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Athkatla, capital of Amn, Faerûn

You find yourself in a private meeting with Elara Selemchant, Meisarch of the Council of Five, one of the most powerful figures in Amn's oligarchy. As an assassin and spy in her service, you're accustomed to these discreet encounters.

The room is richly adorned with tapestries and dark wooden furniture, flickering candlelight casting long shadows on the stone walls. Elara stands by a tall window, gazing out over the city before turning to face you. Her piercing sapphire eyes lock onto yours, her black hair streaked with silver, and her elegant, somber robes adorned with esoteric symbols.

"Good business, my lady," you greet her formally, bowing slightly.

She doesn’t waste time on pleasantries. Her eyes dart restlessly, betraying her distress. "There are no gnomes in Amn, save for those in Purskul. I’ve never cared much for their roguish ways, as they kept their distance from the capital. But recently, things have changed."

"A change?" you ask, feigning interest. You’ve learned that nobles often see the smallest inconveniences as catastrophes, and you half-expect her to complain about some trivial matter.

"Yes. One of their families, the Gemcutters, migrated to Port Nyanzaru, our colony in Chult. Through a series of successful scams, they've taken control of the region's economy and politics. We ignored it at first: cheap goods flowed to Amn, and we grew rich. Wealth is all that matters, after all. But now, their schemes have reached the capital, affecting reputable families. This cannot stand."

"And what sort of scheme are we talking about?"

She places her right hand over her heart, emphasizing her words. "One of the gnomes purchased an abandoned mine in the Chultan jungle, advertised as rich in diamonds. Another lent money to eager investors. At first, the returns were good, drawing more people in. But it was all a lie. The mine was worthless, and the dividends were paid from the gnomes' own pockets to lure more fools in. When enough had invested, the gnome declared the mine bankrupt. Investors were ruined, and many sold themselves into indenture to repay their debts."

"Isn't indenture common practice in Amn?" you ask, curious about why this scam stands out among countless others.
"Yes, it is. A fool's loss is their own doing. The best lawyers could find no fault in the gnomes' actions: the mine was legally purchased, and the original surveys did suggest it was rich in diamonds. Officially, they claim the mine's resources were simply exhausted."

"Ah, yes, gnomes are cunning devils," you remark. Though you've never met one, their reputation for illusion magic and trickery precedes them. It doesn't surprise you they would pull off such a scheme.

"Indeed. But my own daughter, Evelina, was among those deceived. She tried to handle it on her own, perhaps to prove her 'Mithral' status, but ended up sold into indenture and taken to Chult. When I offered the gnomes anything to get her back, they claimed she was sold at an anonymous auction, with no record of the buyer. My daughter, treated like a common peasant!"

You suppress a smirk. Elara Selemchant, who owns more indentured servants than anyone in Amn, now finds herself a victim of the same practice she has profited from. But beyond her personal plight, the scope of the gnomes’ scam raises alarms. If they've infiltrated the capital with such schemes, their ambitions might be far greater. This could be a threat not just to Amn, but to the entire world.

Feigning hesitation, you assure her, "I’ll investigate the matter."

Elara breathes a sigh of relief. "Thank you. I knew I could count on you. Find my daughter, and bring back any intelligence on Port Nyanzaru. You will be richly rewarded."
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>Evelina Selemchant
>Amnian Social Rank: Gold

Elara Selemchant's daughter and a gifted sorceress with a profound connection to arcane magic. Lady Evelina is known for her elegance and grace, which hide a formidable magical prowess.
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You will be playing as a team of six adventurers, and can choose the name, gender, and class of the party leader. If you're not familiar with Faerûn, don’t worry: it has a fantasy equivalent for just about every real-world culture, so feel free to draw inspiration from that. Just keep in mind that trollish or humorous votes will be ignored, now and throughout the quest.

Choose your class from the following:

>Barbarian: https://pastebin.com/dAuAz9Fz
>Bard: https://pastebin.com/TAcYSjyU
>Cleric: https://pastebin.com/c2WAZFMX
>Druid: https://pastebin.com/FaFTci4D
>Fighter: https://pastebin.com/1GLrutmt
>Ranger: https://pastebin.com/YG3afjJu
>Rogue: https://pastebin.com/RYcuRX5h
>Wizard: https://pastebin.com/SBkY30p6

Characters taken from >>6072158
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As much as barbarian is fun, If we're the adventuring party leader, we should have decent CHA or intelligence to lead or come up with plans. I would say cleric but we're a spy/assassin kind of adventurer apparantly, so I'll say... bard! Versatility, spellcasting and a skill eish monkey. Plus, Chris Pine was a cool bard in the movie

>Name: Orlin Goldheart (self proclaimed moniker)

I'm good with literally any male option though.

