, and very capable of multitasking, constantly switching their full attention and narrow focus from one thing to another. From the work they must do, to the odd noises the "Rain quellers" are making, the fierceness of the storm, what they will have for lunch and the latest fortune in their lives. And the riches of the salvage they have been finding. The minds that think those thoughts, are slightly faster than the rest of the masses, and have a certain scholarly and learned refinement to their internal dialogue.

Closing your eyes, you step from the rush of the crowd and take a deep breath, picking apart the mental concepts and formless thoughts to begin to build up a structured and formed understanding of their language.

You hear a skittering, squeaking noise, and turn to see a tired eyed alien looking at you, a small, roll of tan orange leaf and fragrant herbs loosely stuffed inside of it, hanging from two of their paw like hands, smoke rising from one lit end and ashes coating their dull, gently pointed nubs of claws. They're holding the clearly self wrapped smoke up to you, offering it. Mentally, you snatch upon their vocalizations, connecting the noises they make with the fleeting rapid fire of constantly changing thoughts, shifting ideas and intense but brief flashes of incredible focus.


"I do not partake" You answer, in their squeaking, snappy tongue, and wait for a response as you strain your ears to pick up on the subtlest of inflection, tone and stressing of the syllables of their speech

"Aye aye, ruins the sweet air, burns the senses, clogs the lungs and clouds the brain" They reply swiftly, eyes throbbing, as they flick out a tongue "Back from Ozone theft run? Hard, nervous work, not not for me, scent clings, bad smell, always clings"

Curious, they repeat affirmatives and negatives once before proceeding and continuing their frantic sentences

"Yes yes" You answer with a solemn nod "Hard, but rewarding work, Yes Yes"

"Best second to salvage, dangerous, void stepping, star shuffling, always risky, yes yes, not not for me, yes yes" They say with a sniffling as they look up at the pigments "But best paying work on habitat, clan-heads never want to risk brood- children, so they pay us to do the deadly duty, earn lots, but they reap more, maybe they should go and star shuffle? Ozone huff? Yes yes, that'd be a sight to spy"

They click their tongue rapidly in what you recognize as a good humored by gloomy fit of laughter

"Yes yes, Unfair" You say, growing more accustomed to the quickly spoken and shortly construct alien language, as you tenderly probe this off duty worker's minds, searching for more information without disrupting his thoughts or causing him much discomfort "Quite unfair, but lucrative still. Worth the risk and smell"

"Hmm, all going to be rich. Clutches and broods, thank us when it is done" They agree with a contemplative nod, telling you this is not a permanent habitat, or at least not a true colony, more of an outpost, which a few snippets of passing conversations you pick up on confirm. Everyone here is a worker, this is a salvage and resource gathering operation. The storm and the wrecks are what they're after.

And they call themselves the Alf-harim . Which roughly translates into Storm Child in their language, or at least an outdated dialect of it

"Still, not not for me, much pay yes yes, but much danger also, yes yes" The say with a shake of their head and snout, plucking a few unshed scales between their free paws nails "You, braver man than I, Yes Yes. Maybe earn, buy a position in the clan-heads house, become a pampered husband, instead of an ozone thief huffer, yes yes, snrrt"

They snort with laughter and snicker shaking their head

"Idle dream for workers like us, aye aye" You joke back "far out of reach, but not as far as salvage or storms, yes yes?"

"Yes yes!" They chime happily slapping your back and cooing "Very strong back, hauler before ozone huffer? Odd career change, friend"

"Life is of unexpected twists and turns, yes yes" You answer back vaguely, and they nod in agreement

"Can say that again, aye aye" They agree, glancing at a neon blue light "Hmm, few clicks left until back to work, bad, bad"

"Won't keep you then" You say with a nod "enjoy the bad bad smoke, friend"

He nods and frowns as he goes back to blankly staring down at the lower levels of the habitat, deep in thought about their responsibilities of their next shift and visions of a distant home of bright white sands and rumbling breezes whispering over dunes.

'Thanks for translating all that, Big Bro, even having it in basic gothic started giving me a migraine, these little bastards talk like they're on stimulants, the sort of stuff they juice up penal legions...er, or so Dae-Hyun told me' Liberty remarks as you smoothly return to the crowd 'So they're a bunch of scavengers, pick through the graves of the dead, frakin disgusting"

"Economical" you reply, speaking outloud and hearing a chorus of 'yes yes' from those Alf-harim milling and crowding around you 'I sense no disrespect or disdain in their actions as a collective, it is thriftiness, though some surely do look down upon the dead'

'Why waste time talking with them, what are you doing down their anyways?' Liberty asks

'Learning from them. This is one massive, extended family unit, a branching structured clan, with houses ran by fertile and mature females, with one branch of the clan ruling over the rest, due to their seniority, wealth and cunning to maintain the second and ensure they remain the foremost of the first. And since they refer to a local power, and are clearly avoiding and hiding away from something, their purpose here is greater than greed yet lesser than survival' You answer, as you can hear Liberty grinding a few gears out of boredom, a burst of static rising from her line like a sigh

'And, does any of that mean they're a threat, kind of feels like a waste, your badass re-entry wasted on a bunch of scroungers' She answers back poutingly

'Perhaps, I only have a basic understanding of their culture, but an unusual amount of them day dream about their original home. My guess is they were ousted from there from inter clan politics or rivalries, or perhaps, as a poor clan they were unable to afford to remain on their homeworld, or if their race is expansive enough, acclimatized colony world' You theorize to Liberty, as you carefully listen to the more high statused influential Alf-harim in the crowd, picking up snippets of excited thoughts and hurried conversation about the bounty of salvage they'd found and a big score they were looking forward to, that might propel the whole of the clan to something resembling relevance and respect.

'So you're scouting to see if they could be a threat, right?' Liberty asks exciting 'Doing a covert op, sneaking around in the midst of the xenos? Almost sounds fun, if the way they talk wasn't headache inducing. I'm a giant ship, it takes a lot to cause me pain.I could take a barrage that could carve a hole in some planets, ya know!'

'I am well aware. And that is one reason, I also simply wish to learn, and make certain they are not oppressed, by tyrants material or immaterial' You answer as Liberty snorts

'Emotional parasites swimming through the empyrean gnawing at souls' She growls

"Exactly, but you see what I've seen, you can hear their thoughts and conversation, what do you think should be done?" you ask her, stopping and nearly causing a pile up in the walkway as two dozen Alf-harim workers slam into you and each other, and start squeaking and hissing in surprise, annoyance and confusion as to why someone stopped in the march

"Well..." Liberty begins slowly, clearly weighing her options and putting real consideration into what she says next, instead of leaping to action or brushing the question off. Pride swells in your chest

'If I were you, and not training my self defense arrays at their position if they so much as twitch at me' She starts, and you can tell she's bluffing, which makes her huffily defender herself the moment she picks up on that thought "I am not! I am keeping an eye on them! I'm not bluffing! I'm not! But if I wasn't, ya know, holding a gun to their collective heads, and was down there in the muck and grime, I'd see what the big score some of their big wigs mentioned was, and how far they intend to go looking for scrap. Since, well, they don't seem like a pressing threat, even if they did wage a battle up here, years ago. But it'd be a waste and fraking reckless to just leave them be, and I know YOU wouldn't chase them off when they aren't harming anything but old broken down hunks of junk"

You hum in thought, moving through the crowd, the squabble between the piled up Alf-harim quickly forgotten and forgiven as they carry about their day, only slightly delayed

'Or you can stage a revolt. You're good at that. And if you do, lemme help!' Liberty continues.

What do you decide to do, Lieren?

>Continue studying the Alf-harim language and way of life, and learn as much as you can as to how this clan ended up here

>Liberty passed the unspoken test you gave her, and gave sound council. Investigate this big score the leaders of the habitat are speaking of

>Make sure the rulers of this habitat are not oppressors of the lower class, and simultaneously use them to learn more about the operation here and where they intend to return.

>Sneak into an outgoing salvage operation, to observe their methods and maybe scare the whole clan away from Shangralan space, if the need arrises

>Write in
>Liberty passed the unspoken test you gave her, and gave sound council. Investigate this big score the leaders of the habitat are speaking of
Giver her due praise
>Sneak into an outgoing salvage operation, to observe their methods and maybe scare the whole clan away from Shangralan space, if the need arrises
>Liberty passed the unspoken test you gave her, and gave sound council. Investigate this big score the leaders of the habitat are speaking of
Now I expect the way they rule might be beastial simply from species, we don't mind rulers. We serve an Emperor of Terra and Shangrala both so leadership structure In of itself isnt bad.

>write in
Gain access to this stations internal database, as a working station it will have information on threats, indicators of rank, evacuation stations and security protocols...as well as hazards, we might discover humans are down there below the storm.

The objective is simple get a reading on their leaders then we decide if we help, hinder, exterminate or exile these little chatter boxes yes yes?

I bet they ruined their own homeworld
>Liberty passed the unspoken test you gave her, and gave sound council. Investigate this big score the leaders of the habitat are speaking of

>Make sure the rulers of this habitat are not oppressors of the lower class, and simultaneously use them to learn more about the operation here and where they intend to return.
>>Continue studying the Alf-harim language and way of life, and learn as much as you can as to how this clan ended up here
>>Liberty passed the unspoken test you gave her, and gave sound council. Investigate this big score the leaders of the habitat are speaking of

I'll support this, while a skim reading of their leader's minds may yield a more personal insight the big picture we can glimpse from infiltrating their systems would be more telling.
We can pry their secret thoughts when we reveal ourselves to confront them diplomatically, also it may be more likely to remain undiscovered by doing a hacking with Liberty's support than go snoop around their leaders whom might be protected by psykers, if they have any.

>Continue studying the Alf-harim language and way of life, and learn as much as you can as to how this clan ended up here

>Liberty passed the unspoken test you gave her, and gave sound council. Investigate this big score the leaders of the habitat are speaking of

>Make sure the rulers of this habitat are not oppressors of the lower class, and simultaneously use them to learn more about the operation here and where they intend to return.
>Liberty passed the unspoken test you gave her, and gave sound council. Investigate this big score the leaders of the habitat are speaking of

>Make sure the rulers of this habitat are not oppressors of the lower class, and simultaneously use them to learn more about the operation here and where they intend to return.

these dudes sound alot like skaven and that makes me want to kill them
>Liberty passed the unspoken test you gave her, and gave sound council. Investigate this big score the leaders of the habitat are speaking of
>Make sure the rulers of this habitat are not oppressors of the lower class, and simultaneously use them to learn more about the operation here and where they intend to return.
Lieren stood alone upon the blasted surface of Cadia, the world was so like Terra, colder and so distant from the Great Lighthouse. Yet it was awash with the power of the Warp, swarms of spirits swimming through the miasma of it so dense the energies were, his brow and the brand upon it we're scolding hot, steaming in the cold snow filled air.

The Tundra reeked of blood and death, all about him uncountable dead followers of the so called Gods of Chaos. The Emperor's Tracker spat upon the floor as he stilled his mind, as he gave his body some moments rest before the next tribe undoubtedly came for him. No doubt they thought their souls would go to their masters, little did they know this killing field was chosen by him and made ready for these massacres. Runes from Aeons passed marked both realities as a dead zone; every soul broken from their mortal shell would instead simply melt away from exposure to the Golden fire of his soul...to be reborn pure once more, denied to the Dark Ones.

He hefted his axe of his shoulder while the Sword of Love hung low in his other hand, the Hunter smiled and admitted to himself he enjoyed his objective here; bait. He knew swiftly when his prey had taken the bait for he'd targeted the tribes dedicated tot he Silver prince most of all.

First he smelt honey in the air, sweet and natural. He smelt home...he smelt friends long passed and a warm hearth. Then came the sounds of songs, angelic and divine just behind their soothing tones the scratching of glass and gnashing of teeth.

He felt pressure upon his body, atmospheric and etheric both as within the sea of souls a leviathan beyond measure drew near and it's very bow wake made his sanctuary shudder. He felt his hearts stutter but they held true.

Then through the thinned veil he saw it's shadow, the shadow of a god. His eyes bled and burnt his own blood turning to ash and steam. Yet he stilled his mind, he knew what he had to do to deal a blow to this parasite but he needed to look upon it...truly look upon it.

The ocans of spirits parted and from it came the monster, the doom of all things; desire, indulgence... He beheld a thousand thousand faces, he saw friends, he saw enemies he saw his beloved reflected back at him. His muscles began to shudder begging him to kneel, pleading to open his arms in a wide embrace. Snow melted about him and the ground began to pool with blood as it slowly flowed from eyes and ears, mouth and brand all. Then finally he looked up into the sky, into that bruise coloured rend, into the Eye of a God, it smiled and he felt his own teeth shatter as he clenched his jaw.

The swimming colours of Opal yes always silver, vulpine yet gentle, lashes that were also as blades.

“Lieren~” Slannesh herself looked upon the Godling, her presence scaring the cosmos and this bloody glade forever.

It was it... this was the moment to strike,

he held her eye contact as long as he could, he knew it wanted him to say it's name.

All apart of the plan.

It was the greatest trial he'd endured, muscles tore in his skin, blood weaped from his pours. He did the impossible once more.

He turned away and spoke the words that caused a true wound; “Disappointing.”

The warp for a moment was still, a frigged cold washing over it the ocean chilled to it's fathomless core, sweetest Ambrosia flowed from an arrow forged in denial and dismissal struck the young prince of all Chaos, those eyes now wide in sheer dismay...

But then came the fury, like a Tsunami all it's power ballooned to the single point of it's fury only for the Hunter Returned to vanish leaving behind only the cackling of a God who'd long eluded her. So great was her fury and wroth for a moment her attention had been at this moment somewhere in the dark of the galaxy.

A babe cried, an Aeldari reborn.

The first in an epoch.
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> disappointing
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Calling the vote now, sorry for the really long wait. I was delayed due to various reasons, including Monhun grinding. I now believe in the desire sensor, there is an abominable intelligence within that game and it holds me in contempt. I've killed too many Rathalos.

