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File: red pool party.jpg (84 KB, 640x409)
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It's 2003, Halloween night. The spoiled young elite of LA is celebrating the holiday around a thematic smokey red pool, hidden deep in the Beverly Hills. The pool is in the backyard of a huge mansion, property of the soon-to-be senator of California. The latter is trying to work out the stress of witnessing his firstborn son volunteering in the newly started invasion of Iraq by participating in a snobby polo tournament, somewhere in Europe with his wife. Even though distraught, he knew volunteering was great PR. Today is also the twenty-first birthday of his second born, Braydon Sloan, and feeling the guilt of probable neglect, the soon-to-be senator wanted to appease his boy with carte blanche on all expenses while he was away.

Braydon isn't a jock, isn't a nerd, isn't particularly smart, isn't exactly stupid. His only feature that made him stand out is his beautiful facial features and impeccable Hollywood smile. That and his father's status made him a very appealing target for people with predisposition of being suckups, bootlickers and sycophants. Braydon knew somewhere in the back of his mind that his jokes shouldn't garner that much laughter, his style - that many compliments, his every request - getting 'yes', yet he liked the attention. He never received any when his big brother was around and he hated him for it, but now knowing that he is bathing in the black soot of burning oil wells who-knows-where he missed him very much.

The sun set three hours ago, the party around the smokey red pool grows larger by the minute with many youths dancing around, all covered in ironic scary attire, post-ironic lewd garments, outfits that tackle societal messages in a post-post-ironic way.

Midnight passes and a dressed up figure makes her way though the crowd.

>cenobite Sailor Moon (the real deal)

>gothic Sailor Moon (isn't depressed, just has that look)

>druggie Sailor Moon (is depressed and has that look)

Type of writing:

>lighthearted and comedic

>dark and mature

>mix of both
>>druggie Sailor Moon (is depressed and has that look)
>mix of both (slight preference lighthearted and comedic)

>druggie Sailor Moon (is depressed and has that look)

>dark and mature
>gothic Sailor Moon (isn't depressed, just has that look)

>mix of both
you have my attention, OP
>cenobite Sailor Moon (the real deal)
>mix of both (leaning to dark comedy)
>cenobite Sailor Moon (the real deal)
>dark and mature
Rolled 2 (1d2)

>>6078249 | >>6078251 | >>6078297 | >>6078318 | >>6078331
1 for cenobite Sailor Moon
2 for junkie Sailor Moon

style: mix of both
File: sailor moon.jpg (201 KB, 1079x978)
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201 KB JPG
A tall slim figure walks confidently on the marble floors, high heels clacking loudly. She carries the smell of cigarettes, sweat and ecstasy leaving her body. Judging by their looks the men don't seem to mind it, which in turn brings a certain sense of disgust in her - against men and the culture that she has been rebelling against since the conscious start of her life. Yet, now she has a job to do and sucks it up somewhere deep inside her.

>Sailor Moon seeks out Braydon regarding his brother
Do you know why your brother deployed, leaving you to traverse the soulless LA pit by yourself? Looks like the biblical context of the contents laying on the bottom of the river Euphrates outweighed his obligations towards his younger brother...

>Sailor Moon comes as a stripper to the party
Garrett, one of the jocks in Braydon's friend group, decides that his boy needs professional attention, he hasn't been the same after the break up with Courtney a few months ago. Ironically, she is attending the party and a proper stripper trusting hips in Braydon's face will totally make her jealous

>Sailor Moon is a proper robber
Her dressed up figure is making way through the crowd, twirling elegantly between roided up werewolves, slutty nuns holding enormous injections squirting alcohol everywhere, buff neanderthals, bare chested 'arabian' women with the occasional black face. Finally she reaches the pool and lays comfortably on a beach sofa, waiting for her friends Sailors Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury in order to activate the next phase of the plan - the mystery of the Red Pool begins!

>Sailor moon is a blackmailer, coming with vengeance
Uhm, Braydon, you will have another brother... Working as a volunteer for Sloan 2004 "Criminal justice reform for all" election campaign, Sailor Moon gets coerced in sleeping with the senator and later finds out that she is pregnant. She is even more antagonized after realizing that the senator's campaign isn't for real social justice but rather a sneaky way of getting more cannon fodder in the military right out of jail for the ongoing conflict.
>>Sailor Moon comes as a stripper to the party
>Garrett, one of the jocks in Braydon's friend group, decides that his boy needs professional attention, he hasn't been the same after the break up with Courtney a few months ago. Ironically, she is attending the party and a proper stripper trusting hips in Braydon's face will totally make her jealous
>Sailor Moon seeks out Braydon regarding his brother

>twirling elegantly between roided up werewolves, slutty nuns holding enormous injections squirting alcohol everywhere
shouldn't this be slutty nurses instead ? since they're holding injections
i'll be here for you when you come back OP

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