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(POV shift: You are Kasimir Craney, part of a recon section led by chief explorer Serret.)

You adjust the plating of your protection suit. It is far too tight in some places, and far too open in others. You were just an infantryman a decade ago, so you were quite used to such suits. Of course, back in those days, the suits were of high quality make and actually comfortable, though they had impaired your movement a lot more than this suit, however, the large gaps in your joints that allow for such mobility make you still feel uncomfortable. It is hard to lose instinctual knowledge of using plating that now doesn’t exist to tank shots and make sure they are glancing at best. Now however, you had to unlearn something you had with you for your entire adult life.

Still, you suppose you are better off than those poor buggers. The men around you that you are commanding are all in bulky spacesuits, their movements awkward and each step has to be measured because if they slip, they are not getting back up in any reasonable amount of time in a firefight.

As you march ahead, you halt before a dead tunnel dog. You had been moving down for about fifteen minutes and had continuously run into a group or two of various dead animals. This one is no exception, frothing at the mouth that had long since dried out open eyes that seem to be rotting in real time and the bloated corpse is a mildly disturbing sight.

“Log, another dead one. Looks like a tunnel dog, body’s bloated. Time of death…uh…roughly three days.” You check over the interface before your eyes and log your finding for a future report. Command wants these tunnels cleared, so having a good idea on how effective the bioweapon was is considered a secondary, but an important objective.

“Sir !” You hear over the comm from one of your men. “Chamber ahead.”

“Roger. Weapons ready, fan out and secure us an entrance, keep your eyes on the ground and ceiling they have both diggers and flyers, want two men keeping an eye on one. Move out !” You quickly state raising your rifle and shouldering it, moving into the large open chamber.

Moisture covers your surroundings, and further away, where your torches barely reach, you spot glistening.

“Water ?” One of the men calls out.

“Underground river seems like.” Another answers.

Moving ahead and into the chamber, you do spot what appears to be a rather large lake occupying about a third of the chamber, and sure enough, the noise of flowing water intensifies and you can see that the lake is both intaking water and letting it out.

Other than that, the chamber appears to be large and open with the ground surprisingly smooth with naturally formed pillars maintaining this small serene land.

“Reggy, get a sample from the lake, we need to know if the bioweapon contaminated it. Raymond, Fillip, set charges on the pillars, if we have to beat a hasty retreat, we will turn this place into a tomb for those hungry bastards. Squad three and four, spread out and secure the perimeter, I want to know if there are other tunnels leading out of the chamber.” You calmly give out orders, before activating your suit’s interface and adding to the map you have been building, an effort that does take quite a while with you having to account for height differences that could prove quite deceptive.

“Sir, found another tunnel.” You hear over the comm only a couple of minutes later. “Orders ?”

“Find cover and set up. Keep it locked down.” You quickly respond.

“Roger.” The soldier says.

“Raymond, Fillip, how are the charges looking ?”

“In place on this half of the chamber, sir. We’re currently moving towards the other end.” The two explosives specialists respond.

“Report when you are done.” You say to them before switching to platoon-wide comm. “We’re taking fifteen, rest and eat, we move afterwards.” You order the men. While you had been in the tunnels for a relatively little amount of time, you still had to actually get here and dig out your supply dumps. The whole process took days of concentrated effort, and it’d be best to pace your soldiers as you have no idea how long your journey will last.

As you discuss your future plans with the platoon’s lieutenant, the surprisingly calm atmosphere is broken by a single loud gunshot. Instinctively, everyone grabs their weapons and scramble for cover, only to realize that there barely is any. Reacting quickly however, everyone takes a dive, trying to reduce the size of the target they present to someone capable of shooting them.

Soon enough, gunfire is exchanged at the entrance at the newest discovered tunnel.

“Guard squad, report !” You quickly shout out into the comm.

“Unknown assailant opened fire, incoming fire from what seems to be an LMG, it’s forcing us to keep our heads down. We have one K.I.A.” The guarding squad quickly reports.

You rise from your position and start making your way towards the tunnel when-

“They are coming from the goddamned water, something just grabbed Reggy !”

Soon, gunfire erupts behind you as well. A pincer attack, you come to a realization. Your exit is still unblocked, but for how long you do not know. Every single time you come down here you end up being ambushed by an annoyingly skilled opponent that seems to know far too much about asymmetrical warfare than you have a liking for.

“Begin to fallback to the exit, we are not running the risk of encirclement. Explosives team, get your asses moving and get those charges ready, we’ll bait them inside if they wish to meet us so gladly.” A flurry of affirmatives follows your instructions and in but scant few minutes, you break for it. Each squad retreating only when covered by two others in good order. Whomever shot at you remains elusive, but tunnel dogs, rock monkeys, and screeching bats all rush out of the tunnels with large crocodile like amphibians glaring at you from the surface of the water, seemingly content to stay in their watery holes and for one, you are glad for it. Their long and powerful jaws alongside slippery and thick mucus filled skin makes it clear what fate awaits those caught by them.

“We’re in the clear, blow ‘em all to hell !” You finally give the command and a large explosion rocks out, causing the very ground to shake and soon enough, the chamber’s ceiling collapses, dropping literal tons of rock onto your assailants and ending their assault.

“Squad sergeants, I want a casualty report ready immediately. Everyone else, rest for five. We’re breaking for the surface after.” You move your shoulders, finally feeling the weight of your armour on you. Today’s going to be a long day.

Log: David Hardrada
Date: year 11 month 7 day 9 since arrival
Title: Assault

The attack to take over the tunnels was a partial success at best. Serret managed to find large chambers with flowing underground rivers, deeper in specifically, he managed to also find insectoid lifeforms, mushrooms, a functioning eco-system that would explain how all of these animals survived and reached such numbers. He then blew all of them up. I have no idea how, but I am half certain that Garrick was somehow involved as what was once referred to as “the plains”, is filled with large gaping holes and the whole place appears to have been destabilised as air recon reports the occasional collapse of the ground as a tunnel or something else falls inside.

Either way, the threat has been dealt with for now. If anything survived, it would take months of work if not years to dig themselves out. Though the underground rivers do mean that there could potentially be some animals that could still slip through and pose a threat, but with everyone walking about with a weapon of some sort, I am not worried.

On personal news, Elian is a miracle worker. Maybe it’s because Magnus is so young, or just that Elian is so used to dealing with unruly children, but it took only about three months of concentrated effort, and it seems like his capabilities as an educator resulted in him not only getting rid of Magnus’ abrasiveness, but it seems that Magnus picked up Elian’s patient personality which in turn got rid of Magnus’ recklessness.

I pulled some favours to guarantee some premium ration packs would end up in Elian’s room. Though from what I head from him, it seems that he’s going to be far too busy to look after one child again, as he has his own to deal with and the whole colony’s.

Signing off, David Hardrada.



>(Write in)


Twitter for updates:

Sorry for the delays, IRL stuff got in the way.
Welcome back Newb

<destabilised as air recon reports the occasional collapse of the ground as a tunnel or something else falls inside.


>With a lab up and running, Zack and his techies can began bludgeoning their heads against tasks concerning figuring out how things work. They have no idea how much the research will cost due to the need to experiment, but they have plenty of ideas. (Research direction: Civilian)

Ways to our increase common materials production or alternative materials

>Start to investigate and securing the underground lab
>You think it would be a good idea to have a monument that shall provide future generations further inspiration. Build those life-like statues, not too hard, just time consuming. (Cost: 1 standard unit - common materials)

>Expand the advisory council.
>General Secretary of State
>Build more housing

>Start to investigate and securing the underground lab
Do we have an estimate on when Serret’s subordinates will finish their training? The tunnel should be pretty safe now, but ideally we’d still near the best trained crew possible for exploring again.
>You think it would be a good idea to have a monument that shall provide future generations further inspiration. Build those life-like statues, not too hard, just time consuming. (Cost: 1 standard unit - common materials)

>Start to investigate and securing the underground lab

>Do we have an estimate on when Serret’s subordinates will finish their training? The tunnel should be pretty safe now, but ideally we’d still near the best trained crew possible for exploring again.

About three or so more months is what Serret wants. Final big survival test to put the men under immense stress to see if the training stuck or if they break. Though in most aspects their training is done.

>Start to investigate and securing the underground lab

This can no longer be a personal action, as with the collapsing chambers and tunnels, you would need to dig down to the location, and there is no guarantee that anything is left.
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Was not plan to secure the lab whole time?
>Have Serret's men place sensors near every collapse tunnel that seen by air recon

This was a full on secure the tunnels operation as the limited secure just the lab op saw one of your councillors dead. You anons managed to get the lowest set DC for Serret's plan to secure the tunnels, which resulted in this outcome since his way was dirty and fast, but also very cheap material and manpower wise.

If you still want to look through the lab, you can order the dig to begin.
Maybe later, does it have cost for it?

Time. The area is currently unstable which is why I did not give it as an option.
O̶h̶ ̶g̶o̶o̶d̶ ̶t̶h̶a̶t̶ ̶g̶i̶v̶e̶s̶ ̶t̶i̶m̶e̶ ̶f̶o̶r̶ ̶c̶r̶u̶e̶l̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶u̶n̶u̶s̶u̶a̶l̶ ̶p̶u̶n̶i̶s̶h̶m̶e̶n̶t̶ ̶f̶o̶r̶ ̶S̶e̶r̶r̶e̶t̶.̶ ̶L̶i̶k̶e̶ ̶c̶h̶e̶c̶k̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶t̶h̶a̶t̶ ̶e̶v̶e̶r̶y̶ ̶l̶i̶g̶h̶t̶ ̶w̶o̶r̶k̶s̶ ̶i̶n̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶c̶o̶l̶o̶n̶y̶ ̶
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Newb lives! I am very happy :D

as for my votes
Settlement action:
>Set up some more hab blocks, you’ve got the resources to spare. (Cost: 2 standard units - common materials)

I would like it if it followed the pattern that I posted in the previous thread, as I would like to dedicate that area to living areas and commercial districts down by the water. I am aware though that with only 2 common resources, it likely won't make a massive amount of housing yet.

Personal action:
>Take a look at public opinion. What do people think of our rule and the settlement overall?

We should probably do a ground check to see what we need to focus on in the average person's opinion.
>You think it would be a good idea to have a monument that shall provide future generations further inspiration. Build those life-like statues, not too hard, just time consuming. (Cost: 1 standard unit - common materials)

>Expand the advisory council.
>Public Pollster

Pretty much my idea is to give the average citizen a bigger voice by having a guy on our council who will conduct polling and questions to find what the most pressing needs and issues within the colony currently are for the average person. This position will probably become defunct once we get some proper bureaucracy going but for now it sounds very useful to me as long as the guy in charge of it is halfway competent/charismatic and acts in good faith.
Also can you add a list of the current council positions and (living) council men to the personal actions sheet? Its getting hard to keep track of on the player side of things
Research Civilian 1
Monument 3
Housing 3

Underground lab 2 (INVALID)
Council Secretary of State 1
sensors 1
public opinion 2
Council Pollster 1

Alright, will give it a couple more hours.


>Also can you add a list of the current council positions and (living) council men to the personal actions sheet? Its getting hard to keep track of on the player side of things


Kind of leery to +1 this since this will use all our CM, but oh well.
Calling the vote now.

Just need the 1d100 Bo3 for the housing. Public opinion polling is an autopass.
Rolled 16 (1d100)

Rolled 95 (1d100)

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Rolled 61 (1d100)


Very nice lad!
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Log: David Hardrada
Date: year 11 month 9 day 2 since arrival
Title: Infrastructure reorganization

I have no idea how Garrick did it, but what I do know is that he probably broke a few backs. Not only did the insane man built high rises that would take up less space while providing more living room for the induvial families, but he also managed to relocate both the school and the hospital into what is forming up a residential district. Old habs were also taken down and used for construction. Though the lab remained unmoved and stayed in the area that could now be dubbed the industrial district.

I’ve got to say, being able to look over the valley from my room does feel pretty nice, so does the fact that both the hospital and the school are nearby.

Everyone else also seems to agree, that being the only one though.

I had commissioned Reinhart and his police, due to their day-to-day interactions, to gauge people’s opinions on the matters concerning the colony.

Well, I got plenty of complaints.

While everyday life and my leadership didn’t go into question, a decade since arrival has caused issues to pop up.

Firstly, the people lack entertainment. The clubs had helped, but by this point they are running out of steam, the old computers and the various games that used to help with morale have also been beaten by pretty much everyone at least half a dozen times. The people cry for bread and circus.

Actually, they cry for meat, now that I think about. Meat, fish, cheese, butter, milk, anything but vegetables and fruits really. While the diet is varied enough, I can concur that nothing beats a nice steak. The various meat and fish products that were in the MREs had also decreased steadily over the years and even then, people want something actually fresh.

Further issues would be the lack of munitions and spare parts for weapons. Everyone is armed, and everyone keeps a rifle close by, but without increased factory output, the militia basically consumes most of the produce, leaving little excess that is fiercely competed for.

There’s a demand for cars, anything that would allow the people to travel faster than on foot or on a tractor. Because of the infrastructure rework, the issue is not as bad as before, but folk would still like some transportation.

Overall, such minor complaints are what dominates day to day conversation, while not thrilled about it, everyone seems to think that the colony is doing fine.

Signing off, David Hardrada.

Having finished typing away, you grab yourself a cup of coffee and gaze out of the window, the impact of a gentle shower making for some calm background noise.

Finally, some peace an- Your comm goes off as you are thinking that.

With a sigh, you activate it. “David here.”

“Sir. Reggy’s back alive !”

It takes you a moment to place the name, you had seen it reported as M.I.A., presumed K.I.A. after Serret’s expedition into the tunnels.

“What’s the situation ?” You state calmly, bringing the comm officer’s excitement down. The man must have some sort of relation to him.

“He is currently secured in bunker B4, sir. Medical personnel is being dispatched to ensure that nothing is wrong.”

“I want to meet him once he’s cleared through all checks.”

“Understood, sir, will arrange for it.”

You look at your lukewarm cup of coffee. Put it down, and begin moving towards the exit.
You finally find yourself within the bunker, with the man named Reggy across you nursing a hot cup of coffee and devouring a loaf of freshly baked bread. From the interviews that were had before you arrived, it seems he had not eaten anything for close to two days as he was ejected, at the valleys entrance.

“This is ?” You ask him, looking at a small queer, mishappen box in your hand. The techs cleared it not being a bioweapon or an explosive, or anything else of the sort. It is an electronic though, they could tell that much.

“No clue.” The man says wiping his face. “I was told, to give this to the leader of the colony.”

“By ?” Even though you’ve read the reports, you cannot help but ask.

“Some.” He gulps having now devoured a peach. “Some fucking thing. It is human, or, I think it once was, some freako monster film like thing. Wasn’t all that tall, but he…errr…I think it was a dude…anyways, he had four legs, and that chitin we’ve seen before across his body, eight eyes of different size, and these, big fucking antenna, some like, errr…an ant, if I had to put it as something. Fucker was clicking as well while laughing. This is some mad scientist shit, uh, respectfully sir.”

“Right.” You look over the box. “You’ve looked inside of it ?”

“No, sir.” He swallows, not eating an apple. “It said the thing is voice locked, your voice.”

“My voice ?” You exchange a glance with Zack whom of course showed the moment an electronic puzzle was before him.

“Our comms are hardly secure bar basic encryption. Most likely whomever it is picked up the signal, not a difficult thing to program that.”

“And you can’t break it ?”

“Tried playing recordings, but it seems to have some way of making sure those don’t work.”

“How ?”

“Voice distortions, tremble in tone. Lots of way of making sure that the person it at least close by.”

“Okay.” You say adjusting your seat. “I am speaking right now, but it is not opening.”

“Ah, right.” Reggy says, now picking his teeth. “He spoke something about a self-eating snake ?” The man appears quite unsure. “Its name is the password, apparently. I haven’t got the faintest what it is about though.”

“Ouroboros ?” You state.

A single click echoes out in the room, causing everyone to pause. You look at the little box that now actually has a split in the middle of it.

Exchanging a few glances with everyone in the room, you open up the box, to reveal a surprisingly intricate machine within.

“What the-“ You question looking at the slowly pulsing red light.

“Ah, good. We finally speak.” A distorted voice comes from the small box.

“Who is this ?”

“The one whose home you had invaded and destroyed. So many of my creations DEAD !”

You wince and move backwards at the shout.

“Yes, dead, dead, dead. But is that not life ?”

What a fucking wacko. You cannot help, but think. “You’ve killed my people as well.”

You hear a slightly unhinged chuckle on the other end. “That I did.”

“I am David Hardrada. And you still have not answered, who are you ?”

Another laugh. “My name before my…improvements, is irrelevant.”

“Madman it is then.”

More laughter. “Yes. YES ! That is what they called me before, a fitting name !”

“Now, I doubt that this was a social call. What do you want ?”

“Oh, many, many things. Flesh first and foremost. BUT ! That can wait. What I want now is to ensure that my work is not interrupted. And you want for your people not to disappear. Even though I had never once provoked you before…I must concede, after all, YOU BLEW UP MY HOME !”

The man is clearly angling for a deal, you can tell that much. Still, while utterly unstable, you might be able to pry some information out of him.

>What questions do you have for the madman ? (Write in)
>Were you apart of the group terraforming this planet?
>What exactly is your "work?"
>To ensure your work isn't interrupted what do you have to offer us? Common materials? Research?
>How do we know that you won't make my people disappear in the future?
>Oh did we now? Ever heard about putting warning sign to your "backyard" so your unleashed "dogs" dont just come and try to eat MY MEN.

>Anyway what are you doing in these lands?

>Why did you make these creature?

>What corp where you part of?
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While waiting for more questions, I've been a bit busy.
Looking good
>How are you controlling those creatures?

>What happened to the Corp that was on this planet before?

>How long have you lived here on this planet?

>Why should we make a deal with you when you already lost the war?

>Is the making people disappear comment a threat or promise if we don’t come to an agreements
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Alright, locking in the questions and working on them. Update coming later today.

Also, more ships, now with accurate size differences.
“Oh did we now ? Ever heard about putting warning signs to your backyard so your unleashed dogs don’t just come and try to eat MY MEN ?” Not the most diplomatic of starts, you have to admit, but the madman had costed you precious lives. And damn, does it feel good.

“They would not need to eat your men HAD YOU NOT BROKEN INTO MY HOME ! I had lived here for nearly two centuries ! And you, you curs broke into this place of mine, and broke it ! Did I send anything against you ? No ! You kept however, being the burglar that you are, trying to break into my home !”

Two centuries ? That’s a long time to be alone, no wonder he’s madder than batshit. “From what I know, genemodding to the extent of living that long is damn expensive, doubly so back in your day old timer. Does this relate to your work ? What exactly is it even ?”

You hear laughter on the other end. “Only to a small and feeble mind would consider mere extension of one’s life be an issue ! And yes ! It is my duty, my life’s dedication to ensure life would prosper ! I was encouraged to make new animals and beasts, so acceptable so, wondrous. As for my work ? It was perfection ! Make a flying monkey with bat’s wings, or a three headed lion, and you shall be praised ! But add an extra limb to yourself ?! And you are suddenly a madman ! This is why I continue my work, continue my creed to CREATE !” More insane laughter fills your ears, and you exchange rather uncomfortable glances with everyone in the room.

“So you’ve lived here for two centuries, and you were a part of the group that was terraforming this planet. Do you still remember the corp you worked for ? Do you even know what happened to it ?”

“Cowardly and small minded fools ! I curse their name and spit on their legacy ! So what if the Federation entered a civil war ? How is that an excuse for halting such a wondrous task as terraforming a world, to tame the universe itself and shape it by the will of humanity ! I shall not speak of them, and I hope they went bankrupt…that was half the reason they left, now that I think about it.” He says a confused moment later. “Oh, by the way, what happened to the Federation ?” Once more, a calm confused voice.

“It, uh, it’s still around, sort of. The Unbroken Empire superseded it.”

“The Federation’s gone ? WONDERFUL !” More cackling laughter. “No more busy body bureaucrats halting the evolution of man with their regulations.” You feel intense hatred and spite in the last world specifically.

“Ah, no, old laws that were not explicitly changed are still in effect.”

“RATS !” This great exclamation is followed by a series of creative expletives that make you wonder if even half of them are actual curses or a figment of the man’s shattered mind.

“Anyway.” You try to cut him off. “What are you doing in these lands still ? And you made these creatures to populate the planet ?”

“Of course !” You hear pride in the man’s voice. “Here, no one can oppose my experiments for furthering mankind’s evolution ! And my wondrous pets shall populate the world, they have been accounted for to adapt to the changing circumstances of the world ! There are some miiiinor issues such as spontaneous combustion, BUT, I shall soon solve it !”

“And how do you control these creatures ?”

You hear a small, predatory chuckle. “Wouldn’t you like to know ?”

Your gaze hardens, you think you managed to get everything you could from the man, so instead, you start asking hard questions. “Is the making people disappear comment a threat or a promise if we don’t come to an agreement ? And how do I know that you won't make my people disappear in the future ?”

“Consider the following, I had not once provoked you, even though you landed on my world, plus I have plenty of human DNA. Your little valley provides plentiful protection, of that I am wholly certain, yes. Especially your bunkers, wondrous line to stop any HUMAN attack.” Cackling. “But what about the seas ? The rivers and the lakes ? What of the ground you walk on ? The very air you breathe ? The very food you eat and grow on MY SOIL ! You had unleashed a disease, a minor one, which I can tolerate, as after all, death too is part of life. But know this. I have been at this art for nearly two and a half centuries, boy. Your filters and decontamination procedures only need to fail once, and you attempt, like so many others, shall meet the same fate of a mysterious disappearance.”

“I doubt you ever had to face a colony of harden military men though.” You bite back. “Why should we make a deal with you when you already lost the war ? We collapsed your tunnels, and I have plenty of bombs left to smoke you out.”

A high pitch chuckle escapes the man’s lips, or well, you imagine he has lips. “Have I now ? If that is what you believe, then we shall have no need for further conversation. And this time, I shall be the one meeting your escalation with my own.”

You take a deep breath, pondering for a moment. “To ensure your work isn't interrupted what do you have to offer us ? Common materials ? Research ?”

“Tribute ? Really ? So archaic. My offer is for me not to exterminate your colony. My offer, is for you not to bother me, and for me, not to bother you. However. I have been here for quite a while, and this world has been stripped clean in terms of ore. So, I am willing to trade. In the end, my work shall allow for this world’s biosphere to prosper and humanity to advance ! But for that I need resources, I need materials. In exchange, I shall offer meals, wondrous, succulent meals. Have you ever seen a cow ? Have you ever seen, A SUPERCOW ?! Enough stakes to feed a village all by itself !” He calms down after that proclamation and you hear grunting, and what can only be considered, confusion. As if his mind is processing what he had just said. “Ah. Yes. Research.” He says a minute later in a depressive tone. “My advancements in genetic modification far outstrip what most so called scientific experts, proclaim to have. I MAY, lend you my expertise. IF, I like you enough. And SEEING, as YOU ended up SHOOTING my BETSY ! It shall be a long journey indeed.”

The madman seems to be offering a…non-aggression treaty, maybe, kind of hard to tell. At the same time, it seems he wants materials, for whom you are already hurting. Though, in exchange, he might solve your food variety issue and making the biosphere more advanced, though he has not yet revealed how he controls the animals, which could pose potential danger.

>Take the madman’s deal. What he has to offer is worth the potential risks.

>Tell him, in no uncertain terms, that you will have his carcass for all of the men he has killed. He sounds smart enough to pick up what you mean. You are not certain if he is sane enough for that though.

>(Write in)
Insane characters are always fun to write.
>Say we did made deal what can you tell about this planet and it resource and possible corp things. As surely you understand calling yourself a madman doesnt give yourself very stable image. And may you are a genius who has be cabin crazed but how can i trust you to keep your word? Say should we start terraforming the planet again
I really want to tell this guy to fuck off, but while we're prepared for a fight we are NOT prepared for a bioweapon.

I have no doubt that we would win this eventual conflict, there's a reason why he's coming to us and making himself known instead of licking his wounds and then the unleashing diseases and creatures. But he would surely cripple the colony. I say we take the deal and toughen up our medical shit and then go from there depending on how reliable he as an "ally."

This really sucks, though, I was counting on doohickeys from tunnel exploration subsidizing our material loss from the expeditions. Now we're flat out broke and don't really have anything to sell.

>Take the madman’s deal. What he has to offer is worth the potential risks.
>>How would you feel if we operated a terraforming machine, would that disrupt your work enough to be considered an attack?
>>We currently lack significant materials, however, we have ties with merchants to where we could procure materials if you have something you can sell. Would any of your... less exotic gene-modified animals or un-used research materials be worth something?
>Now we're flat out broke and don't really have anything to sell.

We have things to sell that should not sell and being broke just means we need do
>Continue the ground reclamation.
Ground reclamation hardly gives us much CM and the only thing we really have to sell is our basic mining equipment that we repaired.
Cm comes per turn, ground reclamation juct can give more and doesnt cost anything but time
Hehe, HAHA

Okay, I have a potential agreement that might be mad or stupid. But I want to suggest it as he has me in a mutually goofy mood >:)

>Suggest an alternative.
>Madman will in exchange for increasing levels of transparency in his work be given more modern lab equipment, more facilities and a small but continuous stream of resources by the Thunorian government. He will be seen as a politically independent person and not as a Thunorian state citizen unless he later chooses to become one and thus work as a black project of the Thunorian state. While politically independent, Madman will be seen as a state secret and the knowledge of his existence cannot be disclosed to outside organizations unless Madman requests otherwise. Madman's capture will be avoided if possible. If Madman chooses to become a citizen he will be under the full defensive force of Thunor and will be defended under high military priority.

>Madman will be able to request larger quantities of resources to help certain projects if he deems it relevant for the Thunorian state and its people

And, here comes the funny part.
> In agreeing to this, Madman will also agree to partake in a program of rehabilitation and psychological therapy. During said therapy, he will be given a caretaker who will help in his reintegration into common civilization and make diplomacy easier between Madman and most of common society. He must take this agreement seriously and cannot willfully ignore his caretaker's suggestions unless he can get professional second opinions agreeing that the caretaker's suggestions are useless or irresponsible. Second opinions are voided if found to be made under threat or any form of influence from Madman rather than academic disagreement.

Basically, I am suggesting he also has to agree to get a therapist if he wants all of the good stuff :)

(Oh also, i would like to run this by our old man before we suggest it to Madman directly)
Ah, I forgot to also add the clause to the initial part of the agreement that he would also hand over a small amount of moderately genetically modified farm animals and their genetics blueprints and the knowledge of how they've been tampered with such that we don't need to worry about anything being hidden in the genes. In exchange, we could potentially clear out some of the caves we blew up. As long as he stops his creatures from getting anywhere near the colonists doing said work as to not have an accidental friendly fire situation.
There's algae vegetarian food surplus. Offer the algae bars to trade for supercows.
We are establishing basic manufacturing, does he need anything specific made?