Liberty passed the unspoken test you gave her, and gave sound council. Investigate this big score the leaders of the habitat are speaking of:8

Sneak into an outgoing salvage operation, to observe their methods and maybe scare the whole clan away from Shangralan space, if the need arrises:1

Gain access to this stations internal database...etc:2

Continue studying the Alf-harim language and way of life, and learn as much as you can as to how this clan ended up here:2

Make sure the rulers of this habitat are not oppressors of the lower class, and simultaneously use them to learn more about the operation here and where they intend to return:4

Total votes:8

So Lieren will give liberty her due praise, and investigate the big score the leaders of the habitat are speaking off, while making sure the rulers are no oppressors or tyrants and learning the details of the operation here and where they intend to return to when it is finished

writing now

I really liked how you wrote this, especially the descriptions of the killing field and the presence and eventual appearance & temptation of slaanesh, both were very evocative and dare I say poetic

And I grinned like mad at "Disappointing" Absolute cinema, and the fact Lieren managed to wound and trick slaanesh into letting an Aeldari soul slip away. Absolutely amazing, this was a treat from the first to last line

So brutal they won't be able to air it on the news!
'However, young Liberty, your first suggestion has more merit. You've given me council most sound and shown a glimpse of a sagely character. Be graciously proud, for you are of clear and sharp with, little one'

'Little? I'm a fething colony ship, Lieren! I'm just, uh, not as experienced as the older models of my sisters is all!' She shouts back, ringing your skull with her mental intrusion 'And don't bring my meat suit into this, you smug prick. But uhm, thank you, I knew you'd be able to appreciate my uh, tactical genius, hm?'

'I praise good advice as readily as I do any other gift freely and generously given' you answer back, knowing Liberty will just become upset if you point out she is, in fact, a child and immature, despite inhabiting a vessel capable of blotting out the sun when in flight 'Please, stay alert as I approach the leaders and rulers of this society and see exactly what this big score so many of them are thinking of actually is, and where this trove of wealth they seek may be found'

'Armed and ready to blast the habitat out of the sky if they so much as twitch wrong at you, mist walker' Liberty drawls in a manner you recognize from how a few of the most junior member of your astartes and a few of their attached troops will talk, especially when reporting back in the middle of recon missions. You smirk, and using the crowd around you as cover, adjust the illusion you present, making use of context clues to refine it and shift it from an ordinary member of the nomadic society of scavengers to that of an aide or servant that would not be looked at twice or observed with any particular scrutiny at the pinnacle of this society. This includes changing the hues of the blue pigment and how thick it is brushed onto the false scales you wear, and adjusting the scent given off by the illusionary disguise you've shaped around yourself, as you've noticed as you walk that the Alf-Harim give off a wide range of pheromones of varying intensity, density and aroma subconsciously, according to various factors including their emotions and the rung in society they occupy to name but two.

The believability of the false face you wear is proven when, despite the heavily guarded nature and level of technological security measures in place as well, you are able to walk into the upper most level of the habitat, a bushel of palaces connected together, each marked by a different shade of blue, the seats of power of each house of the singular clan. Then, it is as simple as integrating with a procession of aides following behind two taller, larger and more mature members of the species, the subordinate male officers beneath the clan matriarchs, and the officials in charge of the day to day running of the society of the habitat.

From their scales jut thorn like spikes, and rather than whip like, their tails have become clubbed and flanged with armored plates, and their mouse like paws have grown and stretched into fearsome talons.

"Can't can't believe our luck, or that the unlucky poor fortune bastards who came before our clan did didn't notice that jewel in the sky" One of them, with a low, rumbling voice speaks, smiling as wiggling the end of their snout, their lips parting to reveal fangs as they pause to hand over an electronic tablet to one of their aids "Must've had to have been half blind or using faulty, bad sensors to miss it"

"Or, as brother Craw'klis suggested, they did not not overlook it, but avoided it, for some reason, unseen danger, perhaps?" the , slightly shorter and less imposing than their partner suggests, turning over their clawed hand, showing their claws have been carefully dulled and maintained "Still, No no reason to bring it up to the mothers yet, agree agree?"

"You and that grey scale are too cautious, friend, much too wary" the first rumbled, shaking their head "Picking at space tombs, doesn't doesn't give us anything we couldn't make. Recycling the material, can be done at leisure, grunt work, can be left to the little uns, yes yes?"

"Brother Sni'chi, you are reckless, incautious. And lazy. Brother Craw'klis shared with me reports, unusual readings taken by orbit guards consistently, something big, BIG moving through debris field earlier today" The smaller one defiantly protests as the the larger Sni'chi scratches at their thin thoughtfully

"Had not not shared it with me, was unaware we had competition, other wandering clan? Tax men?" Sni'Chi questioned irritatedly, motioning with his claw to be given a glass of water from a nearby receptacle, you answered the command to get closer, as they hushed their voice and spoke in whispers "Tell me, Brother Quee'eel, stink of fear?"

"Unlikely, couldn't be. Haven't haven't gotten a close enough look, but clear they aren't ours, yes yes. And the jewel, the salvage around it has been decreasing. Salvage that..." Quee'eel nervously whispers back as the puzzle you'd been fitting together becomes whole in a single moment. They're speaking of shangrala and the wrecks of Kanzeon and her sister's escort. And of the sighting of Liberty and yourself above their world, that had only just occurred. News travels fast between the Alf-Harim

"That could make us all very rich, get a nest back on home range, out of the void, out of cold' Sni'chi growled back "Doesn't matter if it looks like its from old ghost, void sailor tales, Quee'eel, we tell mothers, we tell them of the jewel, do not mention the odd signals, keep secret close to your chest, reprimand Craw'klis for talking too much, yes yes"

"...Yes yes, brother, for clan and kin" They answer as they stalk away, throwing furtive glances to their aids, looking over you as they wave them away, but you can tell they are not heading to the clan mothers yet, they're instead walking to an audience chamber to address their fellow brothers.

And you take this chance to slip out of the group of chattering servants, and to sneak into the highest chamber of the combined palaces, adjusting your disguise to better fit with the highly trusted servants allowed into the uppermost levels, changing the shape of the shed skin illusion you wear and altering your dress as you pass from group to group, observing the day to day palace life as you seek the last question burning in your mind

Is this a society of the oppressed, ruled over by the wicked.

The gilded doors, decorated with Sapphires, turquoise and chunks of lapis lazuli embossed on a solid brick of white sandstone, are opened, and out from the chamber filled with artificial white clouds, wafts a breeze of perfumed air, delicately masking a smell of milk and heady spices.

Guards, larger and more armored than the brothers Sni'Chi and Craw'klis, stanned, armored and armed to the point of looking like mockeries of your space marines, they do not spare you a glance as you skitter inside the sanctuary of the clan mothers, and realize the true expanse of the dimorphism of the mature females of the Alf-Harim and the men, and the more juvenile girls of the lower castes.

They tower. Taller than you easily, one for each palace of the house, sitting coiled like dragons, their humanoid form given over to a bestial, almost leonine posture, like the dragons depicted in bask art and reliefs, but they are clearly sapient despite their beast like forms, loving dressed in pale white and blue silks and adorned with gems and cared and dotted upon by servants dressed in the same garb as you, as they lounge in a sea of heated sand, dotted with blue painted eggs that are approximately the size of overwatered melons.

"Matriarch of matriarchs, our eldest sons have told me that the ozone gathering has produced results beyond our most optimistic expectations" The smallest of the draconic matriarchs coo, as they curl a claw lovingly around an egg, their voice booming and vibrating your bones as some, inbuilt instinct within the logical, side of you calculates exactly what sort of weaponry and how much sustained fire would be required to terminate these peacefully reclining rulers, a thought you shake away and bury as you listen, approaching and assisting the serfs present with tending the eggs, sensing the dreaming minds sleeping within them

"And the salvage operations of the unfortunate catastrophe that befell the old parent clan, are going good good" Another, slight more senior member of the council of clan mothers purrs happily "And while the clan drudges, the good good fortune we've found has made them content, next clutch might be born upon our home sands, yes yes"

"The workers are content as they can be, the hope keeps them content" Another explains as the shadow of the largest and eldest looms above, distant and imperial "Not not too many casualties, no no illness, but the work is hard I am told, exhausting, sometimes dangerous"

"Home..." They boom wistfully, making the other twelve matriarchs bow their heads and preen their large, cart crushing claws nervously "So far away. But the dead fleet won't won't get us home, won't buy our ticket back, or a parcel of land to tend. Need, need more, bigger score, more salvage. Electricity and refurbished ships won't won't be enough....Need something worth the ancestor clans time and attention"

The happy, pleasant air of the room immediately saddens to a dour and bitter atmosphere

"Son Sni-chi has requested an audience, beloved mothers!" One of the aids chirps, their hand on an implant wired into their ears "Important news, needs speaking"

You sigh, and for a moment, consider what may come of the audience. And how this massive family dreaming of a home lost would react to seeing their chance to return already claimed by another and used for other means

'Target locked and sighted' Liberty mutters darkly

What a tangled knot you've found yourself in. Your eyes have seen and judged the matriarchs and two of their leading sons, and have found them free of corruption and while they hold sinful thoughts, they are no villains, or at least, have not been driven to such desperation to become villains. And the wreckage above black abyss has shown, the Al-Harim will fight tooth and nail to the last to keep hold of a prize. But that does not mean conflict is inevitable. You've peered into the hearts and minds of these industrious people, after all.

'Still think we should at least spook them a little' Liberty huffs in your mind's ear.

What is your next course of action, concerning the Al-Harim, Lieren?

>Speak with Kanzeon, Mari, Al-uzza, Anahita and Liberty, and see if some of the star metal and technology salvaged from their escorts couldn't be put aside and donated to the Black Abyss clan

>Retreat from the black abyss and present the imperial household and celestial exploration ministry with your findings on both black abyss and the Al-Harim

>Sni'Chi spoke of ghost stories when he heard of the wreckage above shangrala, while they are by no means a superstitious people from what little you've observed, it should be easy to harmlessly scare the Al-Harim away from Shangrala

>Cast of your disguise and give the unpleasant news that Shangrala is already taken to the matriarchs!

>Write in
>Report to Jinhai and his advisors via Vox what he wishes to be done.
>Don't depart yet, Since acting as an envoy already amongst them will cow and surprise as well as intimidate them.

It's Jinhai's decision as emperor of the planet. We can discuss with our wife's family what can be given up, if it is to be given up.
>>Retreat from the black abyss and present the imperial household and celestial exploration ministry with your findings on both black abyss and the Al-Harim

ya im worried that even if we meet as friends that they wont make claims that will lead to a fight later on and desu id rather not leave a ticking timebomb

>Write in
>Try to discover what would be 'worth the ancestor clans time and attention'.

I don't think we should give up salvage as that would starve our expansion at a very important time. However, we understand little of the Al-Harim culture that something mundane that we have in abundance might have outsized trade value. Any of the millions of plants planet-side, paints for their scales, perfumes to accentuate pheromones, simple goods like silks, an arid 'homeworld' like area on Shangrala to set up an enclave, etc. If we discover it, who knows what they would offer in turn. It's true that Jinhai is the emperor but we are the advisor, let's give him options besides capitulation and war.
Supporting this course, though on the chance we're discovered I suggest we don't be afraid to flex a bit.

Also while conjecture their behaviour has revealed a few details not directly visible. I suspect their clans breed to quick and only those whom provide enough tribute to the ones controlling their homeworld are allowed to stay on it. This is an exile of sorts to deal with population control. Their prey nature and such leads me to believe charity will lead to dependence and an unending request for more.

Not to mention we must preserve the planet before they ruin the place.
>Speak with Kanzeon, Mari, Al-uzza, Anahita and Liberty, and see if some of the star metal and technology salvaged from their escorts couldn't be put aside and donated to the Black Abyss clan

>Retreat from the black abyss and present the imperial household and celestial exploration ministry with your findings on both black abyss and the Al-Harim
Lieren was a man of reason, a being of logic and cold calculation beside smouldering passion and emotion. He'd fought monsters and Spirits, humans and aliens but now he stood alone having had his meditation disturbed by an Ancient. No survivor of the Golden Age, no Aeldari...something older. A being that made even that panthers mane stand on end and draw a growl.

In pristine silver and ornate beyond times confines stood Szarekh; the Silent King.

Lieren knew of these 'Necron' he knew of the War in Heaven, but now he stood before a being whose choice had shaped the Galaxy itself, he whom through a single pact shaped creation into it's current form...he whom threw the stone that led tot eh turmoil of the warp, he who started the fire which burnt reality and smouldered still. The Ancient opened his arms and offered a polite nod of the head.

“Hunter I greet you, Son of Humanities Emperor I acknowledge you as nobleborn and schoalr both. I seek audience.”

The Ogre of Shangrala rolled his jaw and rose to his feet, steadily turning and working through countless calculations before choosing to adopt a courtly manner with folded arms and hidden hands.

“and why would you seek me out King of Whispering Legions?” he asked,

The Silent King rose his head and adopted a similar posture, he began to pace the two matching one another gestures and soon circling one another.

“I have heard tale of your adventures, of your exploits within and without the sea of souls. Your Journey across uncreation and the treasures you found in the dark”

“and I have heard of your conquests past, your pacts and tribulations both. I understand you threw aside your own crown of code and offered freedom? My congratulations and praise for such magnanimity.”

“Thank you, I-”

“But why you would seek out one so well known for cordiality with your most hated foe is enigma to me?”

The Silent King ceased pacing and instead turned thoughtful looking to the stars before answering;
“You know I always loved to look to the stars, they offered hope..Dreams of younger men. But after my...folly I found their luster fading-”

He instead slowly walked towards Lieren now,

“-I made my choice to save my people, I was not the Silent King to start the War but I ended it. My only Folly was trusting the words of the C'tan. I am still the King of my people and as King I have a duty.”

The Chimera Primarch tilted his head; “Oh?”

Szarehk continued his speech and advance; “I am to embody my people, their best and their worst. I am to be their exemplar but there is a single thing I cannot do for them. I will not hide from the truth...I cost us something more important than immortality, than empires eternal. The price I payed for victory was the soul of my people.”

“I feel you are almost getting to the point”

They were face to face; “You studied the ways of the accused Old Ones”

“I have.”

A metallic hand moved and rested on Lieren's shoulder, embers of green flame stared into pools of molten gold.

“Will you restore that which I so foolishly bartered away Sage of Shangrala? Will you show mercy to your friends enemy?”

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>>Retreat from the black abyss and present the imperial household and celestial exploration ministry with your findings on both black abyss and the Al-Harim
Not a fan of the space skaven, let Jinhai decide. Funny, the space stage of the imperal expansion might start with a classic rpg beginner quest. Killing rats.
I forgot which first big orbital project we agreed on, not a giant defence platform by any chance?