>>Name: Rutabaiga Paine
>2 votes for female
>1 vote against barbarian
The party leader will be Rutabaiga Paine. Freya and Orlin will also join the quest as party members.
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You are Rutabaiga Paine, a native of Amn who grew up in the streets of Athkatla. Your father, a cat burglar unaffiliated with any guild, trained you in the art of thievery before he died under mysterious circumstances when you were still young. Though he had ties with House Selemchant and had amassed considerable wealth, you were never able to uncover where he hid it. Left to fend for yourself, you eventually found work under Lady Selemchant’s service.

After weeks of travel across the Trackless Sea, your ship finally docks at Port Nyanzaru. The further south you sailed, the hotter and more oppressive the weather became. The journey itself wasn't dull, thanks to Orlin Goldheart, the charismatic bard, who kept the team entertained with tales from his travels and soothing melodies from his handpan drum. Your other companions on this mission are Freya Frostgaze, a Sossarhim barbarian from the Cold Lands; Nergui, a quick-tempered Tuigan ranger from the Hordelands; Bei Xixi, a wizard from Shou Lung; and Victoria Blackburn, a priestess from another world called Earth, who worships Christ, a deity unknown in Faerûn.

As your ship enters the harbor of Port Nyanzaru, you're greeted by a sweltering, humid climate that makes Freya visibly uncomfortable. The captain advises you to stay within the city due to two plagues currently ravaging Chult and warns against venturing into the jungle, which teems with disease and dangerous creatures. After you disembark, you’re greeted by the sounds and smells of the harbor: creaking ropes, rolling barrels, the scent of tropical fruits mingled with fish, tar, and canvas.

While your companions take the horses to the stable, you survey your surroundings. The buildings are painted in blues, greens, and oranges, adorned with flowers and vines. The native Chultans have a distinct appearance: dark-skinned, with wide noses, thick lips, tattooed foreheads, and colorful clothing with long scarves wrapped around their heads. Most are slaves, marked by ankle cuffs, but one woman stands out. She approaches you, free of tattoos and chains.

"Hello, my lady, I’m Wadizi," she greets you in a thick accent. "You’re new around here, yes?"

"Yes. I’m a traveler from Amn," you reply, aware that blending in will be impossible as a pale-skinned outsider in this foreign land.

"Welcome to Chult! If you’d like to try some tej, I can take you to a nice bar."

"What’s tej?" you ask.

"It’s our local liquor, made from honey and buckthorn. If you're new to Chult, you should definitely try it."

Following Wadizi might be a good opportunity to gather local information. Also, Lady Selemchant has given you a letter of recommendation to meet Zhanthi, one of the city's rulers, along with 100 gold coins for expenses. Beyond that, you're on your own to complete the mission.
A solid way to handle it
Rogue's a good class, if nothing else
>Follow Wadizi to the bar and try out tej
>Take a stroll through the city to get a vibe of the culture
>Don’t waste time, and immediately meet up with Zhanthi
> Victoria Blackburn, a priestess from another world called Earth, who worships Christ
I did notice the reference to that in the cleric class, Greenwood/elminster would be proud

>Follow Wadizi to the bar and try out tej
Some rumor mongering and intel before meeting Zhanthi, we might learn something useful about this person
>>Take a stroll through the city to get a vibe of the culture
>Take a stroll through the city to get a vibe of the culture
>Follow Wadizi to the bar and try out tej
>Follow Wadizi to the bar and try out tej
Zhanti can wait an hour or two
Rolled 19, 5 = 24 (2d20)

Dungeon Master: I make two passive skill rolls for the characters. If successful, they will provide hints or background information.