>Take the madman’s deal. What he has to offer is worth the potential risks.
>>How would you feel if we operated a terraforming machine, would that disrupt your work enough to be considered an attack?
>>We currently lack significant materials, however, we have ties with merchants to where we could procure materials if you have something you can sell. Would any of your... less exotic gene-modified animals or un-used research materials be worth something?

no, you have added your own poison pill to the deal by requiring the therapist, just like the last deal.
It might be crazy enough to work.
This is a funny suggestion but somehow I don’t think a nearly immortal genetically modified into a bug-thing mad scientist is going to take a therapist very seriously. And I doubt we have any personnel that are trained in therapeutic matters, we’ve tapped out our talent in terms of medical personnel and have one sole educator on our planet. Madman would be more likely to get triggered by some poor untrained fellows suggestions than actually helping him and probably kill him.

And if he just kills the guy we send, where does that leave us? We’d have no choice to but to retaliate since that was a required part of the deal, and a major breach of trust. Also I REALLY doubt this guy wants anyone watching over him and seeing his research either.

I just see the whole therapist thing as completely doomed to failing from the get go. I also disagree with putting “Madman’s capture will be avoided if possible” in the agreement. I don’t see the need to put it in writing and possibly triggering him.
eh, fair. If I am to drop the silly attitude I do understand it could likely be a deal breaker. I mostly wanted to suggest it because I thought it would be funny seeing Madman go to therapy.

I'll make a reworked and more concise version of the previous agreement together with dropping the therapist requirement.

I mean, it was also why I asked it to be forwarded to the old man for review before giving it directly to Madman.
and even if my last suggestion didn't go well, it was the one voted in by majority vote. So I don't really count it as if I was the one who doomed the land trade offer. It was a team effort lol.
We learnt a lesson from it and now know better after the ordeal. And I think it also kind of fits in character that our gruff military man leader wouldn't make good trade deals as his first attempts ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Writing the second draft of the proposal now.
Rewrite of my previous suggested course of action.

>Suggest an alternative.
>Madman will become a state secret of the Thunorian government, and knowledge of him and his existence will be kept under strict control from outside organizations unless Madman requests otherwise. Madman will stay politically independent of the Thunorian government until otherwise is chosen.
>Madman will be given a quarantine area in which only personnel part of a diplomatic deal between the Thunorian state (such as the teams transporting resources to his quarantine zone) and Madman can enter. Unless given direct permission by Madman himself.
>Madman will be given a small quantity of resources in the form of machines, raw materials or foodstuffs weekly to support his ongoing experimentation. If Madman chooses to give more transparency into his research and current ongoing operations the resources allocated to him will increase proportionally to his transparency.
>Madman can request larger quantities of resources from the Thunorian state. If the Thunorian state approves these projects Madman will be required to work within the requirements the Thunorian state set for the projects. This can include boundaries such as no human experimentation as an example. Any project Madman does outside of these partnership projects is not under any of these demands unless it breaks the rights of a Thunorian state citizen or causes harm to infrastructure or people living outside of the exclusion zone.
>The Thunorian government will clear out tunnels caved in and make repairs to the structural integrity of the tunnel network used by Madman after the previous Extermination attempt within the will-be quarantine zone. In exchange, Madman will supply small starting herds of moderately genetically modified domesticated farm animals with a full understanding of their genetics provided as well.
>Should Madman wish, he can at any time choose to become a Thunorian state citizen. in which case he would be given state-funded facilities and be defended as a high military priority.
>Any animal under Madman's control must be given the location of to the Thunorian government if it is outside of the quarantine zone unless permitted to do so.

... I am not good at making things concise. And if it is possible I would still ask the old man about his opinion of this proposal. But otherwise, I feel like this one is much more of an actual agreement that can be legally binding rather than just a spoken promise. I think i have done better with this one. What do you anons think?
I don't like giving Madman resources weekly. We legitimately don't have the ability to do that given our complete lack of common materials. The only thing we can really provide consistently is food. I think being an intermediary for him to sell stuff for resources and occasionally supplying him ourselves is much more doable for us.

I'd also just not mention outlawing human experimentation to him at all. He was freaking out just reminiscing about the federation's regulations and his whole goal is furthering mankind's evolution. Of course we're not going to give him men to experiment on, but explicitly banning it is just going to piss him off majorly when we have a very bad rapport with him right now. Just mentioning regulations would probably make him never want to be a Thunorian citizen.

To be honest I don't think we need anything legally binding right now because legally binding doesn't mean anything to a mad scientist doing insane shit in a tunnel lmao. This feels like something we should do much further into our relationship with him after establishing some sort of trust. I think just sticking with a non-aggression pact with him with the occasional trade is a good place to start to establishing a rapport. And that's if we can even trust him. I think we should just keep this agreement in our back pocket if the non-aggression pact goes well and it seems possible to have a better working relationship with madman.
You might have a point. However, I would like to clear up the points that when I said "weekly resources" it is not meant as a whole single common resource a week or the equivalent of in food or machines. It was more meant as in universe of "about a palette" would get dropped off with some stuff (usually food) every week. With 1 common material probably being closer to what we would give him over an entire year if he requested only raw resources with relatively high transparency to his research.

And secondly, it doesn't mean human experimentation was outlawed outright.

The "If the Thunorian state approves these projects Madman will be required to work within the requirements the Thunorian state set for the projects." is more so putting our foot down, and saying that if he wants to partner with us on projects, he has to also do it by our rules then for a given project. So one project about disease research might be restrictive with test subjects being human, while another one might not. The "Any project Madman does outside of these partnership projects is not under any of these demands" is to say that any other projects he has that we are not a partner of are otherwise free game.

But yeah, maybe he will be scared by the bureaucracy of the offer. I'll say I cancel the previous suggestion of mine and keep my vote with the second version. Anons can vote on what they think is the best choice since I'm having a hard time choosing.
Yeah but with human experimentation I'd not mention it all even as an example. It is 100% going to trigger him because he's so insane about that kind of stuff.
Oh, he is gonna be quite sour about it. But I also think he should probably hear it since otherwise he will just have his hissy fit later anyway. He kind of needs to hear the "Yeaaah no one else is gonna give you any more leniency on this topic mate. Most other people would likely have just killed you as soon as they heard of the mere suggestion of the levels of human modification you are dealing with" and give him some time to think about it.
If other anons agree with your sentiment with their votes then we can indeed just not mention that part as a small adjustment.
Supporting both of these for a full on goofy time.
You do know crazy people don't realize they are crazy right? Like at best he says no and at worst he gets absolutely pissed off. Genuinely do not suggest therapy it will not end well if we want to actually rehabilitate the guy we have to be much smarter than that (and probably get him forcefully medicated).

>Source family member with actual schizophrenia

This is slightly better but as
Pointed out we literally cant afford to do this. Frankly I think trying to get him to follow any rules or regulations on what he can and cant do is going to piss him off like some of your suggestions I can agree with cause they are "no duh" levels of why wouldn't we do this but i'd rather just keep things simple and go from there for now especially after the trader fiasco.

>Take the madman’s deal. What he has to offer is worth the potential risks. (Just don't be silly with terms and conditions)
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I do think >>6079939 made some good points about probably not needing very set in stone rules yet. As we've just met the guy so hitting him with a fuckin legal document when he probably hasn't communicated with other people for decades at best is likely going to discombobulate his vestigial social understanding. and as such I recommend anyone who votes for any of my suggestions to say if they want anything left out in their vote.

I am currently confused. As I did mention I no longer endorse my first revision yet others are still voting for it. Did I become more retarded by trying to make it better or is "the funnie" too strong of an attractant for the first version?? also >>6080134 You can't vote for both since the second is meant to be an overhaul/amendment of the first.

Funnily enough, I would say as someone who has friends who are mentally handicapped in different ways, that it depends a lot on the mental disability in question and the level of self-reflection the person is capable of. Since quite a few mentally handicapped people, especially those who have previously gotten professional help are capable of telling that there is something wrong with their perception of reality. But aren't able to change their perception and become more easily agitated or depressed because of this knowledge.

I kind of assume Madman is in the "Knows he is insane. Does not care" group as he was probably an academic person before he got isolated from all of society, as well as his flippant disregard for academic authority. In which case he would have had a high likelihood of already having been diagnosed if he had any mental illness. Or would have been able to realize he had changed over the decades in personality if he didn't. However, I do realize that is still an assumption since we have nothing to go off of yet in terms of his backstory.

But yeah. I will keep in mind these aspects for any time i give suggestions in the future. After all maybe i am just not good at dealing with these kinds of social plays. Though i don't really know anymore since it seems people keep voting for my suggestions. which leaves me in a confused middle-ground.
Being mentally handicapped and having a mental illness are two very VERY different things, of course we don't know exactly what caused science guys current state 100% but do be careful lumping them together. My family member was perfectly sane, and someone I'd consider self aware, and intelligent before one day his brain just decided to fill his head with delusions, like he believed with all his heart that everyone wanted 'something' from them and other wacky beliefs that would change about every other day, he is taking a shot once a month and is fine now though which I'm thankful for.

Also people on /qst/ just like voting for high effort and or seemingly clever write ins even if they are objectivity inferior to a default option (I fall into this trap as well)
Ah woops tunnel visioned on the third paragraph so hard I failed to properly comprehend the fourth. My bad. (My point sorta still stands though mental illness is genuinely something that can just happen for no clear reason at any point and isn't always diagnosed especially if there's no loved ones to make them see a doctor despite them believing they are fine and or justice/healthcare system to give a diagnosis.)
Your suggestions are often quite good imo other than the occasional diplomatic faux pas that you tend to slip in like suggesting therapy to a literal madman.

I think it is a very risky move as it is very unlikely that he will accept and it is more likely that it will further antagonise our only potential source of meat in the near future.

It's good that you included asking our diplomacy guy for his opinion on this agreement first before suggesting it to the madman though.
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Accept 4
Alternative 2(3)
Alternative revised 1(2)

Alright, accepting the deal wins, though very narrowly, you will also ask Madman a couple of questions. Update today or tomorrow.

Also, more ships.
Is anyone else a little concerned that Newb is fleshing out capital ship designs, we are not prepared for capital ship size problems.
>Fleet-anon's goofy idea rejected
It's so over. The anti-silly police have won.
It will be concering after there is new design
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As >>6080768 said there is not really anything to worry about for now. Since most of the ships which Newb has remastered are designs which will first exist potentially several hundreds of years later. Anything we encounter in this time will be ancient for most purposes in the 289'ish years it will take before it catches up with the original Broken Empire quest.

I can follow your point in many ways, and you have my sympathies about the situation with your family member. I can imagine it must have been hard to watch someone close go through that :(
There definitely is some sudden randomness caused by external factors we currently have no idea about. But generally, biology isn't nondeterministic on a small chemical scale. And we already currently know of many mental illnesses that have certain triggers or are more easily able to be triggered due to outside stimuli. Chromosome 6 is a good example of potential vulnerabilities since you mentioned schizophrenia.

Madman definitely would have had a much easier time not realizing he has been going mad over time without external input from others. So things that can develop through social isolation are definitely on the table.

I would imagine that as a geneticist, the highest likelihood of how he might have gone as deeply insane as he acts might just have been him fucking around with his own genetics. Him not caring what inserting crab DNA might do to his brain chemistry or the potential social problems due to a lack of thinking about his project on a scale larger than himself and his already at-the-time developing anti-social tendencies.

And thanks for the input. >>6080611 you as well. I put quite a bit of effort into this quest and my suggestions since I've been following Broken Empire as one of the first quests that got me interested in this board and lies quite close to my heart. So I also care a lot about if I might fuck up unknowingly. As I did with the merchant land agreement.
“Alright. I am a reasonable man, or so people tell me.” You try to ease the tension with a joke. “You stay out of our way, we will stay out of yours. Maybe trade a little.”

“WONDERFUL !” You hear a shout from the small comm device.

“Though, I still have a couple of questions for you.”

“Curiosity is a marvel of mankind, one that should be indulged without any restraint !” Seemingly in a good mood, the madman chirps away.

“How would you feel if we operated a terraforming device, would that disrupt your work enough to be considered an attack ?”

“No. No, no, no, no. No. I had prepared for so many years for this. The beasts have numerous strains to adapt to however that world would change ! With people here in fact, with a settlement being built, the dreams of my team and myself, even those whom had abandoned me.

You see, I had prepared, yes, yes. Prepared extensively ! So much has been moved to underground vaults for such a tasks that it can be accomplished easily.”

“What do you mean ?”

“VOLATILES ! THOUSANDS UPON MILLIONS OF TONS ! It was all shipped and into system and what could have been mined was mined from the ice giant. Unless SOMEONE ROBBED ME ! I still know where it is. The coordinates. A couple of centuries should not have changed much. Of course, there would still be a need to maintain the machinery and the associated costs for such. But the main material for the atmospheric stabilization should be easily carried out.”

“And what do you want for in exchange ?”

“Now, what would I want, what would I want.” You hear a barely audible laugh. “You have no wealth to offer, not that I would want any. You may have materials, or you may not, either way, what I would need and what you could give would be worth very little, little, little indeed. So, I am sure, you will tell me, when you can offer me.” You hear more laughter.

Your first thought is that this may be a test, that or the man really doesn’t know what he can get from you. If what he says is true, then it is indeed correct that you have nowhere near enough to buy so many volatiles. Of course, you could just go around his back and try to dig them out. Though, from how the man sounded, those are most likely hidden somewhere in the system, and you doubt all of it would be in one location. That is a lot of ground to cover.

“Then I shall think for a good deal for you.”

“Oh, I am sure you will.”

“For now, we currently lack significant materials, however, we have ties with merchants from who we could procure materials if you have something you can sell. Would any of your... less exotic gene-modified animals or un-used research materials be worth something?”

“Certainly ! It would be worth much for the correct people ! AND SO WOULD MY HEAD !” Manic laugher. “No, no, no. They would know then, you see, HE WOULD KNOW. Genetically modified animals appearing out of nowhere…suspicious. My work, it would be brought down. I shall not trade. I shall not be found.”


“I am tired now.” His voice is unnervingly calm and even, lacking the maniac excitement or the randomness you had expected. “I must apologize for my poor behaviour. You may contact me when needed. Farewell.”

You hear a click from, what is some sort of phone, and no more noise comes from it. He sounded normal by the end of it, strangely enough.

“That guy’s fucked.” Reggy remarks, unprompted.

You sigh. “Right. There are matters to attend to. At easy everyone.” Ignoring the poorly timed comment, you rise from your seat, more thoughts filling your mind.



>(Write in)
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>It will be concering after there is new design


The given names make me not worry about them yet.
>Continue the ground reclamation.

>Have the Argonaut go and have closer look at ice giant and its moons and orbiters

Settlement Action:
>Continue Ground Reclamation
If I recall correctly this action often gives us a handful of materials and with our currently near empty inventory it can’t hurt

Council Action:
>Have Serret and his scouts continue surface exploration the whole underground war kind of derailed our planetary survey program.

Personal Action:
>Periodically stay in touch with the crazy guy to try to build and maintain a friendly rapport
>Send out the Argonaut with the supplies and personnel it needs. You need a clear picture of your surroundings.

I doubt we're going to find anything new, but a maybe a once-over of the system could be enlightening to where these volatiles are located or finding something else worth something. We're broke anyways so it's not much else we can do.

>Expand Council (Minister of Culture (and Games))

I'd send out Serret to explore too, but I'm pretty sure expanding the recon corp is not quite done yet, so we'll need to do that next turn possibly. So I say we address part of the lack of recreation complaints for our people by getting a minister of culture to figure out a way to rejuvenate the clubs and figure out shit for people to do.

You do not have a personal action due to looking after John.
Ahh hadn’t realized
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I have a question for you anons. With me remaking the ships and just wanting a higher standard, would you anons like new craft or just keep the clear outline of what it is.

In this example, you have the Guard fighter and Proletariat bomber.
I like the new look but old one is easier to see which is which
Yeah gotta agree with the anon above me, the simplified is easier to distinguish at a glance then the detailed versions, perhaps a bold outline or tint depending on the type of ship would help distinguish the detailed ones better but otherwise i'd just stick with simplified for gameplays sake.
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Okay, how about this ?

On the left has the shorthand of the craft and on the right is a designation if it is a bomber or a fighter.
One of the reasons why I am trying to make proper designs work is because in time you anons will have to make choices of your navy and the designs used in it, so seeing them on the map would be neat.
That seems like an adequate solution to me I happen to enjoy the more detailed designs quite a bit myself. Reminds me of the old imperial warlord qst and to a lesser degree that more recent ship design qst. 888JG

>That seems like an adequate solution to me I happen to enjoy the more detailed designs quite a bit myself. Reminds me of the old imperial warlord qst and to a lesser degree that more recent ship design qst. 888JG

Kek, the Remnant captain/Dark Empire is what inspired me to make the first quest to begin with. And the ship designer quest is what kicked me in the ass to actually work on my designs.
Yeah sure that's fine.
Reclamation 2

System scouting 2
Scouts 1
Council Culture 1

Okay, you will continue the ground reclamation and send out the Argonaut for a quick once over the system. Since it is taken as a council action, that means Stellan won't have resources to look at it too deeply.

I will be needing 1d100 Bo3 for reclamation and 1d50 Bo3 for scouting.
Rolled 94 (1d100)

Rolled 5 (1d100)

aww shit. pleaaaase have the people rolling for the argonaut roll good.
Rolled 3 (1d100)

Rolled 8 (1d50)

Rolled 46 (1d50)

So the Argonaut is fucked right like that’s some pretty low rolls, which means our off planet mining is also likely fucked. This is not good
It's a 1d50 lol. The results we get are going to be limited in how good they are, but Newb's not going to punish us for rolling a 46 on a 1d50.

Also we need one more roll.
The fuck you mean 46 out of 50 is good
I didn’t see the 46 I don’t know if it happened when I was writing or what I was just going off the two earlier low rolls. That would be my bad
Can you type dice+1d50 in options
Rolled 45 (1d50)

94, 46 and we got some godawful 1d100's out our system, noice.
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You gaze at the vast expanse before you, taking up a pair of binoculars to look over the horizon inside one of the bunkers.

“Not bad for two months.” You remark.

“Seen worse.” Garrick, as usual, dismisses the compliment.

“Though, I’ve got one question.”

“Aha.” He takes out his usual flask.

“Wouldn’t it have been better to clear up the area around the farm ?”

“Not for defence it wouldn’t have.”

“I’ve got to disagree with that. The flatland, while giving good vision, is not really perfect for landings and vehicles. I was hoping those hills would help out a little.” You grumble away.

“An issue easily solved with a good artillery barrage and light mortar shelling. We place down some AA emplacements, and those transports will fall right out of the sky.”

“Except we don’t have that yet.”

“Then we better get on it, sir.”

“I just think this has weakened our position.”

“The enemy will want to land there, and not behind our lines. Plus, with our bunkers in place as they are, we have the height and range advantage in any similar exchange. Besides, we scooped up what shit iron remains on this rockball alongside other things. I’d say, about 4 standard units of common ore worth. Purity’s non-existent so the corp saw no reason to mine it. And we really shouldn’t be relying on this method and good luck holding.”

“Good luck ?”

“The mining equipment, the lives of the workers. Things are going swimmingly, until they are not. And then you have to file a week’s worth of reports in an hour, since you still have to set up the FOB or the CO will have your ass on grater, sir.” He nods at you, offering the flask.

“I’ll drink to that.” You state taking it and taking a swing.
Log: David Hardrada
Date: year 11 month 11 day 11 since arrival
Title: Underground storage

Stellan finally came in with his flyby report of the ice giant and its moons. About as bad as expected, he kept sending out what few drones he had to look around and tried to run scanners best as able. Throughout all of it, he was able to find one unnatural looking undergounrd location near the corp HQ we had explored previously. Deep underground and it will take some digging to crack open, but it is there. From his report though, it is a small cache, all things considered on a terraforming scale.

Signing off, David Hardrada.



>(Write in)
>Send out the Argonaut with the supplies and personnel it needs. You need a clear picture of your surroundings.

It's a small cache. Let's not rush into it in case there's a trap or it alerts Madman somehow
>Send out Serret to explore the planet. It will take a while, him running about and all, but it won’t take up much in terms of resources. (Council action, cannot be taken if expanding the recon corp)

Serret's recon corp training should be done. Now it just needs christening with it's first mission.
Eugh...only 4 common materials. While still an okay amount, we've got to get a better source of common materials.

Newb, the advanced mining gear we have currently running out in space depleting asteroids. Could can they be used on a planet / within a gravity well?

I have something in mind, a plan of action. And i just want to get this confirmed or denied before proposing it.
Settlement Action:
>Have Zack and his techies begin civilian research into optimized recycling. Hopefully in the process find us some more useable materials from the things we brought with us initially and the detritus of other construction projects.

Council Action:
>Send Serret and his team out to continue surface exploration and surveys
My logic is more or less we don’t have a way to increase our material income in the short term. Maybe sending the argonaut out to sell foodstuffs would be an option but without an escort I don’t think there’s much of a guarantee it’ll come back.

My hope is Zack gives us the design for some recycling facility that we save up for and produce which allows us to get a rebate from all future constructions to stretch what limited materials we have available.

>Serret's recon corp training should be done. Now it just needs christening with it's first mission.

Completely forgot cause 1 am writing, but yes, Serret's recon corps is ready to go.


>Newb, the advanced mining gear we have currently running out in space depleting asteroids. Could can they be used on a planet / within a gravity well?

You are not running them on asteroids, the inner most system's planet is where the mining is going on. The issues is transportation, since, you know, the star gets in the way from time to time, and having to ensure safety standards in a vacuum for the few people looking over the automated system. The advanced mining equipment, if it was on planet, would provide 10 common materials a month instead of 1 presuming common sized lodes. You could reach the same heights if you had more transports, what is the issue the quantity of transportation, rather than the quality as Argonaut's hulls are never fully filled up.
>With a lab up and running, Zack and his techies can began bludgeoning their heads against tasks concerning figuring out how things work. They have no idea how much the research will cost due to the need to experiment, but they have plenty of ideas. (Research direction: Civilian)

Ways to our increase common materials production or alternative materials

>Have Serret's men go on fieldtrip
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...It is still refining on site. Isn't it?

Well, then I have a multi-step plan on how to solve this issue.

Project name: Dune-digger

In the first phase, We use the automated machines to dig out an area on the innermost planet (preferably close to the largest ore vein on the planet). Then we dig out the Corporate base and move it to the innermost planet, place it down piece by piece in the crater and then fill in rock and gravel so only the topmost facilities show themselves. This will act as the base of operations for the upcoming facilities.

In the second phase, another hole is dug. This hole is the ore storage facility. The hole should be fucking massive. Crates like the ones the Argonaut have will be on standby and filled with ore continually to make shipments of ore ready.

The third phase. A new hanger-like facility is built and connected to the rest of the base. This is where the older mining gear will be housed and operated to mine the ores closest to the work site. The base will be our foremost base of operations when it comes to mining.

None of the ore is refined on-site. It will sent to Thunor so it can be refined at home. At least until a second refinery is set up at this new facility. But that would be a later upgrade.

I tried to picture the facility. the numbers are:
1: Core facility & advanced mining gear control centre.
2:Ore storage hole.
3:Crate storage area.
4: simple mining facility.

Of course, I want to ask Garrick and Zack their opinions on the project. But otherwise, I think it could make our common resource production a month skyrocket while staying quite cheap. We are only making the hangar for the mining gear and the landing pad from scratch. Since the ore hole is just a hole with some concrete poured on the surfaces.
Fleet-anon, problem is that we need more ships. Not mining site.
Sidenote: Would it not be easier just find an astroid with metals at that point and bring it here

>...It is still refining on site. Isn't it?

Yea, the advanced mining equipment comes with limited refining capabilities, they can turn about a third of maximum ore output into materials on site if needed. So 3 ores roughly there about.

I should also point out that 2 common ore may not equal the same amount as another two, as purity matters. Take you levelling the hills, had those been actual pure ore, despite taking up the same volume, it would have netted hundreds of common ore rather than the few you got.

That is why spaceships, even small ones, are material intensive, as it is all about the purity and strength of it rather than just sheer quantity. Thought I should mention that when you anons start ship building and see the costs.


>Sidenote: Would it not be easier just find an astroid with metals at that point and bring it here

Potentially, though the purity of those would be low and you would run into a bottleneck of having enough transports to ship the mined material from orbit to ground. Not to mention that you might run into issues concerning moving such mass with your current level of development and technology.
at least from what I understood, with the Argonaut's hauls never truly filling its capacity. Having a dedicated storage area like the pit and cargo containers which get filled between hauls could both make the drones able to work continuously as they can work until the pit is filled. And it would mean the Argonaut has to wait less. As the cargo has been pre-prepared for transport rather than the whole process only being able to work while the Argonaut is there with the advanced mining droids. Though Newb can correct me on that if I am mistaken. Can the plan be reviewed?

And on the asteroid thing? Well your answer >>6083310

it was also mentioned in the first thread that "Finally, the moon orbiting Thunor has nothing or import, the same goes with the asteroids, most are made of silicates and the occasional iron or carbon one, but the lodes we were able to find were hardly worth the effort to dig through."
Around Thunor yes but it says nothing about asteroid field between ice giant and outer most planet
NewbQM could you post the system map again its saying 403 in archive
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>You managed to find a small stash of volatiles; you think. Time to take some mining equippment and men to dig yourself an entrance and transport it back.

I don't see why we shouldn't do this.

>Send out Serret to explore the planet. It will take a while, him running about and all, but it won’t take up much in terms of resources. (Council action, cannot be taken if expanding the recon corp)

Lets send out the recon corp.
changing this
>With a lab up and running, Zack and his techies can began bludgeoning their heads against tasks concerning figuring out how things work. They have no idea how much the research will cost due to the need to experiment, but they have plenty of ideas. (Research direction: Civilian)
To this
>You managed to find a small stash of volatiles; you think. Time to take some mining equippment and men to dig yourself an entrance and transport it back.
>You managed to find a small stash of volatiles; you think. Time to take some mining equippment and men to dig yourself an entrance and transport it back.

Changing I don’t think we should be spending CM on research.
civilian research 1
volatiles 3

Serret 4

Need 2d100 Bo3, first for getting to the storage area, second for serret and his corps to explore Thunor.
Rolled 45, 82 = 127 (2d100)

Rolled 14, 48 = 62 (2d100)

Rolled 29, 55 = 84 (2d100)

Rolled 59, 89 = 148 (2d100)

Rolled 50, 31 = 81 (2d100)

Rolled 95, 25 = 120 (2d100)

and final roll
With a grunt, Serret puts his feet on the table, the moss and grime stuck to his feet quickly staining it.

“From the looks of things, you must have walked a lot these past three months.” You state giving him a beer bottle.

“More than enough for a little while.” Serret says, taking the beer and starting to chug. He and his subordinates had been out with limited support due to you having to divert most shuttles for the excavation operation.

“So, what did you find ?” You ask taking a seat before him. Luckily, you are in the small resting area next to the landing pads made for the pilots to rest for a while. As such, your wife won’t skin Serret alive for bringing in the grime.