>these little bastards talk like they're on stimulants, the sort of stuff they juice up penal legions...er, or so Dae-Hyun told me
Lmao, Dae Hyun is literally pic related, down to the mildly inappropriate for children war stories.
I'll support this.

Later perhaps a shipment of their favored type of sand as an opening gift for negotiations might be well received...
(We should tell Liberty to board one of their salvage ship and fill it with sand, I'm sure she would be onboard with this innocent pranking.)
>I suspect their clans breed to quick and only those whom provide enough tribute to the ones controlling their homeworld are allowed to stay on it. This is an exile of sorts to deal with population control. Their prey nature and such leads me to believe charity will lead to dependence and an unending request for more.
This is a good point. What are we to do about species that means no harm but is functionally an invasive species?
>Retreat from the black abyss and present the imperial household and celestial exploration ministry with your findings on both black abyss and the Al-Harim
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I've been binging the archives, and I just want to say that we really need to do something nice for the Dai.
Poor Niu just keeps getting kicked when he's down (sacrificed his honor, lost most of his sons, lives as a pariah among the other houses), and we haven't meaningfully spared him a thought since the Yan War. The guy deserves some serious gratitude for all the shit he's put up with for our ideals.
Agree with you we should also deal with the "dead" sister ships get them going again with new souls.
Ideally, we offer those who are dying the opportunity to reincarnate into a new form.
I know some of us have some opinions on the whole thing but the way I see it it's not avoiding death, in a way it's is in line with how things are in 40k a soul either reunites with the warp or torn apart by demons. So you can see it as a smaller variant of the first option, the ego dies and the soul gets mixed up with the others.
Didn't something come up for a vote for Dai? Either orchestrating the returning of the 'face' he lost for cooperating with our tactics outright or allowing a 'redemption' through the sacrifice of his family (sons) to the war effort? If it comes back up for a vote I would support it. Niu's fate is one of the reasons I have little sympathy for the Kang desu.
Finally finished with the archives.
In this case I'd advise against trying to scare them away because we aren't yet sure how far they will go to keep scavenging Shangrala, and also oppose blindly donating because of the risks of what another anon said about them becoming dependent.
Supporting this, particularly the write-in about finding what exactly they would covet. Instead of encouraging them to just 'pick away at tombs' find what they want and see if we can bargain with them for it. I'd prefer for them to stay away from Shangrala itself if there's any possibility of them taking over (intentionally or not).
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Calling the vote now, sorry for the long wait. PC didn't like the heat.

Report to Jinhai and his advisors via Vox what he wishes to be done:8
-Don't depart yet, Since acting as an envoy already amongst them will cow and surprise as well as intimidate them:8

Retreat from the black abyss and present the imperial household and celestial exploration ministry with your findings on both black abyss and the Al-Harim:4

Try to discover what would be 'worth the ancestor clans time and attention': 2

Speak with Kanzeon, Mari, Al-uzza, Anahita and Liberty, and see if some of the star metal and technology salvaged from their escorts couldn't be put aside and donated to the Black Abyss clan:1

Total votes:12

So Lieren will report back to Jinhair and his various advisors, and ask what he wishes to be done, not yet departing black abyss in case it is required of him to act as an envoy to the Alf-Harim

Writing now

Very nice, always love reading these, loved the poeticism you lent the silent king here, and the mental picture I had of the ending was very powerful.

Hope the Journey was pleasant, anon.


My my, aren't you perceptive!
'The appearance of an unknown, towering alien lifeform would surely frighten them, and as I have no designs to yet depart from this black abyss, my dear sweet liberty, you may yet fulfill your wish' You reply back jubilantly as, making use of your shroud of mundanity, slip out of the matriarch's chamber as unnoticed as you entered it, easily sneaking pass the brutish, near ogrish guards, evading the radiuses of the security measures and sensors implanted in the otherwise ornamental walls as you escape to somewhere secluded and isolated enough to reduce the possibility of detection and your visitation to nearly every rung of Alf-Harim society upon Black abyss being discovered to as close to the absolute minimum as you possibly can.

'Oh! I get it now, you want orders before you do whatever it is you're going to do!' Liberty exclaims as you scale the highest tower of the palaces, to avoid interference from any of their rudimentary cloaking technology and to be closest to the exact center of the eye of the storm so the transmission you're about to send is not blotted out by its ambient, static field of electricity. You just smile as you adjust the parameters and range on the internal vox unit incorporated into the helmet portion of your star metal regalia, and one a private frequency, secured and encoded by the finest technological minds Shangrala has to offer and monitored by the scarlet spider's understudies, you send a message to the personal line of the Emperor of Long-Jia, silently hoping you aren't interrupting any important matter of state or a quiet, private moment between Jinhai and his family.

And after exchanging a customary code phrase, two parts of a spoken poem, which is unique for each of those rare few individuals with accesses to this vox channel, across the solar system and upon another world, you are speaking to your friend Jinhai while he resides in his newly rebuilt and redesigned imperial palace.

"I shall be curt, for their is little time for pleasantries and displays of etiquette, forgive my rudeness and the suddenness of this call, but the message I deliver unto you, Long-Jia, is of dire importance and utmost urgency" You begin the conversation and pause, waiting for Jinhai's reply

"I expected you to find excitement on a stroll through the quiet expanse of the celestial realm, my friend, but their is no reason to beg pardon, so be curt, and explain what it is you have found in your wanderings beyond the fog and mist" He replies, good naturedly and understandingly

"A new alien species has been found occupying the forbidden world, granted the code name of Black Abyss" You answer and can hear both your friend, the emperor and several others take in a sharp breath through their teeth as you rely the beginnings of your message "A nomadic species, that have arrived to scrounge through an ancient battlefield above the world of black abyss and harvest electric energy from its ceaseless storm. They are unaware of our presence or nature, but, their leadership are planning to move their salvaging operation to the debris field above Shangrala, the vital source of materials funding both the space and colonization program, and the construction of the Bulwark station, though I need not remind you or your advisors of this, Emperor Long-Jia"

There is then, a hushed yet frantic conversation and you take in a deep, ponderous breath as you wait for the advisors to do their duty and fulfill their responsibility of providing council to the first head of the Long-Jia Dynasty. Which may take several moments or stretch onto last several minutes

"Beneficent Emperor, it would behoove us to reach out a hand of friendship to these wanderers, is it not in the teachings of the journey to provide aid, hospitality and indeed charity whenever it is possible to do so"
"The other starborn peoples have been acclimating quiet peaceable and comfortably in our society, we could offer these nomads a destination of sorts"
"I've spoken with the giant's own sons, and his brother the dour lord of iron, not every alien species is of as gentle and benevolent nature as our friends of the Nosa Rubigin, the Merchants of mirth, The Saggit, or the playful Se'Ah'In"
"I recall the operation, early in your reign, where the imperial army fended off slavers, slavers of Aeldari stock, we should investigate these strangers, and check if they do not keep a dagger upon their hips"
"Chop Nails, Sever iron, we must act quickly and decisively, Emperor{
"We must know what intent these foreigners have in our home, and if they threaten our brave explorers, before we can act"
"All the grand architech has told us is they are recycling space debris, there is no reason to react in panic, let us observe"

"I agree" Jinhai spoke, forcing a dignified and fatherly smile onto his face, smoothing his features into a serene and composed expression even though his heart was beating like a race horse's hooves, making use of the "Emperor" mask his wife had coached him into mastering "We have little information to act upon, and acting rashly and out of fear would be truly foolish. I shall speak again to my architect and ask him to tell me more of these mysterious star farers so I may make my choice an educated one
"Tell me about them, these vagabonds of the void" Jinhai's voice melodically sounded through the vox whispering into your ear

'Oh that's a cool epithet' Liberty childishly and excitedly chimes in

"They are called the Alf-Harim, and I know little of them, I speak not from the perspective of an informed expert, all I have are my observations" You answer back humbly, bowing your head "But these gilded eyes of mine do reveal to me what would be overlooked by other eyes, I sensed no evils in their hearts, there is greed but it is not purposeless, they crave to return to their place of origin, but must pay a toll, a tithe or tax to the planetary leadership of their homeworld. The Alf-Harim present on black abyss represent but a single family, a clan, akin in some ways to the larger and more fruitful noble families within Long-Jian nobility in some ways"

"I see, please, continue, for amongst us men of Shangrala, you are the foremost expert, not only on these faceless strangers you speak of, but all of our friends born from different soil" Jinhai politely and respectfully commands, and in your mind's eye you can picture him turning over his hand as he speaks

"They are ruled by the mothers of their clans, who would stand head to shoulder bestride our steel giant" You answer, and hear what sounds like Qian Xia choke on her drink and a voice that sounds like a terran officer you know howl with a warrior's laugh, disconcerting "Whom are advised by their eldest, male children. While their society is separated by their house and said branches place in the hierarchy, they are of unified purpose. They all desire a better status and quality of life for the next generation, but I sense they would, in desperation, fight and kill to ensure this comes to pass. Young Liberty..."

'Hey!' Liberty booms in your ear

"Thinks it would be easy to frighten them off, compared to the technology of mankind, upon Shangrala, they are, less advance and seem frightened of the unknown, a possible prey instinct secured and inherited across numerous generations, and they go to great lengths to disguise and mask their presence. If they were to attack, we would win, but they possess a fleet while we have only just began to wade through the stars" you continue on and can hear Jinhai idly flicking the jade beads of his Mianguan as he weighs his options and considers your words

"I would have you speak with these matriarchs on my behalf, and inform them the salvage they seek is the heritage of all people of Shangrala, but greet them with open hands, and impress upon them we would be more than delighted to assist them in their quest, if they would take the charity we can spare" He answers solemnly "Find out what they need, and we shall see what can be done to provide it. If their greed overcomes them, you have my leave to chase them from the warmth and light shed from our sun, Lieren, Liberty"

"I understand" you answer simply "Until we next meet, old friend"

"Well, I certainly could kick them out of the system by myself" Liberty snorts, bragging even though you and her are the only ones to hear her boasting.


What do you decide to do, Lieren?

>Manufacture a meeting, in a place and manner that won't frighten the Alf-Harim, so you may meet with their leaders in an official capacity, without out showing your hand and displaying your strength

>Simply cast off the disguise you wear, and march to the matriarchs, intimidating them before you speak, to impress upon them why it'd be a bad idea to start conflict with Long-Jia or humanity at large

>Have Liberty Announce your arrival, since they already know something is there, and then, working with her, act as the calm and reasonable party they can deal with.

>Adjust your disguise to still appear Alf-Harim, but clearly not one of their clan or any clan, but as an alien wearing a mask, and approach them and deliver Jinhai's proposal

>Write in
>Manufacture a meeting, in a place and manner that won't frighten the Alf-Harim, so you may meet with their leaders in an official capacity, without out showing your hand and displaying your strength
>Sneak into the matriarchs chambers again before dramatically unveiling yourself, an unspoken threat. Like the old terran wisdom of speaking softly yet carrying a big stick.
I think this is better than the provided options
>Adjust your disguise to still appear Alf-Harim, but clearly not one of their clan or any clan, but as an alien wearing a mask, and approach them and deliver Jinhai's proposal
Appear to them Azure and plum with a ghostly white Jade mask. We know they are a superstitious bunch and we can stay on theme. While in this form we approach them and deliver the message

>Sneak into the matriarchs chambers again before dramatically unveiling yourself, an unspoken threat. Like the old terran wisdom of speaking softly yet carrying a big stick
We establish we are a predator, but we deliver the message, need them understand we need not be their predator, that our kinds can work in tandem like in nature
I support.

Show some strength so they do not underestimate our words.
>>Sneak into the matriarchs chambers again before dramatically unveiling yourself, an unspoken threat. Like the old Terran wisdom of speaking softly yet carrying a big stick.
Supporting the combo. Theatrics? From my Lieren? Say it ain't so!
Supporting this
>Manufacture a meeting, in a place and manner that won't frighten the Alf-Harim, so you may meet with their leaders in an official capacity
While I'm expecting one of the more dramatic options will win too, I want to be clear to the Alf-harim that we will respect the tenets of diplomacy. Setting up an official meeting, then appearing in an unexpected way will demonstrate an unspoken implication that we didn't have to use diplomacy but chose to.
Taken together, these will produce a veiled show of force tempered by the knowledge that we formally recognize their leadership and are willing to interact peaceably.

I'm loving this quest; you have great skill at writing and improvising twists.
>Simply cast off the disguise you wear, and march to the matriarchs, intimidating them before you speak, to impress upon them why it'd be a bad idea to start conflict with Long-Jia or humanity at large
>Write in
>Have Liberty, hiding her true body, announce and send over her avatar herself as envoy of Shangrala, while we support her as a 'member' of the Alf-Harim diplomatic group that receives her.
We can feed her advice during the meeting, act receptive of her overtures as a member of the Alf-Harim if necessary, reveal our true form if they act aggressive or dismiss her (or at the end of a successful meeting just to be dramatic), and she can go full gunboat diplomacy with her true form if the talks truly deteriorate.
I can already see the panic this could cause on giant prey rats the size of a bus.
Will they play possum or try to escape?
Lash out in fear or will one choose to sacrifice itself for the other matriarchs to escape as Lieren looks on with a poker face?

(Was their natural predator some sort of sandworm?)

>Have Liberty Announce your arrival, since they already know something is there, and then, working with her, act as the calm and reasonable party they can deal with.
Nevermind, I think I will support this write-in I shamefully read only after casting my vote instead:

Coaching Liberty in diplomacy with such low stakes will be a great learning opportunity.
>Sneak into the matriarchs chambers again before dramatically unveiling yourself, an unspoken threat. Like the old terran wisdom of speaking softly yet carrying a big stick.
it seems they have genetic trait to look around when idle, specifically above. Could be ? Could be some massive falcon or serpents.

>Have Liberty Announce your arrival, since they already know something is there, and then, working with her, act as the calm and reasonable party they can deal with.

Not an easy choice with these Alf-Harim. But perhaps this is for the best for Liberty and Shangrila, they can learn from a lesson of this kind. The Alf-Harim are a middle ground to explore between the very distant opposites of a dark eldar raider kabalite and a Nosa Rubigin farmer with a friendly and very exotic demanor.

