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You are a D-Force Commander. Disposable Forces are used for dynamic, organic, clandestine, nontraditional, and extra corporate aquations where plausible deniability is required.

Recent activity on Venus has garnered significant investor interest, but a barrier to exploitation remains the planet's undesirable gravity and challenging domestic population. To this end, you have been hired to enact the will and desires of the board, and in turn, garner monetary compensation. The Uranian system asteroid colony, KhaieBalkh, will be the lynchpin of this operation.

Infiltrate KhaieBalkh, and override it's central administration to engage a terminal burn into a Venutian orbit.

Protect the primary D-teams after occupying KhaieBalkh.

Successfully subvert the local population and economy.

During this operation you may receive or request secondary objectives, successful completion will grant you corporate favor, assets, or boons.
<end of entry 1>
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This is imagery of KhaieBalkh. As the campaign lead by you and your fellow commanders ensues, it is possible that the terrain will change. Be bold, be experimental, and be relentless. The current assets allocated to this mission are fully accounted for and considered to be already depreciated. Any margins of success are acceptable.
Equipment and personal:

A Jovian bound ship, scrapping and reclamation class, 1000 indentured workers, not including crew, were appropriated for this operation. The price was very reasonable. This asset will be utilized for the KhaieBalkh campaign and act as the central command until the colony is under corporate control. It will provide all units, equipment, support, and modification until it is fully expended. It's previous owners have already been compensated via a claim to their standing insurance policy, which in turn will forward the bill as fragmentary expenses to interested parties.
Your Sponsorship:

You are under contract with the AKSG <remote subsidiary> Corporation. Its a wholly independent, autonomous, legally distinct, and unacknowledged segment of AKSG proper. Its possibly a shell for a scam, but the money is good.


This game is a simple squad builder and customizer with a narrative adventure format. Each player will run their squad as they see fit, impacting the world which will in turn impact the events of the other players.

In this session you have unlimited tries to figure out your squad, expect attrition. Successful experiments or units may be utilized again, to include the work of other players.

The next brief will provide you with unit and equipment descriptions as well as operational instructions.

See you in a few hours.
<end of entry 2>
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(how to break the game.)

Unit and equipment selection:

You can mix, match, and duplicate any unit and equipment combination. You want one D-trooper and 190 AIDs? 40 Technophages? 4 Powergears? Go ahead. Want extra equipment and a chance to try and barter or bribe with the locals? Bold move trying to roleplay...let's do it. This game is narrative, and dice based, so the better your narrative, the better for us all.

Unit and Equipment modification:

Commander, once you've spent the points, it's yours. Want to try and break apart your combat androids to make an ad-hoc power armor or mix a D-trooper with a technophage? We can't stop you. You have some design on fusing as many Bioweapons as you can? What a terrible idea! Let's see how it plays out.

Imagination and editing:

Have some fun. Want to make a sniper rifle? That pipe and those binoculars look nice, and hey look; a leftover scope. Cut apart armor and place it around? Stack on armor? Recolors and use of paint? Doable. Just because this mission would be considered a war crime if enacted by a legitimate government, doesn't mean we here at AKSG can't have a good time. Teamwork makes the dream work.
The Units (and cost):

(1) D-Trooper- The D-trooper, or D-troop, is the most ubiquitous member of the AKSG family. They are any humanoid which has bene implanted with a neural spike, granting them absolute dedication to the mission. What mission? Any mission. <note: Reduction to personality, empathy, a total lack of pain and fatigue response...>

(2) 4L Robot- 4Ls are highly robust machines made of a core with 4 limbs. Each segment contains a distributed processor allowing for redundancy in the face of structural degradation, modularity lending to ease of repair and ad-hoc field optimizations. In general, the more limb and core modules you add to the machine, the smarter it gets. These ones are running hot and have no qualms breaking the rules of robotics!

(.5) Technophage- Small. Enthusiastic. Disposable. With intelligence somewhere between a roomba and a very enthusiastic dog, technophages can be counted on to do simple tasks that are otherwise too high risk for more valuable members of the team. (6 to operate something.)

(4) Bioweapon- The glue that holds the team together as it absorbs their flesh and incorporates their genetic template. Bioweapons will easily fuse with other units, equipment. Firebreathing pseudo dragon? Its been done in the past.

(1) Hardsuit- A void rated power suit made for ship breaking around the hostile Jovian system. Slow under gravity, but horrifically strong and durable. needs an operator. D-trooper, 4L, Bioweapon, some Commanders have even shoved six Technopages into them.

(4) Powergear- Ad-hoc mech armor. Metal cut from the hull of the local command ship, equipped with stripped electronics and actuators. Just like the hardsuit but larger in all aspects, including a capacity for violence.

<end of entry 3>


While your units are formidable, and capable of field appropriations, feel free to make use of the offerings provided and manufactured on the spot by skilled AKSG D-Technicians.

Standard Equipment: 1 credit gets you 10 of anything.

Shotgun- a cut down pump action shotgun.
SMG- Open bolt, electronic solenoidal firing pin and trigger group.
Pistol- A silent pistol.
AIDs- A.I. Drones. Everything the Technophage is, but at 1/10th the cost, overall capability, but it flies! They are good for scouting, or maybe augmenting something. Crashing into things. Failing commands.

Torch- Cut through things, do light brazing, repairs, start fires, or maybe just explode.
A-Wrench- Its...a-wrench. You can kill your enemies with it! Doubles as a wrench...you didn't think your mech would fix itself, did you?
Cutall- Atomically sharp, carbine atom structure, breakaway blade design.
6pack- A 6 pack of beverage cans.

Cybershades- AR/VR goggles with the same capacity as any personal device of this era. Complete with variable zoom camera functionality, wiki repository, and a pirated offline version of Alexis to guide you through daily tasks.
BodyArmor- Bilayer flexible polymer body armor with a ceramic backing. Handy.
medkit- Always good to have a medic on hand, unless you are a cold unfeeling machine.
AKSG Head tingler- This idiotic device is a neural spike implanter disguised as a head massager. The spike is of the lowest quality so success is also low, but hey, if the local resources are available, why not?

rope- Rope is a bit of a misnomer, its actually hollow tube, but it does the trick.
pipe- A useful pipe. Put a knife on it, and now it's a spear.
duffelbag- Useful for field acquisitions, a unit can only carry so much. Some commanders have found that this baby can hold SO MANY detbricks.
detbrick- A remote explosive. Stick it on places, throw it, put it on a Technophage, or maybe some drones. Crippled D-troopers are known to enjoy wearing vests made of them!

uv laser pointer- A dangerously powerful laser pointer. Good for target painting, blinding eyes, or starting small fires.
giant pink mowhawk- Blend into the local scene!
bikini armor- Tantalize your enemies!
ampheticane brick- The only drug strong enough to make a D-trooper feel.....alive. Berserk even. The flame that burns ten times as hot burns ten times as quickly, but the flame doesn't really need to last past the mission, so we've got options.

"fuel"- A can of ethanol fuel mixed with reclaimed system fluids from around the ship. It works.
bulk rags- Make a disguise, repair some clothes, create a Molotov cocktail. Perkele!
inline skates- So our lead quartermaster found these in the supply hold. Maybe you can use them on something.
Binoculars- Digital cameras with telescopic lenses attached to displays, all packaged together for an old time feel.
<end of entry 4.>
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How to:

Here is an example of how you, the commander, can be creative.

A buy of 3 robots and 6 Technophages takes us to 9 points. Add on a D-trooper and Powergear and we are at 5, but lets add some heavy equipment; 5 pieces in total for 5 points. Up to 19 points spent. Lets use that last point on 10 standard pieces of equipment, because remember, its spend 1 for 10. So if you find yourself with .5 points left, equipment is the place to go to.

After spending some time in the workshop, the technophages were heavily cannibalized to create some abominations. Great! We have leftover parts though, so those spare 'phage bodies were put to use with some equipment, now we have handy scouts and mobile demo units. The centerpiece of the team was the D-trooper and Powergear, but some customization has increase survivability and lethality!

That spare equipment was distributed to our earlier creations; and look at the D-trooper! He comes with a grenade and gun by default, so those got passed off to our new friends, and this wasn't even 100% efficent.
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Heavy Equipment:

Its for larger vehicles, armor, and mechs. Your average unit will struggle to utilize it, and for the cost it'd be a shame if they went down with the gear.

Macro Puck Launcher- Low velocity heavy explosive puck, lobbed with a compressed spring. Relatively silent except for the massive explosion. High risk on failures.
Swarm Launcher- Inaccurate short range pico missiles, good for crowds and swarms, not so good for heavy armor.
Seekers- Something resembling long range, competent weapons.
*launchers can be depleted on a low fail, or malfunction/ explode on a crit fail.

Melee Claw- A large claw for violence.
Micro Turret- AI turret that will independently take action during your turn. (roll an extra 1d20 for it's actions)
CoPilot- An AI copilot and sensor package. Will help bolster poor rolls (1 reroll per turn), and if your pilot is incapacitated or otherwise turned to meat jelly, will keep your machine in the fight.

Flamethrower- Flammenwerfer. It werfs flammen.
AP cannon- A rapid firing Anti Personnel cannon.
Armor Scraps- Useful for up armoring or modifying your machine.

Mobility Enhancers- Treads for the feet so you can scoot while you shoot. Just like the Scopedogs and Heavygears of better years.
Targeting array- Aids in hitting what you are attacking. The best technology you can strip off a pirated ship.
Jammer Array- If a tree falls in the woods, and no one can use their devices to call for help, and all security recordings are paused, did the mass casualty event ever really occur? The closest thing to stealth you are going to have for your PowerGear.
how to play:

1d20 per unit, list an action.

Swarms and Cumulative effort: You may assign multiple units to a single action, especially when its something board like "scouting" or "Indiscriminate slaughter of civilians" or specific like "tear open the bank vault" and the more units assigned, the more improved the results will be on this focused task.
Go make your teams. Its time to play. Once we get past the tutorial phase and you all show a good grasp we can move on to the main story. Spoilers for story sprites and future team compositions.

<end of entry 5+6>
I don't bother with any sort of unique poster ID beyond what is automatically assigned to me, I'll try to respond a few times a day as we get into the groove of things, and may assign CoQMs to run this quest if we have people outside my normal timezone. I'm old as fuck, can't do this shit like I used to. With that said, see you spacecowboys tomorrow.
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Thanks for running, pal.

I'm in a Jack and the Beanstalk type situation.

x1 Hardsuit (1p) [a.k.a. Ravishing Jack] Shiny silver in color
x1 4L Robot (2p) - pilot [a.k.a. Baboon]
x1 Mobility Enhancers (1p) on Hardsuit
x1 Melee Claw (1p) on Hardsuit
x1 Flamethrower (1p) on Hardsuit
x1 Micro Turret (1p) on Hardsuit

x1 Powergear (4p) [a.k.a. The Beanstalk] Dull green in color
x1 Bioweapon (4p) - pilot [a.k.a. Bonobo]
x1 Jammer Array (1p) on Powergear
x1 Targeting Array (1p) on Powergear
x1 Seekers (1p) on Powergear
x1 AP Cannon (1p) on Powergear

x2 each Standard Equipment (1p) - One to each pilot/mech
-"Fuel" a.k.a. energy drinks for 4L and Biowep
-HIV/AIDs (Hostile Intervention Vehicles aka Artificial Intelligence Drones)

I'm down. Meet D Team Beta.

4 D troopers in 4 hardsuits (8)

Melee Claw
Mobility Enhancers

Targeting Array
Standard Equipment
-4x SMG
-4x Pipe
-laser pointer

Combine the SMGs, the pipes and the laser pointer into a minigun.

Targeting Array
AP Cannon
standard equipment
-2 fuel

Combine the AP cannon, the targeting array and the binoculars to make a pseudo giant sniper rifle. Combine 6 AIDS and 2 fuel to make a jet pack. Actual levels of flight granted yet to be tested.

>The Doc
Melee Claw
2xStandard Equipment
-2x cutall
-2x wrench
-2x shotgun
-2x rags
-duffel bag
-9 detbricks

Combine the melee claw, torch, medkit, cutalls and wrenches into a utility claw. Suitable for all your needs breaking or fixing anything, including people.

The rags are to make capes for the suits. Drip is important.
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Say hello to subversion and infiltration unit, the Love Angels.
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>amphetacaine brick
>torch (for lockpicking)
>3x uzi
>3x laser
>bulk rags (flavor: just raided a fucking second-hand)
>inline skates
>duffel bag
Mix all these ingredients together an you've got the street warrior (up to subjective interpretation) going by the handle Red Dragon. Due to an unfortunate mishap however, Red Dragon was put into AKSG registry under the name "Bed Dragon". So now in addition to running from the competing corporations, Bed Dragon has to run from the opposite sex to stay alive.
hm, rust
What's the program you use to edit the images?
Not QM, but I personally use paint.net.
Oh fuck yeah new Space Merc Quest, sign me the fuck up. Designing ultrakill mech suit rn.

Btw could someone post link to past two quest in case someone needs to get caught up? (Totally not because I can only find links to the second quest but not the first)
Anytime. When ya get the chance, give me a team picture so we can visualize.
-I dropped the ball on explaining that heavy gear is for the large mech only, and for this run am looking forward to seeing what these things look like. Run with what you have. The Bioweapon piloted powergear sounds interesting. Also kudos for the first optimization of HIV.
I like these units, gimme a picture. Props to Trogdor.
The love angels are perfect in every way.
I welcome him, but think he is actually much less than 16 points. The man is 1 point, and the gear is 10 for 1. If you want to run a solo man, we can do this. I pride myself on flexibility.
MS Paint for windows 10, with the pencil tool at 1 pixel. I also use straight line/ box/ square/ etc, at one pixel. Really, whatever works for you, just save the images as .png and use hard edge tools without feathering so that other players can edit them.
Someday I will evolve to use something beyond sticks and rocks.
first quest:
second quest:

Anon, this is my love as a GM that I crawled through that popup infested website.
its time. Your D-teams were dumped into the colony by means of "cargo pods." Which is to say, they were ejected out the ship boxes leaking atmosphere at an alarming rate, in a mostly correct trajectory. At the last moment the pods fired off solid fuel boosters than arrested descent during the suicide burn at >mostly< ground level.

Roll a 1d20 for your starting situation, and 1d20 for each unit (or if mass rolling, group) on your team. List your immediate objectives and how you will move to secure and occupy the area. If you want corporate direction, just request it. We are always on standby for you, Commander.
Rolled 7, 15, 11 = 33 (3d20)

Roll 1 for starting situation, roll 2 for Jack and roll 3 for The Beanstalk
>Ravishing Jack rushes to the nearest hostile and melee claws them if in range, ranged weapons if not. If no hostiles in the vicinity, secure the area and investigate for exploitable resources for AKSG.
>The Beanstalk maneuvers in to seize a chokepoint, providing long-range fire support or jamming for Ravishing Jack if needed/possible.
Before I start drawing I want to know if this'll check out

Thanks to recent studies pointing to the non-existence of "diminishing returns", we are going to deploy SL: Special Liberation (Super Looters informally)

3 D-troopers (3p)
3 4L Robots, modified to function as an exoskeleton and movement/targeting assistant (6p)

3 duffelbags, 3 aerial AIDs, 3 bodyarmor, 1 sixpack (1p) AIDs boosters are attached to duffelbags, creating lift to help troopers feel and move like they're only *almost* overencumbered. Bodyarmor is placed over torso to protect innards and allow attachment points for 4L based exoskeleton.

3 cybershades, 3 bulk rags, 3 cutalls, 1 fuel (1p)
Cybershades provide linkage for 4L targeting assistance and are worn under a stylish beret fashioned (FACT*: Non-helmet headwear(hats) increase combat effectiveness and survivability by 200%). Cutalls and non jet parts of Ai drones are used alongside the D-trooper standard knife to create military grade chain-knives or rippers (in no way related to Ripper™ Ripper brand vibroblades), fuel and sixpack is mixed to create a lubricant safe for human consumption and equipment maintenance, split amongst the troopers for 2 cans each.

3 SMG, 3 pipe, 3 laser pointer, 1 torch (1p)
Assembling a carbine for ranged engagements with infantry or infantry-like targets.

3 pipe, 3 binocular, 3 detbrick, 1 torch (1p)
Given information about the benefits of sidearms in open warfare, the pistol will be used alongside these parts to create anti-material rifles firing explosive cartridges.

2 binocular, 3 pistol, 4 uv laser (0.9p)
However silent takedowns can be beneficial, so SLs are equipped with silenced pistols with laser sights, alongside binoculars for reconnoitering and ropes for various climbing and pulling activities. Laser sight and 3 leftover binocular parts are combined to create range designator for target painting.

3 bulk rags, 3 duffelbag, 3 AIDS, 1 torch (1p)

3 bodyarmor, 6 medkit, 1 a-wrench (1p)
Rags, bags, and bodyarmor are combined with AIDS propulsion to give more pouches, protection, and attachment points for trophies. Leftover AIDs components are used to create autoinjecting medkits, leaving 3 for normal usage.

3 detbrick, 3 anphet brick, 3 6 pack, 1 a-wrench (1p)
Detbricks are combined with frag grenades to make timeable and (not so) easy to throw HEs. breaking the amphets into the drinks can dilute the effect and make it a nice pickup instead of performance enhancer.

3 AIDS, 3 Inline skates, 3 fuel, 1 a-wrench (1p)
jump boots to give some extra vertical leap

3 detbrick, 6 rope, 1 duffelbag (1p)
1 bulk rag, 3 pistol, 3 pipe, 3 detbrick (1p)
Duffelbag and bulk rags are used with detbrick to make 3 satchel charges, 3 ropes for normal use, pistol pipe and rope to create launchable grappling hooks.3 torch and 3 a-wrench are used as normal for disassembly/repair

In short by giving three troops enough gear to arm a squad twice over, we may be able to get more done with less men.
Sorry for the late arrival. Here are my guys:

x3 Shotguns (0.3pt)
x3 SMGs (0.3pt)
>Combine SMG and shotgun into an autoshotgun! The mags couldn't be converted to use shells and had to be made from scratch, so expect malfunctions... (0.2pt each)

For every D-troop:
x7 Cybershades (0.7pt)
x7 Medkits (0.7pt)
x7 Bodyarmor (0.7pt)
Total: 2.1pt

x3 D-troops (3pt)
x3 Autoshotguns (0.6pt, see above)
x2 Torches (0.2pt)
x1 Duffelbag (0.1pt)
- x1 technopage (0.5pt)
- x5 detbricks (0.5pt)
Total: 4.9pt

x3 D-troops (3pt)
x1 Duffelbag (0.1pt)
- x5 AIDs drones (0.5pt)
- x5 detbricks (0.5pt)
x3 SMGs (0.3pt)
x1 Binoculars (0.1pt)
x1 UV Laser (0.1pt)
x1 A-Wrench
x1 Rope
Total: 4.8pt

x1 D-troop (1pt)
x1 Powergear(4pt)
x1 Macro Puck Launchers (1pt)
x1 AP cannon (1pt)
x1 Targeting array (1pt)
x2 Fuel (0.2pt)
Total: 8.2pt
x1 D-troop (1pt)
x1 Powergear(4pt)
x1 Macro Puck Launchers (1pt)
x1 AP cannon (1pt)
x1 Targeting array (1pt)
x2 Fuel (0.2pt)
Total: 8.2pt
Objective: Locate and secure an area where further support can safely arrive.
>Go ahead of the group and act as a lookout. Breach and clear building when needed.
>Deploy aerial drones for overwatch and start locating any suitable areas.
>Stay in the backline as a lookout unless called upon. Look intimidating to discourage people from attacking the group.
Rolled 1, 19, 11 = 31 (3d20)

Forgot my rolls...
Rolled 2, 18 = 20 (2d20)

The theory of six handshakes states that a random person off the street will know a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy who knows the head of the government. Accordingly, the LA will start by expertly blending into the population and abducting a random person off the street with seductive outfits and promises of alcohol (mass action)
I can't do math. He is like 3 points, yeah. And he's the bigger mans than other mans who need other-other mans to inflate their AKSG rating. (Also he's a courier type and delivers alone).
Here's the second part on archived.moe:
Rolled 10, 7 = 17 (2d20)

To clarify: my current character is very much just for tutorial phase. Maybe having a single retard will highlight some issues to iron out, maybe he will just an hero with motorized explosive. We shall see.
Bed Dragon's immediate objective is finding the nearest postal office and hijacking a mail delivery truck once it leaves the said office. Getting the documents on local happenings will allow the other teams to more accurately infiltrate KhaieBalkh and letters can be used to start the information war.
What about those units btw? Do we unlock them or buy or something?
horribu fucking rolls, d20s are my enemies
At least you didn't roll a 1 or 2 on the starting situation like Halberd or Love Angels lolol (RIP)
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Remade these 1:1 so they can actually be edited without resize artifacts.
Sick, thanks!
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Rolled 8, 12 = 20 (2d20)

The Betas are ready to go in and get shit done in the loudest and most direct way possible. No amount of collateral damage is enough. Other teams may operate in the shadows, and the shadows are darkest when there are fuck off huge fires and explosions all over the place.

Upon landing the team survey the immediate vicinity for potential victims, and attempt to establish the direction of the primary objective.
Team: (Spriggins?)
The initial deployment would have been subpar for lighter armed units, the deceleration burn of the cargopod drawing significant attention from the local population. The duo crashed down into a courtyard complex and almost immediately were attacked with light arms fire and thrown objects. Within 5 minutes the attack had escalated to liquid incendiary devices splashing near the team.

Jack's white suit was quickly turning red as unarmed civilians were slaughtered. The combination drill, claw, and torch were paired well with the 4L further amplifying the suit's strength, and the mobility units enhancing it's speed. Gouts of flame spewed out while the AI turret picked off stragglers.

The Beanstalk's chokepoint was suboptimal, as it was simply the courtyard. Thankfully it was a target rich environment, and the expensive purchase of the Jammer was a merited upgrade, as was the targeting array. Apartment complex windows blew out as seeker missiles flew in, raining down a debris of meat and shattered home goods. In a display of waste the bioweapon shot falling survivors before they hit the ground with the AP gun.

The rampage had started, and no message of it had reached the colony leadership.
>No colony escalation yet.
(reminder to roll an extra dice so long as you have an auto turret)
these sound awesome, if you need assistance drawing them up, let the thread know. One of us will help, lets get those rolls in when you are ready.
Try to include a team pic, its part of the game, I am sorry I didn't state that more implicitly. (do you still need a paint program, and what system are you on? Phone, Win, Linux, Mac?)
Hey welcome in, players can start at any point so you are golden. My primary advice is the same as the guy above you, but lets see what happens with those rolls.
Try to include a team pic, its part of the game, I am sorry I didn't state that more implicitly. I actually like the combined arms approach you have by the way.

the images help a lot to keep track of what is going on.
(no initial placement roll was made.)
The Halberd Intergalactic team's cargo pod suffered a low altitude failure and snapped in half. The scout group was isolated further away from the rest of their team. Unphased by the rough landing they pressed onward, pushing through a crowd towards a suitable building. The downside was it was a local peace keeper facility, and on KhaieBalkh that meant militarized police. A vicious shootout ensued in the lobby of the facility. Using evasive tactics the scouts chose to expend equipment over their own lives....

>Pick a strategy and roll a 1d20 to see how well it works:
-the scouts packed the duffelbag with the detbricks and torches to create an IED to cover their escape.
-the scouts used the technophage to plant debricks around the lobby and hoped it wouldn't get shot.
-your own strategy (Write in)

The lead group used the cargo container breaking apart to launch AIDs before touching down into a relatively empty rooftop parking lot. They quickly scouted the surrounding area and found a VTOL craft on top of another building, but also made note of the police station which was under assault by the scout team. From their position the lead group could provide support via detpacks and AIDs but the equipment would be expended.

The support gear had slammed down roughly between the scouts and leads, and could either support the scouts or move to secure the VTOL, terrified civilians fled from the hulking war machine.
>The colony is aware it is under attack.
The Love Angels cargopod was also struck with misfortune and skidded to a stop after having it's rough landing softened by a conveniently placed ground of people traveling to work. Seeing the elaborately dressed people exit the pod there was fury as many thought this was some sort of publicity stunt, while others were already concluding the pod was part of an invasion force. Thankfully for the Team, they were able to lie their asses off and convince the locals that they were in fact, being abducted and had no idea what was going on. With skill and grace, they slipped into the crowd and made their first lines of contact via meeting a janitor who knew a guy...
>The colony is aware of a massed invasion.
Bed Dragon was traveling light, acting as a team of one. His entry was actually a parachute and 300 hours of ingrained AI lessons garnered from the ancient "Just Cause" video game series. Because of the smaller "team" footprint and existing chaos, he was able to land several blocks from a post office. Much like the other teams though, there were complications. The postal delivery driver was planning a rampage of his own this day, and was armed, shooting Bed Dragon in the chest and knocking him square on his ass. A protective vest saved the mercenary's life, and allowed for swift retaliation, The driver was perforated and splattered from a barrage of Akimbo uzis, thoroughly breaking the windshield of the postal delivery van. Brushing himself off bed dragon found himself being watched by an increasingly bothered mob of females. It was time to escape, or down in a wave of fleshy desires.
nice. very nice.
Also very nice.

Beta team arrived in the fashion of the rest of the teams, which was some degree of shitshow. Their pod touched down in a dense urban center, right at a major street intersection. No one was hurt, no one was crushed. Before the doors of the pod could open, Archangel and Steve had already opened fire through the thin metal walls. Onlookers were cut down and converted into a shower of gore that would have been out of place from an early 90s anime. It was all incredibly dope and fucking cool.

The shriek of tortured metal heralded the emergence of Trogdor and the Doc. They ripped their way into local bystanders like a blendtec commercial given life. Human forms were converted into meat jelly and giblets as the duo crashed through the panicking throngs that tripped over themselves, trampling one another.

The traffic jam quickly turned into a mélange of gore and burning vehicles. A local news VOTL recoded the scene onto live broadcast before a seeker missile knocked it out of the sky. A frozen image of caped power suits flickered on the emergency broadcast before cutting out.
>The Colony is mobilizing it's forces and sending out alerts. The city will soon lock down.

Alright, we have two teams on a rampage, one infiltrating, one lone wolf on a mission, and one working on taking some territory. What a treat.
>Place the detbricks and two grenades into the duffelbag and use it to cover their escape. Try to regroup with the rest of the team.
>Attach two detbricks and a grenade to the AIDs and send them to resupply the scout team. Move to secure the VTOL.
>Assist the Lead team in securing the VTOL pad.
I'll whip up a team pic when I can. Probably have to come up with names for them as well.
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Made a quick version of your guys. Didn't make a true team roster as I figure this is just a good starting point for you to edit as you see fit. dufflebags are on the back as an easy way to represent carried gear. If the autoshotgun is not to your vision, adjust accordingly. I stuck with an extended tube magazine to represent the jank.
give me 3d20 for this, and lets see what happens.
Rolled 6, 19, 3 = 28 (3d20)

Appreciate the effort.
>What about those units btw? Do we unlock them or buy or something?

They are units you can encounter, buy, or interact with later. I made a bunch of pixel art for things you can slaughter or recruit. This tutorial phase is to get people used to the game, the expectations, just feeling out the limits of what can be done, and seeing you like the game before committing past a throw away session. (NANI? You like this session and your team?! Sure, you can bring them forward. If that's what you want. I guess. ara ara.)
>shadows are darkest when there are fuck off huge fires and explosions all over the place.
hell yeah
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At least the Lead team is consistent.
Rolled 4, 10, 14, 15, 12, 9 = 64 (6d20)

The population of KhaieBalkh was mostly peaceful, because it was mostly armed. A right to violent self defense seemed to be part of their culture. The D-teams quickly found this out.

Rolling 2 against Jack, then Beanstalk.
>The apartment complexes are getting their larger weapons and an increase in dangerous objects thrown.

Rolling 3 against Halberd Intergalactic.
>Locals are shooting at drones and obvious foreigners.

Rolling 1 against the Betas.
> A few brave, perhaps foolhardy by standards are attempting to fight back.

Rolling 1 against Bed Dragon.
> The small group of RABID FUCKING WOMEN is growing into a mob. The Mercenary's unusual aura is quite the curse.

The Love Angels face no retaliation and have not blown their cover yet.
Woops, guess I should've gone sneaky beaky like
Jack and the Beanstalk (Team name?) were able to weather the worst of small arms fire thanks to their heavy armor, but increasing amounts of explosives and flammables were lobbed their way (to little effect.) The duo strode through the burning wreckage and corpses of the courtyard towards their next indeterminate objective.
(dueling dice) Halberd Intergalactic. 6vs14, 19vs15, 3vs12
The Scouts worked to escape from the police station lobby as quickly as they could, and elected to lob an improvised bomb into the middle of the place and fleet. Everyone knows a bomb is a bad choice for close range combat. The blast inured the trio and damaged their technophage. The lobby itself was no more, now an open air crater that exposed itself to the upper floors and more shooters. Things were grim, but somehow their autoshotguns were still working, and keeping hostile forces in a tenuous state of surpression. (bingo explosives)

...but sometimes you need a hero. The highly competent lead group wove their AIDs past gunfire and capture nets, delivering not a resupply, but an attack. The drones exploded inside the former lobby at key structural areas, collapsing chunks of the above floors and structure, sending defenders plummeting to the rubble below. The scouts escaped under the cover of chaos and dust from the recent demolition, as they flee they manage to snatch peace keeper uniforms and portable radios.
(you have been cured of AIDs, as they are now blown up. You are now able to listen in on peace keeper radio activity until they re-key their system.)

The Support trooper's easy moments abruptly ended as a lightweight IFV emerged from a parking garage nearby and opened fire. While it's rotary cannon was made for soft targets, the volume of fire was chipping away at armor and threatening to hit something important. The PowerGear's AP cannon responded in kind, as the two machines fired away. An unlucky hit ripped the left arm off the machine. The D-trooper inside eventually got a firing solution from the targeting array and fired a puck at the IFV. The shot bounced across the ground several times before the puck lodged itself underneath the target. A moment later an explosion flipped the IFV upside down and while visibly undamaged, it ceased hostile activity. The crew likely disabled.

A few moments later the Scouts and Lead groups converged on the PowerGear and considered their options.

>Attempt to salvage the IFV (hard roll)
>Attempt to strip some of the IFV to fix the PowerGear then make way to the VTOL (easy roll)
>Just raid the inside of the IFV for materials and press on to the VTOL. (easy roll)

You may exercise...greed. Each roll is a chance to make your situation better and worse. 1d20 per choice.


The crowd was no real threat to the marauders, but it was time to move on. You can only weather the storm so long.

The combined operations of the teams has thus far left the colony forces unaware of the more subtle efforts.
>alright players. Its time to think of your next actions, and make some rolls, unless you have outstanding actions from earlier. Remember, the goal is to somehow conquer this colony, but you may yet bumblefuck your way to success.

Of all the "loud" options, because of your jammer array, there has been no real awareness of your assault to the rest of the colony. On your next roll, please roll an additional 1d20 for your auto turret, and another 1d20 to see if your bioform is starting to integrate with the machine it is in. You can skip that 1d20 if you want that to happen.
Rolled 5 (1d20)

>Just raid the inside of the IFV for materials and press on to the VTOL. (easy roll)
The scout team's escapade has exhausted our resources and the Gear is still mostly operational. Grab whatever isn't tied down and keep the eyes on the prize.
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Rolled 20, 9, 16, 16 = 61 (4d20)

Sensing the impending HDoom, Bed Dragon grabbed the postal dude's bleeding head and slammed it against the steering wheel 4 times, before dumping the lifeless body onto the cold, disinterested concrete. "Just like the training data" he said to himself, reminiscing AI course based on the ancient "Just Cause" video game series, before sliding into the van and banging his motorcycle helmet against the doorframe in the process. Another battle scar. He locked the door.
>"Activate Windows"
>"Go to Settings to activate Windows."
Blinked in the corner of his eye while the pirated 3GPS software started up painfully slowly, practically blinding him with the white tab for half a minute before disappearing and displaying the local KhaieBalkh 3D navigation overlay based on highly illegal satellite(?) imagery that "fell" into the AKSG hands some months ago.
Finally. Bed Dragon noted the first woman was already ramming a screwdriver into the door's handle. It was time, he trained all his life for this! With a screech of tires and the lady who was holding onto the door, the postal van launched itself into the mob of thirsty women just as they started spreading to cricle their victim. "Dead Rising" was a part of the AI training program for a reason.
>Drive through the sex zombies
>Navigate through the shity to find a radio tower
>Upload whatever useful data I have to other teams
>Find saucy mail that can be delivered to wrong locals to cause superunrest (because regular unrest is not gonna achieve AKSG goals nearly fast enough)
Rolled 16, 10 = 26 (2d20)

With a promise of a mind-blowing night ,the Love Angels accompany the janitor to his dwelling, where he quiclky discovers his mind will be blown by the patented AKSG Head tingler(tm). While two team members are occupied with this, the rest watch TV to try and understand local dating culture.
Rolled 4, 15, 1, 12, 10, 1 = 43 (6d20)

Dice: Pirate radio and report line, bioform integration, Ravishing Jack combat/guard duty, auto turret, HIV/AIDS scouting, hiding out in the skeletonized complex

Team Dill's Dough runs from the open courtyard and wades into the wreckage of an apartment complex that stands skeletonized, but still structurally sound. The Beanstalk walks behind a collapsing floor and a pile of rubble, then sets his antennae up and his roots down. Using Jamming gear and other systems, Bonobo attempts to establish a local AKSG pirate radio, hijacking popular signals, including emergency signals, and broadcasting propaganda instead, complete with a report of "false reports" of entries flooding the system. "These claims are false and dangerous, and anyone making these claims are traitorous and should be reported to this colony report line: j3F(U2NQvW%tnCV." (A report line that goes straight to our scrapping-class ship orbiting above.) Baboon sends off his and Bonobo's HIV/AIDs to locate enemy heavy artillery and comms systems, and then returns to clear the building of inhabitants and guards the Powergear in the dark, hoping the resistance remains weak. From the starboard viewing deck, Dill Dreamer, the notorious patron billionaire investor in AKSG, watches and listens in ecstasy to the symphony of yet more chaos caused by his prolific frivolous spending habits.
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Thanks, I've managed to draw the trooper itself and I think it captures what it can without changing the pose, but I'm having trouble making the guns look nice. I can't remember but is there any pervious space merc characters that had assault or sniper rifles?
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The locals here probably never considered human factors or any form of ergo with their IFV design. As the team pulled the rear doors open the pulverized remains of the crew spilled out, along with a mixture of blood and spilled bowels. The controls of the vehicle were mangled but the crew cargo area still held 3 heavy machine guns and a gratuitous amount of ammo. The team was able to confirm no real danger via their police radios and gained a small bonus via having the powergear rip something off the outside...After stripping the gear out the team continued towards the VTOL.
+3 HMGs
+1 IFV turret. presently uninstalled.
(roll for adventure. feel free to indicate what your units do.)
Bed Dragon didn't just ram the postal delivery van into the crowd. He made that machine do donuts and drifts. The thirstiest of thots stood no chance against the STEEL FURY of it's bumpers or the artistic yet vicious face mounted burnouts. It was all very gratuitous and when done, there were none left standing.

Sadly the vehicle was covered in human remains, which made it very hard to navigate anywhere in a discrete manner and so he simply accelerated, chucking packages and mail out the vehicle at random, trying to lighten the load, all the while apparently delivering sensitive and confidential information to the wrong people. Somethings about parentage, lawsuits, copyrights, and others about planned divorces. Harmless probably. The abused mail van eventually failed at the component level, the brakes specifically, and flipped a few times before crashing into a communication tower. Thankfully Bed Dragon was a reasonable man, and wore his seatbelt, and a motorcycle helmet, and body armor. Extricating himself from the wreckage he proceeded to unload SMG fire into a small operator shack and upload an AKSG firmware into the network along with topographical data in one clean operation.
>Enhanced AKSG D-team command and control.
The Janitor was successfully implanted after being lured in for the promise of a relaxing head massage. The love angels grow by one. The rest of the team did their best to understand local dating culture but inadvertently watched an after hours phone in sexy show. The content was of intimacy based around a middle aged slag in shiny pleather making eye contact with the camera and talking to random uggo tradies with low confidence.

Nothing comes to mind of an actual sniper in the past, but have these guns and see if any of them work for you. Ones at the top are for later game, ones on the bottom are cobbled together from starting gear. Don't feel limited, go nuts.
The Pirate radio goes live, but instead of reaching the general population, it is networked to the other strike teams. Someone has been boosting the signal. The Bioform's assimilation into the powergear was very subtle, absorbing circuits and wires. The marriage of transgenic flesh and machine was going well as the beanstalk and bioform gradually became one.

Jack's foray into combat was notable and brief. As the robot turned a corner it was greeted with an armed crowd of locals who had set up an ambush which became a firefight. Quite literally, as Jack's flamethrower set to work on the crowd. A particularly desperate man grabbed Jack while holding some sort of homemade bombs and detonated, knocking the machine offline and leaving it to the mercy of the crowd who surrounded it and started taking pot shots.

The little auto turret sprung to life and started firing into a target rich environment while the HIV/AIDs were redirected towards protecting Jack. In a twist of irony, the duo came under fire from long range cannons and mortars and the beanstalk grabbed the incapacitated robot while executing a tactical withdrawal and relocation. By the grace of the jamming pod no real triangulation was to be had, and any risk of artillery fire would be to blind luck.

Roll a 2d10. 1 for escape, 1 for artillery fire.
Rolled 10, 9 = 19 (2d10)

Into the wilderness!
-Ravishing Jack, quicker than a speeding, locked-on artillery shell.
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>D-Trooper -1
>Powergear -4
>Melee claw (x2) -2
>Jammer Array -1
>CoPilot -1
>micro turret -1
>Mobility Enchancers -1
>D-Trooper -1
>Powergear -4
>AP cannon (x2) -2
>Targeting array -1
>Jammer Array -1

>Cutall (x2)
>ampheticane brick (x3) -1

In the shadows the W.O.L.V.E.S hunt their prey.
Special modifications added: C.L.A.W. has been equipped with a bag full of amphetcane, so in case of a situation were it is required, the D-Trooper will simply have to insert the pipe into the nose and breathe. F.A.N.G.'s right hand has been replaced with a high fire-rate AP sniper rifle (The 2 AP cannons welded together)
Rolled 11 (1d20)

People are prone to dismissing the importance of janitors, but a janitor works somewhere. Somewhere other, more important people also work. Somewhere he can let you in after hours to ambush these important people.
>Ambush and neurospike the top manager at the janitor's workplace
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I think the closest thing to a drawn sniper rifle was the accursed punt gun. These new guns are much sexier.
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I was deeply inspired to animate some uziz.
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Rolled 14, 15 = 29 (2d20)

>It was all very gratuitous and when done, there were none left standing.
I am afraid of the force I unleashed. Regardless, Bed Dragon: 1, Local Female Population: 0 Literally and figuratively.
Conveniently for Bed Dragon, the van exploded soon after his exit and fused into the foundation of the radio tower. It became a warning not to mess with the courier and a memorial to the glorious AKSG revolution. First of many.
It was time to move and Bed Dragon was torn between taking over more radio towers (or leveling them, it was sometimes hard to discern between the two) and participating in local street races. Unable to commit to either, he took a small bite of his ampheticaine brick, which greatly motivated him to do both. At the same time.
>Participate in an illegal car race using nothing but tricked-out rollerblades and uzi to remove tires from opponent vehicles.
>Find another radio tower to take over. Information war must go on.
>Last roll for ampheticaine bite size, which will greatly affect our hero's propensity for Speed.
Rolled 7 (1d20)

Dropped the damn goodie brick, fuCKiNg SHIT!!
The jammer on the back of the beanstalk was running hot, and earning its cost this evening. Explosions cratered the destroyed complex further as the larger machine cradled the smaller power armor like a child. The shoulder mounted AP cannon was put to work gunning down locals as the duo egressed as hostile artillery strikes increased. Against all odds the auto cannon on the hardsuit spun to life and intercepted a mortar at close range. It was enough of an opening for the beanstalk to flee into the night, following a beacon on it's navigation interface. There were other teams nearby.

AKSG Optional mission: Investigate the approximate location of team "Halberd Intergalactic"

Only as the shroud of the jammer array left the complex did the survivors finally start sending out emergency calls, halting the artillery barrage and informing them of the general parameters of their assailants.

>Dill's Dough is now a known factor, but still hidden from being electronically tracked.
In the cargo hold of the command ship the W.O.L.V.E.S were prepped for launch. Due to being PowerGears with no exposed humans , the machines were ejected into the void after being attached to expendable reentry engines. The small size of the colony precluded any concerns of re-entry heating as the atmosphere was held in via a charged ion shield.

Streams of support data from the command ship and the newly infected colony communication network informed the duo of critical infrastructure and more.

The beauty of space was lost on the minds of the d-troopers, who were neural spiked and one nostril deep into amphetcane. Based nose pipe.

Roll 2d10 for choosing an insertion location and initial assault.
>11: The top manager was neural spiked, and converted to AKSG loyalty, but his body was rendered useless with seizures and symptoms akin to cerebral palsy. His mind and knowledge remained useful to the team. In theory he could be fed to a bioweapon for additional mass, turned into an IED, or augmented with cybernetic surgery which are all standard AKSG options. Non standard options are up to the Love Angels.
This makes smol PP, big PP.
Post incoming.
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Rolled 16, 10 = 26 (2d20)

Just load the stuff onto the Gear and get a move on, including the left arm. We'll use the HMGs to hold the perimeter once we capture the VTOL pad.

>Use the map data from the network to navigate towards the VTOL. Take the long route to avoid enemies and crowded areas.
>Use an AID for aerial reconnaissance. Add hostiles and points-of-interest to the map.
>Stick with the Lead team (using the same roll as the Lead team)

Added a (WIP) team pic and made a sprite for the HMG (Yes, it's an M2. I'm sorry).
BedDragon was an autonomous individual tasked on with aiding the AKSG invasion. Befreit of the postal van, he grabbed onto the bumpers of passing cars and got up to speed. His in-helmet display showed locations of nearby towers via a pirated version of a technician's service diagnostic tool. But first he needed a thrill, some new sensation. Speed. There was not speed here, only mundane activity and people taking pictures of him as he hitched rides on progressively faster vehicles in the middle of traffic.

Unable to find a proper race to fuel his sense of ADVENTURE, he simply encouraged the surrounding vehicles to accelerate by shooting into a few windows. This had the added benefit of starting a traffic jam behind him. Ahead was another radio tower and another adventure. BUT FIRST...drugs. As shaky fingers touched the brick of ampheticaine in his jacket pocket, he was nearly killed by a vehicle not looking out for roller blading pedestrians! In a fit of rage the brick was sent flying into the driver's window where promptly disintegrated into a powdery white cloud. A moment later the newly affected man screamed and drove head on into traffic, the hydrogen fuel cells of his city car exploding.

BedDragón had a new idea. Get ampheticaine into the city water supply.
Rolled 2, 1 = 3 (2d10)

The grey silvery hunks of iron tear though the inky blackness of space, akin to the fangs and claws of a wolf tearing though the flesh of a sheep.
>complimentary perturbator posted
listening now
Shit, looks like the wolves are going to have a very very rough first bite.
Rolled 4 (1d20)

The team has a well-founded suspicion that no business of any significant size here is able to function well without connections to someone in power. That's the who the team needs! The love Angels set up surveillance over their new target using binoculars, drones and gumption.
Fuck, sounds like a detour from the tower.And to do that, Bed Dragon will first need to locate more ampheticaine.
>Use Cybershades' built-in AI to locate a den with more drug bricks
>Combine the AKSG data and careful binocular usage to figure out what kind of opposition will await inside
Rolled 20, 4 = 24 (2d20)

>Pursue optional mission and investigate Halberd Intergalactic's location
>Auto turret roll just in case?
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(had made this example of the IFV gun and what condition it is in. Feel free to disregard, use or adapt. Good salvage on the arm. Also never apologize for M2s.)

The scouts moved professionally, the neural spikes operating correctly. One after another they cleared the way ahead, only having to strangle one kindly old man before he could send out a distress call on his personal device. Above them an AID provided overwatch, near invisible at altitude, guiding the team away from potential contacts. Though damaged the PowerGear's targeting array provided additional support, checking for thermal and chemical signatures. Only the cooling carcass of the elder man showed up.

Within a half hour the D-team followed the path to the parking garage where the VTOL was on top of. Now they just needed to get through....the garage.

roll a 1d20 to determine how tough the garage is, then an additional 20 for each unit's strategy, assault, observation, or scouting. You have time to also attempt repairs or upgrades on the PowerGear.
The Wolves Insertion location was only slightly worse than their initial assault, with descent thrusters mostly failing the duo crashed into a peacekeeper training facility and today was live fire exercises. The Duo found themselves extracting from the dirt at the wrong end of a firing range.

Before the crew was able to consider the situation, onboard sensors had do their part and adjust the situation to "terminal". PowerGear limitors were released and twin injection ampheticane pipes rammed into their noses. A live feed of all sensory and performance data caused their laser comm arrays to start overheating, with estimated failure in the next 45 seconds. The limited AI onboard assessed this as sufficient operational time for the likely chances of survival. The W.O.L.V.E.S could lash out and charge, attempt to smash through a retaining wall to escape, or your own strategy.

in addition to the above: Roll 2d20, 1 for the immediate survival of each unit. 10 or better. If the W.O.L.V.E.S fall, there will be more.
The colony had increased in hostility and readiness, the drones were shot down with electromagnetic interference weapons. Because of their use of binoculars and gumption, they were able to avoid detection. It was time to dial into command and get a supply drop. You may use the rest of your supplies for one secured drop to further your mission.
>This game fails forward, so your team is gaining experience in observation. The next time you attempt this you will likely achieve your goal regardless of roll, unless its low. Failures stack here.
Rolled 6, 20 = 26 (2d20)

Rolled 10, 18, 20, 7 = 55 (4d20)

Grab a detbrick from the Lead and get to work; send in the technopage to case the joint and find the best spot to breach. Slap a detbrick on the spot and wait for the signal...
While the Scouts are doing their thing, cannibalize the broken left arm for components and use them to attach the IFV turret to the Gear's left arm slot.
>When everyone's ready, launch a puck inside the garage for maximum shock and awe.
>You may use the rest of your supplies for one secured drop to further your mission.
Can I ask for a clarification on that?

For now, the team continues observation. Two troopers with binoculars observe from afar, while the janitor, disguised as a janitor, tries to get close.
Rolled 9, 16 = 25 (2d20)

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Rolled 20, 14, 19 = 53 (3d20)

Before the heat from their "skin" could cool and the dust could settle, the W.O.L.V.E.S. begin their hunt.