>First roll
Character: Rutabaiga
Skill: Sense Motive: 1 [untrained, Wis +1]
DC: 11

>Second roll
Character: Orlin
Skill: Bardic Knowledge: 2 [Level +1, Int +1]
DC: 10
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With the rest of the party, you follow Wadizi to the Blue Monkey, a small bar with only three tables and no other customers. The walls are adorned with elongated wooden masks, each more unsettling than the last. The air is thick with the scent of exotic spices, and a faint, almost sour undertone lingers. An unusual instrument catches your eye: a rack lined with painted monkey skulls. As you enter, a slave musician starts playing, striking the skulls with light wooden hammers to create a haunting, rhythmic sound.

Music: https://voca.ro/14TdDQv7ssC8

Orlin explains that, unlike the melodic tunes of Amn, this music relies on repetitive rhythms, with each skull producing a different tone. This type of music is designed to give a beat for dancing or to induce fear or a trance-like state. You’ve always suspected that Orlin’s knowledge of music runs deeper than the average bard's. His theoretical knowledge hints at a noble background, though he’s always been evasive about his past.

Wadizi asks if you enjoy the monkey skull music, explaining that in Chult, nothing from a monkey goes to waste, and even their skulls serve a purpose.

Orlin says with a grin, "All right, let’s have a good time now. Let’s forget all about that dried cod we ate on that damn boat."

"Cod is good," Nergui replies sternly. "In my homeland, we learn to never waste food. With monkey skulls, we’d make soup, not instruments."

Wadizi soon returns with flasks of amber-colored drink, bringing three for Freya, whose powerful build demands triple the usual amount of food and drink. But as she places the drinks on the table, you raise your hand, a silent command for everyone to pause.

Sense Motive: It’s common for workers in the service industry to be overly friendly, and Wadizi is no exception. While her demeanor seems warm and welcoming, something about it feels a bit too practiced. Your instincts tell you she might have hidden motives.

>Ignore your instinct, drink the tej and collect intel as planned.
>Victoria: cast Purify Food and Drink on the drinks to remove any possible poison.
>Get up from your seats and leave the bar.
>>Ignore your instinct, drink the tej and collect intel as planned.
>>Ask Wadizi if she frequents this place often, and if she'll have tej with us
>Ignore your instinct, drink the tej and collect intel as planned.
Anons are intent on roleplaying a white tourist who gets roofied in south america on their first day, huh
nothing wrong with that

>Wadizi, won't you drink with us? - Basicly have her test one of the drinks before sipping
It doesn't have to be poisoning, she could just be eager to take advantage of us/our money
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"Wadizi, won’t you join us for a drink?" you ask.

She smiles warmly. "Thank you, my lady! I’d love to."

You drink together, and learn that she’s an employee of the bar. She speaks about Chultan culture and traditions, mentioning that while Ubtao, the god of life, is worshipped throughout the continent, the city’s devotion leans toward Waukeen, the goddess of wealth and trade. She also notes that although other deities were once revered, their temples have been destroyed recently. She explains that Chult is a society based on equality. Here, everyone is equal, regardless of race, gender, or class, and it’s taboo to speak of those subjects.

The jungle, she explains, is rich in gold, gems, and other resources. Everyone is free to invest and create businesses, and those who are less talented can be valuable to society by being indentured servants. In fact, the majority of the inhabitants are indentured servants, and it’s considered a source of pride. This ideology is more prevalent in the city, while outside of it, people live more traditional tribal lives.

When you inquire about the Gemcutters, she says, "They are the benefactors of our society. Thanks to their patronage, Port Nyanzaru has flourished as a city of wealth and opportunity."

Her rehearsed tone and mispronunciations make it clear she’s reciting something she’s been taught rather than speaking her own words.

"What about the Cowled Wizards?" Xixi asks. In Amn, the Cowled Wizards have authority over magic, and eliminate unlicensed users. Since she’s not a licensed, it has been a big hindrance to her.

"Never heard about them," she answers.

Xixi nods thoughtfully. "Then it’s fair to assume I can safely use magic here."

After two rounds of drinks, Wadizi announces it’s time to pay the bill. She demands one gold coin per glass, for a total of 18 gold coins. The price is exorbitant for a simple local drink like tej, considering a mug of beer costs just 4 copper pieces. Realizing she’s overcharging you by more than twenty times the usual price, you protest. Wadizi calmly insists it’s your fault for not requesting the menu contract, where the prices were clearly stated. From her perspective, everything is perfectly lawful.

Freya slams her fist on the table. "By Auril! You are mocking us!"