We could look in their computers for more informations if we wanted.
>Sneak into the matriarchs chambers again before dramatically unveiling yourself, an unspoken threat. Like the old Terran wisdom of speaking softly yet carrying a big stick
i had a nice chuckle and smile at this
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Calling the vote now. Sorry for the long wait, it was all my fault this time. Wukong is too fun, and so is digital tamers 2. I may have an unhealth relationship with grind heavy games, I realized.

Manufacture a meeting, in a place and manner that won't frighten the Alf-Harim, so you may meet with their leaders in an official capacity, without out showing your hand and displaying your strength:3

Sneak into the matriarchs chambers again before dramatically unveiling yourself, an unspoken threat. Like the old terran wisdom of speaking softly yet carrying a big stick.:8

Adjust your disguise to still appear Alf-Harim, but clearly not one of their clan or any clan, but as an alien wearing a mask, and approach them and deliver Jinhai's proposal:2

Simply cast off the disguise you wear, and march to the matriarchs, intimidating them before you speak, to impress upon them why it'd be a bad idea to start conflict with Long-Jia or humanity at large:1

have Liberty, hiding her true body, announce and send over her avatar herself as envoy of Shangrala, while we support her as a 'member' of the Alf-Harim diplomatic group that receives her.:2
Have Liberty Announce your arrival, since they already know something is there, and then, working with her, act as the calm and reasonable party they can deal with.:1

Total votes:15

So Lieren will sneak back into the Matriarchs' chamber again, dramatically unveiling himself as an unspoken threat embodying the old terran wisdom of speaking softly whilst carrying a large stick

Writing now

Thanks for the compliment, I'm just happy you've been enjoying it

Beneath the eye of the storm you stand in silent contemplation, the curious sound of lighting crackling over the shield protecting the habitat and the wailing winds beating impotently against its walls of light delighting your ears as you meditate on the falling rain and crashing thunder, while Liberty excitedly lists of the various approaches you may take towards the Alf-Harim, clearly enthused to be given so much authority and a chance to show her innate tactical acumen. However, while you do pay her suggestions mind, you've already decided on the approach you'll make to the matriarchs and the path you'd take. The storm held at bay reminded you of a brief conversation you had with one of your sons beneath a similar rainfall upon Shangrala, a discussion of philosophy, life and the art of committing war. He was one of fifty four most valiant of your Terran born sons, a warrior who only knew the light of a distant star who gave his life for the prosperity of Shangrala and the peace of her people. Bon-Hwa was his name, and the wisdom he imparted to you, his gene-sire, is a gift you treasure dearly.

It came in the form of an old Terran proverb, spoken millennium before either of your time by a statesmen and general, a cavalry man and frontiersman, who had in a time of warfare and strife spoke a lesson that had endured long past his own mortal demise. It is spoken differently in gothic, but in Long-Jianese, the lesson he left behind is such. When speaking softly, the wisest of men carry at their side a hefty cudgel.

To negotiate peaceably and strive for serene coexistence, while making clear one's own strength. In most instances, the cudgel would be military might, a heavens' splitting club in Jinhai's hand and a mountain shattering spear in your own, or perhaps the clenched fist of Liberty above the atmosphere of black abyss. But in this circumstance, you yourself would be the cudgel. Though the matriarchs possess an imposing height and bulk, this body of yours was purpose designed for battle and possess strength and speed beyond the mundane. So while you will approach them as a man, you will appear to them with the posture and aura of the galactic weapon your father had originally intended you to be, speaking softly while wielding a large cudgel, intangible by heavier and more imposing than any storm.

"Watch carefully, and learn a lesson of the war you chase" you tell Liberty, sagely informing her that you're on the move again without telling her exactly what you plan as you slither and caper back down the towers of the thirteen palaces of the Alf-Harim lurking in the storm of the black abyss.

Sneaking back into the chamber of perfumed air and heated sands is as easily done as turning over your hand. You observe, quietly, sensing Liberty's anticipation for your next move as you watch the idle servants resting near the clutches of eggs and the steady stream of those still on duty and seeing to their responsibilities to the matriarch's care and comfort. Standing as tall as An Alf-Harim can, in the center of the room, glancing up, you take advantage of the cautionary instinct ingrained in their physiology to draw attention to yourself by simply standing still and staring at the ceiling, which stands in for a clear and cloudless sky.

A silent gesture that demands attention. And while it is not missed by the servants and brood tenders who think you're one of their sisters, and sends the resting egg heaters into a slight panic, skittering nearer to you and preening, giving off frantic pheromones with a nervous, worried body language as none of them have the courage to ask why you're trying to catch the eye of the matriarch of matriarchs.

One of them scampers off, and tries to get the chamber guards attention, as you clear your throat and tap your foot. The ogreish guard lumbers closer, and you roll your eyes, having expected as much but still feeling a twinge of annoyance that you are being so easily over looked. So with a swish and turning of your wrist, you adjust the air flow telekinetically and clear the artificial clouds, standing in the center of their rout.

That catches the eye of the behemoth eldest matriarch, whose tired, sagging eyes slowly drag down to you as she lifts a massively taloned hand to her dragon like snout and snorts, the air pressure adjusting from just that breath she took as she leans down and looks you over curiously, her eyes narrowing immediately as she is the first and only one to recognize that you do not belong. Not because you are not Alf-Harim, but because you are someone she does not recognize in a habitat populated by her descendants.

But before she can uncover the stranger amongst them, you reveal yourself with a dramatic flourish, taking two steps back and bowing deeply before casting aside the illusionary snakes scales to reveal the dragon beneath them.

All goes quiet and still. The sudden appearance of an alien in the heart of their palace, the safest place and truest sanctuary they all know, freezes the lesser Alf-Harim in place, while the lumbering guard, one of the fathers of the nation, stumbles, having reached out to pat a much lower hanging shoulder moments ago. The matriarch of Matriarch's eyes turn from slits into full moons as she recoils and chokes on her tongue, the coy hand under her chin now clutching her throat as she looks down at you with a look of dread recognition, her fear pheromones spreading and thickening the air to an oily consistency as you remain bowed, one arm swung across your chest and head held low.

The servants faint where they stand, or scurry away to the nearest clutches of eggs, enacting protocol drilled into them from birth to guard the unborn as the guard on the floor stiffens and rolls, hopping to a threatening, low stance as a rumbling growl escapes his throat as the matriarch of matriarchs in her panic falls back, tossing her comforts of silks, cushions and hanging tapestries into the air during her descent, as her flailing shatters several screens she had been observing, showing incremental changes in the clans collective and divided wealth and the shifts in the storms path.

Her tail whips and cracks the ceiling as she hits the ground hard enough to cause the palace to quake to its foundations, her massive limbs grasping in the air for something to hold onto to pull herself up as a very timid squeal, unbecoming of a queen in all but title, chirps from her fanged lips, her eyes wide and frantic as her fellow matriarchs stare dumbly at you, their noses twitching as they sense their elder sister is terrified of the odd, hairless ape thing standing before them in curious white gold cloth but not recognizing the threat that has thrown her deep into the hold of panic or why one of such lesser stature has sent her spiraling into hysterics and blind animal panic.

But while they lack the worldliness of the most senior amongst them, that you were able to, undetected, slip into their throneroom and nursery and stand betwixt their sleeping, unborn children, is enough to inform them of the threat you pose. It is the third most senior amongst them, one with somber, half lidded eyes, who acts first, tapping her tail and thumping it. The guard lunges

You side step standing, and maneuvering your arms behind your back as the towering nest guard flies past you, your eyes meeting and the towering brute of a father protecting his young recognizing in your soft eyes the intuition of a season warrior. He whips out a cruely clawed arm, the spikes jutting from it acting as both shield and spear.

You simply crouch and as he passes over you, stand again, casting him down your back and sending him to the floor. He adjusts his fall with a twist and sweeps his club like tail at your feet. You hop, and come to stand atop him, landing as gently as you are capable of, but adjusting how your weight is shifted to pin him as you lift your other arm above your head, and with a theatric flourish, take a second bow as the humiliated guard rumbles and roars beneath your feet, snapping his jaws at your face even while held firmly to the ground.

Peacefully displaying your martial skill by besting their most trusted underling without so much as bruising them or scuffing the paint slathered on their scales, makes the other matriarchs quietly experience the same depths of dread that have sent the eldest amongst them into a squalling terror.

The second eldest reaches her tail over to the flailing eldest, who grabs hold of it and huffing, hefts her substantial self from the ground, eyes focused on you, squinted and twitching as they all look to her and as the air becomes headier with their fear than the perfume and incense they surround themselves with, they ask her a silent question.

What are you?

"Huuuuuuumaaaaaan!" She shrilly hisses, lifting a talon that could sweep through an imperial regiment or crush a space marine "It is a human! Ancient race! Wicked! Vile! Breaker of eggs! Robber of ships"

'Ah' you stop yourself from gasping out loud, as you realize they have encountered a less fortunate branch of humanity's shattered empire of old 'Well that complicates matters somewhat, but nothing I cannot overcome"

"Like the stories you once told?" The second squeals, trying to slither and hide behind the bulk of the eldest "No no! Can't, can't be real!"

"Oppressor! Slave taker!" The eldest matriarch howls, fear quickly replaced by a maternal rage as you remain bowed and completely unaffected by the overt threatening nature of her mannerisms, the flicking of her massive tail, stretching of her talons and the barring of her fangs

You adjust your position atop their guard, moving one foot to pin his wrist and using the next to lock his snapping jaws in place as your stand and lash your arm off your chest and wearing a serene expression meet the high matriarch's glare with a relaxed, good natured look further softening your eyes.

"Greetings, honored thirteen matriarchs dwelling above the black abyss" you in turn address her politely, in perfect Alf-Harim, making her hiss and twitch one of her claws "I've come through the storm to have this audience with you, to make acquainted with you venerable mothers of this most diligent and industriously natured clan"

The matriarchs beside the first and second look dumbfounded, their minds unable to parse the accusations of thrown out wildly by their sister and the genial countenance you present to them, or else too occupied worrying about their shared mate pinned beneath your reed woven sandals.

"Treeeachery, deceit!" She accuses, gnashing her jaws

"I see there is history between my people and your own, a history I was until now innocently unaware of. Humanity is a widely seeded garden, a wild growing flower that might appear anywhere in the cosmos" You state, turning your eyes away from her before the unpleasant sensations caused by your direct attention can make themselves known on the matriarch, glancing at and gauging the reactions of the other matriarch's from the subtle shifts in their reptilian faces "A second greetings mothers of the storm, A proper introduction of this unexpected guess. I am Lieren of Nothing, and I mean you and your brood no harm, this is serene audience, a peaceful meeting. In in your wisdom, you must realize violence is not my intent"

The implication of what you could've done being able to disguise yourself as one of their own quickly sinks into thirteen minds, none as terribly as the eldest amongst them, who has seen human faces before. The fear she is displaying is born from a childhood trauma, she remembers the humans she met as a towering threat, which is why your primarch stature is not a peculiarity enough to cause her pause or confusion

"Why here!" She demands, slamming a clawed hand onto the ground, causing the sandstone around her to crack and crumble away.

"Diplomatic mission" You respond, knowing the Alf-Harim speak swiftly and shortly, and mean no unpleasantness in such rapidity of speech

"WHY!" She demands again, eyes aflame as sparks fly from the screens graphing the local economics that she had so carelessly broken and shattered

How do you answer the eldest matriarch, Lieren?

>"My emperor and friend asked me to. This garden of humanity lies beneath the sea of jewels you covert. Treasures we cannot give away. But we have others we'd be willing to give to you, to aid in your swift return to white sands"

>"Simple curiosity. I delight in meeting new faces, human or alien. I was exploring the storm, and one of your children startled me. So I followed them home, and learned about you. And weep for you, and your banishment"

>"There are worse slavers than the despots born of men. And this worse had troubled my people as well.I've come to warn you of the dangers in the dark, near dangers"

>"A warning. Do not interfere. We seek no conflict with you, our intents are peaceful, we wish for amicable relations between man and Alf-Harim. Do not incite needless violent, matriarch"

>Write in
>"Simple curiosity at first. I delight in meeting new faces, human or alien. I was exploring the storm, and one of your children startled me. So I followed them home, and learned about you. My emperor and friend then asked me to make an introduction. We seek no conflict with you, our intents are peaceful, we wish for amicable relations between man and Alf-Harim."
An appropriate mix of the prompts, the end goal should be to set up a system of communication between Jinhai's government and the matriarchs.
>"Simple curiosity. I delight in meeting new faces, human or alien. I was exploring the storm, and one of your children startled me. So I followed them home, and learned about you. And weep for you, and your banishment"
>"My emperor and friend asked me to. This garden of humanity lies beneath the sea of jewels you covert. Treasures we cannot give away. But we have others we'd be willing to give to you, to aid in your swift return to white sands"

I think the best option is to clearly state that this system is about to be reclaimed by humanity and if they don't want to be pacified they should accept a bribe, bow out and skedaddle like the silly sand-rats that they are.
(I'm having fun reading the reaction of elephant sized rats panicking over a, comparatively to them, mouse sized man.)
I wish to make that presentation along side Jinhai but Im against the bribe on principle.
Supporting >>6098966 , although it's sticking in my mind that they are probably having an overpopulation crisis. If they ever risk crowding out humanity then Emps will probably order us to kill them, regardless of how amicable our relations are.
I think sterilization and gene therapy is also possible but I think it's more likely that the Imperium will easily outscale their empire and that may set off it's own set of problems.
They'll never go for sterilization, but gene therapy might be a solution if we can get them to trust us enough. If it's overpopulation that's causing all their problems then it's not impossible to pitch fertility reduction as in their own direct interests.
>My emperor and Friend asked me too.
>"My emperor and friend asked me to. This garden of humanity lies beneath the sea of jewels you covert. Treasures we cannot give away. But we have others we'd be willing to give to you, to aid in your swift return to white sands"

>"Simple curiosity. I delight in meeting new faces, human or alien. I was exploring the storm, and one of your children startled me. So I followed them home, and learned about you. And weep for you, and your banishment"
>"My emperor and friend asked me to. This garden of humanity lies beneath the sea of jewels you covert. Treasures we cannot give away. But we have others we'd be willing to give to you, to aid in your swift return to white sands"

>"Simple curiosity. I delight in meeting new faces, human or alien. I was exploring the storm, and one of your children startled me. So I followed them home, and learned about you. And weep for you, and your banishment"
>>"My emperor and friend asked me to. This garden of humanity lies beneath the sea of jewels you covert. Treasures we cannot give away. But we have others we'd be willing to give to you, to aid in your swift return to white sands"
When big E meets up with us, we should have a moment with our sons and knocking som sense into them about how balance between everything in the journey.
But I think we should keep their name if I remember correctly, the other legions all changed their names when they met up with their primarchs.
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Calling the vote now, sorry for the really long wait. The AC isn't working and I can't stand the heat and stuffiness and neither can my PC.

