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I was inspired to do this by Henchman quest made by Axis-QM (R.I.P) This my first time doing a quest thread, but I have done writefaggtory on /tg. So, bear with me.

You are Rodney Eliot Grayne, you go by Eliot for short. You always felt you were 'misplaced' somehow. As you were born with severe vitiligo. Which made you the target of bullying during your younger years. However, you were born and raised in a middle-class family in Pittsburgh. You had everything he could ask for and more. But you had nothing to your name. Nothing that was truly your own. This created an inferiority complex and extremely entitled individual. You believed the world owed a debt for the trauma, and you worked very hard to prove it. Your parents and family were supportive, but distant. Not really knowing how to relate or even deal with you. True friends were few growing up, and fewer towards adulthood.

Now in your mid 20’s, you have created a persona to hide your ego. Some may call it arrogance, but you make it up for it by being extremely resourceful, a silver-tongued bastard with an intelligence to boot. Now working as a software developer at Star labs in Metropolis. It's almost time to clock out and you decide to...

>Go directly back to your apartment. No need to stay here longer than necessary.

>Walk around the city for a bit. Staying in an office all day will make anyone go crazy.

>Head to the local watering hole. One of your actual friends is in town to celebrate his marriage.

>Stay over to get some work done. It won't cost S.T.A.R anything more since you're salaried.
Already liking our boy Eliot, fucking fantastic opener, Mate

>Head to the local watering hole. One of your actual friends is in town to celebrate his marriage.

Our guy sounds like a Godfather man, and I don't say that because it is just my favorite cocktail
Also, you're gonna want to shill this quest in the /QTG/ here >>6063680 to get more attention/ Players early
I'm more of a Whiskey Sour guy myself. That or a Paloma
>Stay over to get some work done. It won't cost S.T.A.R anything more since you're salaried.
I guess maybe he'd want to get noticed
Alright, I got two opposing votes. I'll wait another 10 minutes.
>Head to the local watering hole. One of your actual friends is in town to celebrate his marriage.
Bonds are important, and by bonds, I mean booze.
Whiskey sours are also top tier
Fucking right they are!
I got two votes for the pub. Writing.
You decide to head to one of the local watering holes in Metropolis called 'The Steelyard.' You're meeting up with one of your old friends, Timothey Crown. Who just got married two weeks ago.

Parking was no trouble It's a Thursday night, it's a little busy but not too crazy.

You enter the bar to see Tim already several beers in. Waving you over to join him. He isn't alone, he's got two of your college buddies: Zachery and Ben.

'Well, if it isn't the man of the hour!' Tim shouts.

>'I can still drink you under the table, asshole!' They laugh as they embrace you.

'Good to see you again, Rodney. How's Metropolis treating you?'

>'Not bad... not bad at all.' Metropolis was an easy choice after all. It was either this, Central City, or Gotham. You already did your internship at Gotham, and that told you enough about the place.

>'But why are we talking about me; when we got Timmy-boy over here has tied the knot with the wonderful Audrey!' The friends clapped in applause. Tim smiled with a red-flushed face.

'I appreciated you actually coming to D.C. for the wedding. I know it's close to home and isn't exactly the place you'd want to be.'

>...It's nothing. But enough talking, I'm perched!'

"Yeah, sitting on your ass and typing all day is real tiring!'

>'Fuck off, Ben.'

How much do you want to drink?

>Just one or two drinks. That's it.

>This is Tim we're talking about here! I can't halfass things. (Will become Tipsy; -5 modifier)

>On second thought, it'll look bad if I turn up to work with a hangover. I'm staying sober.

>It's time to show who's the real man to these amateurs! (Will become drunk: -10 modifier)
>Just one or two drinks. That's it.
We've got work the next day.
>It's time to show who's the real man to these amateurs! (Will become drunk: -10 modifier)
I have two opposing votes. Will wait another 10 minutes
>It's time to show who's the real man to these amateurs! (Will become drunk: -10 modifier)
Drunkenness it is. Writing.
They say you have to be the bigger man to stop things from escalating. They say that alcohol is man's worst enemy. But they didn't account for you. These poozers are going to get what's coming to them!

At first, it was a couple of drinks. Then it was Ben or Zachery that ordered some shots. Then more, and more, and more came flowing like a river of liquor.

Tim was already flushed to begin with, but now has officially taken the porcelain prayer multiple times. Ben and Zachery were also in poor shape

You'd bitten off more than you can chew and are now paying the price for your pride.

Hours went by until closing at 2:00 in the morning. The four of you exited hollering and laughing like it's the end of the world.

You said your goodbyes and went on your separate for the night. Thankfully, you took the bus to The Steelyard.

Now it's a nearly 20-minute walk back to your apartment... and you're seeing double.

You stumble about the quiet streets of Metropolis. You're pretty sure you've don't know where the hell you're going. You're hoping to God that you don't get picked up by the police for public drunkenness.

You stop at the crossing light and lean against the poll to support yourself. Then you see a group of teenagers turn the corner to your left and eye you up. They begin to beeline towards you. What do you do?

>Try to act cool and do nothing. No need to acknowledge them.

>Fucking book it. The apartment should be close

>Take the fight to them. You're a big dude and can take some hits.

>Write in.
>Fucking book it. The apartment should be close

I don't care how big we are, power in numbers is a hell of a thing
>Try to act cool and do nothing. No need to acknowledge them.
>Fucking book it. The apartment should be close
Drunken running go!
>Fucking book it. The apartment should be close
Betting on that we trip during our escape attempt.
Drunk running it is. Writing.
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Your head may be thundering with pain, and you can't really focus all too well. But your legs still work... and they're telling you to run. It's like second nature to you...

Seeing as there very little traffic at this time, you blitz through the cross stop. With the shit-kids giving chase.

You try to steel yourself and not fall on your ass. There must be a good number them. 4 or 5 at most. You've gained a knack for this kind of stuff. You're used to it.

You're used to running, being chased, looking over your shoulder... it's nothing. It's all the same to you. But your able dish out as much punishment as much you can take. Life as taught you that much. It has reminded you the crime of looking different.

Middle school was the worst. You remember every prank made at your expense, every bruise form all of the fights, and every vandalized item you had to replace. You remember all of the names you've called over the years.




CV (short for chocolate and vanilla)

And countless more. This very situation is just another part of a catalogue of events that has molded you into the person you are today. It's no different.

>Roll to not fall on your ass: -10 modifier. Rerolls are allowed
Rolled 47 + 10 (1d100 + 10)

It's a -10 modifier.
Rolled 33 + 10 (1d100 + 10)

oops wrong symbol, I really thought I put minus
It's all good.
Rolled 6 - 10 (1d100 - 10)

Rolled 99 - 10 (1d100 - 10)

Rerolling >>6078096. Jesus christ, I hope there's no critfail mechanic.
I really wanna know what comes next if we pick -4 as our roll lol
(to add a negative modifier, you have to put +-, not just -, so this would be dice+1d100+-10)
Sucess. You didn't make yourself a complete fool any more than you are already. Writing.
oh I didn't know, thank you anon
Is there a way to use orange text?
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You can hear them gaining on you. Screaming like banshees behind you. Dodging cars and pedestrians alike is one hell of an exercise.

Man, are you out of shape or what? You already running on fumes, and the alcohol makes everything 10 times harder than it actually is.

You look behind to see there's some decent space between you and your pursuers. At that moment, you finally arrive to the street that directly leads to the apartment.

You practically jumped onto the street. Mustering all of your remaining strength, you sprint down towards the apartment. You hear the teenagers further and further away. They seemed to have slowed down a notch.

Hyperventilating, and on the verge of collapsing. You see the finish line: Belltop Apartments. Home sweet home at last!

Almost running into the front doors, you take the moment to compose yourself and express a sigh of relief. The worst of the night has ended. You rifle around your pockets for the keys... which you're having an increasingly hard time of finding them.

Your mind runs mad with anger and frustration. Did you forget them at the bar? At work? Or are they inside the apartment? You don't have a roommate and concierge desk is closed. You got no other option. However, as you stand in front. You hear a voice behind you.

[ orange ] 'Rodney Eliot Grayne.' [ /orange ]

You whip back to see... a ring? A talking, floating ring is talking to you. And it's orange. You wipe your face and pinch yourself to see if this is a dream. No... this is real

[ orange ] 'Rodney Eliot Grayne. You have shown great avarice and greed. Welcome to the Orange Lantern Corp.' [ /orange ]

>'The fucking what?!?'

The ring places itself on your right middle finger. It imbues you with power. Awesome power beyond your imagination. You now find yourself now in orange and black uniform.

But you don't care for that. As you slowly lose your stability, gripping the door handle to not fall face first unto the pavement.

>'I just... I just want to get to bed already!'

[ orange ] 'As you wish' [ /orange ]
I think only RGB is supported.
>You can't remember the rest of night. Whether it was the alcohol, or the running did you in. But you got one serious hangover.

You rise from your bed, not knowing how you got into the apartment in the first place. The last that you saw was the talking, orange ring.

>'It must've been a drea-'

It was not a dream. For the ring remain on your finger. Your jaw dropped at the sight of it.

>'What... the fuck are you?

'Call me "Ring" for short. I am an AI installed within the ring to assist the user.'

This whole situation is completely unreal. Why is this happening to you? Is this a set-up or test? Many other questions ran around your brain. As you lay in your bed, processing this newfound occupation. Lightly rubbing the ring and admiring its orange luster.