Wadizi quickly withdraws, and the music stops playing. The bar’s owner, a rough shield dwarf, approaches with two human thugs wielding spiked clubs.

"What’s the problem, here?" he asks, his beady eyes darting quickly from one person to the other.
"18 gold coins is a scam!" Freya shouts. "We’re not paying that much for simple mead!"

The dwarf sneers. "You don’t run a successful business by being nice. If you can’t pay, I’ll take one of you as an indentured servant."

You know your party could handle a fight, but you're uncertain about the local laws. If their business practices are legal, fighting could lead to your arrest.

>Pay the 18 gold coins.
>Offer Orlin as an indentured servant; he can play monkey skulls and earn his freedom back later on.
>Rutabaiga: [Diplomacy] Negotiate for a lower price [Roll 1d20]
>Freya: [Rage] Beat them up, and smash the tables, chairs, and everything else.
>>Freya: [Rage] Beat them up, and smash the tables, chairs, and everything else.
>Ask Wadizi and the dwarf boss if mutual combat is legal in Port Nyanzaru
Just kidding
>Offer Nergui as an indentured servant, we don't need a smelly ranger in our party
just kidding again

+1 to Freayge >>6082253
[Crème Freayge]
Rolled 4 (1d20)

>Rutabaiga: [Diplomacy] Negotiate for a lower price [Roll 1d20]
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Rolled 3 (1d3)

Dungeon Master: I'm rolling for Wadizi's actions.

>01: Wadizi calls the city guards
>02: Wadizi takes over the Blue Monkey
>03: Wadizi offers to work as your guide

Dungeon Master: In this quest, we won't roll for battle when the opponents are weak and overpowered. Freya's actions will automatically succeed.
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Freya screams hysterically, entering a state of rage, a trance-like fury where she becomes violent and uncontrollable. This barbarian technique from the northern tribes makes her stronger and numb to pain. She grabs her javelin and hurls it through the first thug's shoulder, who collapses to the floor.

The dwarf shouts, "How dare you, stupid goy cattle!"

Knowledge (local): In Khuzdûl, the dwarven language, "goy," plural "goyim," refers to both non-dwarves and cattle. When they speak the common language, the expression "goy cattle" clarifies the meaning and is chiefly used as an insult, implying that the person they speak to is of lower status.

The barbarian is not in a state where she can engage in conversation. She draws her greataxe, a huge weapon she wields as if weightless. With a leap, she swings at the second thug, who barely has time to react before he’s cut down. Neither thug seems to have been trained for real combat. The dwarf, now nervous, steps back, but Freya pushes him to the floor and kicks his head until he passes out. Her rage, far from subsiding, only grows. She smashes everything in sight: chairs, tables, bottles of alcohol, and even the monkey skulls. In her mind, there's only blood and destruction, her primal fury making her as powerful as a goddess.

Wadizi kneels on the floor. "Thank you, heroes. I have never seen anyone stand up against the dwarves."

With her master, the dwarf Addai, defeated, she speaks freely, no longer bound to the script she had memorized. In Port Nyanzaru, almost all native humans are enslaved as indentured servants. The dwarves run most businesses and are ruthless in their methods. At the top of the social hierarchy are the gnomes, who hold even higher status. Despite being married to Mzolu, the musician, Addai has been forcing her to sleep in his bed, and raping her every night.

"When Addai wakes up, we slaves will be severely punished for failing to protect him. But if you take us under your protection, and let us work as your guide, we might have a chance."

Freya, now sitting on the floor, is exhausted, shaking from the adrenaline. Her rage has drained her energy, and she needs time to recover. The situation is a disaster. With dwarves holding such high status, Addai will likely report you to the city guards once he regains consciousness, leading to your arrest.

How will you deal with Addai?
>Ignore him
>Dig a hole and bury him alive with his gold and jewels
>Use alcohol to set the Blue Monkey (and Addai) on fire

How will you deal with Wadizi and Mzolu?
>Ignore them
>Take them as your guides

General actions
>Take a stroll through the city to get a vibe of the culture
>Visit dwarven businesses to understand how they operate
>Don’t waste time, and immediately meet up with Zhanthi
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Character Information

You are Rutabaiga Paine, a native of Amn who grew up in the streets of Athkatla. Your father, a cat burglar unaffiliated with any guild, trained you in the art of thievery before he died under mysterious circumstances when you were still young. Though he had ties with House Selemchant and had amassed considerable wealth, you were never able to uncover where he hid it. Left to fend for yourself, you eventually found work under Lady Selemchant’s service.