“Lots of things. For one, I’ve spotted caves and the like near damn everywhere I went, granted, never took a particularly deep enough look as combing over the surface took priority, but the Madman might actually be right under us right now, if all of that is connected. Sure as shit will make Garrick throw a fit that.” He says with a cheeky grin.

“Most likely.” You reply taking a sip of beer yourself. “Still, I doubt you would have made me run all the way here and you wouldn’t have called for exfil if that was all.”

“Damn right that is not all.” Serret smile, rubbing his ginger beard that had grown out in the past three months. “I managed to…” He says, starting to rummage one of his satchels. “…find this.” With an easy and lazy motion, he throws something onto the plastic surface table that shakes the entire thing and actually bends it slightly due to enormous weight.

You look over what appears to be a rather orange looking rock. It takes you a moment to recognize it, but. “Iron ore ?”

“Fucking hell it is. One of my guys managed to stumble across it when we were looking over some mountain formation. Shit’s spread out and barely there, but it is in fact there. Either the corp missed it, or they found it and simple decided that it was not worth the effort.”

“How much do you think there is ?” You struggle to keep the rock in both of your hands as you look it over. You miss having artificial muscles helping your movement.

“Don’t know.” He shakes his head. “I reckon not a lot if the corp missed it, but it’s something we need, no ?”

“That we do. All mining is currently off-world, so I will have to call them back.” You are about to rise from your seat when:

“But wait, there’s more !” Serret says. “My men had proven themselves, and I, as the leader of those men, need to step up, don’t I ?”

You sit back down. “You know you could have called all of this in, yea ?” You give the man a light jab.

“You know, I would like to shit while sitting on an actual toilet ?” Serret bites back.

“So, what did you find ?”

“An old monitoring facility in the mountains, hidden by the constant storms from aerial observation. Seems like it was set up to monitor weather patterns, probably for the planned final stages of the terraformation.”

“Anything of use ?”

“The gear’s still in place. Most of the data was wiped, probably when the corp was pulling out, but the equipment, that was built into the building itself. I say we can dismantle the thing, for the gear seemed damned fancy, so probably get something of worth. Or, you know, keep around for its exact purpose, might reduce the randomness of fucking with the air currents and all that.”

“I’ll keep it in mind.” You say nodding. “Anything else you want to say, or will you wait theatrically ?”

“Never liked theatre, the drama kids were insufferable. Did not know how to take a joke.”

“I’ll take that as a no.”
Log: David Hardrada
Date: year 12 month 2 day 11 since arrival
Title: Safeguards

Stellan and a bunch of colonists managed to dig down to the storage area we presumed is there. Turns out, we were correct, unfortunately, there is no access. While we found the structure, as well as what appears to be a large door and a console to interact with it, it is genecode locked, without said genetics at hand the only way in would be to either dig through which chances are good might wreck the simple gear as we were unable to get scans of the storage area itself, meaning that the plating there is either thick enough to survive a blast, or it is specially shielded. Either way, the equipment’s going to struggle. Of course, there is an alternative, one favoured by the Imperial Engineering corps all across the galaxy – blow the thing open. Problem is of course, with both digging and especially explosives, we are talking about God knows how many volatiles in there. Make the charge too weak, and we won’t get anything, too strong, and we might create the largest in-system crater to date, the mining equipment, dig too fast and you might hit a tank or something, move too slowly, and the gear might break before it finishes punching through. Last option would be to ship over the techies and see if they cannot find a way to break the programming without tripping alarms or any potential countermeasures that might be in place.

At the end of the day, we do not even know IF there are volatiles inside to begin with or if it is some random storage for someone’s sock collection or something that was lost to time in the past two centuries.

Signing off, David Hardrada.



>(Write in)
I have no idea why you anons rolled six times instead of the asked three.

These ones were taken:

>Zack likes to tinker, send him there and his techies to see if they cannot crack the safety measures.

>Send out Serret to explore the planet. It will take a while, him running about and all, but it won’t take up much in terms of resources. (Council action, cannot be taken if expanding the recon corp)
Changing this
>Zack likes to tinker, send him there and his techies to see if they cannot crack the safety measures.
To this
>You could kiss Serret, were he not so annoying. You need some common materials, set your mining equipment to work. You doubt there will be much there, but something is better than nothing. (Basic mining equipment.)
>You could kiss Serret, were he not so annoying. You need some common materials, set your mining equipment to work. You doubt there will be much there, but something is better than nothing. (Basic mining equipment.)

Hell yeah, let's start mining this ASAP.

>Send out Serret to explore the planet. It will take a while, him running about and all, but it won’t take up much in terms of resources. (Council action, cannot be taken if expanding the recon corp)

Completely surveying our planet should be a top priority now. Perhaps we could speed this up by deploying observation satellites later?
Settlement Action
>Strip the monitoring station for materials

While establishing the mining operations would provide a long term increase in our material income. Stripping the station will allow us to increase our material stockpile right now. I’m all in favor of the mining I simply think it would be best to increase our reserve this turn and then establish the mining operation next turn. Especially if we are using our low tech miners as they will likely need some minimal investment in infrastructure to properly function.

Council Action:
>Have Serret continue exploring the planet

We might want to see if our civilian DRM’s have any plans for a vehicle that could boost the effectiveness of our scouts. Mapping a planet on foot has to be a miserable task especially a planet as hostile as ours
Rolled 17, 52 = 69 (2d100)

>You could kiss Serret, were he not so annoying. You need some common materials, set your mining equipment to work. You doubt there will be much there, but something is better than nothing. (Basic mining equipment.)

>Have Serret continue exploring the planet
Okay, mining the small CM deposit on planet wins so does kicking Serret and his men out of again.

Need a 2d100 Bo3
Rolled 38, 1 = 39 (2d100)

Rolled 82, 5 = 87 (2d100)

Rolled 46, 79 = 125 (2d100)

Mfw the scout corps we spent years training dies on their second mission.
Rolled 1 (1d10)


>Mfw the scout corps we spent years training dies on their second mission.

Usually do this off screen, but fuck it, rolling for lethality.
it's over...
we're so back!


Good news, not everyone is dead ! Still a crit fail though.
Ah the broken empire classic we roll crit fail but so does Newb on the damage
Update tomorrow.

You didn't even tell us you brought back ody.
You okay Newb?

Also, i made another ship design for the future. This time it is a destroyer. I'll post it right after this post.
The destroyer class - Harbinger

375 Meters

Harbinger is as its namesake implies, a harbinger—one who brings death and destruction wherever it goes.

Sporting a massive M.A.G cannon for its class, the Harbinger can punch far above its expected weight class. Able to threaten even heavy cruisers, this destroyer packs a staggeringly 16 gimbal-mounted railgun turrets, 8 on top and 8 on the bottom. This power-hungry beast has a hard time keeping adequate power when unleashing its full firepower. To make up for it, large arrays of coils rest in the front of the ship, ready to dump power into the network during periods of high intensity.

Due to the nature of the ship's reactor and firepower, it is a lightly armoured combatant. Relying more so on its thrusters to move out of the way rather than trading hits with its opponent. This allows the Harbinger to act as a pursuit vessel Unless it faces missile-based weaponry. As its laser array systems are mediocre at best and wholly inadequate at worst.
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For an approximate reference of how big it is compared to the other ships that Newb has visualized.

The M.A.G gun is so massive, that it requires the Frontal coils to have any form of consistent fire. As it is so large the only ships that have larger M.A.G cannons are the Timur, Hammer and aggressor class cruisers & heavy cruisers.

The optimal doctrine for this ship is hit and run. Since the frontal Coils will quickly be depleted with sustained usage. So captains are advised to "mag dump" and then use their thrusters to get out of firing range before the enemy can return fire. This way the Harbinger can recharge its Coils while out of engagement range and come in for another volley.

Sustained engagements without ani missile and anti-fighter screening are advised against heavily. The Harbinger for these reasons is not advised to get into combat with frigates. A Frigate can pose a high threat to a Harbinger if it isn't able to be shot down within the first volley from the Harbinger.
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You watch as the miners scramble away from the placed charges.

“Detonating in five !” Garrick shouts over the comm for everyone involved.

“You think this will be worth it ?” You ask.

“Not that we’re mining experts.” Garrick dourly responds. “But we need to get to the deeper seems and well, this is more expedient.”

“And the mining equipment, how does it look after its jaunt into space ?”

“Seems fine enough for the moment. No great issues with them so far that could not have been solved with some basic repairs.”

“Guess we’ll see if it works. That Iron and anything else we find there might as well be neutrons for all intents and purposes for us.”

“I’ll make sure not to miss a chunk.” Garrick says before you see turn for a moment, his suits clock must have hit the time mark. “Fire in the hole !” He shouts over the comm.

Controlled explosions rock out across the mountain side, smoke, dust and debris kick up into the air.

“Start bringing in the gear !” Once more, mainly out of habit, Garrick shouts out, filling your ears with his rough voice.

Soon enough you see the machines starting to move.

Just as you are observing the proceedings, your comm goes off. “Sir ?” A man’s voice comes through.

“David here, reading you.” You respond.

“Relay network established with Serret, he has a problem, sir.”

Always something. “Alright, patch it through.”

It takes a moment before the connection is established between you two.

“Serret ?”

“David.” Serret responds with a tired and pained voice.

“What happened now ?”


“Earthquake ?”

“Earthquake. Big fucking thing, rocked the entire area we were in, don’t know what God looked after us, but somehow we managed to avoid any dead and buried under rocks. Though all of us got banged up pretty good. Might want to check on the Madman as well, maybe mother nature did us a solid and buried the crazy bastard.”

“Doubt it.”

“Yea, me too.” He says and he grunts with great pain. “Right, my leg’s basically pulp, calling for evac to get my entire force out. Doubt we’ll be able to do much for a while. We’ll also need some replacement equipment.”

“I’ll arrange it.” You say with a sigh. “Just get yourself and your man into the hospital.”

“Not like I can hobble anywhere else.”

Log: David Hardrada
Date: year 12 month 4 day 15 since arrival
Title: Mining

We’ve begun digging out the small deposit we found, every thing went pretty damn well and in but a couple of short months we managed to secure 10 standard units of common ore. Thanks to the refinery up and running, we were also able to process it. From what Garrick says, we’re probably halfway, maybe thirdway to exhausting the deposit. It is a small one, but getting material on spot had proven quite useful.

Unfortunately, Serret and his men were caught in an earthquake. Luckily none one passed away, but most of their gear was wrecked, that atop of basic maintenance had costed 1 standard unit of common materials. Seems that the earthquake was powerful enough to cause massive tsunamis that devastated the coast of the nearby continent. Luckily, as we are so deep inland and in a relatively stable environment, we were not affected by it.

I do shudder to think what would have happened if we decided to settle underwater.

Signing off, David Hardrada.



>(Write in)
IRL got in the way, also ate some out of date sausages that knocked me down, apologies for the delays.



Erm...happy birthday, fleet-anon !

Settlement action:
>All this talk about mining made you think and you got Zack and Garrick together to figure out how to increase your off world mining efficiency. While it is true that the Argonout takes a while to go back and forth, it is also true that you lack any proper facilities other than the drone mothership that continuously moves over the world. If you can set down a permanent base, you could potentially allow the work to continue non-stop 24/7, though this might cause the gear to breakdown sooner than expected, and you know for a fact that if anything serious happens, you will have no means of fixing it. (Cost: 10 standard units - common materials, 1 standard unit - rare materials.)

This is the project I mentioned. Right? In which case it could partially work towards the "Setting up the basic mining equipment is going to be a big investment if it is placed anywhere off-world" option by using many of the same facilities between these two different extraction methods? Pic related. How i imagine workers at such a mixed facility.

Aw shucks, well good to hear you are on the other side of that bad sausage. I'd recommend being more cautious with expired meat products in the future. I've had a time when I felt like I was dying from a bad piece of beef lol.

And thank you, it is the first in one hour that it is my birthday and I didn't expect you to respond so quickly afterwards X)

Genuinely, this quest is something I look forward to every day and I generally bi-hourly for if Broken Empire or Theseus Quest has updated. So I did mean that just knowing you are well and seeing the quest continuing is one of the greatest gifts I cherish.
>Zack likes to tinker, send him there and his techies to see if they cannot crack the safety measures.

>The Madman has things to offer, maybe ask him what he is willing to sell ? (Free action, can be taken alongside other actions, opens up the trade shop.)
>>All this talk about mining made you think and you got Zack and Garrick together to figure out how to increase your off world mining efficiency. While it is true that the Argonout takes a while to go back and forth, it is also true that you lack any proper facilities other than the drone mothership that continuously moves over the world. If you can set down a permanent base, you could potentially allow the work to continue non-stop 24/7, though this might cause the gear to breakdown sooner than expected, and you know for a fact that if anything serious happens, you will have no means of fixing it. (Cost: 10 standard units - common materials, 1 standard unit - rare materials.)

>The Madman has things to offer, maybe ask him what he is willing to sell ? (Free action, can be taken alongside other actions, opens up the trade shop.)

he Madman and his...nation requires a personal touch. Send one of your council members to see if they cannot improve relations with him, maybe get something out of him as a gesture of goodwill, who knows. (Ashwin)
>The Madman has things to offer, maybe ask him what he is willing to sell ? (Free action, can be taken alongside other actions, opens up the trade shop.)

Oh yeah, add this to my vote

>This is the project I mentioned. Right? In which case it could partially work towards the "Setting up the basic mining equipment is going to be a big investment if it is placed anywhere off-world" option by using many of the same facilities between these two different extraction methods? Pic related. How i imagine workers at such a mixed facility.

These are separate facilities that do not account for living condition, these are basically numerous storage bays with toughened outer shells and control nodes that extend the range at which drones can work.

But setting up the facility wins and so does talking to Madman.

Need 1d100 Bo3 for it, talking with Madman basically opens a buy menu so no need to roll.
Rolled 30 (1d100)

Aww, well then we likely need to get Stellan and the boys to go and get the milk (rare materials)

Also, I would recommend that Madman looks into lobsters if he wants immortality and he doesn't already have lobster in himself (which I assume with how long he has been cooped up down in his goon cave of a lab). If he gets the (probably simple for this age of tech) telomere regeneration gene and the ability to add it in a generalized way to a person's DNA we could buy a very long-lasting life extension from him and only partially become lobsters.

Who knows? maybe with the Viking theme, we could even choose to look partially like lobsters as a populace. It could look cool even if such a cosmetic modification is seen as nearly heretical in Broken Empire space.
Rolled 38 (1d100)

Rolled 87 (1d100)

please be a good roll
The AllFather guided this roll.
>Praise Be
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you saved our fucking ass lad. very well done.
Log: David Hardrada
Date: year 12 month 7 day 26 since arrival
Title: Mining storage expansion

Finally built up a small storage area that can be controlled by drones and the in built V.I. of the mothership. From what Garrick told me, this will allow for constant build up even if the mothership itself is filled to the brim. One downside of this is that the area of operations is now limited compared to how it was before, meaning that over all production will not be as large if we had more miners or enough smaller ships to sustain a nomadic mothership moving from one easy lode to another.

From now on, estimates range that we should receive about 5 standard units of common materials. a month instead of the 1. The facilities could also be expanded at a later date to house a proper colony, though at the current population level, it is simply unsustainable.

Speaking of it, the inner most planet in the system that houses the common ores has received an unofficial name – Solitude. A rather depressing name given as how only a couple of dozen people at most are on planet and all of them work in repairing and maintaining the drones. Long shift hours, little entertainment, and continuous isolation in tight chambers with the same people all the time had led to the name spreading.

Of course, a name like that might make the planet seem like a place to avoid. Which might be an annoyance in the future.

As for the mining operation on planet, over the past three months, accounting that the richest veins were exhausted, we managed to gather 15 standard units of common ore. The mining crew informs me that there’s a month’s worth of ore left before the lode is exhausted.

Signing off, David Hardrada.

As you finish typing out your log, you pick up the telecommunication’s device Madman gave. You still feel weird about the thing and how it’s capable of connecting to the man. It implies that he either has towers or other relays somewhere, or the thing itself is just that powerful. No way it is sat connection, you’d notice it in orbit.

Despite the hesitation, the man has a bunch of genetically engineered creatures that would be damn useful.

Hitting the dial button, you sit and wait, watching the lights pulse and flash, tapping your finger onto the desk, you lean back on your chair, quite literally fiddling your thumbs.

Finally, the call connects.

“MMMMYELLOW !” You hear on the other end.

“…what ?”

“I am expressing my greetings, unlike a certain unmannered someone.”

“Right, hello.”

“I assume you had deigned to pay little ol’ me a call because you NEED MY GENIUS ?!”

You had to pull away from the phone, you ear ringing. “If I say yes, will you stop shouting ?”

You hear an exceptionally amused chuckle. “What do you offer ?”

“Common materials.”

“Well, I might have something available. Things that I deem…acceptable to be given to you, CONSIDERING THAT YOU SHOT MY BETSY !”

“I hope we will be able to put that aside, in time.”

“We will see, we will see ! I have ten eyes you know, I can see EVERYTHING !”

“So what are you willing to share ?”

>”A pack of tunnel dogs, as you refer to them. Their proper names, mind you, are Experimental subject #35-6D. I had combined their DNA is such a way that will make them especially attach themselves to whomever they consider to be a part of their pact. They are of moderate intelligence, enough to be trained, but nowhere near smart as us humans, bar a few special exceptions. They should make great companions, guards, usage for both civilian and military patrol.” (7 standard units of common material, price increase due to Madman disliking you.)

>”Now, onto SUPERCOWS ! These are large bovine creatures with five stomachs, reinforced outside hide, but succulent, wondrous musculature and fats underneath the tough skin. Lovely. It also has four lungs and is adapted to surviving this environment. Its udders are also overdeveloped providing all the plentiful, DELICIOUS, milk you would require. The beasts are also subject to accelerated growth, reaching complete maturity in but a couple of months. Due to that, they require quite the nutritional intake in the growth stage, though the stomachs mean that they can eat basically anything.” (12 standard units of common material, price increase due to Madman disliking you.)

>”I had developed a large avian reptilian. YOUR KIDS ARE GONNA LOVE IT ! I know I do ! It is covered in wondrous colourful feathers and has razor sharp claws, runs on all four and is beautifully, wondrously coloured, ahhh. Of course, it also can lay dozens of large eggs every day, if omelette’s your calling. It’s primarily an omnivore capable of eating virtually anything. Though I had difficulty removing it’s aggressiveness, and it is also rather lacking in intellect.” (10 standard units of common material, price increase due to Madman disliking you.)

>”I have a collection various sea life. Their modifications were not a priority since the environment did not require it, naturally I do have modified sea life as well, but, NOT FOR YOU !” Cackling. “These should function well enough in any given environment of the world.” (5 standard units of common material, price increase due to Madman disliking you.)

>(Write in) Madman does have other things he is unwilling to give away, even if you ask for them.



>(Write in)

Since you have a common materials production source, you can pick options that go over your reserves, you will just have to wait to accumulate it and then start building.
>”I have a collection various sea life. Their modifications were not a priority since the environment did not require it, naturally I do have modified sea life as well, but, NOT FOR YOU !” Cackling. “These should function well enough in any given environment of the world.” (5 standard units of common material, price increase due to Madman disliking you.)


>”I had developed a large avian reptilian. YOUR KIDS ARE GONNA LOVE IT ! I know I do ! It is covered in wondrous colourful feathers and has razor sharp claws, runs on all four and is beautifully, wondrously coloured, ahhh. Of course, it also can lay dozens of large eggs every day, if omelette’s your calling. It’s primarily an omnivore capable of eating virtually anything. Though I had difficulty removing it’s aggressiveness, and it is also rather lacking in intellect.” (10 standard units of common material, price increase due to Madman disliking you.)


>Zack likes to tinker, send him there and his techies to see if they cannot crack the safety measures.

>Send out Serret to explore the planet. It will take a while, him running about and all, but it won’t take up much in terms of resources. (Council action, cannot be taken if expanding the recon corp)

Settlement Action:
> Start setting up facilities for AO batteries, might as well, since this will take a lot of time, cause Garrick will build it to perfection and he’ll have it no other way. (Cost: 10 standard units - common materials)

We really ought to invest in furthering our own security we’re next to naked against any serious threats.

Council Action:
>The Madman and his...nation requires a personal touch. Send one of your council members to see if they cannot improve relations with him, maybe get something out of him as a gesture of goodwill, who knows. (Zack)

Madman Market:
>Purchase the sea life

More or less just so we don’t further antagonize him by not buying something
I am fairly certain Serret and his team are still injured and incapable of exploring?
>”Now, onto SUPERCOWS ! These are large bovine creatures with five stomachs, reinforced outside hide, but succulent, wondrous musculature and fats underneath the tough skin. Lovely. It also has four lungs and is adapted to surviving this environment. Its udders are also overdeveloped providing all the plentiful, DELICIOUS, milk you would require. The beasts are also subject to accelerated growth, reaching complete maturity in but a couple of months. Due to that, they require quite the nutritional intake in the growth stage, though the stomachs mean that they can eat basically anything.” (12 standard units of common material, price increase due to Madman disliking you.)

I like the supercows more honestly since we have a surplus of Algae thanks to our factory and we wouldn't need to build any more infrastructure to harvest them unlike the Fish which will require a fishery and possibly rare materials to build.

>Zack likes to tinker, send him there and his techies to see if they cannot crack the safety measures.

>The Madman and his...nation requires a personal touch. Send one of your council members to see if they cannot improve relations with him, maybe get something out of him as a gesture of goodwill, who knows. (Ashwin)

Please don't send Zack before Ashwin. While Zack is probably more like Madman peronality wise, Ashwin is trained and diplomacy and can probably hang around and analyze Madman at least somewhat without pissing him off. I want Ashwin's take on Madman before we can think of sending Zack in.
Yes. it doesnt read injured anymore in UENFpersonal
They are not i mean.
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>”I have a collection of various sea life"
>”A pack of tunnel dogs, as you refer to them"
>”Now, onto SUPERCOWS!"
(Leaves us with 3 common materials)
I want to suggest, that we could begin getting ready to sell food to outsiders relatively soon.

With the cows, we gain milk, strong leather and a plentiful source of meat. We could feed them both the plentiful grass around the area we live in and the algae we produce in abundance.

With the tunnel dogs, we get a non-symmetrical fighting force and disposable fighters. We have seen them be able to dig underneath an opponent and take them by surprise. During a potential invasion, such a distraction could prove vital for a counterattack.

And with the sea creatures... well it's fish and lobsters & other such nice foods. It would be great for the population and great to sell. I would especially look out for the krill and carp. Since they can be fed the algae we harvest in large quantities, and most fish can feed off of them.

Combined, the only thing we miss is the eggs. But they are not too significant as of yet. With this, we could begin selling good quality foodstuffs. And not rely on trading our building materials.

and lastly.
Settlement action:
>Since Zack cannot ever sit down, he has fiddled with some drones of his make. Not proper V.I.s or even A.I.s (he’s still sulking about that), but they could have basic programs running and they could be coordinated by a central control room. He lacks the facilities for it, but he assures that we could get some space drones out of it, since something, something, fewer obstacles easier to programs. (Cost: unknown)

I still advocate for my flexible space station defence idea. since we do need to begin investing in defence as the other anon said. pic related. The visual I made for it in one of the last threads.
Am all for more guns and walls but we should get rares fixed now that we better supply of common
Definitely. now that we have a better common resource source, we can begin the process of getting some rare resource production up and running.

I think that the ability to sell food would help that a lot. Since our local source of rare resources is lacking, to say the least. Being able to sell food to buy rare resources which could then be invested back into our resource collection systems is a vital next step. If we were to buy rare resources only using our common materials then we would be quite poor quite quickly.

I just want the defences up sooner rather than after this trade deal. Since I feel that a dangerous encounter happened long enough ago that Newb is planning his next colony challenge. (And honestly, if we can beat a sizeable force of shitty pirate vessels we might be able to salvage the ships like we did the previous pirates and get a massive pay-out)
Sorry, should clarify when i say “sooner rather than after this trade deal” i meant it as in “Choosing it now rather than later and forgetting about it”
Excuse me for if it was a little unclear. This is What i meant to say.
>Send out Serret to explore the planet. It will take a while, him running about and all, but it won’t take up much in terms of resources. (Council action, cannot be taken if expanding the recon corp)

Also adding this council action to my vote.
Well we do have one planet with them but we still need to put mine in there
Sea 4
Dogs 2
Egg 1
Cow 3

Tinkering 2
AO 1
Drones 2

Recon 2
Mad Zack 1
Mad Ashwin 1

I will be needing a tie breaker for settlement action, currently split between sending Zack to open the storage area and researching drones.

Otherwise, unless something changes buying sea creatures and cows wins so is sending serret out to scout

I’ll change my Settlement action to


And I’ll change my council action to

>Mad Ashwin
Rolled 1 (1d2)

1 sending serret to scout
2 sending Ashwin to interact with Madman
Alright, will be needing 2d100 best of 3

First is serret
Second is zack
Rolled 40, 82 = 122 (2d100)

Rolled 93, 6 = 99 (2d100)

Rolled 27, 20 = 47 (2d100)

>A 93 for Serret
>A 82 for Zack

Very nice. The iron ore he found before was with a 82, so a 93 is gonna be even sweeter.

And i hope Zack will be able to make the drones. If we could set up mobile defensive drones around the space station we might be able to take quite a large battering before the space station goes down.
You puff on a cigarette and its smoke escapes your lips in a sphere that continues to maintain its shape as it slowly rises to the ceiling, only to be sucked away by the room’s ventilation system.

“We’re getting a response.” Stellan remarks his own smoke filling up the chamber.

“Let’s hope the corpos did not set up a nuke of all things down there.” You state looking at the screen which displays the camera feed of Zack’s team.

“Quite possible.” Dragan responds dryly.

“You know I was joking, right ?”

“You know I had smuggled a few to some fine paying corpos.”

“Why would they need nukes ?” You cannot wonder but ask why a corp would need such destructive weapons.

“They make nice Decorations.” Just as dryly as before, Stellan replies.

“Aha. The signal’s in.” You lean in closer to the screen, ignoring Stellan’s dry wit, and watch as Zack, with surprising agility despite the clumsy suit, easily works the controls. There are a bunch of different machines and doodads connected and interconnected together.

You haven’t got even the slightest clue exactly what is happening, but the continuous strained voices and conversation informs you well enough that whatever they are doing is difficult.

“Any idea exactly what they are doing ?” You ask.

“Nope, haven’t the slightest. All of my own techs are down there. Hacking, if I had to put it in a single term.”

“Seems awfully complex to simply term it as such.”

“Oh, they started getting excited.”

“Yea, seems like they are cheering about something.”

“I think, they managed a break through.”

Both you and Stellan come closer and soon enough the sound of whooping and exclamations fills your ears.

The few second delay soon makes way for a door opening up before your eyes.

“Looks like I owe Zack a strong drink.” You say, a smile creeping up on your face.

Log: David Hardrada
Date: year 12 month 9 day 10 since arrival
Title: Volatiles

Zack managed to successfully open up the small storage. From what we had inventoried, there seems to be 1000 standard units of volatiles there. A massive load of material, that was until Garrick and Zack both together informed me that such a supply would at best last only about 10 months should the terraforming device operate at full capacity. And we would need to run the damned thing for decades if not not a couple of centuries to get an Earth-like atmosphere.