>'What do you want from me? What am I to you?'

'...I want nothing from you. I am to assist you as stated beforehand. As a member of the Orange Lantern Corp'

>'Orange Lantern Corp? Like a military Corp?

Your little fact-finding interrogation had to end. As your alarm clock read 8:40 and work starts at 9:00.

>'Oh fuck, I'm going to be late! It's been nice talking to you, Ring!'

>Get a bus. It'll take a while but at least you'll get there somewhat late (30 minutes late)

>Get your car and burn rubber. If you're fast enough, maybe no one will notice? (15 minutes late)

>Get a cab and pay extra. These Metropolis cabbies are entirely different breed. (10 minutes late)

>Call in sick for today. With all the action you got last night, you might actually need the day off.

>Maybe... just maybe the ring can help?
>>Maybe... just maybe the ring can help?
>Maybe... just maybe the ring can help?
See, calling sick and slowly figuring shit out would be *reasonable*, but dealing with ring hijinks at work and going mad with power immediately is way funnier.

>Get your car and burn rubber. If you're fast enough, maybe no one will notice? (15 minutes late)
>>Maybe... just maybe the ring can help?
Assist me in getting ready for work and on time within 20 minutes
Maybe it will put our socks on
The Ring has won. Writing.
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You frantically run through multiple ideas on how to get to S.T. A. R labs. Scrapping every clean pair of clothing together. It then dawned on you. You now have the perfect situation to test out the ring. You look down at the ring. Not really knowing how to talk to it.

>'Hey... R-Ring, I'm going to be late for work. Is there a way you can help me here?

'Yes. I can assist you. What is the location?

>'S.T.A.R Labs Metropolis Regional HQ.'

'Very well.' the Ring pulsed with power and illuminated the bedroom with orange brilliance. It wasn't long before the Ring came back with a response

'Scanning complete. ETA 5 minutes.'

>'5 minutes?! How the hell are am I getting there in 5 minutes?'

'I have already designed a flight path for you.'

>'Flight... path?'

>'Yes, please exit the building to commence your departure.'

You don't exactly understand what the Ring might by "flight path." But you obey anyway and open the door leading to the balcony.

>'So... what now-?' You say as you start to hoover off from the ground.

>'What the fuck, what the fuck?! What is happening?!'

'As I stated, I have created a flight path for you.'

>'Wait... that means I can fly?'

'Yes, that is one of the many abilities granted to a power ring user.'

>'Well, you really should've told me that sooner!'

'You fell asleep.' The Ring said with a surprisingly irritated tone.

You take a deep breath and see the custom flight path made by the Ring. You feel yourself rising higher and higher off of the balcony. You don't notice until you almost hit a bird. You turn to see an orange line that'll guide you to S.T.A.R Labs. Then you hit the ground running... figuratively anyway.
>'THIS. IS. AWESOME!' Gliding through the clouds like you're Superman is a dream come true. You imagine what else the Ring can do? What you're now capable of doing with this newly gifted ability?

>'Hey, Ring. Is there a way you can turn me invisible or something? I don't to startle anyone at work.'

'Yes, I can manipulate light to make yourself seem invisible.'

>'Man, you're full of surprises! What else can you do?'

'I have an array of abilities that can aid the user. For example, the creation of constructs is one of the chief abilities used by power ring users. This can be anything as long as you have enough power to create it.'



Now the Ring [italic] really [/italic] has your attention. It can create everything from your wildest imaginations. You're practically salivating at mouth just thinking about it! But that had to wait, as you S.T.A.R Labs in the distance. You land near a clearing just ahead of it. It connects to the parking lot, with the lab only being a few steps away. You look around to see if anyone is close by. The coast is clear. You look down at the ring with the biggest smile.

>'Thanks for everything, Ring! You've been a real help. But... how do I get rid of this get-up?

'Just remove me, and it will disappear. Alternatively, I may remain on your person and just disguise the uniform under "normal" clothes. But that would consume battery power. An extremely finite recourse at the moment.

>'Battery power? Do I have to recharge or you something?

'Indeed, but I believe you have more pressing matters to attend to?'

>'Oh, right... work. Quote of the fucking century, am I right?'

The Ring proved to be a tough audience. Now you have a solid 15 minutes to clock-in and get ready. But you got bigger things to worry about than your job. What do you do?

>As much you'd want to, you need to go to work. The Ring can wait. (Ring is removed)

>There's no harm in keeping the Ring on you. Just keep it lowkey and no one will be none the wiser. (Ring remains on you.)

>Fuck this noise! You want to put the Ring through a serious test drive!

>Write in.
>>There's no harm in keeping the Ring on you. Just keep it lowkey and no one will be none the wiser. (Ring remains on you.)
Just don't draw attention to it, simple as.
>Write in.
>The ring said it can create anything. Ask if it to create money.

We the audience know that it will just be an orange hologram that you can feel, but Eliot doesn’t know that.
>As much you'd want to, you need to go to work. The Ring can wait. (Ring is removed)
+1, we won't have to work if we can create money
+1 to this.
Money making wins. Writing.
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You ponder on what to do next. Then your eyes widen with excitement, teeming with orange greed.

>'How did I not think of this sooner! Ring, can you make money?' You say with a devilish grin.

'I will need to scan an item of legal tender.'

You are giggling at the prospect of mass-producing money at a whim. You wouldn't have to work a day in your life anymore!

You pull out a $20 bill and held it in front of the Ring. It caked the bill in orange light. The Ring then created a complete replica, down to the last minutiae detail. Just one problem about it.

>'Wh-why is it orange? It should be green!'

'It is orange for you are an Orange Lantern. You are not a Green Lantern.'

>'The fuck is a Green Lanter- you know what?! Can you just change the color of it?

'I cannot.'

>'WHY NOT?!?'

'...All constructs are based on which Corp you belong to. For you, it is orange.'

Your disappointment is immeasurable, and your day is ruined. Your fantasies of early retirement have been destroyed. You see the S.T. A.R Labs building ready to mock you for even daring to escape your current standing.

>'No rest for the weary... thanks a lot, Ring!'

'Pleasure to be of ser-' You violently remove the Ring and stuff it into your pocket. You slowly make your way for another day of work. Crushing the Ring and everything under your breath.
When's the followup coming QM?
Sorry, I'm planning to travel in a bit and writing time became sparse.
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You walk through the entrance, swiping your I.D. card across the scanner. You lament over the lost prospect at quick wealth still. But all is not lost. You still have much to experiment with the Ring later on.

For now, you have other duties to attend to. You clock-in on time at your computer and laughing under your breath how fast you actually got here. You almost forgive the Ring... almost. But you check your calendar to see if there are any tasks that needs to be completed before the week's end.

>'It's Friday, isn't it?'

That means there should be an end-week analysis meeting. The third quarter report right around the corner breathing down everyone's necks. With deadlines for projects are closing in, things are especially hectic at S.T.A.R. They're all hoping they went get cut when layoffs come around-including yourself.

You recoil into your chair. The meeting starts at 10. Check-in starts at 9:45. You got some time to kill before it starts, and an aching head from last night. Time went by like a flash; you take a very leisurely walk while chugging water like a madman. You arrive at 'The Gazebo,' a small room that was designed with a panoramic window in order to boost productivity and induce closer cooperation. You hate the place for two reasons.

A: Most of the people in this place are idiots, hacks, charlatans. They should quit their jobs and make you lead the teams.

B: Because you have to work with these idiots, hacks, charlatans. It will degrade your work, and you're better off without them.

Unfortunately, your boss, Tobias Anderson. Loves the place due to it being near his office and he enjoys the outside view. He's already at work and has likely been since 5 in the morning. The man pulls all-nighters almost every day and still comes to work! You have no idea what drives him.

'Hello Eliot... take a seat. We're about to get started.' he said while never breaking eye contact from his computer. You sigh as you have to get through another meeting and there's already more where that came from! You wonder if the ring can create a doppelganger
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The meeting went as you expected: boring and useless. Meaning it's an utter waste of your time, and you should be doing other things. But you pretend to look busy by taking notes from Anderson's presentation. To keep up appearances with these people is a joke. They shouldn't be in the same room as you, but S.T.A.R insist on team building exercises and the like. You dread having to work with such incompetent people when they have you. However, you have bigger issues to worry about.

Anderson finally ends the meeting with his usual end line: 'Do your all, never your best.' Everyone sits up to leave when eyes you down like a hawk.


'Your eyes are bloodshot and you almost trip before sitting down. You should be more careful, alright?' He says while writing down something on his notepad.

>'I'll try, sir.'

'Good, I don't need one of my subordinates calling in because they bit off more than they can chew. Especially one of my admittedly better pawns.' You're amazed how he can mix compliments and insults in the same sentence. You could learn a thing or two.

>'Of course... sir'

You exit The Gazebo with Anderson likely staying there for another couple of hours. You look at your watch to see it's 11:17, Lunch is at 12:30. And the rest of the day to look forward to. Do you...

>Work the day like normally. Training with the ring would be a good after-work activity.

>May the Ring can help? It'll be a great chance to redeem itself. (Specify use of Ring)

>Use the ring to gain resources and intelligence from others. You have the means to do so and should do it!