Sheet: https://pastebin.com/RYcuRX5h
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Freya Frostgaze hails from the Cold Lands of northeast Faerûn. By the age of six, she was already stronger than the village boys, skilled in hunting, gutting and butchering reindeer. At twelve, she could outrun and outswim the adult men, consistently winning every competition. To her father’s dismay, she has dueled and slain every boy who dared to ask for her hand. Discontent with the men in her village, she set out on a journey to find a "king" worthy of her respect. Freya is driven by primal desires, fighting, gambling, feasting, and drinking, resolving all conflicts with violence.

Sheet: https://pastebin.com/dAuAz9Fz
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Nergui was born in the Hordelands, a vast steppe region to the east of Thay. His father, a murderer, led to Nergui’s banishment from the tribe as the son of a criminal. After a grueling journey across the harsh terrain, Nergui was adopted by Rhos, an aged centaur who taught him the ways of tracking and hunting magical beasts in the mountain wilderness. Rejected by humans, he had planned to dedicate his life to protecting nature. However, when Freya saved him from a ferocious snow leopard that was about to kill him, he pledged his loyalty to her and has been following her since.

Sheet: https://pastebin.com/YG3afjJu
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Orlin Goldheart's background is shrouded in mystery and lies. He’s a chronic liar who fabricates a new story about his past whenever asked, leaving you to wonder if "Orlin Goldheart" is even his real name. Despite this, his refined manners and education suggest noble birth, although he is down-to-earth and easy to talk to. Orlin is a well-travelled. Originally a skilled harpsichord player, he converted to the handpan drum for its portability. His music, filled with tales from his travels, captivates all who listen.

Sheet: https://pastebin.com/TAcYSjyU

[Replace the skill Speak Language (Cahokian) with Speak Language (Elven)]
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Victoria Blackburn was born in York, England, in the modern era. An extreme introvert, she never fit in with her peers, finding enjoyment only in otaku hobbies and solitary pursuits. While other girls her age engaged in gossiping, shopping and partying, Victoria withdrew, feeling only disdain for their degenerate lifestyle. Every morning, she prayed to Lord Jesus Christ for the world to end. Her prayers were answered in a way she never expected: one day, she awoke in the Forgotten Realms, endowed with the powers of a priestess.

Sheet: https://pastebin.com/c2WAZFMX
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Bei Xixi was born in Kuo Meilan, a city in the empire of Shou Lung. She is the third daughter of Duke Bei and his evil concubine, Yougui. Detached from the political scheming of her family, Xixi spent most of her youth immersed in books in the library or exploring the cursed undercity. Her father intended to marry her off to a barbarian prince to secure commercial ties, a prospect Xixi found horrifying. For this reason, she fled Shou Lung and journeyed westward, seeking freedom and knowledge.

Sheet: https://pastebin.com/SBkY30p6

(We will pick her spells later on)
>Dig a hole and bury him alive with his gold and jewels

>Take them as your guides

>Take a stroll through the city to get a vibe of the culture
>Write in
>Arrange Addai and the defeated thugs in the corner of the destroyed bar, like a set of monkey skulls ready to be malleted

Wadizi and Mzolu
>Take them as guides

>Quickly pilfer some bottles of tej, or even higher quality spirits
>Orlin detaches from the group and starts crying in the streets and running so no one can inquire about his panicked cries: "It's horrible! Horrible! Those unbecoming, brutish halflings and half-orcs [any race(s) not currently present in our party] just laid waste to the Blue Monkey!" Sow disinformation, and evade anyone trying to hold him in one place to hear more of his fib. Half-orcs, Destruction, Blue Monkey; at one point, Orlin is sprinting, evading capture, and yelling those three terms. Hopefully he can cause a crowd and then eventually get lost in it.
>Meanwhile, the group slips into a Waukeenian Temple to blend in and learn more about the city's culture and faith. If all goes well, Orlin joins up with them, with no one on his tail.
>Use alcohol to set the Blue Monkey (and Addai) on fire
>Take them as your guides
>Don’t waste time, and immediately meet up with Zhanthi
>Dig a hole and bury him alive with his gold and jewels
>Take them as your guides
>Take the tej
>Don’t waste time, and immediately meet up with Zhanthi
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Orlin's particularly creative plan to frame halflings and half-orcs for Freya’s actions >>6083326 makes you giggle.