Of course, such a quantity is worth its own weight in figurative gold, which we could turn around and sell.

In other news, the lode we had discovered yielded another 5 standard units of common ore. Though with this, we had completely exhausted it.

Then there's also Serret and what he’s found:

The earthquake may had been a blessing in disguise as the destruction it brought had unearth a tiny lode of rare materials. Barely anything there, but considering its there on such an overexploited planet is good enough already.

Though perhaps even more importantly, Serret seems to hada grudge against a couple of his own men for reasons unknown and kicked them to the north pole, wherein they stumbled across some more old infrastructure. This time specifically made for a terraforming device, not the whole thing mind, nor even designed for the one we have, but it can be refitted. Overall, Garrick thinks that we could cut about half cost from setting up the device.

Signing off, David Hardrada.



>(Write in)

Serret's exploration has diminishing returns, the modifier constantly decreases with each attempt as more and more of the planet is mapped out and there's nothing new to be found.
So did we buy anything for the madman?
>Send out the Argonaut with the supplies and personnel it needs. You need a clear picture of your surroundings.

Lets see if they cant find rare asteroid or two in near by star systems.

>Send out Serret to explore the planet. It will take a while, him running about and all, but it won’t take up much in terms of resources. (Council action, cannot be taken if expanding the recon corp)

Maybe they can find something still.
>Seems like luck is on your side. Time to set the newly free mining equipment to work by exploiting the newly discovered rare material lode.

Hell yeah, let's start mining these rares and then lets quickly get to improving our defences.

>Send out Serret to explore the planet. It will take a while, him running about and all, but it won’t take up much in terms of resources. (Council action, cannot be taken if expanding the recon corp)
Changing to this, as its clearly the time go to sleep

>Seems like luck is on your side. Time to set the newly free mining equipment to work by exploiting the newly discovered rare material lode.
>Seems like luck is on your side. Time to set the newly free mining equipment to work by exploiting the newly discovered rare material lode.

The Madman and his...nation requires a personal touch. Send one of your council members to see if they cannot improve relations with him, maybe get something out of him as a gesture of goodwill, who knows.

Let's not do something we know will pretty much turn mediocre results and start fostering a relationship with Madman. He's charging us up the ass right now and it's probably a good investment for the future.
>The Madman and his...nation requires a personal touch. Send one of your council members to see if they cannot improve relations with him, maybe get something out of him as a gesture of goodwill, who knows. (Ashwin
Alright, changing to this. We can postpone further exploration to later anyway.

>The Madman and his...nation requires a personal touch. Send one of your council members to see if they cannot improve relations with him, maybe get something out of him as a gesture of goodwill, who knows. (Ashwin)
Rares 3

Serret 1
Mad Ashwin 2

Alright, setting up a new temporary mine for the rares wins, so is sending Ashwin to try and improve the situation.

Need a 2d100 best of 3

First mine
Second Ashwin


>So did we buy anything for the madman?

Fish and cows, he is yet to deliver due to the quantity he has to prepare and his own paranoia.
Rolled 21, 42 = 63 (2d100)

Rolled 90, 37 = 127 (2d100)

Rolled 87, 69 = 156 (2d100)

Rolled 8, 12 = 20 (2d100)

(POV shift: You are Ashwin Heggen, minister of foreign affairs of Valhalla.)

You had dealt with many interesting things. Death cultist that had somehow become the majority religion of some backwater hellhole, yet were completely ignored by the Empire as they provided nearly endless amounts of manpower.

Some over-stuffed pompous…gentlemen from a highly advanced world that played at war with armies of robots and had such colourful uniforms that everyone referred to them as the peacock brigade.

And just as luck would have it, both of those formations had been set next to each other in surely some exceptional administrative mishap that must have been purposeful due to how incomprehensible it was.

To further add to such luck, it was your sorry assignment to ensure these formations wouldn’t throttle each other to death in quite the most creative of ways to ensure that neither came to censure.

Yet, out of all of these situations, you never had to deal with a mad scientist that had isolated himself from human society for more than two centuries. You had come here for a new tomorrow, but this was not a part of even the wildest of nightmares that had made you toss and turn at night.

However, here you are. The shuttle’s engines roar behind you as the vessel begins to pull away. Madman, as you will have to unfortunately refer to him until he enters a more lucid state, is quite the paranoid man, quite paranoid indeed. This task will require a lot of coaxing and undoubtedly patience.

Though, much to your chagrin, admittedly, ensuring that people do not kill each other, and you, specifically, was quite commonplace. Now you just have to work your charms again on a personal scale. Now that you think about it, he probably wouldn’t kill you, just twist your genetics to the point where you will desire death.

That’s a cheerful thought. Perfect to keep me motivated. You think to yourself with the usual fatalism your position affords.

Food, check. You start going over your supplies, you doubt the hospitality you will receive will be all encompassing. Water, check. You will be quite thirsty as the Madman will undoubtedly wish to speak. So your throat will feel quite parched. Smokes, check. You do need your nicotine, especially in stressful situations. Whiskey, check. You like Scotch the most, but unfortunately, there’s no way in hell you will ever get some out here. Hygiene products, check. That would be all your essentials covered then.

Looking around, the connection of tunnels that had been collapsed seem to have actually been worked over somewhat. There are clear signs of excavation and work all around the area, no doubt Madman setting his animals to work to restore his home.

Surprisingly, not the worst accommodations I had ever had.

Other than that, you start to slowly walk forwards, carrying your things and dragging them behind you.

Soon enough, as you approach, you start noticing a small and rather diverse grouping of animals around the entrance of one of the tunnels. To you they seem, idle, too idle. Almost as if lacking any direction, passively mulling around, occasionally grunting or growling at one another, and digging into the ground, looking for moss or algae to dig out and eat.

Even as you stand before them, the creatures continue their passive behaviour, and yet suddenly, they all snap to attention, surprisingly forming up in a neat formation, their eyes, that had previously regarded you with caution as would any animal looking upon a stranger unsure if they are a threat or not, now their gaze holds a sharp look, regarding you as a potential threat.

“WELCOME !” You hear a loud shout and rapidly enough, upon skittering legs, you see a…man ? A creature of some sort emerges.

A being on four sharp limbs, a chitinous plating covers his body, as was described before, he has eight eyes, only two of which are currently open, looking like a human’s, though you do note that the gaze if by far more focused, the irises are capable of contracting and almost like a cat, the person look at you.

Overall, he reaches perhaps a metre and a half, much shorter than you, but underneath the chitting, you note the sheer muscle mass rippling beneath the chitting giving a much stronger and stout look. A total of four limbs hang out, all four ending with normal looking hands, though you note that instead of ending in proper five fingers, there are six in total, an extra thumb added at the other end of the hand. And you quickly note that the fingers are by far longer than the usual ones and are capable of great sensitivity and function. Though you do note that as the person walks, the fingers straighten and quickly harden, turning into razor sharp claws in but a blink of an eye.

Other than that, you only note that the person has a single torn, old white lab coat. You do note that effort was taken to at least clean and maintain it. Good. That showcases that there is at least some mental stability and insight in the man. Just the maintaining of clean clothing as a routine is a good stabilizing factor.

A few more things that stand out would be the two large hanging antenna that seem to twitch and move at random intervals on the man’s head. Looking around, all of the beasts appear to be busy looking at the figure.

You also hear the a slight, yet continuous clicking and humming, that seems to come from three different throats at the same time, yet the continuous clicking noise clearly originates from a pair of mandibles before the man’s lips that continuously click and scratch and there seems to be a collection of holes on his throat from which the sound of songbirds continuously emanates.

In general, his face has a vague human shape with a pair of large and flappy ears that seem to be exceptionally muscular and they continuously twitch and move grow in size and contract as needed or wanted. His hearing must be exceptional.

To finish the alien look, there is a collection of small, yet endless black hairs covering most of the body, the way these move around indicates them to be sensitive feelers.

The Madman drags a claw over a large boulder, you see as it sparks and a deep gauge appears upon it. An obvious threat if you ever saw one.

“Good day, I am Ashwin Heggen, a representative that was sent from Valhalla to ensure our relations remain stable.” You state with a small bob of your body, retaining a steady tremor of your voice. Despite Madman’s looks, you’ve gotten used to cultural shock so you just ascribe that situation to a far more different culture than your own with which you are interacting with. Otherwise, you might panic. Now that wouldn’t be acceptable from a diplomat.

A smile spreads upon the Madman’s face, his numerous connecting chitting on the face is surprisingly flexible allowing him to easily relay emotional expressions, though blunted compared to usual human looks. “Then I suppose I am.” He chuckles. “Madman, as your leader seemed so prone to call me. I extend my greeting and welcome you to my home. You shall be treated with the honour and respect of a dignitary befitting your stature.”

Now that flatfoots you, but you quickly adapt. “I thank you on behalf of Valhalla for the warm greeting.” He seems surprisingly cognitive. Though this also means that you will have a harder time trying to get anything better out of him whilst Madman would still be in his manic state. At the same time, you think he will not impale you with his claws, maybe.

Log: David Hardrada
Date: year 12 month 10 day 7 since arrival
Title: Rare ore mining and food

A lot of issues popped up in quite a short time.

Starting with good news, Ashwin managed to get into contact with Madman and will be staying with him for a while. And the delivery of the sealife and the “Supercows”. Now we just have to set up the infrastructure to house all of it properly.

The mine we set up for the rare ores, it seems to have yielded 5 standard units of rare ore. The entirety of the lode has been mined out in a showcase of surprising competence and speed. Garrick had requested for extra alcohol rations for the miners, which I approved.

Another issue was a petition that Neila brought before me. As means of encouraging people to join up, land grants had been given out. These, as of right now, had been vague and undefined, but since folk are no longer concerned about survival, they had started thinking. They want their land grants defined and sorted. Also, it seems Zack had talked about his ideals of making more soil that has gotten people interested in the idea of its production to ensure that their plots of land are actually useable for something.

Since the new generation is growing into being, Siegler showed up to talk my ear off. Primarily concerning language education. Everyone knows Vatan, the unified language everyone was thought in the military and is the official language of both the Federation and the Unbroken Empire. While it brings unity, it is a strict and complex language that should not change recklessly. This means that everyone outside of the colony would know the language easily and make trade and diplomacy easier. At the same time Celyn advised that it would also make it easier for spies and infiltrators to find purchase, and that enemy propaganda would be easily spread in our nation.

On the other hand, folk had been teaching their children their own birth languages ranging from German, French, Dutch, Mandarin, Arabic and another three dozen languages and their various subdivisions and local dialects. Choosing one or two as an official language would certainly strengthen national unity and nit the people closer together. Though that would come with the downside of making it that no one but those dealing with off-worlders would bother to learn Vatan. It would make the people less susceptible to propaganda, and certainly speed up a formation of a unique culture of the world.

Either way, a decision needs to be made soon before something happens due the undefined nature of education.

Furthermore, Abeln and Reinhart both showed up as well. Both of them are concerned that we’ve been here for over a decade, but yet to have a proper name. I have no title, nor do any of the nobles besides “noble”. Most importantly, everyone’s arguing over how they should refer to themselves as. Not a pressing concern, but a constant annoyance at the back of everyone’s mind.

It seems such issues will be popping up more frequently in the future.

Signing off, David Hardrada.



>(Write in)
>Setting up the basic mining equipment is going to be a big investment if it is placed anywhere off world. It will also take a lot of manpower to keep the facility running and it will not be as efficient as the advanced version. (Cost: 15 standard units - common materials, 2 standard units - rare materials.) (The outer most planet has scarce rare ores deposits)

>Set up a proper curriculum for language education. You would of course need to choose a language most suitable. (Vatan.) (Council action)
It seems my ID has change
>You have the supercows, not they need to be housed and fed. Your current crop yields are sufficient to maintain them, but the harsh weather requires some protection. Barns, grazing fields, not expensive, but needed in large quantities.

I think some meat could help our citizens from thinking about land grants and noble titles for a few month more or at least ease the transition at little.
>You need to think about cultural symbols, and a more defined type of government. For now, you need your own title, by extension that being what titles that your nobility will have. You also need a name for your unified nation other than a vague “Valhallan” or “Thunorian”.

I predict the land grants to be a massive pain in the ass, and I'm kind of holding out for the occasional roll for our children's traits to happen soon. That way hopefully John can lose a negative trait and I wouldn't be so worried about our future ruler despite a guaranteed negative event.

Either way when it comes to nobility shenanigans and land grants and other more human-to-human matters we probably want to use our personal action to reinforce it so if it doesn't happen soon John will just have to eat shit.
settlement action:
>Your advisors have brought up the need of specialized buildings, the projected costs run about the same for all of them, so it is really an issue of budgeting and prioritization. (Which: Police station)

Honestly, it is probably about time now that we have the rare resources for it to make a place for law and order to be enforceable.

Personal action:
>Set up a proper curriculum for language education. You would of course need to choose a language most suitable. (primary Skanvis, secondary Vatan)

I like the Norse theme, especially since I am from Scandinavia myself. I do worry about pigeonhole-ing ourselves in the future if we make it too much of our new cultural identity. So I will suggest this.

"Skanvis" As the new primary language. It is a mixture of Germanic languages such as Danish, English, German, Swedish, Icelandic and Dutch. The new language will follow the general rules of these languages. With new words for Vatan-only existing concepts being made via either compound words or wholly new words following this new language's rules. (Skanvis, because "Skan" as in "Scandinavian" and "vis" as in "wise")

Then Vatan would be taught as a secondary language. Everyone would need to have a generally good grasp of it but is not required to continue learning it in most everyday jobs unless said job has a potential aspect which might require a better understanding of the language. Engineers, miners and anyone working in a position where they would interact with outside cultures or machinery with Vatan instructions would count into this category.

I think branching out into more of our own time's modern cultural identity of Northern Europe would work a lot better than going only for old Norse as a source.

That is my suggestion for the language problem. Sorry if anything is written weirdly, I had a random onset of sweating and discomfort while writing this. i will write my ideas on the other subjects tomorrow.

On a side note. How do you feel having another quest taking major inspiration from you Newb? (The new "MIMIR: A Lousy Copy of a 40k A.I. quest" one)
You seem to be getting quite influential :D

We need to secure a consistent income of rare materials, after we’ve done that we can worry about barns for the super cows and other projects.
>Setting up the basic mining equipment is going to be a big investment if it is placed anywhere off world. It will also take a lot of manpower to keep the facility running and it will not be as efficient as the advanced version. (Cost: 15 standard units - common materials, 2 standard units - rare materials.) (The outer most planet has scarce rare ores deposits)

>Set up a proper curriculum for language education. You would of course need to choose a language most suitable. (primary Skanvis, secondary Vatan)
Support, finally rares income could be possible.
Setting up rare off-world mining and making Vatan the primary language of education wins.

Since everyone knows Vatan, it is an autopass.

Need 1d100 Bo3 for setting up mining
Rolled 21 (1d100)

Rolled 65 (1d100)

Rolled 32 (1d100)

“And this is the upper classmen curriculum.” Elian states in the meeting you two are having. “Since we went with Vatan, we have an extensive dictionary and clearly defined rules. Luckily children pick up languages easily, so this hell of a language we all had to deal with will be easier.”

“Luckily indeed.” You nod at that, you learnt in history class that the whole thing was a compromise in the early days of the Federation and its earliest constituent members. That’s why the whole thing is a jumbled mess of numerous language groups. Though on its upside, the strict language rules, in-built redundancies, and planning for future word introduction makes it a resilient language that would not shift overly much no matter the distance. Though from what you’ve heard, even this language can shift in some far-flung isolated colonies. Sort of like yours.

“Honestly, the language is not the worst choice. Everyone speaks it throughout controlled space. Though in households, folk will most likely be teaching their kids their own native languages.”

“Will it cause problems ?”

“Shouldn’t. Though, as you may know from your own experiences, people feel attached to their own languages and the words of their forebearers. In time, no doubt even these languages will disappear, though there’s always a risk of groups segregating.”

“I doubt men and women whom shed blood with each other will be so prone to that.”

“No doubt that they, won’t.”

You sigh at the implication. “Still, this will certainly attract some people who would want to settle down, since they wouldn’t need to learn a new language.”

“That’s true.”

“Anything else I should be aware of ?”

“A couple of things about your sons.”

Now that brings you pause. You put down your pair of glasses that you used to read the reports. Your eyesight’s not what it used to be back in your thirties. “Alright, I’m listening.” You lean back on your chair.

“Well, John seems quite capable of just deciding to do something and sticking to it, sometimes to his own detriment when he overestimates the odds. Though his decisiveness means that when he commits to something, he really gives it his all.”

“That’s good to hear, a quality any leader needs.” You state with a small smile. You had noticed that before, but combined with the decisiveness you noted a streak of downright ruthlessness. Luckily, your personal attention and emphatic nature had allowed for you to notice it and stamp it out.

“Though I am concerned about Magnus.”

Now that catches you as a surprise. “What’s wrong with him ?”

“Well, he seems to hold a grudge for a very long time. Not only that, once he sets his mind onto something, he has the patience to wait for the best moment to strike with unnerving bravery. He could put his mind to something else, but it seems that being vengeful comes naturally to him.”

“Now that is an issue.” You mutter.

“I wish I could help.” Elian says, genuinely sorrowful. “But the classes, running the entirety of our education, and my family leaves me with barely enough time to address all of that.”

“It’s fine, it is my family after all. Thank you for your report.”

“Best of day to you, David.”
Log: David Hardrada
Date: year 13 month 2 day 5 since arrival
Title: Mining, mining, mining

The mining outpost was set up. A few domes, a storage area, some small scouting vehicles and naturally the mining equipment itself. The scarce deposits of already rare material, combined with outdated equipment, means that we are only really able to gather 1 standard unit of rare ores every 6 months. Better than nothing, considering that most systems do not even have this much.

There’s also issues from the inner most planet miners. With the greater mining capacity, the workers there report that the drones are placed under greater strain and some of the parts that were replaced are beyond our manufacturing capability. Not an issue right now, but years of continuous work mean that things area wearing down, and might eventually break to the point where we could never repair it with what we have right now.

Finally, Ashwin has sent a report. So far, he had been treated surprisingly cordially by the Madman, given good food and decent accommodations. He wasn’t allowed to wonder much, but from what he described, the Madman has a large facility underground that is surprisingly well maintained, if overrun by animals. From what Ashwin was able to gleam, there is a lot of genetics-oriented tech down there, more than enough to allow for hundreds of people at a time to undergo genetherapy and other such procedures.

He is no expert in such technology, but the tech must have been top of the line, a couple of centuries ago. He did say that despite extensive maintenance, some parts of the facility and the machines appear to be shutdown and kept carefully, most likely broken in some way. Though with what materials we gave the Madman, he is busying himself with those repairs.

Also, he apparently enjoys singing. And maintaining a vineyard and making his own wine. Speaking of which, Ashwin sent me a bottle, curtesy of Madman.

Signing off, David Hardrada.



>(Write in)
<“Well, he seems to hold a grudge for a very long time. Not only that, once he sets his mind onto something, he has the patience to wait for the best moment to strike with unnerving bravery. He could put his mind to something else, but it seems that being vengeful comes naturally to him.”
Thats weird way to say Roboute

>Because of their small size, the berths needed to manufacture more of them need not be excessively huge, but it would still require quite a bit of investment to get the berth going. With it in place however, it would be possible to now begin manufacturing spacecraft fighters, as well as other civilian shuttles. (Cost: 4 standard units - common materials, 3 standard unit - rare materials.)
This sound useful or bigger house for reason.

>The people had spoken. They want their land grants. This is not a democracy, so it can be delayed, but certainly not indefinitely. Either way, this will take a long time and be a pain to ensure everyone gets what they want without causing any issues. (Council action)
Although this not a democracy, i think we should put a vote about it do they want their land grants now or after the terraforming. As land could change a lot and I don't want any complaints later.
Btw NewbQM there is still curriculum for language education option in UENFpersonal
Support +1
>Build Supercows (5 CM)

We should couch the inevitable disappointment from land grants with MEAT. They’ll be so happy to not eat algae they’ll forget all about the land.

>The people had spoken. They want their land grants. This is not a democracy, so it can be delayed, but certainly not indefinitely. Either way, this will take a long time and be a pain to ensure everyone gets what they want without causing any issues. (Council action)

Those fighters should help a lot with defence, they're even capable of atmospheric flight and can provide CAS.

Also the civilian shuttles will probably help with transporting ores from our mining outposts.
>Because of their small size, the berths needed to manufacture more of them need not be excessively huge, but it would still require quite a bit of investment to get the berth going. With it in place however, it would be possible to now begin manufacturing spacecraft fighters, as well as other civilian shuttles. (Cost: 4 standard units - common materials, 3 standard unit - rare materials.)
Do they even have the blueprints for making shuttles though? What's the cost?

>The people had spoken. They want their land grants. This is not a democracy, so it can be delayed, but certainly not indefinitely. Either way, this will take a long time and be a pain to ensure everyone gets what they want without causing any issues. (Council action)

>Thats weird way to say Roboute

Never even considered it until it was mentioned.


>Btw NewbQM there is still curriculum for language education option in UENFpersonal

Must've missed it, will fix it when I get back from work.


>Do they even have the blueprints for making shuttles though? What's the cost?

Yes you do, the civilian DRMs have old ass ancient shuttles that with your current tech lvl are easy to repair and you do have modern-ish shuttles on the Argonaut, since they are vital to keep functioning, I never gave the option to break them down.

Building fighter berths and land distribution wins.

I need a 2d100 Bo3
File: laughing dice.jpg (37 KB, 752x375)
37 KB
Rolled 100, 5 = 105 (2d100)

what the actual fuck
Rolled 27, 76 = 103 (2d100)

Rolled 30, 23 = 53 (2d100)

Damn, I disappear for a few days and as I come back there is a crit success. Quite impressive.

Also, I think that going with Vatan only was a mistake. Currently, we are a very small cultural group that is able to enforce large-scale social reforms effectively. and without a distinctive language or any real cultural icons that our people can centre themselves around then there isn't really that much separating our populace from joining anyone else if things look bleak.

Also on the overworking of the advanced mining drones. I think we could probably cut back to 2-3 monthly minerals instead. Since we've got a pretty reasonable common mineral amount currently.

I kind of hope we will get more combatants relatively soon that we can scrap. Whenever the Trader comes by again I would suggest offering him "You get some stuff of ours for free and free checkup & repair at our space station, but in exchange, you find some shitty fresh pirates with a lot of ships unsuited for combat and let us ambush them. "

This isn't an invitation to send an armada towards us, more so a hope that we might get a reclamation bounty like we did previously.
I swear Fleet-anon if there is enemy armada before we get the nice house.
File: Thunor, Low Orbit 4.jpg (744 KB, 2056x1024)
744 KB
744 KB JPG
“Alright, alright, settle down the both of you !” You fix up the sternest voice you can manage to. All day today has been nothing but arguments and shouting. “Now, who laid the claim first ?”

“I did !” Both men before you shout out at the same time. You feel like you might get a headache soon.

“I already talked about wanting this particular piece of land for years now, and suddenly this guy comes up and tries to lay claim to it !” The first man begins.

“Oh yea ? I wasn’t seeing you do anything about it, if even what you are telling is true to begin with !” The second man responds.

“Are you calling me a lair ?!” The first one, insulted, raises his fist in the air in a threatening gesture.

The second responds with his own fist, and with an inappropriate gesture.

Luckily, you hear a loud chime go off, indicating the end of the work day, or more specifically, the end of first shift.

Thank you, God. This whole thing is not your work to begin with, only such disputes that have no clear resolution or precedent being thrown to you by your overworked council. “Okay, you two either disperse and resume your fighting tomorrow, if you cannot make amends in the meantime, or I am going to make a ruling here and right now !”

Both men hold their tongues, simply exchanging glares with one another, neither sure they made sufficient arguments to earn your favour.

“Then we are done for today.” You state, after having allowed silence to take hold for about a minute or two.

And with that, with complaints, murmurs, groans and other annoyances, the gathered petitioners start departing the bunker you had turned into a makeshift office, with the warehouses being full and all, your only other option would be your own apartment, and you are not particularly fond of the idea of a bunch of people turning your home into a wreck based on the sheer number of fistfights that had broken out.

As you sit in your chair for a moment and light up a cigarette, your eyes are opened by the noise of something gently impacting your table – a beer bottle.

“Another hard day, sir.” Reinhart states having a bottle of his own.

“Hard indeed.” You state as with a grunt you move to the table and take the bottle. “What’s the situation like with Vergilius ?”

“Swamped. If it is this bad here, sir, it is ten times worse over there.”

“I can imagine.” You nod, take sip of the beer, before puffing on your cigarette. “Did you get a piece of you own ?”

“That I did, sir. A piece of land up closer to the mountain.”

“Any plans for it ?”

“Depends on how things will look. Would like a log cabin, one made by my own hands, though I know that is not possible at the moment, but maybe a bit of hunting might be feasible in a decade or two.”

“Knowing Madman, I would be happy if it was a decade or two and that it wouldn’t hunt us.”

As your conversation continues, the door leading into your chamber opens up revealing and tired looking Zack that drags himself into the room. Stifling a yawn, you see that he is still fully alert, carrying what appears to be a tablet made out of thick gleaming black metal, resembling a brick more than anything else.

“David.” He says with a sharp voice, unfitting his exhausted bearing.

“Zack.” You nod back at him. “What’s up ?”

“Well, sir.” He states, looking around conspiratorially before closing the door behind him and making sure that it is locked. “You know how I’ve been asking you to prioritise spaceship building capabilities ?”

Pestering me more like. “I do.”

“Well, this is why.” He raises the thick tablet into the air. You and Reinhart both simply exchange confused glances.

“What’s that ?” This time it is Reinhart’s turn to ask, his instincts as an MP seems to be kicking off.

“Nothing dangerous, I can assure you of that, in fact, this is an opportunity !” Excitedly, Zack walks ahead and presents the tablet to you.

As you take it, it feels heavy, tough. The metal chills your hands and you note that the touchpad appears to be made from reinforced material as well. You could probably kill someone with this thing by throwing it at them.

“This is a standard military blueprint pad.” Zack proclaims.

Reinhart nearly chokes on his beer.

You nearly drop the tablet as your hands shake.

These things hold the latest and greatest of plans for military equipment, vehicles, gear, and others. Most importantly, military blueprints cannot be copied off of a pad without authorization of a General, Admiral, or one of the new Dukes. It is also punishable by death to have one of these if you do not have authorization. And the Empire will do anything to ensure that classified equipment on such datapads never leaves its hands.

“Zack Hendrik !” Reinhart shouts out. “Do you want me to execute you now, or would you like to wait till an imperial armada arrives ?!”

“Relax.” Zack says not having even an ounce of a sense for danger. “First of all, no one really knows we are here, second of all, what I have there is not enough to mount a big enough expedition.”

“And how did you get this, exactly ?” You now question.

“Found it.”

“Stole it, you mean.” Reinhart interjects.

“What really is stealing.” Zack responds averting his gaze.