Planning to go on vacation soon. I'll try to post but be patience, please
>Work the day like normally. Training with the ring would be a good after-work activity.
Fucking around with the ring before figuring out what exactly it can do is a bad idea. RIP Axis btw, I still really miss DC Henchman Quest. Making Batman pull his hair out in frustration, bullying Babs, collecting artifacts of immense power, overthrowing south american governments, suffering a mental breakdown and going on a mildly sexist tirade. Good times.
>Work the day like normally. Training with the ring would be a good after-work activity.
>>Work the day like normally. Training with the ring would be a good after-work activity.
>Use the ring's ability to manipulate light to fuck with the computer screens of your idiotic colleagues.
Fake blue screens, windows updates, emails that tell them they're allowed to leave early. Just to generally hinder them since we're so annoyed by them, maybe we can weed some of the most idiotic out by tricking them into getting fired due to lower work efficiency...

The fun thing is I have no knowledge of this IP at all, so it's all new and experimentation for me aswell.

Alrighty, thanks for letting us know.
Henchman Quest was an absolute banger. Axis-QM will be missed.
Thank you for understanding.
Post work ring training it is.
As much as you want to use the Ring. You barely know how to use it, let alone what it is. You refrain from using it at the moment. It'll be better suited for after working training.

Hours go by as you attend more meetings and managing smaller projects here and there. It's now 5:45, and you're ready to clock-out. But before you do, your boss would like to have a word with you. You knock on the door of Tobias Anderson's office. In front of it reads: "Senior Software Engineer."

'Come in...' you hear his sleep deprived voice, opening the door shows you Anderson reclining in his chair and facing the sealing. He remained in that position for what look like awhile. Slowly pushing down his head back to face. The bags under Anderson's eyes make him look 10 years older at the least.

>'You wanted to see me, sir?'

'...Yes, have a seat.' Anderson gives a big yawn in between. He clears his throat and straightens himself to make an illusion that he's a higher-up.

'About our little talk today, Eliot. I don't believe I was clear enough.'

He seems truly insistent on this matter. I guess it boosts his ego to bash one of his lesser.

'I'm speaking for your own good... as well as my own. If HR finds out that one of my people came into work with a hangover; it's going to more than just a referral!'

This... sounds serious. Anderson isn't the type of person who'd get rattled. At least not this easily. But you sense an opportunity to seize at the moment.

>'Is this about the third quarter report, sir?'

'It's about everything!' Anderson snaps. It seems all of those sleepiness nights are finally catching up to him.

'It's a whole fucking kaleidoscope of problems! First, it was that fiasco with Lexcorp. When Luther used funds from a co-op project with S.T.A.R labs to create another death machine or whatever to kill Superman. Second, every supervillain think they can just waltz in and steal our shit and trash half of the place. We must look a fire to those
thieving moths! Don't get me even started on the heroes, some of the are just as bad as the villains. Even the Justice League and DOJ have investigated us. All of those combined with the oh-so-fabulous Q3 report just to top it all off!'

Anderson almost blacked out from that tirade. His face now has signs of life as it returned into a candied apple color.

>'...So, they're planning to downsize?'

'Astute observation, Eliot. Bully for you! That means that both our asses are on the fucking line! I've already told the others about this. It's time to make every minute count! You better come in on the weekend before shit rightfully hits the fan-if it already hasn't!

You leave the building deep in thought. You can't afford to lose this job, S.T.A.R is one of the few places that actually pay a decent wage. You don't have enough money to move anywhere else. You don't know what else to do... but you got something no one else has.
It's now 6:20. You should get home by in a little bit. First and foremost, getting to know how to use the Ring should be your immediate task. You figured doing it outside would be risking yourself getting caught. So, the most private place you could think of is your apartment. Nothing will go wrong, will it?

You lay down on your couch, thinking over Anderson's warning. These types of things happen across the industry. The big bosses look at the papers and see their stocks have gotten down. Then this little Q3 report comes around to spoil their mood even further. They'll cut off the weakest link to keep their portfolio afloat. But that's for later... now you something far more interesting.

You sit up and place the Ring back on you. The feeling of its energy wrapping around you will never get old. It's time to give the Ring a serious test drive.

>'Ring, it's time to see what your made of! What else can you do?'

'Excellent question: I can create shields, energy blast rays, manipulate the fundamental forces, provide the user with protection from the environment and injury. That is just a number of many other abilities at your disposal.'

>'I'm practically a one-man-army at this rate! H-how do I actually do those things?'

'Training simulation 1 engaged.'

>'Oh, that's convenient.'

The Ring projects an orange figure that looks... definitely not human. It's a like someone made an octopus bipedal and gave it fingers. This just gives more mystery to where this thing came from.

'Greetings and welcome to the Orange Lantern Corp, new recruit! My name is Vi'crin and I'll be your instructor. Your first task will be harnessing and channeling the orange might of avarice. You draw your power from not only from within, but from others as well. You may "harvest" the greed and take it in as your own. That includes members of different Corps.'

>'Hey, what's that symbol in the center?

'That is the sigil of the Corp. You will receive it once completion of training.' the Ring said.

>Roll to channel energy. Rerolls allowed. DC:40
Rolled 90 (1d100)

Rolled 1 (1d100)

You had one job.
Rolled 82 (1d100)

Already got a 1. Very nice.
Rolled 57 (1d100)

can reroll?
voting for this
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If the Ring is powered by your own greed and avarice, then you just have to... act greedily? You don't fully understand how this all works, but you have to do it.

You concentrate on your emotions into the Ring. As it brimmed with its potent amber might. You can feel all of the other emotions.




It's... beautiful, it's intoxicating! You feel yourself tremendously embolden by giving into your more primal emotions. Your body glows in the background of Metropolis at night.

'Power at 100% capacity and rising. Unit power overcharging and exceeding maximum.





Warning, power *bzzzt* at unstable levels. User is at critical risk of injury or *bzzzt* death. Capacity at 600% and rising.'

Awesome strength flows through your veins. The ever-multiplying force gives you see visions of your deepest fantasies. The first one, you see yourself as a king, lording over a mountain of treasures and power rings. Another, you see the emblem of the Orange Lantern Corp burning brightly across the universe. Everyone enslaved to its orange will. You want it! You want it all! You deserve it for it is your right! It's your will!

You hear the rings warning, but you don't care as your avarice takes hold of you. The entire apartment complex rumbles from the amassing emotions made into reality. Many of the residents rush out believing it is an earthquake.

'W-warning, warning, *bzzzt* warning. Power at unstable levels. User cannot handle at this condition. Must *bzzzt* release excess energy. Reaching 1000% and rising.'

You need to take what you want! You must show the world that you have lay claim to everything! You jettison out of the building at light speed to look for your first target.

Damnit I want us to be superheroes! Not superpowered Gollum!
How is everyone liking the quest? My flight is tomorrow, so I hope to get a couple more posts in before I leave.
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"superpowered gollum" is the whole point of the orange ring, no?
>You jettison out of the building at light speed to look for your first target.
Let's rob a bank, guys. All time villian classic. OR we could steal a hot chick(who is conveniently local superhero's gf) and then go "I stole you, you are now mine", like that guy from megamind. We're high on orange retard juice after all, time to have fun.

I like it. I'm down to play a classic not-too-smart-but-very-powerful villian. The way MC is full of himself really sells him as the type.

>'The fuck is a Green Lanter-
Okay, so this is not JLU. But there are mentions of villians constantly trashing star labs, so this is not a low key version of DC either, a lot of metas are around and justice league is formed already.
>steal every left sock in the world
>take all the worlds moon rocks
>mine mine mine its mine that saudi Arabian airplane coated in solid gold inside and outside
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You feel like you can take on the world. You could take on anyone! You're out blooded and ready to spread your wings. You may have not actually done any sort of training, but you reasoned field training would be better. Besides, who's going to stop you? But you take a quick glance to look at the city skyline at night. Talk about a view! You have no one but yourself up here. You look around to locate a prime target to make it yours! The New Troy or St. Martin's Island area are good places to start. Right before you were about to leave, you hear voice behind you.

'Nice view, isn't?'

>'Yeah, you can say that again- who said that?' you twist around to see... him. The Guardian of Metropolis, the Man of Steel himself. Superman.

>'I..I...-I. You're Superman? I mean you're really Superman?!

'Yep, in the flesh!'

The presence of the Man of Steel gave you such shock and awe. That it temporarily gave you some control over yourself. That control is a fleeting moment, however. Your high off your own avarice and it's taking hold of you faster now. This may be your last chance before you are consumed by your greed.

>'How... how did you find me?'

'It's pretty hard not to notice a flying orange man that isn't Donald Trump.'

You panic, thinking he has known all about you since you left the apartment. But you have no evidence to confirm nor deny. Your mind is in disarray. You try to get a handle on it, but it's too much! Superman, noticing your distress, attempts to strike up a dialogue to get a feel for you. To ascertain whether your friend or foe.

'So... your new to Metropolis?'

>'No-how I mean yes. I... recently moved here.'

'Oh, yeah? Where from?

Superman speaks with honest interest with you. Keeping a soft, approachable smile on his face.

>'I'm from back east, Pittsburgh.'

'Looks like we got another Steelers fan in town! I'm from Kansas. Now, you got a name? I understand if you want to remain anonymous.'


That was it. The was all the dam could hold before the flood of emotions poured through. You explode with pure, avaricious power. Superman retreated briefly to witness you light up like a Christmas tree.