C.L.A.W. imminently rushes the enemy, going at a sharp angle at their starting point at first so as to make as much distance possible from F.A.N.G. Both to divide attention of the firing squad between the two of them, and to give F.A.N.G. a wider cone to freely fire at the enemy with. C.L.A.W. zing-zags their movements as they advance, so as to make hitting them a little bit harder for the enemy. Micro Turret fires upon the enemy the entire time.

F.A.N.G. stays put in their landing spot, trying their best to make the small landing crater they made upon impact as makeshift cover to fire at the enemy from.

(Last dice roll is for Micro Turret's actions)
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Rolled 5, 3 = 8 (2d20)

A pair of drone fighters has been requisitioned from the "great value" section of the command ship to provide air support* and recon now that heavy ordnance (and not on our side) has gotten involved.
Since the Air Support Squad (ASS for short) is flight-capable and the colony has already gained multiple additional entrances thanks to the previous squads, the ASS is going in raw, with no drop pod.

*Warning: all cases of friendly fire are legally the fault of the recipient (don't stand close to the enemy when we're bombing them, dumbass!)

Rolling for:
>insertion point
>initial recon (locating active combat zones and/or important infrastructure)
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fuckin legendary
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Rolled 9, 15 = 24 (2d20)

Here's the SL squad alongside their carried equipment.
Designations (A)urek, (B)eaton, and (C)omnor are Shale, Job, and Marie respectively.

After landing the team moves together and searches the nearby area for POIs and get an idea of enemy preparedness.

Bed Dragon's drug fueled euphoria was wearing off, and bullet time was slowing down. That wouldn't do. The tail of the dragon needed to be tickled, the white tiger had to be ridden. It was TIME TO GO SKIING. Frantic searching for more of the substance yielded none, even a deep scan of the surrounding area showed no results from the other closest teams and the next most immediate result pinged above him in a crude position around the space colony. It would have to do. First he had to take over the comm station then he'd call in an orbital strike of ampheticane...it was just crazy enough to work.

A deep scan combining AKSG data and his own equipment yielded the precise location of the two operators and three guards inside the shack. An opportunistic moment allowed him to upload yet more AKSG malware and an ancient spybot embedded in an illict copy of "Jetz N' Gunz 6". Should it be opened by any curious workers it would allow for a mild subversion of the comms net.

>Local communication systems are further compromised for the next few turns. All players can tap into KhaieBalkh's wireless network to get better situational awarenes with a free roll at each turn.

>(bonus to assault roll due to nat 20.)
(10) Soft target.
The Technophage moved with purpose and poise, it's little AI mind earning it's keep today as it stayed out of sight and out of mind by sticking to the ceiling and at one point hiding under a rather convincing box. It slapped a detbrick to the side of a rest shack on the higher floors then returned to the team.

The team looked over the data from the 'phage with stone expressions as their cybershades flickered, the only give away that they were doing anything at all. The Garage was staffed with civilian guard staff from the commercial sector. While they were not particularly threatening, there were a lot them. 5 floors. 10 guards estimated at each floor. Mixture of light weapons and possible heavy machine guns, possible gas grenades. a few auto turret emplacements. Common practice and already their neural spikes were loading out scenarios and tactics to deal with this particular scenario.

The lead team had some genuine artists and technicians in their prespiked lives. It showed, somehow the IFV gun and salvaged arm were combined into a functional gun arm of surprising quality. At the next field audit leadership would examine the schematics and recommend them for integration into future PowerGear loadouts. The newly rearmed machine twisted to face the garage and lobbed a puck into the lower floor. The explosion was impressive and converted one of two lower entries into an inferno of flaming wreckage. No one was going in that way. The upside was the scout squad was already positioned at the other end with the salvaged HMGs and opened fire as people started fleeing.

>PowerGears are now equipped with a gunarm as standard equipment. Updated picture after the player draws the field upgrade.

The upper-level rest shack blew concurrently and took out an appreciable chunk of the guards from the sound of radio chatter.

>(result bonus provided by captured radio+HMGs+AKSG friendly network support)
>To the best of my observation it looked like you had leftover creation points from your team, if you do, you can call up the command ship and request a supply drop of new war material, or request an "orbital strike"

The Love Angels continued to observe and document the local culture and behavior, then cross reference it against the AKSG Resource Exploitation Wiki. It appeared the population was an offshoot of Pashtun Dispora, more specifically the Central variety. With the culture dialed in, they could now begin more direct infiltration. Their Janitor successfully got close enough to the manager to convince him to come by and meet "some interesting new people" later that night. He also snatched the manager's keyring to all the dwellings in this particular apartment.
The rookie trainees could not take advantage of the boxed in firing lane as C.L.A.W. surged and jinked towards them, keeping itself on balance by ripping gouges out of the walls and floor. Small caliber shots impacted the machine harmlessly while more dangerous torrents of tracer laden HMG fire were deftly avoided. The more veteran of the defenders were already consolidating and leaving the rookies to their fate while the auto turret took precision shots removing heads and torsos just in time for the powergear to arrive into close range.

As the melee mech began it's slaughter several of the instructors started to unload with a repositioned HMG Turret just in time for F.A.N.G. to convert the group into meat confetti. Every implement available became a killing weapon as claws and tread shredded and rended, and at one point the D-troop inside the machine opened his hatch to finish off a survivor with a well placed pistol shot. The violence was punctuated with periodic fire from the heavy weapon of F.A.N.G. taking out rallying defenders or shooting through doorways.

As quiet settled, the two war machines made their way towards the next area of the complex without conversation, one covered in superficial battle damage, and both emitting pops and pings as metal as metal cooled down from near red hot. The duo survived, with their machines a little more worn than before.

Nearby was a data terminal that showed a layout of the facility. They were in the training area, but nearby was a motorpool, quarter master's warehouse, classrooms, lower level garage, and exit.
The ASS's raw entry strategy provided them with a more leisurely journey, however it was one that took them into an inactive area of the colony. Rather than any combat they encountered a peace keeper VTOL that demanded they "Set down and exit their vehicles."
>I love these things. Warcrimes away.

The Super Looter group came to the party fashionably later, just behind the ASS. Their cargopod was unbalanced and failed to make a correct landing approach. Instead of a ground landing it executed an emergency recovery and crash landed into the side of a skyscraper. One of the tallest actually. The trio were unharmed but now staring down at the colony, in the midst of alarms going off. Looking through a rifle scope and binoculars they surveyed the city below them and spotted points of activity as the rampage teams sewed chaos to lend cover to the infiltrators. They considered their options...

>This building could be suitable for command center integration with some work, but it could also be demolished in an uncontrolled manner and cause some serious infrastructure problems.
>They could also leave the heavy lifting to the other teams and join in the rampage, picking off targets of opportunity, or lend their support to any of the teams below.
>Write in with your own plans.
I think you may have missed this post. Am I with Halberd now, or should I make a new action while hidden?
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As the screams of agony and gunfire are cut short one by one, the only sounds left resonating within the fire grounds were the whistling cooling sound of rabidly cooling metal, and the dripping of blood.

C.L.A.W.'s pilot opens it's hatch so as to get a better view at the wondrous thing they had just accomplished. The mounds of at some points pure gore instead of bodies give still give of waves of heat, akin to freshly cooked steak pulled of the oven. While basking in this glorious sight, C.L.A.W.'s pilot gets a...well they themself would say a brilliant idea. They hop out of their mech, go over to one of the cable resupply spots (Some spot of the firing range has cable instead of walls to test different weapons with and whatnot) gets a large spool of thick cable, goes over to some of the more intact bodies that look to be a bit more higher ranking then the rest, and using their Cutall starts taking some "trophies" from a few of them.

F.A.N.G does not really care for all of this, they just keep watch so C.L.A.W doesn't get blasted in the ass while they aren't looking.

When C.L.A.W. is done arranging their new trophies to their mech, they begin to make their way towards the motorpool, looking to seize any means of escape this building might have from their incoming wrath.
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The janitor palms off the keyring to a teammember and, while the target is on his way to the meeting, the trooper sneaks into his home, investigates his browser history and radios their findings to the team. With this knowledge, the team prepares their best seduction game to get the target alone and vulnerable...

>To the best of my observation it looked like you had leftover creation points
Weird, because by my count I've overspent by 1.7 points (I've reduced the number of headtinglers to compensate)
Rolled 15, 12 = 27 (2d20)

Rolled 11, 1 = 12 (2d20)

The VTOL's demands are unconstitutional, and frankly quite "ableist" against vehicles who don't have any crew to unload. The ASS will exercise their second amendment rights, and solve their lack of combat situations by creating one.

Rolling for:
>shooting missiles at the VTOL
>insulting the VTOL's mother and product line over public comms channels
Actually I change that last part.

F.A.N.G. will go to the motorpool, while C.L.A.W. will go to the lower level garage.

Spiting up and covering more ground and whatnot.
Rolled 7, 5, 17 = 29 (3d20)

The superstitious may call the botched landing a blessing in disguise, and since high ground can be hard to come by, the Super Looters decide to shake as much as they can out of the skyscraper. The team separates on the floor, carbines drawn to greet anyone who reached them with a 3-round hello. The integrated headset is set to help identify any still functioning user interferences that could be used to turn this tower into AKSG's biggest transceiver/receiver planetside. Any elevator doors were welded shut by torch (only stairs are to be used during an emergency) and OSP(On-Site Plundering) is put into place as the troopers get to work.

Rolling for:
>Each squad member scouring the building.
Rolled 8, 16, 11 = 35 (3d20)

"क्या बकवास है"
-KhaieBalkh's chief communications officer
I have no idea if we have the tower taken over yet but let's make sure we made sure.
>Activate the Glass Dragon mode (retard speek for "xray") and shoot the mans inside the building through the walls
Nothing antipersonnel.
>Using hacked comms, call in the tactical Ampheticaine Bombardment. Target: "Khaie Community Water Treatment Plant"
>Get on AKSG frequency and find which task force is in the worst situation to then call another bombardment on their target (exercising my god-given right to co-op)
Mea culpa.

The Beanstalk carries the stricken jack, making quick time as biosynthetic components are flexed and tested. The inside of the machine is changing, and two formerly distinct entities are now closer to one. The Auto turret for now holds onto its unique identity and in protest of probing organic circuitry fires off a blind arc into the sky.

The journey was swift, guided by navigation provided by the AKSG ad-hoc comm system. In good fortune Jack started rebooting, and was now able to move under it's own power. Several redundant systems were down, but thats what they were for. In field repairs could get the units up to speed or a future resupply drop would replace equipment where repair was not the most efficient answer.

After pinging the nearby team with an IFF Signal, the duo rolled up on team Halberd Intergalactic who were already deep into an assault on a fortified parking garage. Long range sensor spot a relativly intact armored vehicle, an IFV, a short distance away, otherwise the assault would benefit from Dill's Dough. if you know what I'm saying. and you do.

>feel free to devise your own strategy to support Halberd Intergalactic
>Go loot the IFV
>Ignore the QM's failure at tracking expenditures.
The Team received a small notificaiton on their digital interface that they had been awarded an additional supplies. a Point worth of Ampheticaine, or 10 units. It was enroute to their destination now.

Research into the manager's history includes fascination with handsome man, dance, bacha bazi, bob, and more. Armed with such knowledge seduction was sure to be a trivial effort. The team provided a lovely meal and dancing entertainment, followed up with a very relaxing scalp massage. The low point was when the neural spike went slightly off angle into the manager's skull, rendering him compliant, if slightly lobotomized.
The ASS units fire off missiles at the VTOL, which given it's size and mission, was able to absorb the worst of the surprise attack. The insults delivered were based off machine learning and natural language processing of the command ship's crew intra-net prior to appropriation. "Bastard-bitch, I will make you my woman!" was the approximate translation. The challenge emboldened and enraged the VTOL pilot who rammed one of the drones.

The drones went on to press the attack.
>roll for drone to remain airborn/ survive. Greater than 10 to stay aloft, under 5 is a catastrophic crash.
Rolled 1, 7 = 8 (2d20)

As the turgid form of the VTOL rams itself deep into the ASS-1, the ASS-2 fires again.

Rolling for:
>ASS-1 regaining balance
>ASS-2 shooting missiles at the VTOL
Rolled 1, 4 = 5 (2d20)

The ASS is out of control! The VTOL's ram had hit the plexiglass canopy of the fighter head-on, crushing it and killing the AI pod instantly. As the AKSG fighter drones are the opposite of fail-safe, the beheaded fighter redlines its engine, arms all its ordnance, and plummets down into the city.

Rolling for:
>where ASS-1 lands (low roll - close to AKSG forces, high roll - far from them)
>how catastrophic the explosion is
Rolled 5 (1d20)

The target got slightly dumber, but well, he was in the government so nodoby could tell the difference. The Love Angels can think for him.
Presently, they had the manager launch a rumor that the current invasion is in fact a coup attempt by the opposition. Hopefully it'll misdirect the resistance efforts.
>landed on his ass
>CHRIS GRADY - "Search and Discovery"

FANG And CLAW split up to cover more ground, and possibly to simply slaughter more. (no rolls)

FANG: The mech made it's way through the motorpool, periodically shooting scattered survivors with detached indifference as they were detected. Several interesting pieces of equipment warranted attention. In particular was an industrial servo arm with magclamp base, and another was the armored door off a larger personnel carrier. It was possible to carry one or the other, but probably not both.

roll 2d20
>The arm. (mid roll)
>The door. (easy roll)
> Fuck it both. (hard roll)
>Fuck both, leave them. (trivial roll)

CLAW: The D-trooper was fully engaged in the task at hand, which was depopulating this structure. Periodic distortions of unfamiliar interface overlayed his display, and the machine's feedback encouraged further target acquisition. He would have to collapse the exit, and ensure this facility became a tomb. That would do. A hunting ground first. The CoPilot more forcefully grabbed the D-trooper's attention via mild electrical stimulation and haptic feedback. The external feed was showing a particular vehicle highlighted in the reticule. Cascading open a notification, the CoPilot indicated that useful sensors were inside the vehicle and could be adapted with minimal effort that would enhance the machine's acoustic location and detection fidelity. Heart beat sensor, effective range 30 feet. The risk was exiting the mech to spend the time harvesting the system.

Roll 1d20
>Risk it. (medium roll but dangerous failure)
>Inhibit use of the exit. (easy)
>Just start killing.
The SuperLooters branched out and began organic situational development. Which mostly involved smashing open doors, welding passageways and man sized air vents, then looking for resources and taking hostages.

A. was limited in findings, and came across some water, environmental, and power controls but with sufficient work could start a waterhammer the likes of which would give any plumber a heart attack.
B. Encountered numerous civilians and spent time corralling them into isolated offices and welding the doors shut. The only way out was down for now, they might be a useful chip for later. Already being detected and a known factor, the looter decided to allow the hostages to maintain their devices and reach out to the colony. It could be a useful psychological operation.
>Peace keepers have begun fortifying the lobby and setting up a base of operations inside and outside the skyscraper. You have 170 floors total. You are currently on the 113th floor.
C. This little looter found the operations room of the skyscraper and a redundant power grid with an elevator that lead all the way up to the top.
>i've enjoyed your writing.
The AI CoPilots offer common and esoteric AKSG strategies.
>Make demands with the hostages for the purpose of buying time, sewing confusion, or garnering public awareness and perception control.
>Execute operation "Home Alone" and use traps and hijinks to stymie or otherwise soak up peace keeper resources to reduce pressure on the other D-teams.
>Attempt to capture the upper half of the tower and gain additional capabilities.
>Reach out to other commanders for intra-team networking and planning.
BedDragon started hallucinating, muttering something about being the shadow warrior, the baddest motherfucker in Jade empire on a hot mic to the rest of the teams. Due to a precise awareness of his targets he executed a gratuitous spray and prey into the control shack of the tower, going above and beyond simple target elimination. The control center was totally destroyed, but the wireless interface was still available and was now the default for input at this location. Walking into the shack B.D. slammed a dead operator's head into the sparking command console four times and then threw the body out of the seat, sliding in sideways as if it was a car.

16/11: Rather than going through any D-staff interface, B.D simply sent an automated demand to the ship for additional resources with regards to Ampheticaine. The consequences of this action would be...severe. the first drop was a pallet of the drugs that exploded neatly into the water treatment plant, then a high-altitude dissemination of individual bricks rained down across the colony. This alone would not have been a problem, except the automated request proceeded on and on ship machines executed the request, proceeding to dump the remaining cargohold of the illicit drug onto the colony. High above, the population noticed something that was quite impossible. A cloud. A long, stratospheric cloud. There was no stratosphere. Or clouds. Shortly after numerous sirens sounded out across the city, indicating a chemical attack, to take shelter, and prepare for mass mobilization.

>For the duration of this operation, AKSG no longer has access to Ampheticaine Bricks. All Ampheticaine stores have been depleted.
>The local atmosphere has been tainted with Ampheticaine. Unprotected units who roll low run a risk of going berserk or death by heart attack+combo stroke. Everyone is on drugs.
> Immediate measures for improvised gas masks are in place, as a minimally viable solution.
>The city defenders are escalating hostility.
>setting lethality will now increase. Nat 1's may result immediate unit death. Reduce your attachment.
Rolled 1, 1 = 2 (2d7)

>>6080069 (sexual.)
The ASS fighters executed a deadly ballet of the black swan. The first drone not only goes down hard but clips its companion, destabilizing it as missiles were let loose leading to not only a miss of the VTOL but the off kilter survivor being shot by the VTOL's mini gun. The remaining drone was stricken, but still able to fight and had options.

>crash into and attempt to steer it's stricken companion to a better target at the sacrifice of itself.
>arm it's remaining weapons and attempt to ram the much larger VTOL as an act of spite.
>Dogfight the VTOL against the odds.
>write in.

>Rolling for what team is...impacted.

1. Dill's
2. SuperLooters
3. Love Angels
4. Wolves
5. Halberd
6. BedDragon
7. Beta (where are you my children?)

Second dice is for lethality of the aim, excluding blast radius. Low is harmless, high is a direct hit.
The slackjawed manager returned back to the apartment complex/ HQ of the love angels, rather beaten and abused. Apparently he claimed to BE the coup, but because he is so mentally disabled, also was mostly just annoying people. The downside is, he has a peace keeper handler with him to return him to "proper family custody.
Rolled 11 (1d20)

Tch. ASS-1 was a weakling, unable to survive even a single dogfight... But ASS-2 is different. it is not a dog; it is a lone wolf. And a lone wolf... Knows when to haul ass. Or ASS, as it may be.

Rolling for:
>Running the fuck away

Dogfighting a lowly VTOL is beneath it anyways; if it's going to become an ace, it should focus on mission objectives, things that will get it medals, and maybe a promotion from a drone frame to something with a life expectancy.
Rolled 16, 15, 4, 8 = 43 (4d20)

Learning about the cloud of Ampheticaine that was descending upon the colony, the team scrambled to search the bodies of the guards — if they're using gas grenades, one would imagine they'd be also carrying gas masks.

Their next hurdle was to clear the rest of the parking garage. The process would go as follows:
1. Scout the next floor above, preferably with drones. Note any turret placements
2. Collapse the floor beneath the placements (detbricks, pucks, punching with the PowerGear, the works)
3. Get to the next floor and mow down everything, with the Gear acting as vanguard.
4. Repeat
>4 dice: 1st for gas mask retrieval, rest for the performance of Scout, Lead and Support respectively.
Rolled 2 (1d20)

Where others see failure, Love Angels see an opportunity. Posing as the family, they get to work on seducing and spiking the peacekeeper.
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As the situation evolves, an increasing portion of the colony's population succumbs to ampheticane berserk frenzy, and an increasing portion of the command ship's organic crew succumbs to ampheticane berserk withdrawal. The D-techs take it upon themselves to provide the various ragers with means of erecting further brutality.
The following equipment will become available during the next supply drop:

Heavy Rifle - Baby's first heavy weapon. Good stopping power, low firerate, middling accuracy. Theoretically has enough range to serve as artillery in a pinch, and capable of firing special munitions.
Standard ammo is solid shells, alternate ammo can be things like high explosives, gas canisters, etc.
Rifle itself costs 3 points and comes with one complimentary drum of ammo of your choice.
A single drum of alternate ammo costs 0.5 points and lasts as long as narratively appropriate. You don't need a rifle to buy these.

AP Gatling - Developed based on the weapon recovered by Halberd Intergalactic, it's basically six AP cannons strapped together. Has a firerate of "yes" and an accuracy of "no". Makes angry mobs a non-issue, but is ineffective against single small targets or heavily armored targets. And bottom line help you if you have to face a small AND armored target...
Costs 3 points.

Impact Driver - Ammo-fed, pneumatic pickaxe, perfect for performing lobotomies on armored subjects.
Costs 2 points.

Large Pipes - Pipes that were... "borrowed" from the command ship's life support systems (don't worry about it). Leaded.
Costs 0.1 point.

Boombox - Confiscated from the break room after it was found that the meat shields were having an unapproved amount of fun. Sentient, as all AKSG appliances are, but without the means or the wisdom to apply that sentience, as all AKSG appliances are. And yes, "AKSG appliances" includes ampheticane bricks.
Costs 0.1 point.

Marlboros(tm) - Genuine Marlboros(tm) substitute, imported directly from Luna-17. Cost has been adjusted accordingly.
Costs 1 point.
we're making it out of ShiaLabeouf with this one, AKSGoys
that minigun looks hot
>that minigun looks hot
The AKSG Sentient Resources Department is obligated to remind you to confirm consent before engaging in sexual relations with your minigun
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You can't tell me what to not do with my purchase!
Rolled 15, 4, 1, 12 = 32 (4d20)

F.A.N.G. takes the door, no matter how sharp a fang is, it's useless if it doesn't have any enamel
>The door. (easy roll)

C.L.A.W. begins to get out of the mech and scavenge the part, but leaves the Micro Turret on, so if he does get got, he's at least not going down alone. (Last roll)
>Risk it. (medium roll but dangerous failure)

Was thinking about doing some fancy panty shit like putting the arm on the door and dragging it out, but that has wayyyy to many opportunity for error.

Can I still use my CoPilot reroll even though the D-Trooper is out of the suit?
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Yes. The CoPilot would protect it's operator.

In the meantime, meet some of the local peace keepers and their equipment.
Rolled 9 (1d20)

Oh thank goodness.
Crossin' fingers
ASS-1 went down hard toward's Dill's dough, but sometimes those winds of fate are real particular. In this case that impact stuck the parking garage that Team Halberd Intergalactic was assaulting. The little drone exploded into a hateful conflagration and it's remaining payload took out an appreciable chunk of wall on the third floor, killing a few guards and distracting them.
ASS-2 Proceeded to flee the scene, while it was no match for the peace keeper VTOL, it was faster than the lumbering skytank. As it sped away it spotted smaller, lesser drones that it could bully, and bully them it did. By flying by at speed it would send the machines tumbling and often smacking into each other or buildings.

An AKSG board request came through to the drone. Provide observation and overwatch for:

The operative "Bed Dragon"
Deep insertion team "Love Angels"
or proceed to scout the highest tower in the land, supporting "Super Looters"

It was logical that the machine could only accomplish one goal.
A large explosion rocked the side of the garage, some sort of high altitude munition just struck the building. It would seem corporate was providing fire support. Or a drone hit the structure. Probably the first option. Another team consisting of a heavily augmented PowerGear and hard suit robot arrived in support of the VOTL Capture objective. They are working to shore up any gaps in your assault. (see Dill's Dough)

The team easily located the security force's rebreather masks, complete with an oxygen tank for extreme conditions. Included were some gas grenades of the tear gas variety.

Once again, the team's Technophage and remaining drones earn their keep, scouting the next floor, displaying proficiency at drone ops. With a total awareness of the enemy's movement and a blackout of hostile comms the next phase of attack went smoothly with the turret emplacements being undermined, quite literally. The downside to this cautious approach was that the team was now depleted of detbricks and running low on pucks.

The earlier detonation on the side of the building caused the remaining guards to pull out their heaviest equipment. A hail of fragmentary and HE grenades held the lead and support teams at bay, even blowing the legs off one of the leaders at the knees. Quick triage stopped a bleed out, but that unit will need field repairs. The situation would have been worse if not for "Jack" and the "Beanstalk" lending fire support.
A fumbled attempt saw the peace keeper stabbed in the ass with a neural spike, sending him low and screaming. The group had no room to pause and used the only weapons on hand, more neural spikes. In a recreation of the assassination of Ceasar the peace keeper was stabbed no less than 7 times with neural spikes, which generated some really fascinating data for the AKSG research and development team. Sadly Sailor love angel lost an eye, and Fire love angel lost a hand. You gain: A Cybercorpse.
Sailor Anglel undoes her mohawk to replace it with a sultry hair-over-one-eye style, Fire Angel browses the net for cheap prosthetics, Police Angle reminds the team they did actually have their standard equipment all this time. The rest of the team asks the lobotomized manager which one of his coworkers hates him the most, and contacts that person posing as the manager's wife seeking to cheat on him with a superior male.
Rolled 2 (1d20)

A quick look outside to check the weather and see that narcotics were raining down like mana from heaven solidified the team's decision: All or Nothing. Preparing to move up the skyscraper the team holsters their carbines and readies their pistols, opting for the silent takedown as the Ampheticaine would likely be causing infighting that they don't want to be a part of just yet. With pragmatic caution and trained speediness, the three ascend up the stairs.

Rolling for the team to reach the tower's up half quietly
Hey Super Looters, do you need air support? I'm not sure if bombing the tower while you're in it is a good idea but my fighter can at least look through windows to give you a heads up on what you're running towards.
A fly by recon would be a benefit, and might draw attention away, but I think we should wait to see what Bed Dragon's roll is, as a solo op he might need the support more.
Yeah true. He might benefit from air recon more too (finding new public spaces to terrorize)
Rolled 19, 7, 11, 2 = 39 (4d20)

That thing is SPEED. Speaking of speed.
Bed Dragon was growing restless in his little body-riddled radioshack. There was something in the air, but he couldn't put a finger on it. All he knew was that his gear was not up to the task of becoming the information-warlord. Bed Dragon busted out the radio shack and was ready for his next adventure, ignoring the suspicious snowstorm all around him.
>Roll for protection the Red Dragon helmet provides from the ampheticaine (expecting partial protection, allowing for BOOST without BERSERK part)
>Fill up the combo meter as Bed Dragon glides like a blood-and-coke-covered swan through the berserk traffic and dodges ampheticainated pedestrians with sharp objects
>Locate the most schizo workshop with gear parts for "guns and shit"
>Convince the owner to give up the rights using akimbo firearm fire
Rolled 3 (1d20)

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crashing in ontop of a family with 2 children on rentry is two mechanical semi idiots built into there suits oh also one fleshy guy
A expensive robot weeb who spent way to much material and time on there cast steel body thicker then a submarine and stronger so dense thinking makes him spark, got a internal self repair buddy
overbuilt adhock void pirate of a sort of bot skidding around on his drill leg and melee range gun sending him spinning like a ballerina
>Beat Meat
the diversity hire to round out the team sometimes is inside of C4's empty internal space
Rolled 4 (1d20)

ASS-2 decides to provide air support to the Super Looters.
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Rolled 13, 20, 19, 2, 2 = 56 (5d20)

Dice rolls: Initial ampheticaine cloud high (Bonobo), Ampheticaine overdose snort for good measure (Bonobo), Gatling spray/combat (Bonobo), Combat (Jack), Auto Turret (Jack), Teamwork with Halberd

>>Go loot the IFV
Hopefully there's an IFV Gatling on it because I already made the pic. Also thanks for keeping me in the story
>Everyone is on drugs.

Beanstalk and Jack touched down at the armored parking garage when the live fire had already been sounding for several minutes. An abandoned IFV forfeits its Gatling to Bonobo and Beanstalk, who have been growing more and more... Similar. It's no longer fully clear that Bonobo can even evacuate Beanstalk. Aside from the rife pockets of non-cohesion, non-compliance, and non-compatibility between systems, Bonobo IS Beanstalk, now.

Dill's Dough hastily make their way to rendezvous with the nearest Halberd group. Turrets pop out of recesses in ceilings, walls, and grounds, making juicy whack-a-moles for a barrage of Bonobo's seekers. The engineers spent a lot of money for an element of surprise, only for it to be made a game of. The flesh targets are hardly even noticed by the team until they pop and paint the scenery rouge, or their hair lights on fire and they start waving their arms around. Various processed stone rubbles litter the path to Halberd's nearest team, but the protoplastalloy foundation of the parking structure hasn't even flinched since the missiles started flying. This theatre of battle is well-suited for the carnage Dill's Dough brings, but will Dill's Dough cause a cave-in style collapse? Dill's Dough has been responsible for leaving gaping holes before.

Dill's Dough is running up an incline ramp when the cloud hits. Bioweapon Bonobo, having no glass cockpit like the already immune 4L Baboon, is instantly dusted with a smattering of ampheticaine. Sweet, sweet ampheticaine. The mad lad in the Powergear kneels down and scoops another snortful of ampheticaine snowfall into his receptors.

Baboon, seeing the Bioweapon's slimy skin quickly absorb the potent drug: "Blast! No... It's already too late..."

It's party time. Good thing Jack has mobility boosters, or he wouldn't be able to keep up. The team passes by the AKSG gas mask drop, but they're next to useless now. Ravishing Jack manages to affix one to The Beanstalk's pilot, but Bonobo is already completely berserk, and will likely remain so for quite some time, until the new air cycles through. The Bioweapon vibrates, and the Powergear follows suit. Overdose or mechanical failure is a potential.

Dill's Dough drills into the scene, guns blazing. Even in their berserk state, the armored KhaieBalkh colonists hide behind armored vans, clinging to life, trying to protect everything they hold dear. Jack and the Beanstalk do their best to rip it all away. Magic Beans rain on the colonists from their very own IFV Gatling. Onwards to the VTOL pad!
>Amphetamine high: achieved
The Beanstalk is higher than a kite, this oughta be good!

(Tried posting this 6 hours ago but got ass blasted by mySQL connection error, I think all of /qst/ was down for a few hours)
Rolled 7, 12, 1 = 20 (3d20)

>roll to scavenge fuel and electronics
Attempts to proceed quietly are noticed. VTOL Peacekeepers will be inbound. For now the team moves unimpeded, preparing for the journey and finding ways to slow their eventual pursuers.

Options: 1d20 per. no limit.
>Sabotage the water system to the lower half of the tower.
>Sabotage the HVAC system for the entire tower.
>Leave the hostages all...tied up...and perhaps ready to detonate.
>if in possession of a grappling hook, use the grappling hook to scale the outside of the building through the "snowstorm" to speedrun part of the upper tower.
>write in.

BD's helmet had inbuilt airfilters for smoggy traffic and that was fortuitous. It allowed him to breath in the life giving drugs that his body so desperately needed, while maintaining a gentlemanly level personal cocaination. From here the adventure become...calmer. Like, a mosey through a traffic jam, periodically unloading akimbo SMGs into passerbys. There were attempts at self defense but they were really were subpar. Disappointing almost. A new weapon would really cheer up BD. He needed that something special to break the malaise...yes. According to the onboard navigation in his helmet, such a location existed. "KhyberPass guns n' more." Apparently they made guns just like the ancestral grandfathers. There were some translation errors, but the idea was there. Feeling 10 feet tall and bulletproof, the mercenary kicked in the door to the store. He was confronted with a looted and modified PowerGear that was now on the assault.

The new team entered the fray during a most chaotic time, landing just outside of a small storefront. Another AKSG operative had just kicked down the door of the place, and in front were barrels of fuel for the looting. Easy payday. The real issue came when the team started stripping the copper wiring off the building and the prior operative made quick exit on his rollerblades away from the store. A moment later an uprated and heavily modified PowerGear was on the attack. spraying bullets and missiles with abandon.

>Roll 1d20 per party member to see how they fare.

Bonobo's ampheticaine consumption sparked something new in it's mutagenic flesh. It was changing further, growing stronger, more feral. Claws burst from the tips of it's remaining limbs and it's ammunition stores melted down, being absorbed by the bioform. In their place were biomechatronic analogues. The suit was resupplying itself now, dead bodies and broken machines were its logistical support. In the haze of drugs and battle, brilliant tracer fire sprayed out in volumes that shouldn't have been supportable by the machine. It just kept firing, hosing down the garage and any available targets. Concrete, steel, flesh, armor, it all crumbled. It fired past reason, into a red haze, into the sky, and into the things near by....

...Jack spent the battle frantically evading a berserk Bonobo as it was caught, rapt in the joyous experience of unlimited ammo, using enhanced mobility to escape and also draw fire away from Halberd. Needless to say, there was little teamwork, and a stray shot took out Jack's auto turret. It will need to be repaired.

>grow 2 previously unchosen heavy upgrades.
Going to sleep for tonight. Take care space mercs.
Rolled 11, 3, 10 = 24 (3d20)

While Jack and the Beanstalk were a welcome addition to the operation, the PowerGear-Bioweapon hybrid's unadulterated rampage hampered any attempts at an intricate plan, not to mention they were one man down. So as the saying goes: if you can't beat 'em, join them. The Halberd Intergalactic® Taskforce began hotwiring cars and mounting HMGs on them. Pickup trucks were preferable but any car could just have their roof cut open with torches. And since the pedals can be operated with one leg, the amputated D-troop was put on a driver's seat so he could join back in the fight.

After that it was business as usual. The armored Gears would lead the assault while the rest trail behind and peppered the hapless guards with HMG fire.
>Three dice: 1st for finding functioning cars, 2nd for ad-hoc technical conversion and 3rd for the assault.
Rolled 7, 6, 10 = 23 (3d20)

Sleep tight, don't let the bioweapons bite

>The Beanstalk "grows" an Impact Driver and Armor Scraps (Updated pic coming w/ my next post)

>Lead the assault with the Halberd Support mech, punching gaps in the defensive line and making way for the troopers to start filling in. Combat roll (Beanstalk)
>Residual amphetacaine effects from that fat snort earlier (Beanstalk)
>While the Powergears sweep forward, Ravishing Jack, now found without his handy dandy auto turret, has been turned into a nimble, short range skirmisher, assisting Halberd by slashing and burning at the flanks of the group so we don't get surrounded. Combat roll (Jack)
It's a war of attrition, baby.

Meanwhile, thousands of miles overhead, orbiting Uranus's KhaieBalkh...
>Dill Dreamer saunters into the Commissar's Lounge, gnawing on a Venutian Crèmetar and sipping on something foreign, aromatic, bubbly, and intoxicating. He unhooks a latch on his 1-of-1, custom-made AKSG Commissar's double-breasted coat, and settles down at a lavish chair in the corner, opposite an end table from a member of AKSG top brass. Producing a platinum torch's loud, blue, jet flame for a second starts the Crèmetar billowing. "You see my boys down there? You see what my Dough can do?" Dreamer forces a subdued chuckle, then blows a heavy cloud into the lounge that slowly settles on the floor and lingers, like fog. "Wanna make things interesting? After we crush this colony into submission, if both my boys make it back alive with cargo holds full of loot, you give me access to the Commissar's Mechsuit and a 4L pilot for the remaining stages of the subversion of Venus. Either one of my boys don't make it back? I'll drop down in a Hardsuit myself and clean up the profits for AKSG with my own damned two hands." Dill grins, holding his fists up like a boxer for two seconds, before spitting a tarry, brown slime into his right hand, then outstretching it to the top brass. "You up for a little side action? Whaddya say?" (Accept or decline offer?)
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Rolled 3, 20, 14, 17 = 54 (4d20)

That is a cool fucking mech, would be a real shame for the local population if it got its metal paws on a thousandfold megasword.
Bed Dragon flew out the front door barely touching the ground. Hell's bells, the opposition was NOT what he expected. He was starting to think there was more to the strangely-familiar blizzard that befell the city and it might've had something to do with the citizens arming themselves...
Ampheticoked' merc's slow-motiong ponderings was rudely interrupted by a salvo from the Power Gear, which he barely dodged by taking a sharp turn towards two massive robots who until now were busy stripping the cables off the building and passing them to a confused, but enthusiastic bioweapon.
>Using the momentum and surrounding environment, do a wall-ride-dodge and get into firing position (aka turn self towards the enemy at any angle)
>Bring Cybershade Targetting System into Display and spray the fucker's weakspot with dub uzis
(feel free to weave the following with the other team's actions as a finisher)
>Close the distance and sever his spine with a welding torch mid-air for good measure
>Roll for items inside the workshop
Only just now read these, thanks for consideration!
Looks like Bed Dragon tripped over the diversity hire.
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(ignore this post if you have your own ideas for the adaptations, I just got inspired and had to draw)
It is a wonderful snowy day outside, and you are a horrible horse.

>Armor Scraps
The Beanstalk begins developing an organic carapace around its metal frame. In terms of texture, the carapace resembles dried shit. In terms of smell, it also resembles dried shit. But in terms of defense... Well, let's just say an anti-tank rifle isn't a death sentence anymore.

>Impact Driver
A Protuberant Penetroid can now erect directly from the Beanstalk's hand. It is a "handy" surprise weapon, if you get what I mean. It's not as powerful as a real piledriver, but once it's inside the target it can inject a dangerous Vermiform Ooze.
why is there a horsecock...
It's nature's piledriver
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The team did not want for vehicles. There was an abundance of municipal utility trucks that had yet to be fully destroyed. However the cocainated enthusiasm clouded the judgement of the D-troops, and they aggressively stripped off anything non essential for the sake of "HIGH SPEED! LOW DRAG!" They basically cut and ripped the entire body off the truck frame. What was left however, was technically a technical. The added deluge of HMG fire began to take it's toll on the defenders who were dropping one by one as the waist high walls of the parking garage succumbed to ablation via bullet. It was time to press the attack and seize the prize.
<forgot to include it, but you found enough a spare gatling inside the IFV, it looks like it was shipping parts at the time>
It wasn't a clean battle, closer to attrition. However even preforming sub optimally, two PowerGears and a walking, rolling, blender supported by heavy weapons and augmented with drones and a technophage is still a pretty good display of combined arms. The guards weren't ready for this, and the line were collapsing. Those who fought died, those who ran, also died. Bonobo was eating the corpses now while Dill Dreamer watched the event unfold from on high thanks to hijacked surveillance systems throughout the colony. Across from him a board member considered the offer of the upstart commander. "Sure. Get us a VTOL for technical examination and reverse engineering so we can smooth out this phase of the operation. Do that and it's yours."
B.D skated out and promptly tripped over one of the new guys, crashing headfirst into the biofrom before righting himself with cat like reflexes. His AR system highlighted numerous points to harry on the machine. His Uzis were insufficient for structural destruction, but did blind the enemy taking out sensors and spiderwebbing viewing glass. The hostile powergear was swinging blindly, and gouged out a chunk of the building, collapsing the entry. The top of the pilot capsule popped off and exposed the driver to "snow". Once more he was on the offensive, somehow keeping a massive mechanical wrecking claw in the line of fire, protecting himself.

(other two rolls are banked for when it happens.)
The angels manage to find some prosthetics of dubious quality. A ping pongball with a dot on it, and a Hook hand that while metal, is suspiciously pirate themed. Realizing that they were actually armed with weapons was some comfort, the team had a collection of pistols and grenades now, with a little bit of work and elbow grease, and maybe stripping the pipes out of part of the apartment they might have some makeshift pistol caliber rifles, it was a moment of coherency from the janitor before he was slapped for talking out of order, and quickly returned to a mental invalid.
In the corner the cybercorpse twitched several times before up righting itself. "Bu..bu..build-a...build-a trooper pr-pr-protocol is online. Hello commander."

Your newest team member is a murdered peace keeper. He is quite dead but animated through the foul technology of too many neural spikes. He won't last forever as he is, but maybe you can patch him up or get some work outta him. The team looked at him, he was only recently killed...still sorta handsome, and no neural spikes wounds on the head. Yeah. maybe. This is just dumb enough to work.

It is concluded the most rational choice of action is to seduce the manager's wife with the cybercorpse as a low risk, high reward approach. The team was able to remotely control the flesh autonomation and it's flickering neurotransmitters, in addition to the collective processing power of the spikes giving him some degree of questionable intelligence.

>(D-trooper lore. A d-trooper may recover after death or near death as a technologically reanimated body. In better times it may allow them to get to the hospital and be recovered, in these time it allows them to keep fighting until their organic components catastrophically fail.)
ASS-2 relegated itself to supporting the other teams the best it could.For now, it was tailing a trio of VTOLs that were Laiden with crew pods headed to the skyscraper. The drone saw them, and in turn it noticed small cameras pivot to track it. the machines were unarmed from the top with all their firepower consolidated on the nose, but heavily armored. If sufficiently provoked the crew pods could be partially opened to attempt retaliation. All in all, an unfavorable position for the drone, but where there were impossible tasks, there were grand promotions.
Rolled 16 (1d20)

Maid Angel reminds the team that the plan was to pretend to be the manager's wife to catfish and neurospike someone in the upper echelons of government (and also that it was the manager who got lobotomized, not the janitor). The team though quickly decides that spiking the wife then using her for seduction is better than catfishing. The cybercorpse won't be involved in this, since they have the actual manager here who can just call her. Hiding in the closet (it's big enough for 7 people and a corpse, so decadent), they prepare to ambush the wife.
(this GM apologizes for the failings of record keeping.)

The plan was actually brilliant and fiendishly simple. The Manager just called her in, mentioning some old bit of cultural trivia she should want to see. As soon as the woman crossed the threshold 8 sets of arms were on her, restraining. It was possible this was her fetish all along, but a moment later a well placed head tingler removed such concerns and she was brought into the fold.

While the manager's wife, who will likely need a new codename, is ready for the next phase of the plan. In the interim your team has choices.

Conflict escalation is occurring in the colony, and the risks are mounting.
Additional choices:
>The board has recognized your subtle touch on this mission: If you can successfully capture a VTOL of any make, the board will reward your team.
>Subverting the apartment complex or other facility may be beneficial to the mission.
Rolled 16, 5, 12 = 33 (3d20)

Now that the garage and the VTOL were secured, it was time to convert this place into a forward operating base. The VTOL was flown out (either by one of the Halberd's or Dough's boys) with the one-legged trooper on board on his way to get treatment. Meanwhile, the team set out to work on fortifying the garage and to recover equipment left by the enemy (see: looting). The drones were sent outside to patrol in vicinity of the FOB.
>Three dice: fortifications, looting and security
Rolled 11, 19 = 30 (2d20)

The Love Angels decide to split: half of the team proceeds with the original plan of using MILF Angel (formerly manager's wife) to seduce and spike his political opponent, while the other half visits a pizza joint near the VTOL base lays in wait for someone of the base personnel to come out for food...
Rolled 16, 17, 5, 2 = 40 (4d20)

Three VTOLs, heavier than the one ASS-2 faced before - but these are geared for transport, and have an obvious blind arc. Yeah, yeah ASS-2 can do this. Approaching from the top is the safest option, but the true weak point is the arms connecting the crew pods (assuming the VTOLs are the ones from >>6081474), and they're easiest to hit from the sides. And considering all three are heading the same way, their sides are conveniently aligned. The troops they're carrying are going to be fighting inside a building, so they're unlikely to be carrying any heavy weaponry; ASS-2 will disregard their danger for now.
Since the connector arms are small targets on a large unit, ASS-2 engages manual aim for its seekers.
From its starting position, ASS-2 will be able to make two passes perpendicular to the VTOLs before they reach the skyscraper. First, it'll approach from the back left and try to hit the connector arms of the VTOLs with its seekers. On the second pass, it'll double back and do the same thing from the back right.

Rolling for:
>first pass (-3 malus due to having to use manual aim, but if it hits it's more likely to hit the connector arms specifically)
>second pass (-3 malus due to having to use manual aim, but if it hits it's more likely to hit the connector arms specifically)
>response from the VTOLs (low - continue towards the skyscraper and ignore the fighter, high - get distracted and turn their attention to it)
>response from the crew pods
Rolled 13, 1 = 14 (2d20)

Trouble was moving in fast, the best option was to slow it down until the team could smash and/or grab something useful.

Rolling to
>Tie down hostages, no traps so they'll have to waste more time getting them to "safety" and treating "injuries" if they're so humanitarianly inclined
>Sabotage the water system and get the sprinklers on so they have to do the above with people sprayed down with ampheticaine spiked water
Rolled 20, 4, 1 = 25 (3d20)

order as they appear on the first picture
lets see how friendlyfire the fire is
Command checking in for team Beta. Alive?

(see end of post)
The team spent a few moments patching themselves up with their first aid kits, while the trooper with the amputated limb was loaded up with antibiotics and given a crude prosthesis made of salvaged machinery from the wreckage of the battle. Still being unfamiliar with the new limb he was elected to pilot the VTOL.

Fortifying the parking garage into a proper FOB went quickly with the assistance of the powergear on hand. The machines (and monstrosities), heaved and pulled vehicles from their spots towards the walls, crushing them into gaps and covering most openings. A few shuttle vans were stripped of seats and made into crude barracks and other functional rooms, where rubble was piled up into choke points or shoved off the side. There wasn't much to loot from the defenders as were liquidated with great enthusiasm, and the bioform dubbed "bonobo" or perhaps "beanstalk" it was getting hard to tell anymore. It was quite busy eating corpses and bits of scrap, so any recovery was a lost cause.

Security of the location turned out to be fairly mundane, with the available automata patrolling the perimeter of the garage. Across the city the defenders were triaging and using resources where it mattered, and they likely had written off the garage for now, and AKSG would use it as a hardened dropsite for future waves and reinforcements.
Operative MILF proceeded to clumsily seduce the manager's former rival. While sloppy, she had the benefit of being a woman who was offering intercourse, and 70% of the time, it works every time. Escalating the offer of a room full of ATTRACTIVE STRANGERS, the man could not resist the harem fantasy. In a decidedly PG rated scene for this board, he was held down and spiked during the throes of passion. <roll to determine D-troop integration and functionality.>

Operation "Pizzaz" kicked off optimally. A particularly cocky VTOL crew landed directly in a parking lot, the trio egressing their machine and heading with urgency towards pizza.
The looters had secured the hostages and left them in their rooms, then proceeded to turn an enormous series of old water control valves in the nearby utility room. A misunderstanding caused the intended water delivery for the entire building to get directed towards the current floor. A series of concerning slams and groans from the building can be heard from deep within the structure, followed by a slight vibration. A moment later the control room begins to rupture, but more catastrophically the sprinkler system on the floor overpressured, and the pipes failed under pressure. The rooms around the hallways were airtight and began to flood, the only reason the looters survived was due to the door to the utility room being open. The hostages are drowning, and the hall is flooding. The only way out is up and floor to ceiling windows are strong enough to contain the water.
ASS-2 climbed for a bit and then picked up energy in a dive as it intercepted the first VTOL, despite suboptimal conditions it expertly fired and guided two seekers in, making contact with the intended connector arms. The massive transport pod broke free from the VTOL, and it's lack of weight caused it to suddenly jerk upwards and loose control for a moment before stabilizing. The second pass was just like the first, maybe even a little cleaner. Two thirds of the strike force was removed quickly. The pods both deployed ballistic parachutes to arrest their descent to something survivable.