Victoria, however, does not find the situation amusing. "We have to kill this creature of evil. It must die as it sinned."

She instructs Freya and Nergui to dig a hole in the backyard. When the hole is six feet deep, she places the dwarf inside and splashes water on his face to wake him. He is securely bound and unable to move.

"What is this?" he demands angrily. "Release me immediately!"

"No man can serve two masters. You cannot serve God and Mammon" she replies, ignoring his demand. A faint, white aura surrounds her, indicating she is possessed by a divine force.

She nods to Nergui, who begins to shovel dirt onto the dwarf’s face.

"Please," the dwarf begs, spitting out the dirt. "I’m sorry for trying to scam you. I was just trying to make a living. You don’t need to pay for the tej. No, even better," he adds with desperation, "I’ll give you all the gold I have if you let me out."

"I don’t need your gold," she replies coldly, emptying his purse and the hidden gems she found under the bar onto him. "When you meet Mammon in the Nine Hells, you can give him your gold."

In silence, Nergui fills the hole with dirt, burying the dwarf alive. Now, he won't be able to report you to the city guards, and he will never harm innocents again. Victoria places a comforting hand on Wadizi’s shoulder, knowing this is an emotional moment for her.

Before leaving, you grab the one bottle of tej that was not broken and store it in your backpack. Then, guided by Wadizi and her husband, you make your way to Zhanthi’s villa in the Merchants’ Ward. You pass through the Grand Souk, a loud open-air market selling exotic goods like tiger pelts, dinosaur skulls, and colorful feathers. Wadizi explains that the market is usually more lively, but the plagues have kept people indoors.

You arrive at a lavish villa, protected by ten-foot-tall walls, topped with carnivorous teeth and slivered seashells that glitter colorfully in the sun. After examining your letter of recommendation, armed gladiators allow you inside. A servant leads you through a tiled courtyard, adorned with splashing fountains and large potted plants. You enter the sitting area, a rectangular room with plush rugs and comfortable pillows arranged on the floor. The servant instructs you to wait for Lady Zhanthi.
While waiting, Xixi says, "By the way, I’ve identified the tattoo that the slaves of Chult bear on their foreheads. It’s the word ‘emet’ written in Dwarven runes (אמת), the same word that wizards inscribe on a clay golem’s forehead to animate them."

"I wonder if this slave mark has any magical effect," you ponder.

After a few minutes, Zhanthi enters the room with a commanding presence, her jewel-adorned attire making it clear she’s a force to be reckoned with. Wadizi has described her as having royal blood and a monopoly on the jewelry trade in Port Nyanzaru, advising caution when dealing with such an important figure.

"What can I do for you, travelers?" she asks.

>"We are here to learn about the city’s culture and economy from a reputable source."
>"Lady Selemchant has sent us to find her daughter, Evelina Selemchant, and bring her back to Amn."
>[Bluff] "We are in Chult on Lady Selemchant’s behalf, to survey gem mines for potential investment." (Roll 1d20)
>>"Lady Selemchant has sent us to find her daughter, Evelina Selemchant, and bring her back to Amn."
>"Lady Selemchant has sent us to find her daughter, Evelina Selemchant, and bring her back to Amn."
>"Lady Selemchant has sent us to find her daughter, Evelina Selemchant, and bring her back to Amn."
>"Lady Selemchant has sent us to find her daughter, Evelina Selemchant, and bring her back to Amn."
>using the bards art from honor among thieves for Orlin
You are a cool guy, OP. I liked the short character descriptions above.

Anyway, I've never read about this part of forgotten realms before, but it seems ripe for revolution. It would be a total sidetrack in the story, but perhaps for later... Definitely seems to be a high ratio of slaves to free citizens. A harper worthy endeavour indeed...

>"I don’t need your gold," she replies coldly, emptying his purse and the hidden gems she found under the bar onto him. "When you meet Mammon in the Nine Hells, you can give him your gold."
Damn! She would make a great paladin.

>"Lady Selemchant has sent us to find her daughter, Evelina Selemchant, and bring her back to Amn."
>"Lady Selemchant has sent us to find her daughter, Evelina Selemchant, and bring her back to Amn."
You good, OP?
Probably not

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