"Simple curiosity at first. I delight in meeting new faces, human or alien. I was exploring the storm, and one of your children startled me. So I followed them home, and learned about you. My emperor and friend then asked me to make an introduction. We seek no conflict with you, our intents are peaceful, we wish for amicable relations between man and Alf-Harim.":3

Simple curiosity. I delight in meeting new faces, human or alien. I was exploring the storm, and one of your children startled me. So I followed them home, and learned about you. And weep for you, and your banishment":3

"My emperor and friend asked me to. This garden of humanity lies beneath the sea of jewels you covert. Treasures we cannot give away. But we have others we'd be willing to give to you, to aid in your swift return to white sands":5

So Lieren will tell the Alf-Harim matriarchs simply that "My emperor and friend asked me to...etc" and present Jinhai's offer of aid/ compensation

Writing now
total votes:9
You bounce your shoulders in quick shrug and answer the matriarch's demand for an answers, careful not to present any mannerisms or sudden movements that would be seen as overtly threatening or subconsciously predatory to the Alf-Harim.

"My Emperor and friend asked me to" you answers politely, tipping your head forward at a slightly lowered angle, an extremely informal kind of bow as the matriarchs begin to chitter and wordlessly communicate with their tails and pheromones, expecting you to be unable to divine the meanings of their unspoken conversation. And admittedly the intricacy and finer details of their hurried discussion are lost to you, but you are able to understand and see the message as clear as the back of your own hand. They all understand that an unseen authority is something to be concerned about, and are all swallowing their pride to plead their eldest sister to give them guidance, as she is the only one with any foreknowledge or experience with humanity. And while she doesn't show it in her body language or through the scents she scatters in the air, you can see through all of the masks and veils she wears.

She is just as directionless and adrift as her juniors. If not more so. Because the humanity she knows did not have any emperor, and did not certainly stop to speak to her. She wonders, fretfully, if you will twist your heel and crush the hand or worse, snout of their shared mate. But she does not voice these concerns, or reveal her rising sense of panic and dread, and remains to all observers but yourself composed and in control of the situation.

"Why" She demands once again, but in a much more controlled, donning a mask of steely serenity that only barely covers her nervous fidgeting of her claws and makes the younger matriarchs overlooked her previous out look and look once more to her as the foundational pillar of experience and wisdom admits this sudden sea of confusion they have found themselves cast into.

"This garden of humanity lies beneath the sea of jewels you covet" You answer, and can see those words are like a dagger being wiggled through her scales and towards her frantically pumping heart, her eyes rapidly blinking as she absorbs the information and hisses, a curses barely audible on a frequency your superhumanly keen hearing is able to detect, directed towards her son, the one known as Brother Sni'Chi and a remark thoughtlessly hissed that he didn't provide as many details of his discovery as he should have.

She twitches her hand and lifts up a claw, giving her unneeded permission for you to speak again.

"Treasures we cannot give away" You add, with a whip of your hand and a solemn shake of your head, voice grave and impressing the finality of that statement.

And once more the sisters begin their unheard discussion, as you glance down at their guard and sire of their children, and see that he has realized you pose no immediate threat to his brides or children.

And sharing an understanding look with him, you step off of his wrist and face. You well understand the feelings that spurned the ferocity of his attack and fanned his aggression toward you. Bested martially, he slinks back and crouches, eyes fixed on your back, which you keep turned to him. A subtle show of dominance and a warning that you do not consider his fangs, claws or clubbing tail to be as much of a threat as the reclining matriarchs.

"So you've come here to threaten and intimidate? Warn us away from great wealth?" One of the younger matriarchs is made to ask, so the eldest does not appear a fool if you answer negatively "Bare teeth and flash claws, before the warrens are emptied and the fleet is assembled"

Long-Jia's imperial fleet and the rest of Shangrala's space worthy craft number less than the ships they have that are capable of space travel and battle. You counted them, and that includes boarding actions. But they are unaware of other factors that tip the scales out of their favor. The technology within those comparatively few ships, and the expertise of the pilots manning the combat capable craft.

Oh. And of course, Kanzeon and her sisters. And the trigger happy and anxious liberty being directly above their habitat in orbit, with weapons that turned the Vishnu lands into the desolation they are now. The question they gave was meant to be partially a threat, but you are no way cowed by it.

"To send one, to stake a claim, this Ehmparoar of yours must be confident of your ability or plotting, Yes yes" Another, slightly older matriarch mutters, rumbling low in their throat.

"Why, did he send you?" The eldest matriarch, serene and calm now, that you have not unleashed the slaughter she imagined you would or shown any sign of aggression they would understand, but suspicion and worry still cut cleanly through her other wise stoic and confident timbre "This is not a threat, but....barter? Haggling? Negotiation. Yes yes? No no?"

She looms over you, and you simply cloud walk to meet her at eye level, hands clasped behind your back.

"He commanded me, to tell you this "These treasures we cannot give away, but we have others we'd be willing to give to you" You answer, as she feels a flicker of exposure to your piercing, truth revealing gaze and disguises her discomfort and tremor of instinctive fear with a full body flick, starting from her nose down to the tip of her tail, like she were a giant's whip cracking in the air "To aid in your swift return to white sands"

"Why?" She presses, growling and shooting her head and jaws filled with fangs closer to where you hover. Curious, she is not at all confused that you are capable of unassisted flight and levitation. That raises questions concerning the humans she had encounter before.

"Why would he offer assistance?" You question, smiling and showing your own teeth, as you show you are not threatened by her or any Alf-Harim present in the chamber, by overtly leaning nearer to her barred fangs "Or what does he ask for in return?"

"What is he planning?" She snarls, eyes alight with fury and distrust "Humans do not trade, do not gift. Humans hunt, humans kill. Humans lie and feign weakness. Humans bully, and humans enslave"

"I've stated his intentions" You answer with a smile and relaxed roll of your neck and slouching of your shoulders "We are not the humans you know"

She considers this possibility you present, scratching a claw under the scales of her throat, flaking roof tile sized patches of pigment from them as she dwells on the possibility that the offer of aid could be true, before her instincts as a leader and mother and prior experiences with humanity lead her to ask again

"Why?" She asks, but far less aggressively and demanding than before, the mercantile sense and scavengers cunning demanding she gamble and at least pretend to entertain the offer

"And what is offered!?" The youngest barks, slamming and thumping their tale in excitement and showing why the eldest sits at the top of their council of thirteen instead of her, displaying an almost stunning lack of guile. That gets her snout held shut by the second in command, who just shakes her head scoldingly

"Why are we offering assistance?" You ask the matriarch of matriarchs

"No no" She states, shaking her massive head "Why offer a bribe, why not not attack first or simply hasten the salvage operation? Your superior, he wants something, yes yes? Something only Alf-Harim can give. Gifts offered openly, never never given freely"

Eggs. Servants. Disposable warriors. Exotic pets. Food. All possibilities that race through her mind, revealed to you as if they were branded upon the scales of her brow. Horrors she does not speak, to save her younger sisters from imagining them, to save them from considering the unthinkable.

You sigh through your nose. The others are following her march, and even if they are already willing to listen to you and Jinhai just for the chance to return to their homeland denied to them, she is able to bully or pull rank to force them to follow without complaint, and her earlier panic attack have only convinced the senior amongst them that perhaps, they too should be cautious around this human speaking to them and offering them the miracle panacea for all their woes, to deliver their dreams and ambitions wrapped in silk and padded with phoenix plumage.

How do you answer her, Lieren?

>"To give when one has plenty, is virtuous. To share when one has little, is virtuous. It is simple generosity. A gift freely given, we need nothing you Alf-Harim have, and the emperor and myself act to avoid bloodshed and strife. He is aware, you cannot resist the temptation to return home when it is within your grasp. So he suggests an alternative to conflict"

>"The stubborn mule came back for its master's child, but left its owner to drown. Cruelty has no reward, kindness has many. What he wants is friendship, perhaps. My friend does delight in random acts of charity, as do I myself, he could simply offer this for the satisfaction of a noble deed quickly done"

>"I know why you hesitate, even though your heart yearns to return to the home you were cast from so cruelly. This universe is replete with tyrants and villains, blackguards and sadists. I've seen how low humanity, nay, any race can degenerate, how wicked they can become. But know this, I, am the enemy of tyrants, I cannot co-exist with them or tolerate their presence. I will not make mockery of your concerns, but trust me, tell me what is required for your clan to be welcomed home, and I shall deliver it"

>"The Emperor Long-Jia, cannot stomach the sight of suffering. He sees that he can prevent it, by making an arrangement with your thirteen matriarchs. Your people and mine, have no reason to fight. A simple trade. We want the salvage above our world, you simply want wealth and treasures plentiful to offer the higher clans of your realm of white sands, you and He, can surel work out a mutually beneficial deal"

>Write in
>"To give when one has plenty, is virtuous. To share when one has little, is virtuous. It is simple generosity. A gift freely given, we need nothing you Alf-Harim have, and the emperor and myself act to avoid bloodshed and strife. He is aware, you cannot resist the temptation to return home when it is within your grasp. So he suggests an alternative to conflict"

>"I know why you hesitate, even though your heart yearns to return to the home you were cast from so cruelly. This universe is replete with tyrants and villains, blackguards and sadists. I've seen how low humanity, nay, any race can degenerate, how wicked they can become. But know this, I, am the enemy of tyrants, I cannot co-exist with them or tolerate their presence. I will not make mockery of your concerns, but trust me, tell me what is required for your clan to be welcomed home, and I shall deliver it"

A mix of these two, perhaps give them a couple copies of the Journey in their native language too.

Our first gift is the Journey. Because without it, trying to trade on deal with us is maddening.
>"To give when one has plenty, is virtuous. To share when one has little, is virtuous. It is simple generosity. A gift freely given, we need nothing you Alf-Harim have, and the emperor and myself act to avoid bloodshed and strife. He is aware, you cannot resist the temptation to return home when it is within your grasp. So he suggests an alternative to conflict"

>"I know why you hesitate, even though your heart yearns to return to the home you were cast from so cruelly. This universe is replete with tyrants and villains, blackguards and sadists. I've seen how low humanity, nay, any race can degenerate, how wicked they can become. But know this, I, am the enemy of tyrants, I cannot co-exist with them or tolerate their presence. I will not make mockery of your concerns, but trust me, tell me what is required for your clan to be welcomed home, and I shall deliver it"
And Support
I guess I'll support too of this write-in:
And the giving of the journey bible in their own languange before negotiation can proceed further.

But I also would like to know of the humans they encountered making it clear it is more a wish to know of possible enemies since humanity has shattered and the remaining splinters cannot be more different than one another.
>>"To give when one has plenty, is virtuous. To share when one has little, is virtuous. It is simple generosity. A gift freely given, we need nothing you Alf-Harim have, and the emperor and myself act to avoid bloodshed and strife. He is aware, you cannot resist the temptation to return home when it is within your grasp. So he suggests an alternative to conflict"
>"I know why you hesitate, even though your heart yearns to return to the home you were cast from so cruelly. This universe is replete with tyrants and villains, blackguards and sadists. I've seen how low humanity, nay, any race can degenerate, how wicked they can become. But know this, I, am the enemy of tyrants, I cannot co-exist with them or tolerate their presence. I will not make mockery of your concerns, but trust me, tell me what is required for your clan to be welcomed home, and I shall deliver it"
>Write in
>"Very wise of you Matriarch. My emperor has three demands. Firstly, information: Maps of paths you've traveled, obscure the location of your homeworld if you wish, but give me the location of your enemies. These humans you met, the ones that fly, tell me of them. As for something only Alf-Harim can give, describe to me your world and it's culture. Next: A display of friendship. Provide assistance to our world, symbolically or in true fashion, as a sign of respect. Finally: a gift. Something fit for a young girl of high station. I am open to negotiation but I think in exchange for your desires it is most reasonable."
Supporting >>6102432 along with the Journey copies and the polite request for information about the branches of humanity they've previously encountered.

No, there's too many things that can go wrong with making unnecessary demands, however light. I think it's better to keep them on the back heel with demanding nothing than it is to risk validating some of their fears and increasing their certainty that we are as bad as their matriarch fears (but just concealing it for whatever reason).
I'll back this insanity >>6102432
>Primarchs talking about oats part 2
Above Luna the bulk of the Imperial Fleet gathered bolstered now by the Warships and exploration vessels of Mars, the largest human fleet gathered in millennia. Emperor and Sigillite both stood upon the command deck of the Bucephelus watching the fleets form into the Expeditionary groups. As they spoke the War Moon of Sedna was being purged by almost half the Astartes Legions and those foul xenos within being wiped from the system and soon memory itself. About them scurried Adepts and Historians, Crewmen and representatives of the newly founded Solar Auxilia all doing their duty as commanded. Only those wrapped in the crimson robe of Mars were above his direct authority in a manner but they still obeyed well enough thanks to the Treaty.

Malcador however gently tapped his friends shoulder and with an aetheric nod shifted their focus from the stars ripe for conquest to matter more mundane but possible as complex in scope. A small group Techpriests whom while still donning the Red Cloaks of their homeworld were wearing something else; Masks of white pale steel which were refined, smooth and whose only features were curved half closed eyes flecked with gold so at odds with the rest of their guise.

The Emperor's jaw set as the two friends spoke within their minds.

“The Chimera gains another limb it seems, quite the Monster it's becoming-” Malcador spoke sounding tired and he was, he was tired or retreating the same ground. “-We need to find the other Primarch lest the Second's influence grows unabated among the population, we need other figures of legend to distract and draw away from him.”

The Lightning Lords response was measured, speaking as both proud father and concerned Patriarch. “We will find them my friend and you're wisdom will be heeded. Already I hear rumour that my son's gifts have put a small crack in the united front that is Mars, binary whispers of a sect forming; 'Brides of the Omnissiah' they are designated”

Malcador chuckled audibly despite the concerning implication; “Seeing Lieren wed finally get you in the mood again hmm?”

His friend joined him in boisterous laughter.