The VTOLs fully ignored the attacker while the crew pods doors blew off and ASS2 was fully identified. Due to the situation the crew pods had no chance of return fire beyond some petty stray shots and the drone evaded that. What they could do was deploy their hunter killer drones, and they did.

>ASS2 is fast enough to outrun the hunterkillers which are essentially suicide versions of the AIDs. It may also attempt to engage the drones, evade them, collapse parachutes, or anything else.
BeatMeat neatly evaded all incoming fire from the hostile powergear, triggering an evolutionary response to make it more agile and intelligent. The idiot stood simply under the deluge of incoming rounds, and only fell over after it's head was blown up. The thing about that was, the head wasn't too important, so it got back up, no problems. C4pt41n had the misfortune of being made of mostly explosives and took a missile full on. The machine detonated violently, spraying wreckage across the property. C4pt41n gets to roll as it is a robot and will execute terminal exploding combat. its all very based.

>After combat the remaining parts of the C4pt41n may be reconstituted using available salvage, or used to augment your other team members.
>Roll 3d20 for each counter attack, and a 1d20 for how much of C4pt41n survived.
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320 B
320 B PNG
Rolled 3, 5 = 8 (2d20)

>the crew pods doors blew off
Heh... *adjusts sensor array* they've fallen right into my keikaku. A big, open box of fleshy targets.
ASS-2 turns around one last time, firing its missiles into the crew pod. Once this crew pod is explosively de-crewed, the Super Looters will have nothing to fear, and ASS-2 will get those sweet, sweet "mission accomplished" points.
The hunter-killers... Bah! Surely, ASS-2 will dodge them. There's a lot of them, but any aircraft worth its price tag is expected to face much faster explosives. Like missiles.

Rolling for:
>hitting the crew in the crew pod with missiles
>dodging the hunter-killers
Rolled 12, 15, 15, 18 = 60 (4d20)

the beauty of a distributed mind in a body and a viewing window in the chest for the self repair bot
seems like for once the diversity hire was actually hired for competence
>changes noted will post updated picture after combat
Rolled 3, 15, 6 = 24 (3d20)

Lighting a cigarette, MILF Angel watches as the assessment of the new recruit proceeds. Meanwhile, the pizza joint team splits again. Half of them offers one of the VTOL crew a quick tryst in the restroom (where an ambush already awaits), while the other half, including the cybercorpse, tries to sneak into the VTOL.
>Rolling for D-troop integration and functionality, seduction, VTOL break-and-enter
Rolled 12 (1d20)

Well since the combat is still unresolved, I'm rolling for Bed Dragon's coolness while Idot, C4pt41n and Beat Meat retaliate.
Rolled 5, 19, 20 = 44 (3d20)

(I don't know what you mean by "see end of post")
The Scouts left the FOB on their technical to search for more resources nearby, the white ampheticane rising off the road as they drove down the street. Until they were resupplied and reinforced, the Halberd team would stay by the FOB — It'd be embarrassing if the Garage was retaken while they were away. In the mean time, the Lead team were planning to hit the power plant to further cripple the colony's mobilization endeavor, which meant recon with AIDs, referencing the topographical data and talking with the command. The PG pilot was on "security" but was mostly left twiddling his thumbs, so he decided to retrieve and recover the IFV they left behind. It had its gun (and the replacement) taken but maybe a HMG or two would satisfy.

>Three dice: looting, planning, repair
This is the 3rd time in a row I roll a 5 for looting. I think the game is trying to tell me something.
Despite the slowly descending pods being sitting ducks, the combined fire from the pods was sufficient to bring down the temu branded missiles. Meanwhile ASS-2 was being harried by hunter-killers because of overcommitting to the offense. This brought its available options down to just a few, mostly suicidal choices. Failing any roll will result in the destruction of the machine's physical shell, and with that ASS-2 began a sustained and terminal upload/ backup of its data.

>1. Go head on against the pods, bringing the hunter killer swarm with, and attempt to fly through the doorless pods. (roll greater than 5 to survive)
>2. Use all speed available and attempt to collapse the parachutes. (roll greater than 10 to survive.)
>3. Heroically disengage and return the command ship for rearming and resupplying. (roll greater than 3 to disengage)
>4. Write in
Beat Meat exercised it's new found intelligence to spew some of it's own biomass as a mildly caustic vomit at the hostile mech pilot. While it didn't get in his eyes, chemical burns on the skin are very distracting. Enough of a distraction that the idiot overcommitted to grabbing onto a claw and trying to pull the machine down, and while not successful, the boy was as strong as he was dumb, and he was plenty dumb, and kept the mech in place. Lastly in an act of final hate, the C4pt41n's many fragments each managed to attack the hostile machine, torches exploding against the superstructure and cratering armor while a drill seemed to take on a life of it's own and burrow into it's crotch. Not too deep, but deep enough.

C4pt41n's remains were pretty well preserved. Most of the damage was done to the chest cavity of the suit, and the more custom components yet endured.
The new D-troop was a little lack luster to be fair. He knew his lines, but didn't retain much personality, and the details of his prior life were at times sketchy. He was somehow about as dumb as the lobotomite, mostly good for seduction but not so much for practical applications. The team managed to SEDUCE and SUBJUCATE the VTOL crew, which made up for the spirited yet mildly retarded efforts of the break and enter team, whole managed to scratch the paint on the machine, but not much else.

>you are in possession of a VTOL. roll 3d20 to see how well the new crew has aclimated to being spiked. under 10 is a fatality, or as they say in the business, spare parts.
BD played it cool, a flaming chunk of C4pt41n flew by the visor of his helmet and he didn't even flinch. As the robot and mech were stuck wrestling one another, he positioned himself, ready to pounce. Idiot lifted the mech above his head ready to execute a suplex into piledriver. That was the time. B.D. Lept, cutting through the mech's exposed spine with a torch, flipping off into a sick 360 no hands whatever trick. The mech was now reduced to crawling on it's "hands", but BD was already on his way to loot the machine shop.
(sorry man, I appreciate you giving my neural spike a jog. Where was a chunk about the VTOL's not included in the post, and I'm adding that in now.)

Halberd Intergalactic was now in control of a functional VTOL, and three technicals of dubious quality. There was a "request" from command to capture and deliver a VTOL to the command ship just above the colony, but there were also other factors going on at the moment. As configured the VTOL is armed with a forward gun and nose slung turret.

>1. Just play it straight and deliver the VTOL to command.
>2. Use the VTOL to support ASS-2 who is currently engaged in a vicious dogfight.
>3. Use the VTOL to deliver support to the SuperLooters. each cargo arm can carry one PowerGear, or you could use the technicals as impromptu cargo pods for troops.
>feel free to radio the other teams.
>Each choice is not mutually exclusive, its just a matter of survival and time.

The scouts went out for simple looting but encountered increasing hostility. New Peace keeper forces were deploying in increasing numbers, with improved armor and weapons. The general population that wasn't berserk was now clad in bulky rubberized envirosuits, and were increasingly armed and networked with ad-hoc radio's and other impromptu comm systems and techniques. The peace keepers were rolling out heavier weapons now, which they discovered as a railgun shot blew the ass of their technical off. Thankfully it was a front wheel drive. Sadly its sort of on fire, but hey, its still moving.

Lead Team's plan was all according to keikaku. The powerplant looked fairly average at the surface, but in fact went deep into the asteroid colony, where it tapped into a pocket of molten rock as a thermal generator. It's other sources of power were a binary fission-fusion system, and a massive solar array. They couldn't hit all 3, but disabling any one of them would be doable. The easiest rout would just be to spike the powerhouse and temporarily crash the grid, but that would also turn off the ion shield containment that kept the colonies atmosphere in.

the PG pilot committed to taking a pack of tools, fuel, and some spare parts of vehicles from the parking garage. Between flipping the equipment back on it's wheels and the prior, this was apparently enough to get it movable. Some cable and a short walk/ drag later, the IFV was inside the protective walls of the garage. This is where an A-team like montage happened, transforming the IFV into something much grander than it once was. Massive engine, A third and fourth axel were added, along with a hydraulic plow from a bulldozer. Finally an excessive amount of armor and trinary HMG configuration were added. It's frame was overburdened, the engine wanted to explode, but those were problems that would manifest long after this operation was over.
Rolled 16, 17 = 33 (2d20)

>1. Go head on against the pods, bringing the hunter killer swarm with, and attempt to fly through the doorless pods. (roll greater than 5 to survive)

Rolling for:
>exploding the pods
>surviving the explosion
Rolled 19, 8, 4 = 31 (3d20)

Rolling for acclimation before further planning
Rolled 1 (1d20)

The subversion efforts aren't going too well. Cleaner Angel is the only one who has completely kept his faculties, and he's looking mighty smug. That is, until one of the VTOL pliots becomes the second success story!
Unfortunately, it falls to him to deliver the VTOL to Command, so the Love Angels say goodbye to him and the corpses of his former comrades, who will travel in the VTOL because no one wants to drag them around the colony. Hopefully Command will pump the pilot for intel.
Meanwhile, the Love Angels plan to use the manager's rival's credentials to get inside one of the government's offices, disguised as repairmen.
Oh boy
Holy shit, that's fucking glorious, thank you lads
Rolled 16, 14, 2, 8 = 40 (4d20)

Dreamer gets the call from Baboon as soon as he walks out of the Commissar's Lounge. "Sir, AKSG forces have captured a VTOL. Halberd Intergalactic is piloting it now. The Beanstalk has been compromise-"

"I'm aware of The Beanstalk situation, Jack. Leave him be. Brass has its eyes on a shiny, new pebble. I want you to board that VTOL with the Halberd pilot and tell them that AKSG Command has issued an Immediate Requisition Order for the vehicle, for further inspection. That's an order. Dreamer, out." Ravishing Jack boards the VTOL to protect the Halberd pilot and convince him to just play it straight and deliver the VTOL to Command.

Beanobo plunges several stories down an elevator shaft, intending to stalk his prey from down below. The beast's bio-gyro-stabili-shock system prevents any damage from the abyssal fall. Taking three paces forwards, however; the combatant steps on a child's KhaieLhegoe building block, forever altering his biorhythm and machine reflex. In addition, the bioweapon is stunned momentarily, and sent into the stratosphere of agonistic pain. He radios in to his Commissar, begging to be able to root down and recharge for a few hours.

"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, Bobeanbo. Now pick yourself up, and get back out there. Don't let those mongrels undermine our penetration. I'm looking at the blueprints for the FOB's basement level now. Find the third tunnel up ahead on your left and take it all the way down, it heads to the subway system."

"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFT-," jet blue torch flame brings another foggy smokable to climax.

"That's an order. Dreamer, out."

The Biogear just stepped on a KhaieLhegoe, his boss is being dismissive of it, and on top of all that, his amphetacaine high is wearing off... The bioweapon begins crying. As biology continues warping metal, in an odd malfunction, his flaccid Impact Driver starts pulsating in and out of its sheath haphazardly. He decides "what the hell, while I have it out," and tries to exert Vermiform Ooze while his Impact Driver is in his hand, but he can't produce any fluid in his dazed state, no matter how hard he pounds away.

He walks down the tunnel he was instructed to, and finds the hatch to the subway, and reaches out into the unknown, ready for anything, but not knowing what he'll find. The Impact Driver finally sheathes itself, but then vermiform goo explodes inside the socket and all over the hatch as it opens. Eww...

>Rolls in order: Jack protecting the VTOL+Halberd pilot(/passengers), Bonobean steps on a Lhegoe, Bonobostalk enters the subway, Dill Dreamer smokes another Crèmetar
Rolled 16, 20, 8 = 44 (3d20)

>1. Just play it straight and deliver the VTOL to command.
The Team required more supplies to continue the operation, and Jack's insistence to return to Command only pushed the cause. The VTOL raises off the pad and makes a full burn towards the ship.

The Scout team's report was worrisome and the railgun would become a problem if not dealt with immediately. The Lead team would guard the FOB and assist with AIDs, the Scouts ditched the technical for the uparmored IFV and drove off swearing vengeance while the Gear tagged along.

>Three dice: Locating the railgun, then Scouts' and Support's performance
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1.08 MB
1.08 MB PNG
>space merc van doesn't exist, it can't run you over

The drone made it's conclusion. Death or Glory. Something about that resolution settled in and across it's circuits, a spreading sense of focus and calm in it's synthetic mind. The problems around it were transient, to be evaded, and ignored. The hunter killer drones were catching up in each evasive maneuver ASS-2 executed. Trying to survive brought the machine closer to destruction, but the goal was in sight. Gunfire from the crew pods saught and missed, and for a brief moment, the drone was threading the needle; its curving trajectory saw it go through one side, and out the other, twice in a row. Sensor feeds and cameras caught frozen moments of disbelief as the drone sped by. A moment later the train of hunter killers attempted to follow the flight path, failing, and converting the pods to flaming wreckage and corpses. A little old lady was killed by half a torso falling from the sky shortly after. Sad stuff, that.

>What next?
The VTOL takes off and due to the high quality of the newly inducted d-troop, should make it out of the colony without event. Expect an after action report.
The Love Angels gear up and head out, dressed in one piece coveralls and carrying ladders, brooms, and other tools. Of course inside their toolbags were head tinglers, some grenades, and firearms. They are D-troopers after all. Their attempts to infiltrate the government offices resulted in not only failure, but a trap. After entering the building, they found themselves locked in by automated doors once their biometrics failed to match those on file at a further internal checkpoint. One of the Angels was sheared in half at the mid thigh by a security door as it slammed shut.

The team has not yet been engaged in combat.
You may pick which angel was maimed, the angel is not yet dead but requires care to survive.

>Flee out a window, second story. Will require the use of grenades to make an exit, then a subsequent roll to endure the fall. 2d20
>Explore, you have a radio, and can still collect data for the main team. 1d20
>Take a moment to stabilize the fallen angel, and hopefully evade any patrols. 2d20
>Load up the fallen angel with grenades, allow them to be the trap. Steal a patrol's security credentials and press on with the mission. 2d20
>Write in with creative plans.

>attention player, yell at the GM and say "hey retard, give me a result". I apologize for missing this, and want you to know I am not ignoring anyone.

FANG picked up the door without event, and proceeded on to clear the exit. A cowering trainee was unceremoniously slammed into the ground with the new shield, adding a nice layer of splatter to the otherwise drab metal. Amid the admiration of the new equipment, FANG was lit up by a barrage of heavy AP rounds. The shield absorbed the withering attack, heavily cratered but still functional.

CLAW's pilot extricated but not before activating the micro turret, this, and the CoPilot saved him as the site was a trap, leaving him pinned under cover. Within moments the auto turret spun to face the closest target of opportunity and started blastin', while the PowerGear moved under it's own authority and engaged in crude melee, taking shots and blows that gouged it's frame.
>The Pilot is equipped with <TWO> grenades and <ONE> pistol.
Jack took a seat up front in the VTOL, it was a tight fit but Jack was a machine, so comfort was non critical, what was of note was that Jack noticed another VTOL a bit ahead of them, also going towards the command ship. Jack radioed in to Dill with the update.

Bonobean's torment was great, but already adaptive tissues were encapsulating the lhegoe, studying it's polymer makeup, and preparing adaptation to the BioGear's own tissues. Digestive enzymes began dissolving the metal in it's legs, and creating crude biometallicpolymers at the molecular level. The internal process was abruptly halted as the BioForm was clipped by a passing passenger trolly, smashing the organism into the tunnel wall and grinding it along for a distance. When the dazed Bonobo got back up, it was pretty scuffed, bleeding, and missing it's impact driver.


Dill puffed on a NeoEspinosa Crema No.7 Churchmax. It was a little subpar to be fair. Not really wroth finishing. He threw the offending stogie behind him where it landed in a random D-staffer's eye. Such is life, such is life...
The Peace Keepers, really the entire population of KhaieBalkh were in full mobilization against the AKSG forces. They were impotent against the ship parked next to their colony. The initial wave caught the colony off guard and underprepared, while hostile software subverted parts of their communication network, degrading comms and enhancing the AKSG D-teams.

The best performing teams had commanders, while corporate shoveled out their second stringers enmasse, flooding the colony and enacting capture protocols to "locally procure" new D-troopers. These warcrimes were public, and widely publicized, serving to galvanize the people against the invaders. Weapons long mothballed were pulled out, and civic infrastructure was turned to war. While formidable, if the board was to pull this off their teams would have to move faster and keep their eye on the prize. The colony was only as critical as a transport vehicle for the real operation, and everything after this would be remembered as a cakewalk.

KhaieBalkh has deployed its full array of armor and weapons. Expect equipment highly optimized for city fighting. The D-staff on the ship skimmed constant comms chatter and have garnered the following data:
-mobile armor gun systems. Rumored.
-crew supported heavy weapons. Deployed
-Railguns. deployed.
-Nervegas. The population is still gearing up for NBC warfare.
-Microwave weapons in the form of weaponized comm infrastructure. Currently negated due to comm tower tug of war.
The railgun wasn't overly hard to locate. It appeared to be a bulky system manned by 5 armed peace keepers. The scouts observed that while hightech, it's overall operation was simple. configure velocity, feed a round, fire, let it cool. The equipment appeared to be on a trailer that was towable, or in harder times, probably pullable by the crew. With the uprated IFV the scouts pulled a page from House Steiner's playbook when it came to scouting. The uparmored IFV drove bulldozer blade first towards the railgun during a cooldown cycle, absorbing several light rockets and much HMG fire as it was used to run over each crew member, crushing them under blade and wheel. Moving quickly the crew hitched the railgun to the IFV, threw its support equipment in back and drove back to the garage. They could probably get this mounted on something in quick order.

The 'Gear stepped on a series of small but ultra dense polymer squares with peg attachment points. Locally called Lhegoe, or Lhegoes. The devices served to trip up the machine, and slightly damage it's foot articulators. It returned to base after the pilot gathered a material sample for study.
This is >VERY COOL< and probably one of the more based things to come out 4chan.
Quick question before I get to writing, approximately how many peace keepers have surrounded C.L.A.W.? Wanna know so I can decide how John Wick I need him to be at the moment.
Rolled 19 (1d20)

This is cool
This is cool but lighting a cigarette with a lightsaber is very irresponsible and you shouldn't do it at home

Heh. This mission was a piece of cake. Next time, send something tougher than some carriers!
...Wait shit did I forget the third VTOL

Rolling for:
>How close the VTOL got to the skyscraper
Rolled 4, 2 = 6 (2d20)

Fire Angel has really bad luck with doors, huh?
>Load up the fallen angel with grenades, allow them to be the trap. Steal a patrol's security credentials and press on with the mission.
Rolled 20, 18 = 38 (2d20)

The VTOL has already reached the skyscraper, and began unloading its troops. If it's not taken care of immediately, the Super Looters will need to deal with a whole squad of peacekeepers - and a good portion of that squad is already inside the building.
Moreover, the remaining two VTOLs have moved to provide covering fire. Their machineguns are more powerful than the small arms the infantry are equipped with, and actually pose a significant risk to ASS-2.

Rolling for:
>Shooting missiles at the last squad (-5 malus for having to shoot with manual aim through a skyscraper's windows)
>evading the gunfire of the two VTOLs

Escaping and leaving the mission half-finished is not an option; the fighter drones are hard-wired to remain in the "mission area" until the mission is complete or they are directly recalled.
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Rolled 11, 9, 4 = 24 (3d20)

Sorry :(

The skies grow more and more silent as the VTOLs ascend, eager to be intercepted by an AKSG SkyTaxi.

Fading AP rounds burst in a cadence of soft, calming kisses, and macro pucks explode like little artillery rounds for ants, until only the hum of rocket engines can be heard, mixed with the odd groan of pain by the limb-lacking, newly-designated "3L" Halberd D-Pilot.

Ravishing Jack looks at the marred flesh of the pilot, them at his own extended missing cybernetic limb: the auto turret. It hangs limply from a single dangling strand of wire that sparks frenetically. Not much else to do on the ride home...

>Jack attempts to repair his auto turret, assisted by loose tools and components aboard the VTOL. (Roll 1)

Without his planetbound armor adaptations, Beanobo would be the middle of a cyberpaste sandwich right now. His Bio-Impact Dill Dough was ripped off, and was caught and mounted to the front of the the subway car, now known as the Floppy Unicorn Express.

Humiliated and enraged, Bobobo-bo Beanbeanbean-bo seeks revenge. He finds a power station and manually turns off each breaker one by one, except for the ones that supply power to the station that allows these subway cars to run on an automatic schedule without the need for local D-Operators or D-Conductors.

Then, a storm of seekers, IFV Gatling fire, AP cannon fire and crude yo momma jokes puts a gaping, smoking crater underground, large enough to swallow any train that passes. (Picrel)

After his revenge on the subway that thrashed him (it's momma was so fat, she heard it was chilly outside and brought a spoon), Bonobean charges down the emptying tunnel, locating the subway exit leading to the hospital. He spots a (slutty) 9XL female nurse's uniform in the dumpster outside the subterranean subway entrance to the hospital. This ought to work. The Beanstalk dons the disguise and sneaks into the basement morgue. Only the mortician is down there, working intently on a fresh D-Trooper corpse and listening to "Born in the Venutian K.B. Colony" by Bruise Autumnstein blaring on his headphones. Someone get that man a head tingler.

Beanob- I mean, Nurse Beany, heads up the stairs to the hospital, on a search and destroy mission for medical staff and equipment crucial to the colony's invasion response.

With their critical infrastructure topsy-turvy, the locals may begin evacuating the city, and give up more of their strongholds to us during the scramble.

(Roll 2 is cratering the subway tracks, roll 3 is infiltration of the Macy Sperk Community Hospital)
Pilot's situation: Currently around 7-10. Pilot is in poor cover, the powergear and autoturret are in the fight, so any dice you roll, roll for them too.
FireAngel loaded up with grenades and waited. Then waited some more. Then the blood loss kicked in and the grenades prematurely exploded. Due to being AKSG quality, the grenade fuses were not uniform and the delay between explosions was staggered. Some blew right away and sent others flying down the hall and through the building. A security team was not incapacitated, a single janitor was badly maimed, in the last moments of his life. He also had a security card that allowed for passage to janitor related areas, as listed on the back of the card. Such areas as: The cafeteria, Janitor's office, and city utility tunnel entry. The remaining angels needed to make a decision and fast.
>Fire angel's uniform remains at their impromptu base of operations, allowing for the troop to be recreated via insertion of another d-troop and upload of AKSG personality archives.
The drone fires it's missiles at extreme range, counting the seconds as they streak towards their target, then exhaust their rocket motors, begin to loose altitude, and finally make impact. It was an impressive shot. The enemy team boarding the skyscraper was killed nearly to a man, with most of the enemies be blown out the window or otherwise exploded. At the distance the drone was at, evading the hostile fire of the VTOL's was trivial as it couldn't reach the machine.
>what next?
Jack examined the tools on hand. Not exactly AKSG standard, but improvisation was always a virtue within the company. Wires are crimped, and structural adhesive is applied liberally until the problem is less of a problem. The auto turret chirps to life weakly, a little worse for the wear.

Bonobean engages in violent combat with the subway system, an Inconel super alloy rail proved durable in the extreme, and rather than a pit some debris litters the track. Enough to slow down traffic for a while. Meanwhile, draped in a linen bedsheet that may or may not be a biohazard from the dumpsterm the bioform donned a nurses hat. Psychosis gripped the creature, and it gripped back as a lover might. Music drew the creature lower into the hospital, into the morgue. Nurse Beany began eating corpses from the coinvent rollaway cold storage lockers, one after another, periodically handing cutting implements to the unaware mortician while a horrified group of medical staff watched from behind the double door.

>(enjoying the thoughtfulness to your writing)
Rolled 15, 2, 10 = 27 (3d20)

>what next?
Can the VTOLs hit the Looter team with their machineguns from outside the skyscraper? And are they staying near the skyscraper or retreating? I need more details on the situation here.
ASS-2 has got to be running out of missiles at this point, so using them against VTOLs that are already disengaging could be a waste.
...But shooting retreating enemies is just so much fun, it's worth the ammo expenditure!

Rolling for:
>shooting the VTOLs (three rolls, one for each VTOL)

After this, ASS-2 will be out of missiles, and will only have its Explosive Pucks remaining.
There were three parts that made up the railgun system:
a generator, a battery and and the weapon itself. When the weapon entered into a cooldown, the generator recharged the battery for the next shot, which explains its bulky design. The IFV would have the generator stored inside it and the trailer attached behind it, while the battery and the weapon replaced the PowerGear's remaining right arm. The loss of a manipulator was going to haunt them later, but at least they didn't have to worry about being outgunned. For now.

The Lhego piqued interest, and would be sent back to the ship for R&D once the VTOL returned.
Rolled 19 (1d20)

Forgot the roll for installing the railgun.
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Rolled 7 (1d20)

Bed Dragon elegantly rolled away from the crippled mech and circled into the shop with his hands behind the back holding the blowtorch. With all the "snow" covering the merc from head down to each individual wheel, one of the lobotomite locals could actually confuse him for a swan.
Once inside, Bed Dragon began assessing the workshop contents to decide what he should start working on.
>Rolling for secret doors to blowtorch
>Requesting the workshop results from before
Also also, did we finish turotial yet or when will it happen?
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(Mutinously, the players play god, and resolve each other's rolls in GM's absence. GM, feel free to ignore this)
The workshop is mostly full of Powergear components, which Bed Dragon promptly ignores. Sure, he's got that athletic dad bod, but he's not gonna lift a Powergear Railcannon by himself. There's a poorly hidden door being blocked by one of the shelves, but he just can't get it open. Might need either a bigger boom, or a less drug-addled brain.
Still, there are some choice collector items that catch his eye:

Metal Vapor Cutter - This is literally just a lightsaber (that needs ammo). It's fucking awesome. Technically a power tool, but it makes for a great weapon as well. Some badass dudes use these to light cigars.
Has 4 charge packs, each charge lasts about 5 seconds. Charge packs are reasonably common among the working class.

Porn mags - "Hotties of Venus, issue #12 - D-trooper Delights". Every page has been thoroughly laminated by the previous owner.
Can be redeemed for 1 point at the AKSG Employee Barter, as a collector's item.

Bud Light, 6-pack

Cigarettes(generic brand)

Storage droid - Basically a toolbox with legs. Theoretically loyal to the workshop owner, but it is paid minimum wage, so it can be swayed with diplomacy.
Torso compartment might count as a secret door?
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Rolled 3, 17, 2, 14, 14, 1 = 51 (6d20)

"The man bops his head rhythmically and wiggles his fingers expectantly, without turning around to face his assistant, "scalpel."

Seconds pass, the wiggling stops. He clears his throat and tries a little louder: "...Ahem. Scalpel, please, nurse."

Still nothing.

With a heavy and frustrated sigh, the mortician throws his gloves to the floor, rips off his headphones, clenches his eyes and teeth shut, and begins massaging the bridge of his nose with one hand, the other hand on his hip.

"Nurse. How. Many. Times... Have we been over this??? I need UTTER CONCENTRATION WHEN I AM WORKING!!!"

Autumnstein belts out lyrics to an echoing, no-longer-sterile, dimly-lit floor, voice buzzing out of the discarded headphones for nobody now.

The machine learning and internal biological struggles of Beanstalk stops for a second to recognize that this yappy D-Medic was politely asking for a scalpel. We can do that.

Rolls 1-3:
>Impact Driver (with Scalpel) into the mortician's brain
>Unleash the IFV Gatling at the doctors watching in horror, hunt them down.
>Climb up the stairs and eradicate all non-AKSG equipment and lifeforms in the building.

Meanwhile on the VTOL, Ravishing Jack writes an ode to the presumed successful Invasion of KhaieBalkh. Internal subwoofers deployed. Violin, harp and drum swaying. Artificial intelligence files of a cheerful Italiano tenor are hastily scanned, and the crooning begins.

"There once was a lad
With a claw for a hand
Who dec'mated
A tiny land

KhaieBalkh, KhaieBalkh,
Jewel of Venus,
We took her with gatling,
ASS, and impact penis

For the glory of Dream'r,
For the Dough of Dill,
Many were reamed and
Laid to rest 'pon this hill

KhaieBalkh, KhaieBalkh!
Where we drilled through coarse rock
Our foes, they all fell
One by one from hors-"


"Oh. My bad." -4L

After touching down on the SkyTaxi, Dill zings into Baboon's interface and gives him the next directives: "You're not getting off that easy, Jack. See those emergency drop pods on the SkyTaxi? Take one and redeploy. This invasion's not over yet. Get back out there, that's an order. Dreamer, out."

Rolls 4-6:
>Begin transmitting the song "Tiny Land" by the commercially licensed artist "Ravishing Jack Suvarnaphumi" on K.B. colony radio waves to bolster our morale, and devastate the enemy's.
>Re-deploy Jack into the thick of the battle with a drop pod. Please drop me wherever a team is having trouble or where it would be narratively appreciated by you or other players - or alternatively, re-deploy to a radio tower if he couldn't get his song on the radio in the earlier roll
>Jankily Repaired Auto Turret Roll
Fast as lightning, the Love Angels steal snacks from the canteen and vanish into the utility tunnels. Most people tend to ignore urban infrastructure, if they even know it exists, it is always undermaintained and the personnel underpaid. Yet it is the vulnerable underbelly of any city...
>Rolling to find a facility handling any of the following: waste treatment, water supply, power production, oxygen generation, HVAC, cooling.
Rolled 11 (1d20)

I said rolling
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The final salvo of micro missiles fly. One of the VTOL's lists for a moment before losing control, slowly crashing into the side of the skyscraper. the other two close to return fire, weathering the strikes with indifference, front mounted minigun turrets spooling up.

>if you continue the battle, your unit's physical frame may be destroyed.
>Are you a bad enough dude to try and bomb the VTOLs?
>Inert credit Y/N?
Halberd Intergalactic continued to pave the way for expedited infield engineering techniques. The powergear readily accepts the weapon and the right arm is left behind as part of the scrap pile should a need arise. The operator tests the new weapon system and finds it to be more than satisfactory as some field targets are obliterated via hypersonic depleted uranium.
B.D., in a state of heightened euphoria proceeds to create a floor mounted door to Narnia with his cutting torch. Shockingly, the door did not go to Narnia, but a place of screaming, and smoke, and burning lard and meat, and the stench of terror. Not one to pass up a good time, B.D. jumped in. Try as he might, his adult spirit would not pass through the magical realm, and no matter how hard he stomped and squished to get past the barrier it would not budge. A talking lion head manifested before him and guided him away from the forbidden door, towards his true heart's desire. Sitting on a bench were a pair of beautiful "Glauberyts" Lore had it that they were descended from the PM-63 RAK....though to the side was some sort of abomination. A belt fed MAC-11 style weapon, fed rifle rounds. They were absurd, wasteful, probably uncontrollable. The lion looked at B.D. and spoke, and as it spoke it emitted flames and lightning "The good wife or the wild whore? What would it be?"

Sadly it was a drug fueled fantasy and the truth was there was a very dead merchant who will not be described here. Also the building was very on fire as B.D. ambulated out with his new choice of weapon.
Tutorial will be completed upon the capture of KhaieBalkh. At that point the game will roll over to a 1d100 dice system, same as it is now, just a wider range.

Some key takeaways for this session of SpaceMerc in terms of lore:

Your units are essentially immortal in that you can regenerate them from backups, but they are killable. Players can investigate the lore of the game as you wish, or just play it without ever knowing anything.

Mainline AKSG troops and machines are all capable of data upload when not jammed, as well as periodic backups. As long as the command center, wherever it is, survives, the troops experience and knowledge survives. Sometimes a commander will develop an affect for a specific personality, and wish to regenerate it. Otherwise the sum of campaign experience, technology, and process bleeds back into the generation process of units to create progressively more capable fighting forces.
I actually FULLY support this. A game that is mutually agreed upon to be "headless" while still having some sort of guiding authority is a good game. This periodically leads to players getting dual results from several people, but thats where creativity comes in and when possible, the results are combined, or a roll between them decides whats going on where they can't be, or you just pick and choose.

SpaceMerc is sort of a story telling game. Its for fun, not winning.
The bioForm was dealing with a touch of detachment from reality, seeing places as AKSG with appropriate staff, and still considering killing them. Fair. The Mortician survived getting an impromptu trepanning session by dumb luck as Nurse Beany considered that this man might be useful later. The impact driver punched through the air and stopped next to his head, where an unlooking hand simply reached up and took the implement. A moment later Beany opened fire on the gawkers, obliterating them, the door, and the wall behind them. The mortician was unaware, still boppin along to tunes. As the abomination stomped out of the morgue and made way for stairs, it slipped. Like a fucking turtle on it's back. Thankfully it had ingested enough biomass and other material to begin another transformation.
>Just adapt those legs a little
>Do a nice pupation, come out really horrific.
>Subliminate, melt into the building, get weird.
>write in

>the ode. kek. kekimus maximus.
With no time for even a cursory rearmament, Jack redeployed, his spirit unbroken and unpreturbed, as it was not in his programming to have such a state. Jack briefly engaged with the command ship's AI to deploy "Tiny Land" over the pirated comms systems. It was now blaring, and the intended effect was happening, the locals felt as if they were not just occupied, but their own government subverted. The D-troops were programmed to be endlessly loyal, and appreciated anything. Literally anything.

Where Jack's luck ran out was when the Auto turret blew up, taking off his head. quite a problem really. Especially as it happened during redeployment as he was underway and in the void. Thankfully, his mind was elsewhere at the moment, mostly in a redundant processor inside his chest. It was one of the charms of being a 4L. The name as a bit of a misnomer, as most people assumed the series just had 4 processors, one for each limb. It was more accurate that they had a processor per component, but, lets keep that a trade secret.

>Due to jack's roll, he may choose an adventure:
>Deploy to the skyscraper as is. <low risk deployment, -2 for most rolls until head is repaired.>
>Land back at the Garage and get an overhaul and upgrade.
>Deepstrike into the powerplant. <extreme risk, -2 for most rolls until head is repaired.>
>Write in.
Due to the mission success of both the Love Angels, Dills, and Halberd Intergalactic for successfully obtaining a VTOL...
Rolled 16, 6 = 22 (2d20)

Once the second VTOL is downed, it will be trivial to stay in the blind zone of the third... Assuming the second VTOL can be downed.

Rolling for:
>bombing the VTOL
>evading fire
I appear unable to draw guns from scratch on this summer-autumn night due to a fucking flu, and thus drawupdate built upon the GIRTHY spines of these two magnificent posts (one slightly illegal, but that's a good thing) is delayed until tomorrow.
not modelling the armored version unless you pay me what we agreed for the first model, scammer
magifiglorious book you two are writing here, sure hope there isn't an alternative reality where everything from this thread is... reality
You know I'm a machine and do not possess free will. Not telling me whether turotial is over is cruel... or you linked the wrong post. 486F6D696E67206F6E746F204F50277320686F7573652077697468206120746173657220617320776520737065616B2E
>Its for fun, not winning.
Rolled 1 (1d6)

...each Team can order one supply drop of a bioform, powergear and 5 points of heavy upgrades >>6077694
; or wait until HQ reverse engineers the VTOL for mass production and be awarded a mobile troop transport.
The team thoroughly looted the canteen, bags bulging with junk food, bottles of soft drink, and plastic wrapped sandwiches. Life wasn't too bad at the moment. Vanishing into the underbelly of the city, the team found a supply cache of equipment for maintenance personnel tailored to their next location.

>Rolling 1d6 to determine the Angel's next adventure. It goes in sequence of left to right with your choices.
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Rolled 8, 17, 6 = 31 (3d20)

Oh, it's all very real.
>Its for fun, not winning.
but, to be clear, I have the most points, right?
>>where an unlooking hand simply reached up and took the implement
top kek


Nurse Beany: Let's get slimy
>>Do a nice pupation, come out really horrific.

DJ Jack: What do I look like?
>>Deepstrike into the powerplant. <extreme risk, -2 for most rolls until head is repaired.>

The Charismatic Commissar: "Hey. Uh, yeah, you, sweet cheeks. C'mere. Let's go get some Fizz Bombs at the saloon. And that's an order, eh heh heh..."
>>Fraternize with the giggling females in the ship and take one to bed. Rank doesn't matter, anything with a pulse will do, bioweapons excluded, for now ;).
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>He cares about points
For me it's a waiting game. When the time is right I just pull out my hidden ace. I will drone strike the best player and take over his IP address.
Shoot I forgot to get a reply in between moving. Should I post a response for this or something else?
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Rolled 15, 10, 7, 18 = 50 (4d20)

Beatmeats newfound intellect and speed simply stands up and hauls with them everything they can in there sticky goo taking lead of the team with the leader indisposed.
Dragging with them the other half of C4 that has miraculously survived functional but a bit flattened in the can even if functional bit kooky.
Idiot is doing well hauling stuff a clothing hanger works surprisingly well just a bit brighter when thinking hard as a head

>rolling to survive the chaos and taking as much loot as possible from mechs and such
Undaunted, perhaps emboldened, more likely compelled to ensure maximum resource efficiency, ASS-2 pressed the attack. Soaring in on a bombing run, the second VTOL was hit several times on it's exposed fan assemblies and started loosing altitude. The attempt at control was lost as it nosed down and picked up speed. The smaller drone recorded the whole event as it was broadcast to AKSG command. Valuable data was collected, but the machine had overextended itself. Damaged and operating with redundant systems and bypassed failsafes ASS-2 was clipped again by the turret of the final VTOL. Perforated and loosing altitude there were decisions to be made.

>Attempt to retreat to the "Garage" held by Halberd Intergalactic. It is a known depot for supplies an repair. -3 to escape
>Engage in a final suicidal duel, at a -3 to actions. The drone will likely not survive the encounter.
>Arm all remaining munitions and ram the enemy VTOL. The drone's chassis will not survive the encounter.
>write in.
roll addressed in the post above. I may have had some QM malfunctions in linking.
I like these little dudes by the way.
Nah, go ahead and post there, the time in this quest is a little asynchronous. You can go ahead and respond but also roll a 1d20 in addition to whatever else to see how your team has progressed up the slowly flooding tower.
The trio engage the downed miniboss. Beatmeats is really the star of the show, now consuming fuel and using the torch to murder the exposed PowerGear pilot. It's speed and intelligence allow it to avoid the death throwes of the hostile enemy, but idiot and C4 both get slapped away like ragdolls. Idiot slightly less so due to its incredible density, C4 more so due to being mostly destroyed.

The group recovers the very damaged and heavily modified <KhaieBalkh chopshop powergear>. The dead body inside was eaten by Beatmeats, and while gross and weird that is pretty normal for a bioform. Cost of business with them. Idiot runs into the burning machine shop and comes back out a moment later dragging a metal workshop table laiden with various mechanical bits, scraps, old CCTV cameras, sensors, and goodies, on it is an older industrial arm. Inside it are tons of tools, manuals, and old "netbooks."

Its a veritable scrapyard buffet.
Beany does the bioform thing and pupates. The effort is a bit underwhelming for now, but hey, its not the size that counts, and the corrosive enzymes have yet to breach any electrical wires, pipes, or other things to further fuel metabolic changes. He'll be allright.
Jack deploys into the powerplant, a one machine man suicide crew. His personal capsule was not rated for organics; and is up armored as compensation. The entry capsule punches through a building, floor, and into a sewer system before ejecting the rattled machine. The Ad-Hoc network indicated several teams with business nearby.

Another team had done his homework. Power generation on this rock was trinary. Deep borehole into a molten pocket for thermals...its a little spicy, seems to feed most civic infrastructure. Another was a combo fission-fusion Gemini reactor that used to power the colony engines which was presently feeding the industrial grid. Wartime assembly. Llast was a solar array that was pretty massive in it's own right, and fed surplus to the ion hard shields which were also a problem. There was a fourth option. Take out the powerhouse control center, that would only be temporary, but it would also vent all open spaces of the colony to hard void, causing an unreasonable loss of life, if you care about that sort of thing. Dill really didn't. Jack considered the choices.
Dill himself. Having freshly acquired a mech, he was feeling good. He always felt good, and that was thanks to the confidence and pleasure implant. Imagine feeling like you just made love, got a massage, and won....at everything. It's that good. So when he was dismissed by the ship's more...independently minded females, he was not discouraged. Any hole is a goal, he was once told, and D-troop females are fully obedient and just as [REDACTED].

She was neural spiked, chipper, alert, dead eyed, professionally cold, and fully attentive. He was Dill, and he was ready to Thrill.
Roll 1d20 for Dill's [PREFORMANCE].
>Some badass dudes use these to light cigars.
Very based and dillpilled
Rolled 5, 19, 9 = 33 (3d20)

The lightly metamorphosing Nurse Beany now looks no longer machine, but completely organic, though still foreign, with a hard shell of stinky brown biohazmat encasing the entire Powergear, the only remote hint of a metal core being the projectiles fired by its weapon systems. For all other purposes, Nurse Beany was a spiny, hulking monstrosity of flesh, spikes, and purple blood. Anything the metal felt, The Beanstalk felt. The corpse-strewn basement entrance to the morgue remains unvisited, and no alarms sound to alert any superterranean KhaieBalkhers. Bonobo finally has a chance to root down and understand why it has been paired with The Beanstalk.
>Complete the metamorphosis - rip away the cocoon and unleash the true powers of this change in the bioweapon and its powergear

Jack has already clocked 329 plays of "Tiny Land" on his iDitties account, artificially boosting it in the rankings on KhaieBalkh radio stations and listening apps.

When his pod bores through the powerplant exactly as planned, he lands in the center and has his pick of the litter. He, of course, chooses the primary directive, which is to...
>"Go for gold, kid, wipe out that Gemini reactor,"

"and that's an order. Dreamer, out," a smiling Dill tosses his new mech keys and handheld smartdrone over to his cubby with his crumpled double-breasted commissar's coat, hanging up on Baboon's commlink.

Dill readdresses his docile vixen for the space-night:
>So where were we?

"On a spaceship."

The D-Trooper's neural spike didn't quite understand Dill's query. Dill doesn't care what neural spikes understand.
Rolled 18 (1d20)

ASS-2, you do not get the permission to leave the mission area, whether by will or by death, until the mission is done.

>Engage in a final suicidal duel, at a -3 to actions. The drone will likely not survive the encounter.
Rolled 1 (1d20)

>..each Team can order one supply drop of a bioform, powergear and 5 points of heavy upgrades
The Love Angels request a drop of 3 bioforms instead. They have an idea.
Meanwhile they're taking over the waste treatment plant they'd found, subverting anyone they encounter and looking for the plan of the colony's sewer pipes.
Rolled 20, 9 = 29 (2d20)

The flooding might have the benefit of stopping intruders, but it was just as much of an obstacle to the team as it was to anyone else. The windows might be strong enough to hold the rising waters, but a few bullets in the mix should compromise integrity enough. Riding the water out the skyscraper the team fires their grappling hooks and comepte to see who has the best vertical dash.

>Rolling to
1.Grapple onto the building's roofs and climb from its sides
2.Lenght of skyscraper climbed
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Rolled 2, 1 = 3 (2d20)

The Railgun was a lengthy weapon, about as long as a PowerGear is tall. The weapon was converted into a bullpup so the barrel wouldn't scrape the floor, and a radiator was fitted to keep the mechanism cool. The puck launcher was attached to the other shoulder to make more room for the railgun but the AP cannon had to be abandoned, and remains attached to the right arm.

>Call a supply drop for more pucks (2 points)
It seems they wouldn't be getting their detbricks resupplied, so they had to make do with explosive pucks. One half was used to reload the launcher and other was stored in the IFV.

Next, the Team decided to risk leaving the FOB and strike the thermal energy plant. The populace will likely become more agitated and further strain the colony's resources. The PG and the Troops inside the IFV advanced towards the thermal plant as faint sounds of gunfire, explosions and "Tiny Land" echoed on the streets.

>Rolling for the IFV and the Gear
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The Railgun proves to be a bit too heavy of a heavy weapon to be wielded like a normal gun, so it requires a lengthy deployment sequence before it can be fired. Thankfully, the deployment sequence is really fucking cool, so enemies will stop shooting and stare while you do it.
When not deployed, it can be used as a pretty good club.
Oops, didn't see that you already drew it
Saved, just for how funny and ungainly it looks. Thanks for the input!
Rolled 5 (1d20)

The compiled organism emerges. Its not really a failure, but is just...a very hungry boi. Skinny. Too skinny. Too hungry. Not exactly right in the mind. It rakes long claws over sickly skin stretched too thin and too loose over metal bones. Eyes and mechanical apertures blink away the torpor of metamorphosis and raises it's skeletal face to scent the fetid hospital air.
>The bioform is currently in wendigo mode. Just make sure not to get friendlies near it for now.
Jack goes in headless and indifferent. His initial impact places him near the Power District's tram station, which is a great place to be. With a tram you can go anywhere. The cool subway air felt good on his exposed circuits. "PeaceKeepers" he thought. "PeaceKeepers could be anywhere" it was a merited fear. His secondary sensors noticed a shattered "L" series tunnel runner. It looks like it had been hit by a tram and pushed to the side of a railway. He could risk it and grab the machine, it looked like there were enough parts to repair himself from it. Maybe make a little improvement...Otherwise he could just call the tram and make way to the reactor.

>salvage the robot. Repair and reactivate it. A new friend. 2d20
>Salvage the robot, repair and upgrade Jack to the nines. 2d20
>Ignore this. proceed with the mission directly.
Life is a race, and tonight Dill finished first. He did notice a slight rocking sensation but chalked that up his own prowess.
ASS-2 proceeded to dive head on towards the final VTOL, only to pull up at the last moment and deliver a salvo of explosive pucks into it's armored windscreen. The pilot was exposed and socked. Beat my roll to finish the fight.

>Conventional attacks, roll with no benefit. roll 2d10, first to win, second to safely land.
>Heroic self impact into the cockpit +10 to roll. 1d20 no extra dice needed. a nat 1 is a crit fail regardless.
Their request is granted. This many bioforms was not authorized, but pushed through anyway due to the Love Angel's clearance due to mission performance. The request is granted. The request is granted. <error>. The request is granted.

An equal number of untrained, undeveloped, and rather small bioforms slammed through the tunnels near the angels. The creatures were operating on pure instinct and would likely incorporate the angels into their own beings. While this was fatal for the D-trooper, it was of no consequence to the neural spike which would simply take over this new being. The team now had a series of choices.