>'It's too much! The power is going to overtake me if nothing is done right now!'

'Talk to me! What's going on?! I can help!'

What do you now?

>Try to find a way to expel the excess power. Or else it's too late!

>Why should you fear this power anyway? This is your light! It is yours to use at your pleasure! (Give into your emotions and became an enthralled to them. In this state, you will become extraordinarily powerful but at the cost of your freewill. You'll nothing more than an animal acting on instinct. The longer you remain in this state, the harder it will be to escape it.)

>Run. Get away as fast as you can. Anywhere is better than here.

What the fuck lmao, for what purpose?
>'It's pretty hard not to notice a flying orange man that isn't Donald Trump.'
du fuq

>Try to find a way to expel the excess power. Or else it's too late!
I knew that Trump joke wouldn't work. Anyway, this is going to be my last post before I go traveling. I'll try to get at least some posts (from a different device) whenever I have opportunity to do so.
I already have this thread archived. So, we can pick things back up if it gets deleted.
>Try to find a way to expel the excess power. Or else it's too late!
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>Try to find a way to expel the excess power. Or else it's too late!
It might come off as a bit forced so feel free to shut me down, but I’d like to offer a write-in:
>"…Aw man, you’re gonna hate this but I PROMISE it’s not as bad as it looks!"
>Scan Superman and make a construct or constructs of him
Making copies of existing things is the only trick of the ring we actually know how to use beyond the basics and we (probably?) know he’s pretty powerful and thus should logically require a lot of power to replicate. Channeling all that power into an actual function is probably safer than just shooting off a beam into space or exploding like a bomb, right? Even just shining the orange light of avarice over the city would probably prompt looting and rioting. Besides, it would be funny if the construct(s) instantly go(es) rogue and we have to team up against them.

This seems fun.
Why would it get deleted?
>Theres one thing no one owns. SPACE. Lets heist the moon
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Lets steal the FUCKING MOON
we should put our symbol on the moon as big thin orange wires
This. Voting
Oooohh, now there’s an interesting idea.
A different direction from the typical Orange Lanterns, but one that still encapsulates everything they are about.
The idea of someone’s greed making them desire the other emotions. Like, a twisted version of a white lantern. It’s unattainable because it was a goal born purely from greed, but that just makes us want it even more. After all, the rarer something is, the more valuable it is.
Imagine learning about the other rings and what they represent. Instead of a person who wants to own 100% of the Orange Corps and all of its light, it’s a person who wants a ring of each color.
In that case how's "Bright Lord" for a supervillain name?
Wait, we should ask Superman for an autograph!
Not this immediate instant of course, but it's a material possession and also probably valuable because it'd be rare. Maybe a selfie too.
It might satiate our greed for a few minutes while we talk to him... on the other hand, it might just be empowering our avarice and make it harder to control

Also, separate note, but how does Eliot actually feel about Superman?
Does he think he's a hero and a role model, or do we agree with Lex Luthor's opinion?
Back from vacation. Will be writing soon.
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>'I-I need to get rid of this energy. But I don't know how!'

You feel the power gripping hold like an insidious curse. It seeks to bury itself and puppet you. But you won't let it... you will let no one or anything take from you. This is your power! This is your light! You'll be damned to allow it to slip through your fingers without a fight. You still need a way to exercise the overflowing energy. You need an avenue to focus on. You suddenly have a devilish idea, as the solution is right in front of you.

>'Yeah, you can help. Just stay right there...'

With just breath away from being consumed by your emotions once again; you release all of the excess within the ring into the night sky. The beam burns like the sun and coating Metropolis with an orange hue. Many of the residents looked up to see the cause. Many stopped and started to record the situation. News station quickly jumped on the unveiling event that is you burning up above the city.

But this is not enough, you're just barely holding back the tides. You need another faster way. You decide to push out the energy in all directions in a sphere. It rapidly increases in size and begins to shove Superman away. When that isn't enough, bolts emitting from you shoot out towards the city below. Damaging a number of skyscrapers and tall buildings.

'You have to stop this! You could hurt yourself or someone else.'

Superman pleads with you. But this is far out of your control. Plus, if anyone gets hurt. It's their fault for not running away from the giant fucking orange ball engulfing the sky above them.
use it to make orange money MONEY MONEY as you dont really want it orange the worst color as its just a bright brown
Metropolis is a coastal city, right?
We could fly out over the ocean where the lightning bolts from our ring won't hit anyone.

Or, we could still try the "fly into space and go to the moon" idea, but I don't know if Eliot would know that the ring can let him breathe in space like all the other lanterns.
Eliot views Superman with begrudging respect and extreme envy. While viewing Supes as a force to be reckon with. Eliot believes he is deserving of the same amount adoration and attention. He will stop at nothing to get what he wants, even if it means going against Superman.
Cant we just steal part of the earths oxygen anyway?
Im team orange lantern moon base
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News helicopters circle around you and Superman. Many believe you're Metropolis' new bad guy of the week. Another wannabe that wants to rival the Man of Steel. As more civilians seek to distance from the indiscriminate orange bolts hitting downtown. Panic ensues with cars swerving out of the way only to crash into each other. Crooks and customed villains take advantage of the bedlam and a preoccupied Superman to commit various crimes around the city. Suffice to say, Superman as found himself in a rock and a hard place

As for you, things are starting to look up. Energy levels are falling down to a manageable degree. You'll be out of this mess in no time. Expect for one particular problem: Superman. You are damn sure he won't let you off the hook after all of this. This isn't your fault, none of it is! But try explaining that to him! Hearing all of the mayhem across the city, Superman has wasted far too much time and now has greater issues to deal with. He looks at straight in the eyes... he wants to end this.

'ENOUGH! Stop this madness'

Superman begins to push against the sphere. This actually works in your favor, as it forces you to use up more energy to keep the angry flyboy away.

>'I don't like this situation any more than you do, pal!'

'What will it take for this to stop wholesale?'

>'More of this! Keep making me use more energy!'

'Love to! But I got bigger fishes to fry... hit me!


'I said hit me! Hit me with you got! That should do the trick, right?'

'*bzzzt* That would solve your most immediate *bzzzt* problem.' The Ring finally spoke up after all this time.

>'You're crazy! What if I maim or kill you at worst?' You're more worried about the certain backlash and retaliation from the Justice League.

'Is that really your greatest concern at the moment?!'

What do you do?

>Refuses the offer. Even if it's the quickest way, damaging Superman will land you in hot water.

>Accept his offer. Consequences be damned! If he thinks this plan will work, who are you to question? (Full power, no holding back.)

> Accept his offer. Try and not kill the guy. (Just enough for yourself and to regain control.)

>> Accept his offer. Try and not kill the guy. (Just enough for yourself and to regain control.)
Killing Supes is a Horrid idea, even if he could probably take it
> Accept his offer. Try and not kill the guy. (Just enough for yourself and to regain control.)
I'd rather not have the JLA coming after us for killing supes.
>Accept his offer. Try and not kill the guy. (Just enough for yourself and to regain control.)
>Write in: Ascend further into the sky as we burn off the excess energy, so no one gets caught in the crossfire.
Supes has been decent to us, and fucking him up too much would both cause a shitload of backlash from other heroes-- and also lead Metropolis to be even shittier and more crime-ridden due to it's main protector being out of commission.
> Accept his offer. Try and not kill the guy. (Just enough for yourself and to regain control.)

We could also tell him to move above us, so that way any residual energy gets shot into space rather than hitting the ground and the people below.
>Accept his offer. Consequences be damned! If he thinks this plan will work, who are you to question? (Full power, no holding back.)
>>Accept his offer. Consequences be damned! If he thinks this plan will work, who are you to question? (Full power, no holding back.)
Might as well
why not just have him hit our bubble so it takes energy to protect against it without getting close to our body and without having like a beam go down and hit the city
>> Accept his offer. Try and not kill the guy. (Just enough for yourself and to regain control.)
Looks like restraint won. Voting has ended.
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Superman is insane! He wants you to hit him! But you need to wrap this up before any more attention is placed on you. You figured he's tough enough to take a major hit or two, right? You begin to channel to rest of your energy. Just plenty for yourself and shake off the excess driving you mad. You are making this extra careful as not the fry Superman too crispy. You pour everything into the ring... almost everything. You really don't need the extra heat from this, if you don't have it already.

You stick your hand out. You can feel it flowing through your veins and funneling into the ring. All pointed towards him. You unleash the might of the Orange Lantern Corp onto Superman. A single beam of light surged fourth and blasted the Man of Steel to Timbuktu. Its potency surprised even you. As it carried him halfway across the city, shredding his uniform and body alike. He attempted to resist with all his might. It actually worked for a little bit, defying the right of the Orange Lantern.

He was slowly fighting back against the beam. Civilians grasped at the sight of their guardian being cooked alive on TV. Begging for you to stop. But steel can only hold up to so much punishment and the same thing goes for man. Superman howled in pain. A cry so loud it cracked the glass windows around you. You burned so brightly, so magnificent. All of the attention is on you. You also wanted this... perhaps not when you're blasting Superman but the adoration. This is your moment finally in the palms of your hands and might end being in jail for it.

'Energy levels have returned to standard rate. User no longer at risk.' The Ring sounded off. You're no longer on the brink of going buck wild. However, Superman as seen better days. Burn marks marked across his body and the iconic "S" symbol is almost gone. But yet he still draws breath.