Yet through all of Mars a code was spreading; 'We are One within the Chimera'.
"My sons, when I first made contact with you all I sought to teach you of the Journey, as a father of Shangrala would teach his children of the forests.
Yet when I made contact again I found not Journeymen, but a fractured family endlessly arguing over which of the trees contained the forest, each among you enthroning one tree as the most important. And so I sent you the texts I had written explaining the Journey, hoping that greater knowledge of the Journey would mend the rift and teach the futility of favoring one facet over another.
But in vain.
None among you saw the forest, instead using my texts to claim that each twig and every leaf somehow proves the superiority of your own tenet, worshipping every line that agrees with you and disregarding every line that does not.
I am disappointed in all of you. But most of all, I am disappointed in myself for so thoroughly failing as a teacher.
Forget all that you know of the Journey. Discard your trappings of faction, your devotion to a single aspect. Abandon your disdain for the brothers who dared disagree with you. We will start again. Together, and from the beginning."
I think an apt choice here will be something Lieren we'll knows. We shall not offer them fish, but teach them to. If their problem is a need for their homeworld they can't escape this whole cycle if they make themselves a new one? The galaxy is indeed a big place after all
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Gather around brothers, now we pray. We pray for Brother Malal, his health and fortitude, his purity and strength. May the Emperor beloved by all watch over him.

Valorous and indomitable!
Dear Empra', I hope ya look afta bruva Mal. Amen.
Calling the vote now, sorry for the super long wait, I actually did come down with a pretty nasty flu while I was away. AC is still down, but I'm adapting. Meant to write yesterday, actually, but I decided to play Space Marine 2, and spent all day playing it. Fun game.

"To give when one has plenty, is virtuous. To share when one has little, is virtuous. It is simple generosity. A gift freely given, we need nothing you Alf-Harim have, and the emperor and myself act to avoid bloodshed and strife. He is aware, you cannot resist the temptation to return home when it is within your grasp. So he suggests an alternative to conflict":7

"I know why you hesitate, even though your heart yearns to return to the home you were cast from so cruelly. This universe is replete with tyrants and villains, blackguards and sadists. I've seen how low humanity, nay, any race can degenerate, how wicked they can become. But know this, I, am the enemy of tyrants, I cannot co-exist with them or tolerate their presence. I will not make mockery of your concerns, but trust me, tell me what is required for your clan to be welcomed home, and I shall deliver it":7

Gift them the Journey:7

"Very wise of you Matriarch. My emperor has three demands. Firstly, information: Maps of paths you've traveled, obscure the location of your homeworld if you wish, but give me the location of your enemies. These humans you met, the ones that fly, tell me of them. As for something only Alf-Harim can give, describe to me your world and it's culture. Next: A display of friendship. Provide assistance to our world, symbolically or in true fashion, as a sign of respect. Finally: a gift. Something fit for a young girl of high station. I am open to negotiation but I think in exchange for your desires it is most reasonable.":1

Total votes: 8

So Lieren will tell them "To give when one has plenty is virtuous...etc" and "I know why you hesitate"

And offer them a few copies of the journey, once he's translated the book into the Alf-Harim language

writing now

I really enjoyed this. “Seeing Lieren wed finally get you in the mood again hmm?”, this line made me cackle like a hyena, good work. And the Techpriests going journeymen was surprisingly spooky, really enjoyed the dialogue you wrote for Lieren reprimanding his fracture son. Also, the brides of the Omnissiah is a good name, I may just steal it

Thanks! Also lol
You smile, lifting up your chin, looking past the matriarch and up to the artificial clouds generated to provide them and their servants comfort of mind, and allow a delicate chuckle to pass your lips as you pull one hand from your back and extend it towards the clouds, theatrically pulling some of the vapor to swirl around the palm of your hand in a demonstrative gesture.

"To give when one has plenty, is Virtuous" You answer, bowing your head down as you create a orb of cloud in your hand, before dispersing it and leaving you completely empty handed as you present your hand to the eldest matriarch who has been knocked off balance and cast into deep confusion by both your words and display "To share when one has little, is virtuous. It is simple generosity. A gift freely given"

"You cannot cannot actually believe in that tripe" She answers plainly, blinking rapidly to try and brush off the bewilderment she is experiencing at hearing one of your deepest held beliefs and being told she would receive her worldly desires without a dire cost to herself, her people, or her very soul.

"We need nothing you Alf-Harim have, and the emperor and myself act to avoid bloodshed and strife" you append, slowly drawing your extended arm back to you side as you watch the trails of vapor drift back towards the ceiling like a departing flock of birds "He is aware, that you cannot resist the temptation to return home when it is within your grasp. So he suggests an alternative to conflict"

The Matriarch of Matriach blinks again, expression dull as she tumbles back into the sea of perplexation, her mind laboring to try and figure out how this open generosity is a scheme to take advantage of her clan and struggling harder to figure out why you would be so generous and ask for nothing as she realizes that you are being earnest and being somehow more unnerved by that then her prior suspicion that you'd come to collect her unborn children as delicacies.

"Sister, I think they're being honest, that those are their true thoughts" The second eldest speaks in the place of her senior, who in her daze had forgotten to state her stance "It'd be too arcane of a scheme to enter our most vulnerable place, unarmed and offer assistance, to what? Lead us to slave pens? The Hoomon? wants us away, them and their superior, but do not not wish to do us harm, so..."

"No, there has to be more" The eldest mumbles, eyes sharpening as the second eldest and several of the younger matriarchs chitter nervously and irritated, clearly annoyed by their matriarch's refusal to take an offer that'd fast track their return to the homeworld they'd been exiled from them "This human is more...articulate than the one's I know, but I have not lived and grown this tall by being naive. You must want...want something that cannot cannot be percieved!"

You roll your eyes. Yes, you do want something intangible. That rarest of treasures called peace, that jewel named serenity.

"I know why you hesitate" you answer solemnly, well composed and polite as you take a step back into the open air and trade your comforting and gentle appearing smile for a pitying frown "Even while your heart yearns to the home you were cast from so cruelly"

"Oh, do you? Do you think to know the contents of my heart, man thing?" The matriarch snorts, a gout of hot air bursting from her nostrils like a burst of steam "Then, explain what I feel, hm?"

The fact that you can view the contents of anyone's hearts at your leisure, has no role in you knowing why she hesitates, it is obvious why she does.

"This universe is replete with tyrants and villains, blackguards and sadists" You speak the truth sharply, voice slowly turning to a growl as you crease your brow and grimace "I've seen how low humanity, nay, any race can degenerate, how wicked they can become"

The matriarch hides her surprise well, as well as the fact you admit your own people can be as much of a problem as other species populating the galaxy.

"Unlike my sisters, I know this as well" She answers, quickly recovering to display her false image of expertise and confidence to her lesser and younger sisters "So it should be clear, why I do not take this "gift" you offer, as readily as they intend to. A knife can be hidden behind a back easily, yes yes"

"Then know this, I am the enemy of tyrants" You confidently reply, smiling again and placing a hand between your twin hearts "I cannot co-exist with them nor tolerate their presence. I will not make a mockery of your concerns, but trust me, tell me what is required for your clan to be welcomed home, and I shall deliver it"

"You are a messenger" The second eldest chimes in "We'll discuss with your emperor"

"Yes yes, we speak with your emperor" The eldest matriarch agrees, the other matriarchs nodding in agreement, having all cast a silent vote while you were speaking with the high matriarch, who you realize was convinced by your argument, and could have overruled their decision if she had truly wanted to "You can promise, but only he can sign, yes yes? Can't make deal with only promises"

"Yes yes! Scary as you are, you can only promise, without the emperor's permission! Maybe we ask too much" One of the younger of the thirteen adds "Maybe we ask for too little. Need to get a good deal to leave behind the good salvage above your world, yes yes!"

"We will say no no more of this bargain until we speak with your superior" The high matriarch declares, as smugly as nobility tends to be "This is acceptable with you, Lieren? These are the terms I, Matriarch Sni'Har offer"

"Of course, though I was hoping to deliver your request to him, I can easily set up a meeting with him" You answer openly, shrugging your shoulders

"Easily?" Sni'Har squeaks as you nod in confirmation

"And that will give me time to prepare my own personal gift for you, a translation of the philosophy I practice in the alf-harim tongue , so you may see the world through my eyes, and see why it is the emperor Long-Jia and myself are acting in a manner so alien to your perceptions and preconceptions" You continue on, trampling over her stunned slip of the tongue

"Heh?" The matriarchs grunt as one, tilting their head in the way confused children or dogs do, nearly synchronized in their movements

"Well I say practice, but its a philosophy I formed from my own world view and have taught to any who care to listen, it may enlighten you as to why I am different from the other humans you've encountered before" You state

"Oooh! Ooh! I like reading!" one of the youngest matriarch chirps excitedly

"Wait, how can we meet your emperor, is he here to?" The eldest asks fretfully, looking around, expecting to find an even larger, more frightening human lurking in the chamber, some how unnoticed until now.

You can't help but to crack a smile.

How do you arrange the meeting of the matriarchs and Jinhai, Lieren?

>Explain you have a ship large enough to transport them directly to his court, and swiftly. And if they do not trust you enough, you can take one of their sons or younger matriarchs as a representive instead

>Just have Liberty set up a two way transmission between their chamber and the throne room, and act as a translator.

>Depart, explain the situation to Jinhai, coach him on their language as you translate the journey. And then holographically project his image to the matriarchs...Somewhat exaggerating his stature as you do so

>"He is already on his way. I sent a message to him while we establishing the foundations of mutual trust and dispelling the fears some of you may have held towards us"

>Write in
>Coach Jinhai in their tongue.

This is too funny. And funny carp man does lateral thinking.
>Depart, explain the situation to Jinhai, coach him on their language as you translate the journey, then holographically project his image to the matriarchs...somewhat exaggerating his stature as you do so
+1 to this, to funny not to. Also gives proper time to make the gift.
>If they are not trusting a gift, we could make a trade instead. They seem to have travellooted a long way to get here and must have information about other star systems that we could use.
>Depart, explain the situation to Jinhai, coach him on their language as you translate the journey. And then holographically project his image to the matriarchs...Somewhat exaggerating his stature as you do so
>Depart, explain the situation to Jinhai, coach him on their language as you translate the journey. And then holographically project his image to the matriarchs...Somewhat exaggerating his stature as you do so
>>Depart, explain the situation to Jinhai, coach him on their language as you translate the journey. And then holographically project his image to the matriarchs...Somewhat exaggerating his stature as you do so
>Depart, explain the situation to Jinhai, coach him on their language as you translate the journey. And then holographically project his image to the matriarchs...Somewhat exaggerating his stature as you do so
That one matriarch who's so excited to read is adorable.
I'm hoping one might take a liking to the journey and transfer into Shangrala, I kind of want her to appear in the streets of the city on a palaquin that stops all traffic as people gaze upon the absolute unit that is a bald rat the size of a bus shyly but curiously peeking out of transparent curtains that barely hide her frame and wonder why all the supposedly scary humans she sees are midgets.

(No this is not a fetish thing I just find it absolutely cartoonishly hilarious.)

Also I can imagine them wondering how big and scary a human matriarch must be by comparing their guard boytoy to Lieren. (Worries that will be validated when they realize Lieren is married with a spaceship).
>Depart, explain the situation to Jinhai, coach him on their language as you translate the journey. And then holographically project his image to the matriarchs...Somewhat exaggerating his stature as you do so
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Calling the vote now. Sorry for the long wait. My computer really isn't appreciating the summer heat

Depart, explain the situation to Jinhai, coach him on their language as you translate the journey, then holographically project his image to the matriarchs...somewhat exaggerating his stature as you do so:10

If they are not trusting a gift, we could make a trade instead. They seem to have travellooted a long way to get here and must have information about other star systems that we could use.:1

Total votes:10

So Lieren will depart, explain the situation to Jinhai, coach him on the Alf-Harim language as he translates the Journey to it, then project a hologram of the emperor of Long-Jia to the matriarchs, embellishing Jinhai's stature somewhat

Writing now
"Other matters occupy his majesty" You coolly reply, without missing a beat as you make a apologetic gesture "And I must inform him of your counter proposal and the altered terms that came about through this most prosperous and peaceable meeting. And he will require time to see to his duties and prepare the goods to be offered for your consideration to broker the arrangement we seek for the good and prosperity of both our peoples. I shall take my leave to fulfill my responsibility, I advice you take the time to prepare yourselves to have audience with the emperor of Shangrala, Long-Jia Jinhai, whose imperial stature and holding can be overwhelming to those unready for his regal presence. May fortune smile upon you, Matriarch Sni'har and the twelve younger mothers of this clan, I shall vanish as swiftly as I appeared, to return when my emperor is ready to speak with you"

And with a lash of your arm and a flourish, you step away, iron hued hair waving behind you like smoke from fire as you march from the most secure chamber of the clan above the black abyss' sanctuary, noticing how your words have impacted the matriarchs and all of their servants, particularly your off handed commentary of Jinhai's supposed imperial stature and holding. While Sni'har's fear of humanity brings a cynical purpose to embellishing your friend's appearance during their meeting, as they believe you to be an example of an ordinary man and thus expect your leader to be far taller than you, and making him appear so would make them less likely to act boisterously and recklessly, you've decided to make him appear as a giant for that reason just as much as you have because it will be a most amusing jest.

But before the audience between emperor and matriarch can be carried out, you must contact Jinhai and give him an account of the updated situation and report the character of the Alf-Harim matriarchs as well as the material wealth they may wish in exchange for their eviction from the star system. And coaching him on the audible parts of their language is another task to be done. It should occupy your for a few days at most, when combined with the exciting work of translating the Journey to a new, alien tongue.

There is much to be done

'Need a evac?' Liberty asks and you confirm with a thought as you swiftly leave the palace, and the shielded area from the storm to meet with the remotely piloted vessel liberty had sent to lift you back out of the atmosphere of the black abyss.

In the following days, there is much excitement.

Mostly because Kanzeon and Anahita join Liberty outside of the black abyss once they catch wind of what you and her are doing above the world. And Liberty is thrilled to have extra firepower, as hollow as her saber rattling is truly. Anahita mostly observes the scarce salvaging parties sent into orbit, who act so timidly they must be aware there is a ship larger than any they had seen before somewhere in the void beyond the debris field.