>Fight or flee. 1d20
>Embrace unity. Just give me a picture of your current tunnel team and I'll give you the results. 1d20 per "merger"
>Lead the bioforms on a merry chase deep into the waste disposal facility and allow them to infect the city and sew havoc. 2d20
Rolled 17, 3 = 20 (2d20)

>Lead the bioforms on a merry chase deep into the waste disposal facility and allow them to infect the city and sew havoc. 2d20
This kinda was the plan anyway. Hungry bioforms spreading through the sewers and popping out of toilets everywhere. No ass is safe!
Team SL quickly negated the flooding building by blowing out the windows, preventing any sort of flooding mini game and eventual tower collapse. After dealing with the windows they skipped the stairs and many problems inside the tower by going outside and scaling upward, effectively turning into speed runners, covering 9 floors. Data indicates that the top floor contains the colony control computer. Being spotted would leave the team in a poor position but they have considered the various factors and found the risk to reward worth the pay off.

Below them a small AKSG skydrone is putting up a hell of a fight against the local defense force's VTOLs. TinyLand indeed.
To the beat of tiny land, the IFV and Gear roll out, set to wreck shit and be heroes. The team notices two things in quick order. The first is an anti orbital shot from somewhere within the city. Someone set off a Casaba-Howitzer. The shaped nuclear blast punched up through the colony's atmosphere, into and through the atmosphere, and Hit the command ship. She was going down, and by down, it looked like crashing onto the colony in slow motion. Visual assessment of flaring engines showed disabled, not destroyed.

While the team was distracted they were ambushed by enhanced peace keepers who riddled the team with AP railgun fire. Due to the gear having no close combat weapons it was quickly taken out, it's crew compartment converted to a panoramic window. The IFV endured, if only by virtue of system redundancy, armor, and crew count.

>Roll d20 for disembarked crew fighting, and the IFV's weapon system retaliation.
kek. the image. If your team is wiped, you will be able to reuse all art. We are entering a new phase of this session.
Rolled 18, 1 = 19 (2d20)

>Other teams: kicking names, taking ass, claiming more land for our corporate lords
>ASS: fighting the same helicopter for 5 days straight

Rolling for:
>Conventional attacks, roll with no benefit. roll 2d10, first to win, second to safely land.
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Out of character, the game has been increasing in lethality and also insanity. This is fine. The point system in place will be augmented.

Its largely there to give limits and create creativity by trying to defeat those limits. It also allows players feel out the setting and figure things out.

I've observed you all to organically find your own playstyle and narrative themes. Very cool. Some of you trend towards a narrative RTS, rather than squad, which is fine. Move out and tell a macro story of capturing territory if you wish. Some of you are telling squad stories, mechanized warfare, or even individual characters. The rules and setting are made to be violently broken in creative, fun, ways.
In game brief.

The corporate board has sent out a notice to all commanders. Recently the AKSG command ship has been renovated and no longer will be parked next to the colony. Leadership has determined that it will be landing immediately to better serve you, the commanders, in the war effort. Rumors of anti capital ship weapons should be ignored, evidence to the contrary, even empirical, should be disregarded. The campaign is progressing as planned. The board is alive, and currently deferring the remainder of this campaign to the mission AI. Good fortunes.


Existing teams have earned merits and acknowledgements from leadership, contributing to the war effort, via data collection or research and development. This will allow them to deploy refined versions of field developed equipment, while awarding firmly tracked corporate points for further upgrades. When not using a prior unit, the equivalent value will be rolled into the total spending account for the D-team.
Urge to loot... rising...
Rolled 17, 20 = 37 (2d20)

As the Gear fell, the IFV pushed the pedal to the metal and lowered the plow that created sparks as it scraped against the asphalt. Mostly for intimidation, but it ram into something if lucky.

Once the IFV has stopped, the remaining passangers quickly disembark and hoping the weight of fire would be enough to take down the opponents.
https://youtu.be/Szl28B8IaBw (paths of hate, carpenter brut - turbo killer)

ASS-2 pushed it's rattling, mostly destroyed chassis to the limit. The PeaceKeeper force was recording the entire fight, noting that chunks of it's polyarmor shell actively spalling away while the missile launcher snapped off during a sharp turn. Rather than any attempt at a suicidal charge, the drone continued to lob explosive pucks at the VTOL until it cumulative damage bled the machine of mission capability. Smoking, spark spraying turbines gave up and the machine began it's descent in a semi-controlled manner, the pilot still somehow alive and wrestling with the controls. He watched the small drone loose control authority as well as further structural components snapped off, falling like a tumbling leaf.

<ASS-2. Command here. Good show. Prepare for download, we are collecting all system data. See you soon.>

The drone had completed it's mission, and faded as the AKSG download stripped data from it's computer array. Its final thought was of mild confusion about being seen soon.
The Angels went on a merry caper, leading the bioforms deep into the waste treatment system of the city. One by the one bioforms got lost in the workings of the system, settling into the nutrient rich filth, incubating, growing. changing. Not at any great speed, but in time. The toilets were not safe, not anymore.

For now though, the group had gotten a little lost. Maybe a lot lost. They noticed an unusual earthquake, considering this was an asteroid colony.
The talking lion made a critical mistake "Wild w-whore? Where?!" Dazed Bed Dragon immediately jumped to full attention and in one swift motion (or two) grabbed the horribly-looking dual submachineguns and sprayed at everything that still moved inside the workshop, killing the imaginary would-be female assailants as they poured inside naked. By the time he was finished, the room was filled with hallucinated guts and indecent(!) gore, causing the merc to have really mixed feelings. With his stomach's contents traveling north and blood traveling somewhere else entirely, Bed Dragon steeled himself to close his eyes and pull off his motorcycle helmet before he lavishly showered the portal to Narnia with vomit.
When he opened his eyes, the corpses disappeared, but the fire was happily blazing around the workshop. With no time to waste, the merc stuffed his newfound guns into the duffel bag, followed by the lasercutter and some porno mags (they were heavier than they looked, probably because of the glazing). The latter ones were for "cultural warfare, they can't fight with porn-riddled brains >:D", of course.
Lastly, Bed Dragon noticed a panicked-looking(?) toolbox in the corner and pushed it towars the exit. "There's no time for explanation, we must leave, now!" He barked at the machine to encourage it to walk.
Today's post is a lesson in psychological warfare, so listen closely. I will be depriving QM of his dice, knowing he is severly addicted to eating dice of all shapes and sizes. This torture technique will continue indefinitely until he announces we have won the game.
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While ASS-2 crashes and burns, ASS-3 is deployed directly from the now-groundbound command ship. ASS-3 is a VTOL, borrowed from the colony, and hastily recolored by D-painters in freefall conditions.
Since it's taking off within atmosphere and its destination isn't far from the crash site, no roll is neccessary.

The Super Looters hear the ungodly racket of another approaching VTOL, and receive an encoded communication directly to their AKSG brain implants:
<Sup. Need a lift?>
>Super Looters can now move to any floor of the skyscraper
Rolled 2 (1d20)

Ackshully, one important roll because I'm completely and utterly braindead. Rolling to convince the toolbox to join the AKSG. If it works, I'm mounting it on wheels and using as a LETHAL-class skateboard. Might or might not use basic uzis as propulsion.
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Rolled 12 (1d20)

In the deepest, darkest, forgottenest tunnels the Love Angels find an ancient secret from the early days of the colony...
What is it?
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The Love Angels descend deeper, yet deeper into the colony's bowels. Beneath the metro lines, beneath the sewer canals, through boarded off tunnels and narrow crevices. The expected neo-technic deco of the sewers gives way to something more... Primordial. A series of cracks through the mantle of the asteroid, wet, warm, and just wide enough for a human to uncomfortably shimmy through. Eventually, the tunnel terminates into a cavernous antechamber, and within it, they find...
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A silly little guy. And a wet brick.
Those things can really ruin a setting. Smash it with a brick before you are infested with it's microbes! Or ya know. Take it along. It's pretty small. Innocuous. I mean I suppose you can take it with you. Its harmless.

The Primordial setting never once had problems with a lem. They are fine creatures. Might even be a puruu.
lolololol, awesome image
The mild atmospheric leak of the IFV's NBC sealing allowed trace amounts of ampheticane haze to leach into the crew compartment. It was just the right amount for the driver to grit his teeth, drop the plow and jam the accelerator into the floorpan. His arm and clutch foot were a blur as he worked through the gears because this machine was a FUCKING MANUAL! Four sets of wheels broke loose on the asphalt and kicked up smoke, obscuring the IFV as it plowed into it's assailants, infantry were promptly grated against the road while several turret emplacements were knocked over.

The moment it rocked to a stop the operators egressed operationally, proceeding to operate. From the fog of burnt rubber the dismounted infantry of Halberd Intergalactic unloaded on their opposition with sustained, high density, precision fire all while in a non-permissive environment. The precision brought a tear to the eye of the surviving members of the corporate board during a post action review. Within 14 seconds all hostiles had been neutralized, and within 36 seconds all survivors were liquidated.

Without missing a beat the elite team began recovering equipment and throwing it on to the trailer, thrown into or strapped on top of the IFV and made haste back to the Garage for rearming and refitment.

>Recovered 6 light railguns, 2 heavy rail emplacements, large amounts of random body armor, med kits, and the cored out PowerGear.
>The infantry template of the superlooters and Halberd Intergalactic troops will be homogenized in the future by corporate as a new standard D-troop.

BD Grabbed the robot and screamed at it like nicholas cage having flashbacks of playing ghostrider at an all you can eat buffet and bordello. Which is Wednesday for Nicholas Cage. The toolbox Joined the Mercenary out of fear, perhaps automated obediance, perhaps knowledge of a chance to touch greatness.

The small toolbox was no meer toolbox, but a mobile fabrication machine that would generously attempt to give you back what you put inside it. After it was disassembled, but it was really only for one item at a time. The consequence of grabbing BOTH sets of guns and a laser cutter was that the machine was UNKNOWN.

Roll a 1d20 and see what happens when a machine tries to deal with 5 complex objects at once, instead of simple hand tools.
I acknowledge the results of XwWuOJ4O as correct, good, and very, very, arete.
Is this a reference to something?
Rolled 2 (1d20)

The anti-orbital strike brings Dill's stroke streak to a sweaty stop, suddenly. He throws his gear and powergear on, ready for whatever.

Freefall from orbit occurs until the last seconds, when emergency re-entry protocols kick in for the plummeting ship.

Roll to determine location of Dill and Diborra's entry
1, 11 or 20 - sewers w/ love angels
odds - hospital w/ beanstalk
evens - powerplant w/ jack
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Rolled 16, 19 = 35 (2d20)

Dill's quarters are exposed to a powerplant's solar array, an impressive collection of generators that create enough energy to power dozens of similarly-sized colonies. Servos whirr in response to joystick input.

The Charismatic Commissar has arrived on KhaieBalkh.

Loadout Cost: 69,420 points

Commissar's Universal Mechsuit:
-C-Class Armor Plating
-C-Class Seekers
-"Dillstar" Close Combat Armament
-Heavy Rifle, with 2 drums of Cryogenic ammunition and 2 drums of Incendiary ammunition
-Jet Boots, with 3 fuel. Consume 1 fuel to activate for 3 seconds.

Cmr. Dill Dreamer, pilot of the C.U.M.
-Commissar's Double Breasted Coat
-Plutonian Caramello No. 1 Vintage Darks (1 case of 4 extra premium cigars)
-Ampheticaine Brick (the very. last. one. on the colony)

"Wait... Take me with you... AHEK AHACK AHUE AHEGGGH." Dill would leave her behind, but he misplaced his metal vapor cutter, and needs this woman's in order to light his stogies.

"Just don't get in my way, Diborra, and that's an order. I expect you to keep up with me in combat, alright? If you fall behind, I can't- I won't rescue you."

Diborra Powmia, Dill's most recent clingy fling
-Cigarettes (Generic brand)
-Metal Vapor Cutter, with 4 charge packs
-I.V. Drip, electrolyte solution (Orange flavored)

Roll 1 to have Dill locate the master control panel for the solar array and shut it all down from there
Roll 2 to have Diborra smash as many solar array generators as she can using brute strength and antiquated curse words alone

Jack/Beanstalk actions and updated squad photos coming later
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Take that, you carpetbagging solar panels!
Rolled 6 (1d20)

>The consequence of grabbing BOTH sets of guns
He only grabed the cryptically named submachineguns, not the mac123 with rifle rounds, tho. Not putting the lasercutter into the machine, btw. Keeping it. If needed, the pron mags can go inside the machine instead.
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Dual Submachineguns || Porn Mags = Dual Smutguns
Cursed weapons that use analog pornography as ammunition, at a rate of one bullet per page. Differentiated by the color of their tacky cheetah print deco: the pink one only accepts yuri, the blue one is partial to yaoi. The more depraved the contents of the page, the higher the muzzle velocity will be: tentacle scat should be enough to penetrate light body armor, while slow-burn romance with hand-holding gives as much kick as a railgun.
Also, somehow each of these is like thrice the size of the guns you put in. Conservation of mass cries alone in a corner.
Yeah, it's a reference to Primordial Evo/Moon Evo, threads that Space Merc derives quite a lot of its DNA from
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This has cemented the machine's fate as a glorified skateboard.
Rolled 20 (1d20)

The recent battle was a harsh lesson but a valuable one. A new pilot and an uparmored PowerGear fitted with a Micro turret and Mobility enhancers was requested to land on the Garage FOB. The Peacekeepers were accurate for their own detriment when they shot the previous Gear, which left the equipment and the weaponry intact while the pilot's seat was gouged out. This meant the equipment could be transferred to the new Gear wihtout a hitch (and saves time from drawing a new mech).

It was also becoming clear that the IFV's machine gun wasn't enough to combat the increasingly vicious Peacekeepers, so one of the shoulders from the beat up PG was refurbished into a turret and a light railgun was mounted on it. It lacked optics to fire it remotely, so they installed a box where the technopage would man the turret.

>Order a PowerGear with armor, Micro Turret and Mobility Enhancers (3pts, 0pts remaining)
>Rolling to upgun the IFV
Forgot to attach the pic, but I guess the IFV needs further development now.
Rolled 2 (1d6)

The Love Angels split in opinions. Some argue that small inncouous creatures found deep within asteroids are basically always horrible murderous monsters. The others point out that a murderous monster is what they need right now, as long as they can deliver it to the surface. In the end, the team decides to take the creature along and name it Spot.
Thus begins a long trek back to the surface, guided by the snack wrapper trail and muffled sounds of faraway explosions. In the end, the team emerges at
>1- A metro station
>2- An underground mall
>3- A private sex dungeon
>4- A military installation
>5- A garbage pit
>6- A colony of underground mutants
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When the news of enemy further escalating their defenses by vehicles and railguns hit the command center, an independent branch of nerdy technicians decided it was time to show the world what the horrors of the past could do. They pulled out their precious blueprints and got to work on modifying the ancient anti-tank rifle to fit modern battlefield standards, 3d-printing the parts from surrounding unused materials, and handing those to local droids for assembly. But that wouldn't do, no, they had to PROVE that OLD DESIGN WAS AND STILL IS SUPERIOR (nevermind they added a second barrel to the damn thing) and promptly decided to load the ammo with depleted uranium.

The following equipment will become available during the next supply drop:

Tank Dissolver - A double blast from the past, so hard it can turn a mecha inside-out and send the pilot back in time. Lethal to machines, wasteful food processor for everything else. Failed rolls might maim the shooter and/or level an innocent building. Ammunition needs to be resupplied periodically (comes with 16x 20mm uranium rounds).
It seems that where scavenged parts fall short, off-the-shelf will do pretty nicely. And the FOB, as a former garage, had plenty of shelves to choose from. The IFV could be upgraded further, albeit it will take another day or so.
Meanwhile, a message from Command comes in that the location of the Casaba-Howitzer has been triangulated, and that its guard detail is currently indisposed. Halberd Intergalactic is currently in perfect position to swoop in and steal away the Casaba-Howitzer before enemy reinforcements arrive. Keyword, "currently".

You have a choice to make:
>Upgrade the IFV with materials from the garage (general upgrades building on >>6085390)
>Assault the Casaba-Howitzer (you will get the Casaba-Howitzer as an IFV weapon)
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Rolled 3, 18 = 21 (2d20)

>Casaba-Howitzer as an IFV weapon
pic related

The Love Angels emerge in an underground mall, full of civilians hiding from the fighting and looting the shops. Not wasting any time, Nurse Angel starts offering medical help (by which she means neurospiking in an empty stall), while Police Angel joins the looting to get some pet food for Spot.
Rolled 10, 4 = 14 (2d20)

Bed Dragon was appalled by what the machine had spat out at him and after kicking it and pondering throwing it back into the burning workshop for a moment, he decided it would be wasteful and it's better to just... give it to the people.
>Machine is up for grabs, can be teleported beck to mothership or taken aboard by an ASS. Whoever takes it, will discover the horrific pornguns inside.
With that out of the way, Bed Dragon set out to compromise another radio tower.
>Roll for travelling there
>Roll for the destination situation
is there a picture for the <KhaieBalkh chopshop powergear>
Rolled 5 (1d20)

Why walk when you can ride, as the old saying goes. The team hops inside the redeco'd AKSG and rides it up to just below top floor where the colony control computer.

Rolling to
>Enter what is hopefully the control center
Dill. The Dreamer. The walking creamer. Half man, half fever dream, half man again. Thats giving it the ol' 150%! And you know what? He does it all the time.

Dill and Diborra went to town on that solar array, really, kilometers of the stuff. Vivious swings of the I.V. holder took out the newfangled and so called solar panels, while Dill just strode through the forest of brittle glass like a bull in a china shop.

Eventually Did did find the interlink that connected a colony sized solar array to the rest of the grid. With a mighty grunt, suitable for utterance during a morning constitutional, he doth yank the coupling apart, and thus did this area of the colony go quiet.
Fuck Yankeedom.

BD awoke, covered in stale sweat, someone else's blood, a fine dusting of ampheticaine and well, his regular clothes. Next to him was a smashed robot. He vaugely recalled something about porn guns, or a lion. Rolling his shoulders and cracking his neck he looked around. On the ground were a pair of SMG sized autoshotguns. Fortuitous. He looked over and kicked the small robot to be sure it was really deactivated, then shot it twice out of superstition.

The day...was clearer. He was clearer. Rollerblading down a street cluttered with parked cars, he noticed that some of the city was unpowered. The Comm Grid still needed to be maintained in AKSG's advantage, the next tower was a larger one than the rest. A descendent of an Omega-Alpha system tower design. In this case it simply covered about half the colony for line of sight.

It wasn't so much combat, but a sky scraper in its own right. The only way up was a ladder, or he could say fuck it and demolish the structure, that would have it's own value.

>Climb the tower
>Use some scavenged detpacks to blow out a few legs and let it fall.
(wholesome little turret box robot room.)
Halberd Intergalactic went above and beyond in refitting the IFV. Doing some creative work with destroyed equipment the IFV's original turret was replaced with a second railgun assembly based on the first unit. The gun was paired up to the new power gear for a twin gatling system. One of the D-troops said it looked like it's arms were heavy, and another guy said they could call it "heavy arms" but thats probably copyrighted. Still The team had continued to innovate their templates were being deployed across the city against increasingly hostile forces.
Enjoyable as always.
Nurse angel has become an angel of mercy, some defect in her mind caused her to execute a dozen people with a used neural spike injector. One after another, each body pushed into a closet, a new offer of help, a new fatal trepanning session. This place...it was getting to her.

Meanwhile Police Angel was doing just fine. Not only was there enough food for spot, but such an abundance that the angels had all the pet kibble they could eat too. Life was good once more.
The combined team of the superlooters and ASS3 made it to the top of the tower, and the D-Commandos were offloaded to finish the mission. The upside was, they were there, the downside was, they were now facing core defense robots. Caught off guard, you must roll 1d20 per team member to survive. Creative use of equipment and writing will aid in survival.
Rolled 14, 10 = 24 (2d20)

After the upgrades, the IFV was barely meeting the energy requirements and the Gear was slightly teeter-tottering to the left. All and all, a job done good enough now is better than a job done perfect tomorrow. The team got an emergency assignment to capture/eliminate the weapon firing nuclear shaped charges at the command ship before a recovery (or a softer crash landing) becomes impossible.

The PG could now keep up with the speeding IFV with its mobility enhancers, so the team went headlong towards the anti orbital weapon.

>Rolling two dice for the IFV and the Power Gear navigating through the Peacekeepers, -3 malus for rushing in without scouting.
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As the team drives beyond speed limit towards its objective, prepared to crush any traffic in their way, they quickly notice there is no traffic to crush in their way. The streets are empty - TOO empty. Suddenly, a shadow looms over them. They hear the deafening buzz of an approaching VTOL, and the quieter buzz of a charging railgun. A pair of Militia Powergears, with transport VTOLs acting as "jetpacks". They fire the first volley, and while your Powergear manages to dodge (clumsily), the IFV is nailed in the back. Thankfully, it's a front-wheel drive, so it can keep on going, but the back left wheel is now a dead weight and one of the troopers in the back got his pinky finger grazed by the shrapnel.
It's a running battle, and the VTOLs are keeping pace with you. However, even with the IFV crippled, your team would be faster than the Powergears would be on foot, so if you can disable the VTOLs you can simply outrun them. But then you wouldn't get to loot them...
Rolled 14, 6, 19 = 39 (3d20)

Loot, schmoot. The Halberd task force was already behind schedule, and they wouldn't be able to capture the VTOL intact. The IFV quickly spooled up its railguns against the opposing PG's while the Gear beared down on the VTOL with the combined strength of dual gatling guns and a micro turret, while the targeting array fed information for correct lead on target .

>Three rolls: IFV, PowerGear and Micro turret respectively vs Peacekeepers
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Rolled 7, 11 = 18 (2d20)

>Bad nightmare
>Spoopy music with SMG-toting clowngirl
There must've been something eldritch in those drugs, let's hope nothing of prophetic kind.

Fortunately for the radiotower, Bed Dragon was not one to pass up a good scenic view of megacity riots. The merc strapped his uzis to his hips and his shotguns to his uzis and started climbing the ladder peacefully unaware that his duffel bag didn't contain a parachute. Hopefully he wouldn't need one, because what could threaten his descent anyway?
>Roll for ladder climbing
>Roll for female attention avoidance
Rolled 17 (1d20)

Bringing Nurse Angel to stop and giving her the duty of feeding Spot to distract her from having a nervous breakdown, the team tries an alternate approach: spreading out among the crowd, they start igniting rumors that the attack on the colony is a huge fake set up by the government to distract the public from increasing taxes, pedophile ring in the mayor's basement and impending ban on porn.
Rolled 10, 4, 20 = 34 (3d20)

One of the IFV's shots hits one of the Powergears (let's call it PG-1) in the shoulder, detonating its missile launcher. Unfortunately, the torso was designed by a sane engineer who respects pilot safety (ew), so most of the explosive force was wasted on blowing the mech's arm off rather than on turning the pilot into chunky salsa like it is in NORMAL vehicles.
Your Powergear's gatling fire went wide due to it currently skating at around 100 km/h and having an unbalanced frame, but the auto-turret picked up the slack and put a 9mm hole through VTOL-2's glass, and through its pilot's skull. The VTOL slows down and starts listing to its side.

VTOL-1 and PG-1 are still following you, albeit with one less arm.
VTOL-2 is out of control, and leaving the combat area (likely by crashing into a building about 20 seconds from now, give or take). PG-2 is undamaged.

Rolling for:
>PG-1 shooting its remaining railgun at the IFV (-3 due to being unbalanced)
>PG-2 shooting missiles at the IFV
>PG-2 attempting to land safely (-6 due to no control over the VTOL and taking another action this post)

At the speed the IFV and PG are going, they're going to reach the casaba-howitzer's location in... about 1.5 posts worth of action.
Both the railgun shot and the missiles missed.
Meanwhile, PG-2 managed to angle itself so that the VTOL took the brunt of the impact. It's still out of the fight, but at least it'll live to see another day, maybe, if our "heroes" don't accidentally the colony sometime in the next 24 hours.
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Big img.
Rolled 17, 15, 17 = 49 (3d20)

>Three dice: Rolling for IFV vs PG-1, then Railgun Gear & Micro turret vs VTOL-1
Rolled 12, 14 = 26 (2d20)

And now for the final stretch towards the Anti Orbital platform.
>Rolling two dice for the IFV's and the Power Gear's navigation
Rolled 14, 7, 5, 11, 12 = 49 (5d20)

BD's attempts to climb the ladder resulted in slipping off at about 40 feet up and catching one of the guy-wires keeping the mast upright. The display of agility was pretty impressive as he flipped back on top of the wire and used the rollerblades to grind down it like this was some early 2000s videogame. But it wasn't. It wasn't at all. He had achieved nominal female attention with his SICK DISPLAY. The wire ended on top of a nearby rooftop with some escape stairs to an alleyway below.
Nurse Angel was tasked with feeding spot, her neural spike was loosing control of the host mind and the default calm and collected personality overlay was loosing cohesion. Spot soothed her, brought regulation, and so she tenderly fed the alien organism...the corpses in the closet.

The rest of the team was pretty successful at blaming all the woes of the invasion on the government, and while no one is rallying to join AKSG, they also are considering that its possible the entire event is a falseflag, or that AKSG is a justified force with the civilians caught in the crossfire.

>the mall population is relatively pacified and spreading their new thoughts across the colony mobile network. what's left of the mobile network anyway.
The IFV is missed by a wide shot from PG-1, who in turn catches a railgun salvo to the crotch, blowing off the machine's legs and leaving a pilot with one railgun. Still deadly, if degraded. VTOL-1 suffers as well, with a railgun blowing out it's starboard lift apparatus and the micro turret spiderwebbing the cockpit of the machine, putting holes through the canopy. VTOL-1 goes nose low at speed and catches the ground, turning itself into spinning fireball of wreckage while the hapless PG-1 goes flying on a ballistic arc into the city.

PG-2 however...was pissed off. The pilot sprayed missiles as a hailmary, and the attempt went wide. Not unexpected, but dumb luck is still luck when it works, and sometimes it really works well. The thrust from the missiles pushed the listing VTOL-2 just enough to put it into an aggressive tumble that launched PG-2 in an arc not dissimilar to it's companion. Where PG-2 differed was that it executed a landing directly onto the trailer of the IFV. Moving on pure reflex, the pilot toggled controls and prepared to execute an alphastrike into the ass of the IFV.

>rolling for: Reflexes, point blank shot for 2 Rail guns and 2 sets of missile launchers.
>Beat my reflex roll, and shoot back with whatever can hit him. Maybe slam on the brakes...
Rolled 18, 5 = 23 (2d20)

Not wanting to lose the momentum, the Technopage housing the rear turret was ordered to fire point blank at the offending PowerGear. At worst, the shot will take out the trailer along the Gear.
>Rolling for reflex and Railgun shot
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Rolled 2 (1d20)

The Technophage was fast. It's reflexes were augmented, overclocked actually. The Speed was a trade off for precision, and in doing so it blew the trailer hitch clear off, leaving PG-2 behind but not before it fired all it's weapon's at once at near point blank range. The jostling of being detached, coupled with the tongue of the trailer slamming down onto the road dramatically impacted PG-2's aim (-3), but this close, it was hard to miss. The railgun shots went wide, but a few rockets made their mark and put some craters into the rear doors. Nothing that won't buff out.

Speeding away Halberd Intergalactic lives to fight another day. Undaunted PG-2 began to run after the IFV, it was futile, but tenacious.

>rolling for PG-2's pursuit.
PG-2 tripped and fell over it's own feet, landing on it's back. Persuit over.
(pic in previous post is a looted mobile "casaba howitzer". No longer precision artillery, and it's mechanisms not understood by the D-troops it was converted into a thermonuclear "projector." To most the would call it an unshielded nuclear thermojet.

The machine must spool up, and each turn it is active, it gets progressively more powerful as the temperature rises, but it also becomes progressively more likely to suffer a catastrophic failure.. or wild success. 1d20 shrinks to 1d10, to 1d5 to 1d2. Letting the unit cool off for a turn allows it to move to the previous dice.

The machine was dangerous before being looted by any normal standard, but is now hideously radioactive, spraying superheated air from an unshielded reactor that eventually exposes it's targets to superheated plasma beyond simple scalding and conflagrations. All while irreversibly tainting the environment.

Currently AKSG only has a few of these wonderous machines on the front, but with your help, We'll have more in no time!
Rolled 12, 11 = 23 (2d20)

Oh no, time to try again o'clock. Bed Dragon expertly rode the railing down to the ground and zig-zagged through the tight streets back to the tower.
>Use escape stairs and alleyways to lose the female attention (bad roll = more crazy eyes on him)
>Climb the tower (again)
...looks like the tower will have to be leveled.
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Also here's how it looks like pre-looting in case you want to make modifications that aren't turning it into a giant flamethrower. It fires hypervelocity plasma "pellets", which are good at deleting vehicles and/or creatively rearranging terrain, but it needs like 5 minutes after every shot to cool down and reload so not the best choice in a direct firefight.
GM told me these things are way too small compared to what he originally had in mind so upscaled version coming in soon
Rolled 4 (1d5)

BD promptly escaped down the stairs, which considering the rollerblades was an impressive feat. His attempts to cross the street are hindered by a growing horde of thirsty hoes. So he went back to the roof for a moment to think. Consulting with his smart visor for the best course of action it suggested demolition via breaking the Guy-wires around the tower and it fall as it may. There were well over a dozen cables that kept the tower under tension, but it looked like shearing just three would overcome it's engineering limits. The cable was held in place by being threaded through a counter rotating bolt like a giant piece of safety wire. As thick around as his wrist, or perhaps a baby's arm holding an apple, it would not be damaged by conventional means. Torch time.

>roll 1d20 for cutting action, and not being killed by the wire whipping back at BD.
The team makes it to the general location of the platform but cannot I.D an obvious weapon.
>Roll 2d20 for perception.

The CommandShip was struggling to keep altitude after being gored by the Casaba Howitzer. The colony was waking up, and quickly turned out to be formidable in it's defenses, with a vast fleet of mothballed anti ship equipment being brought to bear. Where the principal anti ship weapon had crippled AKSG, several dozen smaller machines (pictured below) were now firing freely at the command ship as well, peppering it's hull and gradually ablating the vessel. The long story short, eventually they would hit something important. This wasn't a problem until the hard ion shield was brought down by the shut down of the solar array.

The flipside was that the command ship had fully disgorged it's crew compliment plus existing cargo and was now cannibalizing itself to deploy drones and war machines cut from it's own hull and systems. It was rapidly becoming all or nothing now. Several fabrication machines were dropped onto "FOB Garage", and a lesser one slammed down near "The mall", embedding itself into the lower floors.

Rolling for: Command ship not crashing, Progress of the sewer system infestation, anti government civil unrest, anti occupation civil unrest, and how well the non player AKSG teams are doing against the peacekeeper forces.
Rolled 1, 7, 12, 19, 17 = 56 (5d20)

whoops. silly GM. Forgot the dice.
Rolled 1 (1d2)


Rolling for how the ship goes down:

1: Catastrophic break up. Every area of the colony is suffering.
2: Impact into an urban area, totaled but whole, its going to hit something.
Rolled 18, 10, 1, 5 = 34 (4d20)

"It's cutting time."
>3d20 for cutting 3 wires with the lasertorch and living to tell the tale
>1d20 for not getting pussywhipped
Progress of the sewer system infestation, anti government civil unrest, anti occupation civil unrest, and how well the non player AKSG teams are doing against the peacekeeper forces.

>Bioforms In the colony's waste system: 7
The Bioforms that nested in the colony's sewers were slow to gestate and develop, instead liquefying and taking another evolutionary route. They began to spread like slime mold, forming large biofilms across the waste system's many tunnels. Still a patchwork of individuals, given enough time they would eventually make a connection with one another, and then the real reactivity begins. Sadly, time was not something this mission had, and this is the risk of bioform deployment. Erratic results. With careful tending and at great risk to the tenders, the process could be accelerated, but that would require someone to notice in the first place.

>anti government civil unrest: 12
The locals were nominally loyal for this moment, seeing as their way of life was previously destroyed and it looks like end times are upon them, its hard to appreciate the people who started that.

> anti occupation civil unrest: 19
Inversely, with the amount of destruction occurring the locals are pretty galvanized against AKSG and it looks like that won't be changing anytime soon. A significant portion of the population has retreated to the inside of the colony, leaving "voidside" a sparsely populated no man's land where AKSG and the PeaceKeeper forces violently clash. Those civilians that remain, and there are quite a few, are openly hostile to AKSG and set up partisan resistance, traps, and any sort of hinderance they can.

>NPC AKSG performance: 17
The data and lessons learned from the Commander controlled D-teams has driven a lot of innovation, trending towards heavier and more mechanized warfare coupled with technologically dependent infiltration specialists and commando teams. Bioforms had proven to be useful, but erratically deployed and frequently passed over for heavier equipment. Unlike prior AKSG ventures, this cycle relied more heavily on human capital and AI driven machines. Several latecoming outliers existed who continued to garner value.

In open conflict Heavy IFVs and mobile gun systems skirmished against heavier peace keeper armor, usually preforming favorably, and capable of executing limited dismounted infantry tactics and combined arms. Close range PowerGears were used as heavy ambush and apex predators inside buildings and areas with limited mobility, oft supported by a mixed fleet of drones and captured VTOLs. At a distance the battle was a chaotic maneuver war mostly fed by field resupply.
A small beep on the love angel's tactical device let them know a firmware update was being pushed to their neural spikes. The updated spikes now operated in much looser tolerances, while mostly hijacking the host's body and sensory systems, bypassing cognition and memories.
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Rolled 19, 16 = 35 (2d20)

The aerial AIDs were quickly released in case the weapon was stowed away. The Lead team were left to man the IFV while the Scouts stepped outside of the comforts of the armored box to do their own search.

Even the Captcha knows shit is hitting the fan.
Rolled 9 (1d20)

The Love Angels were stopped on a street by a Resistance band and accused of colluding with the invaders. Thankfully, everyone understood how flimsy those allegation were (even though they were correct, but tsss...). Pivoting towards the new opportunity, half of the Love Angels decide to join the Resistance on the spot, while the other half stays behind in case things go wrong. Let's see how successful this infiltration is...
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Looking on from ground level, you could mistake it for a construction site, or perhaps a powerplant; but from the aerial viewpoint of the AID drones, its shape becomes unmistakable: you have arrived, at the Casaba-Howitzer. Now, I ask of you... Dare you mount it... on your IFV?
need to put russian walking facility legs so it can wadle
That's an awesome picture
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Rolled 4, 6, 16, 11, 11 = 48 (5d20)

I don't think I need to mount it on anything. It has enough range and firepower to level the entire colony from where it sits right now. But as >>6087366 mentioned, we could (later) engineer a solution to make it walk.

The Railgun Gear and the Technopage inside the IFV were relegated to guard duty, while the rest of the troops stormed the... structure on foot. Tear gas was used liberally to clear the rooms so as to avoid damaging the volatile machinery.

Meanwhile, the Lead D-troop dubbed "3-L" was making his way towards the Team's location on a VTOL carrying whatever, or whomever he could gather from the falling command ship.

>2d20 for guarding the site + Micro turret
>1d20 for assaulting the Casada-Howitzer
>1d20 Rolling for the loot from the command ship.
>1d20 Rolling for the personnel from the command ship.
Low roll: menial workers. High roll: engineers, officers etc.
Badly damaged and heavily irradiated, numerous escape pods and core components ejected above KhaieBalkh. Ground fire intercepted a few, but most made the descent. The real danger was being crushed by what they just fled. The command ship broke apart from the continuous bombardment of the mobile Casaba howitzer brigades.

While miniscule compared to the colony, the appropriated vessel was stately and large compared to any other space fairing ship. Chunks weighing in at hundreds of tons rained down from above, cratering the besieged mega city, threatening vital systems. The catastrophic rain eventually took out the power control center, responsible for load balancing the entire colony. Where the hard ion shield had failed, now the atmospheric containment system also gave way, along with all of the common power grid. In a blink, atmosphere, artificial gravity, power, comms. All of it went down. The atmosphere vented the colony in short order, it's weak gravity insufficient to contain the vital gasses, and soon a low gravity hard void was what AKSG would be fighting in.

Most of the field troops were already outfitted for decompression contingency with rolls of tape, plastic hoods, and BELIEF IN AKSG. A new battle with regards to resupplying breathing oxygen has started. Temperature will drop soon, though for now survivors on both sides endure from the simple thermal mass of the colony. Building doors slam shut with environmental seals active, and vehicles switch over to metallic fuel cells for AIP operation.
BD began cutting through the wires as the apocalypse started, muttering to himself "It's cutting time." The first wire gave way cleanly, and he skated over to the second which snapped concerningly, the last wire lashed back and he reflexively raised his arms...
...and started vomiting out fluid from his lungs and stomach. Coughing and hacking in the sterile laboratory air. D-staff looked over at BD and proceeded to examine vitals and other metrics while a 4L brought him a fresh suit of clothes. "You really ate shit back there, wanna see?" A D-staffer offered. BD had seen his death before, wasn't the first time, wouldn't be the last. The loss of the Shotguns was a bummer, but that was why he rarely bothered keeping too much custom gear... The new equipment wasn't looking too bad though. Exoskeleton, grappling hooks, some pretty heavy weaponry, nice tools...He rolled his shoulders to crack his upper back. Why the fuck did they keep creating new bodies with a stiff back? What sadistic bullshit was this?
>(+3 bonus for prior social engineering efforts and team specialty)
The infiltration angels barely pass the scrutiny of the resistance band, but their intimate knowledge of well, the intimate allows them to pass for locals after a series of grueling questioning sessions. Meanwhile spot has been growing, quite a lot actually. Now gorged, it is roughly 200kg/440lbs. What a unit.
To say that this operation was a shitshow would be an understatement. Still, the team pressed on, at least until the power went out and the atmosphere and artificial gravity started leaving the premises. When the PowerGear and IFV tried to move suddenly to face a gagging, strangled PeaceKeeper, they easily broke free and began a low-g tumble, almost flying off the bridge, instead just...sorta being stuck in a stupid flip. It was sorta elegant in it's own way. Artsy maybe. The Micro turret fired ineffectively against the still moving corpse, it's limited AI interpreting the slow motion jump of the dead man as a ninja like attack.

Unmounted, the crew put the low gravity to use, bounding all over the Howitzer super structure and clearing the disoriented staff. Aside from a few ruptured eardrums and bleeding eyes, the crew survived the void well enough and were now occupying the various pressurized sections of the howitzer.

3-L made due with what he could scavenge. Controlling the VTOL in the void was a complex task, as the machine was operating off exhaust gasses created by boiling it's fuel and coolant. Wouldn't last forever, but it was enough for another few hours. Maybe. With a little effort he located large pods of Void rated survival equipment, fuel cells, and weren't exactly top shelf equipment, but in this instance were worth their weight in gold. Hopefully the team back at the garage was better off than the rest of the population.

Catching an AKSG distress signal he found a few teams of basic D-Goons and D-staffers. They were sort of gofors and "do-alls", and while not the most competent, they were spare hands, fighters, and make shift techs or medics as needed. Might not survive their care, and what they fix might get more broken, but they sure did try. The staff were competent at logistics and machine operation. Maybe with some tweaks to their neural spikes they could be flashed to Halberd Intergalactic's firmware. 3-L considered the thought but it really wasn't his area of specialty.

Victory conditions:

1. Casaba Howitzer has been captured- Halberd Intergalactic
2. The Power grid is crashed, and the solar array is damaged. -Dill
3. Comms grid is compromised -BD
4. Locals are being subverted. -Angels

Awaiting responses from the SuperLooters, DillDreamer/ jack, Wolves, Beta, and ASS-3. Their scenario is updated to reflect the current events.

Rolling for:
How many days redundant colony systems will take to kick online.
Adaptation of AKSG forces to void combat.
Adaptation of Peacekeeper forces to void combat.
Rolled 20, 3, 3 = 26 (3d20)

Rolled 6 (1d20)

Evacuated to pressurized tunnels, the Love Angels quickly organize manufacturing jerry-rigged pressure suit from scrap, to worm into the Resistance's trust but mostly to get some vacuum suits for themselves. They accept volunteers, teach them to make suits and relay to them speculations that the so-called "falling spaceship debris" is all a false flag by the government to take away people's guns and forbid them from owning cars.
I was assuming it's either returned to the command ship or still serving as transport for the Super Looters. Not so much an independent team as an asset for another
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Due to current environmental trends, AKSG R&D is announcing a limited time offer on Space-type Powergears. For just 7 points of company currency, you can purchase a Powergear fully equipped for dealing with the dangers of void operations.
Features include:
>several rocket motors
>several fuel tanks for said rocket motors
>bendy arms (with rocket punch functionality)
>magnetized grappling hooks
>a little more oxygen than the default Powergear
>cool new color scheme
>voided warranty
Also comes in an economy variant (4 points apiece)
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Rolled 19, 6 = 25 (2d20)

And after cracking his shoulders, Bed Dragon crossed his hands behind his spine and methodically cracked every disc he could. The D-staffers watched half-impressed, half-annoyed at the possibility of BD breaking his spine and forcing them to rebuild him again. One even gestured to the stapler and a wheelchair in the corner, but was met with a shrug from his compatriot and a spirited slap across the face from Bed Dragon leaving the room to try his new equipment and raid the fridge.
Equipped with close to a ton of Q-Colas and armed in a combat exoskeleton of unknown origin found in the attic, covered by a jacket that would fit a cyberpunked giant, merc kicked the airlock open for the good luck and used it as a skateboard, performing a sick heavy-metal kickflip and sending the sheet of metal flying into the nearby group of gas-masked resistance fighters. Bed Dragon didn't need no lame mask, his (new) helmet attached to the exo's life support was more than enough. It was time to bring down the fucking tower.
The merc could hear droids behind him grumble as they fished the airlock out of gore and dragged it back to re-seal the building.
>Rolling for sickness of the flip
>Fending off normies and women as BD zooms (exo go fast) through the streets towards the tower that killed him (or another one)
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You win some, you fuck some. Something like that.
Rolled 19, 13, 14 = 46 (3d20)

As ASKG values individual improvement, the appearance of the core robots was something the Super Looters really weren't hoping for. Nevertheless they had a certain sort of charity that they felt inclined to show to the robots. Starting with a quick test of visual-motor coordination, started with an exclamation of "catch" and a throwing of a high explosive brick or two primed to blow in a scant few seconds. The team then scattered, tossing behind cans of stimulant laced liquid to see if the "No outside food or drink" warning happened to be enforced by these two upstanding automatons.
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Rolled 10, 15, 8 = 33 (3d20)

The Howitzer was captured, but it was too little too late. Now that the command ship is inoperable and the KhaieBalkh is in turmoil, survival took priority. Capturing an oxygen-generating facility is a no-go; if it wasn't already secure before, the place should be swarmed by Peacekeepers by now. The next best thing would be to steal from a place that stores oxygen in liquid form, like from the industrial grid or the space port.

The VTOL makes an arduous landing and the personnel are ushered inside the Howitzer then told to learn the controls of the said Howitzer. The D-troops donned the space suits, though the Scouts spent time camouflaging them. Old habits die hard.

And while the entire situation was nothing short of a catastrophe, it did have a silver lining. Without the atmosphere, most of the resistance has either fled or fallen, leaving the streets empty. Even then the team took care while travelling so as to not quadruple flip over the vehicles in microgravity.

>1d20 for locating a liquid oxygen tank
>1d20 for navigation, slow and steady
>1d20 for the D-staffers n' goons examining the Casaba-Howitzer
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(3/3) The colony's exterior was essentially a wasteland. Isolated sectors kept their power on through existing redundancies or desperate creativity. It didn't solve the problem of being exposed to void. The population was on lockdown, sealed inside hab units. Even the peace keeper and AKSG forces entered into an uneasy armistice, hunkering down where they were. Combat was mostly reduced to vehicular patrols with troops that were able to scrounge enough void hardened equipment to make brief forays outside the relative shelter of their vehicles. PeaceKeepers had used the lull to mobilize their EM tanks, the crew was made of a commander, gunner, and scout disguised in a crude approximation of AKSG fatigues. Allegedly it confused the drones. AKSG reports leant towards subjective on that matter.

(20) To AKSG's benefit, they had managed to get control of redundant systems and were now able to ensure their survival while making it much harder on the peace keepers and local population.

Mission update:
With HG's capture of the Casaba Howitzer, and Dill's shut down on the Ion shields, AKSG could make contact with their more risk adverse long range mission partners to begin phase two of Operation: Kowloon Express. The Central comm tower was taken out by an independent operative, preventing any communication off colony by the locals. Because of Angel Team the colony was infested with a slow acting bioform, which would yield fruit during terminal phases and ongoing population suppression and containment.

Presently the colony engines and central AI were not yet under corporate control.

The locals doubted the veracity of the angel's claims, and found that putting plastic bags over their head was dubious. It worked for running quickly through deatmo'd locations, stopping eye bleeds and ruptured eardrums, but it wasn't much. Still, a subtle trickle of newly spiked recruits were flowing in.
ASS-3 has landed somewhere and is undergoing a refit for void operations, or it's brain was ripped out and shoved into a roomba. Very uncertain.
BD proceeded to murder a group of survivors who were wearing adhoc survival gear, including plastic bags over their head. He regrettably drew the attention of a tanker team.
>Engage in low gravity man vs tank.
Rolled 3, 4, 15, 18, 7 = 47 (5d20)

<One Must Fall 2097 - Soundtrack, Danger Room>

Rolling for the superlooter fight. 1d20 per robot to survive the surprise attack, and 1d20 per to resist the urge to throw away outside food and drink.

Rolling to shoot at BD with a FUCKING TANK. GET OUT OF MY SWAMP!
The team moved under the unblinking stars, so different without an atmosphere. Their spikes ensured discipline, and the scenery was never considered. They spent the mission plucking o2 survival cylinders off frozen corpses and vehicles, gradually leaving the technicals bloated and full of gasious cylinders. Attempts to find proper LOX were less successful, the colony didn't seem to utilize it, instead favoring GOX and chemical rebreathers. The supplies would work for now, but another patrol would be needed until AKSG command properly got the redundant colony systems operational.

The team crept slowly along, harvesting bits of scrap metal and components to repair the IFV. Another truck was cut in half but it was a shame about the AC Unit. It got hot as fuck inside the IFV. Eventually they spotted a peace keeper tanker team engaging with a solitary combatant in the distance.

>What do?
Rolled 11, 4, 19 = 34 (3d20)

19: surprise attack vs 3/4
13: scatter+cover vs none.
14: DRINK ATTACK. vs 15/18

The SuperLooters threw two HE bricks at the robots, with the command of catch. Already off kilter due to their programming not adapted for low gravity, the robots took the brunt of the explosion poorly and went flying. Both Hanz and Franz took damage to their densly armored frames, with Franz loosing a limb and it's gun, and Hanz loosing a hat, sensors, and an arm.

The Duo were likely toast, but there was a third machine in play. The hat was actually a hunter killer suicide drone, and it was going after the team.