>'You're alright?'

'I... I would be lying if said it wasn't nothing. But I'll manage.'

>'Great... no hard feelings, r-right?'

'...Yeah, we're square.'

>'Hey Ring, can I heal Superman? It's the least I can do.' This should help in getting on his good side after this fuck-up.

'Yes. Scanning...'

An amber cocoon shelters Superman. Quickly healing all of his wounds as if nothing happened.

'Thanks! Shoulder's little stiff, but this already more than enough.'

He sticks out his hand for a handshake 'I don't believe I got your name?' It's baffling how he can still smile after all just happened.

>What will your villain name or you will keep it vague for now, and save it for a later time?

Here are some examples:

>The King of Spades

> Agent Avarice


I forget to ask: how is the pacing of the story? I know I don't post as often as I should, but I'll try to work on it. What direction do you want to see this story go?
>Keep it vague for now, save it for a later time
It's okay so far. We're still kind of doing our first day, so it's too early to really say much about the pacing. Maybe once we start rolling, we can judge more.
>What direction do you want to see this story go?
Well, Orange Lanterns are all about greed-- but that doesn't necessarily mean Eliot has to be an unambiguous supervillain. I don't know about other anons, but I'd kind of like to have our boy function more like an antihero than a full supervillain, so we can have some good face-offs with both heroes and villains depending on our personal agenda. I also like the idea floated earlier, of using our greed to attempt to master all the other emotions on the spectrum and ascend towards being a sort of White Lantern-- though that would probably mean hunting other Corps members, and taking their rings for our own. To live is to consume others, after all.

The pacing is fine so far. As for direction Elliot seems like a petty and spiteful person but he isn't an absolute unhinged psycho so I don't think going full supervillain is necessary. Although the idea of stealing the light of the other lantern corps is cool.
what sort of silly sounding greed themed names can we have
the greedy gobbler?
ironically mr green?
>you will keep it vague for now, and save it for a later time
This is only the first thread, so maybe we should give it some time for other anons to start joining as we gain momentum before deciding on a name.

So far, the pacing is alright. As for what direction? I'm just enjoying the ride. I'll be happy regardless.

Rather than just an antihero, there's nothing to say that Elliot can't regularly swing back and forth between being good or evil. As a lantern who hasn't mastered his ring, his emotions are going to be all over the place. On top of that, he has so far tried to show restraint and resistance to being consumed by greed.
As for mastering the other emotions, I like the idea that that's what he wants and desires, but doesn't realize that he's pretty much doomed to fail. It's the only way that makes sense (to me) for him to have been chosen by the ring yet not instantly turn into a kleptomaniac. Otherwise it'd feel like an asspull or a Marysue.
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>'My name? Not important at the moment. You'll find out soon enough-when the time is right.'

Superman slightly frowned but nodded in relinquish. He has a city to help.

'Good night, friend. Hope we meet each other again soon!'

>'Happy hunting.'

You shook hands with Superman, and he flies off.

>'Okay Ring, turn me invisible just in case someone follows and get me the fuck out of here!


You mask yourself and fly off to back to your apartment. Fleeing from the sudden attention from the whole city you just brought to you. But someone, someone very powerful has taken a sudden extremely liking to you. Lex Luthor watched giddily as you defended the city from the alien menace. Cheering you on like it was a boxing match. Right up before you shook hands and went on your separate ways.

'When it was just getting to the good part!'

Luthor screamed at the TV. He sat back and relished each frame of Superman being beaten to a bloody pulp was the highlight of the evening. But all good things come to an end. Now Luthor has something else on his mind: You. He pondered on how to manage you. The last several times to even scratch him have all been fruitless! Now you abruptly show up out of the blue and have done the most damage to Superman anyone has managed in this town! Luthor thought of a devious plan to persuade or force you to finally shoot the Man of Steel down from the sky for good. Before that, he needs to make a phone call.

'Hello Mister Luthor, how can I assist you today?'

'Did you tune in to tonight's fireworks?'

'Yes! Fascinating spectacle!'

'I want you to find out everything about the... orange man who fought Superman. I'll triple your usual rate.'

'Always a generous patron, Mister Luthor.'

Luthor hung up, looking out towards the skyline he helped built. Superman has been a thorn in his side for too long! Now the opportunity to lastly place an end to him. He gleefully waits for to retake his rightful place.
Oh shit
Kino alert
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>>The next morning.

Your alarm clock sounds off at 7:00 sharp. You slowly wake up to the city nosier than usually; and you wager the reason as to why. On another note, you had the best night's sleep. You wash your face and glance at the endless stream of notifications on your phone. You don't want to look at it. You know why. As you march into the kitchen for breakfast, you contemplate about last night. You had it all... and you let it slip through your fingers. You need to get handle on the Ring before it controls you! At any rate, you got some "field training" in.

>"...What is the city going to say about me? It can't be that bad, right?"

You unlock your phone and the newsreels of you blasting Superman. All of the major networks in the city and across the nation are talking about you. You see an article by the Daily Planet titled: "Twilight Fight Shocks City, A New Villain in Town."

>'Villain?! I'm not the bad guy here! That wasn't my fault!'

But the media doesn't care. The moment you laid your hands on their boy scout, it was your death warrant. That is not even the half of it. Pundits and talk shows have already denounced you as such. Calling you the biggest threat to Superman since Lex Luthor and perhaps the Justice League at large. This has gone from bad to worse.

Other articles mention you as part of a rising trend of supervillain criminals and their destructive behavior have costed society. But not all are negative. Some have highlighted your otherwise civilized end with Superman. Pointing how if you were truly a villain, you wouldn't shake hands with the person you were just assaulting. You place your phone away and look over to see it's already 7:30.

>'What a way to ruin the day. I'm not putting on the Ring unless it is entirely necessary!'

You got dressed and go to the garage to your car. You got enough on your plate already. You don't need the city on your ass. Maybe this whole Orange Lantern business is not worth it? It hasn't really helped you in any meaningful way. What is its purpose? Questions for later- you got work to do.
You drive up to the S.T.A.R Labs employee parking lot and it is around 8:30 in the morning. You got a lot of work to do and too little time to make up for it. You clock in and begin to start the day. Hours go by as you sit in during meetings, finishing deadlines, and other miscellaneous tasks.

It is now almost half past noon. You're just finished with a small project when the alarms go off. You cover your eyes and hear though the intercom: 'This is not a drill. Gunmen have infiltrated the premise and lockdown has been initiated. All employees should calmly direct themselves to the safe areas. I repeat, this is not a drill.'

Red lights flood the whole building has and your co-workers move to the nearest safe area. You almost get trampled on for your worth. You arrive to the shelter to find that the intruders are waiting for you. They close in on your group and corral into the shelter.

'Alright everyone, listen up 'cause I'll only say this once! We are not here for you. Comply and you will not be harmed.'

These men must've done their homework. To be able to know where the safe rooms were and sneak in relatively undetected means they got one or two in the inside. I guess many of Superman's enemies and others have seen your fight last night as sign of weakness on his part. There are likely numerous other events happening across the city. Keeping Superman preoccupied.

There are at least 5 gunmen for your group of 30. You look around to see if there is a way to escape. The only way out is the entrance to the safe room. Guarded by 2. You could just put on the ring and take them down in an instant! But you play it cool. No need to play the hero. Metropolis has Superman for that... how long will he get here?

'Now before we get settled in, anyone need to go to the bathroom?' The leader spoke, seeing multiple hands raised. Including yours. This is your chance!

'Alright, alright! Y'all get your turns soon enough.'

He radios for more men to escort you and your group to the restrooms. They separate into groups of 3-5 with at least 2 guards moving them around. It takes what it seems like hours until you're finally called. You and three others are being led by the intruders. You have no idea where Anderson might be. Probably in the same situation... but he's the least of your worries right now.

You make it to restroom with one guard standing watch while the rest wait outside. You go in one of the stools, and right before you put on the Ring you hear a gunshot. Then another, and another. The gunmen's radios buzz like angry bees. You hear more gunfire from elsewhere. Sounds like WW3 out there.

'Okay assholes, time's up!'

Did the police somehow caught on what was happening? Maybe Superman is here?!

What do you do?

>Put the Ring on and GTFO. No need to stay here longer than you should!

>Put the Ring on and find out who are these jerkoffs. They picked the wrong day to mess with you.

>Don't put the ring. Don't play the hero.

>Put the Ring on and quietly scope things out. Stealth takedown!
Playing hero at work isn’t worth the hassle the wrong type of attention might bring, but we really don’t wanna be saddled with any extra work if this ends up affecting our department. …and I guess it would be bad if your coworkers got hurt. Let’s end this quickly and with as little fuss as possible.
I'd support this if we don't do the takedown stuff. If the ring has stealth/invisibility stuff then we should use that to leave.
Otherwise, my vote is for:
>Don't put the ring. Don't play the hero.