Totally unaware there are in truth three of them. Kanzeon meanwhile, keeps one eye on the planet while listening to Liberty's somewhat exaggerated account of your brief action upon the world of the black abyss, while you, through long range communications, speak privately with Jinhai. or as privately as you can while aboard your wife, who you know is listening in on your conversation from the shifting hue's of her corridor lighting alone.

"So they will only speak to me, even though you act with my full authority backing you and with far more experience dealing with the oddities of alien cultures and mentality" Jinhai says, sounding somewhat bemused as your hands work transcribing a particularly difficult koan into Alf-harim text "And they haven't told you what it is that will be a suitable to buy their way back to their home world"

"I can make educated assumptions, based on what I had witnessed and have inferred from my observations. Their speed of which they reproduced is clearly the original purpose behind this tradition of banishments, but it may have become embedded in the culture of the people. They will require resources to pay for their habitation, or technology that will ease one burden or another. Unless they go the simplest route and simply pay their way with material wealth" You explain rapidly as your hands move as a blur transcribing the odd, scratch written language of the Alf-Harim on parchment

"What a cruel form of population control, you said they were prey by nature, cautious of predators long surpassed. Perhaps the Lungs of the mountains would suffice as a gift" Jinhai suggests meanderingly, as you set the pages with ink to dry aside "Though a pale imitation of maiden Mari's breath, the fog and mist they generate may soothe their minds of these ancestral burdens no"

"As inventive and perceptive as ever my old friend, but I must remind you that you are the one who will be bargaining with them, not I' You chuckle as you take note of Kanzeon taking note of Jinhai's suggestion "Though, as the mist generators are originally a atmospheric terraforming device, if you do offer them as an imperial gift, do not supply them with too many"

"You do not think they can recreate the technology?" He asks curiously as you dip your brush in an ink well

"No, they lack the materials, science and understanding. It will be to them, what is known amongst scattered humanity, as Archeotech" You answer "And if the matriarchs possess any true cunning, they will realize the value of even a single lung of the mountain, and not squander it"

"Hmm, what other gifts do you think would please them?" Jinhai asks, in the same way as a maiden asking a trusted confident what eye shadow to wear during a friendly date

"I can think of plenty. Hearty seeds, hydroponic facilities, rare materials and alloys. It is simply up to your discretion what you present to them" You answer simply

"I can make that choice after I've spoken with them and heard their needs" He answers solemnly "But first I must know how to speak their language, If you are willing to tutor me now"

"I've already have lessons prepared for you" You reply immediately, as you wring and press the ink out of your brush with two of your fingers "If you are ready to begin"

"If its any comfort, Jinhai" Kanzeon chimes in "The Alf-Harim are at least smart enough to not pick a fight they can't win, judging from how cautious they're being in Anahita's shadow"

"Oh, they've noticed me?" Anahita laugh booms from across the void as the floral decoration on Kanzeon's walls shift to be thorned, showing her displeasure at her sister's lack of decorum and prudence "I was just trying to get a closer look at their tech, it's pretty unique, even if we've taken and incorporate some eldar tech, their electric propulsion method is really quite quaint and adorable"

"So what? Anything we've got is far more advance than anything they have" Liberty barks

"Just don't get too close, Ana, you might frighten the little things" Kanzeon chuckles, the mood in her lighting turning to a soothing blue grey "More than we already have we mean. I'm surprised none of them dropped dead from fright after your choice of entrance love"

"They should be impressed! Orbital entry without protection is awesome!" Liberty howls with delight as Anahita snickers, buzzing with static

"I need to see the on the fly calculations you made to pull that off, Lie" She remarks as Jinhai politely remains silent, hearing scraps of the conversation as you speak

"Don't encourage them, or else they'll do it again" Kanzeon scolds gently, only half serious "And yes, I know you'll both do it anyways, but pretending I can prevent you from acting so reckless is comforting"

"I appreciate your care and honesty, my emerald bride" You thank before you start Jinhai's tutoring, which, with the assistance of Al-Uzza and the fact he is already multi lingual, with both human and alien languages, makes the process of assisting him in reaching a conversational level of Alf-Harim go by quicker than expected

And on the day of the meeting, what do you do, Lieren?

>Join and observe it, acting as an advisor for Jinhai and making certain the terms they come to are fair to both parties and people

>Advise Jinhai to offer them the Lungs of the mountain, with Mari's permission, of course, since they are derived from her mechanisms

>Get the news of the first planetary exploration, which you hear has gone smoothly though not without excitement.

>Sneak onto the habitat in the guise of an Alf-Harim and see what the working class of the clan knows and thinks about what is happening

>Write in

The pace should pick up once this is resolved, so be ready for some fast passing time in the updates to come.
>Sneak onto the habitat in the guise of an Alf-Harim and see what the working class of the clan knows and thinks about what is happening
Don't mind me, just sewing the seeds of enlightenment among the masses...
>Join and observe it, acting as an advisor for Jinhai and making certain the terms they come to are fair to both parties and people
>Join and observe it, acting as an advisor for Jinhai and making certain the terms they come to are fair to both parties and people

>Sneak onto the habitat in the guise of an Alf-Harim and see what the working class of the clan knows and thinks about what is happening
>Join and observe it, acting as an advisor for Jinhai and making certain the terms they come to are fair to both parties and people
>Join and observe it, acting as an advisor for Jinhai and making certain the terms they come to are fair to both parties and people

As fun as messing with the little rats might be or hear what happened on other planets to cause excitement I just want to see more of the matriarchs.
>The Long Game

Beneath the Smog filled skies of the Red planet Lieren stood atop a craggy outcrop, the wind stirring his hair as his almond-shaped eyes of Golden Gold slowly churned with the intensity of a discovery too monumental to ignore, smoke wafting from his nostrils joining the fumes of the atmosphere. The faint hum of the forges in the distance, the Mechanicum’s symphony. Yet all his sense were turned downward into the world's heart. There was something ancient, something immense, and it throbbed beneath the surface, deep within the planet.

Lieren was ever known for his wisdom and had come to Mars not for war but for answers. His Journey through life had been one of balance, and enlightenment. He had spoken to the Emperor many times about the mysteries of the galaxy and few were more enigmatic than the relationship between Mars and the Mechanicum’s endless devotion to the Omnissiah, the truth that their prayers; worked. But now, standing here he knew something far darker than mere belief was at play, it was no discordant denizen of the warp.

“Another ancient buried beneath the surface” Lieren muttered under his breath as he knelt, placing his palm against the red earth. His connection to the warp had always been strange, different from his brothers. While he to did feel rage, madness, or chaos in its currents, Lieren felt whispers of wisdom and hidden truths, he found spirits oft resigned to the tombs of history, now those whispers were shouting in his mind.

He closed his eyes, letting his mind reach deeper, beyond the rock and iron, beneath the great forges and hallowed halls of the Mechanicum. The hum intensified, and a vision struck him coiling around his soul; images of a great beast, metallic and monstrous, chained beneath the planet’s crust. Its eyes burned with cosmic fury, its form ancient and incomprehensible. This was no mere machine spirit. It was something older than mankind... a Yngir... is machine like mind scanned through memories.. it pieced together dates, catalogued images and symbolism; Mag'ladroth.

He knew it, the things dreaming flickered; it to knew him now.

Suddenly, a presence appeared behind him. Lieren rose to his feet, his senses sharp, though the presence was familiar and potent enough to require him to pull back his mind lest he be washed away. The Emperor, his father and creator stood therein his golden Armor gleaming beneath the crimson martian sky, the weight of his gaze immeasurable.

“So you have found it” the Emperor said, his voice deep, commanding but not without a trace of sorrow. He stepped closer to his son as his eyes searching Lieren’s for understanding. “You have always been the most perceptive of my sons.”

Lieren turned. His expression a mask of stoic calm though his mind raced. “The Dragon-” he said, the word tasting bitter on his tongue. “-is no myth. It lies beneath Mars, chained. A C’tan… the Machine God of the Mechanicum.”

The Emperor was silent for a moment, his expression unreadable. Then he spoke, his tone measured but heavy. “You see too much, my son.”

“Is it true?” Lieren demanded, his voice rising slightly, though not in anger but in a need for clarity. “Is the heart of the Mechanicum’s faith based on a lie? Devotion monstrosity buried beneath their feet?”

The Emperor stepped forward, his presence overwhelming, like a force of nature. “The truth is not so simple,” he said voice calm but firm. “The Void Dragon is a tool, The Mechanicum’s devotion to the Machine God sustains their work and through them; the Imperium thrives.”

The Primarch’s brow furrowed, and then his eyes widened a second revelation.

His father tilted his head implying he knew Lieren found another truth, he began to shake his head internally pleading his Son wouldn't voice it....but he did.

“You bound it here-”

The Lightning Lord remained silent as his Son's mind whirred like the machines of the world letting him finish for he already knew what he would have to do.

“-It has been here far longer than...even man...the golden age, it started here...you did this, you led mankind from the shadows before and led them here... you've always been in control, pulling the strings...what grand design do you have in store Father”

Lieren was almost snarling but maintained his manners.

The Emperor sighed, his gaze hardening. “You cannot understand the burden I bear, Lieren. The Void Dragon is not just a creature. It is a force upon reality, a tool that can be wielded. It is contained, dormant. The Mechanicum’s faith is a means to an end not the end itself. Humanity’s survival comes first.”

The Panther King shook his head. “This will fail father to build an empire on the bones of a dead god...”

The Emperor’s eyes flared with frustration, though he kept his composure. “You are not seeing the greater picture, Lieren. You have always sought balance but there are times when balance must be sacrificed for the greater good. This is one such time.”

Lieren stood tall, his hand resting on the hilt of his sword. His voice was soft, yet unyielding. “I understand the necessity of difficult choices, Father. I understand the need for falsehood and trickery..but this?. The Mechanicum deserves to know the truth. Humanity deserves to know.”

The Emperor’s expression darkened as a rare flicker of disappointment crossing his features. “You will not speak of this to anyone Lieren. This knowledge is too dangerous like so many other secrets you keep. If the Mechanicum were to learn the truth, it could lead to rebellion, chaos… the very destruction of the Imperium.”

Lieren met his father’s gaze without flinching even as his eyes bled from glaring into his father's visage. “If you cannot trust your people with the truth, then what kind of Imperium are we building?”

The Emperor was silent for a long moment, his mind clearly wrestling with the weight of Lieren’s words. Then, slowly, he nodded though there was no joy in his eyes. “You are a wise son; Lieren and your heart is pure. But remember this: truth can be a weapon as dangerous as any blade. Use it wisely, or you will see the Imperium crumble before your eyes.”

Without another word, the Emperor turned and left, his golden form disappearing into the Martian dust. Lieren watched him go, the weight of the discovery heavy on his shoulders. His fathers final words echoing in his mind even as his figure was gone.

“I trust you will make the right choice my Primarch; you always do.”

Beneath his feet, the Dragon stirred and whispered; “You always do”

I had a dream, wrote this...tot he Ymgr Monolith we must go Brothers.
>Join and observe it, acting as an advisor for Jinhai and making certain the terms they come to are fair to both parties and people
>>Sneak onto the habitat in the guise of an Alf-Harim and see what the working class of the clan knows and thinks about what is happening

i just cant trust them to not try and do some kind of Skaven shit especially when they talk like them
>Join and observe it, acting as an advisor for Jinhai and making certain the terms they come to are fair to both parties and people
>Sneak onto the habitat in the guise of an Alf-Harim and see what the working class of the clan knows and thinks about what is happening
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Calling the vote now. Sorry for the long wait, but without AC, I have to be cautious since my PC can very easily overheat due to the triple digit days we've been getting over here lately. Which also means I haven't been able to play space marine 2 or Wukong since my AC went down, I tried, but stopped when it felt like I was the one being hit in the face by a meltagun. Curse the machine spirits

Sneak onto the habitat in the guise of an Alf-Harim and see what the working class of the clan knows and thinks about what is happening:4

Join and observe it, acting as an advisor for Jinhai and making certain the terms they come to are fair to both parties and people:6

Total votes:8

So Lieren will join the observe the meeting, acting as an advisor to Jinhai, and will, when he is not require, sneak around the habitat in the guise of an Alf-Harim to see how much the working class majority of the clan knows about the deal and what their thoughts concerning it are.

Writing now

Love how descriptive you got here anon, instantly drew me in. Also always love a surprise guest appearance of the void dragon. Very intense father son confrontation, had me on the edge of my seat. Also that must've been a pretty nice dream to produce such excellent quality right. I rate it SSS on the style meter! Amazing job, anon
The holographic projection of fair and kind hearted Jinhai, towers over even the eldest of the thirteen matriarchs, constructed from lights shaped of petals and flickering scales colored the pink and blue graced to be the imperial family's personal colors. By your advise, he is dressed partially in his imperial regalia and partially in his ceremonially scaled armor, and the bottom of his image is obscured by a illusionary mist generated by the same device that casts his magnified image into the air of the matriarchs' brooding chamber.

"Your appearance resembles the most noble of beasts upon our fair world of Shangrala, the reborn dragons of yore" Jinhai compliments, the voice broadcast from the safety of the palace fortress your brother built for him and his descendants to dwell within booming, resounding through the chamber, not due to any alterations on your part besides the volume of the audio replicators, but due to how he has been taught to project and make his voice sound imposing and commanding when he stands side by side giant's such as yourself. An impressive talent, and just one of many signs of how seriously he's taking his appointment to the highest seat of Shangrala governance. You stand beside his false image, hands folded in the sleeves of your robe, alone in the heart of the black abyss clan, but at complete ease.

The father of the current generation, looks in your direction, similarly serene minded and composed, fiddling with the weaponry attached to his arms by way of leather lashes and metal fastens. You will have to praise Jinhai for choosing the reptilian aspect of the Alf-Harim to admire, rather than their equally obvious rodent mien, though admittedly, the matriarchs and mature males favor the former over the later.