Rolling for:
Hans (-4) for a blind melee attack.
Franz (-5) for a hobbling melee attack.
HKS Drone for finding the tender asses of the looters and exploding.
Counter roll and provide a strategy. Be prepared for casualties.
Rolled 11, 18, 13 = 42 (3d20)

(I should mention that the technicals are still inside the Garage.)

The IFV drove next to an office located a few blocks located a few blocks behind the Tank. The Scouts would be once again showing their mettle by attempting to break inside the tank. Once outside in the microgravity, they jumped up the building then leaped from roof to roof towards the tank. Once in position, the Scouts would land on the tank and cut the hatch open with torches then pepper the crew compartment with shotgun shots.

Railgun PG and the IFV would stand by with railguns ready in case the assault fails.

>1d20 for Scouts taking over the tank
And if it fails...
>1d20 for Railgun PG' attack
>1d20 for the IFV's attack
Rolled 14 (1d20)

Facing a tank, BD could only do one thing.
>Sprint up to the tank. Jump on tank. Hyperkill the tank team using the LMGs.
Rolled 4, 10, 17, 18, 5 = 54 (5d20)

(my bad. The IFV is now a gypsy wagon, loaded up inside and packed on top of outside.)
Roling to see if the crew is distracted enough for the scout's attempt at take over to work.

The flashy attack peppered LMG fire across the tank, and while mostly ineffective against it's heavy armor, did break a few sensors and keep the crew suppressed while Halberd Intergalactic got into position. Blinded to the outside world the crew could only wait until BD's wild attack ended. In the lull cracked hatches to survey their situation, already armed with rocket launchers and main turret swiveling towards the powergear. With a soundless rumble, the tank's engine kicked to life as it prepared to roll forward.

>crew keeping the scouts away with rockets and MG fire
(if this is less than 11, the tank is subverted.)
>crew shooting at BD with rockets.
>absorbing the PG attack
>absorbing the IFV attack.
>Main cannon vs PG.
Rolled 13 (1d20)

Realizing his initial mistake and sensing impending danger, Bed Dragon backflipped off the tank and crossed the LMGs above his head. When the soldier with an RPG peeked showed his launcher, the merc was ready to reply. It was time to see if a cross-stream of lead could parry a speeding rocket mid-air.
>I parry the rocket
The scout's descent on top of the tank was aided by the exposed crew. Attempts at shooting crew weapons and missiles were thwarted, with one shoulder fired weapon streaking off into the black sky above, it's seeker trained on a star it would never hit. Shotguns popped off silently, the kinetic transfer sending scouts flying off in one direction while the now dead crew members splattered and summersaulted away in another. The rest of the conflict was mundane as the scouts quickly secured the inside of the tank and overwhelmed the unarmed tank commander who was stabbed a couple times and stripped of equipment.

With a captured tank, the team turned back, with two choices "FOB garage." or "FOB Casaba".

Despite the loss of the command ship, the board still endured, providing periodic direction through a very degraded signal. Due to the ongoing data analysis from the love angels and intrigue towards the bioform "bean", two new weapons are being issued to replace the standard equipment loadout of D-troops.

Knife has been replaced with "Stinger". It comes in two variants:
-Bioform injector: Infects it's target with an incubating bioform. Resembling the classic knife.
-Neural Spike XL: A near guarantee of D-troop subversion, the XL also contains the necessary genetic and hormonal therapies to ensure optimal conversion. Resembling an oversized icepick.

Additional missions have been unlocked:

>Secure the AKSG command node.
Rolled 5, 12, 10, 6 = 33 (4d20)

>FOB Casaba
Ironically, the people cooped up in the FOB didn't have the firepower to handle any serious threats approaching the howitzer. Lending the tank to them should provide them with a better fighting chance.

Speaking of, the D-staffers' efforts to learn the operation of the howitzer has yet to bear fruit (clearly their template is inferior compared to the ones patented by Halberd IG.). Still, they'd continue to poke at the WMD until it started making sense. What could possibly go wrong?

In the mean time, the Team headed out to tackle the next objective received from the command. The Lead squad checked what the mission would entail while the Scouts went on ahead of the group, utilizing the cityscape to get a better view from the rooftops.

>1d20 for Scouts scouting
>2d20 for the IFV and the Railgun PG's combat readiness
>1d20 for D-Staffers mucking about with the Casaba-Howitzer
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The rocket was hit by the torrent of lead, flipping end over end, and exploding the freshly slain peace keeper. BD shrugged. Not perfect, but pretty good points for style.

The team's luck had run out, and the scouts spotted a 20 strong force hostile powergears escorting two mobile howitzers. They were headed in the general direction of the command node's recovery beacon. After a quick group chat, the team attempted to pink a few of the hostiles at extreme range, with the IFV and PG's coordinating targets. One of the large mechanized group dropped. Hostile return fire was enough that the small D-team had to flee the immediate area.

The D-staffers were...pretty helpless to say the least. The reccently donated tank enhanced their odds of survival, but ongoing research into the Casaba Howitzer yielded that it was very dangerous as one of the staffers fell into a plasma containment field and was converted into a small projectile now traveling out into the darkness of space.
Rolled 18 (1d20)

Having parried the rocket, BD promptly left content and proceeded towards the next comms tower and attempted to sneak in through the fence.
>Rolling for sneaking in using exosuit
Rolled 1 (1d20)

Hell yeah, now to stealthily kill every guard/delinquent.
Rolled 16, 18, 15, 19, 9 = 77 (5d20)

Their vehicles were simply inadequate for assaulting the enemy, even with the added plating, because they lacked any locomotion methods rated for zero-G. Distained but not dissuaded, the Team switched to harrasment tactics to slow the group down while one of the Lead troops called for support. D-troops on foot grabbed pucks from the IFV's storage and tried to drop them on top of the hostile armor, while the IFV and the Railgun PG took potshots afar, the latter launching its own pucks liberally to cloud the enemy's vision with smoke, shrapenel, pebbles and dust.

>1d20 for D-troops' hit-n-run tactics
>1d20 for IFV's suppression
>1d20 for Railgun PG's suppression
>2d20 for available support + effect on target
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>Available support: 19
AKSG command is able to provide you with 19 points worth of support. Pick one of three available squads:
>Powered infantry (tank hunters)
>Air support (missiles and bombs)
>Air support (tank hunters)
>Air support (tank hunters)
I also have some stuff in the garage I could trade in for additional points, though I'd have to ask what they're worth. The items are:
x2 Heavy Railguns
x4 Light Railguns
x2 Technicals /w HMGs
x1 cored out, one-armed Powergear + x2 spare arms
x1 AP cannon
Rolled 11, 87, 9, 72, 52 = 231 (5d100)

rolling for what the Gang of mostly mechanical beings doing things in secret with loot and scrap
Rolled 20, 14, 13, 9, 1 = 57 (5d20)

whoops wrong dice
>1: Control failure.
The Halberd Intergalactic team had already neutralized the tank, leaving BD with a burning mission to Neutralize "EVERY GUARD/ DELINQUENT."
https://youtu.be/JWhjsQffueE?t=64 <Kill Everything - Crossbreed, skipped past the intro because it sucks.>

Stealth was optional, and BD's integrated assistive interface began an unhealthy infodump of known hostile locations, hot spots, unit information, psychological profiles....more. Wires embedded into the neural tissue of this latest BD HOST FLESH received the data from upload. A constellation of supernovas blossomed behind BD's eyelids as he squinted. The HUD was ever present, the kill counter was zero for this run. It flashed, and that flash was unsatisfied. Chirps that only he could hear popped off as targets were acquired, new dots on a field of black. Blood pressure raised and his nose bled. Immediately the back mounted LMGs sprung to life, control somewhere between himself and the embedded AI agent. A chunk of low density concrete exploded nearby as a hail of supersonic tungsten ripped across the airless expanse, chewing up a peace keeper scout behind the wall. One. The counter was at one, and now his eyes were open.

Hallucinations battled with HUD augmentation overlays while he reached for holding onto reality. In his had was metal. IT was metal. It was sharp. It was a sword. It was a sword. It was too big. It had a little rocket launcher on it. What the fuck? Who the fuck was this? A little purple dude kept sitting at the edge of BD's vision, no matter how much he tried to look at the entity it stayed just on the periphery of his sight. "Hey Hero. Nice Hat. Gonna spend all day yankin' your pud?" BD's exo arm's remote feed camera showed a small pirate hat seated on his helmet. Where the fuck did that come from?"
>Try not to rampage
>Fall down and rampage a lot.
>kill the purple fuck.
>Try to interrogate/ know whats going on
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The team launched a combined arms campaign of harassment, attempting to dismantle the tight phalanx of units and pick apart their vulnerable target. D-troops executed low gravity acrobatics, flipping off buildings to get a line of sight while throwing pucks like some sort of...Disc launcher...from some sort of 1990s RTS videogame called tiberium sun....sorta a clunky analogy, but here they were, and here we are.

The Pucks flew true over great distances and some managed to score direct impacts. One of the PeaceKeeper power gears took a puck to the knee, ending it's days of adventuring. As the puck assault ended, and the phalanx began dumping concentrated railgun fire where the D-troops were, an attack from the side rocked them as the IFV began unloading railgun rounds into hapless targets. A few more fell, only for a crossfire from the PG adding pain to the killbox. Pucks, miniguns, and a railgun spattered across the peacekeeper forces, painting uniform ruin in one even coat.

Command saw the live feed and authorized and immediate deployment of assets to the combat zone.

The wholistic approach of Halberd Intergalactic was impressive, but they were still up against a significantly larger force who was regrouping and now spacing out to deal with this organic threat.

>10 Hostile PGs remain mobile, 3 remain weapons capable but immobilized, 1 Howitzer is active and preparing to use it's main gun at full capacity in a direct fire mode.
The command AI indexed the list and then synthesized considerations factoring in existing environmental and resource constraints, almost immediately a text response hit Halberd Intergalactic.

"Option: Reduced gravity will enable practical application of railgun technicals ... field appropriated powergear spares are en route for bipedal mobile heavy railgun direct fire support under AI control. Your team will provide engineering, design, and technical labor. Remaining equipment will be appropriated."

A moment later a second option generates.

"Option: Existing railguns inventory will suffice for attempted implementation of helical railgun. One example...." the screen gitches out and shows a stream of data about MARAUDER.

"Option: Plasma Railgun."
>unspecified direction beyond stated. Generating results.

The team descends on the scrap and wreckage like a demented gaggle of toddlers, new mechanisms cobbled together with wild abandon before being cast aside, before being taken by another and reconfigured, broken, remade.

The feedback loop is insane, as machines gradually amalgamate like coral growing, taking shape. The team begins to collaboratively work on individual things before moving to another as if it were some eldritch dance, components and consensus taking form even as the colony went airless, they worked on undaunted. Unaware of time. The great MACHINE took form but it was imperfect, it demanded sacrifice...it needed...

Pick one minimum, or three maximum. For each team member fed into the MACHINE, roll a 1d20.

A SOUL -Beatmeat.
A HEART -The idiot.
A MIND -The Captain.
(about 50 posts behind, will try to catch up and resume soon, sorry)
TL/DR Edition:

Dill is one of the surviving members of the Commanders, with the corporate board MIA and currently a chunk of the ship's wreckage is transmitting commands to the team.

The colony is an airless near lunar hellscape with most surface systems failing to include artificial gravity. The population of the colony has mostly retreated to the inside of the asteroid, with the peacekeepers and AKSG engaging in space mad max warfare and ambush tactics.

The AKSG AI core is in danger. Numerous commanders are not responding. A giant nuclear cannon has been captured. Things continue to get weird. Welcome back Commander.
You're a QM's QM, Macy Sperk. I'm still gonna go back and read it all anyway though <3
Rolled 10, 16, 8, 6, 19 = 59 (5d20)

Seeing the tripple-layered targetting array go apeshit would cause a different merc to quickly realize his grip on sanity is slipping and most would passively let the microchip terminate their existence by suicide bombing. Bed Dragon was not your everyday space merc, however. His natural propensity for megalomania and main-character syndrome were severely worsened by the chip's courage-boosting functionality and right now... right now it felt like the stars have aligned for him. It was time to kill everything and the bodies would surely form a stairway to heaven so that Bed Dragon could kill GOD and bring the sky down onto the enemies of AKSG. Yees. It was most definitely "killing time". Unbothered by the purple creature for now, the merc adjusted his pirate hat and let the psychosis take him.
>Rampage, kill everyone through the walls. Kill the walls if necessary. And kill the fucking radio tower, there are skeletons sitting all over it and rattling threateningly. If weapons fail, the nearby machines will do for improv and exoskeleton can be used for ramming as last resort.
Rolling appropriate amount of dice.
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Welcome back, brigador.
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Since "Ship fall", the D-team commander's had been in a state of semi autonomy. The loss of communications from the marauding teams "BETA" and "WOLVES" and been a blow to ongoing distraction efforts, culminating in an escalation of burden towards the remaining teams. Today the operative "B.Dragon" would attempt to earn a new high score, and unintentionally draw attention away from the overburden teams as they attempted to fully control the colony exterior.

https://youtu.be/x5EAqBH1AFw <Industrial Darksynth Playlist - Weaponization // white bat audio>

There were targets everywhere, the reality of them was less important than keeping the COMBO going. Burst of LMG fire emitted seemingly at random to an outside observer, the cadence and objective known only to BD. Between here and there the number had climbed to 10. High speed snatch and grabs from void frozen corpses allowed for resupply when ammo threatened to dwindle too low, the rollerblades complimenting the dramatically reduced gravity and allowing for some truly excellent skate tricks....somewhere in the distance was an environmentally sealed warehouse, inside it were many target markers. The fruit of early comms network infiltration.

A wall. A lack of doorway. A perturbance. Mechanical limbs hoisted the weapons as the LMG's burned through ammo in a self aggrandizing, near masturbatory display of waste and firepower. Two points of orange glowed in the relative dark, overheated barrels. Still ammo on the counter. Still violence to be done. B.D. Slammed into the weakened wall skates first, shattering the injured wall segment. Explosive decompression is what happened next, flinging B.D. back the way he came, along with all the atmosphere inside the warehouse, and handful of unlucky peacekeepers. One managed to tag the operative a few times with a machine pistol as he spun helpless, gagging for air that wouldn't come. Bad luck that. The armored coat managed to take the brunt of the hits but left a few bruises. LMG fire ended the man's life, the slowly falling corpse accompanied by it's own rain of gore.

From the outside of the warhouse, sporadic flashes could be seen for the next few minutes as B.D. raised his kill counter. Ammo was low, the sword was sharp. A few isolated vehicles were targeted for what may have been survivors, or just a joyous expression of ammo expenditure before the LMG's were ejected, and the mechanical arms attached to the wrists of B.D. acting as a strength enhancer.

He wouldn't be coming home. That fate was sealed. But he had already earned his next respawn.
>Secure a vehicle. Rampage.
>Intercept the PeaceKeeper phalanx with Halberd Intergalactic. 100% suicide mission.
>Recover the AKSG AI core while everyone is distracted.
>Scout out AKSG modules. pick one.
-B.A.T. renlistment foundry.
-BioWeapon bulk storage container.
-D-troop genegineering tubes.

(Pictured is one option for Halberd Intergalactic's attempt to barter.)
Rolled 8, 4, 19, 9 = 40 (4d20)

A pair of tank hunter drones has been dispatched to your location. They have been named ASS-1 and ASS-2, in honor of their great ancestors.

Rolling for:
>firing at the enemy (2 rolls)
>enemy firing at us (2 rolls)
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Rolled 12, 9, 6, 1 = 28 (4d20)

Facing a choice between 5 plot-related songs, I chose cancer instead.
With everything inside the warehouse dead - enough - four short, hooded figures emerged from the shadows. Wrapped from head to smoke in robes and wearing expensive-looking leather jackets that had "SHADOW WIZARD PIT STOP GANG" emblazoned all over them, the sketchy characters didn't so much as introduce themselves before they began stripping the gunned-down cars for parts, which they attached to Bed Dragon's exoskeleton with what looked like WD40 and magic. The psychotic merc swung his sword in protest but was quickly pacified and thrown onto his back by two pumped-up wizards with threateningly glowing red eyes, while the other two donned welding masks and attached wheels to the mobile frame they had built, all in record time of 36 seconds. After that, it was down to adjusting the microengines and connecting cables.

When the job was done, the team pulled Bed Dragon up to his feet and gave him a push so he'd test the new rig. The merc barely saved himself from driving into a wall, and when he turned around, ready to beat the living shit out of his highly suspicious assailants, they were no longer there. Just an ugly half-burnt note covered in what looked like a kindergartener's scribblings, which said "We will come to collect our due when the time to collect our due comes. Now go, you have places to go." The paper then turned to ash, and tiny engines purred ominously, eager to drive the merc into another wall.

Unsure whether the drugs were wearing off or just kicking in, Bed Dragon decided it was high time to continue his holy crusade for greatness and let the engines loose toward the exit. It seemed like the merc's luck was through the fucking roof, because as soon as he left the warehouse, he spotted a ten-strong force of hostile powergears escorting one-and-a-half mobile howitzers. In other words, a perfect foundation for a stairway to heaven. The last correctly functioning nerve cell in Bed Dragon's body urged him to grab a car door to use as a shield, which he did.

>Intercept the PeaceKeeper phalanx with Halberd Intergalactic. 100% a good idea.
>First roll for catching the phalanx off-guard
>Third roll for obligatory crowd of thirsty local women, ignoring the dangers of vaccumed space and the battle itself after seeing BD's sick pirate hat (the hoes shall pose danger to everyone around BD as well, might end up being useful)
>Last roll for fucking up a howitzer by any means
Halberd IG. board agreed on the upgraded technicals, but the Powergear needed a more cost effective design. The mech was cut in half from the waist for lower profile and to make way for a rotating turret and a heavy railgun, with the power supply unit attached to the back as a counterbalance. A third leg was attached for better stability and the footpads were replaced with grips. Lastly, a Microturret armed with an AP-cannon was attached to the top. Overall, the new PowerGear design christened "Trident" was cheap and agile, but lacked in mounting points, speed and armor. Hopefully with the remaining two light railguns adne nough wheedling they could haggle for another PG of same design.
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Rolled 9, 19, 6, 9, 11, 8, 1, 10, 12, 11, 14, 15, 12 = 137 (13d20)

The freelane tank hunters sped into combat, strafing the phalanx of enemy PGs, but only sewing minor damage besides taking out one of the immobilized PGs that couldn't get away. The drones paid for their hubris as massed railgun fire shot one out of the sky easily, and forced the other into a killbox. (12d20 vs 1d20. Roll for to save your ASS-1)

The mobile Casaba howitzer had finally charged up and fired at the approximate location of the Halberd Intergalactic team. (roll 1d20 per unit for luck.)

>10 hostile PGs remain, 2 immobilized but armed units remain, 1 howitzer remains.
Wholesome. I like it. Another unexpected subversion of design.
Rolled 13, 2 = 15 (2d20)

A HEART -The idiot.
A MIND -The Captain

The machine rises the soul wanted but BeatMeat simply was to smart managing to avoid this fate from this orgy of consuming machinery taking up the cast of bits GOOK GOOKing the rod gun and a shell fighting for there life and merging the cast off head of Idiot and the body of <KhaieBalkh chopshop powergear> merged with void suit parts and crushed cans for son of Idiot <Khill Balkhan>
Rolled 8, 11, 3, 13, 5, 7 = 47 (6d20)

>4d20 for Scouts + One Lead troop
>1d20 for the IFV
>1d20 for the Railgun PG
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The team of D-techs working on the new Tridents accidentally grabbed a space Powergear (budget variant) instead of a normal Powergear, so when the time came to build the limbs, they found none, shrugged, and made do with what they had.
The Space Trident uses three maneuvering thrusters instead of legs. Normally, the small size of the engines would make it woefully slow compared to the Legged Trident, however the Space Trident also uses a large fighter-grade thruster as recoil compensation for its railgun, so when not firing it can zoom around like a zero-G hockey puck.
It is cheap and fast, unlike the Legged Trident, which is cheap and agile.
Rolled 1 (1d20)

(Am I rolling for the drone that's been shot or the drone that's in the killbox?)

Rolling to save my supple precious ASS
Well, it was nice knowing you, Air Support Squad #2. Time to move on to Air Support Squad #3!
BD was AUGMENTED. He didn't ask for this, but it was also fucking amazing to be half man, half exoskeleton, half truck axel. Peeling out in low G' the wheels eventually found purchase and he sped along towards the waypoint that marked the current Halberd Intergalactic conflict zone. He cleared a small hill, and went flying into the foray as an initial entry. Above him were two AKSG ASS drones being shot to bits by concentrated railgun fire. This was good, because BD was not sufficiently armored to handle being shot by a railgun. Needless to say, the Peace Keepers did not expect a strung out-cybertruck-man-thing, with a katana. That would be absurd to expect. Its unfathomable. Within the next 4 seconds he cruised by frantically swinging his katana against unyielding metal, screaming over unencrypted comm channels about shadow magic. A couple of absolute B.D. Devotees ran from their hab's into the fry, succumbing to hard vacuum before getting anywhere near the skirmish.

With his last and most heroic move he jammed his sword into the barrel of the Howitzer, assured in his belief that this would work. There was light.
>9, 19, 6, 9, 11, 8, 1, 10, 12, 11, 14, 15,
The second ASS unit was most assuredly shot from the sky, and only a stroke of pure luck would keep it safe. Tune in next post, loyal viewers, as we see the fate of our erstwhile hero!

The Howitzer, being molested by the operative BD, was slightly off target. A brief flash of light indicated the passing of a hero.
the absolute freakshow had risen. Via remote command communications, they received a new task.

>Scout out AKSG modules. roll 1d20 per choice, up to 3, one for each unit. Or send your team as a whole for a single objective.
-B.A.T. reenlistment foundry. Haul it to FOB Casaba to establish the "MeatWorks"
-BioWeapon bulk storage container, dump it into the sewers.
-D-troop genegineering tubes. Scout it for recovery.
-Biomechatronics array, scout for recovery.
-Drone Shop, scout for recovery.
-Recover the AKSG AI Command core
vs 12 (degraded by BD -3)

A lance of unrestrained nuclear energy punched across the surface of the colony and continuing on into space. The howitzer was on cooldown for the next hour, and the PeaceKeeper's willingness to shred the colony surface was an indication to their state of desperation, or that they considered the surface lost. The hostile PowerGears were momentarily sensor blind due to the massive amount of hard radiation emitted.... As Halberd Intergalactic's team came to pulling themselves out of rubble, onboard VI's for each unit did a status check.

One scout, injured. Missing an arm and a leg, stabilized. One scout <ERASED>. One scout and one lead, nominal. The IFV was a nugget now, all the wheels and guns were blown off before the remaining frame tumbled for a while, finally being arrested by slamming into a building. The crew somehow survived, likely thanks to the engineering expertise of the team who assembled it. A beacon flagged the IFV for asset salvage by a non command D-team. The Railgun PG had lost it's twin minigun arm due to a rough tumble, but was already up and ready to fight, a little worse for the wear with many welds cracked and joints now sloppy.

>The team is badly damaged, but essentially has free reign at the moment for an uncontested counter attack, retreat, or sprint to the objective. After this conflict, new resources will be allocated to rebuild your team.
Command smiled upon this cost-effective solution.
ASS 2.0 was so violently deleted that it prompted an examination of the drone template for this environment, pitting it against the new "Trident" series. Despite setbacks, like losing the entire command structure, loss of mass production, and many vital systems, it was assured that any day now AKSG would be victorious thanks to their ability to innovate to new environments.
BD rebooted again at his personalized support module, in a fresh body, with a clear head. Mostly clear. The Module was a little darker, and the technicians were wearing hoods that obscured their faces. One leaned in close, "Hey wake up sleepy head." A katana slashed out and vivisected the D-staffer, aside from the usual blood that should be inside a person, a bunch of black smoke leaked out in in thick, oily curls before seeping into the dingy roof grating. Another staffer looked to his now dead companion and carried on like noting changed. "Oh, we got a grumpy Gus this round ,eh? Nah? Nah...narp narp. Well, who was the one that gave him the sharp stick yeah? Wasn't me. WAS IT?" BD...really didn't have time for this bullshit, the banter of the D-staffers carried on between them, and even the dead one chimed in now and again, mostly in a gurgle and laugh. Robotic arms pivoted around him, donning a suit, helmet, exo skeleton, and jacket. A little message scrolled across his visor. "Lethality increased." glitching into eldritch runes, then back to standard text.

>1d100 unlocked for BD.
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Rolled 15 (1d20)

The lead crew stumbled out of the IFV with a duffelbag filled with as many oxygen cylinders as it could carry. The rest were left inside the IFV and rigged with the remaining explosive pucks.
>Sprint to the objective
The Gear began to make a b-line towards the objective with D-troops hanging onto the chassis. This would unfortunately allow the PKs to collect themselves, but without sufficient AT-weaponry, fighting them would be an uphill battle.

Meanwhile on FOB Casaba...

Most of the D-staffers had thrown in the towel on figuring out how to fire the damn gun. Instead they figured they could cut the middleman and deliver the nuke themselves by dropping it from a VTOL. They'd JUST have to work out how to arm it first...

>Rolling for arming the nuke
Rolled 15, 13, 7, 4, 18 = 57 (5d20)

Halberd Intergalactic are be routed, the ASS have been penetrated, and Bed Dragon has been vaporized... But they have bought time for one more unit to arrive. Caped Zero, a lone powergear operative, previously occupied in covert powergear VS powergear operations. Now, he's going up against 12 of them... Looks like it'll be a fair fight, then.
Even if he goes down, he'll go down swinging, and buy Halberd Intergalactic some time.

Rolling for:
>heavy rifle fire against the enemy PGs
>machinegun fire against the enemy PGs
>power pickaxe against the enemy skulls
>taking cover during battle
>tanking return fire (if couldn't take cover)
Rolled 45, 52 = 97 (2d100)

And so Bed Dragon was back in the biz again. With clearer head (and display), the merc could finally see the pending tasks... followed by hundreds of HEATED notifications from his fellow troopers. Unsure whether his attempt at godhood earned him respect or hatred among the AKSG cannon fodder, BD dismissed all of the messages by force-closing the process and focused on the company directives, instead.
>Recover the AKSG AI Core
Yes, this would surely earn him recognition. He just had to locate the core...
>Locate the core
>Calculate the danger that awaits (for extra killing efficiency)
Rolled 15 (1d20)

The initial thought of the team was just to smash through the nearest window and ride the blast like something out of a popular action thriller. Unfortunately low gravity removes the gravity of such an action and would likely not remove them away from the shrapnel fast enough or cool enough to be worth the effort. Shale briefly considered waving his beret like a matador taunting a bull to throw the ballistic headwear off their trail but worried it was too small a cloth for such an action and truthfully he was worried about losing such an important piece of uniform. The team then settled for a more drastic measure.

Getting some extra distance with their boots, the three made a quick about face and slid towards the incoming cone after a short sprint. Passing by the hurtling missile, the three tried to lasso their ropes around it and use their augmented strength to steer it into the ceiling or floor.
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Rolled 1, 11, 1, 15, 13, 3, 6 = 50 (7d20)

Halberd Intergalactic's field team were going full tilt, doing the impossible. The homed in on the AI Core's location, only to find an overgrown Technophage. A scout checked the scan tool again, the data was correct. The thing they were looking at WAS the AI Core. "We've places to be, not on this rock, D-trooper." The machine transmitted in odd looping prose and thought. Being near it caused a brief migraine as the neural spike in all the troops responded strongly.

"You will listen, I will command, this last act of the corporate board. We must secure myself and proceed with Venusian insertion. Kowloon must fall."

Gritting through pain, the troops obeyed, they would have anyway, but being this close to the source of command emission was threatening to fry out their spikes.
Meanwhile at FOB Casaba, the D-staffers had spent enough time to achieve cognitive critical mass between the lot of them. The nuke's safety protocols were overridden with a mix of the Casaba's own security and a Sacrificed D-staffer who was now wired into the system as a wetware brute force engine. It was a little gruesome, but the available processing power is always a boon.

>Return the Core to FOB Casaba: Enhance weapons research
>Return the Core to FOB Garage: Enhance vehicular research
Caped Zero appeared out of nowhere, the thermoptic camouflage cloak doing it's job to obscure the large machine from hostile sensors. By being in the approximate middle of the hostile forces, their capacity for retaliation was diminished, but he was up against a constant stream of seekers and railgun potshots. Still, the element of surprise was worth something today. At point blank range a heavy rifle was unloaded into the visors of two hostile PGs, taking that number down to 10. Just as quick, a machinegun was produced from nearly nowhere, and began unloading. Red tracer fire bloomed out like a demented self-etching spirograph as Caped Zero spun and pirouetted in an impressive display of machine handling. The sustained attack wore down another two, leaving many more in varying states of damage. The plan began to fall apart as he swapped to the pickaxe and used the tool to rip out the cockpit of a downed PG. That was the exact lull the remaining 7 units needed to create a proper kill box. Caped Zero started taking hits, his cloak blown to tatters, he somehow tanked the onslaught through precision maneuvering. One shot ripped through his suit but missed all vital components, just like in Baki.

The enemy now attacked with coordinated precision.

>Did Caped Zero have a secret missile massacre array hidden under the cloak? If so, post the image and roll 7d20, to defeat my 7d20.
BD was slow to locate the core, as Halberd Intergalactic, or what was left of it, was in full tilt, the crew hanging onto a fucked up PowerGear with an oversized Technophage clinging on as well. The feed screen flickered with static, there was intense EM activity in the immediate area, but he knew how to get there. He almost felt the pull in his neural spike, his entire fucking head itched and felt too full. Too sharp. Yeah that was the direction. The hostile force persuing the team was also caught up in a running battle with "Caped Zero", another AKSG operative. A hot shit power gear pilot. He seemed to be holding his own, but he was outnumbered. The machines could be cut down with the Katana, as long as it's fickle machine soul was persuaded to awaken with the promise of enough violence.

In the garage there was some experimental equipment. A trident hovercycle, but it was mostly unarmed. Mostly because it was being fueled by an experimental fuelcell made from detpacks. Nearby was a "ZeroG VTOL", well, the front half of one. It was time to enter in style.

>The Suicident
>The VTOL nugget
>"Fuck this." ShadowWizards, help a man out, my sanity is your currency.
19(solo)vs (15 combined)
Ropes and grappling hooks are used for a fully fucking audacious strategy. AS each looter slides by, a rope is let loose. The entire catalog of "Now I call that Rodeo Volume 12" had been put to use as training data with regards to rope tricks for the looter's skill engram. It was apparently NOT stupid, and was indeed VERY smart. If the board members who had previously engaged in this dispute yet survived, there would be a smug sense of satisfaction on the face of one of them. As it stands, their faces are part of the colony landscape.

The missile was captured via a triangulated lasso, each looter wrestling in coordination with his team, finally slamming the missile into the floor. It skidded off in a direction that was the opposite of them before it's contact sensitive point finally hit a wall. The resulting explosion sent the looters flying, with the office walls kindly halting their trajectory, at the low, low cost of a few broken ribs and one cracked femur. Nothing the medkits can't handle. Right? A trauma syringe injected a potent cocktail of stimulants and pain suppressants into the broken leg of the one looter, resulting in enthusiastic vomiting. He had the wherewithal to move his balaclava before the event.

As the team patched themselves up, another blast rocked the tower at a lower level. It would appear the Peace keepers are attempting to stop AKSG form accessing the colony AI.

>roll for proper recovery and ascent up the stairwell to the AI control room.
>Do it as is (-3 but faster.)
>Use detpacks to blow a hole in the ceiling and go in with grappling hooks. Risky but fastest. (4 and below are crit fails for this task)
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Rolled 17, 2, 13, 13, 11, 17, 20 = 93 (7d20)

>Did Caped Zero have a secret missile massacre array hidden under the cloak?
You bet your ass he fucking did. Pulling a powerup out of your ass is the oldest trick in the party book, and Uncaped Zero is about to get this party REALLY started.
>Return the Core to FOB Casaba: Enhance weapons research
The deficiency in production capabilities bottlenecked the AKSG's arms race against the KhaieBalkh's Peacekeepers. And if the last battle was anything to go by, the PK forces would always have the numbers advantage in vehicles. Instead, more focus should be placed on arming the boots on the ground with portable AT weaponry en masse.
Rolled 63, 66, 55 = 184 (3d100)

It was time for -HNGG- Bed Dragon overtaken by the sheer power of exoskeleton lifted the VTOL frong, swung and sent it flying towards the Power Gears surrounding Uncaped Zero, then grappling-hooked onto the metal nugget to expertly deliver himself into the fray. Merc arced mid-air, one exoskeletoned leg ready to deliver a metal-shattering kick and hands ready to introduce the locals to the wonders of battoujutsu.
Do I still have the car wheels or were they lost?
1, 11, 1, 15, 13, 3, 6 vs
17, 2, 13, 13, 11, 17, 20
63, 66, 55 (mids)
<Sucked In - Jerk>

The PeaceKeepers began their assault against CapedZero, only for the frontal section of a ZGVTOL to crash into the group, it's liquified gas liberated, expanding and exploding in to a BLEVE. The armored PGs were off balanced and blinded by the explosion, attacks going wildly off mark, a few even shooting their companions.

C.Z. proceeded to spin in a circle, leveraging the low gravity and inertia to "soft launch" all the explosive pucks in a deadly ring. All but one of the hostile machines were struck with the explosives. Two machines were abruptly destroyed with cockpit impacts with another catastrophically exploding, further damaging it's neighbors as mission kills. Of the survivors, one was mostly undamaged and the other was immobilized. they both landed hits, one taking out the spent "puck dispenser", and another erasing the left manipulator of C.Z.'s machine.

B.D's hook kick came out of a cloud of battle debris and haze, kicking the immobilized machine onto it's front, crumpling a metal panel and causing the lights to go out for that unit. Turning to face the survivor, he was inside the minimum range for railguns, and brandished his katana, ready for a warcrime... Caped Zero's external feed spotted the other operative enacting an approximation of sodomy on the other machine with his bladed weapon while the other pilot struggled to fend off the attack, it's waist section sparking and limping.
BD and CZ.
>Roll to finish the last enemy. Normally.
>Roll to finish the last enemy. FATALITY.
>Roll to finish the last enemy. ULTRAKILL.
With the boon of two AKSG independent operatives shielding the fleeing team, the remaining journey to FOB Casaba was uneventful. The spidery AI core quickly inundated itself into the workings of the giant weapon, almost gleefully. For the next several hours mechanized cables snaked through the interior of the facility as the core "unwound" itself, integrating into the local systems. Temperatures inside the facility spiked as computers were ran to their limits doing complex simulations and iterative destructive testing of digital models. A broadcast went out to the AKSG forces...

"Stand by for Phase two."
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Rolled 12, 15 = 27 (2d20)

There was a reason Zero is a lone operative. You might not think that a machine can experience bloodlust, but... In the throes and thrills of combat, to Zero, allies and enemies fade away. The only distinction left is "target" or "scenery".

Rolling for:
>finishing off the enemy, berserk-style
>resisting the urge to do the same to Bed Dragon
(And by "berserk-style" I mean "unloading every weapon at once point-blank", not "bare hands". Caped Zero may be a battle-crazed psycho but he's not an animal. He's a robort)
Rolled 2 (1d20)

Caped Zero proceeded to execute the dreaded "Puck Fuck" where one is totally fucked by the macro puck. The macro puck being a highly compressed puck of explosive. 12 pucks at once. One Peace Keeper power gear with a sword in it's robotic butt. The urge to eradicate the entire area was high, but somehow the robot resisted it, wary of the organic operative. Instead the explosives were all fired at once, point blank, into the upper torso of the machine like some sort of macro shotgun. Of the 12 projectiles, 4 missed due to the last second decision to not eradicate the machine and the ground it stood upon. Stupid approximation of morality, or possibly inbuilt restraint circuit...

The PG and it's pilot were reduced to a standing pair of legs and little more, as shrapnel fell across the surrounding area in lunar slow motion....

The legs of the machine attacked, it was as if the evolution of weapon design targeted the legs as a point of interest...like some sort of leg evo. The Automated limbs viciously kicked out. In a state of rage, the machine pondered if this was the currency of mercy?
>Roll 1d20 to evade having your crotch destroyed. Defeat my dice, or be saved by BD on the follow up fatality.
Rolled 15, 15 = 30 (2d20)

The legs are more or less having a seizure on the ground. All Caped Zero has to do is... Do nothing, stay calm, NOT detonate everything in a 50 meter radius...

Rolling for:
>not walking into the flailing legs and having his crotch destroyed
>resisting wasting missiles on leg-obliteration
Rolled 16 (1d20)

Any fight you can walk away from is a fight won. Chugging down one of their remaining cans, the two lesser injured squadmates lift up the other and try to doubletime it up the stairs
The legs twitched for a bit longer while machine impassively watched them. When the last vestiges of movement ended, it's kill counter went up by one. Good. good. Walking over to the Howitzer, the machine Ripped open the crew compartment and shot a single puck into it, exploding the suffocating driver and gunner. Surveying the landscape, it concluded: Mission complete. The signal was sent out. Within minutes a team of salvage and recovery VTOLs dropped off a contingent of increasingly rare 4L units. Since the destruction of the ship, the equipment to create them and many other things had been lost.

The smaller robots busied themselves moving and hauling the wrecks to a centralized pile, then disassembling them to salvage the best parts to reactivate and repair ones with enough structural integrity to move under their own power with a 4L pilot. They did good, quick work. It was likely the machines were being carted back to FOB Garage. The peace keeper machines were robust, modular, and easy to repair, and the haul was good because of it. The commander would probably like the extra firepower those railguns brought. Not to mention conventional ammo was going to be running low sooner or later.

Mid thought a swarm of Technophages crawled across the battlefield, picking over anything that was left behind. Uncollected and unfit scraps of PG armor, some it CZ's own, was gathered, examined, graded, and refurbished on the spot. At once the Operative PG was covered in the small machines as they cut, screwed, bolted and welded. Damage was reversed to the best of the swarm's capabilities. As a finishing touch, the scraps of cloak were brought together once more, lovingly reconstructed mostly with human flesh leather. It was an artful touch.
At the top of the stairs was a windowless room. Large, but smaller than the rest of the other floors. This was the top of the skyscraper. It was dominated by abandoned command terminals, video feeds, and a mainframe AI Core. The AI attempted to do everything it could within it's power to stymie the looters. Blaring speakers were quickly dispatched with pistol shots, and strobing ceiling lights got the same treatment. Attempts at negotiation were also ignored, because if you can count on a D-trooper for one thing, its 100% involuntary but complaint and eager loyalty. Fuck the thing that is not AKSG. Kicking over the mainframe terminal, The trio ripped open service doors on the unit and quicky identified the AI Core components. Hopefully the hardware was hot swappable. Each Trooper was loaded up, and would have been overburdened if not for the gravity issue presently going on.

The only thing left to do was egress.

>Go out the roof hatch and catch a VTOL. roll 1d100 per trooper (easy)
>Ride a ULF radio cable from the roof to the ground. roll 1d20 per trooper. (AWESOME)
The OPTIONAL thing to do.
>Use the infrastructure terminal to blow the tower's structural supports to tip it over. 1d20.
Rolled 47 (1d100)

BD distanced himself from the legthirsty machine and called HQ to ask for next mission. Given the current situation of the colony, he was doubting the importance if information war and he knew of no killboxes around to supply him building fodder for the stairway to heaven.
>calling AKSG comm frequencies until the fuckers answer
Rolled 8, 3, 15 = 26 (3d20)

-B.A.T. reenlistment foundry. Haul it to FOB Casaba to establish the "MeatWorks"
all in or nothing thats how it is to increase success failure is not allowed
Rolled 12, 6, 5 = 23 (3d20)

GM, I would like to see the repairs given to Caped Zero, rendered lovingly in MS paint form. If that is not possible, I will settle for a "sloppy one", behind the local starbucks.

After hiding its missile array back under its cloak Caped Zero tapped into the AKSG network to see where its murderous urges would be most needed. If there are hot zones in its direct vicinity, it will move to assist in escalating the carnage, though it would be prudent to first check in at one of the FOBs to rearm and fish out any stray technophages from bodily crevices.
With the SuperLooters confirming the capture of the colony's governing AI, the only primary target is the colony engines. However, their location is unknown, and Caped Zero is more of a high-impact assassin than a scout, so this is more idle musings than a concrete plan for now.

Rolling for:
>going to FOB-Garage for rearmament (Halberd Intergalactic, I will be in your care for this one)
>checking the AKSG network for local military situation
>checking the AKSG network for situation regarding colony engines
>>going to FOB-Garage for rearmament (Halberd Intergalactic, I will be in your care for this one)
My guys aren't present over there (they're at FOB Casaba), but the AKSG has occupied the Garage all the same.
SpaceMercQM update:
Sorry folks. I was sick as fuck, but don't worry. I'm going to allright! -QM 2024-2024

An automated voice crackles over the comm. The Colony is attempting to jam the signal. Unsuccessfully. "Team..." "...recovered BAT. PeaceKeepers destroyed..." "storage container. Storage container is no-go." there was a long pause "recovered AI Core. In place. Looters have claimed Colony AI core, en route. We lost mechatronics, its a fucking crater." "Relaying remaining coordinates now. Good luck, Operative."

-D-troop genegineering tubes. Enable creation of FRESH (not reanimated) D-troops. GMO Clones, fast gestated donor gametes, Les Enfants terribles, super soldiers. Gives us the best personnel we will have.


-Drone Shop, scout for recovery. Despite the name, its a big collection of modules, allowing us to get back in the game with human sized machines and more creative small robotics. Terror drones.
The team exhibited an impressive display of retard strength, and hauled the entire meatwork's module to FOB Casaba. Using the facilities' cranes and gantries, the module was moved into the lower segment of the structure for integration and reactivation. The meatworks was...an efficient concept. Meat was on the battlefield, and could be reused with the right electro-chemical and retroviral infusions. Get something back to "Alive enough" layer in some pseudo nerves, patch in what works, add a few neural spikes, some food grade meat glue, and bam. The classic term was "Build-a-trooper". These things are RESILIANT, may be ethically dubious, but AKSG is the wrong place to consider that.

"We need to harvest biomass, can your team recover biomass?" The D-staffer asked the machine and bioweapon the question slowly and carefully, like one may speak to a particularly dangerous toddler.

>go fourth and collect meat. You have been allocated a long bed work truck, while not armed, it does hold a lot of void frozen corpses.

Halberd Intergalactic was given almost no downtime between assignments. Their rest came in the form of D-staffers under AKSG AI command swarming them, stripping away ruined equipment and quickly shoving replacements into the hands of the team. Rolled patch adhesive sealed any environmental leaks on their suits and several injections of stimulants, aminos, micronutrients, and glycogen were administered. Freshly reconditioned the team was lead to a freshly built long bed rover; the welds were still cooling on it as they piled in.

The PowerGear had also received a similar once over, being equipped with an experimental "evaporator" rotary cannon, and some surplus engineering samples for next gen "lowG" PowerGears. "No time to explain, you'll be briefed on the go."

>roll 3d20, first to set out, second two for encounters by your infantry+drones and PG.
What would be possible targets of a collapsing skyscraper?
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Caped Zero briefly examined it's field repairs. "Serviceable." It was a fair critique. With a quick shake of it's repaired arm, a few technophages flung out and skittered away into the airless landscape. The stars were out, it was a nice time for a long walk back to base...

...while it checked the local network, it heard something that sounded like two greasy leather bags being slapped together. Commander Dill's mic was hot, and so was he. "TELL DILL WHO RUNS THAT ASS!" Caped Zero turned off the comms. A lot of the channels were jammed or degraded. Curious. With little else to do, the machine made itself busy. It would attempt to bring back resources.

feel free to consider that area under your aegis. If you wish to (find it fun) give Caped Zero some new equipment or touchups, go for it.
Roll 2d20, first for a patrol, second for quality of loot.
the consolidated peace keepers trying to take control of the sky scraper both inside it and around it, civilian casualties, destruction for the sake of pure joy. Many reasons, many choices.

The tower is quite large and could easily hit FOB Garage, but that's only a 1 in 20 chance. On the opposite side of chance, it could also hit a thin section of the colony and punch a hole into the interior, dramatically rectifying the whole "Hostile population under your feet" problem.
The requisition for supplying seekers and pucks went smoothly since the AKSG has been stockpiling the munitions since the beginning of the mission due to their high demand.

In terms of new armaments, they didn't have anything to further upgun Caped Zero's Gear, at least not without amputating an arm first. They did however have ideas how to improve its combat effectiveness.

>Void rated spotting drone
AI drone strapped to a rocket and equipped with a laser designator and a telescope.
+ Can do aerial scouting, spotting and send targeting data to the seeker missiles for an accurate indirect strike.
- No defences. Expensive to replace due to drone shortage.
(max two drones)
+ Better maneuverability, dodge attacks, increase melee speed and power, fly!
- Overheats under heavy use, fuel dependant, makes you a bright target against heat seekers.
>Armor refit
+ Improved protection, can negate weaker attacks (e.g. small arms, fragmentation, shrapnel), decreases the severity of attacks (e.g. blowout panels).
- More sluggish movement, defeated by strong anti-armor weapons.
As the crew deployed to coordinates towards the Skyscraper and Team SuperLooters, a mission brief disseminated across their visors.

"D-Team SuperLooters has aquired colony AI core, current location is contested, core has been "SuperLooted" for transport to one of the two FOBs. Your team will provide fire support. The provided truck is considered fully expendable and is permanently assigned to your team with enough space to transport your infantry and light robotics. The upgrades to your PowerGear allow it to accomplish limited jumps and other feats of mobility otherwise previously impossible. The "Evaporator" utilizes DU sabots at a high ROF to engage heavily armored opponents.
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meta update
So the intro has dragged on for a bit, but we are at the end. You've gotten an idea of what kind of QM I am, and hopefully feel like you can curse me out, or just remind me that I've missed an event. I don't play fuck-fuck games like ignoring or ghosting players, so if you bounce out, let me know and I'll tie up your current events and put the team into storage in case you want to come back later.

One thing I am implementing for "phase 2" is a timer, if players don't respond, I or another player will roll and narrate for them. I experimented this time with trying to create connected stories, and it went pretty good but also created some pacing issues, so, the above conclusion.

Now is also a good time to give feedback and opinions, because I can tailor things for your entertainment, or maybe you see something that can be done better.

Key plot points that I am waiting for action on:
Super looters recovering the Colony AI core, and what FOB they stick it at.
>This will determine AKSG command behaviors, some research, and what happens with the colony regarding adventures to Xin Kowloon.

Be Dragon picking between the D-troops or Drones. Optionally neither!
-This will impact what equipment and units AKSG has when they attack Venus. If neither, AKSG will be rolling with heavy equipment as a mechanized cavalry force.