You sigh. Flicking on the screen, you are surprised that there is no password or other means of security. Whilst you never had to deal with anything like this before, you know that these should have enough bells and whistles that you head should start hurting in terms of security measures.

Gazing at what’s on the screen, you note two separate folders:



You already have a bad feeling about this. Despite yourself however, you’ve come this far, so you might as well.

Opening up project Clausewitz reveals…blueprints, something that looks like a spacecraft.

Only now, lifting your eyes up, do you realize that Zack is standing next to you while Reinhart glares at him.

“Zack, what is this ?”

“Next-gen space superiority craft.”

“Then, the other ?”


“Can we even make them ?” You ask the most pertinent question, while the berth in orbit was finished in record speed, it is still a rather ramshackle facility from what Garrick said.

“Well yes, but actually no.”

“Meaning ?”

“We lack the sophisticated equipment and expertise to make the various component parts, buuuut. But. But, we can make a lesser version of them.”

“How lesser are we talking here ?”

“Probably not as fast, sturdy, not as reliable. However ! If we compare even these lesser versions to say, the Sting fighters we have plans for, the Clausewitz is maybe, three, five times better in basically everything. Though, I’d need to make some prototypes to be sure.”

“And I feel like there’s a but coming.”

“Yea, well…these things will be expensive to make, and will probably require more training to use. Plus, even if we do have proper techniques and equipment for the components, repairs are going to be hell. The gear here is by far better and should last longer, but when it breaks, it breaks hard.”

“I will consider it.” You finally state flipping though the various images. “And prepare me a clear report to what I am looking at.”

“Will do !” Excitedly, Zack takes back the tablet you gave back to him, before rapidly departing the room.

“I swear, every time.” You hear annoyed grumbles from Reinhart which you choose to tactfully ignore.

Log: David Hardrada
Date: year 13 month 3 day 12 since arrival
Title: Land and berth

The spacecraft berths had been set up in about a month, not only that, but it was set up at a smaller than expected cost reducing it by 1 standard unit of rare materials.

Then there is of course Zack and his newest spacecraft, those may be worth the investment to get going, but I doubt their production will be able to meet all of our needs once the space infrastructure expands. Still, it was certainly a surprise.

Speaking of, we had begun producing some simple spacecraft for civilian use, nothing special and nothing that will cut into resources just yet, unless we crank up production later on. Though, these small craft are not meant for interplanetary travel, but they are useful for transportation on and above a planet.

On land grant matters, the entire thing is a mess. An organized mess, thank God, but a mess nonetheless.

Zack and Garrick alongside Serret are mapping out the land and trying to figure out how terraforming will impact the land in order to avoid situations where land will be granted only to be washed away by a new river or something along those lines. And atop of all of that, they usually have to interact with the various folk getting their land to be warned about potential dangers. Those three are the worst combination possible for any diplomatic matters which is why Reinhart had to station some of his officers on constant rotation just to prevent or to break up any fights.

Meanwhile, Vegilius and Neila are both sorting out legalistic and bureaucratic issues that keep popping up. Not to mention the numerous disputes that come up about the various bits and pieces of land, since no one has any proper legal claim other than the good old fashioned “he said, she said”. This too requires Reinhart to be present since more than a decade of civilian life did not calm down tempers one bit.

Then of course, everyone has to come together to figure out what land should not be given out due to strategic reasons of safety. Can’t have someone throw up a new house right next to a bunker.

All in all, it seems that my council will be occupied with this task for a year. A lot less than I feared, but at the same time, it is still an arduous and longwinded process.

Signing off, David Hardrada.



>(Write in)
I believe we only have a settlement action this turn. So I would suggest constructing the fisheries give us a more varied diet and likely have a higher production rate for meat products than the super cows. Hopefully allowing us a surplus of food we could theoretically export

> You need to build fisheries, while you can just dump them into the lake and the biosphere will form up properly without any issues due to the different creatures and their numbers, you still need proper facilities to grow them at an industrial scale.
>You need to build fisheries, while you can just dump them into the lake and the biosphere will form up properly without any issues due to the different creatures and their numbers, you still need proper facilities to grow them at an industrial scale.
Finally some fucking meat again. (rush people wanting land next to water so they can fish.)
>As the new noble ruler, you need a bigger house. (Cost: 3 standard units - common materials, 1 standard unit - rare materials.)

I have being wanting this too long
Settlement action:
Well, since most people seem to be wanting fish, i am also voting for fish.
>You need to build fisheries, while you can just dump them into the lake and the biosphere will form up properly without any issues due to the different creatures and their numbers, you still need proper facilities to grow them at an industrial scale.

Although, I would recommend if we have a longer period of time to work unhindered. We chain these together.

>You need to build fisheries
Then secondly:
>You have the supercows, now they need to be housed and fed.
And thirdly, a write-in of mine:
>Set up larger-scale warehouses able to house giant quantities of both material and foodstuffs. (Cost: 3 standard units - common materials)

This way, we have food and storage set up such that we might be able to offload a lot of it to anyone who comes by and wants to trade.
(Maybe a better spaceport could be made as well if we've saved up enough rare materials by then. we could set ourselves up as a very good trade port system.)
Full agreement with that plan, with the addendum of producing a squadron of fighters and retrofitting the argonaut to carry them. So we can actually send it out with some security and try to establish broader relations with our neighbors as well as exporting our food surplus.

Though, we might want to check with madman if we can sell the Super Cow meat. If a geneticist can reverse-engineer just from the meat and recognize his handywork it probably can't be sold.

Changing my vote to >>6098849
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Okay, seems that Fleet-anon's series of constructions wins. >>6098849

I will need 3d100 Bo3

Also, updated the shipstats link for the new craft in their fully functional form.
Rolled 74, 47, 45 = 166 (3d100)

Rolled 81, 70, 19 = 170 (3d100)

Rolled 63, 96, 85 = 244 (3d100)

Pretty nice, although those seem very out of our current league resource-cost wise.

>81 for fisheries, 96 for cows and 85 for storage yards
very nice. With this we are now officially a true Agriworld capital.
It does seem everything involving agriculture goes well everytime.
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“And so, the first taste.” Celyn says putting down a plate before you. Both John and Magnus stare at her every move, following the plates she’s holding with fervent gazes you had never witnessed before. “Here you go too.” She says with a smile as she finishes placing the plates for everyone.

The steaming steak before you is cooked to perfection with butter based sauce atop of it. Without much further ado, everyone digs into the first bite of freash meat you’ve had in years, and the first taste of fresh meat that both John and Magnus had ever tasted.

Utterly ignoring the baked potatoes, everyone around the table, bar Celyn devours a stake and then quickly grabs seconds.

Meat that is not dried, vacuum-sealed, dehydrated or salted to hell back, now that is something you’ve never realized how much you missed in the decade plus you spent eating mainly vegetables and fruits.

“How are you liking it ?” Celyn asks with a smile, the only person capable of maintaining a dignified expression during dinner. No doubt her training is what allows her to be so dignified.

“Ta-“ John begins, still chewing, only stopping after Celyn’s gaze falls upon him. He quickly swallows. “It is tasty, mom !”

“Tasty !” Magnus shouts out in agreement.

“It is delicious, dear.” You say, nodding. Though now that you’ve had a few bites, you had come to realize that it is over seared and the burning, irritating sensation in your throat informs you that she overdid the pepper. But, throughout your years of military service, you had developed a keen survival instinct.

“And for late night snack, I had prepared a freshly smoked flounder. The meat is lovely and tender, goes right off the bone.” For some reason, you feel something vaguely ominous about the end of her sentence.
Log: David Hardrada
Date: year 13 month 6 day 10 since arrival
Title: Food

The news of meat, fish and dairy products being made available after some construction work seemingly set off the entire colony into a frenzy I had rarely witnessed before. In but just short 3 months, a mass collection of fisheries and specially made barns.

The barns themselves are opened to the atmosphere and specially seeded with easily and rapidly growing plants that provided some basic day to day nutrition and the brand-new warehouses would house unneeded by-products of the farms to be given over to the cows.

The fisheries themselves house various sea life in specially made and filled with nutritional mixtures tanks, allowing for well developed growth. Though we had also put out many of the species into the lakes and rivers, the ecosystem there had formed rapidly as many of the animals had already been fully grown.

Might take some time off and go fishing with the boys one day.

Signing off, David Hardrada.



>(Write in)
>As the new noble ruler, you need a bigger house. (Cost: 3 standard units - common materials, 1 standard unit - rare materials.)
Since we can combine actions
>As the new noble ruler, you need a bigger house. (Cost: 3 standard units - common materials, 1 standard unit - rare materials.)
close to the mountain for defensive functions.
You think it would be a good idea to have a monument that shall provide future generations further inspiration. Build those life-like statues, not too hard, just time consuming. (Cost: 1 standard unit - common materials)
in front of the house (huge area for the main square)
Start setting up facilities for AO batteries, might as well, since this will take a lot of time, cause Garrick will build it to perfection and he’ll have it no other way. (Cost: 10 standard units - common materials)
in the area surrounding the "palace" and on critical areas.

>Construct a batch of automobiles or equivalent suitable to our planets harsh weather. Last time we surveyed the civilian populace it was mentioned people would like ways to get around the colony other than walking. Distribute them to the populace as a reward for most productive workers or by lottery

And since were able to daisy chain orders together

>As the new noble ruler, you need a bigger house. (Cost: 3 standard units - common materials, 1 standard unit - rare materials.)

Finally, assuming resource availability

>construct a batch of those older fighter designs and see if we can retrofit the argonaut to carry them
had forgotten the > and need to go to sleep. Hope that this one somewhat counts still
>Produce 2 squadron of 12 Aerospace superiority fighter "Sting" (Production cost for squadron of 12: 6 common material and 1 rare material)
I think it'll be good to have at least one squadron of these if and when we get attacked by pirates again.
After this i'm thinking we should probably continue the dam construction since i believe we didn't actually finish it and our factory is still only running at 20 percent capacity due to lack of power.

I agree with >>6100103 that we should probably have a mobile element of defence that could support the space station we currently have. I think now is a good time to expand our defensive capabilities.

So, my idea for a development plan goes like this:
>You’ve got some materials and some blueprints; you could easily throw up some buildings. (cold fusion reactor - 5 common materials)
>Produce 2 squadron of 12 Aerospace superiority fighter "Sting"
And third:
>Set up public transport infrastructure along main roads in the form of a train network able to carry both passengers and cargo quickly around the populated parts of the valley. (material cost - ? common material)

It was mentioned in >>6078642 that we have a problem with ammunition and small arms production being consumed by the militia much faster than the factory can keep up due to the energy demand. And in the second thread, Newb mentioned that finishing the Dam wouldn't fix the power problem unless we took another whole action to upgrade the Dam with turbines and lay down the power network necessary to supply the power.
(I think as well that the dam would work best as a secondary power source.)

As such, I suggest we fix our power supply issue with the Cold fusion reactor design from the Corpo HQ we raided. This would allow our factory to keep up with demand and make future construction efforts faster. Like with the squadrons of fighters being made right after.

And the trains are mostly for civilian use since the populace wanted some form of transport. But it would also make the defence of the valley easier if troops and supplies were able to move around rapidly, as we need to get ready for potential conflicts in the near future.
>Produce 2 squadron of 12 Aerospace superiority fighter "Sting" (Production cost for squadron of 12: 6 common material and 1 rare material)

I think we should start saving credit after this turn. The terraforming machine is probably something that is better done soon, before we develop a really robust infrastructure that would be hard to protect with the environmental changes.
Chaining together:
>Since you are all about naming things in the ancient style, an idea has popped up – build a longhouse. Though rather than a proper longhouse, it’s just a large building that can house most of the population at the moment. A good location for public gatherings, perhaps even trade between the colonists. (Cost: 2 standard units - common materials)
a townhall

>Produce 2 squadron of 12 Aerospace superiority fighter "Sting" (Production cost for squadron of 12: 6 common material and 1 rare material)

>Continue the ground reclamation.
Changing my vote to support Fleet Anons plan of action

This is my previous post
sure, support this instead of my earlier post
house 2
monument 1
AO 1
2 Sting 5
reactor 3
public transport 3

Rules I use for multi choices is always half (rounded up) of the largest choice +1, as such only building two squadrons of Stings wins unless something changes. Update at the latest would be on Wednesday.
Then i guess i'll change my vote from >>6100103 to instead support fleet-anon's plan
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With this in mind >>6100753

I will need a 2d100 Bo3

First is reactor
Second is public transport

Since the Stings are easy to make and meet the level of your berths, they are an autopass.

Also, images of Stings, literal bricks with as much ammo and guns that could be strapped to them, just make sure they are not hit with their thin armour.
Rolled 25, 76, 25 = 126 (3d100)

Rolled 75, 67 = 142 (2d100)


It's a 2d100 not a 3d100
Rolled 84, 44 = 128 (2d100)

Rolled 47, 31 = 78 (2d100)

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“And so, I hereby declare this fusion reactor open.” You finish the short speech to the gathered crowd just as the two dozen Stings roar overhead. Their oversized main thrusters roar deafeningly loud in atmosphere.

With careful and measured steps, you begin to walk off the podium towards the awaiting bus that will take away the on watchers and the workers’ families. A large bus station was built keeping future population growth in mind next to the landing pads, again, in case of future needs.

Through the hard work of everyone involved, it took you 8 months, most of that time came from building the fusion reactor. Vastly under the presumed time it would usually take to build one of those.

The Stings as well, still making various moves to try and impress the people, you are damn glad to have them, the few pilots you have got into the occasional fistfight for the right to pilot something more than a civilian shuttle.

“An appropriate speech, sir.” Gotch says, she had organized the entire event, having an actual reactor going is an important step in having an actual civilization.

“Thank you.” You respond with a smile and a nod. “Anything else that had come up ?”

“Ashwin sent back a report. He thinks he may have managed to actually break through to the Madman. I have no idea how the man works his magic, but it seems he managed to establish a cordial relationship with him.” Gotch says not missing a beat and not changing the tone of her voice.

“How the hell did he manage that ?” You are genuinely surprised.

“I do not know, skill, luck, a bit of both ?”

“And how is he certain of that ?”

“Well, for one, he sent the Madman’s actual name.”

“Well, don’t keep me waiting.”


“Uriah ?”

“Nothing. Just Uriah.”

“Are you certain that it’s not just another fake name ?”

“Maybe. At least it is something better than Madman. Will certainly make his existence easier to swallow for your average colonist. There is something about having diplomatic relations with someone who refers to himself as a Madman that rubs most people the wrong way.”

“No doubt about it.”

“There is something far more important however.” Her even, calming tone, becomes deeper.

You look around, your bodyguards, curtesy of Celyn, you have no idea where she pulled them from, but so far, they had proven exceptionally solid, get your signal. They spread out and make sure nobody can approach you, luckily the roar of engines also ensures that no one is able to easily listen in.

“Our mining outpost on the outer most planet has picked up a fleet.”

“A fleet ?”

“About ten signals, one is large, really large. They have to reach the star in order to depart the system, while our mining colonies are decently hidden from scanners…”

“Our space infrastructure is not.” You quickly conclude. “I want Garri-“
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“Already raised him while you were shaking hands. We could get more people into the spacestation, but if that thing blows, we might receive a blow we will never recover from.”

You nod. “The fighters ?”

“Garrick already commission the factory to make more back up ammo in case we need to expend a lot of it.”

“Their ETA ?”

“From the edge of the system, presuming they maintain course, Zack estimates it may very well take about a month, maybe half a month. Whatever ships are flying out there, they seem to move slowly.”

“Are they searching for something ?”

“No idea. Orders ?”

>It seems to have, sort of worked before, send a message to them identifying ourselves and requesting their identity.

>Keep quiet. Maybe they will just ignore you ?

Date: year 14 month 2 day 3 since arrival
I feel like i should blame an anon for this.

Can we sent fighters to ID the target before deciding?

It would take them months to move under their thrust since they do not have neutronium reactors, they will run out of fuel long before that unless you send the Argonaut with them.

I should also point out that since space is of an even temperature (I am simplifying here, okay.), even small ships can be easily picked up and identified from great distances, so they will know that something small is coming towards them before they get a clear readings of exactly what it is.
>It seems to have, sort of worked before, send a message to them identifying ourselves and requesting their identity.

Fine, i would have hope that multiple asteroid field and sun behind them would be enough to hide them, but oh well blood for blood god etc.
>It seems to have, sort of worked before, send a message to them identifying ourselves and requesting their identity.

Well it seems likely we’ve met one of the regional big players instead of the small fish we’ve dealt with in the past. Best to make ourselves seem as presentable as possible and hope it isn’t the “Reds” who would have an ideological reason to destroy our government if not our people.

Beyond readying our defenses and raising the militia we ought to send a warning to Uriah he probably doesn’t have the ability to detect anything at the edge of the system.
>>It seems to have, sort of worked before, send a message to them identifying ourselves and requesting their identity.

>O̶h̶,̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶G̶a̶r̶r̶i̶c̶k̶ ̶s̶t̶a̶r̶t̶ ̶b̶u̶i̶l̶d̶ ̶t̶h̶o̶s̶e̶ ̶A̶O̶ ̶b̶a̶t̶t̶e̶r̶i̶e̶s̶.̶ ̶Y̶o̶u̶ ̶h̶a̶v̶e̶ ̶t̶i̶m̶e̶ ̶t̶i̶l̶l̶ ̶y̶e̶s̶t̶e̶r̶d̶a̶y̶.̶
I have no idea about why :D
But I do think it would have happened either way. Since we've had a long period of stability and low energy, combat is a simple way to get people invested.

I think notifying Uriah is a good idea. Especially if we can convince him it is in his best interest to not have our colony wiped off of the map. He might be able to muster up a relatively large force of attack tunnel dogs.

>It seems to have, sort of worked before, send a message to them identifying ourselves and requesting their identity.

Also Newb, could we potentially use the month we've got to build another squadron of fighters? A month is a pretty long-ish time.
Maybe do the second line of defensive trench working as well.
Most likely yeah to the combat.

I dont think it will take them a month after we ask the ID.
If Uriah isn’t able or willing to militarily help us we might also ask him to shelter our non combatants (young, old, infirm, expectant mothers, etc..)for the duration. Get them out of the effective range of orbital bombardment if nothing else.

Also I think we’d be better served spending this month cramming as many shuttles as we can manage full of volatiles to serve as “fire ships” or manned torpedos. Then we would be building fighters it’ll be a waste of lives and resources but if we get lucky once and trade a capital or escort vessel for a fighter class vessel it’s a trade we have to make.
Also I just thought of this we need to try and evacuate our mining personnel. It doesn’t really matter how stubborn of a defense we mount when the enemy could just point some orbital bombardment weapons at a not insubstantial portion of our populace and say surrender or they get it.

>Fine, i would have hope that multiple asteroid field and sun behind them would be enough to hide them, but oh well blood for blood god etc.

Because of how things move in space, especially on intercept course and probably in formation, that is what guarantees that whatever is moving is clearly not a natural phenomena. However, if you would like to hide the craft, their power signatures are small enough to blend in with the background noise of asteroid fields or nebula as like, as long as they are just idling.


>But I do think it would have happened either way. Since we've had a long period of stability and low energy, combat is a simple way to get people invested.

RNGesus my friend, I am simulating your surroundings and what is happening there and the dice came up this way.


>Also Newb, could we potentially use the month we've got to build another squadron of fighters? A month is a pretty long-ish time.
>Maybe do the second line of defensive trench working as well.

Potentially, yes you could. The Stings are designed to be as simple as possible, so theres nothing complex about their construction.
It is very interesting to know that you are simulating it. And also slightly frightening.

So now that we have some general ideas. I wanna lay out a potential game plan and hear what the rest of you anons think.

I'm thinking, first start production of a third fighter wing, have the two we currently have and the new one (If they are made on time) stationed up on the space station ready to spread out and hide for an ambush if it seems like combat would be a likely scenario.

As soon as we've contacted the ships, we make an announcement to the public about if an enemy or friendly fleet is in the system. If they are an enemy fleet it is easier to rip off the bandaid early and make people feel motivated to help in preparing for the confrontation. Most former soldiers know that it is much more effective to put one's worry into doing stuff rather than moping about a potential attack by an enemy force greater than oneself.

And thirdly, we contract Uriah and either convince him it is in his own good to help thwart a potential landing. Either by making him think it is in his own interest to do so, or by promising him a lot of goodies either immediately or in the future. Since the tunnel dogs he has could be used as a counter to heavily armored units by sinking them into the ground.

how does that sound? if anyone has more ideas please do mention so. (We are not doing suicide bombers)
I honestly don’t see the point in putting together a ground defense, if we loose orbital superiority we’ve lost our population is simply to concentrated. All they do is have to threaten bombardment and we’ll be forced to yield or die, in retrospect AO batteries may have been more useful then the fighters as they could make orbital bombardment a riskier proposition for hostile forces.

In regards to suicide bombers we need to kill large enemy ships our fighters are not capable of that at least not easily. Our station can do it but it’s a virtually stationary position and can be maneuvered around by a hostile foe. We certainly don’t have the population to waste on suicide bombers but I don’t know if we can afford not to have some sort of mobile anti capital ship weapon.

However I generally can agree to your plan fleet rather we produce fighters or “fireships” we ought to try and augment our orbital striking power.

Keeping the populace informed is wise and our people aren’t likely to panic being veterans and such so there isn’t any harm in it.

In regards to Uriah I’d be more interested in him letting us use his tunnels to hide our small population of non combatants then him helping us actively defend against landings. I think we should ask if he’d be willing to do both in truth.

The few augmentations is that I would do everything possible to evacuate our miners and bring them home. No reason to just leave our people out on a limb. Secondly I’d load the argonaut with some trade goods and one of the fighter squadrons once we identify the enemy fleet we send the argonaut to go beg one of the other regional powers to help us for sake of maintain the balance of power. Any help will probably be too little too late but it couldn’t hurt.

Example we discover this fleet is loyal to the communist power we send the argonaut to ask for help from the fascists. Even if whatever bribe we send with the argonaut won’t mean much to the bigger powers I get the feeling every group in this region of space has a vested interest in countering every other groups attempt at expansion.
>I honestly don’t see the point in putting together a ground defense

To stop raids, enemy could try to bypass our orbital defences and just go for the capital. Now how likely is that an other question.
I think you have some good points. Population EVAC to some of the tunnels in case of a total breakdown of all negotiations between us and the fleet currently moving towards our general direction would be a good idea. Probably should give some fabrication abilities to these survivors in case we do get glassed.

I do think that the evacuation of the mining settlement is pointless. Since the time it will take for our cumbersome cargo ship to go to the outermost planet and come back will both alert the enemy ships of a mining outpost and probably wouldn't be done fast enough that the enemy ships wouldn't already have caught up to the Argonaut by the time of the return trip.

And the plan of potentially getting another faction involved could work if we were talking about long sieges a densely populated planetary system. But with how small our colony is and the likely singular nuke it would take to wipe us off the map, it doesn't really make a lot of sense since the travel time for anyone who might have an interest in keeping another interstellar power (assuming they don't just siege us as soon as the other enemy is defeated) in check would likely mean we've already lost and are just inviting another political power to brawl it out in our solar system to make the remains a puppet state of theirs unchallenged.

which, brings me to another point
this planet has value. Food production, especially on the scale which this planet is capable of is rare and we have an already running nearly self-sustaining economy. It would be in most regional powers' interest to make our solar system and government into a puppet state rather than outright obliterating us. After all, if they could claim we are "just under their protection" and in return give them a tithe of food then they win a new solar system.

Which means that they have a vested interest in keeping the production systems and population centres we've made intact. Thus, if we are decapitated in space then with a stronger ground force we might be able to justify leaner tithes or even outright challenge them to come back later if they choose to go back for ground assault reinforcements. (this of course assumes they don't nuke us from orbit after this fleet has failed. But I can imagine it might actually be a significant enough conquest to keep the admiral of this fleet from popping his exterminautus boner) which would allow us to rebuild and choose who we want to bend over in front of for protection.

(Also I think as another idea we should probably give Zack basically an infinite budget to research and make a singular M.A.G cannon platform in orbit to challenge the armour of whatever ship they have as their capital ship. As long as it doesn't delay the fighter squadron production)
>Keep quiet. Maybe they will just ignore you ?
We can't make AO batteries, only prepare the sites for them. Manufacturing is -severely- limited. The only reason the station has any defences is because of the trade going through that sacrificed some adult population for the MAG guns to the trader.

The only hope we have is the station going dark and attracting no further notice as we get completely ignored. Anything else is subservience of oblivion.
>We can't make AO batteries, only prepare the sites for them.
Yeah, that's how i understood it too. Which is why i chose to vote for producing fighters instead.
Another idea we could do is laying strategically placed mines in orbit to either blow up if an enemy ship comes too close or induce full low orbital Kessler syndrome by filling them with millions of tiny beads and letting the explosives scatter them. If they were coated with a full (or as close one could get to it) light reflective material then enemy lasers couldn't do anything against them making them need to use their guns against them.

If they all blew up they could encase the planet in Kessler syndrome, which might give us time to come up with more solutions.

Also yeah. We probably need more knowledge of gauss weaponry before we can make on ground anti orbital weapons platforms.
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“How long would it take for a message to reach them ?” You ask Gotch.

“At the current distances ? Probably the entire day for the message to reach them and a response to comeback to us.”

“Plenty of time then. Send a message identifying who we are and asking the same of them, and their reason why they are here.” You begin a moment of thought later. “In the meantime, I will raise the militia. We shall see how tough they feel once they witness the defences we have.”

“Hopefully they miss the fact that we have no AOs in place.”

“Hopefully.” You nod. “Hopefully they might find what we have important enough not to nuke us from orbit.”

“What of the non-combatants ?”

“I have a few ideas. We still have time due to the early warning, so I am keeping them close to heart.”

“Understood, sir.”

This time, you signal for a shuttle to be prepared for your journey into orbit, if there’s to be talk, it will be there, and any information will be first sent to your spacestation over anywhere else. In the meantime, you start making a series of calls raising your various officers and informing them of the situation.

Today’s going to be a long day.
Twenty hours had passed since you first sent the message.

Twenty hours of walking back and forth around the spacestation, watching the skeleton crew on high alert preparing against any potential threat that they might face.

Twenty hours, and the only movement from the unknown force being that of changing course towards intercept. A slight adjustment and one that had maintained speed. It seems that the forces out there are in no hurry to burn their neutronium to move at a much greater pace.

“David !” Someone behind you shouts out, drawing your attention.

“Stellan.” You nod in a greeting. “What has startled you so ?’

“Finally got a response from my own sensor systems.” He states. “Got a clearer reading of what’s coming towards us.”

“Judging by your pale face, I assume those are not good news.”

“Not at fucking all.” He says grabbing a seat. “Once I got clearer power signatures I ran them through the Argonaut’s database. Scans of other ships I had picked up over the years. While I cannot tell you for certain exactly what class those ships belong to, I can tell you how they’d be categorized.”

You take a seat as well. “Shoot.”