If we want to be a good person and save people, then that's fine, but not when it jeopardizes our secret identity. We can be sure that they don't know Eliot has the ring, because if they did, they'd have already grabbed him from the crowd or even broken into his home the previous night.
If we use the ring for anything other than stealth, then people will be able to narrow down the list of possible owners reeeeeeal quick.
>Don't put on the ring. Don't play the hero.
Luthor's gunning for us, and trying to pull a Clark Kent at our workplace is a quick way of blowing our cover
>Don't put the ring. Don't play the hero.
Well if they're not going to hurt anyone then we might as well just let them steal whatever they came here to steal. Sounds like star labs problem to me.
supporting this
>>Don't put the ring. Don't play the hero.
It seems the stealth plan is game. Voting is closed.
You told yourself that wouldn't be the hero. That you wouldn't involve yourself with this and keep your head down. You could just put on the Ring and leave this all behind you. But something gnaws at you. These people broke into your workplace; right before some of the biggest deadlines of the year and they just think they can waltz in? With no qualms or repercussions? Get out of town! They're going get what's coming to them!

You place the Ring, power surges with righteous fury. You cannot be seen. If you value your identity being kept a secret. Publicity is the last thing you need.

>'Hey Ring, I'm in a tight spot. Think you can get me out of this?'

'Yes, scanning surroundings. ...Scan complete. There are 25 assailants within the building, many are fighting off law enforcement. The Kryptonian is nearby as well. There are 7 hostiles within immediate range. How do you want to proceed?'

>'Keep it nice and quiet. Make me invisible like last time. Oh, can you make change my voice and hide my face? I really don't want to give away any clues behind.'

'Understood, stealth mode engaged. You may phase through solid objects to further your mission.' The capability of the Ring gives you the biggest smile.

'Hey, who are you talking to? Get the fuck out before I-! He's gone! Where the fuck did, he go?!'

You blast the gunman. Nothing lethal, you don't want to leave a trail. The other three have already exited. You phase through the walls to see the other two gunmen waiting for their friend. You let the Ring do most of the legwork. You aim and bolt of power hits the two gunmen on the stop. Your co-workers look around frantically as to what saved them.

>'Go to the entrance. The police are there.' You say as they somehow listen to the disembodied voice. It's pay back time.
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You fly towards the safety shelter where the rest of your co-workers are held. Only to find it abandoned. You guess things have become complicated, and drastic measures have been taken place. You already took care of the other 4 gunmen near the entrance.

>'Ring, can you tell me where they went?'

'Scans indicate they have been moved to where most of the intruders have congregated. I have created a map for you.'

An orange map appears in front of you. Showing you where everyone is in the building. It seems the gunmen have barricaded themselves in the Research and Development.

>'What do they want in R&D? Something worth a lot. It has to be worth something if they're willing to do this!'

Never mind that. The police are swarming this place. They'll never make it. Dead or alive. But the greater question is how long they will hold out? It's almost 4 o'clock and this looks to be far from over.

You glide through multiple office spaces before arriving to a grizzly sight. Coming into the foyer that leads to the R&D wing, you see it covered with the numerous bodies on the floor. Cops, crooks, and staff alike face down on the floor. Some dead but mostly injured. The scent of nickel and iron welcomes anyone who is unfortunate enough to stumble upon the scene. The cops tend to the wounded, as they make preparations to advance onto R&D. These assaulters mean business and have no hesitation to kill anyone. One wrong move on your part and it'll spell disaster.

You proceed into the R&D wing. Looking on the map, you see they're split between several chokepoints and have set up makeshift defenses. There are at least 16 of them outside defending. They have the hostages in one large technical room. They also have another small group of 6 deep in the restricted area. Looks like they found what they're looking for. Not a moment too soon; the police march forth and engage the interlopers with Superman as the speartip. Now that he is here, it's their curtain call.

What do you do?

>Your job is done. Blend in with the hostages and hope for a swift end.

>Found out what the ones in the back are doing. It'll give you clues as to why they did this and what they are after for.

>Flank the other gunmen. Might as well make this end fast and stay out of Superman's way.

>Get the hell out of dodge. You're already risk exposing yourself like this.

Since we didn't run away at the first opportunity, that means we've gotten involved.
We are not trained on how to deal with an actual shoot out, so we might end up getting more people hurt. Furthermore, it'd mean that Superman can obviously see us with his X-Ray vision.
I vote for:
>Found out what the ones in the back are doing. It'll give you clues as to why they did this and what they are after for.

Maybe by stopping or messing with them, it'll distract the ones with the guns at the front.
>Found out what the ones in the back are doing. It'll give you clues as to why they did this and what they are after for.
I would like to know what this is all about.
>>Found out what the ones in the back are doing. It'll give you clues as to why they did this and what they are after for.
Clue finding it is
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Even if Superman is here, still doesn't mean your part is done. You're already involved yourself and you need to see through this to the end. Can't leave things half-assed. You stealthily avoid Superman on the off chance he might find you. Flying through the wing, you see all kinds of projects and advanced machinery left abandoned during lockdown. Oddly enough, none of the labs are closed down as part of securities measures.

Now you find yourself in front of reinforced steel gate that the infiltrators have set up shop. The door doesn't look to be broken into at all. Was this an inside job? Who'd go to such lengths? The answer might lay on the other side.

>'Ring, got any more information on the ones in the back? How should I tackle this?'

You say as gunfire echos behind you. They seem to be determined to the bitter end.

'There are 4 males and 2 females. 3 of the males are armed, and all but one of them have elevated heart rates. Simply put, they're panicking. Suggestion: eliminate the hostiles and secure the area. Use your invisibility to your advantage. Scans indicated a passageway hidden in the occupied chamber. They may likely use it to escape.'

>'What is in there anyway?'

'I need to be in close proximity in order to answer that.'

>'Here goes nothing...'

You walk through the door to see a rather bright room with numerous cables leading up to a central conduit. Two guards flank each side of the entrance. With the rest messing with the conduit. Within the it is a piece of technology that is nothing you've seen before. Is this one of S.T.A.R Labs secret project? Is this what they're after? This is what led them to barge in guns blazing just for this? You may be greedy, but the means better justify the ends.

But that isn't your greatest concern, it's the other guy overseeing all of this. He's the calm one. Like he already knows how this will end. There's something else to him. Whatever the case, he's getting out of here in handcuffs. You knock out the two guards on overwatch in quick session. However, the other one put two and two together rather well and grabbed one of the scientists with a gun to her head.

'I don't how that happened-but I know someone is in here. Come out or I'll kill every single one of them!' son of a bitch is still cool as a cucumber. You look around to see if there is anything out of place the Ring didn't pick up. Nothing pops out.

'I have multiple explosives implanted around the building. If you don't come out, I'll detonate them!'

>'...Is he bluffing?'

'My previous scan did not indicate any such devices. I can do a more thorough search.' So that's why he was so calm, if he couldn't get his hands on the prize. Then no one can.

'Scan complete, I have not detected any explosives on the grounds. Not any active. Someone must've discovered them.'

>'Superman, you beautiful bastard!'

You casually aim and drop the guy with ease. The other scientists comfort their traumatized colleague.
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Still invisible, you walk over to the conduit. Your ring glows in anticipation. Wondering what manner of object was worth of this carnage.

>'What is it?'

'It is a Kryptonian AI capsule unit. Used for transporting and storing AI.'

>'Is it valuable?'

'Not remarkable by itself. However, Kryptonian technology has been risen considerably in value since the destruction of their planet.'

What did they hope to use this for? That doesn't matter at the moment. These assholes got what was coming to them. Your job here is done-

'Superman draws near. We must move and blend in with the other hostages.'

>'Right... Superman can't see me, can he?'

'I recommend the user not to test that hypothesis. The Ring was surprisingly strict this time around. You comply either way.

You manage to get to the place where you were held. You remove the ring and ran to the nearest exit you found. The whole building is surround with hundreds of first responders, with the police quickly detaining you the moment you opened the door. But you're in safe hands now. Away from that fiasco. Looks the media are going to talk about this instead of you. Which isn't exactly the most comforting thought. Another not so comforting thought is that you might be out of a job.
Also, sorry for the slow updates. Real life draws my attention away and I want to be in multiple places at once.
>Another not so comforting thought is that you might be out of a job
Does the JLA pay their members well (if at all)? If not then I guess it's a life of crime for us.
We can always sell Moon rocks

The government doesn't want you to know this, but the rocks on the Moon are free. You can just pick them up and take them. Eliot can have 600 Moon rocks in his apartment.
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Back at S.T.A.R Labs, Superman helps with escorting the remaining employees to the first responders. While keeping on a smile, he, however, was appalled at the barbarism that transpired. Broken bodies, broken people, with a broken place. He tried desperately to hide his quivering rage, but those responsible have been captured. As if that bring solace to what these people been through. Superman requested the Justice League to help with the aftermath. He still thinks he could've done more. What if he could...

'Batman to Superman. Come in, Superman.' He at first didn't want to pick up. But he knows better than to avoid Batman of all people.

'This is Superman. Go ahead, Bruce.' he says with a depressed sigh

'How's the situation? Any news about who did this?' If Superman knew anything about his friend, is that he never asked a question he didn't knew the answer to.

'...Most of them were former employees and security guards. The rest were hired at the last minute. From what I've gathered, even they don't know who organized this. Not the leader, who was found already unconscious. I swear, if this was Luthor! -'

'Perhaps... but while we're on the subject of possible threats. I've done some research onto your "orange menace." He seems to be another Lantern user. But a different medium, like Sinestro. From the scant pieces of information gained from the other Green Lanterns. The Orange Lanterns are fueled by greed and avarice. Known to be extremely possessive of what they deem as their own. And they're regarded as a force to be reckon with.'