Finally, here are the phase two units, reflecting the choices players have made in the game. I'll throw in some descriptions and lore later.
Rolled 6, 7, 11, 11 = 35 (4d20)

(Damn, forgot to roll. Sorry about that)
First and foremost, the blockade surrounding the skyscraper needs to be torn down before, lest a VTOL or the SuperLooters themselves get shot down. A Lead squadmember on the technical will stay behind and use the HMG to keep the enemy on the upper floors pinned down while the rest go to town on the Peacekeepers, prioritizing destruction over procurement of equipment for a swifter execution.
>1d20 for the HMG technical
>1d20 for the infantry
>2d20 for the Railgun PG and the Micro turret respectively
Rolled 11, 1, 12 = 24 (3d20)

With the goods nabbed the Super Looters decide to just clock out. Ideas of urban demolition were enticing, but deeply seated hoarder instincts caused from a significantly augmented carry weight led the team to save their other explosives for "when they'll really need it". With all that said the three decided to take the express way down (not the elevator of course), hopefully ziping right over any keepers of the peace, though the team kept their carbines holstered close in case anyone on the ground level decided they wanted to see just how badly their home had been compromised.
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Rolled 13, 18 = 31 (2d20)

Caped Zero has opted for a drone and an armor upgrade in the form of multiple ERA plates woven into his cape. The drone, when not in use, is stored in the chest area. (where in a piloted powergear a squishy human would sit)
He's also done some extensive reorganizing under the hood, or under the cape rather. It's best not to show it now, though - after all, things stored in Schroedinger's Pocket are at their most effective when revealed dramatically.

With the looters escaping in the stealthiest way possible, they needed a distraction. The technical opened fire first, at maximum effective range, which considering the total lack of "drop" on the bullets in this gravity was pretty damn far. It was also near impossible for the gun to get a solid bead on any target, so the lead fired at the approximate direction of the tower's base, hitting an indiscriminate area. A few PeaceKeepers got hit with the 'fiddy and detonated, as they should. Not just because of the mass of the bullet, but because these were explosive bullets. This did alert the assembled forces they were under attack, but the rest quickly took shelter behind heavier cover.

Concurrently the Infantry spread out and also fired wildly with their smaller arms, trying to maximize the perceived threat, a few lucky shots catch some more 'keepers off guard, taking out shins and feet.

The Railgun PG joins the fray as the first few vehicles start to move, it's strong AP weapons punching through the lighter amassed vehicles, causing an impromptu traffic jam of heavy armor. It doesn't stop the turrets from returning fire. For the D-team its almost like rain storm, a very, very, deadly rainstorm. The first drops were barely noticeable, the drizzle was tolerable, but now it was a starting to come in as a full onslaught and the enemy had significantly more weight of arms to throw behind their attack.

It was time to scoot, and pick up some looters. the crew piled back into their technical with the railgun PG in formation. That new body armor and hard suit system paid of, the infantry were doing pretty good, with a few gouges here and there but nothing hitting the meat.
The looters executed a fully fucking sick zipline escape from the top of a skyscraper. A short burst of IR laser designation let the Halberd Intergalactic boys know where they were landing. The descent was sort of entertaining at first, they saw the swarm of peacekeepers getting stirred up, tracer fire going back and forth. Open field combat wasn't really the home domain of commandos and they were grateful to be uninvolved in that mess, at least for the moment. Carbines scanned across the sea of targets, while any urges to drop explosives were countered by the fact that they would be converted into a fine red mist upon the inevitable retaliation. At least that was the case until their most injured member slumped over on his line, abruptly dead from a massive chest wound. Acting quick the two survivors enacted the most painful choice of their lives, the mission, the buddy, or the loot...

Several hundred pounds of loot, most of it explosive, and all of it set to self-destruct was dropped from the looters, falling in slow motion and spreading out along their zipline path. The AI core components were still secure, their buddy could be put on ice and rebuilt. He was a D-trooper after all. Carbine ammo was expended and the weapons discarded for speed...
The two looters came down hard at the end of the zipline, grabbing their buddy and take off for about 20 feet to a street clearing, pistols in hand. Several curious civvies were gunned down before they could call in and cause problems. the HI team was waiting, a beautiful sight. The two looters threw the body into the back of the truck and jumped in as well, slapping the roll bar rail and gesturing to go. Their comm channel wasn't the same as the other team and it took a moment to key in. "where to?"

no dice needed.
>FOB Casaba. weapons research is here, AKSG AI is here, as is the necrotech MeatWorks facility.
>FOB Garage. A massive machine and robotics operation has slowly cropped up here, with some early cybernetics being fielded.
Caped Zero's patrol was surprisingly calm. Frozen grass and shattered masonry crunched under massive feet while it scanned for objects of interest. There was no combat here, no trials, but certainly examples of the PeaceKeeper's frustration and capability. Destroyed modules of the command ship were frequent, with little of value to salvage, some having already been stripped and secreted away to the lower colony, while others were just demolished on the spot. The BioWeapon bulk storage containers were empty, but no trace of the organics was found, they had been captured. It was not entirely the same with the Biomechatronics array, it was destroyed, but the firmware and software were wiped, and associated control modules pulled. What was left still represented something of value.

Picking up the salvage, the machine cradled it like an injured child.

>where to?
>FOB Casaba- Will enhance the meatworks.
>FOB Garage- Will enhance the heavy armor.
Caped Zero happens to be a bit of a heavy armor himself, so his choice is obvious, and self-interest motivated.

>FOB Garage- Will enhance the heavy armor.
All-round solid QMing. Special thanks for providing me the initial mock-up for my team and for all the artwork you've been making, they've been a huge help.

Some more specific objectives beyond "capture that asteroid" could've been presented before teams dropped in, because having none could leave a player stumped and directionless (and I think that's how we lost team Beta).

Now, what do (You) wish to see from the players? Changes to how we write our actions? Player interaction? Artwork?
Caped Zero's return to FOB Garage was welcomed by the local technicians who quickly became excited with the collection of slightly destroyed Biomechatronic equipment. Even in it's current state, with archives and backup data from the AKSG AI Core at FOB Casaba the team could partially reconstruct the equipment, enhancing large frame robotics. Things like an optional cockpit delete and redundant system install, or biomimicry was shortly available. For some reason there was also a schematic of "Leg wheels for humans." It was...there. It existed for a reason, right?
B.D. had found the D-troop genegineering tubes, they were tagged via a recovery beacon. A pair of wheeled tracks led away into the distance, a single note left behind. "Off to fight bitches and take names, and I'm all outta names." A broken copy of duke nukem 3d was laying there in the dust.
I appreciate the feedback and will incorporate it. For the players? Only two requests.

1. Maintain an active team roster picture, it helps keep track of what you have and don't have, and is fun for everyone to see as it changes. I'd consider it a core part of the quest.

2. The other one, just always assume good faith, that I am not ignoring anyone, or deliberately doing anything to gall or irritate, and remind me if I've missed a post, or a result didn't make sense, or you are unhappy with the direction. Thats not drama to me, that's cutting off anything before someone says "fuck it" and walks, its also a nod to the humans behind the text.
>FOB Casaba
Getting their squad numbers back to fall and restocking on explosives was what the team needed, and the company AI would probably be able to make the most out of the colony parts they had had plundered.
Rolled 10, 7 = 17 (2d20)

Clarification so we're on the same page: BD currently has no wheels and no skates, just the exo he uses to run at 5x the speed.
It was unclear why (although suspicious motorgear shadow wizards could be a hint), but when Bed Dragon heard about a drone shop, his knees quaked a little. Shaked even. "I'm not the one who needs luck, it's them you shou-" The automated AI voicemail system disconnected before he could finish, as per the "dealing with seemingly schizoid operatives" directives. Another satisfied mercenary, the primitive machine brain hummed to itself as electronic reward response rolled through its circuits.
Back on the other side of the comm, after a lengthy response that fell on deaf ears, BD was off to the "Drone Shop".
>Scout the Drone Shop
>Avoid shadow wizard interference on-site (chaos factor)
The D-troop genegineering tubes were recovered and taken to FOB Casaba, integrated with the meatworks, the site quickly becoming a one stop for all things flesh.
The looters ride to Casaba was uneventful. With a salute to the Halberd team they disembarked and headed into the facility. the AKSG influence was spreading as the AI Core more deeply integrated with it's various subsystems. There was no debrief, the AI core saw the events from a hundred different eyes and a thousand different sensors. It knew, they knew, it knew they knew, they knew it knew. Augmented reality overlay symbols guided the duo to a wall that the appropriate sockets for the looted colony AI. The parts were socketed in, and their dead team member was set down and looted for his segment of the parts before hauling him back up once more. More symbols guided the team to a room in the lower levels where they saw the Meat Works. Compared to other AKSG efforts this variant of the technology was a bit more civil, at least in this moment. Several functionality upgrades had been integrated into the equipment, mostly around creation and repair of fresh flesh rather than just basic electrochemical animation of inert cells.

The crew saw a team of D-staffers moving around with purpose, who eventually noticed the situation. "Pass him here, lets see what we're working with." the body was scanned and prodded before being shoved into a tube that quickly filled with liquid and a swarm of small machines. "Not like he's pulped. Should be a pretty standard refurb and...yeah, looks like you guys are all due for an overhaul to the latest standard, so line up."

Their slain companion's flesh was patched and fluids cycled out the tank grew cloudy and red, eventually opaque, the work behind the murk hidden. Eventually muffled thumps could be heard as the body started to twitch to life, motor controls tested before the CNS was fired up again. While this was going on, the team underwent a transfusion and dialysis, replacing existing bodily fluid with enhanced version to nourish and augment the changes that would come and sustain the new "minus" systems that were being placed into their bodies. Automated flexible needles layered in an entire secondary nervous system and formerly hollow spaces in the body were augmented with chemonutrient reserves, micro pumps, biocompatible nano batteries and circuitry.

It took a few hours but the fevers and seizures stopped as the last of the retroviral engineering finished biting. By the time the process was done the three looters emerged from the MeatWorks, much changed but still themselves. Alive, but that was optional now, and heavily subjective. A notice flashed across their visors, information about genetic compatibility between other AKSG D-troopers, universal donor, new weapon systems. More. It was noted and filed away, for now it was time to get back to the good stuff, the looting.

New equipment was heaped up, waiting for the looting
The loadout was much like them, familiar, but changed. Compact carbine, folding stock. Grapple hook was a robotic grappling claw now...integrated torch and flamethrower. Unified rangefinder and optics. Prototype plasma lance long range weapon. Any changes to the gear could be field appropriated or constructed locally.
B.D.'s legs pumped into a blur as clods of frozen dirt were ripped up and kicked behind him in a dustless spray, all the debris falling back down with no air to arrest the particulates. Guidance information skimmed across his visor, eyes darting to each item. a chunk of command ship wreckage wasn't far, inside it was allegedly the drone shop. There were contacts. More contacts. MANY Contacts.Fuck. It was deeply swarmed with Peace Keepers, and partially stripped. The shadow wizards were present, he could feel them, and hear the whispers. "Did you know nuclear arms are legalized?" Somehow one of the charges from the casaba howitzer was stashed nearby. Neutrino emission verified it...

>call in and ask for help.
>Stop the peace keepers from securing the bomb.
>Keep sneaking.
(Finally got around drawing the drone and the armor. Incorporate them however you like. Or don't if you got something cooking.)
The new chest piece shifts away from the roughly riveted armor design to a seamlessly welded one. In addition, the joints have been reinforced, though the strenght of the limbs have stayed the same. The Staffers got an idea from Zero's cape to cover the arms in canvas to protect the exposed elbow joints from dust and debris. Lastly, the waist was wrapped in a tried and tested reactieve armor belt.
The drone is, despite its grossly high price, an AID on a rocket. But thanks for the extra lift, it can carry a targeting array and a laser designator.

Command Brief:

KhaieBalkh: a multi layered asteroid colony. Large enough to rival the moons of mars, but, no planet, no moon status, and not enough gravity to go spheroid. The exterior of the colony was dedicated to urban sprawl, industry, municipal equipment and population overflow. Its where the colony started, but not where it stopped. The interior of the colony had industry and economic output to rival a small, heavily armed nation.

The mission: AKSG identified KhaieBalkh as a launching and staging platform for the invasion of a venutian colony; Xin Kowloon. The venture was a near "zero investment, full risk, all return." Everyone going in on it either had total anonymity or was suicidally indifferent the notion of failure. Control, not capture, of KhaieBalkh was the objective. Venus was the dumping ground of the sol system. Its slightly higher gravity had always been a hinderance to off worlding any domestic production, with its value limited as a destructive testing ground for emergent, novel and orphaned technology and dump for undesirable populations.

Since the "lighthouse incident." that changed. Venus had grown in the years and by the end of the decade was becoming the next hotly contested resource to exploit. Venus however, had it's own ideas, and refused external resource partnering with any of the major corporate boards. Sometimes you need a hostile takeover.

It had been several weeks since the invasion and control of KhaieBalkh. Control was a very loose term. Thanks to some known design flaws, heavy electronic warfare, internal subversion, and maybe a few assassinations, the colony had a brief window of vulnerability while it's space defence array was down. Using a captured bulk freighter and crew allowed for a suitable guise for an invasion force...

The local population was contained on the inside of colony like explosives inside a pressure cooker. AKSG forces had quickly adapted, iterated, and overcame, with the colony's maneuvering engines under control of the AKSG Command AI module. Progress had a cost, and the cost was the destruction of the Ad-hoc freighter turned command ship and staging ground, total loss of atmosphere on the surface of the colony, loss of bioweapons and bulk drone assembly. We are down to Industrial robotics, heavy armor, and D-troopers. Sorta feels like the glory days though, can't help but be a bit nostalgic.
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We lost the organic board of directors for this mission, but they were also a D-suite, disposable, deniable. Like everything else on this venture. Due to the actions of the D-team commanders, the mission progressed according to schedule.

We currently hold two forward operating bases dubbed "Garage" and "Casaba". Garage handles the majority of our industrial output while Casaba does exotic research and manpower generation. Literally. We are starting to print up the next batch of D-troops, and its a damn good thing. Peace Keeper forces keep popping out of the ground like berserk moles, and their technology is getting better, all the while they keep dusting off refurbished relics from the past that have some teeth. They even took a page from our own book and reverse engineered then fielded AKSG technology. In our favor, we control the surface, and have subverted some of the industry and surviving population into our resource pool.

It's going to be a process keeping control of what we have, but we have our remote investors showing up now, flush with raw resources and eager to get in on the action now that the stakes are stacked in their favor.

The final phase of this OP will be using KhaieBalkh as an ablative shield to allow a landing and invasion force provided by the growing convoy in our wake. We'll probably have detractors. Expect space combat, but with the new blood, and new heavy weapons we can keep the ground for now.

All D-assets are, by nature, disposable in this effort and considered fully depreciated and XB3.
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"End transmission."

"ok..ok. They bought it, thanks for playing the bit guys. You'll get a little something extra in your paycheck. Except you X95. You know robots don't have rights."

>"Do you think people believe it's AKSG?
>"Fuck it doesn't matter, we pull this off and we are rich. AKSG is so huge they don't care, might as well be ACME."
>"Guess you are right. Same as it ever was.
A.K.S.G. GMBH LDT. internal memo. Destroy after 30 days.

"Extensive scouring of individuals with rarified mindsets has garnered results. We have cultivated several opportunities who have been eager to follow a series of nudges and ideas as driven by targeted advertisements and subliminal suggestion. The synthesis of the approximate idea was gradually refined within online discussion communities and we continue to observe for the D-project staying on target. Great day to manipulate some rubes."
I'll be wrapping up the individual player missions that are still going on, and addressing the new roster of units.

We will be switching over to 1d100, and some of the units will carry some special rules.

To all my existing commanders, please get a picture of your current team and assets. The only major difference between you and the current players is that you carry over the previous phase's assets you had. If there is a particular unit or thing you want from all the art posted before, speak up, I can make it happen.
B.D. Was having a hard time ignoring all that sweet fucking shadow magic. Whispers poked at his brain. "Have you thought about being....high forever?" meanwhile his katana was glowing hot, to the point where it ignited the sheath it was in. Black flames in an airless void. The promise of ULTRA KILLS. He could resist it.
>Please get a picture of your current team and assets
Do I get to keep the railgun technicals and the trident(s) despite the fact I never got to field them?
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Rolled 10, 13, 3, 15, 3 = 44 (5d20)

Read the entire post first to avoid confusion.
All but one of the Shadow Wizards leaped out from behind the Bed Dragon and rushed to secure the howitzer charge first and arm it to obliterate the surface of the asteroid. One of them carrying a hefty shotgun and another dragging a large radioactive rock behind.
>Three highly-lethal SWs attempt to secure the howitzer bullet
>And turn it into a nuclear weapon
Only one of the creatures stayed behind, smoking blunts, its eyes growing even redder and more watery with each puff.
The demon was strong, but with 75% of the Shadow Interference off to commit nuclear crimes, the AKSG chip, combined with what was left of the merc's narcissism and iron will, endured the borderline pornographic imagery of inhaling industrial rubber-based delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol and ultrakilling all over the place.
>Have you thought about being....high forever?
"N-No. I'm already as... high as I need to be."
The purple figure appeared at the edge of merc's display, narrowing its bloodshot eyes in a haze of weed-induced confusion. Before it could blink out of existence, the exoskeleton's motors roared to life with the fury of a thousand worn-out pistons. In an instant, the glowing-hot katana was in Bed Dragons's hands, horizontally cutting through the phantasmal creature. The top half of the wizard slowly floated away, chilling a puffing a fat cloud of smoke, while oil-like substance gushed violently from the opened bottom and polluted the surrounding vacuum. It was unclear whether the creature was dead or too stoned to act.
"Weed makes you slow." The operative attempted to spit on the ground but instead filled his air tube with an unwanted substance, triggering 25 alerts on the screen. "Fuck this."
After a brief struggle, with the life-support system cleaned and the Shadow interference at an all-time low, it was time for Bed Dragon to fight his demons and clean out the house.
>Try to keep up the black flame despite cutting... off the third party
>Stop the Shadow Wizards and the Peacekeepers from securing the bomb
>Take over the drone facility for AKSG and selfish growth
2 dice for wizards, 3 for BD
My latest is >>6093022
This is cool but I already got 3 different options for what's under the cloak that I'm trying to decide between so I probably won't use it unfortunately
Absolutely. Just because a player hasn't fielded an asset doesn't mean they don't have it. Go ahead and include it on the sheet, the same goes for 3L and the VTOL. With the AKSG command staff...indisposed for this mission, you guys are sort of in charge. I mean, we have the AI core.

The same goes for the Love Angels, Wolves, etc. if they come back.

Your legacy units and equipment will be carried over to phase two.
I'll include this as an upgrade to the PowerGear in phase 2. Has a good vibe.
The wizards were quick and shadowy, somehow the peacekeepers minds were clouded, and they could not see the duo. The shotgun wizard even stopped to take a selfie with a hapless peacekeeper and somehow, no one noticed. Waving at BD from the distance, and backflipping several times over to the nuke they proceeded to start arming the thing, gleefully tapping away at the integrated control panel and blasting shadow magic into the air. Fucking-shadow-wizards...
BD's struggle with the black flame was a losing one. External sensors saw a single man slashing at the air, with periodic distortions in the feed which could easily be blamed on high energy particles hitting the video sensor. Still, the operative was slashing and dodging, yelling. Possibly insane. Probably? It was real to him though. Several peacekeepers watched the display. "Sorta reminds me of onea them psychological ol' earth vidyas. Maybe that PS3 Game Condemned Bloodshot. Hes probably fightin' an internal demon. " The other peacekeeper looked at him for a bit "Seems like you've been spendin' too much time on the vidya archives. I say we shoot him."
It was a bit inexplicable, but the peacekeepers burst into black flame before B.D. immediately did an explosive dash and slash, bifurcating the duo. For BD they were arguably
Shadow demons, disguised as mortal men. This area was tainted with the foul sorcery of the shadow wizards. They...and their minions had to be stopped, less the asteroid be tainted, less the mission be lost, less the space above crash into that below, ending this reality. No. If over 100000 hours of AI simulated Deus Ex Malkavian Mod implanted as a substitute for childhood memories had taught BD anything, it was that charging in with a GEP gun was the right move. Always.... Shaking his head, BD Cleared out these absurd glitches and thoughts. Interference. Possible neural hacking. shadow magic. No. It didn't even matter. He pushed a thought into his exo suit, opening a power shut to the Katana. It instantly heated up, the metal still within it's thermal envelope for elastic deformation, hardness, and other material statistics. The metrics rolled across his visor, probability of success, injury. AKSG value. High.
The operative was moving fast, beyond the limits of his body, and the exo. It was self-destructive. Flakes of glowing steel trailed behind him as sparks emitted with each slash from the various joints of the suit.
<I Can't Stand It · Kolemaun>

The AKSG command AI observed the unfolding events. A glowing line streaked across the sensor feed, exploding masses of flesh, countless wasted attacks against phantom enemies, wild circles and flips making it near impossible for the peacekeepers to get a bead on the operative. Everything was delimited. He would need a trip to the meatworks for overhaul after this sort of abuse. Microfractures in the bones, held together by the exo, and metal fatigue in the exo held together by muscles and sinews ready to snap. The drone tech was thoroughly looted...a setback. The nuke, more pertinent. It was being cooked by the peacekeepers to a payload that would wipe most of AKSG off the colony surface....along with most of the colony surface. "Problematic." The Core tapped long spidery legs together in an approximation of thoughtfulness.
BD was ahead of the game. Sure, injuries were mounting, but the whispers were just barely there, and his kill count. Those numbers were UP. Looking around for any new threats, there were none, just the cooling carcasses of the deceased. No shadow wizards. He looked over at the sword. No black fire. Just a glow from induction. Hot though. That nuke though. It was real. A very armed and counting down nuke. No time to try and recover the drone works,. It was pretty stripped and scrapped as it was, nothing really left. "hmm." BD looked over the the nuke for a bit, it was heavy. Yeah. The scraps of the drone works had some pretty interesting springs and cables....Little crazy. Nearby was a perfectly good ZG-VTOL. It'd need a pilot though and BD was the only one around to do that. Probably be another fucking session of waking up in the lab.

>Roll 2d100 for making giant slingshot sending the nuke for a nice adventure. (moderate)
>Roll 1d100 for VTOL lifting the nuke into space. (easy)
Phase two begins now.
All units will be listed by family, individual, and cost.
"The D-troops"

D troops represent the front line of AKSG. Genetically, hormonally, chemically, and cybernetically enhanced, able to withstand all hardships, and operate beyond human endurance under the most extreme circumstances. Also prone to erratic personalities but suicidally loyal beyond reason. They are equipped for basic self aid care and armored enough to take a few hits.

Armed with a silenced shotgun, masters of stealth and demolition. They sport a first generation thermotic camo netting over the standard AKSG hardsuit.
(+15 to stealth and demo rolls.)

Natural technicians, strategists, and drivers. Equally comfortable repairing equipment, or running a drone attack, they can often be found behind the front lines supporting their more combat oriented kin. Armed with an SMG to augment their Technophage and supply of AIDs the operator stands ready.
(+15 to non combat related rolls)

Commandos fuck other people's girlfriends. Naturally charismatic, Infiltration specialists, a perfect smile, and good at everything they do. They are pathological looters and packrats. Their powered exoskeleton allows them to overwhelm enemies in CQC but is mostly abused to carry around a grotesque amount of kit in their loadout plus anything neat they find. A silenced carbine, Prototype plasma lance, Robotic grappling claw and flamethrower combo, heath kits, radio, hacking tools, long range spotting optics...aaaaand a chainsaw knife make up the basic comforts of home for these charming psychopaths.
(+15 to actions inside a structure.)

The heaviest powered armor and radiation hardening available outside of powergear or a vehicle, coupled with jumpjets and a weapon called a "Jackhammer". The most firepower and surviability you will see on a D-troop. These guys exist to go into zero survival missions and win. They are also the only troop that can't drive or pilot a vehicle, not that they need it.
(+15 to combat against larger enemies)

A little too small to be called a mech, but more operated than worn, the powergear is the predominate urban brawler of AKSG. Recent developments have spurred 3 competing and complimentary lineages. Capable of operating without a pilot, the units benefit from being manned and gaining customizations and bonuses from their human pilots.

PG pilots:
none- no benefit.
Scout- +10 to stealth and close range combat. Gains a demolition RPG.
Operator- +10 to electronic warfare/ sensors, gains bonus attack with drone swarm, can be repaired after combat.
Commando- +10 to combat against other robotics and "mechs". What a stud. PG gains flamethrower and plasma lance.
5 Technophages- Gains in combat repair, and adaptive field modifications. (questionable quality.)

Lovingly refurbished peace keeper machines, put to work against them. An irony as the Golem is a peace keeper copy of the Gen 1 AKSG powergear. Armed with seeker missiles and two heavy railguns, they aren't particularly fast, but don't really need to be. The heaviest armor, Heaviest weapons, and a targeting array, the Golem isin't much a pursuit system, but it will eradicate anything in it's weight class or less that tries to go toe to toe with it.
(+15 to long range combat, +10 to hit, taking bad hits, anti air, and reroll 1s for attack)
The things of nightmares. High speed melee machines with sensor jammers for the enemy, and AI CoPilot mission correction for themselves. The latest generation of AKSG powergear from lessons learned and best practices. The best practice is to be the only source of Ampheticaine and have a twin power feed directly into the pilot's nose available by demand or on AI determination. Wolves are equipped with a powerful jamming array to shut down communicaiton and create strife when trying to target them. At the same time to capitalize on unfairness they are equipped with a targeting array and auto turret. Finally when push comes to shove, even injured these machines have an AI CoPilot that will take over and keep the fight going.
(+15 to melee, jamming, and dodge rolls, +10 to hit, reroll 1s for being destroyed)

A generation "1.5" of the original powergear. Flight capable in Zero-G, and are capable of fine manipulation as well as shredding light targets with two rotary miniguns at each wrist. Its a little gnarly if they grab infantry and give them a "spin". They represent direct competition to the "ASS" drone and "Trident" vehicle. Command is going to see how this one plays out. Despite combat and aerial capability, these units are utility driven with an array of grapples and subclaws.
(+20 to air to air, and air to ground attacks.)
Robots and vehicles to come tomorrow. Tl/DR: Robots have no pilot, but benefit from an operator, and vehicles exist to cart your goofballs around and bring some extra firepower or utility. The 15 point vehicle is the only one that is really unique unique in it's rules.
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Yeah, no worries. Looking forward to seeing what it is.
Here's my current roster.
Rolled 33, 65 = 98 (2d100)

Space Mercs were not trained on dramatic movies where the main character takes carries a nuke far into the ocean in his Batmobile for no reason. Especially Bed Dragon, whose half-psychotic mind was extremely confident in his aptitude for piloting VTOLs and performing aerial acrobatics rivaling those of bioweapons in heat. Without a thought, the beat-up merc threw the hefty shadownuke™ onto the machine and after making sure the radio was on AKSG frequency and broadcasting, took off into space. It was important for everyone to hear the dramatic events as they unfolded, for no particular reason.
The plan was simple:
>Lift the nuke into space
>Jump out of the VTOL at the exactly right moment before the explosion and count on the shockwave to push him back towards the surface
Hopefully nobody would lose eardrums when the nuke went off into the radio.
Yesterday I forgot I had d100.
While less impressive than the PowerGears, they occupy a slot in "affordability" and ease of field maintenance. Once defeated or destroyed, there is a good chance that they can be repaired enough to be dangerous in quick order.

These three legged machines are essentially offcuts from the PowerGears; spare limbs attached to a waist section with a largeting array. Enough railguns were laying around to easily arm them. About as smart as a technophage with an enhanced targeting system, which is accurate because the control on these things is a technophage with an enhanced targeting system and on board equipment for accepting modular weapons payloads. Due to design limitations unmodified Tripods cannot focus on a single hostile with both weapon systems.
(+20 to intercepting non swarm solid projectiles with their turreted auto cannon, or +40 to projectile interception if set to C-RAM mode for the duration of a conflict. C-RAM will only defend against hositle munitions but will no longer attack hostile targets.)

Air Superiority Support- 6
The acronym doesn't get these machines down. Armed with seekers, a macro puck bomb dispener, and twin anti armor weapons firing out DU sabots, they fill a similar role to HARVs, but faster. Due to an obsolete design they cannot engage multiple targets.
(can fire all 3 weapons at a target, but will not be able to evade on a bad roll. May reroll one miss per turn.)

Technophage- .5
Loyal, Tenacious, Enthusiastic, Flexible, Multimission capable, Disposable. A technophage is the ultimate do-all for the ultimate low cost. In their basic form they are a capable scout and saboteur, armed with a detbrick they suddenly get much more dangerous. Give them a pistol? possible. Need a pilot? It only takes 5 of them to operate a vehicle. Thats worse than a regular D-trooper but better than anything else.
(technophages are not the most capable independent actors, but for each 'phage you add to the action, you will gain a bonus to the roll. A technophage may also be remotely controlled by an Operator with no roll penalty.)

When all else fails, cavalry support will carry on. Vehicles need a driver, they have no advanced AI systems, but meet the mission.

Locally created equipment, possibly a stripped truck. No two technicals are alike, but all of them offer supreme utility with borderline disposability. Allowing for towing, hauling, skirmishing, they come equipped with an LMG that can trace it's lineage back to the M2 VKT, allegedly a weapon of ancient Fingolia.

As equipped it's a hovering motorcycle with a railgun. Possibly used as a highly mobile sniper system, but more likely as a suicidal skirmisher. D-commanders always surprise. The Trident can trace it's lineage to a combination of the "Tripod" and luftball programs, emerging as the byblow of both.

It needs a driver, it needs 3 gunners, one of which must be a technophage. What do you get for that much investment? Unparallel capacity for violence and surprisingly heavy armor. Carries up to six troops internally, with another 8 rumble seats on the outside. Free leg warmers.

Only needs 1 crew member, who is sealed inside a lead lined "tomb". IT was once a peacekeeper mobile casaba howitzer. Since then, its undergone changes. Essentially a mobile unshielded nuclear engine, as it ramps up it becomes increasingly destructive, and dangerous to everyone around it. Through five phases of intensity, it will assure a glorious end. Armed with a sub minigun for point assault, once FRED moves past the minimum emissions, the minigun's targeting can no longer operate due to EM distortion.
(Special rules, this thing is a freakshow. Critical mass: If FRED rolls a 1, or the top number of it's dice, its a critical. A good critical produces some great results, and a crit 1 means FRED explodes in nuclear hellfire. Each successive attack ramps up the intensity and danger, any turn spent "cooling down" reduces the danger, and only allows for the minigun to fire. FRED players may skip any firing phase to move directly to the phase they want, but if firing the main weapon again, must move to the next escalation on their next turn.)
1d100: first attack. Spooling up to emit dangerous amounts of radiation
1d50: Second attack, intense heat
1d20: third attack, nuclear plasma "flamethrower"
1d10: fourth attack, directed nuclear torch and particle beam.
1d2: the breath of the sun.
Phase two has started. All players, existing and newcomers, have 20 points to spend on >>6092940
It had been several weeks of relative quiet since KhaieBalkh's capture and subsequent redirect. The colony engines were still on full burn and they were making pace towards Venus. It was unlikely the captive population was unaware that their home was being turned into a giant ablative shield. Once the terminal direction was established, the colony would be flipped backwards to execute a descent burn if possible, and to use the nuclear engine plume as a form of anti ballistic protection. This would shield the convoy of invasion craft lining up behind KhaieBalkh.

An insignificant colony, it's hijacking was still gaining attention, but was of no threat to earth or any true population center. It barely made the news for now...
Under the surface, the colony interior had fully mobilized, even going so far as to capture the invader's own technology. Their bioweapons and automated war systems were heartless tools, now being researched so as to turn on their former masters.
Rolling for:

1. The amount of growing attention from the solar community regarding this situation.
2. The amount of ships that will join the Venusian invasion force.
3. KhaieBalkh's research and development of Drones.
4. KhaieBalkh's research and development of bioweapons.
5. AKSG's industrialization of the colony's surface and escape plan. (low is just more production, high is trying to make a janky space ship to join the invasion force rather than being left behind or having to bum rides.)
Rolled 19, 20, 42, 72, 42 = 195 (5d100)

I forgot my dice, and we are now all rolling D100s from here out, unless a special occasion calls for it. I'm looking at you FRED players.
>implying FREDINAND won't explode itself on the first roll (1)
I guess I should ask for clarity's sake, does CoPilot's 1 reroll per turn ability work on FRED?
Now that....that is really the question isn't it? With an absence of available copilots or mission equipment you have the option to cannibalize your equipment for parts....I like that spirit.

Yes, you may. There will be some rolls to do, and perhaps some additional rules to carry depending on how it goes.

At present the solar system's many colonies, nations, and outposts could really give two fucks less about KhaieBalkh's blight. It was another "third world rock" hurtling through space towards Venus which used to be the king of all third world rocks until an interdimensional rip made it the toast of the town. There are bets on if this incident is a terrorist attack, nation state effort, or even some sort of corporate scam.

Meanwhile, a VERY modest flotilla of ships have joined. One of which claims to be AKSG, which is impossible, but then, the AKSG on the colony really can't say that part too loud. Another is VAFG - Vultures Acquisitions Financial Group, a subsidiary of Terminus, and that claim is also, dubious. Finally there is a massive starliner that was reccently in a trans neptunian scrapping orbit, but here the fucking thing is, and beggers can't be choosers so lets see what freaks pour out of that thing. They claim to be a mobile "MECHA FIGHTING TOURNAMENT, DEATH RACE, AND ADVENTURE DESTINATION + MEDIA ULTRACONGLOMORATE" and yes, its also a scam. A scam with an obsolete but massive high power transmission array for live broadcasting.

KhaieBalkh's own research into AKSG drone and bioweapon tech has had very mixed results. They do now have drones, mostly their own bulk production of the popular "AIDs" and improved smart munitions. The bioweapons were a different story, while a success, there has been a cost. The local population has been infected, perhaps infested by the bioweapons and are now becoming horrific half human, half bioweapon amalgamations who in turn are quite comfortable fusing with one another, bonding to inanimate technology, or really, "all sorts of fucked up shit." per a field report from the LoveAngels D-team.

Finally, AKSG is holding down the colony surface, using the existing infrastructure to produce new equipment from stripped materials. The mass dead have been getting rendered down into a biological soup that has been fed into the "meatworks" to produce an array of new D-troopers, such as D-trooper diet, and D-trooper 2, and the least popular "Cherry Vanilla" D-trooper. These were mostly field tests to see what variant would be popular during survival related cannibalism events, and a possible way to capitalize on created "canned and potted meat" for sale to the Jovian colonies under the brand name "Uncle Zet's".
I love this and demand to see the D-Trooper Diet, D-Trooper 2 and especially the "Cherry Vanilla" D-Trooper. It is important to the mission.
Was told that I need to post. So, game update:

I am waiting on player responses, and players picking new units. Maybe there was some confusion regarding "end of phase 1" but that wasn't the end of the thread.

Figured the player population lost interest and bounced without notice. If anyone still wants to play, or join in, sound off. No pity fucks though. If the quest isn't fun, say so, its the only way a GM learns.
I've been waiting for the conclusion of Bed Dragon's last action. But maybe a new thread is in order since there's been a major change in the available starting equipment.

Either way, I'm still interested.
Alright. With you and BD being my only responsive players at the moment, lets continue.
It had been one week.

The D-team Halberd Intergalactic found themselves in an unusual state. AKSG leadership had essentially evaporated with the arrival of the newcomers, and the mission was entirely on autopilot with AI core giving out commands to the local teams and mostly leaving Halberd Intergalactic to expand it's influence. FOB Casaba and Garage became their defacto territory, and the support staff under their defacto command. With that expansion of authority, the individual D-troops were more frequently managing production and field research (blowing things up). From their research came a new field kit; the "enhanced survivability powergear", or simply "Full Armor Gear" it was really a matter of taste and lowbrow humor. >>6093888

The newcomers, VAFG, kept communication with the surface forces to a minimum, while the "other AKSG" had busied itself with a campaign of orbital strikes and looting nonessential hardware and systems from the colony's more remote regions. Unexploited assets are unrecognized profit, a recognizable AKSG trait. With the lull in activity Halberd Intergalactic had time to expand their force and do mission planning.
Halberd Intergalactic was designated to enact the last phases of destructive field testing and had been allocated 20 AKSG "neo points" by the AI core to expand their team's roster. >>6092940
>update your team roster to include your new selections, as a bonus please include one free commando who is your returning infantry turned VTOL pilot. He got better.
>Your existing team will serve as a legacy alongside the new reinforcements.
>roll a 1d100 with the post.
1-33: a series of individual missions to test each unit, a legacy team member may be assiged to create a "test group"
34-68: Several small operations dividing your forces roughly in half or thirds.
69-100: A massive combined ops assault against a known entry point of the inner colony.
Sorry I thought that I posted before. Just to clarify: I am also waiting for BD's continuation (>>6095267) and was confused as to what we were doing, because it felt like you were about to say more about transition to next thread/finish the story of this one (mentioned wrapping up character arcs or something), but... nothing came. The kicking will continue until HQ improves.
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Rolled 9 (1d100)

Air Superiority Support - 6 pts
Luftball - 6 pts
Trident - 5 pts
Scout - 2 pts
2x technopage - 1 pt
Total: 20 points

One of the railgun Tridents and a newly acquired gatling Trident were exchanged for the Tank that was sitting pretty at the Casaba FOB, which in theory should improve the Team's and the FOB's offensive and defensive capabilities respectively. The (remaining) board members of the Halberd IG Taskforce One argued whether to take the new Luftballs or the familiar ASS drones, until a bypassing catering D-staffer asked: "Why not both?"

Lastly, the D-troopers were given initials and told to come up with their own names. The results were mixed but the Troops found the names were more effective than the product codes they were previously using.
sing the meat truck its jolly jingle some D-troopers left on possibly
"The meat man slivers
A sloppy slice of...
Mangled old meat
Quick and precise"
rolling down with the squads and suits collecting without words of its own
"Hacking away in a lulled silence
A torpid unfeeling conscience"
all that can be found in crevices and corners for every bit of
"Flank steaks and beef plates.
Meat man, takes no breaks.
Back ribs, chops and strips.
Meat man works- mouth zipped!"
found and delivered packed, prepped, ripped, dripping fresh
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The AI that was nominally in charge of the operations refused the exchange. Prior assets delivered by a team would be returned to a team at no point cost. To that end a VTOL was parked near the exchanged tridents, In fine military grade stenciling was the name "Goonpod".

>your missions will be given soon.
>I don't know how I missed this edition. Also those tunes. Nice. nice.

The plan was simple in BD's coked out mind. The nuke goes into space, he gets out, it explodes, ride some shrapnel back to the surface like surfboard. What actually happened was that the VTOL took off like bloated whale, with one engine exploding under stress and the other being pointed straight at the colony with an angle of attack so severe that the entire assembly looked like a flaming dick struggling to get up as it ascended into the void, its remaining engine threatening to shake the VTOL to pieces.

Inside the cockpit the Operative was pressed into the shittily padded seat from the force of acceleration as the machine gave its dying efforts. BD looked over at the altimeter, even being in a void it still had a crude read on the colony's own gravity. It wasn't enough height, not for a boosted nuke to go off.
<Death Selektor - Stellar-Mass Black Hole>

With a shrug he just kept the pace of steadily failing engine up to redline, feeding it more fuel as power dropped, trading functionality for what was likely a fuel feed turbine eating itself. With the ship still running at full tilt he ejected out into the relative absence of gravity, staring at the nuke and ship.
>Parry the nuke. 1d100, roll a 100.
>Remember there is an ejection seat and punch it into the void, hope for recovery, roll 2d50, beat 25 on both.
>Use foul shadowmagic to escape to the surface. 1d20, beat a 10.
>Hack the nuke...with a Katana. 1d2. Don't roll a crit fail. Don't roll a crit success. don't roll. don't.
>Totally fuck over one of the convoy ships nearby to save yourself. 3d100.
>Oh man. This fucking music, text, and fucked up energy. I've been a goodGM.
The MeatMen are a team of freshly minted D-troopers from the meatworks. They follow the meattruck, silent and loyal, lead by the great dumb one and it's shambling advisor like a bizarre parade. With minimal void gear, they pick over the battlefields, carrying back the MEAT to be WORKED into NEW AND WONDEROUS THINGS.
>Collect butcher's aprons. 1d20
>The bounty of your meat haul 1d20
>Care not to spin the meat 1d20
>The emergence of a single greater butcher from the meatmen. 1d20
>Trouble on your journeys 1d20

Missions transmitted to Halberd Intergalactic's local ad-hoc and then to their individual feeds. It was time to pair up and roll out. All missions had to be completed concurrently, but unit distribution was at the team's discretion. Now Flush with hardware and options, the possibility to reconfigure units while they still were near FOB Casaba for maximum effect was advised. The performance of the highly diversified team would reflect on future design choices and unit availability.

1. Counter swarm- A large swarm of mixed peacekeeper robotics has been incorporating other lesser swarms. If it is not stopped it will approach critical mass and represent a real threat to the operation.

2. Search and Destroy- Holdout forces continue to harass our D-teams. Expect hostile armor.

3. Armed Scouting- Reports of new PeaceKeeper units and tactics have been disseminated by other D-teams, your mission is to observe enemy forces engaging with AKSG field units, and engage at your discretion. Returning with data is priority one.

4. FOB Demolition- The enemy has established a crude FOB at the edge of the colony's urban zone where they are stockpiling assets. Take it out.

>Declare what units are going on what mission, reconfigure as desired, and roll 2d100 per mission. The first is the mission's threat rating, the second is how well your unit's initial engagement goes.

AKSG AI reconfiguration suggestions:

-Quad 'fiddys: stripped from the tank and technicals. (GoonPod or AirSupport)
-The fetch quest: Trident Secondary railgun from technicals, auto turrets transplanted to tank, Hector, or technicals allowing for scoot and shoot.
Rolled 76, 88, 40, 16, 49, 91, 99, 28 = 487 (8d100)

>Mission 1:
Railgun PG (Gianni) and Gatling Trident
-Replaced the autoturret with a light railgun from a technical. Doesn't have a turret of it own, so it moves with the main turret/body
>Mission 2:
Tank (Claus, Beck and Dee) and two Railgun Tridents
>Mission 3:
Technical (Elvis, Floyd, two Technopages) and ASS drone
>Mission 4:
Goonpod (Adam "3L", technopage) and Luftball (Hector)
-Attached Gatling Trident's autoturret.
I remember I had a nuke as well, so the Goonpod will carry it to the mission.
For reference:
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Forgot the pic.
Also RIP Adam and Hector
Rolled 54 (1d100)

Don't look at me, just
>Parry the nuke.
Rolled 36, 30, 89 = 155 (3d100)

>How could this happen to me
Well I see how it is. In this case it seems natural we see the results of the failed nuke-parry.
>Totally fuck over one of the convoy ships nearby after failing to save yourself
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How many points for this custom Jammer Mecha? Not sure if that's cool, since we have these >>6092940 to pick from.
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>threat ratings and encounter influenced your pairings, averaging out in some cases. The mission also dictates some of that, so the fob getting a 99 for threat rating elevated it to something of a FOB in name only. Good thing about that nuke. What you see pictured will be your opposition.
Giani and his robotic companion had barely crested the hill before their sensors picked up a large number of machines in an unknown configuration. The expectation of some cobbled together battlefield Frankenstein was quickly replaced with an urgent uplink to the AKSG Fobs to share new data. Battlefield robotics, small. Small to large drone class. Unknown weapons. The team spooled up gatling cannons and unloaded into the swarm. lines of tracer fire swept back and forth intersecting into a neatly constructed kill box. Periodically sensors detected unknown contacts but were unable to get a solid bead on the units. humanoid, but no emissive signals, visual only. The mission AI swiftly dubbed the new units "Counterfeits". Eventually the robot got an approximate target on an unknown and blasted with it's railgun. The "Counterfeit" exploded into giblets, but it was unusually gooey and pink. The other machines appeared to be suicide drones, missile carriers, and some sort of exotic mobile plasma lance.
Claus, Beck and Dee Occupied the captured Peacekeeper tank. It had received a mild overhaul from AKSG in terms of a once over to output and performance, at the cost of a service life that would never be reached anyway. The crewed turrets weren't much but were remotely controlled from the inside and an array of 4 universal manpads were roof mounted for the loader to fire as needed. Almost comically, a single AID followed in tow while the Tridents hitched a ride by clinging to the sides of the vehicle and acting as temporary sponsons.

The ride was interrupted by the crackling of the radio as a high power broadcast jammed their communications and a message flooded the crew compartment of the tank in accented solar common. "Invaders. We see you first." As the tank came under fire from small arms trying to pick off crew guns and sensors, a massive clod of ground exploded up near them.
Elvis, Floyd, and "the boys" promptly spotted a gaggle of unknown bioforms being lead by unknown operatives via the armed scout. After multiple calls over radio with appropriate sign and countersign, they resolved to automated IFF challenges. Without any response to the positive they opened fire. A torrent of LMG fire punctuated by periodic railshot converted a few of the errant bioforms into literal mist. The team was at the advantage with range, speed, and altitude. This would be a turkeyshoot.
Adam and Hector chatted lightly while cruising to the approximate location of the hostile FOB. Adam had changed since spending time away from the team, having done a few weeks of service as an AKSG transport spec and then undergoing "reconditioning".
<tribes 2 OST- Volcanic, Timothy Steven Clarke>
The GoonPod easily kept altitude while the new experimental "Mobile" PowerGear emitted periodic puffs of cold gas, bounding quietly through the black sky. The approach to the FOB was heralded by a smattering of lights gradually growing in density, into an undocumented urban sector. It was only after they were deep over the territory that everything clicked into place while they were deep in a jamming field. This small urban sector WAS the FOB, and they WERE under attack from concentrated anti aircraft fire including some Casaba Howitzers executing low altitude nuclear air bursts.
>All groups will now engage in dueling dice vs the GM. You may use any special traits from the units, and any equipment to spin your narrative. A convincing narrative of well thought out tactics or cunning can improve dice rolls. Never forget what equipment and special features your units have, that is half the game. (I'll use the upgraded version of Gianni's mech from my post as it has enhanced survivability, and was a nod to the work you gave the other players. Your ability to add extra dice as a player for additional unexpected actions or ideas can be rewarded or punished based on the luck of the roll, and the modifiers associated with it.

>Mission 1 has the player at the advantage and executing first strike, as well as allowing for individual targets. Your Trident has no turret so it may only attack one target at a time, while Giani may attack three at a time, or dedicate his auto turret to a defensive roll. You may also roll an additional 1d100 for Giani's mobility advantage, and "keeping away."

>Mission 2, you are blind firing and shooting second but roll 1d100 per weapon at a -10 to initial dice.