“Again, its based on me comparing data about other ships, so I cannot guarantee one hundred percent accuracy. Here is goes.” He clears his throat, clearly looking at his neural interface. “In the centre of the formation appears to be a heavy cruiser, a couple of light cruiser escort and three frigates. Behind those appear to be four cargo haulers, smaller than my own in terms of size, but their power signatures are way stronger than even the Argonaut’s.”

“Terrible. If we’re to fight them, can we win ?”

“Win ? There’s no winning here. Since I haven’t told you the worst part yet.”

Your face hardens and you stare at him, readying yourself.

“The signatures match those of modern warships I had run into back within the Empire.”

“Modern ? How modern ?”

“Yesterday made or a decade ago. Can’t tell for certain. We’ve been away from the Unbroken Empire for a long time, but, at least those signatures match those I scanned whenever I had delivered supplies to military stations and docks.”

“Any idea how we could fight them ?”

“Not a clue. I had seen a few space fights before, and this looks damned tough. They have small ships to guard the flanks and chase down fleeing foes, and they clearly have enough power to hammer through the front door. The only weakness I could spot would be the support ships. Warships need ships like those. Most of their cargo space is usually taken up by munitions. So, food, water, fuel, extra ammo. They are going to have to store all those on support ships for prolonged voyages.”

“I see one issue with that, should we succeed.”

“Yea, me too.”

Both of you clearly agree, that if their supplies are gone, they might be stuck here and exact terrible vengeance. Though, your food production would be of great import for them on such occasion, so they couldn’t just nuke you back to the stone age. That is all, presuming of course, that they do need food and drinkable water.

In either case, the fact of the matter remains that an unknown, overwhelming force is moving towards you, which had not bothered at all to identify itself. Most importantly, you do not know how quickly they will arrive, could be a month, could be a week, depends how much neutronium they are willing to burn to reach you as swiftly as possible.

You are the leader of these people, and you had steadied the course of this colony for over a decade, and you will be damned if you let it fall while you still have strength in your legs and courage in your heart.

Can pick more than one. In order for secondary options to win they must reach half of the biggest vote (rounding up) +1.

>Recall Ashwin from Uriah. His expertise might be needed here sooner or later.

>You have about a month, it might be a rush job, but you could maybe get another squadron of Stings out, maybe half a squadron, but what matters the most is having more firepower. (The usual fighter costs apply.)

Your factory production is limited, too limited. While you have a decent amount of ammo both for space and terrestrial warfare, you could always use more. The question is of prioritization. (Must pick one.)

>Prioritize the production of space rated missiles and railgun munitions at the expense of your terrestrial forces.

>Prioritize the production of terrestrial munitions, rifle ammo, missile launcher munitions, explosive charges, landmines, grenades, etc. at the expense of your space forces.

>Do not prioritize any production, both space and terrestrial forces will receive what can be made in time.

>Contact Uriah, maybe he will be willing to house your non-combatants ? It would be much safer than here.

>Contact Uriah, maybe he will be willing to lend his geneanimals for the war effort ? Though he would need to be convinced that it is in his interest to do so, as the man certainly wants to remain hidden.

You also have an issue of manpower. Right now, your space station is manned by a skeleton crew, ensuring its full operation is not difficult, but it would leave your already thinly stretched ground forces even more out of position. (Must pick one.)

>Your spacestation is barely manned as is, you need to send some of your militia to man it.

>Your trenchlines are already barely manned due to the length of the front. Your ground defences need to be prioritized.

>You need to man both, even if it means that neither your spacestation, nor your trenches will be manned in the optimal numbers.

Finally, in such a potentially massive fight, your men will need leadership. As a military man leading a militant populace, staying amongst the civilians in an administrative capacity is simply not an option. As such, you must decide where you will be best placed. Naturally, most of your skills and expertise concerns terrestrial warfare, but knowing that their leader is with them, would be good inspiration for your space forces as well. (Must pick one.)

>You are the most skilled in it and you will be able to do things other than being a figure head. As such, you will take to the terrestrial front.

>The ground war, no matter how much it pains you to admit it, is already lost if you lose your aerial and orbital superiority. You shall stay here on the station and inspire the men to fight for their home if it comes down to it.

>(Write in)
>Recall Ashwin from Uriah. His expertise might be needed here sooner or later.
If they dont just start firing

>Prioritize the production of space rated missiles and railgun munitions at the expense of your terrestrial forces.
We should try to match their space power as much we can. We have upper hand on our ground.

>Contact Uriah, maybe he will be willing to house your non-combatants ? It would be much safer than here.
Civs may not like it but better safe than sorry

>Your spacestation is barely manned as is, you need to send some of your militia to man it.

>The ground war, no matter how much it pains you to admit it, is already lost if you lose your aerial and orbital superiority. You shall stay here on the station and inspire the men to fight for their home if it comes down to it.
I dont believe this statement is true but more power for station.
It seems my ID has change.

>Recall Ashwin from Uriah. His expertise might be needed here sooner or later.

>You have about a month, it might be a rush job, but you could maybe get another squadron of Stings out, maybe half a squadron, but what matters the most is having more firepower.

>Do not prioritize any production, both space and terrestrial forces will receive what can be made in time.

>Contact Uriah, maybe he will be willing to house your non-combatants ? It would be much safer than here.

>Contact Uriah, maybe he will be willing to lend his geneanimals for the war effort ? Though he would need to be convinced that it is in his interest to do so, as the man certainly wants to remain hidden.

>Your spacestation is barely manned as is, you need to send some of your militia to man it.

>You are the most skilled in it and you will be able to do things other than being a figure head. As such, you will take to the terrestrial front.
>Recall Ashwin from Uriah. His expertise might be needed here sooner or later.

>Prioritize the production of terrestrial munitions, rifle ammo, missile launcher munitions, explosive charges, landmines, grenades, etc. at the expense of your space forces.

>Your trenchlines are already barely manned due to the length of the front. Your ground defences need to be prioritized.

>You are the most skilled in it and you will be able to do things other than being a figure head. As such, you will take to the terrestrial front.

They don't have any support ships so I'm assuming they're going to want food and water. That means glassing us from orbit probably isn't their best interest. I say we just hunker down and making a ground invasion look as unattractive as possible so we can negotiate. And to be honest I don't think any amount of space firepower is going to be enough to even come close to matching them.

We need the appearance of a costly ground invasion otherwise they're just going to take our food instead of negotiating
>Recall Ashwin from Uriah. His expertise might be needed here sooner or later.

>You have about a month, it might be a rush job, but you could maybe get another squadron of Stings out, maybe half a squadron, but what matters the most is having more firepower. (The usual fighter costs apply.)

>Prioritize the production of terrestrial munitions, rifle ammo, missile launcher munitions, explosive charges, landmines, grenades, etc. at the expense of your space forces.

>Contact Uriah, maybe he will be willing to house your non-combatants ? It would be much safer than here.

>Contact Uriah, maybe he will be willing to lend his geneanimals for the war effort ? Though he would need to be convinced that it is in his interest to do so, as the man certainly wants to remain hidden.

>Your spacestation is barely manned as is, you need to send some of your militia to man it.

>The ground war, no matter how much it pains you to admit it, is already lost if you lose your aerial and orbital superiority. You shall stay here on the station and inspire the men to fight for their home if it comes down to it.

They do have support ships. That and the fact that they haven't responded to our hails makes me seriously doubt they won't glass us from orbit. If that's the case then i want to put our life on the line in order to send as many of them to hell as possible using our space forces.
Whoops, i meant to vote for:
>Prioritize the production of space rated missiles and railgun munitions at the expense of your terrestrial forces.

and not:
>Prioritize the production of terrestrial munitions, rifle ammo, missile launcher munitions, explosive charges, landmines, grenades, etc. at the expense of your space forces.
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oh god oh fuck that is NOT something we are prepared for.

Okay so, my answers in order of the order they are done in (if applicable)

>You have about a month, it might be a rush job, but you could maybe get another squadron of Stings out
>Prioritize the production of terrestrial munitions at the expense of your space forces.

>Contact Uriah, maybe he will be willing to lend his geneanimals for the war effort?
>Contact Uriah, maybe he will be willing to house your non-combatants ? It would be much safer than here.
>Recall Ashwin from Uriah. His expertise might be needed here sooner or later.

>You need to man both, even if it means that neither your spacestation, nor your trenches will be manned in the optimal numbers.
>You are the most skilled in it and you will be able to do things other than being a figure head. As such, you will take to the terrestrial front.

I genuinely don't believe that we can survive much less win the current space battle if it is a slugging match between our space station and fighters vs their heavy cruiser & retinue. We need to be tactical.

The best and most potentially beneficial outcome would be if our fighters disabled the engines of all of the warships and we got to capture the cargo vessels. But that would require some insane luck.

The most achievable outcome would be to ambush their cargo ships with our fighters and thus strand them in the system. This would make them need us to survive. Or at least what our colony has. If we are able to cripple some of the attack ships that would be great but I don't see a likely scenario where we can effectively "win" in space. Only one where we kill their return route and cripple then as much as possible.
So after we've defeated as many as we could in space then we can claim that they won't live without our services. Like the refit station, food and basically anything and everything. In which case if they aren't suicidal they would probably try to take over our government first and only if they lost that would they work with us. At least that is the feeling I have gotten from re-reading Fergus's story.
Whoops misread that

Okay I have an idea on how we could even the odds in orbital combat, it isn’t a good idea but it’s something.

We install the spare neutronium reactor onto the Argonaut and rig it to blow along with the Argonauts in built reactor. We get this into the enemy fleet formation one of two ways preferably we rig some sort of automatic message offering to surrender the vessel and then drift it into the enemy formation.

If that doesn’t seem likely to work we position the argonaut behind our orbital defenses and once the enemy engages we fire up the argonauts engines aim it at the heavy cruiser and pray to whatever gods may be listening
If we get defeated it will be at least pyric for them.
Prioritize space 2
Prioritize neither 1
Prioritize terrestrial 3

Ashwin from Uriah 6
Uriah non-combatants 6
Uriah geneanimals 5
Stings 5

spacestation manned 3
Both manned 3

Lead ground 4
Lead space 2

You will prioritize your production capacity towards terrestrial munitions, do a big ask of Uriah and recall Ashwin from him all the while putting your fighter berth to use and seeing if you cannot pump out another squadron in time for the potential fight. You shall also personally take command of the ground forces if it comes to that.

I now need a tie breaker between dedicating your fighting men towards the spacestation or manning your ground defences.


>I dont believe this statement is true but more power for station.

David only thinks that if the option is picked.


>We install the spare neutronium reactor onto the Argonaut and rig it to blow along with the Argonauts in built reactor. We get this into the enemy fleet formation one of two ways preferably we rig some sort of automatic message offering to surrender the vessel and then drift it into the enemy formation.

You do not have a spare neutronium reactor, it was used to make the spacestation. You could however throw the Argonaut towards the enemy fleet. If you want Stellan to throttle David if he survives that one.
>You need to man both, even if it means that neither your spacestation, nor your trenches will be manned in the optimal numbers.

Alright changing my vote to man both then.


Need 3d100 Bo3

First is convincing Uriah to house your non-combatants.

Second is also convincing Uriah to dedicate his geneanimals.

Third is producing a full squadron of Stings in less/around a month.
Rolled 74, 42, 4 = 120 (3d100)

Rolled 18, 10, 32 = 60 (3d100)

Rolled 49, 62, 62 = 173 (3d100)

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You watch as one of the militiamen drags an ammo box and quickly connects it to the HMG, all the while, he quickly runs off and helps another man drag in a box of missiles meant for AA duties, the bunker crew will have to shoulder the duties of nearly all heavy weapons with only half a dozen men. Far below the needed thirty or perhaps even fifty men to man just these weapons. At least the ground crews have to be content that it is not just two men having to man an entire bunker.

Shifting your gaze, it lands upon a freshly delivered crate which houses brand-new custom make rifles, not that advanced compared to what you used to have in the military, but still better than nothing.

Taking one yourself, you look it over, test the newly made rifle before setting it down. “Not bad.”

“We’ve got another five hundred ready to go by the end of the day. We’ll have a backup for everyone involved.” The factory manager informs you as he goes down the list of products he has made.

“What of our munition reserves ?”

“We’re making as much as fast as we can with our limited production capacity, but we need more power to get things into gear. Presuming we are not put under extended stress for months on end, we should maintain our ammo levels to an acceptable level. Beyond that, no promises, sir.”

“Make do with what you have as long as you can. That’s all I ask.”

“Not the first time I heard that, sir.”

“I am sure of that. Thank you.”

With a nod, the man turns around, still looking over the various crates and noting things down.

Looking around, you start to connect to the foreman in charge of the fighter berth, the signal automatically being routed through your communications centre.

“Sir ? Reading you loud and clear.” After a short delay, the foreman comes through.

“What’s the progress on the new Sting squadron ?”

“It’ll be tight, but seems like we’ll make it. Though I must give a word of caution, sir. We had to skip quite a few steps to get the craft flightworthy. And we weren’t able to do all of the safety checks and extensive shakedowns. I make no promises if they have to go for a long time or under exceptionally stressful conditions.”

“Noted. What of ammo ?”

“Low. Stings are especially missile intensive. A couple of volleys from three squadrons ? We’ll be shooting blanks at best.”

“Alright, begin evac procedures, Gotch should have sent you a list where everyone has to go.”

“Aye, we’ve got it, sir.”

“Good luck, out.” You signal the end of the conversation before busily moving to a backroom, where your captains all greet you.

The conversation involving them is the exact same one you had been undertaking for nearly a month. Clear lines of defence, contingency plans, reactions to certain enemy actions, minefields, hidden tunnels, a few automated turrets that Zack managed to cook up. These plans had been made, remade, and reiterated over and over again, until you no longer think there is any question that anyone would have in any potentially given situation, naturally, those very same plans got drilled into the militia from the captains.

Still, while you have the ammo, you might run into an issue where in attritional combat you will simply lose due to a lack of numbers. The exact same reason why you are not planning any great offences or counter pushes, you simply lack the manpower for that. Even if you had all of your militia down here, it would have already been risky, but now, it is impossible.

“Sir.” A lieutenant, one of the numerous hangers on of the meeting, calls out drawing your attention.

“What is it lieutenant ?”

“Report from the landing pads, minister Heggen has returned.”

You nod at that. “We’ll call it here, gentlemen. You all know what to do. Dismissed.” Everyone collectively gives you a solute before a part of them begins to shuffle out of the room, others stay behind to grab a smoke and exchange a few words.

Personally, you walk out, raising your minister of foreign affairs. “Ashwin, how copy ?”

“I can hear you perfectly clear, sir.”

“What did Uriah say ?” You instantly get to the point. The negotiations had been going for quite a while, and the uncertainty is making you quite worried.

“He is willing to house our non-combatants. I have to admit, the chambers he has are both extensive and relatively comfortable. Enough for the part of our populace that shall go there.”

“And the geneanimals ?”

“That, had proven a bit of a sticking point. In his mind, underground facilities can be waved away, waves upon waves of genetically engineered animals, however, cannot. Uriah seriously doubts our ability to ensure that no one is capable of leaving and thus taking the secret to the grave.”

“I see.” You say with a sigh, you could have used those animals.

“A partial success is still a success, sir. In diplomacy, you learn to take that what you can negotiate.”

“It’s something, I suppose. I sorry to spring this onto you just when you returned, but I might need you. Maybe our new arrivals will be of a talkative kind.”

“Sir !” One of your captains runs up. “Message from the station commander, sir. Enemy is scrambling their fighters. We have visual on their fleet as well.”

“Not the neighbourhood for talk, it seems.” You hear a slightly frustrating remark from Ashwin.

“It will be once we have a big enough stick.” You quickly reply. “Get me Stellan, I want to know how the damned fleet looks.” You now say to one of your captains.

“David. Good news, bad news.” Stellan says, having finally connected to you.

“Shoot.” You quickly say, consulting the date streaming into the console before you in your command centre.

“They are beaten to shit and back. Bad news, they still have more firepower than us and they might be desperate, which, from my experience, makes the enemy damn harder to take down.”

“Any clue whom they fought ?”

“Gimme a sec…Ah, right, you should be seeing it.”

“I do.” You reply looking at the updated screen, now showing the enemy force in detail.

“You see that light cruiser hull there ? Its design does not match the rest of the warships, plus its colouring is different. Maybe mercs, but judging that its power output is similar to all other warships and just how badly it has been mauled, it’s probably a trophy ship. Our friends here must’ve picked a fuck of a fight.”

“What concerns me now is that they might be on the run and a bigger headache is going to come our way.”

“Maybe. Though restoring trophy ships usually only happens when one side won decisively enough where they do not have to fear enemy reinforcements for a long time.”

“Either case, they are weaker than we expected.”

“Ye-wait, receiving generalized short burst signal. I’ll patch it through.”

You wait for nearly half a minute, staring at the screen and the augmented reality of your neural uplink before finally hearing the message yourself.

“Attention future citizens. I am Margrave Mykell Oreskovich, a loyal sworn vassal of House Orion. Rejoice ! From this day on, you are under the protection of your new king. Henceforth, you are to immediately set down your arms and prepare your facilities to accommodate us.” A rather self-assured and powerful voice comes through.

“What a dickhead.” Stellan instantly remarks. “How do we deal with this one ?”

>”We beat them bloody, that’s how. Scramble the fighters. They want a fight, we will give them one.”

>”Deal with what ? All they probably want is some repairs, we give them those, hopefully they will leave.”

>”From my experience, nobles like duels. Pompous nobles doubly so. I challenge him, and see where we go from there.”

>”Actually, it doesn’t sound like the worst deal. I’ll get Ashwin to look over any potential terms we might come up with.”

>(Write in)
>”Actually, it doesn’t sound like the worst deal. I’ll get Ashwin to look over any potential terms we might come up with.”

If shit fails and they asl too much
>From my experience, nobles like duels. Pompous nobles doubly so. I challenge him, and see where we go from there.”
hmm... see, if we say "Yeah okay we accept" then we are likely just going to get couped. for the simple reason that the people who left the Broken Empire, our military population, would likely rather fight tooth and nail than become citizens of the empire again. The promise of independence was one of the biggest reasons they all left after having been disillusioned with the Empire.

I am also a loot goblin and really want to kill these cunts for their materials.

>”We beat them bloody, that’s how. Scramble the fighters. They want a fight, we will give them one.”

My suggested plan of attack would be to first mock this Margrave into a charge, and then using our 27 fighters try to unload as many missiles as we possibly can shoot all into the weak spots, broken armor and thrusters of the capital ship. Do this until he is dead and then draw the surviving fighters back to defend the defence station from the enemy fighters and bombers.

If they still wanna kill us after their Margrave is dead, then with their capital ship dead our defence station has an actually pretty decent matchup against their cruisers and frigates. At least that's how I see the odds.
>”From my experience, nobles like duels. Pompous nobles doubly so. I challenge him, and see where we go from there.”
>How amusing offer. Your ship dont fool anyone, there is no protection under your king for us. Now if you want get your ships repaired and some hospitality we can talk terms as equals but not as your underlings. You are in OUR space now.
>”Attention House Orion Fleet, we are the independent colony of (Valhalla right it’s been a while since we settled on a name I can’t quite remember) we left the empire and travelled to the edge of known space to escape the corrupt and tyrannical rule of the emperor and his lackeys. We will not meekly submit ourselves to said rule again, if you want a fight we’ll give you one. But if you seek maintenance and supplies we have the facilities and the ability to provide it to you for a fair market price, so I ask you Margrave will it be bloodshed or will we have peace today”
Changing my vote to >>6106748
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Should point out that you guys are aware of House Orion from the merchant. He never stated that they were Imperials or ex-Imperials, just relatively recent arrivals.

If no one changes any votes or simply votes this option wins >>6106748
Oh, right. Well unless he's bluffing he'll probably take offense and attack us anyway for not willingly giving up our independence.
It might be a bluff yeah, so i will also be supporting this. But if it turns into combat i am still suggesting my previous plan of engagement.
I feel like massaging his ego rather than being combative to him is better. He has the firepower advantage (despite being beaten up) but his hubris is quite clearly his character flaw. I'm not the best at negotiating so I'd prefer a different anon to write out what I'm trying to say but here's my try. And we just straight up lose any fights so I think we NEED to negotiate.

"Margrave Mykell Oreskovich of the great Oreskovich family, loyal sworn vassal and sword of House Orion. I, David Hardrada the king of Valhalla and protector of Thunor, greet your magnanimous presence with humility... I am more than happy to accommodate you within our facilities for maintenance and supplies, however, I have sworn to my people to be their absolute and sole ruler, and therefore cannot accept your gracious offer to become a part of the might House Orion at this time. It would be my pleasure to talk with you personally soon."
Forgot green text

>"Margrave Mykell Oreskovich of the great Oreskovich family, loyal sworn vassal and sword of House Orion. I, David Hardrada the king of Valhalla and protector of Thunor, greet your magnanimous presence with humility... I am more than happy to accommodate you within our facilities for maintenance and supplies, however, I have sworn to my people to be their absolute and sole ruler, and therefore cannot accept your gracious offer to become a part of the mighty House Orion at this time. It would be my pleasure to talk with you personally soon after suitable accomadations are prepared for you."
I feel like the sentiment where the ONLY way he won't attack is if he's bluffing is pretty flawed and is just going to lead us into a unnecessary fight with a much greater power. It's giving up before we even try.

There's a way to try to get him to negotiate with him that doesn't involve insulting him by implying he's apart of the Unbroken Empire, and immediately point him towards fighting by directly mentioning it.

The option we're choosing now is practically guaranteeing there is no negotiation or even a tepid ceasefire. And if we're doing that we might as well just do a surprise attack.

And even if it IS a bluff. This guy is clearly EXTREMELY proud. So goading him could turn his bluff into a matter of stupid noble honor, and make him attack even if it wasn't his attention with his first dickhead message.

I can only see this backfiring please change.
Terrible idea plays our hand for all to see.

We want to gank him.

>Send our fighters in an elliptical orbit timed to arrive for when they arrive. Hiding out of sight behind the planet or nearby moon.

And we unload into them point blank. Assuming they want to repair their shit they won't attack our station. Since they'll want to use it.

Pew pew the fuck out of them.

Alright fine, let's try being diplomatic since we don't have that much space-rated munitions. Changing to >>6106929

I think the grovelling platitudes aren't gonna work with someone who still sees themselves as part of the empire at least in spirit.

Reading the story of Fergus...you kind of realize that how he acted towards subspacers is the norm. And we did some real shitbaggery to some of them. Like the asteroid colonists, Fergus stumbled upon and got killed to the last man because they wouldn't repair and resupply his ships for free. Most people who associate with the Unbroken Empire assume subspacers are also sub-human.

Although thinking the odds over and some strategy, I do have another strategy in mind. Something more like what >>6107091 has in mind.
>(Write in)
>"We accept the agreement, please approach and power down reactors to begin docking repairs Your Highness. We will discuss your laws and any potential knowledge relevant to a newly vassalized colony" (lie)

Slowly have the fighters be put into a randomized orbit together with other assorted junk and claim it is all just "waste". Have their orbits intertwining so on the day that the enemy ships are on final approach towards the dry dock they will all of them reach as close to the enemy ships as possible without detection, power up and surge forth for a massive missile barrage towards the capital ship as the defence station begins ripping into the capital ship as well. as the ships would have been getting ready for repairs and docking procedures done before final approach to the drydock.

Then after the largest ship is dead, go after the second largest cruiser with a secondary volley. Then, a large-scale broadband demand for surrender to the cargo ships, remaining carrier and frigates is requested. Anyone not immediately following said orders becoming the next target.

If it all goes to plan, the Margrave will have been caught by surprise due to him and our boy David talking for potentially weeks about what being a vassal of House Orion would entail and due to this "we know we can't win" the fleet will not be able to attack back properly before it would be too late. The wings of fighters and bombers might not have been out in space and might not even join the battle in time. The disadvantage of the defence station being stationary could be massively mitigated by the enemy ships already beginning combat within the station's range of fire.

If we would pull this off correctly, they would have to both power up their reactors to combat readiness again and scramble fighters while getting pelted. And any ship trying to escape could be hit with some of the last missiles we have left.
Before I go into my rewritten proposal, I think a lot of anons are under the impression we have an option to take this fight. Despite the damaged state of the enemy fleet and our military preparations even a decisive victory in our favor would be a long term loss.

The Jarldom of Thunor (if that’s what we’re going with) has one problem that prevents us from ever practically winning a fight and that’s our population. As of now we barely have the population to properly man our orbital and ground based defenses imagine how weak our defenses will be after we’ve lost another hundred plus fighting men and women.

We need to show strength to this House Orion fleet we need them to second guess if we’re a force worth fighting. But that’s only to give us a better position to negotiate from no matter what we cannot take this fight. Until our population is larger (however we manage that, I’d suggest having Zach possibly with the help of Uriah look into cloning) we are at the mercy of any and all larger powers in the region.

Anyhow my rewritten proposal

>”Attention House Orion Fleet, you have entered the territory of the independent Jarldom of Thunor I am Jarl Harldrada the sole ruler of this place and its people. Margrave I reject your demand for our capitulation my people and I have travelled here to the far edges of known space and forged a home on this unforgiving planet to be free of the Tyranny of the old Empire and we will not surrender ourselves meekly to a new master.”

>”However in order to foster good relations with our neighbors we are willing to offer you safe harbor to effect repairs on your fleet and the privilege of contracting with our orbital facilities for repairs and supplies. Beyond that Margrave id like to personally invite you to dine with my family so we can further discuss how to make a profitable peace between our peoples. …. Until Valhalla Harldrada Out”

I recognize this is imperfect and almost certainly too wordy response however we need to make concessions to this Margrave without seeming to do so. If repairing his ships and supplying his fleet with foodstuffs is the price to get this fleet out of our hair it’s a cost well worth paying. I also extended the invitation to a personal dinner so we can feel out House Orion maybe they are people we want to work with in the future it’s also our first chance to rub shoulders with other nobles since our own ascension to the privileged classes, and if things go exceptionally well we may be able to arrange marriages for our sons
Seems like my ID changed don’t know what’s up with that
Consider my vote >>6107259 to be supporting this >>6107409 rewritten proposal.

Being on good terms with these people would probably be a good idea in the long term since pretty much everyone else around us hate the idea of nobility.

I see the platitudes as a way to massage proud noble who was just defeated honor/pride and I think they’d be vulnerable to it, but it not really that necessary. So I’ll switch.
Negotiate/Fight 1

Lie 1

Aggressive negotiations 1

No Empire 1

Fight, orbit 1

>>6107409 3

Clear winner, telling no politely wins and inviting the Margrave for dinner and other platitudes.

I will be needing 1d100 Bo3
Rolled 56 (1d100)

Rolled 93 (1d100)

Very nice.
Rolled 78 (1d100)

“Officer, what’s the communications delay with the encroaching fleet ?” You ask one of the men next to you in the comm centre.

“A dozen minutes or so to, another dozen minutes or so back. Half an hour at most all in all, presuming they have a response ready.” Moving the office hair back and taking down his headset, the man quickly responds.

“Good enough. I have a response prepared, start recording.” You quickly say a moment of thought later.