'Where are you leading to?'

'You donate pieces of Kryptonian tech, right? This kleptomaniac might've thought S.T.A.R Labs was an easy mark and decided to test you.'

There was a difficult pause... the person Superman met that evening was a lost individual. Scared out of his wits in trying to control his power. He was not someone who capable of such wanton disregard.

'Clark... whoever this person is, they're dangerous.' Batman under all of his bravado cared for his friend. Especially witnessing the damage done to Superman.

'I'll be the judge of that. Anything else?'

'No, we'll receive a greater understanding once the Lanterns come back. Batman out.'

Superman pondered on what to do with this potential new enemy to contend with. Could he be the mastermind behind this? Luthor must be ready to hatch another scheme following this. But that's for another day, Superman needs to focus on what is in front of him.
First that goon quest popped up and gave the MC the fucked up eye thing, now this one pops up and gives the MC vitiligo. What is going on with DCs quests and medical conditions lately? What's next? Alopecia man?
>"the person Superman met that evening was a lost individual. Scared out of his wits in trying to control his power. He was not someone who capable of such wanton disregard."

Aww, Superman believes in us. I don't know whether we'll prove if he was right or mistaken, but it's nice to see him have faith for the time being.
Superman is a bleeding heart. He'll show kindness and compassion to everyone. Including his worst enemies.
Oh I know, I just meant that it's nice to SEE it and hear his pov.
you forgot Henchman quest.
The MC in that quest didn't have any medical conditions. And I did say "lately".
He had PTSD from iraq
That's a psychological condition. Like depression.
Now returning to you. The police finally released you and most of your colleagues. You ordered the Ring to remain invisible for until you were safe. Now arriving at your apartment, you finally feel the fatigue rush at you like a freight train. Recoiling into the sofa, you stare at the sealing for an hour. You don't even want to know what the news is saying about the attack. You let your mind try to process... until you get from Anderson of all people.

>'Anderson...? What the hell does he want? Where the hell was he when everything was going down?'

That question was for later, as you pondered even answering him. Frankly, you don't want to talk to anyone. But it has to be something worthwhile for him to call you.

>'What do you want?'

Any pleasantries were out of the window. You couldn't care less for your attitude.

'Your tone isn't tolerated, but that doesn't matter at the moment. Can you do a favor for me?'

>'...What do you have in mind?'

'Well- I can't really say anything presently. But I got something, a big project. The same one that supposed to save us. Whole a lot of good that was. Anyway, I still need people, good people. You'll be compensated for your work, of course.'

>'Will I still keep my job...?'

>'Not exactly, you will be present as a special consultant. You'll be relieved upon completion of the project. And to give a sample, you'll be paid 2 figures. Up front, no strings attached. But I understand if you decline, I'll make good recommendation letter. Just for you. What do you say?'

>Accept his offer. This may be the deal with the Devil. But 2 figures? Who can say no in your position

>Decline his offer. Tell him to go fuck himself and shove that recommendation letter up his ass.

>Counteroffer. Ask him to get transferred to another branch. Even if it's a hole-in-the-wall, you're not too sure about this deal and you'll still be on S.T.A.R.'s payroll.

>>'Not exactly, you will be present as a special consultant. You'll be relieved upon completion of the project. And to give a sample, you'll be paid 2 figures. Up front, no strings attached. But I understand if you decline, I'll make good recommendation letter. Just for you. What do you say?'

This is Anderson talking, not Eliot. I forget to format correctly.
We should ask him if we can quit/decline/back out later with no repercussions after accepting.
I don't know which option I want to vote on, but I'd like to know more first; specifically if we are allowed to leave in case something comes up half way through.
You can either do a write-in or go with the counteroffer. You can still do things for Anderson even if he's not your supervisor anymore. Albeit it will be more difficult to accommodate bouncing between both parties.
>>Accept his offer. This may be the deal with the Devil. But 2 figures? Who can say no in your position
What can i say? Gotta love that easy cash baby
>Accept his offer. This may be the deal with the Devil. But 2 figures? Who can say no in your position
Wow totally not shady at all. But money's money.
Ain't two figures like, 50 bucks or summat? 40, 80, whatever? Or is this measured in millions or something? Maybe they use figures differently on the other side of the country from me but usually figures refers to the number of digits, hence six figures being hundreds of thousands, five figures being tens of thousands, etc.
Huh, you have a point. I guess I need to clarify that Anderson is offering 200k. That's what I meant by 2 figures. But I guess I used the term wrong.
Ah okay. I thought the boss meant 2 figures as in like 90 dollars an hour.
200k is a enough money to solve Eliot's regular day-to-day financial issues for a long while. Rent, food, etc is all taken care of for years. The only way we'd lose that kind of money is if it either gets stolen, or if our secret identity gets revealed and we get sued / our assets frozen.
>>Accept his offer. This may be the deal with the Devil. But 2 figures? Who can say no in your position
Looks like you're dancing with the Devil
>'...I'll do it.'

You may have signed your own death warrant. But what the hell? You need this. Plus, you have a safety net if things go south.

'Splendid! The details will be sent to you in 1 or 2 days. I promise, you won't be disappointed.'

He hangs up. What is Anderson keeping up his sleeve? Does S.T.A.R even know about this? You picked a terrible time to have second thoughts. But with that done and over. You got some free time. You place the Ring over your finger.

>'What's next on training?'

'Accessing training program. You see Instructor Vi'crin once again.

'You have successfully channeled your energy. Now we're getting into real stuff! You will have to create constructs from your power. It can be anything you want!'

>'Anything, eh?'

The more you train, the more you admire the Ring. Imagine a whole army with this power! You keep things simple by creating a baseball bat. Your eyes widen at how easy it was. Now you create two chairs with similar ease. All orange by the way.

>'Let's see if I can't...?'

You then create an RPG, same one you saw in Afghanistan.

>'Hey Ring... does thing work? I mean will it actually fire?'

>Yes. It will always fire until you have depleted energy.

>'Wait! Does that mean I have infinite ammo?!'


You gave out an evil chuckle. You will use that information to its fullest extent.

'Now that have gotten a handle on construct making. It's time for the oath.'

>'Oath? What oath?'

'Of the Orange Lantern Corp. Extend your arm, please.'

The Ring erupts in burning light as you see a... lantern? Big, orange colored lantern. It's suddenly dawned on you as to where you get the name.

'This is how you recharge your power. You must recite the oath in order to do so.'

Instructor Vi'crin appears once again.

'This you're the most important part of your training: The Orange Lantern Oath. Now repeat after me.'

>'This is my power, this is my light. Be it black of night, or bright of day. I lay claim to all that falls within my sight. To take what I want. For that is my right!'

The sigil of the Orange Lantern Corps burns onto your uniform. You are now a true member.
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You drive towards the suburbs of Metropolis. The only S.T.A.R. buildings you know are accounting branches. You think to yourself what exactly Anderson has planned for. He most likely keeping it a secret since he sent you the information 5:30 in the fucking morning. You hear on the radio about the attack.

'Now back to the hot topic on hand: following a coordinated attack on one of S.T.A.R's main location. A spokesperson released a report saying that many of victims will be laid off next month due to an underperforming year. Many have already resigned, but some will likely seek wrongful termination suits against the company.'

You turned off the radio in spite. It's now almost 9:30, and you're driving into the parking lot of some plain looking office building. A couple of windows here and there. No where near the level of sophisticated decorum S.T.A.R had. You see a couple other cars. None of which you recognize. Walking to the entrance, you see a few cameras and virtually no security. You punch in the code into the keypad on the side of the front door. The interior is just as bland as the exterior, no concierge either. You don't truly appreciate something until it's gone.

There are two elevators side by side. It only has 5 floors. You belong to the 3rd floor to meet with Anderson. The small lobby is dead silent. This place looks like a cardboard cutout- an illusion. Like it's trying it's damnedest to seem real. Why? Is it hiding something? Too late to back out. Anderson is waiting for you. Now on the third floor, you hear the unmistakable sound of computer keys.

>'So, there are people here...'

You whisper to yourself. It's fairly compact space with about 10 computers in front of you. Being separated by a door that leads to another section of the floor. You look over to see his name on the door. Anderson awaits. You knock on the door.

'It's open.'

You enter to your former boss... he's seen better days. To put it lightly, it looks like he aged ten years in advanced. You have no idea what he's been doing to himself.

'Are you going to stare at me? Sit!'

That was a surprise. He's usually not this angry... not for good reason anyway. You and Anderson are now face-to-face since the incident. You can't really think of anything to say until he gives a small booklet.

'Here, this will tell everything you need to know. Can't be assed to hold your hand. You can take any computer you want. Get at it.'

You flip through the booklet to see your tasks. It's really no different from what you did at S.T.A.R. But something is left out.

>'You said upfront payment. Where is it?'

You take a look around his office. It's somewhat more colorful than the rest of the building.

'...Not here yet.'

Now that something you didn't want to hear. You wondered what kind of damage the Ring can do to the human body. But you're saving that for a sturdier target. Right now, you need this.

>'You fu-! ...There's nothing?'
'Oh, there's something! Just not the amount I promise.'

Sounds like he's mad at something... or someone? Who the fuck is bankrolling this operation if it isn't S.T.A.R? Lex Luthor?

'This is all I got for you.'