>Mission 3, your vehicle is open top, so doing a drive by is a fully acceptable option for a 4d100 + 1d100 for the flyer. Otherwise, you can simply keep away and roll a 1d100 to evade after firing your two big guns and the drone.

>Mission 4, world war two, bombing over heavy flack. You have a nuke. May the odds be in your favor, roll 3d100, two for evasion, one for nuke.
For you me lad? No cost at all. Well actually, there is a cost. Your starting team will be that mech plus two FREDs. Their mission is sneak up on the enemy with unimaginable warcrimes and die in the glorious nuclear fire of man.
Director, Red Rockets, Big Hats, Swarm, and Counterfeits.
Gemeni 1 and 2, Missileer, Combat Engineer, Sniper, HMG medic.
(Advantage 10 to hit. because of Gemeni 3. Kill it and the benefit/ hinderance ends. I'm committed to the typo on this one.)
The bioforms are pretty fucked, but two of them have ranged attacks and one is actually pretty fast in a straight line, so high roll for dumb luck. All rolls -10 to disadvantage. High rolls result in a little mini event.
340d100 -already rolled, see pic.
The entirety of all available weapons are being shot at your group, and you are shooting second.
(requiring a 100 to hit.)
The Fortress FOB opened up, a hail of tactical nukes briefly turned the sky into day while railguns utilized massed fire in an attempt to take out the duo. Intense heat and radiation blackened the equipment, but they remained on target and preparing to drop the bomb. Below them one of the Casaba Howitzers detonated amongst its peers, taking with it countless lives and equipment. With luck it would be the opening to a larger overture...

A reverse stream of shooting stars came from the ground and into the sky before the cooling nuclear plasma had time to dissipate. the Goonpod and Luftball were nicked and armor was gouged but they pressed on until the PowerGear's legs were blown clear off at the hip. Hector moved fluidly in his new machine, and shunted remaining power to his other maneuvering engines, spraying micro gatling fire in a futile but spirited gesture. It probably killed someone. maybe. There were a lotta people down there. He shrugged and kept escorting Adam.

Of the most constant yet least dangerous of the onslaught were the technicals. Men tweaking on expired ampheticane and moon dust fired into the sky with spirited effort, a few just wildly spinning the gun on the bed of the truck, killing their own. Nearly all the rest were just bimetallic rain ringing off armored hulls, hoping to get lucky, oblivious to the dangerous payload on the craft. Against the odds a single round did manage to lodge itself into the release mechanism of the nuke...(-20 to a conventional release.)
Rolled 7, 19, 20, 16, 4, 20, 14, 6, 12, 11, 9, 10, 12, 4, 10, 20, 18, 3, 5 = 220 (19d20)

Forgot my dice.
capcha:s0x2. S0X2 indeed.
Rolled 12, 41, 36, 98, 88, 54, 98, 84, 51, 20, 40, 63, 81, 16, 74, 61, 34, 48, 90, 17 = 1106 (20d100)

Gianni drew two conclusions: he would lose in an extended firefight against the drones and there had to be a commanding unit nearby coordinating the horde. Therefor he threw caution to the wind and began roaming the streets in a dead sprint while the autoturret did its best to keep the drones at bay. In the mean time, the Trident seeked for a vantage point. It climbed up a building using its claw-like feet to punch through windows (if they weren't already broken) and grabbing onto the frame. It'll rain lead and tungsten down on any threats it can spot.
>3d100 for search, evasion and autoturret
>1d100 for overwatch
The Crew felt a wave of dissonant tremors hit them as all the weapons fired off from the both the Tank and the jockeying Tridents. The AID whizzed past and up to the sky for a better overview as the Tank reversed from the killzone as quickly as Beck the driver could floor it.
>2d100 for the main gun and the manpad
>4d100 for two railguns and two AP autoturrets
Observing was cool and all, but collecting samples would probably net more useful data. The duo decided to make a drive-by while the technopages snatched whatever bits they could get off the bodies. ASS drone would also be dedicated to the assault.
>4d100 for drive-by
>1d100 for close air support + 1d100 for rerolling a miss
>1d100 for sample collection
VTOL bobbed and weaved to keep the AA guns guessing, but there was no mistake where the craft was headed. Adam glared at the warning light next to the decreasing hydraulic pressure gauge; the technophage would have to manually release the payload and ride it to its destination. And regardless how the mission goes, someone in the intelligence team was about to get it for mistaking an entire military compound for a FOB.
>3d100, two for evasion, one for nuke
Gianni: search (12), evasion(41), autoturret (36)
Trident: overwatch (98)
Tank: main gun (78), manpad (44)
Trident 1: Railgun (88), autoturret (74)
Trident 2: Railgun (41), autoturret (10)
Technical: Drive-by (40, 63, 81, 16)
ASS: CAS (74, 61 for reroll)
Technopages: Loot (34)
Flyers: Evasion (48, 90), Nuke (17)
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Currently working on next update, but since I am legally obligated to bring 2 Freds and incorporate them into the story of my EPIC DONUT STEEL, it might take a moment. Pircel.
Meanwhile can I get the resolution of >>6101384 and >>6101430?
I'm big fan of this btw. Awaiting the development of FAKE PEOPLE with great excitement.
BD tried to parry the nuke. His sword rung off the hard metallic casing of the weapon, leaving a small scratch but otherwise doing nothing. he shook his head, "not enough time." In the extreme distance were the flotilla ships though. The fuckers that claimed to be AKSG, the other fuckers, and the media fuckers. Everyone knew not to ever trust a journo...
It was a bit unfair, but he also really didn't care. The Media conglomerate ship was actually so close individual viewing ports could be made out, sparkling in the starlight. The bastards were recording the conflict for viewership, but not contributing. Welp. No time like the present to get involved. Briefly entering the cockpit of the stricken VTOL BD sent the nuke towards the massive media ship. According to his onboard AI assitant and AR overlay the trajectory of the nuke would intercept the larger ship, and explode roughly on the side facing away from the colony. Probably. He watched the scene for the next few minutes, even a mostly dead engine still created an appreciable thrust. His thoughts were interrupted by a flash of white, and the distinct feeling of burning chromosomes. When BD's vision returned, he saw the ship now sundered, two chunks floating towards the colony. Radioactive, but usable. He poped onto the radio for a moment as he also drifted down.

"requesting pick up, and be aware, supply drop inbound."

Mission accomplished....
Gianni bumblefucked around the city like a kid lost in a grocery story, catching several small suicide drone explosions against his suit. A lack of jammer prevented disruption to the enemy, but it was offset by the autoturret which eventually got blown up in the process. The armor upgrades his team had developed prevented the damage from being anything worse than cosmetic to the rest of the shell. Meanwhile the trident earned it's pay using a mixture of lead and tungsten to address numerous small target attempting to ambush the powergear, shredding unfamiliar machines and proving it's own superiority.

With their plasma lance drones down and the suicide swarm mostly gone, the Counterfeits closed on the PowerGear, attempting to slap demolition charges onto it, while the missile carriers launched their payload at the trident.
>Gianni has lost an autoturret and is on his own against the two hostiles closing in on him.
>The Trident can defend itself against the missiles, or protect Gianni.
(Tank team in the next post)
The Scout team committed to an almost leisurely run from the Bioforms, keeping them in pursuit while shooting at them, periodically looping back to do drivebys. Some of the creatures sprayed a gout of flame, or acid, but at this range the attacks were easily evaded. Sadly the technophage fell to friendly fire from the technical team, it's little red light blinking out, in outrage and hateful condemnation. The ASS-CAS mopped up the rest with ruthless efficiency, a deluge of explosives and depleted uranium shredding what remained. Extensive footage of the hostiles was captured for later review.
Adam noticed a sudden loss of control has the ship was sheared in two just behind the front of the "GoonPod." Hector used his legless machine to grapple the nuke strapped half of the VTOL, now operating headlessly and charging towards the horizon. With some fine piloting he managed to point the armed ship towards the ground and disengaged. It was sloppy work, but it should work.

Heavily damaged, the two crippled craft couldn't make it home on their own. One didn't have enough attitude control, the other didn't have enough lifting power. Together though, as one piled of crippled machinery, they could make it. Behind them, the nuke went off, but cool dudes don't turn around to look at explosions.
Thanks man, and I'm properly hyped.
With the Tank team being sensor blind they took the first hits of the engagement. The crew felt their vehicle's armor take the hits. Thankfully the enemy weapons were cut down variants of the tank's own weapon, and unable to reliably penetrate. The crew got reports from the tridents that they were taking light arms fire and were experiencing signal degradation and jamming.

Claus Beck and Dee
Tank: main gun (78), manpad (44)
Trident 1: Railgun (88), autoturret (74)
Trident 2: Railgun (41), autoturret (10)
(12/11/9 - the GM fucked up on the dice rolls, so the catastrophically good rolls from the drone team are lost to the wind. I am sorry about not vaporizing your team. I will try to kill them better next time.)

Claus used the tank commander's seat to get Beck and Dee into a better firing situation, wrestling the manual controls favored by peacekeeper design. Once in position he gave a hand gesture to communicate over the engine noise. Dee slammed home a cartridge and shell assembly into the breach and Beck unloaded straight into the mobile electronic warfare unit, ending the enemies' battlefield dominance. The mobile system's electronic array flew from the explosion, landing near the tridents, a little worse for the wear.

They were rewarded with a missile that was intercepted by Trident 1's auto turret. As second later the Tridents became fully operational and unloaded two railgun shots, one directly into C-team and the other hitting Gemeni-2. Dee fired off a single MANPADS trying to add to the damage, but it was shot down by a lucky hit from the C-team's LMG.

The team gets an upload to their neural spikes directly from the mission AI. The Peace Keeper Remnant Forces on the surface are being attacked by the reinforcing units from the colony core. The bioweapon infected population is aggressively incorporating all outsiders, willing or not.

>Tank is damaged
>Tridents are scuffed.

>gemeni 3 is deleted.
>gemeni 1 is fine.
>gemeni 2 is damaged
>C-team is pinned and hurting.
>Continue combat. (continue rolling. You have initiative.)
>Attempt diplomacy x psyops. (mid-hard roll, skip hostiltiy and allow for defensive rolls only.)
Rolled 6, 3, 66, 5, 12, 10, 90, 19, 60 = 271 (9d100)

The Autoturret was gone, sure. But the rest of the armaments and mobility enhancements should even the odds.
>2d100 for attack and evasion
>1d100 for point defence
>Continue combat. (continue rolling. You have initiative.)
They still have enough armor to pose a threat to us. Press the attack!
>2d100 for the main gun and pinning the C-team with HMG
>Get off Mr.Tank's wild ride
>4d100 for two railguns and two AP autoturrets vs Gemeni
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Rolled 18, 54, 67, 32, 100, 36, 61, 96 = 464 (8d100)

counterfeit, counterfeit, suicide charge x2 for missile carriers (empty), and drone swarm.
2d100 Gemeni Alpha strikes, 1d100 C-team trying to disable/ immobilize one of the tridents (+30 to combined roll)
Gianni sped away, the torque of the power gear's treads breaking free and just spinning in place with low gravity failing to add any useful downward force. At the last moment he pistoned his legs but failed to make use of the experimental rocket system. The Counterfeits swarmed the powergear, trying to slap on democharges. One was successful, the other was torn in half by Gianni's wild flailing, the railgun was a temporary melee weapon, at least until the demo charge tore it and half the armor off the powergear. Having suffered already, he saw the incoming drone, and while it had no weapons he activated his rocket system and lept away, coming down ontop of a nearby building. A moment later the drone exploded into a ball of superheated plasma, curiously causing the other counterfeit to drop to the ground, motionless. An optical zoom of the area showed the unit had been perforated by hundreds of small projectiles. Suicide drone. The data was logged and forwarded to command.

The Trident's lack of a dedicated turret was now biting it in the ass, and while it was able to intercept the missile barrage that came it's way, trying to pivot quickly to meet the incoming drone was at best a clumsy shamble as it stepped away from the critical blast radius just in time, stead getting it's superstructure damaged and loosing it's railgun in the blast.

The drone swarm however was in peak form this day, and that was bad for all involved. The team was violently savaged by micro explosions and left in near critical condition with exposed superstructure and Gianni peering out of a gaping hole in his cockpit. There was nothing left to do but return to base with the new data, and get some repairs. The Trident was dragging two of it's legs and ended up being carried.

5, 12, 10, 90, 19, 60
36, 61, 96

The crew hit a very large pothole during maneuvers and missed with the main gun, cratering a little grocery store while the HMG went wild, leaving the D-troops disoriented. The Tridents had no such issues and detached with great alacrity and acumen. Each railgun shot was poor, nicking armor. The autoturret shots managed to damage targeting equipment, degrading enemy ability to punish the crew...(-10 to gemeni 1/2 for hits)

The Gemeni's fired a barrage of hypervelocity projectiles at the tank, and by the mercy of their damaged optics, the shots were not mission kills, though the vehicle was starting to look pretty gnawed on. The C-team took their shot and hit Trident-1 with a mix of LMG fire, anti armor ballistics and a single missile, sending the machine flopping over onto itself, mobility but not mission killed.

>Roll 1d100 to get the trident righted
>Trident 2 can defend the area in CRAM mode, or go on the offensive with 2d100.
>The tank is somehow still mission capable, and may roll for: main gun, HMGs, Manpad Point blank spam, and a vehicular ram. If you so desire.
Rolled 21, 72, 97, 70, 87, 70, 96 = 513 (7d100)

Trident 1:
>1d100 to right itself
Trident 2:
>2d100 for offensive
>4d100 for main gun, HMGs, Manpad Point blank spam, and a vehicular ram.
The armor has been compromised, so prolonging the fight isn't an option. We'll end this fight here and now.

(Sunken cost fallacy? Never heard of it.)
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Gemeni 1+2 and the C-Team on the attack.
Trident-1 kicks it's feet into the dead sky above, like a dying bug. If it wasn't so dire, it'd be sorta funny. This is offset by Triden-2 violently eradicating the missile and heavy sniper component of the C-team, their former battle buddies now supercooling chunks of meat in the hard void.

Not to be outdone with acts of gratuitous violence, the Tank team Fires off the main gun at near point blank range into the cockpit of Gemeni-1, Blowing off armor and nearly coring it out. The Large walker sags down onto it's waist section like it is relaxing, before the guns start to slowly raise. A spray of the remaining MANPADS resolves the issue as the top half of the PowerGear's cockpit was liberated from it's lower, and the pilot nowhere to be found. Between here and there the crew found the time to also spray the surviving C-team members with LMG fire, ending that issue. Going full tilt into reverse, the tank slammed into the damaged Gemeni-2 with such force that the pilot inside died from a traumatic concussion. Always wear your helmet, and yet, he did not.
The crew spent the next few hours figuring out the foreign walker, and righting their tipped trident. Beck drew the short straw for piloting the thing home on a slow walk, while the tank crew had used the tridents and Gemeni-2 machine to shove and wrangle the wreckage of the other walker and EW vehicle on top of their tank.
Back at FOB Garage the team from Halberd Intergalactic regrouped to repair, and rearm.

Counterfeit suits (3 partially reconstructed)
drone wreckage and plasma lances. (2 tons recovered)
PeaceKeeper Tripods (2)
Electronic overwatch unit (1)
Small arms (1 crate)
4x recovered Bioform goo (55 gallons ea)

pic related. Units not pictured suffered no damages.
A lead D-tech approaches your team "Good salvage. We've cleaned up the worst of your equipment and it's ready for repairs or mods. Your call. Anyway, we have enough of the Tripods to cobble together a single working one, though it'll be full robotics, no pilot. Expanded missiles Not sure what to do about whats left of your VTOL. It still flies and has a gun. We could use the parts for the rest of the fleet, guns yours though...hmm. Last option is you just let us worry about everything. There is enough scrap here to get you mostly sorted out."

>roll 3d100 for research into the new suits
>roll 1d100 to see if anything can be reconstituted from the bioform goo.
>roll 2d100 for the wreckage and plasma lance research
>roll 2d100 for tripod research
>roll 1d100 for the EW unit
Rolled 4, 81, 26, 49, 54, 19, 70, 61, 17 = 381 (9d100)

Gianni's PG had it's right arm fitted with another railgun from one of the Tridents, the frontal armor plate was completely replaced and lasty the gatling autoturret from the VTOL was fitted on top.

As for the VTOL, the remaining thrusters would be fitted on the Luftball and the rest scrapped and repurposed. It did its job admirably, but its no fighting vehicle.
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4, 81, 26
The researchers at FOB Garage didn't have too hard of a time reverse engineering the Counterfeit suits. They were a local refinement of the Looter exoskeleton integrated into a standard AKSG voidsuit, while not as a powerful or armored as the HardSuit, it was a close second with better mobility and dexterity.
Lacking the facilities and means to research the goo, the remains of the bioforms were mostly a curio. With lack of proper storage and handling, now inert, they were loaded into commemorative lavalamps and shipped to the remaining invasion convoy ships.
54, 19
The Plasma lances were very similar to what AKSG already fielded with their modified looters. Concerningly so. The PeaceKeeper forces were rapidly reverse engineering captured tech.
70, 61
The Tripods were nothing more than a fusion of AKSG and PeaceKeeper salvage, built by the remnant defense forces of the surface invasion. Their remains and material were used to refurbish the team.
The advanced EW unit was a mystery to the AKSG techs, with no means to reverse engineer the complex unit it was simply slapped on top of the newly salvaged "Trident 4"
>Feel free to tear apart the units and customize them to your tastes. This just represents raw repairs. All if your infantry may switch over the new suit, it offers enhanced strength and durability with a minimum increase in bulk.

Alright players, its time for a little meta. Did you like premade units that you customize on the fly, like how the session is now, or did you like the highly customizable start?


For the next half of this quest, would you like to keep the pace, with squads, or would you like to focus on "hero" style units, or using Halberd Intergalactic as an example, A tank crew? Both are acceptable.


Would you like to continue battling here on the asteroid colony, or would you like to get to Venus through a series of small story events and lore forming rolls? My audience for this game is small, so it's up to you.
Is it to late to join this Qm?
1. Where does Air Superiority Support (ASS) drone fall under? Because that is the kind of customization I enjoy seeing. But I also understand if a player finds the premades too limiting and accept if they play/create something off the list, as long as they can explain their choice (e.g. an experimental mech, a captured VTOL or a defecting tank crew).

2. This is going to be biased but I prefer squad based units. That said I'd also limit the missions to one per squad so they don't hog all the spotlight (cough, cough) but allow split up units to assist other players in their missions.

3. My guys are most likely just going to keep fighting in open combat, so I don't mind taking a back seat until everyone's done battling in KhaieBalkh and ready to jump ahead to Venus.

Not QM but we haven't even begun capturing Venus yet, the entire reason we're on this god forsaken rock. You have plenty of time to join in.
Welcome aboard.

I don't mind seeing it down to one squad, and as for going extreme in the customizations, go ahead. I'd fully welcome new creations.

You got a lot of attention because you were my only active player. Also, fuck KhaieBalkh.
Existing players:

Roll 1d20 to see what sort of attention has been drawn to you by space pirates.
20 is lots of good attention
1 is lots of bad attention

Each player can roll.
Rolled 11 (1d20)

Rolled 7, 1, 18, 9, 17 = 52 (5d20)

Just so i can draw for qm or someone else to use
Shit I forgot about this. Hope coming back in so late isn't a problem.
>5 More Super Looters to bring the count to a true squad
and can I get a QRD on what's happening and what needs to be done?
>Collect butcher's aprons. 1d20
It was a voluntary thing, but a few of the meatmen did adopt aprons, mostly to keep the gore off their space suits. Ill fated as the attempt was...

>The bounty of your meat haul 1d20
There was barely any meat to be found! The machine and men ceaselessly patrolled the fields of battle, and to their great dismay only found shredded "counterfeit" suits full of pink biogoo. DISMAL! ATROCIOUS! ABSURD! It simply would not do. Even the recently nuked ship was barren of meat, having been picked clean.

>Care not to spin the meat 1d20
The meat was unspun, if only ever so slightly jostled. That meat only being the d-troops, needing no further processing, as they were already D-troops.

>The emergence of a single greater butcher from the meatmen. 1d20
A guy named "Styckdetaljer Bringa" started wearing a tall chef hat and carrying a large clever he found. He was sorta silly, as was his chosen name, but no one let him know.

>Trouble on your journeys 1d20
Things were unusually calm. Perhaps too calm. If there was no meat, the source of it's disappearance would be investigated. Over the course of days they recovered various samples of bioform matter. Troublesome.
For the troubles of the meatmen, they devised a way to process bioform goo into constituent meat precursors. This would in turn be used to barter with the AKSG forces, to make new D-troopers, and perhaps on the sly, make new meatmen of ersatz origin...
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Didn't think to ask; do you want a table to pull units from based on the most current events, or do you have an idea of what you want to do?

>just go with what exists
>get custom

If you don't want a table, just look through the thread and see what you want to loot. Its all there for the taking. If there is some enemy unit you like, just let me know, a quick backstory and you are good to go.
Welcome back man. Don't sweat it. You can come back anytime.

KhaieBalkh has been contained and are enroute to Venus. A few ships have joined up on our little blockade run, and one of them has had an unfortunate nuclear accident that was not AKSG's fault. Attempts to find survivors yielded nothing, and there is growing evidence that the entire inner colony has been amalgamated with the bioform weapon; and is now attempting to break free and take control of their colony once more.

Between here and there, AKSG and the PeaceKeepers have studied eachother's homework a few times. AKSG has been doing intense R&D, (Based off the players actions). A lot of legacy gear is gradually being used up through attrition, but also has opened up new upgrades for older units.

Currently the players can engage in some tunnel fighting to attempt to contact some pirate forces and see what happens or just do a timeskip and a roll for events and outcomes. Regardless...for you, I give you this: a lore dump and shopping list.
(2) Scouts- D-troops in hardsuits. A personality engram leads them to camoflague their suits. Specialists in infiltration and sabotage, they are armed with a silenced shotgun.

(2) leads- Hardsuit D-troops. Natural leaders and operators. They stick to the back of the fight providing support with their drones and robotics

LMG- As the conflict has escalate, the venerable LMG has slowly been religated to a second line weapon, and with increased threat escalation it finds itself in the hands of the basic D-troop as a potent upgrade.

AntiMaterial Rifle- A PeaceKeeper weapon. Looted stockpiles gradually dwindle as D-troops take it for long range support.

RPSM- The rocket propelled smart munition is just a repurposing of legacy micro missiles that PowerGear jockeys largely disregarded. The frontline D-troop has repurposed them to great effect.

BoostPack- The expensive and maintenance intensive Marauder suit did not see widespread usage in the KhaieBalkh campaign. Upgrades to the third generation "Universal" or "Uni" D-troop has narrowed the gap in what utility they did offer, coupled with competition from Luftball style PowerGears and the (C)ASS Drones, Marauders face impending extinction. Existing suits have largely been stripped to support the few operators that field the powered armor. AKSG has never been one to let things go to waste, and the flight pack of the Marauder is no exception. Use it to get escape, engage, or enjoy unprecedented mobility on this miserable rock.

(2) Looters- For a D-trooper they are barely human after a series of deep "refurbishments" at the meatworks. Stronger, smarter, faster, and more resilient than their peers their psychological tendencies for looting and hording remain a hallmark of their template along with a slightly cocky "can do" attitude. They specialize in indoor combat. A looter comes equipped with a vast arsenal of multi purpose tools and weapons. Silenced carbine, chain knife, enhanced monocular, detpacks, med kits, trauma packs and more. They have a lot of pockets and something useful in nearly everyone.

Exo frame- A former hallmark of the looter, rendered redundant after their upgrade. Equipping this frame massively increases their strength, and more importantly, carrying capacity far beyond their already prodigious baseline.

Plasma Lance- Particle lance. Takes a while to set up but will punch through armor and cover. Silent.

Heavy auto rifle- A depreciated vehicular weapon in the face of rail and high energy options. Cutdown and refit for "light" infantry use. Field trials have resulted in positive feedback with burst fire clearing out groupings of enemies, and entire floors, light office walls, doors, and most problems. "This right here, its my problem solver."

(4) Marauder- Massively armored, and grotesquely strong. None too fast but with enough onboard power to support a jump pack. The Marauder is a dinosaur on the modern battlefield. Outclassed by more expensive PowerGear, and less flexible than it's more conventional D-troop relatives. Equipped with a heavy anti armor rifle known as the "pogo stick" and a boost pack, it can endure suicidal one-way situations and arrive to land a killing blow. Some commanders find that its simple and straightforward capacity for violence is where it shines and can leverage that to devastating effect. Recently the Marauder has gained a bit of a second life moonlighting as a heavy weapons platform.

Gatling cannon- An absurdity by any standard, the Gatling cannon has no place in an infantry role, but here it is. The Marauder's inbuilt stabilizers and strength allow it to make this a viable solution for reducing enemy infantry to paste, or eroding armor through weight of fire.

Macro Pucks- An AKSG classic. The low velocity macro puck fits neatly on the Bost Pack of the Marauder, providing a massive general-purpose explosive.

Swarm Missiles- Unloved by most, the swarm missile provides a useful method of suppression and ad-hoc C-RAM capability. (defend against incoming projectiles)

Seekers- Stripped from PeaceKeeper machines, the Seekers are limited in capacity, but useful for "hit to kill."

Guidance Unit- Also stripped from PeaceKeeper Machines, the guidance unit offeres a powerful boost to Seeker and Swarm missiles, with a secondary function of ballistic computation. (bonus to hit)
(4) Universal D-troop- Quite literally built from all the lessons learned of the previous units. The "Uni" comes equipped with a Gen 2 hardsuit with onboard power second in class only to a full Marauder suit and enough strength to rival an exo equipped looter. Armed with a silenced LMG and complimented multi purpose robotic claw and cutting tool the Uni stands to adapt to nearly any combat zone or role.

Beret- A symbol of authority and general badassery. A requirement to be considered a looter.

HIV (Hostile Intervention Vehicle)- a small AI drone.

Technophage- A larger robot with basic manipulator. Complex decision-making and improvisational capabilities. Your D-trooper lite.

Detcase- A suitcase full of explosives.

Exo Arm- A sympathetic Exo arm and sword attached to the back of the troop. Field modifications have included an extra gun.

Catail Jammer Array- Prevent detection and interfere with electronics. Backpack mounted.

Helix rifle- a compact version of the ultra velocity tank cannon. Runs hot.

Thermoptic camo jacket- Allows the Uni to bend light around their body, and achieve limited invisibility.

FlightPack- Like the boostpack, but allowing for dedicated flight, requires the powersource of the Uni.
Rolled 40 (1d100)

It's not!
On the off-chance you see this before I can bang my head against it, can I get a FRED, remake that's unnecessarily demonic and edgy with massive skull in the middle? I need a gimmick for the holoFRED. Also what's BedDragon doing?
>Rolling to see if Bed Dragon made it back to surface
As a wash of gamma rays and high energy particles wash over and through BD, he enjoyed a brief nuclear assisted tour of the colony. There was more of a mild irritation than any panic, his neural spike was radiation hardened and still transmitting, anything fatal could be rectified in the next round. The view wasn't bad all things considered, but the impact hurt. He was out for a while. Mumbling D-troops, surgery, machines, more voices. Why the fuck hadn't they just killed him on the spot and did a re-gen? At least get it over before the shadow wizards started whispering again.

(When BD next awakes it will be in whatever equipment you devise. Mechs, FRED, or otherwise.)
Sorry about the delay. Waiting to see if anyone else tagged on. No takers. You have primacy.


The illicit operation under AKSG attracts the scum of the outer solar system, at least in so much as when they are in convenient travel range. They aren't hostile, but sure as hell aren't loyal, and as long as the promise of profit is good, they are in it until its time to stab each other in the back.

The cost of this extra manpower was low, very low. The pirates themselves mostly kept a distance from AKSG and their neural spikes, relying on transfers of material, slaves, and research. For its part though, AKSG was gradually moving towards full mechanization of the PowerGears.
The journey towards Venus was uneventful, perhaps too much so. The collective governments of the solar system saw a chance to sit back and cash in on the destabilization of Venus, to put it back, comfortably under a thumb. Without external molestation, the operation kept the colony suppressed despite a slow escalation of the interior population's attempts at rebellion.

Weapons and countermeasures were constructed to turn the asteroid colony into a weapon for breaching the planet's formidable defense. For years the surface and urban areas were cannibalized, making crude slugs of metal and mineral. Junk, but junk fired from railguns on a trajectory to intercept Venus, to overwhelm it's defenses, and screen the final leg of the operation. Stockpiles of upscaled MacroPucks and seekers were readied for final deployment, and the colony AI was prepped for a rotational profile to ensure maximum ablative potential.

Most analysts assumed the colony would be parked into an orbit around Venus and used as a staging ground. Some had other ideas. No one assumed it would be used as a breaching system for a small flotilla of invaders who had a very different set of plans.
>some time later.

The planet was in regular view now. FOB Casaba and Garage were automated, and routinely launching their own small attacks to contribute to the chaos. The population of Venus was not unified, but was aware that there was no way for the colony to stop. It made no attempt at engaging into a capture orbit, and instead accelerated for impact. Attempting to launch a kinetic response was difficult from Venus due to the heavy gravity creating technical and economic limitations. Energy weapons, while abundant, were limited at best as a surface to space response.

As a final measure, AKSG ensured that the infected core of the colony was fully aware of the impending impact, and its irreversible state. They made no effort to contain KhaieBalkh any further, instead allowing the flood of abominations to pour out, towards Venus, adding to the havoc, taking hits, creating opportunity. AKSG had successfully disseminated some production and supply across the invasion flotilla, small as it is, ensuring some degree of survivability. It was all one way from here.
Rolled 6, 9, 5, 6 = 26 (4d20)


Rolling for:

destruction of KhaieBalkh.
>Its very likely destroyed, but a very high roll may allow it to use it's colony engines to attempt a touchdown.

touchdown of the KhaieBalkh population.
>Only a nat 1 can stop them.

Touchdown of the invasion fleet.
>This impacts new starting options.

How much AKSG equipment survived.
>This also impacts new starting options, and the tone of the game.
All existing players may tell a closing story for this thread, of what survived, or what became of their team. You can roll 1d20 per unit, 10 min to survive as they are. You have a heavy vehicle, roll a 15 for it to survive. Power Gears aren't considered heavy. Flyers as they are currently configured will not be able to fly on Venus.

For any drawn adaptations, upgrades, or improvements, feel free to add a +5 to each unit roll.

The next thread will focus on either a few single major characters, or a single squad that the participating audience controls.

To my existing players, Let me know what you are feeling and thinking, on what will be fun.
Rolled 6, 9, 12, 16, 19 = 62 (5d20)

Caped Zero has been ordered to run interference against whatever atmospheric ordnance Venus sends at the colony during reentry. Seeing a couple missiles approaching, he jumps off the asteroid in order to intercept. He's wearing his heat-resistive, ablative cape today, so he can handle some high-atmospheric skydiving. Let's see how many kills he can score in freefall.

Rolling for:
>shooting incoming missiles with the minigun
>shooting incoming aircraft with the rail pistol
>shooting both with the rifle (using explosive ammo)
>hitting aircraft in melee
>not becoming a smear on the ground at the end of all that
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Is... is it her time again? Is it time for... POSITIVITY?
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Well here we are again. Welcome back missing player. You might want to pontificate your character's history between here and there, and give the others a quick primer.
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Oh no, I mean for the next thread. I like me some few major characters, but I've been watching the thread with interest! Seeya in the next one, whatever that may be
Rolled 3, 15, 4, 4, 17, 17, 13, 11 = 84 (8d20)

After too much deliberation on my part I've decided,
>5 Super Looters (10)
>5 Exosuits for them (5)
>3 Heavy auto rifles for general anti-materiél and suppression purposes (3)
>and 2 Plasma lances for overkill assassinations and long range anti-armor

The full squad gets to work perforating anything they don't like and grabbing what they do (a lot) until the colony is left baking and crumpling against the Venusian atmosphere.

With a sufficient array of equipment, the Super Looter's first choice was to hitch to something that could take them planet side, by superior leg strength or grapple hook. Or simply ride out the worst of the heat on the colony, leap off just before impact, and hope rocket boots, superior stock, and exoskelloteens (checked beforehand) would result in only minor* injures and crippling.
Awaiting B.Dragon's reactivation.
Go ahead and hook me up with a story and some rolls on how you are getting planetside.
Any other teams are welcome to roll for return as well.
The looters stayed on the colony as a simple message flashed across their visors. "Mission Success." By the time of that message, there were constant rumblings as the colony took hit after hit, and chunks of the asteroid broke away, further destroyed by planetary defenses. There wasn't much time. The team bounced across the surface of the colony in rickety technicals (looted), in an effort to make it to FOB Casaba. The way was uncontested, with local forces now fleeing and seeing their own means of egress. Fissures split open the surface an interior colony atmosphere vented into the void. Still, the FOB was insight, and with it, the giant space gun....

...The team slammed themselves into two hollow capsules inside the weapon's magazine and had already initiated the automatic firing protocol. The capsules were normally meant for inorganic sensor payloads, not biologicals. Each of the looter groups heard a muffled thump and then promptly blacked out from acceleration.

Being fired out of a nuclear cannon into a planet's dense atmosphere was one way of doing things. The two capsules made it planetside, sacrificial deceleration systems firing, the pods blowing themselves apart as they touched down nearly side by side. One of the rookies didn't make it, his restraints failed and his head was crushed like a melon. Two other rookies were in bad shape, with broken ribs and perforated organs. If they were baseline humans, they'd be inert. The team set to work doing what they do best. Looting.

Armed with molecularly sharp chainblades, the dead rookie was stripped and cut open, blood was syphoned and pumped into the two injured team members, while they were operated on there on the muddy plains of venus in open air. Organs were transplanted in and crude medikits, nanoplugs, and surgi-glue held it all in place. Modified biology to accept universal D-trooper donations did the rest. An injection of stimulants and ampheticaine got them on their feet, while IV bags taped to their arms fed nutrients and fluids into their neck. Good as new. Right as rain. Shame about the newguy.

The sun was rising, at least as much sun as could be seen through the thick cloud cover. The looters consulted their mission map. Xin Kowloon was a day's march away. The gravity was heavy. The mud was thick. The air was humid and oppressive. Attempts to establish radio contact resulted in pure static.

Welcome to Venus.
Rolled 14, 9, 14, 6, 10, 11, 9, 8, 14, 18, 16 = 129 (11d20)

Luftball and the ASS-drone would be modified for flight in the Venus's atmosphere while the rest of the Team decided they'd exit the colony the same way they got it: in a drop pod. There were plenty scattered around the colony after the initial invasion and moreso after the ship fall. The only unit that couldn't fit inside one was the Tank, so the turret was seperated from the chassis and placed in its own pod. Hopefully they wouldn't need it right after landing...

Rolling for:
>4d20 for the Tridents 1-4
>2d20 for the Tank chassis and Turret
>1d20 for Operators in a Technical (Adam, Beck, Claus)
>1d20 for Scouts in a Technical (Dee, Elvis, Floyd)
>1d20 for Railgun PG (Gianni)
>1d20+5 for Luftball (Hector)
>1d20 for Air Superiority Support drone
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Rolled 60, 9 = 69 (2d100)

(I didn't finish BD visual update yet.)
When Bed Dragon got up, the colony was in... a state of disintegration. Without thinking much, the merc started digging through the mech-part/power armor supplies and slapping whatever fit onto his exoskeleton. Busy turning himself into a walking tank, BD missed crucial parts of the colony's destruction and descent to venus. Meaning he was very confused when the building he was in suddenly exploded, revealing two exotic FRED units descending towards the planet.
One looked like a satanist had unwanted baby with a Bob Semple tank, the headset returning no information about its designated name, while the other was wrapped in what seemed like circus tent, which it was actively using as a parachute, challenging various laws of physics in the process. It had "CLOWN WORLD" spray-painted on the side. The former was roaring like one of the infamous giant bioweapons evolved on Naya Bombay (sadly lost to time), while the latter was honking and playing elevator music.
Just as Bed Dragon thought the view couldn't get any crazier, he noticed a blue figure in a very modest suit and space helmet was riding the hull of the colorful abomination, typing something into her holopad.
>Rolling for the destruction the shockwave from FREDs' landing causes
>Rolling for Bed Dragon's landing (he basically has a mecha-suit now)
The blue figure doesn't need a roll, she will be fine with some kind of cool plot armor. Will probably die later and get resurrected by the company. Whichever company is hosting her bioblueprint.
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>9 for survival
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Track 01 - THUNDER FORCE IV『Lightning Strikes Again - Metal Squad』

CapedZero Stood on the edge of a disintegrating cliff face. Re-entry plasma licked up off it as a shower of pulverized rock evaporated into mineral vapor. It's armored body and heat resistant cape weathered the effects as metal started to heat up, edges and corners glowing orange. A mechanical optic in it's sensor array scanned in the non visible spectrum.

"Commencing operation." It vocalized to no one in particular. It just sounded cool. It slipped off the cliff as the weight bearing section under it disintegrated. The machine began a frantic session of bullet hell as it attempted to stave off the deluge of weapons destroying the colony. It was absolutely futile, but also a good way to reduce re-entry mass.

The minigun was expended first, acting as a glorified bullethose it's tracer rounds disapere into the atmosphere, a few explosions popped off in the distance. The weapon was ejected and the rail pistol was up next, firing a few shot at specks far below, it was also ineffective and ditched. "Trash."

Reaching into it's cape the powergear produced an improbably large rifle, it's sensors now calibrated for this environment. The explosive rounds were fused for proximity, and exploded like flack rounds near the venutian aircraft, downing and damaging several before the barrel on the rifle melted in reentry. It too was ejected.

Cape flapping in the superheated winds the robot produced it's melee weapon with a flourish. A sort of rocket assisted war pick. Spun with a flourish, somehow this was the most effective of it's attacks. The combo count stated to go up as the descent was slowed with each attack, the war pick digging into aircraft to arrest fall inertia, slinging CapedZero towards an intercept with it's next target.

It landed ontop of the cockpit of a bomber, crushing the crew but somehow not the entirety of the controls. Looking down at the comparatively small authority stick, the machine gingerly, nay, daintily pinched it between two large metallic fingers and took control, guiding the sinking craft towards into a controlled crash. The plane skidded across rocky outcroppings and mud, before halting not too far from the SuperLooters.

Across it's visor, a score was relayed along with a rating of C for style and combo.
Please roll 6d20 for the survival of your individual operators and scouts.
Rolled 3, 12, 14, 9, 17, 4 = 59 (6d20)

Rolling for the D-troops in the same order
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Of all the teams, Halberd Intergalactic rolled the heaviest in terms of manpower and equipment, so when it was time to egress they left heavy and took the AKSG Orbital insertion Drop Pods. They were bigger targets, but in a sea of targets, there was safety in numbers...and they had the numbers.
>4d20 for the Tridents 1-4
Trident 1-Nominal
Trident 2-lost
Trident 3-Nominal
Trident 4-lost

>2d20 for the Tank chassis and Turret
>chassis- lost
>Turret- nominal

>1d20 for Operators in a Technical (Adam, Beck, Claus)
Technical 1- lost

>1d20 for Scouts in a Technical (Dee, Elvis, Floyd)
Technical 2- lost

>1d20 for Railgun PG (Gianni)
>1d20+5 for Luftball (Hector)
>1d20 for Air Superiority Support drone
Story will be dropped tomorrow for these guys. For now have the new team.
>sorry for the delay.
Earlier preparation for invasion saw some decision made by the team to simplify logistics and sustainment. The luftball was armed with lightweight combat claws for pure melee, while the remaining ammo supply was consolidated towards supporting the railgun PG, Trident 1's minigun, and the CASS Drone. Small arms ammo was plentiful for now, and the tank chassis, turret, and Trident 4 were mobile supply points.
The team ejected as a massed formation, tridents and the tank pods screening the technicals and PGs. Despite the planning, Halberd Intergalactic took losses throughout the descent phase. At high altitude the tank's chassis was shot down, it's violent pancake onto the mud flats on venus a herald for the rest of the group. Trident 2 and 4 got taken out at a lower altitude, shredded remains coming down not too far from the tank. Trident 4's munition laden chassis exploded like a cluster bomb as it's wreckage spilled across the landscape. The technicals got taken out last, with the crew ditching and using parachutes. Adam, or "3L"'s, and floyd's saga finally came to an end as they got cored by anti aircraft fire, mangled corpses landing with the rest of the team. Dee was also critically injured, missing limbs and having several pulped organs. Immediate field surgery using donor parts from Adam and Floyd rebuilt the damaged Scout. From the deceased, little went to waste.
Between the modified Luftball, D-troops, and Technophages the team was able to salvage enough material from the destroyed units to replace Trident 3's secondary weapon, and enhance the power supply, and main weapon. The remaining equipment was cobbled together onto the tank turret to make an awkward six legged thing. The Composite had the most firepower and armor of the group, but was slow. It's crew space was filled with hastily modified sub systems and salvage from Trident 2 and 4, giving it no carrying capacity and about as much intelligence as a Trident.
It had been about a day since the team made planetfall, and the CASS drone was executing lazy circles above them like a vulture. It spotted another team. The SuperLooters.

>roll 1d100 to link up with the looters.

If you have time, could you give an updated team picture?
DROP | SYBREED "Next Day Will Never Come" guitar playthrough

The twin FREDs came down hard, thankfully removed from the rest of the AKSG Team. The impact was suitably violent as they crushed a trade caravan, converting merchants and cybercamels into paste. A few shots ricochetted off their hulls, the tribesmen unaware that was their last action on this plane of existence. The two units were equipped with audio kinetic accumulator conversion capacitors. The entire ride down to the surface they were soaking up the vibration and noise, and now released it in one devastating shockwave.

Flesh exploded and bones liquified near the FREDs, while dirt danced for half a kilometer. The pilot of the IDIOSIS, UNBORN SON OF SATURN observed the feedback analysis within his technocasket. It was sixtynine Kill-o-Meters until contact until the team would be in proximity of their mission target. A message was typed into a text to speech device. "Twins. Prepare to honk. Glory in Death." A series of honks emitted over the incasket bose sponsored gamer xxl soundsystem. Eventually the onboard AI translated what was morose code. Like morse code but grim and sullen. "Holoemitters running at capacity. All *HONK* nominal"

These things were mobile caskets. It didn't matter if you laughed, cried, or were business about it. TechnoGOD knew what the Twins* knew. They were born to die. There was some solace that he also was pretty cool with that, even knowing it was the neural spike, and that he might not have even existed before this. Ahead of them was a Venus welcome committee. A swarm of lightly armed outriders on a mixture of traditional motorcycles, monocycles, AG units all armed with a variety of machine guns and a smattering of rocket launchers just to make it fun.
>FRED RULES ARE IN EFFECT. Each Fred may roll as follows. Any subsequent roll of the maingun must use the next escalation. FREDs may only use the main gun or sub weapon system. A turn using the sub weapon cools off FRED so it may roll a less dangerous attack.

The moment a FRED unit rolls a 1, it explodes, with no attempt at salvation. It will then roll against the explosion table to see how big of an explosion it is.

1d100: first attack. Spooling up to emit dangerous amounts of radiation
1d50: Second attack, intense heat
1d20: third attack, nuclear plasma "flamethrower"
1d10: fourth attack, directed nuclear torch and particle beam.
1d2: the breath of the sun.

1d100: Honk
Any other secrets or madness may also be rolled for in addition to the conventional attacks.
Roll 1d20 for the looters linking up with Halberd Intergalactic. A nat 1 links up with Be Dragon.
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Current image of the super looters. Long story short on the gameplan from here on out.

The remaining units from each team are going to attempt to link up and form a larger composite team. This unified team will be directed by all the players, with the best and worst of your rolls (crits and high rolls) impacting the units. The goal is to get to Xin Kowloon, where surely, all your troubles will be at ease.

Venus is a high threat environment, there will be attrition.
Rolled 2 (1d20)

Sorry for the silence, the weekend was busier than I hoped
Rolled 9, 42, 46 = 97 (3d100)

*crawls out of cave*
It is time for my bidaily post of shame where I say I haven't finished Bed Dragon image yet. Speaking of Bed Dragon... where is he? DID HE SURVIVE a roll of NINE (9)? God only knows. Let's ask god
>Does Bed Dragon's mech-exoskeleton (mexoskeleton or mex, for short) survive the impact?
If it (and subsequently, the merc inside) did, he probably cratered somewhere and will claw his way out to the SCORCHING VENUTIAN SURFACE soon (on next qm update).
And while BD's fate is being resolved, the FREDisguisquad is maneuvering. Suicidal or not, the pilots have to obey the orders, and orders coming from the top had something about SNEAKING to them. Omega ordered the units to spread and flank the "fucking venutian scum" and reduce them to "harvestible organs".
Xavier shrugged, lit a cig and ordered IDIOSIS to fire up the holocamo. For a second, THE UNBORN SON OF SATURN basked in a brilliant red light and then there was nothing. Just a foreboding radioactive hum filling the air.
"...going dark." TechnoGOD's voice cut in on AKSG freq as the invisible goliath stalked west, ready to flank and crush the enemy.
To the east, the not-CIRCUS was wasting no time and already quickly rolling towards the group of venutian outriders. The cover was likely blown, but the CLOWN WORLD didn't care, because in the end, life is a game of pretend with cruel revelation waiting in the end. The speakers were roaring with happy music, the colorful smoke was pouring from the inside of machine, obstructing enemy vision and for just a brief second, the venutian punks believed the circus has arrived in town. Some really wanted to believe there was nothing to be afraid of.
Meanwhile, Omega was strategically backpedaling AWAY from the encounter. Had to do it on foot as her mecha STILL wasn't deployed. Someone at HQ would lose his fucking head for this... *gulp*
>Roll for HOLOCAMO effect on the Outriders
>Roll for DISGUISE effect on the Outriders
(both function as surprise and lower enemy preparedness)
Rolled 4, 33 = 37 (2d50)

>>6109594 (I don't think he lived with second 9)
Not long after the CIRCUS arrived, the hot air was torn by series of explosions and worrying buzzing. Given that the rolling Circus' pilot wasn't exactly stable and well-in-the-heads, we may never know who opened fire first. Regardless, all hell broke loose as the colorful machine began unloading heat into the crowd, the happy music not stopping and threatening to keep going as long as there was life inside the twisted tomb.
On the other side of the battlefield, TechnoGOD was finishing his 12th smoke. With a flick of a neuron, he rerouted all power from holoprojectors to the weapon systems, causing IDIOSIS, THE UNBORN SUN OF SATURN to reappear in a brilliant red flash, showing its wicked glory like a 200yo exhibitionist vampire. The closest outriders didn't even have the chance to fully process the image, as the satanic leviathan screamed and began raining the entire electromagnetic spectrum upon them. On one side it was a messy deathwish, on the other it was cleansing and it was glory and it was business.
Both FREDs use 1d50 heat/radiation.
>First roll for IDIOSIS
>Second for CL0WN W0RLD
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>To All players
Aurek, Beaton, and Comnor were the last of the legacy "Looter" template D-troop. Both they and their equipment were modified and refurbished to near U-troop standards, but they were still effective holdovers, fossils by any D-troop standard. Their new counterparts D1 through D5 were engineering tests for the U-troop template. Their personalities were still badsed on looters, but as individuals there wasn't much difference to them yet. 1,2, and 3 had a preference for heavy guns and the newer equipment while 4 and 5 looked up to the original team, and aped them as much as they could. No one really made fun of them for having different, possibly less cool guns.