Putting the headset back on, the man quickly presses a few buttons and starts signalling with his fingers.

Three, two, one. He gives you a thumbs up.

”Attention House Orion Fleet, you have entered the territory of the independent Jarldom of Thunor.” You make up a name for your nation on the spot, you will probably need a deeper look at it later on, serves your purposes right now though. “I am Jarl Hardrada the sole ruler of this place and its people. Margrave, I reject your demand for our capitulation, my people and I have travelled here to the far edges of known space and forged a home on this unforgiving planet to be free of the Tyranny of the old Empire and we will not surrender ourselves meekly to a new master.”

You give it a few moments, time enough for your words to be comprehended and processed. A clear denial of their demands. Now, however, you need to backpedal.

”However, in order to foster good relations with our neighbours we are willing to offer you safe harbour to effect repairs on your fleet and the privilege of contracting with our orbital facilities for repairs and supplies. Beyond that Margrave I’d like to personally invite you to dine with my family so we can further discuss how to make a profitable peace between our peoples.

Until Valhalla, Hardrada, Out.” You nod at the comms officer.

He nods back. “Message sent, sir. We can expect a reply in around half an hour.”

“Hopefully they take it well.” You reply with a smile and take out a cigarette. After a couple of puffs, you freeze in place. I should probably call Ashwin.
“That was…the best you could possibly say, considering.” Ashwin says diplomatically. “Now, presuming the man decides to humour you and take up the offer, sir. There might an issue.” Ashwin says.

“That being ?”

“You invited him to dinner, sir. Have you been to noble dinners before ?”

“Never had a chance to. Too low ranked, never liked politicking.”

“Well, I had the honour to attend a few. They are…vast affairs. A dinner is not just a meal, they usually include performances, plays, outings, or just large-scale parties that involve hundreds of people.”

“What sort of parties ?” You remember your time when you managed to get off duty.

“Not those, they are elegant affairs. Perhaps as an overcompensation of bringing nobility back nearly two millennia after the concept had run its course. There are rules, regulations, ceremony, processes and even more. Something like taking the wrong cutlery could be seen as an insult.”

“How so ?”

“Well, say that you serve the main course, and you pick up a larger fork. That can be seen as viewing the portion as too small. An implication of the host being too poor, inconsiderate, not sufficiently influential, what have you.”


“And of course, food is only a part of the entire process. There is the entertainment. Live musicians are very popular as of late and they are viewed as incredibly important for proper entertainment.”

“Classical music I presume ?”

“Oh yes, very posh, very dry and boring once you hear it over a hundred times. But that is the set discourse.” He says with kindly smile.

“So, I have no entertainment, no fancy cutlery…”

“No proper venue.”

“Aha, my apartment’s not going to cut it ?”

Ashwin gives a light shrug. “Depends on the person really. Out here, even a hab block could be considered luxurious. As such, no doubt people in this area are probably more understanding, but as I said before, depends on the person.”

“So, what options do I have ?”

“Well, this all presuming acceptance of course, but it is good practice as we may, in time, have to house and entertain proper dignitaries.

Let us begin with your apartment. Some may consider it humble. A part of the everyday struggle of the whole colony, leading by example. Suffering amongst the common people. That or you are a rural hick deserving no respect and sullying the name of nobility.

Next up, I suppose we could go with the old useful, clear out a warehouse, set up a large chamber to house a number of people. Hope to God that numbers make up for quality and lack of decorations, plus the crates probably outside of the warehouse. Some music, alcohol, people. Might make up for it if this Margrave is one for down to earth entertainment, dance, plenty of finger foods. Of course, this would only work if the man is quite sociable and enjoys such interactions. Otherwise, this would backfire massively.

Finally, another location that comes to my mind, would be the school greenhouse. Of course, it is a school, no hiding that. Still, enjoying proper environment, so far away from most habitable worlds, would be perfect for a quiet, contemplative dinner. You could get away with a few people, you could also get away with limited to no decorations with an excuse of not wanting to taint the environment. Shy types would enjoy such an environment with a lovely cup of tea. Most others would however find it to be boring.

At the end of the day, no matter which option you choose, anyone of proper social class will view these choices as cheap. This shall certainly lower our standing as a state amongst all others if we cannot afford simple diplomatic expenses as these. We must portray strength and wealth in equal measure, even if we do not actually have it.”

“Sounds like a standard military tactic.”

“Diplomacy is a battle in and of itself.”

“Now we just wait for a response and see which battle we are about to wage.”

“Both equally as dangerous and important.”
Taking a drink from the beer bottle you have in your hands; you watch as the comm officer gives you a signal that you had received a response.

Both you and Ashwin, whom also been nurturing a glass of whiskey, lean in.

“Putting the message through.” The officer says.

It takes a few seconds for the message to go through, and the first thing you hear is laughter. An amused laughter to be precise. “Jarl Hardrada, I can certainly respect a man whom knows the meaning of facing down impossible odds. I could crush your forces in the name of house Orion, but as a token of respect to your honour and bravery, I shall back down this day.

I too accept your offer for the usage of your facilities and your dinner invitation. Over it I am sure we can discuss a proper agreement. However, for the sake of fairness, I shall require you to shut down your space borne weapons, for reasons I am sure you understand. You may keep your fighter wings at the ready, I shall do the same.

While I am certain that you are a man of honour, one can never be too careful in these tumultuous times.”

“Message ends with that.” The comm officer says.

“Well, sir. Seems like it may very well be a diplomatic battle.” Ashwin says.

“That remains to be seen.” You respond. “Keep the men at the ready, just in case our new friends might get an idea that they can take us down.” You order the comm officer to relay your orders.

>Accept the Margrave’s offer. It seems fair enough.

>The man is clearly preparing to pull a trick on you when you least expect it. It is he who will shut down all his weapons. Not the other way around.

>(Write in)

Presuming you accept his offer; you will need to find a place to house the dinner. Ashwin will take care of the details such as the menu, music, getting actual servants. That last one is going to be a pain to make sure your rough military men actually act in a polite manner.

>Your apartment. A humble King and all that, a rather personable environment.

>A warehouse will be cleared out, hopefully the feast like environment will work to your favour.

>The school greenhouse. A nice, lovely environment. Calm, contemplative. Mind bogglingly boring, or as some would say, relaxing.
>write in: Both shut down the weapons on a timed moment.
>A warehouse will be cleared out, hopefully the feast like environment will work to your favour
As a guy from a rural area myself. Barn parties are the shit.
supporting, "we shut everything down and you shut everything down at this synch'd time" is probably the best way to know he's legit.
>Accept the Margrave’s offer. It seems fair enough.

We’re at the massive disadvantage here. He could wipe us out pretty easily especially since we don’t have the element of surprise. I think we should just capitulate on this.

>A warehouse will be cleared out, hopefully the feast like environment will work to your favour.

He found our response amusing… He seems like a jovial sort, so a party would probably be good.
Well I’m glad that thus far this has worked out for us.

>Accept the Margraves offer

Really what choice do we have

>The school greenhouse. A nice, lovely environment. Calm, contemplative. Mind bogglingly boring, or as some would say, relaxing.

Seems a better place to have a dinner that is really a negotiation than a large warehouse party. But I’m willing to take any of the venues though I do wish I had voted for big house at some point at least would have given us a proper place for a reception.

What we really need to start thinking about is what we want to get out of these negotiations and what we’re willing to give up. Because we’re not likely to get an equitable agreement here a few points I think we need to stick on is

1. Full control of our Foriegn Policy we’re not in a position to be drug into house Orions Wars

2. Some sort of Migration treaty so we can bring more people in from Orion territory. Fundamentally we need to supplement our numbers and this is one way to do it

3. A grant or loan in various materials to help our development (the least important of my points but it would be nice)

4. Contract with the Orion Government or one of those ship yards to produce or procure a “armed” merchantmen type space vessel to augment our defenses and allow us to engage in regional commerce as sending out the argonaut unescorted really isn’t viable seeing as it has no way to defend itself
>(Write in) Accept the Margrave's offer but rig the orbital drydock with hidden explosives just in case.
Hopefully their sensors won't detect the explosives and hopefully we'll be on good terms once the negotiations are over.

>The school greenhouse. A nice, lovely environment. Calm, contemplative. Mind bogglingly boring, or as some would say, relaxing.
Might be a bit boring but it can be quite nice if you've spent many months in space.
The thing with the greenhouse is that Ashwin's advice was that it's a location for shy types. This guy doesn't seem like the shy type. He's a brash noble and military commander.
>Accept the Margrave’s offer. It seems fair enough.
Assuiming they power down too.

>The school greenhouse. A nice, lovely environment. Calm, contemplative. Mind bogglingly boring, or as some would say, relaxing.
Well our mansion is still under construction
Me but phone
Good point. Changing the venue to:
>A warehouse will be cleared out, hopefully the feast like environment will work to your favour.
Since it seems we need a tiebreaker i'll change my vote to:
>Accept the Margrave’s offer. It seems fair enough.
“Make sure there’s plenty of jerky to go around, and someone get more nuts. And for the love of God, where’s the beer delivery ?! The kegs should have arrived an hour ago !” Celyn is like a monster in the middle of chaos. It is her moment to show off before an actual blue-blooded noble and she is pulling all the stops.

The most mature of your drinks, the best possible cuts of meat beaten into the shape of burgers, hotdogs, fish snacks, breadsticks, etc. For entertainment purposes, she may have looked too much into the ideals of high fashion, that being actual hand-crafted goods made by professional artisans, the imperfections giving a more natural feel to the various products. She could not go so far, so instead she conscripted the best and most naturally skilled musicians that had developed their talents over the decade. Only about half of those that were originally part of the various military marching bands made the list.

“Quite the ruckus.” Ashwin says, observing the chaos around him.

“The men manning the trenches are probably less stressed than the staff she’s drummed up.” You respond, reviewing noble etiquette lessons Ashwin had cooked up from memory alongside what Celyn had also prepared.

“Things appear to be going, relatively well. But I had come here to talk about some matters of import.”

“That are ?” You ask moving your gaze up from the tablet.

“Rules of engagement, if you will.”

“Now that’s something I have a good understanding of.”

“First things first. This is a meeting between the ranking noble of a noble house and the ruler of a small nation. Essentially equals. Of course, politeness and etiquette must be maintained. Now, while my expertise in the art of diplomacy is great, it would be the equivalent of a lieutenant interfering when a captain is talking with a colonel, for example.”

“Suicide for both the lesser officers.”

“Precisely. If you rely on me too much, it may very well come off, in the best case, as you having zero competence and determination to conduct yourself in a dignified matter. Worst case, you might come off as someone easily manipulated and not a true leader, controlled or easily replaced.”

“Certainly something I would like to avoid. If I am in such a uncertain situation, how do I deal with it then ?”

“With the party going all around us, in moments of distraction, you can make some excuses of going to dance with your wife, in the sea of people, a few private words would not be found amiss. Though again, I recommend caution.”

“What else ?”

“Negotiations are a battle. While the Margrave appears to have a positive opinion, if we take his words at face value, this can only take you so far. Get a read on his personality, interact with him in such a way that he would find appealing. And at the end of the day, the deal he may offer would be more favourable than you had originally expected.

Each decision you make may not only influence the outcome of the negotiations, it could very well result in a collapse of said matter, leading to war. Or as I said before, a much better outcome.”

“No pressure then.”

“Oh, indeed none. You are merely conversing with a man whom commands more men in his fleet than our entire world has people on it.” Ashwin says with a chuckle, trying to bring down tension.

“Yea. How do I know what he likes ?”

“Observation and practice. You have a natural gift in figuring out how people feel, you only have to relay it correctly.”

“That can be a bit difficult sometimes.”

“It can. For now, you must set the initial entertainment. Watch the man’s reactions, see what happens.”

“I have no idea what he’s like though ?”

“Often, we meet the enemy without knowing their strength. It shall certainly make things a tad more difficult, but even a negative reaction, is still a reaction.”

You nod at that, before turning to find your wife. “Celyn, dear, do you mind coming over for a sec ?”

Turning to face you, your wife sends off a final glare at an errand boy who scampers away having found his lifeline, before she approaches you. “Yes, honey ?”

“What sort of entertainment do you have planned ?”

“Well, there are a few options:

Firstly, the music. The band has prepared…”

>”…some good old fashion rock and roll. Loud, energetic, certainly get people’s blood boiling and it shall result in quite the rowdy dance crowd.”

>”Other than that, we have some country music, made for dancing and entertainment. Certainly something you would see in a frontier world that would be an expected sight.”

>”Finally, we have the classical choice of well…classical music. Might be a bit messy as no one has learnt the proper dancing etiquette. Most would find it fun, but it would just be an embarrassment in my mind.”

“Sounds quite interesting.”

“We have a lot of talented people.” Celyn responds to you.

“Anything else you had planned ?”


>”…some guys had planned a boxing match before it was put back due to this celebration. We could drag them back here for their…over the top sport.”

>”There’s been a suggestion. A half, dance, half musical talent show ? Basically, someone makes tune, you dance to the tune. Best dancer and musician wins. A very ad hoc idea, but most would find entertainment in participation.”

>”We do have a few people that had, thanks to the club activities, proven themselves to be capable actors. While not much, they could put up some wonderous theatre.”
Bet you anons did not expect this one. In depth diplomacy and relations.

Can't wait for autism analysis of psychology to begin.

Though if it is anything on the level of the stealth ship, I might scrap this idea.
>it would be the equivalent of a lieutenant interfering when a captain is talking with a colonel, for example.”

Hey Newb I have a question, why would this be the case?

>Hey Newb I have a question, why would this be the case?

Bad optics. If the Margrave asks a question of David, or offers him a deal, and constantly turns to ask Ashwin, that would be seen as both rude and a showcase of either lack of confidence or that David is not really in charge.

Of course, once or twice is perfectly understandable, especially if it is an important decision, usually entire councils might be called up. But simple deals and questions of trade ? Why would the Margrave, or his superiors for that matter, bother dealing with you if say, Ashwin's the one providing all of the answers.

So in short, optics. Even if the junior officer has a better idea, you keep your mouth shut and only express it in private if at that. Same applies for corporate jobs.
>”…some good old fashion rock and roll. Loud, energetic, certainly get people’s blood boiling and it shall result in quite the rowdy dance crowd.”

>”…some guys had planned a boxing match before it was put back due to this celebration. We could drag them back here for their…over the top sport.”
>”Other than that, we have some country music, made for dancing and entertainment. Certainly something you would see in a frontier world that would be an expected sight.”

>”…some guys had planned a boxing match before it was put back due to this celebration. We could drag them back here for their…over the top sport.”

I think country music would be a good idea. It is not too rowdy but allows for some partying.

Also, as a suggestion, I would wanna modify the boxing match idea.

Give the men high-quality armour and war hammers. Let them beat the shit out of each other but with armour and cool weapons.
>”Other than that, we have some country music, made for dancing and entertainment. Certainly something you would see in a frontier world that would be an expected sight.”
>”…some guys had planned a boxing match before it was put back due to this celebration. We could drag them back here for their…over the top sport.”

An idea guys. Would our House motto be Till Valhalla?
>”Other than that, we have some country music, made for dancing and entertainment. Certainly something you would see in a frontier world that would be an expected sight.”

He appreciates bravery and seems arrogant. He also seemed pretty amused by our offer so I'm guessing he doesn't take our nobility very seriously and more finds it amusing than an actual real rank. While we're technically an independent world I think he see's as a novelty.

I think he would find the country music amusing and it play to our strengths as a rural outback world the best and increase our novelty factor. And we're already doing a rowdy warehouse feast so I think boxing and rock music is a little TOO much rowdiness.

>”We do have a few people that had, thanks to the club activities, proven themselves to be capable actors. While not much, they could put up some wonderous theatre.”

We have to show we a have a little tiny bit of sophistication. Boxing and a warehouse feast is going too far in the hick direction.
I don't really care about the votes for this butttttt....

>he's a military man show him us bodying the traders guards with fucking two ships. He'll appreciate our balls of steel and the fact that we can punch well we'll above our weight.
“Let’s go with country then. Play up the whole rural frontier spirit. And, I’ve got to say, never seen a boxing match played to boxing music, which might be fun.”

Your wife sighs at your choices. “I hope you know what you are doing, dear.” Maybe you should plan something for her later on ?

“An interesting mix.” Ashwin says.

“Bad ?”

“Interesting. No hidden words behind that. This will certainly raise an impression of very…rural people, full of aggression. Soldiers farming, rather than farmers acting as soldiers. Which, is true. Spreading such reputation might be useful in keeping away riff raff that might try to threaten us.”

“Diplomacy is mightier than the sword ?”

“Oh yes. Except some times you need to use a hammer. Disproportionate responses to set down a precedent combined with a reputation.” He nods. “Still, if the reward matches the risks, there are plenty of those that are brave or foolish enough to try. We need to keep our secrets to ourselves.”

“You mean Uriah ?”

“Him, yes. Someone or something is chasing him, no denying that. Hopefully nothing will come of it, but it takes a certain amount of power to make a man like that paranoid. But that is a future issue. What I have in mind is by far more pressing. Once again, caused by Zack.”

“Zack ?” It takes you a second to place it. “You mean the spacecraft.”

“Every state out here with the means of making those will froth at the mouth to get their hands on it. Every state that cannot will still try to steal in order to sell it. Should, in the course of negotiations, giving those plans away would come up, you could easily demand a king’s ransom for the fighter, and another ransom for the bomber.”

“And if I offer it freely ?”

“You would certainly be viewed favourably.” He nods. “How favourably depends on numerous circumstances of course, but it is valuable. Very much so.”

“What of our food production then ? Our ore extraction operations ?”

“Our ore extraction, I need not inform you, is but a trickle. We can sell it, but personally, if I were an outsider looking in, I would not view mining or refining as our greatest strength. It is in fact a bottleneck that we will need to address.

As for the food, that is where our strength is. Our friends from house Salb, whenever they come back, will most likely not look at us so favourably anymore.”

“We’ve started competing with them directly, no surprise there.” You think back to your meat production, which even as limited as it is, thanks to the brilliance of the Madman, now known as Uriah, is already vastly outstripping your consumption rate.

“Indeed so. And I doubt that our good Margrave, whatever the outcome of the negotiations, is going to keep quiet about this. Soon, news will spread in the dominion of House Orion, then to other polities. Our period of relative isolation is going to come to an end. Opportunist of all kind might flock here sooner or later. We will need to prepare ourselves.

You especially, David. As the, Jarl, let us go with that for now, you will have no face down all sorts of dignitaries and rulers. Look at this as a practice run.”

“If this is a practice run, I dread to think of what a truly challenging conversation will be like.”

“Destructive, most likely.” Ashwin says with a smile.
From your command bunker, you watch, with hidden tension, the video feed from your space station. The House Orion fleet is now visible to the naked eye. The scarred and damaged, but still robust and powerful looking vessels are burning their retro thrusters with full intensity as they begin to slow down enough to enter a stable orbit around Thunor, and most importantly, around your drydock.

The data feed on the other screen informs you that their power signatures are still completely active, their ships’ weapons still fully functional. As agreed, your fighter squadrons are all deployed with their weapons at the ready. The spacestation crew is also nervously waiting for a moment to switch their weapon systems back on, no doubt praying that the armour holds long enough to allow them to shoot back.

An hour or so later, as you continue to look over the vessels, especially the striking light cruiser painted in bright reds and yellows, with a clear sickle and hammer painted both on top and the bottom of the vessel.

Meanwhile, the remainder of the Orion ships are all painted in a striking flaming orange with hints of red around the curvatures and sharp edges. Orion, as the name implies, has their house symbol painted on each of the ships showcasing three red crowns shining brightly like stars made into a backwards crescent showcasing a rising sun set on a field of gold encased in orange.

A report quickly catches your eye as the light cruiser, missing a good chuck of its port, signals your drydock whilst powering down most of its combat related systems. So far, so good.

The light cruiser, now identified as HOS New Tomorrow slowly approaches until it enters the ring and soon enough, magnetic clamps lock the ship in place. Guiding shuttles begin preliminary inspection efforts, filing reports of the damage, the costs of repairs, the minutia of a drydock that you quickly go past concerned about one thing.

New Tomorrow’s crew. Their numbers vastly overwhelm those of the drydock’s. In fact, if going by standard doctrine, chances are their security personnel outnumbers the entirety of the crew.

So you wait, with bated breath, for the all clear report from the foreman, informing you that nothing is going wrong, that no one’s trying to take over the dock in some hostile action.

Luckily, as another hour passes, the foreman’s report comes in, so do another half a dozen, each and every carrying the hidden code informing you that the situation is under control. It seems that at least for now, the Margrave is not trying to pull something.

The following report however does make you wince. The foreman quickly informs you that the damage upon the ship is extensive, the only silver lining being that when having talked to the captain, it seems that Orion only expects basic repairs, primarily concerned with the mending of their hull and restoration of affected internal systems, primarily life support.

You lack the ability to even manufacture the sort of alloys used for the hulls, meaning you have to resort to a lower-grade material that will patch up the holes and allow for proper function and movement at a more rapid pace, but it will require refurbishment later on. Not a problem, or so the foreman was informed. Issue is, the repairs will easily take weeks, if not months, and most likely entirely drain your common material reserves, in fact, you will have a bit of a backlog which will also take more time. Just this light cruiser will cost 30 common materials, and that is just the hull and basic internal systems, if you had to mount weaponry, proper functionality, alongside modern alloying techniques and materials, God knows how much that would run you.

After having fretted for nearly half a day, you finally deliver the all-clear signal to your ground forces. They will still stay on high-alert, at least until a week or so passes when you will reduce the state of readiness. Nothing drives soldiers more insane than having to wait for action.
It had taken about three days since the arrival of the fleet, before Margrave’s assistant had informed Gotch that he shall be joining in the dinner you had planned. Celyn had moved throughout the entire colony maybe ten times over, gathering bits and bobs to decorate the warehouse with, move away and hide the crates, make sure that the food is of the best possible quality, that the band practiced non-stop and were provided with everything they needed, the amature boxing competition got proper build up and an arena.

You were just glad you got away with basic bureaucratic duties of running the colony.

And now, you wait for the Margrave’s shuttle to settle down upon the landing pad. You have a company hidden anti-air missiles prepared as two rather large looking fightercraft move ahead of a small shuttle, with two more fighters right behind it. As the shuttle begins to land, the quartet of them continue to circle around overhead.

Serret and his explorers are doubling as your bodyguards, they are the best equipped and most proper soldier like looking people in the entire colony, even if their numbers are quite small and they are only in protection suits.

The stark difference between your attire and that of the Margrave becomes immediately apparent as they rapid and agile shuttle sets down and lowers its ramp. What comes out is half a damned platoon of men in orange coloured plating and barely visible red coloured mesh underneath. The men, every and single one, clad in power armour tower over you and everyone gathered here. Their large calibre rifles, coloured black, glint as sunlight falls upon them. Even if you were in your old protection suit, one of those could easily pierce it and most likely kill you instantly leaving, at the smallest, a head sized hole wherever they would impact.

Finally, having made sure that the surroundings are secured, you can only assume that they comm the Margrave whom finally emerges from the shuttle.

Clad in a thin spacesuit, coloured similarly to the power armoured soldiers, the man walks with large, rapid steps, his back straight, he occasionally casts a glance around him, more specifically your colony, without losing a step or missing a beat. In but a few seconds he closes the distance, and even with your height boosted by the spacesuit, you find yourself having to look up to him. His spacesuit, unlike yours, does not increase his height over much, which means that there’s probably between twenty or thirty centimetres difference between you two. Being so close to him, you notice what appears to be a sword upon his right hip and a pistol, whose mark you do not recognize.

“Good day. Jarl David Hardrada, I presume ?” He states, offering a handshake. His expression unseen behind a reflective orange visor.

“Margrave Mykell Oreskovich. A pleasure.” You return the handshake. “We have a small welcoming feast prepared for you.” You gesture for him to follow.

“Why, lead the way !” He says with a laugh. You do note that his bodyguard are not laughing at all. Your trained eye allows you to easily see that the formation they are taking up would easily allow them to butcher everyone in their sight if given the opportunity, or an order. Interestingly enough, besides guarding against potential sniper fire, they are not covering the Margrave against any threats that would originate nearby.

That might be because they are sure you will not try to pull anything against the Margrave directly. Maybe because the Margrave himself ordered them not to be too close as a gesture of good will. Or, and this is the most likely case as you had witnessed nobles fighting sometimes. He could simply slaughter everyone near him in a blink of an eye.
After having introduced Celyn, she, your councillors, you, and naturally the Margrave are all seated at one table.

With him having taken off the spacesuit, you were able to get a good look on Oreskovich. As you had expected, the man is annoyingly handsome to the point where only genetic engineering could allow such looks. A sharp look, a clear set jaw, brilliant brown eyes combined with ear length curling black hair combined with a clean-shaven face certainly reminds you of the various magazine covers you had seen before. Naturally, the man’s height reaches around two metres and while you cannot see most of his body, you have no doubt that he has a muscular build. The fact you cannot clearly see it implies that his strength might not be all that powerful compared to some other brickshit houses you had seen before. Movies never got it right, the sight of a man being cleaved in two, the spill of organs, the smell of flesh and blood, the stink of the contents of a stomach being spilled out as well as the intestines reeking up the whole place.

In short, you never liked the unnatural beauty of most nobles. It just feels far too fake, there is something you can never put your finger on, but your natural ability to read people is dulled when it comes to them. Maybe it’s the mannerism of noble training and etiquette, or their unnatural ability to control every part of their body allowing them to mask most tells people make subconsciously, a twitch of the muscle when someone lies, for example, could just be controlled by a noble, turning their entire face into unmoving stone mask.

Finally, the uniform. As usual, you note the primary three colours. The most vibrant colour would be orange, it dominates majority of the dress uniform. A red half cape covers the man’s left side, usually meant to hide the blade and sidearm, though again, the man wears those upon his right. The half cape, even when surrounded by red, has another sigil upon it, a symbol of a caged brown bear, the cage itself is coloured silver, with its centre bending and breaking as the brown bear is clearly attempting to break out. All of that is set in an orange background, the only similarity with House Orion. The remainder of the uniform’s buttons, cuff decorations and inlaid gold thread around most of the edges of the garb are of the final decorative yellow that meshes with the remaining attire.

While the Margrave appears to watch the entire procession with a modicum of interest, a slight smile of amusement is apparent across his face as the country music plays loudly. Beer flows freely and people are both laughing and dancing. What remains hidden is Serret and his men, primarily keeping an eye on the situation, though the same applies for the Margrave’s men. You have no idea how, but at least four of his bodyguards had disappeared. Might be just they are staying hidden to protect their charge, or they might be snooping around, no matter what, Serret will find them.

“So, Margrave, enjoying your time here ?”

“That I do. This is very…novel.” He says with a smile. You’ve been at this long enough, his gaze, his look. It is as if an explorer had discovered a brand-new animal species.