"Sweet words" Sni'har says,clacking their teeth together as they keep their massive clawed hands close to the end of their snouts, their tail thumping nervously "Yes, Yes. Your servant, of Clan Nothing, spoke admiringly of your poise and stature, He did not not exaggerate"

"I appreciate for your compliments, matriarch, though I cannot claim that my friend rarely tells lies or spreads falsehoods" Jinhai laughs, making Sni'har wince and the other matriarchs bow "And I do not see what many behold when they look upon me, I must take your words for the truth, but we did arrange this audience to exchange platitudes and flattery. This is, I am to understand, a negotiation"

"Right right, correct correct, very much correct correct!" Sni'Har squeaks, making a noise very strange considering her mass and appearance "We're gathered to hear your proposal, yes yes? To hear what we'll be given for our absence"

"The imperial house and government beneath it, is willing to offer what ever is required for your safe passage back to your homeworld. I have not come to barter for your departure from our star, but to simply guide you home" Jinhai replies calmly "And to prevent conflict over the debris fields already being cleared and repurposed"

"We will not not know, until you show us what is on the table, yes yes?" The second eldest says, tapping a claw on the ground, allowing her senior sister a reprieve long enough to sooth her unease at being "Face to face" with the imposing imperial aura and height of a human emperor

"My advisors, including Lieren, have assisted me in narrowing the list of potential gifts and offered assistance" he states, nodding his head "And I have given permission for demonstrations to be performed, as you are more informed what would be considered prized enough to purchase land upon your native range"

The matriarchs eyes and their chosen mates' attention shift to the tarp covered devices you've been guarding by simply standing in front of.

"First" Jinhai says giddily, lifting and wagging one finger and then, explaining it as you suggested he should "Shall be a technology dubbed the Lungs of the Mountain, a miniaturized form of ancient human terraforming technology, that have serviced to veil our armies on battlefields beneath alien suns"

"Oh wow wow!" The youngest matriarch chirps, eyes boggling as she lifts her head as you present the mist generator to the scrutiny and suspicion of the matriarchs and activate it

"See" You explain as Shangrala's unique and comforting mist spill out from within it "How it generates a thick, blinding white fog. Dense enough to blot out the sun and smother all sight. It contains a peculiar property of foiling and befuddling most technological analyzers and advance detection suites. Including those employed by Aeldari raiders"

"How do you know this?" The third eldest asks and Jinhai's towering hologram looks down to you

"Lieren turned the slave hunters into the hunted when they dared to intrude upon our prosperous and peaceable fields" He explains proudly "And lead our armies in scouring them from our world, to not again venture to benight and terrorize its populace sense their sound defeat"

"A simple task, arrogance is a swift poison" You answer with a nod "And they remained certain of their superiority, even when they could not see"

"Interesting" Sni'har mutters, eyes squinted into a cunning gleam "Only one?"

"Enough to be given to purchase passage and to protect your own private holdings upon your homeworld" Jinhai answers quickly

"Schematics?" The second eldest matriarch snaps

"They are not mine to provide" Jinhai answers, smiling amusedly as he watches the younger elders trace their hands and bury the snouts in the cool, soothing mists filling this room

"You are the emperor, yes yes?" She presses "Why not not give us blueprints"

"They are not my property" Jinahi answered with an imperious glare, lifting up his head to look down at them "And though they do not appear so dangerous, if many are made and used at once, they can alter the ecosystems and weather of entire planets"

"High clans wouldn't wouldn't like that" One of the younger matriarch says with a twitch of her snout

"Forget exile, execution instead" another hissed "Take a few, make a commodity to bribe bigger clans, yes yes?"

"How many?" Sni'har demands, silencing the voices of her junior sisters with a raising of her talon

"No more than eleven" Jinhai answers simply "Though they pale in comparison to their original forms, to large a supply, and your engineers in greed, may be driven to take one apart and transform your home into something unsuitable for all of your species. A similar tale transpired with a human civilization upon another world, if you wish to be imparted a warning of careless use of technology, I could fetch their leader upon Shangrala, Adrik of the relieved"

"Hnn, no no need" She answers waving her hand, doing so mostly because she doesn't want to have to look upon another frightening human face "Eleven is fine, yes yes. The Alf-Harim take care not to damage their homeworld, many clans were extinguished, ages ago, for making it not safe for eggs or young. Now many clans are exiled, to keep from straining its resources"

As if other worlds are less valuable than their home-world.

"Show us the other options, Lord Long-Jia" The youngest matriarch squeaks, looking to her elder sisters for approval, which is given readily

"Request them" He replies. And you sit patiently, chittering a conversation with the brutish seeming but quite refined clan father who you'd sparred with when you first appeared before the matriarchs.

All thirteen matriarchs lend their voices in their request, which are materials that could be easily manufactured with Long-Jia's own industry and mass produced within Kanzeon or her sisters, if they were fed enough asteroids to extract the raw elemental and chemical compounds. Jinhai maintains a cool expression and lifts his hand, and you show the same metals and artificial alloys they'd asked for, in neat blocks for storage.

"What else is offered? We can't can't decide only knowing two of the presented offers, mighty emperor" One of the senior matriarchs asks, as even Sni'har stare greedily at the stacks of mineral wealth, and chew their talons when one of their servants scrapes a claw across it, and tasting the metallic scraping, confirms the purity of the offered bars

"We cannot offer any of our space worthy craft, nor do we think it wise to exchange any of our weaponry" Jinhai explains "And much of the most miraculous technology, isn't mine to give away, and I am advised that one of our most popular livestock wouldn't be appreciated by your people"

He speaks of the cliffjumper. While they most closely resemble giant poultry and were in fact genetically modified from chickens, their beaks and claws would remind the Alf-harim of their natural predators, sub consciously. And The predatory sub-species in the former Cui lands still present a real danger to careless travelers and hunters

"And it'd be unthinkable to alter the native wildlife of your world with the inclusion of any of our farm animals or crops, a supply of spices could be given, one large enough to require several transport ships to deliver it" Jinhai explains, turning over his hand in a carefully performed and well practiced gesture "As would a wealth of fine silk and other textiles, and lakes worth of water"

"Dye instead of spice? that blue is striking" The second eldest remarked and all the other matriarchs agreed with chitters and squeaks

"Dye, spice, and the lungs of the mountain" Sni'har rumbled, quieting her sisters before they could begin arguing or putting forth their own desires "And enough metal and fuel for our ships to make the journey. Surely surely, a generous, charitable emperor, wouldn't wouldn't, be opposed to such charity"

Jinhai's face becomes a stony look of imperial dignity as he idly tosses a deactivated water generating stone into the air, catching it like it were a rubber ball

"Nothing more?" He asked warmly, with a genial smile "To be charitable is to be righteous, even when one has plenty"

"Dye, Spice, Lungs of the mountain, metal, Fuel, will be enough" Sni'har says weakly, struggling to keep her ground "In fact, we won't won't need the spice or much metal, just enough to fix our ships"

"Are you certain?" Jinhai asks, frowning as the other matriarchs glare at their elder, who is beginning to crack under the pressure of standing in front of the towering hologram of him "I am not offended by your request, in fact, I'll even add my personal favorite black vinegar and dried tea leaves to the supply packages"

He was careful not to mention how paltry of a sum they were asking for

"You will receive metal enough to expand or build your ships to comfortably house your clan" You add, as you smile as you watch one of the servants carefully flipping through the copy of the journey you gifted to the youngest of the matriarchs "To ensure your safe return home"

And you can tell, the conversation will devolve into figuring out exact quantities, and take your leave, just as Sni'Har does to "get fresh air", when in truth she is taking a break to decompress and calm her heart and steel her nerves. And as the servants gossip about the giant "man matriarch" you escape the palace, and put on the illusion of an utterly ordinary Alf-Harim, and move through the crowds and flocks as they hurry about.

Excitement is in the air, literally, as the lower and younger alf-harim produce a heady air of dense emotions as they work busily to disassemble the whole of the habitat and prepare to leave the black abyss?

"Eh, you again? Ozone theft work drying up, need a smoke stick" A familiar alf-harim squeaks, pawing the air to signal you to move closer to talk with them, which you oblige

"Do not not partake, remember?" You reply and they slap their forehead and nod "Exciting, isn't it?"

"Leaving stormy shithole, don't know where to, better some place dry" They sniff "Salvage not dried up, but, big men say we leave, so we leave, shame, damn shame"

"Yes yes" You agree with a nod "You not not know where we go?"

"Do you?" They squeak, laughing, shaking their head "Clan heads say we're packing up, exciting announcement, but they announce the announcement and leave us in the dark, yes yes, matriarchs and the heads, planning big something, I think."

"Feel that to, lots of excitment, expectation" You state sagely, as you lean over a balcony "Everyone happy"

"Why not not? No more void stepping, no star shuffling, no more ozone theft, less dangerous job site?" They ramble as they roll the smoking leaf between the pads of their finger thoughtfully, smoke rising as ash breaks away "No more bad smell? No more clinging scent? "

They flick out their scent

"Don't don't know, glad to be gone from here" They state firmly "But always, always Clan-heads not tell us, no no. Brood-Children in spires, probably know what's what, but not us. Hrn, maybe if we stay a bit longer, you could've bought way into clan house? Then we'd know"

"Ozone huffing made plenty, but made them more" You state with a wag of a finger

"Ah, Clan heads, matriarchs, both always make more for our toil-duty, no matter how risky, deadly" They squeak irritatedly "But I'm sure, good times come, why else they talk? Never talk when bad happens, just point fingers, blame"

"yes yes" You agree with a solemn nod

"Wait, you hide sneak! You smell like clan head!" They shout as the wafting smoke of their smoke leaf is wafted away by a lash of wind that broke through the weakening shield around the habitat "You did buy way into clan house! Sly storm skitter! Clever ozone huffer! Hah! Try to hide new duty eh? Pillow laying, egg warmer, hah! Much better than ozone thieving, yes yes?"

You breath in deeply, having forgotten to disguise your smell, and having brought the incense clogged air of the matriarch's chamber with you.

"Low level, not husband" You explain, waving your hand "Sentry guard duty, watch spy for young mother, make sure brood children fed, yes yes"

"Better than grease monkey climb, much better, can't get muck off scales, gears crunch tail, awful, dirty work" They say with a flick of their tongue "Happy for friend, high riser! Husband soon. But, sentry guard, must've heard, clan heads talk so much, they must've spoke, yet slip, what's happening, where we going? Must be good place! Everyone excited, I won't won't tell, just tell friend , yes?"

He is going to tell everyone he can the moment you tell him anything, good or ill.

What do you tell the friendly Alf-Harim, Lieren?

>"Home", then walk away and see how the rest of the mob is reacting, before returning to the meeting to see it concluded

>"They're making a deal with an alien who lived beneath some prime salvage, and who are now giving them the payment to return to the homeworld, with all of us"

>"Didn't hear, but, the clan heads are excited, something big and good is waiting"

>"Might have something to do with this heavy book I found while poking around", then shove an extra copy of the journey into their arms, that was left over from the ones you presented to the Matriarchs as a gift, and gave to a few of the more scholarly clan heads

>Write in
>Offer him a book.
>They say this leads home, Yes yes.

Just the immediate "he will tell everybody" got me.
Smokers are faster than the mail
>Write in
"Old stories are true. Humanity are real; returned. Some good, some not. Mothers met good humans, humans heard plight, heard wish to return to warm sands. Human spoke to Matriarchs...snuck in, careful careful. I saw him...gave me this?
>"Might have something to do with this heavy book I found while poking around", then shove an extra copy of the journey into their arms, that was left over from the ones you presented to the Matriarchs as a gift, and gave to a few of the more scholarly clan heads
Saw them, mighty, powerful...tricky, tricky....friendly...hopefully. Clan Mothers spoke with distant Emperor...pact maybe I do not know...but humans made offer...soon we see bargain struck yes?...must be careful, this book holds answers...better way."
>"Didn't hear, but, the clan heads are excited, something big and good is waiting"
>"Might have something to do with this heavy book I found while poking around", then shove an extra copy of the journey into their arms, that was left over from the ones you presented to the Matriarchs as a gift, and gave to a few of the more scholarly clan heads
We don't know the details, but the clan heads are very happy about something big happening and these weird books are involved somehow.

That said, given what we know of the High Clans spreading the Journey might well end with these guys getting executed or otherwise on their shit list for endangering the High Clans' power.
>>"Didn't hear, but, the clan heads are excited, something big and good is waiting"
>"Might have something to do with this heavy book I found while poking around", then shove an extra copy of the journey into their arms, that was left over from the ones you presented to the Matriarchs as a gift, and gave to a few of the more scholarly clan heads
>"Might have something to do with this heavy book I found while poking around", then shove an extra copy of the journey into their arms, that was left over from the ones you presented to the Matriarchs as a gift, and gave to a few of the more scholarly clan heads
I'm really looking forward to some time skips, not because I don't like content but more...I really want to get into the crusade and it allows for some really fun cut aways. The homeworld arc is over;begun act 2 has.
>"Home", then walk away and see how the rest of the mob is reacting, before returning to the meeting to see it concluded
>"They're making a deal with an alien who lived beneath some prime salvage, and who are now giving them the payment to return to the homeworld, with all of us"

I wonder what the Shangrala space agency found.
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Calling the vote now, sorry for the really long wait, but the AC still isn't working and my machine can't function in this heat

"Might have something to do with this heavy book I found while poking around", then shove an extra copy of the journey into their arms, that was left over from the ones you presented to the Matriarchs as a gift, and gave to a few of the more scholarly clan heads:9
-Saw them, mighty, powerful...tricky, tricky....friendly...hopefully. Clan Mothers spoke with distant Emperor...pact maybe I do not know...but humans made offer...soon we see bargain struck yes?...must be careful, this book holds answers...better way.":5

They say this leads home, yes yes:1

"Old stories are true. Humanity are real; returned. Some good, some not. Mothers met good humans, humans heard plight, heard wish to return to warm sands. Human spoke to Matriarchs...snuck in, careful careful. I saw him...gave me this?:5

"Didn't hear, but, the clan heads are excited, something big and good is waiting":2

"Home", then walk away and see how the rest of the mob is reacting, before returning to the meeting to see it concluded:1

"They're making a deal with an alien who lived beneath some prime salvage, and who are now giving them the payment to return to the homeworld, with all of us":1

Total votes:11

So Lieren will tell the Alf-Harim smoker "old stories are true...etc" + "might have something to do with this book...etc" and "Saw them...etc"

Writing now

I've archived this thread and will make a new one. Really sorry for how slow I've been with the updates lately, but my PC's life is on the line until the AC is fixed or the weather cools. It sucks

As am I, I've been workshopping that part of the quest since thread 1

Like, for example, Lieren's first encounter with a certain pack of wolves...
>>6116498 New thread. If the weather allows, I will try and get updates out quicker than I have been. Or you know, if the ac gets fixed and I can actually use my PC without it practically melting

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