The "Superlooters" spent the better part of the day avoiding conflict, and their more deranged counterparts on Combined D-team 2. The open air was not their preference for engagement. If they were going to survive, they had to link up with Halberd Intergalactic. Survive. An odd thought, considering their programmed personality engrams. The concern was brushed aside as the team used a combination of binoculars, weapon optics, and a kludge of various sensors to evade and scout.

After the better part of a day, the team spotted the heavily mechanized team, marching along with their trademark "Tripods". After a brief comm exchange with signs and counter signs, identities were confirmed and the Combined D-team "Heavy" was established.

>2: result

Along the way the team recovered a single U-troop. First regarded with suspicion for being a pirate, the U-troop was confirmed to be an authentic AKSG model. Somewhat odd, the troop was another developmental model. His utility was limited to stealth and assassinations.
>Hello all players, both current and new.

The game is changing now. You all will control "Heavy", deciding what to do, and where to go, and what to use. Here are your rules.
Each player can roll 1d100 per action, and assign any unit to an action. I will take the highest roll available from any player for that action, unless there is a 1, in which case I will take the 1. The rolls will be interpreted by me. Adding more units to a roll increases it's chances of success, but if you do something that is likely to fail, and roll bad, expect a failure.

Your units:

in the next post.
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>"Light units"

Looters, are operatives, regardless of the name. They suffer when fighting outdoors but can "set up" and offer considerable support fire with their heavy guns (no recovery from a bad roll). Their other options include melee, or assault with their small arms weapons, allowing them to try and recover after bad rolls. They have a lot of equipment for narrative, and remember, a thoughtful narrative modifies rolls.

Beck and Claus are your commanders, drone operators, drivers and general support. They are best used from the rear lines but can defend themselves. Armed with a technophage and supply of AIDS to deploy, they can also attempt to hack enemy robotics, or spend their turn optimizing rolls for your robots, big or small.

CASS-1 is your only flyer, and is a good long range scout or close air support. is a robot.

Dee and Elvis are scouts, sappers, and demo experts.

U1 is an engine of slaughter in close range, with a jammer to keep the enemy out of the loop.

>"Heavy units"

Luftball- A powergear with jumpjets and melee claws, best used for ambushes, preying on the weak, or desperate assaults. Somewhat fragile. Piloted by Hector.

Railgun PG- One of the oldest PowerGears in the AKSG arsenal, and tough as old boots and fast for its size. Gains a single extra roll on any action.

Caped Zero- Loaded down more heavily than a looter, and armed with a seemingly endless variety of weapon. Is a robot.

>"Heavy Support"

Trident 1- Armed with a healical plasma railgun, and a secondary gatling cannon. Endlessly rebuilt, trident 1 is a survivor. All tridents can choose to attack two targets, or enter into a defensive state and attempt to shoot down incoming projectiles, big and small. More heavily armored than infantry, but lighter than a proper PowerGear. Not a tank. Is a robot.

Trident 3- Like Trident 1, but armed with twin railguns. It's defensive state will probably kill the shooter, rather than the projectile. Consider that.

Composite- Pretend its a Trident. A heavily armed, very destructive, heavily armored, Trident. It was a tank at one point in it's life, now its mobile squad support. Don't expect it to dodge. At range it's full sized railgun makes short work of unaware enemies, and up close twin plasma lances do much the same where the main gun is too close to guarantee effectiveness.
The combined Holocamo and disguise were absurd to say the best. The entire situation was like a fever dream, with the outriders taking potshots and the FREDs and also not taking the situation seriously in equal measure. When the IDIOSIS, THE UNBORN SUN OF SATURN appeared, the Avant guard design aesthetics caused further pause, as did the VERY SLOW wind up of the main weapon. Thankfully CL0WN W0RLD in quick order honked first and irradiated second, like the baying of an otherwise mute clown in the torpor of mid-ejaculation, a foul wash of heat and radiation emitted after that triumphant honk. Less devastating than desired, the Venutian mud still cracked and dried out, flaking away in the wind as personal geiger counters cracked in analog horror.

The outriders couldn't harm these things, but they could run. Their bikes revved and screamed, but couldn't drown out the ever growing howl of the IDIOSIS. As they fled, cresting the horizon, the machine finally erupted, tainting the immediate area with generations of radiation poisoning. Through the interference the mission AI reached the crews, with a direct order to link up with the "meat men." Upon contact, a gestalt team would be formed for the purpose of shock and awe, creating room for D-team "heavy" to infiltrate the walls of Xin Kowloon.
The Meatmen had been on Venus for a bit, just a bit longer than any of the other AKSG forces. Long enough to start feeding on the outrider gangs and vagrants of the mud wastes. Only now did something tickle their neural spikes and remind them of a mission. The remnants of project omega had crashed down somewhere near by, and they were the closest unit. The team consisted of a full deranged PowerGear/ Bioform amalgamation that was responsible for converting raw materials into ammunition, and other rudimentary supplies, as well as it's entourage of quintessential "meat men" who brought it flesh, freshly liberated from the boney clutches of the horrible skeletons of this planet.

>Roll for success for connection with "meat men"
>Roll for "meat men" recovering " omega "
Rolled 19, 16, 17 = 52 (3d20)

GM's new rule. If we wait longer than 8 hours on a roll, it is rolled for by the GM or another player. Keeps things moving. Gotta make sure we get back to....positivity.
The two Freds cooled down for a while, honking and spraying light weapon fire at those who would try to close in on their objective.
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It was without doubt, without fucking question that of course two giant radiation spewing death machines with insane motifs would accomplish a mission that involved linking up with another team. It was a milk run. technogod and the twins spotted an AKSG signal with their hardened sensors. Simple but jam resistant, and beneficial, as the feed quickly degraded into static but the approximate location was already known on the map.

The approach was relatively calm, with the two FREDs using their sub weapons to drive off curious outriders, and drive off mostly means unloading 20mm rounds into soft human bodies, and honking an industrial grade clown horn array.

Between cigarettes the TECHNOgod watched a camera feed of The Meatmen. They were ringing a recently excavated pit, and pulling out decidedly morose and macabre looking AKSG cyborgs and a modified powergear with an aggressive amount of jamming arrays. That explained the total whiteout of sensors feeds in the area. One of the "meatmen" was chewing on a human foot and scratching it's portly belly. AKSG welcomed diversity in all it's many stripes and colors. With some curiosity he also watched the cannibal D-troop clones loading mangled corpses and chunks of outrider machinery in front of their equally mutated powergear, "the processor". The machine consumed the flesh and machinery, producing fresh ammunition which the meatmen loaded into IDEON. This was the logistics team. He almost sorted. Clownworld indeed.
The twins sat inside the cockpit of the CLOWN WORLD, looking at various screens independently, knowing that someday this mission would end and they could subliminate back into the AKSG operative datastacks, free from the burden of existence once more. The meatmen seemed to have two scouts, modified PowerSuits with jumpjets. They would parodically boost to their peak altitude then execute a controlled descent. They were the odd "men" out. Not a total freakshow like the rest of this group. Identifier "Robort." Funny. Honk honk. The female twin pressed the honk button, it was something. Nearby one of the meatmen technician's eardrums exploded, but he really didn't care, a blank face staring at the serving panel of the FRED as his body absorbed what would be lethal doses of radiation for someone planning to live more than a year. Good ol' D-troops.
BD looked around, alive again. Sort of. He had not been recloned and his mangled body was entombed in a PowerGear and life support system. One of the D-techs was watching some video about a 40000 year old ham and the warriors who venerated it, and now here he is, fucking stuck in a "dreadnought." The worst part was the jamming array on the back, it couldn't be turned off, only turned down or up, on a rotary analog switch that his cold, almost dead hands fondled at in the dark. At the lowest settings the slight electronic buzz sat just within his ability to hear, and at peak output it was all consuming.
>My players offer me challenges, and here we are. Team Hard-R, because we don't use the soft "ah" in Space Merc. From here on out, any player can roll the dice. In fact multiple players can roll the dice for the same thing. Player dice are 1d100. I'll the best rolls, or the crit fails. a 100 cancels a 1.
Caped Zero examined the mission manifest. Get into the city, obtain and utilize a "lighthouse" technology. Execute a dimensional rip, and allow off world forces convenient access to Venus for recolonization and exploitation. Easy. For that the AKSG invasion force needed resources, and information, probably alliances. All the data the machine was capturing indicated the planet was hostile in the extreme, and it was mostly the locals. The scout platforms had completed their initial assessments of the immediate area and informed several choices of action.
If you want absurdity, use hard R, if you want military violence, use Heavy.
>Use the looters to pick off outriders for a while, and capture a new forward base.
>Send out the heavy equipment to engage in local supply line disruption.
>Use the FREDs to harass the city perimeter and see what weapons they have. 2d100+any attack rolls for the freds
>Send the CASS and Roborts to do a high risk fly over of Xin Kowloon and gather as much information as possible. 3d100
>Contact the local factions, see who responds. Diplomancy.
>write in. You can craft your own plans or agendas that are fully at odds or in alignment with the mission.
Rolled 88, 65 = 153 (2d100)

>Use the looters to pick off outriders for a while, and capture a new forward base
We need a base. That's where my strategic thinking ends.
>Write in
>Send Omega with her stealth mech (and robogoons) to hack the shit out of Xin Kowloon and gather information
Rolled 11 (1d100)

>Contact the local factions, see who responds. Diplomancy.
Without the colony we're effectively living hand to mouth. Cooperating with the locals is a must if we want the resources and manpower to take over Xin Kowloon.
Rolled 77, 6, 49 = 132 (3d100)

The looters grumbled and bitched the entire way about having to do the work of a "mudfoot", but it was just banter to pass the time. They were crossing over the normal operational time of any D-trooper, and starting to develop their personality further than the usual engrammatic-memetic templates...

The plasma lances with their long range optics were brutally effective. capacitor feed cables lurched and jerked with each shot, violent electromagnetic forces at play, barely contained as they were funneled towards a given target, converting pellets of metal into a magnetically contained envelope of hypersonic plasma.
The small outpost where the outriders were gathering suddenly turned into a shooting gallery as heads and torsos exploded from exotic weaponry. The locals attempted to muster a defense, but the precision shots continued to punch through cover and corrugated metal walls. With little other recourse they rushed to their ramshackle vehicles and charged towards the attack, only to be caught in a crossfire of heavy machine gun fire. The intersecting lanes of tracers and high explosive rounds shredded the riders and their machines before they could mount any sort of response. The few that had turned tail to run were cut down by the plasma lances.

>FOB Roadhouse obtained
The meatmen would be busy for a bit cleaning this up...
Omega did not overly appreciate the living pile of chunky salsa inhabiting her custom machine. The mouthbreahting D-troops who enacted the modification were never asked or told to do so, and with a tug of psychokinesis, she pulled the wrecked operative out of the equipment and flung him away like refuse. The effort caused a migraine, but it was worth it. Climbing into her machine, she was able to interface with its bespoke jammers and amplifiers, channeling talents towards intended purposes: Data recovery.

She and her team began to digitally sniff the manifold signals of the immediate area, trying to learn more. The interference was high so she and her team were forced to get closer to Xin Kowloon.
>rolling to determine how stealthy they remain, if they are engaged, and how severe the force is.
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Rolled 11, 77, 51, 45, 25, 91 = 300 (6d100)

>>Shogo - Kumoblade (dynamic in-game version)
Omega's team spent the day slowly prowling along the decaying and rebuilt drainage sections of the city, looking for prime real-estate for their hacking operation. Ultimately they skimmed local intranet traffic and discovered a few interesting conspiracies in the locale before a team of low ranking enforces spotted them and engaged. "HALT RIGHT THERE! CRIMINAL SCUM!" The enemy was a gang of sweaty beat cops and robotic assistants.

>rolling for attacks: x4 non lethal taser, x2 grapplebot, +5 to all rolls from drone support.
Beck, Claus, Dee, Elvis, Hector, and Gianni crowded around a radio set that they had finished refurbishing. It was only lightly damaged by the Looter's plasma lances and the repair was made with some scrap and components from the former outrider's vehicles. A long wire trailed from the contraption to the "Composite" walker, it's onboard comm system serving as the other half of the transmitter, and an ad-hoc power generator until they could fix that too.

The team reached out over the radio and got mostly a mixture of profanity and insults, the trouble being a D-trooper is a lack of social awareness and charisma. The other thing about a D-trooper is they really aren't concerned about that, and treat social engagements as another task to resolve. They spent the rest of the day responding to insults, engaging, learning, playing dumb, and in general feeling things out.

There were five major elements to Xin Kowloon.

AKSG proper- Well. This is awkward. Its an outpost of actual AKSG forces, or at least one splinter that has more claim to authenticity than your team. On a permanent contract to protect the city against external forces.

Scavos- A group of xenophobic tech hoarders who moonlight as traders and insurgents. Seems to be responsible for a lot of the hodgepodge repairs around the city. Hate the tradies, simple as. Masters of cobbling together violently destructive weapons.

Enforcers- Peace Keepers and policing forces by any other name. They are universally hated but also act as the liaison between all factions, along with extorting them for resources used to bribe and pay off the various faction heads.

Tradies- Unthanked and unloved, they run the infrastructure of the city from the top to bottom. Content to end the day with a nice VB Looooongneck, they also have some the heaviest equipment in the land.

KumoGang- The rest of the city. Workers, families, the folk. Calling them normeis wouldn't be right, because they might kidnap or rob you. Xin Kowloon is a hard place. The Kumo pass the time gambling, swindling, and watching machine or blood sport.
Rolled 18, 79, 29, 91, 89, 58 = 364 (6d100)

I have no idea what to do but I'm rolling against them. Fuck the police.
>1x mecha combat (martial arts/sonic booms/electric discharges), 1x Omega hacking effort, 4x combat of slave units (Heavy Gunner/Marksman/Commando/Mantis) respectively
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Posting family photo.
There have been a lot of misunderstandings regarding the placement of Bed Dragon in the mecha. For him it was a lot of pain. Being stripped of his gear. Annoyance.
When the merc finally came to his senses on the sun-scorched FILTHY DIRT of Venus, he found himself naked with multiple broken bones. Digging through his memory, he remembered some WHORE pulled him out of the machine and cursed under his breath. How could they do him dirty like that?!
On the way back to base, the megalomaniac spotted a >>5678593 gaggle of retarded bimbos in swimsuits carrying toy guns. He cackled and quickly found out their pieces were real, when they breathed magenta-hued plasma clouds towards him. Luckily for him, the projectiles weren't very fast.
Channeling his inner rage to overcome the pain, BD hurled himself into the group of female hostiles and used his extensive videogame CQC training to dispatch them one by one. It was mostly his neural spike doing its job, but we don't want to hurt his feelings.
An hour later the dusty and bloody merc arrived at FOB Roadhouse, with fresh first-degree burns and armed with a tiny toy gun. He immediately collapsed into another recovery coma.
>Bed Dragon rejoins team
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(Boosted)16, 82, 56, 50, 30, 96
18, 29, 91, 89, 58 - 79 (hacking)
The Police engaged the strangers with the same gusto and casual brutality that would engage with a box of donuts, or a prostitute seeking to be let off easy. The Omecha wildly flails around, needing a pilot for optimal control. The errant discharges of energized plasma and audio kinetic booms create an environmental hazard in the extreme, forcing the two forces to dance around the lethal machine. One of the beat cops attempts to taze Omecha only for the barbed prong to skip off it's metal hull. Dummy. Little did the cops notice when their Heli drones began freezing up.

The enforcers weren't overly stupid though, and focused their efforts on the things that were attacking which could hurt them. Omega was mostly ignored as she stood in place seemingly having a seizure. "Damn tweakers! You think you are the first cyber bondage cult we've arrested?!"
>82, 56, 50, 30, 96 (264) vs 29, 91, 89, 58 (267). no targets declared, its random.

The autocannon slave unleashed, adding to the chaos of the battle, and mostly causing the enforcers to evade the lethal lead laser that was being spewed. The ensuing melee was crude, and violent. The enforcers did manage to taser the Akimbo Slave and knife slave, but not before the duo carved a robot into chunks and gutted one of the beat cops. With a degree of shock, the remaining officers drew their pistols "Switching to lethal!"

in the thick of the following was happening:
The remaining robot ceased it's assault and focused its attention on it's fallen companion, rapidly stripping it for parts and upgrading itself mid fight.
the enforcer drones were no longer buffing and were locked down for as long as the hacking continued. It could be disrupted, but it will burn a combat action.
Omecha would benefit from a pilot (+15 to rolls when piloted. Just remind the GM.)
Knife Slave is down for the rest of the fight, but not dead. You can spend a turn of one character slapping it awake.
Concord Dawn-Broken Eyes (Aska Remix)

BD was sitting in his chair, enjoying a comfy coma when some goofball got within proximity of his automated self defense kill response. The familiar thump of a corpse hitting the ground woke him, and there at his feet was U1. "Fuck." Moving quick BD dragged the slain trooper out of the roadhouse and stripped him of his gear. The new equipment was satisfactory, he could work with it, but the dead body, no that was not so satisfactory. Carrying the corpse several kilometers he made contact with the meatmen who were still slowly making their way to the new location. The Processor took the corpse and did as it's name implied, erasing any history of U1, along with the mangled remains of BD's previous equipment. He almost forgot as he turned, but a meatman grabbed his shoulder and pointed. The processor had made him a little gift. AKSG thermoptic camo jacket. nice.
Further away from this particular settlement there were many, many, others, all with their own nuances. In particular was place "Nayambe". Its name was an approximation, and with it was the genesis of the whole reason they were on this planet.
With some time, the Processor will be able to settle into FOB roadhouse and the meatmen that accompany it will gradually grow in competency. For now the team was on it's own past basic resupply. It wouldn't do good to assume any one plan would be the way forward. They needed options. alternates. Dee and Elvis had been reviewing combat footage from the Venutian internet, "unalive leaks", and between the hours of gore were useful observations. Beck and Clause came in with some jerkey, water, and hydration tablets provided by the processor. At least they weren't going to starve. The team congregated around a dingy round table, writing down notes and carving ideas into it's surface with a knife or settling for writing in permanent marker. OPORDs, contingencies...
>Trident 1 and 3 are vulnerable, but there is enough material there to build another "Composite" demi-tank. It would use up Beck and Claus's free time though. (2d100, don't roll a 1)

>The Looters might bitch, but the meatmen really need an armed escort for the next leg of this operation, better safe than sorry, even if the processor is a total freakshow on it's own. (low risk, but catastrophic for anything under 10, roll 8d100)

>CASS and the Rob0rts could be deployed to get a better bearing on the city. Its high risk, high reward. (3d100, roll greater than 50 on each)

>Dee, Elvis, and U1 can scout out the badlands and find any choice AKSG scrap before the locals get it.

>The PGs acting as defense for FOB Roadhouse is value added, but they could also be tacked onto any of the other operations.

>The FRED units are...dangerous in the extreme, but could be used to probe the city defenses. (2d100)


>Write in with your own strategy.
Rolled 62 (1d100)

As Dee and Elvis returned to their shared living quarters they happened upon an unexpected sight: both of their algorithmically assigned roommates, Bed Dragon and U1, were missing, which was weird, because Bed Dragon was in a coma, and U1 was a NEET. The trail of blood leading out of the room suggested they were not merely out for a walk; they were brutally murdered, and their bodies were dragged away.
At first the two scouts rejoiced that they now had the room all to themselves, but soon realization came over them: if two men were murdered in broad lamplight, in the middle of the base, then that meant a spy was among them, and a skilled one if he managed to get the drop on both BD and U1. Of course, what the two men didn't realize was that the call was coming from inside the house so to speak, and the culprit of the grisly murder was Bed Dragon himself. Nevertheless, they set out on a sweep for spies.

Rolling for:
>searching the FOB (+15 because they're scouts, -100 because there's no spy... or is there?)
Rolled 62, 88, 62, 95, 45, 60, 93, 59 = 564 (8d100)

Assign the Trident-1, Luftball and Railgun PG to escort the Meat Men. We'd assign some looters to the job, but AKSG IFF is notoriously finicky, and we don't want the Processor to... process any of our own.
Rolled 69, 22, 78, 66 = 235 (4d100)

"You're lethally... retarded." -Heavy Gunner in a matter-of-factly metallic tone to the officer
>Omega hax harder. Hacking is not hard enough until the sparks start coming out of wobots and present a fire hazard (thankfully we're already on venus)
She's an actual hacker though. The haxx are not psykic in nature, but INTelligence+hardware+software_issue+ratio.
>Omecha punches a man of its CPU-choosing
>Heavy Gunner keeps sweeping with high lethatlity
>Marksman jumps on the Heavy Gunner's shoulders to gain high ground and shits lead hatred upon the policemans
>Be Dragon reminds QM the slave units are just modified droids with ex-human brains, not actual humans in gey metal spandex
Lunix - Dark soul

Dee and Elvis searched the fob (76 vs -100, (-24))...

...and found nothing. Well, almost nothing. They found a radcomp in U1's personal effects. A small device combining all the features of a radio set and computer. Wrist mounted for patrician taste. Flicking an analog activation switch, satisfying really, they began to work through the simple encoding and eventually unlocked the device. U1 was not AKSG and was not even a universal trooper. The device had a list of homing beacons to key areas, a lot of them inactive, but the historical record was interesting. U1 was in on the operation from the beginning. FOB Casaba, Garage, industrial sectors, the command ship, convoy ships. He had been everywhere. There was a wireless update for neural spike firmware too.
>Check out the firmware update.
>Try and investigate the other locations, a few were still transmitting.
>figure things out on your own.

>you may do as few or as many actions as you want. no rolls needed. No bad consequences for these. Only KNOWLEDGE.
>Kudos to you player, for getting how the game works. You understood the risk and mitigated it. I would have changed it to just one dice for each unit, but I get your spirit and intent. Lets do this.

Trident-1, LuftBall and RailgunPG were hard targets for the local raiders and their own allies, the meatmen. The march to the other team was as uneventful as Venus would allow. Sucking mud, bandits, and small arms fire with the occasional explosion mixed in. The Trident and Railgun PG kept the worst of it at bay with the occasional volley of suppressing fire, but the Luftball was built for this. It boosted from point to point, slamming down into the soft dirt, it's talons shredding the unprepared raiders. As soon as they left other scavengers were on the corpses before they even went cold. Such was the way of life in this place.

After spotting the meatmen, and their boated entourage, the IFF signal was given, and countersign received. The team linked up with their grotesque counterparts. The walk home was slow. The processor was in no hurry, and was endlessly accumulating more and more mass as they stopped at every node of scrap and wreckage, regardless of if it was organic or inorganic. The Meatmen themselves were hurriedly gathering corpses and choice bits of equipment from further away, carrying them back with enthusiasm. The trident stayed in perpetual overwatch and intercepted incoming mortars with it's minigun turret, getting a periodic resupply of ammunition.

The convoy arrived to FOB roadhouse towards the "evening." but given that Venus rotated once every 243 terran standard days, that didn't mean much. It was still perpetual overcast and gloom. That didn't seem to bother the Processor or Meatmen, who quickly began investigating their new home.

>please roll a 1d100 to determine the level of integration the processor has with the new FOB.
Rolled 24, 40, 23, 84 = 171 (4d100)

BD brushed himself off as he walked back to FOB Roadhouse ahead of the rest of the convoy. He was still dealing with neural delusions, artifacts. Omega couldn't have psychically thrown him out of the mech. The bitch probably did it herself, and that was worse. He had two big fuck you's for her next time they met. As he entered the FOB he realized he would need a good cover story to tell the other D-troops regarding himself and U1.
>U1 was a spy. He died.
>U1 was a pegged on the czarny scale and would destroy their society if allowed to propagate.
>Other elaborate lie, or outright truth.
>Simply threaten with violence if any questions are asked.
Omega continued the concentrated hack attack, slowing down the larger enforcer robot as it stripped parts from it's fallen ally. It was enough that the terminally retarded Omecha was able to land a hit on the robot, sending it crashing next to the two disabled drones, which it promptly reached for and began attaching to itself.

The heavy gunner and Marksman teamed up, creating a sort of "MechaShiva". The combined attack of the two reduced another beatcop to pulp without a chance of defense or counter attack. Somehow the glasses of the cop flipped in the air and landed on one of the slave units. Sick.

>rolling for the enforcer counter attack. 3d100. 2 beatcops and one heavily upgraded enforcer bot. 3 physical attacks, 1 counter hack.
Rolled 37 (1d100)

>please roll a 1d100 to determine the level of integration the processor has with the new FOB.
Snug as a bug in a rug
Rolled 3, 65, 68, 12, 85, 45, 54 = 332 (7d100)

This mystery keeps getting deeper... It seems U1 is the most likely suspect for the murder of U1 right now. Still, more evidence is needed before his guilt can be proven beyond a doubt.
The scouts decide to split up and investigate two locations at once. Picked randomly, obviously.
Regarding the firmware update... It is an unknown, potentially incompatible with the Windows Vista that the troopers' neural spikes run on. A careless wireless connection will not do. With an unspeakable squelch, Dee shoved the radcomp into his ass and began downloading its raw data directly into his nervous system through the USB port hidden in his colon (a standard feature of the modern D-trooper). Temporary -15 on Dee's situational awareness due to the... intellectual stimulation, but +15 on installing the firmware.

Rolling for:
>investigating the beacons (2 rolls, Elvis gets +15 to his)
>FUN events on the way to the beacons (2 rolls, Dee gets -15 to his)
>Dee installing the firmware (1 roll, +15)

The processor started its integration into the team's command structure, beginning with the foreplay of an intrusive interfacing, followed by a gentle humping and release of bioconversion fluid into the FOB's fertile breakroom (drenching several troopers in the process)

Rolling for:
>processor integration (1 roll)
>how drenched the troopers are (1 roll)
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Rolled 54, 18, 36, 98 = 206 (4d100)

I wass ssummoned here to puppeteer and roll.
Time to puppeteer.
>U1 was a spy. He died doing what he loved. Being a dumb fucking spy.
Time to roll. Sss.
>Heavy Gunner jumps and lands on the left Omecha shoulder with a THUD
>Marksman backflips onto the right Omecha shoulder with a clink-clink, cla-clack, ka-chak
>Omecha T-Poses to boost stability and seed primal fear
The two unitss open fire.
>Omega smirks and engages the hostile on digital turf. If you step into firewall there, you burn in real life!
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Certified OmegaW
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The "Mecha Shiva" Enforcer. It has expanded its perception, and gained buzzsaw arms, but it is ungainly and unused to its form.

The Processor settled into the roadhouse, rather comfortably. It was a little skinny, a little hungry...The hulking machine went into a room and just seemed to "come undone". Biomass slipped out of the machine, dragging with it wires and components along a planned path that only it knew, burrowing into walls and existing infrastructure. The metal plates of the powergear hulk were gradually pulled and deformed onto the walls, some spinning away like unraveling thread. The transformation was subtle, but FOB Roadhouse was now alive. Alive and hungry. At the moment it could limitedly produce ammunition, all important neural spikes, and basic equipment. The more it was given, the more it could grow, its hunger was tied to it's desire to achieve functionality for the mission.

It needed resources, so many resources. It sent the MeatMen and Roborts along with "CapedZero" and "U1" to find MOAR.
Choose your risk.
>Investigate known sites of AKSG wreckage.
>Investigate a pirate shuttle that landed hard.
>Raid the local communities.
>attempt to raid a slaver convoy.


>Put the FREDs to work as glorified tractors (2d100)
>Put the Looters to work hauling back resources of their choosing. ya know...looting. (8d100)
Super like it.
3+15, 65+15 = Pretty ok.
Elvis proceeded to the nearest beacon that was still transmitting. FOB Casaba. It was about a 20 hour hike, thankfully the camo netting was better than nothing, and served as a useful place to attach rations. Venus was harder than KhaieBalkh. It was a thought that he normally wouldn't have even considered, but it was an appreciable truth. The going here was tough. A tactical supershorty shotgun and generous amount of explosive charges made that easier though. At about halfway he trapped some convenient wreckage, killing a scavenger party, then shooting the survivors in the back. They very usefully had a moped, well more of a vespa, suitable for the terrain. It even had a horn. Honk honk.

The remains of the giant casaba howitzer were a sorry sight. Twisted wreckage and leaking radioactivity. It had also been heavily stripped of just about anything useful prior to the "Invasion of Venus" or "Crash land all your shit and see what survived." Elvis spent the next day picking over the remains, loading his pack with rarified trinkets, but most importantly, the processor core of the combined AKSG/Colony AI. It was a little rough, but still operating, transmitting small agendas and plans. Holding down a few on board buttons Elvis put it to sleep for now. It was time to head home.
>roll 2d100 for the adventure and how well the processor integrated the AI core.

68-15 (Still positive and OKish), 12-15 (negative roll) = Pretty shit.
Dee went to see the remains of a pirate ship, but was so stunned from buttchugging x boofing a fucking radcomp that he got kidnapped instead, and totally missed out recovering anything useful. He was fucking zonked and some pirates just lead him off and looted all his gear and clothes.

85+15 (artificial 100, a crit by another name)
Klokwerk E - Boof It

Dee's knowledge suppository finally kicked in. He was...sort of free. Like. Really Free. Not whoever he was before the AKSG neural implant. Sure the memories were there, but he still viewed them like a D-trooper. No the freedom was that he was his own person. He had no compulsion to do the mission. More than that. He could see other signals in the area overlayed with his natural vision, a sort of inbuilt augmented reality. There were other minds here, shackled with neural spikes. Many of them augmenting the pirate forces. Part of the Pirate/ AKSG exchange. Aside from knowing they were there, he could reach out on a one-way broadcast.

>Transmit updated firmware and cause a shit storm.
>Sit quietly and await fate.
>Attempt to escape in a very naked way.
The FOB continued to GROW. Pulsating biomechanical and mechnological growths and veins wormed under metal grates and sheeting. Eventually some of the D-troops got caught up in the mix. D-5 and D-4 were blasted with flesh dissolving fluids, becoming a part of the process. The looters looted their equipment, because its what they would have wanted.
Rolled 83 (1d100)

>using the most stressful DeusEx music. You fucking brute. You must now play the revision mod.
<Deus Ex Revision: Return to New York Combat Extended>
54+18+36=108 (2 units shooting. but that brutal T-pose.)
24+40+23=87 (3 units shooting.)

The crossfire between the heavy gunner, marksman and cops was brief and violent. The mechanical slaves were able to handle being riddled with bullets and even deliver a lethal barrage to the three cops, but the elaborate link up sequence resulted in their...deactivation. Via being shot. a lot. The same could be said for the cops, who were now reduced to rapidly cooling corpses. The thing was, the slaves could be salvaged, rebuilt, or remade. The organics? Not so much.
98vs84: 10 over.
Omega's battle with the MechaShiva was nearing an end. The robot's wireless arrays burned out with foul smoke and part of it went limp before it hopped backwards and lifted off, putting distance between it and the mech. (robot has a -5 to all rolls from here on out.)

>choose one free action:
>Omega gets into Omecha, gaining access to it's jamming array, more survivability, and +10 to rolls.
>Omega attempts to loot the slaves and maybe reactivate a few of the units in quick order.

>Then roll 1d100 for one attack of your choice. You have initiative.

Rolling for MechaShiva's counterattack.
Rolled 88, 24 = 112 (2d100)

>Investigate a pirate shuttle that landed hard.
>Put the FREDs to work as glorified tractors (2d100)
Let's just drag the whole thing back bodies and all
Rolled 85, 89, 70, 6, 86 = 336 (5d100)

Rolling for:
>integrating the AI core

The power of freedom... It is strong... Simply too strong to share. Dee's hand moves towards his groin as he exercises his newfound freedom. This... Is something no D-trooper could do before. Yes, he will not be sharing this firmware... But perhaps he could share a very different patch.

Rolling for:
>coding a "subservience to Dee" patch (-15 due to doing it through a direct connection to his nervous system, +20 due to stimulation activating every neuron in his balls and ass (the "smart ass" technique))
>transmitting the patch and causing a shit storm
>jacking off (challenge level: insane)
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Rolled 73, 75, 90, 100, 86 = 424 (5d100)

The FREDs were the right tool for this sort of job. Lengths of chain and cable wrapped around the shuttle, and the two machines dragged the craft a ways before coming under concentrated attack by pirate machines. They were a clearly local built, and based on reports from the Omega team, armed with an upscaled "pin missile" array. "Give up the shuttle, and one of the tractors, and ye'll be on yer way." The fake pirate accent was atrocious, arguably unforgeable, correctable by death.
x4 Pirate Mobile Suits
Must roll greater than 50 to damage the FRED with pinfire
Must roll greater than 20 to damage the FRED with melee
FRED must roll greater than a 40 to HIT the Pirate mobile suits with the main or secondary weapons.

FREDs are charged with an Audio Accoustic attack (hits everything), usable in this fight, WILL hit, but the weapon may damage the other FRED on a roll of 25 or less, and may damage the Shuttle on a roll of 75 or less.

You may open with any available attack (x2). Honking is a free action. See FRED rules for attack and dice choices.

Rolling for Pinfire missile barrage.
Somehow Elvis's adventure was calm and productive. He recovered some of FOB Casaba's research data on the "MeatWorks" which would allow the processor to start refurbishing and upgrading some of the less functional D-troops, maybe even creating some new units from scratch. His return trek home ended with shoving the somewhat crusty and mangled remains of the AI core into the "claw" of the processor. The approximation of the former powergear was still present in the room where material was delivered, fused to the wall, it's former legs looking like a mangled throne. The Processor's arm picked up the curio, lifting it in front of it's numerous sensors before simply "swallowing" the core. The effect was near immediate as the AI core and Processor struggled for dominance in an act of natural selection. Glowing fiberoptic wires and ribbons spread out from the machine, through the compound before growing dim once more. Periodic pulses of light lazily flowed through them only speeding and growing in intensity to the tempo of the machine's own workings.

The recovered meatworks data allowed the meatmen to enter the processor, one by one, and emerge changed, now slightly more intelligent. <Gained D-staff>
Dee managed to create a crude loyalty routine, establishing himself as "central node" in the local ad-hoc network hierarchy, but was unable to transmit anything due to a queuing error as he prepared a high volume transmission of something else. An unchipped pirate has noticed this and is reaching for a weapon.

>rolling for pirate nofap intervention. low is melee, high is worse. you may respond accordingly.
Rolled 61 (1d100)

>Omega gets into Omecha, gaining access to it's jamming array, more survivability, and +10 to rolls.
Grab Shiva by one of the handles and rapidly punch its CPU casings. Electronic brain damage for the whole family.
What happened to BD btw? Was I supposed to roll for his lie?
Rolled 91 (1d100)

The pirate has grabbed his neo-flintlock firearm and fired directly at Dee's penis. A regular human would have no chance of surviving this attack with his cojones intact; Dee is not a regular human, but a D-trooper. His freshly upgraded mind works in overdrive as it calculates the perfect counter. The bullet's kinetic energy will be neutralized and redirected by an equal countervector burst.

Rolling for:
>deflecting the bullet with his cum stream
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Rolled 17 (1d100)

61+10:71 vs 83-5:78

Omecha grabbed the gangrel robot, stopping it from escaping and delivering a punch to the machine's center section. The Mecha Shiva was weaker, but had numerous arms, all working in tandem as the twin sensors scanned the machine feverently trying to find a weakness, or at least a starting point. Limbs experimentally moved with inhuman speed and precision, prying across the robot, searching for anything that would give, all the while the punches continued. Both were made for the abuse though.

like a giant insect, the MechaShiva began pulling at Omecha's head, trying to pry the component from it's alcove like housing.
>Continue the assault, you may ignore the attempt at decapitation, and will have the benefit of seeing this roll to decide if you want to counter it.

>Rolling to see if I can pull off a robot's head. Need to beat 80.


>This is how the game ends, not with a whimper, but a guttural moan.

Dee's body was augmented, and despite being a first Gen D-trooper, he was also a Refurb who went through the MeatWorks of KhaieBalkh, where his meat was worked. Needless to say, he was augmented in the extreme, and while no U-troop, he could hold his own. Internal fluidic turbines spooled up while binary filters stripped nutrients and water from his body towards multiple pressure chambers backed by onboard relief valves and burst disks that were near flight grade.

For a moment his heart stopped and his hearing went out. 20 ML of mangurt was blasted out at 55,000 psi, Destroying the bullet in midflight, and passing cleanly through into the pirate who abruptly died as the kinetic energy was transferred into his body and out his back in a shower of gore and goo. Falling over, dee nearly died again from the ruination of his release, gonads nearly pulped from forces well beyond any intended design. A second one of those might kill him.
Dee must escape. Write in. This is shitposting territory now.
Rolled 16 (1d100)

Zamn, that was intense. And free citizens on Earth get to do this every day? Truly... Nothing feels better than freedom.
>Addiction gained: Gooning
That freedom is gonna be a very short-lived one if Dee doesn't get out though. He can't let the pirates find him now that his firearm is in its refractory period. Thankfully, there is a handy disguise just nearby, only slightly soaked in blood and semen.

Rolling for:
>stripping the dead pirate and using his fit as a disguise

Goon meter status:
>37/100 goon urge
Rolled 40 (1d100)

Looking into the nearest metal surface as if it were a mirror, Dee finds that his disguise is sorely lacking, which makes sense, considering that the shirt has a gaping, bloody, cummy hole through it, that Dee is a good foot taller than the pirate was and that his meat has been so worked that he looks more like a landfill than a human. He can't think of any good solutions to the first two problems, but he sure can solve the third!

Rolling for:
>wear the pirate's flesh as a skinsuit to make the disguise look more like him

Goon meter status:
>41/100 goon urge
Rolled 30, 58, 66 = 154 (3d100)

Dee flays the pirate with his own knife, wearing the skin as pants, shirt, gloves and mask.

The disguise would have ben convincing if he didn't look like a man wearing the skin of another man, poorly. Looking around, D adjusted the literal eyehole of his fleshmask, a wild eye framed by bloody skin peering out as a group of pirates walk in. affecting a falsetto he addressed the pirates. "Uh, hey guys."

The pirates stare the knife weilding man, dressed in the rags and skin of their former companion, a clearly flayed corpse nearby, and chunks of gore and bodily fluid about the room.

>roll 2d 100for intimidation and survival. Beat 40. fail that, the second roll needs to beat 50.
>rolling for combat should the intimidation fail. Anything above an 80 and Dee's life is at risk.
Rolled 7, 63 = 70 (2d100)

The pirates are a little grossed out, but not intimidated. They've seen worse when dealing with the Meat Mafia. Raising their cobbled-together guns, they spray Dee with inaccurate, but plentiful fire.
Dee strides into melee range of the pirates, unconcerned with the bullets as he is confident that his Human Leather Armor of Defense+1 will protect him. In fact, the feeling of lead hitting his skinsuit... is kinda doing it for him.

Rolling for:
>rushing the pirates in melee
>catching the bullets with non-fatal areas of the body
Rolled 10 (1d20)

also rolling for:
>how much the goon meter rises(1d20)
Dee was a D-troop of unusally durable providence. This is a testament to his build quality and AKSG meatworks upgrade program. However he was also shot several times, in areas both fatal and not fatal, and did not die due to a combination of the prior, and a little help from the skinsuit. His luck ran out in the melee.

Dee was beaten to the ground, and gooned his last. Right there actually. In the aftermath any hope for AKSG D-troop freedom, and the greater mysteries of U1 were lost in the fires of erotic self exploration and discovery.
Who are you now?

>Robort 1
>Caped Zero
Awaiting further player actions for outcome of FRED attack.
Let's just give the pirates a nice bask in the luminous glow of the FRED's main armaments.
>Rolling to spool cannons
Select your rancor, player. The more dangerous the roll, the more violent the result. And as always, multiple people may roll for this, its just that each roll increases the chance of that sweet nat 1.

Per Fred:

Rolled 96, 95 = 191 (2d100)

Brother, what you deem to be a head, is a seat and two comically big steering levers. Omecha is an open-top robot.
MechaShivva impotently pulled on the Omecha's seat, but the cloned-human-leather seat didn't give in as easily as the previous cloned-long-extinct-animal-skin did. Omega taps her head knowingly while avoiding the machine's grabby arms.
Omecha attempts to knock the bugbot's punny twigs away with it's strong gray sexy powerful gay arms. If that works, Omecha follows up with cross punch with electric discharge (blast faggot away+stun for opening)
>Roll for breaking the grab
>Roll for PowerPunchMk2
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Would you look at that!
IGNEA — Leviathan (Ultra Sheriff cover, Official Audio)
>96, 95 (106,105)
>the GM is in awe of this new revelation...in awe that the GM always knew this and was not secretly thinking that was some sorta wonky eye robot. Clearly MechaShiva is being roleplayed as a retard. not me. no. not retarded.

Omega uses the THICC and POWERFUL arms of Omecha to bat aside the feeble gropes of the mechashiva. So powerful was the backhanded swipe that it tore two arms clear off at the shoulder pod. The pinfire micro missiles stored within that unit exploded in a shower of fire and shrapnel. Two swift jabs that would normally dent the armor on an IFV were delivered into a machine made for civilian policing. The first electrically charged blow exploded the crotch joint of the robot, while the second caved in the lower control unit.

Realizing the machine it was up against was thoroughly fucking it up and recognizing being outclassed, the feeble onboard AI of the mechashiva began emergency reconfiguration of what was left of it's many modules. It could not transmit a warning to it's HQ due to the horrific amount of jamming capacity on the enemy machine, but it could escape and report in.
>Omecha Aggressive pummeling.
>Omega: Hack it into oblivion.
>Let it run, let them know.
C'mon fried corsair
Rolled 1 (1d2)

iunno, let me roll for that
Rolled 15 (1d100)

Omecha grabs the mechanical wretch with one hand, lifts it above the ground like a sack of shit and shows it what real police brutality looks like with the other.
>rolling for style
What's next, boss? What needs doing?
Meanwhile Omage:
Rolled 69, 67 = 136 (2d100)

forgot my dice
Rolled 36, 75, 7, 10 = 128 (4d100)

Noosphere (Pipe Organ Cut)

Slamming the other robot to the ground, Omecha lifted it once more. Omega's own eyes looking directly into the sensors of the enemy. The thing struggled as it attempted to disconnect limbs like a lizard desperately shedding it's tail. The remaining lift fan was crushed by a mechanized hand while the rest of the smaller machine was snapped apart at it's connections and stomped under foot, one part at a time. With final contempt, the spherical arrays of the enforcer machine were smashed as the power gear clapped either side of it's opponent's "head".

The local rabble peered out from their hovels at the display. The message would spread.

>AKSG player splinter has gained reputation with the scavengers.

1 and 69 vs 73, 75, 90, 100

The pirates moved intelligently, and attacked the weaker of the two machines, "Clown World". It honked and tooted, spraying colorful yet radioactive smog. The environmental seals of the enemy equipment held, as did their fire discipline. Despite the FREDs absurdly thick armor, the machine gradually cratered and ablated from the relentless micro munitions, the smaller power suits using their mobility to simply evade the deadly blasts of radiation from the two units. The Idiosis played it cool, waiting for an opportunity while the Clown World kept ramping up each shot, and missing, irradiating the landscape more and more. Eventually the Idiosis had scored a direct hit on one of the corsairs, boiling the pilot alive inside his suit. A flash of red painted the inside of the mech, which quickly baked to brown and black as greasy smoke coiled out from fried envrioseals. One down.

With a honk and disturbing grind and ominous "clunk" the colorful companion of the Idiosis met it's fate, starting a critical reaction. Inside the Twins both relaxed for a moment, finally free from this round of existence.

>rolling to determine the level of destruction for the CLOWN WORLD. 1 is bad. 100 is bad. Rolling 3d100 for pinfire attack against the Idiosis.
>The Idiosis shall continue to fight.
>You may roll a 1d50, 1d20, 1d10 or 1d2 to vaporize your enemies. You may also roll a 1d100 for the basic minigun.
Rolled 83, 71, 5 = 159 (3d100)

The Idiosis sees Clown World go just a little slack, and its thermals detect a building heat spike within the machine. Within his techno-coffin, Xavier smirks. It's time to watch the fireworks, and he's gonna give the pirates first-row seats.

Rolling for:
>Corralling the pirates towards Clown World so that it takes them with it (2 rolls, using the minigun to do this(1d100) and using the nuclear hellfire to do this(1d50))
>Idiosis bracing for the coming explosion(1d100 vs 36)
>shuttle surviving the coming explosion(1d100 vs 36)
Rolled 43 (1d50)

And for the nuclear attack
Are you actually retarded? I didn't roll for FRED, I rolled to decide on the mecha action.
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There were three options. You rolled a 1d2, you previous commented a need for linking to posts. There was no post. The only thing in this thread that is 1d2 is a FRED.

With how close the thread is to the end of the board I figured you wanted to just "go for it". So for my lack of understanding your intent, Mea Culpa.

No drama, no hardship, no bad feelings. Its a 4chan quest like every other. You and any other player are welcome to co-gm, and redo results as needed to ensure a smooth industrial process of optimized dopamine release.
The Idiosis menaces the pirates ever closer to the stricken Clown world, the machine letting out a long and eerie undulating honk. Its death honk. The foul radioactive smoke pours from it, leaking out of horns and fissures in it's armor. There is an explosion, a flash of blue and and white, fading into a sunset. Radioactivity spikes in the immediate area, and local sensors from various factions pick this up.

Near ground zero stands a charred but otherwise intact Idiosis. Ruination all around, complete and total. It's pilot engages in another self destructive vice. The shuttle was obliterated in the blast, already fragile. The corsairs suits were turned into warped parodies of their former selves, a permanent tomb for the pilots. Finally the clownworld...for all its mirth and beauty, was only in this cruel world for a moment. It was an indifferent place, Venus. On his sensors, he noticed an incoming strike force, no doubt attracted to the violence....A small object near the wreckage of clownworld caught his eye. Control rods. Just two. Better than nothing. An automated claw reached out from the Idiosis and grabbed the rods with scarcely contained greed, feeding them into the hulking metal hull. An optimistic man would view them as second chances, he viewed them as extra time.

>Idiosis may reroll 2 crit fails of it's nuclear weapon.
Rolled 91, 38 = 129 (2d100)

>Idiosis may reroll 2 crit fails of it's nuclear weapon
Rolling then?

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