This does make your blood run cold. You had seen that look before, primarily amongst the most ruthless and bloody of nobles. At best, they would view the common man with curiosity, but nothing more than that. They would always get good results, and pay the reaper’s toll for it. Most nobles would act professional as is expected of their situation and treat you as nothing more than a fellow officer. A few, you might think of as friends, but that is questionable even for you. But a few, a few of them, like the Margrave before you, they truly believed themselves as above everyone that is not of a noble lineage. Everyone else is but an expendable tool to those sociopaths.

“Glad to hear it.” You respond with a smile, falling back on Ashwin’s instructions and your own experience.

“This world is truly fascinating and your people as well. I had seen quite a few armaments all around here, quite the fascinating culture you have. I do wonder where such militant people hail from.”

“Some place far away, I can assure you.”

A slight chuckle. “Do we not all hail from distant lands ?”

Suddenly, a ding draws your attention and that of the Margraves.

“Ladies and gentlemen ! Who wants to see a fight !?” An announcer proclaims, the music picks up the pace as well and everyone cheers.

“Ah, I was wondering what the construct was about.” The Margrave says, the vague smile of amusement he’s had for the whole night slowly disappearing.

“Some boxing matches. A chance for folk to let loose their built-up tension, plus, they had planned this before, so we thought we might incorporate it as a show.” You respond, watching the man’s reactions. Your empathetic nature allows for you to note even the slight changes in his expression. He is not amused. You are unsure as to why, but when the first competitors get at it, the Margrave’s expression hardens. Especially when one of the competitors gets a bloody nose, his face becomes that unnerving stone you had seen so many times before.

“A bloody sport.” He says half-heartedly.

Perhaps it would be wise to distract the Margrave with a few questions. You need to be careful however, he might take some of the questions as insults. Whilst others he might find amusing and interesting.

>What questions do you have for the Margrave ? (Write in)

Because the questions can potentially upset the Margrave (I am keeping track of his opinion) only the most top voted list of questions will be chosen. The list can be expanded until I lock in the vote.
>What questions do you have for the Margrave ?
>First: Apologise if our more brutish way of life. Our planet is quite harsh and is named after the Germanic thunderer for a Reason. and our people are all from a more warlike background.

> Introduce our wife and kids. Ask if he has a wife or kids
Equal exhanges of pleasantries before going to the brass tax.

>A question about home?
>A question about what he thinks about the place?

And if all goes well we can start asking more political stuff. Of course he can ask first

This is a tight rope walk I think our best bet is to have keep our questions few and far between let him fill in the gaps.

>Would you be willing to tell us about the great victory your forces clearly won, the prize you captured is quite a handsome ship. (Something to that effect at least)

>Introduce our family and ask about his family

I get the feeling the margrave is the type of man who will enjoy bragging about his own victories and we may be able to glean some more information about House Orions military capabilities as well as the geo political situation in the surrounding region.

Then the family question seems equally safe, it shows him we have heirs who could use wives if that suits his purpose and lets him brag about his illustrious lineage.
I don’t think apologizing is the way to go, it would make us look to weak. Were savages and god damn proud of it, Savages can be useful look at the Varangian guard. Limp wristed plebs with eyes above their station aren’t worth a nobles time of day.
>Ask him if he would have preferced something with less action
Dont apologise, its hard world. And people need to blow steam. He most likely had share of boxing when he took commie ships

>Introduce our wife and kids. Ask if he has a wife or kids
We learn more about him and the power stracture of House Orion

>Ask him what brings him to our solarsystem.
He will most likely tell us war or skirmish but he can tell us what he wants without being preassured. As if he's reaction to boxing was not telling, i think he has had he's share of blood for the moment.

>Ask him does he have hobbies
It tells us lot about him and what he cares about.

>Ask him what kind of trade would be useful for his homeworld

>Ask about His and House Orion's general relationships with other near-by factions.

>Ask about his sigil
Is if there is a story behind the thought provoking sigil?

>What kind of person is his liege?

>Does he want stay on planet side touring his stay or?
I would end on this question.
Guys, this is noble diplomacy. It’s a tricksy form of politesse that involves doing everything BUT saying what’s actually happening.

Do not apologize for the boxing, do not bring up thats he’s bothered by the boxing, the only things we should do is ask questions to DISTRACT him from the boxing.

Don’t mention anything close to the battle either. He clearly lost. Don’t ask about his victory or why he’s in the solar system.

The only thing we should be doing is asking innocuous but politically prudent questions and some other questions to lean into our novelty factor.

>Ask him about the founding of House Orion

>Ask him how he finds the food. It is grown on-planet by many of the colonists feasting with us todays

>Ask him how he find our style of address (Jarl, Jarldom, Harldrada). It is inspired by a people from ancient history who were known for their militance and honor. Our people take great pride in it.

>Introduce our wife and kids.
>Very cautiously broach the subject of House Saalb and try to get a general feel of their opinion of them.

>Ask him how he was able to assemble such a mighty fleet in deep space.
Agreed. +1 to both of these
Fair enough on that one. I just wrote down some options to get the ball rolling and debate going. I am just happy that some of it people agree with some of my ideas.
Since I'm not too good at diplomacy, i am thinking i maybe should stay out of it for now and see where it goes.

In the meantime, while we wait for the next update. i have been doing some ship designs that are meant to be unconventional and different from standard empire ship designs as you Anons have seen me post before. So, do you Anons have any ideas for ship patterns you'd like made and illustrated? I would like to hear some ideas on what we might want to produce in the future :D

I might even get some of them illustrated since i am talking with a friend of mine who is an artist about some commissions.

Currently, i am talking with him about a design for a mining/salvage ship which would be almost serpentine called Leviathan. Able to move about and use tendrils with drills on them to dig into metallic asteroids and enemy ships, anchoring its front onto the resource source. Lasers in the front cutting off pieces of wreckages or asteroids to be processed within the Leviathan. With the ships size being able to be made larger if capacity allows for it. With some of the smallest versions being 1km long.
A prowling Leviathan, able to eat anything it meets.
Looking at the hard, unchanging expression of the Margrave, your instincts flair up. This time you are not risking a bad assignment or some sort of chastisement, you are risking the very existence of your colony if he is displeased. As frustrating as it feels.

“I hope the food’s to your liking.” You state with your best fake smile.

“Simple, but filling.” He responds maintaining a neutral facial expression and an even tone of voice. It seems that the fare you had given him is about what he expected, but nothing that had truly impressed him.

“Everything here was grown on-world.” You state with a hint of pride.

“Everything ?” Even though Oreskovich’s expression is still unchanged, the fact that he questions something like this implies at least some interest.

“Everything. We have specially genetically engineered crops and animals suited for the world. The high CO2 concentration in the atmosphere means that we are able to have multiple, bountiful harvests a year.”

The man hums, expression neutral. It seems he is intrigued. Be it good or ill. The hums of a noble is something that can see both immediate advancement and potential demotion. “Such food production is a rarity this far out.”

“It is.” You respond with a nod, making sure to direct the Margrave’s gaze towards the gathered crowd. Especially the vast quantity of tattoos nearly everyone has. Regimental, company, platoon, the occasional division and even army group marking. More often than not the widespread markings of frontline infantry formations, a couple of armoured formation tattoos as well. Every single man and woman currently present is a battle-hardened veteran with nothing to lose except their home. So threatening that would be met with quite the difficulty.

“Well, to a good harvest.” He states raising a cup of whiskey he had been nursing for a while now. A slight smile, as fake as yours on his face.

“To a good harvest.” You respond, taking a drink of your beer. “Anyone waiting you back home Margrave ?” You ask trying to divert the subject.

For once, you notice a genuine crack in the person’s expression. A hint of a smile involuntarily plays out across his face. “I do.” It seems like that question alone has made the man happy.

“Well, you had met my wife, Celyn, I have two sons, John and Magnus, eleven and nine respectively. You ?”

“A wife, Katerina. A daughter, Sofia, she had turned nine when I left, and my wife was pregnant when I had to depart.” He takes on a wistful look. “I do not even know the sex of the child. Though by now, he or she should have been born.”

“A long time away from.”

“A long time.”

You continue exchanging small talk with him, the boisterous man you had heard before seemingly returned. Funny stories, the usual headaches of fathers in positions of power, mischievousness of the kids, complaints of the wife about…well everything if her mood is bad.

For once, you had managed to find some common ground.
As the night goes on at the party only increases in intensity, you can feel the buzz, while Mykell, annoyingly enough, appears to be perfectly fine despite drinking stronger liquor. Damned genehancements.

“Jarl.” You say seemingly at random. Maybe the drink’s getting to you.

“Jarl ?”

“Yea, Jarl.” You state pouring yourself some more beer. “We’re still settling down, and since I have a professional right here and now. Might as well ask.”

That does see an eyebrow from the Margrave, and a slight chuckle escapes his lips. “Unique.” Mykell states a moment of thought later. “Most go with the singular form rather than the various historic derivatives.”

You nod. “Chose it for a reason. A naming sense of honourable and militaristic people.” You nod…again. “For a bunch of ex-soldiers like us, it’d say it’s fitting. Everyone certainly takes great pride in it.”

“Yes, but you forget that said people were barbaric. While at the same time extremely hygienic and quite fond of commerce. To reduce it to such base reasoning is a common way of perceiving history.”

“So, how do you find, personally ?”

“It gives, certain identity, one that I found, interesting, when I had first heard it.” He responds diplomatically. It seems that this question had not shifted his opinion one way or the other. So far, a diplomatic success.

“In your travels, you must have seen plenty of interesting things.”

“A few.”

“Ever encountered some merchant bast-” You catch yourself, seems like the festive atmosphere and your own boorish nature had reared its ugly head.

“Merchants ?” It takes him a second to make the connection. “I see.” He states with a nod. “Any merchant in specific ?”

“Ah, no. Just in general.” You try to divert.

“Is that so ?” Mykell’s neutral expression returns and he gives you a glance. “Trade is the lifeblood of the economy. Something that is necessary if distasteful. Though unlike in our ancient history, leaving such a matter to the unwashed caste, or some foreign people, would only allow them to accumulate unnecessary power.”

“So. Anyways. How was House Orion founded ?” You shift, hard.

If nothing else, you actually get a laugh from the Margrave. “While it is not a secret. My lord would not be too pleased if I were to pronounce their histories and glories to a stranger. Of course, by that I mean no ill will or intent. It’s just, we are new comers, compared to most if not all of our neighbours. Bar you perhaps. Perhaps in the future, if Lord Orion deems it acceptable.”

“I see, then, would you mind telling me how were you able to assemble such a mighty fleet in deep space ?”

“I do mind.” He states, his expression still cold, but his eyes are now piercing. It seems that this question had upset the Margrave. You can see why, even you wouldn’t be willing to disclose how many assets you have, and exactly how you got them.

The night is still young, and you hear the noise of laughter as everyone engages in a rumbunctious dance.

If you want to, you can continue questioning the Margrave. Thanks to your empathetic nature, you are able to read his body language even if dulled. So far, it seems that the Margrave is slightly favourable towards you, though only by a margin. This should guarantee he will not do anything against you or yours, but he certainly won’t be forthcoming with anything special.

>Take what you have. Best not risk further alienating the Margrave. (No more questions.)

>You think you can still get on the Margrave’s good side. (What questions ?)

One set of questions must win. If no more questions wins, well, no more questions.
>Take what you have. Best not risk further alienating the Margrave. (No more questions.)

Best not risk messing this up we have a marginally positive result, let’s end it here enjoy the festivities and likely in the morning get down to the brass tacks of seeing if we can maintain our independence.
I see that Anons decided that high stake diplomacy is asking state secrets with straight face. Sigh.

>You think you can still get on the Margrave’s good side. (What questions ?)

>Ask about what kind of trade could be possible between us
What they could want and what we could get. They most likely want food.

>Ask him if has he heard any news or rumors about the sector in general.
Just general gossip and rumors. Its not like we have news station over here.

>Admit wondering about the symbolic meaning of his sigil.
This way he can tell if he wants but i think he will as he seems to care a great deal about his family. Maybe even a proud family man.

>Ask are they at war with commies or is that just general state of diplomacy in the sector most of the time.

>Ask him if he is going home to see his family when the fleet is repaired.
If not offer sympathy to the man. If he is going home lets try to make some gifts to give to the little ones.
At least we're learning things about him from his reactions.

Anyways, i like most of your questions except for the war related one since it seems to me like he gets upset when asked to share military secrets so i'll support everything except for:
>Ask are they at war with commies or is that just general state of diplomacy in the sector most of the time.
I would say its very likely that he gotten his fill of the blood but as you know wars usually delacred and there for are not secret the opposite really. Now he could be upset by this question, sure as he clearly want think about other things. This why am asking if its general state of diplomacy of the sector as we dont know, it could just a raid or it could something much bigger.

And its not a secret that they have some sort of conflict going with the commies when we can see it with mark 1 eyeball over our world.

Also its a security question for us as they could have being followed now or later and if i dont remenber wrong we are between the two. Now i dont very much like the idea of our system turning in to battleground for foreign states to fight their wars. Even if one could be possible ally in future through marriage as his daughter is almost the same age as our son but that is not here or there.
Fair enough, maybe i'm being too cautious. I guess it depends on how we broach the subject.

I'll change my vote to support >>6115487 completely.
Okay, since it seems not a lot of ideas are flowing, I'll weigh in my thoughts on >>6115487 since it is the currently leading answer.

>Ask about what kind of trade could be possible
I think this is a redundant question. The Margrave already is easily able to see what we have, and our food production is the only thing we'd really be able to trade with.
In my opinion something like "What are the strengths that which others know your House by? As a new political entity, we'd love to know more about our neighbours. Especially when they come to visit." would work better. Since if he and his allies want to trade they'll come to us, as we have the export goods that most others are in need of.

>Asking him about rumours
Eh, fair. That seems generally like a solid choice. I would personally like to know why our system has, as of yet, had so few ships travel through it despite being a major pathway from the northern civilizations to the southern ones.

>Asking if they are at war with the commies or if it is just the normal state of the sector.
I think he would mind answering that a lot.
Personally, i would rather ask into the political stances of the ongoing civilizations. And when he then talks about the commies he lets us know what he thinks we should be allowed to know.

I really hope i am wrong if your answer is chosen. Since this could potentially make or break our entire colony.

Also, sad that no one seems to have come up with any ship suggestions since my last message :(
Anon on the phone

>Ask about what kind of trade could be possible
Yes he most likely knows what he can get but i want know what we can get for him. After all we dont even know does he own his own world.

>Asking if they are at war with the commies or if it is just the normal state of the sector.
Its not a secret and we can clearly see the spoils of their latest conflict. By giving them repairs we are taking a side in conflict and thats why we should know size of the conflict, sure we most likely would have had hostile relation with the commies anyway but i would not want get on their priority list places to raze in to foundation without knowing about it.

If your neighbour would bring you cars to fix full of holes with two diffrent gang colors you would ask about it too. Not wanting your motoryard burned down for no reason
Stealth ship, the forbidden jewel of the last quest and maybe some kind of raiders one for taking ships and for raiding planets
For ship taking one i got idea "Tick" heavy armored and fast small ship and it fills the ship with gas (whatever kind we want) making live harder for the enemy ship crew and then breaching the ships hull. Maybe only weaponry being some point defence
Hmm, fair enough. Although i definitely think that when broaching the subject of the conflict with the commies we should do so with concern for our people and the safety of David’s family as the reasons for prying into it, rather than due to political aspirations.

I just hope your judgment is Good laddie. I am slightly, cautiously optimistic.

Oh, and on the ship ideas.
I don’t think we will be able to get a true stealth ship like the one we found in the original Unbroken Empire quest, at least not for several generations yet. Since even to Proenza the material which made up the hull of the stealth ship was beyond anything he’d seen, and even Iron didn’t have an understanding of it despite having been in many top-secret projects for the last several hundred years.

But, i do have an idea for a potential stealth design.

The first idea is one which involves a thermo-insulated ship meant to shoot a M.A.G cannon from a distance. Large outer layers are made of something like aerogel, or better, to hide the ship's heat signature from any enemy ships. The ship dumping heat from massive radiators when not in combat.
Another ship idea for a stealth ship is one able to change its form and signature on a whim. And while likely not useful in combat, it could change diplomacy if the enemy is none the wiser.

And I like the idea, that a “disease, virus and chemical weapons” delivery could be effective, especially on large ships. But I do think that Would likely fit into a role closer to that of a boarding torpedo or disposable attack craft. But if you have an idea of how one might execute it best, just mention so!

I’ll begin working on some basic illustrations when i have got the time.
You clear your throat. Seems like Mykell enjoys conversing about his family. While such a distraction will no doubt be easily noticeable by a man raised in a den of vipers, like most nobles, it is still worth a shot.

“Margrave, I must confess, I have been wondering about the meaning behind your sigil.” From personal experience, you know most nobles will never shut up when asked about their houses.

“Ah, house Oreskovich is one of the oldest vassal families of house Orion.” After a moment of careful consideration and having eyed you for a couple of seconds, he begins. “My house traces its ancestry from old Earth. The ancient lands of Rus in specific. Though that is long before we had earned our rights of nobility.”

“Surprised you can trace your ancestry that far.”

“Most such lineages can trace back their predecessors at least a millennium. Most ancestors, tend to be…unimpressive. Unfortunately. Yet the ancient connection to the homeworld of mankind is a great inspiration for the commonfolk.”

“Even if your ancestors are, well, commoners ?”

“Bloodlines are interconnected, if you go back enough. We lay claim to our rule through the fact that our ancestors walked the world created by God all mighty. That once they held lands and titles back upon such sacred ground, that is enough.”

“Divine right ?” You are baffled.

“What else ?” The Margrave looks back at you equally baffled.

“Well. From my history lessons and my own interests. Modern nobility rules by being high-ranked enough in the military not to be easily removed and far too autonomous for the central government to deal with. Of course, that’s only in the case of the Unbroken Empire.”

“That is true. The Unbroken Empire makes a mockery of nobility. Before the beginning of a disease known as socialism my ancestors were landed nobles. More than a millennium later, the same plague threatens my house yet again, even upon distant stars.”

“My condolences.” You are not exactly sure what to say. So you go with the ol’ reliable. “I assume the symbol has something to do with that ?”

“Ah. Please excuse me, I got side-tracked. Partly. The symbol is new, not the old one of my house. It came about as a result of a corporate war. Back in the day of rapid unregulated Federal expansion, mainly because the Federation was simply incapable of any regulation, there was the world of Rodam. Shi-Jefferson Mining Incorporated. An Sino-Anglo corporation back on old Earth that had exploited the miners on an inhospitable world.

With no oversight and quotas to meet, as well as generous lobbying interests in the Federal council, the workers there had been mistreated to a point where they rose up in open rebellion. My forefather, Anatoly Oreskovich was a foreman that had sided with the rebels. Rallying corporate security that was loyal to him and the disgruntled miners.

Still, it was a losing fight. That is when the ancestor of my Lord Orion had arrived. Already a rebel against Federal injustice and the failures of democracy that had gripped human civilization at that time. Thanks to that, the war had been won, and my ancestor swore, there and then, the eternal loyalty of my house to Orion’s.

The bear, it represents the strength and resilience and the might of arms with which our house came to be. The silver cage was the great enemy my forefather had broken, one that had tried to persuade him with great wealth, yet he ignored it, he, and the blessed blood flowing through his vains. That had made him recall his duty as nobility, to defend the people and ruler them in God’s stead. Finally, the orange is house Orion’s colour, the showcase of our loyalty and our unbreakable bond.”

“An interesting story.” You say with a nod. “And of Rodam ?”

“Less glamorous.” He states with a sour look on his face. “Federal peacekeepers.” He nearly spits the words. “Had arrived to restore order on the behalf of their paymasters. The world fell within the month. Corporate security is nothing compared to a professional force. The survivors fled and joined the hidden realm of Paradesh. A kingdom, in which Orion was a ducal house.

After the Federal Civil War, in the times of great sorrow after the fifty years of peace had passed. The realm was swept away. A decade of grinding warfare, our realm lasted longer than most, but like all others, it fell. Three worlds were washed in nuclear fire, another ten conquered with casualties in the hundreds of millions.”

“This is why house Orion is here ?”


“And I suppose you will only tell the rest to a friend.”

He simply gives you a knowing smile and a nod.

“Then these neo-communists. I doubt they would be fond of my people. Based on your trophy ship, I do wish to ask a question. Are they at war with you, or do they just hate everyone around them.”

He chuckles. “As godless communists are oft to do. They proclaim themselves victims whilst striking out against everyone around them. There’s no need to declare war against them, nor do they have a need to declare war on anyone. They will simply attack and that’s it. On the same note, the neo-fascists are just as Godless, worshiping the state over all. They are more reasonable. So far as they will deal with you until they can stab you in the back.

In either case, from what we had witnessed so far, everyone’s at war with everyone. Jarl, I must say, it must be some divine luck that I had found you and not someone else.”

“In the spirit of sharing, have you heard any rumours or just any news ? It’s not like we have any news station here.” You say with a chuckle.

“Hardly. What I learnt is confidential. And I do not care for idle talk.” He says dismissively.

“Fair enough.” You nod, pouring him a glass of Vodka. “A talk about trade then ?”

He downs the shot. “When we’re sober. Plus, I am certain that neither one of us wish to overdo it. My subordinates on occasion remark that I may be a bit impulsive.

You nod at that, through the haze of alcohol, this idea does sound…sound.

“Oreskovich, will you be going home once the fleet is repaired ? If so, while we don’t have much, I think we can prepare something for them. Some wooden crafts, maybe some nice snacks that’d last a while. My boys love these thin, long beef sausages that are a little bit spicy. Though I don’t…don’t know if little girls like that…we do have some sweet fruits. Maybe she’d want that ?” You stammer a bit, alcohol getting to your head.

For once, you see a genuine crack in the man’s façade. Not mere scorn, or interest, but a genuine smile. “I thank you for the offer.” He says. Seems like your read on him was correct, he is rather family-oriented.

Overall, you get the feeling that throughout the entire conversation, even as you made some mistakes, your successes outweigh the mistakes. It seems that his opinion of you vastly outstrips any negative feelings. Though there is still some room left for improvement. You doubt he’d offer an unfair deal, at least from his perspective.

>Take what you have. Best not risk further alienating the Margrave. (No more questions.)

>You think you can still get on the Margrave’s good side. (What questions ?)

One set of questions must win. If no more questions wins, well, no more questions.
Okay, have no home internet since I moved, since I am using mobile data, it seems it is permanently IP banned from making new threads. Do not know when I will be able to put up a new thread.
>Take what you have. Best not risk further alienating the Margrave. (No more questions.)

I am very happy to see that the margrave is happy. fuckin nice.

i think we shouldn't try rocking the boat anymore. this is already a pretty good situation we've got.
>Take what you have. Best not risk further alienating the Margrave. (No more questions.)

Nice, that went pretty well.
>Take what you have. Best not risk further alienating the Margrave. (No more questions.)
>Take what you have. Best not risk further alienating the Margrave. (No more questions.)

We won that round bois. Now just need to maintain the points we've got. I say we aim to be a local "city state"/ "neutral trade post". Try to get an agreement of understanding : Docking, refueling, repair, goods and services, trade, mutual local defense and rescue (Aka if pirates attack us or them within our system we help the other out or if any ship has an emergency us or them rescue them within system)

Also a strictly no space combat within our system the aggressors will be neutralized.

What yall anons think of that?
the problem with being a "neutral trade post" is that nearly every other state in the local area wants our food production capacity and population growth ceiling for themselves. So the only way to stay neutral is to be more costly than it is worth taking. Which, is hard to do. To say the least.

Especially, since whoever would conquer our system would get the capacity to control the only paths between the southern and northern states.

So, the only way we'd still be able to enforce this. Is through force.

But, we will see. I definitely hope the Margrave will be merciful and let our independence stay and compensate us for our repairs and willingness to host him and his soldiers. Since we lost s o m u c h common material on the repairs of his ship.

...this is why I wanted the mining base set up on the common material planet rather than the rare one. Since we're gonna have to use a lot of it and our advanced mining rig will likely destroy itself before we get more mining gear unless another trader comes by and wants to trade for food.

Frankly I’m willing to surrender our total independence to House Orion, some sort of subject Suzerain relationship could be to our benefit. In our current state we aren’t in a position (I assume) to provide a substantive amount of food to any of the other powers. Even with our gene modified live stock and reasonably productive agricultural land there’s no way our colony with a population low thousands can put a dent in the food demands of worlds with millions of people. So if House Orion took us under their benign protection they would have every reason to further invest in us so we can become a legitimate source of food for their growing empire.

It would probably mean we have to export our food to them at a fixed discount or even give some of it freely as a tithe but if that came at the cost of them building infrastructure and providing us additional security I think that’s a fair trade.

However if the Margrave does choose to pursue this path we’d need to at least notionally maintain our independence especially in regards to foreign policy we can’t afford to be drug into Orions wars. Though our status as a food producer will make us a strategic target for Orions enemies no matter what. I would also like any agreement we come too include a migration treaty where House Orion Veterans (to maintain our states martial culture) are given the opportunity to receive a land grant similar to our original colonists in return for swearing allegiance to the Jarldom and House Haldrada as well as completing some form of state service either in our militia or whatever military body eventually supersedes it or in some sort of labor corp working for their new home.

I doubt we’ll maintain our independence so we might as well negotiate for the loosest possible yoke to be placed on our neck. Yes the margrave is a chill guy and seems to like us but from the strategic perspective of house Orion he has to be thinking he needs to grab up the treasure of Thuinor before one of the other regional powers has a chance too
No. We gain nothing by doing this and why would seattle to be a "city state" when we can be an sector size empire.

Fuck NO. So you want pay taxes to the first guy who has a "big" fleet. Now that finally after all this time we can truly build our domain with common and rare resorces secured and in hand, and you want to play taxes.

Everything they have that we need we can trade. Also what makes you think we would get even keep the planet king Orion could say after sometime that migration treaty "I like mine other noble more am giving him this planet."
Bud your under the impression we got a choice, sure the margrave may have a decent personal opinion of ourselves but fundamentally it’s in the interest of his nation state to bring us into the fold. We may be able to negotiate favorable terms but that’s the best we can hope for here.

We can’t fight these people and beyond that we need to have a migration treaty (be it with house Orion or someone else) we don’t have a large enough populace to exploit our world and we don’t have the centuries we would need to naturally grow our population if we want to be competitive with other higher population worlds.

To summarize House Orion is going to seek to control us one way or another the best we can do is negotiate the weight of our chains. We cannot militarily oppose them so we might as well try to benefit as much as possible from our new situation
>We can’t fight these people
Lmao, absolutely spineless behavior. We can and it is a choice to do so. Man chooses.

They are a weak power, whos fleet has limp thought space to get help. They are a single system power at max. But i hear you say they have bigger fleet than us, doesnt matter we just need to make sure that they know if they try anything stupid they will pay for it with oceans of blood and they will only get a new graveyard for their "heroes".

Did David bow down to Goliat when he was bigger than David? No. Did Finland bow down to the soviets when they attacked them with more than 3 times the men, 100 times the tanks and 30 times the planes than Finland had turing winter war. No, they did not. They made the soviets pay for it dearly and they didnt lose their independents.

You can always fight, only a coward would choose to be a slave.
how's it going with moving Newb? everything going well?

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