He hands you a briefcase with $50,000 in it. This is someone's annual salary in your hands. Now you're seeing the whole situation. Whatever Anderson is hiding is something way bigger than some scraped project. But you should have listened to your conscience when you had the chance.

'Don't spend it all in one place. You know what to do next.'

You left his office and set up shop on the nearest computer. All of this is becoming increasingly shadier by the minute. It's about 10:07, and you got work to do.
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You have already done a couple hours of work. It's 1:45 in the afternoon. About 5 other people entered and started to move in over time. You don't recognize any of them. You wagered Anderson didn't exclusively from S.T.A.R. Though that does beg the question on where did he find all of these people? But your attention is drawn to the first person you recognize here.

>'Is that Evans? Why the fuck is he here?'

Roger Evans was a former employee form the same department and was under Anderson much like you. Several months ago, they suddenly had a falling out-a vocal one at that. Lo and behold, he shows up here all of a sudden. Something's fishy going on.

>'Hey, Evans!' you shout.

'...Eliot? You're here to, eh?'

>'I should be asking you the same thing! Why are you working for Anderson again? I thought you hate his guts?'

Evans looks around the room, as if scanning for something. He leans over to make himself see smaller.

'Well... I do! But I love money more then I hate that cocksucker. Oh, I heard what happened back at S.T.A.R. Labs. Sorry to hear that.'

>'I can respect that... and thanks. But let's talk about you, how did Anderson got you of all people roped in?

'I-I really shouldn't tell you this. I've been here since I quit my job. Some company got my number, and I started working here ever since. Anderson appeared out of nowhere and brought more people in.

>'Wait, wait, wait. You're telling me Anderson was already working here beforehand? This isn't his operation?'

Evans motions you to keep your voice down. The fear and paranoia in his eyes prove the meaning of his words.

'Fuck no, dude! He's just a middleman at best or another piece at worst. Someone with a shitton of money and power is pulling the strings here. If I were you, I'd bide my time and gtfo when it starts to all go done. Nice catching up with. Better keep your head on a swivel.'

As Evans works away, your left with more questions than answers. If Anderson is just another pasty in some big pyramid scheme; then you're at the bottom of the food chain.

What do you do?

>Do nothing and just keep your head down. You got an orange fire alarm just in case.

>Something is wrong here and you don't want to get involved. Tell Anderson you're leaving.

>Maybe you could the situation to your benefit. Do some undercover work get to the bottom of this.

>Do nothing and just keep your head down. You got an orange fire alarm just in case.
Might be best not to stick our nose in it.
>>Maybe you could the situation to your benefit. Do some undercover work get to the bottom of this.
>Maybe you could the situation to your benefit. Do some undercover work get to the bottom of this.
Take what you can, give nothing back!
>Maybe you could the situation to your benefit. Do some undercover work get to the bottom of this.
We can decide if we would rather keep on with this or stop it when we figure out what it is.
Looks you're going to investigate this mess.
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While this whole thing seems way out there. You can't let this slide and let them fuck you over. Whatever is happening here, you need to find out. Plus, this could be a blessing in disguise.

You work for the remainder of the day. It's 6:43, and everyone has left. A skeleton crew is left behind to make sure nobody gets in.

You drive back to your apartment and quickly dawn the Ring. You fly towards to the office space and phased through the walls. It's almost too easy, but they didn't anticipate someone like you.

You locate Anderson's office and head to his computer. If anyone knows anything, it's him.

>'Can you hack into the computer?'

'Yes, but it will take too much energy to remain invisible at the same time.'

You reluctantly agreed and let the Ring do its magic. Orange tendrils wrap itself around Anderson's computer. Accessing the data and breaking through any firewalls installed was a paltry effort for the Ring.

>'Found anything?'

'I have found a correspondent between Anderson, and another called Nemo. This individual has in contact with him for the past year. It seems this Nemo has been organizing something with him. The details are kept vague. But a few consistent keywords signify plans have changed. Coinciding with 2 months before the attack.'

This keeps on getting murkier as you learn more. What has Anderson gotten himself into? Why is he doing this?

>'What exactly are they saying?'

'As I said, they kept details vague in order to promote secrecy. However, the aforementioned project seems to have hit a critical point. Nemo and Anderson have had some disagreements over how this should processed. Another crucial detail is that have procured a "missing piece." That is all I can gather.'

Missing piece? What are they after? Who is they is the better question! Is the missing piece the AI container they were after? No, you thwarted their efforts. What else could it be? You're looking over something or you don't know it yet? You ponder on what to do next until the Ring alerts you.

'Warning, armed personal have centering around your location. It seems our incursion has alerted them.'

Well, there's that. Looks like your time is up. But you need to know one more thing.

>'Tell me who pays for property tax on this building.'

'It is Farseer Holdings, a subsidiary of Lexcorp Industries.'

Now that is some spicy information! But not enough to prove really anything. It does connect things fairly nicely. You make yourself sparse and head back home. The only other place that might bring more clues is back at S.T.A.R. You don't know how well Anderson covered his tracks but is it worth a try. You're going to take the day off just for this
The next day, you arrive at S.T.A.R Labs at 6:30 in the morning. This is when the cleaning crews are in the middle of working. It will be the perfect distraction. But you'd be mistaken if you believed this was going to be easy. Security has ramped up since then. While they don't pose a threat to you. It'll be too much trouble if you're caught. Stealth is the upmost importance here.

You phased through the walls and see most of the building is empty. All the better. The first place you arrive is Anderson's office. Practically untouched since he left, you pray S.T.A.R hasn't wiped the data yet. You get the Ring to hack into the computer. Already, you are having problems. The firewall is significantly more stalwart than before. S.T.A.R must've upgraded since the incident. The more time you waste, the greater chances you're found.

'I have bad news. This computer has nothing about Nemo or illicit dealings. Anderson is two steps ahead of us.'

Great, he was far too through to allow to get the drop on him. With no feasible options let, you frantically think what else could give you a hint.

>'Look for anything about a missing piece. Something out of the ordinary.'

'I may have found something. 6 weeks before the attack, a special shipment was delivered to the building owned by Lexcorp. This was part of series of multiple deliveries handled by Anderson himself. The last one was last week.'

>'What was he sending?'

'Defective mechanical parts is what it says. But these items came from R&D and signed off by Dr. Michael Winthrop, the head of Advanced & Experimental Technologoies. The same department as where the AI container was.'

Now you got something brewing. You have Anderson in contact with Nemo, whom may or not be an agent for Lexcorp; and you have some department head shipping off machine parts under the table. This whole just keeps getting bigger and big-

'Warning, a silent alarm has been activated. We must leave.'

You were done here anyway. But you need to get one thing. You grab one of Anderson's pens. Just one of these babies are several hundred dollars, and you take your time and took several other items of worth. It's not like Anderson is using them anymore. You smoothly phased out of the building and start to fly back before the Ring goes crazy.

'Superman is barreling towards you. You must run!'

>'Wait, what?!?'

But it was too late. Superman has already scanned the building and waiting for you to leave.

You see him in the distance, then right in front of you.

>'So, he can see me!'

Superman looks rightly miffed for some reason. I guess what happened last week hasn't sat well with him. You decloak and attempt to talk your way out.

>'Wonderful weather we're having... h-how you've been?'

Superman took a deep breath and looked into your soul with his stern eyes. Arms crossed; the Guardian of the city has many ideas conjuring in his mind. But he needs to know the answer to one.
Oh shit
and here I was, thinking that a hidden camera in Anderson’s office was the worst of our problems…
Uh oh. He's giving us the super glare.
'...Were you involved? Involved in that senseless attack?'

You can tell he's not in the greatest of moods. His voice is filled is full of strife and anger over what happened. You're already walking on thin ice with him. You must delicately evade this giant minefield that is Superman.

>'Yes. ...-I mean no! No, no, no! I wasn't involved! Absolutely not!'

You had one job, and you blew it. Thankfully, Superman is a merciful man. He'll let that Ferdinan slip go by.

'I want to believe you. But what are doing here at S.T.A.R Labs? The silent alarm went off because of a data breach. So, tell me. What were you doing?'

>What do you do?

>Tell him the truth. Lying to Superman is going to bite you in the ass later on.

>Lie through your teeth. What Superman doesn't know can't hurt him.

>Half-truths. You don't need the extra heat.

>Run. Don't look back

>Tell him the truth. Lying to Superman is going to bite you in the ass later on.
Anderson's given us plenty of cash already. I say rat him out to Supes and forget the prick ever existed. Actually, do we know where Anderson lives? Maybe we can steal his shit once we've got the Man of Steel off our back.
>>Half-truths. You don't need the extra heat.
well we dont have the full picture yet on anderson and superman and the justice league is going to cause unwanted attention this early in our investigation
>>Half-truths. You don't need the extra heat.
>Tell him the truth. Lying to Superman is going to bite you in the ass later on.
Something like:
"I work here! I tried to stop those bastards when they attacked. I'm searching the computer files to find out what they were after and why. I want to find who's responsible and make them pay for what they've done. They hurt my friends. MY friends!"

I don't have too much of a problem with half-truths, but if there's anything we don't want him to know, then I'd suggest we be straightforward and simply say "I don't want to answer that" or "That's private". We probably still have our employee I.D with us, so we could show it to him as proof that we worked here long before the ring, although maybe we ask him to promise us that he won't reveal of use our secret identity against us?

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